
Winona Diocese Council of Catholic Women
Inside this Issue:
August 2016
From our President
Cindy Meling
Dear Sisters in Christ,
Isn’t it interesting all the news that is happening. I haven’t seen to many
positive news items, just negative ones. All the killing or injuring of people,
the DNC convention and more scandals coming out. We truly need to look
at both contenders and choose the most positive candidate and vote for
them. It is important that we vote and not to stay home and watch, then to
complain about what happened. Not a positive thing to do. It can be hard to
find positive things in our world, but we must look for them and make them
known to everyone. The Lord is always looking for the positive, so must we.
Try it for a day and see how it makes you feel.
Talking about positivity, the Winona Diocese CCW is having a workshop
Saturday, October 8th at St. John Vianney in Fairmont. We are having 6
speakers for the day that you will have to decide who you want to listen that
day. In the morning Sacred Heart Haiti Mission will answer any questions
that you may have. Scott Fischbach from MCCL will speak on abortion and
assisted suicide and Pat Reymann, NCCW parliamentarian will speak on the
pamphlet “Ask the Parliamentarian” and membership. All will speak at 10:00
In the afternoon we will start at 1 pm with 2 speakers. Denise Haaland,
past Province Director, speaking on the Leader in Me. Ann Full will speak on
God’s Plan for you. At 2 pm Fr. Paul Breza will speak on the Polish museum
and the Winona Diocese relics. There will be a flyer in the newsletter with all
the information about the day.
We have quite an assortment of speakers for you to hear and we hope
you will bring at least 3 other people with you so you can take in everything
that day. Bring your mission items, both trucks, Rochester Medical Mission
and Sacred Heart Haiti Mission, will be there at 8 am. They are expecting all
kinds of items from the CCWs across the Winona Diocese. Talk about being
positive CCW women.
Remember Martha and Mary’s story; Martha worrying about everything
and Mary worshipping the Lord, we all need to be like Mary in this world of
unrest. We all have choices to make and everyone should be concerned with
what would the Lord do or think about our choices. Mary made the right
choice by serving the Lord, will we all be positive like Mary or will we be like
Martha and be negative.
Province Director 2
Respect Life
Family/Community 6
Coming Events
Workshop Flyer
Items for Haiti
Mission Statement:
The WDCCW acts to
support, empower and
educate at Catholic
Women of the Diocese in
spirituality, leadership and
service. The Council
unites Catholic
organizations of women,
diocesan areas and parish
affiliates for the purpose
of producing activities,
providing service and
education, fostering
spirituality by responding
with Gospel values to the
needs of the Church and
society in the modern
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Bev McCarvel
Province Director
Another GREAT meeting in DC and no snow! We celebrated Sheila’s birthday while we
were there with cake and all. She said the cake was a real treat as her husband has
diabetes and she never has cake. Sheila is on the left and Mary Matheus, our national
treasurer is on the right.
Beth Ward from the office reported on membership. One member-One chance
generated 274 members with the winner going to a lady in Connecticut. We have 1700
members now and 85 of 195 Diocese are affiliated. So we have some work to do. The
#’s have increased from Jan 2016, but we must be diligent in continuing to keep
membership up. And as of the convention, we will be out of debt. But there too, that all
is contingent in keeping the numbers up and the dollars coming in. One idea was to put into all budgets to send
NCCW $100 each year. I did hear some say, “we use to do that!” Also affiliates can join the Birthday Club
($200/yr till 2020) or Legacy Circle $1000 /yr. for 10 years.
There will be a Power point, created by Marybeth Stewert, for us to use on membership, so when you go to a
meeting you can use it. This will be available at convention.
Be sure to use the brochure “Introduction to NCCW” when you are talking about CCW to ladies. GOOD
There will be a new look to the CATHOLIC WOMAN Magazine starting in September, and our new logo
will be revealed. If you go to convention, each bag will have the magazine in. AND there will be a new price
of $30.00 now for Priests, and all Bishops across the country receive the magazine. So make sure your priests
are getting the CATHOLIC WOMAN.
