Bulletins - Colorado Community College System


Bulletins - Colorado Community College System
Volume 11, Issue 18, May 24, 2013
Welcome to the eighteenth and final issue of CTE Trends for 2012-13!
Bollman Tech Hosts “Girls Day In” Event to Increase
Non-traditional Gender Enrollment in Male Dominated Programs
Scenes from Bollman Technical Education Center’s Girls Day In THORNTON - Exploring compelling careers, developing interests, and learning new concepts were all
part of the hugely successful “Girls Day In” the Adams Twelve school district’s Bollman
Technical Education Center held this past February.
As a part of an approach to increase non-traditional-gender enrollment, Bollman Tech’s Career and
Counseling Center staff planned this day-long experience for female ninth and tenth grade
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students. Girls Day In provided an opportunity for female students in the district to experience via
hands-on participation the educational characteristics shared by women who have enjoyed success in
technology and trades careers. To draw students to the event, Girls Day In was advertised via
postcards and flyers as well as supported by counselors across the district.
The goal for Girls Day In was for female students to experience career pathways that they might not
have known about before. Although Girls Day In was just a one-day event, participants were given a
power-packed schedule affording them the opportunity to participate in several curricular trials.
The day began with a panel of guest speakers who were professionals in a variety Non-Trad industry
fields from around the state. Guest speakers included: Lindsey Cramsey, Entrepreneur; Syndie
Rask, General Air, Greeley; Veronica Fuentes, Auto Nation; Wendy Norris, Tekhne Media, Inc,
CEO-Founder; and Rose Portillo, Meadowlark Optics, VP Operations and Finance. Students
interacted with these panelists to learn more about how they could go about pursuing these careers.
Next, Girls Day In participants enjoyed a tour in which they experienced the many career
opportunities that Bollman Tech has to offer. After the tours, students and guests enjoyed lunch in
which they were able to mingle with each other, Non-Trad students and program instructors to
establish personal connections and networking.
After lunch, students rotated through workshops presented by various Bollman Tech CTE programs.
While in these rotations, students participated in hands-on activities facilitated by current students
and instructors of these programs.
After participating in these dynamic workshops, the students wrapped up the experience with a
question and answer session regarding the registration process for Bollman Tech programs. This
session also informed the participants about what Bollman Tech has to offer them as far as career
pathways are concerned. They then completed an exit survey.
Students overwhelmingly have reported that Girls Day In was a wonderful experience. The only
negative feedback has been that they wished there had been more time allowed in each workshop
(perhaps they wouldn’t have cared if Bollman had kept them there until 10 p.m. at night to do).
As a career exploration experience, Girls Day In, required plenty of planning for its success. Explains
Bollman Tech counselor Ashley Bohman, “Although it was hard work to plan this comprehensive
experience, I think it was worth the effort to show these girls that they are capable of anything!”
Girls Day In was so successful that 70% of the students who attended have signed up for courses at
Bollman Tech! As a result of the success, CTE Trends readers are correct in assuming there will be
more Girls Day Ins in the future.
June 1 Early Childhood Education Conference to Examine
Support Needed to Retain/Recruit Nontraditional-Gender
Professionals to this Field and Much More
CTE educators and anyone else with an interest in how optimally to facilitate the
engagement/betterment of men and boys in Early Childhood Education,
including how best to support the “non-traditional career” needs of males who
are pursuing ECE as their profession, should come to Men in Early ChildhoodColorado’s Colorado’s Summer Conference. The half-day conference takes
place on Saturday June 1 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Clayton Early Learning
Training Center, 3975 Martin Luther King Blvd in Denver.
Men in Early Childhood-Colorado is a dynamically active organization that
provides support, community and professional development to males serving in
Early Childhood Education while working to sustain/expand the presence of
men as high quality teachers, educators, administration and fulfillers of other
roles vital to the field.
