Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal April 2015 Issue No. 291 The Journal of The Vintage Sports Car Club of Western Australia (Inc.) Next General Meeting : Monday 13th April 2015 IN THIS ISSUE New Zealand Tour Ice Breaker – Collie Caversham Car Vintage Sports Car Club of WA (Inc.) ABN 49 845 981 838 PO Box 1127, GWELUP WA 6018 Telephone: (08) 9401 1449 Email: [email protected] Office Bearers 2014/15 President: Ian Fry mobile 0412 898 434 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Evan Edwards Mobile: 0419 918 196 Email: [email protected] Secretary:Vacant Recording Secretary: Vacant Club Management Committee: Mike Barnes Ph: (08) 9330 1279 Email: [email protected] Paul Bartlett: Mobile: 0419 907 378 Email: [email protected] Ron Fabry: Ph: (08) 9457 9179 Email: [email protected] Ed Farrar: Mobile: 0409 311 366 Email: [email protected] John Janssen: Mobile: 0401 655 537 Email: [email protected] Brad Peters: Mobile: 0427 401 513 Email: [email protected] Wally Phoebe: Mobile: 0414 894 673 Email: [email protected] Club Officials 2013/14: Competition Secretary & Committee: Paul Bartlett (Chair) - 0419 907 378 Dads Army: Ron Fabry Regalia: Mike Barnes and Jean Atkins — (08) 9330 1279; 0411 212 309 — Email: [email protected] Bar Manager: John Janssen — Email: [email protected] Membership Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — (08) 9401 1449 Entries Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — Email: [email protected] Vintage Metal: Bob Campbell — Email: [email protected] - Ph: (08) 9279 7555 - Mobile: 0419 849 835 Web Master: Frank Clay — Mobile: 0448 013 288 — Email: [email protected] Historian 1969 on: Len Kidd — (08) 9332 3518 — Email: [email protected] Historian pre-1969: John Napier-Winch - (08) 9404 8863 - Email: [email protected] Librarian: Mark Jones — (08) 9387 3897 CAMSWA Sport and Club Development Comm: Paul Bartlett 0419 907 378 CAMSWA Historic Advisory Panel: Craig Bradtke (Chair) 0408 913 926 Council of Motoring Clubs WA: Graeme Whitehead 0412 919 370 Concessional Examiner: Boyd Kolozs — Mobile: 0404 921 679 Email: [email protected] Chief Scrutineer: Tony Brett Mobile: 0427 004 709 Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 VSCC Log Group JKL Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 Books: Group MOPQR Neil McCrudden 0407 867 473 Group N Steve Boyle 0419 904 734 Group S Tony Brett 0427 004 709 Clubmans Craig Bradtke 0408 913 926 2 From the President — March 2015 Well here it is, the 15th of the month, my deadline for our editor Bob Campbell, and I am just sitting down to scratch my head and think of something exciting, intelligent and or newsworthy to say! As probably most of you have done, I have just heaved myself out of my chair having watched the Grand Prix. What a very poor show it was, Mercedes out front by a big margin, some entertainment in the next four cars followed by mainly rabble. Pity Renault could not deliver any where near the horsepower required and preferably no electronic glitches resulting in our Dan having no chance at all to shine. For me the highlight of the event was the performance of the rookies, fantastic! Some of the old stagers will be having to keep a good lookout in their mirrors in the future. The average age of the grid was something over twenty-six, the youngest ever. No wonder Historic racing is and has been so popular. Fabulous cars (that we believe we can still understand how they work), colourful drivers and slightly smaller budgets for most entrants. What our movement needs now is to be able to entice the younger driver, not easy I know, but it has to happen or our sport will die on the vine! Just imagine a grid of historic cars with an average age of twenty-six, would settle for forty-six or fifty-six. Only two weeks to the Northam Two Day Festival Of Speed, and when we next all meet (the 13th April) it will no doubt be the subject of much discussion and every chance of the odd lie. I am sure there is a note elsewhere in this V.M. giving details of your Social Committees run to the Swan Valley on Sunday the seventeenth of May which will be a great opportunity to wheel out one of your toys, grab the bride or your latest squeeze and come along and enjoy some fellowship with your club members. Just a quick reminder that the plan is that the July meeting is to be a "Christmas in July" with ladies encouraged to come along and have the opportunity to see how well their spouses can behave at a Club General Meeting. Enough from me. Stay healthy, drive safely and continue to support your Club and its members. Ian Fry Editor's Notes Thank you to everyone who made a special effort to get articles to me before the deadline. Special mention must go to Lynn Oxwell, who had the minutes of the March meeting to me the day after the meeting. Wally Phoebe and our esteemed president had the Social Notes and From the President submitted in good time. It all makes my job so much easier. I have a gallery of photographs from Collie by Mick Oliver. Mick has done his usual excellent job and you can see more photographs of Collie and many other events at his web site, Mike Barnes and Jean Atkins are holding a sale of VSCCWA merchandise. There are lots of specials and ladies' polos are now available. And there's a free DVD with every purchase! 