STORIES - Greensboro Day School


STORIES - Greensboro Day School
Fa l l 2 0 1 2
From Galileo’s Italy to Green & Gold Day...
2012-13 is ROARING!
Volume 26
Volume 26 • FALL 2012
On the cover:
Scenes from the fall semester
Board of Trustees
Sandra Adams
Leigh Ann Pool
Patrick Burns
Russ Robinson
Sherry Clark
Jim Rucker ’82
Catherine Dunham
Marion Follin
Penny Graves
Burney Jennings
Buster Johnson
Wade Jurney
J. Scott ’90
Robert Smith
Adeline Talbot
Fran Tewkesbury (Chair)
Marshall Tuck
Chuck Keeley ’81
Nancy Vaughan
Robert Ketner
Wes Watson
Cindy Knowles
Jack Whitley
Mark C. Hale, Head of School
Tommy Webb, Assistant Head of School
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76, Assistant to the Head of School
Susan Feibelman, Upper School Director
Ed Dickinson, Middle School Director
Gillian Goodman, Lower School Director
David Gilbert, Academic Dean
Pam Hemphill, Business Officer
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Robin Schenck, Director of Admission and Enrollment
Dana Smith, Director of Technology
Mission Statement:
Greensboro Day School
develops the intellectual,
ethical, and interpersonal
foundations students need
to become constructive
contributors to the world.
Greensboro Day School does
not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, creed, national
or ethnic origin, disability
(to the extent that reasonable
accommodations are possible),
or sexual orientation in the
administration of its educational
policies, admissions policies,
or any other programs
administered by the school.
Stacy Calfo, Editor/Designer
[email protected]
Greensboro Day School
5401 Lawndale Drive
Greensboro, NC 27455
Fax 336.282.2905
Twitter: @GreensboroDay
GDS Magazine is published two
times a year.
Third class postage paid at
Greensboro, N.C.
If you would like to add others
to our mailing list, please
contact Leigh Munsey
at 336.288.8590, ext. 233.
FALL 2012
Campus News
Sports Report
“In the Footsteps of Galileo”
“How I Spent My Summer Vacation
in South Africa”
“Five Years on the Farm”
page 8
page 12
page 14
page 18
page 22
page 24
Alumni News
Class Notes
Alumna Profile:
Meg Steedle ’04
page 26
page 31
Annual Report
page 37
page 36
The View From Here
I always look forward to the start of the school year. The teachers and students return
re-energized, excited and ready to get back into the regular routine of school.
As I sit at my desk writing this letter, I’m looking out at vibrantly colored falling leaves
as students come up the walkway through shafts of filtered sunlight. I love my view
between the administration building and the Middle School because every time I
look up from my work I have an opportunity to see students interacting and enjoying
themselves as they move across the campus or into the Bengal Cafe. And let me say,
now that we have 4-year-olds on our campus, GDS is livelier than ever!
This issue of the GDS Magazine is full of information about our continued efforts to educate the 21st century learner.
Upper School physics teacher Jeff Regester’s passion for physics inspired him to research the work of Galileo and to visit
some of the important places where he lived and worked. The 6th grade is celebrating five years of outdoor education
on a real working farm, and one of our Upper School students spent part of his summer taking classes at our sister
school in South Africa. As you can see, 21st century learning at GDS isn’t confined to the classroom walls.
Our plans for the new Middle School building are on track, and we continue to hope for an opening of the facility early
in 2015. We couldn’t be more pleased than to have Samet Corporation taking the lead in this design and build project.
Samet is a first class operation and has completed several buildings on our campus, most notably our last major building:
the Davison Center for the Arts.
Our Generations capital campaign co-chairs, Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82 and Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81 have done
an incredible job of leading the campaign, and we expect the excitement to build as we finish the architectural plans
and publish them in early 2013. We are so grateful for their leadership and that of our major donors, the Bell family. In
this edition of GDS Magazine, we highlight the generosity of the Hummels, past parents of GDS. Their gift once again
recognizes that the bonds that tie us all to GDS remain strong well after graduation.
Finally, I am so grateful to all of our donors from last school year. As you will see in our extensive Annual Report of
Donors, hundreds of current and past parents, faculty, alumni, grandparents and friends of the school continue to
believe that GDS is the premier PK-12 educational institution in Greensboro.
Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to watching the seasons change through my window and having a
bright and memorable balance of the school year.
Mark C. Hale
Head of School
GDS Magazine
Letter from the Chair
I want to update you on the work the GDS Board of Trustees and its
committees have been—and will be—doing this school year and,
in the process, familiarize you a little with some individual trustee
leaders and the responsibilities of the board in general.
The GDS Board of Trustees is a working board. By that, I mean that we
don’t have honorary trustees, trustees emeritus, or advisory trustees.
Each of our 23 trustees serves on at least one board committee; most
serve on two committees, and several sit on three or more committees
or task forces. Trustees are responsible for providing for the fiscal
viability of the school and, as fiduciaries, for overseeing the proper
use of resources entrusted to the school—tuition dollars, endowment
funds, employee retirement accounts, physical plant and land and
even human resources. The board fulfills that responsibility in two
major ways—by setting and monitoring policy and by designating a
chief executive officer to carry out the mission of the school.
Trustees are usually able to take at least a short break from school
responsibilities during summer months, but this year the Buildings
& Grounds Committee, ably chaired by Chuck Keeley ’81, worked
throughout the summer to select a contractor for our new middle
school. During June, a number of local and regional contractors
submitted proposals for our project. After narrowing that list to three
finalists, Chuck and the committee spent hours interviewing each
finalists’ management team to ascertain their experience overseeing
the construction of educational and green buildings, evaluate
their ability to stay within a budget and on a timeline, and make
sure they had a plan for keeping campus disruption to a minimum
during the construction process. Ultimately, the Buildings & Grounds
Committee voted unanimously to recommend Samet Construction
as the contractor for our new Middle School and the board, also
unanimously, accepted that recommendation.
Meanwhile, Capital Campaign Executive Committee co-chairs Melinda
and Jim Rucker ’82 and Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81, Director of
Advancement Anne Hurd, and a number of school volunteers, worked
throughout the summer following up on campaign solicitations. As
of early September, your generous gifts have enabled us to raise
$4.6 million toward our $7.0 million goal, with a number of verbal
commitments still in the pipeline. Many thanks to all who have
made gifts to the capital campaign. I urge those who have not
yet pledged to respond generously when a campaign volunteer
calls. Most parents don’t realize that their tuition never includes a
charge for the construction costs of any structure on campus--GDS
depends 100% on gifts to fund our new buildings and always has. It’s
Fall 2012
important to remember that we
have all benefited from the great
generosity of capital campaign
donors before us.
Although we have only just begun
this school year, Jack Whitley,
chair of the Finance Committee,
and Chief Financial Officer Pam
Hemphill are already at work on
budgeting for 2013/14. For the fourth consecutive year, this year’s
tuition increase was among the lowest in the school’s history. Jack
and Pam are exploring ways to continue to keep tuition increases
low, while being careful to maintain funding for core elements of our
program, ever mindful of the mission of the school to develop the
intellectual, ethical and interpersonal foundations students need to
become constructive contributors to the world.
Penny Graves has a huge job as the new chair of our Committee
on Trustees, which is responsible for guiding the nomination and
orientation process for new trustees, managing the board’s goalsetting and evaluation processes, and updating our bylaws and board
policies. This year we were pleased to welcome five new members
of the board and so appreciate their commitment to serving GDS.
New Audit Committee chair Pat Burns oversees our regulatory and
financial reporting process and he brings a wealth of audit experience
to this job. With a couple of new chairs this year, we are fortunate to
have Nancy Vaughan on board for a third consecutive year as chair
of the Diversity Committee and J. Scott ’90 serving a second year as
Investment Committee chair.
I cannot thank my fellow trustees enough for their dedicated service
to Greensboro Day School. We are privileged to serve an educational
institution with outstanding faculty and administrators and I sincerely
thank each of them for their efforts. Finally, please join me in a
heartfelt thank you to Mark Hale, who is wholly dedicated to making
GDS the very best school it can be.
Fran Tewkesbury, Chair
Greensboro Day School Board of Trustees
Hummels’ Gift to Generations Campaign
Celebrates the Educational Foundation Their Children Received at GDS
Anne and Sam Hummel
Anne and Sam Hummel believe that the educational foundation their
four children received at Greensboro Day School set them each on a path
to address problems that challenge our country and the world. It is the
reason they have made a lead gift to the Generations Capital Campaign.
“This gift is our expression of gratitude to the outstanding teachers at
GDS who inspired our children to dream big and work hard to make a
difference in the world,” the Hummels said recently over coffee in the
home where they raised their children.
“Greensboro Day School’s dedicated teachers have had a very positive
influence on the lives of our children by guiding their decision-making
and by encouraging personal growth and lasting friendships,” said
their mother Anne, a former GDS Trustee.
“GDS nurtured a growing awareness of the world around them and
helped them develop their talents and problem-solving skills,” their
father Sam says.
Indeed, each of the Hummels’ children has built upon the foundation
they received at GDS through higher education and work experience
to develop expertise in their chosen field. Elizabeth ’89 established
a K-5 dual-language program at Siler City Elementary School that
teaches English-speaking and Spanish-speaking children together,
with half the day taught in English and the other half in Spanish. This
program was recently recognized by the Spanish Embassy as one of
the “Top 10” dual language education programs in the U.S. In four
more years, all 750 students in the school will be enrolled in the
program. Leslie Anne, PhD, (GDS ’94), is Senior Policy Advisor in the US
Dept. of Energy, working with senior officials to develop federal clean
energy policies to reduce global warming and stabilize our planet’s
life support systems. In 2010, she received the GDS Distinguished
Alumni Award for outstanding service to the nation and extraordinary
distinction in her field. Amelia ’95 and her husband Dr. David Hodges
are foster parents to children in need of protective services, a stable
home life, and patient, loving care and attention. Sam ’99 works
for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher
Education, using internet technology to help 1800 American colleges
and universities share best practices to make their campuses more
sustainable. He has also developed an organic farm in Hillsborough,
offering chemical-free vegetables and meat at local farmers markets
to promote better health, build community, and reduce the fuel
consumption of “food miles.”
“These different paths followed by our children are indicative of the
wide variety of paths chosen by other GDS alumni who are also serving
their communities,” they quickly point out. “When viewed together,
GDS alumni are demonstrating in their adult lives how effectively the
School encourages and prepares its students to pursue causes that
benefit the common good.”
The Hummels “enthusiastically salute” the commitment that the
faculty of GDS makes every day to the School’s mission to develop the
intellectual, ethical and interpersonal foundations students need to
become constructive contributors to the world.
During her tenure on the GDS Board of Trustees (1989-95), thenHeadmaster Dr. Ralph Davison enlisted Anne Hummel’s leadership in
chairing the Education Committee and helping to draft the School’s
Long-range Plan. She helped establish the standard of forwardthinking leadership that inspired a later Board, in 2006, to chart a
course to reconfigure grades within the three divisions, moving 5th
grade to Middle School. The Hummels embrace the vision to design
and build a new middle school building with features that encourage
students’ interaction with the natural world, facilitate an advanced
curriculum, and foster exceptional teaching practices.
To recognize the gift the Hummels have made to the Generations
Campaign, the eighth grade science classroom/lab in the Bell Middle
School will be named in their honor.
GDS Magazine
GDS Hires Samet Corporation
for Construction of New Middle School
Centerbrook and CJMW Architects Chosen for Design
Greensboro Day School has selected Samet Corporation to oversee
design and construction of a new $5 million Middle School building.
Nationally renowned Centerbrook Architects and Planners of
Centerbrook, Conn., and local award-winning architectural firm
Calloway Johnson Moore & West (CJMW) will team up for the design.
Samet Corporation will partner with the architects for the design
phase this fall, with construction of the new Middle School expected
to be completed before January 2015. The new Middle School will be
named for the Steve and Jackie Bell Family, whose $1.15 million gift
to the campaign is the largest in school history.
Middle School Director Ed Dickinson and a faculty design team have
researched and toured other middle schools, compiled a list of space
needs based upon the GDS Middle School educational program, and
will work with architects this fall on the actual design.
“Replacing the outdated facility with one that is built for students in
the middle grades with a design tailored to the academic program
will enhance our learning environment for this critically important
developmental age, and allow the school to implement its plan to have
5th grade join the Middle School,” said Head of School Mark Hale.
The new building will be constructed southwest of the existing Middle
School on the site of the old tennis courts. Construction will not
disrupt classes for current students. Removal of the existing Middle
School building will open the center of campus for a planned new
park-like central quadrangle. In an earlier phase of the campus plan
completed last year, the school constructed a new tennis complex,
installed new front entrance curbing, and addressed storm water
environmental requirements and related infrastructure necessary to
reorient the front of the campus to Lake Brandt Road.
“Despite a challenging economy, all earlier-phase projects were fully
funded by charitable gifts made during the quiet leadership phase
of the Generations Capital Campaign, a $7 million campaign publicly
launched last year,” said Board Chair Fran Tewkesbury. “The school’s
goal is to complete its campus master plan through charitable giving
by the GDS school community.” The campaign has raised over twothirds of the needed funding to complete this phase of the plan.
Samet Corporation has been headquartered in Guilford County and has
provided construction services for 51 years servicing the education,
healthcare, commercial/industrial, and multi-family housing sectors.
Fall 2012
The company is consistently ranked in local and national publications
and has become the contractor of choice in some of the area’s
high profile projects. Since 2007, the Education Group alone has
participated in $238 million of educational building facilities including
projects for Guilford County Schools, GTCC, UNCG, WSSU, Gateway
University Research Park, and High Point University. Samet’s success
is built on character and delivering five core values of Service, Quality,
Innovation, Trust, and Safety. The Samet family has been a part of the
GDS community for many years as parents of GDS students.
Three years ago, Centerbrook Architects directed a conceptual design
charrette at GDS when groups of students, faculty, parents, trustees,
grandparents and others were invited to dream together about what
possible features a new Middle School might include; this resulted
in a set of conceptual drawings that have been used throughout the
capital campaign marketing. The actual new Middle School design will
be informed by the earlier concepts but the faculty team will figure
more prominently in working with architects to determine practical
space needs and features that support the educational program and
fit the construction budget.
Established in 1975, Centerbrook has a national practice with a staff
of 75. One of the four principals, Chad Floyd, will head the GDS
design project. They have experience with 33 independent schools, a
strong background in collaborative design, and a history of designing
appealing and practical buildings and fixtures. While the firm’s studio
is located near New Haven, Conn., they were commended by UNCG
and The Collegiate School in Richmond, Va., for their effective and
frequent communications with clients through teleconferencing and
other technologies.
CJMW has designed 1.75 million sq.ft. of K-12 learning environments
in the past five years. The firm is a regional leader in the use of Building
Information Modeling, or BIM, a digital representation of physical
and functional characteristics of a facility. The firm’s architects and
interior designers develop a BIM that remains “live” from the earliest
stages of design all the way through construction documentation and
administration. CJMW and Samet have worked together on a number
of projects on the GDS campus including the Davison Center for
the Arts and the McMillion Media Center. John Drinkard, principalin charge, oversaw the firm’s work on eight projects over a 15-year
period at GDS and is the parent of an alumna.
69 Earn AP Honors
Sixty-nine (69) students earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of
their exceptional achievement on AP Exams. Their average score on
AP Exams was a 3.99 out of a possible 5.
The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® provides
willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity
to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and
to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful
performance on the AP Exams. About 18 percent of the more than
1.9 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a
sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award.
The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on
students’ performance on AP Exams. At GDS:
Three students qualified for the National AP Scholar Award by
earning an average score of 4 or higher on a five-point scale on all
AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these
exams. These students are Chris Dalldorf, Rakesh Mitra and Daniel
MacDonald, all 2012 graduates.
Kendall Clark, Sydney Cone, Morgan Cox, Dixon Crews, Emily Crow,
Taylor Curry, Chris Dalldorf, Stephanie Hemphill, Hailey Jacob, Allie
Knowles, Jennings Kuzmier, Cameron Lemley, Daniel MacDonald,
Rakesh Mitra, Haley Peck, Katie Rowlett, Edward Sapp, Clay Sherrill,
Lindsay Stark, Aqeelah Tarver, Annie Tewkesbury, Emily Wilder and
Graham Wrenn, and current seniors Elise Ammondson, Marissa Reid
and Kathryn Smith.
Seventeen (17) students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor
Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams
taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
These students are 2012 graduates Sarah Bankhead, Jonathan
Campbell, Mary Stuart King, Sarah Lucas, Colleen Paterson, Wilson
Roseman, Mary Talbot, Lauren Watson, and Christopher Zammit, and
current seniors Shannon Arnold, Nick Fenger, Courtney Key, Aleksa
Kirsteins, Andrew Plotnikov, Elizabeth Tilley, Drew Wang, and Harper
Thirty-two (32) students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction
Award by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams
taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
These students are 2012 graduates Nicholas Beane, Matheson Brady,
Hannah Brennan, Samantha Brookshire, David Burick, Jake Burns,
Twenty (20) students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing
three or more AP Exams with scores of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars
are 2012 graduates Clark Ackerman, Hannah Browne, Fletcher Keeley,
Sowmya Mangipudi, Evelyn Milford, Hayden Nault, Jonathan Petrinitz,
Alex Rosenbower, and Kaitlyn Webster, and current seniors Aditya Badve,
Alex Boyko, Andrew Dutch, Saad Khan, Di Lu, Ben Magod, Alex North,
Andrew Regal, Jonathan Rogers, Christine South, and Clayton Wilson.
Thompson Named New
Director of Annual Giving
the program to include three additional
full-time staff. She has spent her career in
annual fund raising starting at Lynchburg
College and then Elon University before
Guilford College.
Emily Goetz Thompson began her new position as Greensboro Day
School’s Director of Annual Giving in September. Thompson served
as Senior Director of Annual Giving at Guilford College for the past
seven years, raising over $1 million each year in annual operating
funds. She began the position as the sole annual giving staff member,
planning and directing parent and alumni giving programs, and grew
“We are extremely pleased to have Emily
join the advancement team and know
that she will build upon the Day School’s
tradition of strong support for annual
giving,” said Director of Advancement
Anne Hurd.
GDS Magazine
Parents Become School Ambassadors
This new school year began with an impressive group of behind-thescenes parents spreading the great news of GDS and reminding all of
us why we love being a part of this community.
Lower School children were Of“FISH”ally welcomed back to school
with snacks of Goldfish, Middle and Upper School students were
reminded that they are quite the “smartie” pants for making the most
of their GDS education, thanks to some Smarties candies, and all GDS
parents were challenged to spread the word of our great community
for the Back to School Challenge.
This festive start to a new school year was organized entirely by our
Parent Ambassador Council, a new group of volunteers supporting
GDS admission efforts.
While all Greensboro Day School parents are ambassadors for our
school, it is the specific role of the Parent Ambassador Council to
serve in a truly supportive role to the Admission Office. The Parent
Ambassador Council was formed to coordinate parent efforts to
assist in admission activities and community building through a
variety of events and activities. Parent Ambassadors will serve as
liaisons at open houses, coffees, reunions and other school and
community events. In addition to helping with direct efforts with
regard to internal or external marketing, admission process and
retention, these committee members
are asked to always keep an open
mind and seek opportunities to
highlight Greensboro Day School
whenever possible. Ambassadors
are called upon in various ways
to welcome new families, support
and engage existing families and
even strengthen ties with alumni.
The commitment from each Parent
Ambassador to these activities will truly
help to strengthen and enrich the Greensboro Day School experience
for both the school and Greensboro community.
PAC Leadership
Emilie Samet, Chair
Brook Wingate, External Communications
Carlen Walters, Internal Communications
Kathi Saunders, Admission Process
Erica Procton, Retention
Bengal Network
The first excursion for our new Bengal
Network took dozens of GDS families and
friends to Hanging Rock State Park on October
20. Hikers enjoyed a picnic lunch and learned
more about their surroundings from faculty
member Tim Martin. Bengal Network is a new
initiative that might include special outings or
informal evening classes to be offered to and
taught by the adult GDS community (parents,
alumni, faculty and/or staff).
Fall 2012
Doss Named New
Director of Admission
and Enrollment
Greensboro Day School announced the appointment of Randy Doss as
the school’s new Director of Admission and Enrollment in September.
“After a national search, I believe we have chosen the best of the
best in Randy Doss,” said Head of School Mark Hale. “His strong
background in admission work and leadership, his ability to attract
and retain highly qualified students, and his passion for education
make him a perfect match for Greensboro Day School.”
Doss has been the Vice-President for
Enrollment Services at Guilford College
since 2000 and supervised the offices
of admission, financial aid, campus life,
and athletics. Prior to that, he was the
Chief Enrollment Officer at Greensboro
College from 1985 to 1999. He holds
an A.B. degree in history and business
management from Guilford College and an
MBA in marketing from UNC-Greensboro.
Doss also holds a certificate in educational
management from Harvard University and has served on numerous
state and national committees and councils in the area of admission
and enrollment management.
Sixteen Join the
Faculty and Staff
We would like to welcome the following new members
to our faculty and staff:
Jonathan Emmons Jake Engebretsen
Mixed Review/
Weight Room,
On-site Substitute
Mara Montana
Upper School
Erin Pearsall
Bengal Cub Club
Susan Feibelman
Upper School
Tony Piacenza
Upper School
Kyle Gilmer
Lower School
Physical Education
Saundretta Caldwell
6th Grade English
Tim Cook
MS/US Media
Calvin Davenport
Melissa Lehman
Bitty Bengals/
JK Teacher
Marie MacKay
2nd Grade Teacher
Allison Melson
Middle School
Meg Sumner
Michael Sumner ’04 Ayesha Swinton
Assistant Athletic Director of Alumni
Upper School
Trainer, Assistant to
the Athletic Director
Kris Wrenn
GDS Magazine
Honor Musicians
The following Middle School students were selected to perform in
this year’s North Carolina Association of Independent Schools (NCAIS)
Honor Band: Sierra Delk ’18, Lindsey Cooke ’17, Stephanie Kesselring
’17, Henrik Andersen ’17, Amanda Peterson ’17 and Maris Whitley ’17.
The goal of the NCAIS Honor Band is to give students the opportunity
to perform with a large concert band comprised of the most talented
7th-12th grade concert band musicians from the NC Association of
Independent Schools. This year’s Honor Band concert will be held in
November at Wake Forest University.
These additional students were nominated from GDS, but were not
able to attend either because of schedule conflicts or the
instrumentation restrictions of the bands: Clayton Wilson ’13, Natalie
Curry ’14, Alex Kroeger ’15, Alyssa Altheimer ’15, Marissa Reid ’13,
Matthew McIvor ’14, Alexa Schleien ’14, Jonathan Hirsch ’15, Shepard
Griswold ’15, Noah Corbett ’14, Judy Kim ’13, Davis Dunham ’17,
Michael Williams ’17, Miranda Sharpe ’17 and Collin Shick ’17.
Lavoie spoke to 200+
People in September
This year’s McLendon Parent Education Speaker, author Rick
Lavoie, spoke to over 200 parents and educators in September, and
encouraged them to look through the eyes of a child in order to
find what motivates. He reviewed the eight forces of motivation:
status, inquisitiveness, affiliation, power, aggression, autonomy,
achievement, and gregariousness. Lavoie is the author of The
Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning on the Tuned Out Child.
Many of his lectures can be found on YouTube. Here is the first in a
series of nine:
Fall 2012
Bengal Bites
• We welcomed 146 new students on opening day
this year.
• US science teacher Mary Rosa and US art teacher Carey
Jackson-Adams combined forces for a cross–curricular
science/art project. Their students created Anthotypes,
which are prints made from plant fibers. Specifically,
the students are coating paper with beet and spinach
juices for emulsions. They will place objects from nature
on top of their dried paper, then expose the paper to
sunlight. After a lengthy period of time, the UV light will
fade the plant juices on exposed areas.
• Athletic Director Freddy Johnson was the honorary
chair for the MS Society Dinner of Champions on
September 6.
• 8th grader Emily Brown placed 2nd in the Latin I
derivatives competition at the National Junior Classical
League (JCL) competition at Wake Forest University in July.
Emily represented the NC JCL Board as a co-Middle School
representative. Approximately 1,600 delegates attended
the convention, most of whom were in grades 9-12.
• US students Ben Magod, Jake Deslauriers, Kevin Carty
and Shepard Griswold spent some of their summer in
Australia as part of our exchange program with Brisbane
Grammar School for Boys.
• US Spanish teacher Ayesha Swinton presented at
the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina
Conference in October.
• Earth science teacher Tim Martin presented two climate
change lectures to the AP Earth and Environmental
classes at Northern Guilford High School.
• Four faculty members have announced their retirement
in June: Lynn Noecker (LS art), Nancy Teague (LS math),
Scott Walker (music), and Judy Arnette (US Latin).
Together, they have accumulated 123 years of teaching
in our school community.
he 2012 fall athletic season proved to be another successful
showing of our Bengal athletes. With one conference coach
of the year (Jeff Campbell, tennis), two conference champions
(girls’ cross country, tennis), a runner-up in the state (soccer), and an
inaugural appearance of girls’ golf in the mix, our athletes represented
our school with pride.
