Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal - Vintage Sports Car Club of WA inc.
Vintage Metal May 2015 Issue No. 292 The Journal of The Vintage Sports Car Club of Western Australia (Inc.) Next General Meeting : Monday 4th May 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Longford Revival 2015 Northam Festival of Speed Spikins Singer Bantam Vintage Sports Car Club of WA (Inc.) ABN 49 845 981 838 PO Box 1127, GWELUP WA 6018 Telephone: (08) 9401 1449 Email: [email protected] Office Bearers 2014/15 President: Ian Fry mobile 0412 898 434 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Evan Edwards Mobile: 0419 918 196 Email: [email protected] Secretary:Vacant Recording Secretary: Vacant Club Management Committee: Mike Barnes Ph: (08) 9330 1279 Email: [email protected] Paul Bartlett: Mobile: 0419 907 378 Email: [email protected] Ron Fabry: Ph: (08) 9457 9179 Email: [email protected] Ed Farrar: Mobile: 0409 311 366 Email: [email protected] John Janssen: Mobile: 0401 655 537 Email: [email protected] Brad Peters: Mobile: 0427 401 513 Email: [email protected] Wally Phoebe: Mobile: 0414 894 673 Email: [email protected] Club Officials 2013/14: Competition Secretary & Committee: Paul Bartlett (Chair) - 0419 907 378 Dads Army: Ron Fabry Regalia: Mike Barnes and Jean Atkins — (08) 9330 1279; 0411 212 309 — Email: [email protected] Bar Manager: John Janssen — Email: [email protected] Membership Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — (08) 9401 1449 Entries Registrar: Lynn Oxwell — Email: [email protected] Vintage Metal: Bob Campbell — Email: [email protected] - Ph: (08) 9279 7555 - Mobile: 0419 849 835 Web Master: Frank Clay — Mobile: 0448 013 288 — Email: [email protected] Historian 1969 on: Len Kidd — (08) 9332 3518 — Email: [email protected] Historian pre-1969: John Napier-Winch - (08) 9404 8863 - Email: [email protected] Librarian: Mark Jones — (08) 9387 3897 CAMSWA Sport and Club Development Comm: Paul Bartlett 0419 907 378 CAMSWA Historic Advisory Panel: Craig Bradtke (Chair) 0408 913 926 Council of Motoring Clubs WA: Graeme Whitehead 0412 919 370 Concessional Examiner: Boyd Kolozs — Mobile: 0404 921 679 Email: [email protected] Chief Scrutineer: Tony Brett Mobile: 0427 004 709 Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 VSCC Log Group JKL Max Gamble (08) 9276 2903 Books: Group MOPQR Neil McCrudden 0407 867 473 Group N Steve Boyle 0419 904 734 Group S Tony Brett 0427 004 709 Clubmans Craig Bradtke 0408 913 926 2 From the President Here I sit, on my deadline the 15th again with writrers block! I should probably have my wife do this as she has no problem at all talking under wet cement. Had a call from Bob Campbell today to remind me of the date. Bob was calling from just out of Perth, not Western Australia but Scotland! Modern communications never cease to amaze me, there he is putting the Vintage Metal to bed on the other side of the World, no worries. Albany now is only just over six weeks away so if you have not got your entry in you had better get cracking! As the bar was lifted in Northam this year so you will find this to be the case in Albany. Interesting to hear from some of our members on returning from Philip Island saying how much slicker our events are run. A real feather in the cap for our members who put our events together. I read somewhere the other day that some of the overseas participants commented that P.I. was much better run than those in their home countries. VSCC members involved with the running of our events we salute you. Your Social Committee's run to the Swan Valley on the 17th of May will only be two weeks away by the time you recieve this VM, so be organised and be there, should be a bit of fun. Lots happening with the "Caversham" car so if you have not been to check it out in the last few months come along, have a coffee and chat and if so moved get dirty. The next time this group meets is Saturday the 9th of May, be there! Bob Campbell has been having a bit of fun playing with the cover, layout and articles. Must say I like it but am sure Bob would appreciate feedback and or pictures and content. Enough from me. Stay healthy, drive safely and continue to support your Club and its members. Ian Fry Editor's Notes First I must say thank you to all who helped me get this issue of Vintage Metal together. I have acknowledged the source of all of the photographs in the Northam Gallery on pages 12, 13 and 18 (the results of the motorkhana and hill climb took up pages 14-17). Thanks also to Lynn Oxwell for getting the minutes to me very quickly after the meeting and for the Northam story on page 11 and the Concessional Licence reminder on page 10. Lynn's other half, Ross, supplied the Why is is so? story on page 23, explaining why we need the rules that define Regularity Trials. David Moir supplied story and pictures from the Longford Revival, while Bill Buys provided the story of the Spikins Singer Bantam. Len Kidd has asked me to pass on his appeal for photographs of all club events, but more particularly at this time for copies of any press coverage of the Northam weekend. If you have pages from a newspaper that you wish to keep, I have an A3 photocopier that copies a whole page of a newspaper, so give me a call and I'll copy them for Len. That's it for this month from my editorial desk overlooking the beautiful River Tay. Bob Campbell 3 Vintage Sports Car Club of W.A. (Inc) Minutes of General Meeting - 13 April 2015 1. Meeting opened: 8.00pm (Meeting Chaired by: Paul Bartlett) 2. Apologies: Ian Fry, Wally Phoebe, Sue & Phil Johnson, Brad Peters, Charlie Urwin, Graham Reed, Robyn Larkin, Craig Atkins, Terry Reynolds, Kevin Taylor, Evan Edwards. 3. New Members and Guests: 1 Guest, returning member from past. 4. Adoption of previous month’s minutes: Moved: Paul Wilkins Seconded: Thomas Benson 5. Business arising from Minutes: Nil 6. Treasurer’s Report: Evan not present so no report 6.1 Motion: That the Treasurer’s report be received; This is pending as no report presented. 