3 Bob Campbell Vintage Sports Car Club of W.A. (Inc) Minutes of General Meeting held at VSCC Club Rooms – 9 March 2015 1. Meeting opened: 8.00pm 2. Apologies: Bob Campbell, Ron West, Charlie Urwin, Warren Alexander, Max Gamble, Paul Bartlett, Evan Edwards, Ross Martin, Don Hall, Ralph King, Grant Johnson, Steve Martin, Matt Martin and Kevin Taylor. 3. New Members and Guests : Nil 4. Adoption of previous month’s minutes: Moved: Thomas Benson Seconded: Mike Upton 5. Business arising from Minutes: Nil 6. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer not present, but Ian Fry reported all going well 7.1 Secretary’s report: Correspondence IN CAMS Affiliation Certificate & Manual & WA Calendar of events Newsletters from Victoria VSCC and Queensland Credit note from prime 7 Letter from ANZ Bank re sponsorship Cheque from Elite Pool Covers for Northam sponsorship – CMC emailed Northam Flyer to all clubs & Note about Berkshire Valley Run to be held on 19 April 2015 – put on notice board OUT – various emails 7.2 President’s report: Ian Fry reiterated what he had said in latest Vintage Metal. Again people in Geraldton who contacted the club re 50th Anniversary of Round the Houses in Geraldton, still not got back or confirmed anything, so now too late to proceed. 8. State-of-play Reports: Paul Bartlett not present but Ross Oxwell and Craig Bradtke confirmed that all going well for Northam and that great feel for a great event as the community getting behind the event. Craig Bradtke encouraged people to take the poster and display it and that now we have 105 entrants the next and MOST important thing is to get the people/ spectators there to watch. Again the Train is running but you have to book online as you can’t purchase on the day, so he encouraged members to get the information out to the public. The event/trophy presentation will be at Northam Tavern, NOT Shamrock after initial clean up is done, this will be in acceptance letter also. ALBANY – Ross Oxwell had been down to Albany to talk with council and others and all on track so far. WHITEMAN PARK DISPLAY 3rd MAY 2015: Graeme Whitehead is co-ordinating this and would like 15 cars to display and so far has 8.; They have the same spot as last year which is great. So if anyone would like to participate please contact Graham on: 0412 919 370. Please support and a great day to meet interesting people. SPONSORSHIP: This is always needed for all events and Northam has done well so far this year but could always do with that bit more. If members know of anyone who would like to sponsor please get them to contact: [email protected] and it will be passed to appropriate Chairperson. 9. CAVERSHAM CAR: Ron Fabry reported the clubrooms all up to scratch with cleaning and tiding and the purchase of new Fans to help keep us all cool. 4 Project car has motor in and nearly there. He wished to thank Charlie Urwin for his connections to obtaining the services of John Auto Trimmers in Welshpool who has come on board and doing the seats, free of charge, which is very much appreciated. So please use John Auto Trimmers for any services that you might require to support him in the way he is supporting the club. 27 regular workers turn up to help out with the car at various times – great team work. 10. SOCIAL: Wally Phoebe reported next event will be the presentations at the Northam Tavern after Northam event. Keep 10 May 2015 free as Doug Vanzetti is planning a run in the Swan Valley.** July meeting is being planned to be a Xmas in July night. Keep posted for further events. A car will be at the next meeting in April. 11. New Zealand: Neil McCrudden & Henry Oosterbaan gave a quick summary of their 6 week travels and racing/competing experiences while they were in New Zealand and how club members did while there. FUEL’S GOLD: Neil Stone gave a quick summary of the product as he was a guest speaker a few meetings back. The product Fuel’s Gold dissolves water in fuel and is a great product for fuels, diesels and works exceptionally well on boat engines. He can be contacted on: email: [email protected] or website: 12. General Business: 12.1 Library News: Mark Jones not present. Ian Fry did encourage people who had books of value to donate if they would like and it was a great resource for the club. 12.2. Regalia/Merchandise: Mike Barnes reported new supplier and if you purchase a new shirt you will get a free DVD. Thanks to both Mike & Jean for keeping up supplies, always a great gift idea. 12.3 Tony Brett asked for scrutineers for Saturday 21st March and reminded people who were entering the Autokhana