BEYOND THE POST Social, Press & Online Wrap Up NEW YORK Visit us at: Campaign Overview Campaign concept: The Kansas City Royals have done it again! Walz Tetrick Advertising teamed up with OUTFRONT Media to create yet another amazing billboard to build some hype before opening day for the 2015 season. The Royals are hot off of last season’s exciting run that lead them all the way to Game 7 of the World Series; which hadn’t happened in 29 years! The unbelievable 2014 season also prompted a new catch phrase (and dance) courtesy of star player Jarrod Dyson: “That’s what speed do!” This phrase ultimately inspired their 2015 OOH campaign. Outdoor Media Utilized: Bulletins – 14’x48’ Visit us at: Campaign Overview Why Outdoor? The Royals are no stranger to the dramatic effect outdoor can bring to a concept when executed correctly! Walz Tetrick came to OUTFRONT Media with the idea of featuring Jarrod Dyson running so fast through the billboard that the vinyl appeared to be on fire. The OUTFRONT operations team actually torched the vinyl and the board then added rope lights to create the smoldering fire effect. The execution was done so well people actually thought the board was on fire! We received a call from the KCK Fire Marshal stating that they had been getting many emergency calls to 911 about the billboard. Visit us at: Social Reach Social Promotion 4100+ OUTFRONT Media Twitter followers TWITTER FACEBOOK 5500+ OUTFRONT Media Facebook fans. Fans see posts from their ‘Liked” pages directly in their newsfeed/homepage. Visit us at: Social Reach Twitter Chatter Visit us at: Social Reach Facebook Posts Visit us at: Campaign Press News Coverage and Mentions Click logos for story: Online News Chatter “All three billboard ideas have been completely original and undeniably brilliant, and all three have done their job, which is to create another level buzz around the team.” -Mark Townsend, Yahoo Sports “Royals new billboard uses already charred wood and orange and red rope lights to simulate the fire effect. That simulated effect has been realistic enough where the fire department has gotten numerous calls from concerned motorists about the billboard actually being ablaze. Yes, the billboard looks that realistic.” -David Hill, Visit us at: