CENSUS AND PROPERTY SURVEY FOR FLORENTINE DOMAINS AND TH E CITY OF VERONA IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALY . A User's Guide to the Machine Readable Data Fil e Principal Investigator s David Herlih y Department of Histor y Harvard Universit y Cambridge, Massachusett s and Christiane Klapishe-Zube r Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etude s Paris, Franc e 1977 Documentation Prepared b y Data and Program Library Servic e 198 1 Data Distributed b y Data and Program Library Servic e 3308 Social Science Buildin g University of Wisconsi n Madison, Wisconsin 5370 6 608-262-7962 CATALOGING-IN-SOURC E (Machine-readable data file plus codebook ) Herlihy, David and Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane Census and property survey o f Florentine domains and the city of Verona in fifteenth century Italy [machine readable data file] / principal investigators, David Herlihy and Christian e Klapisch-Zuber . --Darcy ed . / reformatted by Robert Darcy -- Madison, Wis . : Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1981 . 31 data files + 2 location code files + 2 program files + 1 codebook (p .90) . Summary: The data were coded during 1966 to 1976 from the officia l manuscripts of the tax declarations (Campioni) in the fifteenth century Italy . For each household, one person was assigned as the 'fiscal head', th e individual primarily responsible for the tax . Data for each household includ e name of fiscal head, type of dwelling, animal ownership, occupation of fisca l head, value of public and private investments, deductions, and tax . This data set is also known as Catasto study . Archival study number : AG-504-001 . 1 . Florence (Italy)--Social conditions . 2 . Florence (Italy)--Economic conditions . 3. Florence (Italy)--Census, 1427 . I . title . II . Catasto study . III . Klapisch-Zube r Christiane . (Printed Codebook Only) Census and property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona i n fifteenth century Italy : a user's guide to the machine-readable data file / principal investigators, David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber . --DPL S ed .-- Madison, Wis . : Data and Program Library Service, 1981 . 1 v. ca. 90 p . This codebook is to be used in conjunction with machine-readable dat a collection with the same title . It documents data locations, variabl e description and code values . I . Herlihy, David II .Klapisch-Zuber, Christiane III . Catasto Study IV . title . BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATIO N Publications based on DPLS data collections should acknowledge those sources by means of bibliographic citations. To ensure that such source attributions are captured for social science bibliographic utilities, citations must appear i n footnotes or in the reference section of publications . The bibliographic citation fo r this data collection is : Herlihy, David and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber . Census an d property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona in the fifteent h century Italy [machine-readable data file] . Cambridge, Mass . : David Herlihy , Harvard University, Department of History and Paris, France : Christian e Klapisch-Zuber, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes [producers] , 1977 . Madison, Wis .: University of Wisconsin, Data and Progra m Library Service [distributor], 1981 . TABLE OF CONTEN T Introduction 1 Codebook 4 Appendice s Appendix A. Location Codes 9 Appendix B . Occupation Codes 48 Appendix C . Code of Relationships of Household Members 56 Appendix D . Commentary Code 59 Appendix E . Notes Covering Various Aspects of the Study 61 Appendix F . Chart of Series Title and Number of Observations 73 Appendix G . Sample Coding Form 75 Appendix H . Bibliography 77 INTRODUCTIO N The data were coded, during 1966 to 1976, from the official manuscripts of th e tax declarations (Campioni) for the city of Florence and environs (Florentin e domains) from 1427 to 1429, the 10% samples of the declarations for Florence i n 1458 and 1480 and for the city of Verona in 1425 and 1502 . Parts of the 142 5 survey have been lost. Therefore, the data set includes only those household s and parishes for which records have survived . The survey of 1502 is als o incomplete as it includes only those parishes which are included in the earlie r survey. The survey consists of data on the fiscal household as defined by th e government for the purpose of collecting the tax . For each household, the surve y assigns one person as the 'fiscal head', the individual primarily responsible fo r collecting the tax . Data for the entire household include : name of fiscal head , type of dwelling, animal ownership, occupation of fiscal head, value of public an d private investments, deductions, prossessions, members, fina lasemnt and tax. Data on individual members include : age, sex, matrimonial state , relationship to fiscal head, and commentary . The file is hierarchical with two record types . Each record has 6 cards and eac h card is 80 characters long . The first record type is an economic record whic h provides data on the entire household . All households have one . The second record type is a demographic record listing information on individual members o f the household . There can be more than one demographic record (0 to 5) pe r household depending on the number of members in the household . The numbe r of observations varies with each series (see Appendix F for the number o f observations for each series) . Consistency and edit checks have been carrie d out for all variables . There are no restrictions on access to the public use files . Also available are : 1 ) an extraction program (written in PL/1) developed by Robert Darcy, Oklahom a State University, Department of Political Science and 2) data on the Diocese o f Florence (no edit checks have been performed) . Copies of the data and documentation (also the extraction program and the Diocese data) can b e obtained from Ms . Laura Guy, Data and Program Library Service, 3308 Socia l Science Building, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 . Ms. Guy can also be reached at (608) 262-7962 . NOTES ON THE DARCY EDITION OF THE CATASTO STUD Y The original Catasto public use file consists of one economic card describin g each household (the unit of analysis) followed by one, two, three, four, five, or n o demographic cards pertaining to individuals in the household . Because standar d analysis packages such as SAS or SPSS require each case to have the sam e format, the original Catasto public use file was awkward to work with . Thus Dr. Robert Darcy in the Department of Political Science in the Oklahoma Stat e University wrote a program to correct certain extant errors and pad households with as many blank records as necessary to ensure each has five demographi c cards . No records were deleted . There were 2 types of corrections . The firs t correction was where the sequence of demographic cards was out of order ; in which case they were put in the correct order . The second correction was wher e the number of demographic cards per household, i .e . column 8 of th e demographic cards, did not correspond with the actual data . The correction s were made to reflect the actual number of demographic cards per household . An SPSS setup was prepared which defines the 279 variables in the new dat a set and label each appropriately . DPLS is distributing the DARCY edition of Catasto study . There are 31 data files which are the reformatted Catasto an d correspond to the 31 files in the original public use data set . The CATASTO .SPSS is a SPSS setup file . It includes the job control languag e necessary to run analysis . Users should list and output this file . It can b e modified to suit the requirements of the user's installation . The SPSS setu p defines variables for the household (V1 to V29) and for each of 50 possibl e household members (V30 to V279) . The SPSS setup serves as th e documentation to the reformatted Catasto . The CATASO .PRG contains the PL/l program used to reformat and correct th e original public use file . The file contains the job control language necessary t o run the program at Oklahoma State University . It, too, can be listed, output, an d modified to suit the requirements of the user's installation . If you have further question regarding the reformatted data set please contac t Robert Darcy at the Department of Political Science, Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK74078, (405)624-5569. Reference : J . Paul Bischoff and Robert Darcy, "Reformatting the Florentine Catasto fo r use by Standard Statistical Analysis Programs," Computers and Medieval Data Processing . XI, (October, 1981) :5-6. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DONATIO N This edition of the census and property survey of Florentine domains and the cit y of Verona in fifteenth century Italy has been deposited at the Data and Progra m Library Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison for public distribution by Davi d Herlihy, Department History, Harvard University and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber , Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France . Funding support for preparin g the original data and this public use edition was provided to Professor Herlih y and Madam Klapisch-Zuber by the following agencies : the American Council of Learned Societies, the Centre National de la Rescherche Scinetifique (CNRS) , the Graduate Research Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, th e National Science Foundation (Grant No . GS-36723) and the Center for Advance d Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ASSISTANCE All manuscripts utilizing data made available through the Data and Progra m Library Service should acknowledge that fact as well as cite the title of the stud y as indicated on the title page and sample catalog statement and identify th e original collectors of the data . All users of these data are urged to follow som e adaptation of this statement with the parentheses indicating items to b e completed or deleted appropriated by the individual analyst. The data (and tabulations) utilized in this publication were mad e available (in part) by the Data and Program Library Service , University of Wisconsin-Madison . The data for the Census an d property survey of Florentine domains and the city of Verona in fifteent h century Italy were prepared by David Herlihy, Department of History, Harvard University and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes , Paris, France . Neither the principal investigators nor Data and Progra m Library Service bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretation s presented here . In order to provide funding agencies with essential information about the use o f archival resources and to facilitate the exchange of information about DPL S participants' research activities, each user of these facilities is expected to sen d two copies of each completed manuscript, thesis abstract, or reprint to the Data and Program Library Service . 