Beverly Of PDF - No Nonsense Magazine


Beverly Of PDF - No Nonsense Magazine
"How To"
Figure Primer
"Hello Bikini"
Get Back in Shape Now
Bigger Arms
Here's How!
Muscle Size
Classic articles from Beverly International's NoNonsense Magazine
Best of the Best (Part One)
We hope you enjoy the classic articles in this special “Best of the Best” edition of
No Nonsense magazine. These golden oldies, handpicked from our 2008-2010
archives, are as relevant today as when originally published. Our goal in reprinting the “Best of the Best” is to give you a collection of valuable ideas to use and
inspire you on your fitness journey.
For an extensive list of No Nonsense “back issues” visit
and click the “Articles” tab at top. Past articles are also available at:
4 Natural Muscle Size Stack For Men
With special provisions for collegiate athletes, hard gainers,
and mature muscle (35 & up).
8 Todd Jackson
An old school body in a new age of bodybuilding.
13 Brian Wiefering
The Natural Competitor
39 year old lifter wants to get back in shape – here’s how!
18 Roger Riedinger
My Quest for Bigger Arms
This article is for anyone who wants to increase his arm size, but
especially for those whose arms measure in the 15-17 inch range.
2 Beverly International
22 Mature Muscle Stack
For Men 40 and Older
Use this stack and get your physique back.
24 Entry Level Express
This No-Nonsense Action Plan will get your workout program
back on track!
28 Practical Eating For Lean Muscle
Photo by Marty Conley
Choosing the right foods at the grocery store makes all the
35 Sandy Riedinger Bodybuilding World
All that’s going on in the bodybuilding world of Beverly International.
Photo by Hubbs Sport Photography
37 Julie Lohre Hello Bikini!
Julie shows you how to achieve your dream bikini shape.
41 Sunshine “Spring” Moose
NPC Bikini Champion – here’s how I did it.
44 Autumn Edwards
How I won my first figure competition – a complete program
48 Linda Reho
Lessons for the figure competitor – a complete “How To” primer.
54 Tracy Beckham
My IFBB pro card, here’s how I did it!
58 Leslie Draper
Three 1st place wins in one season! How did I do it?
62 Shape Up Stack for Women
Slim down and tighten up!
On the cover: Dana Taggart and Julie Lohre, photo by Rick Lohre
Photos by: Rick Lohre, Marty Conley, Hubbs Sport Photography,
Ralph DeHaan, MuscleHead Graphics, Rogers, Gene X Hwang
and William Uz
Questions or comments about this issue?
Email: [email protected]
SizE Stack
for Men
With Special Provisions for
Collegiate Athletes, Hard Gainers,
and Mature Muscle (35 & Up).
No matter what your age or training background,
if adding quality beef to your bones is important
to you, then get on this stack. It is easy to follow,
produces motivating results within a few days, and
will enhance your overall health and well-being as it
increases muscle size.
Your results are GUARANTEED by our No-Nonsense, no risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Foundation Supplements
to Add Muscle Size
Ultimate Muscle
Protein (UMP)
(Required for: All Men)
• Product Type: Ultra-Premium 80:20 Casein:Whey
Protein Supplement
• Size: 2 lb
• Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Creme, Strawberry, Rocky Road
To increase muscle size as quickly as possible the natural
way, you’ve got to consume high-quality protein throughout the day. By definition, high-quality protein is (a) easy to
digest and (b) supplies every amino acid required to support muscle growth. Add (c) “YUM!” delicious, and you are
describing UMP protein powder.
UMP’s unique blend of ultra-premium proteins provides a
sustained release of amino acids and promotes both muscle anabolism (building) and anti-catabolism (preservation).
UlTRA 40
(Required for: All Men)
• Product Type: 100% Argentine Beef Liver with
Blood & Muscle Building Support Factors
• Size: 500 tablets
Bodybuilders of all ages use Ultra 40 to amp up the
muscle-building power of their workouts. These superconcentrated liver tablets are rich in B vitamins, heme
(Required for: All Men)
• Product Type: Advanced Amino Acid Nitrogen Technology with Peptide-Bonded Amino Acids (PBAAs)
• Size: 500 tablets
With a verified buyer rating of 9.8 out of 10 on, Mass Amino Acids is no ordinary amino acid
tablet formula. It is distinguished by high levels of peptidebonded amino acids (PBAAs), which studies suggest have
up to double the anabolic potency of regular food. This
Secrets to Success
• As a rule of thumb, take about 1 scoop of UMP for
every 50 pounds of body weight. Example: Let’s say
your body weight is 190 pounds. Divide 190 by 50
and you get 3.8. Round this up to 4 scoops of UMP
• The best times to take UMP are mid-morning, midafternoon and before bed. At least 1 scoop should
be taken immediately after working out. (Most men
seeking to increase muscle size take 2 scoops of
UMP post-workout.)
• The most popular ways to enjoy UMP are as a protein
shake, pudding, or pancake. Try our delicious, guiltfree recipes at
• Travel Tip: Carry 1-2 scoops of UMP inside your
shaker bottle or zip lock bag. Now you have no
excuses to let your muscles go hungry!
iron (the most absorbable kind), and other nutrients that
promote “Alpha-Male” muscle stamina, pumps, recovery,
and growth.
Secrets to Success
• Take 1 tablet per 10 pounds of body weight, per day.
Take 3 or more tablets with each meal or shake, or
just spread your daily allotment of tablets out across
the day.
may explain why so many men count on it to help them
increase and preserve muscle size, especially during periods of hard training or when rehabbing an injury.
Secrets to Success
• Take 1 tablet per 10 pounds of body weight, per day.
Take 3 or more tablets with each meal or shake, or
just spread your daily allotment of tablets out across
the day.
• Combine Mass Amino Acids with Ultra 40. Users who
do so report gaining upwards of 6 pounds of muscle
mass in only 6-8 weeks.
Need more help? Our team of Beverly Advisors will be happy to assist you!
Go to, email [email protected] or call us at 800-781-3475.
Collegiate Athletes
and Hardgainers
Mass Maker Ultra
(Recommended for: Collegiate Athletes;
Required for: Hard Gainers)
NOTE: Depending on your budget, collegiate athletes and
hard gainers may omit UMP and use Mass Maker Ultra instead.
• Product Type: High-Potency Lean Weight Gainer with
Multi-Stage Proteins & Carbohydrates
• Size: 5 lb
• Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla
Creatine Select
(Recommended for: Collegiate Athletes
and Hard Gainers)
• Product type: Creatine + Beta-Alanine + Phosphates
for Muscle Strength, Stamina & Size
• Size: 480 g
• Flavor: Orange
Creatine Select is a hard gainer’s dream. As one user reported, “it produces results almost immediately. It’s pretty
Other creatine products may cause bloating, puffiness, or
Multiple Enzyme
(Recommended for: Hard Gainers)
• Product Type: 6-Phase Digestion Support Blend
• Size: 100 tablets
Hard gainers often don’t eat enough food to support maximum muscle growth. Of course, eating is one thing. Absorbing the nutrients in the food you eat is something else. This
is where Multiple Enzyme Complex can be a huge help.
As one hard gainer who gained over 20 pounds of lean
muscle related to us, “I cannot stress enough the value of
Beverly’s most economical supplement, the Multiple Enzyme Complex. In my experience, ectomorphs like myself
Mass Maker Ultra is ideal for collegiate athletes and hard
gainers who have trouble gaining and maintaining lean
body weight, and would like a convenient, concentrated,
and delicious source of calories to help them do it.
Mass Maker Ultra’s powerful 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates to
proteins -including 11 varieties of carbohydrate and 4 varieties of protein- makes recovering from a grueling game,
workout, or practice a lot easier.
Secrets to Success
• Take 1 or more servings daily. Follow preparation
instructions on product label.
gastric distress. In contrast, Creatine Select is easy on the
stomach and produces impressive increases in muscle
size, strength, and stamina without bloating or puffiness.
Secrets to Success
• For faster results, follow the loading protocol described on the product label.
• Take each serving with a meal, preferably containing
some carbohydrate. This will promote greater uptake
of creatine by your muscle cells.
• Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day
while using Creatine Select.
often do not secrete sufficient gastric enzymes to allow
for the digestion of large quantities of food. This may be
why their stomachs tell their brains that they are not hungry. Taking just a couple of these before a big meal makes
the difference between being uncomfortably bloated for
hours or feeling normal. Remember, it isn’t what you eat,
it’s what you absorb that matters. Multiple Enzymes are an
absolute must on a weight gaining diet.”
(NOTE: This particular user took 2-3 Multiple Enzyme
Complex tablets before each meal.)
Secrets to Success
• Take 1 or more tablets with each meal.
Your results are GUARANTEED by our No-Nonsense, no risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Mature Muscle (35 & Up)
Where did your physique go?
(Recommended for: Men 35 Years of Age & Up)
If you’re 35 years of age or older, you’ve probably
found that it has become much more difficult to add
size and strength. There’s a good chance this has
something to do with two age-related conditions
known as SARCOPENIA and ANDROPAUSE. Luckily, Beverly International has formulated two powerful
supplements to combat these destructive conditions.
• Product Type: Ultra-Premium Carnitine Blend for
Anti-Aging, Testosterone & Physique Enhancement
• Size: 120 tablets
Facts about Sarcopenia
Secrets to Success
• Sarcopenia is also known as Age Related
Muscle Loss.
• Studies reveal the average man can lose up to
8% of his muscle mass per decade after age
40. Strength may drop even faster.
• Contributing factors: Anabolic resistance, low
testosterone (andropause).
• Combat age related muscle loss with UMP and
Muscle Synergy.
Facts about Andropause
• Andropause is also known as age-associated
testosterone decline.
• Symptoms of andropause can include deteriorations in energy, mood, libido, erectile performance, stamina, muscle mass and strength.
• Combat Andropause with QUADRACARN.
Testosterone exerts its physiological effects
in the body by binding to androgen receptors.
Quadracarn contains 4 types of carnitine. One
of these has been found to increase androgen
receptor levels in muscle tissue. With more
androgen receptors present, your testosterone
signaling strength is improved.
• QUADRACARN also supports fat-burning
metabolism, circulation, and sexual performance,
among other benefits.
This top-selling multi-carnitine formula will help you optimize your performance from head to toe. Quadracarn
promotes healthy testosterone, circulation, recovery,
fat loss, and cognitive performance, provides anti-aging
benefits, and more.
• For maximum results, men typically take 9 tablets
daily (3 at each meal).
• Carnitine accumulates in your body slowly. Therefore, depending on your dosage, it may take a few
weeks for you to notice benefits. Just be patient
and don’t miss a dose.
Muscle Synergy
(Recommended for: Men 35 Years of Age & Up)
• Product Type: Muscle Pump, Size & Strength
Maximizing Tablet/Drink Mix
• Size: 240 tablets or 403 g powder
• Flavor: Lemon (powder)
Muscle Synergy provides a whirlwind of muscle-building and –preserving benefits for men 35 years of age
and up. It also supports healthy nitric oxide (NO) levels,
vasodilation and blood flow. It is available in a tablet
or powder.
Secrets to Success
• Powder: Take 1 scoop in morning and 1 or more
scoops before workouts. Men weighing over 200
pounds should take 3 full scoops daily.
• Tablets: Take 8 tablets in morning and 8 or more
tablets before workouts. Men weighing more than
200 pounds should take 24 tablets daily.
Questions about which Beverly Products are best for you?
Ask your retailer or email [email protected]
An Old School Body
Of Bodybuilding
By: Todd Jackson
Editor’s note: This article highlights the precontest process as well
as any that we have ever published. If you find yourself in the same
boat as Todd just follow the nutrition and supplement plans that
he lays out phase by phase.
There were a lot of reasons that reentering the bodybuilding world
after a ten-year hiatus was a little scary for me. Bodybuilding competitions now had triple the competitors since I’d last stepped on
stage. I was a decade older (and maybe not that much wiser) and
my body sure didn’t recover from a beating in the gym like it did
when I was younger. I’d had reconstructive surgery on my shoulder just a little over a year ago. Then as soon as it was good to go
my training partner, Dr. Matt Haumesser, talked me into powerlifting. Our training and successful foray into the crazy world of
powerlifting was in an earlier No Nonsense Newsletter (V9, N2)
and on the web at
matrix.html . So competitive bodybuilding had definitely taken a
back seat in my life, and I was afraid that it may have been left
totally behind.
I’d been a long time Beverly user and worked with Roger and
Sandy Riedinger on a number of projects – bodybuilding, getting
back in shape after letting myself go, powerlifting, I even emcee
their fabulous Northern Kentucky show each year, and now here I
was – back at bodybuilding again.
My current problem – “I was fat and I knew it.” I also knew that
if I wanted to keep any of the muscle mass I developed from my
heavy powerlifting I was going to need to start my diet early. I was
12.7% bodyfat at 220 pounds – not a pretty sight. Twelve percent
may not sound that bad but it translated to nearly 28 pounds of
fat - almost all around my waist.
At first I was worried. I knew I had a lot of work to do. Sure, I’d
done well ten years ago, but that was then and this is now. I knew
I needed to be bigger and harder than ever before to compete with
some of the great bodies on stage in today’s shows. I was going
at this with no training partners and a body that had not been
through a contest prep diet in ten years.
8 Beverly International
On top of that my plans were to compete in both tested, and
non tested shows – including an NPC national qualifier. I knew
that I’d have to make a total commitment – time, training, and
diet – to have a shot at winning just one more time in drug free
bodybuilding. The following is a detailed account of my 24-week
long contest prep.
Roger asked that I write this in detail so you can have a template
to follow if you want to try my diet and training program.
No Nonsense Nutrition
24 Weeks Out – 16 Weeks Out
Phase 2 Nutrition
16 weeks out – 12 weeks out
I started my diet much earlier than I had in the past - 24 weeks out
- in hopes that I might be able to eat a few more calories than I had
during my previous bodybuilding forays. I’d learned through my association with Beverly International and the NNN that it is better to
start your precontest diet early, and with as many calories as I could
and still lose a pound or so per week. If you start too low calorically, there is no where left to cut when you reach that inevitable fat
loss plateau. I held off on cardio for the same reason, and even had
one cheat day every week. Yes, I said cheat day – not cheat meal. I
ate whatever I wanted one full day a week! I wasn’t sure about the
cheat day, but checked with Beverly International and was assured
that since “it was on my diet” I should go ahead and do it (it didn’t
take a lot of arm twisting, that’s for sure) but I really didn’t go too
overboard. It worked. Over the next two months I lost three and
one half percent bodyfat.
As my fat loss slowed, I changed my diet just enough to
speed fat loss again. The following diet took me from 9% to
just about 7% bodyfat and my bodyweight to 208 pounds
over the next 4 weeks. The cheat day I had grown to love
was now taken down from one day per week to one meal
per week. I also added 20 minutes of cardio, three days per
Here’s that first eight-week nutrition and supplement program. I
went from 12.7% to just about 9%, while increasing strength and
muscle mass. I’d advise anyone who wants to lose some fat, while at
the same time build muscle to give this nutrition plan a try. Remember, I followed this plan six days a week and on the seventh ate pretty
much like a normal person would on a typical Sunday.
Meal #1: 2 whole eggs, 4 whites, 6 oz lean beef, 1 grapefruit, 1 cup
Meal #2: 2 scoops Muscle Provider, 2 oz heavy cream, 10-16 oz
(I love Chocolate Muscle Provider and mixed in cream – oh my
gosh - what a treat!)
Meal #3: 10 oz chicken breast, 1 medium sweet potato
Meal #1:1 whole egg, 5 whites, 8 oz turkey breast, 1/2 cup
Meal #2:3 scoops Muscle Provider, water (I hated to see that
cream go)
Meal #3:10 oz chicken breast, 7 oz sweet potato
Meal #4:3 scoops Muscle Provider, water
Meal #5:10 oz 93% lean beef, 2 cups vegetables
My supplement program increased as my calories decreased.
6 Ultra 40 per meal
4 Mass per meal
3 ZMA at bed
Muscle Synergy
16 A.M. and 16 P.M.
10 Muscle Mass during
2 scoops Glutamine Select
during training
1 Super Pak per day
500 calories per week
Meal #4: Same as meal two
Meal #5: 10 oz sirloin steak, 2 cups vegetables, 1 cup apple sauce
6 Ultra 40 per meal
24 Mass during training
4 Mass per meal
1 Super Pak per day.
3 ZMA at bed
I’ve been using Mass and Ultra 40 for ten years and would never
think of bodybuilding or powerlifting without them. Taking extra
Mass aminos during training was really helpful. You’ll see that I do a
bit more volume in my training than many natural bodybuilders and
I think that Mass aminos created a positive nitrogen balance for me
(this is similar to the mechanism through which steroids work – but
to a much lesser degree.)
Phase 3 – 12 weeks out
Phase 4 – 8 weeks out
I had my last cheat meal and was now ready for the final run
at my goal bodyfat of somewhere in the mid four percent
range. That would be a whole percent lower than I had ever
been. I’d already lost fourteen pounds of fat (and had actually added a couple of pounds of lean muscle). I was ready to
see if this old school body at 38 years of age could get leaner
than I’d ever been. The following diet would take me down
the next four weeks.
At eight weeks out it was time for another change to keep moving
toward my goal. It was also time to up cardio just a little. This
diet is a favorite of Team Beverly bodybuilders in their last weeks
before contests.
Meal #1: 5 oz turkey breast, 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal
Meal #2: 3 scoops Muscle Provider, 16 oz water
Meal #3: 10 oz chicken breast, 6 oz sweet potato
Meal #4: Same as meal two
Meal #1: 8 oz 93% lean beef, 3 egg whites, 1 yolk, 1 grapefruit
Meal #2: 3 scoops Muscle Provider, 3 tbsp heavy cream (yes! I
added the cream back in for metabolic support as I eliminated
the starchy carbs)
Meal #3: 8 oz chicken breast, 4 cups salad, 2 tbsp cider vinegar,
1 tbsp sunflower oil
Meal #4: Same as meal 2
Meal #5: 10 oz 93% lean beef, 2 cups vegetables
Meal #5: 10 oz 93% lean beef, 2 cups vegetables
Meal #6: only on Saturday and Sunday) 6 oz turkey breast,
6 egg whites, 1 cup vegetables
With this diet, because I was definitely dropping below maintenance calories, I added Lean Out and Muscularity to help
transport stored fat, stabilize blood sugar, and retain as much
muscle as I could.
1 Super Pak
Every Monday and Thursday as a sixth meal: 1.5 cups of oatmeal, 10 oz sweet potato, 6 oz banana
As I was now on a full fledged low carb - calorie restricted diet,
it was time to include 7-Keto MuscLEAN to maintain my metabolism (as dieting gets stricter your metabolism tends to slow
down – 7 Keto keeps this from happening). Density (the 8 essential amino acids) is another important precontest supplement, it
improves your nutritional density without increasing calories. I
also increased branch chain aminos and added Muscle Synergy
back in along with Creatine Select to preserve my strength and
lean muscle mass.
4 Ultra 40 per meal
4 Mass per meal
3 Muscularity per meal
1 Super Pak
2 Lean Out per meal
4 Density per meal
2 scoops Glutamine Select
4 Ultra 40 per meal
10 Muscle Mass during training
2 Lean Out per meal
3 ZMA at bed
3 Muscularity per meal
1 EFA Gold per meal
Creatine Select - 2 scoops pre training
4 scoops Glutamine Select during training
10 Muscle Mass during training
Still 500 calories per week
Muscle Synergy 16 in A.M. and 16 in P.M.
7 Keto MuscLEAN 2 in A.M. and 1 in P.M.
750 calories per week (added another day)
10 Beverly International
Phase 5 – Final 4 weeks
Here’s How I Trained
The last four weeks were here. This is where many people
have a hard time on their diet or even give up. I was very
lucky. I felt great and my bodyfat was down to 5.58%. I still
had plenty of time to get that last percent off. Following the
Beverly method I made a few last changes and the following
diet is the one I stayed on for eleven weeks. Yes, you read that
correctly - 11 weeks in all – the four weeks leading up to my
first show; and then seven more weeks while I continued to
compete in four more shows.
Although the diets changed during my 24-week contest preparation, my training did not. I trained just four days per week
(Mon., Tue., Thur., Fri.) on a three day split. Whatever workout
I started with Monday I would repeat on Friday.
A lot of people think that you can only peak once for a show.
That’s misinformation as far as I’m concerned. All you have to
do is have one post show free meal, then go right back on your
diet – and stay on it. Don’t go trying to change everything
from show to show. The Beverly diets are proven. The secret
is the discipline to stick to your diet and the supplements that
retain muscle and your metabolism while you are dieting. It’s
really that simple.
The next Monday I would pick up with the next workout in the
three day split. Every other chest and back workout I would alternate; chest first one workout and the next chest/back workout,
back would be first. I did the same thing for legs – hamstrings
first one workout, quads the next; and also on my shoulder/arms
workout. I really think this helped each muscle group to be
worked as completely as possible. Here are three of the workouts
I used as I prepared for my shows.
