Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal March 2015 Issue No. 290 The Journal of The Vintage Sports Car Club of Western Australia (Inc.) Next General Meeting : Monday 9th March 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Collingrove 1992 Trophy Presentations Bathurst 12 Hour Vintage Sports Car Club of WA (Inc.) ABN 49 845 981 838 PO Box 1127, GWELUP WA 6018 Telephone: (08) 9401 1449 Email: [email protected] Office Bearers 2014/15 President: Ian Fry mobile 0412 898 434 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Evan Edwards Mobile: 0419 918 196 Email: [email protected] Secretary:Vacant Recording Secretary: Vacant Club Management Committee: Mike Barnes Ph: (08) 9330 1279 Email: [email protected] Paul Bartlett: Mobile: 0419 907 378 Email: [email protected] Ron Fabry: Ph: (08) 9457 9179 Email: [email protected] Ed Farrar: Mobile: 0409 311 366 Email: [email protected] John Janssen: Mobile: 0401 655 537 Email: [email protected] Brad Peters: Mobile: 0427 401 513 Email: [email protected] Wally Phoebe: Mobile: 0414 894 673 Email: [email protected] Club Officials 2013/14: Competition Secretary & Committee: Paul Bartlett (Chair) - 0419 907 378 Dads Army: Ron Fabry Regalia: Mike Barnes and Jean Atkins — (08) 9330 1279; 0411 212 309 — Email: [email protected] Bar Manager: John Janssen — Email: [email protected] Membership Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — (08) 9401 1449 Entries Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — Email: [email protected] Vintage Metal: Bob Campbell — Email: [email protected] - Ph: (08) 9279 7555 - Mobile: 0419 849 835 Web Master: Frank Clay — Mobile: 0448 013 288 — Email: [email protected] Historian 1969 on: Len Kidd — (08) 9332 3518 — Email: [email protected] Historian pre-1969: John Napier-Winch - (08) 9404 8863 - Email: [email protected] Librarian: Mark Jones — (08) 9387 3897 CAMSWA Sport and Club Development Comm: Paul Bartlett CAMSWA Historic Advisory Panel: Craig Bradtke (Chair) Council of Motoring Clubs WA: Graeme Whitehead Concessional Examiner: Boyd Kolozs — Mobile: 0404 921 679 Email: [email protected] Chief Scrutineer: Tony Brett Mobile: 0427 004 709 Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 VSCC Log Group JKL Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 Books: Group MOPQR Neil McCrudden 0407 867 473 Group N Steve Boyle 0419 904 734 Group S Tony Brett 0427 004 709 Clubmans Craig Bradtke 0408 913 926 2 From the President — November 2014 By the time you receive this Vintage Metal the Collie Icebreaker will have been run and won, as I write this on Sunday the 15th the weather forecast was for a fine weekend. Many thanks to those who took advantage of this great facility and especially those who put the event together and had official duties over the two days. On the last Workshop Saturday the body of the "Caversham" was trasfered from the temporary chasis to that which had been prepared. Much work now has to be done now readying the fibreglass body for painting. This presents a great opportunity for those members so moved to come on down and lend a hand to transform the ugly duckling into the beautiful swan she is to be at the conclusion of the rebuild. Planning for the Northam Flying 50 weekend is well underway. This year will see an expanded programme and with extra entertainments for the visitors. Northam is only three weeks after our March General Meeting! This will mean already a quarter of 2015 will have passed, where does the time go? So time to make your plans to be in Northam either as a competitor, official or tyre kicker, but be there! With Monday the 2nd being the Labour Day holiday the next Monday, the 9th, is our next General Meeting so be there to hear of and discuss Collie and the forthcoming Flying 50 weekend. If not all that interested in upcoming events be there for the great fellowship, stories and downright lies! Enough from me. Stay healthy, drive safely and continue to support your Club and its members. Ian Fry Editor's notes ERRATA: My typing finger slipped on page 22 of the February issue and transferred the race start in the top photograph from Narrogin to Northam, as Ken Devine was very quick to point out. John Napier-Winch also confirmed that the Narrogin photograph is of the 1952 event. I got the location right in the December issue, page 19. Also, there is some confusion over who is driving the number 14 