We are going to reach out to high schools and colleges.
Dues for high schools will be $50.00 and a student dues will be$5.00 - that includes the CATHOLIC WOMAN
magazine on line only and she will receive the CONNECT on line. It will be the same for colleges, the Newman
Center on campus would be $50.00 and the college student pays only $10.00 for her membership and receives
the on line magazine and CONNECT. This is very exciting news as we reach out to those gals that are the future
of NCCW.
Voting for National Treasurer took place between June 15 and July 15 and the results are…..
Rose Martinet.
Rose: 880 votes
Ann: 368 votes Thank you to Ann Cubillas for submitting
her credentials to run for Treasurer.
Our National Convention in 2017 will be in Dallas, Texas – September 6-9. It was announced that Minnesota
and Wisconsin had sent in to host the 2020 convention and no one for 2018 or 2019 yet. That was about all that
was said, so they are thinking on it. I’m sure as soon as they know, we will know if we got it or not. 
Thank you for allowing me to represent you here in the GREATEST Province of them all!!!!!
God bless all of you and keep on keeping on. I’m so blessed to know all of you 
Bev McCarvel
I have talked to some of you about this book I'm reading, RETURN - How to draw your child back to the church by
Brandon Vogt
Here is a link to his website. He spoke at last year’s Convention in Florida and WOW
I’m not very far into the book yet but it is very good! Here is a link to his site…..
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Teri’s Email: [email protected]
Home: 507.498.3250
Organization/Leadership --- our Board Meetings are really One large meeting for the bottom one third of the state!
These meetings are attended by presidents, vice-presidents, past presidents, and devoted Catholic Women who want to
empower themselves and bring the Good News back to their Area and local parishes. A big " Thank You" to all who took
off time from work and rearranged their schedules to listen and learn! We appreciate the Host parish who welcomed us
and treated us like are a wonderful parish St. Francis Xavier! As a Council of Catholic Women we are
always looking for ways to get the word out as to who we are and what we do. One way is to get everyone to subscribe
to the E-News and get the E-News on the parish or tri-parish web-sites! Thank you to all who are working on this and
don't forget to personally ask and advertise whenever you can....wear your WDCCW pins . God Bless, Teri Rosendahl
Universal: Sports
That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the
Evangelization: Living The Gospel
That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor.
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Spirituality Commission
Respect Life, Legislation & Anti-Pornography
Eleanore Jones
[email protected]
Please remember to work at your MCCL fair booth and Thank You if you did. If you would like to volunteer at this
summer’s MCCL State Fair booth, Aug. 25 - Sept. 5, contact MCCL’s State Office at [email protected] or by phone at 612835-6831.
Could Stem Cells be the Next Penicillin? Chances are you’ve heard the term “stem cells” at least once before. They’ve
been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are currently being used to treat chronic lung disease? For
many sufferers of diseases like COPD and pulmonary fibrosis, stem cell treatments have allowed crucial aspects of their
daily lives to be restored. Stem cells and penicillin both come from humble beginnings and accidental discovery. They
are both used to treat life threatening conditions and diseases, and just like penicillin, stem cell biologists have won
Nobel Prizes due to the practical uses of their discoveries. The stem cells used to treat diseases in the United States the same cells that warranted a 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine - are adult stem cells. This type of stem cell is instead
found throughout the body in blood and bone marrow. Stem cells are simply blank cells standing by to meet your
body’s needs. Today, a clinic called the Lung Institute is using adult stem cells harvested from the patient’s own blood or
bone marrow to provide similar promotive effects for people with lung diseases. Their website,,
states that they have treated over 2000 patients to date. If the number of people who have already been successfully
treated with stem cells is any indication of the future, then it will undoubtedly be heralded as one of the most groundbreaking medical technologies of its time. If you or a loved one suffers from COPD or another lung disease, the Lung
Institute may be able to help with a variety of stem cell treatment options. If you’re looking to take control of your
health, and wonder if you qualify, don’t wait. No fetal or embryonic stem cells are utilized in Lung Institute’s
procedures. All treatments performed at Lung Institute utilize autologous cells, meaning those derived from a patient’s
own body.