Day One: LEGS
Standing calf: 3-4 sets of 6-15 reps
Seated calf: 3-4 sets of 10-25 reps
Lying leg curls: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Meal #1: 8 oz turkey, 6 egg whites, 1 yolk, 1/2 cup oatmeal,
1/2 grapefruit, 3 EFA capsules
Seated leg curls: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Meal #2: 2 scoops Muscle Provider, water
Hack Squats: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Meal #3: 8 oz chicken breast, 2 cups green beans, 1/2 cup
oatmeal, 3 EFA capsules
Leg Extension: 3 sets of 6-12 reps
Meal #4: Same as meal two
Meal #5: 10 oz 93% lean beef, 2 cups leafy green vegetables,
3 EFA capsules
Every Monday and Thursday as a sixth meal: 1.5 cups oatmeal, 10 oz sweet potato, 6 oz banana, 1 cup vegetables
Squats: 3-4 sets of 6-12 reps
Chins: 3 sets of 10-18 reps
Lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Hyper Extension: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
One arm row: 3 sets of 6-10reps
Hammer row: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
DB Pullovers: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
1 Super Pak
DB flat press: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
4 Ultra 40 per meal
DB swiss ball incline: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
4 Density per meal
Peck deck fly: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
2 Lean Out per meal
Day THREE: shoulders / arms
3 Muscularity per meal
Hammer shoulder press: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
2 scoops Creatine Select pre workout
DB side lateral: 3 sets of 6-10reps
4 scoops Glutamine Select
Rear delt fly: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
10 Muscle Mass during training
Skull crushers: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Muscle Synergy 16 in A.M. and 16 in P.M.
7 Keto MuscLEAN 3 in A.M. and 3 in P.M.
800 calories per week
Push downs: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
Dips: 1-2 sets of as many as possible
Standing straight bar curls: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
DB incline curls: 3 sets of 6-10 reps
DB concentration curls: 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps
Old School Body –
What the Heck’s That?
NPC Battle of Champions
• 1st novice heavyweight
• Novice overall champion
• 2nd open lightheavy
At each stage of my training and diet the same
phrase kept coming up. People would take a look
at me and say the same thing, “Todd, you have an
old school body.” At first I wasn’t sure if this was a
good thing or not. Did this mean I was too old or
not good enough to compete? They said I reminded
them of what bodybuilders looked like when each
had his own individual “look” before the proliferation of drugs. Plus, I must admit, they’d see me doing
some of the poses from guys from the 60’s and 70’s.
(Hey, somebody likes it – I won best poser awards in
the two shows where these were awarded.)
By show time I was in the best shape of my life and
almost ten pounds heavier than the last time I was
on stage ten years ago. My last bodyfat reading before the show was 4.49, a whole percent lower than
I had ever been. Would it be enough to compete and
even win against a new group of tough young bodybuilders today? My answer came in my first show
the NPC Battle of Champions. I entered the heavy
novice class and the open lightheavy class. I was
able to enter the novice class because the NPC does
not recognize wins from other federations. I ended
up winning the heavy novice class, novice overall
and second in the open lightheavy class. This was
12 Beverly International
ONBF Battle of Ohio Naturals
(Drug tested)
• 1st Masters (best poser)
• 1st open lightheavy (best poser)
• Open overall champion
NPC Natural Ohio
(Drug tested)
• 1st open lightheavy
ONBF Muscle Madness
(Drug tested)
• 1st masters (best poser)
• 1st open lightheavy (best poser)
• Open overall champion
NABBA Mr. Canton
• 3rd open lightheavy
• 2nd masters
the start of a great run of shows and more success than I could have hoped for.
With three overall championships and several class wins I would say this old
school body powered by Beverly International supplements was more than
good enough to compete in a new age of bodybuilding. At age 38 I think I
proved it is never too late to get into the best shape of your life with the help of
Team Beverly. No one can prepare and compete in bodybuilding alone. That
is why I would like to thank Roger and Sandy, their wonderful staff, , everyone
at the gym, and mostly my wife, Michelle, for her never ending support in all I
do. I urge everyone who may read this to follow your dreams with passion and
let Beverly International help you make them reality.
39 Year Old Lifter Wants To Get Back
In Shape
Brian, I’m 39, trained with
weights for sports in high
school and later joined a
gym for a couple of years. I’ve got a
family and job but I try to play softball
once a week during the summer and
jog whenever I get motivated. Now,
I’m approaching 40 and I want to get
back in shape again. I’d describe myself as “muscularly average +”, about
ten pounds overweight with some remaining muscle. What should I do?
1. Eat an absolute minimum of 4, and
preferably 6 or even 7 good, clean
meals every day.
2. Train on a consistent schedule
whether at the gym or home. Set a
time and train – no excuses.
Do you want to get there faster? Do you want to
look your best? Do you want to actually enjoy
working out—I mean enjoy it to the point of loving
it?! If so, you’ll want to add Beverly supplements pre
workout like my successful clients and I do.
Now, before I go further, I need you to understand one thing. At least half of my clients are
not physique competitors (bodybuilding, bikini, or figure). So, I’ve tended to write most
of my articles to address the “average guy”. But, I realized that what I prescribe (diet, exercise, supplements) for the average guy is not much different than what I prescribe to the
competitor. If it works, it works, right?
Yes, competitors do take it to the next level, reducing bodyfat to a crazy low percentage
for that one day on stage, but other than that, everything else you must do to get in your
best shape is pretty similar. The biggest difference I’ve seen is competitors make it a priority to take the information I give them and make it part of their lifestyle. Whereas, not all
“average” people do so.
Photo by Robert Reiff
Tom, It doesn’t matter if you
are a bodybuilder, powerlifter,
collegiate or professional athlete, or like most people, just a “family
guy with a job who plays softball occasionally, runs if you feel up to it, and
needs to drop 10 lbs of fat and maybe
put on a few lbs of muscle”—my answer is going to be pretty much the
same. There are two keys to achieving
fat loss and muscle gain.
We competitors have no choice. We’ve
made a commitment to get on stage
wearing nothing more than some fancy
“tighty whities”! Find your own personal source of motivation, Tom. Do
you have an upcoming vacation? Or,
on a serious note, maybe heart disease
is prevalent in your family and you want
to live to see your grandkids? Whatever
it is, keep reminding yourself of it when
you are tempted to skip training, or even
a scheduled meal.
Here’s an outline of what you need to do
to be your best. Commit to a consistent
60 days. I promise if you’ll stick with it
for 60 days, it will become a habit. No,
it’s never easy, but it will become easier!
Just stick to it 100% and get past those
first sixty days.
Competitors Don't
Miss Meals
Competitors make sure they have shaker
cups, almonds, protein, beef jerky, supplements, and water bottles, at work, at
home, in their gym bag, car, etc. Eating
a meal or having a shake every 2.5-3.5
hours is vital. It keeps us in a consistent
anabolic state. Competitors make it a
priority to eat up to 6 or 7 quality meals
each day.
Don’t stop reading! I know the issues
you are having with this one. My personal clients have the same initial response.
“How in the world will I be able to make
that much food”? “Where am I going
to find the time to eat all this?” “How
am I going to afford 6-7 meals a day”?
“Won’t this much food make me fat?” “I
just want to lose some fat, not gain it!”
14 Beverly International
Ultimate Muscle Protein: Use as specified in diet below
Muscle Provider: Use for pre and post workout only
Up-Lift, Glutamine Select and Creatine Select:
• Mix one scoop of each together with 16 ounces of water, and drink at least 30
minutes prior to your workout. (Sometimes I use 2 scoops of Up-Lift here.)
• Mix one scoop of each together with 16 ounces of water, and drink during your
• On non-workout days only, drink one scoop of Creatine Select in the morning
and one scoop of Glutamine Select before bed.
7-Keto MuscLean: Take 2 in am and two around 2pm
Ultra 40’s & Mass 500: Take 4 BETWEEN each meal for consistent anabolic status.
Competitors take the time once a week to
prepare their food for the week. They understand that being prepared is critically
important. When it is time to eat, the last
thing they want to do is grill chicken or
beef, or fry egg whites. Instead, they want
to open the fridge, pull out their food,
warm it up in the microwave, and eat.
continued on next page...
Nutrition and Supplement Template for Tom who
is 39 years old, wants to regain muscle while at
the same time losing fat.
Meal Plan
For "Clean Food List" recommendations consult any of the nutrition plans at in the Bev Solutions section to get a good idea of the kinds of lean
protein, complex and fibrous carbs you should be eating.
Meal #1: 1 med. serving protein, 1 serving complex carbohydrates, 1 piece fruit
Meal #2: 2 scoops UMP, Mix with 12-16 oz water
Meal #3: 1 large serving protein, 1 serving complex carbohydrate, 1 fibrous carb (green
vegetable), 1 healthy fat (ex. 1 oz almonds)
Note: Always move Pre and Post Workout shakes around your workout—if you workout first thing in the morning, then meal four listed below would be meal one for you on
workout days.
Meal #4: 2 scoops Muscle Provider, 1/2 c oatmeal, or 1/2 c brown rice, or
1-2 rice cakes
Non-Workout Days: Two scoops UMP, Mix with 12-16 oz water
Meal #5: 2 scoops Muscle Provider, 1 banana
Non-Workout Days: 1 medium serving protein, 1 serving complex carb, 1 serving fibrous carb, 1 serving healthy fat source
Meal #6: 1 large serving protein, 1-2 servings fibrous carbs
"Go To Meal": Use this meal when hunger or sugar cravings are intense: 2 scoops UMP,
1 tbsp natural peanut butter – blend with ice and just enough cold water to make a nice
milkshake consistency. Drink this through a straw SLOWLY (so brain coordinates with
Workout Program Template
Day One: Chest and back
Do abs twice a week with any of the above workouts. Do Cardio for 25
minutes (HIIT TRAINING) two or three days a week after weights or on
off days. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. I want you to do
a 3-4 minute warm-up, then a pace of 80-90% effort for 30 seconds, 50%
effort for 1 minute, 90% for 30 seconds, 50% for 1 minute…continue for
the rest of the 25 minutes.
Note: Don’t workout more than three days in a row without a day of rest.
Note: Don’t workout the same body part more than once a week.
Chest and back
Pick 3 exercises each for back and chest. Do 5 sets of 8 (with two warm-up
sets), or 4 sets of 10, or a pyramid set of 5 x 12, 10, 8, 10, 12 for each exercise. Don’t do the same exercise the following week. Choose three different
exercises for each part the following week.
Choose 2 exercises for quads and 2 exercises for hamstrings. Do 4 sets of 15
reps each exercise, or 3 sets of 20 reps each exercise (make sure you do one
or two warm up sets also).
1 exercise for calves. Do 5 sets of 20, or 4 sets of 30, or 3 sets of 40-and
rotate the exercise each calf workout. Note: ignore the burn and work
through it.
Shoulder Press Movements: Pick one press movement do 5 x 10, or 4 x 12
reps or a pyramid set of 5 x 12, 10, 8, 10, 12 for each exercise (always do
a warm-up set).
Shoulder Raises: Do one exercise for sides, one for front, and one for rear
each workout. Do 3 sets of 12 each exercise.
Traps: Choose one exercise and perform 5 sets of 12 reps or 4 sets of 15
Choose 2 exercises for tri’s and 2 exercises for bi’s each workout. Do 4 sets
of 10 (with one warm-up set), or 5 sets of 12 each exercise. Don’t do the
same exercises the following week, choose two different ones.
Choose 2 exercises for 5 sets of 15 reps, or 4 sets of 25 reps, or 3 sets of 50 reps.
Photo by Ralph DeHaan
continued from previous page...
These are all valid questions. I’m going to work
through them with you and show you how to save
time in preparing and eating those meals, and just
as important, how to make your nutrition program
very affordable.
A. The first thing you’ll need is a grocery list Being
prepared starts with having the right foods to prepare. Get rid of the junk in your kitchen, and replace
it with the foods on the list.
B. Next, get a shaker cup. One I really like is called
the Blender Bottle®. You can order them online,
or get them at your local GNC or Whole Foods.
I’ve been pondering carrying them on my website,
so check out to see if I have them
by the time this article is released. And, get three of them while
you’re at it, one each for your gym bag, office, and home.
C. Pick a few hours one day a week and prepare your foods.
Make all of your meat, brown rice, sweet potato’s etc. Make as
much as you can store for a week so that you can just heat them
up when you are ready to eat. If you want to make things even
easier, get Glad containers and store each meal in its own container. For example, put 8 ounces of marinated chicken breast,
3/4th cup of cooked brown rice, and 1/4th cup of almonds in the
container. When it’s meal time, just pop it in the microwave for a
minute or two, and presto!
D. Be prepared for an emergency meal when you least expect it.
If you open the center console in my car, you’ll find a few bags
of beef jerky, a container of almonds, a piece of fruit, etc. And
under my seat, you’ll find a clean shaker cup, bottled water, and
a jug of UMP. There’s is no excuse to miss a meal. Always be
prepared. It really doesn’t take much time—just set aside a few
hours once a week.
I have listed a typical diet template in a side bar accompanying
this article. This will show you how shakes and foods work together to give you the meals you need!
F. Invest in other supplements besides your proteins. Tom, do you
want to get there faster? Do you want to look your best? Do you
want to actually enjoy working out—I mean enjoy it to the point
of loving it?! If so, you’ll want to add these Beverly supplements
pre workout. Take two 7-KetoMusclean, 2 scoops of UP-LIFT, 1
scoop of Creatine Select plus Phosphates, and 1 scoop of Glutamine Select plus BCAAs 20 minutes prior to your workout.
About 10 minutes into your workout, take another scoop of
UP-LIFT, Creatine and Glutamine Select. I’m telling you, you’ll
feel so energetic and strong, you’ll never want to workout again
without them. Really Tom, if you are going to spend 4-5 hours
working out each week, why not enjoy it? Why not get the best
return for your efforts when it comes to fat loss and muscle gain,
and feel just…GREAT?!
What if I could tell you that three of your
six meals will take less than one minute
to prepare, less than one minute to eat
(drink), and only a few dollars…Well,
things just got better, didn’t they?! With
this being said Tom, you have got to get
PERIOD”. They’ll save you money and
time, and there’s not much better than saving money or time (except hitting a most
muscular on stage!!). In fact, with this
struggling economy, if you want to get into
shape and save money, then you should
be stocking up on Beverly Proteins—it’s
about as inexpensive high quality meal as
you will find!
16 Beverly International
Photo by Ralph DeHaan
Your supplements like your training have to become part of your
lifestyle. Now I know I told you that the protein powders save
E. Save money and time. Let’s face it, eating healthy isn’t cheap.
you money. But I’m going to be straight with you here, these other
So, I’m going to show you how you can make it a lot less exsupplements aren’t going to save you money. But, if you really
pensive. First, you’ve got to come to grips with the fact that 5-7
want to achieve your goals, then find a way to make it happen.
smaller meals a day is non negotiable if you want to lose your
fat and increase muscle. There are no “ifs, ands, or buts” about
Here are some possible places you can save to pay for the suppleit. This is just the way our bodies have been designed to lose
ments that are going to help you burn the fat and gain muscle.
fat and gain muscle. Now that we agree on
this, let's also agree that it’s very time consuming and expensive to prepare and eat 6
DOING MY LEG PRESSES ONE LEG AT A TIME IS AN EXCELwhole food meals each day. That’s where
Beverly’s UMP, Muscle Provider, and/or
Mass Maker come in.
Tom, we can all find ways to cut back. Again, these are the things
that competitors do that a large amount of my “average Joe” clients have decided to do as well. That’s why these average Joe’s have
achieved incredible results.
Competitors Don't Miss Workouts
Now let’s talk about the other part of getting in shape—your workouts. Just as competitors make it a priority to always get their meals
in, we also make it a priority to get our workouts in. I personally
schedule clients from 9am to 8pm Monday through Thursday, and
from 9am until about 1pm on Friday. But, if you were to look at
my appointment book, you will see that I scratch off the hours from
1:30-3:30 Monday through Friday. That gives me enough time to
get to the gym, workout for about an hour and 15 minutes, get back
home to have my post workout shake, and then resume my meetings
with clients.
There are no exceptions to this “block out”. I simply will not schedule clients during that time. Tom, you need to find the time that
works best for you. Maybe it’s before work, during lunch, or evenings. Whenever it is, just block it out in your appointment book,
and make no exceptions.
Just as I have given you a guideline on how to make the nutrition
part work, I will do the same for your workouts.
1. Train at least three days a week. Remember, consistency is key.
Four days a week is best for me, but I tell my clients to let three be
the minimum, and five be the maximum. Yes, there is a maximum.
2. Use a variety of exercises and set and rep schemes. Tom, have
your ever seen those guys in the gym who go straight to the barbell
bench press, then to dumbbell curls—workout after workout. Have
you noticed that their physiques never change? Well, that’s because
their bodies have adapted to the same workout day in and day out.
I know what I’m about to say sounds a little crazy; and maybe I’m
on the extreme side of this, but I love to be sore. I love to know that
I’ve broken down muscle tissue to its fullest (so I can feed it more
proteins for growth!). I rarely do the same workout twice. For example, whatever I do today for shoulders, I’ll do something different
next shoulder day. It may be different exercises or a different set or
rep scheme, or both.
3. Make sure you take your supplements in a timely manner.
Tom, if you are going to take the time out of your day to drive
to the gym, workout, and drive back home, then let’s make
sure you are getting the most out of it. I want to make sure
that my energy levels are at their highest. That’s why I take a
scoop or two of UP-LIFT and two 7-Keto MuscLEAN before
hand. Let’s make sure your strength levels are at their highest.
That’s why I take my Creatine Select. Let’s make sure we are
feeding our muscles the necessary amino acids to keep from
burning our muscle up for energy. That’s why I take Glutamine
Select plus BCAAs, along with Mass or Density. And let’s not
lift on “empty”. So that’s why I drink my pre workout shake
of Muscle Provider about 30-45 minutes prior to my workout.
Tom, along with a diet template, I’ve attached a four day workout template, too.
In conclusion, I hope that I’ve helped you, and not overwhelmed
you. Just reread this guideline a few times and remember to do
your absolute best in sticking to this regime for 60 days. In doing so, it will become habit; you will love the results; and it will
then become a part of your life!
Photo by Ralph DeHaan
Let me ask you Tom, how many beers are you drinking when you
play softball? How about cutting back on those (that not only will
put money in your wallet, but it will also help you lose a few inches
in the belly). Are you stopping to get coffee each day and paying
a meals’ worth of food on a cup of coffee? Why don’t you make
your coffee at home and save $30-$50 a month just on that alone?
Skip the appetizers and dessert when you eat out—again, you’ll save
money and inches on your belly!
My Quest for
My Mom's Basement
Date: 11/15/1971
This is an article I’ve wanted to include in the No Nonsense
Newsletter since the first issue nearly fifteen years ago. I was
hesitant to publish it because it goes against the trend of what
is generally accepted today. However, I’ve been lifting regularly
for closing in on fifty years and this six-week routine is still in
my top five result producers of all time.
I performed this workout faithfully in my mom’s basement in
November-December of 1971. Some of the equipment was
home-made. I had a lat machine that I had rigged up and attached to the ceiling joists for pulldowns and pulley extensions. My dip bars were made from steel plumbing pipes that I
bought especially so that I could perform this routine. I had an
adjustable incline bench by that time, but earlier I had used an
8x12 board propped up against the wall. For dumbbells I had
those adjustable ones that you had to use a wrench to tighten
the collars. (Needless to say, I used constant poundage for all
sets on dumbbell exercises.) As soon as I could get all sets for
the recommended reps, then I’d add to the dumbbells for the
next workout.
Back then a lot of training programs suggested that you work
out six weeks, then take a week off or change your routine.
That worked perfect for this routine. I knew I could do anything
that I wanted badly enough for six weeks, so even though this
workout took about an hour and a half (or sometimes longer)
to perform, I only had to do it for six weeks to get maximum
benefit. That’s what I want you to do – devote six weeks. I’m
sure you’ll be rewarded as I was. I gained over a half-inch to my
arms in six weeks on this advanced arm specialization routine,
and it’s lasted for the next 36 years. I think it was worth it!
18 Beverly International
Workout (as I performed
it then) Friday, Sunday,
and Tuesday
Bench Press
Bent-arm Pullover
Barbell Row
Press Behind Neck
Tricep Pushdown
Pulley Extension
Dips (for pump)
EZ Curl
Incline DB Curl
Concentration Curl
Photo by Ralph DeHaan
If I were doing it today, I’d do the last
six exercises (arms) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and the first five exercises
(rest of the body) just two days a week
on Tuesday and Saturday (or Thursday if
you want your weekends free.)
Here are some tips as to how I performed
each of the arm exercises:
Pulley Extension
Triceps Pushdown
If training at the gym use one side of the
cable crossover machine or an adjustable
pulley machine. You may have to improvise if you are training at home or substitute the lying triceps extension (take the
bar back over your head, instead of bringing it to your forehead) keeping your elbows as stationary as possible. For the
pulley extension use a rope handle and
bend over or kneel, resting your elbows
on a low bench. Let the rope go behind
your head, then fully extend your arms to
lockout and hold for a pause before repeating.
Keep elbows in throughout the exercise. Nowadays, it seems everyone puts
their weight over the bar and presses the
weight down with elbows out. The idea
is to isolate your triceps. To do that you
should stand fairly erect, arms held vertically to your sides with elbows in. Start at
the top of your pec line and move the bar
in a gently arc to lock out. Hold the lock
out position for a second, then bring the
bar up in the same gentle arc. Only your
forearms move, your upper arms stay
locked against your sides. Exhale down
and Inhale up.
I put dips at the end of the triceps routine as a pumping exercise. Do not add
weight, use your bodyweight only, but
go through a full range of motion and
contract the triceps forcefully at the top
of each rep. Rest only a minute between
each set of dips and just do as many as
you can in perfect form. If you find it
difficult to perform regular dips you can
substitute close-grip push-ups or bench
dips for this exercise.
