grace community


grace community
I am excited to announce the beginning of an Adult Education and
Discipleship program at Grace which we are calling Grace Equip.
From October 6th- December 8th, we will be holding 33 dynamic classes
on Monday nights in a variety of subjects designed to help every
member of Grace in their spiritual development. These classes will
be 1-3 weeks long so they conveniently fit with the busiest schedule.
These classes will focus on specific areas of interest, including Spiritual
Development, Prayer and Freedom Ministries, Marriage and Family,
Christian Leadership, Worship and Financial Peace.
Our goal is to provide a broad selection of classes which will strengthen your
faith and enhance your Christian walk, allowing you to more effectively serve the Lord. We are committed
to building mature disciples who can confidently face the challenges of life and grow deeper in their
understanding of God and His plan for their lives.
To register go to
6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 10 For wisdom will enter
your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Proverbs 2:6,10
I am tremendously excited to announce the next session
of classes in the Grace Equip Adult Education and Discipleship program
at Grace. With much prayer and planning, we have created a program
that will allow you to grow in a variety of areas. Pursuing spiritual
development and Christian maturity is one of the most important
activities you can be involved in as a believer, and these fall classes
will provide multiple ways to do just that.
While every class will provide you a richer knowledge of Jesus and His
plan for your life, they will also provide answers to the everyday questions
that we all encounter.
For your convenience, the class schedule is designed to offer multiple classes each week. The diverse
class listing will provide every Grace Community Church member with the chance to find some area of
interest to pursue.
We invite you to look over the class listing and select several classes that grab your interest. Email us
at [email protected] with any questions about the classes. Space is limited, so register early before the
classes fill up.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every
good work. 2 Timothy 3:16
Our desire is that your experience in these classes will be a catalyst for spiritual growth in your daily
life. Check out the information for each class and feel free to contact us if you have any questions at
[email protected].
Grace Equip fosters an environment that enables you to hear God’s voice—the most critical piece of
growing spiritually. All of our classes, regardless of topic, are designed to be revelational—not for you to
simply hear new information, but rather that you hear from Him. In the process of hearing God, He will
help you grow in your spiritual life and become “unstuck” in your spiritual progress. Setting aside a few
nights to attend an Equip class will offer you more than well-grounded, biblical teaching—you’re going
to hear the voice of God and that will introduce you to a whole new level of transformation.
All of our classes are arranged by date and Equip track. You’ll find the class title, teacher, class dates,
and a description of what you’ll hear and experience in the class, along with all of our teacher bios. HOW TO CHOOSE A CLASS
Many people find it challenging to decide which classes they should take. Here is our recommended
1. Determine your available schedule.
We’re offering eleven weeks of Sunday morning and Monday evening classes
during this semester. Each class is intended to positively impact your
spiritual growth. We encourage you to attend multiple classes.
2. Review the class schedule.
Most classes are one day classes, however, several are multiple
week classes. While some of our Equip classes may be repeated in future
sessions, some will be held only once each year.
3. Decide which classes match your spiritual needs.
Registration for Grace Equip classes is free and takes place online at, or through the
handout you received with our weekly circular. If you have questions, contact us at [email protected].
Is childcare available?
Childcare is available for children ages birth through age twelve. All children must be registered to
reserve their spot. You can register for childcare at when you register for your class, or
when you apply through the handout provided at Grace.
How do I find my classroom?
Classes are held at the Grace South Campus in the classrooms near the Venue. We’ll also send you an
email the week of your class, providing your classroom location.
What happens if I have to miss one of my classes?
We understand you may not be able to attend every class, but missing one class doesn’t mean you
have to miss all of them. Some classes may have an interactive component, so let your class instructor
know when you’ll be absent. They may have an alternate activity that will continue to make the lesson
meaningful for you despite your absence.
Ask the Lord to show you where you need to grow and which classes would best meet that growth need.
Sunday Mornings:
February 15th – April 26th, 8AM - 9:30AM, Auditorium 4
Monday Nights: February 2nd – April 20th, 7:00PM – 8:15PM, Classrooms 1 - 4
We draw closer to God through reading, studying and understanding His Word.
God provided the Bible to His people to teach and encourage, and this track will
cover the issues raised in the Bible as well as digging into specific books of both
thee Old and New Testament. Join us as we grow “in the Word”.