3 CODEBOO K Economic Car d Ref . # 1 Col . # 1-2 Width 2 Variable Nam e Series Numbe r 01 City of Florence, 142 7 02 City of Florence, Additions of 142 8 Contado of Florence (Series 03-06 ) 03 04 05 06 Rural Rural Rural Rural quarter quarter quarter quarter of of of of St . St . St . St . Spirito, 142 7 Croce, 142 7 Maria de Novella, 142 7 Giovanni, 142 7 07 City of Florence, Additions of 142 9 District of Florence (Series 10-34 ) 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 33 34 City of Cortona, 142 7 Countryside of Cortona, 142 7 Castiglione Fiorentino, city and countryside, 142 7 Montepulciano and Ville, 1427 . Countryside of Arezzo (Vicariati of Anghiari an d of Montesansavino), 142 7 City of Arezzo, 142 7 Cortine of Arezzo, 142 7 City of Pisa, 142 7 Countryside of Pisa, 142 7 City of Pistoia, 142 7 Countryside of Pistoia, 142 7 Mountains of Pistoia, 142 7 Garfagnana, 142 7 Val di Nievole, 142 7 Val d'Arno di Sotto, 142 7 San Gimignano, 142 7 Colle, 142 7 City of Volterra, 142 7 Countryside of Volterra, 142 7 Sillano and Montecastelli, 142 7 98 99 58 80 Verona, Verona, City of City of 1425 (See Appendix 1502 (See Appendix Florence, 1458, 10% Florence, 1480, 10% E, Note 2 ) E, Note 2 ) Sampl e Sampl e 2 3-6 4 Household Identification (Sequence Number ) Families are entered in the order that they appeare d in the summary volumes . 3 7-11 5 Locatio n See Location Codes in Appendix A . (See Appendix E, Note 3 ) 4 12-21 10 Name of head of family (See Appendix E, Note 4 ) 4 Ref . # Col . # Width Variable Nam e 5 22-31 10 Name of father or head of family (See Appendix E, Note 5 ) 6 32-41 10 Family name (See Appendix E, Note 6 ) 7 42-44 3 Source . The number of the volume in th e archival series containing the origina l declaration . 8 45-47 3 Page . The number of the folio (recto or See Ap . E, N . 7 verso) where the declaration begins . 9 48 1 Type of household . (Note that codes 1 an d 4 contain no following demographic cards .) 1 inheritance only, without member s 2 duplicated declaration that appears i n the volume of Sommarii, but was crossed out in the Campioni during the verifications (when it was noticed that the de claration had been registered twice ) 3 incomplete informatio n 4 property of rural parishes or institutions , without member s 5 tax exemp t 8 declarations of head who lives outside th e Florentine territory but owns property within i t (members are usually incompletely given ) 10 49 1 Type of dwellin g 1 owns the home where he lives 2 rents the home where he live s 3 lives with a family in a house for which he does not pay the rent (case of parents , servants, etc . ) 11 50 1 Ownership of animals 1 2 3 4 5 12 51 1 owner of cattle renter of cattle owns and rents cattl e owns only small beast s owns beasts of burden (and possibly smal l beasts ) Emigration-immigration (origin of househol d head ) 1 comes from a locality of the district o f Florence, to the parish where he registered . 2 living and residing in a locality of th e district of Florence, but elsewhere than where he is obliged to the tax 3 comes from a non-Florentine Italian locality 4 comes -from Germany 5 Ref . # 12 Col . # 51 Width 1 Variable Name Emigration-immigration continue d 5 comes from countries other than German y and Italy 6 residing in Italy outside of the distric t of Florenc e 7 residing in German y 8 residing in a country other than German y and Ital y 13 52 1 Trade, occupation of household head . 1 employee, fattore or an employer fo r whom the trade was coded in cols . 53-5 4 2 widow or daughter of a man whom th e trade was coded in cols . 53-54 (occupation of deceased husband or father o f a minor child ) 3 occupation no longer exercise d 14 53-54 2 Trade or occupation See Occupation Codes in Appendix B . 15 55-59 5 Value of private investment s (See Appendix E, Note 8 ) 16 60-64 5 Value of public investments (includes th e public debt (Monte) ) 17 65-70 6 Total value of all assets (includes privat e and public investment and the value of rea l property with house deducted ) 18 71-75 5 Deductions (total value of deductions (debt s and charges) calculated in the document ) 19 76-80 5 Tax (taxable fortune - gives the total valu e of the taxable fortune less the deductions ) (See Appendix E, Note 9 ) 6 Demographic Car d Ref . # Col . # Width Variable Nam e 1 1-2 2 Series Numbe r 2 3-6 4 Household Identification (Sequence Number ) 3 7 1 Card Number (See Appendix E, Note 10 ) 4 8 1 Total number of demographic card s The following seven field format is repeate d for each member of the family, repeated in cols . 9-15, 16-22, 23-29, etc . and repeate d as often as necessary . 5 9 1 Se x 1 2 3 6 10-11 2 Age (rounded out to younger age except fo r 79, 89 which were changed to 81, 91 respectively ) 79 89 99 7 12 1 mal e female indeterminat e undetermined age infants of less than a yea r persons of 99, 100 years, or mor e Matrimonial stat e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 undetermined (sons, daughters after 18 years ) married single engage d widowed (widow ) married or widowed (widow ) separated (married woman declaring the goods in he r name although her husband was livin g 8 newly married or added in 1428-142 9 8 13-14 2 Relationship of household members with th e head of the famil y See Code of Relationship of Household Member s in Appendix C . 9 15 1 Commentary See codes in Appendix D . 7 APPENDIX A 9 LOCATION CODE S CITY OF FLORENCE (SERIES 01 ) 0001 QUARTIERE DI S . SPIRIT O 1 GONFALO N E DI SCAL A 2 NICCHI O 3 FERZA 4 DRAGO 0002 QUARTIERE DI S . 1 GONFALONE DI 2 3 4 CROC E C A RR O DUE LEON NER O RUOT E 0003 QUARTIERE DI S . MARIA NOVELL A 1 GONFALONE DI VIPER A 2 3 4 0004 QUARTIERE DI S . 1 GONFALO N E DI 2 3 CHIAVI 4 UNICORNO LEO NROS LEON BIANC O GIOVANN I LEO ND'OR DRAG O VAI O CITY OF FLORENCE . ADDITIONS OF 1428 (SERIES 02 ) (SEE CODI NG FOR SERIES 01 ) CITY OF FLORENCE. ADDITIONS OF 1429 (SERIES S7 ($EE CODING FOR SERIES 01 ) ) CONTADO OF FLORENC E 1 QUARTIERE DI S. SPIRITO (SERIES 03 ) 01 PIVIERE DX S . GIOVANN I NVERZAI 01 POpOLO S . FREDIANO FUORI DELLE MURA E S . M ARI A I . M • PIERO GATTOLINO FUORI D 02 S. S. 03 ILARIO A COLOMBAI A 04 S . DONATO ASCOPET 05 S MARIA A MARIGNOLL E 06 S o MARIA ASOFIN A LEGNAI A 0? S. QUIRICO 00 S . AGNOLO A LEGN A I A 09 S. LORENZO A GREV E I AMONTICEL S . SEPOLCRO 10 11 S . PIERO A MONTICELL I 12 S . GIUSTO A SIGNANO 10 ACINTO 13 S. BARTOLO S . MARIA A CINTOI A 14 15 S . QUIRICO A MARIGNOLL E 02 PIVIERE D' IMPRUNET A 01 POPOLO S. MARIA A IMPRUNET A 02 S. ANDREA ALUINO 03 S. CRISTOFANO A STRAD A 00 S. ELLERO A PITIGLIOL O 0S S . MARIA A MONTAUT O 06 S . MARIA A CARPINET O 07 S . PIERO A S . GERSOLE 0S S . LORENZO ALLE ROS E 09 MlNIATO A QUINTOL E 10 S . MARTINO A BAGNOL O 11 S. PIERO A MONTEBUON I 12 S . CRISTINA A PANCOL E 13 S. GIUSTO A MEZZAN O 14 S. STEFANO A POZZOLATIC O S. LORENZO IN COLLIN A 15 16 S . MICHELE A NIZZAN O MARTINO A STRAD A 17 S. GIORGIO A PONET A 03 PIVIERE DI SETTIM O 01 P OPOLO 02 03 S. 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 04 S . GIULIANO A SETTIM O S . BADIA DI S . S A LVATOR E STEFANO A UGNAN O S. COLOMBANO A SETTIM O S. ILARIO A SETTIM O S. MARIA A CASTAGNOL O S . ROMOLO A SETTIM O S . BA RTOLO IN TUT O S . ANDREA A MOSCIAN O S . PIERO A SOLICCIAN O S. MARIA A M ANTIGNAN O S . MARTINO ALLA P ALM A P IVIERE DI GI O GOLI (I ) 01 POPOLO S . ALESSANDRO A GIOGOL I 02 S. ZANOBI A CASIGNAN O 03 S . PAOLO A MOSCIANO 04 S . MA RTI N O A SCANDICC I 05 S. CRISTOFANO A VICIAN O 06 S. MARIA A GREV E 07 S. MARIA A COLLERAMOL E 05 PIVIERE DI GIOGOLI (II ) 01 COMUNE DI GANGALAND I 06 PIVIERE DI GIOGOLI (III ) 01 POPOLO S . GIOVANNI A MONTELUP O 02 S . MINIATELLO A MONTELUP O 03 S. 04 05 06 S VITO A LUCIAN O S . GIUSTO A PETROGNAN O S . QUIRICO A MONTELUP O . MARIA A FIBBIANA 11 07 PIVIERE DI GIOGOLI (IV ) 01 POPOLO S . MICHELE A PONTORM E 02 S . MA RTINO A PO N TORM E 03 S . MARIA A CORTENUOV A 04 S . DONATO A LEGNONE E BAGNOL O 05 PONZANO E PATRIGNON E S . MARIA OLTRORM E 06 07 S . ANDREA A EMPOL I 08 S. MARIA A RIP A 09 S. AGNOLO A EMPOL I 10 S . J A COPO AD AVAN E PIERO A RIOTTOL I 11 S. 12 S. MARTINO A VITIAN A 13 S . CRISTINA PAGNAN A 14 S. MICHELE A PIANEZZOLI ! 15 S . LEONADO A CERBAIOL A S. SIMONE A CORNIOL A 16 17 S . GIUSTO A PETROI O 08 PIVIERE DI S. IPPOLIT O 01 POPOLO S. MARIA A SAMMONTAN A 02 S . PIERO A NEBBIAVOL E S . MARIA A PULIC A 03 04 S. MICHELE A BRACCIATIC A 05 S . MA RIA A MARLIANO, S . DONATO A MISCIAN O E S . LORENZO A VICIAN O 06 S . ANDREA A CASTRATOL E 07 S. MARTINO A CARCHER I 09 CITTA E CONTADO DI S . MINI A T O 01 COMUNE S. MINIATO, TE R ZIERE D IPOGUS S. MINIATO, TERZIERE DI FUORI DI PORT A 03 VILLAGIO SELV A ANOCIH 04 POPOLO S. LORENZO 05 S . AGNOLO ATUBIN S, ANDREA A MONTEREGGIAN A 06 07 VILLA DI PINO S . A GNOLO A MONTORZ O 08 09 VILLA DI ROFFIA EGIOVANSTR 10 S . PIERO ALLE FONT I STEFANO ALL'ONTRAIN O 11 S. S. LUCIA A CALENZAN O 12 . 13 S MARGHERITA A MONTARS O 14 S . LUCIA A CUSIGNAN O 15 VILLA DI CELLO E CORNIAN O 16 VILLA DI ISOL A 17 S. PIERO A MARCIGNAN A 18 VILLA DI PULICCIAN O 19 S. BARTOLOMEO A BRUCCIAN O 20 S . M ARIA ALLE COLLIN E 31 VILL A DI MARZAN A 22 S . GERMANO A MORIOL O 19 S . BARTOLOMEO ALLA BADI A 24 VILLA DI AGLIONE E D ICASLE 25 COMUNE CASTELLUCCIO E COLLEPATT 26 AGLIANO E CAMPORENA I 12 CASTELFALF I VIGNAL E S . GIOVANNI IN VALDEGOL A BALCONEVIS I BUCCI A N O 32 VILLAGIO COMPRIAN O MELLICCIAN O 27 2S 29 30 31 33 10 PIVIERE DI 01 COMU N E 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 FABBRIC A STIBBBI O CIGOL I S. QUINTIN O S . QUINTINELL O LEPORAI A MONTEBICCHIER I CANNET O CASTELNUOV O COIANO COLLEGALL I S. STEFAN O BARBIALL A TOND A MONTAION E 11 PIVIERE DI MONTERAPPOL I 01 POPOLO S„ GIOVANNI A MONTERAPPOL I 02 S . LORENZO A MONTERAPPOL I 03 S . IACOPO ASTIGLNO S . BARTOLOMEO A BRUSCIAN A 04 05 .COMUNE FIORA DEL BORGO A S MBIANOS . P R OSPERO AC 06 POPOLO 07 S . BARTOLOMEO A GABBIAVOL E 08 S . GIUSTO A CAPROLES E 09 S . BARTOLO M EO A CORBINAI A 10 V ILLAGIO PATER N O 11 POPOLO S . MATTEO A GRANAIOL O 12 COMUNE CASTELFIORENTIN O 13 VILLAGIO PETRAZZI E CELL O 14 POPOLO DELLA PIEVE VECCHI A 15 S . PIERO A PISANGOL I 16 S . MICHELE A VALECCHI O S . JACOPO A GRICCIAN O 17 S. ANDREA A MONTERAVOL I 18 MAR 12 PIVIERE DI CILICCIAVOLE LICCIAVOLE 01 POPOLO S . IA E S . MICHELE A SPEZZ A 02 01 04 05 06 07 08 S. S. S. S. S. S. MINIATO A URBAN A MICHELE A MORAZAN O DONATO A LIVIZZAN O MICHELE AQURNTOL ANDREA A BOTINACCI O MARIA ALLA LECCI A mARTISNANA S. BARTOL O M EO A 13 PIVIERE DI S . VINCENZ O 01 POPOLO S . VINCENZO A TORRI 13 02 03 04 05 06 08 S . MICHELE A C A STIGLION E S . ANDREA AL COLL E NICCOLO A TORR I ARCIOL M A MARI . S A S . MARTINO A TORR I S . QUIRICO AL VECCHI O S . LORENZO A TORRI 14 PIVIERE DI S . PIERO IN MERCAT O 01 POPOLO S . PIERO I N MERCAT O 02 S . ANDREA A MONTESPERTOL I 03 S. LORENZO A MONTEGUFON I 04 S. M ICHELE A MOGLIAN A S . MARIA ALLA TORR E 05 06 S . MARTINO A MANZAN O 07 S . LORENZO A MONTALBINO E S. MARTINO A M ENSOL A 08 S . MARIA A BAGNOL E 09 S . GIORGIO A MONTALBIN O 10 S . JACOPO A TRECENT O 11 S. B A RTOLOMEO A TRESANT I S . ROMAN O 12 GIUSTO A MONTALBIN O 13 14 S . MARIA A LOT O S. JACOPO A VOLTIGGIAN O 15 FREDIANO A NEBBIAN O 16 S. 17 S. VITO A ORTI M I NO S . Q UIRICO ALLE SODER A 18 19 S. ILARIO A LUNGAGNANA E S MICHELE A TRIVALL E 20 S . PAOLO E S. PROSPERO AMONTESPRLI S. SILVESTRO A PULICCIANO E 22 03 S, ANDREA ALLA CORNIOL A 15SUGANA PIVIERE D I 01 PO P OLO S . 