Here’s the conference agenda:
8:00‐8:30 a.m. 8:30‐9:00 a.m. 9:15‐10:30 a.m. 10:45‐NOON CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST/NETWORKING KEYNOTE ADDRESS ‐ Doug Gertner, from The Grateful Dad radio show and Emu Consulting, Inc. PANEL ONE ‐ see info below PANEL TWO ‐ see info below KEYNOTE ADDRESS:
Understanding Men’s Lives - Theories of Masculinities
What is it exactly that defines a man and makes masculinity distinct from femininity?
Why are men the way they are?
These questions can inform the work of early childhood educators, both men and women, and help
to encourage more men to enter this work and more fathers to be involved in schools and
These are some of the areas we will explore in this brief keynote session.
We’ll begin by examining several theories about male gender role development, review the major
men’s movements and seek a better understanding of male behavior, in order to deepen our ability
to attract and support male teachers and serve fathers in our schools and centers.
Logical Strategies and Ideas to Support Males Working in ECE;
Boys in the Classroom and,
Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom
● Logical Strategies and Ideas to Support Males Working in ECE - will dispense ideas on how to easily support male ECE
professionals in order to retain the males who currently work in the field and recruit more males.
● Boys in the Classroom – will all the excitement and energy young boys bring to a classroom, this topic will cover strategies that
work to help with their activeness.
● Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom- this topic will examine ways that technology can be easily added to the ECE
continued on next page - Page 3 of 23 -
How to Explain What Early Childhood Education Is and
What Does School Readiness Mean?
● How to Explain What Early Childhood Education Is: discusses how to clearly and easily explain
the ECE field to parents, community members, and others
● What Does School Readiness Mean? - with the current stronger focus on School Readiness, a
group conversation will be led on what the significance of School Readiness is for families,
educators and community members
Registration for the conference will occur at the event. There is a suggested
donation of $5 for the registration fee.
For more information contact Men in Early Childhood-Colorado at [email protected].
– CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Local Students to Benefit from STEM Summer Institute Slated for
June 10-28 at Otero Junior College LA JUNTA — Otero Junior College’s grant-funded
office for the advancement of STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math) is launching a
new bridge program this summer they have dubbed
the, “STEM Summer Institute.” The institute,
running June 10–28, offers a three-week
experience for local students interested in exploring
the STEM career pathways that will make up their
The institute is designed to target graduating
high school seniors, upcoming high school
Scenes like this will occur at Otero Junior College’s
seniors and current community college
STEM Summer Institute.
students, especially minority students. While a
limited number of applicants are being accepted,
students throughout OJC’s service area area are being encouraged to apply.
Students are being asked to commit to the full three weeks of the institute and to pledge participation
in all of its scheduled activities. The institute has been designed to prepare and motivate participants
to pursue career pathways in science and engineering, which are both stable and high-paying.
During the three-week institute, students will participate in faculty-guided research projects in the
areas of biology, computer science, physics, astronomy, pre-engineering and geology.
Activities will include designing robot arms, integrating computer science, researching
biological concepts and collecting data on human performance.
Travel experiences across the state of Colorado will include outdoor overnight camping during
which students will study concepts in geology, astronomy and the environment.
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Each morning, participants will be engaged in a math program taught by college instructors and
assisted by student mentors.
Students selected to participate in the STEM Summer Institute will only have to pay $60 to
participate which will cover the Colorado high country exploration, including swimming, hiking and
overnight campouts. Scholarships will be available for the qualifying students. The institute is also
providing a stipend-incentive to encourage current/past regular-/concurrent-enrollment minority OJC
student participation.
Applications to the institute were accepted through May 24. OJC is providing those accepted to the
STEM Summer Institute with lunch, math course tuition and all program books, materials,
equipment and supplies. For more information, contact OJC STEM Grant Director Lisa Gallegos at
719.384.6961; OJC STEM Activity Director Yolonda Jaramillo at 719.384.6868; or OJC STEM Grant
Assistant Sarah Petramala at 719.384.6974.
– CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Collaboration of Four CTE Departments at Pikes Peak
Community College, to Create Unique Art Exhibition, Exposes
Programs to Students of Each Respective Field’s
Nontraditional Gender An example of the art Pikes Peak Community College student‐designers are producing through a partnership with their Welding program. Program collaboration in a variety of CTE fields has been adding an extra education dynamic for
students at Pikes Peak Community College.
PPCC’s Multimedia Graphic Design program’s MGD 116 Typography class, taught by Jenna Shearn,
is preparing to present a unique collection of progressive art dubbed the Typographique Show in
July 2013 at PPCC’s Downtown Studio Campus Art Gallery. The show, PPCC’s first ever
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typography show, will showcase works produced by a collaboration between the students in the
college’s Multimedia Graphic Design, Interior Design and Welding programs. By virtue of being
presented in the gallery this collaboration is being extended further to involve the services of the
PPCC’s Art division.
To begin creating work for the Typographique exhibition, PPCC Multimedia Graphic Design student
Deb Enoch designed three “keyholes” using Adobe Illustrator. Another MGD student created a design
depicting the Japanese character for "dream" also using Illustrator as their vector program. Next,
these designs were formatted for the plasma cutter and were cut-out by PPCC Welding students
under the supervision of Department Chair Scott Mannering.
To produce this unique exhibition, the Welding Department had been contacted by Shearn and PPCC
Interior Design Program Department Chair Tara Gray to work jointly on this student driven project.
MGD and Interior Design students designed and created geometric shapes using computer aided
drafting software. These students then were directed to transform the images into the proper format
and email the files to the Welding department. From the images given, Welding students generated
the designs through their industry standard software numeric code (machine tool path). The images
were then cut on one of PPCC’s CNC machines out of mild steel material. Welding students took a
few of the cut shapes and added an additional cladded effect which was welded utilizing the GTAW
process. They then designed a mounting apparatus that is going to make the Japanese dream
character design to appear to float when exhibited during the Typographique Show.
As the MGD student who designed the keyholes, Enoch visited the welding lab to view and pick up a
few of her art project’s parts. While there she was treated to a tour of the Welding program’s facilities
as well as received a basic understanding of the equipment utilized in the production of these parts.
Now some of PPCC’s Multimedia Graphic Design and Interior Design students are planning on
registering for a few automated cutting courses within the Welding program in the future.
CTE Trends salutes PPCC for giving their students this great opportunity to bridge their education into
other fascinating/related CTE fields. From Multimedia Graphic Design students partnering with those in
Interior Design and then these aspiring designers turning to Welding learners to use CAD and
automated equipment to make these creations reality and finally this three-way collaboration turning
to the Art department’s exclusive gallery, this comingling of PPCC CTE departments has been focused
on horizon-expanding student success.
CTE Trends is told that this is just one of many informal collaborations that happen quite often within
CTE departments at Pikes Peak Community College. Through these collaborations they are continuing
to work at bridging the “nontraditional gender gap” in many of our male and female dominated
career paths.
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Your Invitation to July’s 2013
CACTE Colorado Collaborative Summit
2013 Colorado Association for Career and Technical
Education (CACTE) Summer Conference.