Morgan. Is it Barry Ranford or David van Dahl? The second picture (Goomalling 1953) shows car 9, a V8 Special that John Napier-Winch has said was shown as a Mercury Special in the programme. Formerly owned by Jack Glendinning, it was driven at Goomalling by Norm Buckingham, the new owner. That is the car that Jim Krajancich has advertised for sale on the inside back cover. It is 90% there, but needs assembly and TLC to make it a runner. There will be a list of the awards presented (and those that were not collected) on page 14 of this issue of Vintage Metal. There is a full page advertisement on page 11 for a hillclimb at Collingrove in South Australia. It's a great hill and the facilities are excellent. Some South Australians trekked across the Nullarbor for the Lake Perkolilli Centenary event (they are still getting the mud out of their cars) so we could return the compliment. In the ad on page 13, I know that Mt Ommanney is incorrectly spelt. Bob Campbell 3 VINTAGE SPORTS CAR CLUB OF W.A. (Inc) Minutes of the General Meeting – 2 February 2015 1. Meeting opened: 8.00pm 2. Welcome & Apologies: Apologies: Barry Mackintosh, Max Gamble, Rob Stuart 3. New Members and Guests: Alan Armstrong, Ron Soutar, Heidi Vanzetti & her car 4. Adoption of previous month’s minutes: Moved: Phil Bolden Seconded: Paul Wilkins 5. Business arising from Minutes: Nil 6. Treasurer’s Report: Evan Edwards reported total of bank account is $198,144.00. Evan welcomed the new web master: Frank Clay. He will be taking over from Shane Wilkes and will do the job for a few months at no fee and hoping to lots of improvements. After a few months a fee may be discussed. New Accounting system “ZERO” is coming along and if for some reason you have not had your claim/account to the VSCC, please contact .Evan. Accounts will now be paid on Thursdays of the week and Sheryl will be doing these. New Account Code system has been developed and he hoped all those claiming expenses etc will use the coding system – makes for more accurate accounting of profits and loss for events. Great Southern Development Corporation has granted $20,000.00 for Albany. They are also seconding a person to work on a business plan to try and get more spectators to Albany and look at extending the event maybe. Ian Fry commended Evan on the work he had done with Price Waterhouse Corporation and hoping for good things from the business plan 6.1 Motion: That the Treasurer’s report be received; Moved: Graham Reed Seconded: Ivan Okey 7.1 Secretary’s report: Correspondence 1. NSW VSCC Newsletter (gone to club library) 2. Bank statement 3. Other correspondence went to Management Group 4. VSCC Victoria newsletter (gone to club library) 5. Lots of emails backwards and forwards regarding Northam organisation 6. Email from Council of Motoring clubs invite to Channel 7 Mandurah Crab Festival 7.2 President’s report: Ian welcomed guests and new members and nothing much more to report all said in his message in the Vintage Metal and from all accounts all committees working hard to help bring bigger and better events for 2015 and that there are lots of trophies for presentation. 8. State-of-play Reports: Paul Bartlett (Competiton Secretary) reported 1. Icebreaker at Collie being run by Motoring South West. Entries close on 13 February. The event is being run by MSW and a program has been emailed to club members. Scrutineering for VSCC cars to be held on 15 February at Welshpool 2. NORTHAM - Now being named “NORTHAM 2 DAY FESTIVAL OF SPEED” by new organising committee and Sunday round-the-houses is still Northam Flying 50. Lots of new and exciting things planned for 2015 the organising committee going gangbusters and Paul commended Robyn Larkin, Randal Bevis and Craig Bradtke on all their efforts to date. Lots more happening on 4 the in field areas, displays and shops being open etc. Great News - the AVON LINK train service will run on Sunday from Midland and returning in afternoon with bus available at station to transport people in Northam. FREE Entry to all public this year also. ERTECH foundation has come on board to produce another new lot of barriers for Northam and Albany. 3. ALBANY – this is progressing really well also and $20.000.00 has been given from the Great Southern Development Corporation. 