César Chavez Charter School Agendas and Minutes
César Chavez Charter School Agendas and Minutes
Cesar Chavez Charter School 110l East Yilnonilll Street, Santa Barbara, CA 9)103, Phone (805) 966·7392, Fax (80S) 966·7243 Governance Council Regular Meeting/ Junta del ConclHo Gobernatlvo Governance Cou ncil Members/Miembros del Conejljo Goberngdor Mondgy, Jyly 19.2010 Mory Docter, Presldent/presidente Beth Ford, Vice President/vicepresidente Brianno Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique Limon Esteban Ortiz Jack Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session/Sesion ablerto eees 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbara, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966·7392 Family Cenler (Room 105) Juanita Hernandez Principal/directoro This meeting is open and all are Invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La junla asia a&ierla para fodos y les invitamos a venir y comparlir ideas, dudas 0 comenlarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 5 minutes 25 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 1 minute I 1 9 20 1 0 July ITEM 1 . Call to Order and attendance/Empezar 10 reunion y tomar asistendo 2. Approve June 1 6 & 28 mlnutes/Aprobar las actas del 1 6 y 28 de junio 3. Public comment/Comentario del publico 4. Charter Renewal: a. Update on 7/1 3 Boord of Education meeting (Mary & Juanita) b. Discuss & Approve revised FUA (action Item) S. Budget Report & Approval (Gerardo & Nancy) 6. Principal's Report (Juanita) 7. Approve Consolidated Application (action item) 8. Discuss Bylaws (Beth) 9. Discuss next Steps for Adelante a. PR/Recrultment/Outreach b. New Teacher Interviews (Tuesday, July 20) c. Parent Meeting (Wednesday, July 2 1 ) 1 0. Board Business; a. Workshop: Tuesday, Aug. 3, 5:00 p.m. b. Establish meeting schedule c. Update from advisory commiHees d. Complete IRS 700 Form (Economic Statement of Interest) e. Discuss future agenda items 1 2. Adjourn/Suspender Actual Time 7:00 7:05 7:30 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:50 '"Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in thc order that requeslS are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments are limited to 3 minutes each. with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is allowed 10 take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion. refer a matter to district stalT or calendar the issue for future discussion. 5.lnt� 8arbM" SCHOOL DISTRICTS f"'f�f"rOlA-1 Cesar Chavez Charter School >102 £••1 YanonaIl5t,.('!. s"nt� Il.rb.:\ra, (A 9)10), Phone (80S) 966"719>, fox (80s) 966-7>.4, for Principals to talk first before involving Board. Juanita agreed. Suggestion for meeting in September. e. Nancy raised question of note she made RE: special education and need for Eric Smith to look at section. 4. Budget Report & Approval a. Discussion of own internal fiscal policy. Presented proposed amendments to previous CCCS Interim Fiscal Policy. Addressed issues that are currently not working. Some current policies present a challenge to day to day operations of office staff. i. Is $1000 limit to low? Suggestion for $5000 with exemption of recurring contracts. ii. All checks, purchase orders or contracts limit. Suggestion to increase from $5000 to $10,000. iii. Remove contract language from following pOints and add a statement about contracts needing board approvalAccounts and transferring b. Discussion about determining amount in reserve. c. Gerardo and committee will work on revising document and present at next d. Board will revisit budget at August meeting. Board members can email Board Meeting. suggestions to Finance committee. 5. Principal's Report a. 2 teachers- Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Boletti will not be returning next year. b. Interviews are being held tomorrow. Currently 5 open positions; 8-9 int�rviews tomorrow; 2 candidates that are currently in Mexico will be interviewed in August. c. Presented invoices from Nancy: invoice for accounting services. November to April ($2,500); invoice for excess hours worked ($2,000) d. AOK program- ACS is not receiving funds because CCCS fell below the 76% level of Free-Reduced Lunch (CCCS was at %74) e. Juanita would like to invite art teacher to present about art program at a future Board Meeting. f. 5B Dance Institute- Juanita is meeting with them to discuss a contract for them to work with 3rd & 4th graders. Approximately $5,600. Was paid out of fundraising in past. g. Juanita would like to put new carpet in 1-2 classrooms where carpet is in bad condition. District said it is not worn, so district will not pay to replace. Juanita is currently getting bids on carpet and hopes to replace carpet. i. h. i. Board member expressed concern about budget and health issues. Working on new website. Brianna reminded Juanita or Mary to follow-up regarding Montecito Bank & Trust Community Dividends Grant Program. Letter should have been addressed to Lee Fleming. Application will be due August 31, 2010. 