10 Reasons Why Assisted Suicide is Wong and Should Never be Made Legal:
1. Assisted suicide turns doctors into killers.
2. Assisted suicide endangers the weak and vulnerable.
3. Assisted suicide laws give societal approval to killing.
4. Just call it what it is: suicide.
5. Assisted suicide laws are unfair to the disabled.
6. Assisted suicide laws lead to euthanasia.
7. Assisted suicide laws put the poor at risk.
8. It pressures dying people to end their own lives.
9. 3.4 million nurses oppose assisted suicide.
10. Assisted suicide laws go against the Law of God.
How to Talk to Your Son about Pornography. Pornography is a powerful threat to our sons. It skews their view of sex,
love, women, and relationships. Obviously when we were younger access to graphic sexual images were not as easy to
come by as they are today. Things are so different now. Having the Internet on so many devices inside and outside the
house means the barbarians are perpetually at the gate. The best way to fight it is to prepare them for pornography _
expose the ugly reality of it and it’s many dangers. It may be difficult, but here are 3 points on how to talk to your son
about pornography. 1. A momentary thrill leading to dissatisfaction, emptiness and addiction. An explicit image is
stimulating and causes a scientifically proven chemical release in the brain. That is why we are drawn to it like the ring
in Lord of the Rings. However when the viewing is over, we are left empty, unsatisfied, and full of guilt.
2. Living in isolated fantasy versus connected reality. A full life is found in relationships and shared experiences. Porn is
about entering a fantasy world. We become isolated. In essence, our soul becomes intertwined with something that
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isn’t real. Porn doesn’t provide anything, it takes everything. Strong men of character are ones that are firmly founded
in reality and relationships. Live in the real world.
3. An example of diminished one dimensional sex. One of the biggest and most dangerous of all lies is that porn stars
know how to have the best sex. True intimacy and knowledge of one another comes in commitment. When women
know we rare committed, we create an environment where they feel safe to share their whole self with us. Porn turns
sex into mere physical acts. It is one dimensional sex and will always fall short of what it could be In fact, it even falls
short physically. Personalities and bodies respond differently. Sex for a committed couple that continues to grow closer
in love and knowledge of one another will continually get more passionate. It’s like becoming an expert at playing an
Pray for the Holy Father…and speak the truth with boldness! The situation in the Catholic Church has become critical. In
the opinion of Italy’s leading Catholic historian we are currently in a crisis even ‘worse’ than the Arian crisis! It is the
duty of all Catholics to proclaim the Church’s life-giving teachings on life, marriage and family courageously, prayerfully,
charitably, and without compromise! Perhaps we should not be surprised that we find ourselves in these confusing
times. Heaven did warn us that times like these were coming. “Even the elect, if it be possible, will be confused,” says
Our Lord in the Gospel of Matthew. In a letter by Fatima seer Sister Lucia to Cardinal Caffara, she revealed Our Lady’s
warning that “the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family.” We are
battling abortion, contraception, sane-sex “marriage”, transgender extremism, and attacks on religious freedom at
unprecedented and frightening levels. “It is the time of the laity,” Bishop Schneider told us, regarding the hour of crisis
in the Church. We need to speak up and to pray and fast like never before. The faithful bishops and clergy need us to
do so. Let us lovingly and respectfully plead with our spiritual leaders, including our Holy Father, to embrace the hard
teaching of Christ, despite their unpopularity. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said in his Easter Homily in 2012, the
Resurrection of Jesus assures us that: “Life is stronger than death. Good is stronger than evil. Life is stronger than hate.
Truth is stronger than lies.”