These Dave Ramsey classes help you apply biblical wisdom in your everyday
finances as you learn how to manage your income, avoid the debt trap, and plan for
the future.
Children have their own specific challenges in the world. Our Kidz Equip track is
designed to allow our pre-teen children to discuss the challenges and frustrations of
youth through a biblical perspective in a loving, non-condemning environment.
These classes help both married and single participants build healthy families and
become one with God and each other. Learn the plan that God has for those who
are married and raising families in a world that seems designed to pull them apart.
Each of us can use help in discovering the freedom that comes from knowing the
truth about who we are in Christ. For those who want to discover the power of
accessing the Holy Spirit in their prayer life, worship, dealing with trauma and
healing, forgiveness and living a thankful life, these courses are for you.
In these classes, participants will grow in their Christian walk as they study the
Word and learn how Christians are called to interact with others within their own
churches as well as with an increasingly secular and hostile world.
Mondays, 7:00pm-8:00pm, February 2nd-April 20th, Classrooms 1-4
FEBRUARY 2, 2015
How can we defend our faith in today’s culture? This class will talk about the reasonable
reasons for the beliefs we hold as Christians. Hear about facts, history, archaeology, and
apologetics that prove Christianity. You really can defend your faith in today’s world. Come
find out how.
FEBRUARY 9, 2015
The Basics and more of Christian Belief
You believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, but you are not quite sure of how we know that
He was God, why His death was so important to our future, why the Trinity is such a hard
concept to grasp, or why all the different groups that believe in Jesus are divided into so many
denominations. You know the basics, but don’t really know where to go from here in your
Christian walk. You want to go deeper with God, but are confused about how to do that.
Christianity 101 is a class that explains in clear terms what Christians believe, why they believe
it, and how you can use that knowledge to deepen your understanding of God and His plan for
your life. No question is too small, nor any issue too deep to be discussed in this class.
In all relationships it is vital to have ongoing communication. God is speaking directly to you—
do you recognize HIS voice? Do you understand what He is saying? What are the things that
keep us from hearing God? What can we do to hear God more clearly? This class will guide you on how to hear from God while identifying branches in the tree of
knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life that help or hinder your walk and hearing God’s
voice clearly. We will practice how to hear from God and to understand what He is saying to
you. Ministry time will be available.
In the introduction to his book “The Blessed Life”, Robert Morris makes the following
statements. “Without a doubt, the enemy of your soul would do anything to keep you from
discovering God’s principles governing financial stewardship, giving and blessing. Why?
Because once you do, it will transform your life for the better. It will bring you guaranteed
financial results. But it will do more than that: It will impact the kingdom of God.”
One of the major roadblocks to peace and tranquility in our lives is money. We struggle with
how to make it, how to save it, how to spend it and how to use it for His Kingdom. Gaining
“Financial Peace” leads to peace in most other areas of our lives.
Join us to discover God’s principles about how to achieve financial contentment, and how that
peace overflows into the rest of your life.
FEBRUARY 16, 2015
Come join Pastor Mike as he teaches the 7 principles that have developed his philosophy
of Prayer. A full prayer life is an essential part of becoming the person that God calls you to
be. This class will give you all of the foundations that go into becoming a powerful person
of prayer. You will learn how to grow in prayer and you will learn what it takes to expand the
kingdom of God.
Conflict is something that all of us want to avoid. However, all of us know that it is a part of
life that we cannot avoid. Though that is true, we must realize that God does not want us
to simply manage the conflict, but to learn to resolve it. The scriptures are very clear that
He wants us to be able to work through any and all difficulties so that relationships can be
restored. Even though there are situations that seemingly cannot be resolved, He tells us how
to forgive and live with “clean hands and a pure heart”.
In spite of growing up in a world that sometimes seems intimidating and overwhelming, kids
have huge purpose, authority and power. Kids will learn how to walk in Freedom as we discover
their true identity in Jesus, tearing down the lies of the world.
For all kids from 9-12, come and learn how to hear and respond to God so you can stay on His
path for your life. YOU are of great worth and value in the Kingdom, come learn how to walk in
His ways.
Healing for a Woman’s Soul
God never promised that this life would be without pain and difficulty. However, He
never means for us to spend our life imprisoned by the past. Jesus came to “bind up the
brokenhearted” (Isaiah 61:1). The Art of Love: Healing for a Woman’s Soul will take you on the
journey to healing the wounded places of your soul. We will explore the power of God’s love to
heal even the deepest hurts.