to check their brakes & hydraulic steering. PHOTOS: Bob Campbell Editor is always looking for photos of events so please if you take any please forward to him for publication. Address in Vintage Metal 13. Next Meeting: Monday 13 April 2015 as Monday 6th is a public holiday....!!!! Meeting closed: 9 pm Minute taker: Lynn Oxwell E & OE ** Swan Valley run is now scheduled for May 17. VSCC of WA GENERAL MEETINGS Held on the first Monday of each month, except where the first Monday is a public holiday, when the meeting will be on the second Monday. Meetings are held at the VSCC Club House in Caversham. Fellowship starts at 7pm and the general meeting commences at 8pm sharp. The Club House is located off Harrow Road, Caversham. the turn-off is about one kilometre west along Harrow Road from West Swan Road (just past the ess-bend in Harrow Road). Look for the VSCC sign that is at the turn-off. Note: at night this is hard to see due to the lack of street lighting, so go slow! For additional detail on how to find the Club House, go to the VSCC web site: 5 Social Notes Swan Valley Ladies' Day Out Doug has been working hard on setting up this fun day for members and partners on May 17. Your sweet tooth will be working overtime, you can get a caffeine hit and sample the best of Swan Valley wines. Don't miss it! Itinerary: 10am Show and Shine at Mondo Nougat. There will be a talk on the Nougat making process with viewing from the showroom. Coffee and Nougat is available to purchase here. A local favourite in WA for many years. 11am The House of Honey. Tour down the road in a convoy to the House of Honey. There are a wide selection of WA Honeys to sample, as well as morning tea, coffees and ice-creams to purchase here. A lovely cottage industry in the Swan Valley. 12 noon Sittella Winery. Convoy up Great Northern Highway again to enjoy a wine tasting at the award winning Sittella’s Winery. After the wine tasting you can enjoy a sit down lunch (own expense) or a casual cheese platter on the lawn (own expense). House of Honey Sittella Winery restaurant is renowned for excellent food in a lovely setting, so we recommend that you get a group of friends together and book a table in advance to ensure you have one for the day. The club will not be reserving tables. There may be some provision for walk ins, but Sunday is their busiest day so by booking a table you won’t be disappointed. Cheese platters can be purchased on the day at the cellar door to eat on the lawn, so bring a picnic rug if that is your preference. Four cars will be able to be displayed at the front of Sittella for the wider public to enjoy. Members have the rest of the afternoon to enjoy the many wineries, tastings and local produce stalls in the Swan Valley at their leisure. Once again, these three companies are happy to support our members on this day out. There is no cost to the club and no entry fee. Sittella Winery Anything you buy or purchase is at your own expense, so it will be a fun day out within your own budget levels and a chance to tour about in your amazing cars. More details to follow later! As Bob Hawke said when we won the America’s Cup – any husband who doesn’t take his wife out on this day is a bum! Save the date to your diary now – Sunday 17th May: Swan Valley Ladies Day Out! Mondo Nougat 6 Wally Phoebe VSCC of WA Calendar 2015 March Mt Ommanney Hillclimb - Mt Ommanney 28th Minson Ave Autokhana - Minson Ave, Northam 28th Northam Flying 50 - Northam CBD 29th Dad's Army31st AprilWorkshop Saturday11th General Meeting13th Club Management Committee20th Competition Group27th Dad's Army28th MayGeneral Meeting4th Workshop Saturday9th Swan Valley Ladies' Day Out 17th Club Management Committee18th Competition Group25th Dad's Army26th Mt Clarence Hillclimb30th Albany Classic31st JuneGeneral Meeting8th Workshop Saturday13th Club Management Committee15th Competition Group22nd Dad's Army30th JulyGeneral Meeting6th Workshop Saturday11th Club Management Committee13th Competition Group20th Dad's Army28th AugustGeneral Meeting3rd Workshop Saturday8th Targa West VSCC Sprint16th Club Management Committee17th Competition Group24th Dad's Army25th 7 Dad's Army Dates – 2015 WORKSHOP DAD’S ARMY SATURDAYTUESDAY March —31/03/15 April11/04/1528/04/15 May09/05/1526/05/15 June13/06/1530/06/15 July11/07/1528/07/15 August08/08/1525/08/15 September12/09/1529/09/15 October10/10/1527/10/15 November07/11/1524/11/15 December05/12/1515/12/15 Caversham Car Progress Progress continues on the Caversham car, with the chassis looking good and the bodywork getting closer to paint ready. The engine is also looking good and is almost ready to drop into the chassis. Charlie Urwin one of our club members has arranged to have John's Motor Trimmers of Welshpool upholster the seats on our Club Project Car at No Charge to the club which is a great help to the budget. Charlie owns Fibreglass & Resin Sales Pty Ltd and over the car's build has helped us out in many ways. You'll find advertisements for John's Motor Trimmers on page 20 and Fibreglass & Resin Sales on the back cover. Please support these firms who have supported us generously. 