LOBOS Rush FAQs (Final) - Collierville Soccer Association


LOBOS Rush FAQs (Final) - Collierville Soccer Association
LOBOS RUSH Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the questions below have answers common to both groups (displayed in white) while other answers will specifically address former
LOBOS (highlighted in gray), former TN Rush players (highlighted in yellow) and former Olive Branch Rush (highlighted in green)
I'm formerly a LOBOS player
I'm formerly a TN Rush player
I'm formerly a Olive Branch
Rush player
First, combining the strengths and resources of all three organizations under the competitive arm of the Collierville Soccer
Association will create the ultimate player development environment. Second, affiliating with a national soccer organization will
also have tremendous benefits.The Rush organization is the largest single soccer club in the U.S. The club has over 34,000
Why unite? players including tens of thousands of REC players as well as the largest TOPSoccer program in the country among its 28
U.S. members and 18 international partners. Rush Soccer began as the Colorado Rush in 1997 and over the past fifteen years
has achieved a level of success unparalleled in the history of American youth soccer. Soccer America recently ranked the
Rush Soccer Organization in the top twenty of all youth soccer organizations in the nation! Finally, the larger organization will
represent a significant increase in buying power and sponsorship potential.
Will this make our younger Absolutely - This alliance will ultimately allow every team to improve. Due to the strength and increased size of our
competitive teams organization, younger teams can focus on player development and individual skill sets. By placing each player on a
stronger? commensurate team, they'll have more opportunities to contribute and improve.
Without a doubt - LOBOS RUSH can now boast of a stable of over fifty Tennessee ODP players and over two dozen
Will this make our High Regional ODP pool players. LOBOS RUSH can claim over 90% of all Commercial Appeal "Best of the Preps" Boys AND
School competitive teams Girls players. The current Gatorade® Tennessee Player of the Year for BOTH Boys AND Girls are LOBOS Rush players.
stronger? The number of college soccer scholarships for the current Class of 2012 from the combined group representing LOBOS &
TN Rush is over thirty!!! In the last six years, no other Memphis club has won any D1 State Championships while LOBOS
RUSH can claim six over that span of time.
Former LOBOS, TN Rush and Olive Branch Rush teams will now be called LOBOS RUSH. Teams formed from
What will our teams be Collierville Try-Outs will be called LOBOS RUSH Blue/Black/White/Red while teams formed from SWCC Try-Outs will be
called? called LOBOS RUSH Nike/Swoosh/Tiempo and, finally, teams formed at Olive Branch will be called LOBOS Rush Olive
Can I play at Rush National YES - All LOBOS RUSH players (regardless of where their team is based) will be eligible to participate in Rush National
events? Events such as RushFest. All LOBOS RUSH players will be eligible for selection to Rush Select (national composite) teams
that play in events across the country.
Try-Out Location
LOBOS RUSH will maintain teams in Collierville, at the Southwest Community College (SWCC) complex and at the Olive
Branch Soccer Complex (OBSC) for the foreseeable future. In the initial year of this union there will be Try-Outs for ALL AGES
at all three locations. After this first year, we will hold combined Try-Outs for select age groups at a single location. HOWEVER
Where do I Try-Out? we always plan to form and roster younger teams at the location of the players choosing. We believe that it serves the
younger player's best interest to play in his/her community. The key, at the younger ages, is player development. Ideally, a
player will select a Try-Out location closest to his residence. Throughout the season there may be opportunities for teams
within the same age bracket to train together, regardless of venue.
What is the address for the
Try-Out venues?
H.W. Cox (Powell) Park
350 W. Powell Rd.,
Collierville, TN 38107
LOBOS RUSH Try Out Dates are:
What are Try-Out dates? U8-U12 Boys & Girls - May 21-24th
U13 -U18 Boys & Girls - June 4-7th
at HW Cox (Powell) Park, SWCC and OBSC
5983 Macon Cove
Memphis, TN 38134
Olive Branch Soccer Complex
8700 Church Rd.
(Intersection of Church Rd. & Hwy-305)
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Collierville Try-Out times will be
determined by Coach Knowles and
SWCC Try-Out times will be determined OBSC Try-Out times will be determined by
What are Try-Out times? posted on the website ASAP. Days and by Coach Williams & Coach Forrest and Coach Darby and posted on the website.
times for specific ages will be
posted on the website. Days & times for
Days & times for specific ages will be
announced shortly.
specific ages will be announced shortly.
announced shortly.