This is a series of 3 classes for children ages 9 – 12 taught by Suz Harvey and Cheryl Bates.
FEBRUARY 23, 2015
Serving Christ in the Civic Arena
How can I serve my community? Am I called to serve God in the public square? Get answers
to these questions and more from a practical perspective and proven leaders who know
how to approach these issues. If you are interested in knowing more about serving God in
government, or in your community, attend this informative class. This inspiring session is for
anyone who has ever considered running for any public office. Hear from two experienced
leaders who will detail why Christians can and must make a difference.
single roof requires understanding and compromise. A breakdown in communication or unclear
expectations can produce a stressful environment within the home and initiate conflict between
family members.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for real
answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner use the
Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly married
couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn disillusioned,
divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
MARCH 2, 2015
When we consider God’s heart and your heart, we must ask: do they reflect your Spiritual
Identity? Join Marta as she unfolds what scripture says about you and your identity in Christ.
We’ve all heard God’s name is above every name, but did you know God gives you an identity
greater than any identity in the world? Enjoy learning what God says about HIS heart for you
and what the condition of your heart has to do with your Spiritual identity. Ministry time will
be available.
In spite of growing up in a world that sometimes seems intimidating and overwhelming,
kids have huge purpose, authority and power. Kids will learn how to walk in Freedom as we
discover their true identity in Jesus, tearing down the lies of the world.
For all kids from 9-12, come and learn how to hear and respond to God so you can stay on His
path for your life. YOU are of great worth and value in the Kingdom, come learn how to walk
in His ways.
This is the 2nd in a 3 part series for children ages 9 – 12 taught by Suz Harvey and Cheryl
Bates. However, if your kids missed the first class, please bring them to the 2nd session, as
different subjects will be discussed each session.
Come join us as we begin a series of “One Night” studies of the Bible. Tonight’s session covers
the New Testament. With its gospels, epistles, pastoral letters and the apocalyptic writings
in the Book of Revelation, the NT can be challenging to understand. Join us for a one night
discussion of the reasons for and purposes of the New Testament, and a quick overview of the
27 books and their 9 authors.
As we open up the New Testament, we will discover that it is the seamless story of the
unveiling of God’s plan for salvation which had been predicted all the way back in the third
chapter of Genesis. We will explore how the New Testament came to be, who wrote the books
of the New Testament, and what purpose each book serves in explaining the life of Jesus. As
well, we will examine His plan for His church, His directions on how we should live, and a clear
understanding of what to expect when He returns.
Teens face challenges in today’s world that their parents never experienced. In the fast paced
internet world in which we live, personal choices are greater and pose more dangers than
ever before. As teens encounter negative influences every day, both they and their parents
must make decisions about their relationships, their faith and their future. Join Pastor John
Boore as he brings biblical truths to the increasingly secular world faced by our teens, with
advice to parents on how to lead their children through the struggles of everyday life and
insure that their children are “Thriving Teens”!
How to Deal with Conflict in a Blended Family
A newly blended family faces the challenge of merging personalities that are accustomed
to their previous environments. Whether you are becoming the step-parent of one or
more children, you must establish a solid relationship with each family member on an
individual basis. Bringing adults and children with different perspectives together under a
All of us wake up every morning needing acceptance, identity, security, and purpose. Those
are our four basic needs, and either God will meet those needs for us or we’ll look to some
other person to meet them. However, there is 1 issue that stands apart as critical if couples are
to live in a happy, fulfilling relationship. Come discuss with Mike and Shelly that foundational
cornerstone of marriage.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for real
answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner use the
Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly married
couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn disillusioned,
divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
MARCH 9, 2015
Come join us as we continue our series of “One Night” studies of certain books of the Bible.
The Gospel of John was written “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of
God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31). The entire book was
written to document the deity of Christ, to counter the charges of the day that Jesus was just
another Jewish Rabbi with delusions of grandeur.
In this 1 Night Study we will provide a general overview of this important book, but also delve
into several of the chapters that reveal different aspects of what Jesus meant when He said “I
AM”. He is indeed the “Bread of Life”, “Light of the World”, “Door for His sheep”, “The Good
Shepherd”, “The True Vine”, “The Light of the World” and “The Way, the Truth and the Life”.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for real
answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner use the
Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly married
couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn disillusioned,
divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
MARCH 23, 2015
The Gospel of John was written to explain the spiritual meaning of the miracles and
statements of Jesus, and to demonstrate conclusively that He was indeed Emanuel – “God
with us”.
Join us as we continue a series of One Night studies of certain books of the Bible. On the
day after the crucifixion of Christ, the Apostles were hiding in Jerusalem, fearful that what
happened to Jesus might happen to them next.
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the
glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
Come dive into the Book of Acts and discover how this small frightened group turned into
fearless witnesses for the Gospel, and how the power of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles led to a
church that now encompasses more than 3.1 billion people spread across the entire world.
Spiritual authority and earthly authority are connected. This class will show you how to
maximize God’s power through prayer and the way you live your life in order to enhance your
sphere of influence. You will learn how each person in a family, a company, and a ministry
has an important role. Join Marta on this personal journey and see how you can enrich your
family life! Ministry time will be available.
In spite of growing up in a world that sometimes seems intimidating and overwhelming,
kids have huge purpose, authority and power. Kids will learn how to walk in Freedom as we
discover their true identity in Jesus, tearing down the lies of the world.
For all kids from 9-12, come and learn how to hear and respond to God so you can stay on His
path for your life. YOU are of great worth and value in the Kingdom, come learn how to walk
in His ways.
This is the 3rd in a 3 part series for children ages 9 – 12 taught by Suz Harvey and Cheryl
Bates. However, if your kids missed the first classes, please bring them to the 3rd session, as
different subjects will be discussed each session.
God created man, woman, and the institution of marriage. In Genesis 2, immediately following
the creation of Adam and Eve, God ordained four laws for marriage to operate within. Just
like the natural laws that guide and guard creation, these four laws provide the foundation
and protection for marriage. With these laws, marriage is safe and beautiful. Without them,
marriage is dangerous and painful.
If you enjoy history, and want to understand the power of the Holy Spirit worked out through
the birth of the early church, then you will be enthralled by this story covering a mere 33
years after the death of Jesus. You will be surprised to discover that you are not just studying
“history” but you are studying “HIStory”.
As Christians it is important that we have an understanding that our heavenly Father loves us
unconditionally. As we believe and receive His love for us, it makes the journey smoother in
letting go of the past. Because of wrong choices, the shame, regret and pain of the past can
keep us from moving forward into our divine purpose.
“While we were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). We must believe that because
of the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, we are forgiven, we must also forgive ourselves. We
must renew our minds with the word of God/His truths. As we believe and apply by faith His Truth, His Word sanctifies us (John 17:17). We can begin to
walk in the newness of life of who we are in Christ and how He sees in us, “the righteousness of
God in Christ Jesus” (2 Cor 5:21).
Living the life of a Christ Follower is the desire of every true Believer. God gave us his
Word so we can know Him and His ways. He also gave us the Holy Spirt as our guide.
Come learn about the power of the Holy Spirit which enables us to do what we cannot do
in our own strength. Join Billy as he leads the class to explore what it means to walk the
Spirit filled and Spirit led life. 11
MARCH 23, 2015
Men and women have very different needs. Amazingly, couple can be married for years and
will still expect their spouse to think and act like themselves. Learning to understand how
your spouse is different, and learning to meet your spouse’s needs may be difficult, but it is
crucial to building a good marriage.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for
real answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner
use the Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly
married couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn
disillusioned, divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
MARCH 30, 2015
The secular world today seeks to reinterpret history and deny the meaning and purpose of
the founding of America. The secular world is determined to rewrite history and the Christian
fundamentals that formed the basis for our Constitution. Learn the truth about what really
happen in the discovery and formation of America from 1492 thru 1793. We will look at
Christopher Columbus’ real desire for finding a new land and the thoughts and desires of our
founding Fathers.
In this class Bill will “Equip” you to refute those who attempt to deny the Christian heritage of
our country and will allow you to see how our country was founded on biblical principles.
Paul in the letter to the Ephesians tells us to “10 be strong in the Lord and in his mighty
power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s
schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms.”