02 S. 03 S. 04 S. 05 S. 06 S. 07 S. 08 S. GIOVANNI IN SUGAN A NICCOLO A PISIGNAN O MARIA ALLA ROMOL A LEONARDO ALLA QUERCIOL A STEFANO A G A BBIOL A PIERO A MONTEPALD I M ICHELE A TORR I NICCOLO A CIPOLLATIC O 16 PIVIERE DI S. PANCRAZI O 01 POPOLO S, PANCRAZI O 02 S. M ARIA A BIGNOLA E S. LORENZO A CASTELVECCHIO MARTINO A LUCARD O 03 S. 04 S . PIERO ALLA RIP A 05 S . MICHELE A POLVERET O 06 S . QUIRICO IN COLLIN A 07 S . STEFANO A LUCIGNAN O 00 S . CRISTINA A SALIVOLP E 09 10 11 S . JACOPO A FEZZAN A S . PIERO A PERGOLAT O S . MARTINO A MONTAGNAN A 14 12 1) 14 S. S . BIAGIO A POPPIAN O S. MARIA A MONTECALV I ANDREA A CELLOL E 17 PIVIERE DI S . LAZZARO (I ) 01 POPOLO S . LAZZARO A LUCARD O 02 S . DONATO A LUCARD O S . MINIATO A MAGGIAN O 03 04 S. GODENZO A RUBALL A 05 S . PIERO A TUGIAN O 06 S . MARTINO A MAIAN O S . MARIA A CASAL E 07 08 S, MARIA NOVELLA A LUCARD O 09 S. CRISTINA A METAT A 10 S . M ARIA A LUCARD O S . MICHELE A MONTEPIER O 11 12 S . LUCIA A CASALECCHI O 13 S . MARTINO A LIFFOL I 14 COMUN E CERTALDO 1S PIVIERE DI S . LAZZARO (II ) 01 COMUNE PULICCIAN O GAMBASS I 02 03 CATIGNAN O 04 POPOLO S, LUCIA A CATIGNAN O 05 S. ANDREA A GAVIGNALL A 06 'AGRESTOS . MICHEL EAL 07 PIERO ALL ABDI 08 S . GIOVANNI A VARN A 09 COMUN E MONTIGNOSO 1CAMPORBIANO 0 19 PIVIERE DI S. GERSOL E 01 POPOLO S . GERSOLE A SEMIFONT E 02 S . M ARIA A LANCIALBERT I S. I P POLITO A MEGOGNAN O 03 04 S . STEFANO A BAGNAN O 05 S . MARGHERITA A SCIANO E S . M A R IA ALL'AVA N ELLE 06 S . MICHELE A SEMIFONT E 10 PIVIERE DI S . APPIAN O 01 COMUNE VICO FIORE N TIN O 02 LINAR I CEPPERELL O 03 04 POPOLO S . PIERO A PETROGNAN O 05 S. FILIPPO ABREINO 06 S. JACOPO A DOGLI A 07 S . MARIA A PONET A 08 S. MARTINO A PASTIM E 09 S . MICHELE A PON A ZAN O 10 S . PIERO A POPPIAN O 21 PIVIERE D IBOSL 01 POPOLO S . PIERO AI NBOSL 02 BARBERINO VALDESA 03 S . ROMOLO A TIGNANO 15 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 S . MICHELE A CASAGLI A S. JACOPO A LSAMBUCO S . ANTONINO ABONZ S . NICCOLO A AGUGLION E S. GIMIGNANO A PETROI O S . BARTOLOMEO APLZUO S . MA RI A A POGNI E . S . AGNOLO A NEBBIANO S. LORENZO A VIGLIAN O S . JACOPO A MAGLIAN O S, GIUSTO A PETROI O 22 PIVIERE DI S. DONATO IN POGGI O 01 POPOLO S . DONATO IN POGGI O 02 S . MARTINO A COZZ I 03 S . MICHELE A MONTECORBOL I 04 S. LORENZO A CORTIN E 05 S. PIERO A OLE N A 06 S . MINIATO A SICELL E 07 S. GIUSTO A RICAV O 23 COMUNE DI POGGIBONS I 01 COMUN E POGGIBONSI 02 VILLAGIO DI CALCINAI A GAVIGNAN O 03 PAPAIAN O 04 CASA A'FRAT I 05 PIANO Dl CAMP ' 06 MONTEMORL I 06 CASAGLIOL A 08 CASAGLI A 09 S . MARTINO E DI CINCIAN O 18 11 CEDD A TALCION E 12 13 POPOLO S. MARTINO A LUC O 14 S . GIUSTO A VILLOLE S . PIERO A M EGOG N A N O 15 S. LUCIA A BOLSAN O 16 17 VILLAGIO DI LECCH I PIVIERE DI CAMPOL I 01 POPOLO S . STEFANO A CA MPOL I 02 S, M ARIA A CAMPOL I S . NICCOLO A MONTECAMPOLES E 03 04 S . ANDREA A NOVOL I 05 S. FABIANO A POPPIAN O 06 S . AGNOLO A VIC O S. DONATO A LUCIAN A 07 08 S. MARIA A MONTEMACERAT A 09 S, GODENZO A CAMPOL I 10 S. ANDREA A FABRIC A 11 S . CRISTINA AMONTEFIRDL 12 S . COLOMBANO A MONTACUT O 13 S . AGNOLO E S . M ARIA ABIONE 14 S . BARTOLO A RIPOL I 25 PIVIERE DI DECIMO 17 04 PIVIERE DI RUBBIAN A 0 1 POPOLO S, MINIATO A RUBBIAN A 02 ANDREA A LINAR I 03 S. CLEMENTE A PANZALL A 04 S. BARTOLOMEO A M USIGNAN O 05 S. P AGOLO A EM A S . LUCIA A BIBTICC 06 0S PIVIERE DI CINTOI A 0 1 POPOLO S. MARIA A CINTOI A 02 S. MICHELE A RUGLIAN A 0f S . MARTINO A UZZAN O 04 S. DONATO A MUGNAN A S . MARTINO A SEZZAT E 0s 06 S, PIERO A CINTOI A 0f S. SILVESTRO A RIPOMORTOI A 08 S. LEO A MELEZZAN O 09 S . STEFANO A COLLEGALL I 1b S . LUCIA A BARBIAN O 11 S. AGNOLO A DUDD A 12 S . CRISTOFANO A LUCOLEN A 06 PIVIERE DI MIRANS U 01 02 03 04 05 07 POPOLO LORENZO A MIRANSU E S . MICHELE A S. MARTINO S. STEFANO OBARTOL MEO A MORIAN A VOLOGNAN O S. MARIA CASTIGLIONCHIO A SAMPRUGNAN O ALLE CORT I PIVIERE DI REMOLUZZ O 01 POPOLO S, MARIA A RE M OLUZZ O 02 S . EUGENIO A PUGLIAN O 03 GUALCHIERE DI REEMOL 04 S. M ICHELE A COMPIOBB I 08 PIVIERE DI VILLAMAGN A 01 POPOLO S . DONNINO A VILLA M AGN A 02 03 ROMOLO A VILLA M AGN A S. MARIA A RIGNALL A 09 PIVIERE DI RIGNAN O POPOLO S . MARIA A NUOVOL I 01 02 S, NICCOLO A CL M ET O 03 S, CRISTOFANO IN PERTICAI A 04 S, QUIRICO ALLE VALL I 05 S, SILVESTRO A MARCIAN O 06 S, STEFANO A TORR I S, LEOLINO A RIGNAN O 03 . 10 PIVIERE DELL' AN CIS A 01 POPOLO PIEVE DI S . VITO, S BIAGI O ALL'ANCISA E S. GUIRICO A 02 S , CERBONE 03 S, LORENZO A CAPPIAN O 04 S, MICHELE A MORNIANO AMONTELFI 18 S. STEFANO A BORR I S. MARIA A MORIA NO 05 06 11 PIVIERE DI FIGLIN E 01 POPOLO S, MARIA A FIGLIN E S. B A RTOLO M EO A SCAMPAT O 02 . PIERO A CASTEL GUINELD I 03 S S. ANDREA A RIPALT A 04 05 S . M ARIA A TARTAGLIES E 06 S . MICHELE A PAVELL I S. ANDREA A CA MP IGLI A 07 08 S . BIAGIO A GAGLIANELLO E S. MARTINO ALTOREGG I S. MARIA A TAGLIAFUN E S . DONATO A SPICCIAN O 10 S. PIERO A LTERNO 11 12 PIVIERE DI GAVILL E 01 POPOLO S. CLEMENTE A GAVILL E 02 S . MINIATO A CELL E 03 S . GODENZO A TORSOL I 04 S . NICCOLO DI PIAN DE'FRANZESI S . ANDREA A MONTEDOMENICHI 05 S. STEFANO A LUCOLEN A 06 S, DONATO IN AVAN E 07 S. CRISTINA E S . ERASMO AMELIO E 13 PIVIERE DI S, PANCRAZI O 01 POPOLO PIEVE DI S, PANCRAZIO E S, DONATO A CASTELNUOV O S . MICHELE A CELL E 0$ 14 PIVIERE DI CAVRIGLI A 01 COMUNE CASTEL SAN GIOVANN I 02 POPOLO S . PIERO A MONTEGONZ I 03 S. SILVESTRO A MONTAI O 04 COMUNE MONTEVARCH I 05 POPOLO S . PIERO A SINCIANO E I MONTEVARCHI D 06 S . MARIA A RICASOL I 07 COMUNE CAPOSELV I 08 MONTELUCO DELLA BERARDENG A 09 CIVITELL A 10 POPOLO S. FAVIANO E S . SEBASTIAN O A C ASTIGLIONE ALBERT ' 11 COMUNE CENNIN A TORRE A S. REPARAT A 12 13 POPOLO S . MARIA MONCION E 15 PIVIERE D I PETRIOLO 01 COMUNE GALATRON A 02 POPOLO S. LORENZO A CACCIAN O 03 S. DONATO A RENDOL A 04 COMUNE PIETRAVERS A 16 PIVIERE DI CA P ANNOL E 01 POPOLO S, LEOLINO A CAPANNOLE TOMEVILA . S 19 02 03 04 S. 05 06 07 08 09 S . DONATO A POG I S . PIERO ALL BADIA A RUOT I TOMME A SOGN A S . LUCIA A PIETR A VIV A S. MARIA A MONTEBENICH I . S MINIATO A RAPAL E S . MA RIA A AMBRA NUOV A S. AGNOLO ADUOV 17 PIVIERE DI PRESCIAN O 01 POPOLO S, PIERO A PRESCIAN O S. TOMME A MONTELUCC I 01 S, QUIRICO A CAPANNOL E 04 COMUNE DEL BUCIN E 18 PIVIERE DI S . POLO IN ROSS O 01 POPOLO S . POLO IN ROSS O S . ANDREA A ADIN E 02 03 S . SAN O S, LORENZO A AM A 04 05 S . ROMOLO IN FOSSAT O 19 PIVIERE DI SPALTENN A 01 POPOLO S . BARTOLOMEO A VERTIN E 02 MONTEGROSSOLI S . TOMME A S. MARGHERITA A MONTEGROSSOL I 03 04 S. PIERO A AVENAN O 05 S . NICCOIO A SELVOLE 06 S . DONATO IN PERANO 20 PIVIERE DI S. MA RCELIN O 01 POPOLO PIEVE DI S . MARCELLINO E S. QUIRICO A TORNAN O 02 S . BARTOLOMEO A STIELL E S, PIERO A CASTAGNOL O 03 04 S. M ICHELE A MONTELUCO A LECC HI 05 S. LORENZO A MELL O 06 BARTOLO MEO A MONTECASTELL I 07 S. GIUSTO A RONTENNAN O 08 S . PIERO A LARGENIN A 09 S . CRISTOFANO A LUCIGNAN O S . AGNOLO ALLA TOR R ICELL A 10 11 S . ANDREA A BROLI O 12 RBISCHIO S . JOCOPO E S. FILIPP OBA 21 CONIO PIVIERE DI LEO N INO I N 01 POPOLO S . LEONINO IN CONI O 02 S. MICHELE A RE NCINE 03 S . LORENZO A BIBBIAN O 04 S . BARTOLO M EO A GODENAN O . GIOVANNI A RONDINELL A 05 S 06 S . PIERO A CAGNAN O 0? S, MICHELE ALLA LECCI A S. LORENZO A TREGOL E 08 09 MINIATO A FONTERUTOL I 10 ROMOLO A CORNI A 11 S. SALVATORE ALLA CASTELLI N A 20 22 PIVIERE DI S . AGNES E 01 POpOLO PIEVE DI S . AGNES E MARTINO A CISPIAN O 02 S. 03 S . QUIRICO A MONTENNAN O 04 S. NICCOLO A STERS I 05 S . DONATO IN VERZET O 06 COMUNE STAGGI A O 07 POPOLO S. CRISTINA A LIGLIAN 23 PIVIERE DI S . MARIA NOVELLA IN CHIANT I 01 POPOLO PIE V E DI S . MARIA NOVELL A 02 S. MICHELE A COLLEPETROS O 03 S. PIERO A BUGIALL A 04 S . SALVATORE AD ALBOL A 05 S. LORENZO ALLA VOLPAI A 06 S . PIERO A MONTE M UR O E S . ANDREA A CASOL E S . MARTINO A MONTERINALD I 08 24 PIVIERE DI PANZAN O 01 PO P OLO S . LEONINO E S . MARIA APNZO 02 S . NICCOLO A MONTAGLIAR I 03 S . MARIA A PETRIOL O 04 S . PIERO ALLE STINCH E 05 S . PIERO A PES A 06 S . J A COPO A PIETRAFITT A S . LORENZO A GRIGNAN O 07 08 S . GIORGIO A GRIGNAN O O 25 PIVIERE DI SILLAN 01 PO P OLO S . PIERO I N SILLAN O 02 S . MARIA A RIGNAN A . MARTINO IN VALL E 03 S S . ANDREA A POGGIALVENT O 04 . BIAGIO A PASSIGNAN O 05 S S. MAGGIO MARIA AVICHO 06 26 PIVIERE DI MONTEFICALLI 01 PO P OLO S . CRESCI A MONTEFICALL I . ANDREA A MONTEGONZ I 02 S 04 0S 06 S E MARTINOCE . S 03 S . LEONARDO IN ROFFIAN O S . PIERO AL PINO S . STEFANO A MO N TEFICALL I . DONATO IN CITILL E 27 PIVIERE DI S . GIUSTO IN SALCI O 01 POPOLO S . GIUSTO IN SALCI O 02 S . MARTINO ALLE SELV E 03 S . ANDREA A LIVERNAN O 04 S . NICCOLO A RADD A 05 S. NICCOLO A LTREBIO 3 QUARTIERE DI S . MARIA NOVELLA (SERIES 0S) DONATLME . S S. A SEST O LUCIA A SETTI M ELL O MARIA A QUERCET O ROMOLO A COLONNAT A MARIA A QUINT O GIUSTO A GU A LD O M ARIA A MORELL O STEFANO A PESCINA S, BARTOLOMEO A CARMIGNANELL O S . MARIA IN PADUL E S . DONATO A LONCIANO S. S. S. S. S. S. S. SESTO M ARTINO 22 03 04 06 07 08 . ID,, ID., 05 ID., ID ., ID ., BACCHERETO DI DI DI DI DI S, CRISTIN A MA R CIGNA N O BAGN O POGGINA R I RE N ACC I 08 PIVIERE DI SIGNA (III ) 01 POPOLO S . STEFANO A CAPRAI A 02 S. JACOPO A PULIGNAN O 03 S . LO R E N ZO A LIMIT E 04 S . PIERO A BIBBIAN O 0S COMUNE CASTELLIN A (IV ) P. S. CROC E P . S . PANTALE O P. S . MARIA AL PRUN O S . PIERO E S, NAS D S. BARTOLOMEO A STREDA S. LUCIA APTERNO 06 07 S. LORENZO A ARNIAN O S, IPPOLITO IN VALL E 08 MARIA AFLTUGNO 09 S. 1 0 C. VITOLINI 11 POPOLO S . DONATO IN GRET I 12 S. MARIA A COLLEGONZ I 13 S. MARIA A PETROI O 14 S. MARIA A PAGNANA (SPICCHIO ) S . BARTELOMEO ASOVIGLN 15 09 PIVIERE DI SIGNA 01 COMUNE VINCI, VINCI, 02 03 04 PIV . DI SIGNA (V ) 10 C . COLLE TEFANO A CORLIANO E S . BARTOLOMEO A GAVEN A 01 02 S. MARIA A GONFIENT I 03 S, LEONARDO AL COLL E 04 C . CERRETO GUID I S. S 11 '12 CITTA E