8 FM 2465 275x210 CAMS 24/10/06 3:03 PM Page 1 HOME INSURANCE FOR THE MOTORING ENTHUSIAST Shannons have designed Home & Contents insurance specifically for motoring enthusiasts, including $10,000 worth of enthusiast cover for those things unique to an enthusiast. Plus extra features like a 10% Multi policy discount when you add a home and/or contents policy to your existing Shannons car or bike policy. You can even pay your premium We share your passion monthly at no additional cost.for motor sport. When it comes to insurance for your home, there’s only one person you should talk to – a fellow enthusiast at Shannons. There are car enthusiasts and then there are CAMS Members! Only Shannons shares the passion with CAMS Members, because only Shannons know what it means to live and breathe motor sport. That’s why we offer insurance policies for your cars, bikes and even home and contents – all with special features just for motoring enthusiasts. Call Shannons for a quote today and ask about our CAMS mates rates! So call Shannons forEnthusiasts. a 13 a46 46. Insurance for Motoring Callquote 13 46 on 46 for quote. This insurance product is issued by Australian Alliance Insurance Company Limited ABN 11 006 471 709. AFS Licence No 235011. You can get a Product Disclosure Statement by phoning 13 46 46 or from any of our branches. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement in deciding to buy or hold this insurance product. Shannons Limited ABN 91 099 692 636 Authorised Representative No 239594 INSURANCE FOR MOTORING ENTHUSIASTS CALL 13 46 46 FOR A QUOTE | SHANNONS.COM.AU Shannons Limited is an authorised representative of Australian Alliance Insurance Company Limited, the issuer of this product. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement by calling 13 46 46. 9 Collector's Book Twice Lucky by Stuart Turner Stuart Turner was a leading player in motor sport from the 1960s to the 1980s. The Twice Lucky in the title refers to his arrival at BMC as Competitions Manager just as the Mini arrived and his move to the same position at Ford coinciding with the rise of the Escort. He had a great career in rallying before joining BMC, occupying the hot seat alongside drivers including John Sprinzel (of the Sebring Sprites), Pat Moss and Erik Carlsson. The cars he navigated would make a fantastic classic car collection today and included MGAs, Standard Vanguards, 8s, 10s and Pennants, Austin A40s, A30s, A35s and an A40 Sports, Anglias, Hillman Minxes, Morris 8 Tourers, Austin Healey Sprites, Fiats, Morris Minors, Riley 1.5s, sundry specials, all the variations of TR2 and TR3 plus Mini, Auto Union DKW and Saab. It was in the Saab that he helped Carlsson to win the 1960 RAC Rally. By that time he was rallying correspondent for Motoring News, where he was instrumental in setting up the Motoring News Rally Championship, which became the premier rally championship in the UK. From Motoring News he went to BMC as Competitions Manager in 1961, leaving on a high after the 1967 Monte Carlo Rally, won by Rauno Aaltonen in a works 1275 Cooper S, to join Castrol for a short interlude before joining Ford in 1969. Stuart retired from Ford at the end of 1990 and has gone on to become one of Britain's most popular after dinner speakers. The style of Turner's writing makes the book hard to put down and his self-deprecating humour will keep the reader chuckling all the way. I can recommend it as a great read from the "Sort of Foreword" by Sir Jackie Stewart at the beginning to Turner's take on Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man at the end. Twice Lucky is out of print, but has a Kindle edition for $20.86. The original hardback edition is advertised by at $49.95 and by for US$358.68 (AU$464.64 at time of writing). prices are somewhere in between. The Pitstop Bookshop cannot supply the book and neither can Chaters in the UK. 10 11 New Zealand tour 2015 Nine West Australian Formula Classic drivers ventured to the Land of the Long White Cloud during January and February this year to take part in the Howden Ganley Festival plus a series of other events in New Zealand. The trip started for many on the East Coast of Australia at Eastern Creek during November 2014, Neil McCrudden, Marty Bullock, Lance The Team lined up Cawardine, Henry Oosterbaan, Bruce Edgar, and Dave Watkins all taking to the track for the Tasman event. At the conclusion of the event the 9-car WARM (West Australian Racing Museum) container was re-packed and shipped to Hampton Downs for the start of the 2015 New Zealand tour. Every second year the NZ organizers put on a historic race event to celebrate the achievements of one of their legendary drivers, this year’s festival was for Howden Ganley. The festival is run over two consecutive