Join Pastor Mike as he unpacks this important section of scripture. This class will teach you
an understanding of all of your spiritual battle equipment, how to walk in the armor every
day, how to face daily spiritual warfare and how to become a prayer warrior.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for real
answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner use the
Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly married
couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn disillusioned,
divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
APRIL 6, 2015
In this three-week class, you will learn how to prepare a speech, lesson, or presentation
and how to make the message clear, current, and relevant. Then you will learn about stage
presence, hand gestures, and body language. We will cover outlining, how to tell a story, where
to find illustrations and examples, and how to use humor and poetic and powerful words. You
will discover the power of a dynamic opening and powerful closing as well as captivate your
audience and speak without notes.
This class is for anyone who wants to be able to share his or her story or teach a Bible class.
The techniques and tips will help anyone who makes presentations at work, in church, or in a
public venue.
The course is taught by Communications Coach Karen Porter who is the author of six books
including Speak Like Jesus.
Many within the Christian community are reluctant to discuss the issue of sexuality within
marriage. However, God created sex for pleasure and lifelong enjoyment in marriage. Jimmy and
Karen Evans expose some of the myths of those who deny the possibility of experiencing lasting
sexual fulfillment.
In an age of disposable marriage and information overload, where can couples turn for real
answers that will make their relationships work? Only to God. Mike and Shelly Milner use the
Jimmy Evans DVD marriage series to share valuable insights that can assist newly married
couples in building a strong foundation for marriage, as well as helping turn disillusioned,
divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships.
APRIL 13, 2015
Communication is one of the most critical issues that determines whether or not a marriage
will be successful. Without open, honest communication between a husband and wife,
it is impossible to have an intimate marriage. Learn both the common problem areas in
communication and the ways to establish and maintain positive communication in
your marriage.
Have you ever had to suffer through something and wondered why? Maybe you
questioned why God, who can prevent all suffering, still allows us to struggle. How can a
God who loves me allow me to experience this pain?
It just doesn’t seem to add up. When we or someone we love is suffering and going
through struggles, we want answers. Come join us as we seek some answers to these
questions and learn how we can consider it all joy.
APRIL 13, 2015
Sunday Mornings, 8AM – 9:30AM, Auditorium 4
In this three-week class, you will learn how to prepare a speech, lesson, or presentation
and how to make the message clear, current, and relevant. Then you will learn about stage
presence, hand gestures, and body language. We will cover outlining, how to tell a story,
where to find illustrations and examples, and how to use humor and poetic and powerful
words. You will discover the power of a dynamic opening and powerful closing as well as
captivate your audience and speak without notes. This class is for anyone who wants to be
able to share his or her story or teach a Bible class. The techniques and tips will help anyone
who makes presentations at work, in church, or in a public venue.
Raising a Christian family in today’s carnal world seems like an impossible task. Join Pastor
Kathy as she examines how parents can stand strong against the negative influences in this
world. She will examine those elements of parenting that decide the direction your family
will take: What are your priorities? What is does quality time look like? How often do you
attend church? Do you read the Bible together and study the word together? What outside
influences do you allow in your home? What type of friends to your kids hang out with?
Come discuss these and other issues in an open and loving environment dedicating to
providing each parent with the tools to raise a Godly family.
APRIL 20, 2015
Jihad, suicide bombings and 9/11 are three terms that most Americans associate with Islam
and the Muslim world. The news about ISIS and the Taliban present the Muslim people as
terrorists and Islam as a religion bent on taking over the world. However, in our daily lives,
we meet Muslims who are friendly, caring and truly nice people who do not fit the model
presented on TV. Which is the true picture of Islam? What does the Qur’an teach? Is it
possible to witness to Muslims?
Join us for this examination of Islam, its beginnings, and what it teaches. We will explore
what this religion says about God, what is says about Jesus and our Bible, and what it teaches
about the role of women in society. We will also discover the points of connection between
Christians and Muslims which allow us to bring them to a knowledge of the saving Grace
of Jesus.
In this three-week class, you will learn how to prepare a speech, lesson, or presentation
and how to make the message clear, current, and relevant. Then you will learn about stage
presence, hand gestures, and body language. We will cover outlining, how to tell a story, where
to find illustrations and examples, and how to use humor and poetic and powerful words. You
will discover the power of a dynamic opening and powerful closing as well as captivate your
audience and speak without notes. This class is for anyone who wants to be able to share
his or her story or teach a Bible class. The techniques and tips will help anyone who makes
presentations at work, in church, or in a public venue.
Taught By: Adam Metzler
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God’s ways
of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU
presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you’ve dreamed you could be. This
plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more!