This is an invitation for you to join Colorado’s finest Career and Technical educators at the 2013 Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education (CACTE) Summer Conference. The Conference will be held July 15‐18, 2013, at the Pueblo Convention Center. This year we have a unique opportunity to focus on our new CTE educators. You will meet approximately 250 ‐
300 career and technical education teachers and administrators from ten CACTE divisions to expand your network of contacts, display your products and services, and enjoy a receptive audience. To meet your needs, all divisions will meet at the Pueblo Convention Center. Exhibit areas are located in the main foyer and access to exhibitors will be at all times. The Trade Show will run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Tuesday, July 16 and 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 17. As always, we will accommodate exhibitors on a first come basis and will do our best to accommodate each one of you. The deadline to receive your application and payment is June 15, 2013. We will have more space and break out rooms available for special training if you would like to provide this to attendees. Please sign up below or contact me for these special needs and requests. Please note that in addition to exhibit space, we are also looking for sponsors for various activities at our conference. You will see the list on the Trade Show Application. Since we keep our exhibit fee low, we would really appreciate your consideration of a sponsorship for one of the events. With rising hotel and food costs, we are finding it even more difficult to provide these important events at our conference. We will recognize any sponsorship(s) in our program and at one of the General Sessions. ANY help you can give us will be very much appreciated! We also ask each exhibitor to donate a gift for the CACTE Fundraiser that supports our Professional Development Scholarship fund for educators. Your gift will be displayed and identified with promotional credit in the exhibit area, and your company will be recognized when the prize is awarded! Thank you for your support of Career and Technical Education! We look forward to working with you. For any additional information, or special requests, please contact me. We look forward to seeing you at the 2013 CACTE Conference! Colorado Collaborative Summit “Meeting Workforce and Economic Readiness for the 21st Century Through CTE” Register at: http://www.rsvpbook.com/CACTE2013Exhibitor
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8:00 am – 5:00 pm Tuesday, July 16
8:00 am – 5:00 Wednesday, July 17
(Set-up afternoon of July 15 if needed and requested in advance)
Pueblo Convention Center
320 Central Main Street, Pueblo, CO 81003
The 2013 CACTE Summer Conference will be at the The Pueblo Convention Center - Pueblo Courtyard
Marriott Hotel, and SpringHill Suites. This beautiful setting in Pueblo, Colorado is conveniently located
at the intersection of I-25 and Exit 98B. All within easy walking to the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of
Pueblo and Union Avenue District, home to local restaurants, shops and galleries.
A block of rooms
have been reserved for July 14, 2013 - July 19, 2013. The special room rate will be available until June
23rd or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.
Pueblo Courtyard Marriott Hotel - $102 per night (Free WI-FI and 20% off Breakfast Buffet) Connected
to Pueblo Convention Center. Reservation discount code caccaca
$105 per night (Free WI-FI and Breakfast, refrigerator and microwave) Across from Pueblo
Convention Center. Call 719-546-1234 use Registration code "Colorado Association for Career and
Technical Education"
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Nominate Someone for the 2013 Colorado CTE Awards
2013 CTE Awards
2013 CTE Awards
Nominate a Fellow Teacher, CTE Student, Administrator,
Advisory Board Member, CACTE member, Business or
Industry Leader.
Each year, the CACTE Excellence Awards promote excellence in career and technical
education (CTE). CACTE recognizes those individuals who have made extraordinary
contributions to CTE, programs that exemplify the highest standards and
organizations that have conducted activities to promote and expand CTE programs.
Award Winners serve as inspirational leaders to CTE: they embody the core values of
serving their students, community and being committed to CTE.
All of the Awards are presented at an Awards Banquet in conjunction with CACTE’s
Collaborative Summit held in July. Please join CACTE and over 300 banquet
attendees at this event celebrating career and technical educators who make a
difference in students' lives every day!
[continued on next page]
Go to:
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Types of Awards:
CTE Teacher of the Year
CTE Outstanding Career and Technical Educator
CTE Outstanding New Career and Technical Teacher
CTE Career Guidance
CTE Outstanding Career and Technical Education Student
CTE Outstanding Career and Technical Education Student (PostSecondary)
CTE Exemplary Alumni Award
CACTE Outstanding Service Award
CACTE Merit Award
Hall of Fame
Need Professional Development?
Network with fellow CTE Professionals!
CACTE Summer Conference July 15-18, 2013 at the
Pueblo Convention Center
Check it out at: http://www.rsvpbook.com/CACTESummit2013
Nominate Today!
Go to: http://www.cacte.org/home/awards/
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Colorado CTE Educators Offered Special Discount to Head to
Fort Worth for the 2013 Career Clusters
Institute: Achieving Excellence
Calling all Colorado secondary and postsecondary educators; counselors and administrators. . .in
recognition of the tight times we live in. . .you are being offered a special discount of $50 off the
registration cost to attend the 2013 National Career Clusters Institute: Achieving Excellence,
June 10-12. This discount is only being given to those who live near the location of this year’s
Institute, Fort Worth, Texas.