weekends and attracts competitors from across the world. The opening weekend started off shakily for the West Aussies with overheating engines and head gasket issues for Marty’s Chevron and Lance’s Jane Brabham and a broken crown wheel and pinion in Watto’s newly acquired Elfin. These issues were resolved and the following weekends’ racing for the WA boys was largely trouble free. Marty was rewarded for his perseverance with the Chevron being awarded the prestigious Denny Hulme trophy at Hampton Downs for the Spirit of the Event. Also worthy of note was the largest field in recent times of Formula 5000 cars. From Hampton Downs on the North Huge Formula 5000 field at Hampton Downs Island the container was shipped to the South Island and to a newly built race circuit near the town of Cromwell called Highlands. The circuit is the creation of Tony Quinn the proprietor of VIP Pet Foods. The Highlands circuit has numerous configurations and includes a flyover / underpass on the primary layout. There has been a significant Neil, Bruce and Brian mixing it with the investment at the venue with a museum, restaurant, locals at Hampton Downs 12 manicured grounds and an onsite residential development. Highlands Circuit Ross Zampatti joined the group at this meeting driving a Macon F2 provided by WARM. Unfortunately at the Highlands meeting gearbox problems struck Watto’s Elfin for a second time confining the car to the WARM container for the remainder of the tour. The Formula Junior Lotus 20/22 of Neil McCrudden was running very well at the meeting and he picked up a win on the second day. Ruapuna Circuit From Highlands the group moved to Christchurch and the Ruapuna circuit. The circuit is situated to the North West of the city. Neil continued his winning form at Skope Classic event picking up another first place in the Formula Junior event, Marty Bullock was also running well in the Libre Class gathering a win too. Skope is a refrigeration company that has been supporters of NZ motorsport for many years. The Ruapuna event was the last for Henry Oosterbaan as he had some prior commitments in Perth. The Enzed Southern Classic at the Levels circuit, near Timaru was the next event. Henry and Brian in their cars and Bruce John Rowe joined the group for this and the stretching at Ruapuna final race. He had earlier bought a beautifully restored Lotus 18 FJ in Christchurch and this was his first outing in the car. There was a strong Formula Junior presence for the event Timaru Circuit with Neil picking up a further race win and Bruce Edgar a third spot. The Levels event was Marty Bullock’s last race of the tour and he concluded it with a win in the Formula Libre class. At the Saturday evening function Ross Zampatti was presented with 2015 Brian Dixon Building - Formula Libre Trophy. The trophy is presented for Spirit of the Event. The Evolution Motorsport Classic Speed Fest at the Teretonga circuit near Invercargill was the final event in the NZ tour. 13 The Western Australian group was down to six members now to ‘fly the flag’ for WA. The circuit is fast with a very long straight and sweeping parabolic curve at the end of it. Once again Neil’s Formula Junior was very competitive winning a race on the Saturday and getting within half a second of the class lap record. A sterling effort by Neil on Sunday to break the lap record ended ‘in tears’ with a hole in the side of the Richardson engine block. Bruce Edgar continued to go well in his Elfin Formula Junior picking up a couple of podium spots at the meeting. At the function dinner Neil was awarded the Formula Junior trophy for Spirit of the event. With the exception of Highlands event every club and circuit put on a presentation dinner function at the circuit that was well attended. The atmosphere at all the events was and warm and friendly and we were made to feel very welcome by the local clubs and organizing bodies. For those that have not visited or raced in New Zealand this tour is a definite Bucket List item. The survivors lined up at Teretonga Park Caversham Days 1962 AGP 1964 6 Hours Anti-clockwise from top left: Bruce McLaren in his Cooper-Climax; Jack Brabham's Brabham on the front row; The field streams away from the start of the 19672 AGP; Cars in the paddock before the 1962 AGP; The field streaming down the straight after the start of the 1964 6 Hours Race; An earlier shot of the field leaving the grid; Winner Harley Pederick gets the flag. 14 The blown 1927 Austin Seven and 1955 NKD Holden Long Service Leave Member Long serving and spirited competitor Steve Williams has in 2015 clocked up 15 years of competition in the JKL class without missing a single RTH meeting at Northam or Albany. It is almost certain no other driver in JKL can make the same claim. If they can, then come forward! His first VSCC meeting was in year 2000 at Northam driving the memorable supercharged Austin Seven then Albany later in the year. Steve went on