Join us for the following modules:
Super Savings February 15th We are not a nation of savers. In this class Dave blasts
through the hype and reveals the reasons why you should save money, how to be prepared for
emergencies, and how to build genuine wealth – without luck and without the lottery! Dave will
truly get you excited about saving. Impossible? Not when you start Super Saving!
Relating With Money February 22nd How to handle our money impacts every
part of our lives. It is a huge factor in marriage, a tremendous responsibility in parenting, and a
potential land mine for singles. In this class Dave show couples how to work together as a team,
gives singles some practical tips for financial accountability, and helps parents teach their children
about money from a young age.
Cash Flow Planning March 1st Oh no! The dreaded B-word: Budget! Many people are
scared to death of the very idea of a budget. The truth is, budgeting is the key to success! Like
Dave says, money makes a fantastic servant, but a horrible master. And if you don’t tell your
money where to go and what to do, it will definitely master the rest of your life. Learn how to make
your money work for you and how to put together a budget that really works.
Dumping Debt March 8th In Dumping Debt, Dave blows the lid off the credit game,
debunking the myths about debt that have become ingrained in our natural way of thinking. Then
he walks you out of debt with his simple, clear and effective debt snowball technique.
Buyer Beware March 22nd In Buyer Beware, Dave draws on years of selling and
marketing experience to show you exactly how businesses get their messages into your
subconscious. Then, once you understand the game, Dave will show you how to finally gain power
over your purchases and get the best deal when you are ready to buy.
The Role of Insurance March 29th This is a topic that few people really enjoy, and
yet it impacts your finances more than you could possibly imagine! In this section Dave walks you
through seven types of insurance that every adult needs, and he reveals how to avoid the traps in
the insurance industry that can leave you – and your heirs – flat broke!
Retirement and College Planning April 12th In this section, Dave helps you
understand all those initials and abbreviations: IRA, 401(k), 403(b), 457 and more. Plus, he shows
you how to make sure your kids get through college without a student loan – what
an idea!
Real Estate and Mortgages April 19th Learning to navigate through the minefield of
real estate and mortgages can be pretty daunting. In this section Dave shares his most effective
tips for buying and selling your home, and then breaks down the different mortgage options to
reveal the best – and worst – ways to buy a house.
The Great Misunderstanding! Generous Giving! April 26th Dave says that
there are only three things we can do with money: SPEND it, INVEST it and GIVE it. But how can
we build wealth if we are constantly giving it away. Dave calls this “The Great Misunderstanding,”
and it can change your life. In this section Dave discusses the commonly held misconceptions
about giving and reveals the true key to winning – with both your life and your money!
Class: Courage to Lead: Serving Christ in the Civic Arena
Gabriel Allen has served in various roles in public policy and public service.
Gabriel was appointed by the Governor of Arkansas to the Garland County
Quorum Court (Arkansas equivalent of County Commissioner), and was a
member of the Public Works, Transportation, Public Health & Welfare and Solid
Waste Committees. Gabe served as statewide Faith Based Coalitions Director
for RNC/George W. Bush Re-election campaign and had leadership roles in
several US Congress and US Senate races. Gabe is a current member of the
Texas Republican Platform Committee, and was a state coordinator for Focus
on the Family Action during Samuel Alito and John Roberts US Supreme Court
confirmation process.
Gabriel has served as a political news Director, and morning host in Christian
Radio. Former U.S. Congressman Jay Dickey stated that “When Gabe speaks
he is sincere, informed and powerful.” Former Governor Mike Huckabee said:
“I know Gabe well and have heard him speak. His eloquence and humor bring
extra life to an already powerful message.”
Class: Raising a Godly Family
Kathy grew up in church and accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior when she
was 5 years old. She married her childhood sweetheart, Bob, 33 years ago, and
their marriage is founded on the Word of God. Kathy and Bob have 3 adult
children who are serving the Lord, and one of them is a pastor. They also have
5 grandchildren. Kathy is the children’s pastor at Grace South campus, and she
puts God first, then her family, and then her church/job.
Classes: XtremeKidz Freedom – Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 (For kids ages 9 – 12)
Cheryl has been married to Clint for 24 years, all of which they have spent at
Grace. They homeschooled all 6 of their children; Tyler, Dylan, Spencer, Mason,
Kinsey and Payton. She has been in Children’s and Youth ministry since before
she ever finished school herself! She has served in many areas of ministry at
Grace including Young Marrieds, Youth and Children’s. She is an excellent
teacher and is passionate about bringing the word of God to life so that children
have it written on the tablet of their hearts.
