To the left is a lovely photograph of a daffodil grown by Chloe


To the left is a lovely photograph of a daffodil grown by Chloe
Issue 8 Spring Term
Sports Relief Reminder –
Friday 21st March 1-2.45p.m
£1 per child for sporting
fancy dress. £1 donation
for every mile run. Could
you all start to send in
jumble goods that we can sell on the
day. Shop bought cakes and biscuits
to be brought in on the morning of
Friday 21st March. Many thanks for
your support. Miss Isaac.
Friday 7th March 2014
Daffodil Growing Competition
A big thank you to the parents and children who joined
in our daffodil growing competition. We had a good
response and have awarded all participants 5 house
points each. We plan to plant the bulbs in our school
field. The overall winners are:Nursery – Harry Dodd
Reception – Kai Coburn
Year 1 – Jack Ashman
Year 2 – Jimmy Drakeford
Year 3 – Katie Rimmer
Year 4 – Ryan Rogers
Year 5 – Darcy Marriner Year 6 – Emily Dodd
To the left is a
photograph of a
daffodil grown by
Chloe Rimmer of
Maple Class.
Meeting at Barton Primary for Parents on
Monday 10th March at 6.30p.m.
We look forward to welcoming parents and carers into school on
Monday evening to update you with our progress in the school
coming out of “special measures.”
Sharing Assembly
Silver Birch – Jack Asham for writing his name independently. Alfie
Dunne and Bailey Hanson for using sounds in their reading and
writing. Oak – Dylan Shanhan, Katie Corney, Damien Driscoll, Levi
Smy, Hanif Sen, Kaan Sasmaz-Reed, Dylan Tucker, Raven Leach, Devon
Smith, Isha-May Hayward, Louise Reynolds, Jenson Large, Owen
Knowland, Madison Sibbick, Peter McManus and Zoe Bradley for
writing super pancakes recipes to try out at home. Cypress - The
whole class for welcoming Kaitlyn, Abigail and Bradley into our class
and school. Maisie Sullivan for recognising her numbers and for
careful counting to 10. Hayden Stanford for presenting her digital
story to the class and explaining how she made it. Star Readers -Lucy
Flood and Caitlin Peers
Commences on Thursday 13th March and will run until further notice. Mrs Poulton and Mrs Wild will be
running the club and it will be open to children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. Spaces are limited to 20 and will be
allocated on a first come, first serve basis with the reply slip. 2.50-4.00p.m.
Due to a lack of uptake for Volleyball Club, this has now been replaced by Netball Club. Unlike last term
where Netball was run by a Barton teacher, this time will be run by an external coach. This in turn has
attracted a cost. The netball will run for just 4 weeks. If your child would like to join then please
complete the slip below and return with £4. This will be on a Wednesday and commence on the 12 th
March. Club open to Years 3,4,5 & 6. This will be at Downside, but children will walk back and be
released from Barton school at 4p.m.
Name of Club________________________________ Name of Child___________________________
My child wishes to join the above club. They will walk home alone/be collected at 4p.m/Go to ASC.
SIGNED__________________________________ Parent/Carer
I enclose £4 (netball only)