Organizers have crafted an amazing program for this year’s gathering. The program is filled with top
notch speakers and timely, relevant topics.
Register today and enter discount code CO2013 for $50 off registration!
For more information, such as who the famous opening speaker will be, click this link:
http://blog.careertech.org/?p=8204 .
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Register Now for New Credentialing Course Teaching
How to Integrate CTE with Core Academics
EDU 253 Academic
Instruction in CTE
credit course being
offered in conjunction
with the Colorado
Collaborative Summit
Conference (aka CACTE’s annual summer conference) returning to Pueblo, July 14-18.
This course is for Math, LArts and Science teachers who want to gain an
Integrated Academic CTE Credential approved by the Colorado Department of Education and
who want to be part of an approved Career and Technical Education program.
The course is also for CTE teachers who wish to partner with core academic teachers and receive
assistance on integration of academic standards.
In this course, teachers will develop lessons and assessments to use in classrooms that provide
students with stronger academics and career relevancy.
Register now at the cacte.org website for both college credit with Northeastern Junior College and
CACTE conference sessions. Also, email Mary Stecklein at [email protected] of your interest in
participating or for more information.
This and other credentialing opportunities are noted in the next article in this issue of CTE Trends
entitled, “Credentialing Classes for CTE Teachers, STEM Teachers and School Counselors to be Offered
In-Conjunction with CACTE’s Annual Summer Conference. . .”
Credentialing Classes for CTE Teachers, STEM Teachers and
School Counselors to be Offered In-Conjunction with
CACTE’s Annual Summer Conference:
“The Colorado Collaborative Summit”
Online Portion of Courses Should Be Completed Before Conference Starts
Credentialing classes for CTE Teachers, STEM Teachers and School Counselors will be held in
conjunction with the CACTE’s annual summer conference (aka “The Colorado Collaborative
Summit”) returning to Pueblo, July 14-18. These courses will be offered through
Northeastern Junior College.
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● To register visit www.njc.edu and click the red “Apply for Free” button at the top left of the page.
● Once you have been accepted, sign in to Access NJC (at the top right of the page at www.njc.edu)
● On the Student Tab, choose Add/Drop classes.
● Enroll for the classes using the Course Registration Number (CRN) -
identified on the white sheet above.
● Enrollment for classes must be done through Northeastern Junior College.
● Register for the annual summer CACTE conference, The Colorado Collaborative Summit, through
NJC’S tuition for Hybrid Classes is: $112.75 Per Credit + fees
NJC’s tuition for Online Classes: $199.30 Per Credit + fees
Don’t forget to apply for College Opportunity Fund!
For more information, contact:
Brenda Rhodes-Martinez at [email protected] or 970.521.6716
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School District 27J Engineering, Welding Students Bring
Welcoming Feel to School Playground
Prairie View High School CTE instructor Jim Cade is joined by students, from left, Nagisa Her, Daniel Miller, Neil Cade and Ruben Chavez during the unveiling of the welcome arch they built for Henderson Elementary School.
The playground welcome arch, which took two months to build, during the latter part of construction. HENDERSON – School District 27J Career and Technical Education students are using real-life
skills to make a real difference in their schools and communities.
Engineering and welding students from Prairie View High School recently unveiled a new iron
welcome arch for the playground of Henderson Elementary.
Last year, students from the district’s welding, construction and agriculture and Project Lead the
Way engineering program programs (from Prairie View and Brighton High Schools) were tasked
with gathering input, designing and building a series of playground welcome arches for area
elementary schools.
The 27J CTE students had started building the arches last year as part of a Tri County Health
Department grant to implement a wellness initiative for school staff, students and the community.
Prairie View freshman engineering student Nagisa Her, who designed the Henderson arch,
explained to K-6 students at its unveiling that engineering entails reliance on the use of certain skills
such as math and reading.
“When you’re building and designing something, math is key,” she said. “So, even though you don’t
like math now, think about it. . .[if you keep plugging away at it] in eight years. You’ll be able to make
something as amazing as this.”