Once again, the girls’ tennis team won their conference with an
undefeated PACIS record. Carrie Melson ’13 earned conference player
of the year honors, while her teammates, Angelica Warren ’14 and
Mariah Warren ’15 went undefeated in doubles play and Mariah
Warren was undefeated in singles play. The Bengals lost a tough 3rd
round match against Charlotte Latin in the state tournament, bringing
an end to their impressive season.
The varsity boys’ soccer team finished the regular season ranked #2
in the state and #2 in the conference. The Bengals made it to their
fourth consecutive NCISAA State Championship game, losing to
conference rival Wesleyan Christian Academy. The 2012 team lost a lot
of experience from the 2011 season, but they worked hard as a group
and were able to achieve great success throughout the year. Although
graduating another large group of seniors (10), the soccer program
has a bright future ahead, returning 16 players from this year’s team.
The girls’ varsity cross country team had an outstanding 2012 season.
Led by conference runner of the year Gabby Merritt ’13, one the top-5
high school runners in North Carolina, the girls continued their winning
tradition with their third straight PACIS conference championship and
second straight runner-up finish at the All City/County meet. The girls
will look to build on their success next year as we return many of our
current top runners.
The boys’ cross country team was led by conference runner of the
year Clayton Wilson ’13. They improved upon regular season and
conference results from previous years. There were many new faces
this season who will return as veterans next year and will continue to
improve our program.
This season was a building year for both the volleyball and field hockey
teams. A conference victory over Forsyth Country Day in volleyball was
a huge morale builder for the many younger athletes on the team. In
field hockey, 20 girls participated, six of them were seniors. The team
consistently improved over the course of the season, and earned a
playoff spot with a very exciting win against Carolina Day.
The Greensboro Day School varsity girls’ golf team completed their
first official season in the NCISAA this year. The Bengals finished 11th
in the state tournament at Mid-Pines Golf Course in Southern Pines.
Team members were Addy Anderson ’15, Caroline Cox ’13, and Kayla
Reardon ’15. We look forward to the growth of this exciting new
program at our school.
Finally, senior Andrew Dutch was honored with the Patrick B. Palmer
Award at the Greensboro United Soccer Association’s Boys and Girls
Showcase. The award honors GDS parent Pat Palmer, who passed away
this past summer, and is given to one player from each participating
school. The award is given to players who exemplify many of the traits
Pat exemplified through his life – leadership, passion, selflessness,
academics, inspiration, and service. Palmer was very active in the
Greensboro soccer community. He was one of the founders of the
GUSA High School Showcase, was a member of the Board of Directors
for GUSA and the North Carolina Fusion, and was a coach for all three
of his children, Ben ’16, Drew and Lily.
Boys’ Soccer
Overall Season Record: 17-3-3
2012 PACIS and State Runner-Up
All Conference: Pearce Veazey ’14, David Stern ’14, Janse
Schermerhorn ’14, Clayton Swords ’14, Josh Markwell ’14
All State: Pearce Veazey, David Stern
All Region: Pearce Veazey, David Stern, Janse Schermerhorn
Coach’s Award: Hunter Pool ’13, Lucas Fogaca ’13, Kevin Carty ’14
Best Defensive Player: Eric Rosenbower ’14
Best Offensive Player: Eric Anderson ’13
 Eric Rosenbower ’14
12 2
GDS Magazine
Cross Country
Girls: 2012 PACIS Conference Champions, 2nd place at AllCity/County meet
All Conference: Gabby Merritt ’12 (Runner of the Year),
Kaitlyn Lingard ’15, Lauren Smir ’14, Caroline Spurr ’14,
Allison Tice ’15, Clayton Wilson ’13 (Runner of the Year),
Tyler Sudbrink ’14
All State: Gabby Merritt, Kaitlyn Lingard, Clayton Wilson
Greensboro City Champion: Gabby Merritt
Coach’s Award: Caitlin Dibble ’16, Alec Whyte ’16
MVP: Gabby Merritt, Clayton Wilson
 Gabby Merritt ’13 won the
girls division in the Guilford
City-County Cross Country
Championships this year.
Sam Kolls ’15 
Girls’ Tennis
Overall Season Record: 16-3
2012 PACIS Conference Champions
All Conference: Carrie Melson ’13 (Player of the Year),
Mariah Warren ’15, Caroline Sherwood ’14, Madison Roehrig ’13,
Angelica Warren ’14
Coach of the Year: Jeff Campbell
All State: Mariah Warren
Coach’s Award: Halie Biggs ’14
Most Improved: Madison Roehrig
MVP: Mariah Warren
Carlton Harris Award: Carie Melson
Field Hockey
Overall Season Record: 5-9
All Conference: Caroline Magod ’13, Maggie Phillips ’13,
Savannah Fox ’13, Haley Gilmore ’13, Brittany McGroarty ’15
Coach’s Award: Ashley Kesselring ’14
Most Improved: Brittany McGroarty (offense),
Katie Watson ’15 (defense)
Offensive Standout: Caroline Magod
 Angelica Warren ’14
Courtney Key ’13
Overall Season Record: 3-16
All Conference: Jackie Jacobson ’13
Coach’s Award: Spencer Williams ’13
Best Defensive Player: Alex North ’13
Best Offensive Player: Jackie Jacobson
Most Improved: Elizabeth Haenel ’14
Fall 2012
Girls’ Golf
Overall Season Record: 5-14
All Conference: Caroline Cox ’13
MVP: Caroline Cox
1. Kids of all ages enjoyed a ride on the Hog Drop
this year. 2. Laney Murdock ’22 takes a spin on the
Jitterbug Swings. 3. Bitty Bengal Emma Grace Meyer
takes aim at one of our Bengal Cub Corral games.
4. This year’s Green & Gold Day featured an all-school
talent show. Here, Grace Williams ’14 shares her
singing talent. 5. There was something for all ages
at the event, including pint-sized Bi-Planes for our
youngest visitors. 6. Tilley Grace Kirkland ’21 and Alex
Cooke ’21 get a little dizzy on the Mindwinder. 7. US
students volunteered to run the rides and games.
Pictured here: Tanner Albano ’16, Katie Wyatt ’15,
Paxton Gravely ’16, and Mason Pool ’16. 8. And the
winner is… Mr. Hale checks for a winner at the water
blast trailer.
More photos are online at:
GDS Magazine
1. The Upper School performed “Crazy for You” in November.
A classic Gershwin musical, this show was all about song and dance!
2. Alexa Schleien ’14 as the tomboyish Western cowgirl
Polly Baker. 3. Lank Hawkins (Sam Lankford ’13) gets all tied up
when he is around Irene Roth (Justine Dassow ’13) 4. This
year’s musical featured over 75 students on stage and
behind-the-scenes. 5. The Follies Girls included Karson
Bankhead ’14, Kit McGinley ’14, Cassie Burroughs ’15, Patti
Hazlett ’14, Annalise Graves ’15, Mary Kathryn Sapp ’14,
Caroline Attayek ’15, Xueyi Peng ’13, and Sarina Haghighat ’15.
6. The Cowboy Trio: Michael Jacobson ’16 (Moose), David
Chung ’16 (Sam), and Jeremy Akin ’16 (Custus) 7. City boy
Bobby Child (Art Davison ’13) is all smiles after falling for Polly.
8. Evan Burdett ’13 as Everett Baker
Fall 2012
1. Fourth graders culminated their lesson on metric units with a
mini-metric Olympics. Events included the cotton ball shot put
and the left hand marble grab. Students, including Alejandro
Estremadoyro ’21 and Andrew Cockman ’21, worked in teams
designated by Olympic colors. Team scores were determined
by the individual differences in the estimates and the actual
measurements. 2. Our 7th graders got up and close and
personal with bugs in the permaculture garden as part of the
reflections they wrote for their Web site projects, My Place in
the World. Pictured here, Connor Duggan ’18. 3. Brice Willis ’25
gets to know one of his new teachers, Paz Noel. 4. Each year, US
students and faculty sign their pledge to uphold the GDS Honor
Code: To foster a community of mutual trust and respect, I
pledge that I will not lie, cheat, or steal, or accept the actions of
those who do. 5. Prowler paid a visit to our youngest Bengals,
the Bitty Bengals, shortly after the start of the school year. 6.
Skylar Rowland ’17 enjoys some quiet reflection time during
her class visit to Hanging Rock park. 7. US science teacher
Mary Rosa and US art teacher Carey Jackson-Adams combined
forces for a cross-curricular science/art project. Their students,
including Caroline Schlosser ’14, made Anthotypes, which are
prints made from plant fibers.
GDS Magazine
1. Camp Tekoa played host to our 6th graders in
September. Our students participated in the InsideOut environmental education program. Here, Nick
Grapey ’19 masters the ropes course. 2. 7th graders
enjoyed a day of rafting and rock climbing at the
National Whitewater Center in Charlotte. 3. BB-5th
grade student/teacher learning families give our
youngest students the opportunity to interact with and
look up to the oldest members of the LS community. It
also gives our oldest LS students the opportunity to be
leaders and role models. Pictured here: Emme Gravely
’20 and Cameron Hanley ’25. 4. First graders , including
Carter Cockman, learned more about caterpillars and
butterflies at the butterfly farm. 5. Gabby Merritt ’13
gives her Kindergarten buddy, Hayden Lowe ’25, a
lift. 6. Seniors challenged their JK/K buddies to some
friendly Green & Gold Day carnival games competition
prior to the big event. Here, Halle Hamerick ’25 has a
lead on Elizabeth Tilley ’13 and Margo Schiffman ’13.
7. Varsity athletes held free sports clinics for Lower
School students. Here, senior Haley Gilmore teaches
Lily Jones ’22 a thing or two about Field Hockey. 8. An
annual rite of passage, Senior Dress-up Day, provides
a variety of creative costumes. Kathryn Smith ’13 is
modeling just one example from the Class of 2013.
Fall 2012
In the Footsteps
By Jeff Regester
Upper School physics teacher
2012 Brooks Sabbatical Recipient
Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies
before our eyes — I mean the universe — but we cannot
understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the
symbols in which it is written. This book is written in mathematical
language, and the symbols are triangles, circles, and other geometrical
figures, without whose help it is humanly impossible to comprehend
a single word of it, and without which one wanders in vain through a
dark labyrinth. – Galileo Galilei
In my physics classes, I try to convey some of the history
of the field and the philosophical foundations of science
in general. Science is too often portrayed as linear,
progressing uniformly from ignorance to knowledge in
an almost robotic, methodical fashion. Teachers often
talk about “the scientific method” as if there is only one
way to do science. In reality, the story of science is replete with both
brilliant insights and frustrating dead ends, international cooperation
and personal jealousies, intense creativity and tedium, astounding
sacrifice and unwise shortcuts, charity and greed. In short, it is
a human enterprise, and thus exhibits the best and the worst in
people. Unlike other fields of human endeavor, however, science
is self-correcting. Whatever the source of an idea (what scientists
usually call a hypothesis or model), the primary job of the scientist
is to disprove that idea. It doesn’t matter if the idea came from a
prominent scientist or an unknown upstart; if it results from years
of wrestling with ideas or in a dream; if it’s elegant or a kludge. If
the idea survives many attempts to disprove it — the idea makes
predictions that are consistent with repeated and varied experiments
— then the idea is elevated to the rank of theory (a word that many
non-scientists think means simply any old idea). Science cannot
prove anything correct. The best we can do is say our models are
consistent with all available evidence. If our model or hypothesis is
NOT consistent, then it must be revised or completely rejected.
A key figure in the foundations of science (and scientific philosophy)
was the Italian mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei.
Thanks to GDS and the Brooks Endowment for Faculty Development,
my family and I had the opportunity this summer to visit Italy and
follow in the footsteps of Galileo.
The author and little
Galileo was born in Pisa in 1564, moved to Florence at age 10,
and later entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his
father wished, before diverting himself into mathematics and art.
He became chair of mathematics at Pisa in 1589, at age 25, after
lobbying Father Christopher Clavius, the prominent Jesuit behind
the 1582 calendar reform under Pope Gregory. At Pisa he began his
studies of motion, studying pendulums, discovering the law of inertia
(usually referred to, unfairly, as Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion),
and studying falling objects (famously dropping cannonballs from the
leaning bell-tower next to the cathedral ). A few years later he moved
to the University of Padua. Here at Padua he made many of his most
important discoveries, including improvements to the newly invented
telescope. Using his telescopes, he discovered the moons of Jupiter,
the Moon’s craters, and the fact that the Milky Way is composed of
uncountable numbers of stars. These discoveries gained him fame,
GDS Magazine
a new job as court mathematician in Florence under the Medicis,
and evidence in support of Niklaus Copernicus’s notion that the
sun, rather than the Earth, occupied the center of the universe in
contradiction to long-standing Church orthodoxy. Galileo was a very
devout Catholic, but strongly argued that if people’s interpretation
of scripture disagreed with evidence, then that is the fault of the
interpretation, not scripture.
Galileo’s importance goes beyond his specific discoveries and
extend into the very nature of science itself. Science, as a systematic
methodology for acquiring knowledge, did not have a widelyaccepted philosophical foundation until the 17th century. In
Galileo’s day, science was natural philosophy; the word science was
not commonly used in the modern sense until two centuries later.
Galileo’s writings, as well as his actual discoveries, were instrumental
in establishing the preference of empirical evidence (specifically,
mathematical agreement between prediction and experiment) over
the scholastic tradition of endlessly reinterpreting ancient religious
and philosophical texts. Galileo also strongly endorsed the notion
usually referred to as Occam’s Razor: given two possible explanations
of a phenomenon, both consistent with observation, then the simpler
of the two is to be preferred. To wit: Are we to believe that all the
planets, the Sun and myriad stars revolve around a stationary Earth,
following arcs of immense distances at incredible speed, or instead
that the Earth spins about an axis once a day? Both ideas explain the
daily rising and setting of the sun and stars, but the latter is certainly
the simpler explanation.
After his 1610 move to Florence to join the Medici court, Galileo was
celebrated throughout Europe, including by the Catholic Church, for
his discoveries in the heavens. The acclaim heightened as he made
further discoveries, notably the phases of Venus and sunspots.
Galileo wasn’t infallible, however, and he made dubious claims
about the causes of ocean tides and the nature of comets. He had
a caustic wit, and his writings are masterpieces of sharp mockery,
publicly skewering prominent Jesuit scholars who disagreed with
Bust of Galileo at the Museo Galileo
Fall 2012
Adriatic Sea
Tyrrhenian Sea
Ionian Sea
Mediterranean Sea
him. The enmity he needlessly fostered would haunt him later. Galileo
increasingly discussed his Copernican worldview publicly, and this led
to controversy in 1615-16. Although not formally put on trial at this
time, Galileo was explicitly “commanded and enjoined, in the name of
His Holiness the Pope and the whole Congregation of the Holy Office,
to relinquish altogether the said opinion that the sun is the center of
the world and at rest and that the Earth moves; nor henceforth to
hold, teach, or defend it in any way verbally or in writing,” according
to the minutes of what authorities hoped would be the final meeting
on the subject. The Counterreformation made the Catholic Church
inflexible in its Biblical interpretations. Allowing any reinterpretation
of scripture would, they feared, undermine confidence in Church
authority and papal infallibility. When Galileo failed to silence himself
on the topic, he was brought to formal trial by the Inquisition in
1633. He was convicted of “suspicion of heresy,” and, under threat of
torture, forced to verbally recant his views. Galileo spent his last ten
years under house arrest at his villa in Florence, blind and beset by
numerous other maladies. Despite these challenges, during this time
he wrote his final scientific testament, the Dialogue Concerning the
Two Chief World Systems, which was published in the Netherlands,
beyond the Inquisition’s reach.
He died in 1642 — the year of Isaac Newton’s birth — and was buried
in an obscure corner of the Santa Croce church in Florence. Nearly a
century would pass before he was reinterred in a more ornate and
prominent tomb. During the move, two fingers and a tooth were
removed as relics. These are now on display at the Museo Galileo
in Florence. In 1992, Galileo was officially “rehabilitated” by the
Catholic Church, an official admission that he was correct, but short
of a pardon.
During our trip, we were able to visit many sites associated with
Galileo in Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice and Padua: his birthplace, his
various houses, his tomb, the Museo Galileo, the site of his conviction
and where he was imprisoned in Rome briefly before being sent
to house arrest in Florence. Other highlights included the tower in
Venice where he demonstrated the new spyglass to the Venetian
senate in hopes of receiving a raise, and the hillside in Rome where
he similarly demonstrated it to the elites there and where the word
“telescope” was coined by one of the guests. Through the kindness
of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory and specifically Dr. Sperello
di Serego Alighieri, I was able to explore the villa south of Florence,
closed to the public, where Galileo spent his years of house arrest and
where he died.
Personal highlights of the trip include seeing the Italian countryside
during our inter-city train trips; my children, Ben ’19 and Leah,
“pushing” on the Leaning Tower of Pisa (by law, all tourists must
take that photo); Ben falling into a canal in Venice; riding Segways
around Florence; my wife, Martha, imitating the Renaissance statues
at the various art museums; the vaporettos (water taxis) in Venice;
the Coliseum at night; the excitement of the locals when their soccer
team reached the final game of the Euro Cup and their disappointment
when they lost; the July heat, and the sweet relief of gelato.
Galileo would recognize the philosophical battles lurking behind the
scientific controversies of today. Questions such as global climate
change, evolution, and genetically-modified foods should be decided
on the available evidence, not anecdotes, preconceived notions,
cherry-picked evidence, or economic advantage. The conflict between
Galileo and religious authorities was complex, and only hinted at in
the space I have here. Fault can be found on both sides of “the Galileo
Affair.” What if Galileo had been more diplomatic, not goading his
opponents? What if the church authorities had accepted the power
of evidence or, as Pope John Paul II declared, that “truth cannot
contradict truth?” How would the history of science be different if the
Galileo affair had been less confrontational? Having been immersed
in Galileo’s life path during this trip, I hope to convey to my students
the human story that is science.
The backyard of Galileo’s villa in Arcetri, south of Florence.
Galileo spent much time here gardening and tending grape
vines during the last years of his life.
The campanile tower in Venice. From this
tower in 1609, Galileo demonstrated the
ability of the newly-invented telescope to
spot arriving ships long before they could
be seen by naked eye, a capability of great
importance to an economic and military
naval power such as Venice.
GDS Magazine
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the campanile
(separately standing bell tower) of the Cathedral in Pisa.
Fall 2012
How I Spent My
Summer Vacation…
in South Africa
By William Armstrong ’14
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein.
I certainly was going insane, anxiously glancing out of the small window
into the inky expanse, countless times. I had already been travelling
for eight hours and with another 18 hours of chasing the sun’s shadow
ahead of me, I was getting a little antsy. Every time I stared out into
the darkness, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was getting myself
into. I was headed for Durban, South Africa to spend the last month
of summer participating in an exchange at the Clifton School, which
turned out to be a truly unforgettable experience, to say the least.
One of my most interesting experiences
was actually participating in classes. I
was enrolled as a full-time student
taking: English, math, history, geography,
Afrikaans, and business studies, for four
weeks. The very first thing I did after
arriving in Durban and settling in with
the first of three host families, was pick
up my uniform. As part of the student
body I was required to wear a coat and
tie to school every day, which is not William gave a speech to
nearly as painful as I first thought. The his peers before departing
next formality I learned was whenever the Clifton School.
a teacher entered a classroom you
stood and greeted them regardless of what you were doing; respect
is paramount at Clifton School. I was also required to do homework,
write essays, and take tests along with all the other students. To be
honest, I found this to be one of the best experiences, learning for the
sake of learning, not for a grade was novel. I found that the school
work was much more enjoyable and interesting without the pressure
of grades. For example, I had to write an essay on satire’s role in South
African politics. I sat down and read about South African politics and
the endless fodder it produces for satirists. The “Text Book Crisis” was
the current debacle while I was in South Africa. The school board had
lost track of text book shipments that were headed for three different
provinces. Those in charge had no idea where the books were or what
to do about it and simply claimed the books were on their way.
Clifton School allowed me to participate in some extracurricular
activities as well. I played on a soccer team and went to Toastmasters,
a public speaking course. I was also invited to travel with some of the
students to a leadership conference in Pretoria. While I was there I
heard from several inspirational speakers including Peter Van Kets,
the first South African to reach the South Pole. He also holds the
world record for a two person crew rowing across the Atlantic Ocean.
Another speaker was the CEO of the second largest media company
in South Africa . He is leading a campaign, “Shout!,” which is fighting
for a safer South Africa.
Durban, South Africa
The school also has a yearly event called the Clifton Challenge. The
Clifton Challenge is a compulsory 21k run for the entire college (high
school), and as luck would have it, it was scheduled to take place
while I was there. As I admitted to the Clifton students in my farewell
speech, addressed to the college faculty and students, I was not too
keen on running 13 miles. For once, weather was on my side. The one
day it rained was the day of the run, and man did it pour. Needless
to say, I dodged a bullet and the run was postponed until after I left.
Durban is a modern port
city, consisting of around
3.5 million people, it is
racially and economically
diverse with large rifts
between social classes. I
had the opportunity to visit
three of the government
schools not far from Clifton.
The students came from
the squatter camps that William (left) with students at Quarrye
were scattered throughout Heights School.
Durban. These schools and
camps reminded me so much of the schools and villages I saw while on
the GDS spring break trip to Nicaragua last year. One of these schools was
an elementary school that, with the help of Clifton, will soon be the first
elementary school in the province with a library. Clifton already has plenty
of books collected and the school has the space prepped for the library,
but both schools lack the funding for shelving so the project has been put
on hold.
Another school I visited would hardly qualify as a school by American
standards. There were six trailer classrooms to house 680 students,
grade R (Kindergarten) to grade 5. Unfortunately, one trailers was
unusable so one class had to be held outside. A little over 70% of
the students at this school are AIDS orphans forced to take care of
themselves and their siblings. There was one running faucet and the
bathrooms consisted of six port-a-johns. While at these schools, I
helped distribute food, attended a few classes, played soccer, and talked
with the students, all of whom were unbelievably happy with very little.
Those visits made me realize how truly blessed I (and my fellow Clifton
and GDS students) am to be able to afford a quality education.
The day I said “totsiens” (goodbye) came way too soon. It seemed
like just yesterday I had been nervously glancing out a plane window.
The memories and experiences from this trip will be cherished and
remembered forever. This trip would not have been possible without
the tremendous effort put forth by both our international programs
coordinator Don Lahey and the Clifton school.
GDS Magazine
“The spirit of giving was evident at GDS when our children became Bengals four
years ago. As new parents on campus we saw teachers, students and parents
giving of themselves to foster an academic and nurturing environment. The GDS
Annual Fund: Then and Now, connues to reinforce that same spirit of giving. We
give to the GDS Annual Fund first because it allows us to have a direct impact on
the quality of educaon our children receive.
As Annual Fund Chairs, we would like to thank long term Annual Fund donors
that connually make a commitment to support the GDS community. To our new
families, we encourage your parcipaon in the annual fund as you are now part
of this community of giving.”
Fran and Bert Davis
2011-2013 Annual Fund Chairs
V ../GDS .
Five Years
on the Farm
By Craig Head, 6th Grade Science Teacher
I grew up in an area of North Carolina where I had room
to roam and explore in nature. I have never lost that
need for myself, and now I wanted it for my family. So,
in 2005, I came across an old horse farm about 20 miles
from Greensboro. The front yard of the house and every
pasture was shoulder height
in thick brush. The house was plain,
lacking character, and I was starting
to get discouraged. But then we
walked the entire property line and that’s
when I fell in love. Much of the property
is made up of terrific forest where
three creeks converge into one and
meander through the land. I went
home that night and told my wife that
I thought I had found our new home.
we were charged with finding more ways to incorporate into
our curriculum experiential education in natural settings. I
instantly knew that my farm, Headacres, would be a perfect
vessel for lessons and experiences for the GDS 6th graders.
My incredibly gifted and flexible teacher colleagues on the 6th
grade team agreed. We collaborated and devised a schedule
that would soon take on the name “FARM WEEK,” where each
of our four core groups of students in the grade would be
able to visit the farm for a day.
Our first trip to the farm with the class of 2014
was a great success. Watching the students’
eagerness to learn and explore only
inspired the teachers to want more.
Why just go out once? Why not visit
the farm during each of the seasons?
Now students could see the farm
plants, animals, and ecosystems go
through the different changes that
Luckily, my wife also saw the
the seasons bring. They would see
potential and fell in love with the farm,
the changes in the leaves. They would
too. Soon after, we ‘bought the farm,’
see the newborn baby goats and then
literally! At that time we became what I like
again after they started to wean
to call “Google Farmers,” where we
from their moms. They could
started to research, explore and learn
follow the blueberry plants through
what we could do at the farm to make Craig Head asks members of the class
fall growth, shedding of leaves and
it environmentally and economically of 2019 to imagine what it would have pruning, to the beginning of fruit
sustainable. With some horse boarding, been like to build this foundation of a formation. Most of all, it would not just
a pick-your-own blueberry patch, a mill, discovered on the property and be a ‘one and done’ experience, but an
shiitake mushroom run, a chicken tractor
experience and setting they could invest in.
built in 1835.
for eggs, and a herd of fainting goats,
Headacres Farm was coming together.