Vote in the Aug. 9 Primary Election. Be a pro-life citizen! Few people vote in primary elections, which means your vote
will have even more influence.
Four areas of ongoing concern are: First Planned Parenthood continues to increase its domination of the abortion
market. The group performed a record 5,048 abortions in MN last year, topping 50% of all abortions in the state for the
first time. Second, the percentage of
abortions funded by taxpayers hit a record high of
43.3% in 2015. State funding allows the
abortion industry to market “free” abortions to lowincome women, increasing abortion numbers
and revenue and compensating (in part) for the
lessening demand for abortion. The
incidence of abortion would be significantly lower if
taxpayer dollars were not available. Third,
chemical (drug-induced) abortions using RU486
reached an all-time high of 32% of total
abortions. These abortions are cost-efficient for the
abortion industry, but they pose greater
health risks to women than first-trimester surgical
abortions. Fourth, the number of abortions
at 20 weeks gestation or later increased to 184 in
2015: the number of dilation and evacuation
(D&E) abortions, which involve dismembering the
unborn child during the second trimester,
increased to 816. These concerns are areas that we
have tried in recent years to address with legislation, and we will continue to do so. Many lives have been saved
through the work of the pro-life movement but much, much more work remains to be done.
2016 Fall Tour Locations in Our Diocese are: Pipestone - Sept. 12, Austin - Sept. 18, Windom - Sept. 13, Winona Sept.19, Rochester - Sept. 20, Mankato - Oct. 12. All meetings begin at 7PM. Please attend one of these locations and
invite others to join you in becoming energized and mobilized to save lives. Come and be educated, inspired and
empowered to take a stand for life!
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Nancy Back
PO Box 482 Harmony, MN 55939
[email protected]
I feel the need to address an issue that has been discussed at previous meetings and in previous articles. Concern about
human trafficking has been brought up to me in my local community. I had been working at the local county fair at the
MCCL (Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life) Pro-Life and the Republican Party booths when asked for more
information about the subject. I had first spoken about it at the Republican County Convention when an amendment
was being discussed. It raised curiosity about the subject in people's minds. When they saw me again, they needed more
information. I told them that I would contact the sisters at Assisi Heights in Rochester to see about having them come to
speak locally.
This wonderful opportunity is coming into being because I got involved in the community. I chose to speak up when
there was a chance to help educate. I was available to work a couple of hours at fair booths and made a difference not
only on this subject, but also for a small group of young girls. As I was working at the MCCL booth, a few girls came up
and took a quiz regarding different life questions. One of them felt bad that she got so many wrong. I told her to instead
look at how much knowledge she has learned.
I share this not to boast, but to make you aware the difference that you can make in the lives of others by getting
involved and speaking out. These were simple things that many of you can already do. As I write this, my teenage
daughter and niece are working the MCCL booth. Look for these opportunities to impart your convictions to your
children, grandchildren, and anyone that you can.
I encourage you to come to CCW (Council of Catholic Women) meetings on the local parish, area, and diocesan levels.
These are wonderful opportunities to educate yourself and impart on others the wisdom that God is trying to share with
you. CCW can always use your help in our mission. Many don't realize that they are already a part of WDCCW (Winona
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women), no matter the title of your group: St Anne's, Catholic Daughters, Altar Society, and
many others. All of you are welcome here.
Please get involved. We look forward to meeting you!
Upcoming Events:
October 18, 2016
“Trafficked Boys: Bringing Male Victims of Sex Trafficking Out of the Shadows”
Presented by Jerome Elam, President and CEO Trafficking in America Task Force
Child Sex Trafficking Survivor, Child Advocate, Speaker, Marine Corps Veteran and Staff Writer and Columnist
for Communities Digital News
Join us for one of Jerome’s presentations on October 18:
Noon-1:30pm – Rochester Public Library – Lunch and Learn: Bring your own bag
lunch. No charge to attend.