SOBBORGHI DI PRAT O 01 PORTA S. GIOVANN I A 0 a PORT TRAVAGLI O 03 PORTA GUALDIMAR I 04 PORTA LION E 05 PORTA S. TRINIT A 06 PORT A A CORT E PORT07 A CAPO DI PONT O OS PORTA TIEZI CONTADO DI PRATO, 01 POPOLO S. BARTOLOMEO A GELL O 02 S. BIAGIO A CAVAGLIAN O 8, MARTINO A GONFIENT I 03 MARIA A FILETTOL E 04 05 S . LEONARDO IN MONT E 06 S . PAOLO A CARTEANO 07 VILLA CANNET O 08 POPOLO S. M ARTINO A FABBI O 23 09 10 VILLA 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MELETT O CERRET O SAVIGNAN O S . GODENZ O FALTOGNANO CASI GRISCIAVOL A POPOLO S . BARTOLOMEO A COIAN O VILLA PARMIGN O VILLA POPIGLIAN O SOLA N O E CAPRAI A POPOLO S . MARTINO A BCMIGNAN O CRISTINA A PI M ONT E O S. VITO A SUFFIGNAN 22 S O . MICHELE A MAGLI 23 S . LUCIA IN MONT E 2* S . SALVADORE A VAIAN O 25 S. LORENZO A PIZZIDI M ONT E 26 FIGLINE 27 VILL A 28 S . GIUSTO A POPOLO S. MARIA A CAPEZZAN 30 S. PIERO A GALCIANA E PA OLO A ARMIGNAN O O . LORENZO A MONTERUBIOL 31 S S. MARTINO A PAPERIN O 32 33 S . PIERO A MEZZAN A S . GIORGIO A CALONIC A 34 8, GIORGIO A CASTELNUOV O 35 36 VILLA GRIGNAN O CAFAGGI O 37 38 POPOLO S . MARIA MADD . A TAVOL A 39 S . PIERO A IOL O 40 VILLA SORNIANA E S. MARTINO AVERGIO 41 POPOLO S. BIAGIO A CASAL E 42 S . SILVESTRO A TOBBIAN A E MONTERMURLO 43 COMUN 44 POPOLO S . CATERINA A GRICIALIAN A O 45 S. BARTOLOMEO A MONTAUT 13 PIVIERE DI CALENZAN O 01 POPOLO S . NICCOLO A CALENZAN O 02 S. STEFANO A SOMMAI A 03 S, MARIA A TRAVALL E 04 S . RUFIGNANO A SOMMAI A 8, DONATO A CALE N ZANO E 05 S . M A R IA FRA LE DUE MARIN E 14 PIVIERE DI CARRAI A 01 POPOLO S . MARIA A CARRAI A 02 S. LUCIA A COLLIN A S. LORENZO A VEZZAN O 03 04 S . ELLERO A CO M BIAT E 8, PIERO A CASAGLI A 05 S . MARTINO A LAM A 06 15 01 S . STEFANO A SECCIAN O 0S S . MARGHERITA A TORR I PIVIERE DI LEGRI 24 01 02 03 04 05 06 POPOLO S. SEVERO A LEGR I S. MARTINO A LECCI O ROMOLO A LECCI O S . MICHELE A CUPO S . PIERO A LEGR I S. MARIA ALLA QUERCIOLA 16 PIVIERE DI CERCIN A 01 POPOLO S. ANDREA A CERCIN A 02 S. MARIA A CERCIN A MARIA A STARNIANO 03 S. 04 M ARTINO A BUGLIAN O . MICHELE A CASTIGLION E 05 S O S. MARIA A URBAN 06 17 PIVIERE DI VAGLI A 01 POPOLO S. PIERO A VAGLI A 02 S. GIUSTO A SCARABON E 03 S. ANDREA A CERRETOMAGGI O . ROMOLO A BIVIGLIAN O 04 S 05 S . MARIA A PATERN O 06 S. LORENZO A PEZZATOL E 07 S. ALESSANDRO A SIGNAN O 08 S. ANDREA A PIETRAMENSOL A 09 S. BIAGIO AL CARLON E . MARIA A CARMIGNANELL O S 10 11 S . NICCOLO A FERAGLI A 18 PIVIERE DI PETROI O 01 COMUNE VILLANUOV A POPOLO S . MARIA E S . NICCOLO A LATER A 02 03 S . MARIA A CAMPIAN O 04 S . M ARIA E S. NICCOLO A SPUGNO1 E 05 S. MICHELE A LUCIGLIAN O 19 PIVIERE DI LARCIANO LARCIAN O POPOLO S. FELICITA A LACIAN O 01 03 04 05 06 07 20 S. . S S. E .0BA2RTOLMSEUCIA O CLEMENTE A MONTECAROS ANDREA A MONTEGIOV I NICCOLO ALLA P IL A DONATO A POLCANT O MARTINO A MONT E MARIA A CARDETOL E S. PIVIERE DI MACIOL I 01 POPOLO S . CRESCI A MACIOL I 02 03 S. 04 O5 S . JACOPO A FESTIGLIAN O M ICHELE A FONTEBUON A S. M INIATO AL COLL E S. PIERO A CALICARZ A 21 PIVIERE DI S. GAVINO ADIM AR I 01 COMUNE MONTECAREL LI 02 POPOLO S . MARIA A CASAGLI A 03 COMUNE GAGLIAN O BARBERIN O 04 25 ANDREA A CAMOGGIAN O 05 POPOLO 06 COMUNE MANGON A 22 PIVIERE DI PIMONT E 01 POPOLO S . REPARATA A PIMONTE E LORENZO A BOVECCHI O 42 MARIA A MONTEBUIAN O 03 COMUNE MONTECUCCOL I 04 POPOLO MICHELE A MONTECUCCOL I 23 PIVIERE DI 01 POPOLO DI 02 03 04 0S 06 PIERO A SIEV E PIERO A SIEV E S . MICHELE A LEZZAN O GIUSTO A FORTUN A LORENZO A GABSIAN O JACOPO A COLDAI A STEFANO A CORNETOL E 24 LEGA 0I SCARPERI A AGATA 0I MUGELL O 01 POPOLO MICHELE A FERRON E 02 03 S . GAVINO AL CORNOCCMI O 04 COMUNE DELLA SCARPERI A 05 POPOLO S . MARIA A MARCOIANO JACOPO A SCIANELL O 06 BARTOLO A MIRA BELL O 07 S . BENEDETTO A MEZZALL A 08 MICHELE A LUM EN A 09 GIOVANNI A SENN I 10 S . LORENZO A MONTEPOL ! 11 12 VILLAGIO MANFRIAN O PIERO A MONTACCIANIC O 13 POPOLO ANDREA A CER LIA N O 14 MARIA A FAGN A 15 16 CLEMENTE A SIGNAN O 25 VICARIATO DI FIRENZUOL A 01 COMUNE FIRENZUOL A GIOVANNI A CORNACCMIAI A 02 POPOLO A 03 COMUNE FREN . S 04 CA8ANUOV A CASTR O 05 06 POPOLO BARTOLOMEO ALLE VALL I 07 S . LORENZO AL PEGLI O 08 S . MARIA A BORDIGNAN O 09 S . JACOPO A VI$IGNAN O MICHELE A MONT I 10 11 COMUNE CASTIGLION E TIRL I 12 13 POPOLO STEFANO A RAPEZZ O PIERO A SANTERN O 14 15 S . BIAGIO A BRENT O 16 COMUNE DELLA PIAGGIUOL A 17 CABURACCI A PIETRAMAL A 18 BRUSCOL I 19 CAVRENNO 20 26 21 PIANCALDOL I ) 4 QUARTIERE DI S. GIOVANNI (SERIES O6 01 PIVIERE DI .S GIOVANN I 01 POPOLO S . GIOVANNI E S . AMBROGI O FUORI DELLE MUR A . PIER MAGGIORE FUORI D . M , 01 03 S . GERVASI O . MARTINO A MENSOL A 04 . MARIA A COVERCIAN O 05 . MICHELE A GIGNOR O 06 . SALV I S . MARCO VECCHI O 08 02 PIVIERE DI MONTELOR E 01 POPOLO .S GIOVANNI A MONTELOR O . SALVATORE IN VALL E 02 03 PIVIERE DI MONTEFIESOL E 01 POPOLO .S LORENZO A MONTEFIESOL E . LUCIA ALLA PIEVECCHI A 02 S . MICCOLO A VIC O 03 04 PIVIERE DI DOCCI A 01 POPOLO S . ANDREA A DOCCI A MARIA AL FORNELLO 02 03 . MARIA A NOVOL I STEFANO A PITELL A 04 05 VILLAGIO TIGLIAN O ARTINO A FARNETO 06 POPOLO S PIERO A CORTICELL A 07 . LORENZO A GALIG A 08 09 S . M ARTINO ALLE SIEC I 05 PIVIERE DI ACON E 01 POPOLO S . STAGIO A ACONE 02 . MARIA A ACONE 03 . MARGHERITA A ACERAI A . . M . MARTINO A PETRO1 O 04 S . ANDREA A COLOGNOL E 05 BRIGIDA A COLOGNOL E 06 S . MARIA A VICOFERALD I . MARTINO A GRIGNAN O 08 09 . ELLERO A COLOGNOL E MINIATO A MONTEBONELL O 10 06 PIVIERE DI LUBAC O 01 POPOLO .S GERVASIO A LUBAC O MARTINO A CASTELLUBAC O 02 . BRIGID A 03 04 . DONATO A COLLEBRIG A 05 DONATO A RICARDET O . MINIATO A PAGNOLL E 06 07 PIVIERE DI S . GIOVANNI MAGGIORE 27 GIOVANNI MAGGIOR E MARIA A PULICCIAN O S . MICHELE A RONT A 01 POPOLO S 02 03 04 COMUNE LUC O 05 MUCCIAN O MARTIN O 06 POPOLO S . MICHELE A FIGLIAN O . STEFANO A GREZZAN O 07 08 PIVIERE DI BOTEN A 01 POPOLO .S STEFANO IN BOTEN A . LORENZO AL CORNIOL O 02 03 S . MA RIA A ROSTOLEN A 04 . MICHELE A RABBIACANIN A 05 . CRISTOFANO A CASOL E . LORENZO A UZZAN O 06 07 . ALESSANDRO A VITIGLIAN O . PIERO A PIMAGGIOR E 08 DONATO A PATERN O 09 BARTOLOM EO A FARNETO 10 . MARTINO A RASOI O 11 12 . NICCOLO ALLA TORRICELL A . MICHELE A AMPINAN A 13 09 PIVIERE DI VALCAV A 01 POPOLO S . ROMOLO A CAMPESTR I M ARTINO A VALCAV A 02 . DONATO A CISTI O 03 . CRESCI A VALCAV A 04 05 STEFANO , MICHELE E SANO A MONTACERAI A 06 . MARTINO E S . QUIRICO A ULIVET A RORGLORENZ O 10 COM UNE DI . 01 OPERA DI RIPA E LUTIAN O 02 OPERA DE'LOMBARD I 03 OPERA DEGLI SCALZ I 04 OPERA DI SOTT O 05 OPERA DI OLM I E MONTAZZ I 06 OPERA DI. SOPR A OS ES 07 OPERA DISRABATT A 11 PIVIERE DI PADUL E 01 POPOLO .S FELICITA AL FIUM E 02 . M ARTINO A PAGLIERICCI O 03 . GAUDENZO ALL'INCASTR O 04 . PIERO IN PADUL E . BARTOLO A MOLEZZAN O 05 06 . PIERO . ANDREA ES A VEZZAN O . PIERO A CASAGLI A 07 08 OPERA DI AGLION I 09 OPERA DI VESPIGNAN O 10 OPERA DI MATTAGNAN O 11 OPERA DI PESCIOL A 12 PIVIERE DI VIMINICCI O 01 POPOLO .S MARTINO A VIM INICCIO O A SCAPETO 28 02 03 04 0S 06 S . JACOPO A MONTAGUTELL O ANDREA A BOVINO . GIUSTO A MONTEBASS I S MARGHERITA A CAMP I ANDREA A COLvOLIER I 13 PIVIERE DI RAT A 01 POPOLO GIUSTO A AGN A 14 PIVIERE DI CASTIGLION E STEFANO A CASTIGLION E 01 POP OLO PIERO A PETROGNAN O 02 PIERO A CAS I 03 DONATO A CASTIGLION E 04 MARTINO A RUFIN A 05 I5 PIVIERE DI POMIN O SARTOLO A POMIN O 01 POPOLO 02 MARGHERITA A TOSIN A MICHELE A CIGLIAN O 03 . MARIA A PINZAN O 04 S 16 PIVIERE DI DIACCET O LORENZO A DIACCET O 01 POPOLO 02 MARIA A FALGAN O 03 MARTINO A 8IB8IAN O 04 NICCOLO A NIPOZZAN O CLEMENTE A PELAG O 0S 06 MARIA A FERRAN O PIERO A FERRAN O 07 17 PIVIERE DI PELAG O GERVASIO A PELAG O 01 POPOLO S . GILIO A RISTO N CM I O2 STEFANO A LUCENT E 03 04 MARIA A POPIGLIAN O O5 . NICCOLO A ALTOMEN A S 18 PIVIERE DI RIGNAN O CLEMENTE A SOCIAN A 01 ROPOLO 19 PIVIERE DI 01 POPOLO 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 . S A PITIAN PIERO A PITIAN A BARTOLO A MONTAUT O MARTINO A CAMPOFIRACCH I MARIA A SOCIAN A MARIA A GARNIALL A S . DONATO IN FRONZAN O NICCOLO A MAGNAL E ANDREA A TOS I MARTINO A PAGIAN O STEFANO A PITIAN A . LORENZO A FONTESTERN I S S . MARIA A SANT'ELLER O 20 PIVIERE DI CASCI A 01 POPOLO S . PIERO A CASCI A 02 BALVATORE A LECCIO 29 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S . GIUSTO A RuoT I . ANDREA A CASCI A S MINIATO IN CHIESIMON E S . 81LIO A CABCI A TEA A CABCI A NICCOLO A FORL I MARTINO A PONTIFOGN I TOME A OSTIN A MICHELE A CASELL I LORENZO A RON A STEFANO A CETINAVECCHI A MARGHERITA A CANCELL I AGATA A FORL I PIERO A VIESC A 21 PIVIERE DI DICOMAN O MARIA A DICOMAN O 01 POPOLO 02 C OMUNE SAN GODENZ O 03 POPOLO SAN DONATO A MONTEDOMIN I MICHELE A MOSCI A 04 NICCOLO A CORNI A 05 06 PIEVE DI SAN DETOL O 07 S . MARIA A AGNAN O 08 S. MARTINO O A POGGI 09 S.JACOPO AEFRASCOL 10 S.ANDREA O A TIZZAN 11 S. ANDREA A IvICORAT 12 PIEVE DI SANOBAVELL 13 S.JACOPO A ORTICAI A 14 S.BARTOLO A CASTELLO 15 S.STEFANO A VICOLAGN A 16 S. CROCE AL SANTO NUOV O 17 S.MARTINO AACORELL A 18 S. DONATO A VILL 20 CELLE A 19 S. S. DONNINO PIERO AA FOSTI 21 COMUNE CASTAGN O 22 VICARjATO DEL PODER E SIMONE A BIBBIAN A 01 POPOLO . 02 S GIOVANNI A MIBILE O 03 S. MICHELE ALLA ROCC A 04 S. MARTINO A SALECCNI O O 05 S. LORENZO A VISAN 06 S. MARTINO AL FRA$8INO E FANTIW O 07 S. MARIA A CRESPINO 08 S. ANDREA A MANTIGN O 09 S. MICHELE A CAMPANAR A 10 STEFANO A PALAZZUOL O E 11 S. BARTOLO A LOZZOL 12 S. APOLLINARE A CASTELPAGAN O 13 S. PIERO A PIEDIMONT E 14 S. MARIA A RICEBARE (SUSINANA ) 23 PIVIERE DI SC O 01 POPOLO M ICHELE DI SOPR A 02 ANDREA A PULICCIANO 30 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 24 PIVIERE DI GROPINA (I ) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 ' 06 TOMME A CASTELFRANC O JACOPO A MONTECARELL I DONATO A CERTIGNAN O GODENZO A CASTELFRANC O MATTEO A CASPR I MICHELE DI SOTT O SA LVATORE A CASTELFRANC O MARIA A PAELL A PIERO E S . MARIA A SC O DONATO A MENZAN O MINIATO IN P IAN DI SC O COMUNE LATERIN A TERRANUOV A POPOLO LUCIA A M ONTE M ARCIAN O MARIA A LOR O LORENZO A PERSIGNAN O NICCOLO AL COCOLL O AGNOLO A ANCIOLIN A BALVATORE A CMIASSAI A LUCIA A PRATOVALL E JACOPO E S . FILIPPO AL TASS O MA RGHERITA A POGGITAZZ I PIERO A GROPIN A LORENZO ALLA TREGGIAI A LORENZO A PIANTRAVIGN E BIAGIO AL BORR O COMUNE CA MP OGIALL I POPOLO M ARIA A M ONTELUNG O POPOLO SEBASTIANO ALLA TRAIAN A LUCIA ALLA CICOGN A PIVIERE DI GROPINA (II ) . POPOLO S M ARTINO A VAD O 01 02 AGNOLO to CETICA ) 03 PANCRAZIO (A CETICA ) 04 S . DONATO A GARLIAN O 05 COMUNE BIBBIEN A 06 PARTIN A . MARCIAN 07 S O 08 GRE88 A BANZEN A 09 10 SERRAVALLINO 11 CELL O 12 VILLAGIO GION A 13 COMUNE RAGGIOL O ROMENA 14 MARIA A STI A 15 POPOLO 16 DONATO/A COFFI A 17 M A RIA IN CASTELL O 18 LUCIA A SAN GILI O 19 PIERO A ROMEN A 20 B A RTOL O MEO A BTRAPETOGNO LI MARGHERITA A CAMP I 21 22 NICCOLO A VAD O COMUNE DELLA VALLE FIORENTINA 23 31 24 SOCI 25 (ORTIGNANO ) E FARNET O DEL PALAGIO FIOR ENTIN O (NEGLI ATTUALI COMUNI D I STIA E DI PRATOVECCHIO ) 86 PIVIERE DI REM OL E 01 POPOLO S . GIOVANNI A RE M OL E M ARTINO A QUON A 02 03 AGNOLO A SIEV E 04 S . GIUSTO A QUON A TECAPR N 05VILADMO I 06 P OPOLO S . PIERO A DUINTOL E MARIA A PONTANIC O 07 08 M A RTINO TERENZAN O 09 DONATO A TORR I 17 PIVIERE DI RIPOL I ANOREA A ROVEZZAN O 01 POPOLO AGNOLO A ROVEZZAN O 02 PIERO A VARLUNG O 03 MARIA A SETTIGNAN O 04 28 PIVIERE DI FIESOL E 01 POPOLO CANONICA DI FIE8OL E 02 BADIA DI FIESOLE 03 MARTINO A MAIANO 04 ANDREA A SVEGLI A 05 S . CLEMENTE IN POGGI O 06 07 08 09 10 MICHELE A MUBCOL I . MARGMERITA A SALETT A S M ARTINO A VIC O . S LORENZO A BASCIAN O MA RIA A TRESPIAN O MARIA A ONTIGNAN O S . MARTINO A SVEGLI A AVINCGLT A RI MA A. S MARIA A MONTEREGG I MARIA A BUIAN O 11 12 14 15 13 . S DISTRICT of FLORENCE (SERIES 10 -34 000 CITTA DI CORTONA (SERIES 10 ) 01 TERZIERE DI 02 03 M ARCO DENTR O S . MARIN A S . VINCENZ O 000 CONTADO DI CORTONA (SERIES 11 ) 01 VILLA FARNET A 03 03 04 BORGONUOV O CAMUCCI A DELLA MOSCAIA OR DI CASTELGIRALDI ) 32 GASIAN O 05 06 CINTOI A DEL CERRETT O 07 GIGNAN O 08 CRETT I 09 10 FRATTICIOl A AQUAVIV A 11 IAN MARC O 12 13 TEVE R I N A TRIPIAN O 14 NA 15 VOG BAGNOLO PIEGAI O 16 TORRIGN A 17 18 CAS A L E VALLE DAM E 19 RENZ A 20 RUF F IGNAN O 21 22 DI LORET O ANO 23 SE PECCIAN O 24 25 MUSIGLIOLO GAVIGNAN O 26 27 RONZAN O VAGLI E 28 29CANTLE TORNL A 30 DELL'ORSARI A 31 CAMPOGIALL I 32 33 MO NTA LL A DELLA FRATT A 34 MITIGLIAN O 35 OyGLIOLO 36 MONTANAR A 37 MONTECCMI O 38 BACIALL A 39 POGGIONI (MONTAGNA DI CORTONA ) 40 41 VALLECCH I 42 PERG O 43 VALLE DI PIERL E CONTADO DI PIE R LE, CO M MUNE D' ANCIAN O 44 CASTIGLIONE FIORENTINO (SERIES 12 ) 01 CITIA DI CASTIGLION E 01 BORGO DEL MERCAT O 02 BORGO DI RETIN A 03 BORGO DI SU CASTIGLION E 02 CONTADO DI CASTIGLION E 01 V ILLAGIO PERGOGNAN O 02 PETRET O 03 OR Z AL E 04 SANTA CRISTIN A 05 COLLESECC O 06 07 08 LA NOCET A COZZAN O RISTONCHIA 33 FONTANELL A 09 10 BROLI O SALATRI (OR SALAZZI ) 11 G A GGIOLET O 12 PIEVE DI CHI O 13 CASTELUZZ O 14 SAN SAVIN G 15 O POLVAN 16 TARAGNANO (OR TERRAGNONE, RA NONE ) 17 CO M ONI A 18 DEL TOPP O 19 S AN MARTIN O 20 21 S . MARGHERIT A CADIPICC I 22 SENAI A 23 SANTA NE A 24 MONTEPULCIANO E VAIANO (SERIES 13 ) 001 CITTA DI MONTEPULCIAN O 01 TERZIERE 02 TERZIERE 03 TERZIERE 04 VILL A DI 0201 C O MUNE DI CeNTADO D'ABEZZO 1 DI MARI A FRANCESC O DI DI AG0STIN O MO N TEPULCIANO VALIAN O (SERIES 15 ) VICARIATO D'IANGHIAR I 01 PODESTERIA D'ANGMIAR I 01 COMuNE ANGMIAR I PIANETTOLE 02 TOPPOL O 03 04 CACIAN O 02 PODUSTERIA DI VERGHERET O 01 02 03 04 O5 0i 07 03 COMUNE VERG N ERET O CORNETO . S MONTECORNAR O COTOL O MONTEPETROS O ROCCMETT A NICCOLO A COLLORI O PODESTERIA DI CHIUB I COMuNE GIAMPARET A 01 MONTEFATUCCMI O 02 03 COREZ O 04 MONTALON E 05 PEZZ A 06 FRASSINETA 07 CHIUS I 08 SARN A CAMP I 09 10 DAM A 34 11 12 13 14 15 16 MONTECCHI O TRAMOGGIAN O GARGIAN O FOGNAN O ROCCA DI CHIUS I FAET A 04 PODESTERIA DI CAPRED E 01 COMUNE CAPRESE E VILL E 05 PODESTERIA DI CASTEL FOCOGNAN O 01 COMUNE CASTEL FOCOGNANO BAGNEN A 02 CAPRAI A 03 PONTENAN O 04 MONTEAGUT O 05 FALTON A 06 07 LORE N Z A N O RASSIN A 08 09 TALL A CARD A 10 BALUTI O 11 07 PODESTERIA DI SUBBIAN O 01 COMUNE SUBBIAN O PIEVE A SAN GIOVANN I 02 O BIBBIAN 03 CAPOLON E 04 MONTEGIOV I 05 06 SAVORGNAN O SELFIORE 07 PIEVE A S . MARTINO 08 09 CATENAI A VALENZANO 10 SANTA MAM A 11 STEFANO EV PI ODESTRIAL P 07 EA 01 COMUNE PIEVE A SANTO STEFAN O MIGNANO 02 SITTIGNANO (OR SETIGLIANO ) 03 . SI 04 ROT ROCCA CIGNAT A 05 06 SIGLI A N O 07 VALSAVIGNON E BALDIGNANO 08 COLLUNG O 09 BULCIAN O 10 CIRIGNON E 11 CASTELLAR I 12 BRANCIALIN O 13 14 L A TIG N ANO O8 VIC A RIATO D ANGMIAR I 01 COMUNE CASTIGLIONE UBERTIN I CELL O 02 03 L A PENN A 04 CASTIGLIONE FIBOCCHI 35 2 VICARIATO Di MONTE SAN SAVIN O 01 PODESTERIA DI MONTE SAN BAVIN O 01 COMUNE MONTE SAN SAVIN O GORGONI A 02 PALAZUOL O 03 04 VILLA ALBEROR O 02 POD . DE FOIAN O 01 C . FOIAN O 02 C . MARCIAN O 03 COMUNE CIGGIAN O 01 COMUNE CIGGIAN O 02 OLIVET O LA CORNI A 03 POPOLO DI S . AGNOLO 04 COMUNE MONTOT O POPOLO DI S , GIOVANN I 05 COMUNE MONTAGNAN O LA BADIA AL PIN O 06 MONTARFON E 07 08 VICIO MAGGIO E TUOR O TEGOLET O 09 04 PODESTERIA DEL BUCIN E 01 COMUNE MIGLIAR I POPOLO DI S . BIAGI O 02 CSMLJNE MONTOZZ I PERGIN E 03 04 BADIA A AGNAN O SAN PANCRAZI O 05 05 PODESTERIA DI MONTEVARCH I 01 COMUNE LEON A 0S CONTADS D' AREZZ O COMUNE MONTECCMIO VEBPON I O1 02 LA MONTANIN A CITTA D'AREtZO (SERIES 16 ) CORTINE D'AREZZO (SERIES 17 ) 01 Q UARTIERE 01 COMUNE 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 DI CHIASS A MARCEN O CHIASS A GIOV I CAMPRIAN O LUCIGNANELL O GIRCALD O SAN MARIN O POMAI O ORAGNAN O PIETRA M ALA 36 11 S 12 13 14 15 16 17 AN POL O ANTRI A PAGAGN A N O LIBBI A PUGL IA SAN CHIRIC O TREGOZZAN O 002 QUARTIERE DELLA COST A 01 COMUNE AGAZZI (OR GO N ZI ) VIGNAL E 02 CAPODIMONT E 03 SAN ZEN O 04 SAN NASTAGI O 05 PIEVE A QUART O 06 PIGL I 07 PULICCIAN O 08 RUGHETIN O 09 VITIAN O 10 MAMM I 11 003 QUARTIERE DI VALLE DEL BAGNOR O 01 COMUNE MARCO A VILLA ALG A S . FIRMIN O 02 HONISTER O 03 04 SECCONE COR BACCIONE ) LIGNAN O 0S BANT'ARCANGEL O 06 07 PIEVE DEL BAGNOR O 08 SOSS I 09 CALB I QUERCET O 10 11 STAGGIAN O PENET O 12 13 SAN FIRENZ E SAN SEVE RO 14 TALAMONE 15 RANCONIC A 16 17 GOVIOLLE CHIAZZAN O 18 UBCIANO 19 20 MAIAN O VIGNALE E CASTELLO LUNG O 21 22 PARNACCIAN O CORNET O 23 SAN VERIAN O 24 CASTELLONCHI O 25 RAS8INAT A 26 CARPELL A 27 28 RIVIGNAN O 29 CROC E 004 QUARTIERE DI QUARAT A 01 CO MUNE BATTIFOLL E RUSCELL O 02 POGGIVOL E 03 04 CHIANI 37 05 PRATANTIC O TALZAN O 06 QUARAT O 07 VENERE E NOF FIO 08 09 PATRIGNON E STOPELL O 10 PETROGNANO AL MONT E 11 12 MONTE SOPA RONDIN E CINCELL I 13 RONDIN E 14 MILICIAN O 15 SAN LE O 16 17 MONTION E CITTA DI PISA 001 (SERIES 15 ) QUARTIERE DI KINZIC A 01 POP0LO GIUSTO IN CANNICCI O MARCO FUOR DI PORT A 02 03 MARCO DENTR O MARCO IN BORG O 04 MARTIN O 05 06 S . ANDRE A SEPOLCR O 07 CRISTOFAN O 08 09 S . LORENZ O GILI O 10 S . SEBASTIAN O !! 12 S. CRISTIN A MARIA MADDALEN A 13 COSIMO E DAMIAN O 14 15 S . CASCIAN O PIERO A GRAD O 16 PAOLO A RIPADARNO DENTR O 17 PAOLO A RIPADARNO DI FUOR I 18 GIOVANNI AL GAETANO O DI RIPADARNO 19 002 QUARTIERE DI PONT E VIT O 01 POPOLO . 02 S .SLUCIA 0EI RICUCCH I 03 S . NICCOL A O 04 SIST 05 S. DONAT O 06 S . LORENZO IN PELLICCERI A IACOPO DEGLI VERONA ' 07 FRASS A 08 09 O NE A PORTA A MAR E SI M CRISTOFANO E S TOMME IN PONT E 10 11 CONCORDI O APOLLINARE IN BARBARICIN A 12 13 BIAGIO ALLE CATENE O A PORTA j MAR E 14 S . LEONARDO IN PRATICELL O 15 16 17 S . ISIDOR O GIO R GIO A PORTA A MAR E MARIA MAGGIOR E 38 003 QUARTIERE 01 POPOLO 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DI MEZZ O AMBROGI O S . SEBASTIANO DELLE PABBRICM E S . LAR I S . SALVATORE IN PORTA D i OR O PIETRO IN PALUD E MARGHERIT A PREDIANO MARTINO ALLA PIETR A S . CLEMENT E FILIPPO DEI VISCONT I TOMMASO AL PARLASCIO, AN D PEL E S . PIETRO AD ISCHI A S . SIMONE AL PARLASC2 O S . CECILI A LORENZO BARTOLOMO ALLA RIVOLTA AN D TRINIT A LUCIA DEI CAPELLAR I GIUSTO IN CANNICCIO O AL P ARLISCI O D . ERI CI 004 OUARTIERE DI 01 POPOLO TRE 02 03 04 05 06 S. 07 FUORI DI PORT A CISANELL I MICHELE DEGLI SCALZ I IACOPO IN ORTICAI A VIVIANA IN SOART A MATTEO IN SOART A BARNABA AND S . CECILI A ANDREA PUORI PORT A PAOLO ALL'ORT O LUC A PIETRO IN VINCOL I MIC H ELE I N BORG O IACOPO IN MERCAT O S . MARCO IN CALCESAN A SIAGIO A CIBANELL O S . SILVESTR O 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 C0NTADO DI P ISA (SERIES 19 ) RIEVALD A L DI . 01 . S A 11 08 S01VICARTe PODEsTERIA DI PECCIOL I 01 COMUNE GHIZZAN O FABBRIC A 02 03 MONT ECCHI O ORCIATIC O 04 TERRICIOL A 05 CHIANN I 06 07 RIVALT O 08 09 02 PECCIOL I LAIATIC O PODESTERIA DI PALAI A 01 COMUNE PALAIA, CIGOLI E TOIAN01 VILLE DI SALETTA, PARTINe E CELL O 02 LEGOLI ET VILLA DI LISBIAN O 03 MONTEFOSCOLI 39 04 05 06 07 FORCOL I ALIC A USIGLIANO (DELL'ARCIVESCOV O T E SERRA*ALLINO COLLEOL I 03 PODESTERIA DI LA R I E CRESPIN A 01 C0MUNE VICCNI O CRESPIN A 02 TREMOLET O 03 COLLE ALBERT I 04 LORENZAN A 05 FAUGLI A 06 PUGNAN O 07 LA VAIANA (OR LAVAIANO ) 08 PERIGNANO CS, ANDREA E S, LUCIA A • ) 09 LAR I 10 VALTRIAN O 11 USIGLIANO DEL BAGN O 12 DEL B A GNO AD AQU A 13 14 CIGOL I 15 SANT'EPMO (OR SANTERINO ) SAN RUFFIN O 16 COLLE MONTANINO 17 PARLASCI O 18 CASCIANA E CEPPAT O 19 04 PODESTERIA DI MART I 01 COMUNE MART I 02 MONTECASTELL O TREGGIAI A 03 . SAN GERVASIO CERVAGGI O D 04 PONSACC O SOIAN A 06 MORRON A O7 CAPA N NOLI ET SOLAI A 08 09 CASANOV A 10 SANTOPIETR O MONTESOLACI O 11 2 VICARIATO DI VICO E PONTEDER A RS TREBRI O O5 PODESTERIA S DI SANTA MARIA A 01 COMUNE SAN RIMEDI O PUTIGNAN O 02 03 FAGGIAN O ORATOIO O 04 05 VISIGNAN O TIGNANO (OR TITIGNANO) E GELL O 06 SAN LORENZO ALLE CORT I 07 PETTOR I 08 MACERAT A 09 MONTION E 10 SAN SISTO AL PING . OR DI MUSICNA N O 11 12 13 14 13 16 RIPOL I RIGLION E SAN PROSPERO A VIA CAV A S . LORENZO A PAGNATIC O . MARIA A TREBBIO 40 17 18 GIORGIO A BIBBIAN O S . IACOP A SAN BRADELLA (OR DI BAMBRA ) 06 PODESTERIA DO CALC I GIOVANNI A GHEZZAN O 01 COMUNE 02 COLIGNOL A 03 MEZZANA 04 GIUSTO A CAMPO 05 SAN SALVATORE A ULIVET O 06 S . VIT O 07 MONTEMAGNO 08 PIEVE DI CALC I 09 MA RIA A GUIGLIARADA (OR VTLARADA) E LAM A S . SALVATORE DELLA PIEVE DI CALC I 10 11 S, M ICHELE A CASTELLO MAGGIOR E 12 BARTOLO M EO A TRECOLL I 13 ASCIAN O VETTORIO A CAMP O 14 07 PODESTERIA DI CASCIN A 01 COMUNE CASCIN A 02 MARCIANA MAGGIORE 03 CASCIAN O 04 MARIA A SA M BR A 05 CACIAVOL A 06 FREDIANO A SETTIM O SETTIMO ( 07 BENEDETTO A • ) 08 MARCIANA MINOR S 09 NAVACCHI O LAIAN O 10 0801 VALLE DI BUT I 09 PODESTERIA DI ROLSIGNAN O 01 COMUNE ROSIGNAN O 02 LA CASTELLINA E VILLA DI POMAI i ORCIAN O 03 04 MONTEALT O 05 S . LUCIA (OR S . LUCE)1 VILLE D4 GELLO, GUARDIA . PARTINA, PIEV E . 06 SRIPARBELL A 07 CASTOLLONUOVO, ET CASTELLOEvECQHI O 08 CASTEL ANSELM O PARRAN A 09 10 POSCIGNAN O 11 S . REGOL O DEL GABBR O 12 NUGOL A 13 10 CAPITANATO DI CAMPIGLI A 01 COMUNE CAMPIGLI A 02 S IBBON A GUARDISTALL O 03 04 MONTESCUDAI 0 05 06 07 CASAL E DONORATIC O CASTAGNETO 41 BOLG H ER I 08 3 CONTADO DI PIS A 1101 CDMuNE DI LIVORN O 1201 C O MUNE DI CASTIGLIONE DELLA PESCAI A 13 PODESTERIA DI VICO PISANO E PONTEDER A 01 COMUNE VICO PISAN O PONTEDER A 02 CALCINAI A 03 BIENTIN A 04 05 S . GIOVANNI ALLA VEN A CUCIGLIAN A 06 07 LUGNANO, ET NOC E 14 PODESTERIA DI RIPAFRATT A COMUNE CARRAI A 01 02 AREN A 03 S . ANDREA IN PESCAIOL A S . IACOPO E 80 FILIPPO DA VECCAIALI!! A 04 05 S, BIAGIO A VORMIAN O 06 S . M ARTINO A VOL M IAN O COVINAI A 07 CORNA$$AN O 08 09 LIMIT I BORGO DEL PONTE A SERCHI O 10 PAPPIANA 11 ORZIGNANO 12 CAMPOLUNG O 13 14 CELL O BOTTAN O RIGOL I 16 LUNGNAN O 17 RIPAFRATT A 18 PUGNAM O 19 AVANE 20 21 FREDIANO A VECCHIAN O 22 S . ALESSANDRO A VECCMIAN O NODIC A 23 METAT O 24 . 