Prairie View welding students Neil Cade, Ruben Chavez and Daniel Miller worked for two months
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to build the massive arch. It was delivered to Henderson in three separate pieces and 27J facilities
employees installed the archway with the help of community partner, AJI Fence, who donated labor
and material.
The eye-popping new gateway has had an immediate positive impact on Henderson students, staff
and parents.
“This arch has already brought a great energy along with it,” said parent Jody Leuthauser. “The kids
love to walk through it over and over.”
The 27J CTE students hope to share that energy with other schools soon. Plans are already under way
for the Prairie View and Brighton High School students construct three new playground welcome
arches during the 2013-14 school year.
– CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – CEC Middle College of Denver Ends Year with Mock Disaster,
Executive Internship, Auto Tech and Fashion Design
Showcase Events Scenes from CEC Middle College of Denver’s end‐of‐the‐year showcase events. DENVER — The CEC Middle College of Denver has been abuzz with year-end showcase events
where students have had the opportunity to share what they have learned throughout the school year
with fellow students, staff, parents and community. The following are some of the highlights:
May 3
CEC students from medical and emergency services career classes came together and executed
crisis protocol procedures in a “mock disaster.” The disaster was a simulated four-car motor
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vehicle accident (with the help of the Auto Technology class) with multiple injuries and intricate
problem-solving opportunities for students in the sports medicine, medical careers, fire science
and crime and forensics classes. In addition, they had guidance and active participation from
Denver Fire Station Number 9. The students came together to assess the situation of the accident
and then using skills they have learned through their CTE courses, analyzed the situation, cared
for the “injured” and returned the scene to a safe environment.
The mock disaster provided the opportunity for teachers to capture students via video, photo,
observation and interviews to assess their abilities to respond in a crisis - helping students learn from
the experience and gain confidence in their abilities to provide services in true emergency settings.
May 10
Several activities took place at CEC including events from the Executive Internship, Auto
Technology and Fashion Design and Clothing Careers classes.
First was the Executive Internship program in which 31 students created poster board displays of
their experiences working within the Denver community and showcasing what they learned about the
“real world.” Student internship sites ranged from learning business skills at Shell Trading
Company, to working in a student-teacher capacity at Cowell Elementary School, to working
with the Denver Fire Department. The program serves as an ideal culmination of the career classes
that students take at CEC where they are able to use the lessons they’ve learned in the classroom via
real-life opportunities to apply them on the job.
The Automotive Technology class put on the 8th annual Rich Barton Memorial Car Show, which
was open to both student and community entries and showcased some of the most beautiful and
unique cars in town. The students from the auto class also put on a demonstration of an “engine
blowup” and a Monster Car show.
Later on May 10, the Fashion Design and Clothing Careers students produced a fashion show to
demonstrate their creations for the year. Students modeled, in runway fashion, outfits they had
either created or assembled using the knowledge they gained throughout the course about colors,
patterns and fabrics. Nearly the entire student body showed up to cheer for the class members as
they modeled their designs with confidence and flair.
– CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Warren Tech STEM Experiment for Plant Growth Selected to Go
on the International Space Station
LAKEWOOD - Members of the Warren Tech/Lakewood
High School NASA HUNCH Team have been awarded a
spot for their science experiment on the International
Space Station (ISS).
These students are a part of the S2TEM (Sustainability,
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Program at
Warren Tech-Lakewood High School Branch and
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have been working in conjunction with the NASA HUNCH (High School Students United with
NASA to Create Hardware) Program. Their experiment, the Hydrofuge, is a personal plant
chamber for Astronauts aboard the ISS. This device will allow Astronauts to grow plants of their
choosing in an environment mostly void of life and gravity – plus it can be scaled up to provide food
for travel to planets farther away such as Mars.
What started out as a discussion with an Astronaut, returning from six months aboard the ISS about
the negative psychological effects of the lack of exposure to plant life in space, lead to the students
working to create the Hydrofuge.
The Hydrofuge is a specially designed aquaponics system using a flood and drain method to deliver
nutrient water from an onboard fish tank in a micro gravity environment.