One of the main experiences of each farm
visit is time spent in ‘solo spots.’ These are specific areas along the
In our second year at the farm, Middle School Director, Dr. Ed
farm creeks where the students can spend some time alone to
Dickinson, proposed that we dedicate ourselves as a Middle
explore, write, create, and reflect. Over the years, this has grown
School faculty to rediscovering the importance of a child’s
to be a cornerstone of the farm experience. Students from
connection to nature. The entire faculty read the book Last
previous years eagerly await the returning 6th graders from their
Child In The Woods by Richard Louve. After many discussions,
first trip to find out what solo spot they had and share stories.
“The farm experience is so valuable for our students. There are so few opportunities to slow down and
disconnect for kids this age. This makes it all the more important to teach them the value of the outdoors,
time alone and just appreciating quiet,” – Kathi Saunders, GDS parent
GDS Magazine
Over the years the farm experience has continued to grow, adding
a compass course and geocaching, animal observations, stream
censuses, and much more. Spring of 2012 was the hallmark of
five years on the farm. The students were always asking for more
and more time and it was decided by the 6th grade teachers that
we should give them what they wanted. We devised a schedule
so all four of the core groups could spend three days and two
nights at the farm camping out. The students would pitch their
own tents, cook all their meals on a fire that they helped build
and spend 50+ hours in nature — no computers, no cell phones,
no laptops, no conflicts, just plenty of time to explore and relate
to nature and their peers.
“There wasn’t a waking moment when we wanted
to leave or take a break from all the fun. Everyone still
talks about the farm trip to this day. As 7th graders,
we have been trying to talk our teachers into taking
us to Headacres,” – Rylan Ballou ’18
As my family and I have “matured” through the past years
and learned the wonderful, yet sometimes demanding and
challenging, aspects of farm life, so has the nature education
program for our 6th graders and many of their parents. Each
summer is celebrated with the opening of blueberry-picking,
when many GDS families and others familiar with Headacres
find themselves in the fields and rows of blueberries amazed at
the growth of the plants, and especially the size of the berries.
We also hold periodic Farm Days when friends of the farm come
together for fun and food to watch our children grow-up playing
freely in the open spaces.
Kids naturally know what to do in the woods, they make their
own fun. The past five years on the farm with the GDS 6th grades
has provided some of the most inspiring experiences I have had
as an educator and I look forward to many more years.
Corey Simonds ’16 takes
advantage of some free time
to check out the tire swing.
Fall 2012
Time spent in solo spots can be
some of the most rewarding.
Thomas Poteat ’18 invests
in the experience.
Current 7th graders Cole Vincent, Eliza
Schenck, and Sophie Dalldorf try their
hand at catching crayfish.
6th graders Lily Yamagata and Julia Davis
hold two of the farm’s latest arrivals
The Middle School faculty undertakes many
other wonderful ways to teach our students in
natural settings. The GDS campus is the most
available and provides opportunities in our own
Permaculture Garden, classroom at the pond,
and nature trails. We also often travel to local
parks, to the Natural Science Center, and to
Haw River and Hanging Rock State Parks. But
we all acknowledge that the farm experience
is the most unique space that we have to
accomplish so many different, and yet related,
“lessons” in science, language arts, art and
music, and character education. Our approach
to the “whole child” is also an approach to the
“whole universe;” it is a much more global
and authentic approach to human-nature and
human-human connections.
– Ed Dickinson, Middle School Director
Alumni President Report
Alumni Director Notes
What a joy and a privilege it has been to serve on the GDS Alumni
Board, and what a year it has been! Thank you to those of you who
attended one of our alumni events last year. Thank you to those of
you who volunteered during Paws for Service, in our Homecoming
hospitality room, during Reunion Weekend and at our regional
events in DC and Atlanta. And a special thank you to the 2011-2012
Alumni Board members who provided excellent leadership that has
helped to make our Alumni Association what it is today.
First things first, I would like to introduce myself. My name is
Michael Sumner ’04 and I am the new Director of Alumni Programs.
Now, I am sure you are all wondering where Kathy Davis has gone
off to? And no, you didn’t miss a retirement notice. Kathy is back in
the classroom doing what she loves most; teaching the wonderful
students we have here at GDS!
This year, 15 Alumni Board members’ terms ended, and we would
we like to recognize them for their hard work over the past 3-6 years:
John Lineweaver ’81, Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80, David Anderson ’96,
Jeb Brooks ’01, Carter Davenport ’99, Mary Katherine Davis Durham
’99, Meredith Hull ’05, Katherine Kelly ’05, Emily Hicks Maggart
’99, Forest Michaels ’98, Edo Mlatac ’97, Jonathan Peddrick ’98,
Catherine Houston Snarr ’86, Don Wingate ’98, Katie Macpherson
Wray ’97, and Danny Wright ’89. Thanks to all of you for your energy,
enthusiasm and love for Greensboro Day School!
This year we would like to welcome new board members
• Katherine Johnson ’07, Charlotte, NC
•Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97, Greensboro, NC
• Tyson Pugh ’01, Greensboro, NC
• Thomas White ’00, Greensboro, NC
Our first Alumni Board meeting was held Tuesday, September 18th.
We are all very excited about the things that we have planned for
the upcoming year. Please check out the GDS Alumni webpage at for a complete list of this year’s
upcoming alumni events. If you are part of the ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98,
and ’03 classes, make sure you save the date and plan on attending
your Class Reunion during the weekend of April 26-27, 2013.
During the first week of October, we
emailed our first e-newsletter called the
Alumni Update. If you did not receive
one, then please email us ASAP at
[email protected] with your
name and preferred email address to
ensure you receive the next update!
If you have any questions or concerns
about the Alumni Board, upcoming
events, or how to get involved, please
email us at [email protected].
We look forward to connecting with
each of you!
I am extremely excited to be back on GDS campus. Having only been
away for 8 years, I could say that little has changed. I could also say a
lot has changed. There are new students, new faculty members and
new looks to buildings, but the sense of family and community that
you get as soon as you step on campus is still the same!
Since I started on July 9, I have had the opportunity to work closely
with our Alumni Board and I will be the first to say that we have
an amazing group of alumni working to serve the GDS Alumni
Association. Throughout the year, you will hear from our board
members in a variety of capacities. Our alumni board members help
set up service opportunities, plan alumni events, head up the alumni
annual fund and market our alumni association to each of you!
The next few months will be extremely busy as we host multiple
events, kick off the alumni annual fund and continue our social
media outreach! If you haven’t seen the pictures we have posted
lately, I would certainly advise you to get on Facebook and “Like”
the Greensboro Day School Alumni Page! You never know what or
whose picture might pop up next!
Please remember, there is no such thing as an alumni association
without its alumni! We want to keep you connected to GDS! If
there is an alumni event in your area, plan to attend. If you have
some free time or want to get involved,
consider one of the many volunteer
opportunities that we have to offer. If
our alumni won’t step up, who will?
A strong alumni base is one way of
helping to secure the future of our
beloved school.
I look forward to connecting with each
of you. Feel free to stop by my office
anytime or email me at michaelsumner@ I also hope to see
you all at an upcoming event in your area!
Once a Bengal, Always a Bengal!
Michael Sumner ’04
Grier Booker Richards ’97
GDS Magazine
Annual Wine Tasting
Proximity Hotel, October 25
1. Angelia Sherrod ’91, Todd Munsey,
’90, Victoria Shropshire ’91 2. GDS
Alumni Wine Tasting 3. J. Scott ’90,
Chris Meadows ’85, Erick Ellsweig
’85 4. Judy Arnette, Grier Booker
Richards ’97, Holly Barnes Hofbauer
’92, Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97
5. Lindsey Evans ’04, Michael Sumner
’04, Tyson Pugh, ’01, Collins Pugh 6.
Pearse Edwards ’87, Karan Moore,
Mclean Moore ’87 7. Stephanie Elliot
Collins ’86 and Lisa Anderson ’86
Fall 2012
Organizing GDS’
Rich History
Over four years ago, the Alumni Office
undertook a massive project. In preparation of
GDS’ 40th Anniversary, then Director of Alumni
Programs, Kathy Davis, realized we had never
archived anything from GDS. Kathy partnered
with Elizabeth Hurd, mother of Anna Hurd ’06
and Molly Hurd ’12, and started gathering item
after item, picture after picture filling an entire
room with ‘stuff’ to be archived. This was only
the first part of the project. Next, Kathy invited
a group of teachers, current and retired, to join
her in organizing the ‘stuff’ by category. After
many meetings and lunches, the group was
finally able to organize all of the pictures into
the year that they believed the picture was
taken. After all the pictures were organized by
year, we took them over to MasterLabs where
Charles Wright ’86 and his staff digitized over
20,000 pictures for us.
Though it seems like this would complete this
project, it does not. While we search for a home
for the hard copies, we will begin cataloging our
database to identify who is who in each picture.
To do this, we need your help. Each week, we will
post archived photos to the Alumni Facebook
page. Take the time to “Like” the page so you can
help us tag the faces in each photo. This will help
up us catalog these images.
Thank you to the many teachers, former
teachers, volunteers, and alumni who have
spent countless hours making this project
a success.
Upcoming Events
Dec. 26-28 - Pizza Hut Little 4 Basketball Invitational
Come cheer on the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams as they play
against the area’s best competition at this annual tournament in
Below, you will find a list of our upcoming alumni events! Make
sure to add these to your calendar. For more information about
each event, please visit We look
Jan. 11 - Homecoming
forward to seeing everyone there!
Homecoming will be filled with fun activities for alumni and their
families. Come back and see the campus and enjoy free food during
Saturday, November 17, 2012 - Bengal Paws for Service
Alumni will gather at GDS to help serve lunch to other members of
the GDS Community who have spent their morning working on a
community service project throughout Greensboro. Regional Alumni
Chapters will gather and pick a service project in their area to help
with. More details will be provided in early November.
the basketball games on Friday night. More details to follow in the
December Alumni e-newsletter.
April 26-27 – Alumni Reunion Weekend
Make plans to attend Reunion Weekend festivities April 26-27, 2013.
If your class year ends with a 3 or 8, your reunion is this year. Classes
of 2003, 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983, and 1978 will hold individual class
Sunday, November 18, 2012 - Carolyn Kates Brown ’80
Book Signing at 3:00 pm at Barnes and Noble
Carolyn Kates Brown’s book, “A Daring Life: A Biography of Eudora
Welty,” was named the Mississippi pick for the 2012 “52 Great Reads”
at the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. Carolyn will hold a
book signing in Greensboro at the Friendly Center Barnes & Noble.
Carolyn will be joined by her two brothers Michael ’82 & David Kates
’88. Come see your old classmates and support Carolyn’s book.
reunions. If you would like to help organize your class’ reunion, please
email [email protected]
The weekend also includes an all alumni reception to honor our
retiring teachers and awards ceremony. Come mingle with alumni
of all classes and say hello to your former teachers who taught you
everything there is to know about anything and everything.
Regional Chapters:
We are hoping to hold an event in DC, NYC and Charlotte throughout
Friday, November 23, 2012 - Class of 2007 5-year reunion
the year. Please stay tuned more information. For more information
on these and other exciting programs for GDS Alumni and friends,
The Class of 2007 will celebrate their 5-year reunion from 7-9 pm at
visit, email alumni@greensboroday.
the Speakeasy Tavern. Encourage your former classmates to attend!
org or call (336) 288-8590, ext. 210.
Did you receive
the Alumni Update?
The Alumni Update is our new monthly
e-newsletter designed specifically for GDS
Alumni. It includes alumni news and
announcements as well as event reminders.
If you did not receive the e-newsletter, then
we don’t have your email address. Email us at
[email protected] with your name
and preferred email address to ensure you
receive the next update!
Call for Volunteers
There are many opportunities available for our alumni to stay involved
at Greensboro Day School. We hope that each of you will take the time
to consider getting involved in one of the below positions. For more
information or if you have any questions about these positions, please visit, or email Michael Sumner ’04 at
[email protected].
• Alumni Board Member
• Class Agent
•Reunion Chair
•Regional Chapter Leader
• Paws 4 Service Volunteer
GDS Magazine
Boo Hoo (or Woo Hoo)…the kids are gone
The Class of 2012 has graduated from GDS and are off to college to start the next chapter of their lives.
Parents of last year’s senior class gathered at Adeline and David Talbot’s house on September 19 to
both celebrate and commiserate their children leaving home at the annual GDS Alumni Association’s
Boo-Hoo Cocktail Party. Parents shared their children’s stories from the first few weeks of college.
Current teachers stopped by to hear about their former students and Head of School Mark Hale and
Director of Alumni Programs Michael Sumner made a few remarks. The lasting impression all of the
parents left with: even though their child graduated from GDS, they are ALL always a part of the GDS
family and community!
Merrill Keeley and Mark Hale
Adeline Talbot and Chuck Keeley ’81
Cindy Knowles and Becky Campbell
Karen Aluisio, Molly Burns,
Leanne Rosenbower
Bengal Legacy Sundae
The first event of its time, the Bengal Legacy Sundae honored alumni who have a new student entering
in Bitty Bengals, Junior Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten. Other local alumni joined in the event to learn
what it is like to send your legacy to GDS. Complete with a moon-bounce and ice cream sundaes, alumni
enjoyed themselves while their children and future GDS alumni played.
Sonny Willis ’96, Wes Stanley ’94, Joey Fields ’94,
Anne Davis Legette ’87, Katherine Rapp Wood
’93, Beau McIntosh ’97 (Not pictured: Ashley
Knapp Meyer ’97, Elizabeth Monroe Tisdale ’89
and Xan Tisdale ’89, Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92,
Jon Bell ’90, Stephanie Elliott Collins ’86, Craig
Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and Kathryn Mincher
Green ’84)
Fall 2012
Mark Hale, Lisa Anderson ’86, Anne Davis Legette
’87, Cristi Phillips Driver ’86, Michael Driver
Our wonderful hosts, Wes ’94, Kelly,
Grayson ’24 and Walker ’25 Stanley
Stay Connected !
We are really engaging ourselves through social media! We are adding a lot of
news and archived photos to the GDS Alumni Facebook page. Make sure to
“Like” us on Facebook! We are even on Twitter, @GDSAlumni.
“LIKE” us! GDSAlumni
and “FRIEND”
Greensboro Day Alums
“FOLLOW” us!
As we all know, jobs can we hard to come by. We have a LinkedIn group, which
we invite you all to join. If we hear of job openings or if you are looking to
transition, this is the place to start! For event pictures, check us out on Flickr or
watch us on YouTube! Make sure to join us on each of these social media outlets
and be interactive with us!
Scan with your smart phone or go to:
Recipe Submission
Calling all ALUMNI,
we need your help!
It’s time to begin recipe
submission for the
NEW GDS Cookbook,
Savor the Day!
The Parent’s Association is excited to begin their newest
community project at Greensboro Day School with the creation
of the Savor the Day cookbook. We know that among our
present families, past families, ALUMNI, faculty, and students,
we have a wealth of recipes that are just waiting to be shared.
Visit and submit your
recipes today!
Are you an artist? We are also looking for alumni artwork with
a culinary theme to put on the cover. If you would like more
information, contact Michael Sumner ’04 at michaelsumner@
GDS Magazine
Wayne Robinson was inducted into the Guilford County Sports Hall
of Fame on September 17.
Peter Stroud (aka Peter Williams) played on Jay Leno’s show with
Richie Sambora in September. The week prior, he was on Good
Morning America and Live with Kelly and Michael.
Carolyn Kates Brown’s book, A Daring Life: A Biography of Eudora
Welty, was named the Mississippi pick for the 2012 “52 Great Reads” at
the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. On Sunday, November
18 at 3:00 p.m., Carolyn will hold a book signing in Greensboro at the
Friendly Center Barnes & Noble. Carolyn will be joined by her two
brothers, Michael Kates ’82 & David Kates ’88. Come see your old
classmates and support Carolyn’s book.
Amanda Houston and Robert Goodwin were married on July 21
in Wrightsville Beach, NC. Catherine Houston Snarr ’86 served as
matron of honor. Tara Heggie Sherrill served as a bridesmaid. Josie
Snarr ’20 served as a junior bridesmaid. Frank Houston ’84 served as
a groomsman. The couple resides in Charlotte.
Margaret Ray Lowe and Bradley Lowe. Daughter: Caroline McAlister
Lowe, August 3. They reside in Greensboro.
Jeff Yurcisin was quoted in the New York Times recently in an article
about, an online retailer of designer goods, where
Jeff serves as President. Jeff lives in Madison, Wis. with his wife,
Stephanie, and their two children, Annika and Miles.
Kermit Murphy and Melissa Murphy. Daughter: Margaret “Molly”
Pinnix Murphy, September 7. They live in Charlotte.
Sally Rosen Kindred’s poem, My Son Asks, was featured by,
which posts original poetry on its site.
Betsy Wilson Mayer and Jason Mayer. Son: Owen Joseph Mayer,
September 25. They live in Charlotte.
Kermit Murphy ’95 with his
daughter, Margaret “Molly”
Pinnix Murphy 
Caroline McAlister Lowe
and Thomas Lowe (4), children of Margaret Ray Lowe ’92
Fall 2012
Owen Joseph Mayer, son
of Betsy Wilson Mayer ’95
Ashley Finn Volpenhein and Jeff Volpenhein. Son: James Edward
Volpenhein, May 8. They live in Wichita, Kan.
Emily Hicks Maggert was promoted to director of development
at Vanderbilt University for the College of Arts and Sciences and
Vanderbilt Libraries.
Laurie Nehmen Lloyd and Oliver Lloyd. Daughter: Emmanuelle “Elle”
Hope Lloyd, June 5. They live in Greensboro.
Will Muse and Lori Jones were married on June 12 in Charleston, SC.
They live in Jamestown, NC.
Margaret Farrell Brown and Scott Brown. Son: Zachary Thomas
Brown, August 19. They live in Greensboro.
DJ McDuffie and Traci McDuffie. Daughter: Reese Morgan McDuffie,
June 8. She joins her brother Grant Carter, who is 4. The McDuffie
family lives outside of Atlanta.
Steve Casselman and Molly Flinn were married on July 15. Charlie
Casselman ’97 served as best man and Marshall Casselman ’01
served as a groomsman. The couple lives in Charlotte.
Dr. Michael S. Diamond graduated from East Carolina University
Medical School and just completed his residency in Greenville, SC.
Emily Norman Richards and Brian Richards. Daughter: Claire Ashford
Richards, August 3. They reside in Charlotte.
Dillard Williams and Anne Williams. Daughter: Katherine Clayton
Williams, August 2. They live in Charlotte.
Caroline McNeil Smith and Aaron Smith. Son: McNeil Marshall Smith,
August 13. They live in Charlotte.
Kendra Kasik and Steven Bader were married on June 23 in
Greensboro. Jessica Kasik ’05 served as maid of honor. Kris Kasik
’00 was a groomsman. Tilden Hagan ’01 and Caroline Wilson were
bride’s attendants. The couple lives in Maple Grove, Minn.
Chris Groat and Amber Groat. Son: Austin Robert Groat, July 31. They
live in Morgantown, WV.
Zachary Thomas Brown, son
of Margaret Farrell Brown ’97 
 Lori and Will Muse ’97
 James Volpenhein, son of Ashley Finn
Volpenhein ’96
GDS Magazine
Betsy Huffine and Ryan Minto were married June 2 at Holy Trinity
Episcopal Church in Greensboro. Bridesmaids were Catherine Powell
Regan, Camilla Goodchild DeBoard ’03 and Katie Cockrell. Adam
Huffine ’06 was a groomsman. The couple lives in Washington, DC.
Morgan Diamond completed her master’s in social work. She
moved to Chicago in August where she works as the Professional
Development Training Specialist at New Moms, Inc.
Emily Nicole Dondero and Charles Ray Powell were married on
August 11 at the Chapel Hill Country Club. Celia Ann Glass ’05 served
as the maid of honor. The couple met while working for the Chapel
Hill Fire Department.
Elissa Adams Whited and Bryce Whited. Daughter: Madison Ann
Whited, September 15. They live in Blacksburg, Va.
Heidi Hundley Stabler and Sam Stabler, Son: Wolfe Sutton Stabler,
August 14. They live in Brooklyn, NY.
Laura Wall and Brooks Lindsey were married on September 29. Sarah
Wall ’05 served as maid of honor. The couple lives in Macon, Ga.
Katharine Matthews Moffat and Tony Moffat. Son: Weston Matthews
Moffat, September 21. They reside in Charleston, SC.
Steven Rush was the head coach for the Karolina Diamonds 14-under
basketball team. The team represented the state of North Carolina
at the national tournament in Orlando where they finished 2nd in the
nation. The goals and objectives of this youth basketball club are to
develop the minds and lives of young men in hopes of helping them
have an easy transition to adulthood. They are taught the concepts of
paying attention to detail, teamwork, listening, leadership in all walks
of life, etiquette and dress, as well as respecting the rights and feelings
of others at home, school, as well as civil settings as an adult. Steven
started pharmacy school in August at the Massachusetts College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston.
Katie Cockrell and Stephen Satterly were married on September 29 in
Morehead City, NC. Laura Cockrell Skelton ’03 was matron of honor
and Betsy Huffine Minto served as a bridesmaid. Marilyn Carlson Rush
and Catherine Powell Regan were greeters. They live in Omaha, Neb.
Jamie Cook and Dave Fason were married on September 29 at St. Pius X
Church in Greensboro. Tim Cook ’06 served as a groomsman. Cameron
Somerville ’20 was a junior bridesmaid and Braden Somerville ’22 was
a junior groomsman. The couple lives in Greensboro.
 McNeil Marshall Smith, son of Caroline McNeil Smith ’01
Reese McDuffie, daughter of DJ McDuffie ’97
Fall 2012
 Austin Groat, son of Chris Groat ’02
Betsy Huffine Minto ’02 and her husband, Ryan
 Claire Ashford Richards, daughter
of Emily Norman Richards ’00
 Jamie Cook Fason ’02 and husband, Dave
Dana Ellen Murphy and Daniel Ryan Waldron were married on
September 15 in Greensboro. Rachel Wolf served as maid of honor
and Molly Fortune Hassenfelt served as a bridesmaid. Program
attendants were Nancy Carlson Calhoun ’04, Gaines Donaldson
Douglass and Rebecca Barger Sheaff. Timothy Daniel Murphy ’00
served as the reader. The couple lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Lindsey Evans joined First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro as the
director of middle school ministry.
Samantha Leonard is working as the digital production manager for the
Triangle Research Libraries Network on a special grant project called
Content, Context, and Capacity (CCC). CCC is a collaborative large-scale
manuscripts digitization project undertaken by the Triangle Research
Libraries Network (TRLN) university libraries at Duke University, North
Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, and the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Together, the four university
libraries will digitize a total of 38 manuscript collections and archival
record groups (creating approximately 400,000 digital objects). The
thematic focus of the CCC is The Long Civil Rights Movement in North
Carolina (ca. 1930s–1980s). Sam currently resides in Durham, NC.
View her work at
Jason Pavoris has joined Eaton Corporation as an LVA engineering
technician in the Electrical Sector, Americas Power Distribution
Organization division.
Jessie McComb received her doctorate of physical therapy from the
Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.
Megan Hayes Wood and Andrew Wood were married on May 25.
Bridesmaids included Rachel Bowden Griffin and Magen Murray.
Milos Korda joined Phoenix International Freight Services, Ltd. as
an ocean export agent. Phoenix International Freight Services has
provided logistics solutions since 1979.
Ashleigh Bailey (neé Greene) and Jeremiah Bailey. Son: Ambrose
Carmichael Bailey, June 25. They reside in Durham, NC.
 Meg Steedle ’04 in NYLON Magazine
 Madison Ann Whited, daughter of Elissa Adams
Whited ’03
Kayvon Hejazi received his juris doctor and master of environmental
law and policy degrees from Vermont Law School in May. He works as
an assistant district attorney for Mecklenburg County in North Carolina.
Meg Steedle was featured in NYLON Magazine and on
among others about her new role as “Billie Kent” in the HBO Series,
Boardwalk Empire. She was also listed in Variety TV’s 10 Top New
Faces. Make sure to check out Meg on HBO, Sunday nights at 9pm.
Class of 2002 classmates Marilyn Carlson Rush, Betsy Huffine Minto,
Katie Cockrell Satterly, and Catherine Powell Regan
 Class of 2004 classmates Spencer Kirkman, Michael Sumner, Megan Hayes Wood, Rachel Bowden Griffin, Magen Murray, Kippy Ficken
GDS Magazine
Kippy Ficken was featured in StarNews’ Wilmington Blog Roundup for her food blog, Young
and Entertaining, which aims to share her passion for cooking, entertaining, and enjoying
local restaurants. Check out her blog for yourself:
Jane Andrews Nelson has joined Premier Commercial Bank in Greensboro as a client
services specialist.