7:00-8:30pm – Heintz Center Commons, RCTC Campus
Co-sponsored by: Rochester Public Library, RCTC Student Life, Mission 21 and
Rochester Franciscans as part of their Human Trafficking Awareness Education
November 7, 2016
“The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota”
Presented by Christine Stark, writer and women’s rights advocate, and co-author of
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“Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota.”
6:30-7:45pm – Rochester Public Library Auditorium – 1st Floor
Co-sponsored by: Greater Rochester Area Dakota Supporters (GRADS), Mission 21, Rochester Public Library
and Rochester Franciscans as part of their Human Trafficking Awareness Education Efforts
[email protected]
On May 25th of 1802, excavators in the ancient Catacombs of St. Pricilla in Rome uncovered a
well-preserved shelf tomb. This Tomb was sealed with terracotta slabs in the manner usually
reserved for nobility or great martyrs. Three tiles inscribed with the words
LUMENA/PAXTE/CUMFI marked the tomb. Correctly translated, the tiles read, “Peace be with
you, Philomena.” The tiles were also marked with the symbols of a lily, arrows, an anchor, and
a lance; which indicated virginity and martyrdom. Inside the tomb was the skeleton of a young
girl, 13 years in age, and a vile of her dried blood. Several miracles were immediately reported
due to her intercession. On August 10th of 1805, the relics of St. Philomena were transferred
to Mugnano, Italy and countless miracles continued – so much that this virgin martyr soon
earned the title, “Philomena, Powerful with God.” Pope Gregory XVI dubbed her the
“Wonder-Worker of the Nineteenth Century” and canonized Philomena in 1837 and her
memorial is August 11th. St. Philomena became the only person in the history of the Catholic
Church to be recognized as a Saint solely on the basis of her powerful intercession, since nothing was known of her at
the time except what was found at her tomb. She has become another patron of “hopeless” or “impossible” cases, like
St. Jude or St. Rita, but she is especially powerful in cases involving conversion of sinners, return to the Sacraments,
expectant mothers, destitute mothers, problems with children, unhappiness in the home, sterility, priests and their
work, help for the sick, the missions, real estate, money problems, food for the poor, and mental illness. Three separate
people who had no connection with one another, and who resided in different parts of Italy began receiving details of St.
Philomena’s life through private revelations. Mother Luisa di Gesu’s account (found at was the most well-known. She began receiving
personal locutions from St. Philomena in August of 1833. Saint Philomena taught Mother Luisa di Gesu the following
devotions at her own request:
~ Say 3 Glory Be in thanksgiving and praise for the extraordinary graces given to Philomena in the hours before her
martyrdom when God allowed her to be in a state of ecstasy during which she endured cruel torture and, after being
brought back to a full state of consciousness from the shouts of the crowd, finally beheaded.
~ Say the Creed 3 times: first, for the perseverance of the Just; second, for the conversion of sinners; and third, for the
return of heretics and infidels to the Faith.
The Chaplet of St. Philomena is a popular devotion and was highly advocated by St. John Vianney and Pope Leo XIII
among many others. A great resource for St. Philomena is and it is the website for the Shrine in
Italy. There is a beautiful shrine much closer to us in Briggsville, WI, where they are blessed to have a First Class Relic of
St. Philomena. There website is
“My children, St. Philomena has great power with God, and she has, moreover, a kind heart; let us pray to her with
confidence. Her virginity and generosity in embracing her heroic martyrdom have rendered her so agreeable to God that
He will never refuse her anything that she asks for.” ~St. John Vianney
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It is almost as if God held Saint Philomena in quiet reserve for almost 17 centuries just to be summoned to our aid now.
Let us turn to her with confidence for she is the very saint we need in today’s dark culture!
~August 5 2016 ~ First Friday’s
~August 6 2016 ~ First Saturday’s
~August 15 2016 ~ Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year as it falls on a
Monday. I do, however, encourage those who are able to attend to do so as an act of love and reparation. The Novena to Our Lady
of the Assumption begins August 7 and continues through August 15 and can be found at
I encourage you to continue to say Our Lady’s Holy Rosary daily… or begin this devotion if you haven’t already.