to compete in hill climbs with the Austin at various venues with much class success as well as the RTH meetings with little regard to the longevity of the Austin mechanically. Broken axles, differential centre and split crank cases. Some interesting battles were had with Tom Benson and his Chev. A case of the big and the brave. Regularity wins came easy by driving flat out to a known achievable time. By 2004 the older class of car was low in numbers so a step up was required to keep the interest alive with the purchase of the Ex Ray Oliver Grey Motor Holden special, the NKD Holden. Steve commenced driving the #77 NKD Holden with the same style and verve as with the now retired Austin competing in VSCC regularity and WASCC racing events. Success in regularity and hill climbs bought more class wins for a time until the new and younger more motivated breed came on the scene. The Holden may have been stronger than the Austin but mechanical setbacks have occurred. A broken axle, broken crankshaft and two blown clutches have resulted over the years. The Holden generally has been a consistent and well-mannered car as long as it is not spoilt with soft treatment. Over the past fifteen years Steve has had a turn at winning most of the main events such as the Northam flying 50 and the Albany Classic as well as a number of the perpetual seasons trophies. Steve has seen many cars come and go over the fifteen years. If we could get even some of those cars back on the track we would have some nice large fields. The Austin Seven was recently brought out of retirement for the Lake Perkolilli reenactment. A wash, polish and a new motor and it was just like the old days with the only problem being fitting back in the car. An Austin Seven can shrink. Steve’s motoring competition interests are now heading back to his young days with the purchase and now restored Formula 500 speedway car, a car that he competed against in the1970s. Is there a career change coming with classic speedway?? Wait and see. 15 Ice Breaker – Collie Motorplex Photographs courtesy of Mick Oliver, Olivers Photography See more at Mick's web site, A gallery of great photographs from Mick Oliver from the Ice Breaker meeting at Collie Motorplex on February 21 and 22. Please show your appreciation of Mick's work by visiting his web site and ordering shots of your car. The quality is very high and it will give you a lasting souvenir of your motor sports career. If you have any photographs you took at Collie, please let Len Kidd have copies for the club archive. Len's contact details are on page 2 (inside front cover) of this newsletter. ►Dick Ward in his "grown-up" race car, the spectacular, fire-breathing Mazda RX-7 sports sedan ▼VSCCWA Treasurer Evan Edwards takes a rest from the books in his immaculate GSM Dart ►Geoff Moran (Ford Capri) pulls off the track as the rest of the field goes through, led by Max Farrell (BMW 2002), Lance Stannard (Cooper S) and Ron Lally (Alfa Romeo GTV) ▼Graeme Woodhouse (Ford Mustang) shows the way to Owen Satchell (Ford Escort Mk 1) and Glenn Badger (Ford Falcon XW) ▼Glenn Swarbrick vigorously exercising the Macon AF2 car 16 Glenn Badger eases his XW Falcon through one of Collie's many turns Ron Lally finds his Alfa Romeo GTV under pressure from Geoff Moran's Capri 3000GT Max Farrell has a difference of opinion with his BMW 2002 Leon Magistro's Reynard FF tangles with Simon Barrett's Ralt RT4 Paul Jakovich almost drags the exhaust of his smart 1967 Falcon XR GT Michael Henderson was neat and fast in the Ralt RT4 The Woodhouse Mustang waits for the RAC while the rest of the field streams by Lance Stannard's Cooper S feels the pressure from Ron Lally's Alfa Romeo GTV 17 Hot Start to Season 1955 Sixty years ago the Grand Prix circus didn’t wait for March and Melbourne. They had already contested the season’s opener at the Buenos Aires Autodromo, the Argentine GP on January 16. Mercedes-Benz had been the dominant team in 1954 after missing the first two Grands Prix in Argentina and Belgium and with new recruit Stirling Moss joining World Champion Juan Fangio, it appeared that the domination would continue. Sound familiar? The Argentine GP was run in incredible heat and Fangio won for Mercedes-Benz from a Ferrari shared by Froilan Gonzalez, Guiseppe Farina and Maurice Trintignant. Moss, running second in his Mercedes-Benz, succumbed to a vapour lock in the fuel injection system. When he stopped, he was bundled into an ambulance by concerned medics who were convinced he was suffering from heat exhaustion. Once an interpreter was found, he escaped from the ambulance and took over Hans Hermann’s car to finish fourth. Third place went to Farina and Trintignant in another Ferrari and Argentinian Roberto Mieres soldiered home in fifth, solo, in his Maserati, followed home by Harry Schell and Jean Behra sharing another 250F Maserati. The Lancia team had a disastrous GP. Ascari led early but, probably due to the