NSSED Pullout Update


NSSED Pullout Update
Special Education in
Deerfield Public Schools District 109
Meeting the needs of all students
Goals for Today
—  Explain how District 109 meets the needs of
special education students
—  Provide the information that will give you
the confidence to vote “YES” on our
petition to withdraw from NSSED.
—  Services for children
—  Support for staff
—  Support and education for families
—  Impact of District 109’s withdrawal
Continuum of Services:
District Programs
Additional Services
Outside Resources
Approximately 391 students
receive special education
programming in District 109
—  General education with aids and supports
—  General education with special education resource
—  General education with special education classes
—  General education with special education delivered in a
separate District Program
Advantages of District
—  Increased opportunities for interaction between
students with disabilities and non-disabled peers
—  Greater access to general education peers who serve as
models for
Social development
—  Opportunity to stay in home community
Early Childhood
—  Itinerant for students needing speech only
—  Special education/general education in a blended
—  Additional special education services may be provided
as a pullout service
—  Extended day program
—  Current enrollment
—  24 ECP
—  20 typical peers
—  24 speech itinerant
Structured Teaching Class
—  Grade K-2 and 3-5 located at one school
—  Serves students for whom social communication and
emotional regulation are the main presenting challenges
—  All learning needs can be met
—  Trans-disciplinary model with
related services generally pushing
into the classroom
—  Students attend general education
to the extent possible
—  Currently: 15 students
Social and Academic Skills (SAS)
—  Grades 6-8 located in one middle school
—  Serves students for whom social communication and
emotional regulation are the main presenting challenges
—  Students attend social skills and social communication
—  Students attend general education as determined
—  Currently: 16 students
—  Grades 6-8 located in each middle school
—  Students are significantly behind peers academically and
are working on common core standards
—  Students are significantly behind peers socially/
—  Students attend general education to the extent possible
—  Related services are delivered in
a separate environment
—  Currently: 11 students
Guided Instructional Class
—  K-2, 3-5, 6-8 located at 1 elementary and 1 middle school
—  Serves students with multiple disabilities whose academic/functional
skills fall very significantly below their age group peers
—  Program is entirely individualized and aligned to the DLM essential
—  Students attend general education to the extent possible with inclusion
goals not always related to academics
—  Supports behavior concerns
—  Includes adapted physical and recreational education
—  Trans-disciplinary model for related services
—  Currently: 23 students
Additional District Services
—  Occupational therapy
—  Physical therapy
—  Intensive behavior
—  Adapted physical education
and recreational activities
—  Assistive technology
Special Education Staff
District Programs
—  School psychologist 6
—  School psychologist 1
—  Social worker/counselor 7
—  Special education teachers
—  Speech and language
pathologist 6
—  Special education teachers
—  Teaching assistants
—  Assistant principal 6
—  Trans-disciplinary related
services of speech
pathologist 2.4, OT 1.4
—  Teaching assistants
—  Assistant director for
special education 1
Specialized Staff
—  Behavior specialist
—  Instructional specialist
—  Occupational therapists
—  Physical therapist
—  Adapted P. E. teacher
—  Assistive technology specialist (to be added)
—  Executive Director for Student Services
Outside Resources
Students served in NSSED
—  15/16 School year (anticipated) – 5 students at NSA
—  14/15 School year – 7 students at NSA, 1 student ECP
—  13/14 School year – 8 students at NSA, 3 students ECP, 1
student ELS
—  12/13 School year – 8 students at NSA, 2 students ECP, 1
student ELS
—  11/12 School year – 4 students at NSA, 2 students ECP, 2
students ELS
Students served in Private or
Other Public Programs
—  15/16 School year (anticipated) – 7 students
—  14/15 School year – 9 students
—  13/14 School year – 7 students
—  12/13 School year – 6 students
—  11/12 School year - 4 students
Contracted Services through
—  Vision itinerant services
—  One-to-one Nursing
—  Mobility specialist
—  Coaching for AT and Behavior
Additional Contracted Services
—  Hearing Itinerant services
—  Psychiatric
—  Interpreters
—  Bi-lingual psychologists and speech and language
—  Autism Specialist
Professional Learning
Personalized Professional Learning
—  Administer yearly survey to determine staff needs and
wants for the following year
—  Secure experts for multiple visits throughout the year
—  Utilize in-house experts through Deerfield College and
Teaching and Learning Conferences
—  Allow staff to attend programs of interest to them
outside of the District
—  Two CPI certified trainers on staff to train staff in CPI
—  Instructional Coach for Special Education
Support for Families
Parents and Professionals for Success
—  Parent and Staff Board
—  Mission: Educate, communicate, and support
—  Holds yearly events to educate parents
§  IEP process
§  Transitioning to middle school
—  Hosts specialized events based on parent feedback
§  Social events
§  Executive Functioning
§  Autism
—  Mentor Program
—  Website: PPS109.org
Impact of NSSED Pullout
Financial Impact
—  IDEA retention & membership fees
—  FY 2016 estimated = $105,000 (new billing structure)
—  FY 2015 = $242,000
—  Projected 109 savings over 2 years.
—  IDEA retention
—  membership fees
—  OT and PT
Services Impact
Fall 15/16
Fall 16/17
—  NSA = 5 students
—  NSA = 3 students
—  Coaching
§  PT = .5 per month
—  Other services
§  One-to-one nurse
§  Behavior = 2.0 per month
§  AT = .5 per month
—  Other services
§  .4 OT
§  One-to-one nurse
§  Vision itinerant
§  Mobility specialist
§  Vision (?)
§  Mobility specialist
Next Steps
— Requesting Deerfield’s petition for
withdrawal be added BOE agenda in
August or September for a vote
— A “yes” vote indicates recognition
how Deerfield intends to continue to
meet the needs of special education
students without NSSED.