6. Approve Consolidated Application 2 Cesar Chavez Charter School 1102 e.st Yonono1l Street, S�nl. a�rb.lrn, (A 93'03, Phont (80S) 966-719>, fa. a. (80S) 966-714) Reviewed and discussed b. ACS is applying for Title I part A, TItle II part A, and Title III part A c. Gerardo Aldana motioned to approve Consolidated Application, seconded by Jack Rivas, unanimously approved by Board. 7. Discuss Bylaws a. Discussion regarding board term lengths. Suggestion for minimum of 1 year and maximum of 5 consecutive years. b. Beth will have lawyer look over several sections to check clarity and compliance c. Change section regarding regular meetings to regular meetings will meet on a with charter. monthly basis to be held at a regular date and time. 8. d. Beth will look for language regarding voting on candidates to board. e. Change section on special meetings time requirement to match Brown Act f. Changed definition of Quorum to majority of Board g. Section regarding Treasurer- Gerardo to look at sections and rewrite to match actual job description h. Section on Annual report: add word budget i. Beth will send draft to Jennifer prior to Board training Discuss next steps for Adelante a. PR/Recruitment/Outreach: Flyers are being printed, outreach has not begun; Casa de La Raza, famers market. b. New Teacher interviews: committee- Esteban, Mary, Juanita, & Alma; ad is being reposted. c. 9. Parent meeting: Wednesday night, 6pm- uniforms; Adriana will lead meeting. Board Business a. Workshop: Tuesday, Aug. 3, 5:00pm- send issues you want addressed to Mary; Mary will post b. Establish meeting schedule- 1st Mondays of the month at 7pm; will reschedule if conflict with holidays c. Update from advisory committees- tabled to next meeting d. Complete IRS 700 Form (Economic Statement of Interest)- filled out and turned into Juanita e. Discuss future agenda items i. Discussed Board training on August 3rd Next meeting Special Meeting Friday 7/23- 8:45am; Monique Limon will send out phone call information. Jack Rivas motion to adjourn meeting, second by Brianna Aguilar, unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm 3 Cesar Chavez Charter School 1102 E3S! Yanonall Street. S.nI. tlarba,a, '''' 93'0), Phone (80s) 966-7)92, F•• (80S) 966-7>43 Minutes for July 19, 2010 Call to order at 7:04 pm Present: Mary Docter, President Beth Ford, Vice President Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer Brianna Aguilar, Secretary Esteban Ortiz Jack Rivas Monique limon Juanita Hernandez, Principal and Chief Administrator Guests: Nancy Dow 1. Minutes for June 28, 2010 _ a. Jack Rivas motioned to approve minutes from June 28, seconded by Beth Ford, b. June 16 minutes approval was tabled. unanimously approved. 2. Public comment: 3. Charter Renewal a. a. none Update of 7/13/10 School Board Meeting- Received updated FUA at 7/13/10 school board meeting. One change was to increase pro-rata share for non district students. Mary spoke at meeting asking for increase not to occur. School Board approved not to do increase for 2010-201:1. - b. Discussion of FUA: i. Juanita reported that FUA looks good. Question of how much district pays for non-district students. There is no real answer and should be investigated. ii. m. Discussion of how often FUA can be revised. Discussion about special education and interdistrict transfer costs in future. iv. Discussion of comparing costs of how ACS operates as compared to Peabody. c. Monique limon motioned to table FUA, seconded by Jack Rivas, unanimously approved. d. Discussion of how we should work with other charters to address some of concerns about future costs of special ed. Suggestion that first step should be 1 Cesar Chavez Charter School 1102 East Yanonali Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, phone (805) 966-7392, Fax (805) 966-7243 Board of Directors Special Meeting/ Junta Especial de la Mesa Directiva Board of Directors/Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Friday, July 23, 201 0 Mary Docter, President/presidente 8:45 a.m. Closed Session/Sesion Beth Ford, Vice President/vicepresidente cerrada. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero CCCS Monique Limon 1102 E. Yanonali St. Esteban Ortiz Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Jack Rivas (805) 966-7392 Family Center (Room 105) Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdirectora This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La ;unta est6 abierta para todos y les invitamos a venir y compartir ideas, dudas 0 comentarios. July 23, 2010 Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. ITEM Actual Time Call to Order and attendance/Empezar la reunion y tomar 8:45 asistencia 5 minutes 20 minutes 1 1 2. Public comment/Comentario del publico 8:50 3. CLOSED SESSIONjSESION CERRADA 8:55 Public Employment: Teachers minute minute 4. Report Back on closed session 5. Adjourn/Suspender 9: 15 9: 16 *Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments are limited to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, refer a matter to district staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: The Cesar Chavez Charter School Governing Board encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (916) 445-6574 at least 48 hours before the scheduled board meeting so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. (Government Code § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 U.s.c. § 12132)) Santa Barbara i i S���?�� Cesar Chavez Charter School n01 Ed�t Ydl'lOlldh Strt't"t. S.)otd fiMb..tfd. (A 9310], Phone (80S) 966-739J. FdJ( (� (80S) 966'72'1) Minutes for Friday July 23, 2010 BOD Members present: Mary Docter, President Monique Lim6n Esteban Ortiz Jack Rivas Juanita Hernandez. Principal and Chief Administrator 1. 2. 3. Meeting called to order at 8:50 a.m. Public Comment- None Closed Session: a. Public Employment- Motion 4. Passes 4/0/0 Board moved to hire three teachers. Adjournment a. Motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 am (� 1 Cesar Chavez Charter School 1.02 East Yanonali SUei:t, 5"nt" Ilarbara, CA 93103, Phone (805) 966'7392, Fax (80S) 966-7243 Board of Directors Special Meeting / Junta Especial de 10 Mesa Directlva Board of Directors/Miembros de la Mesa Directiva Tuesday. August 3. 2010 Mary Doeter, President/presldente Beth Ford, Vice President/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monlque limon Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 5:00 p.m. Open Session: Boord Training 9:20 p.m. Closed Session /Sesion cerrada. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT CCCS 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbara, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966·7392 Juanita Hernandez, Prindpal/directora Fami� CenterlR()()m 1 05J This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La iunta &S'a abierfa para lodos y les invitamos a venir y comport;r ideas, cludas 0 comentarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 5 minutes 3 hours, 30 August 3 t 2 0 1 0 ITEM 1 - Call to Order and attendance/Empezar 10 reunion y tamar aslstencia 2. Approve July 1 9 & 23 minutes/Aprobar los aetas del 19 & 2 3 de junio 3. Public comment/Comentario del publico 4. BOARD TRAINING Actual Time 5:00 5:05 5:JO minutes 40 minutes 20 minutes J minute 1 minute 5. Discuss & latest version of approve FUA (action item) 6. Discuss/a pprove Bylaws {action item) 7. Principal's report 8. Budget items (action item): a. Discuss/approve expenses for consultant/professional development & T-shirts b. Discuss/approve internal fiscal �olicy {Gerard� 8:40 9. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA 9:20 Public Employment: Teachers 1 0. Report Back on dosed session 11. Adlourn/Suspender 9:40 9:4 1 '"Public commem rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agcnda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrancc. Speakers may be called in the Ordl.T that requests are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments are Iimitcd to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, refer a matter to district staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: Thc Cesar Chavez Charter School Goveming Board encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. )fyou need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (916) 445-6574 at least 48 hours before the scheduled board meeting so that we may § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. (Government Code U.S.C. § 12132» T S.1(1.t� 8.&rt41 a SCHOOL DISTRICTS f�rlwnu'fOfAJI Cesar Chavez Charter School 110> [a,1 nnoruli Settel. Sanl. Barbor•• (A 93'03. PhQn� (805) �66-7)9l. Fa. (805) 966-7143 o M inutes for Tuesday, August 3,2010 BOD M embers present Mary Docter, President Beth Ford, Vice President Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer Brianna Aguilar, Secretary Esteban Ortiz Monique Lim6n Jack Rivas Juanita Hernandez, Principal and Chief Administrator Guests: Jennifer McQuarrie 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Meeting called to order at 7:1 1pm Public Comment- None Board Training- J ennifer McQuarrie a. H istory of ACS b. Board Governance c. Brown Act Discuss/Approve FUA a. Discussed out of district charge and potential to negotiate with district. b. Discuss/approve bylaws