Keeping you involved
Keeping you involved
Brenkley Lane Surface Mine Community Update We invite you to a public exhibition at: Dinnington Social Club Tuesday 23 April 2013 between 3pm and 7pm Keeping you involved There’s plenty of good news to update you on since our last newsletter. Please read on to see what we’ve been up to in your community and for an update on operations at Brenkley Lane. We will be submitting a planning application to Newcastle City Council and Northumberland County Council in May to extract some additional coal but this won’t require us to extend the lifetime of the mine and we’re still on track to have the site fully restored by the end of 2021. We are having a public exhibition in Dinnington Social Club on Tuesday 23 April to give you a chance to come and look at the plans and ask us any questions you may have. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to join us for a cuppa and a chat and we look forward to receiving your feedback. Get involved: see back page for our contact details Banks in your community Supporting your local facilities Here is a list of the grants made in your area by the Brenkley Lane Community Fund so far. If you are a member of a local group who would like to apply for funding then please contact us using the details on the back page. Grant awarded to... Dinnington Village Social Welfare Centre – Refurbishment of the Hall £22,500 Horton, Havannah & Brenkley Tenants & Residents Association – For park at Dinnington Recreation Ground £30,000 Stannington Village Hall – Resurfacing of the Car Park £10,000 Stannington Village Show Group – “Best in Show Trophy” Stannington Village Hall – New hall and stage curtains Hazlerigg Action Group – A new play area Blagdon Estate Cricket Club Stannington First School – Christmas pantomime TOTAL AWARDED TO DATE The Lady of the North gets a red nose for Comic Relief On 15th March, a team of students battled snow and strong winds at the top of Northumberlandia to give her a red nose for Comic Relief. 02 They were supported by volunteers from The Land Trust, the charity that has taken over the long-term management of the 100ft sculpture. The Lady of the North’s 9.7m-wide nose is about as big as three double-decker buses and about three times the width of the Statue of Liberty’s face! The £3 million cost of building Northumberlandia was entirely funded by the Banks Group and Blagdon Estate and we are delighted to see how many local people have been making use of this fantastic new attraction for Northumberland. A £142,000 new visitor centre will be built in the next few months which we are funding through our Banks Community Fund. Value £110 £7,500 £30,000 £2,000 £286 £102,396 New apprentices We are very excited to have appointed three apprentice mechanics and one apprentice welder who will be working at our Shotton and Brenkley Lane surface mines. Banks and Northumberland College have spent two years developing these bespoke apprenticeships which include a comprehensive two-year training programme at the college as well as on-site work. We are also making a range of equipment on site available for the college, including engines, hydraulic systems and excavator buckets. As a major employer in south east Northumberland, we feel that we have a responsibility to provide training and development opportunities for local young people who want to make their way in the world, and to help them gain skills that will not only serve them well whilst they’re working with us, but throughout their working lives. 03 Update on site operations We have been looking at additional operations on the Brenkley site in order to sustain the fifty jobs on site and continue our support for local suppliers. Current approved scheme Site compound area Extent of approved coal extraction Site boundary Late last year we began looking at the area to the south of Brenkley Lane, but further investigations showed that some of the coal seams had been mined in the past which effectively means that the site is currently economically unviable. This was a big disappointment for the company but we are pleased to have identified a smaller extension that will yield over 400,000 additional tonnes of coal and can be worked within the currently approved timescales. The plans opposite show how the site would be modified to access the additional coal. Amended proposed scheme Site compound area Brenkley Additional - Key Facts Timeline •Over 400,000 tonnes of additional coal April 2010 Planning permission granted •Increase in site boundary of 3 hectares (approximately the size of 6 football pitches) 2012 Brenkley South area investigated Early 2013 Brenkley South area dropped Spring 2013 Consultation on Brenkley Additional May 2013 Submission of planning application 2020 End of coal