heat, he spun and crashed. Villoresi’s D50 packed up so he took over Castellotti’s car but crashed out of the race with it. So the teams returned to Europe to lick their wounds and prepare for a series of nonchampionship GPs before the next round at Monaco in May. Mercedes-Benz still held the upper hand after a successful 1954 season, although Gonzalez managed to put the dated Ferrari 625 on pole in Argentina, so the margin of performance was not huge. Lancia still promised much, but the money being spent on motor racing was rapidly sending the company broke and the team was living on borrowed time. Maserati was picking up the crumbs and was to show a remarkable turn of speed at times, but didn’t have a leading driver of the class of Fangio and Moss at Mercedes-Benz, Gonzalez and Farina at Ferrari or Ascari at Lancia. Behra, Schell and Mieres were very quick on their day, but the speed and reliability of the German cars had all of the Italian teams worried. The British teams were gradually emerging. Vanwall was showing speed and the ChapmanCostin team would produce the classic tear-drop shaped Vanwall by the end of the year, but Vanwall’s time was yet to come. BRM had gone from the astonishingly complex V16 cars to a simple, short-stroke fourcylinder engine in a compact, lightweight car. Connaught was struggling for reliability with its fragile Alta-based engines. The team's win at Syracuse later in the year made it the last team to win a Formula One race with a pre-selector box and the first to win using disc brakes and centre-locking alloy wheels. Cooper was not yet a force to reckon with in Formula One. Later in the season Jack Brabham would debut his T40 Cooper-Bristol in the British GP. The T40 was nothing more than a T39 Bobtail sports car modified to take a 2-litre Bristol engine in place of the 1100 cc Coventry-Climax engine normally fitted. The first rear-engined Cooper “Formula One” car, it took Brabham to victory in the Formula Libre Australian GP at Wakefield in South Australia. Cooper’s success in Formula One was still well in the future. French team Gordini was sliding back down the results sheets and the introduction of the under-powered and overweight straight-eight Type 32 cars later in the season didn’t help. 18 19 MERCHANDISE SALE! Many items - books, badges, shirts - all at special prices. Ladies polo shirts now available - ideal Mother's Day gift. Free DVD with every purchase!! Phone Mike or Jean – 08 9330 1279 or 0411 212 309 Email: [email protected] For Sale – Commodore V8 Mark 1 Capri Shell First car is a 1979 Commodore factory V8, Unfinished project , very straight with no rust or crash damage, spare 308 motor and M21 gearbox, asking price $3800. Can deliver up to 50km on tow truck. Second car is a 1970 Ford Capri, body shell with no motor or gearbox, also doors are missing. The body is in very rust free condition with no crash damage. This car can be fitted with a Ford V8 as they were factory fitted in South Africa. I am selling this car on behalf of freind, it is just sitting around and I have offered to try and sell it for him, asking price $12,500. Contact Rob Falconer ph 04 303 222 94 Email [email protected] John's Motor Trimmers John’s Motor Trimmers is Perth’s number one choice for professional motor vehicle and marine trimming and upholstery. We are the preferred trimmer for many of Perth’s major marine and automotive dealers – and for good reason. Our tradespeople are some of the best in the business, each with over 10 years’ experience. From minor seat repairs and re-trims to custom fit-outs and complete overhauls, you can rely on the team at John’s Motor Trimmers to complete your job to the very highest standards. Contact us for a no obligation quote today. Phone: (08) 9470 5531 7 Adrian Street, Welshpool WA 6106 FOR SALE – 1965 Mark 1 Cortina 4 door GT (genuine) CAMS logbooked group Nb race car. Has a few minor battle scars and interior could use a bit of TLC if used for street use. Also street registered so can be used for regularities, round the houses, hill climbs, speed event series, historic tarmac events like Targa West. Has been used as a historic rally car in a past life and still qualifies with a few minor mods. Has been put back to street use standard i.e. race seat, half roll cage and harness removed. But all still available. Exhaust now out the back rather than the side for racing. Has a locked 4.1:1 diff but also an unlocked diff available. Still has race engine fitted, approx. 