4. CLUB OFFICIALS: Members need to think about how to Bolster our pool of club officials. CAMS is running a course on 7-8th March which is when Philip Island is on. The club can run its own course if we have sufficient people interested. Please put your name on list or contact Paul Bartlett (0419 907 378) if you would like to attend, for Club Chief and/or Event Command training. Pre-requisite is that you already hold an Officials License if not there is an online course/nodule to be completed prior if you don’t already have an Officials license. Support your club if you are not running your car! Paul Bartlett then presented the Club Competition Championship Trophies (list in magazine). 9. DAD’S ARMY Ron Fabry reported 20-25 people attended Xmas Show and extended his thanks to Morris and Rose for a great day. Workshop Saturday coming up – body of Cavo car ready to go on chassis, Engine has been started but had a tiny water leak. Ian Clegg who built the new gates and done lots of work on chassis is going back to New Zealand. Dad’s Army and club wish him well and expressed their sincere Thanks for all his help. UPHOLSTERER: Does anyone know an Automotive upholsterer as needed for Cavo car. If you do could you please contact Ron Fabry (9457 9179). 10. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: reported by Wally Phoebe. He extended his thanks to Heidi Vanzetti for bringing along her Triumph for display. To date the social committee has not had meeting in 2015 and would welcome any new suggestions from members as to things they would like to see and or excursions. Contact Wally (0414 894 673). HINT FROM WALLY: Beware: When changing oil in new cars DO NOT go by old system of empting and leaving oil out for 24 hours. THIS IS a No No for new cars, or otherwise problems (expensive ones) can develop. Contact Wally for solution if needed. New cars are not like the old ones! 11. LIBRARY NEWS: Mark Jones reported he had a donation from a deceased estate through Paul Blank and library now has some great books from 1940’s. He has catalogued all books available in library for usage and suggested members please use library. 12. REGALIA: Mike Barnes now has new supplier for T-shirts etc and still has special offer of “2 for $5.00 of Caversham T-shirts” Contact Mike if you want some great for doing those greasy jobs in and such a cheap cost. Ian Fry then presented the Perpetual Trophies - list in this edition. 13. GENERAL BUSINESS: Craig Bradtke (Chairman of CAMS WA Historic Advisory Panel) brought to members attention:: • Historic and modern would now be run under 1 set of rules - no longer will CAMS have any historic rules - for 12 month trial period - this could affect club events. • Bulletin re 5th Category cars and fuels – which said can’t use Ethanol fuels and now been revoked to use pump fuels. He strongly advised members not to modify cars to run Ethanol fuels because further changes may occur. 5 • Frontal head restraint - SFI are challenging FIA on FHR issue re safety. CAMS FIA program suggests we have to have HANS devices by July 2015 but likely the list of devices will be broadened. Julian O’Hara showed members SFI tested SIMPSON devices similar to HANS and said were much more comfortable to wear. He believed that these were FIA approved. He got his online but Dick Ward (GO GEAR) advised that he is now stocking these and others for those who would like to try them. Tony Brett asked question regarding “State Championship” as far as club was concerned and thought quite confusing how winner was arrived at and the fact that CAMS did not advise winners to attend presentations. Paul Bartlett explained point system and said that it was an “aim” for 2015 to put on website updated information after each State round of events. Did state it was an “aim” now with new webmaster and/ or have a link to site concerned. 14. Meeting Closed: 8.35 pm Minute taker: Lynn Oxwell E & OE SOCIAL NOTES Well the year is beginning to crank up and a number of social events have been suggested. By the time you are reading this the Collie Icebreaker should have been run and behind us so we turn our eyes to Northam. We must get people to these events and do whatever we can to utilize the local businesses where possible. You can help support the day by coming in your concessional licenced vehicle of interest and put it on show in the designated area. Dougie is organizing the event trophies again and is organizing some drinks and food for a mini social after the event is completed and the track surrounds have been packed up. Dougie is also looking at an outing into the Swan Valley in April or May where we can again dust of the old vehicles and enjoy an outing which could be as follows: 10am - meet at Guildford Memorial Park. 10:30am -Nougat Factory Tour at Mondo’s. 11:30am - Visit the Honeypot to sample honey, have a honey ice-cream 12:30pm – Wine tasting at Sittella Winery. 