EZ Curl
Hands should be shoulder width or
slightly narrower. Keep this exercise
strict. Curl the bar up to just under the
chin, pause and tense the biceps in this
position, then slowly lower back to full
Concentration Curl
You can perform this exercise either
seated or standing. Grasp a dumbbell in
one hand and lean forward while bracing your free arm against a bench or rack
for support. Start with your arm fully extended, thumb facing forward, curl toward your deltoid while rotating your
palm upwards until the biceps are fully
contracted at the top. Keep your elbow pointing straight down throughout. Don’t sacrifice form for weight
on this exercise. Many top bodybuilders used just 25-lb dumbbells
on this exercise but they squeezed
the heck out of their biceps and
barely rested between sets. We’ll do
the same. As soon as you finish one
arm go to the next until all three sets
are completed.
Incline Dumbbell
How many of you today remember Steve
Reeves? Well, he was my bodybuilding
idol and he built his 18” arms (drug-free)
primarily with this exercise. Did he have
a multi-angle adjustable bench back in
the 40’s – no, he leaned a board against
the wall, or propped up the back of a flat
bench with some cement blocks. For best
results, do the exercise like Reeves did it:
Lie back on an incline bench with your
head resting on the back. Allow your
arms to hang straight down with your elbows pointing down from start to finish.
Curl both dumbbells together all the way
up until they almost reach your delts,
tense at the top position, then lower all
the way to full extension.
20 Beverly International
Despite everything that is written on the importance of
diet, the vast majority of bodybuilders still don’t realize
that at the very least nutrition is 50% of your success.
One thing I found early on is that I had to gain some
weight to increase my arm measurement. On this program I gained about five pounds and added 5/8 inch to
my arm measurement. Here’s how I dieted then.
Three eggs, one-half pound of meat, one glass of milk,
two pieces of rye toast with peanut butter; Supplements: 15 desiccated liver tablets, 1 vitamin C, 1 vitamin E, and 1 B-Complex.
Mid-Morning Work Break
Protein drink consisting of two cups of milk and one-half
cup milk and egg protein powder.
One serving meat, one serving cottage cheese (with pineapple), one salad, one glass of milk; Supplements: 15 desiccated liver tablets, 1 vitamin C.
Afternoon Break
Adjustments I'll Make Today
Today, I would cut down on the amount of milk unless weight gain was
my primary objective. In the program above I was getting about eighty
grams of carbohydrates from milk sugar. I’d substitute some good complex carb sources like oatmeal or sweet potatoes at breakfast, lunch,
and dinner. Rather than mix my protein shake in milk, I’d use 4 tbsp of
heavy cream, 14 oz of water and 2 scoops (or 1/2 cup if you want to do
it old school style) UMP (much improved version but still milk and egg
proteins) mid morning, afternoon, and before bed. The reason I suggest
adding cream is that it allows you to digest and assimilate your protein
drink similar to whole milk minus the milk sugar.
Protein drink (same as mid morning)
A large serving of meat, fish, or poultry, a serving of cottage cheese or yogurt, and a salad. (In all honesty, I probably had a dessert every day or two as well – usually ice
Another protein drink (2 cups milk and one-half cup protein powder), along with 15 desiccated liver tablets and
15 brewers yeast tablets, 1 vitamin C and 1 B-Complex.
This nutritional program supplied me with approximately three hundred grams of high quality protein, plus more
than enough of the micronutrients necessary for muscular growth.
Instead of the individual vitamin tablets, today I’d take a Super Pak.
In 1971 I was taking less potent desiccated liver tablets, but Ultra 40
would definitely fill the bill today. You could get by easily with ten per
meal instead of the 15 that I took then. Brewer’s yeast was included in
the original formula for it’s amino acids and additional B vitamins, a
better choice today would be Mass or Density – 10 Mass or 5 Density
with your before bed protein shake.
Don’t be afraid to give this routine a try just because it’s different from
what others in the gym are doing or what you read about in the magazines. Take it from me, follow this routine for six weeks, no more, no
less and you will get results that will surprise you.
In closing I’d like to thank Jeff Williamson for letting me have his column space this issue. I’d also like to thank George Coates as the originator of this routine that had a profound effect on my bodybuilding career
and subsequently upon my life as owner of Beverly International and
publisher of the No Nonsense Newsletter.
The Mature Muscle Stack for Men 40 and Older:
Where did your physique go?
If you’re 40 years of age or older, you probably feel as if your body doesn’t
look or perform the way it used to. There’s a good chance this has something
to do with “The Big Three” age-related conditions. These are:
1. Sarcopenia also known as age-associated muscle loss.
2. Andropause or age-associated testosterone decline.
3. Age-associated fat gain. Starting as early as 30 years of age, an
increase in fat mass (body fat) occurs in conjunction with muscle loss
Read on to learn about a proven stack that 40+ men are using to conquer
“The Big Three” and get their physique back!
Stack Component #1: Essential
The combination of resistance exercise and protein is your most powerful weapon against sarcopenia. But, no matter how
hard you work out, your ability to build and retain muscle becomes blunted. Scientists refer to this as “anabolic resistance”.
Anabolic resistance can be at least partly overcome by regular consumption of high-quality protein that is rich in the amino
acid leucine. Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP), Provosyn, and Muscle Provider, are high-quality protein supplements containing
several grams of leucine per serving, plus every other amino acid required to build and repair muscle tissue. This makes them
especially well suited for men 40 years of age or older.
Usage tip: Enjoy a delicious shake made with 1 or more servings of your choice of Beverly proteins immediately after resistance
exercise. Have a second shake 4-5 hours later or before bed to boost muscle anabolism again.
Your results are GUARANTEED by our No-Nonsense,no risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Stack Component #2: Essential
(powder or tablets)
Muscle Synergy contains multiple ingredients
that act synergistically to help combat ageassociated muscle and strength loss. One
of these ingredients is HMB, a naturally occurring, clinically studied compound that has
been shown to enhance the benefits of resistance exercise. HMB is believed to work by rebuilding muscle and alleviating or preventing
muscle damage associated with exercise, thereby shortening recovery
Usage tip: For maximum results, it is important you take the full dosage
recommended on the label. Be sure to take at least one of your daily servings of Muscle Synergy before your workout.
Stack Component #3: Essential
Testosterone exerts its physiological effects in
the body by binding to androgen receptors. Androgen receptors are found in cells throughout
the body, including skeletal muscle tissue.
Quadracarn contains four types of carnitine. One
of these has been found to increase androgen
receptor levels in muscle tissue. With more androgen receptors present, your testosterone signaling strength is improved. This is expected to enhance the effects of resistance exercise and shorten recovery times. Quadracarn also supports
fat-burning metabolism, circulation, and sexual performance, among
other benefits.
Usage tip: Carnitine takes time to accumulate in your body. Therefore it is
important to take Quadracarn every day, according to label directions. Don’t
miss a dose.
Stack Component #4:
Stack Component #5:
7-Keto MuscLean helps the 40+ man conquer ageassociated fat gain. 7-keto is a co-enzyme produced
naturally in the body which helps regulate metabolic
rate, thermogenesis, and fat-burning enzyme levels.
When we think of muscle, we often forget that a good
portion of muscle consists of connective tissue. In
fact, every time you lift a load, your connective tissue
bears the bulk of it. It’s no surprise that it undergoes
serious wear and tear, particularly at age 40 and up.
By the time you reach 40, your production of 7-keto may have dropped by
40% and continues to fall for the rest of your life. 7-Keto MuscLean helps
restore youthful levels of 7-keto and is clinically proven to produce three
times more weight loss than diet and exercise alone.
Usage tip: Take two servings daily for best results. Follow label directions.
Here’s how to get the most benefit from
the Mature Muscle Stack.
Combat AGE RELATED MUSCLE LOSS with protein and Muscle Synergy.
Ideal times are:
• Breakfast or mid-morning UMP and/or Provosyn with one serving of
Muscle Synergy.
• Immediately before training: 1 serving Muscle Synergy
• Immediately after training: 1 serving Muscle Provider (or UMP)
• 4-5 Hours after training: UMP and/or Provosyn
Joint Care is a perfect addition to your Beverly Mature Muscle Stack. It
contains ingredients like boron, hyaluronic acid, MSM and glucosamine
that work synergistically to support a healthy inflammatory response and
provide relief from joint discomfort and stiffness.
Usage tip: Take Joint Care with meals.
Combat ANDROPAUSE with 2-3 servings of Quadracarn per day. Take 3
tablets twice daily on non-workout days, and 3 tablets three times daily on
workout days. (One serving just prior to workout.)
Combat AGE-ASSOCIATED FAT GAIN with 7-Keto MuscLean. Take one
serving (3 capsules) in the morning and another 6-8 hours later.
Combat Joint and Connective Tissue wear and tear with Joint Care. Start
with a “loading phase” by taking 3 capsules, 4 times daily for 1 week; 3
capsules 3 times daily during week 2; and then 3 capsules twice daily with
meals from week 3 on.
Need more help? Our team of Beverly Advisors will be happy to assist you!
Go to, email [email protected] or call us at 800-781-3475.
The Entry-Level
Are you new to fitness? Do you just need
to get your program back on track?
This No-Nonsense Action Plan
will get you started immediately!
It has been said that the function of death is to remind us of the
value of life and the opportunities we have in the time allotted
us. Life becomes more precious because of its limited duration.
As a reader of this publication it is doubtful that you need to be
convinced of the benefits of the bodybuilding lifestyle. If you have
been casually looking into it but have not begun the fitness lifestyle, or if you just need a kick in the butt to get started again, then
this is the perfect article to get you started. Commit yourself to a
fresh start. Begin living the life you have always wanted now!
This program has three distinct parts: 1) time management, 2) the
nutrition program, and 3) the workouts. We will now delve into
each of these topics in detail.
Time Management: Design Your Life
When making a major adjustment to your life, the first step should
be to take a few minutes to sit down and arrange your schedule. If
you were to really look at how you spend your non-working hours
you might be surprised at how easily it could be altered.
By: Steve Colescott
My father (William Colescott) made a point of reading every
article I have ever written. I recall on one occasion he took
a keen interest in one of them (I could tell by the questions
he asked), and he told me that he was thinking about starting
some type of fitness program.
Neither he or my mother were particularly health-conscious,
both smoked, would drink recreationally on a fairly regular
basis and healthy, nutritious eating seemed to only happen for
them by accident. My father was a man of hidden strengths.
He never spoke of his past or childhood so it wasn’t until after
I graduated from high school that I learned (through my mother) that he played semi-pro basketball and held most of the
county track records as a young man. He shocked my teenage
nephews once by showing moves on the basketball court that
seemed impossible for one that had not handled a basketball in
at least three decades.
But now in his mid-seventies, he was beginning to see the deleterious effects of poor eating and lack of exercise. He suffered
from diabetes and the associated blood pressure conditions
that tend to follow it and was amassing numerous aches and
pains (most of which I’m sure he didn’t mention to anyone until
they became severe enough to warrant intervention.
Unfortunately, my mother’s poor health (including a threemonth hospital stay) quickly took precedence in his life. He
died in his sleep shortly after she was released and never got a
chance to start that fitness program. My mother passed away
earlier this month (just over three years after his death) and I
have no doubt they both would have extended their lives by at
24 Beverly International
least a decade had they placed more importance on their health.
The average American spends nearly twenty hours a week watching television so you should be able to find time to pursue your
fitness goals. If you are a TV junkie consider getting TiVo or DVR
(services through your cable company that automatically record
the programs you choose). This will allow you to fast forward over
commercials (so you can watch a one-hour program in 43-minutes) and allow you to avoid mindless channel flipping. One trick I
used when I had a treadmill at home was to only watch TV while
doing my cardio. This both limited my TV time and turned it into
time well spent.
You will need to allot roughly an hour a day for the workout (less
in these early sessions) plus whatever travel time is required if you
choose to train at a gym. You also will need to set aside two to
three hours for food preparation. Having your food ready the
night before is very important to eating healthy meals the following day. Consistency is key. For this reason, I suggest that you train
at the same time every day. It doesn’t matter if it is early in the
morning before work, on your lunch hour or in the evening. Just
make the time and set aside that time for yourself.
We will be doing four strength-training workouts a week and
they should only take 30-40 minutes to complete. In order to stay
on track, I also recommend that you do a 20-30 minute cardio
workout on your non-strength training days. This will make your
6:00AM (or whatever time you choose) appointment a regular
thing and you will find, within a relatively short amount of time,
that your body will respond to those consistent sessions by providing you with more energy for that time period. Where you may
have needed a forklift to drag you butt from bed at the beginning,
you may find yourself at your most energized and strongest with-
in a week or two (provided you are consistent and follow the
guidelines in the nutrition section).
You will also need to schedule time for food preparation. You
will find it is well worth it to wake up fifteen to twenty minutes
earlier so that you can eat a warm, wholesome breakfast rather
than grabbing a coffee, doughnut and greasy breakfast burrito
at the drive-thru on your way to work. Lastly, you will need to
make time to sleep so that you regularly get seven to nine hours
of restful sleep each night. If you are training hard and eating
right you may find that your sleep improves since you will be
more physically tired and able to better handle stress. A consistent schedule will be essential here, as a regular bedtime will
train your body to slip into a restful state easily.
Here are the basics:
Supplements are an important part of your daily nutrient intake
but at this level it does not take much. We are going to be focusing
on a few of Beverly’s most basic (but result-producing) products:
Super-Pak: One of these taken with breakfast will cover your entire vitamin and mineral needs so that you are not held back by
any deficiencies.
Ultimate Muscle Protein: This blend of slow proteins (casein) and
fast proteins (whey) is a great general-purpose protein powder,
high in glutamine and branched-chain aminos. This means you
will see maximum sustained muscle growth and recuperation with
one or two shakes a day.
Muscle Provider: This protein is specifically used immediately after a workout (a time when the body needs to replenish with a fast
whey protein blend.)
The Nutrition Program:
Basic Eating Principles
Eat five to six meals a day. This will stimulate your metabolism, provide a constant flow of protein and nutrients and
create an environment that deters against bodyfat.
Two to three of your meals will consist of protein shakes.
Two to three of your meals are whole food.
Every meal contains a fairly high dose of quality protein,
30-50 grams (depending on your bodyweight).
Eat two to three servings of salad or fibrous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, asparagus, etc.) daily.
Always drink a Muscle Provider shake immediately after a
workout to encourage growth and recuperation.
Limit your carbs to slowly absorbed, low-sugar sources,
such as rice, sweet potatoes and oatmeal.
Eliminate sweets, pastas, baked goods, sugary coffee drinks
and sodas, saturated fats, trans fats and junk food. Concentrate on nutrient-rich foods that will enhance your physique.
Following just those basic rules would dramatically improve the
diets of 99.5% of the population. While I am going to list an
example diet below, the important thing is that you are able to
incorporate those basic principles into your schedule. This will
require some planning. I recommend you read my “Grocery
Shopping Guide” and “Practical Food Prep” in order to learn
about how to fit good nutrition into your lifestyle (online at
Ultra 40: Four tablets, taken with each of your whole food meals
provides extra (high-quality) protein and is guaranteed to improve
your energy levels.
Mass Amino Acids: Four tablets with each meal.
Lifters with more disposable income can enhance their supplement
program with Glutamine Select (2 scoops mixed into 18-24 ounces cold water) and 10-15 Muscle Mass BCAA tablets during your
workout. This will help with recuperation but is not required.
These two products are only optional because, at this level, the
intensity of your workouts will not be extreme enough to make
them a necessity.
Here is a sample diet for a man around 185-200 pounds.
Adjust quantities based on your personal needs:
Meal #1: Six egg white omelet with diced chicken and spinach, 1/2
cup oatmeal, Super-Pak, Ultra 40 (4 tablets), Mass Amino Acids
(4 tablets)
Meal #2: Muscle Provider Shake
Meal #3: 8 oz chicken or turkey breast, 1/2 cup brown rice or
small sweet potato, 2 cups salad or vegetable, Ultra 40 (4 tablets),
Mass Amino Acids (4 tablets)
Meal #4: Ultimate Muscle Protein Shake
Meal #5: 8 oz. lean beef or fish, 2 cups vegetables,
Ultra 40 (4 tablets), Mass Amino Acids (4 tablets)
Meal #6: Fat-free cottage cheese w/ diced pineapple,
Ultra 40 (4 tablets), Mass Amino Acids (4 tablets)
Meal #7: Ultimate Muscle Protein Shake
The Workout
It doesn’t matter where you train. The workout can be done anywhere with basic equipment. The exercises are simple to perform and will
strengthen the basic functions of your body. We are going to be training four times a week, with a schedule similar to what you see below
(two days in a row followed by one or two days off). The program is simple but works all of the basic functions of the body, creating a
foundation for lifelong strength.
Su MoTu We Th Fr Sa
—A B —C D —
I recommend that you do a 20-30 minute cardio session (such as
a fast walk) on the days that you are not strength training. This
will build your endurance and your tolerance for the high-intense
interval sessions that will be a part of your later training.
We need to perform a warm-up before every training session. For
a warm-up, perform 8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise (fast walk/
jogging, jumping rope, etc.), then do a series of the following exercises, each for 12 reps, with no rest in between: 1) Bodyweight
Squats, 2) Push-ups, 3) Burpees (or alternate toe touches) and 4)
Leg Raises. If that doesn’t leave you feeling warmed-up and limber, repeat the four exercises for a second series.
As you can see from the chart below, this is a six-week introductory program in which the set and rep scheme changes every
two weeks in order to slowly break you in to higher volume and
heavier poundages.
Weeks 1 and 2
Weeks 3 and 4
Weeks 5 and 6
3 x 10-15 reps
4 x 8-12 reps
6 x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
Workout A
Barbell Squats
(Alternate exercises — Front Squats, Leg Press)
DB Lunges
2 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises — Step-ups, Walking Lunges)
Standing Calf Machine
2 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises — Calf Press on Leg Press machine, Seated Calf Machine)
Workout B
Bench Press
3 x 10-15 reps
4 x 8-12 reps
6 x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
(Alternate exercises — Incline or Flat DB Press
DB Floor Triceps Ext.
2 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises —Seated French Press, Close-grip Bench, Triceps Dips
Weighted Sit-Ups
2 x 10-15 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
4 x 8-12 reps
6 x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
(Alternate exercises —Abdominal Bicycling, Knee Raises
Workout C
DB Stiff-legged Deadlift
3 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises — Trap Bar Deadlifts, Kettlebell Swings, Romanian Deadlifts)
Leg Curl
2 x 10-15 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
(Alternate exercises —Glute-Ham Raises, DB Leg Curl)
Seated Calf Raise
2 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises — Calf Press on Leg Press machine, Standing Calf machine)
Workout D
DB 1-Arm Row
3 x 10-15 reps
4 x 8-12 reps
6 x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
(Alternate exercises —Front Chin, Undergrip Barbell Row, Front Lat Pulldown
High Pull
2 x 10-15 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
3 x 6-10 reps
(Alternate exercises — Upright Row, Hang Clean, Power Shrug
Seated DB Curl
2 x 10-15 reps
(Alternate exercises — Undergrip Chins, Barbell Curls
26 Beverly International
The workout on the previous page can be done with very limited equipment. All you would need would be an adjustable bench and
a few pairs of dumbbells. Women can begin with 15s, 20s, 25s, and 35s. Men might want to buy 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. If you
wanted to expand your equipment beyond this point, I would recommend a solid power rack and Olympic weight set. With just these
simple pieces you can do 85% of the productive work needed to reach your goals. In fact, you might find that limited equipment
may cause you to skip the non-functional, overly-isolated nonsense equipment that clutters most gyms and focus your efforts on the
proven muscle-building basics.
The program is very basic but, after following it for six weeks, you have built up a very solid foundation. You should also be noticeably more muscular, leaner and capable of using heavier poundages. While the program may seem simple compared to most you may
see in fitness magazines, it focuses on the basic movement patterns required for overall strength.
Weeks 7-10
Weeks 11-14
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
Workout A
Front Squats
(Alternate exercises — Barbell Squats, Kettlebell Squats, DB Squats)
Leg Press (wide stance)
2-3 sets x 6-10
4 sets x 6-10
2 x 10-15 reps
3 x 8-12 reps
(Alternate exercises — see the above list)
Walking Lunges
(Alternate exercises — Step-ups, Lunges, Single-legged Leg Press)
Workout B
Incline DB Press
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
(Alternate exercises — Incline or Flat BB Bench, Incline or Flat DB Press)
Pec Dips
2-3 sets x max
4 sets x 8-12
(Do sets of Feet-elevated Push-ups if you are not able to get at least 6 reps in the Pec Dip in good form.
Add weight once you can reach twelve on all the sets x Pec Dips.)
DB Floor Triceps Ext.
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
(Alternate exercises —Seated French Press, Close-grip Bench, Triceps Dips
Cable Crunches
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
(Alternate exercises —Abdominal Bicycling, Knee Raises, Crunches, Reverse Crunches or any abdominal
exercise you choose. Feel free to change these as often as you wish.)
Workout C
Hip-dominant movement Romanian Deadlift
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
(Alternate exercises — Hexbar Deadlifts, Kettlebell Swings, Arched-Back Good Mornings, DB Stiff-legged
2-3 sets x 8-12
4 sets x 8-12
(Choose an exercise that works the low back without compressing the spine, such as Hyperextensions or
Reverse Hyperextensions.)
DB Leg Curl
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
(Alternate exercises —Glute-Ham Raises, Leg Curl Machines.)