7.1 Secretary’s report: Correspondence IN Cheque from Wheatbelt Safety Wear – sponsorship Northam Newsletter from Motor Vehicle Enthusiast Club Darwin Newsletters from VSCC Victoria Resignation letter from Sue Johnson Lots of congratulatory emails re Northam 8 Membership applications for approval OUT Back copies of Vintage Metal to Sporting Car Club of SA Sympathy Cards to Paul Bartlett, Russell Murison Family, Robyn Larkin Various emails Vouchers to volunteers for Northam Suggestion from the floor that the Club send “Thank you” to Sue Johnson. 7.2 President’s report: Ian not present but as he usually says, read latest Vintage Metal. Paul reported a successful Northam event and special thanks to the Northam Organising Committees. There were approximately 25-26 people on train but hopefully it will run again next year and plans are already underway for 2016. Michael Broughton took a local VIP around in his car in parade and felt this was a great PR for locals. Members were pleased to see so many old cars competing again. Geraldton Round the Houses event now proposed for October 4th. TSOA have taken on the task of organising the event using AASA as insurer for event. Geraldton Business Community with MP Grant Woodhams has got behind the event financially. Watch this space for further outcome. 8. State-of-play Reports: CAMS COURSE 18-19 April – Club Chief & Event Command Looking good for numbers and this will be run by CAMS at CAMS office in Joondanna. Here’s hoping more officials on the rise. Albany: Entry forms are now out but apparently a few have had trouble downloading, Ross Oxwell will resend as he has new computer which might be the problem. Otherwise all on track so far as organisation goes. More in acceptance letters. TARGA WEST: City of Perth have organised a circus/fringe festival on Langley Park for the period covering 15-16 Aug so old circuit may not available. A new track around car park is being looked at but if it is not a decent viable course maybe the VSCC will not do. Again watch this space as negotiations are ongoing with City of Perth. INSURANCE & CAMS versus AASA for EVENTS: 4 Great discussion was had as to the pros and cons. RAC not supportive as they declined sponsorship claiming that by promoting our event we were encouraging “hooning”. Members expressed their disappointment with this! It was suggested that maybe we approach AASA to come and look at our event and express their point of view on whether they could insure our events. It was also discussed that if VSCC are using CAMS purely as insurance provider for our events then there could be others who could do the same. Some members did remind those present that CAMS provides the overall sport jurisdiction and this helps keep everything in order. They also train officials and supply people with knowledge on safety etc. Paul Bartlett as Competition Secretary agreed that we should contact AASA and with the TSOA doing the Geraldton event it would be a good event to follow regarding some of the matters discussed. Historic Commissioner: John van Leeuwin is still working though the fuel issue ie: exotic fuels such as E85 for historic cars and CAMS are aware of this and working towards outcome to suit all concerned. Inspection and replacement of fuel cells is also an issue and will have a major effect on older cars. A 3 month moratorium is in place until June. REGULARITY: This was discussed long and hard as drivers were exceeding the set track lap limit at Northam and lots of drivers were talked to and some asked to go home. Please remember that it is you against the clock not other drivers competing. Look for article in this Vintage Metal and read to try and understand why times are set. Steve Boyle and Paul Bartlett pointed out that on entry forms there is a space to nominate your lap time. Previous event records are readily available on “Natsoft”. DAD’S ARMY: Ron Fabry reported Caversham car doing well, Robin Ferguson-Stewart & Kevin Dorn got the front brakes on and seats are off to trimmers. Still a great crew attending. Club has been advised by Dept of Housing that “Mick” caretaker has to move out in 6 weeks and will not be replaced, this could leave the club rooms a bit exposed re Safety and larrikins. Ron advised us that 2016 means the VSCC will turn 30! So can we please have ideas as to how we can celebrate this big event? We did Midland to Caversham run on 25th birthday but maybe something different please contact Ron Fabry with your ideas. A 1964 Clubman is up for sale with parts etc for $1500.00 if interested please contact Ron Fabry. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Doug Vanzetti handed out leaflets for upcoming event Sunday 17th May Swan Valley Ladies Day Run. Check for details in Vintage Metal or contact Doug Vanzetti or Wally Phoebe. Sounds like a fun day. LIBRARY: Mike Jones has put some interesting books on display tonight near bar – JK car stuff – and a reminder Library always open and quite a few more books been donated. REGALIA: Mike Barnes not present but he has sought different suppliers who can supply a bigger range of sizes. Contact him if you need anything. GENERAL BUSINESS: Max Gamble & Rodney Cocks presented the club with a lovely framed picture of the history of “Silver Wings” and an interesting run down of the history from 1st owner being Wizard Smith to Billy Attwood and the cars great history at Lake Perkolilli. Also Mike Upton returned to the club a framed poster of Albany Classic 2009 which was given to Lotteries commission, as they are moving and thought we might like it back. Craig Bradtke informed members that he had resigned from the Competition Committee due to issues he has with the new budgeting and accounting systems. Alan Shephard has just completed Lake Gardiner with 171 mile per hour, but this was done with Phil driving. At Wyalkatchem a Skyline did standing km record at speed of 201 kph. Whiteman Park if interested in displaying car on 3rd May contact Graham Whitehead. 