1pm – Lunch at Sittella Winery and then meander home. Later in the year I plan another excursion south of the river which may be a tour down to the North Dandalup dam area where there are some nice barbeque and/or picnic areas. This would be in the Spring when the bush should come alive with some blooms etc. A Christmas in July is also on the books and with a guest speaker and this would of course be a ladies night. We still need ideas and are willing the take suggestions from members. Wally Phoebe 6 VSCC OF WA CALENDAR 2015 MarchWorkshop Saturday7th General Meeting9th Club Management Committee16th Competition Group23rd Mt Ommanney Hillclimb - Mt Ommanney 28th Minson Ave Autokhana - Minson Ave, Northam 28th Northam Flying 50 - Northam CBD 29th Dad's Army31st AprilWorkshop Saturday11th General Meeting13th Club Management Committee20th Competition Group27th Dad's Army28th MayGeneral Meeting4th Workshop Saturday9th Club Management Committee18th Competition Group25th Dad's Army26th Mt Clarence Hillclimb30th Albany Classic31st JuneGeneral Meeting8th Workshop Saturday13th Club Management Committee15th Competition Group22nd Dad's Army30th JulyGeneral Meeting6th Workshop Saturday11th Club Management Committee13th Competition Group20th Dad's Army28th 7 Welcome to New Members Mr Ron Soutar and - 1987 Soutar Seven Clubman Ms Chrissie Dawson 1975 MG MGB 1963 Mk 1 Triumph Spitfire 1961 Borgward Isabella 1964 Crossle 5S Replica (under construction) Mr Matt Martin - 1998 Holden Commodore Mr Bruce Brown and - 1953 Jaguar XK 120 Alison Brown Mr Warren Alexander - 1957 Mercedes-Benz 190DL Coupe DAD’S ARMY DATES – 2015 WORKSHOP DAD’S ARMY SATURDAYTUESDAY March07/03/1531/03/15 April11/04/1528/04/15 May09/05/1526/05/15 June13/06/1530/06/15 July11/07/1528/07/15 August08/08/1525/08/15 September12/09/1529/09/15 October10/10/1527/10/15 November07/11/1524/11/15 December05/12/1515/12/15 DAD’S ARMY CRY FOR HELP! Ron Fabry is looking for an uphosterer/motor trimmer to help with the finishing touches to the Caversham Car, namely the seats! If you are or know of anyone who can help with trimming the seats to make the car look really good, please give Ron a ring on (08)9457 9179 or email [email protected]. VSCC of WA GENERAL MEETINGS Held on the first Monday of each month, except where the first Monday is a public holiday, when the meeting will be on the second Monday. Meetings are held at the VSCC Club House in Caversham. Fellowship starts at 7pm and the general meeting commences at 8pm sharp. The Club House is located off Harrow Road, Caversham. the turn-off is about one kilometre west along Harrow Road from West Swan Road (just past the ess-bend in Harrow Road). Look for the VSCC sign that is at the turn-off. Note: at night this is hard to see due to the lack of street lighting, so go slow! For additional detail on how to find the Club House, go to the VSCC web site: 8 FM 2465 275x210 CAMS 24/10/06 3:03 PM Page 1 HOME INSURANCE FOR THE MOTORING ENTHUSIAST Shannons have designed Home & Contents insurance specifically for motoring enthusiasts, including $10,000 worth of enthusiast cover for those things unique to an enthusiast. Plus extra features like a 10% Multi policy discount when you add a home and/or contents policy to your existing Shannons car or bike policy. You can even pay your premium We share your passion monthly at no additional cost.for motor sport. When it comes to insurance for your home, there’s only one person you should talk to – a fellow enthusiast at Shannons. There are car enthusiasts and then there are CAMS Members! Only Shannons shares the passion with CAMS Members, because only Shannons know what it means to live and breathe motor sport. That’s why we offer insurance policies for your cars, bikes and even home and contents – all with special features just for motoring enthusiasts. Call Shannons for a quote today and ask about our CAMS mates rates! So call Shannons forEnthusiasts. a 13 a46 46. Insurance for Motoring Callquote 13 46 on 46 for quote. This insurance product is issued by Australian Alliance Insurance Company Limited ABN 11 006 471 709. AFS Licence No 235011. You can get a Product Disclosure Statement by phoning 13 46 46 or from any of our branches. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement in deciding to buy or hold this insurance product. Shannons Limited ABN 91 099 692 636 Authorised Representative No 239594 INSURANCE FOR MOTORING ENTHUSIASTS CALL 13 46 46 FOR A QUOTE | SHANNONS.COM.AU Shannons Limited is an authorised representative of Australian Alliance Insurance Company Limited, the issuer of this product. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement by calling 13 46 46. 9 Collingrove Hillclimb Easter 1992 At Easter 1992 the editor and his wife were holidaying in South Australia. Entirely by coincidence, there was historic racing at Mallala and a hisoric hillclimb at Collingrove that Easter. I had my camera with me and made sure that I took lots of photographs (real ones in those pre-digital days). The advertisement opposite for this year's Vintage Collingrove Hillclimb provided a great opportunity to fire up the scanner and pop some of those 23-year-old photographs in to Vintage Metal. I've left some background in some of the shots to give some idea of the beautiful setting of Collingrove. Some VSCC of WA members have been to Collingrove (apart from the editor) and one historic competitor from this side is reported to have said that in his view the Collingrove Hillclimb track in the Barossa is the best hillclimb track in the world! I am waiting for some identification of the drivers - I can remember the cars, but I'll do Peter Wilson's Pieces of Eight, a special that my best with the captions. is the best thing that ever happened to a 1930s Morris 8 A 998 cc Mk 1 Sprite driven by Victorian John Evans Timothy Kuchel, SA, Brabham BT18, 1600 cc Another Victorian Sprite, again 998 cc, driven by Tony Bennetto Ian Brock's Austin Seven Special. Ian race number is also his age and he increased it every year. The Austin is now in Germany, but Ian races an Elfin Streamliner, race number 91 Roy Williams in Sabrina, a sports car with supercharged 3.1-litre Austin Healey 3000 engine Graham Jarrett in the family Elfin Streamliner with MGB engine, HRG-Derrington alloy head and fascinating history including losing the original tail to a bushfire 10 11 VSCC Member Stars in Bathurst 12 Hour VSCC of WA member Steve Wyatt was part of the driving team with Michael Rugolo and Davide Rigon in the AF Corse Ferrari at the Bathurst 12 Hour Race on February 8. After qualifying fourth, Steve took the start and had the car in first place at each of his three pit stops before handing over to Michael at the third stop. Ed Farrar managed to get to the 12 Hour and reported that the pits were very busy early in the morning, especially the Nissan pits, where their Godzilla GTR needed an engine rebuild between qualifying and the race. The race started in pitch darkness at 5.50 a.m. with a warm-up lap behind the safety car before a rolling start. The start was clean with none of the customary V8 Supercar first lap carnage. A full coverage of the race can be found on the web at or at motorsport. com, where I found the excellent photograph above. As I took the picture without asking, perhaps I should mention that has an excellent coverage of motor sport world-wide, including major historic events. At the halfway mark the Ferrari was in fourth place and looking very competitive. There were many safety car periods. Unfortunately the Steve in the pits before the start with the 12th safety car was for the AF Corse Ferrari. It Ferrari behind (Ed Farrar phone pic) was struck from behind by the Dean Canto driven #36 Erebus Motorsport Mercedes to spin off the track, through a sign and into the wall near pit exit. Getting the car back to the pits and back into running order lost 12 laps, so the team withdrew the Ferrari from the race. Over the past three Bathurst 12 Hour races, the Ferrari has failed to finish in 2013, finished 7th in 2014 and scored another DNF this year. Successes for AF Corse have included the Asian Ferrari 458 Challenge in 2014 and class successes at Le Mans from 2011 to 2014. The race went on after the AF Corse car retired with the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 of Chiyosan, Wolfgang Riep and Florian Strauss One of the Bentleys in the pits before snatching a last minute win (yes, that's the one the start (Ed Farrar phone pic) that had the last-minute engine rebuild). David Brabham was injured when he crashed in one of the Bentleys, but another Bentley led almost to the end before being swamped by the Nissan, an Audi and an Aston Martin. seven marques finished in the first seven places, with Nissan leading home Audi, Aston Martin, Bentley, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari and Lamborghini in that order. 