What do I need to bring to
Try-Outs? Cleats, shin-guards and water (or sports drink)
How long are Try-Out
sessions? Each day's session is exactly 1.5 hours
What will I do at Try-Outs? In general, each session will be split into two segments. First, the coaching staff will conduct a technical skills session to view
the players in a training environment. Second, coaches will form teams and play various small sided scrimmages.
Can parents watch Try- Yes. We will have areas established where you can watch the Try-Outs but ask that you minimize contact with the player or
Outs? coaching staff during the sessions.
Will I need money at the No. There is NO charge to Try Out for a LOBOS RUSH team. Concessions will be available at most venues and LOBOS
Try-Outs? RUSH gear will also be for sale but both are optional.
If I want to attend to attend
another club's Try-Outs
on the same day & time, Yes, but the more you can be seen by the LOBOS RUSH coach the better. We do not discourage players from attending
can I attend half a other club’s Try-Outs but a player’s chance of being selected for a particular LOBOS RUSH team are reduced if a coach has
session? even less time to evaluate the player.
Do I need to attend BOTH
days of Try-Outs? Or if
additional days are added,
do I need to attend those
sessions if I attend the
first two?
It’s helpful, especially if you are a new
player to the club, BUT it’s not a
requirement. Again, the more the coach It’s helpful, especially if you are a new
gets to see you the better. If you were
player to the club, BUT it’s not a
It’s helpful, especially if you are a new
with another club and are considering
requirement. Again, the more the coach
player to the club, BUT it’s not a
LOBOS RUSH but aren’t able to
gets to see you the better. If you were with requirement. Again, the more the coach
attend one or both sessions, you might another club and are considering LOBOS gets to see you the better. If you were with
consider emailing the Dir. of Coaching
RUSH but aren’t able to attend one or another club and are considering LOBOS
at [email protected] or the
both sessions, you might consider
RUSH but aren’t able to attend one or
Exec. Dir. at [email protected]
emailing Mark Forrest at
both sessions, you might consider
and they will put you in touch with the [email protected] and he will
emailing Jared Darby at
coaches working H.W. Cox (Powell)
put you in touch with the coaches at
[email protected] and he will put you
in touch with the coaches at OBSC.
Can I Try-Out at two (or
even three) different
LOBOS Rush venues
and then make a decision? Yes, but it's not recommended. Try-Outs for all age specific age groups will run concurrently at each location so attending TryOuts at multiple locations will limit a player's exposure to a particular coach.
Who Evaluates my player
at Try-Outs?
The coaches for each particular age
group, along with Coach Furlong and
Coach Knowles, will select players to
their given teams Trying-Out at the
Collierville venues
Possibly. If you are Trying-Out at HW
Cox (Powell) Park, you will need to
make arrangements with the Dir. of
Coaching at [email protected]
If I'm on vacation and miss or the Exec. Dir. at
Try-Outs completely can I [email protected] to set up
still make a team? alternative arrangements. At some age
groups the coaching staff may decide to
add a third tryout date in order to give
them more time to evaluate the players.
Players will be informed of these dates
during the week of tryouts and they will
be posted on-line.
The coaches for each particular age
group, along with Coach Forrest, will
select players to their given teams for
those Trying-Out at SWCC
The coaches for each particular age
group, along with Coach Darby, will select
players to their given teams for those
Trying-Out at OBSC
Possibly. If you are Trying-Out at SWCC,
you will need to make arrangements with
Possibly. If you are Trying-Out at OBSC,
Mark Forrest at
you will need to make arrangements with
[email protected] to set up
Jared Darby at [email protected] to
alternative arrangements. At some age
set up alternative arrangements. At some
groups the coaching staff may decide to
age groups the coaching staff may decide
add a third tryout date in order to give
to add a third tryout date in order to give
them more time to evaluate the players.
them more time to evaluate the players.
Players will be informed of these dates
Players will be informed of these dates
during the week of tryouts and they will be during the week of tryouts and they will be
posted on-line.
posted on-line.