Seated Calf Raise
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
6 sets x 10/8/6/6/6/3-4
2-3 sets x 8-12
4 sets x 8-12
Workout D
Front Lat Pulldown
For an intermediate
program, I recommend
that you choose new
exercises from the list
of alternate movements.
You may then include a
second exercise from the
alternate exercises listed
for the first exercise of
the workouts and include it for 2-4 sets. This
will make for a total of
four exercises.
Good luck with the program. You should be
very proud that you have
made the commitment to
make a positive change
in your health and physique. You are beginning
a journey that is among
the most rewarding that
life has to offer. I look
forward to seeing some
of you gracing the pages of this magazine with
new, improved bodies
and enriched lives. If
you have any questions,
send them to bevnut@
Train hard!
(Alternate exercise —Front Chin)
Undergrip BB Row
(Alternate exercise —Seated Cable Row, T-bar Row, DB Row)
DB Clean
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
(Alternate exercises — Upright Row, Hang Clean, Power Shrug)
Incline DB Curl
3 sets x 6-10
3 sets x 6-10
(Alternate exercises — Undergrip Chins, Barbell Curls)
Practical Eating for Lean Muscle
Part 1: the grocery store
Choosing the right foods
makes ALL the difference!
When helping people design their diets,
the most common weakness in their nutritional game plans tends to be a haphazard approach to grocery shopping. While
many bodybuilders and fitness athletes
go into extensive detail figuring out their
macronutrient ratios and supplement regimens, they attempt to wing it once they
are filling their shopping carts. Trust me:
what you put in your cart has a very direct
bearing on the quality of your physique.
I’m going to break this article into two
parts. Part One will cover the food we
are going to have in our refrigerator and
the dry foods and supplements that will
go into your cabinets. Part Two focuses
on food prep and the foods that can be
made in bulk and frozen to allow you to
eat healthy and delicious muscle-building,
fat-melting foods with minimal time invested.
Obviously, a good standard rule for everyone reading this should be: Do not
bring home any food that will detract
from your physique. If you are someone
that likes the occasional dessert in the
off-season, I recommend that you make a
separate trip to a restaurant to treat yourself. This will keep you from late-night
emotional eating binges and will keep you
from feeling as though you have to eat the
entire pie or half-gallon of ice cream so as
not to let it go to waste (or in this case,
28 Beverly International
Ideally, we want to consume more of the slower
assimilated carbs, as the “sustained-release” nature
of these foods tends to replenish glycogen stores
while minimizing fat storage.
Following the restaurant-only dessert rule obviously does not mean anything is fair game
— frequency and quantity must be taken into account. If the people at the local Cheesecake Factory keep a table set aside for you or if your local Applebee’s names a dessert after
you, treats may be making adverse effects on your physique.
Planned treats, in limited quantities and frequency, should not make a huge impact on
your body composition in the off-season. The key is to make this the exception, not the
way you eat every day.
Another useful step when rehashing your eating program is to do a complete clean sweep
of your refrigerator and cupboards. Gather up the ice cream, the chips, the bread and the
crackers — if it is not something that will encourage the lean, muscular look you want,
pitch it! We will need the room for quality bodybuilding foods.
Now let’s start our trip through the grocery store. All bodybuilding diets begin with protein intake. This must be divided into whole food and powdered sources. Let’s see what's
going in our carts.
Whole Food Protein
At least half of your protein intake should be from whole food sources. Free-range cuts
and grass-fed beef provide meat with lower levels of saturated fats, greater nutrient profiles and better taste, but it's also more expensive, so you can choose.
Beef. The benefits of beef are well established, providing most of us with our daily allotments of protein, zinc and iron. Old school powerlifters consumed king-sized sirloin
steaks the day before big lift attempts because they knew it made them stronger. Now we
know it is because every pound of beef contains roughly two grams of creatine.
Since we want to limit saturated fats, pay slightly more for the leaner (90 or 95% lean)
ground sirloins rather than the high-fat (70% or so lean) ground beefs or ground chuck.
Your leanest cuts of beef include: round tip, tenderloin, top round, top loin, sirloin and
eye of round.
Chicken. Few groups of people pack away as much chicken as bodybuilders. As always, trim your chicken well and remove the skin, which contains a majority of the fat.
Of course most of us buy skinless, boneless chicken breasts.
Convenience Option. Chicken tenders, fresh or frozen in a bag are great and make the
prep work a cinch. Tyson also has oven roasted skinless chicken breasts ready to heat in
your microwave.
Turkey. One of the best proteins you can find for precontest dieting is 99% lean ground
turkey breast. This is becoming available at more and more groceries. 90% lean ground
turkey contains slightly more fat, but is perfect if you are following Beverly’s 50-20-30
nutritional guidelines.
Convenience Option. Another convenient item is the ready to heat roasted turkey breast
(they’re called fully cooked entrees and you’ll usually find them in the meat section of your
supermarket.) Pork loin is also available in this “heat and eat” format. As always, check
the nutritional info. If there are less than 5 grams of fat per serving it’s good to go. One
caution is these ready-to-heat-and-eat items are fairly high in sodium so use them once or
twice a week for convenience, but not at every meal.
Fish. A great source of omega-3s and protein, fish provides a light main course while its
flaky texture makes it filling (and therefore great while on a reduced calorie diet). Those
that like fish with a mild flavor should stick with halibut, orange roughy, red snapper, cod
or trout.
Tuna/Salmon. Although canned tuna is a bodybuilding staple, consider switching to
(or alternating in) canned salmon, as it is higher in omega-3 fatty acids. Both are convenient
carb-free protein sources. They can be grilled as salmon or tuna patties, added to salads,
stuffed in pitas or baked inside of tomatoes or peppers for a healthy snack. Shrimp is another good source of protein and the cocktail sauce that goes with it is fine in moderation.
Lean ground beef
6 oz
Ground Turkey
6 oz
6 oz
8 oz
Convenience Option. Tuna (and chicken
too) are now available in vacuum packed
bags so you don’t even need a can opener. You can also get the better tasting
but more expensive albacore in vacuum
packed bags.
Eggs. Some hatcheries (such as Egglands
Best or Land-o-Lakes) feed their hens special whole-grain diets so that they produce
eggs high in omega-3 fatty acids. If your
grocery carries omega-3 eggs you should
definitely pick up a couple of cartons.
Convenience Option. One of the most exciting changes in grocery stores over the
past decade is the addition of bodybuilding staples. One of these is pre-prepped
egg whites in cartons. Now there is no
need to feel guilty about dumping the
yolks. The manufacturer handled the shell
cracking for you and provides them in
a pasteurized and convenient container.
Each cup is the equivalent to four eggs (24
grams of protein).
Before heading off to the grocery store,
it is important to quantify your weekly
protein needs. By way of example, I have
filled out the following chart based on
a diet in which I would consume three
whole food servings of protein a day to go
along with my two to three Beverly protein shakes (depending on if I was training
on that day or not).
6 oz
6 oz
30 oz
2 lbs
16 oz
1 lb
8 oz
Omega-3 eggs
1 dozen
Egg whites
3 /4 cup
1 cup
3 / 4 cup
3 / 4 cup
1 cup
3 / 4 cup
3 / 4 cup
46 oz
3 – 16 oz cartons
Chicken Tenders
10 oz
10 oz
30 oz
2 lb bag
4 cans or pouches
16 oz
1 lb
16 oz
1 lb
16 oz
1 lb
10 oz
1 package
24 oz
1.5 lbs
10 oz
Tuna (cans or pouch)
Ground turkey
8 oz
8 oz
Chicken Breast
8 oz
Beef Tenderloin
8 oz
10 oz
12 oz
8 oz
8 oz
Pre Roasted Turkey
Breast or Pork Loin
Fish filets
12 oz
Muscle Provider: 8 scoops per week (x4 weeks) = 32 scoops
My whole food protein grocery list for
the week is:
Ultimate Muscle Protein: 14 scoops per week (x4 weeks) = 56 scoops
Lean ground beef: 2 sixteen-ounce
Mass Maker: 12 scoops per week (x4 weeks) = 48 scoops
Steak: 1 pound of beef tenderloin
So my Beverly protein order for the month period is:
Fresh skinless chicken breast: 1
Chicken Tenders: 1 two-pound bag
Ground turkey: 2 pounds
Pre roasted turkey or pork loin: 1
Fish filet: 1.5 pounds
Muscle Provider (chocolate): 1 jar
Ultimate Muscle Protein (vanilla): 1 jar
Ultimate Muscle Protein (cookies & crème): 1 jar
UMP (chocolate): 2 jars
Mass Maker (vanilla): 1 jar
While you might think, ‘What are supplements doing on a grocery list?’ protein definitely
expands beyond supplement status to become core elements in your eating plan. As such,
they require you to make them a part of your meal plan.
Tuna: 4 cans or pouches
Omega-3 eggs: one dozen
10.Liquid egg whites: 3 sixteen-ounce
Powdered Protein
my requirements for one month
Muscle Provider: 30 scoops per can
32 scoops / 32 = 1 (1 jar)
Ultimate Muscle Protein: 30 scoops per can 112/30 = 3.73 (4 jars)
Getting in five to seven meals a day, with
thirty to sixty grams of protein in each of
them would be close to impossible without being able to drink some of our protein. Two or three shakes a day make a
high-protein intake possible while freeing
up enough time for you to have a real life.
Since many of you take in different protein shakes on workout and non-workout days, a chart similar to what I filled
out below might be useful.
We add up the scoops of protein from the
chart to determine how many scoops of
each is required for a one-month supply:
Ultimate Muscle Protein
servings per container
Mass Maker: 46 scoops per can
32/46 = 0.70 (1 jar)
Starchy Carbs
On almost any bodybuilding diet we will be limiting our starchy carb intake, with those
servings being placed in the morning, mid-day or near our weight training session. Depending on your goals at a particular time, you might be consuming anywhere from two
servings of starchy carbs a day (for fat loss) to four servings (off-season muscle gain), with
the serving sizes determined by your metabolism and how you train.
As you may know from previous articles, a primary determinant of the value of a carb
is how quickly it is broken down (and therefore its Glycemic Index). Ideally, we want to
consume more of the slower assimilated carbs, as the “sustained-release” nature of these
foods tends to replenish glycogen stores while minimizing fat storage.
When it comes to grains, the method of processing can greatly affect the Glycemic Index
Muscle Provider
Mass Maker
Ultimate Muscle Protein
30 Beverly International
At least half of your protein intake should be from whole food sources. Different protein sources have differing proportions of essential
amino acids; therefore a variety of protein sources provides a full
complement of the essential amino acids for muscle growth. Gaining
all of one's protein from a single source (such as chicken or tuna)
reduces the opportunity to gain a full complement of amino acids.
mentioned earlier, should be the base of
your regular diet.
Rice. Rice is easily digested and safe
for those concerned with food allergies.
Brown rice is an excellent choice here.
Refined white rice has had the bran and
germ removed, which reduces its nutritional value and fiber level. Wild rice and
brown rice are better than white rice for
bodybuilding purposes.
Convenience Option. You can now find
both wild rice and brown rice (along with
the less desirable white rice) in microwaveable pouches. One brand I’ve used
is Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice. It takes just 90
seconds to prepare.
of the food. Grains such as rice and oats have been altered for modern convenience,
which has affected their value. For example, groats (raw, unprocessed oat kernels) are
a hearty, fiber-rich grain that is extremely filling. The downside is that they take about
twenty minutes to cook in a steamer.
While you may feel that your schedule does not allow you to slow-cook your rice and
oatmeal, I recommend you at least try whole grains out. These can be purchased in bulk
at many health food groceries. By using a slow cooker (a $25-30.00 investment) you can
simply drop in the measured ingredients, set a timer, go about your morning prep and
return when they are ready to be eaten.
Breakfast Grains. My personal favorite breakfast blend involves a mixture of: 1)
Groats, 2) Amaranth, 3) Kamut, 4) Spelt and 5) Quinoa. I find that mixing two parts
groats with one part of each of the other grains creates a great texture. When steamed
together, these grains provide a variety of nutrients, a great dose of fiber and a great
wholesome flavor. I season with Splenda, some Olivio butter substitute and a dash of
cream. Give it a try.
Oatmeal. Oatmeal can be prepared in a variety of ways to enhance its flavor. A tablespoon of cashew or almond butter dropped in before cooking provides rich flavor and
healthy fats. A scoop of Ultimate Muscle Protein protein makes oatmeal a great full-spectrum nutritious meal. Want apple and cinnamon oatmeal without all the sugary junk
found in the instant packets? Simply add one or two tablespoons of no-sugar added applesauce, a sprinkling of Splenda and a half-teaspoon of ground cinnamon. “Quick” oats
are okay if you are on a time budget but avoid the instant oatmeal packets. For variety,
try Cream of Rice, Cream of Rye or grits but oatmeal or the whole grain breakfast blend
Beans. Although beans might seem as
if they fit better into the vegetable section, they behave in many ways like the
starchy carbs listed here. Beans are also
often served with rice because, while incomplete proteins when consumed on
their own, rice and beans complement
one another, filling in the missing amino
acids in each other’s nutrient profile. They
are rich in fiber and give a slow, sustained
release energy source.
Convenience Option. Bush’s canned
black beans takes just two minutes to
heat in your microwave. Black beans,
brown rice, and ground turkey makes a
terrific bodybuilding lunch you can prepare in minutes.
Sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes
have gained popularity with bodybuilders because of the fact that they are an
ideal slow-burning carb source. Baked or
boiled, they provide a delicious, naturally
sweet part of your meal.
Convenience Option. Try Bruce’s canned
yams, but be sure to get the “not packed
in syrup” version.
Potatoes. Baked white potatoes are
broken down quickly, relegating them to
post-workout carb replenishing status.
Redskin new potatoes break down slowly
making them the preferred option.
Fibrous Carbs
More Fibrous Carb Options.
Fibrous vegetables are secret weapons of
every bodybuilder who has ever dieted for
contest leanness. Not only does the added
fiber increase fullness, challenge the metabolism and provide a feeling of fullness,
but also it decreases the Glycemic index of
the rest of the meal when added to starchy
carbs. In order to stay lean, 2-3 servings
of fiber should be a part of your everyday
eating, including your off-season intake. In
order to obtain as broad a spectrum of nutrients, try your best to eat the rainbow by
including red, white, yellow and orange
vegetables along with the standard greens
that make up most of the produce department. Include steamed veggies along with
raw salads and cut vegetables like celery,
carrots, peppers, broccoli and cauliflower.
Asparagus. Rich in folate and B-vitamins, asparagus also has a mild diuretic effect
making it an excellent pre contest vegetable.
Salads. While dieting, a mixed salad
(various types of lettuce or spinach) can be
an indispensable addition. While lettuce
might seem lower in nutrients than many
vegetables, it contains large amounts of
cellulose and water, making it very filling
while on low carbs.
Convenience Option. Prewashed salad in
a bag, of course.
Spinach. Although a great source of
iron, chlorophyll and carotenoids, I think
the greatest value of spinach lies in its flavor. When lightly cooked in olive oil with
diced garlic, it makes a great additive to
omelets. Baby spinach also is a good alternative to lettuce salads.
Convenience Option. Prewashed bagged
spinach. Frozen spinach that you can heat
in your microwave is another practical
Broccoli and Cauliflower.
These cruciferous vegetables are a staple
in every bodybuilding diet because they
are filling and contain plenty of fiber.
Convenience Option. Steamfresh fresh
frozen vegetables. No prep time, you can
steam them right in the bag.
32 Beverly International
Green Beans. Because of their convenience, green beans are the canned veggie of
choice when you don’t have time to steam fresh veggies.
Mushrooms. They add texture and taste when grilled with onions or chopped
into brown or wild rice.
Zucchini and Summer Squash. These seasonal veggies are filling and taste
great when steamed with a touch of lemon and some light herbs.
Tomatoes. Although technically a fruit, they tend to normally be grouped with
veggies in the produce section.
Bell Peppers. Available in green, orange, red and yellow. While grilling can sometimes bring out the flavor of peppers and onions, there may be some loss in nutrient
value. Raw or steamed veggies should make up most of your intake, but light grilling
or baking is a good way to add variety.
Once considered “fruta non grata” in bodybuilding diets, fruit has been shown to be
an essential part of a lifter’s year-round eating program. The nearer the top of the list,
the more you can eat.
Grab one or two bags of frozen berries to be diced into hot cereal or blended into your
Beverly protein shakes as well as at least one piece of fresh fruit to be eaten each day.
Canned pineapple, peaches or mixed fruit (never in syrup) can be mixed into cottage
cheese and yogurt. This will allow you to avoid the heavy sugars, syrupy juice concentrates and pseudo-healthy preserves found in typical supermarket yogurts.
I’ve listed in priority order what I consider to be the best fruits for the lifter who is
interested in improving his/her body composition, i.e. more muscle and less fat.
Grapefruit. This low-calorie fiber source contains naringin (the flavanol that gives
grapefruit its tart taste). Naringin has been shown to slow the breakdown of caffeine
and to extend the active life of testosterone in the bloodstream. There are also theories
that something in grapefruit may reduce insulin secretions and improve fat burning.
Berries. A handful of fresh or frozen berries diced into your oatmeal or blended
into a protein shake, are a low-carb way to make your diet more enjoyable.
Lemons and Limes. A great low-calorie flavoring squeezed over fish, chicken or
Cantaloupe. Half a cantaloupe works great at breakfast, even on a precontest
Peaches. Peaches, like berries, are lower carb and great to add to your Ultimate
Muscle Protein pudding or protein shake. Just don’t go overboard when trying to
achieve maximum leanness as they do contain a greater proportion of simple sugars.
Pineapple. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps with the digestion
of protein. (For this reason, add pineapple to your cottage cheese, yogurt or on top of
your chicken breast right before eating).
A handful of fresh or frozen berries blended into a protein shake, or
added to your Ultimate Muscle Protein pudding, are a low-carb way to
make your diet more enjoyable. Email [email protected]
for Ultra Size Berry Pudding recipe.
EFA Gold. EFA Gold capsules are crucial
because they contain the specific fats that
are most commonly deficient in the diet and
will help you balance your fat intake. Divide
capsules into two or three daily doses with
meals for optimal health, improved body
composition and recuperation. This supplement should be a part of everyone’s daily
intake, even those that choose not to work
Olive oil. This should be a staple in your
diet and a part of your everyday calorie intake. Olive oil contains a very high quality
monounsaturated fat, which has beneficial
effects on your cholesterol levels. Olive oil
is also a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects. Stick to extra-virgin
olive oil, (which means it was extracted from
olives without the use of heat or chemicals).
Olive oil based salad dressings like Newman’s Own oil and vinegar provide an easy
way to get your allotment without cooking.
Apples and Pears. A little higher in carbs but filled with fiber. These fruits
work on a gain muscle lose fat diet, but not all the way up to the contest. Apple
juice (or actually any fruit juice), should be avoided because, without its inherent
fiber, it quickly jacks up blood glucose levels.
Bananas. Although a great source of fine fiber and potassium, bananas contain
too much simple sugar for us to eat them by the bunch. Depending on your metabolism, you may wish to limit them to half a banana at a sitting (those sensitive to
carbs may only be able to eat them pre- or post-workout). They can be eaten as a
snack, diced into your oatmeal or mixed into an [email protected]
pudding as a treat.
Oranges. Oranges are rich in fiber, vitamin-c and beta-carotene. The pith and
segment walls contain powerful bioflavonoids that increase the activity of vitamin-c. A great self-contained snack.
Healthy Fats, Fiber and Fluids
These are the all-important, but often neglected superstars of nutrition. The human
body is a complex, interactive system. Muscle growth and fat loss tend to best
occur when the body operates optimally — fats, fiber and fluids are an essential
part of this. Medical journals are flooding us with evidence of the health-promoting effects of healthy fats. Pay special attention to increasing your consumption
of omega-3 oils (linolenic acids), most commonly found in fish oils. Fiber supplements, particularly some of the nutrient-rich varieties available will further improve
general health. Lastly, lots of clean filtered water will provide that final ingredient
necessary to perform at your best.
Nuts. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and other nuts make excellent
sources of protein and healthy oils. Walnuts
are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Nut butter (especially cashew or almond). Look for an all-natural brand without added sugar salt or hydrogenated oils.
These are great simply eaten by the spoonful,
added to your oatmeal, mixed in a protein
shake, or smeared on a sliced apple.
Avocados. This vegetable is an excellent
source of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. Sliced onto a salad or mashed into a
dip, it can add moisture and flavor to your
diet. Also great in omelets or whenever you
want to add a “south of the border” flair to
grilled chicken or steak.
Olive oil-based butter substitute. Olivio —Send huge props out to Lee
Iacocca for coming out with this trans fatfree olive and vegetable oil butter substitute.
It tastes great and is high in Omega-3s. Another option is…Smart Balance Omega-Plus
Buttery Spread — Similar to Olivio, designed
to lower cholesterol levels.
Butter Buds. This granulated butter substitute is made from maltodextrin,
rice starch and butter. Butter Buds are
good for when you need to add a small
amount of flavor to warm, moist foods,
such as sweet potatoes, rice or veggies.
Powdered fiber supplement.
Some of the better fiber products, such
as Udo’s Wholesome Fast Food Blend
or Greens+ derive nutrients from dozens of concentrated sources. Even if
you are consuming three servings of
veggies a day, there is no way a person
could have the time, access, appetite
or money to consume enough food to
provide the broad array of phytonutrients possible with one of these specialized fiber supplements. Personally, I use
both brands, alternating them daily to
provide even greater variety. Start slowly with these (1/2 tablespoon a day the
first week) so that your digestive system
can adapt to the higher fiber levels.