13.Next Meeting: Monday 4 May 2015 14. Meeting Closed: 9.20 pm Minute taker: Lynn Oxwell E & OE 5 Social Notes Northam Festival of Speed The Northam Two Day Festival of Speed has been run and almost everyone has come away pleased with the result. Our sympathy is with Robyn Larkin who was wounded in action and we hope that such unpleasantness can be nipped in the bud. Our events are competitive by nature, but they are also social events to be enjoyed by our members and their families. The photograph at left shows some of the crowd that attended the social trophy presentation after the Northam events. It was very well received and most of the trophies were given out. The day was very well run and a credit to those organisers and officials who put the day on. All Ford Day 2015 Just a little over six months to go until the 2015 AFD Show'n'Shine. Make sure you mark Sunday November 1st in your diaries for the New All Ford Day. It's a new Date and a New Venue for 2015, and we are planning to add some new attractions this year. As with last year entries will be accepted online or on paper. Stay tuned for more information and regular updates from the AFD committee. Swan Valley Ladies' Day Out It remains only to remind you of this great event scheduled for May 17. Don't forget the date. Doug has worked very hard on setting up this fun day for members and partners on May 17. Your sweet tooth will be working overtime, you can get a caffeine hit and sample the best of Swan Valley wines. Don't miss it! Wally Phoebe Dad's Army Dates – 2015 WORKSHOP DAD’S ARMY SATURDAYTUESDAY May09/05/1526/05/15 June13/06/1530/06/15 July11/07/1528/07/15 August08/08/1525/08/15 September12/09/1529/09/15 October10/10/1527/10/15 November07/11/1524/11/15 December05/12/1515/12/15 6 VSCC of WA Calendar 2015 MayGeneral Meeting4th Workshop Saturday9th Swan Valley Ladies' Day Out 17th Club Management Committee18th Albany Scrutineering23rd Competition Group25th Dad's Army26th Mt Clarence Hillclimb30th Albany Classic31st JuneGeneral Meeting8th Workshop Saturday13th Club Management Committee15th Competition Group22nd Dad's Army30th JulyGeneral Meeting6th Workshop Saturday11th Club Management Committee13th Competition Group20th Dad's Army28th AugustGeneral Meeting3rd Workshop Saturday8th Targa West VSCC Sprint16th Club Management Committee17th Competition Group24th Dad's Army25th September General Meeting7th Workshop Saturday12th Collie Hillclimb12th Coal Fields 50012th-13th Club Management Committee14th Competition Group21st Dad's Army29th 7 Ave Atque Vale Vale Mike Tighe. One of Western Mike in the Reimann Motors prepared Elfin Australia's greatest racing drivers, Mike Tighe died on the 7th of March 2015. Club Historian John Napier-Winch told Vintage Metal: "He was a great guy to interview and a humble guy. Mike completed the WA Sporting Car Club advanced driving school in 1959. He went on to be a very competitive driver in a Cortina powered Elfin. He retired from racing in 1969." Those of us who attended Caversham in the sixties will remember Mike as a very fast and smooth driver. My own memories include the day one of the Elfin's halfshafts broke and the rear wheel fell outward at an alarming angle. Like the Lotus 20 it resembled, the Elfin used the halfshafts as top links in the rear suspension. After that episode, Don Reimann fitted a steel wire inside the tubular halfshaft so that the wheel would be retained in the event of future breakages. A second incident I remember involving Mike was during a very wet Six Hours Race, when he raced into the pits with the wipers of his Alfa GTV jammed together tip to tip. Visibility must have been virtually nil in the heavy rain, but Mike made it back to the pits, the wipers were freed, and he shot out of the pits at maximum acceleration. I hope to include a more detailed profile of Mike in a future issue of Vintage Metal, when I have returned to home soil and my reference library. Bob Campbell PASSING ON – Russell Murison Sadly passed away on 23rd March 2015 at Esperance, Russell was an avid member of the VSCC with his Ford Cortina sedans that he was very passionate about. His illness had been coming on for a long time and had completely stopped his life preventing him from doing what he wanted to do. We would like to remember Russell by his enthusiasm and ability to tell anybody what he thought. The funeral was a huge affair attended by Russell's coffin was carried on his beloved approximately 350 people and held at the Kenworth T900, in which he had covered well over 3.5 million kilometres. In 2010, Russell Vintage Car Club of Esperance. was inducted into the Wall of Fame at the We extend our love and thoughts to Jenny National Road Transport Hall of Fame. and his love ones. Roy Prout 8 TRUST YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSIONS WITH SHANNONS Shannons have designed Home & Contents insurance specifically for motoring enthusiasts, including $10,000 worth of enthusiast cover. Plus extra features like a 10% Multi policy discount when you add a home and/or contents policy to your existing Shannons car or bike policy. You can even pay your premium monthly at no additional cost. When it comes to insurance for your home, there’s only one person you should talk to – a fellow enthusiast at Shannons. So call Shannons for a quote on 13 46 46. INSURANCE FOR MOTORING ENTHUSIASTS CALL 13 46 46 FOR A QUOTE | SHANNONS.COM.AU Shannons Pty Limited ABN 91 099 692 636 is an authorised representative of AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807, the product issuer. Read the Product Disclosure Statement before buying this insurance. Contact us for a copy. 9 Welcome to New Members Mr Stephen Tobin — Owns Aravina Estate, home of many Vintage Cars Mr Andrew Armstrong — 1973 Datsun 240Z Mr Robert Semple — 1964 Ford Falcon XM Coupe, 1964 Ford Anglia Super & 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air Mr David Stean — 1967 GT40 Replica Mr Rodney Vanooosten — 1966 Morris Mini (ex Shufflebotham) & 1989 Ford Capri Mr Bert Jan Van Zuylen — 1977 Alfa Romeo GTV 200 (welcome back to club) Mr Benjamin Sadique — 1977 Fiat 131 Racing replica Mr Rubin Sadique — same as Ben Mr Graham Kennedy — 1970 Ford Falcon XYGT MEMBERS WITH CONCESSIONALLY LICENCED CARS It's that time of year again when membership fees and fees for those who have cars on concessional licences that are about to fall due: 1 July 2015. For those members who have cars registered on Concessional Licence the club will continue to charge $20.00 per car, per year to keep the car on the VSCC Registrar. The CMC have informed us that to date there is nothing further from the Department of Transport regarding concessional licences. The Club would