25 S MALAVENTR E FILETTOL E 26 27 CAFFAGGIOREGG I 28 PATRIGNON E 15 CiTTA DI P ISOOIA (SERIES 20 ) 001 PORTA C ALDATIC A 01 POPOLO .S PIERO IN CAPPELL A 02 PAGOL O 03 MARIA NUOV A 04 MAZZE O 05 PIERO MAGGIOR E 002 PORTA S ANDRE A 01 POPOLO MARIA IN TORRE 42 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 . IACOPO IN CASTELLAR I O 03 S. PROSPER . ANDRE A . MARIA BORGO STRAD A M ICHELE IN CIONCI O . MARIA A RIPALT A . MARIA MADDALEN A . MARIA PRETE ANSELM I 003 PORTA GUID I 01 POPOLO S . BARTOLO H E O 02 . LAR I 03 . MARC O . MARIA A BORG O 04 . SALVADOR E 03 . MARIA MAGGIOR E 06 . ZELON E 07 . LEONARD O 08 004 PORTA LUCCHES E 01 POPOLO S . GIOVANNI FORCITT A . NASTAGI O 02 . MARIA FUORI PORT A 03 04 S . PIERO IN BTRAD A 05 . MICHELE IN BONACCI O 06 . GIOVANNI IN CORT E . VITAL E 07 CONTADO DI PISTOIA (SERIES 21 ) 001 01 CIRCONSTANZE . ANDREA, DI PORTR BATURNAN A 02 03 BRANDEGLI O . ROMAN O 04 UZZO 05 06 G0R A PITECCI O 07 S. MOMM E 08 GELL O S DI PORTA GUIDAS I 002 CIRCONSTANZE 01 VALDIBUR A . AGOSTIN O 02 03 BARLOCC O 04 S . QUIRIC O SANTOMAT O 05 06 S . BIGIAN O 003 CIRCONSTANZE DI PORTA CALDATIC A . MARIA A PACCIAN A 01 02 CHIAZZANO . MARIA A CANAGNAN O 03 04 . AGNOL O 05 . BASTIAN O CANAPAL E 06 M ASIAN O 07 08 BONELLE 43 09 10 CASA AL VESCOV O RAMIN I 004 CIRCONSTANZE DI PORTA LUCCNES E BARG I 01 02 VICOFAR O SOLAI 03 O 04 SAL A 05 FONTAN A 06 S . PANTALE O GABBIANO 07 08 SPAZZAVENT O MONTEBUON O 09 10 CILEGIOL E 11 VINCI O 005 PODESTERIA DI LARCIAN O 01 COMUNE LARCIAN O CASALGUID I 02 03 CECIN A 04 LAMPORECCNI O SERRAVALL E 05 06 VINACCIANO 07 CASTELLINA MARLIAN A 08 09 CASORE DEL MONT E 10 SERR A MONTAGNAN A 11 MOMIGN O 12 006 PODESTERIA DI TIZZAN A COMUNE mONTEmAGN 01 O QUARRAT A 02 03 VIGNOL E 04 CASTRA E CONI O 05 TRIZZAN A 007 PODESTERIA DI MONTALE 01 COMUNE TREPPI O 02 LUICCIAN A . SMONTAL E O3 FOSSAT O 04 05 M IGLIAN O AGLIAN A 06 MONTAGNA DI PISTOIA (SERIES 22 ) 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00006 00007 00008 00009 CO MUNE CUTIGLIAN A LIZZAN O MARCELLO GAVINAN A POPIGLI O PITEGLI O MAMMIAN O CRESPOL E LANCIOL E 44 00010 CALAMECC A 00011 SAMBUC A GARFAGNANA (SERIES 23 ) 00001 COMUNE BARG A 00002 SOMMOCOLONI A VAL DI NIEVOLE (SERIES 24 ) 001 PODESTERIA 01 COMUNE 02 03 04 05 06 07 DI BUGGIAN O BORGO DI BUGGIAN O COLLE DI BUGGIANO E STIGNAN O MASS A DEL COZZILE UZZA N O MoNTECATIN I MONSOMMAN O MONTEVETTOLIN O 002 PODESTERIA DI PESCI A 01 COMUNE PESCI A 02 PIETRABUON A 03 AVELLANO 8ORAN A 04 CASTELLOVECCHI O 05 VAL DARNO DI sOTTO (SERIES 25 ) 001 PODESTERIA DI CASTELFRANC O 01 COMUNE CASTELFRANC O 02 MA RIA A M ONT E MONTOPOL I 03 04 MONTECALVOL I 002 PODESTERIA DI FUCECCHI O 01 COMUNE FUCECCHI O 02 S . CROC E . S SAN GIMIGNANO (SERIES 30 ) GIM IGNAN O GIM IGNANO 01 VILLA B ARBIAN O CAMPORBIAN O 02 03 CASAGLI A 04 CASAL E 05 CASTELVECCHI O 06 CELLOR I CIUCIAN O 07 00101 CITTA DI 002 CONTASO DI 08 COLLE M USCIOL I 09 10 11 CORTENNAN O S . B IAGIO A CUSON A FUGNANO 45 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 S . MICHELE A GUINZAN O LARNIANO LIBBIAN O MONTAGUTOL O MONTEGOMOL I I MONT 17 PATERNO PICCHEN A LA PIETR A PIETRAFITT A PISCILL E PULICCIAN O RACCIAN O RANZ A REMIGNOLL E RENZANON ET TOIAN O S . ANDRE A S . BENEDETT O S . CRISTINA A CASTELNUOV O DONAT O S . LORENZ O LUCI A MARTIN O O .PIETR S 35 QUIRIC O VITTOR E SIGNANO OR SIMIGN A N O SOVESTRO E GAMBOCCI O ULIGNAN O MARIA A VILLA CASTELL O S . CASCIAN O COLLE (SERIES 31 ) CITTA DI VOLTERRA (SERIES 32 ) 00001 CONTRADA DI PORTA A SLC I S . AGNOL O 00002 O 00003 BORG . S PI A ll A 00004 00005 S . STEFAN O MONTE BRODON I 00006 PIETRO MARI O 00007 8 . GIUST O 00008 CONTADO DI VOLTERRA (SERIES 33 ) 00001 COMUNE MONTECATIN I MONTEGELL O 00002 MONTEGE M OL I 00003 LIBBIANO 00004 00005 MICCIAN O 00006 00007 00008 QUERCET O LA SASS A CANNETO 46 00009 RIPAMARANCI A MONTECEORBOL I 00010 S . DALMAZIO E AQUAVIV A 00011 SERRAllAN O 00012 LUSTIGNAN O 00013 00014 MAllOLL E LISCAIA E SENZAN O 00015 CASTELNUOV O 00016 CASTELLO DEL SASS O 00017 LA LECCI A 00018 MONTEVERD I 00019 00020 VILLAMAGN A PIGNANO 00021 O0O22 ULIG N AN O 00023 LA NERA A COZZAN O 00024 VILLA FIBBIAN O S . NASTAGI O 00025 00026 COMUNE MONTERUFOL I 00027 VILLA SCOPET O 00028 COMMUNE MONTEMICIOL I SILLANO E MONTECASTELLI (SERIES 34 ) 00001 C. SILLAN O 00002 MONTECASTELL I CITYOFLREN,1456(SI8 SEE CODING FOR SERIES 01 . ) CITY OF FLORENCE . 1480 (SERIES 80 ) SEE CODING FOR SERIES 01 LOCATION CODE S CODE FOR PARISHES (CONTRADE ) CITY OF VERONA, 1435 (SERIES 98 ) CONTRADA S . CECILI A 22 27 S. AGNESE FORI S 29 TORSELLE-TOMB A 33 OGNISANT I 38 AVEB A STEFAN O 41 S. 45 ISOLA DI SOPR A 46 ISOLA DI SOTTO 48 S. NAZARI O 24 CHIAVIC A 40 S. GIORGI O 44 S. VITAL E ? S. QUIRIC O* CITY OF VERONA, 1502 (SERIES 99 ) SEE CODES FOR VERONA, 1425 (SERIES 98 ) ***ACCORDING TO D HERLIHY (3.14.81) THER ESHOULD BE A PARISH CODE FOR S . QUIRICO . HOWEVER, W E HAVEN'T LOCATED IT IN THE DPLS DATA TAPES . USER S WILL BE INFORMED OF ANY CHANGES CONCERNING THI S PARISH - CODE . 47 APPENDIX B Occupation Code s In instances where the occupation given in the Portate differs from that in the Campioni, the testimony of the Portate is preferred . In instances where a double occupation is recorded (i .e ., a weaver who also work s the land), the more precise is preferred . When this cannot be determined . the profession first mentioned is preferred * When a notary is explicitl y described as a lanaio or a settaiolo, these latter occupations are preferre d to that of a notary . An occupation exercised at present is preferred ove r one which had been exercised in former years . (However, when the documen t says "fu lanaio " the occupation is still recorded .) The code is as follows : 1 Peasant landlord, working own property . The declaration should expressly say that he works the land "a sua mano", or he should be al lowed a deduction of one-half the value of the property " pro su a fatica" . 2 Peasant leasing land (he may also own land of his own) . However, land s held under a perpetual rent are considered to be owned and not leased . For purposes of determining occupation, the payment of perpetual rent s is ignored . 3 Mezzadro or share-cropper . He may also own land of his own . Even in the absence of an explicit title, a peasant may be identified as a mezzadro if he is described as having an "oste", to which he owe s money prestanza), but which the tax officials refuse to recognize as a deductable liability . It was quite common for mezzadri to be in debt to their landlords, but these debts were usually excluded by th e tax officials in computing liabilities . 4 Agricultural laborer, without lands of his own which he himself farms . Overlaps among the above four agricultural professions are quite common . In determining priorities, an effort should be made to determine what form o f land tenure offers the principal support to the peasant and his family . Thus , if a peasant holds a farm (podere) under the mezzadria and leases some additional fields, he should still be classified as 3 rather than 2 . So, also , if he owns and works his own farm, but leases some additional fields, he should be classified as 1 rather than 3 . In almost all cases, 3 will be give n priority over 1 and 2 . In determining priorities between 1 and 2, fre q uently the manner in which the peasant holds his own farm residence will be the decisive evidence . 5 Shepherd . 6 Pescatore (fisherman) . 7 Ortolano (grocer) . Treccone (sellers of fruits and vegetables) . * In those cases in which two occupations were mentioned, the first wa s taken exclusively (usually the second would be closely related to th e first, for example, shoemaker and slippermaker) . 48 8 9 Bambaciaio (one who sells cotton to manufacturers, must be considere d a wholesaler) . 10 Copertoaio (installs decks on Marianaio (sailor) . Calafato (caulker) . ship) . All those occupied with building, servicing or sailing ships . 11 Servant of private family . Fante (servant) . Fattore ( factor, literally, a clerk of a business office) . Someone who "stays with" (sta con ) someone else for a salary . Spedaliere (administered a 12 Servant of ecclesiastical institution . . The category includes all laymen emhospital but was not a knight) ployed in the administration of ecclesiastical or charitable institutions . 13 Employee of commune . Vigilaio (fireman) . Piffero (fife player employed by the commune to provide music for civic celebrations) . Meziere (carried the city's standards) . Corriere (messenger or town crier) . Messo (messenger or town crier) . All non-military governmen t servants . 14 Soldier . All military government servants . This and category 13 includes all ranks . 15 Employee of guild (includes persons employed by the guild administration) . 16 Cuoco (cook) . 17 Becchino (grave-digger) . 18 Scribe (scribe) . Factor in contracts . Attore di pupilli (plaintiff o r ward) . Bullettafo (all persons not professionally notaries who drew u p letters for persons, especially the illiterate) . 19 Miscellaneous . Catch-all category for those professions not covered b y the other 98 . 20 Carretaio (carter) . Vetturale (transporter of persons or goods) . Portatore (carrier of goods) . 'Carradore (carter) . Legatore (someon e who bound bundles for transport) . Persons occupied with transportin g goods over land . 49 21 Guidice (judge) e notaio (notary) . Usually identified by the title , " ser, " which, however, could also be used by priests . In instance s when a notary is .explicitly given another occupation, that othe r occupation is preferred . For example, a "ser" who teaches schoo l is identified as a school teacher rather than as a notary . 22 Mercatante (a great merchant, although few of the great commercia l houses actually identify themselves as such) . Members of the guil d of Calimala (specifically concerned with sale of wool cloth) . 23 Cambiatore (money changer) . Banchiere . Tavoliere . Members of th e guild of Cambio (change) . The changing of money was a professio n closely akin to banking and essential for commerce in a period whe n scores of cities had their own mints . 24 Lanaio (wool manufacturer or merchant) . Ritagliatore (retailer o f wool cloth) . Pannelaio (seller of wool cloth) . Drappiere (drapper) . Members of the Art della Lana (wool guild) . 25 Setaiolo (silk merchant, silk weaver) . Members of the guild of Po r S . Maria . 26 Medico e speziale (seller of spices) . in spices . 27 Vaiaio (furrier dealing in " vaire," a very high-priced fur) e pellicciai o (furrier) . Members of the furriers' guild . 28 Beccaio (butcher) . Polaiolo (butcher in chickens) . Carnaiolo (handle r of meat) . Members of the butchers' guild . All have to do with mea t processing . 29 Calzolaio (shoemaker) . Stampatore (artisan who makes holes in leathe r for manufacturing shoes) . Members of the shoemakers' guild . 