Unless additional Try-Outs are designated, you will be offered a specific team roster spot soon after Try-Outs. If you Try-Out at
Will LOBOS RUSH pool HW Cox (Powell) Park then it could be a LOBOS RUSH Blue, Black White or Red team. You could also be given the option
or will I know what team I to attend the COUGARS Try-Out. If you attend Try-Outs at SWCC, you could be offered a spot on a LOBOS RUSH Nike,
made after Try-Outs? Swoosh or Tiempo team. If you attend Try-Outs at OBSC, you could be offered a spot on a LOBOS RUSH Olive Branch
Do former LOBOS players
get preference at H.W. Cox
(Powell) Park Try-Outs?
Do former TN Rush
players get preference at All Try-Outs are OPEN and no player is guaranteed a spot on any particular roster from year to year or at any particular venue.
SWCC Try-Outs? The natural development cycle is such that rosters often change from year to year based on improvements and plateaus in
each player's performance.
How many teams will there
The only limiting factor in forming teams will be the availability of qualified players. We will not put restrictions on the number of
be in each age group?
teams we will form.
Unless additional Try-Outs are required,
a coach will call you within seven (7)
days of Try-Outs completing. In the
Unless additional Try-Outs are required, a
cases where additional Try-Out days coach will call you within seven (7) days of
are designated, coaches will contact the Try-Outs completing. In the cases where
players no later than seven (7) days
additional Try-Out days are designated,
after the last designated add date.
coaches will contact the players no later
Those dates will be published on the
than seven (7) days after the last
website and players attending the
designated add date. Those dates will be
published on the website and players
When do I find out what second day of Try-Outs will be informed
at that time as well. The primary means attending the second day of Try-Outs will
team I made?
of notification is cell phone or home
be informed at that time as well. The
phone so please make sure the phone primary means of notification is email so
numbers that you list on the NEW
please make sure the email address that
PLAYER TRY-OUT FORM and the sign- you list on the NEW PLAYER TRY-OUT
in sheet are both valid and appropriate FORM and the sign-in sheet are both valid
(i.e. – do not list a “home phone only” if and appropriate (i.e. – do not list a work
you are leaving for vacation immediately
email address if you are leaving for
after Try-Outs). If you have not received vacation immediately after Try-Outs and
notification after seven (7) days or have won't be checking that account). If you
a question about this process, please have not received notification after seven
contact Mike Knowles at
(7) days or have a question about this
[email protected] or Paul
process, please contact Mark Forrest at
Furlong at [email protected]
[email protected]
Unless additional Try-Outs are required, a
coach will call you within seven (7) days of
Try-Outs completing. In the cases where
additional Try-Out days are designated,
coaches will contact the players no later
than seven (7) days after the last
designated add date. Those dates will be
published on the website and players
attending the second day of Try-Outs will
be informed at that time as well. The
primary means of notification is email so
please make sure the email address that
you list on the NEW PLAYER TRY-OUT
FORM and the sign-in sheet are both valid
and appropriate (i.e. – do not list a work
email address if you are leaving for
vacation immediately after Try-Outs and
won't be checking that account). If you
have not received notification after seven
(7) days or have a question about this
process, please contact Jared Darby at
[email protected]
Juniors - U10: $720
What will my new club
fees be?
U15 & older: $720
How much do I have to pay You'll be required to deposit $320 immediately upon acceptance of a roster spot. There will be a payment schedule in the Tryat signing? Out package that will detail when the balance of your fees are due. Hard copies of the Try-Out package will be available at the
sign-in table at Try-Outs and they will also be available on-line at the Try-Out webpage.
Did fees increase?
NO - fees remain the same for former
LOBOS players
As has been in the past, there will be
team assessments. These
assessments include MSSF registration
Besides these club fees & ref fees (if your team opts to play in
and uniform, what other the league) as well as Tournament entry
fees will I pay? fees. Players Trying-Out at HS Cox
(Powell) Park will also pay a Town
service provider fee ($25 per year for
Collierville residents and $175 per year
for non-residents) that goes directly to
the Town of Collierville.
NO - these fees represent a decrease for
former TN Rush players
NO - these fees represent a very slight
decrease for former Olive Branch
Rush players
As has been in the past, there will be team
assessments. These assessments include
MSSF registration and ref fees (if your
team opts to play in the league) as well as
Tournament entry fees. As in previous
years, SWCC players will also pay a $50
per season ($100 per year) service fee to
maintain SWCC.