Erin Beavers and James Pate were married July 21 in Greensboro. Kristen Beavers
Haynes ’02 served as matron of honor. Jessie McComb ’04 and Tess Stakias ’04 served as
bridesmaids. The couple lives in Charleston, SC.
Dana Cook returned home on July 6 after spending 7 months deployed in the Helmand
Province, Afghanistan with the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines out of Camp Lejeune. Dana is
currently a First Lieutenant and works as a logistics officer stationed at Camp Lejeune.
Dana married Sarah Brown on October 20. Alan Fox ’06 was a member of the wedding party.
Andrew Daniel was recently promoted to sales/marketing director of BMP Print Solutions
in Greensboro.
Courtney Parker and John McCants were married on August 25 on Daufuskie Island, SC.
The wedding party included Ryan Parker ’04, Blake Hankins and Blair Milam. Attendees
included Zach Mullinax ’04, Ellen Easter, and Laurie Walker. They live in Atlanta.
Jordan Robertson transferred from the Citadel to Davidson County Community College
to play basketball this year. He started the final eight games of last year’s season for the
Citadel and is excited about this new opportunity.
Janet Walters, June 28, 2012. Grandmother of Max Walters ’20 and Jack Walters ’24.
Vance Brabham, June 30, 2012. Father of Wells Brabham ’90 and Ralph Brabham ’95.
Ed Preston, July 1, 2012. Grandfather of Anna Preston Schlosser ’09 and Caroline Schlosser ’14.
Pat Palmer, July 7, 2012. Father of Ben Palmer ’16.
Winfred Bumper, July 10, 2012. Father of Monty Bumper ’90.
Mary Fisher, July 14, 2012. Grandmother of Tatum Albano ’11, Tanner Albano ’16, Mary
Kathryn Fisher ’21 and Carson Fisher ’23.
Ed Mooney, July 25, 2012. Grandfather of Jason Pavoris, ’04.
Gloria Cowan, July 29, 2012. Mother of Betsy Cowan Hicks ’77, John Cowan ’81, and
Newton Cowan ’84.
Geraldine Keener, August 1, 2012. Grandmother of Alex North ’13, Carter North ’15 and
Harrison North ’15.
Henry H. Simpson Jr., August 12, 2012. Grandfather of Bradley Youngdahl ’12.
Margaret Lovdia “Lovie” McFarland McNeil, September 15, 2012. Grandmother of Caroline
McNeil Smith ’01 and Graham McNeil ’04.
My Son Asks
about Pakistan, my son asks
about microprocessors
and sex, he asks about Peter Pan
and cease fires and hard ships
that shark the Atlantic and when
we will stop loving
each other and whether
the cats know their names. My son
asks me for the time,
the past perfect which I can’t find
in my pocketbook, the stick of gum
his grandmother gave him
before she entered the ground upstate
in sudden June, the joke she drank
the last night he saw her, the stem
of her glass clear, her arms
wanting his body’s goodbye
and his body turning away.
He asks about Satan, the wrong end
of the movie, if spinach
for dinner then what
for dessert. He crawls into
my bed at six thirty
with gauze and a newspaper. He wants me
to bury the lead. He wants the cats
to live forever but
stop running for good
down morning halls. He wants eggs,
juice and eggs and he will never
stop asking:
even when his plate is white
with grief and galactic heat
he’ll be calling
me from the lobby
in his gray suit to ask
if volcanoes were furry and closed their eyes
before they were born
and I will say yes, yes,
and other lies the dead tell.
By Sally Rosen Kindred ’87
(featured online on
Judy Turpin, September 17, 2012. Great-grandmother of Sydney Hunt ’23 and Ce Ce Hunt ’26.
Fall 2012
KC Steedle ’06 and Meg Steedle ’04 at the
Premiere of HBO’s Boardwalk Empire
The Beginning of an Empire
By Caroline Brown ’10
Meg Chambers Steedle ’04 has come a long way since her days on the stage
at GDS. A graduate of the Class of 2004, Meg is now a recurring character
on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire as Billie Kent, the mistress of Enoch ‘Nucky’
Thompson (Steve Buscemi).
One of Meg’s favorite aspects of performing while a student at the school
was the closeness the cast formed for every show. “They create this sense
of family that we’re all working towards something,” she said. “I’ve been
in shows where that’s not the case and it frustrates me, because that’s not
what I grew up with.”
At this point, Googling Meg Steedle Boardwalk Empire leads to an abundance
of articles, interviews, and photos explaining how the Northwestern
grad landed a role on such a big show after only one previous television
appearance (Body of Proof on ABC). They briefly mention her North Carolina
background, notably her first role in 3rd grade in The Sound of Music.
The family formed during Hello, Dolly! is especially dear to her heart. “All the
kids in that show wrote me a note to say, ‘thank you for being our Dolly.’ I still
have that note in my bedroom,” Meg said.
But from our perspective, her experiences at GDS influenced much more
than meets the average person’s eye. This is a big deal for a small private
school in the South. “We’re awfully proud of her. She’s going to make her
name out there,” said Ruthie Tutterow, the school’s drama department chair.
Like any production in the entertainment industry, there is a fancy premiere—
meaning a red carpet. “I was more nervous than prom,” Meg exclaimed.
Meg played a number of memorable roles while a student at GDS, including
Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker in 12th grade, Princess Winnifred in
Once Upon a Mattress in 8th grade, and of course Dolly in Hello, Dolly! as her
senior musical. However, she was surprisingly uninterested in auditioning
for The Sound of Music. “I remember not wanting to do it actually,” Meg
said with a laugh. “I was having trouble transitioning from my other school
in Winston-Salem. I think it was my parents’ way of integrating me into this
new school.”
Following the show, her love for the theater and the dramatics quickly
developed. “From then on she was the theatre person,” said her younger
brother, KC ’06. “When we were growing up, she would take on these
different characters, do different actions on a whim— speak in a British
accent, or really dig into a southern drawl, something like that.”
Enduring Values from GDS
There are certain ideals that are necessary to succeed in this industry diligence, dedication and charm. “I learned a work ethic at GDS that I did not
learn from college,” Meg said.
With a guiding hand, GDS pushes its students to a higher level. It not only
prepares students for college, but life after college as well. For Meg, this
carried into her commitment to acting. Whether it was a minor part or a lead
role, she never took an audition lightly. “Meg always prepared really well for
her roles, she did her research on them. She’s always been really meticulous
about that— she takes learning beyond the lines,” Tutterow said.
Finally performing all the lines she wholeheartedly memorized, Meg kept her
game face on, even when mishaps occurred. For instance, when she played
Anita in West Side Story, and was in the middle of confronting the Jets. “She got
a nosebleed,” Tutterow recalls. “Tommy Webb was [on stage] playing and he
kept offering her a towel to wipe her nose, and she kept saying, ‘no.’ She stayed
in character because her character wouldn’t have stopped for anything.”
Meg even experimented by playing a male role in The Taming of the Shrew
her junior year. “She was funny in every interpretation,” Tutterow said. “It
was fun seeing how versatile she was.”
However, her strong focus on understanding characters never detracted
from her bubbly, smiley personality. “She’s always been very personable.
It’s definitely going to help her in this type of industry, having a likable
personality,” KC said.
Slightly Bigger than Prom
But she invited KC as her date for the night, which helped ease the butterflies
in her stomach. “She actually forgot her purse the first time we left [her
apartment], like typical Meg.” KC said. “In the car ride down, she was very
excited and nervous. But of course once she was there, it was like she’d
been there a hundred times. All smiles, posing for cameras like she’d done
it before.”
As poised and professional as Meg was for the premiere, she acknowledged
how different it was from her typical routine. “The art of it is so separate
from the publicity. I understand why people do it, but it’s so separate what I
feel like I do, which is the acting part,” she reflected.
Like most HBO shows, Boardwalk Empire caters to an adult audience. At the
premiere, Meg had to consider her brother sitting next to her during a seminude scene. “I just made sure she gave me a tap on the leg if there was a
scene coming I wasn’t expecting,” KC said. “Her agent, manager and I were
very pleased with how it was presented— a very tasteful manner.”
Once a Bengal, Always a Bengal
As much as she’s grown since strolling the halls of GDS, strong feelings
of gratitude, love and friendship are forever rooted in her. “GDS gave me
my start in everything theatre,” Meg said. “They always put a value on
academics and the arts.”
Linda Sloan, Meg’s first director back in 3rd grade, is still her mentor today.
In fact, they still meet up when Sloan is in the City. But Meg is also grateful
for everyone else that helped make her experience at GDS so memorable:
Ruthie Tutterow, Judy McLaughlin, Beth Dunbar and Dana Lowell. “I was so
blessed to be charmed by the people and have that theater to work in. I’ve
worked in professional theaters that aren’t as high-tech as that one,” she
said, in reference to the Sloan Theatre.
And as big as her career has grown, she remains humble and approachable
to younger GDS students seeking guidance. “I love it when people from GDS
call me up. I love feeling connected to it,” Meg said.
Overall, Meg has earned everything that has come her way. She knows there
is no silver spoon handed to her in this industry. Who knows what’s in store
next for the rising star, but she is constantly auditioning to find out. “Hard
work always pays off in some way. You don’t always know how it’s going to
pay off,” Meg said. “I’m not saying it has paid off, but that is what has gotten
me the things that I’m proud about, just keeping at it.”
GDS Magazine
July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
A nnual R eport
Annual Report of Donors 2011-2012
Fran and Bert Davis, Annual Fund First Chairs, say that the spirit of
giving is evident everyday at Greensboro Day School as faculty and
staff, students, parents and other members of the school community
give of themselves to foster an academic and nurturing environment
for their children.
Last year was truly an extraordinary year of giving at Greensboro Day
School, and we gratefully acknowledge the generous donors who
demonstrated their commitment to the school’s mission last year. Through
charitable gifts and pledges totaling $3,117,054, made between July 1,
2011 and June 30, 2012, donors supported current operations, improved
existing facilities, secured funding for a new Middle School building, and
continued to build permanent endowment funds for the future.
This report celebrates and recognizes generous giving to Greensboro Day
School during the 2011-2012 academic year.
--------------------------------------Annual Giving for Current Operations
The Annual Fund First: Then & Now Campaign, under the Davis’ leadership,
far exceeded expectations of our $700,000 goal, with a grand total of
$818,334 in gifts and pledges. An anonymous donor issued a challenge to
match dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 for new or increased gifts. The GDS
community, especially trustees and alumni, enthusiastically responded. In
fact, while the national trend in pre-college alumni giving declined in 2011
(according to the VSE Survey) the number of GDS alumni donors and their
total dollars increased significantly. The total number of donors from all
constituencies to the Annual Fund was 1,089. Leadership donors, whose
gifts were $1,000 or more, totaled 275. A new category of leadership
donors – Sustaining Parents of Alumni – gave generously in gratitude for
the education their children received at Greensboro Day School.
The Annual Fund, our most important ongoing fundraising activity,
provides funds for every aspect of our educational program, including
salaries, classroom supplies, arts, athletics, and facilities maintenance.
Another $85,018 in restricted gifts supported student programs and
faculty professional development.
--------------------------------------Capital Funds for Facilities
The Generations Capital Campaign, led by chairs Merrill and Chuck Keeley
’81 and Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82, launched on September 17 with $3
million in commitments. During the year, another $1.5 million was secured
bringing the campaign total on June 30 to over $4.5 million: two-thirds of
our $7 million goal. In April, we were pleased to announce the school’s first
gift of over $1 million by the Jackie and Steve Bell family. The new Middle
School will be named in recognition of their extraordinary generosity.
Throughout the year, we featured generational stories of lead donors
to the campaign, including the Bell, Keeley, Rucker, Jennings and Boney
families. Through a generous gift made by the
Klinger family in spring 2012, the Upper School
opened with an elevator to ease navigation of
our two-story building. In total, capital gifts
(some received on pledges) and new pledges
for facilities totaled nearly $2.2 million.
Building a permanent endowment is crucial to the long-term financial
health of the school and remains a priority. Last year, gifts to the
endowment totaled $22,650. These gifts, the earnings from which will
provide a source of income in perpetuity, support faculty professional
development, financial aid, and student programs.
--------------------------------------Appreciation for Jobs Well-Done
Finally, with admiration and appreciation, the advancement office
bid farewell to longtime annual fund director Terri Jackson who wore
many titles during her time at GDS, including Assistant Director of
Development, Director of Communications, and Director of Annual and
Corporate Giving, all with a contagious laugh and a fierce loyalty for this
school. Over her 14 years, she raised millions of dollars to support the
important mission of GDS, and would say she “had a marvelous time
doing it!” We also supported Alumni Director Kathy Davis’ decision to
return fulltime to teach Upper School math. As a teacher, girls’ basketball
coach, advisor, and fruit sale maven, whose tenure spans most of the
school’s 42 years, Kathy has taught the majority of GDS alumni who still
respond to her call to volunteer or give back to their alma mater. Much
of the school’s advancement success over the past 14 years is due to
both Kathy and Terri, and the wonderful volunteers and employees who
are listed on the last page of this report. In particular, we appreciate the
leadership of the Davis, Keeley and Rucker families, past and current
Board Chairs Burney Jennings and Fran Tewkesbury, who work tirelessly
and give generously to this school.
The following pages list the numerous individuals, corporations and
foundations that supported Greensboro Day School with gifts and
pledges during the 2011-2012 school year. Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of this report. However, as with any work of this
nature, inadvertent errors or omissions may occur. If this has occurred,
we apologize and ask that you contact the GDS Office of Advancement at
336-288-8590 or email [email protected].
Last year, as advancement officers and volunteers were discussing annual
and capital giving with the GDS community, we asked that you make a
gift that makes you proud. And, you did. On behalf of the Greensboro
Day School community, we thank you.
Anne J. Hurd
Director of Advancement
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Annual Fund First
Campaign Giving Societies
The following individuals, corporations
and foundations made unrestricted gifts
to the Greensboro Day School Annual Fund
First Campaign.
Luminary Society ($25,000 and over)
Torch Society ($15,000 - $24,999)
Robert C. Ketner
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
The Zeist Foundation
Honor Society ($10,000 - $14,999)
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Mr. Wade G. Jurney
Scholarship Society ($5,000 - $9,999)
Ms. Barbara Anne Steslow and
Mr. Terrence Akin
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mente Benjamin
Anne and Jay Brennan
Dr. Helen Brooks ’80
Burlington Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burns
Laura and Chris Caffey ’84
Dr. Dorothy W. Chappell
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Fran and Bert Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Erick J. Ellsweig ’85
Peggy and Marion Follin
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glaser
Alison McMillian-Goodman and
John Goodman
Dina and Burney Jennings
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Klinger
Virginia and Paul Milam
Amanda and Alex Morcos ’93
Mrs. Chan-Sin Wong and Mr. Zhou-Min Ni
Tina Patterson
Frank Pickard
Nancy Pickard
Mr. and Mrs. Austin T. Pittman
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samet
Laura and Mike Steen
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Tuck
Well Spring Retirement Community
Friendship Society ($2,500 - $4,999)
Jim Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barefoot
Carol and Mark Boles
Louise Freemon Brady ’82 and Jim Brady
Molly and Jeb Burns
Mrs. Young Park and Mr. Woo Chung
Sheri and Gary Cram
Barbara and Michael Curry
Carol Cone Douglas
Caron and Kevin Dover
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Duggan
Michelle and Bob Goodrich
Carolyn and Joe Gorga
Maria and Chris Haggarty
Linda and Mark Hale
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
Lisa and Buster Johnson
Kathy Manning and Randall Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knowles Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Freedy and Dr. Douglas Lemley
Mr. and Mrs. Deepak Massand
Patty and Bill McIvor
Mr. Joseph A. McKinney Jr.
Allison and John Melson
Mr. James H. Murray ’75
Kim and Bob Murray
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Drs. Leigh Ann and Henry Pool
Ms. Jan Findley and Mr. Roger Posacki
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rafkin
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Sanders
Dr. E. Robin Schenck and Mr. Dodson Schenck
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Anne and Trevor Shick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somerville IV
Lacy and John Starr
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Stern
Katherine G. Stern
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Supple
John Templeton Foundation
Marsha and Tom Tice
Elizabeth Monroe Tisdale ’89 and
Alexander Tisdale ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Stamps Transou
Martin Weissburg and Family
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
Cecile Winstead
Sportsmanship Society ($1,500 - $2,499)
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86 and Bo Adams
Karen and Frank Aluisio
Pam and John Attayek
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Aycock III
Ms. Heidi Gingerich and Mr. Phillip Bales
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Ball
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Browne
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Beth and Bob Christina
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Dibble
Desiree and Arthur Dick
Ann and Tom Dodd
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dunham
$15,000 - $24,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,500 - $2,499
$1,000 - $1,499
Luminary Society
Torch Society
Honor Society
Scholarship Society
Friendship Society
Sportsmanship Society
Green and Gold Society
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$1 - $249
Lake Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel
Dr. Marcy Gilliard and Mr. Keith Gilliard
Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hahn
Mrs. Maribeth Geraci Hudgins ’78 and
Mr. David Hudgins
Carla Smith Jones ’83 and Steve Jones
Holly and David Jones
Dr. Amy Jordan and Mr. George Jordan
Karen and Ben Kahn
Wendy and Kyle Kesselring
Ralph W. Ketner
Mrs. Misoon Kang and Dr. Inho Kim
Dr. Lisa Jo Adornetto and Mr. Timothy Lingard
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Macphail
Amanda Taylor Marshall ’93 and
Alex Marshall ’93
Donna and Tom Medlin
Elizabeth and Allen Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrisette Jr. ’75
Ms. Caroline K. North
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Linda and Curt Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Porter IV ’84
Erica Procton
Ann and Jim Rembach
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie U. Ricketts
Ms. Zane Hembree and Mr. Scott Risdon
Laura and Todd Roseman
Erin and Keith Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Schiffman III ’76
Mr. H. Vance Schiffman ’79
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Bassam N. Smir
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Solomon
Ms. Angela L. Talton
Drs. Anita Lindsey and James Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor
Trinh and Burke Thompson
Charles Tinsley ’81
Christopher J. Trentini
Jane and Chris Trevey
Lee Trone
Dr. Susan Turner
A nnual R eport
Kim and Robert Wainer
Meredith Walthall
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Weavil
Sue D. White
Carolyn Hunt and Bill Wilkinson
Ms. Susan L. Williams
Green and Gold Society ($1,000 - $1,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ackerman
Dr. Sandra Adams and Dr. Fred Adams
Molly and John Ammondson
Heidi Scheer and Chris Anderson
Ashley and David Anderson ’96
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Armstrong
Elizabeth Aronson MD and
Richard Aronson MD
Judy and Bryant Aydelette
Kelly and Scott Bankhead
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Beach
Mary Katherine and Durant Bell ’98
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92 and Jon Bell ’90
Jackie and Steve Bell
Winston Barber Berry ’89 and Brett Berry ’85
Michelle Bardy Bigelman ’92 and
Joel Bigelman
Renea Brady
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brennan
Nancy and Frank Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Brokaw
Jeb Brooks ’01
Debbie and Scott Brown
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Calhoun
Becky and Bill Campbell
Betsy and Reid Clark
Dr. Sandy Thimmappa-Cohen and
Dr. Max Cohen
Mrs. Sally Dillard Cohen ’76 and
Mr. John Cohen
Jean and Doug Copeland
Ms. Amy Consiglio and Mr. Brian Criscuolo
Holly and Buzz Crosby
Kathy and Robert Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis
Mary and Scott Dean
The Honorable Aldona Wos and
Mr. Louis DeJoy
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Delman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dirk
Jenny and John Doutt
Henry Elsner
Susan E. Farrell MD
Susie and Rasmus Fenger
Mrs. Kristy Starr Garrison ’89 and
Mr. Harley Garrison
George Andreve Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John F. C. Glenn Jr.
Vicki and Bill Gramig
Katy and David Grapey
Kathryn Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Berkeley and George Harris
Pricey Taylor Harrison ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Hochstein
Ashley Weaver Hodges ’85 and
Hunter Hodges
Anne and John Hurd
Tess and Grant Irvine
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Janice and Jay Jester ’86
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Mr. Charles R. Jones III
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Betsy Key ’01
Magz and Bob King
Barbara and Fred Kirby
Dr. Anne Kirchmayer-Kirsteins and
Dr. Andrew Kirsteins
Fran and Warren Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. D. Troy Knauss
Virginia Harris Knox ’83 and David Knox ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Rainhard G. Kramme
Nancy and Ken Kunberger
Deborah and Sam Lankford
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Jane and Richard Levy
Carol and Charles Lucas
Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Magod
Joan and Michael Mattingly
Mrs. Suzanne English and
Mr. Gary McCartney
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Sam McDowell
Kellie Melinda ’80
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Meyers
Ann Morris
Mary and Bob Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Murdock
April and David Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Parr
Judy and Mark Peters
Laura Pollak and Jeffrey Petrinitz
Penelope and Ray Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Nancy King Quaintance ’78 and
Dennis Quaintance
Mrs. Laurie Regal and Dr. Norman Regal
Ruth and Nicholas Reid
April and Matt Richmond Family
Ann and Russ Robinson
Mrs. Renee Robinson and
Rev. Wayne Robinson ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Georges Saab ’85
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Jenny and David Sar
Becky and Lane Schiffman ’82
Dr. Patricia Singer and Dr. Dan Singer
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Dana and Philip Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Malcolm Stark
Kimberly and John Strong
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Drs. Melinda Blietz and Kyle Talbot
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
Drs. Angela and Peter Van Trigt
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Vance
Nancy and Don Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe H. Vercaemert
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warmath Jr.
Timothy D. Warmath ’80
Laurie and John Watson
Lynne and Wes Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Whitley
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Williams
Mary Ellen Williams
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Wrenn
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Zuraw
Lawndale Society ($500 - $999)
Dr. and Mrs. Yusuf G. Adewuyi
Suzanne Wagner and Michael Altheimer
Leslie Leigh Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Barton
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Blackman
Zelda and George Breslow
Martha and David Brown
Mrs. Geraldine P. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Burdett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Byrd
Mr. David R. Calhoun ’87
Nancy and Tom Cannon
Phyllis and Jerry Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooke ’86
Ms. Mary Lee W. Copeland ’79
Melissa and Terry Cox
Christi and Pete Dalldorf
Sherrie and Robert Delk
Mike Diamond
Marti and Julius Dizon
Cathy and Brad Edwards
Mary and Pearse Edwards ’87
Katie and David Egerton ’93
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Sarah Fish ’78
Diane and Ed Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Galtelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goodman
Maryann and Judd Green
Dr. and Mrs. Brent Greenberg
Greensboro Center for Pediatric Dentistry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Gunther Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hagan
Cheryl and Vince Hairston
Caroline Haley
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83 and
Mr. C. Kelly Harrill
Kathy and Terry Hickey
Dr. Rita Mullins-Hodgin and
Dr. Thomas Hodgin
Marjorie and Wallace Hopkins
Mrs. Jackie Humphrey
Elizabeth Hurd
Taylor Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kamlet
Stuart Kime ’96
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Jean and Adam Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brent Kulman
Leslie Anderson
John Lineweaver ’81
Mr. John C. Littleford
Laurie Nehmen Lloyd ’97 and Oliver Lloyd
Stacy and Robert Luce
Kista and Eric Mansell
Kendra Martin
Matt Martin
Kristin and Brad McCormick ’96
Catherine and Robert McGee
Ms. Gail B. McGroarty
Ms. Debra Silber and Dr. Jeffrey Medoff
Linda and Bill Mitchell
Laurie and Jim Morris
Leigh and Todd Munsey ’90
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Richard Nault
Charlie M. Nichols
Dolly and Nayan Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Peck
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Perry Jr.
Mrs. Jordan Kime Perry ’98 and Mr. Jim Perry
Kim and Charlie Roberson
Karen and Gadi Sabas
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Saunders
Penny and Martin Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Sharpe
Suzi and RJ Sherwood
Gloria Silber
Sharon Siler ’97
Kristine Sims and Todd Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Smart III
Sara E. Stoneburner and H. Gregg Strader
Dr. and Mrs. Marian L. Stypa
Leigh and Craig Sudbrink
Mr. Walter G. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Templeton
Natalie and Stan Varlamov
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey
Molly Levinson Wachs ’94 and Joshua Wachs
Michele and Bryan Wagoner
Cindy and Darrel Wells
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whitener Jr.