extraction 2021 Completion of restoration •No extension in timescales •Restoration completed by end of 2021 •Submission of planning application in May 2013 •Application will be assessed by Newcastle City Council and Northumberland County Council 04 Proposed additional coal extraction area Amended screening Amended site boundary 05 Brenkley Additional What we’re about Key Benefits 400k Over 400,000 tonnes of north east coal Over £16million staying in the UK rather than being spent on imported coal Over £40,000 of additional revenue for the Brenkley Lane Community Fund 50 jobs supported Plant Overburden/haul road Coal processing Dust suppression Coaling Maintenance erburden extraction 10x Heavy 1x Grader / 2x Dozers 3x Loading shovels 2x Water bowser operators 4x Excavators 1x Engineer Prime movers Overburden/haul Overburden/haul road Coalroad processing Dustprocessing suppression Dust suppression Coaling Coaling MaintenanceMaintenance Maintenance Overburden extraction Overburden extraction Site Site supervisors Site supervisors Overburden/haul Overburden/haul road road Coal processing Coal Coal processing Dust Dust suppression suppression Maintenance Overburden Overburden extraction extraction Site supervisors supervisors plant fitters 6x Dump truck drivers 1x Cleaners x Dump truck drivers Plant Coaling Coaling Plant 10x Heavy 10x Heavy 1x Grader / 2x Dozers 1x Grader / 2x Dozers 3x Loading shovels 3x Loading 2x Water shovels bowser 2xoperators Water bowser operators 4x Excavators 4x Excavators 1x Engineer 1x Engineer 3x Prime movers3x Prime movers 1x Site manager1x Site manager 1x 1xGrader Grader/ /2x 2xDozers Dozers 3x 3xLoading Loadingshovels shovels 2x 2xWater Waterbowser bowseroperators operators 4x 4xExcavators Excavators 1x 1xEngineer Engineer 3x 3xPrime Primemovers movers 1x 1xSite Sitemanager manager plant fitters plant fitters 6x Dump truck drivers 6x Dump truck drivers Cleaners 1x Cleaners 14x Dump truck14x drivers Dump truck1xdrivers 2x Supervisors 2x Supervisors 2x 2xSupervisors Supervisors 14x 14xDump Dumptruck truckdrivers drivers Site supervisors 1x Site manager 2x Supervisors Overburden extraction 3x Prime movers 14x Dump truck drivers £5million a year input into the local economy maintained 06 6x 6xDump Dumptruck truckdrivers drivers 1x 1xCleaners Cleaners Maintenance 1x Engineer 1x Cleaners Overburden/haul road 1x Grader / 2x Dozers Environmental improvements and new wildlife habitats Coal processing 3x Loading shovels Dust suppression 2x Water bowser operators 100% coal transported by rail from Port of Blyth Coaling 4x Excavators 6x Dump truck drivers Plant Plant 10x 10xHeavy Heavy plant plantfitters fitters Plant 10x Heavy plant fitters Over £200K in business rates each year Banks Mining is part of the Banks Group. At Banks Mining we design, develop and operate surface mines (many of which have been in the north east) providing coal to help meet our society’s demand for energy in a responsible and considerate way. Development with care is at the heart of our way of working, and it’s proven in every one of our projects by actions, more so than words. Respect and consideration for your environment, your community and our customers, employees and suppliers are at the centre of everything we do. Your new contact Barry Grimes Development Relations Coordinator Barry is your new contact in the community as Emily Hunter is on maternity leave. Barry has already been working for Banks with communities in Durham and Cumbria for the past two years. He is excited about getting to know your community and helping you reap the benefits from our investment in your area. You can come and meet Barry at our public exhibition. If you can’t make it to the exhibition but would like to ask any questions and share your views, you can write to or email Barry at the address on the back cover of this newsletter. We’d love to hear from you. 07 Come and get involved We look forward to meeting you at our exhibition and hearing your views and suggestions on our proposals. If you can’t make it to our exhibition, or you’d like to get in touch then please write or email: WRITE: Barry Grimes Development Relations Coordinator Banks Mining, Inkerman House, St John’s Road, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8XL EMAIL:[email protected] CALL: 0191 378 6100 CLICK: HJB/BA675/188. Published April 2013. Printed on paper from sustainable sources. © The Banks Group Ltd 2013. All rights reserved. This publication includes mapping data licenced from Ordnance Survey ®. © Crown copyright 2013. Licence number: AL100017630
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Keeping you involved
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We look forward to meeting you at our
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