like to encourage all members to have their car inspected, as others often pick up bits and pieces that the owner (who may also service) does not. Also if it does get stopped by Police Traffic Department then hopefully they will have nothing to complain about and hence not deem your car unregisterable ie: Yellow sticker or worse. The Albany scrutineering is to be held on Saturday 23 May 2015 at Murray Road Welshpool, so we encourage you to come and have car/s inspected at same time, at no cost, to help keep your car on the road. Lynn Oxwell Concessional Licence Registrar for VSCCWA (Inc) (08) 9401 1449 FOR SALE – Lolita Lolita, CAMS Historic Group M sports racing car. Designed and built in Australia in 1964. Engine BMC Cooper S, 1310cc, Weber carburation. Engine and gear box fitted in the rear. The engine has been modified to produce excellent hp. Aerodynamic wedge shaped fibreglass body. Fully restored in 1980 and campaigned with excellent results in NSW, Qld, Tas, Vic & SA. Lolita has appeared as a cover feature on many motoring magazines as well as numerous articles written and published. Lolita appeared on front cover of Sports Car World in 1966. This car is offered with an extensive list of spares, body moulds and history. A custom built trailer is also available if required. Price $36,000. PHONE 0408 793 695. 10 Northam Flying Fifty What a great event! So many spectators attending and enjoying themselves on both days. On Saturday at Mt Ommanney I have never witnessed so many spectators. Well done Randle for organising the bus trip from town to the hill to a great spot to be a spectator. The organisers and the Northam community as a whole did a wonderful job to get so much enthusiasm behind the whole event. The autokhana run by the Sports Car Builders Club on Saturday afternoon was a great spectacle for people to watch especially all those smoky turns around and through witch’s hats. Sunday was warm and sunny and again well done to the Track Builders. With the new blocks the track was finished well ahead of time and all ready to go for 10 am start. DRIVERS: Thanks to all the Drivers, without whom the spectacle would not have happened. Great to see the JKL pre-war group so large and out having fun with a few first timers in that group also, well done. We had quite a few first time drivers this year which again means the event is on the list of things to do. Unfortunately there were a few things that did mar the day, one being drivers who still don’t get the concept of Regularity and were well out of the times allocated. Some were pulled from the track after being spoken to. It is sad when Event Command must take such action. There is an article about Regularity and "Why is it so?" on page 23. The other major one is Drivers not doing as Officials ask them. For example: an official asking a driver to put trailer in the required place, the driver arguing over this and when they took off to do so, they “accidently” ran over the official. Photo at left. This inexcusable conduct results in upset officials being unwilling to participate in future events. Without officials THERE WILL BE NO EVENTS! Drivers will not get the opportunities offered by the VSCC. So please listen and do as asked, as it is for everyone’s safety – drivers, officials and safety of cars – and for the safe running of the whole event that these things are in place, not just for the fun of it! VSCC stalwart Robyn Larkin bearing the scars of being run over Lynn Oxwell NEW PLAYER IN THE MARKET FOR WELDING GAS Sick and tired of paying exorbitant rentals for acetylene and oxygen bottles. Try “Coregas” which is available from Bunnings and many others it seems. They charge a deposit on the bottles (approx $200 for a D Size) which is refundable on return of the bottle. Check it out on the website: Info supplied by: Lynn Oxwell 11 Northam Festival of Speed Gallery Terry Massara's Torana leads a gaggle of assorted sedans (Marg Duder photo) Craig Bradtke Van Diemen FF2000 with distant friends (Shane Cassidy photo) Jim Falconer's Torana and David Hansen's MGB GT V8 (Shane Cassidy photo) Ed Farrar giving the MG J2 a good workout (Shane Cassidy photo) Gary Crosswell's immaculate 1956 Holden FE, an unusual Group N car (Shane Cassidy photo) Tom Benson exercising the Badger Special Chevrolet (Shane Cassidy photo) Randall Beavis pushing hard in his Lotus Cortina (Shane Cassidy photo) Two columns of sports cars under 3500 cc line up to start (Shane Cassidy photo) 12 Northam Festival of Speed Gallery (cont) That Dad's Army bloke leads Sprite hardtop, Alpine and MGB (Marg Duder photo) Mark Duder lines up the under 3500 cc Sports Car field in his Alpine (Marg Duder photo) Marg's camera catches Mark ahead of the Dad's Army bloke's Midget (Marg Duder photo) Ron West's Dodge Special leads a variety of postwar racing cars (Graeme Howie photo) Melody Symes' MG TC leads Barry White's MG Special (David Pitcher photo) Mike Connell in his Elfin Mono leads the postwar racing cars (Graeme Howie photo) Paul Wilkins brings the Miller Ford out of retirement for Northam (Graeme Howie photo) Leonard Kidd's Porsche 911T holds off three Datsuns and a lone MGB (David Pitcher photo) 13 Continued Page 18 2015 Northam 2-day Festival of Speed SCBC WA Motorkhana Saturday 28 March 2015 No 10 331 273 18 12 5 7 3 99 62 31 41 20 15 121 47 9 14 58 19 109 11 16 17 111 217 Driver Brendan George Andrew Greg Geoff Curtin Peter Grant Greg Robert Allan Justin Adam Greg Tully Peter Sharie Dean Randle Haden Thomas Shannon Wade Tony Craig Tony Reid Eames Carrick O'Brien Jagoe SAE Mace Johnson Grist Mitchell Letcher Beesley Foss Oliver Jagoe Pelham Falconer Butters Beavis Sargent Benson Bell Robertson Roskell Bradtke Brett Vehicle Practice Westfield SEW SR20 38.412 Nissan Skyline GTR Coupe 38.758 Ford Escort 39.225 Westfield SeW 40.774 Birkin S3 Clubman 40.823 SAE Special DNR Locost Clubman 49.3 Holden Commodore Ute 47.082 Triumph GT6 MKII 40.02 Ford Laser TX3 42.509 Holden Commodore Ute DNR ICV Clubman 41.932 Ford Focus 43.08 Birkin S3 Clubman 42.811 Birkin S3 Clubman DNR Datsun 260Z 2+2 44.923 Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe 51.82 Nissan Micra DNR MKI Lotus Cortina 45.878 Ford Falcon Coupe 47.47 Chev Badger Special 49.14 