Jan Regester Whitman
James Whitton
Sloan C. Wilson ’92
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 and Jon Wood
Lauren and David Worth
Lake Brandt Society ($250 - $499)
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen
Katie Andersen ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln P. Anderson
Lisa Anderson ’86 and Mr. Patrick Parrish
Lynn S. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Baldwin
Lynn Callicott Baranski ’84 and Marc Baranski
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96 and Dov Barnett
Dr. Kim Beavers ’89
Meredith and Darin Bell
Drs. Pamela and Daniel Bensimhon
Charles S. Harris and Lenora Billings-Harris
Beth Boulton ’85 and Holt Gwyn
Marianne and Danny Bowman
Erin and Stephen Brackbill ’91
Becky and Barry Brasloff
Dr. Kaye Brassfield and Dr. Mark Brassfield
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Elizabeth M. Buchanek
Kevin Burbine ’95
Leslie and Bill Burd
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Callicott
Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Cano
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry S. Clark
Class of 2012 Parents
Blanca and Tripp Cobb
Brian Cook
Jamie Cook ’02
Rose Marie and Rick Cook
Tim Cook ’06
Mrs. Andrea Bushnell and
Mr. Michael Corbett
Linda and Julio Costa
Ms. Luck G. Davidson
Patrice and Chris Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Harris E. DeLoach III
Drs. Elizabeth and James Deterding
Dr. Edward G. Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Drusdow
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dutch
Markieu and Essa Faal
Melissa and Daniel Feinstein
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82 and
Stephen Gasiorek
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie
Jane and David Girardi
Mr. and Mrs. Gareth Griffith
Susan Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Guhne
Ms. Michelle K. Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Haldeman III ’85
$15,000 - $24,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,500 - $2,499
$1,000 - $1,499
Luminary Society
Torch Society
Honor Society
Scholarship Society
Friendship Society
Sportsmanship Society
Green and Gold Society
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$1 - $249
Lake Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. David Harding
Anne Harkavy ’91
Edward Harrington Jr. ’00
Deana and Vern Hawkins
Kate and Todd Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hicks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hines
Amelia Hummel Hodges ’95 and
David Hodges
Rick Hollowell
Trisha and Wally Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner
Helen and Frank Houston
Anne and Sam Hummel
Allison and Roger Hunt
Barbara Lee and Fred Jeffers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jones
Marilyn and Morgan Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kastner
Mr. and Mrs. Taimur Khan
Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Klaver
Stacey and Steven Kleckowski
Linda and Bill Knox
Carlene and Ron Kohler
Les Kolls
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Kroeger
Allison and Michael Krusch
Melissa and Jeff Leonard
Smedes and Doug Lindner
Ms. Debbie S. Lozo
Jenny and Mike Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mayer Jr.
Ms. Mary E. McGinley
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Sallie A. McMillion
Laura Ann and Dan McWhorter
Mrs. Jon Wade Meadows
Mrs. Sarah Cone Merriman ’79
Debra and Jim Merritt
Mrs. Lisa Tandon Merritt ’81 and
Mr. John Merritt
Forest Michaels ’98
Meliha and Brano Milicevic
A nnual R eport
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morris
Portia and Hamp Munsey
Mr. and Mrs. Zvonko Nikolic
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Nitka
Dottie B. and Billy Nutt
Vivian O’Brien
Chrissy Olson ’85
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97 and
Philip Payonk
Mr. and Mrs. Blair F. R. Barton-Percival
Max Perkins ’00
Sandra and Mike Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar B. Peterson
Roberta and Jim Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Porter
Ann and Mac Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rendleman Jr.
Grier Booker Richards ’97 and
Richard Richards
Mrs. Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers and
Mr. Ronald Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosa
Katie and Amiel Rossabi
Jennifer Rowland and David Johnson
Walter C. Sands
Mrs. Dana Schleien and Dr. Stuart Schleien
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Mary and Andy Scott
Kelly and Buddy Seymour
Mr. William Seymour ’08
Dr. and Mrs. Ashish C. Shah
Lori and Tom Shaw
Angelia Sherrod ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sloan
Velma and Robert Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Vineet Sood
Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Spurr
Mr. Ron Stanfield
Aaron Strasser ’95
Dr. Margaret Coleman Szott and
Mr. Thomas Szott
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Tate
Kim and David Taylor
Mrs. Susan P. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Tilley
Ms. Margaret J. Tinsley ’78
Haley Seymour Vasuki ’04
Karin and Eric Vincent
Lesa and George Vinson
Dr. and Mrs. Dhruv B. Vyas
Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner
Ms. M. Paige Wagner and
Dr. Jennifer L. Etnier
John Walton
Pat White
Thomas L. White III ’00
Judy and Len White
Thuy and Thomas Whyte
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Brook and Paul Wingate
Kathryn and Thompson Wyatt
Jeff Yurcisin ’93
Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Zimmerman
Bengals’ Society ($1 - $249)
Anonymous (2)
Gray Acker ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Rayford K. Adams III
Ann Morris Allred
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
Carrie and Andy Alspaugh ’83
Benjamin Altheimer ’08
Dr. Arthur D. Anastopoulos and
Dr. Terri L. Shelton
Len Anderson ’93
Trey Anderson ’94
Stephanie and Lewis Apple
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Arbuckle III
Judy Arnette and Ed Turner
Jennifer Ingold Asbill ’01 and Seth Asbill
Ms. Frances Atchison
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Autry
Emmy Neese Babcock ’77
Stephanie and John Bair
Ms. Chana K. Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Ballou
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber
Emily Barker ’83
Sarah Zimmerman Barnett ’01
Amy Berry Barry ’87 and Michael Barry
Wendy and Mikel Barton
Carol Isaacson Basile ’79 and Vito Basile
Alex Beaver ’08
Anna Beaver ’03
Ms. Renee D. Berger
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76 and
Steve Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Billips
Lynn and John Black
Lee and Bill Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Blake
Herman Blomeier ’92
Alex Bogomolov ’98
Nancy Prather Boinest ’81
Linda and Joseph Boles
Sandra and Bud Boren
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bostian
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bowden
Cynthia Bowen
Bonnie Dickinson Boyer ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Boylston
Barbara Brame ’81
Caroline Brantley ’05
Belinda and Rick Brantley
Kit Fisher Bredrup ’85
Matthew Brenner ’03
Molly Brenner ’05
Charlie Britt ’88
Russell Britt ’97*
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Dora and Bruce Brodie
Ms. Allison E. Brown ’98
Dr. Carolyn Kates Brown ’80
Kathy and Dave Brown
Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Margaret Farrell Brown ’97 and Scott Brown
Abby and Nic Brown ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Mrs. Linda B. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brumley Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Buck
Carol and Jerry Bullins
Mr. Daniel H. Burbine
Shannon Burbine ’01
Donna Burick and Margie Walker
Paul S. Burick
Mr. Johnny D. Burris
Kerry Burris
Sabrina and Kim Burroughs
Shanna and Alan Buster
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buxenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Buxton III
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Carly Calhoun ’98
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campagnolo
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Canada
Teddi and Jonathan Carr ’92
Kathryn Stokes Cartee ’79 and
Thomas Cartee
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Carty
Kelly Carty ’10
Ryan Carty ’09
Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard Caudle
Collins and Copeland Cherry ’00
Barbara and Robert Christina
Ann Blakeney Clark ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Clark
Lynn Clark ’08
Dana and Keith Clinscales
Katie Cockrell ’02
Katie Cohen ’08
Lilly Cohen ’10
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Conner ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Connor
Megan Gessner Conrad ’00 and
David Conrad ’99
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Contreras
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cooke
Everett Cramer ’78
Maggie and Chris Craven ’97
Mr. Dennis J. Creamer
Elizabeth A. Eagle and David Crews
Terri and Don Crump Family
Caroline Purser Cruz ’76 and Ronnie Cruz
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Diane Czornij
Mary Wildman Czysz ’79 and Michael Czysz
Diane Dalton
Linda Dassow
Mrs. Mary Schenck Dator ’82 and
Mr. Robert Dator
Holly and Carter Davenport ’99
Hillary Davis ’03
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Natasha and Dex Davison ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Degler
Anne and Rob Deutsch
Michael Diamond ’99
Morgan Diamond ’03
Joyce and Ronald Diggs
Heather and Mike Doolittle
Anna Dorsett ’11
Susan and Randy Doss
Mary Gaines Douglas ’03 and
Thomas Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dowtin Jr.
Emily Vanderfleet Dowtin ’98 and
Morgan Dowtin ’96
Mrs. Virginia Dozier
Eileen Dransfield
Mark Dransfield ’89
Tim Dransfield ’91
Julie Drinkard ’06
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86 and Michael Driver
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Duehring
Beth Dunbar
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99 and
Joey Durham
Mr. and Mrs. John Eagles
Ms. Beverly R. Edwards
Carlin and Mitch Edwards ’87
Nolan Elingburg ’07
Landy Douglas Elliott ’00 and Joseph Elliott
Alan Ellsweig ’89
Lindsey Evans ’04
Reed Evans ’02
Mary Ruth Cooke Faulkner ’83 and
Rennie Faulkner ’81
Ginger Fay ’90 and Ken Rona
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fenske
Ms. Carolyn Ferguson
Ms. Tricia B. Fish
Mary* and Wiley Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Christophe E. Flanagan
Melissa McIntosh Flanagan ’91 and
Michael Flanagan
Andrea Pate Fletcher ’00 and Sean Fletcher
Peggy Flynn-Cook
Mr. and Mrs. David Fortney
Shawn and Zan Fortune
Andrea Oakley Fox ’91 and Neil Fox
Daniel Fox ’09
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Steven B. Fox
Mr. Patrick B. Fraley ’99
Mrs. Kristin Becher Frankum ’85 and
Mr. Charles Frankum
Ms. Iraida Fung
Drs. Silvia and Thomas Gahm
Mr. Michael J. Gale
Anna Dixon Garrett ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garrison
Sharon Newsome Gaskin
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gilbert
Alex Gittin ’10
Nick Gittin ’07
Mr. Dwayne L. Goldston
Stacy Miller Gorelick ’86
Caroline Gorga ’05
Ms. Melinda Graham
Elizabeth Wagg Gray ’87 and Alexander Gray
Dr. Cynthia Green ’79 and Dr. Josh Jablons
Kristie and Eddie Greene ’79
Shawn Greer
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Groce III
Mrs. Lisa A. McCutcheon-Gutknecht and
Mr. William Gutknecht
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gwinnett
Tilden Hagan ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Amin Haghighat
Liddy Davis Hall ’95 and Harrison Hall
Jack Hall ’97
Nahomi and Jonathan Harkavy
Kendall McCoy Harler ’86 and Carl Harler
Beth C. Harrington
Ms. Anne R. Harris
R. Ross Harris
Dale and Joe Harwell
Louisa Hassenfelt ’01
Molly Hassenfelt ’03
Fletcher Hassenfelt ’93
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Head
Janet and David Head
Dr. James P. Hendrix Jr.
Max Hendrix ’88
David S. Henson ’91
Amy Saperstein Herman ’90 and
Andrew Herman
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoff
Ms. Becky Hollowell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso O. Hopkins Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth D. Hopkins
Mary Horan
Ms. Kilby Dixon Hoskins ’86
Sara and George House
Helen Lineberry Houser ’91 and Trey Houser
John and Marge Hudak
Chris and Bob Hudson
Betsy Huffine ’02
Meredith Hull ’05
$15,000 - $24,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,500 - $2,499
$1,000 - $1,499
Luminary Society
Torch Society
Honor Society
Scholarship Society
Friendship Society
Sportsmanship Society
Green and Gold Society
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$1 - $249
Lake Brandt
Anna Hurd ’06
Pat and Russell Ingersoll
Diane and Bill Ingold
Patricia Ingram
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Mrs. Ruth Watakila-Jackson and
Mr. Nero Jackson
Terri and Clint Jackson
Carey and Jim Jackson-Adams
Dolly and Bill Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jennette
Katherine Johnson ’07
Willie and Mark Johnson
Robert Johnson ’05
Kathryn and Bryan Jones ’94
Anne and Eckess Jones
Claire Bowers Jordan ’94 and Grant Jordan
Mrs. Martha Jordan
Elizabeth Karmel ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Katz
Jo Ann and Lewis Kay
Mrs. Suparna Gupta and Mr. Nadim Kayaleh
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin L. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O. Kelly
Chris Kelly ’07
Katherine Kelly ’05
Robbie Kelly ’09
Pam and Perry Key
Moonhee and Steve Kilp
Jimmy King ’79
Beth and John King ’87
Pamela A. Chappell and John H. King
Janice and Robert Kirkman
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91 and Brian Hall
Katharine Hall Kirkpatrick ’96 and
Jay Kirkpatrick ’95
Dr. Stacey Klein
Barbara Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohler
Aleksandra Korda
Julia and Nicolai Krylov
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kunar
Susan and Bret Kunar
A nnual R eport
Heather and John Kuzmier
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Lahey
Ellie and Hal Lamb
JoAnne Craven Lancaster
Kristen Cloninger Lancaster ’84
Kristi Langdon ’91 and Tyler Stevens
Wendy Lavine ’85
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence
Jan Lawson
S. Alexander Lawson ’99
Ariel Leath ’06
Tanya Goria Lebold ’85
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lee
Leslie Legare ’89
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Lesley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Lewis
Carmen and Walter Liebkemann
Jennifer Lilly ’05
Holly Link ’90
Laura Little ’03
Erin Hess LiVecchi ’98
Avery and David Lloyd
Carole and Steve Loflin
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Love
Gwen and Chris Lowe ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Lowell
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry ’95 and
Bradley Lowry
Anne Lucas ’10
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny W. Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell S. Macherosky
Mr. and Mrs. David Mack
Lori Fowler MacLeod ’93 and
Thomas MacLeod
Emily Hicks Maggart ’99 and
Stephen Maggart
Carol and Buddy Magod
Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Mangipudi
Mrs. Linda Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Marshall
Brooke Marshall ’99
Maggie and Seth Marshall ’97
Alison Masters ’05
Ms. Laurel Matsudaira
Renee Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Maultsby
Clay Maxwell ’04
Sue and Jim Maxwell
Leigh Maxwell ’07
Ryan Maxwell ’04
Emily May ’05
Jack May ’89
Lanier Brown May ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Maynard
John McCarty ’01
Beth Girardi McCutcheon ’98
Laura and Todd McDade
Emily McDaid ’08
Arturo McKie ’03
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97 and
Adam McLaughlin
Toni and Rodney McLean
Shirley D. McLellan
Leslie Simpson Meadows ’89 and
Chris Meadows ’85
Diana and Ari Medoff ’99
Carmi Medoff ’10
Mica Medoff ’07
Sar Medoff ’05
Madge and Paul Megliola
Mr. and Mrs. James Merritt
Neal Merry ’01
Ashley Knapp Meyer ’97 and Robert Meyer
Kate Middleton ’96
Susan and Rob Midgett
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Mikesell
Blair Milam ’06
Elliott M. Milford
Anja Milicevic ’08
Dajana Milicevic ’11
Beth and Buddy Milks ’90
Dr. Megan Mimms and Mr. Robert Mimms
Janet and Randy Mintz
Edo Mlatac ’97
Marilyn and James Mohler
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Moore
Mr. William C. Moore
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and
Morty Morgenstern
James Morris ’08
William Morris ’10
Mrs. Quintina Morris-Tatum and
Mr. Anthonio Tatum
Mr. Clarence Wade Morrow Jr.
Kris and Mac Moss
Matthew LeBauer ’98
Molly Mullin
Julie Bowers Murphy ’90 and
Thomas Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Navarro
Elisa and Aaron Nelson ’96
Jane Andrews Nelson ’04
Dr. Julia Jackson-Newsom and
Dr. Glenn Newsom
Dr. Lisa Newsome and Mr. Albert Newsome
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Boris Nikolic ’03
Lynn and John Noecker
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Noel
Matt Norman ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Norman
Carrie Sloan Norry ’89 and Doug Norry
John Nugent ’98
Mindy and Chad Oakley ’90
Liz Obermeyer ’11
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Mr. Daniel O’Brien
Patrick O’Brien ’06
Richard Ognovich
Jordan Orr ’04
Caroline Parker ’04
Ryan Parker ’04
Pat and Jerry Parks
Mr. John W. Parks II ’00
Valerie and Dan Paterson
Eleanor and Charlie Patterson
Parrish and Jonathan Peddrick ’98
Jerri and Randy Pegram
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Pennell Jr.
Sarah Cantrell Perkins ’02 and
Ross Perkins ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Perry
Todd Perry ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pfenning
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Kelli Robinson Phillips ’99 and Eric Phillips
Mary Beth and Bill Phillips
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 and
Mr. Charles Pinkelton
Hilary Humphrey Pitts ’86 and Brooke Pitts
Dr. and Ms. Aleksei V. Plotnikov
Jennifer and Christian Poindexter ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Poindexter
Jennifer Gioffre Poland ’88 and
Christian Poland
Janet and Frank Poole
Alfreda and Thomas Poteat
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Potter
Sharon and David Powers
Katelyn Powers ’11
Nicole Powers ’11
Ramona and Tom Presson
Lee and William Presson ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proper Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Prouse Jr.
Jonathan Pugh ’01
Tyson Pugh ’01
Carol and Larry Putnam
Ms. Karen Radecki
Mr. and Mrs. William Raeford
Mrs. Florence Rafkin
Missy and Sam Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp Jr.
Stephany Rayburn ’06
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Rayburn
Kay and Mike Reardon
Laura Redd
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Regester
Dr. and Mrs. David Riboldazzi
Sgt. Garson L. Rice III ’01
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roach Jr.
Mr. Lee Roane
Kelly Robbins ’01
Marcie Dove Roberts ’87 and Jay Roberts
Nancy and Walter Roberts
Denise and Anthony Robertson
Col. George F. Robinson III ’80
Ms. Lori R. Rogers
Lyn Rollins ’80
Sara Knox Roman ’87 and Doug Roman
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Dr. and Mrs. Todd J. Rosenbower
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ross
Sarah Levinson Rothman ’96
Ms. Kathryn L. G. Rowlett
Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Rowlett
Camilla S. Ruffin
Kara and Mark Ruffin ’77
Beth and Ward Russell
Chris Ryan
Ms. Lisa Sampah
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Saunders
Margaret and Dodson Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Thomas A. Schenck ’76
Theodora Vaporis and Tom Schermerhorn
Pris and Ware Schiefer
Coridalia and John L. Scott
Marie Scott ’98
Nadia Scott ’01
Ms. Sandi Scragg
Mrs. Erin Hendrix Shackelford ’83 and
Mr. Hugh Shackelford
Hope Gruber and Richard Shannin
Seth Shannin ’08
Mrs. Morgan Sharp
Dr. Norman E. Sharpless ’84
Rebecca Barger Sheaff ’03 and Alec Sheaff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Jean and Richard Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Shilling
Peggy Shinn
Ms. Stephanie Shoaf
Liz Shoemaker ’00
Jen Shoemaker ’93
Laura and Jeff A. Shue
Sheryl and David Siar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Silvers
Barbara and Jim Sims
Anoop Singh ’03
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sipe
Laura Cockrell Skelton ’03
Rick Smith ’77
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith
Meg Smith ’90 and James Rhee
Jane Smolen
Katrina Solomon
Shira Solomon ’07
Sondra and Simon Solomon
George Sondecker ’05
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. South
Ms. Sharon Speaks
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
Katie Robinson Springer ’95 and
Jacob Springer
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stall
Cynthia and Warren Stan
Wesley Crowe Stanley ’99 and Lamar Stanley
Kelly and Wes Stanley ’94
Jenny Staton ’04
Ben Stevenson ’09
Carrie Hagan Stewart ’05 and
Will Stewart ’05
Mary Katherine Strong ’04
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stroud
Laura Mezer Strouse ’01
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Megan Sudnik ’06
Ryan Sudnik ’08
Rachel and Justin Sullivan ’92
Michael Sumner ’04
Susan and Kelvin A. Tarver
Marvella and Patrick Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Teague
Carolyn Terry
Ms. Robin T. Terry
Mrs. Harriet Tewkesbury
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thaxton
Jen and Derek Thomas ’92
Ms. Noni S. Thomas ’90
Beverly and Thomas Thurber
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Trigilio
Kristen and Brian Tuma
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Kaitlin Holcombe Upchurch ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Upton
Leslie Valentine ’92
Mary and Scott Van der Linden
Sylvia and Hays van Noppen
Marian van Noppen ’08
Melissa Sue Vaughan ’81 and Jim Vaughan
Valerie Vickers
Mrs. Ashley Finn Volpenhein ’96 and
Mr. Jeffrey Volpenhein
Dave Walker ’06
Kaler Walker ’99
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Walker
Barbara M. Bear Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Wampler
Louise and John Warmath ’78
Sallie Warmath ’76 and Ray Tohinaka
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Warren Jr.
Justin Waters ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Watson
Ms. Susan Watts
$15,000 - $24,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,500 - $2,499
$1,000 - $1,499
Luminary Society
Torch Society
Honor Society
Scholarship Society
Friendship Society
Sportsmanship Society
Green and Gold Society
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$1 - $249
Lake Brandt
Ellie Weatherly ’08
Maggie Weatherly ’11
Keats Webb ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Weikel
Kristin Felts Weldon ’95
Anja Wenrick ’78
Stephen Wheless ’02
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wikle Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wikle ’79
Jackson Williams ’07
Ms. Carol C. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Craven Williams
Anne and Dillard Williams ’01
Mr. Patrick L. Williams ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams
Ms. Nina R. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny J. Willis ’96
Mr. Clifford Wilson
Drs. Laura and Scott Windham ’89
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Wingate ’98
Robin and David Wintringham
Rachel Wolff ’03
Dr. and Mrs. Jon P. Woods ’78
Ms. Kerensa L. Wooten
Alex Worth ’01
Katherine Macpherson Wray ’97 and
Shane Wray
Heather and Danny Wright ’89
Dr. and Ms. Joseph L. Zammit
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Zanowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zigbuo
Myrna and Harold Zimmerman
Katie Zimmerman ’98
Jerry Zuraw ’09
Lane Zuraw ’11
Lucy Zuraw ’08
Nancy L. Zuraw
A nnual R eport
Alumni Giving by Class
Class of 1975
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson
Bill Morrisette
Jimmy Murray
Bill Soles
Class of 1976
Gail Isaacson Bernstein
Ann Clark
Sally Dillard Cohen
Caroline Purser Cruz
Pricey Taylor Harrison
Wayne Robinson
Tommy Schenck
Arnold Schiffman III
Sallie Warmath
Class of 1977 –
35th Reunion Celebration
Emmy Neese Babcock
Anna Dixon Garrett
Mark Ruffin
Rick Smith
Class of 1978
Everett Cramer
Sarah Fish
Maribeth Geraci Hudgins
Lanier Brown May
Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton
Nancy King Quaintance
Maggi Tinsley
John Warmath
Anja Wenrick
Jon Woods
Class of 1979
Carol Isaacson Basile
Kathy Stokes Cartee
Mary Copeland
Mary Wildman Czysz
Cynthia Green
Eddie Greene
Elizabeth Karmel
Jimmy King
Sarah Cone Merriman
Vance Schiffman
Linda Knox Sudnik
John Wikle
Class of 1980
Helen Brooks
Carolyn Kates Brown
Ed Cone
Elaine Alspaugh Fox
Kellie Melinda
Sonny Robinson
Lyn Rollins
Tim Warmath
Class of 1981
Nancy Prather Boinest
Barbara Brame
Rennie Faulkner
Will Griswold
Chuck Keeley
John Lineweaver
Lisa Tandon Merritt
Charles Tinsley
Missie Sue Vaughan
Class of 1982 –
30th Reunion Celebration
Louise Freemon Brady
Mary Schenck Dator
Laura Wagg Gasiorek
David Knox
Jim Rucker
Lane Schiffman
Class of 1983
Andy Alspaugh
Emily Barker
Mary Ruth Cooke Faulkner
Kelly Koury Harrill
Carla Smith Jones
Virginia Harris Knox
Jim Lee
Erin Hendrix Shackelford
Karen Jacklin Teears
Class of 1984
Lynn Callicott Baranski
Chris Caffey
Kathy Mincher Green
Kristen Cloninger Lancaster
Lee Porter
Ned Sharpless
Class of 1985
Brett Berry
Beth Boulton
Kit Fisher Bredrup
Erick Ellsweig
Kristy Becher Frankum
Walter Haldeman
Ashley Weaver Hodges
Lisa Koury Johnson
Wendy Lavine
Tanya Goria Lebold
Chris Meadows
Chrissy Olson
Christian Poindexter
Georges Saab
Class of 1986
Jennifer Smith Adams
Lisa Anderson
Philip Cooke
Cristi Phillips Driver
Stacy Miller Gorelick
Kendall McCoy Harler
Kilby Dixon Hoskins
Jay Jester
Melinda Powel Morgenstern
Hilary Humphrey Pitts
Class of 1987 –
25th Reunion Celebration
Amy Berry Barry
Chip Calhoun
Mitch Edwards
Pearse Edwards
Liz Wagg Gray
John King
Marcie Dove Roberts
Sara Knox Roman
Class of 1988
Charlie Britt
Max Hendrix
Jennifer Gioffre Poland
Class of 1989
Kim Beavers
Winston Barber Berry
Mark Dransfield
Alan Ellsweig
Kristy Starr Garrison
Leslie Legare
Jack May
Leslie Simpson Meadows
Carrie Sloan Norry
Matt Olin
Xan Tisdale
Beth Monroe Tisdale
Scott Windham
Danny Wright
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Class of 1990
Jon Bell
Dex Davison
Ginger Fay
Amy Saperstein Herman
Holly Link
Chris Lowe
Buddy Milks
Todd Munsey
Julie Bowers Murphy
Chad Oakley
William Presson
J. Scott
Meg Smith
Noni Thomas
Class of 1991
Stephen Brackbill
Tim Dransfield
Melissa McIntosh Flanagan
Andrea Oakley Fox
Anne Harkavy
David Henson
Helen Lineberry Houser
Kristin Kirkman-Hall
Kristi Langdon
Wendy Sarratt
Angelia Sherrod
Class of 1992 –
20th Reunion Celebration
Allison Lineweaver Bell
Michelle Bardy Bigelman
Herman Blomeier
Jonathan Carr
Nate Conner
Holly Barnes Hofbauer
Justin Sullivan
Derek Thomas
Leslie Valentine
Sloan Calhoun Wilson
Class of 1993
Len Anderson
David Egerton
Fletcher Hassenfelt
Lori Fowler MacLeod
Alex Marshall
Amanda Taylor Marshall
Alex Morcos
Rebecca Nadel
Jen Shoemaker
Katherine Rapp Wood
Jeff Yurcisin
Class of 1994
Trey Anderson
Bryan Jones
Claire Bowers Jordan
Wes Stanley
Molly Levinson Wachs
Class of 1995
Nic Brown
Kevin Burbine
Liddy Davis Hall
Amelia Hummel Hodges
Jay Kirkpatrick
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry
Katie Robinson Springer
Aaron Strasser
Kristin Felts Weldon
Class of 1996
David Anderson
Kara Medoff Barnett
Morgan Dowtin
Stuart Kime
Katharine Hall Kirkpatrick
Brad McCormick
Kate Middleton
Aaron Nelson
Sarah Levinson Rothman
Ashley Finn Volpenhein
Sonny Willis
Class of 1997 –
15th Reunion Celebration
Russell Britt*
Margaret Farrell Brown
Chris Craven
Jack Hall
Laurie Nehmen Lloyd
Seth Marshall
Beau McIntosh
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin
Ashley Knapp Meyer
Edo Mlatac
Matt Norman
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk
Grier Booker Richards
Emily Burbine Rose
Sharon Siler
Katie Macpherson Wray
Class of 1998
Durant Bell
Alex Bogomolov
Allison Brown
Carly Calhoun
Emily Vanderfleet Dowtin
Erin Hess LiVecchi
Beth Girardi McCutcheon
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh
Forest Michaels
John Nugent
Jonathan Peddrick
Jordan Kime Perry
Marie Scott
Don Wingate
Katie Zimmerman
Class of 1999
David Conrad
Carter Davenport
Michael Diamond
Mary Katherine Davis Durham
Patrick Fraley
Alex Lawson
Emily Hicks Maggart
Brooke Marshall
Ari Medoff
Todd Perry
Kelli Robinson Phillips
Wesley Crowe Stanley
Kaler Walker
Patrick Williams
Class of 2000
Bonnie Dickinson Boyer
Copeland Cherry
Megan Gessner Conrad
Landy Douglas Elliott
Andrea Pate Fletcher
Edward Harrington Jr.