30 Fabbro ( " smith," exclusively a worker in iron) . 31 Rigattiere e linaiuolo (dealers in linen cloth, second in second-hand clothing ) 32 Maestro (medical doctor) . This was a title that could be_used for man y professions, but here most commonly applied to . medical doctors . 33 Vinattiere . tail) . 34 Albergatore . 35 Oliandolo (oil merchant) . Candelaio (candle-maker) . in tallow, commonly used in candles) . 36 Galgaio (tanner) . 37 Correggiaio (belt-maker) . Mescitore di vino . Tavernaio . Saponaio (soap-maker) . Dealer s (wine dealers, both wholesale and re - Oste . (innkeeper) . 50 Sevaiolo (deal t 38 Corazzaio (maker of armor plating) . 39 Chiavaiolo (keymaker) . and keys . 40 Cassetai o Legnaio (carpenter) . Tornaio . Tavolacciaio (table maker) . (maker of chests of drawers) . Cofinaio (maker of caskets) . Segator e (man who saws) . Masters in the art of carpentry and makers of furniture . 41 Fornaio (baker) . 42 Mugnaio (miller) . 43 Tintore . 44 Barbiere (barber) . 45 Scardassiere (wool carder) . 46 Tessitore di lana (weaver of wool) . Weavers of linen and silk are unde r 64 . When there is not explicit evidence of what type is involved, thi s category (46) is used . 47 Pizzicagnolo . Cacciaiuolo (literally, cheese salesman) . Those who sol d prepared foods . The delicatessen is the closest thing we have to th e shop of a pizzicagnolo . 48 Bottaio . Barattolaio . Bartlettaio . containers for liquids . 49 Orafo (goldsmith) . Giolliere (jeweller) . Intagliatore (engraver , sculptor) . Orpellaio (maker of tinsel) . Workers in gold and jewels . 50 Manovale . 51 Scodellaio (bowl-maker) . Stovigliaio (earthenware dealer) . Fiaschiai o (flask-maker) . Orciolaio (potter) . Bicchiere (glass-maker) . Merchant s and makers of dishes, glasses, jars, and so forth . 52 Merciaio (peddler) . 53 Purgatore (one who cleaned and washed raw wool prior to spinning) . 54 Muratore (brick layer) . Lastraiolo (flag-stone worker) . Scarpellator e (sculptor) . Workers in stone . Masons . Workers in processing and finishing stone . 55 Bastiere (pack-saddle maker) . Brigliaio (bridle-maker) . Selaio (saddler) . Speranaio . Bastaio (pack-saddle-maker) . Gainaio . Worker s producing or selling leather harnesses, reins and sheaths . 56 Cartolaio (stationer) . Toppaiolo (doorlockmaker) . Makers of locks Curandaio (cloth bleacher) . (dyers ) Makers of barrels and smalle r Urban laborer not further identified as to occupation . Cartaio (paper-maker) . Paper dealers . 51 57 Maliscalco (blacksmith) . 58 Farsettaio (doublet maker) . 59 Stufaiolo (oven worker) . Operators of furFornaciaio (kiln maker) . naces for baking brick and tile . Also those who manufacture glass . 60 Riveditore (technical term for persons who finished the wool cloth) . 61 Pettinatore (combed raw wool) . Carditore (carder) . Scegliattore d i Those who comb, card and sor t lana (selector of wool) . Apennichino . wool . 62 Climatore (shearers) . "Finished" the wool cloth by raising the kna p and cutting it with large shears . 63 Borsaio . 64 Tessitore di seta e di lino (weaver of silk and linen) . 65 Piannellaio (slipper-maker) . 66 Pesatore . scales) . 67 Sarto (tailor) . 68 Guarnaio (maker of cloaks and dressing gowns) . 69 Bandettaio . 70 Priest . 71 Religious . 72 Begger . Ward of Church . 73 Cuoaio (leather seller, saddler) . 74 Cappellaio (hat maker) . 75 Ottonaio (brass worker) . Stagaio (tinsmith) . Dealers in nonferrous metal goods . 76 Ferratore (ironworker) . iron products . 77 Teacher of letters or abbacus . Student . 78 Conciatore dijelle . 79 Sensale (broker, middleman) . Maker of purses and containers . Staderaio . Bilanciaio . Banditore . (weigher, maker or seller o f (town crier, auctioneer) . Commesso and Commessa ( " committed to a religious life") . Calderaio (coppersmith) . Ferravecchio (dealer in old iron) . Dealers i n (leather tanner, leather dresser) . Pelacane . 52 80 Stamaiolo (thread maker) . Filatoiaio (spinner) . 81 Pezzaio (type ofleather worker) . 82 Pinzochera (lady who took religious vows while remaining at her home) . 83 Musician . jester) . 84 Lava panni (washer of cloths) . 85 Coltellaio . 86 Mulatiere (mule driver) . Asinaio (ass dealer) . 87 Rimendatore (sewer of wool cloth) . Ricamatore (embroiderer) . (threader) . Pattiere (sewer of wool cloth) . Sewers . 88 Employee of mint . "Sta al saggio . " 89 Rural noble . 90 Ebreo (Jew) . 91 Tiratore (stretcher) . He stretched the wet wool after fulling so that i t would dry and would not be warped by uneven shrinking . 92 Materassaio . 93 Lanino (wool manufacturer) . 94 Spadaio (sword-maker) . Balestiere (cross bow maker) . Armaiolo (armor) . Forbelarme (burnishers) . Schermidore (fencer) . Workers in weapons . 95 Ceraiuol o Dipintore (artist-painter) . Miniatore (miniature-maker) . (Someone who made wax votive images to be placed in church) . Dealer s in paintings and artistic works . 96 Biadaiolo (fodder merchant, corn dealer) . Grain dealers . 97 Cordatore (rope maker) . 98 Verghegiatore . Scamatino . order to clean it . 99 Messere . Used for knights, bishops and high ecclesiastics, and thos e who held a university degree . Cimbalaio (player of cimbles, musician) . Buffone (buffoon , (cutter, cutler) . Forbiciaio . Presta-ronzini . Coltriciaio . Pagliaiolo . Cavallaio (horse dealer) . (mattress maker, bed maker) . Funaiolo (bag maker) . Divettino . Refaiul o Saccaio . " Fa la stoppa . " All these beat the raw wool i n N .B . In instances where the household head is not explicitly identified b y occupation in the title of the declaration, but the declaration itself make s explicit his profession, that occupation is mentioned . This should, however , 53 be done only when the document is certain and unambiguous in giving this identification ; otherwise, the household head should be left without an occupation . A person who is said to " sta con oraf o " is identified as 149, and not a s 049 . 54 APPENDIX C Code of the relationships of household member s Line of descent of : Head 1st Joint 2nd Joint 3rd Joint Joint Hea d Head Not Brothe r Head Head Grandfather and grandmothe r of the wife of heads Grandfather and grandmothe r of head Father and mother of the wif e of heads Father and mother of heads Heads of the family and wives All single children First son married (or widowe d with children) and his wife Second son married (or widowe d with children) and his wife Third son married (or widowe d with children) and his wife Fourth son married (o r widowed with children) an d his wife Daughter (married or widowe d with children) and her hus band All grandchildren, sons o r daughters of 21, 22, 23 , 24, 25 All children, sons of o r daughters of 41, 42, 43 , 45 All grandchildren, sons o f 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 All grandchildren, sons o r daughters of 44 29 39 4,9 59 17 16 01 11 27 26 02 12 37 36 03 13 47 46 04 14 -5 7 56 05 15 21 22 23 24 25 31 3,2 .33 34 35 4), 4,2 45 5.1 52 53 54 55 61 62 63 64 65 81 82 83 84 85 91 92 93 19 1, 8 44 94 56 95 12 Miscellaneous : Unmarried adult-brother (18 or over) of household head Unmarried sisters and minor brothers (18 or younger) of head Married sister of head with husband Children of preceding Step-brother or step-sister of 01 Step-brother or step-sister of 02 Step-brother or step-sister of 03 Step-brother or step-sister of 04 Step-brother or step-sister of 05 Step-child of head Step-mother of head Uncle or aunt of 01, 02, 03 and 04 Uncle or aunt of 05 Children of 66 and 76 (cousins) Servants, employees Apprentices Nurses Slaves More distant relatives Indefinite status 67 77 87 97 98 99 57 09- ' 06 79. 68 28 38 48 78 88 89 66 76 86 APPENDIX D COMMENTARY CODE S The following codes are used for the commentary variable whic h is found on the demographic card : 0 No commentary (also a blank ) 1 Anyone not recognized as a legitimate " bocca " b y the officials of Catasto (for example : religious , apprentices, servants, etc . ) 2 Newborn baby added in 1428-1429 to the origina l declaratio n 3 Baby nursed outside of the famil y 4 Anyone registered as outside the district o f Florence (for reasons of commerce, etc . ) 5 Occupation different from that of head of famil y 6 Physically or intellectually incapabl e 7 Illegitimate chil d 8 Crossed out on the declaration because of marriag e (women and men ) 9 Crossed out because of deat h 59 APPENDIX E NOTE1 Notes on the CENSUS AND PROPERTY SURVEY (CATASTO ) (exerpted from a letter by Professor David Herlihy to the Dat a and Program Library Service, February 20, 1970 ) 1. "The unit of analysis is, in the most accurate terms, the 'fiscal house hold ." It is, in other words, the household as defined by the governmen t for purposes of collecting the taxes . There are of course difference s between the fiscal household and the true household, but they are no t great . If one tried to reconstitute the American household from income tax returns, one would encounter similar problems, and in fact, given th e complexities of modern life, far more formidable than that which th e Catasto presents . The point to be remembered is that this census an d survey were taken for fiscal reasons, and therefore fiscal consideration s influence how the household was defined . But the basic unit of the surve y remains the household . "For each household, the survey assigns one person, or identifies him a s primarily reponsible for the tax . He is responsible for it, but nearl y all the data . . ., refer to the household of which he is the 'fiscal head, ' the one primarily responsible for the tax . There do, however, exis t households with two or more joint heads--usually brothers who have kep t intact the inheritance received from their father . Such households are readily identifiable from the data . . .concerning the members of th e household, but for technical reasons only the name of the first head i s entered physically onto the record . But again, the identification of th e household head does not alter the fact that the data . . .represent, wit h only a few exceptions later to be noted, the entire household--it s possessions, its investments, its deductions, its final assessments an d its members . In this we are really only following the character of th e original survey . " 2. "'Fiscal' households, in which the adult head of the household had recentl y died, were still responsible for paying a tax . If only minor childre n survived, the tam officials often identified them as the heirs of the lat e so-and-so . If the heirs were minors usually their guardian would loo k after their affairs, but in a legal sense, they or their patrimony, stil l carried primary responsibility for the tax . However, in the interest o f a later use of the records for tracing families, we have entered i n place of the vague 'heir