12 13 List of Trophy Winners If your name is here and you haven't received your trophy, you weren't at the February General Meeting. Contact Ross Oxwell on 9401 1449 to arrange to pick it up. Shannons Northam 2014 Perpetual Trophy – sum of all Northam events: Steve Boyle 2014 Hillclimb Champion, Class S Under 3-litre: Martin Falconer – Datsun 260Z 2014 Hillclimb Champion, Class MOPQRU: Dick Ward – Fiat TCR Peter Briggs Hill-climb Trophy - Highest points score for the year: Dick Ward – Fiat TCR 2014 Hillclimb Champion, Class N Under 2-litre: Christine Malone – Ford Escort 2014 Regularity Champion, Class Nc & C: Christine Malone – Ford Escort 2014 Regularity Champion, Class Sb: Mike Gallagher – MG A 2014 Hillclimb Champion, Class S Under 2-litre: Mike Gallagher – MG A Julian Cowan Pre-1960 Hillclimb Championship (Highest Points) Mike Gallagher – MG A 2014 Hillclimb Champion, Class Modern Sports: Tony Brett – Westfield 2014 Regularity Champion, Class PQRU: Tony Brett – Westfield 2014 Regularity Champion, Class JK: Ron West – 1939 Brax Dodge Clem Dwyer Trophy for Front-engined Racing Cars: Ron West – 1939 Brax Dodge 2014 Regularity Champion, Class L: Kingsley Jones – Zephyr Special 2014 Regularity Champion, Class M: Mike Connell – Elfin Mono 2014 Regularity Champion, Class Nb: Dennis Cook – EH Holden 2014 Regularity Champion, Class O: Colin Betts – SuperVee 2014 Regularity Champion, Class Sa: Tony Fowler – Triumph TR3 2014 Regularity Champion, Class Sc: Scott Mackie – Triumph Spitfire Max Gamble Trophy for Best Club Member: Terry Le May Terence Smith Quiet Achiever Trophy for Pre- 1960 Car competitors: Ron West Healthway Smokefree WA Trophy For Rookie Official of the Year: Robbie Rhoades Vintage Sports Car Club Trophy For the Club Official of the Year: Lynn Oxwell Presidents' Selection for Individual Effort Trophy: Ross Oxwell Scrutineer's Choice Car of the Year Trophy: Mike Connell’s Elfin Mono John Davies Trophy (for the most understandable Scrutineer): Len Kidd List Family Trophy - for British Fords: Christine Malone John Mulheron Trophy - for Austin-Healey Consistency: David Moir 14 Early 1950s TQ Ron Fabry's search for 1950s front-engined racing and sports cars has turned up yet another rear-engined special. The brief story of the car was supplied by Peter Theyer, who ran it at the Albany Classic for a few years and is rebuilding it for future competition. Here is Peter's story of the TQ: The car was built and owned by George White, who was a local jeweller here in Albany, with assistance from Jim Liversey, and in later years my father William (Bill) Theyer, who was one of the top drivers/constructors during the period. The car was constructed in the early 1950's using parts from various vehicles, motorbikes, and scooters, as were most of the TQ's of the period. It featured a nosecone and steering wheel from an early aeroplane, hubs and wheels from a lambretta scooter, various brake and driveline parts from a Fiat 500, and the engine/gearbox was a Triumph 500 Trophy Special, with custom camshafts. The cars predominately ran on road circuits, throughout the Great Southern, with events held in Albany, Mt Barker, Katanning and Narrogin to mention a few. They were also run on the dirt speedways of the time, and also at the Centennial Oval track in Albany, which was around the Royals Football Club oval. This car was driven in a shared basis by George White and Jim Liversey during its racing history, and in later years my father ran the car in the Albany Classic in 1994 (I think). After rebuilding the engine, my father sadly passed away, and never raced the revamped car. I ran the car at the Albany Classic for a few years, and have since shelved it, to begin a rebuild. For Sale – Commodore V8 Mark 1 Capri Shell First car is a 1979 Commodore factory V8, Unfinished project , very straight with no rust or crash damage, spare 308 motor and M21 gearbox, asking price $3800. Can