a. Reviewed comments and changes b. Discussed board development and nominating committee- discussed removing nominating committee and process c. Discussed making them more succinct and concise d. Discussed conflict of Article 6, s ection 7 and corporation code- this should be the chairperson. Jennifer will provide language regarding president. N eed to clarify titles in charter as well. e. Remove language saying president is ex-oficio member. f. Gerard o will continue to review treasurer section. g. Jack & Beth will continue to work on bylaws and bring to next meeting. Budget items: a. D iscuss/approve internal fiscal policy i. Discussion of language RE: contract· removed language; need to develop a policy ii. Discussion on budget transfers iii. Jack motion to approve fiscal policy as amended; seconded by Esteban; Monique motioned to amend to include that a policy will be d eveloped for contracts; second by Esteban; unanimously approved by board. 1 Cesar Chavez Charter School 1102 East Yanonali Street. Santa Barbara. CA 93103. Phone (805) 966'7392. Fax (80S) 966-7243 Boord of Directors Special Meetlng/ Junto Especial de 10 Mesa Directiva Board of D iredors/Miem b ros de 10 Meso Diredjva Friday. August 6. 201 0 Mary Docter, Presldent/presidente Beth Ford, Vice Presldent/vicepresldente Brianna Aguilar, Secretory /secretarla Gerordo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique limen Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 1 0:00 a.m. Open Session/Seslon ablerfa Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdireetora 1 0:20 a.m. Closed Session/Sesien cerrada. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT CCCS 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santo Barbaro, CA 93 1 03 ( 805) 966·7392 Family Center (Room 1 05) Other Locations: UCSB McNair Scholars Program MC 2087, Building 477, #128 Sonto Barbara, CA 93106 (893-371 0) Montecito YMCA 591 Sonia Rosa In. Santa Barbara, CA 93108 (969·3288) I� , ' This meeting is open and all are i nvited to attend and shore ideas, concerns, or comments. l.o junla esla abierta para lodos y tes invitamos a venir y compartir iaeas, auaas 0 comentarios. Time Allolted 5 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 1 minute 1 minute August 6 , 20 1 0 ITEM l. Call to Order and attendance/Empezar la reunion y tomar . asistencia 2. Approve July 23 mlnutes/Aprobar las aetas del 23 de lunlo 3. Public comment/Comentario del publico 4. Discuss/a pprove FUA {action item} 5. CLOSED S ESSION/SESION CERRADA Public Employment: Teachers 6. Report Bock on closed session 7. Adjourn/Suspender Actual Time 1 0:00 10:05 10:10 10:20 10:40 10:42 "Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be ealled in the order that requests arc received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments afe limited to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, refer a matter to district staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: The Adclante Board of Directors encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public mt.'Cting process. If you nt.'Cd a {\ disability·related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (916) 445-6574 at least 48 hours before the scht.-duled board meeting so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you. (Government Code § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 U.S.C. § 12132») S(HOOL T $4nt464ft-H. DISTRICTS ho(�.tOtNI Cesar Chavez Charter School 1102 East yanonali Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, Phone (805) 966-7392, Fax (80S) 966-7243 Minutes for Friday August 6, 2010 BOD Members present: Beth Ford, Vice President Monique Limon Esteban Ortiz Jack Rivas Juanita Hernandez, Principal and Chief Administrator 1. Meeting called to order at 10:07am 2. Public Comment- None 3. Review and Approval of Facilities Use Agreement a. Change number of classrooms from 13 to 12; add one staff space in parenthesis b. Review for grammar errors- page 1 (Section 1. Premises): extra periods Jack moves to approve the Facilities Use Agreement between SB Elementary School District and Adelante Charter School (Cesar Chavez); Monique Seconds Motion Passes 4. 