John Parks
Max Perkins
Liz Shoemaker
Thomas White
A nnual R eport
Class of 2001
Jennifer Ingold Asbill
Sarah Zimmerman Barnett
Jeb Brooks
Shannon Burbine
Louisa Hassenfelt
Betsy Key
John McCarty
Neal Merry
Tyson Pugh
Jon Pugh
Garson Rice
Kelly Robbins
Nadia Scott
Laura Mezer Strouse
Dillard Williams
Alex Worth
Class of 2002
10th Reunion Celebration
Katie Cockrell
Jamie Cook
Reed Evans
Tilden Hagan
Betsy Huffine
Ross Perkins
Sarah Cantrell Perkins
Stephen Wheless
Class of 2003
Gray Acker
Anna Beaver
Matthew Brenner
Hillary Davis
Morgan Diamond
Mary Gaines Donaldson Douglas
Molly Hassenfelt
Laura Little
Arturo McKie
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome
Boris Nikolic
Rebecca Barger Sheaff
Anoop Singh
Laura Cockrell Skelton
Kaitlin Holcombe Upchurch
Keats Webb
Rachel Wolff
Class of 2004
Lindsey Evans
Clay Maxwell
Ryan Maxwell
Jordan Orr
Jane Andrews Nelson
Caroline Parker
Ryan Parker
Jenny Staton
Mary Katherine Strong
Michael Sumner
Haley Seymour Vasuki
Class of 2005
Caroline Brantley
Molly Brenner
Caroline Gorga
Meredith Hull
Robert Johnson
Katherine Kelly
Jennifer Lilly
Alison Masters
Emily May
Sar Medoff
George Sondecker
Carrie Hagan Stewart
Will Stewart
Class of 2006
Tim Cook
Julie Drinkard
Anna Hurd
Ariel Leath
Blair Milam
Patrick O’Brien
Stephany Rayburn
Megan Sudnik
Dave Walker
Class of 2007
5th Reunion Celebration
Nolan Elingburg
Nick Gittin
Katherine Johnson
Chris Kelly
Leigh Maxwell
Mica Medoff
Katherine Obermeyer
Shira Solomon
Jackson Williams
Class of 2008
Benjamin Altheimer
Alex Beaver
Lynn Clark
Katie Cohen
Emily McDaid
Anja Milicevic
James Morris
Will Seymour
Seth Shannin
Ryan Sudnik
Marian van Noppen
Ellie Weatherly
Lucy Zuraw
Class of 2009
Ryan Carty
Daniel Fox
Robbie Kelly
Ben Stevenson
Jerry Zuraw
Class of 2010
Kelly Carty
Lilly Cohen
Alex Gittin
Anne Lucas
Carmi Medoff
William Morris
Class of 2011
Katie Andersen
Anna Dorsett
Dajana Milicevic
Liz Obermeyer
Katelyn Powers
Nicole Powers
Maggie Weatherly
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
2011-2012 Alumni Board
The following members of the GDS Alumni
Association Board made gifts to the Annual
Fund First campaign. We thank them for
their service as well as their financial support.
David Anderson ’96
Anna Beaver ’03
Molly Brenner ’05
Jeb Brooks ’01
Carter Davenport ’99
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99
Pearse Edwards ’87
Erick Ellsweig ’85
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Meredith Hull ’05
Katherine Kelly ’05
Jimmy King ’79
Kristi Langdon ’91
John Lineweaver ’81
Emily Hicks Maggart ’99
Forest Michaels ’98
Edo Mlatac ’97
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Jonathan Peddrick ’98
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Emily Burbine Rose ’97
Angelia Sherrod ’91
Megan Sudnik ’06
Dillard Williams ’01
Don Wingate ’98
Katie Macpherson Wray ’97
Danny Wright ’89
Bates Scholars
The following recipients of the Kimberly
Susan Bates ’84 Memorial Scholarship made
unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund First
campaign in memory of Kim Bates ’84.
The Bates Scholarship, which includes full
tuition, is presented each year to the
member of the rising senior class who
best represents the founding principles
of Greensboro Day School: friendship,
scholarship and sportsmanship. Every Bates
Scholar made a gift to the Annual Fund First
campaign this year - we thank them for
continuing to remember GDS.
Mark Dransfield ’89
Julie Bowers Murphy ’90
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Herman Blomeier ’92
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Molly Levinson Wachs ’94
Nic Brown ’95
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Forest Michaels ’98
Alex Lawson ’99
Max Perkins ’00
Jeb Brooks ’01
Stephen Wheless ’02
Morgan Diamond ’03
Jenny Staton ’04
George Sondecker ’05
Jaron Wilson ’06
Shira Solomon ’07
Katie Cohen ’08
Ben Stevenson ’09
Anne Lucas ’10
Anna Dorsett ’11
Katie Rowlett ’12
Student of the Year
and Founders’ Award
The following GDS alumni were the
recipients of the “Student of the Year”
and later, the Founders’ Award. We thank
them for their support of the GDS Annual
Fund First campaign through their
unrestricted gifts.
Ann Clark ’76
Wayne Robinson ’76
Sarah Fish ’78
Jon Woods ’78
Kathy Stokes Cartee ’79
Rennie Faulkner ’81
Andy Alspaugh ’83
Kendall McCoy Harler ’86
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Derek Thomas ’92
Jeff Yurcisin ’93
Molly Levinson Wachs ’94
Kara Medoff Barnett ’96
Margaret Farrell Brown ’97
Jordan Kime Perry ’98
Michael Diamond ’99
Jennifer Ingold Asbill ’01
Jeb Brooks ’01
Stephen Wheless ’02
Anoop Singh ’03
Ryan Maxwell ’04
Mary Katherine Strong ’04
Caroline Gorga ’05
George Sondecker ’05
Katherine Johnson ’07
Benjamin Altheimer ’08
Ryan Carty ’09
Kelly Carty ’10
Distinguished Alumni
Since graduating, the following alumni
are among those who have received the
Distinguished Alumni Award. We thank them
for their unrestricted support of the Annual
Fund First campaign.
Andy Alspaugh ’83
Ann Clark ’76
Ed Cone ’80
Mary Copeland ’79
Cynthia Green ’79
Max Hendrix ’88
Wendy Lavine ’85
Amanda Taylor Marshall ’93
Bill Morrisette ’75
Rebecca Nadel ’93
Wayne Robinson ’76
Ned Sharpless ’84
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Alumni Service
Since graduating, the following alumni are
among those who have received the Alumni
Service Award. We thank them for their
unrestricted support of the Annual Fund
First campaign.
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82
Virginia Harris Knox ’83
John Lineweaver ’81
Chrissy Olson ’85
J. Scott ’90
Bill Soles ’75
Charles Tinsley ’81
Danny Wright ’89
A nnual R eport
2011-2012 Board of Trustees
Chair’s Council
The following members of the GDS Board
of Trustees made gifts to the Annual Fund
First campaign. We thank them for their
service to our school, their support and for
100% participation.
We are grateful to the following past
Chairs of the Board of Trustees (names
followed by their terms of service) for their
continued leadership through their support
of the GDS Annual Fund First campaign.
Dr. Sandra Adams
Ms. Lenora Billings-Harris
Mr. Patrick J. Burns
Mr. Marion G. Follin III
Mrs. Penny Graves
Mrs. Carrie B. Griswold
Mr. Maurice N. Jennings Jr.
Mr. Wallace R. Johnson III
Mr. Charles A. S. Keeley III ’81
Mr. Robert C. Ketner
Mrs. Kristen M. Magod
Mrs. Patricia B. McIvor
Mr. Paul G. Milam
Dr. Leigh Ann Pool
Mr. Russell M. Robinson III
Mr. James G. Rucker ’82
Mrs. Mary L. Scott
Mr. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Mr. Robert O. Smith
Mrs. Adeline C. Talbot
Mrs. Fran Friday Tewkesbury
Mrs. Nancy A. B. Vaughan
Mr. William W. Watson
Mr. James W. Whitley Jr.
Mr. James S. Schenck III (1971 – 1973)
Mr. John T. Warmath Jr. (1973 – 1975)
Mrs. Sallie A. McMillion (1981 – 1983)
Mr. Stephen C. Hassenfelt (1983 – 1985)
Mrs. Carole S. Lesley (1985 – 1987)
Mr. David M. Worth (1996 – 1999)
Mr. Edward F. Cone ’80 (2005 – 2008)
Mr. Maurice N. Jennings Jr. (2008 – 2011)
Mrs. Fran F. Tewkesbury (2011 – Present)
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors is an advisory board
of interested, informed and involved
volunteer supporters, made up of
former school leaders, and community
and corporate friends. We thank these
members of the Board of Visitors for their
support of the Annual Fund First campaign.
Head’s Council
Thank you to the following members of the
Head’s Council, an advisory board for the
GDS Head of School, for their support of
the Greensboro Day School Annual Fund
First campaign.
Dr. Terri L. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Arbuckle III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Beach
Dr. Dora M. Brodie
Ms. Elizabeth C. Harrington
Ms. R. Ross Harris
Mrs. Jackie Humphrey
Mrs. Patricia Ingersoll
Mrs. Alice Isaacson
Mrs. Jan R. Lawson
Mrs. Teresa T. McDaid
Ms. Debra F. Silber
Mrs. Allison A. Morrisette
Mrs. Tina Patterson
Mr. William A. Porter
Mrs. Gloria M. Silber
Mrs. Kimberly M. Strong
Dr. Craven Williams
Mrs. Jackie K. Bell
Mr. W. Mente Benjamin
Mr. Eric R. Calhoun
Mrs. Jean Copeland
Mrs. Berkeley H. Harris
Ms. R. Ross Harris
Dr. Frank M. Houston
Mr. Warren D. Knapp Jr.
Mr. Dennis Quaintance
Mrs. Mary Davis Smart
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Mrs. Katherine G. Stern
Mrs. Julia E. White
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Parents of the Class of 2012
We extend our thanks and appreciation to
these parents of members of the Class of
2012 who made gifts to the Greensboro
Day School Annual Fund First campaign
in honor of their graduating seniors.
Michelle and Jeff Ackerman in honor of
Clark Ackerman
Karen and Frank Aluisio in honor of
Nicolette Aluisio
Kelly and Scott Bankhead in honor of
Sarah Bankhead
Louise Freemon Brady ’82 and Jim Brady in
honor of Matheson Brady
Anne and Jay Brennan in honor of
Hannah Brennan
Marsha and Geoffrey Browne in honor of
Hannah Browne
Donna Burick and Margie Walker in honor
of David Burick
Paul Burick in honor of David Burick
Molly and Jeb Burns in honor of Jake Burns
Becky and Bill Campbell in honor of
Jonathan Campbell
Young Park and Woo Chung in honor of
Chae Won Chung
Betsy and Reid Clark in honor of
Kendall Clark
Lisa and Ed Cone ’80 in honor of
Sydney Cone
Tomesha and Myron Connor in honor of
Tenesha Connor
Elizabeth Eagle and David Crews in honor
of Dixon Crews
Barbara and Michael Curry in honor of
Taylor Curry
Christi and Peter Dalldorf in honor of
Chris Dalldorf
Angela Diaz in honor of Moises Diaz
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose in honor
of Carson DuBose
Henry Elsner in honor of Nathan Elsner
Caroline Haley in honor of Patrick Haley
Pam and Ross Hemphill in honor of
Stephanie Hemphill
Elizabeth Hurd in honor of Molly Hurd
Anne and John Hurd in honor of Molly Hurd
Dina and Burney Jennings in honor of
Mary Frances Jennings
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81 in honor of
Fletcher Keeley
Cindy and John Knowles in honor of
Allie Knowles
Heather and John Kuzmier in honor of
Jennings Kuzmier
Rhonda and James Lee in honor of
Stephanie Lee
Mrs. Brigitt Heger and Paul LeHouillier in
honor of Ann LeHouillier
Barb Freedy and Doug Lemley in honor
of Cameron Lemley
Carol and Charles Lucas in honor of
Sarah Lucas
Hima and Ravi Mangipudi in honor
of Sowmya Mangipudi
Jenny and Mike Mansfield in honor of
Myles Mansfield
Kendra Martin in honor of John Martin
Matt Martin in honor of John Martin
Joan and Michael Mattingly in honor of
Emma Mattingly
Donna and Tom Medlin in honor of
Jacqueline Gravely
Debi and Jeff Medoff in honor of
Gena Medoff
Susan and Rob Midgett in honor of
Jameson Midgett
Fran Atchison and Elliott Milford in honor
of Evelyn Milford
Rick Nault in honor of Hayden Nault
Joann and Min Ni in honor of Amanda Ni
Valerie and Dan Paterson in honor of
Colleen Paterson
Barbara and Jeff Peck in honor of
Haley Peck
Laura Pollack and Jeffrey Petrinitz in honor
of Jonathan Petrinitz
Melissa and Austin Pittman in honor of
Colton Pittman
Renee and Wayne Robinson ’76 in honor
of Holland Robinson
Laura and Todd Roseman in honor of
Wilson Roseman
Leanne and Todd Rosenbower in honor of
Alex Rosenbower
Lindsey and Franklin Ross in honor of
Jalen Ross
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert in
honor of Katie Rowlett
Lisa Sampah in honor of Julian Sampah
Terrie and Arnold Schiffman ’76 in honor
of Brinkley Schiffman
Vance Schiffman ’79 in honor of
Rives Schiffman
Nancy and Dan Solomon in honor of
Jon Solomon
Malcolm Stark in honor of Lindsay Stark
Chris and Kevin Supple in honor of
Kyle Supple
Adeline and David Talbot in honor of
Mary Talbot
Susan Taylor in honor of Jack Taylor
Walt Taylor in honor of Jack Taylor
Macie and Tim Templeton in honor of
Chase Templeton
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury in honor of
Annie Tewkesbury
Chris Trentini in honor of William Trentini
Kim and Lee Trone in honor of Olivia Trone
Mary and Scott Van der Linden in honor of
Claire Van der Linden
Dhruv and Jayshree Vyas in honor of
Richa Vyas
Meredith Walthall in honor of
Emily Walthall
Suzanne and Patrick Watson in honor of
Lauren Watson
Kimberly Wilkerson in honor of
Khadejah Wilkerson
Cathy and John Wrenn in honor of
Graham Wrenn
Rhonda and David Youngdahl in honor of
Bradley Youngdahl
Christa and Joe Zammit in honor of
Christopher Zammit
A nnual R eport
GDS Families
Thank you to the following GDS families
who made unrestricted gifts to this
year’s Annual Fund First Campaign. We
appreciate your support in all that we do!
New Families
Special thanks to our newest Bengal
families – we welcome you to Greensboro
Day School!
Mrs. Lisa Anderson ’86 and
Mr. Patrick Parrish
Leslie Leigh Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Autry
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Aycock III
Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Baxter
Renea Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Brokaw
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Burdett
Laura and Chris Caffey ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Canada
Dr. Sandy Thimmappa-Cohen and
Dr. Max Cohen
Mr. Steven A. Coleman
Mary and Scott Dean
Cristi Phillips Driver ’86 and Michael Driver
Mr. Dwayne L. Goldston
Dr. and Mrs. Brent Greenberg
Ms. Michelle K. Gunther
Mr. Richard E. Gunther Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David Harding
Ashley Weaver Hodges ’85 and
Hunter Hodges
Dr. Rita Mullins-Hodgin and
Dr. Thomas Hodgin
Allison and Roger Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson
Barbara Lee and Fred Jeffers
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kamlet
Mr. and Mrs. Noe Katz
Mrs. Suparna Gupta and Mr. Nadim Kayaleh
Carlene and Ron Kohler
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Kroeger
Allison and Michael Krusch
Susan and Bret Kunar
Stacy and Robert Luce
Mr. and Mrs. David Mack
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Macphail
Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Mangipudi
Mr. and Mrs. Deepak Massand
Renee Matthews
Ann Morris
Mary and Bob Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Parr
Jerri and Randy Pegram
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Pennell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proper Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Roach Jr.
Ms. Lisa Sampah
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Sharpe
Ms. Sharon Speaks
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
Kelly and Wes Stanley ’94
Elizabeth Monroe Tisdale ’89 and
Alexander Tisdale ’89
Dr. Susan Turner
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Veazey
Brook and Paul Wingate
Current Families
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ackerman
Jennifer Smith Adams ’86 and Bo Adams
Ms. Barbara Anne Steslow and
Mr. Terrence Akin
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Allen
Suzanne Wagner and Michael Altheimer
Karen and Frank Aluisio
Molly and John Ammondson
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln P. Anderson
Heidi Scheer and Chris Anderson
Stephanie and Lewis Apple
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Armstrong
Lynn S. Arnold
Jim Arnold
Pam and John Attayek
Donna and Louis Bachicha
Stephanie and John Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Baldwin
Ms. Heidi Gingerich and Mr. Phillip Bales
Ms. Chana K. Ball
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Ballou
Kelly and Scott Bankhead
Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barefoot
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Barton
Carol Isaacson Basile ’79 and Vito Basile
Meredith and Darin Bell
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92 and
Jon Bell ’90
Drs. Pamela and Daniel Bensimhon
Ms. Renee D. Berger
Michelle Bardy Bigelman ’92 and
Joel Bigelman
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Blake
Carol and Mark Boles
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bostian
Marianne and Danny Bowman
Louise Freemon Brady ’82 and Jim Brady
Belinda and Rick Brantley
Dr. Kaye Brassfield and Dr. Mark Brassfield
Anne and Jay Brennan
Dr. Helen Brooks ’80
Martha and David Brown
Debbie and Scott Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Browne
Leslie and Bill Burd
Paul S. Burick
Donna Burick and Margie Walker
Molly and Jeb Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burns
Mr. Johnny D. Burris
Sabrina and Kim Burroughs
Shanna and Alan Buster
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Byrd
Stacy and Bobby Calfo
Mr. David R. Calhoun ’87
Becky and Bill Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Cano
Teddi and Jonathan Carr ’92
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Carty
Dr. Dorothy W. Chappell
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Beth and Bob Christina
Mrs. Young Park and Mr. Woo Chung
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry S. Clark
Betsy and Reid Clark
Blanca and Tripp Cobb
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Conner ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Connor
Brian Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooke ’86
Mrs. Andrea Bushnell and
Mr. Michael Corbett
Linda and Julio Costa
Melissa and Terry Cox
Sheri and Gary Cram
Elizabeth A. Eagle and David Crews
Ms. Amy Consiglio and Mr. Brian Criscuolo
Holly and Buzz Crosby
Barbara and Michael Curry
Christi and Pete Dalldorf
Linda Dassow
Fran and Bert Davis
Natasha and Dex Davison ’90
Patrice and Chris Dawson
Sherrie and Robert Delk
Mr. and Mrs. Harris E. DeLoach III
Drs. Elizabeth and James Deterding
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Dibble
Desiree and Arthur Dick
Joyce and Ronald Diggs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dirk
Marti and Julius Dizon
Heather and Mike Doolittle
Susan and Randy Doss
Jenny and John Doutt
Caron and Kevin Dover
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Drusdow
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Duehring
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Dunham
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Dutch
Cathy and Brad Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Erick J. Ellsweig ’85
Henry Elsner
Markieu and Essa Faal
Melissa and Daniel Feinstein
Susie and Rasmus Fenger
Peggy Flynn-Cook
Steven B. Fox
Diane and Ed Gaines
Mrs. Kristy Starr Garrison ’89 and
Mr. Harley Garrison
Laura Wagg Gasiorek ’82 and
Stephen Gasiorek
Sharon Newsome Gaskin
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie
Dr. Marcy Gilliard and Mr. Keith Gilliard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goodman
Alison McMillian-Goodman and
John Goodman
Michelle and Bob Goodrich
Vicki and Bill Gramig
Katy and David Grapey
Dr. and Mrs. John Lee Graves
Maryann and Judd Green
Kathryn Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Shawn Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Gareth Griffith
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Groce III
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Guhne
Mrs. Lisa A. McCutcheon-Gutknecht and
Mr. William Gutknecht
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hagan
Maria and Chris Haggarty
Mr. and Mrs. Amin Haghighat
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hahn
Cheryl and Vince Hairston
Caroline Haley
Mrs. Kelly Koury Harrill ’83 and
Mr. C. Kelly Harrill
Lori and Wayne Harrison
Deana and Vern Hawkins
Kate and Todd Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Head
Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Hemphill
Kathy and Terry Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan D. Hochstein
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Ms. Becky Hollowell
Rick Hollowell
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso O. Hopkins Jr.
Trisha and Wally Hopkins
Mary Horan
Mrs. Maribeth Geraci Hudgins ’78 and
Mr. David Hudgins
Chris and Bob Hudson
Anne and John Hurd
Elizabeth Hurd
Tess and Grant Irvine
Mrs. Ruth Watakila-Jackson and
Mr. Nero Jackson
Dolly and Bill Jacobs
Dina and Burney Jennings
Lisa and Buster Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jones
Mr. Charles R. Jones III
Carla Smith Jones ’83 and Steve Jones
Holly and David Jones
Dr. Amy Jordan and Mr. George Jordan
Mr. Wade G. Jurney
Karen and Ben Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kastner
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin L. Keene
Wendy and Kyle Kesselring
Robert C. Ketner
Pam and Perry Key
Mr. and Mrs. Taimur Khan
Moonhee and Steve Kilp
Mrs. Misoon Kang and Dr. Inho Kim
Magz and Bob King
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91 and Brian Hall
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Dr. Anne Kirchmayer-Kirsteins and
Dr. Andrew Kirsteins
Stacey and Steven Kleckowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Klinger
Mr. and Mrs. D. Troy Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knowles Jr.
Jean and Adam Kohler
Les Kolls
Mr. and Mrs. Rainhard G. Kramme
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brent Kulman
Nancy and Ken Kunberger
Heather and John Kuzmier
Deborah and Sam Lankford
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lee
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
Mrs. Barbara Freedy and Dr. Douglas Lemley
Melissa and Jeff Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Lewis
Carmen and Walter Liebkemann
Smedes and Doug Lindner
Dr. Lisa Jo Adornetto and
Mr. Timothy Lingard
Gwen and Chris Lowe ’90
Ms. Debbie S. Lozo
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny W. Lucas
Carol and Charles Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell S. Macherosky
Dr. and Mrs. Marc E. Magod
Kista and Eric Mansell
Jenny and Mike Mansfield
Kendra Martin
Joan and Michael Mattingly
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Mayer Jr.
Mrs. Suzanne English and
Mr. Gary McCartney
Laura and Todd McDade
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. McDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Sam McDowell
Catherine and Robert McGee
Ms. Mary E. McGinley
Ms. Gail B. McGroarty
Patty and Bill McIvor
Mr. Joseph A. McKinney Jr.