Each spring for the last three years, the students on this team have traveled to the Johnson Space
Center in Houston to test their new and improved designs in a zero gravity environment aboard a
zero gravity plane. After four years of design, development and testing, the experiment was
approved for the ISS last week.
– CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Front Range Community College Training Teachers to Deliver
Biotech Opportunities to High School Students Across Their
Service Area
The way a Front Range Community College/Amgen biotech program is ultimately resulting in
high school students receiving hands-on experience in STEM fields (e.g., Testing Growth Potential of
a Bacteria Strain) was featured recently in a recent Boulder Daily Camera article.
To read how Front Range Community College is executing the second year of this STEM teacher
training program with a $186,000 grant from the Amgen-Bruce Wallace Biotechnology Lab
Program, click here:
Colorado CTSO Members Named Recipients of Highly
Selective/Prestigious Boettcher Scholarships
A couple of standout graduating high school seniors, one involved in DECA
and the other in FFA, have been awarded the highly selective/prestigious
Boettcher Scholarship. Braden Stump (FFA) and Amy Chen (DECA)
have been named one of only 40 2013 Boettcher Foundation Scholarship
Last year Stump had the honor of representing Prairie High School and
the New Raymer FFA Chapter of Stoneham at the National FFA
Boettcher Scholarship recipients Organization's 2012 Washington Leadership Conference. He is the
Braden Stump and Amy Chen son of Scott and Denise Stump of Stoneham. Scott, as many CTE
Trends readers know, serves as the Assistant Provost for Career and Technical Education managing
CCCS’s State Office for CTE.
Chen served this year as the State Vice President for Colorado DECA and has been academically
phenomenal at Highlands Ranch High School. She was featured for this in a January issue of
CTE Trends: http://www.cccs.edu/ctetrends/11/1110/trends1110.pdf#nameddest=15
Boettcher Scholars are awarded "full-ride" merit-based scholarships to attend a college or university
within the state of Colorado. Just to be eligible to apply, Stump and Chen had to be in at least the top
5 percent of their class and have a combined score of at least 1,200 on the critical reading and math
sections of the SAT or a score of at least 27 on the ACT. The "full-ride" scholarship Stump and Chen
have been awarded includes virtually all college expenses to attend the Colorado school of their
choice: full tuition, fees, a book allowance and an annual stipend for living expenses. The award is
granted for eight semesters at either a public or private four-year college or university in the state -but only as long as the scholar maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Over 1,300 students apply
each year.
According to Boettcher Scholarship Program Director Katy Craig, “Stump and Chen each significantly
stood out for us with their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom. We're proud to have
them representing the Boettcher family." Much copy integrated into this article appears courtesy of the Sterling Journal Advocate – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 18 of 23 -
VE-135/130 and VE-135/130 Reporting Information GENERAL VE-135 INFORMATION:
The March 30, 2013 VE-135 follow-up deadline has now passed and all of the placement survey data
you gathered on your 11-12 CTE program completers should have been submitted to CCCS. Thank
you to everyone for all of your hard work on submitting that data!
The next reporting deadline will be the VE-135 enrollment submissions. All secondary CTE student
data is due July 30, 2013. NEW–CTE student data for middle school programs will also be due on
that same date. Contact our office if you need more information on reporting middle school data. We
will also be emailing information to all CTE directors in districts with middle school program approvals.
We’ve found a number of secondary and postsecondary schools that still have not yet updated their
VE-130 Active Teachers for 2012-13. CCCS expects every holder of a VE-135 login account to be
responsible for making sure that the VE-130 is kept updated. Please go into the data collection site at
https://ve135.cccs.edu and update your active teacher information if you haven’t already done that.
Please contact us if you’ve had VE-135 personnel contact changes at your district, school, or college
so that we can update our records and you will receive important VE-135 related announcements.
CCCS is required by law to collect the VE-135 follow-up and enrollment data each year in order to
comply with the accountability requirements set forth by both the state funded Colorado Technical
Act CTA and the federally funded Carl D. Perkins Act.