Filtered water. Anyone trying
to build a lean, muscular body needs to
drink at least a gallon of water daily. If
you are not buying pure, filtered bottled water, I recommend purchasing a
Brita water filtration pitcher at the very
least. This will minimize any impurities in the water and allow you to keep
yourself safely hydrated.
Green Tea and Coffee. If you
don’t consider yourself a tea-totaler,
you may want to reconsider that status. Green tea has been clearly established as both an effective fat burner
and a source of powerful antioxidants.
It makes a great addition to any lifter’s
grocery cart. If you prefer java, avoid
the sugary, whipped cream and chocolate shaving-coated specialty drinks.
The caffeine in regular coffee is a great
fat burner. Just stick to calorie-free
sweeteners like Splenda and keep the
cream to a minimum.
Convenience Option. Look for ready
to drink diet green tea by Arizona or
34 Beverly International
Spices, Sauces and Marinades
In the documentary movie, “Raising the Bar” competitive bodybuilder Dave Pulcinella,
after being incessantly berated by family members for his bland pre-contest bodybuilding
diet, declares, “Flavor is bad! I hate flavor!”
While there is a certain amount of value to simplicity while on a strict diet, there are some
simple additives that can not only take your diet from bland to gourmet, but also improve
your health and physique in the process. Best of all, these additives will elevate your bland
muscle-building diet to enjoyable gourmet meals that will have you looking forward to the
next healthy meal.
If you are a spice novice, try some of these pre-made spice blends:
Italian Herb Blend: One common brand comes from McCormick and includes basil,
rosemary, garlic, and sea salt and other herbs in a convenient grinder.
Chinese Five-Spice: This blend of ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, pepper and thyme
(with star anise sometimes also included) is a great addition to any dish you want to
give an Asian flavor.
Grillmates Montreal Chicken: McCormack makes this great mixture of roasted garlic,
black pepper, onion, parsley, coriander and paprika blend. I use this liberally when
grilling chicken.
Emeril’s Original Essence: Similar to the Grillmates Montreal Chicken blend since it is
high in paprika and black pepper, garlic and onion but when you use this stuff you get
to yell, “BAM!” every time you sprinkle some on.
Lemon Pepper Seasoning: (various brands) This is great for chicken or fish.
Chef Paul Prudhommes’ Magic Seasoning Blends: These well-crafted herb mixtures are
available in blends for poultry, meat, veggies and seafood. Try them out.
Other great flavor enhancers include salsa (great with eggs or almost anything you used to
put ketchup on), hot sauce, and barbecue sauce (look for very low carb varieties). For your
salads, try red wine vinegar and olive oil with herbs for added flavor (lemon or limejuice
and garlic are also options).
Hopefully, this article has opened your mind to new food items that can expand your current selections and improve your physique. The key to getting the most out of your trip to
the grocery store is in pre-planning. The info in this article and the included shopping list
will help you make the most of your nutrition program.
In Part Two, I will share secrets of efficient food preparation and tell you techniques for
bulk food production. Why not cook twelve meals at once so that you can, with only a
reasonable amount of time invested, eat a variety of delicious bodybuilding meals with all
the convenience of a TV dinner?
Gold, Rozanne. Cooking 1-2-3. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2003.
Hill, Tony. The Spice Lover’s Guide to Herbs and Spices. John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
Kleiner, Susan. Power Eating (second edition). Human Kinetics, 2001.
Miller, Jan. Better Homes and Gardens Make-Ahead Cooking. Meredith Corp. 2001.
Nestle, Marion. What to Eat. North Point Press, 2006.
Schmidt, Arno. Chef’s Book of Formulas, Yields, and Sizes (second edition). Wiley Publishing 1996.
Tribole, Evelyn, MS RD. Eating on the Run. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2004.
Van Straten, Michael and Barbara Griggs. SuperFoods. Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2006.
I stumbled across this definition of
“Integrity” the other day and it just
spoke volumes to me. In fact, I read it
four times in row. This is how we operate our business, communicate with
clients, and design and manufacture
Beverly products. There is no deviation from this kind of principle when
you commit to it. The art of Integrity
is a life / business style that never goes
out of vogue. It is like the North Star
to early explorers or a magnet to metal. It is our guiding principle.
Exemplifying this definition of pure
integrity makes us different from a
lot of other companies in our industry. While exhibiting at the 2009 Arnold Expo, I realized that our Beverly
Company is like “Nemo” in a dark
sea infested with sharks. Even though
we are all swimming in the same water, the design, make up, and integrity
of our business physique is quite different. Things have changed quite
a bit in the fitness industry over the
past 2 decades. Sound the alarm…We
have not.
With: Sandy Riedinger
"Just wanted to say I saw you at the Arnold Fitness Classic in Columbus and it's easy
to find the Beverly booth; just look for the booth without the half-naked women.
Most booths were staffed by models in spandex giving samples of who knows what.
Not for me. I talked to Brian Wiefering at the Beverly booth and he is very knowledgeable. I've been taking Glutamine Select since last year's Arnold and UMP since
last summer. This year I also picked up some Uplift. Tried it Saturday afternoon and
really felt it during my workout. I was pumping chest and at the end of my normal
workout I just wanted to keep going! What a powerful product.
Thanks for the great products and keep up the good work!"
Dave Schutz - Columbus, Ohio
They all ask me the same question…“What do you say when clients ask you
why your products are different than all of the other brands out there?” The
answer begins first with the core values a company possesses. The products
are merely a result of that integrity. A lot of times I don’t even talk about
products, I sell the company. Here’s what I say…
1. From day one we vowed to never compromise on quality ingredients to
make a larger profit while deceiving the end user. We practice integrity and
keeping our promise of a high end product. This has allowed us to stay in
business for 43 years and counting. No one who was in the bodybuilding
supplement field when we started is still in business.
2. We have been very conservative with advertising the Beverly Brand. We realize that we can’t sell to everyone. We also
know that advertising costs, and either we’d have to increase
the cost of the product or reduce the quality (no way!) We’d
rather educate than advertise. (That’s why we publish the
NNN you are reading.) This way we can assure that the buyer properly uses our product and ends up with the highest
level of return or result.
10. Our products deliver a higher level of protein than other
companies. (Not in weight by grams necessarily but in concentration by grade level.) For example, MP is Beverly's lowest mark up, while yielding the highest percentage of whey
hydrolysate in a protein powder sold in the industry today.
11. Beverly protein is superior to others on the market based
3. Our distribution is direct from our warehouse. No middle
man. This saves you, the end user money.
a. Digestion
4. Our day to day operation center is very cost effective in
comparison to other companies. Just ask someone who’s
been here. They can’t believe it. We have low overhead and
system after system to do everything as effectively as humanly possible.
c. Mixability
5. Many have tried to copy our product over the years, but
have fallen short due to funds and/or proper resources. Their
end result is never the same as Beverly. Many are funded by
investment companies and find that they cannot produce the
same quality of product under their current cost and overhead structure. Therefore they cut corners on effective ingredients, consistency, and taste.
g. Assays that read 100% of label
6. Premium ingredients are not a commodity. We have specs
that must be met. When other labs solicit our business, they
often say they cannot get the ingredients that we specified,
but would we consider this; or some just come back with the
answer -"No, we can't make this product for you." It is cost
effective for labs to dabble in middle of the road or “commodity” raw materials, that way pricing is easy to set and
profits easier to make. But, “we can’t go for that”.
7. Not all raw ingredients are the same.
8. Not all protein is the same.
9. Not all protein labs follow the same guidelines in mixing/
blending. Their equipment is different. The better the equipment, the better the blend. Higher standards all the way
b. Absorption
d. Usability
e. Fine powder mixture
f. Not chalky in taste
h. 100% money back guarantee
i. Ingredients only purchased from reputable sources
with a clean history
j. Added select aminos that increase the protein package
How very fitting to focus on integrity? I just finished Ayn
Rand’s Fountainhead. I absolutely loved the book. Her “Atlas Shrugged” is just as satisfying. Both books center on the
theme of “being the best you can be” and “if it’s to be, it’s up
to me”. I recommend both. The hero in Fountainhead was
unwavering from the center line he created early on in his life.
He went thru all kinds of bumps in the road and faced many
challenges. I won’t give away the end, but he reminded me a
lot of what you guys write of your contest experiences. The
challenges you overcome –some sickness, some monetary,
some family, some time issues, what ever they are, you always end up finishing the race and feeling proud of your accomplishments. That makes your skin thick and your resolve
like solid steel.
ALL of us girls want to look good in a bikini. Age doesn’t
matter. It doesn’t even matter whether we are actually planning on wearing one or not. What’s important is that
we look good! In this article I’m going to present a
complete program for you to achieve your dream
bikini shape.
News Flash! If you’re inclined to compete, there’s
now another reason to look good in your bikini.
The NPC has instituted a new division in women’s
competition….Hello Bikini!
The Bikini division is for the woman who would like to
compete but has trouble gaining the amount of muscle
development needed to be competitive in figure. Bikini
judges will focus on overall shape and conditioning and
put less emphasis on the muscularity and extreme leanness
that has become the norm for Figure. Don’t get me wrong.
Women competing in this division must still be tight and in
great physical shape. To be clear, this is not a Hawaiian Tropic swimsuit contest, it is still a physique contest - just more
like a Shape magazine model than a Pro Figure Competitor.
The Rules
• Bikini contestants will be divided into classes by height.
• Posing for bikini will involve comparisons in a front stance
and back stance. These stances should display the competitor’s physique in a way that accentuates her strengths and
downplays her weaknesses.
• Bikini contestants will be judged in a two-piece suit and
Julie Lohre's Fitbody Training Program
Training for Bikini
It is important that a Bikini competitor
consistently includes weight training and
cardio in her workouts to improve her physique. Your first step should be to evaluate
your current condition and determine what
your strengths and weaknesses are. Do
you need to lose fat? Gain muscle? Do a
little of both? It is important to identify the
changes you need to make and to set out a
plan that will get you there. The following
plan is one that I developed for a woman
who wants to compete in Bikini and needs
to gain a little bit of muscle, but also wants
to focus on losing fat, and on tightening her
glutes, thighs, and abs.
NOTE: This is an advanced training program meant for a woman with at least
one year of weight training experience.
If you are newer to exercise or have not
been training consistently for the past six
months, begin slowly. Don’t try to perform
the entire program. Instead, break down
the workout as needed by decreasing reps,
the amount of weight you use, or take
more rests. Always listen to your body and
workout within your safe limits. For example, if the program asks you to do 25 reps
of an exercise, start with 10 (or even fewer
in particularly difficult exercises) and add
one or two reps each week until you can
perform the recommended number. Or, if
you can’t get all the reps listed, do as many
as you can, take a short rest, and then do
a few more. If need be rest again and then
complete your set.
This plan includes 4 days of training and a
fifth day of aerobic classes. I recommend
you start with the following program.
There’s a cardio component included in
each workout. Gradually add 30-minute
cardio sessions if fat loss is one of your
main goals. Try to do your extra cardio
first thing in the morning on an empty
stomach, but anytime is ok. Start with 3
extra cardio sessions and if you need more
fat loss slowly increase the number of days
that you do cardio until you hit six.
workout One: Warm-up and stretch
Upper Body Weight Training Circuit I:
Do the following exercises as a circuit for 15 reps with no rest between exercises
within the circuit. Rest 30 seconds between each circuit and repeat this circuit 3
DB Bench Press - Overhead DB Press - Lat Pulldown
Cardio burst: Treadmill intervals (1 minute fast or at incline, then 1 minute slower)
for 10 mins
Upper Body Weight Training Circuit II:
Same as Circuit I - 15 reps per exercise, no rest between exercises, 30 seconds rest at
completion of all 3 exercises, repeat 3 times.
Bicep Curls - Rope Press Downs - DB Incline Flyes - Lateral Raises
Cardio burst: Treadmill intervals for 10 mins
workout TWO: Warm-up and stretch
Cardio burst: Bike for 5 mins as fast as possible followed by 5 mins at a high
Bodyweight Exercise Pyramid: Do the following exercises as a circuit. Try for
25 reps of each exercise. Rest as needed. (Intermediates and beginners adjust reps to
your ability.)
Assisted Pullups (try 75% of your bodyweight – or assist yourself with feet on a
bench) - Lying Leg Raises – Pushups - Calf Raises (no weight but use a step
or block for a good stretch) - Bench Dips - Ball Crunches
Cardio burst: 15 mins Stepper
workout THREE: Warm-up and stretch
Lower Body Weight Training Circuit I:
15 reps each, no rest between exercises, rest 30 seconds between each circuit, and
repeat this circuit 3 times.
Walking Lunges - Plie Squats - Lying Leg Curl
Cardio burst: Perform 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Squat Jumps and 50 Bench Rebounds – rest as needed. (Intermediates and beginners adjust reps to your ability.)
Lower Body Weight Training Circuit II:
Same formula as previous circuit.
Straight Leg Deadlift - Bench Step Ups - Deep Squat Pulses (feet wide and
toes turned out)
Cardio burst: Stepper intervals for 10 mins (hard 1 min, easy the next).
38 Beverly International
workout FOUR: Warm-up and stretch
Diet & Supplements for Bikini
Pullups and Crunches Alternate sets of 10 pullups (adjust reps if needed
or use assistance) and 20 weighted crunches for 10 minutes; rest as needed.
In order to get a tight, competitive physique, diet will
be key for most women in the Bikini division. A clean
diet that focuses on lean protein and includes modest amounts of complex carbs and healthy fats will
help you lose fat while building shapely, lean muscle.
Below is a sample day for a woman that is approximately 145 lbs at 20% who wants to lose fat while
gaining a modest amount of muscle.
Cardio burst: Steady State Elliptical – use a difficult intensity level (incline
or resistance) for 10 mins
Bodyweight Exercise Pyramid: Do the following exercises as a circuit
performing 25 reps of each exercise. Rest as you need. (Intermediates and
beginners adjust reps to your ability.)
Bench Rebounds - Ball Curl Ins - Hamstring - Bench Dips
Oblique Medicine Ball Twists - Close Hand Pushups - Bench Press
Smith Tosses - Plank Holds (30 seconds)
Breakfast: 1 cup egg whites, scrambled with 1/2 c
veggies, 1 slice of Ezekiel bread with 1 tsp sugar free
jelly, 1 cup diced cantaloupe
Cardio burst: 10 mins Elliptical Intervals
workout five: Cardio Class of your choice like
spinning or step aerobics
Lower Body Weight Training Circuit I: 15 reps each, no rest between
exercises, rest 30 seconds between each circuit, and repeat this circuit 3
Walking Lunges - Plie Squats - Lying Leg Curl
Cardio burst: Perform 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Squat Jumps and 50 Bench
Rebounds – rest as needed. (Intermediates and beginners adjust reps to your
Lower Body Weight Training Circuit II: Same formula as previous
Straight Leg Deadlift - Bench Step Ups - Deep Squat Pulse (feet
wide and toes turned out)
Cardio burst: Stepper intervals for 10 mins (hard 1 min, easy the next).
Snack: Cream Cheese rollups – 4 slices of turkey
breast (4 oz) and 1 tbsp fat free cream cheese spread
thin on the turkey and roll up – add a piece of lettuce if desired and 1/2 a grapefruit – OR - Ultimate
Muscle Protein Shake (2 scoops with ice and water)
Lunch: Chicken and Rice mix, 1/2 c brown rice, 4 oz
grilled chicken, 1 cup diced grilled vegetables – onions, zucchini, bell pepper, 2 tbsp chopped avocado
& 1 1/2 TBSP shredded low fat cheese
Snack: 1/2 cup reduced fat cottage cheese
Dinner: Chicken quesadillas – 4 oz chicken, 1 low
carb tortilla, 1/2 c fat free cheese and 1 tsp fat free
sour cream. Add in mixed veggies like mushrooms,
onions, peppers as desired. Tossed salad with 1 tbsp
light vinaigrette dressing
Snack: Ultimate Muscle Protein (1 scoop mixed
together with a little bit of water for pudding)
Super Pak: 1 in the am
Ultra 40: 2 with each meal
Muscularity: 2 with each meal
Lean Out: 2 before each meal
7 Keto Musclean: 3 in the am and 3 before meal 3
Glutamine Select: 1 scoop before cardio and before/
during your training
Bench Rebounds
In my opinion the Bikini division is
a great addition to NPC shows and
should be a huge step in bringing
our sport to the mainstream. Each
woman should be able to step back
and decide what look they want to
work toward. This new category
will open NPC doors to many women who would like to use a competition as a motivator to achieve their
best possible physique.
are great for lower
body strength and toning. Start by standing upright in front of a sturdy
weight bench (or other
stable surface 1.5 to 2 feet
tall) feet together and
hands at your side.
I offer on-line personalized training
and competition prep where I work
with each of my clients individually
to help them decide if they would be
more competitive in Figure, Fitness
or Bikini. The key to remember is
that you should strive to transform
your body into what YOU want.
When your show is over, you want
to be sure that you have made the
changes that make you happy and
feel good about your body.
Julie Lohre is a small business owner, wife, mom, and an IFBB Fitness
Professional. Julie is a natural - drug
free competitive athlete. She strives
to teach women how to get and keep
the body of their dreams.
*Be sure to check out Julie's FitBody
Figure & Bikini Contest Prep Team
in the Northern KY / Greater Cincinnati area. It includes a full MOCK
COMPETITION at a local theater
along with workout sessions, posing
practice, competition seminars and
much more! For more information,
check out
40 Beverly International
With a swing of
your arms, jump
explosively and
land with both
feet all the way
on the bench.
Once you land,
stand up straight
without locking your knees.
Then, reverse
the movement by
either jumping
backwards off
the bench, or by
stepping down. If
you are not able
to jump to the
height of a regular weight bench,
start with an
aerobic step and
work your way up.
My name is Sunshine "Spring". I have
been involved in fitness for a long time
but could never master the diet aspect.
Oh, I tried. I bet that some of you have
traveled the same path – trying one weight
loss fad or diet after another – in search of
a quick fix. But, no matter what I tried I
could never get to where I wanted to be.
Even though I am just 26 now, I started
blaming it on my age. But all this changed
when I decided to compete in a contest.
The first thing I did was decide if I am going to do it, I am going to do it right. No
crash diets, no all liquid diets, no going
hungry, I wanted to stay healthy and get
in top physical shape. My friend, Travis
Stevens, a former competitive bodybuilder told me, “If you are really serious, then
you need to get some help from Beverly
International.” I was really serious, so I
contacted BI. Since I was really new to
this and would need some specialized attention I was referred to one of their consultants, Brian Wiefering. I set up an appointment with Brian through email and
was soon on the road to success.
Brian set me up with a nutrition plan
(see below) and recommended a couple
of supplements that he deemed essential.
Now, let it be known, before meeting
with Brian I did not believe in supplements. I was very skeptical and thought
all supplements were pretty much a scam.
Brian patiently explained how BI supplements are different and why they are so
effective. I started with just two, Muscle
Provider and Ultimate Muscle Protein.
After a couple of weeks I added Lean
Out. My fat loss accelerated. Based on
my results I was gaining more and more
trust in Brian’s recommendations. He
never pushed anything on me, but when
I asked what else might help he suggested
Glutamine Select plus BCAAs. Now I was
holding muscle and losing fat. A couple
of weeks later I asked, “Is there anything
else that will improve my results?” Brian
laughed, and I could tell he was trying to
hold back on further recommendations,
but after I insisted he said, “7 Keto MuscLEAN, Mass and Ultra 40. Now you’re
on my full program, you have everything
you need.” And I did! I was on the road
to success. Let me show you exactly what
I did so you can give it a try yourself.
Photo by Musclehead Graphics
I recently trained for and won the NPC
KY State Bikini Championships, my first
contest and it was a national qualifier.
What an amazing experience!
at a Glance
Age: 26
Occupation or Education:
Personal trainer, kickboxing
instructor; Education: Pre-law
(Bachelor of Arts in Social
Birthplace: Orlando, FL
Current residence: Flatwoods,
Years training: 3 years; For
competition: 1 year
Height: 5'3”
Weight: Off Season – 125;
Contest – 115
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal:
Oatmeal and Splenda
Favorite Supplements: My
favorite supplement is UMP,
hands down!
In your CD player: Anything
from Aaron Neville to Bon
Most Inspiring Book: The Bible
Hobbies or interests outside
bodybuilding: Kickboxing,
traveling, and just enjoying nature. I'm definitely an
outdoors kind of girl! I like
long walks, horseback riding
or lounging by the poolside. I
also am involved in research
relating to the preservation of
indigenous people and their
culture. I believe culture helps
distinguish a person.
Words to live by: "Pain is the
feeling of weakness leaving the body." This is what I
tell myself when performing
those last painful reps.
Since I’ve been talking about the evolution of my nutrition and supplement program let’s start
there. First and foremost, I found the best way to implement my food plan was to pre-cook my
meals for the week. I do it on Sunday, but you can do it on whichever day is your least busy. The
first step is to go to the grocery and get everything you’ll need for the week. Next, you pre cook
your meat. I use my George Foreman grill (because it is fast) to cook my chicken, turkey, or any
other meat I might have for the week. Next steam or microwave your vegetables. I use a broccoli
steamer that goes into my microwave for convenience. All it takes is five minutes and you’ve got
your veggies for the entire week. I put everything in containers so it’s ready to reheat in minutes. I
eat every 2 ½-3 hours so fast is good.
Meal #1: 3 oz lean meat (usually turkey), 1 egg, 3 egg whites, ½ c oatmeal; ½ grapefruit (I use
a little splenda in the oatmeal and on the grapefruit)
Meal #2: UMP vanilla shake (tastes great!)