Nissan Navara DNR Hyundai Getz DNR Ford Falcon XYGT DNR Lucalia P4 DNR Westfield DNR Ross Oxwell Chief Timekeeper P 5 5 5 Run 1 36.992 37.686 37.759 41.689 40.56 42.906 39.025 40.428 41.863 41.252 56.754 41.408 41.57 42.447 50.471 44.128 47.58 45.414 45.291 65.075 48.303 P 5 10 10 5 5 10 Run 2 49.144 38.283 DNR 38.364 DNR 40.091 39.532 39.685 40.304 40.512 41.185 40.726 41.808 42.294 49.222 43.349 45.25 47.353 46.126 48.237 47.703 P Penalties: 5secs/cone (to b 10secs garage fa DNR - Did Not Run 14 P 5 5 5 Run 3 37.149 39.073 40.092 38.538 38.644 39.425 40.905 39.553 41.415 41.738 42.076 41.866 44.002 42.808 42.425 45.33 43.937 56.668 47.806 46.911 P 5 5 5 5 Run 4 48.564 37.603 39.107 DNR 38.968 44.729 59.004 DNR 41.125 41.616 40.872 41.045 41.908 42.279 42.849 43.45 43.108 44.138 46.254 DNR P 5 5 15 10 Run 5 36.949 39.924 39.899 40.027 DNR 46.408 46.292 40.408 40.561 42.276 DNR 41.104 DNR 43.912 42.997 DNR 45.271 50.933 Consiste ncy (sum Cumul best 3 P Fastest Place Split ative runs) 36.949 1 0 111.09 37.603 2 0.654 0.654 116.6 37.759 3 0.156 0.81 5 38.364 4 0.605 1.415 117.563 38.538 5 0.174 1.589 119.125 38.644 6 0.106 1.695 117.703 39.025 7 0.381 2.076 117.982 5 39.685 8 0.66 2.736 121.018 40.304 9 0.619 3.355 126.72 40.408 10 0.104 3.459 122.045 40.561 11 0.153 3.612 123.362 40.726 12 0.165 3.777 123.006 41.045 13 0.319 4.096 129.719 41.104 14 0.059 4.155 125.306 42.279 15 1.175 5.33 144.309 42.425 16 0.146 5.476 128.623 42.997 17 0.572 6.048 133.577 43.108 18 0.111 6.159 134.398 5 44.138 19 1.03 7.189 135.555 46.254 20 2.116 9.305 142.297 46.911 21 0.657 9.962 142.917 be added to time) ault (to be added to time) 15 Place (Con siste ncy) 1 2 3 6 4 5 7 12 8 10 9 14 11 20 13 15 16 17 18 19 16 Holden Commodore Ute Holden VE Ute George EAMES John WEBB Craig BRADTKE Grant JOHNSON Allan LETCHER Mike WALLIS Martin FALCONER Douglas JACK Peter HALL Tony BRETT Andrew CARRICK Peter MACE Justin BEESLEY Michael KENNEDY Howard TREVENEN Randle BEAVIS 331 18 111 3 31 26 168 35 83 217 273 7 41 43 240 58 MKI Lotus Cortina Datsun 240Z Caterham Super 7 ICV Clubman Locost Clubman Ford Escort Westfield Datsun 260Z Chrysler Charger E55 Datsun 260Z 2+2 Datsun 260Z Van Diemen FF2000 Porsche 911 Sc Nissan Skyline GTR Coupe Fiat Abarth / Rotary Richard WARD 6 Vehicle Driver No 38.581 38.429 35.755 37.699 37.301 36.908 35.758 36.178 36.368 35.857 55.358 36.049 34.635 34.388 32.384 33.849 32.191 Practice 36.265 37.381 36.180 36.286 36.462 47.847 35.267 35.797 36.934 34.839 34.356 34.360 33.554 33.229 31.768 31.548 30.156 Run 1 DNR 36.227 35.712 36.018 35.729 35.275 35.462 35.637 37.438 35.094 33.481 33.714 33.123 32.731 32.231 31.650 30.215 Run 2 37.086 35.841 35.671 35.639 35.099 34.599 34.500 34.282 34.224 33.646 33.183 32.771 32.159 32.103 31.636 30.179 Run 3 36.265 36.227 35.712 35.671 35.639 35.099 34.599 34.500 34.282 34.224 33.481 33.183 32.771 32.159 31.768 31.548 30.156 Fastest 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Place VSCCWA Mt Ommanney Hillclimb – Saturday 28 March 2015 2015 Northam 2-day Festival of Speed 17 Keith De GRAAUW Simon NORTHEY Irad DICKERSON Peter PELHAM Laurie LAPSLEY Robert MITCHELL Mark JONES Matthew FALCONER Ian WOOKEY Michael BARNES Ken SCRIVENOR Thomas BENSON Graeme PAYNTER Dick TURPIN Ed FARRAR Daryl STEPHENS 11 44 17 47 662 62 38 223 8 133 122 109 4 14 33 114 Chief Timekeeper Lynn Oxwell Ivan OLSEN 171 MGTA Special MGJ2 Triumph Special Porsche 924 Chev Badger Special Mazda MX5 Daihatsu Sirion GTVI Hatch Austin Healey 3000 Datsun 120Y Truimph TR4 Ford Laser TX3 Jaguar 340 Datsun 260Z 2+2 Porsche Coupe 924T Falcon GT Westfield Alfa Romeo Giulia Super DNR DNR DNR DNR 53.197 51.027 46.838 48.161 42.786 41.820 43.393 38.898 39.855 38.889 37.397 38.376 38.551 51.841 50.628 47.310 43.994 41.599 41.330 40.877 39.986 40.252 37.880 38.144 37.725 37.545 49.328 48.086 43.413 41.437 40.905 39.449 39.009 38.803 39.510 37.895 37.165 36.997 51.841 49.328 46.626 43.413 41.437 40.905 39.449 39.009 38.803 37.880 37.618 37.165 36.997 DNR = Did Not Run DNR 50.381 46.626 44.732 42.084 42.401 40.725 39.040 39.446 38.728 37.618 37.356 39.141 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Northam Festival of Speed Gallery (cont) Kevin McMahon's MG Y Special leads Hugh Fryer's tall Austin Seven (Graeme Howie photo) Graham Aldous pressing on in his beautifully presented MG TC (Graeme Howie photo) ▲Barry White's MG Special with Geoff Herbert's MG TF1500 in hot pursuit. ►Barry White and Geoff Herbert with Craig Atkins' Morgan 4/4 and Hugh Fryer's Austin Seven (David Pitcher photos) Acknowledgement Graham Fairbrass (MGB) and Mark Duder ignore the 40 km/h limit (Alan Giltrap photo) Thank you to all those who supplied photographs of the Northam Flying 50. I have acknowledged the supplier of each photograph in the caption. There was some bias shown – David Pitcher concentrated on MGs and Marg Duder (Mark's wife) followed the Alpine – but there was a good variety of cars in the photographs and the shots were good quality, which makes my job easier. Bob Campbell 18 19 Longford Revival 2015 In March this year, the town of Longford in northern Tasmania hosted an event called the Longford Revival Festival to recreate the some of the atmosphere of the Longford races held there in the 1950s and 60s. In those days the roads around the town, about 30 km southwest of Launceston, were closed on the March long weekend to form a circuit 4.4 miles long. The circuit had some unique features such as two wooden bridges (one of which was curved), a level crossing, an ess-bend under a brick railway viaduct and the famous “flying mile” straight. The last race meeting was held in 1968 but now only sections of the circuit David driving borrowed Cobra remain: the two bridges have gone and a highway cuts diagonally across the old circuit layout from the start-finish straight. The circuit became famous for several reasons: its long straights gave it an average speed that was one of the highest of all road circuits, second only to the old Spa circuit in Belgium. And from 1964 to 1968 it hosted a round of the Tasman Series, an 8-race series in New Zealand and Australia contested by most of the Formula One teams during their off-season. I was lucky enough to attend Longford’s last