Toni and Rodney McLean
Laura Ann and Dan McWhorter
Donna and Tom Medlin
Ms. Debra Silber and Dr. Jeffrey Medoff
Kellie Melinda ’80
Allison and John Melson
Mrs. Lisa Tandon Merritt ’81 and
Mr. John Merritt
Debra and Jim Merritt
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Meyers
Susan and Rob Midgett
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Mikesell
Virginia and Paul Milam
Elliott M. Milford
Linda and Bill Mitchell
Elizabeth and Allen Montgomery
Melinda Powel Morgenstern ’86 and
Morty Morgenstern
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrisette Jr. ’75
Mrs. Quintina Morris-Tatum and
Mr. Anthonio Tatum
Leigh and Todd Munsey ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Murdock
Kim and Bob Murray
Mr. James H. Murray ’75
Richard Nault
Dr. Julia Jackson-Newsom and
Dr. Glenn Newsom
Dr. Lisa Newsome and Mr. Albert Newsome
Mrs. Chan-Sin Wong and Mr. Zhou-Min Ni
Charlie M. Nichols
A nnual R eport
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Nitka
Ms. Caroline K. North
Richard Ognovich
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Dolly and Nayan Patel
Valerie and Dan Paterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Blair F. R. Barton-Percival
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Perry Jr.
Judy and Mark Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar B. Peterson
Laura Pollak and Jeffrey Petrinitz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pfenning
Mary Beth and Bill Phillips
Frank Pickard
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 and
Mr. Charles Pinkelton
Mr. and Mrs. Austin T. Pittman
Dr. and Ms. Aleksei V. Plotnikov
Drs. Leigh Ann and Henry Pool
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Porter IV ’84
Ms. Jan Findley and Mr. Roger Posacki
Alfreda and Thomas Poteat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Erica Procton
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rafkin
Laura Redd
Mrs. Laurie Regal and Dr. Norman Regal
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Regester
Ruth and Nicholas Reid
Ann and Jim Rembach
April and Matt Richmond Family
Ms. Zane Hembree and
Mr. Scott Risdon
Kim and Charlie Roberson
Denise and Anthony Robertson
Mrs. Renee Robinson and
Rev. Wayne Robinson ’76
Mrs. Pamelia McAdoo-Rogers and
Mr. Ronald Rogers
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Sara Knox Roman ’87 and Doug Roman
Laura and Todd Roseman
Erin and Keith Rosen
Dr. and Mrs. Todd J. Rosenbower
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ross
Katie and Amiel Rossabi
Jennifer Rowland and David Johnson
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82
Kara and Mark Ruffin ’77
Karen and Gadi Sabas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samet
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Sanders
Walter C. Sands
Jenny and David Sar
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Saunders
Dr. E. Robin Schenck and
Mr. Dodson Schenck
Theodora Vaporis and Tom
Becky and Lane Schiffman ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Schiffman III ’76
Mr. H. Vance Schiffman ’79
Mrs. Dana Schleien and
Dr. Stuart Schleien
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Dr. and Mrs. Ashish C. Shah
Lori and Tom Shaw
Anne and Trevor Shick
Laura and Jeff A. Shue
Sheryl and David Siar
Kristine Sims and Todd Pittman
Dr. Patricia Singer and Dr. Dan Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sipe
Dr. and Mrs. Bassam N. Smir
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith
Velma and Robert Smith
Dana and Philip Smith
Sondra and Simon Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Solomon
Dr. and Mrs. Vineet Sood
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. South
Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Spurr
Malcolm Stark
Laura and Mike Steen
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Stern
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor H. Stroud
Dr. and Mrs. Marian L. Stypa
Leigh and Craig Sudbrink
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Supple
Dr. Margaret Coleman Szott and
Mr. Thomas Szott
Drs. Melinda Blietz and Kyle Talbot
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Ms. Angela L. Talton
Drs. Anita Lindsey and James Tanner
Susan and Kelvin A. Tarver
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Tate
Mrs. Susan P. Taylor
Kim and David Taylor
Mr. Walter G. Taylor Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Templeton
Ms. Robin T. Terry
Carolyn Terry
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Trinh and Burke Thompson
Marsha and Tom Tice
Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Tilley
Christopher J. Trentini
Jane and Chris Trevey
Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Trigilio
Lee Trone
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Tuck
Mary and Scott Van der Linden
Drs. Angela and Peter Van Trigt
Natalie and Stan Varlamov
Nancy and Don Vaughan
Karin and Eric Vincent
Dr. and Mrs. Dhruv B. Vyas
Ms. M. Paige Wagner and
Dr. Jennifer L. Etnier
Michele and Bryan Wagoner
Kim and Robert Wainer
Meredith Walthall
John Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Warren Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Watson
Lynne and Wes Watson
Laurie and John Watson
Martin Weissburg and Family
Cindy and Darrel Wells
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whitener Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Whitley
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
Thuy and Thomas Whyte
Carolyn Hunt and Bill Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Williams
Ms. Susan L. Williams
Mr. Clifford Wilson
Cecile Winstead
Katherine Rapp Wood ’93 and Jon Wood
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Wrenn
Kathryn and Thompson Wyatt
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
Dr. and Ms. Joseph L. Zammit
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zigbuo
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Parents of Alumni
Thank you to the following parents of
alumni and/or former GDS students who
made gifts to this year’s Annual Fund First
campaign. We are grateful for your support
and that you continue to remember
Greensboro Day School.
Mr. and Mrs. Rayford K. Adams III
Dr. and Mrs. Yusuf G. Adewuyi
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
Dr. Arthur D. Anastopoulos and
Dr. Terri L. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Arbuckle III
Elizabeth Aronson MD and
Richard Aronson MD
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Barber
Amy Berry Barry ’87 and Michael Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Beach
Jackie and Steve Bell
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76 and
Steve Bernstein
Lynn and John Black
Sandra and Bud Boren
Nancy and Frank Brenner
Zelda and George Breslow
Dora and Bruce Brodie
Kathy and Dave Brown
Dr. Carolyn Kates Brown ’80
Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Brumley Jr.
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. James Buck
Carol and Jerry Bullins
Mr. Daniel H. Burbine
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Buxton III
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Callicott
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Clark
Dana and Keith Clinscales
Mrs. Sally Dillard Cohen ’76 and
Mr. John Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Conrad
Phyllis and Jerry Cooke
Jean and Doug Copeland
Terri and Don Crump Family
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Diane Czornij
Diane Dalton
Ms. Luck G. Davidson
Kathy and Robert Davis
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
The Honorable Aldona Wos and
Mr. Louis DeJoy
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Delman
Anne and Rob Deutsch
Mike Diamond
Dr. Edward G. Dickinson
Ann and Tom Dodd
Carol Cone Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dowtin Jr.
Eileen Dransfield
Beth Dunbar
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Susan E. Farrell MD
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fenske
Ms. Tricia B. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Christophe E. Flanagan
Shawn and Zan Fortune
Drs. Silvia and Thomas Gahm
Anna Dixon Garrett ’77
Jane and David Girardi
Mr. and Mrs. John F. C. Glenn Jr.
Carolyn and Joe Gorga
Susan Griswold
Linda and Mark Hale
Nahomi and Jonathan Harkavy
Beth C. Harrington
Berkeley and George Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Dr. James P. Hendrix Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hicks Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner
Sara and George House
Helen and Frank Houston
Anne and Sam Hummel
Mrs. Jackie Humphrey
Diane and Bill Ingold
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Terri and Clint Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Lisa Koury Johnson ’85 and A.J. Johnson
Willie and Mark Johnson
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Kathy Manning and Randall Kaplan
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony O. Kelly
Jimmy King ’79
Pamela A. Chappell and John H. King
Barbara and Fred Kirby
Janice and Robert Kirkman
Fran and Warren Knapp
Linda and Bill Knox
Aleksandra Korda
JoAnne Craven Lancaster
Jan Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Lesley
Jane and Richard Levy
Avery and David Lloyd
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Love
Sue and Jim Maxwell
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Sallie A. McMillion
Mrs. Jon Wade Meadows
Madge and Paul Megliola
Meliha and Brano Milicevic
Janet and Randy Mintz
Marilyn and James Mohler
Mr. William C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morris
Laurie and Jim Morris
Kris and Mac Moss
Portia and Hamp Munsey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Zvonko Nikolic
Lynn and John Noecker
Dottie B. and Billy Nutt
Vivian O’Brien
April and David Parker
Pat and Jerry Parks
Tina Patterson
Linda and Curt Perry
Sharon and David Powers
Ramona and Tom Presson
Ann and Mac Pugh
Carol and Larry Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Rayburn
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rendleman Jr.
Ann and Russ Robinson
Lyn Rollins ’80
Camilla S. Ruffin
Beth and Ward Russell
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Penny and Martin Schneider
Coridalia and John L. Scott
Mary and Andy Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott
Hope Gruber and Richard Shannin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Suzi and RJ Sherwood
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Katrina Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somerville IV
Cynthia and Warren Stan
Lacy and John Starr
Sara E. Stoneburner and H. Gregg Strader
Kimberly and John Strong
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Teague
Ms. Noni S. Thomas ’90
Sylvia and Hays van Noppen
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe H. Vercaemert
Valerie Vickers
Lesa and George Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Warmath Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Weavil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Weikel
Judy and Len White
Sue D. White
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wikle Jr.
Ms. Carol C. Williams
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Robin and David Wintringham
Lauren and David Worth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Zanowski
Rev. and Mrs. Charles M. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Zuraw
A nnual R eport
Sustainers’ Circle
The following Parents of Alumni
continue to make GDS a priority in their
giving by supporting the School with
leadership gifts to the Annual Fund
First campaign of $1,000 or more. For
the first time in 2011-2012, they were
recognized as a distinctive group of
supporters and recognized with an event
at the home of Mary and Jeff Beach in
the spring.
Sustainers’ Circle Inaugural Members
Beth and Rick Aronson
Mary and Jeff Beach
Nancy and Frank Brenner
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Mary and Eric Calhoun
Sally Dillard Cohen ’76 and John Cohen
Jean and Doug Copeland
Kathy and Robert Davis
Jo and David Delman
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Linda and Mark Hale
Berkeley and George Harris
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Fran and Warren Knapp
Jane and Richard Levy
Terry and Patrick McDaid
April and David Parker
Tina Patterson
Linda and Curt Perry
Stephanie and John Scott
Margaret and Lanty Smith
Bill Soles ’75
Barbara and Tom Somerville
Kimberly and John Strong
Mary and John Vance
Anne and Tommy Webb
Sue D. White
Grandparents and
Grandparents of Alumni
We extend our thanks and appreciation
to these grandparents of current and
former GDS students and alumni for
their support of the Annual Fund First
campaign. “Grande Grandparents,”
those grandparents making leadership
level gifts of $1,000 or more, are
recognized in bold.
Ann Morris Allred
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
Judy and Bryant Aydelette
Wendy and Mikel Barton
Jackie and Steve Bell
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mente Benjamin
Lynn and John Black
Lee and Bill Blackman
Linda and Joseph Boles
Becky and Barry Brasloff
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Mrs. Linda B. Browne
Mrs. Geraldine P. Bryan
Elizabeth M. Buchanek
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campagnolo
Nancy and Tom Cannon
Barbara and Robert Christina
Phyllis and Jerry Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Degler
Carol Cone Douglas
Mrs. Virginia Dozier
Ms. Carolyn Ferguson
Mary* and Wiley Fisher
Peggy and Marion Follin
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Galtelli
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gilbert
Susan Griswold
Berkeley and George Harris
Janet and David Head
Marjorie and Wallace Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horner
Helen and Frank Houston
John and Marge Hudak
Patricia Ingram
Alice and Henry Isaacson
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jennette
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jennings
Anne and Eckess Jones
Mrs. Martha Jordan
Jo Ann and Lewis Kay
Ms. Heidi Keeley
Ralph W. Ketner
Janice and Robert Kirkman
Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Klaver
Barbara Knauss
Linda and Bill Knox
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohler
Julia and Nicolai Krylov
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kunar
Ellie and Hal Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence
Carole and Steve Loflin
Carol and Buddy Magod
Mr. and Mrs. James Merritt
Portia and Hamp Munsey
Sandra and Mike Perry
Roberta and Jim Pettit
Penelope and Ray Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter
Mr. and Mrs. William Prouse Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Raeford
Mrs. Florence Rafkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rapp Jr.
Kay and Mike Reardon
Dr. and Mrs. David Riboldazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie U. Ricketts
Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Rowlett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Saunders
Margaret and Dodson Schenck
Pris and Ware Schiefer
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott
Jean and Richard Sherwood
Peggy Shinn
Gloria Silber
Barbara and Jim Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sloan
Jane Smolen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somerville IV
Katherine G. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stroud
Ginger and Alan Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor
Mrs. Harriet Tewkesbury
Beverly Thurber and
E. Thomas Thurber, D.V.M.
Mrs. Constance W. Treloar
Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner
Barbara M. Bear Wallace
Pat White
Sue D. White
Jan Regester Whitman
James Whitton
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Williams
Mary Ellen Williams
Sandra and Larry Wingate
Myrna and Harold Zimmerman
Nancy L. Zuraw
Leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized in bold.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Former Trustees
Mrs. Jennifer Smith Adams ’86
Dr. Margaret B. Arbuckle
Mr. James B. Barber
Mr. Quint M. Barefoot
Mr. Jeffrey L. Beach
Mrs. Jackie K. Bell
Mr. Steven D. Bell
Mrs. Nancy M. Brenner
Mr. George Breslow
Dr. Dora M. Brodie
Mr. P. David Brown
Mr. James H. Bryan Jr.
Mr. Eric R. Calhoun
Dr. Ashfaque Chowdhury
Mrs. Nancy Clark
Mr. Edward F. Cone ’80
Ms. Mary L. W. Copeland ’79
Mrs. Jean Copeland
Mrs. Jean H. Davison
Mr. Michael L. Diamond
Mrs. Susan L. Dowtin
Mr. Wesley R. Elingburg
Mrs. Carolyn P. Gorga
Mr. Jonathan R. Harkavy
Ms. Elizabeth C. Harrington
Ms. R. Ross Harris
Mrs. Berkeley H. Harris
Mr. Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Mrs. Pamela Hemphill
Mr. W. M. Hicks Jr.
Dr. Frank M. Houston
Mrs. Anne D. Hummel
Mrs. Alice Isaacson
Mr. Randall R. Kaplan
Mr. Fred M. Kirby III
Mr. William S. Knox
Mrs. Jan R. Lawson
Mrs. Carole S. Lesley
Mrs. Susan A. Maxwell
Mrs. Teresa T. McDaid
Mrs. Sallie A. McMillion
Ms. Debra F. Silber
Mrs. Allison A. Morrisette
Mr. William F. Morrisette Jr. ’75
Ms. Caroline K. North
Mr. William V. Nutt Jr.
Ms. J. B. Findley
Mrs. Ramona T. Presson
Rev. Wayne H. Robinson ’76
Ms. Camilla S. Ruffin
Mr. James S. Schenck III
Mr. Lanty Smith
Mr. William R. Soles Jr. ’75
Mr. H. Gregg Strader
Mr. John T. Warmath Jr.
Mrs. Sarah D. Warmath
Mrs. Judy White
Dr. Craven Williams
Mr. David M. Worth
Faculty, Staff and Coaches
Ann Adams
Crissy Anderson
Judy Arnette
Karen Baldwin
Angela Ballou
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76
Suzanne Billips
David Blake
Michelle Bostian
Estelle Bowden
Cynthia Bowen
Ninoshka Boylston
Anne Brennan
Carolyn Buck
Kim Burroughs
Peter Buxenbaum
Terry Buxton
Stacy Calfo
John Carty
Maude Caudle
Natalie Contreras
Dennis Creamer
Mary Schenck Dator ’82
Kathy Davis
Ed Dickinson
Tom Dodd
Susan Doss
Mark Drusdow
Beth Dunbar
Lexi Eagles
Beverly Edwards
Tricia Fish
Janet Fortney
Iraida Fung
Mike Gale
Cindy Garrison
Dave Gilbert
Kathy Gillespie
Gillian Goodman
Melinda Graham
Gareth Griffith
Bridget Gwinnett
Mark Hale
Dale Harwell
Craig Head
Pam Hemphill
Laura Bregler Hines
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92
Melissa Hoff
Beth Hopkins
Anne Hurd
Terri Jackson
Carey Jackson-Adams
Taylor Johnson
Freddy Johnson
Marilyn Jones
Michele Keene
Charli Kelly
John King
Kristin Kirkman-Hall ’91
Stacey Klein
Susan Kunar
Don Lahey
Wendy Lavine ’85
Cheryl Love
Gwen Lowe
Dana Lowell
Linda Mansfield
Clarissa Marshall
Laurel Matsudaira
Terri Maultsby
Barbara Maynard
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97
Connie Mikesell
Brano Milicevic
Robert Mimms
Randy Mintz
Edo Mlatac ’97
Roger Moore
Bill Moore
Trish Morris
Wade Morrow
Kris Moss
Molly Mullin
Leigh Munsey
Laura Murray
Jose Navarro
Zvonko Nikolic
Lynn Noecker
Paz Noel
Melissa Norman
Dan O’Brien
Vivian O’Brien
Chrissy Olson ’85
Rachel Percival
Julia Pfenning
Mary Beth Phillips
Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78
Susan Poindexter
Mark Potter
Carol Putnam
Karen Radecki
Cindy Rayburn
Jeff Regester
Lee Roane
Nancy Roberts
Lori Rogers
Mary Rosa
Robin Schenck
Jon Schner
Sandi Scragg
Morgan Sharp
A nnual R eport
Nina Sharpe
Linda Shearer
Eric Shilling
Stephanie Shoaf
Laura Shue
Daniel Silvers
Kelly Sipe
Meg Smith
Dana Smith
Parker Stall
Cindy Stan
Ron Stanfield
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Tom Szott
Marvella Taylor
Nancy Teague
Pamela Thaxton
Emilee Transou
Kristen Tuma
Ruthie Tutterow
Jackie Upton
Mary Vance
Pam Wampler
Susan Watts
Tommy Webb
Ines Weikel
Tricia Whitener
Carol Williams
Sonny Willis ’96
Kerensa Wooten
Kay Zimmerman
Ben Zuraw
Former Faculty, Staff and Coaches
Lisa Allen
Libby Alspaugh
Margaret Farrell Brown ’97
Mary Ann Conrad
Ralph Davison
Eileen Dransfield
Carl Fenske
Jim Hendrix
Chris Hudson
Virginia Harris Knox ’83
Kristen Cloninger Lancaster ’84
Shirley D. McLellan
Ashley Knapp Meyer ’97
Buddy Milks ’90
Glenn Newsom
Chris Phelps
Janet Poole
Erin Rosen
Chris Ryan
Emilie Samet
Jen Shoemaker ’93
Mary Davis McLendon Smart
Noni Thomas ’90
Kim Trone
Val Vickers
Linda Walker
Nina Williamson
Danny Wright ’89
Paul Zanowski
Ms. Anne R. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Pat and Russell Ingersoll
Mr. John C. Littleford
Eleanor and Charlie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Porter
Missy and Sam Rankin
Foundations and Corporations
The following foundations and corporations
have made gifts or matched their
employees’ contributions to the Annual
Fund First campaign. We thank them for
their support.
Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving
Aetna Foundation
American Express Company Political Action
American Express Matching Gift
Armstrong Family Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bardy’s Estate Jewelry & Diamonds
Blue Bell Foundation
Bristol-Meyers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
Burlington Foundation
Community Foundation of Greater
Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta
Cortright Family Charitable Foundation
Dannenberg Meyer Foundation
Ecolab, Inc Political Action Committee
Fidelity & Guaranty Life
Foundation for the Carolinas
George Andreve Foundation
Greensboro Center for Pediatric Dentistry
HBD, Inc.
Hummel Hodges Foundation
Jewish Foundation of Greensboro
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
The Lookout Foundation
Louis DeJoy & Aldona Z. Wos Family
MASCO Corporation
Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
Northwestern Mutual Life
Nucor Corporation
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Matching Gift
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Julian Price Family Foundation
Schiffmans Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Steelcase Foundation
John Templeton Foundation
Triangle Community Foundation
United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan
United Way of Alamance County
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Weaver Foundation, Inc.
Well Spring Retirement Community
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift
Endowment Donors
A total of $22,650 was given to Greensboro
Day School’s permanent endowment funds
between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
The earnings from permanent endowment
funds support faculty professional
development, financial assistance for
students, diversity programs, library
collections, student programs, student
and faculty awards, operating expenses
and more.
Greensboro Day School’s permanent
endowment funds totaled $6,633,026
on June 30, 2012.
For a complete list of Greensboro Day
School’s endowment funds, go to www.
The following donors made gifts to
endowments during the 2011-2012 year:
Armstrong Endowment
Armstrong Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Armstrong
Russell Andrew Britt Endowment Fund
Established in 2006 in memory of alumnus
Russell Britt ’97 by his family and friends,
the fund encourages and equips interested
D. Ralph Davison Financial
Aid Endowment
Established to honor Dr. Davison upon his
retirement after 20 years of service as Head
of School (1986 – 2006), the fund provides
tuition support for Upper School students
who, in addition to qualifying for financial
aid, will make an extraordinary contribution
to the life of the Greensboro Day School
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Schner
Lanty Smith Endowment
for Science & Math
Mrs. Amanda Smith Lacoff ’93 and
Mr. Mark Lacoff
faculty to promote the exploration of the
natural world, to coax creative expression,
and influence their students through
Members of the Class of 1997, led by
classmate Emily Burbine Rose, honored
Russell with gifts to GDS in his memory on
the occasion of their 15th Class Reunion
this year. Russell’s parents, Hannah and
Sydney Britt, matched their gifts 5-to-1 in
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Margaret Rowlett and David Gilbert
Jennifer and Andy Kranz ’97
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97 and
Philip Payonk
Meriwether Maddux Powell ’97
Sharon and David Powers
Katelyn Powers ’11
Marshall Powers ’02
Nicole Powers ’11
Alison Johnston Provan ’97
Kevin Queen ’97
Hilary Glazman Rieck ’97
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Sharon Siler ’97
Mr. and Mrs. John James Sullivan Jr.
Katherine Macpherson Wray ’97 and
Shane Wray
The Lenwood Edwards Endowment Fund
Established in 2003 by alumni to honor the
School’s first athletic director and coach,
the fund provides financial assistance to
encourage diversity of the student body.
Awards are given to Upper School students
who are persons of color and who make
outstanding efforts in areas including:
academics, extra-curricular activities,
leadership and community involvement
with preference to rising seniors.
Lenwood Edwards passed away on April
28, 2012. The Edwards Family requested
that memorial gifts be made to this fund
in lieu of flowers. A tribute to Lenwood
Edwards, written by alumnus Ed Cone ’80,
was published in the Summer 2012 GDS
Magazine, and can be read on the GDS web
site under About GDS, Publication Archives.
The following made gifts in memory of
Lenwood Edwards between May 1 and June
30, 2012.
David A. Amos
Len Anderson ’93
Brodie Endowment for Diversity
& Tolerance
Established in 1996, the fund supports
diversity programs.
Dora and Bruce Brodie
A nnual R eport
Ms. Janet Bartlett
Mr. Dewey Ronald Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Janie Weaver and Charles Cunningham ’80
Mrs. Mary Schenck Dator ’82 and
Mr. Robert Dator
Elon University School of Law
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fenske
Ms. Rhonda Forbes
Mrs. Yu Chin Hsieh and
Mr. Timothy Forsythe
Ms. Melissa Greer
Mrs. Margaret Griffin
Linda and Mark Hale
Ms. Charlene Holler
Dianne C. Johnson
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Mr. Charles Keegan
Mr. Matt Lewis Jr.
Mr. Ronald Lewis
Ms. Ramona Roberts McDaniel
Ms. Doris Newton
Ms. Dell Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Claibourne W. Poindexter
Avis Pridgen
Janet and Ronnie Puryear
Mr. Spurgeon Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Royster
Katherine and Mark Scheer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheer
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Mr. John Slack
Ms. Velma Speight
Mrs. Ladonna Gore-Tisdale and
Mr. Michael Tisdale
Ms. Lolita C. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Jaron Wilson ’06
Ms. Sandy Lee Wofford
Capital Donors
Generations Campaign
The following donors supported the
Generations Capital Campaign between
January 1, 2007 and June 30, 2012. This
capital campaign, with a goal of $7 million,
supports construction of a new middle
school for grades 5 though 8, future
front entrance and tennis complex on
Lake Brandt Road. Their leadership and
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Anonymous (2)
Sandra and Fred Adams
George Andreve Foundation
Robin and Quint Barefoot Bell Foundation
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92 and Jon Bell ’90
Jackie and Steve Bell
Mary Katherine and Durant Bell ’98
Ray Berry
Robert H. Demaree Financial
Aid Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Demaree Jr.