Class: Tips for Thriving Teens
John Boore is the Lead Youth & Young Adults Pastor at Grace Church in
Houston, TX. John is a sought after youth retreat, camp, conference speaker and
consultant. He is known for his energetic and humorous approach of conveying
God’s word.
John and Priscilla Boore have been married for 18 years and have 2 beautiful
children. They have been serving in full-time youth ministry for the last 14 years.
In that time, they have served in the great cities of Las Vegas, NV, Tampa, FL
and Houston, TX. In 2003, they founded Generate: School of Ministry and have
trained and launched Youth Pastors across the United States.
Garrett preaches, teaches and leads with a passion to see God’s people
empowered to live a Spirit-formed life. As Senior Pastor of Grace Houston he
directly oversees the life of the church and provides leadership for other Grace
Campus pastors. Garrett has served in full time ministry for 20 years and has
been married to his lovely bride, Andrea, for 17 years. They have two fun-loving
kids, Laruen and Austin.
Born in Louisville, Kentucky, Trebor grew up in learning the importance of
family, duty, honor and country. Trebor’s Military service career consists of
seven years in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and three years in the U.S. Army
Military Intelligence Corps. During this time he traveled the globe while
fulfilling various roles including Combat Medic, Sergeant E-5, Intelligence
Analyst and, Sr. intelligence Analyst.
Trebor has extensive experience in team building, structure, and utilization
of systems, processes, and resources to accomplish objectives. Each station
held has assisted him in honing the qualities of discipline, planning, execution,
communication, and critical thinking.
Class: Reasons to Believe
Classes: Christianity 101 – The Basics and More of Christian Belief, The New
Testament in One Night, The Gospel of John in One Night, The Book of Acts in
One Night, & How Should Christians Interact with Muslims?
Jon is a minister with Grace International and the Director of Adult Education and
of Missions at Grace Community Church. He is a graduate of the United States
Military Academy at West Point, and joined Grace after successful careers in the
military and the business world. He is completing his Master of Theology at The
King’s University Seminary, and has been teaching biblical studies at Grace for
over four years. Jon’s teaching style is based on making the Bible come alive in a
fun yet informative fashion. Jon and his wife, Sydney, have 2 adult children and
one beautiful grandson, and are leaders of the Grace Mass Choir. BILLY BURTON
Classes: Turning Conflict into Opportunities & Walking in the Spirit
Billy Burton grew up in rural Kentucky where he graduated from Clay High
School. Upon graduating he entered into the Marine Corp where he served four
years, spending one year in Vietnam. After he left the Marines, he immediately
began his studies at Western Kentucky University where he earned a B.A.
degree in Business Education.
Six months before graduating from the university, Billy answered God’s call
to the ministry. He began preaching and five years later, began seminary at
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, where he graduated
with a Master of Divinity. He spent 25 years as senior pastor of churches in
Kentucky and Arkansas and then moved to Houston, TX, where he served as
Senior Associate Pastor of Encourager Church. Billy is presently serving as
Executive Pastor of Grace Community Church in Houston, TX. Billy and his wife,
Donna, have three children and eight grandchildren.
Class: Courage to Lead: Serving Christ in the Civic Arena
Class: XtremeKidz Freedom – Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 (For kids ages 9-12)
Suz Harvey is married to Aaron and they have 3 sons; Brendan, Tanner and
Payton (Pdog) whom they have homeschooled for the past 11 years. In addition
the Lord has grafted into their family a bonus child~ Peewee. She has worked
with children both in and out of the church for over 25 years. Suz has served
our Grace children as the Kidztalk leader and camp counselor for almost a
decade. Her passion is pursuing the “unlovable” and interjecting Jesus into
their hurting hearts.
Classes: Building a Life of Prayer & Prayer and the Full Armor of God
Pastor Mike Hooper has 30 years of full time ministry experience within Grace
International. He has pastored churches in Oregon, Washington, California, and
Texas. As a District Superintendent in Northern California and Texas, he was a
pastor to pastors for 15 years. Currently he is the Director of Prayer Initiatives at
KSBJ Radio.