You must report the VE-135 data even if you do NOT receive state or federal funding for your
approved CTE programs because the data is used in the program renewal process and civil rights
monitoring visits.
Contact Julie Eddy, CTE Accountability Director, by email at [email protected] or by phone at
303.595.1527 with any CTE data reporting questions or comments. You may also contact Tim
Cousineau, CTE Programmer Analyst, by email at [email protected] or by phone at
720.858.2843 with CTE data reporting questions or VE-135 website technical assistance.
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Vice President, Academic
& Student Affairs
Curriculum Coordinator
Assistant Provost, CTE
CTE Services Manager
CTE Web Designer
CTA Accountant Credentialing
CTA Contact
CTE Career Guidance
Trainer and Specialist
ICAP Implementation Specialist
Perkins Director
CTE Accountability Director
VE 130, VE 135
CTE Programmer Analyst
CTE Programmer Analyst
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
CTE Program Assistance
Agriculture Education
Program Director
Asst. Program Director,
FFA State Advisor
Administrative Assistant
Business and Marketing
Program Director
Asst. Program Director,
DECA State Advisor
Asst. Program Director,
FBLA/ PBL State Advisor
Administrative Assistant
Family and Consumer Sciences
Program Director
Asst. Program Director,
FCCLA State Advisor
CTSO Conference
Membership Coordinator
Administrative Assistant
- Page 20 of 23 -
Health/ACE/Public Safety
Program Director,
HOSA State Advisor
[email protected]
[email protected]
Goes by Jennifer Staley-Girvin
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Program Director
Administrative Assistant
Skilled Trades & Technical Sciences
Program Director
Asst. Program Director,
SkillsUSA/TSA Advisor
Administrative Assistant
Advanced Credit Pathways Credit [email protected]
Internal Audit and Compliance
Senior Compliance Coordinator
[email protected]
Executive Director Darrell Green
[email protected]
President Michael Siegrist
[email protected]
Jennifer Vander Meer
[email protected]
Past President Steve Alkire
[email protected]
Secretary Brenda Rhodes
[email protected]
Treasurer Jennifer Staley-Girvin
[email protected]
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CCCS CTE Perkins new State Plan: www.coloradostateplan.com/
Colorado CTE Blog: www.coloradocte.blogspot.com/
CTE Directors Directory: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/resources/CTE_Director_Directory.pdf
ACTE: www.acteonline.org
CACTE: www.cacte.org
Colorado Community College System: http://www.cccs.edu/
Colorado DECA: www.deca.cccs.edu/
Colorado Technology Education Association: www.cteaonline.org
Colorado Skilled Trades/Technical Science Program Support Website: www.coloskilledtrades.com Comprehensive Career Guidance: www.coloradostateplan.com/counselors.htm Credentialing Office: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/default_cred.htm
CTE Calendar: http://www.calendarwiz.com/contact: Julie Eddy, 303.595.1527
CTE Forms and Reports from
CCCS: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/formsReports.htm
E-Colorado: http://www.e-colorado.org
FBLA-PBL: http://www.fbla-pbl.cccs.edu/
FCCLA: http://www.fccla.cccs.edu/
FFA: http://www.ffa.cccs.edu/
HOSA: http://www.hosa.cccs.edu/
SkillsUSA: http://www.skillsusa.cccs.edu/
TSA Colorado: http://www.cotsa.cccs.edu/
Secondary CTE Job Board: http://www.cccs.edu/HR/CTE-JobBoard.html
Workplace Gender Balance: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/genderBalance.htm
This is issue #1118 of CTE Trends. CTE Trends will be on hiatus until August 27 when we will distribute our first issue of the 2013‐14 School/Academic Year. Distributed to nearly 1,400 CTE educators and administrators throughout Colorado, CTE
Trends is made possible through The Carl D. Perkins Vocational-Technical Education
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Improvement Act of 2006 federal funding as administered by the
Colorado Community College System and a partnership with
the Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education.
Editor: [email protected]
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