Meal #3: Chicken patty. Here’s the recipe: mix together 3 egg whites, a 3 oz can or packet of
chicken or tuna (I do chicken), and ½ c oats; make into a patty and fry using 1 tsp olive oil,
salt and pepper; dip in ketchup, salsa or mustard. It is really delicious!!
Meal #4: Chocolate Muscle Provider shake
Meal #5: 5 oz chicken or lean beef patty; 1 cup salad, 1 ½ c broccoli
Meal #6: UMP chocolate made into a pudding; delicious-soothes away late night cravings :)
and is completely filling.
I talked about my supplement plan earlier, but here it is in exacting detail.
Ultimate Muscle Protein: Vanilla and chocolate: I use 1 scoop mixed in 8 oz water as a meal
replacement. This is the best protein out there by far! I think it is very important that an athlete
finds a protein he/she likes. I tried numerous proteins before this one and I could hardly stomach
them. Nothing I tried tasted good, but Beverly's UMP tastes delicious! Vanilla tastes like cake
batter and chocolate is wonderful too, especially as a late night pudding (just stir in a little less
water so you get a pudding consistency). Not only are these the best tasting protein powders on
the market but, they can be used for multi-purposes ex: protein pancakes, waffles, pudding...the
list goes on. I recommend every serious athlete should try Beverly UMP. UMP recipes are available at
7-Keto MuscLEAN: I don’t take this every day. I take 2 capsules at 10am and 2 more at 2pm on
my kickboxing cardio days, M-W-F.
Muscle Provider: I use 1 scoop in 8 oz water after a workout. It tastes great!
Lean Out: One of my favorite supplements! I take two capsules after each meal. Just as the name
says, Lean Out helps lean out my body. I have to have this before a show. It is a must!
Glutamine Select plus BCAAs: 1 scoop every time I workout. GS+BCAA increases my stamina,
strength, reps, and recovery. I can tell a major difference when I do not use this product. I'm
much more sluggish during workouts and do not have as much endurance or strength. Why
would anyone NOT use this one?
Mass Aminos: 3 w/ each meal; this supplement helps me maintain my muscle while I diet.
Ultra 40: 3 with each meal; helps to build muscle and gives me tons of energy.
42 Beverly International
Photo by Marty Conley
I make a complete list of everything I need for that “stage polish” appearance.
Nails and toes: No one wants to see different colored or chipped nail
Hair: I'm Native American with very long hair, so this can be a difficult
task. My hair does not want to hold a curl so I make sure I bring my
Chi-straightener and shine to make sure it is super sleek and tame for
competition. Also, prior to competition I try various hairstyles to keep
it off my face but still show the length. Many of the other competitors
have short hair styles so I like to be different and show the length.
My favorite type of HIIT cardio is kickboxing. I do 3 sessions per week. Here’s a typical kickboxing workout:
Start with 3 minutes of jump rope; rest 30 seconds; repeat for 3 sets.
Stretch for 3-5 minutes.
1-2’s on heavy bag or partner holding mitts for 1 minute then directly into 15-20 push-ups. Repeat for 3 sets
of 1-2’s and push-ups with 30-60 seconds’ rest between
each set.
Foot jabs on heavy bag for 1 minute, then directly into
25 squat jumps. Repeat for 3 sets with 30-60 seconds’
rest between.
Thai kicks: 1-10 right leg, then left, then directly into 50
bootstrappers. 3 sets.
Finish with abs. I do 4 tri-sets of crunches, hyperextension and oblique crunches for as many reps as I can get
on each.
Tan: Early and often. The lights wash you out! I could be biased,
but, I think everyone looks better with a tan. I'm naturally dark but,
I always try to get a good base tan prior to applying any self-tanner.
Always try your self tanner out before hand to make sure it turns the
color you want. I tend to have a natural reddish tint to my skin so I
have to make sure that my tanner doesn’t turn me orange or some
other color. When you find one that works best for you, continue to
use it. Don't change or mix products before a show!
Make Up: Make sure your make up is dark. I never apply self tanner
to my face. Bring bronzing powder for touch ups and to make sure
you don't shine. Always blend well at the neck line! You don’t want
to look like you’re wearing a mask.
And finally - POSE POSE POSE! Whether it is bodybuilding, figure,
or bikini practice your routine! Practice and practice some more. Did
I emphasize this enough? Make it flawless so when those nerves hit
you, it's automatic.
I’m going to leave your specific training program up to you
and your trainer, or refer you to one of the training programs on the BI website,
But I do want to tell you how I train what I consider the
most important body part for women – legs. As you probably know hips and thighs are usually the hardest to lean
out. I’ll admit that it’s my most important part, but not my
favorite. Still, I train legs twice a week, one day heavy and
one day light.
Heavy Day: Squats, Plie squats, and Stiff leg Deadlifts – all
for 4 sets of 10 reps with as much weight as I can use for
10 reps.
Light Day: 15 Step-ups each leg (w/15lbs), 10 seconds rest,
20 walking lunges (w/45lb bar), 10 seconds rest, leg extension (as many reps as possible), 15 seconds rest, 25 squat
jumps (no weight). Repeat three more times for a total of 4
giant sets.
I found that contest prep is as much mental as it is physical. You need
dedication, self discipline, and courage to step out there on that stage.
Following your diet plan takes strict self discipline. You must eat what
and when you are supposed to and never miss a meal or supplement.
You have to practice your posing, even though you’ve been on the go
since 6:00am and it’s now 9:00pm. The last thing in the world you
want to do is stare at yourself in the mirror for 20-30 minutes while
you practice your posing. But do it anyway, every drop of sweat is
worth it the day you step on stage and present all your hard work!
The 2009 NPC KY was a memorable experience. Before the show I
was scared to death. I was totally intimidated just thinking about what
the other girls might look like. I wondered if they were going to be
mean to me backstage and how I’d handle it. Well, it wasn't at all what
I’d imagined! The girls backstage were wonderful! I’d never met them
before, yet there they were giving me helpful advice and even helping
me glue my suit to my buns. I hope that this article has helped and inspired you, maybe even to compete. And if you do, whether you win or
lose, if you give it your all, you are still a winner!
How I Won My First
A Complete Program
Photo by Hubbs Sports Photography
As a young girl, I would sit in my living room for hours and watch
physique competitions and mimic the fitness moves. As an adult, I
have now completed my first competition, Beverly International’s
NPC Northern Kentucky. Not only did I participate, but I WON!
In this article I am going to illustrate my plan as well as some tips
and hope that you can adapt it to reach your own personal competition goals, or to just become the best that you can be.
It seems like my whole life has prepared me for this moment. I can
hardly remember a time when arduous exercise, focused nutrition,
and tenacious athletic goals (gymnast, dancer, cheerleader, soccer
player, and track and field athlete) have not been part of my life.
My first high school anatomy class really piqued my interest in
health and fitness. In college it continued to grow. As I was earning my degrees in Exercise Science and Spanish from Transylvania
University, some of my extracurricular activities included instructing group fitness, personal training, life guarding, entering 5k’s and
a mini-marathon, as well as taking on various jobs in athletic training, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
Now, I’m working as a high school Spanish teacher (temporary
filling in for a permanent teacher on medical leave) and taking
physics in college. And, at last, I can now officially call myself a
Figure Competitor.
Now, let’s get to work and see if my program can be of help to you
in achieving your goals. We’ll start with diet.
Key Diet Tips
As a young girl, I would sit in my living
room for hours and watch physique
competitions and mimic the fitness
allergic to oats and grains so I almost always turned to fruits and
vegetables for my carbohydrates.
3. I found that I could eat more of certain foods like asparagus
and tilapia and still end up with the same calories so I ate a lot
more of them as the contest approached.
4. I used tons of spices and seasonings on my food, but my favorites
were Mrs. Dash Southwest Chipotle and Weber Sweet’n’Tangy
1. My starting macronutrient ratios were 40% protein, 30%
carbs, and 30% fat and my ending were 50% protein, 20% carbs,
and 30% fat.
5. Fish oil capsules and guacamole were key fat sources. I tried
nuts and nut butters but I wanted to eat a whole can/jar rather
than a single serving.
2. I liked to prepare my meals fresh each day. I tried preparing
them a week in advance and it really didn’t work for me. I am
6. To deal with hunger between meals I drank a ton of flavored
sugar free iced tea, coffee, water, and Glutamine Select.
44 Beverly International
at a Glance
Age: 23
Occupation: ISSA certified personal trainer & high school Spanish
Education: BA in Exercise Science
and Spanish Language & Literature
(Transylvania University)
Current Residence: Somerset,
Throughout the final weeks of contest prep, I followed a 50-20-30 having 50% of calories
from protein, 20% from carbohydrates, and 30% from fats. At 4 weeks out I was consuming 1200 calories so my daily totals were 150g protein, 60g carbs, and 40g fat:
Meal #1: 35g protein, 25g carbs, 10g fat
Meal #4: 20g protein, 5g carbs, 5g fat
Meal #2: 20g protein, 5g carbs, 10g fat
Meal #5: 35g protein, 15g carbs, 5g fat
Meal #3: 20g protein, 5g carbs, 5g fat
Meal #6: 20g protein, 5g carbs, 5g fat
I always made sure I met my numbers while eating a little more for breakfast and post
Here’s a sample of my final diet program. Take note though, my nutrition varied throughout my contest preparation. In the beginning, I can remember having trouble even getting
all my meals in. There was no way to “eat all these greens!” By the end, I was counting
down the meal hours!
Height: 5'6
Off Season Weight: 130
Contest Weight: 115
7 am: Eat Meal #1: Then head off to teach Spanish.
Favorite Cheat Food: sushi
Supplement Recommedations: If
you have never tried Beverly International, go for the Ultimate Muscle
Protein. Everybody on this planet
should be consuming high-quality
protein shakes and their Cookies
and Creme tastes like an Oreo
blizzard when you are dieting! Along
with the supplements mentioned
in my daily nutrition plan, I am a
firm believer in Mass and Ultra 40,
Muscle Synergy, Lean Out, and now
In your CD player: Sirius radio set to
Most Inspiring Book: The Jesus Habits got me through this competition
Hobby or interests outside training:
Waterskiing, wakeboarding, horseback riding, and riding motorcycles
with my family and friends.
Words to live by: "Greater is he
that is in you, than he that is in the
world." 1 John 4:4
Meal #1: omelet (184g egg whites, 1 egg, 29g chicken, 7g guacamole, 23g
10 am: Meal #2: As the kids switch classes, UMP shake: 1 scoop in water.
1 pm: Meal #3: As my students went to lunch 3 oz tuna pack, 83g green beans
4 pm: Meal #4 during my planning period after my transition from high school teacher
to college student and back - 105g chicken, 106g broccoli.
4:30 pm: take an occasional nap
5:30 pm: hit the gym for myself and train any clients I might have.
7 pm: Meal #5 (same as Meal 2) and some form of relaxation/recovery (foam rolling,
strap stretching, massage, steam room, sauna, epsom salt bath, cold/hot shower, etc.)
8:30 p m: pack/prepare next day’s meals/supplements.
Meal #6: before retiring - 129g egg whites, 1 egg, 135g spinach, cayenne pepper.
5:30 am: Awake and take 6 GH Factor, 2 Energy Reserve, 2 Density.
6 am: Low-intensity cardio while sipping 1 scoop Glutamine select.
W/ meal 1: 2 Density, 1 Super Pak
2 fish oil, 2 Density
4 fish oil, 2 Density, 2 Energy Reserve
4 fish oil, 2 Density
2 Density, 2 Energy Reserve, 1 scoop Creatine Select & Glutamine Select prior and
during workout.
1 fish oil, 2 Density, 6 GH Factor
28.35g = 1oz; to convert grams to oz, multiply g by .035
Example: 105g chicken = (184 x .035) = 3.67 oz
Training and Cardio
Phase 2 CONTEST Training
I’ll be the first to admit that my contest
training and cardio was far from traditional. One of the most successful weight training programs that I followed during the
first stage of my contest prep was a version
of German Volume Training. My weight
training was limited to just three days per
week taking a rest day in between, but I
performed each exercise for 10 sets with a
goal of reaching 10 reps on each set.
As the contest approached I switched to a unique training program designed to hold my
muscle development while the diet was kicking in harder. In this phase I prioritized legs,
back, and shoulders by training them twice per week. In this phase I warmed up, then did
a series of supersets. Each exercise was performed for 3 sets of 5 reps with no rest between
sets. Even though I was doing only 5 reps per set, believe me, go from one exercise to the
next with no rest made this workout extremely challenging.
Pre Contest Phase 1
Day ONE: Chest / Back /
MONDAY: Legs / Glutes / Calves
Front Squats <ss> Good Mornings
*Calf circuit – repeat 3 times
Sumo Squat <ss> Glute Ham Raises
Calf raises 10 reps
Step ups <ss> Cable Pull Thru’s
Calf squats 20 reps
3-way Leg Press (no rest in b/w stances)
10 continuous reps regular, wide, then
close stance
Calf jump ropes 30 reps
Bench Press
TUESDAY: Back / Shoulders / Triceps
Bent-over Underhand Rows
Wide Grip Chin-Ups <ss> “V” Bar
Barbell Shoulder Press <ss> Dumbbell
Arnold Press
Bent-Over Row <ss> Corner Bar Row
Dumbbell Swings (with one heavy dumbbell in between legs swinging up parallel to
the floor keeping arms straight-3 sets of as
many as possible)
Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine
Upright Row <ss> Fatboy Pull-Ups
(hanging horizontally underneath a
racked bar with heels on the floor pulling yourself up to meet it)
Day TWO: Quads /
Hamstrings / Abs
Front Squats
Conventional Bent Legged Deadlift
Cable press downs (1 Giant Drop Set NonStop)
Weighted Double Crunch Machine
WEDNESDAY: Sled and Abs
Day THREE: Triceps / Biceps
/ Shoulders
Close-Grip Incline Bench Press
Side jackknives 10 each side
Ab circuit: 3 non-stop rounds
Bicycles 25
Double crunch 15
Standing Barbell Curls
Seated Shoulder Press
THURSDAY: Chest-Shoulders-Biceps
German Volume Training Workout Summary: Three exercises per workout; 10
sets of 10 reps each exercise; 60-90 seconds rest between sets (shorter rest for
smaller muscle groups). Use the same
weight for all ten sets. I recommend that
you start with a weight that you can do
for 15-20 repetitions on your first set with
good form. Just do 10 reps each set and
as the sets mount up 10 reps will become
a greater and greater challenge. Once you
reach 10 reps on all 10 sets of a particular
exercise, add weight to that exercise the
following workout.
46 Beverly International
Sled dragging and Abs
Flat Bench Press <ss> Corner Bar Chest
Inclined Close-Grip Bench Press <ss>
Dumbbell Neutral Grip (Palms In)
Chest Presses
DB Lateral Raises <ss> Delt Cable Pull
Thru’s (with the bar between your legs
extending out with your arms till parallel to the floor)
Dumbbell Swings (with two heavy dumbbells at sides swinging up to shoulders
curling with palms in-3 sets of as many as
Cable Bicep Curls (1 Giant Drop Set NonStop)
FRIDAY: Repeat Monday Workout
SATURDAY: Repeat Tuesday Workout
Although my weight training program was different than most figure workouts that I’ve
seen, I did some pretty traditional cardio on the treadmill and stationary bike as the contest approached. I did low intensity (up to an hour) incline walking or resistance biking
in the morning and a short, high intensity cardio session after my weight workout in the
evening. In my evening session I jumped rope, used the stairmaster, pulled the power sled,
or did a plyometric drill listed below. As for plyos, I’d rotate the chosen drill from the list
below avoiding interference with my weight training completing 12 sets of 7 good reps
with 30-60 seconds rest between sets.
• Clap push ups
• Explosive pull ups
• Jump Deadlifts
• Jump Squats
• Explosive chin ups
• Explosive dips
One final note on training: Whether you try one of the workouts I’ve listed above, or one
that you have read about in the No Nonsense Newsletter, make everything measurable.
Write down the exercises, sets, reps, and weights you are going to use before you go to the
gym. That way there’s no guesswork when you get to the gym. You know exactly what
you are going to do and you do it.
The Stuff You Need to Compete
First, I recommend that you try to get your hands on the Beverly Workshop Manual.
I attended the sessions in person and they were invaluable. In fact, the Beverly Workshop Manual has a Figure Competitor Checklist that tells you exactly what you need
to compete. It’s on page 7 in the Figure Section of the manual.
Photo by Rogers Photo
insomnia, I had to immediately gain control of the situation and man up knowing
that other girls in this competition were
facing the same and greater obstructions
and still training and dieting just as hard
as or harder than me!
Here are some other tips that I found
1. Set up a network. I suggest telling as
many people as you can what you are into
because not only are you inspiring others
and yourself, but there is no pulling out
when tons of people are rooting for you! I
even had t-shirts made with local sponsoring businesses and wrote an article for our
local Health & Fitness Magazine.
I’d get a copy of Julie Lohre’s posing video. I practiced over and over with it.
Order your suits early.
Plan to have an excellent tan. Don’t wait until the last minute and hope. Experiment a
head of time. I used Elite Tan for my tanning spray.
I picked up everything else I needed locally and used a number of things I already had.
I got my jewelry from a local shop Bridal World, a hair clip from JC Penney salon, and
used a pair of old pageant shoes and body glue.
Challenges and Solutions
My first figure competition has been the biggest physical, mental, and spiritual challenge
that I have ever faced. Very few people in my everyday life “got” what I was doing and
even fewer could understand “why”. But I leaned on that handful that did “get” it. I am
forever grateful for those who realize what a huge personal achievement this was and for
those who have served as a blueprint towards making it happen.
I found how truly powerful the mind is over the course of preparing for this contest. I made
a special effort to avoid stress and see the absolute best in everything I faced. When you’re
dieting down, you are so much more aware of your internal and external environment and
how it is affected. I was continuously figuring out what was hindering and what was helping me to reach my goals as I ridded myself of any hindrances. With all disruptions ranging
from a negative word or action towards me to a misbehaving student to getting the flu to
2. Use motivational tools. I encourage you
to use motivational boards (with inspiring quotes, images, cards, personal goals,
progress pictures, etc.), inspirational books
(I would always read The Jesus Habits or
100 Women of the Bible during my low-intensity cardio), shows (I would pose to
Joyce Meyer), and music (I would begin
my day with Point of Grace and end it with
a relaxation cd).
Always remember “Greater is he that is in
you, than he that is in the world." 1 John
4:4 and you can achieve big things!
Editor note: Since this article was first
published Autumn has gone on to become
an IFBB Professional and recently won the
St. Louis Pro Women's Physique championship. (Her married name is Autumn
Swansen if you would like to google her.)
Lessons for the
and a Little About Myself
Sometimes the journey does seem tough…working a full-time job,
volunteering, training, dieting, preparing all my meals, etc. everything that competing requires is really like another full-time job.
But, I really do love it :) My faith is very strong, and I truly believe
that it is Jesus who is in control of the people and situations that
I encounter in life. I am very thankful to Him for being blessed
with so much! I always keep close in my heart several Bible verses,
which I remind myself of often, “I can do all things through God
who strengthens me.”-Philippians 4:13. “With God all things are
possible.” -Matthew 19:24-26. These verses always help to motivate me to keep on going, and help me to never give up, even when
things do seem very tough.
Weight Training Beginnings
and My First Show (Incognito)
Back in my teenage years, I used to witness my brother, Louie,
venturing downstairs into the basement to lift weights. This really
inspired me…I soon found myself volunteering at the YMCA, and
then began working out myself there. I had always loved reading
any health and/or fitness magazines, and I’d admire the athletes I’d
read about…I was always inspired and motivated by them. I then
began attending competitions, just to watch. As I attended several
shows, and sat in the audience, I thought to myself, if these athletes
can do this, why can’t I?! I thought, I don’t want to be sitting in the
audience any more…I want to be up there on stage! I had already
been accustomed to training, as well as eating very clean, I just had
to tweak it all and take it up a notch to be in competition shape.
Unfortunately, I was completely uncoordinated, so my next step
was to hire a personal trainer, Dave Liberman, (who, 2.5 years
later, became my boyfriend) to assist me with my posing routine, as well as my training. My goal was to compete in my very
first competition ever… the 2001 NPC Natural Northern USA,
48 Beverly International
Linda Reho,
2006 NPC
Grand Prix
Photo by
in bodybuilding. I didn’t tell anyone that I was entering this
competition, because if I didn’t do well, I didn’t want anybody
knowing. My parents, brother, and my trainer were the only
ones who knew what I was up to. I even asked that my family
not attend, because I told them they’d be wasting their time. I
even wanted the announcer to use a “fake” name when it was
my turn to step onto the stage! Lo and behold, I ended up placing 1st in the Women’s Lightweight Bodybuilding, plus I won
the OVERALL title! I was elated! I didn’t even know what the
heck a "pose down" round was! But, I quickly learned!
Should You Compete?
One of the things which hold others back from competing is
that some people just lack the confidence that it takes to get
up on stage. It also takes a lot of perseverance and self-confidence to stick to your goals, especially when you’re around people who don’t understand the whole dieting and competition
world. I’ve learned to stay mind strong, focus on my goals, and
stay very disciplined, instead of letting my friends who don’t
compete sabotage my efforts. Many of my friends have grown
to understand and respect the fact that yes, I
can still join them for social events, but I will
be bringing my own Tupperware containers
of food in my cooler along (and I don’t have
a problem politely asking the waitresses/waiters to heat up my food for me if we venture to
I actually think competing can BUILD one’s
confidence. You just have to go in there with
the mind set, that I’ve put in my best effort (if
you have), this is the best I’ve looked in my entire life, and just show up at your contest as
best as you possibly can. Everybody came from
somewhere, and usually can recite their own
individual success story…some may have lost
100lbs, some may have overcame a disease, no
matter what, I think every single person who
gets up on that stage is a winner in their life.