Mike brings a passion for people and prayer that allows him to speak to the
difficult and sensitive issues of life in a practical and intimate way. Mike has been
married to his wife, Liz, for 32 years and they have 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
Classes: How Do I Achieve Financial Peace? & Financial Peace University Modules
Class: How to Let Go of the Past
Yolanda Cruz was born and raised in Houston. In 1980 Yolanda gave her life
to Christ and finally found the Lover of her soul. Yolanda served on staff at a
church in Houston for 22 years leading the Outreach ministry, helping with the
prayer ministry, and teaching Bible studies. God then called Yolanda to prison
ministry where she shared the love of Jesus to the inmates. In 2006 the Lord
brought Yolanda to Grace Church where is she honored to serve in the prayer
ministry and lead a Bible study called “Women with Purpose” to bring hope
to the hopeless and teach women who they are in Christ and who Christ is in
them. Yolanda’s passion is for Him and His compassion for souls. She has found
purpose in her life – freely she received, freely she gives.
Adam Metzler grew up in the frozen tundra of Minneapolis, Minnesota where
he studied Advertising Art and Design. In 2006 Adam moved to Houston, Texas
where he married his beautiful wife, Jennifer in 2011. Now he enjoys his time with
his wife and 3 wonderful kids. Along with being creative, Adam has a passion
for God and helping others. He serves cheerfully in several areas of ministry at
Grace. Adam has been a Lead Coordinator for the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace
University for 2 years, after going through the course successfully himself along
with his wife.
Classes: Blended Families – How to Deal with Conflict in a Blended Family,
The Most Important Issue in Marriage, Four Foundational Laws of Marriage,
Meeting your Spouse’s Needs, Power of Positive Communication in Marriage,
& Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage
Mike and Shelly Milner have been married for 23 years and have attended
Grace for 18 years. They have two children. The oldest, Cody, is a senior at
Southwestern Assembly of God University. The youngest, Madison, graduated
Clear Lake Christian in 2014 and is now with YMAM in Germany. Mike and
Shelly have volunteered in several ministries including Children’s, Youth,
Lifebridge, Life Connect Group, Men’s, Women’s, and Worship Ministry.
Class: Why does God allow Suffering?
After a 27-year career at NASA, Carol went into full-time ministry at Grace in
the Adult Ministries department. Carol is also an ordained minister with Grace
International. She loves to read, relax on the patio with her husband of 36
years, and spend every chance she gets with her daughters and four amazing
grandkids. Carol’s passion is to help equip men and women so they can grow in
the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that comes only
through being one of His.
Class: Prayer and Freedom
Class: The Art of Love: Healing for a Woman’s Soul
Theresa Pettigrew-Beason is a Licensed Professional Counselor, minister, wife
and mother. She is married to Kenneth Beason and is the mother of a five year
old son, Zion Beason. Theresa and Kenneth joined Grace in December 2008.
She loves teaching, mentoring and empowering others to live out their Godgiven destinies. Her passion is to see emotional and spiritual healing in the
Body of Christ.
Marta has been a part of Grace since 1991. She is the Executive
Administrative Director of The King’s University teaching site at Grace
and Campus Pastor at Clear Lake Christian School. Marta is also a Grace
International Pastor and leads our Grace prayer teams. She has a BBA
from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Marta is a widow and has two
wonderful children Natasha and Nicholas. Marta has lead and helped
develop the inner healing programs at Grace since the mid 90s including:
Deliverance, Cleansing Stream, and Theophostic prayer.
Class: America’s Godly Heritage
Bill and Vickie Pittman have three children and six awesome grandchildren.
Bill is a highly successful businessman, with his wife Vickie are owners of
Bilmar Homes along with his brother, Mark Pittman. Bill and Vickie have
attended Grace for 22 years.
Classes: Speak like Jesus – Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3
Karen Porter is an international seminar speaker and a successful
businesswoman, who has authored seven books. Karen served as Vice
President of International Marketing of a major food company in Texas for
more than 30 years. Today she and her husband, George, own Bold Vision
Books, a Christian publishing company. Karen is a coach of communicators
in both writing and speaking and serves on numerous boards of national
ministries. Karen says her marriage to George is her greatest achievement, but
she’d love to talk to you about her five grandchildren! In her spare time, Karen
continues her life-long quest to find the perfect purse.
GRACE.TV | 14505 GULF FREEWAY HOUSTON, TX | 713.363.2500