deliver up to 50km on tow truck. Second car is a 1970 Ford Capri, body shell with no motor or gearbox, also doors are missing. The body is in very rust free condition with no crash damage. This car can be fitted with a Ford V8 as they were factory fitted in South Africa. I am selling this car on behalf of freind, it is just sitting around and I have offered to try and sell it for him, asking price $12,500. Contact Rob Falconer ph 04 303 222 94 Email [email protected] 15 FOR SALE Wylie Javelin special supercharged grand prix car The famous Wylie Javelin special is offered for sale for the first time in nearly twenty years. Designed & constructed by Arthur Wylie in 1949-50, this important piece of Australian motor racing history first appeared at the 1951 Melbourne International Motor Show in the Royal Exhibition Building to huge acclaim. It competed in the 1953 Australian Grand Prix at Albert Park (9th place outright) and was raced extensively in Australia until 2002. It set a new lap record at Warwick Farm (1969), held outright & class records at several hill climb circuits (Rob Roy, Silverdale), and has taken FTD at the Geelong Speed Trials. Purchased by the current owners in 1997, it is now restored to what is believed to be as close as possible to 1953 AGP specification. The car’s detailed competition history has been researched, and it comes with a current CAMS Certificate of Description (Group Lb) and Log Books, spare wheels, an alternative SU carburettor and Scintilla magneto set up to suit methanol, plus Wylie’s original car transporter (matching colour scheme). For further details or to submit genuine Expressions of Interest by 28th February 2015, please contact Andrew Henshall 0437 550 656 email: [email protected] For Sale CORTINA 1966 GT Mk 1 Very original Mk1 with correct compliance plate, set up for Regularity, Hill Climb and Speed Events. Concessional licence until 28 Aug 2015, have owned car for 15 years and is always garaged. Personally signed by the late, great Harry Firth. Heaps of spare parts (including spare road motor). Also available if required at extra cost, purpose built trailer for the Cortina with a break back for easy loading. More pictures on Gum Tree. VSCC Log book, LSD, electronic ignition, electronic fan, electric fuel pump, Minilites, Advan tyres, adjustable suspension, shift light, audio & light water level, racing seat & harness, fully worked 1500 motor, twin webers & extractors, performance brakes, modified radiator, 711 bottom with a mk1 head. $17.500 Contact Fred Rooke: 0414 828 644 or [email protected] FOR SALE – 1965 Mark 1 Cortina 4 door GT (genuine) Red in colour. Has a few minor battle scars and interior could use a bit of TLC if used for street use. CAMS logbooked group Nb race car Also street registered so can be used for regularities, round the houses, hill climbs, speed event series, historic tarmac events like Targa West. Has been used as a historic rally car in a past life and still qualifies with a few minor mods. Has been put back to street use standard i.e. race seat, half roll cage and harness removed. But all still available. Exhaust now out the back rather than the side for racing. Has a locked 4.1:1 diff but also an unlocked diff available. Still has race engine fitted, approx. 145HP at rear wheels. Twin 40mm Weber carbs, Kent 254 Cam. 2000E gear box (close ratio 2nd gear). This engine has never been raced used for club events only and probably done 2 or 3 of these only plus a couple of hours road use. $16,000 ono Contact Adam Dunn 0407998718 16 17 FOR SALE – MK I Lotus Cortina 1964 CAMS Nb Logbook, full road license (TYPE 28), very good condition, only done one Albany since engine rebuild 2 years ago which included new valves and cams. Burton straight cut gears,Volvo 4 pot calipers, superlight wheels with extra set of light weight Hustlers. Serious seller after 23 years, $37,000 Contact Ian Fry on 0893256748 or 0412898434 FOR SALE – Miller Ford Built 15 years ago by Robin Ferguson using specifications from the Ford Motor Museum in Detroit. New motor and panel & paint 4 years ago. 274 cubic inch motor, Speedway Motors rotating assembly, Scat crank, Scat H-Beam rods, Ross forged pistons, Isky Jr 400 camshaft, Isky valve springs, twin Holley 94 carbs, exhaust extractors, 3.55:1 diff with open tailshaft conversion to flat-head diff, Mallory electronic distributor, modern type (Speedway