145HP at rear wheels. Twin 40mm Weber carbs, Kent 254 Cam. 2000E gear box (close ratio 2nd gear). This engine has never been raced used for club events only and probably done 2 or 3 of these only plus a couple of hours road use. $16,000 ono Contact Adam Dunn 0407998718 20 21 MERCHANDISE SALE! Many items - books, badges, shirts - all at special prices. Ladies polo shirts now available - ideal Mother's Day gift. Free DVD with every purchase!! Phone Mike or Jean – 08 9330 1279 or 0411 212 309 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE – MK I Lotus Cortina 1964 CAMS Nb Logbook, full road license (TYPE 28), very good condition, only done one Albany since engine rebuild 2 years ago which included new valves and cams. Burton straight cut gears,Volvo 4 pot calipers, superlight wheels with extra set of light weight Hustlers. Serious seller after 23 years, $37,000 Contact Ian Fry on 08 9325 6748 or 0412 898 434 FOR SALE – Miller Ford Built 15 years ago by Robin Ferguson using specifications from the Ford Motor Museum in Detroit. New motor and panel & paint 4 years ago. 274 cubic inch motor, Speedway Motors rotating assembly, Scat crank, Scat H-Beam rods, Ross forged pistons, Isky Jr 400 camshaft, Isky valve springs, twin Holley 94 carbs, exhaust extractors, 3.55:1 diff with open tailshaft conversion to flat-head diff, Mallory electronic distributor, modern type (Speedway Motors) water pumps. Price reduced to — $15,000.00 ono Contact: Paul Wilkins – Mob: 0428 922 823 – Tel: 08 9387 5535 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE 1969 Triumph TR6 • Australian delivery with soft and hard top. • Original Fuel Injected Motor, Overdrive Gearbox and Diff. • New Fuel Pumps, Battery, and Michelin Tyres. • Overhauled Fuel System, New Brakes, Rebuilt Hydraulics. • Factory W'shop and Parts Manuals. Long licence, runs well. • Lady owner for past 40+ years. $23,000 ONO Phone: Dennis Cook 08 9402 3870 FOR SALE – 1980 MKII Escort – REDUCED! • • • • • • • • 2 litre Pinto with 2-barrel Dellorto carburettor and extractors Half roll cage, Velo Drivers seat and 6 point harness Toyo tyres on Performance super lite wheels VSCC log booked and road registered Race tuned suspension with Koni shock absorbers Diff converted to LSD via block and spring system Reconditioned gearbox Custom car cover, tow points, fire extinguisher Price: $9,999 ONO Contact David Hansen on 0431 855 506 for details To buy contact Jenny Cameron on 0408 414902 22 FOR SALE – TVR 3000M Winner of many Class awards in SES last 3 years. Restored from ground up for VSCC and SES events with no expense spared. Full race engine by Racetune, 3 x 40mm dual choke Weber carbs, forged pistons, Carillo rods, billet Kent Cam, Roller Rockers. Close ratio straight-cut gears and lsd. On Board “Fire-Eater” extinguisher system, full CAMS ROPS, new 5 point driver’s harness just fitted. Has CAMS Rally logbook; eligible for competition car road reg. Ideal for Regularity/Hillclimb/Speed Events etc. Laps Barbagallo long circuit in 67.7 driven by pensioner! Owner retiring from Speed Event Competition to keep circuit racing. Price $33,000 ono — MUST SELL! Contact John Hurney on 08 9341 2860 or 0414 280 433 Workshop Clear Out Mobile Industrial Evaporative Air Conditioner — Breezeair FM240, 18,500 m3/hour. As new condition. $1,750 4 lightweight 17” magnesium wheels, 2 x 9.5” and 2 x 9.0”, 4 stud 114.5mm PCD — $500 ESCORT Mk. 1 — 50 litre aluminium drop tank — $500 CONTACT: Brian Searles — 0438 160 435 or email [email protected] For Sale - Ford V8 Special Built for Ross Smith in 1947, driven by Vin Smith. Previous owners: Syd Barker, Jack Glendenning, Norm Buckingham, Ray Tilbrook. Comes with 90% of parts needed to complete car, including original body and engine. $10,000 – Call Jim Krajancich on 08 9274 3396 For Sale – 1971 Datsun 1600 Sedan Race Car CAMS Logbook. VSCC Logbook. Two race engines, 1800 and 1600. Race clutch and lightened flywheel. 4.6 diff. H/G sway bar and coil suspension. 6-point harness and roll cage. New racing tyres and mags. Laminated windscreen. Heaps of spares. A great little race car - $13,000.00. Plus one-car trailer with car - $2000.00. Contact Bruce Jones – Phone 08 9378 1768 For Sale – 3-owner 1958 MG ZB Magnette Fully road licensed and running. Interior: Excellent black leather seats with white piping. All interior woodwork restored to high finish. Needs headlining to be 100 point. Rewired with correct cotton braided harness. Converted to wire wheels and front disc brakes a la MGA in early ‘60s. Now sporting 72 spoke Aston Martin wheels with 205x15 radials. Total engine rebuild by Mike’s Garages. Engine bay painted at the time and wiring harness installed. Gearbox rebuilt by specialist (Carvel). Differential replaced (silent). New brake linings with new front disc rotors. Garaged from new. Genuine, 3-owner, low mileage, ZB, with fresh running gear and a great interior. It requires attention to suspension bushes and rust spots in A-pillars and door bottoms. Straight and undamaged. Receipts, workshop manual & service records. Offers in the region of $10,000. Contact: Mike Sherrell 08 93676769. 23 BOB CAMPBELL Wordsmith Need a newsletter or words for your blog or web site? Catch my blog at Tel: 08 9279 7555 — Mob: 0419 849 835 [email protected] Business Address 48 Irving Street Bayswater WA 6053 Phone (08) 9271 2177 24
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