The best advice I can offer someone
contemplating first-time figure or
bodybuilding competition…
You only live once, so if you have a gut
feeling about competing, act on it!
Linda Reho at a Glance
Age: 31 (I act and feel younger)
Competition History: 2001 NPC Natural Northern USA Bodybuilding; 1st
Place Lightweight & Overall Title
2005 NPC Natural Great Lakes Figure Championships; 1st Place Short
2006 NPC Junior California Figure; 1st Runner Up Medium Class
2006 NPC Natural Grand Prix Figure Championships; 1st Place Short Class
& Overall Title
Occupation: I work in several departments for the Lake Hospital System
– Cardiac Rehabilitation, I’m Coordinator of the Tobacco Education Department where we counsel smokers on ways to kick their smoking addiction,
and I also work in the Health Promotions Department where I go out to elementary schools to give talks to 3rd and 4th graders about heart disease,
exercise, and teach the students that "Butts are Gross" (cigarette butts,
that is).
Education: I earned a BS in Exercise Physiology, from Ohio University; and
two Masters Degrees from Cleveland State University in Exercise Science
(with a specialty in Cardiac Rehabilitation) and Sports Management.
Marital Status: Not married, but I do have a boyfriend/ best friend (Dave
Liberman). No kids, but I consider my Himalayan cat, Bailey, my baby boy!
Go watch a show to see how it proceeds.
Gym: Titan’s Gym and home gym.
Set a date for your contest.
Height: 5' 2" and a quarter
Make sure to put your goals down in writing, and then put your whole heart and
mind into it, and do it! Put in 110%, giving it your all!
Off Season Weight: 125-130 lbs
What can you lose? Maybe a few extra pounds,
but that’s a great thing!! Do it for YOURSELF,
and set personal records. Don’t just base your
goal on winning - you never know who is going to show up at your contest, nor do you
know how the judging is going to go. My goal
for each show is to always come in better (improving upon how my physique looked)…and
even if the judges don’t reward it, at least I have
met my goal. It is a very subjective sport, but I
am aware of that going in. Stay focused, stay
disciplined, and when times get tough, reach
out to whomever your higher power is (mine is
God) to help you keep pressing on. And lastly, always be sure that whatever you are doing,
stay positive, smile often, laugh a lot, and be
happy! :)
Contest Weight: 110 lbs
Favorite Cheat Food: Chocolate Giant Eagle Cake loaded with butter cream
frosting! Dave surprised me with a huge one after one of my contests! He
secretly had a hotel employee deliver it to the fridge in our room WHILE I was
at my contest. What an awesome treat to come back to!
Favorite Meal: I love Mexican food (during the off-season)! I also love different variations of protein pancakes!
Favorite Beverly Recipe: Protein pancakes and pUMPkin pie passion, I’ve
included the recipe for all to enjoy!
Favorite supplement: I love the protein powders! I use Muscle Provider, Ultimate and Muscle Protein! All the flavors, too! There are so many variations
to make so many concoctions, and they all taste DELICIOUS!!!
Favorite Band or CD: I love Christian music and always have my radio tuned
into The Fish, a Christian station. I also love Cyndi Lauper!
Most Inspiring Books: The Bible, and a motivational book by Joyce Meyer,
entitled "The Power of Determination". I take them along with me to all my
competitions, to read throughout the day, and often to the gym. I love to read
Christian books, as well as the Bible, on a daily basis.
continued on following page...
Activities and Other Interests: EXERCISE!
The worst part about competing is that I can’t
workout two days prior to the show, or day off
and I hate taking days off! I enjoy doing public
speaking and volunteer my time speaking to
groups such as "Mended Hearts", which is a
support group made up of patients who have
heart disease.
Important People in My Life: My faith in Jesus
is very strong, and I truly believe that it is He
that helps me to do all that I do. There have literally been times when it took everything I had
to drag myself to the gym, but I kept repeating
"I can do all things through God who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:16) over and over in
my mind, throughout my whole workout, and
that’s what got me through it!
Another motivational person is my mother.
She’s a big encourager and motivator! She
even helps me to cook my food when I’m
in a bind. My brother, Louie, is also great to
bounce off ideas. He is an exercise physiologist as well.
And, of course, my boyfriend, and trainer,
Dave. I met him in 2001 when I hired him to
train me and teach me posing! Two and a half
years later we began to date! Words cannot
express how blessed I am to be not only one
of Dave's clients, but to have him as my boyfriend and best friend as well.
My Training
I train at Titan’s Gym, located in Mentor, Ohio. The best amenity that it offers
is that it’s open 24 hours! Perfect for me, who never has a set schedule! I also
have a gym at home. Some days I train with Dave, some days I train on my own.
I do cardio every single day, whether it is off-season or contest-season. To me
there really is no “off” season. I have to work just as hard whether there’s an
upcoming contest or not to make improvements. I usually do cardio first thing in
the morning, for at least half an hour. The amount of time varies, especially when
I’m getting ready for a show. Sometimes I’ll do 45 minutes +, it all depends what
stage my physique is at. In addition to morning cardio, I’ll often do a second
cardio session…sometimes prior to my weight training, but usually afterwards.
At least once a week I’ll do just cardio, both in the morning, then later on in
the early evening. I like to vary my modes, one, because I like variety, and two,
because I don’t want my body to get used to the same thing, and stop producing
the maximum results that it’s capable of. I jog, run, speed walk, ride bikes (stationary and recumbent), elliptical, row, and kick box. I vary the intensity as well.
I incorporate the Beverly HITT cardio sessions (my boyfriend and trainer, Dave’s
addicted to it, he does it on the elliptical ALL THE TIME!)
As for weight training, I usually train one body part per day, and hit each part at
least once per week. My first contest was bodybuilding, then I switched to competing in figure. This type of training works for both. In fact, my weight-training
regimen is still very much the same for figure as it was for bodybuilding. (The
only big difference is I have incorporated more cardio for my figure prep). Depending on what body part/s I’m trying to improve for my next show, I will train
that particular muscle group/s twice a week. I always vary my exercises, as well
as the order of them. I rarely do the same exact workout. I train heavy, but my
reps and sets vary. I like to incorporate all sorts of things…regular sets, drop sets,
super sets, tri sets, you name it! I also choose exercises that train various angles,
to ensure I’m training different muscle fibers. I love to challenge myself, and I
love variety!
What I’ve Learned - Nutrition & Supplements
BEVERLY has really made an impact on my life, diet, and focus. Some days, it’s
just a blessing to see the new issue of the No Nonsense Newsletter in my mailbox,
especially after a long, stressful day. Just picking it up and reading about another
athlete’s success story, or seeing a new recipe, or reading about a new way to use
Beverly products, are all such huge motivators. It’s also great to receive a packet
indicating a big blowout sale that Beverly is having.
I have definitely tried other supplements, but nothing compares to Beverly. I had
never been able to order all my supplements strictly through one company…in
the past; I used protein powder from one company, another product from yet
another company. It is very rare to find a company that provides every single
supplement I need, all of which are at the most highest quality. I’ve tried nearly
every one of Beverly’s Products, and have seen RESULTS with every single one of
them! I now stick solely with BEVERLY products.
As I began using Beverly products, I’d add one more product in at a time, seeing
better and better results! It is amazing! I always have tons of energy, feel very
alert and focused, and have a very positive outlook on life. I think I’m addicted. I
50 Beverly International
have never experienced any side effects, such as headaches, or
being fatigued. The protein powders taste AMAZING, unlike
a lot of “chalky” tasting shakes out there. Best of all, Beverly’s
Products really do work! The employees at Beverly are always, always, so very prompt in replying to my emails! I don’t
know of ANY OTHER COMPANY in this industry with this
incredible customer service! It is just amazing! Whenever I
tell anyone about Beverly products, I always share this information, and they are just stunned that a company would go to
such great lengths, working with each and every individual’s
needs and goals. In the past, when I used other company’s’
products, if I ever had a question, I’d usually be put on hold
for quite some time, and when the call was finally answered,
a sales rep answered the phone, and was very vague about the
products, and could not give me a sound answer.
What have I learned about food? For me, dieting for the contest isn’t as tough as THE AFTERMATH! You can turn into
a food-addict, for sure, and become out-of-control, if you get
too carried away and don’t set limits. I’ve personally lived
and learned all about post-contest awareness, and have been
through the entire experience! As every competitor knows,
you just have one thing on your mind after your contest, you
want to eat! Anything and everything that you’ve deprived
yourself of in the previous 4-6 months. Eating the night of
your contest is certainly a rewarding feeling…it’s “the icing
on the cake”! (And I “ABS”olutely love cake! Ha!) You feel
you’ve worked so very hard, you displayed your package on
stage, putting to the “test” all that you’ve worked for in your
preparation, now its time for your taste buds’ reward! Sound
familiar?! But, you must learn to be careful…Yes, of course
you must celebrate, but be sure not to turn this celebration into
a continuous 24-7 celebration. Once you begin to eat those
non-diet foods, of course they taste so heavenly, but you will
be tempted to do this the following day, and the next day, too!
And then it becomes very hard to go back to your clean-eating
mode. You can’t continue to do it day after day after day…
your body will begin holding onto it and STORING it…as
body fat, extra unhealthy unwanted pounds. And it becomes
very easy for that number on the scale to go up, up, up and
away! I always remind myself of the quote “A moment on
your lips is FOREVER on the hips”.
I’ve learned a lot when it comes to food during the off-season,
moderation, moderation, moderation is the magic word, and
I try to alert every competitor about it. I came up with the
quote, “Eat ANYTHING you want, and you won’t be able
to WEAR anything you want!” I know that most of us competitors have their wardrobes divided into separate sections in
their closets…a section for their off-season clothes, and a section for their in-season clothes. It becomes very discouraging
when neither section fits! :(
I’ve learned that you must keep things in perspective. Although
it is not realistic to stay at your contest weight year-round, it’s
best to stay within 15-20 lbs during the off-season, for a figure
competitor. Staying leaner in the off-season will make it that
much easier for you to snap back to your contest weight, without having to diet for an over-lengthy period of time to be stageready for your next contest. There are in-season diets, and there
are structured off-season diets to adhere to as well.
I’ve learned to eat very clean throughout the week during the
off-season, but I do allow myself to enjoy a cheat meal, sometimes even a cheat day on the weekends. I’ve learned that if I
deprive myself, I might turn my deprivations into full-blown
binges! Dave’s body can handle eating whatever he wants on
the weekends, but I can only do it for one day of the weekend,
just a meal or two. For some reason my body just can’t handle
the huge splurge all weekend long, maybe it’s because I’m a female?!
I’ve learned that as you age, your metabolism is not the same
as it was when you were in your 20’s. That’s when you must
implement and manipulate different variables into your training
and diet regimen. This is where the huge importance of proper
supplementation with Beverly products comes in, along with
the Beverly “carb up meals,” and the HITT cardio sessions. All
have had drastic benefits on my metabolism.
I’ve learned that it helps to have supportive people in your life.
My boyfriend has been very supportive this time around during
the off-season, to help me to keep my weight off for my next
show. We no longer venture to restaurants throughout the
weekdays. On Sundays I prepare our meals. I call Dave’s his
“Meals on Wheels”…as he lives just two miles down the road,
and many times I have pedaled my bike, carrying a cooler full of
weighed-out meals packed in Tupperware, and delivered them
to his fridge!
I’ve learned that if I ever want that extra helping of dessert, I just
remind myself that I will never let myself get this far over my
contest weight next season, and that I can have another helping
during my cheat meal the following weekend. I must keep on
instilling will power and control in my head, and not give in to
those tempting taste buds! (It’s taken a while, but I’ve gotten
control of it!) My more-than-anticipated weight gain in January 06 sure was a learning lesson for me, and I try to pass this
bit of advice on to every person who competes.
Dave reminds me that it’s best to always hold yourself accountable and have an idea of what that magic number for your
weight is, ‘cuz that number can creep up on you quite fast!
When it does that dreadful word “scale” comes in to play! Ugh!
Although the scale is by no means my best friend, I have learned
to become “acquainted” with it, at least once a week, just to
make sure that I’m staying within my weight range during the
It’s hard to pick my favorite product, but I must say it’s a tie between the protein powders and the Glutamine Select plus BCAAs for sure! Just the sugar cravings alone that
it’s helped me to control, along with all its other f”ab”ulous benefits! I sip it throughout
my workout. And, if you need your chocolate fix, you’ve gotta have Beverly protein
powders on hand at all times! They are simply a MUST HAVE! I love Muscle Provider
and UMP! (I have both of these in Chocolate AND Vanilla!) I use them alone, or mix
them together to make some yummy concoctions…puddings, shakes, and pancakes,
just to name a few. And they all taste so delicious that it doesn’t feel like you’re depriving yourself!
The Ultra 40 Liver tabs and Mass Amino tablets used together have really played a big
role in improving, as well as retaining, my muscle mass. They are an excellent source
of protein to add to your meals, and your muscles just suck them right up! Lean Out
is great too, and it has done exactly what its name says…it’s leaned me out! During
contest season, I take 2 prior to each meal, then increase it to three as it gets closer to
my contest. I then add in the Energy Reserve, which just adds fuel to the fire! All of the
products have proven wonderful results!
I used to be afraid of fats, but I now add a serving of EFA Gold with 1-2 meals daily.
I’ve finally accepted the fact that our bodies NEED some fats, it’s just making sure to
choose the good fats that is a must. Already I’ve seen an improvement in feeling fuller at
meals, for a much longer period of time, as well as seeing improvements in my physique,
skin, and fingernails, by adding in this product. Eating the good fats actually helps your
body to get rid of the bad fats!
How to Get the Most
from Your Supplements
I really believe that you must take numerous products at a time to work synergistically to ensure the most effective and best
outcome. Just like your vehicle can’t run
on gasoline alone – it needs oil, transmission fluid, coolant, etc; your body can’t
work its best unless it has ALL it needs to
work together to accomplish the best results that it’s capable of! I started using
just a couple of Beverly products, and just
kept adding another, and another, seeing
better and better results!
52 Beverly International
What would I recommend to someone who has never been exposed to Beverly products? Gosh, that’s a tough one; since there are so many Beverly products I stand and
swear by! Of all the wonderful Beverly products, I would first recommend the protein
powders. Whether one wishes to compete or not, perhaps they just want to stay on a
healthy diet, anyone can reap the benefits of the protein powders! In fact, here is a real
live example! A co-worker of mine, Reggie, has been on a diet for almost a year now.
However, three of her meals consist of having to drink a 160-calorie shake. I watch her
as she “chokes” it down, as she sees me enjoying my meals. I asked her for the box that
her ready-made drinks come in, and created for her one of each of the following recipes,
ensuring that each equated to 160 calories, with the same amounts of protein, carbs,
and fats labeled on her drink. I made her three treats, labeling them just one, two, and
three…asking her which she liked the best, without letting her know the ingredients!
She loved them all! But, the pUMPkin pie passion was her favorite. You should have
witnessed her reaction as she indulged in these! She had a huge smile on her face, as if
she had just been released from prison, and was EATING something delicious, instead
of DRINKING her usual little drink. When I placed my last order for Beverly products,
she had me order her a tub of vanilla UMP, too. Now she creates her treats on her own.
She loves how easily the powder mixes. And get this, she admitted that she HATES
vanilla flavored protein powders, but she just LOVES the UMP! (She decided to make
a plain vanilla shake with it to find this out!). She said it has a sweet and creamy taste,
and that it wasn’t “chalky” tasting, as she was accustomed to with other shakes. She is
even now thinking of perhaps attending a show next year, and then possibly competing
in one! Hhhmmm…which other products will I turn her on to next?!?!?
I have a lot of favorite recipes for the Beverly protein powders, including protein pancakes and pudding. In fact, I just came up with a few really yummy ones, especially
great for indulging in around the holidays! The best thing about them is they taste
GREAT, they’re very healthy (you can eat them during contest-season!) and you can still
look great, and feel like you’re really indulging throughout the holidays!
Also, note that you can alter the ingredients, depending on your diet’s needs…
1/2 cup of pumpkin only has 20 calories!!! And, as
I’m sure you all know, a 1/2 cup of oatmeal only has
75 calories!
pUMPkin Pudding
1 container of vanilla Fit n’ Lively yogurt (only 60
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 scoop Vanilla UMP
(Optional: 1/4 - 1/2 cup of Fiber One Cereal to
make crunchy)
1 tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip
Mix all the above ingredients together to create
a smooth, thick, and creamy pudding. (Add a little
water to make it thinner, if you wish). Top with
a tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip, too, if you’d
like!1 container of vanilla Fit n’ Lively yogurt (only
60 calories!)
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
pUMPkin Pie Passion
1/2 scoop Vanilla UMP
1 scoop Vanilla UMP
(Optional: 1/4 - 1/2 cup of Fiber One Cereal to
make crunchy)
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1 tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip
1 teaspoon of cinnamon spice
Mix all the above ingredients together to create
a smooth, thick, and creamy pudding. (Add a little
water to make it thinner, if you wish). Top with a
tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip, too, if you’d like!
1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice
pUMPkin Smoothie
1 1/2 scoops of Vanilla UMP
1 packet of Splenda (or Equal)
1 tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip
Mix oats with water and put in microwave, just as you would make your oatmeal; stir in pumpkin and UMP, adding water to get a thick, smooth, creamy
consistency. Add in cinnamon and pumpkin spices and Splenda flavor; top
with a tablespoon of fat-free Cool Whip if you’d like! Enjoy!
My Ultimate Goal
1 teaspoon of cinnamon spice
1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice
1 packet of Splenda (or Equal)
4-6 ice cubes, cold water
Mix all the above ingredients together to create
a smooth, creamy smoothie. I like to put mine in
the freezer for a while to thicken it up.
As to achieving my ultimate goal in life…physically, spiritually, and personally, I rely on the dear Lord to help me follow my dreams, goals, and passions
in life. Each day I ask Him to help me to bless somebody today. Whoever it
may be, I just pray that this person/s will be placed in my path today, and that
I will be able to share whatever gifts I have been given, to help this person
in whatever way that God has intended for me. Somehow, someway, I hope
that I was able to help you by writing this article. I will feel blessed for being
able to do so.
Here's How I Got Ready For The
2007 NPC
2007 NPC Team Universe Overall Winner
As I prepared for this year’s Team Universe I read the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Two phrases from the book that really hit
home for me are, “Your level of achievement is determined by your
level of expectation” and “Obstacles are what you see when you
take your eyes off your goals”. As I read the book and watched the
DVD I became convinced that I really could win the overall at the
Team Universe and earn my lifelong goal, an IFBB pro card. Every
single day I visualized standing on stage in New York City at the
Tribeca Performing Arts Center being awarded the overall trophy.
The more I visualized it, the more real it became. By the time the
contest day arrived I truly believed I would win. And I did!
I’ve received a moderate amount of publicity lately and the first
thing most people ask me is, “How long have you been working
out?” When I answer, “Over 21 years” I can see them trying to do
the math trying to figure out my age. I help them out and say, “Yes,
I’m 45 years old.” They’re surprised, but I’m proud. Bodybuilding
done right is a great sport and lifestyle – it keeps you young and
healthy – body and mind.
Here’s how I got started. I joined an “all female” gym in 1985 to
get into better shape. Like many women, I was “bottom heavy”
and wanted to balance out my shape. I was amazed how quickly
my body responded to weight training. I loved it. At first, my parents weren’t thrilled. They didn’t think that bodybuilding was what
a young lady should be doing. But now they’re very proud of my
54 Beverly International
I’ve been
“true and
blue” Beverly
since 1996.
Photos courtesy of Gene X Hwang/
How awesome and amazing it was for me to have my dreams of
turning pro come true! I’d been pursuing this goal for 21 years and
at age 45 I achieved it. The recipe I can give you for success in
bodybuilding is pretty much the same for anyone who has been
truly successful in any business or personal endeavor - discipline,
dedication, consistency and visualization practiced over and over.
I got serious the next year and joined Gold’s gym. I
was living in Alberta, Canada at the time and Mr.
Canada trained me for my first bodybuilding show.
I won and went on to represent Team Canada at
the 1987 IFBB Hawaii International Invitational
contest. Now 20 years later I am on Team USA
competing at the 2007 IFBB World Bodybuilding
Championships in Spain!!
Now, let me tell you what has worked for me in
finally attaining my IFBB pro card. Hopefully, you
can achieve your goal in less time than the 20 years
that it took me by following my strategies. I start
my contest prep if I can, one year in advance. Yes,
that does sound like a long lead time, but it really
isn’t. I allow myself nine months to gain size and
three months of pre-contest dieting – those months
go fast and it is always better to be prepared.
Current residence: Dublin, California
Off-season strategies
Let’s start with the off-season. I have never gained
more than 12-15 pounds of body weight in the
off-season. Usually it’s less than ten. I don’t do
much cardio in the off-season, maybe three days a
week for 20-30 minutes per session. But, I do eat
clean. I just don’t believe it’s necessary or beneficial
for a female competitor to gain 25-30 lbs. in the
off-season! You should eat to attain lasting, lean
muscle, not so much that you have to diet twice as
long and hard just to lose the added fat. The off-season is definitely not a free ticket to the buffet table!