race meeting: in 1968 I was a car-mad teenager and my best mate and I managed to hitch a lift for the 120 miles to the circuit from our homes in Hobart. We were blown away to find ourselves standing in the “paddock” with the Father and son – AC Ace and Cobra top racing teams; in those days it really was a paddock and there, right at our feet, were the brand-new Lotus 49s of Jim Clark and Graham Hill in Gold Leaf Team colours! At one point, one of the mechanics asked us to lift the front suspension so he could slide under a trolley jack on the bumpy grass surface, something that would not happen today. A little later on, Denny Hulme brushed past as we were admiring his Repco Brabham – we were in heaven! As well as the Tasman Series races for the open-wheelers, there was a round of the Australian Sports Car Championship, featuring Chris Amon driving a Ferrari 330 P4, and touring car races for Lotus Cortinas, Mustangs, Monaros, Jaguar Mk11s supported by early Holdens driven by the locals. I have distinct memories of the top cars whistling down the Flying Mile – in the rain the Formula One cars sent huge “rooster tails” of spray into the air and, in the sports car race, Amon’s Ferrari appeared to be travelling faster than sound as the V12’s marvellous exhaust note seemed to follow about 50 yards behind. While not reaching the speed of sound, Amon clocked a fastest time of 186 mph down the Flying Mile – that’s almost 300 km/h in today’s currency. And so to this year’s “revival”: obviously with parts of the circuit no longer in place and without the cream of Cobra in morning frost 20 international motor racing it was going to be hard to generate the same level of ecstasy for motor sport enthusiasts. However, the organisers set up a display-cum-pit area in the town’s Village Green where spectators could mingle amongst the cars and watch the action, either directly or via a large video screen. Queueing for the quarter mile sprints The event attracted around 90 cars, although only a quarter of them were of the era of the Longford races. Among the sports cars there was an AC Ace, an MG TF, a Porsche 356B, an E-Type and a Morgan. The touring cars featured an S-Series Valiant, a Jag Mk II, a Cortina GT, the obligatory Cooper S, an early Monaro and several early Holdens including 48/215, FJ, FE, FC and EH versions. Some of the cars were being driven by the original drivers, none of whom were as well-preserved as their cars. Among the cars that stood out were a Bentley 3-litre, owned and driven by the son of the original owner, a Morris Minor with a Coventry Climax FWA engine and a beautiful black Holden 48/215 in Appendix J trim. Unfortunately there were no open-wheelers of the era and I won’t bother to list the later model cars, except for a very nice Aston Martin DB4 Zagato replica. The action comprised three events: a run down a section of the Flying Mile (from a Touring cars of the Longford era standing start), a short sprint around some streets of the town (including the famous “pub corner” of the old circuit) and a standing quarter mile sprint down Tannery Straight. From a spectator’s point of view, the revival would have been a bit underwhelming: on the Saturday, the first event was seen by video screen in the Village Green and the second event (the street sprint) could be seen directly from a number of spectator points around the course. However, the sprint was an untimed “speed It didn't leave the Morris factory like this! demonstration” with one car at a time so the action was a bit limited – except for an over-powered Holden ute experiencing a “tank slapper” and cleaning up a paling fence and some bushes. The standing quarter held on the Sunday morning was not a spectator event. I was very fortunate to be able to borrow a car to run in the event. A good friend made available one of the cars from his extensive collection – an AC Cobra Mk IV built in 1985 by Autocraft in the UK with a mildly tuned Ford 302 Windsor V8. This was a very pleasant car to drive and felt like a bettermannered version of my Austin-Healey 100, with about twice the power. Were Holdens built as well as this? David Moir 21 Spikins Singer Bantam Some time ago Vintage Metal contributor Bill Buys interviewed Trevor Eastwood about his Spikins Singer Bantam. The story might be a litle old but it hasn't dated at all. The photograph shows the car in the UK driven by Neil Thorp (Bill thinks). SINGER, until its demise in 1971, was one of Britain’s most respected car makers. One of the technology leaders of the time, its products included some competent sports models. One of the most famous Singers now lives in Perth and is part of the impressive ESA Automobile Stable owned by Trevor Eastwood, of West Perth. “It’s the smallest car in the collection, but it has one of the most interesting histories,” Mr Eastwood says. The marque was named after cycle-maker George Singer, who produced the world’s first safety cycles in the 1880s. What’s a safety cycle? The successor of the penny farthing and the forerunner of the modern bicycle, with chain, sprocket driving rear wheel, equal sized wheels — and later, pneumatic tyres. Singer’s first successful car was the Ten, introduced in 1912. Later models had independent front suspensions, fluid-coupling transmissions and several other first-in-Britain achievements. The Eastwood Singer is not a standard model, but a racer that rose to fame throughout Britain in the mid-1930s. It was The Bantam, which started life as a 1935 Singer Nine and was transformed into a compact single-seater racer by the remarkable Bob Spikins. A silversmith by profession and owner of three London jewellery shops, Spikins was an avid motorsport enthusiast who excelled in motorcycle and car competition and did some sailing, too. He also set up the famous Laystall Engineering company and still found the time to build a series of racing specials. And run a Singer and Hudson sales outlet. The Bantam, the first of his specials, used a supercharged 972cc four-cylinder engine which drove the rear wheels through a close-ratio pre-selector gearbox. It had an ingenious underslung chassis, a short wheelbase and wide track, which made it ideal for hillclimbs, and an aluminium body. In 1936 The