Unlike the previous Olive Branch
Rush fee structure whereby uniform &
MSSF fees were included, we have
drastically lowered the club fees but there
will now be a team assessments. These
assessments include MSSF registration
and ref fees (if your team opts to play in
the league) as well as Tournament entry
fees. This allows the individual team to
decide if it wants to play in the MSSF
league and also to pick the events it wants
to enter.
Do I still have to pay a CSA
Ad fee?
NO - The mandatory CSA Tournament Ad fee has gone away. We have simply incorporated the Ad fee into the overall club
fees. The Ad Program is now a voluntary program. More information will be provided about that program will be provided under
"Fundraising" Q&A and complete details will be contained in a Sponsorship Package posted on the website in June.
My Coach / My Team
Coaching assignments will be made by
Who will my coach be? Coach Knowles & Coach Furlong at the
Collierville Try-Outs. Assignments will
be posted shortly.
Coaching Assignments will be made by
Coach Williams and Coach Forrest with
Coach Furlong providing input.
Assignments will be posted shortly.
Coaching Assignments will be made by
Coach Darby with Coach Furlong
providing input. Assignments will be
posted shortly.
Where will I practice? If you Try-Out at H.W. Cox (Powell) Park and are selected for a team, you will practice at a Collierville venue. If you Try-Out at
SWCC and make a team, you will practice at SWCC. If you Try-Out at OBSC and make a team, you will practice at OBSC.
Absolutely - we encourage it. As mentioned above, we will continue to operate teams from SWCC, OBSC and Collierville for
Can I play on a team near the foreseeable future. We hope SWCC will serve the needs of younger soccer players in northern Shelby County, that the
my home? Collierville venues will be more convenient for young soccer players in southeastern Shelby Co. and that the Olive Branch
Soccer Complex can serve Northern Mississippi.
Will LOBOS, TN Rush
& Olive Branch Rush After this initial year, all D1 players (U13 & older) will have an opportunity to play on a combined team with a single combined
teams combine? Try-Out. Younger teams (U8-U12) will always have Try-Outs at ALL THREE locations and form teams at all three venues.
What will be expected of LOBOS RUSH provides free summer conditioning. Also, many teams will conduct practices over the summer BUT the level
me over the summer? of commitment varies greatly between ages and divisions.
How often do we practice? Most teams practice two - three times a week (usually 1.5 hours per sessions) depending on age and division.
How much does the team This will vary depending on the age and division. U8 and U9 teams do not travel. U10 teams typically travel to area events. U11
travel? –U14 will travel several times a season to Mid-South cities (including, but not limited to, St. Louis, Nashville, Birmingham,
etc..). Older teams (U15 and older) may travel locally or across the country based on their division and commitment.
Uniforms / Spiritwear
Do we all where the same
uniform? YES - players at the Collierville venues, SWCC and OBSC will ALL wear the same uniform.
All LOBOS RUSH players will need to purchase a new adidas® uniform kit (applicable for their age group). The kit cost is
$100 for new Juniors & U10 players, $235 for U11-U13 players and $150 for U14 and older players.
What will it cost? Kits, for all three age groups, include the "Basic Kit": two adidas® jerseys (home & away), two adidas® shorts (home & away),
two adidas® socks (home & away). U9s & U10s only need to buy the "Basic Kit". The U11-U13 "Middle School" kit also
includes adidas® warm ups & adidas® back pack. The "High School" Kit, for U14 and older, also includes a long & short
sleeve, black or gray (depending on the age) Clima-Cool® numbered Training jersey.
NO - In fact, prices have decreased at
Did uniform costs ALL age groups. Kit prices for U9-U13
increase? decreased by $15 while kit prices for
U14-U18 dropped by $50 !!! Increased
buying power created greater discount.
NO - This kit is ~ $35 lower than the kit
your were using last year. Increased
buying power created greater discount.
NO - This kit is ~ $35 lower than the kit
your were using last year. Increased
buying power created greater discount.
What will the new uniform
look like?
What other items am I NOTHING - The adidas® warm ups & backpack are an optional item, at additional cost, for both the Juniors-U10 Kit as well as
required to buy? the (U14 & older) HS Kit. LOBOS RUSH Keeper jerseys are optional. Spiritwear is optional.