I train 5 days a week, one body part each day. I keep
my weights fairly heavy using compound movements with the goal of putting on as much muscle
mass as possible.
What’s “heavy”? Everyone’s different, but for me its
155lbs for reps on the bench and six plates per side
on the leg press. I know that some of you reading
this lift more, but perfect form and safety are always
a priority with me.
My current training split is Back, Legs, Chest,
Shoulders and Arms. I train Calves and Abs three
times a week (M W F).
Occupation: Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Specialist; Owner
of Tracy Beckham’s Unique Physiques; IFBB Pro Bodybuilder; NPC
Bodybuilding/Figure/Fitness Judge. I specialize in In-Home personal
training/ core and strength training.
Age: I was born November 11, 1961 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Height/Weight: I’m 5’ 6.5” and my contest weight is approximately
140. Off-season weight is around 146. I know I’m going to have to
put on some more size to compete at the IFBB Pro level but still my
main focus will be conditioning and keeping my symmetry.
Years Training: Almost 30 now. I started training in 1985 and my first
competition was in 1986.
Other Athletic Endeavors: Through school I played volleyball, basketball, softball, gymnastics, figure skating, and competed in track and
Most Inspiring Female Bodybuilders: Cory Everson and Lenda Murray
have been my two main role models since I started reading Shape
and Muscle and Fitness back in 1985. I love bodybuilding and lifting
weights as it gives you the ability to sculpt the body, and stay fit and
firm. To me the body is a piece of artwork and beauty – bodybuilding
is that to me.
Inspiring Book: The Secret
Other Interests: I enjoy dinner and movies with friends, listening to
mainly hip-hop or dance music; love to dance; watch UFC fighting
and I also enjoy discussing politics!!
Current Beverly supplements I use: I have used Beverly supplements
since 1996 exclusively !! I am a Beverly distributor. I use Beverly
products because I know they are tried and true to work for me and
provide high quality protein and various supplements that work! The
Beverly products I use are – Mass, Ultra 40, Glutamine Select, Creatine Select, Muscle Provider, Ultimate Muscle Protein, EFA Gold, and
Joint Care.
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? Three basic supplements I always suggest to
my Personal Training clients are Mass, Ultra 40 and Muscle Provider.
Along with a proper Nutrition Plan these three Beverly supplements
will provide a good base for gaining lean muscle mass and in turn will
help them lose body fat also.
Words to Live By: Follow your dreams – through discipline, dedication, consistency and visualization you can achieve your bodybuilding
goals – and many other things in life!
Here is an example of my back routine to illustrate
my approach to training:
Pre-contest diet for the Team Universe
Meal #1:
Meal #4:
2 scoops Muscle Provider
Pull-ups (close grip):
4 x 8 = Bodyweight
V Grip Front Pulldowns:
4 x 10 = 115-125 lbs
7 egg whites
1 whole egg
3/4 tbsp flax
T – Bar Rows:
4 x 10 = 55 lbs
DB Pullovers:
4 x 10 = 60 lbs
1/2 cup oatmeal
6 strawberries
2 Ultra 40
2 Mass Aminos
My off season diet is similar to my contest diet (at
right). Just a few more calories and not quite as strict.
Off season supplements are UMP, Muscle Provider,
Mass, Ultra 40, Glutamine Select, Creatine Select, EFA
Gold and Joint Care – all Beverly.
8 oz fish
Meal #2:
6 oz sweet potato
2 scoops Muscle Provider
1/2 cup green vegetables
3/4 tbsp flax
2 Ultra 40
2 Ultra 40
2 Mass Aminos
2 Mass Aminos
A Typical Day
Whether it’s the off season or pre contest my first priority is my clients. I train clients Monday-Saturday.
Rather than have clients come to a specific training
facility, I go to them. I train all of my clients in their
homes. Here’s a typical day. I get up at 6:30. My first
priority is making my coffee - I don’t go anywhere
without it!! Next I check my emails. My first client
is at 8:30 am and my last client may be as late as 6:30
pm. I normally train five clients per day, back-to-back
one hour sessions, with drive time between. I schedule my own training around my clients’ schedules. My
preference is 6:30 pm because I’ve always had more
energy and strength in the evenings. I’m usually in
the gym 1-1.5 hours, 5 days (off-season) or 6 days
(pre-contest). After training I eat dinner, watch some
TV, answer emails again, and then if it’s pre-contest,
I always practice my posing routine for half an hour
before going to bed.
Pre-Contest Nutrition
I started my pre-contest diet 11 weeks out from the
Team Universe. I determine when I switch to my
pre-contest diet by my appearance, level of conditioning, and body fat. Remember, I keep my body fat
down in the off-season, so 9-11 weeks is long enough
for my pre-contest diet. Everyone has to pay the piper
sometime, either on or off-season. My preference is to
watch my diet off-season rather than doing hours of
make-up cardio at contest time.
56 Beverly International
Meal #5:
Meal #3:
8 oz lean beef
1/2 cup brown rice
1/2 cup green vegetables
2 Ultra 40
2 Mass Aminos
I always include at least one serving of Glutamine Select plus BCAAs
before training and one serving of Creatine Select plus Phosphates before
and/or after training. I also have another scoop of Muscle Provider when
I complete my training for the day.
Footnote to my supplement program. I have used Beverly International
products since 1996. I’m also a distributor and make sure that they are
available to my serious clients. I have been “true and blue” Beverly for
more than 20 years because I know their supplements yield results!! Now
you know what this IFBB pro really takes.
Meal Planning: Since I’m on the road throughout the day training my
clients in their homes I have to pack meals 2-4 in a medium sized cooler
to take along with me daily. I eat breakfast and dinner at home. Twice a
week I bulk cook my food, either in the mornings before I go to work or
after my work day is done. Here’s how I do it. I put a pot of brown rice
on the stove, and a bag of tilapia or chicken in the oven. I also roast my
green beans in the oven at the same time I’m cooking my chicken or fish.
It is such a time saver when I do everything at once.
Pre-Contest Training
I trained on a 5-day split, one main body part a day, still using compound movements as heavy as I could in good form.
My ultimate goal for the past 20 years was to
turn pro. After winning the NPC Masters National Light Heavyweight division in 2004 I realized that earning my pro card was attainable.
Three years later it happened. Now I’m looking
forward to the World Championships in Spain
this fall. After that, I haven’t made a decision as
to which show or when I will make my IFBB pro
Day 1: Back, Calves
Day 6: Rest
Day 2: Chest
Day 7: Repeat
Day 3: Legs, Calves
Abs: 3 days a week
Day 4: Shoulders
Cardio: 4-5 x week 30-40 minutes a day – early in the morning if I
could, if not, after strength training
Day 5: Arms, Calves
Yes, I still have to do some cardio at contest time, even though I can’t say I look
forward to it. For the Team Universe I did cardio four days a week, 30 minutes a
day, starting at 11 weeks out. The last four weeks I backed off the cardio a bit as
I felt I was losing a bit of muscle size. I believe that when you still have enough
complex carbs in your system early in your pre-contest dieting you also have
energy to do more cardio, so that is why I try to get the majority of my body fat
off early before show time. I learned this tip from my good friend Tricky Jackson
– IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
Here’s how I rank the three essential factors to developing a lean, muscular physique: first in importance is proper nutrition, next is strength training, and finally
you need cardio for your fine tuning.
I start using the tanning bed every other day, four weeks out from show time.
I don’t really think tanning beds are that good for your skin, but for this show
it was important for me to have a decent base tan. If you choose not to use the
tanning bed, just make sure you start earlier with your coats of Protan. You absolutely have to be dark enough on stage. For Team Universe I was professionally
spray tanned by Mary Hobbs with Protan. It was awesome. The color, convenience, and time saved sure beat out my old way of applying coat after coat of
Protan by hand.
One thing I tell all my clients who are preparing for a bodybuilding or figure
competition, “Even if it’s your first time on stage, look as professional as possible,
not like a rookie. Everything – your posing, your tanning, your suit, even your
backstage demeanor – must be the same as if you were a polished professional.
Mental aspects
Discipline: Discipline is the most important aspect in successfully achieving your
goals, whether it is in bodybuilding or just in life in general. You have to have
discipline with your diet and training. Dedication and consistency are also very
important to the synergy of success with a bodybuilding career. As I stated at
the beginning of this article, I also visualize – visualize being my best, visualize
The three supplements I
recommend to all of my
personal training clients
are Muscle Provider, Mass
Aminos, and Ultra 40.
Three 1st Place
Wins In One Season!
How Did I Do It?
TUNNEL VISION is a term I use daily in my profession as an
optometrist. Professionally speaking, tunnel vision is a condition
when only those objects directly in line with the eyes can be seen.
The Encarta Dictionary defines tunnel vision as “a limited viewpoint”.
Photo by William Uz
I have found that my success in preparing for competition all boils
down to this one concept, “tunnel vision”. My ability to stay focused on my goal and not let daily struggles hinder my diet and
training plans in large part determines my success. It takes this
dedication to succeed in the competitive world of Bodybuilding and
I began competing in Figure in 2007 at the age of 33. I’ve been
active in the gym since I was a teenager and dreamed of competing
sometime in the future. In high school I was a cheerleader and also
entered local road races. However, once I made the commitment
to become an Optometric Physician, my dream of competing was
temporarily placed on hold. I continued to run and lift 3-4 days a
week; throughout my many years of college. I’m glad I did; for it
definitely helped me maintain my shape and weight during those
late night coffee drinking, pizza eating, sugar-fueled study sessions.
When I finally completed my schooling and residency, I set my
sights once again on competing. The first year was trial and error. I
placed in 2 out of the 3 competitions I entered. But, I knew I could
do better. I was still experimenting, trying to find what worked for
me in terms of diet and training.
58 Beverly International
Age: 34
Occupation or Education: Optometric Physician,
B.S. in Chemistry
Family: Single, I have a wonderfully supportive
Mother, Sister and Pomeranian Chiko
Current Residence: TN
Years training (total): 15
Height: 5’0
Then I was Introducted to Beverly
My first purchase was Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP) Cookies & Cream
and I was HOOKED. There was no stopping me from that point on. Since
then I have tried and LOVE all the UMP flavors. There is no protein powder that is so versatile and tasty. With the protein powders, I can make
many good treats on & off-season. I make protein pancakes, protein bars,
protein frozen bars, cookies, pudding, and Beverly goo-Yum. I look forward to coming up with new recipes that allow me to incorporate them into
a healthy lifestyle.
Off Season Weight: 115
Contest Weight: 106
• 2008 NPC (TN) Knoxville Expo 1st Figure short class
Favorite Cheat Food: Mexican-Nachos with lots
of lettuce and queso!
• 2008 INBF (GA) Southern Natural 1st Figure short &
1st Women's Bodybuilding
Favorite PreContest Meal: Egg white/Oatmeal
Crisp or MP brownie
Most Inspiring Person: My mother, she has succeeded in so many areas in her life. I watched
her overcome many obstacles during my childhood. All of her success is due to hard work and
perseverance. She is my inspiration!
In your CD player: Prince, Fergie, Madonna, HipHop, Reggae
Hobby or interests outside training and competing: Running - I completed 2 marathons & one
half marathon. Vacationing at the beach with my
family-I’m a beach girl at heart. Even if I’m preparing for a contest and prepare and pack my
meals to go to the beach- I can’t miss out on a
beach vacation.
Yes, two 1st place Figure class wins and one 1st place Women’s Bodybuilding win ~ and how you ask?
The most important key is being completely prepared with my diet. The
first thing I do whenever I have a question/concern about diet/training/suits/
tanning/supplements and more I go to the Beverly website at: and check in on the discussion board.
Jason from Natty Nutrition has posted quite a few times on the board so
I contacted him twelve weeks out for some diet help. The main thing with
any diet is to follow the plan just as it’s mapped out. Remember, “tunnel vision” is the key. Once you have your plan don’t even think about changing
it. Eat the foods, take the supplements and you will get much better results
than if you constantly agonize over it, wondering “should I change this, or
what about that?”
Words to live by: “The only time success comes
before work is in the dictionary”
Favorite Supplements: Muscle Synergy, Glutamine Select, GH Factor, Density, Ultimate Muscle
Protein, Muscle Provider
This takes a little time and practice-but it is delicious and worth the
time. You can vary the amounts of eggs, egg whites and oatmeal
to fit your diet.
What would you recommend to someone who
has never used Beverly supplements before?
There is no risk. Try the products and see results.
You’ll get hooked like me. The Beverly staff is eager to answer your questions and give you clear
answers to them. They are also constantly updating with new supplements to improve results.
• Take dry oatmeal and coat lightly with egg mixture, place onto
sheet pan in 325 degree oven for 8-12 minutes until crispy.
• While oats are cooking scramble eggs sprinkle with sea salt
• top with crunchy oats.
Options are endless: add in veggies, make as a frittata, and use
oats atop MP/UMP brownies, with toasted nuts/raisins for homemade granola.
Here is my average
pre-contest meal
Meal #1: Egg whites/egg yolk and oatmeal - I often make this meal into pancakes or “oatmeal crisp” (see recipe
Meal #2: Turkey and white potato,
large salad
Meal #3: Chocolate Muscle Provider
and oatmeal - I combine them to make
a protein bar or chocolate oatmeal
Meal #4: Turkey and sweet potato,
green veggies
Meal #5: Top round and white potato
Meal #6: Chocolate Muscle Provider/
oatmeal again!!! You can make a great
brownie for a bedtime treat - I doubt if
I could diet without this for my chocolate fix. You can also use UMP chocolate for a delicious treat as well.
The portions are adjusted based on
training days and non-training days.
On training days, I increase my carbohydrate portions to get maximum
results from my workouts. As my
contest approaches I alter the meal
6 amounts of Muscle Provider and
oatmeal to maintain lean body mass
while continuing to decrease my body
Here are the other supplements I depend upon. Beverly’s Glutamine Select
plus BCAAs is a workout staple. I use
it with UMP and MP year round. During contest prep I take Muscle Synergy,
GH Factor, 7-Keto and Density daily.
Muscle Synergy and Density were new
for me this season, and I could really
tell a difference in my workouts.
Plan and Prepare
I prepare all my food meals for the week on Sunday; pack them in individual containers,
label and freeze. “Be Prepared” is not only the Boy Scouts motto but also one of mine right
up there with “Tunnel Vision”. I take my meals everywhere I go - just in case. I always
have a loaded cooler and a gallon of water in my car. You never know when you may be
stuck in traffic, at work, or at a friends’ house - be prepared! If I’m prepared I don’t get off
schedule and my day goes much smoother.
My typical weight training schedule is
2on/1off; 2on/2off:
MONDAY: Chest/Triceps/Abs
TUESDAY: Quads/Hamstrings/Shoulders
THURSDAY: Back/Biceps
FRIDAY: Shoulders/Calves/Abs
I write out my workout plan weekly and carry it with me to the gym. A bit OCD, but it
works for me!
A challenging area for me to develop has been my
shoulders, so I train them twice/week as follows:
Lateral raises 4 sets of 9 reps with 20#
Modified Cleans 4 sets of 9 reps with 50-60# bar
Front raise 4 sets of 9 reps holding a 25-35# plate
Lying Laterals 4 sets of 9 reps with 15#
60 Beverly International
In general I like to lift heavy for each muscle group. However, I do throw in a lighter weight/higher rep workout
occasionally if I’m feeling sluggish. I vary my routine as
to the specific exercises performed every 3-4 weeks to continually challenge my muscles with a new stimulus.
I begin 2 a day cardio sessions six weeks out from the contest. I perform low intensity cardio (usually walking or biking
around my neighborhood) every morning at six for 45 minutes.
Then in the evening I perform another 20 minutes of either low
intensity, or 3 days/week HIIT sessions after my weight session –
usually sprinting or biking, but I also incorporate the step mill, elliptical or recumbent bike on occasion.
Show Time
So now, the work is done, what about Show Time?
Did I say prepare yet?
Items you need for stage:
Dark tan-I’ve found I could have always added one more coat.
Eyelashes-don’t wait until last minute to apply, it can be frustrating.
Makeup-use natural colors to complement your features.
Shoes-wear them weeks before the contest.
Perfectly Practiced Posing- for figure and bodybuilding I posed
several times daily for 5 weeks before show time. This is huge!
Pose, pose, and pose!
Things I wish I had back stage: Safety pins, extra earrings (mine
broke last contest), extra lashes, sponge/tanner for touchups (you
may not be allowed to do this backstage, but you can always do it
in your room or even outside the contest venue).
I will always be a Beverly client and continue to invent UMP/MP
treats. I look forward to the off season so I can experiment with
new deliciously healthy chocolate goodies. I’m so fortunate that I
was introduced to Beverly International early on in my competitive
years. The support from the Beverly staff and everyone on the discussion board has been critical to my success. And a special thanks
to Natty Nutrition for shaping me into a winner!
Photo by William Uz
Right now, I am taking a short break to spend more time with my
family. My plans are to compete at least once each year for the next
few years. This way I will always maintain my competitive edge.
And besides, I love the challenge. If my work schedule will allow
it, I would like to compete in the Northern KY next and meet the
Beverly crew.
The Beverly Shape-Up Stack is
more than just for fat-loss. It will
also help you tone and preserve
lean muscle. Dropping body
fat is important, of course, but
to give your body that coveted slim, tight, and defined
look, you can’t neglect
your muscles!
Like all Beverly supplement stacks, this one
is easy to follow, produces motivating results
within a few days, and will improve your
overall health and well-being.
How it works
Select from the products listed below.
Level 1 products are essential (must-have)
components of your stack. Depending on
your budget, you can add supplements from
Levels 2 and 3 to make your transformation
even more dramatic.
UMPLevel 1: Essential
Ultimate Muscle Protein
UMP is a high-quality protein supplement that helps you drop fat without
losing muscle tone or definition. Plus, it tastes “YUM!” delicious. To transform
your body you need to do plenty of resistance exercise and consume ample
amounts of high-quality protein afterwards. UMP makes the latter easy and
Secrets to Success
• As a general rule of thumb, take roughly 1 scoop of UMP for every 50
pounds of body weight. Example: Let’s say your body weight is 135
pounds. Divide 135 by 50 and you get 2.7. Round this up to 3 scoops of
UMP daily.
• The best times to take UMP are mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before
bed. At least 1 scoop should be taken immediately after working out.
• The most popular ways to enjoy UMP are as a protein shake, pudding,
or pancake. Check out our guilt-free recipes at
• Travel Tip: Put 1-2 scoops of UMP in a Ziploc bag and tuck it inside your
shaker bottle.
Your results are GUARANTEED by our No-Nonsense,no risk
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Lean Out
Level 1: Essential
This wonderful stimulant-free formula helps your
metabolism convert the calories you eat into
usable energy instead of storing them as fat.
Women frequently report that Lean Out also
helps them control the urge to overeat. Combined, this results in faster fat loss!
Secrets to Success
The “tipping point” for results with Lean Out is 8 capsules daily.
We recommend taking 2 capsules with each of 4 meals.
Level 1: Essential
FitTabs is custom designed for the female fitness warrior. It promotes a fast,
energized metabolism, and heightens
mental sharpness and well-being.
Each tablet is packed with every vitamin and mineral your body craves, plus
nutrient-rich food extracts and a predigested form of iron that absorbs effortlessly. (Iron is often missing
from multi-vitamin products sold by other sports nutrition brands.)
Secrets to Success
Take 2 tablets of FitTabs, twice daily, with meals (4 tablets total).
7-Keto Musclean
EFA Gold
Losing fat typically requires cutting calories. This can
cause your metabolism to slow down and weight loss to
grind to a halt. At the core of the 7-Keto MuscLean formula is 7-Keto. In clinical studies, this exciting nutraceutical was shown to promote nearly 3x greater weight loss
than achieved by exercising and cutting calories alone.
Significant weight loss of around 6 pounds was seen
after 8 weeks. 7-Keto also helped prevent subjects’ metabolism from slowing down.
EFA Gold boosts your performance and
helps you lean out faster with a synergistic
blend of essential fatty acids (EFAs) from
organic flaxseed, fish, and borage oils. Our
fish oil is purified and certified mercuryfree.
Level 2: Recommended
Secrets to Success
Most women take Lean Out and 7-Keto together, as they seem to enhance
one another. Take 3 capsules of 7-Keto MuscLean, 2 times daily. Take your
first serving upon arising in the morning, and your second serving at lunch.
Level 2: Recommended
Women who use EFA Gold regularly report a host of benefits including improved skin and hair quality. A personal trainer told us that one
of her clients dropped 9 pounds while using EFA Gold!
Secrets to Success
Take 3 EFA Gold softgels 2-3 times daily.
Glutamine Select
If you want your body to have that coveted slim, tight,
and defined, look, you need to do everything you can
to preserve and tone your muscles. Muscularity capsules help you do both with branched-chain amino
acids (BCAAs), plus B vitamins, chromium and zinc to
support blood sugar and appetite regulation.
This refreshing, clinically driven blend of amino
acids helps you recover from your workouts
faster, and reduces muscle soreness.
Level 3: Optional
Secrets to Success
Take 2-4 Muscularity capsules with each meal.
Level 3: Optional
Secrets to Success
When trying to lose fat, women will often mix 2-3 scoops of Glutamine Select with cold water and sip on it during their workouts for
recovery, or throughout the day to curb cravings.
Need more help? No problem. Beverly International specializes in solutions.
Go to or email [email protected]. Our team of Beverly Advisors will be happy to assist you!
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