Motors) water pumps. Price reduced to — $15,000.00 ono Contact: Paul Wilkins – Mob: 0428 922 823 – Tel: 08 9387 5535 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE 1969 Triumph TR6 • Australian delivery with soft and hard top. • Original Fuel Injected Motor, Overdrive Gearbox and Diff. • New Fuel Pumps, Battery, and Michelin Tyres. • Overhauled Fuel System, New Brakes, Rebuilt Hydraulics. • Factory W'shop and Parts Manuals. Long licence, runs well. • Lady owner for past 40+ years. $23,000 ONO Phone: Dennis Cook 08 9402 3870 FOR SALE – 1980 MKII Escort – GOOD CLUB CAR! • • • • • • • • 2 litre Pinto with 2-barrel Dellorto carburettor and extractors Half roll cage, Velo Drivers seat and 6 point harness Toyo tyres on Performance super lite wheels VSCC log booked and road registered Race tuned suspension with Koni shock absorbers Diff converted to LSD via block and spring system Reconditioned gearbox Custom car cover, tow points, fire extinguisher Price: $10,990 ONO Contact David Hansen on 0431 855 506 for details To buy contact Jenny Cameron on 0408 414902 For Sale – Vintage Marchal Spotlights Found during a shed clear-out, two Marchal 662/762 spotlights and a spare body. Would look good on a restored 1960s rally or road car. Offers around $50 for complete lights. Make an offer for spare body. Contact Tim Sandover - 08 9398 4489 18 FOR SALE – TVR 3000M Winner of many Class awards in SES last 3 years. Restored from ground up for VSCC and SES events with no expense spared. Full race engine by Racetune, 3 x 40mm dual choke Weber carbs, forged pistons, Carillo rods, billet Kent Cam, Roller Rockers. Close ratio straight-cut gears and lsd. On Board “Fire-Eater” extinguisher system, full CAMS ROPS, new 5 point driver’s harness just fitted. Has CAMS Rally logbook; eligible for competition car road reg. Ideal for Regularity/Hillclimb/Speed Events etc. Laps Barbagallo long circuit in 67.7 driven by pensioner! Owner retiring from Speed Event Competition to keep circuit racing. Price $33,000 ono — MUST SELL! Contact John Hurney on 08 9341 2860 or 0414 280 433 Workshop Clear Out Mobile Industrial Evaporative Air Conditioner — Breezeair FM240, 18,500 m3/hour. As new condition. $1,750 4 lightweight 17” magnesium wheels, 2 x 9.5” and 2 x 9.0”, 4 stud 114.5mm PCD — $500 ESCORT Mk. 1 — 50 litre aluminium drop tank — $500 CONTACT: Brian Searles — 0438 160 435 or email [email protected] For Sale - Ford V8 Special Built for Ross Smith in 1947, driven by Vin Smith. Previous owners: Syd Barker, Jack Glendenning, Norm Buckingham, Ray Tilbrook. Comes with 90% of parts needed to complete car, including original body and engine. $10,000 – Call Jim Krajancich on 08 9274 3396 For Sale – 1971 Datsun 1600 Sedan Race Car CAMS Logbook. VSCC Logbook. Two race engines, 1800 and 1600. Race clutch and lightened flywheel. 4.6 diff. H/G sway bar and coil suspension. 6-point harness and roll cage. New racing tyres and mags. Laminated windscreen. Heaps of spares. A great little race car - $13,000.00. Plus one-car trailer with car - $2000.00. Contact Bruce Jones – Phone 08 9378 1768 For Sale – 3-owner 1958 MG ZB Magnette Fully road licensed and running. Interior: Excellent black leather seats with white piping. All interior woodwork restored to high finish. Needs headlining to be 100 point. Rewired with correct cotton braided harness. Converted to wire wheels and front disc brakes a la MGA in early ‘60s. Now sporting 72 spoke Aston Martin wheels with 205x15 radials. Total engine rebuild by Mike’s Garages. Engine bay painted at the time and wiring harness installed. Gearbox rebuilt by specialist (Carvel). Differential replaced (silent). New brake linings with new front disc rotors. Garaged from new. Genuine, 3-owner, low mileage, ZB, with fresh running gear and a great interior. It requires attention to suspension bushes and rust spots in A-pillars and door bottoms. Straight and undamaged. Receipts, workshop manual & service records. Offers in the region of $10,000. Contact: Mike Sherrell 08 93676769. 19 Business Address 48 Irving Street Bayswater WA 6053 Phone (08) 9271 2177 BOB CAMPBELL Wordsmith Your web site need fresh content? Your flyers and brochures brought up to date? Contact Bob for original text or to edit your current copy. Personal service guaranteed. Tel: 08 9279 7555 — Mob: 0419 849 835 [email protected] 20
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