Bantam won the 1100cc class in numerous sprints — and it lapped the outer circuit at the famous Brooklands circuit at 114mph (182km/h). A report at the time said the car’s short wheelbase “rendered it a highly dangerous achievement” Fellow racer, friend and co-director of Laystall Engineering Basil de Mattos also drove The Bantam or the Hudson Special on occasion. He described the Singer as “a hectic little car at 7500rpm” and mentioned the driver had to be strapped in to stay in the seat over the bump at Brooklands. It had further development and the original two-bearing crankshaft engine, which Spikins said he habitually took to 7500rpm, was replaced with a three-bearing version. Capacity was increased to 1074cc and the successes continued. The Spikins Bantam disappeared for a while after WWII, then showed up at the Shelsey Walsh hillclimb in 1947. Then it was gone again until found by the UK Singer Owners Club in the late 1960s. It was offered for sale for 20,000 pounds sterling in England in 1986 and ended up in Australia in 1987, owned by Norman Webster, of Sydney. 22 Trevor Eastwood acquired it in late 1993 at a Sotheby’s auction in Sydney. The seller was Norman Webster, who, like Mr Eastwood, also has a fondness for Alvis cars. Bob Spikins built several more racers, among them the Laystall Cromard and a Hudson Special, which both excelled in competition. Spikins himself came to an unfortunate end. He died after crashing his Frazer Nash Le Mans at the Grand Prix des Frontieres at Chimay, Belgium, in 1951. He achieved a great deal in his 51 years, not the least being the creation of The Bantam, which still bears his name on the engine cover 70 years on. It is still used in competition too, occasionally running in historic events in WA with one of the racing Eastwoods at the controls. What’s it worth? “I have no idea of its current value,” Mr Eastwood said. The Singer is still in pristine condition, although it now has an ugly rollbar to meet safety needs. At the time, Fremantle Motor Museum CEO Graeme Cocks said he thought it would fetch around $100,000 on the international market. “But its history is priceless,” he said. Bill Buys Why is it so? We’re all probably familiar with insurance companies in that they want to know exactly what the risk is before they can calculate a premium, and any failure to disclose any relevant facts can make the policy null and void. CAMS arrange insurance cover for our events – that’s what we pay the Event Permit fee for. This form of group insurance enables CAMS to negotiate an adequate affordable insurance provided certain risk factors are controlled. This is done through the Track Licence, the National Competition Rules, the Supplementary Regulations and training of officials. In the case of our “round the houses” events on temporary circuits, further restrictions are required. The track must be constructed to approved specifications that put the risk (to spectators at least) within acceptable limits. Engineering calculations have been done to ensure the track design can withstand the likely energy within it. We all know that the factors of mass (weight) and velocity (speed) are the major contributors to that energy, so that in order to get a permit (insurance) for the events, the vehicles are limited to those complying with CAMS 5th Category, competing in Historic Re-enactment Regularity, where the speed is controlled. 5th Category regulations specifying how much a vehicle, including wheels and tyres, can be modified from original specification, together with our system of nominated lap times greater than a proportion of an assumed race time are designed to control those risks. CAMS Stewards have a role to ensure that all the conditions of the permit are met, and that your Club is actively controlling the risks so that the insurance, if required, will be effected. So there you have it – in order to have adequate insurance the cars have to be acceptable within the conditions of the permit, and the speeds need to be within the agreed limits. Some people wonder why we need to have closing dates five weeks in advance of our big events. These events are dependent on sponsors, so you need to have satisfied spectators to keep them happy, so we produce the souvenir programme to keep the public informed of what is happening on the track. Obviously this needs to be as accurate as possible, and the publisher requires the populated program of events two weeks prior, in order to ensure that it is available on the day. What this means is that the allocation of lap times, the organization of fields, the allocation of numbers, the acceptance advice to drivers, the scrutineering of entries, the making of neck tags all needs to be done by volunteers in the less than three weeks left available. If you haven’t volunteered, then don’t complain. 23 Ross Oxwell MERCHANDISE SALE! Many items - books, badges, shirts - all at special prices. Ladies polo shirts now available - ideal Mother's Day gift. Free DVD with every purchase!! Phone Mike or Jean – 08 9330 1279 or 0411 212 309 Email: [email protected] For Sale – Commodore V8 Mark 1 Capri Shell First car is a 1979 Commodore factory V8, Unfinished project , very straight with no rust or crash damage, spare 308 motor and M21 gearbox, asking price $3800. Can deliver up to 50km on tow truck. Second car is a 1970 Ford Capri, body shell with no motor or gearbox, also doors are missing. The body is in very rust free condition with no crash damage. This car can be fitted with a Ford V8 as they were factory fitted in South Africa. I am selling this car on behalf of freind, it is just sitting around and I have offered to try and sell it for him, asking price $12,500. Contact Rob Falconer ph 04 303 222 94 Email [email protected] John's Motor Trimmers John’s Motor Trimmers is Perth’s number one choice for professional motor vehicle and marine trimming and upholstery. We are the preferred trimmer for many of Perth’s major marine and automotive dealers – and for good reason. Our tradespeople are some of the best in the business, each with over 10 years’ experience. From minor seat repairs and re-trims to custom fit-outs and complete overhauls, you can rely on the team at John’s Motor Trimmers to complete your job to the very highest standards. Contact us for a no obligation quote today. Phone: (08) 9470 5531 7 Adrian Street, Welshpool WA 6106 FOR SALE – 1965 Mark 1 Cortina 4 door GT (genuine) CAMS logbooked group Nb race car. Has a few minor battle scars and interior could use a bit of TLC if used for street use. Also street registered so can be used for regularities, round the houses, hill climbs, speed event series, historic tarmac events like Targa West. Has been used as a historic rally car in a past life and still qualifies with a few minor mods. Has been put back to street use standard i.e. race seat, half roll cage and harness removed. But all still available. Exhaust now out the back rather than the side for racing. Has a locked 4.1:1 diff but also an unlocked diff available. Still has race engine fitted, approx. 