We hope the fact that you are paying
We hope the fact that you are paying
What if I just bought a We hope that the lower uniform kit cost lower club fees AND lower uniform kit cost lower club fees AND lower uniform kit cost
uniform last year? will help ease this burden. We apologize will offset the cost of the new uniform. We will offset the cost of the new uniform. We
that you are buying back-to-back
apologize that you are buying back-toapologize that you are buying back-touniforms but believe this new union will back uniforms but believe this new union back uniforms but believe this new union
be worth the expense.
will be worth the expense.
will be worth the expense.
How long will I keep this
uniform? For two years. We will be going to a new LOBOS RUSH uniform in June 2014.
After team selection, you will be given a very strict deadline to access a weblink wherein you log-in and select your LOBOS
RUSH team, on a pull down menu, and the required items will be displayed on a webpage. You will indicate your size for each
How do I purchase the item. You will also indicate whether Men's or Women's Cut is desired. You will pay, on-line, with your own credit card. The
uniform? shipping will be free-of-charge and the items will be mailed directed to the shipping address you indicate. No sales tax will be
applied. Your uniform number must be entered at the time you place the on-line order HOWEVER you must first receive the
pre-approved uniform number from your team manager. Managers will make every attempt to give the player a number they
Yes, samples will be available at a Uniform Booth at Try-Outs at SWCC, HW Cox (Powell) Park and OBSC. In addition, we are
Can I try on a sample? in the process of securing arrangements with a sports retailer whereby they will have samples of all uniform pieces for two
weeks prior to Try-Outs up until a day before the final pre-order "on-line" deadline. You can simply travel to that store at your
convenience to size your uniform. More information about that location will be provided soon.
If you are grandfathered into the
LOBOS "Uniform for Life " program
then a credit for the cost of the Basic Kit
has been made into your CSA Club
What if I'm in LOBOS
Account. The CSA Office will credit the
"Uniform for Life"
cost of the Basic Kit to your account so
you can pay, on-line with your own
credit card, for your uniform knowing
that this same amount has been
deducted from your club fees.
This program was discontinued in July
This program was discontinued in July
Can I wear my old spirit YES, but understand that each coach might have their own dress code with regard to pre-game and warm-up. We will also be
gear? offering new LOBOS Rush Spiritwear for sale on the website. We don't discourage any player from wearing their old
LOBOS, TN Rush or Olive Branch Rush gear because we embrace our strong heritage.
YES - All LOBOS RUSH players will receive free summer camp (age dependent). The Collierville camp will be held at H.W.
Will Summer Camp still be Cox (Powell) Park on July 23-27; The SWCC mini-camp/Jamboree information will be posted by Mark Forrest in the coming
free? weeks. OB mini camp information will be provided by Coach Darby in early summer.
Will Summer Conditioning
still be free? YES - All LOBOS RUSH will receive free summer conditioning (age dependent).
Will Winter Conditioning
still be free? YES - All LOBOS RUSH players will receive free indoor winter conditioning (age dependent).
Will Goalkeeper Training
still be free? YES - All LOBOS RUSH players will receive free GK sessions.
Will Club Training be
provided? YES - Weekend Club Training will be provided in both Fall & Spring.
Free College Soccer YES - All LOBOS RUSH U13-U18 players have FREE access to a paid College Soccer Counselor (CSC). The CSC will
Counselor? conduct team and one-on-one interviews to assist the player in their goal of a college soccer scholarship. In addition, Rush
national has a College Advisory Program (CAP) to further assist the player looking for a college soccer scholarship.
Volunteer requirements
Former TN Rush families will be
required to work one shift (not to exceed 5
Will I still work one
hours) at the tournament of their choice
tournament a year?
(among the five we currently host).
No change - you must work one shift at Scheduling is done ~ three weeks before
one tournament each year (one shift per each event and is done on-line. (one shift
per family)
Former Olive Branch Rush families
will be required to work one shift (not to
exceed 5 hours) at the tournament of their
choice (among the five we currently host).