of' the first of the heirs mentioned in the lis t of persons forming part of the household . This will enable us to identify the persons more easily in later returns . Thus, the original declaratio n might carry the name : Heirs of Giovann i Pietro age 1 O Isabella age 7 Gianno age 5 In such a case, we have entered as the household head, the one primaril y responsible for the taxes, Pietro . " 3. "The survey as a whole includes three sets of documents . All households- or their heads--were required to file an original declaration, describin g 61 their possessions and listing the members of their households . These firs t declarations representing primarily the taxpayers claim, are the Portato , those forms 'carried' or . . .'reported ' to the tax office . However, th e tax officials were not about to accept without question the reporte d tax statements of the household heads . They in turn investigated th e claims, both possessions and deductions, made the calculations, and i n turn prepared a second, complete copy of what they believed to be th e true condition of the household . This second, official and correcte d copy of the tax declarations is the Campioni, and this series, representing a kind of tax compromise between the claims of taxpayers and th e scepticism of the tax officials, is the true basis of the data we ar e collecting . Finally, an exerpt or 'Summary' (Sommari) was made from th e Campioni, listing only the name of the household head and his tax assessment . This is useful primarily as a control over lost folios in th e original Campioni volumes (they are after all more than 599 years old) . But the basis of the data collected remains the official, clean and ful l copy of the tax survey, the Campioni . " 4. Referring to columns 22-31 : "A woman, in marrying, passed from unde r the authority of her father to that of her husband . In most declarations , married women and widows are identified by their husbands' names- Giulana, widow of Antonio . . . . In some cases, however, the names both o f the husband and the father are given . Those coding the forms needed som e directions as to which name should be preferred when both are given . Fo r consistency, and also for strong logical reasons, the name of the husban d is thus preferred over that of the father, in those instances where bot h are given . " 5. Regarding occupation codex : "In those cases . . .in which two occupation s were mentioned, the first was taken exclusively (usually the second woul d be closely related to the first anyway, shoemaker and slipper-maker, an d the like .) " . . .except that the occupation column described specificall y the occupation of the household, all the other data refer to the entir e household . . . . " 6. Regarding "private investments" : (columns 55 .59) "Principal figure s concerning wealth possessed refer to the total possessions of all members . who are part of the household . " October, 1970 62 NOTE 2 The Verona file contains two surveys (estimi) of the city of Verona , dated 1425 and 1502 respectively . Parts of the survey of 1425 have bee n lost, however, and the file includes only those households and parishe s for which records have survived . The survey of 1502 is also incomplete , as it includes only those parishes which are included in the survey o f 1425 . For further comment, see D . Herlihy, "The Population of Verona i n the First Century of Venetian Rule," Venetian Studies, John R . Hale, ed . (London : Faber & 1kber, 1971) . The codebook is the same for the Veronese as for the Florentine survey of 1427, with one important exception . Many Veronese households include families of servants living within them . The Florentine household s never do, as these dependent families would file their own declarations . To accommodate these dependent servant families at Verona, the followin g strategy was used : 1. The members of the family of the household head wer e coded onto " demographic cards", exactly as was done a t Florence . If, however, the household also contained a servant family, than a 1 was placed in column 80 of th e last demographic card . 2. The members of the servant family were then code d with 01 in the place-in-household field identifying th e person who headed it and with the other members bearin g codes identifying their relation with him . If stil l another servant family followed, then a 2 was entere d into column 80 of the last demographic card of the previous family . The method could be used, in other words , to include any number of dependent servant families i n a household . For the Florentine survey, column 80 of the demographic cards i s ALWAYS blank . For the Veronese survey, column 80 of the last demographi c card will contain a number, if another family living in the same househol d is to be coded on the cards which follow . 63 NOTE 3 The following location code format is valid for only Series 03 06 : Col . # Width Ite m 7 1 Quartier e 8-9 2 Pieve 10-11 2 Commune or "Popolo Location Codes are found in Appendix A . 64 NOTE4 Variable Name : Name of head of family If the family had several heads, only the first is given . The family registered under the title of "heir" is coded under th e name of the oldest heir from the lists of "mouths" (bocche) . The declarations of inheritances without members were registere d under the name of the deceased owner of the property . Spellings are standardized . For example : Agnolo Baldassare Bartolomeo Cecco Corradino Felice Gabbriello Guasparre Lazzer o Leonard o Riccardo Roberto The spelling of names in the volumes of Campioni . was preferred t o those of Sommarii . 65 NOTE5 Variable Name : Name of father or head of famil y For widows, the name of the deceased husband is entered i n preference to the name of the father . (See Note 1, Part 4 . ) The spellings are standardized like those of cols . 12-21 . 66 NOTE6 Variable Name : Family Nam e Standardization of spelling is also attempted here . Th e spellings in the index from the 18th century at the beginning o f each volume of Campioni serves as a reference in doubtful cases . Nicknames are not considered as names of families . 67 NOTE7 Variable Name : Pag e The old numerations were preferred to the more modern when i t was necessary to make a choice . 68 NOTE8 Variable Name : Value of Private Investment s The value of private investments is given in florins rounde d off to the nearest florin . This includes all commercial investment s and loans excluding the value of animals and slaves . See Note 1, Part 6 . 69 NOTE9 Variable Name : Tax The special deduction for household members, allowed in th e cities of Florence and Pisa are not, however, included here . Th e figure represents only deductions allowed everywhere in the Florentine domains . 70 NOTE 1 0 Variable Name : Card Numbe r The sequence number of the demographic cards if there is mor e than one demographic card for a household . Otherwise, the card number equals the total number of demographic cards . 71 APPENDIX F CHART OF SERIES TITLE AND NUMBER OF OBSERVATION S Census and Property Survey of Florentine Domains in th e Province of Tuscany ; 1427-148 0 Series # Series Titl e # of Observation s 01 City of Florence, 142 7 02 City of Florence, Additions of 142 8 03 Rural Quarter of St . Spirito, 142 7 7,53 0 04 Rural Quarter of St . Croce, 142 7 4,88 2 05 Rural Quarter of St . Maria de Novella, 142 7 7,36 9 06 Rural Quarter of St . Giovanni, 142 7 7,14 7 07 City of Florence, Additions of 142 9 12 3 10 City of Cortona, 142 7 89 8 11 Countryside of Cortona, 142 7 12 Castiglione Fiorentino, City an d Countryside, 142 7 55 9 13 Montepulciano and Ville, 1427 73 3 15 Countryside of Arezzo (Vicariate of Anghiari and of Montesansavino), 142 7 3,69 4 16 City of Arezzo, 1427 1,19 4 17 Cortine of Arezzo, 1427 1,19 4 18 City of Pisa, 1427 1,74 0 19 Countryside of Pisa, 1427 3,96 6 20 City of Pistoia, 1427 1,24 7 21 Countryside of Pistoia, 1427 2,04 3 22 Mountains of Pistoia, 1427 23 -Girfagnana, 1427 9,78 0 10 1 1,12 1 49 2 17 5 24 Val di Nievole, 1427 1,26 2 25 Val d'Arno di Sotto, 1427 64 2 30 San Gimignano, 1427 57 6 31 Colle, 1427 57 1 32 City of Volterra, 1427 79 7 33 Countryside of Volterra, 1427 75 1 34 Sillano and Montecastelli, 1427 11 9 58 City of Florence, 1458, 10% Sample 75 0 80 City of Florence, 1480, 10% Sample 83 1 NOTE : The numbers for # of observations have not been verified by the Data and Program Library Service . 73 CHART OF SERIES TITLE AND NUMBER OF OBSERVATION S Census and Property Survey (Partial) of th e City of Verona, Italy, 1425 and 1502 Series # Series Titl e # of Observation s 98 Verona, 142 5 99 8 99 Verona, 1502 1,91 8 NOTE : The numbers for # of observations have not been verifie d by the Data and Program Library Service . 74 APPENDIX G 6-812 76 SAMPLE CODING FORM Ser . Hold No . 3 7 Source : Pp . Vol . 4542 55 76 71 65 60 Ta x Deduct . Total Puhiic Inv . K H A I Oc . 52 32 2^ 12 48 Farii v Fat-er ' s Name Loc. Ilt3' Ser . & Hhoid No . (1-6) As above . Me—trier s Cd . 30 1_6 0l ► Io, ~ 7 2 65 5S 44 51 1 _1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_ I_1_1_I_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_ ! 7 16 9 Ser . Hhold No . Loc. 12 3 7 1 ;7 L Iv l~l_I_1_1_1~1~1JID : Source Pp . K -H A I 0c : Vol . 48 52 42 45 I !~,8,_I$ Ser . & Hhold No . (1-6) As above . 22 , D . IQ •. E,N2, o ; _1_ ,_ B,~' A,N~,U Inv . l 76 71 65 • ,_,_,_,_!_,__ 1_11 R.!_1_I_I1$ _1__° Cd . 7 23 16 9 30 1 3 3 _+_,_ , 72 65 51 1_I_1_I_1_1_I_1_1_1_1_I_1_I_I_I_I_I_1_ I _I_ Hhold No . Ta x Deduct . Member s 58 Ser . ?2 ~C1~1~,_1 _1 _'_1_1_1_+_1_1_ i Total Public 60 55 Famil y Fathers Name 7d4 1 Famil y Father ' s Name Loc. 7 12 ID,b ;_,_1_I_i ~lal`_~,~ :~ ;N1I4,Ni►/,1,_,_,_,_,_ 32 22 iG,A .,t!',ZI~! ;_i_1_1_1_1_1_1_,_1_1_1_1_1_1 _ Source : Vol . 42 111C Pp . 45 KHA 48 11i 8 ,` Ser. & Hhold No . (1-6) As above . 37 Oc . I 52 Inv . 55 65 60 Ta x Deduct . Total Public 71 76 -- 1_ ;_1A _ Member s Cd . 37 30 23 16 7 9 . 1 l,_1_•_1_,_I_r—, _ e1 r_ 2 e .L2,6 :_2 ii 1' I ~I J 1 01LI_i~i3101 72 ' 58 65 44 51 I_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_ 1 _1_{_1_1_1_1_ 1 75 APPENDIX H BIBLIOGRAPHY Partial bibliography prepared by David Herlihy, as per letter 8/9/75 . "Marriage at Pistoia in the Fifteenth Century , " Bulletino Storico Pistoiese, VI I (1972), 3-21 . "Mapping Households in Medieval Italy," Catholic Historical Review, LVIII (1972) , 1-24 . "Qu®atification and the Middle Ages , " The Dimensions of the Past, ed . Val R . Lorwin and Jacob M . Price (New Haven, 1972), pp . 13-51 . (some few comments ) "Some Social and Psychological Roots of Violence in the Tuscan Cities, " Violence and Civil Disorder in Italian Cities, 1200-1500, ed . Lauro Martines (Berkeley, 1972) , 129-54 . 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