145HP at rear wheels. Twin 40mm Weber carbs, Kent 254 Cam. 2000E gear box (close ratio 2nd gear). This engine has never been raced used for club events only and probably done 2 or 3 of these only plus a couple of hours road use. $16,000 ono Contact Adam Dunn 0407998718 24 25 MERCHANDISE SALE! Many items - books, badges, shirts - all at special prices. Ladies polo shirts now available - ideal Mother's Day gift. Free DVD with every purchase!! Phone Mike or Jean – 08 9330 1279 or 0411 212 309 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE – MK I Lotus Cortina 1964 CAMS Nb Logbook, full road license (TYPE 28), very good condition, only done one Albany since engine rebuild 2 years ago which included new valves and cams. Burton straight cut gears,Volvo 4 pot calipers, superlight wheels with extra set of light weight Hustlers. Serious seller after 23 years, $37,000 Contact Ian Fry on 08 9325 6748 or 0412 898 434 FOR SALE – Miller Ford Built 15 years ago by Robin Ferguson using specifications from the Ford Motor Museum in Detroit. New motor and panel & paint 4 years ago. 274 cubic inch motor, Speedway Motors rotating assembly, Scat crank, Scat H-Beam rods, Ross forged pistons, Isky Jr 400 camshaft, Isky valve springs, twin Holley 94 carbs, exhaust extractors, 3.55:1 diff with open tailshaft conversion to flat-head diff, Mallory electronic distributor, modern type (Speedway Motors) water pumps. Price reduced to — $15,000.00 ono Contact: Paul Wilkins – Mob: 0428 922 823 – Tel: 08 9387 5535 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE 1969 Triumph TR6 • Australian delivery with soft and hard top. • Original Fuel Injected Motor, Overdrive Gearbox and Diff. • New Fuel Pumps, Battery, and Michelin Tyres. • Overhauled Fuel System, New Brakes, Rebuilt Hydraulics. • Factory W'shop and Parts Manuals. Long licence, runs well. • Lady owner for past 40+ years. $23,000 ONO Phone: Dennis Cook 08 9402 3870 FOR SALE – 1980 MKII Escort – REDUCED! • • • • • • • • 2 litre Pinto with 2-barrel Dellorto carburettor and extractors Half roll cage, Velo Drivers seat and 6 point harness Toyo tyres on Performance super lite wheels VSCC log booked and road registered Race tuned suspension with Koni shock absorbers Diff converted to LSD via block and spring system Reconditioned gearbox Custom car cover, tow points, fire extinguisher Price: $9,999 ONO Contact David Hansen on 0431 855 506 for details To buy contact Jenny Cameron on 0408 414902 26 FOR SALE – TVR 3000M Winner of many Class awards in SES last 3 years. Restored from ground up for VSCC and SES events with no expense spared. Full race engine by Racetune, 3 x 40mm dual choke Weber carbs, forged pistons, Carillo rods, billet Kent Cam, Roller Rockers. Close ratio straight-cut gears and lsd. On Board “Fire-Eater” extinguisher system, full CAMS ROPS, new 5 point driver’s harness just fitted. Has CAMS Rally logbook; eligible for competition car road reg. Ideal for Regularity/Hillclimb/Speed Events etc. Laps Barbagallo long circuit in 67.7 driven by pensioner! Owner retiring from Speed Event Competition to keep circuit racing. Price $33,000 ono — MUST SELL! Contact John Hurney on 08 9341 2860 or 0414 280 433 Workshop Clear Out Mobile Industrial Evaporative Air Conditioner — Breezeair FM240, 18,500 m3/hour. As new condition. $1,750 4 lightweight 17” magnesium wheels, 2 x 9.5” and 2 x 9.0”, 4 stud 114.5mm PCD — $500 ESCORT Mk. 1 — 50 litre aluminium drop tank — $500 CONTACT: Brian Searles — 0438 160 435 or email [email protected] For Sale - Ford V8 Special Built for Ross Smith in 1947, driven by Vin Smith. Previous owners: Syd Barker, Jack Glendenning, Norm Buckingham, Ray Tilbrook. Comes with 90% of parts needed to complete car, including original body and engine. $10,000 – Call Jim Krajancich on 08 9274 3396 For Sale – 1971 Datsun 1600 Sedan Race Car CAMS Logbook. VSCC Logbook. Two race engines, 1800 and 1600. Race clutch and lightened flywheel. 4.6 diff. H/G sway bar and coil suspension. 6-point harness and roll cage. New racing tyres and mags. Laminated windscreen. Heaps of spares. A great little race car - $13,000.00. Plus one-car trailer with car - $2000.00. Contact Bruce Jones – Phone 08 9378 1768 For Sale – 3-owner 1958 MG ZB Magnette Fully road licensed and running. Interior: Excellent black leather seats with white piping. All interior woodwork restored to high finish. Needs headlining to be 100 point. Rewired with correct cotton braided harness. Converted to wire wheels and front disc brakes a la MGA in early ‘60s. Now sporting 72 spoke Aston Martin wheels with 205x15 radials. Total engine rebuild by Mike’s Garages. Engine bay painted at the time and wiring harness installed. Gearbox rebuilt by specialist (Carvel). Differential replaced (silent). New brake linings with new front disc rotors. Garaged from new. Genuine, 3-owner, low mileage, ZB, with fresh running gear and a great interior. It requires attention to suspension bushes and rust spots in A-pillars and door bottoms. Straight and undamaged. Receipts, workshop manual & service records. Offers in the region of $10,000. Contact: Mike Sherrell 08 93676769. 27 BOB CAMPBELL Wordsmith Need a newsletter or words for your blog or web site? Catch my blog at Tel: 08 9279 7555 — Mob: 0419 849 835 [email protected] Business Address 48 Irving Street Bayswater WA 6053 Phone (08) 9271 2177 28
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