Scheduling is done ~ three weeks before
each event and is done on-line. (one shift
per family)
CSA Ad Program / Fundraising
Yes, the digital Tournament Programs for both the adidas Wolf River Classic and the adidas Blues City Blowout will still be
Will the Ad Program still available. All LOBOS Rush families will have an opportunity to sell ads in this on-line program wherein they retain 50% of all
be available? revenue and the club retains the other 50%. We had over forty families use this program to cover ALL their club fees and
almost 200 families received some amount of rebate through this program last year. Details about this program will be available
in June 2012.
What tournaments will we We will continue to host the five tournaments that Collierville Soccer currently operates: CIT, SE Fall Championship; WRC,
host? BCB and SE Spring Championship. A decision has not been made whether to continue to host the two events TN Rush
formerly maintained. Families will still be asked to volunteer for just a single event per year.
Will Kroger Bucks still be YES - and 100% of the refund goes to the player's team account. LOBOS RUSH Olive Branch teams will now be able to use
available? this great benefit.
Can our team hold YES - However, all fundraisers must be approved by the Competitive Committee (this is a very quick process). Certain generic
fundraisers? fundraisers (e.g. - car wash) are pre-approved.
What is the name of the
club? The name of the club itself is Collierville Soccer Association (as indicated on each player pass)
What are the team names? The name of the teams, when registering for tournaments, is LOBOS RUSH Blue/Black/White/Red or Nike/Swoosh/Tiempo
or Olive Branch
Will Collierville Soccer still Absolutely. Collierville Soccer Association has not changed. TOPSoccer, REC and the COUGARS program will operate
offer TOPSoccer, REC and just as it did before. In fact, these programs will reap a number of benefits from this new alliance. The increased size of the
COUGARS? club, along with the benefits of a national affiliation, will provide greater opportunity for corporate sponsorship and maximize our
buying power.
What affiliation will we be? We will affiliate with USYS (Tennessee Soccer), US Club Soccer and Rush national.
Former TN Rush teams will close their
previous team bank accounts and open
new bank accounts under the Tax ID code
(non-profit status) of Collierville Soccer
Association. These accounts can be at a
bank of the team's choosing. CSA does
have relationships with several banks that
offer significant benefits for opening team
Will teams control their
LOBOS RUSH accounts. Any funds held
own bank accounts?
in the previous TN Rush account will be
transferred, by the TN Rush comptroller,
to the new accounts. The Competitive
Committee Treasurer has established
certain protocols that each team will
comply with in regard to transparency and
communication to the team concerning
the team's account. New team treasurers
There is no change for former LOBOS will receive a "Welcome Aboard" package
from CSA.
Each and every former Olive Branch
Rush team will need to open a new team
bank account under the Tax ID code (nonprofit status) of Collierville Soccer
Association and designate a team
treasurer (independent of the team
manager). Team accounts can be at a
bank of the team's choosing. CSA does
have relationships with several banks that
offer significant benefits for opening team
LOBOS RUSH accounts. The
Competitive Committee Treasurer has
established certain protocols that each
team will comply with in regard to
transparency and communication to the
team concerning the team's account. New
team treasurers will receive a "Welcome
Aboard" package from CSA.
Team Managers? YES - LOBOS RUSH teams will have a Team Manager and a Team Treasurer. We also encourage teams to have a Team
Hotel Coordinator as well. New managers will receive a thorough briefing and "welcome aboard" package from CSA.
Has the CSA Office
moved? No - it is still located at 475 E. South St. Suite 112 Collierville, TN 38017
LOBOS Rush will fall under the Collierville Soccer Association By-Laws and Policies. Representatives of the TN Rush
Have the Directors Board of Directors will be seated on the Competitive Committee and CSA Executive Board, as full voting members. Paul
changed? Furlong will remain the Executive Director of Collierville Soccer (and thus LOBOS RUSH ). Mike Knowles and Mark Forrest
will serve as Directors of Coaching. Coach Alex Williams will continue to assist in the transition.
What position will former
TN Rush president Alex
Williams hold with
Alex Williams has recently completed his PhD and has accepted a faculty position in Texas. He will be helping with the club
transition until he leaves Memphis in the summer. In addition, Coach Williams has been appointed a position in the National
RUSH organization. He will work directly with the RUSH CEO on strategic items and also serve as a coach for some of the
National RUSH select teams.
Are we still a non-profit? Yes, all LOBOS RUSH teams will operate under the Collierville Soccer Association 501c(3)
What website do I use? Eventually, all operations will shift over to the www.colsoc.com website