Remember to pray for our children and grandchildren as they begin a new school
year at the end of August!
_____COMING EVENTS_______
Caledonia Area meeting
Rushford, Minnesota
6:30 PM Thursday July 28th
Mass with Father Havel
Lunch to follow along with short meeting
Mat for Homeless demonstration.
2016 NCCW Convention
Catholic Women: Instruments of Mercy
September 7 - 10, 2016
Indianapolis, IN
Anyone is welcome to contribute articles to this
E-news. Cutoff date for articles is the 26th of each
month. Please send your submission to
[email protected]. Our President reviews all items
and reserves the right to decline them before they are
Fran Berreau
Communications Committee for the WDCCW
Women of all ages invited!
“Women of Mercy”
St. John Vianney
901 S Prairie Ave, Fairmont, MN
Fr. Paul Breza
Pat Reymann
"Ask the Parliamentarian"
Polish museum and the
Winona Diocese relics
Sacred Heart
Haiti Mission
Pat Reymann
Scott Fischbach 10:00
Scott Fischbach
Executive Director of MCCL
Ann Full
Denise Haaland
Fr. Paul Breza
Ann Full
Finding Hope: Trusting God’s
Plan for Our Family in Suffering
Trucks from Sacred Heart
Haiti Mission and
Rochester Medical Mission
will be available to be
loaded from 8:00 AM to
10:00 AM
Denise Haaland
Sacred Heart Haiti Mission
Past Province Director
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Women of all Ages Invited! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Cut and send this reservation and payment of $20 Registration fee – Checks payable to WDCCW
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
City & PARISH: ___________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: _____________________________________________________________
FRIST TIME ATTENDEE:____________________YEARS ATTENDED: _____
Reservations due by October 1, 2016 The Registration fee is $20.00 includes noon meal
Free Registration for Junior High and High School Students Students -$7.00- for the noon meal
Kitty Kerrins * P. O. Box 74 * Grand Meadow, MN 55936
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Items Needed for Haiti
Mens Clothing
Shoes in good condition
Riding toys
Long sleeve shirts
Short sleeve shirts
Dress shirts
Hats and caps
Neckties and belts
Blue jeans
Dress pants
Light weight suits
Socks and underwear
Baby and Kids Clothes
Most everything lightweight
Socks and shoes
If you’d like to sew a diaper,
baby seats
Baby blankets
baby wiipes
Stuffed toys,
Wheelchairs and crutches
Walkers and canes
Rubber gloves
Pill Bottles
School Supplies
No English books
Pen and pencils
Paper-notebook, colored paper
Any item needed for school
Floor toys for handicap
Trucks and cars
Most simple toys that are not
All hand tools
Shovel & pick axes
Sheets in all sizes
Comforters and blankets
Sponge pads
Pillows and cases in all sizes
Sleeping mats
Ladies Clothing
Most anything lightweight
(no polyester)
Wedding dresses
Jewelry, scarves, shoes, socks
No shorts
Shampoo & Conditioner
Soap & Lotion, deodorant
Baby powder & baby lotion
Christmas trees
Gift wrap and ribbon
Kleenex and paper towels
Tree decorations
Music stands
Nativity sets
Musical instruments
Chest of drawers, not too large
Tupperware or plastic containers for food storage w/ lids
Small tables and folding tables, no coffee tables
Chairs-Folding, small wooden and outdoor plastic
Dishes-plates, cups, bowls, forks and spoons
Twin bed and frame
Cast Iron pans, no Teflon pans
Craft and Sewing
Treadle and electric sewing machines
Fabric, Thread. Needles & pins
Embroidery floss
Lace and trim
Zippers and scissors
Altar Linens, Vestments
Anything used for Mass
Rosaries, Medals
Holy pictures in frames