Lenora Billings-Harris and Charles Harris
Sion A. Boney, Jr.*
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Burlington Foundation
Liz and Pat Burns
Molly and Jeb Burns
Mary and Eric Calhoun
Dorothy Chappell
Alyssa and Ashfaque Chowdhury
Sandy Thimmappa-Cohen and Max Cohen
Lisa and Ed Cone ’80
Jean and Doug Copeland
Fran and Bert Davis
Kathy and Robert Davis
Carol Cone Douglas
Cathy and Wes Elingburg
Peggy and Marion Follin – In honor of Liz
Wright James ’76 and her family
Marcy and Keith Gilliard
Gillian and Rob Goodman
Michelle and Robert Goodrich
Carolyn and Joe Gorga
Penny and John Lee Graves
Kathy Mincher Green ’84 and Chris Green
Maryann and Judd Green
Greensboro Day School Parents’
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Linda and Mark Hale
Ross Harris
Pam and Ross Hemphill
Sandra and Donald Henson*
Hillsdale Fund, Inc.
Anne and Sam Hummel
Jackie Humphrey, daughters Hilary ’86 and
Lyle ’88 – In honor of Liz Wright James ’76
and her family
Anne and John Hurd
Elizabeth B. Hurd
Dina and Burney Jennings
Linda and Maurice Jennings
Lisa and Buster Johnson
Amy and George Jordan
Wade G. Jurney
Kathy Manning and Randall Kaplan
Charlie Keeley*
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Heidi Keeley
Magz and Bob King
F.M. Kirby Foundation
Cindy and John Knowles
Liza and Jim Lee ’83
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Carol and Charles Lucas
Kristen and Marc Magod
Terry and Patrick McDaid
Samuel G. and Diane F. McDowell
Patty and Bill McIvor
Joe McKinney
Donna and Tom Medlin
Virginia and Paul Milam
Allison and Bill Morrisette ’75
Caroline North
Rina and Matt Olin ’89
Eleanor and Charlie Patterson
Emma and Clay Poindexter
Leigh Ann and Andy Pool
Alta and Joe Potter
Ann and Russ Robinson
Gail and Paul Rohfling
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82 - In honor of Liz
Wright James ’76 and her family
Sylvia and Norman Samet
Emilie and Arthur Samet
Natalie and Craig Sanders
Jenny and David Sar
Anita and Jim Schenck
Mary and Andy Scott
Meredith and J. Scott ’90
Stephanie and John Scott
Dana and Philip Smith
Velma and Robert Smith
Monique and Kwadjo Steele
Laura and Mike Steen
Sara and Taylor Stroud
Adeline and David Talbot
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Chris Trentini
Leslye and Marshall Tuck
Nancy and Don Vaughan
Sarah and Jack Warmath
Lynne and Wes Watson
Martin Weissburg
Edward and Lisa Cone ’80
Dr. Ralph and Mrs. Jean Davison
Dr. Marcy Gilliard and Mr. Keith Gilliard
R. Ross Harris
Gail M. and Eugene S. LeBauer
Billy and Dottie B. Nutt
Tina Patterson
Dr. Claibourne and Mrs. Emma Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott, Jr. ’90
Ruthie and Alan Tutterow
Mr. Thomas H. Webb
Mr. David Worth
Ann and Benjamin Zuraw
McLendon Society Honor Roll
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
T. Henry & Dell B. Wilson Family
Rhonda and David Youngdahl
The Zeist Foundation
Ann and Ben Zuraw
Milestones Campaign
We are grateful to the following for a gift to
GDS’ previous capital campaign between
July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lane
McLendon Society
The following generously provided gifts
for Greensboro Day School through
their estates.
Dr. Carlton Harris – d. 2003
Anonymous - 1
Dr. Jean Brooks – d. 2006
Charles A. McLendon, Jr. – d. 2008
Sion A. Boney – d. 2010
Gifts in Kind
Kate and Todd Hayes
Ed Gerhardt
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Mrs. Julianne Wohlfert
As of June 30, 2012, 41 individuals
or couples have made provisions for
Greensboro Day School in their estate plans
and five generous gifts have been realized
through donors’ estates. Those listed by
name below have authorized GDS to list
their names on our web site and in the
GDS Magazine in hopes that others will be
inspired to join them in planning for the
future financial security of the School. To
learn more about why they made these
planned gifts, go to our web page at
Not listed - 24
Mr. Jeffrey L. Beach
Ms. Anita Goodman Bradford
Mr. Jabari Bradford ’11
A nnual R eport
Gifts were made in honor of the following:
Libby Alspaugh
Daniel Fox ’09
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Adrienne Anderson
Leslie Leigh Anderson
David Anderson ’96
Len Anderson ’93
Judy Arnette
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. H. Burns Blackwell ’96
Brooke Marshall ’99
Maggie and Seth Marshall ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bostian
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Cynthia Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Dibble
Jay and Anne Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brennan
Nancy and Frank Brenner
Molly Brenner ’05
Molly Brenner ’05
Matthew Brenner ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. John James Sullivan Jr.
Margaret Farrell Brown ’97
Dr. Susan Calkins and Mr. Charles Calkins
Carolyn Buck
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Martha Bunch
Robin and David Wintringham
Kelly Buster ’23
Mr. and Mrs. William Cain
Terry Buxton
Drs. Silvia and Thomas Gahm
Anne Carty
Robin and David Wintringham
Class of 2003
Molly Hassenfelt ’03
Class of 2012
Parents of the Class of 2012
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Katherine and Mark Scheer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheer
Ed Cone ’80
Lisa Scheer Cone
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Louise P. Cornet
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Rayburn
Kathy and Robert Davis
Armstrong Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Armstrong
Amy Saperstein Herman ’90 and
Andrew Herman
Kathryn and Bryan Jones ’94
Mrs. Anne Alspaugh Pinkelton ’78 and
Mr. Charles Pinkelton
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott Jr. ’90
Missie Sue Vaughan ’81 and
Jim Vaughan
Heather and Danny Wright ’89
Kathy Davis and Terri Jackson
Anne Hurd
Kenneth Deterding ’16
Drs. Elizabeth and James Deterding
Ed Dickinson
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Laura Drewicz-Ewing
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Christy Elkins
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Tricia Fish
Kathryn and Bryan Jones ’94
Charles H Flynt Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Founder’s Award Recipients
George Sondecker ’05
Savannah Fox ’13
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
GDS Faculty & Staff
Chris Ryan
David Gilbert & Margaret Rowlett
and Family
Ms. Anne R. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Rowlett
Dennis Glass
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Gillian Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Teague
Haynes Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Gareth Griffith
Ryan Carty ’09
Lindsey Evans ’04
Jane Gutsell
Jeb Brooks ’01
Kelly Carty ’10
Diana and Ari Medoff ’99
Sar Medoff ’05
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Morris
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Dr. James P. Hendrix Jr.
Max Hendrix ’88
Jann Holderness
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goodman
Pat Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Upton
David Howard ’76
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Molly Hurd ’12
Anna Hurd ’06
Terri Jackson
Diana Nguyen ’11
Paul Nguyen ’05
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Elizabeth van Noppen ’10
Sylvia and Hays van Noppen
Marian van Noppen ’08
Carey Jackson-Adams
Dr. Susan Calkins and Mr. Charles Calkins
Will James
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76
and Steve Bernstein
Freddy Johnson
Michael Sumner ’04
Marilyn Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Craig D. Head
Valerie Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Walker
Miles Kirkpatrick ’23
Tonya and Charles Kirkpatrick
Virginia Harris Knox ’83 and David Knox ’82
Berkeley and George Harris
Susan Kunar
Shirley D. McLellan
Gail LeBauer
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Carol Lesley
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
John Lineweaver ’81
Missie Sue Vaughan ’81 and Jim Vaughan
Dana Lowell
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Sue Mengert
Marilyn and Morgan Jones
Mrs. Ann Saab
Mr. and Mrs. Georges Saab ’85
Randy Mintz
Shirley D. McLellan
Sam’18, Jacob ’19 and Rose ’23 Schulte
Sandra and Mike Schulte
Roger Moore
Cynthia Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fenske
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Terri and Clint Jackson
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Nancy and Walter Roberts
Megan Sudnik ’06
Keats Webb ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Linda Shearer
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Paul Nguyen ’05
Ruth and Alan Tutterow
Zvonko Nikolic
Terri and Clint Jackson
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Nancy and Walter Roberts
Laura Shue
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shearer
Gloria Silber
Carmi Medoff ’10
Mica Medoff ’07
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Solomon
Peggy and Marion Follin
Cindy Stan
Kathryn and Bryan Jones ’94
Linda Knox Sudnik ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Ballou
Melissa Norman
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Michael Sumner ’04
Jordan Orr ’04
John Parks ’00
Pat and Jerry Parks
Bill Transou
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Goodman
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Wendy Sarratt ’91
Ms. Bernice H. Turner
Ms. Christine R. Phelps
Cameron Pinkelton ’19
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
Jackie Upton
Molly Levinson Wachs ’94 and
Joshua Wachs
Amanda Dowtin McLaughlin ’97
Holly Barnes Hofbauer ’92 and
Steve Hofbauer
Caroline Pinkelton ’15
Libby and Jim Alspaugh
Ari Silber Medoff ’99
Gloria Silber
Dr. and Mrs. Claibourne W. Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Poindexter
Carmi Silber Medoff ’10
Gloria Silber
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry S. Clark
Gena Silber Medoff ’12
Gloria Silber
William Pugh ’08
Missy and Sam Rankin
Tiana Jones Walden
Chrissy and Linc Anderson
Kara Silber Medoff ’99
Gloria Silber
Ila Purgason
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmquist
Mrs. Jean H. Waller
Chrissy and Linc Anderson
Mica Silber Medoff ’07
Gloria Silber
Stephanie Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sprague
Sar Silber Medoff ’05
Gloria Silber
Lori Rogers
Kelly and Wes Stanley ’94
Sylvia and Hays van Noppen
Marian van Noppen ’08
Sylvia van Noppen
Robin and David Wintringham
David Worth
Dr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Davison Jr.
Kay Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
A nnual R eport
Shannon Burbine ’01
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Heather and Danny Wright ’89
Mr. Jerry W. Lawson
Grier Booker Richards ’97 and
Richard Richards
Gifts were made in memory of the following:
Anna W. Dixon
Anna Dixon Garrett ’77
Erik Lie-Nielsen
Dr. Susan Turner
Lenwood Edwards
David A. Amos
Len Anderson ’93
Ms. Janet Bartlett
Mr. Dewey Ronald Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. P. David Brown
Margot and Decatur Cunningham
Mrs. Mary Schenck Dator ’82 and
Mr. Robert Dator
Elon University School of Law
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fenske
Ms. Rhonda Forbes
Mrs. Yu Chin Hsieh and
Mr. Timothy Forsythe
Ms. Melissa Greer
Mrs. Margaret Griffin
Ms. Charlene Holler
Mary Marr Dillard Johnson ’75 and
Freddy Johnson
Mr. Charles Keegan
Mr. Matt Lewis Jr.
Mr. Ronald Lewis
Ms. Ramona Roberts McDaniel
Ms. Doris Newton
Ms. Dell Nichols
Dr. and Mrs. Claibourne W. Poindexter
Avis Pridgen
Janet and Ronnie Puryear
Mr. Spurgeon Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Royster
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Schenck III
Thomas A. Schenck ’76
Mr. John Slack
Ms. Velma Speight
Mrs. Ladonna Gore-Tisdale and
Mr. Michael Tisdale
Ms. Lolita C. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Ms. Sandy Lee Wofford
Whit Lineweaver ’83
John Lineweaver ’81
Russell Britt ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Britt
Kevin Burbine ’95
Maggie and Chris Craven ’97
Jack Hall ’97
Jennifer and Andy Kranz ’97
Craig Hassenfelt McIntosh ’98 and
Beau McIntosh ’97
Lynn and John Noecker
Matt Norman ’97
Elizabeth Harrington Payonk ’97 and
Philip Payonk
Meriwether Maddux Powell ’97
Sharon and David Powers
Katelyn Powers ’11
Marshall Powers ’02
Nicole Powers ’11
Alison Johnston Provan ’97
Kevin Queen ’97
Hilary Glazman Rieck ’97
Emily Rose ’97 and Tim Rose
Sharon Siler ’97
Katherine Macpherson Wray ’97 and
Shane Wray
Elmer Crawford
Katie and Amiel Rossabi
Mrs. Sybil Davis
Judy Arnette and Ed Turner
Kevin Burbine ’95
Mr. D. R. Fewer
Kevin Burbine ’95
Lillie Garner
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Warren Jr.
Mr. W. Shepard Griswold Jr.
Susan Griswold
Teresa and Michael Hull ’76
Meredith Hull ’05
Mr. Charles S. Keeley
Mary Ellen Williams
Jean Mander
Kevin Burbine ’95
Neil Maddux Miller ’99
Ms. Beverly R. Edwards
Kaler Walker ’99
Rosemarie Roane
Mr. Lee Roane
Mayer Rossabi
Katie and Amiel Rossabi
David Schlosser ’04
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Lowry ’95 and
Bradley Lowry
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pulitzer
Judy Shaffer
Liz Shoemaker ’00
Dr. Edward Sharpless
Dr. Norman E. Sharpless ’84
Mark Snowberger ’00
Kevin Burbine ’95
Ms. Barbara P. Tandon
Mrs. Lisa Tandon Merritt ’81 and
Mr. John Merritt
Jerome E. Valentine
Leslie Valentine ’92
Marion Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Macphail
Tyler Williams ’15
Sandra and Bud Boren
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Love
Debbie Lozo
Carey and Jim Jackson-Adams
Caroline and Ralph Paris
Dr. Patricia Singer and Dr. Dan Singer
Student Friends of Tyler Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Williams
Richard Windham
Drs. Laura and Scott Windham ’89
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Parents’ Association
Toys & Co.
Triad Inflatables
Triad Stage
Bengal Dash
Mary Dator
Forbis & Dick Funeral Service, Inc.
Greensboro Orthopaedic Center
Homewatch CareGivers of the Triad
Jowat Corp.
Off’n Running
Phoenix Asian Cuisine
Wade Jurney Homes, Inc.
Bengals, Boots & Bling
Drs. Clark & Ribando
Elizabeth Richards Collection
Envy Salon
Parks Edge Salon
Table 16 Restaurant
Christopher J. Trentini
Michele and Bryan Wagoner
Quest for the Cup
Mr. and Mrs. Quint Barefoot
Barbara and Dan Caffrey
Lisa Scheer Cone and Ed Cone ’80
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Linda and Mark Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Ross F. Hemphill
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Knowles Jr.
Deborah and Sam Lankford
Patty and Bill McIvor
Leigh Ann and Andy Pool
Ms. Jan Findley and Mr. Roger Posacki
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Stern
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Talbot
Kim and David Taylor
Fran and Ted Tewkesbury
Trinh and Burke Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Webb
Marilyn and Jack Whitley
Thuy and Thomas Whyte
Green and Gold Day Carnival
The Fresh Market
Green and Gold Day Carnival
Boats Unlimited NC of Greensboro
Forbis & Dick Funeral Service, Inc.
The Fresh Market
Henson Realty LLC
Dr. Lisa Jo Adornetto and
Mr. Timothy Lingard
Mega Builders, LLC
Preferred Child Care, Inc.
Spine and Scoliosis Specialists
Sugar Shack
University of Phoenix (Apollo Group)
PA Gifts in Kind
Bengal Dash
Brixx Pizza
Creative Snacks
Donna Drinnen, LMBT
Elements of Style
Elite Performance Chiropractic
Foster Caviness
Francesca’s Collection
Gate City Lanes
Gordon’s Menswear
Greensboro Children’s Museum
GDS Summer Programs
Harper’s Restaurant
Harris Teeter
Janes on the Run
Susan Kunar
Off’n Running
Omega Sports
Palm Avenue
Parisi Speed School
Phoenix Asian Cuisine
PIP Printing Services
Proehlific Park
Progression’s Salon
TAA Flight Training
Regarding Fitness with Kara Ruffin
Silpada Designs/Bobbie West
Taylormade Kettlecorn
Quest for the Cup
Bardy’s Estate Jewelry & Diamonds
The Fresh Market
Schiffmans Inc.
Faculty Appreciation
Delicious Bakery
The Extra Ingredient
The Fresh Market
Gnam Gnam
Midtown Olive Press
Print Works Bistro
Rice Toyota
Triad Stage
Membership Certificates
Carolyn and Joe Gorga
A nnual R eport
Special Gifts
The following gifts were made for special
restricted purposes not listed in other
sections of this Annual Report. We are
grateful for the generosity of these donors.
Seven Star Award, to inspire teaching
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bates/Bates Foundation
For the Kimberly S. Bates ’84 Memorial
Dr. Dora Brodie and Dr. Bruce Brodie
To support the Any Day Diversity program
Burlington Industries Foundation
Gift made in Memory of Charles A.
McLendon, Jr. to enhance the McLendon
Speaker Series
Betty Jane Harris and Carlton M. Harris, Jr.
Fund at the Community Foundation of
Greater Greensboro.
Established in memory of their son
Carlton M. Harris, Jr. ’76, for the Carlton
M. Harris, Jr. Scholars, funds financial aid
awards for one senior and two eighth
grade students, by helping them pay for
books and fees. The students must be
recipients of financial aid, students with
good academic standing and outstanding
citizens of the GDS community.
Aggie and Jon Schner
To support Financial Aid
William R. Soles ’75
For the Lenwood Edwards Scholarship
John Templeton Foundation
To support Community Service
Well Spring Retirement Community
To support Grandparent programs at
Greensboro Day School
2011-2012 Volunteer Boards
and Administration
Board Of Trustees
Dr. Sandra Adams
Mrs. Lenora Billings-Harris
Mr. Patrick Burns
Mr. Marion Follin
Mrs. Penny Graves
Mrs. Carrie Griswold
Mr. Maurice N. Jennings, Jr. (Burney)
Mr. Wallace R. Johnson III (Buster)
Mr. Charles Keeley ’81 (Chuck)
Mr. Robert C. Ketner
Mrs. Kristen Magod
Mrs. Patricia McIvor (Patty)
Mr. Paul G. Milam
Mr. Russell M. Robinson III (Russ)
Mr. James G. Rucker III ’82 (Jim)
Mr. J. Scott
Mrs. Mary L. Scott
Mr. Robert Smith
Mrs. Adeline Talbot
Mrs. Fran Tewkesbury, Chair
Mrs. Nancy Vaughan
Mr. William W. Watson (Wes)
Mr. James W. Whitley, Jr. (Jack)
Dr. Leigh Ann Pool
Mark C. Hale, Head of School
Tommy Webb, Assistant Head of School
Gail Isaacson Bernstein ’76, Assistant to the
Head of School,
Terry Buxton, Upper School Director
Ed Dickinson, Middle School Director
Gillian Goodman, Lower School Director
David Gilbert, Academic Dean
Pam Hemphill, Chief Financial Officer
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Robin Schenck, Director of Admission and
Dana Smith, Director of Technology
Board of Visitors
Ross Harris, Chair
Margaret and Howard Arbuckle
Jeff and Mary Beach
Jane Brabham
Dr. Dora Brodie
Carolyn Chappell Czarda
Sheri Evans
Sarah Gorrell
Beth Harrington
Jackie Humphrey
Pat Ingersoll
Alice Isaacson
Yvonne Johnson
Mary Gorrell Jones
Susan Kelly
Jan Lawson
Dr. Joe LeBauer
Terry McDaid
Allison Morrisette
Tina Patterson
Jane Peterson
Emma Poindexter
Bill Porter
Dr. Terri Shelton
Debi Silber
Gloria Silber
Jasbir Singh
Kimberly Strong
Anne Wagg
Dr. Craven Williams
Chair’s Council
Charles A. McLendon*
James S. Schenck III
John T. Warmath, Jr.
Charles W. Cheek*
Cameron Cooke Claibourne W. Poindexter
Sallie A. McMillion
Stephen C. Hassenfelt
Carole S. Lesley
Gail M. LeBauer
Charles H. Flynt, Jr.
Haynes G. Griffin
David M. Worth
Dennis R. Glass
David R. Howard ’76
Edward F. Cone ’80 Maurice N. Jennings, Jr. Fran F. Tewkesbury, Chair
Head of School’s Council
Jackie Bell
Mente Benjamin
Ray Berry
Eric Calhoun
Jean Copeland
Jed Dunn
Lenwood Edwards
Lawton Gresham
Berkeley Harris
Ross Harris
Dr. Frank Houston
John Kavanagh
Warren Knapp
Ann Lineweaver
Dennis Quaintance
Linda Sloan
Bill Soles
Mary Davis McLendon Smart
Katherine Stern
Judy White
Generations Campaign Cabinet
Campaign Chairs
Merrill and Chuck Keeley ’81
Melinda and Jim Rucker ’82
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Honorary Chairs
Emma and Clay Poindexter
Anita and Jim Schenck
Sarah and Jack Warmath
Campaign Cabinet
Lori Aycock
Mary and Jeff Beach
Allison Lineweaver Bell ’92
and Jon Bell ’90
Jackie and Steve Bell
Jay Brennan
Helen Brooks ’80
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Liz and Pat Burns
Sherry and Kerry Clark
Ed Cone ’80
Fran and Bert Davis
Annual Fund First Chairs
Jean and Ralph Davison
Martha Anne
and Blaine DuBose
Joanne and Scott Duggan
Carrie and Will Griswold ’81
Marion Follin
Ross Harris
Dina and Burney Jennings
Wade Jurney
Heidi Keeley
Magz and Bob King
Kristen and Marc Magod
Terry McDaid
Paul Milam
Leigh Ann Pool
Gail and Paul Rohlfing
Walker Rucker
Mary Scott
Adeline Talbot
Fran Tewkesbury
Campaign Advisors
Jed Dunn
Steve Hassenfelt
Robert Ketner
Bill Soles ’75
Annual Fund First
Annual Fund First Cabinet
Fran and Bert Davis, 2011-2013 Chairs
Jay Brennan, 2010-2011 Chair
David Anderson ’96
Lori Aycock
Sherry Clark
Martha Anne and Blaine DuBose
Joanne and Scott Duggan
Erick Ellsweig ’85
Magz and Bob King
Terry McDaid
Annual Fund First Volunteers
Lisa Allen
Jeff Beach
Anna Beaver ’03
Molly Brenner ’05
Jeb Brooks ’01
Jim Bryan
Liz and Pat Burns
Molly Burns
Alyssa Chowdhury
Beth Christina
Carter Davenport ’99
Anita and Chris Deslauriers
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99
Pearse Edwards ’87
Bessie Epps
Jan Findley
Marion Follin
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80
Barb Freedy
Heidi Gingerich
Peggy Glaser
Jack Glenn
Penny Graves
Shawn Greer
Carrie Griswold
Cheryl Hairston
Ross Harris
Zane Hembree
Burney Jennings
Lisa Johnson
Freddy Johnson
Holly Jones
George Jordan
Chuck Keeley
Katherine Kelly ’05
Jimmy King ’79
Adam Kohler
Ron Kohler
Kristin Langdon ’91
Liza Lee
John Lineweaver ’81
Marcy MacKenzie ’98
Forest Michaels ’98
Emily Hicks Maggart ’99
Allison Manning
Terri Maultsby
Patty McIvor
John Melson
Nancy Meyers
Paul Milam
Edo Mlatac ’97
Laura Murray
Jose Navarro
Mary Ellen Kavanagh Newsome
Caroline North
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Jonathan Peddrick ’98
Karen Radecki
Greer Booker Richards ’97
Pam Rogers
Gail Rohlfing
Emily Burbine Rose ’97
Jim Rucker ’81
Dodson Schenck
Mary Scott
Angelia Sherrod ’91
Velma Smith
Kathryn Stern
Megan Sudnik ’06
Adeline Talbot
Fran Tewkesbury
Marsha Tice
Paige Wagner
Wes Watson
Shonel Watson
Jack Whitley
Mary Ellen Williams
Dillard Williams ’01
Don Wingate ’98
Katie Macpherson Wray ’97
Alumni Board
David Anderson ’96
Anna Beaver ’03
Molly Brenner ’05
Jeb Brooks ’01
Amanda Cheney ’02
Carter Davenport ’99
Mary Katherine Davis Durham ’99
Pearse Edwards ’87
Erick Ellsweig ’85
Elaine Alspaugh Fox ’80, Co-President
Meredith Hull ’05
Katherine Kelly ’05
Jimmy King ’79
Kristin Langdon ’91
John Lineweaver ’81, Co-President
Emily Hicks Maggart ’99
Marcy McKenzie ’98
Forest Michaels ’98
Edo Mlatac ’97
Elizabeth Kavanagh Newsome ’03
Katherine Obermeyer ’07
Jonathan Peddrick ’98
Grier Booker Richards ’97
Emily Burbine Rose ’97
Angelia Sherrod ’91
Catherine Houston Snarr ’86
Megan Sudnik ’06
Dillard Williams ’01
Don Wingate ’98
Katherine Macpherson Wray ’97
Danny Wright ’89
Office of Advancement
Anne Hurd, Director of Advancement
Terri Jackson, Director of Annual &
Corporate Giving
Kathy Davis, Director of Alumni Relations
Stacy Calfo, Director of Communications
and Marketing
Leigh Munsey, Advancement Services
Nancy Roberts, Advancement Services –
Gift Processing and Reporting
5401 Lawndale Drive, Greensboro, NC 27455