4/0/0 Closed Session: a. Public Employment- Board moved to hire two teachers. Motion Passes 5. Public Comment- None 6. Adjournment a. Motion to adjourn. Jack moves to adjourn meeting; Esteban Seconds Motion Passes 4/0/0 Meeting adjourned at 10:26 am 1 Adelante Charter School , /02 YanonaliStreet, Santa Barbara, (\ � 93103, Phone /805/966-7392, Fax /805/966-7243 Board of Directors Regular Meeting/ Junto de 10 Meso Directiva Board of pirectors/Miembros de 10 Mesa Directiva MondaY' September 13, Mary Docter, President/presidente Beth ford, Vice President/vlcepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique limon Esteban Ortiz Joel< Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session/Sesion abierta Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdirectora Family Cenler (Room 1(5) 201 0 Adelante Chgrter School 1 1 02 E. Yanonall St. Santo Barbara, CA 93103 ( 805) 966-7392 This meeting is open Clnd all are invited to offend Clnd share ideas, c oncerns, or comments. l.a junta eslci abierta para todos y les ;nvifczmos a venir y comparlir ideas, dudas 0 comentarios. Time Allotted 10 minutes 5 minvtes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes 30 minvtes I minute Se ptem b er 1 3, 201 0 ITEM 1 . Call to Order and attendonce/Empezar 10 reunion y tomar aslstencia 2. Approve July 19, 23 & August 6 minutes/Aprobar las actos del 1 9 y 23 de julio y el 6 de agosto 3. Meeting protocol 4. Public comment/Comentarlo del publico 5. Principal's Report: Juanita (enrollment, stoff frajni� SIG etc.) 6. Budget Report: Nancy a. Unaudited actuals (action item) b. Budget impact with lower enrollment (discussion) 7. Bylaws; Beth (action item} 8. Teachers' Council 9. .Boord business: a. Delegation of responsibilities for board & stoff b. Calendar & agenda items for 201 0-1 1 year 1 0. Adjourn/Suspender Actual Time 7:00 7:1 0 7: 1 5 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:00 9:30 ·Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments arc limited to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion, refer a mailer to district staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: The Adelanle Board of Directors encournges those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting proce.<;s. !fyou need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (916) 445-6574 at least 48 hours before the scheduled board meeting so that we may make every reasonable cffort to accommodate you. {Government Code § 54954.2; Americans with Disabilities Act of1990, § 202 (42 U.S.C. § 12132» T Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanonali Street:, Santa Barbara, C4 93103, Phone {BOS! 966·7392- Fax {BOS! 966-7243 Minutes for Monday, September 13, 2010 BOD M embers present Mary Docter, Chair Beth Ford, Vice Chair and Parliamentarian Officer Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer Brianna Aguilar, Secretary Monique Lim6n Jack Rivas Juanita Hernandez, Principal and Chief Administrator Annette Cordero, Santa Barbara School Board Nancy Dow, Accountant (� 1. M eeting called to order at 7:0Spm 2. Approve minutes a. Jack Rivas moved to ,approve J uly 19 minutes, seconded by Monique Lim6n, unanimously approved. b. Beth Ford moved to approve with minutes with amendments; Jack: Rivas seconded, unanimously approved 3. Mary Docter reviewed Board meeting protocol 4. Public Comment- none S. Principal's Report: Juanita H ernandez a. API Scores- made it; is currently 678; up by 3 0; made target that was set b. Professional development i. Rosa Molina was unable to come; will come next month it Discussed responsibilities of a teacher; classroom learning environment; behavior; strategies for increasing student achievement; instructional strategies Ill. Teacher evaluations were favorable c. Upcoming Professional Development i. UCSB training on 9/11 with Bill Jacob- went well; they will be coming to classes to i mplement strategies ii. October 9- Rosa Molina- ELD & writing rubric; she will also stay for Monday to classroom visits iii. Teachers will begin attending GLAD training as dates become available 1. Teachers will have to attend trainings in Orange County; will be an increased cost 1 Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanonali Street, Santa Barbara, 01 93103, Phone /805/966-7392 Fax /805/966-7243 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 2. Juanita has spoken with SIG grant to accommodate changes in costs 3. Mary inquired about bringing in someone to school for part of training (2 day training portion) 4. Beth inquired about training a ACS staff member as a G LAD trainer. 5. There may interest from other schools within the districts that might join in training to get the 2 0 teachers needed. a. Requested Juanita to follow-up with other Principals to see if there is interest Back to School Nite- 9/9 i. Performance by kindergarten and 1st grade classes ii. Introduced staff iii. Parents signed up for committees iv. Parents visited classes SIG grant officially awarded in full amount with no reduction/revision required. Award letter expected end of month and funds released end of October. Total award is $953,204 over 3 years. i. Holly, Juanita, Gerardo, Nancy, Lee Fleming, Maggie Royston, Viv were core group working on grant ii. Many of PD and other development workshops are part of SIG grant. Signatures- Charter and M OU i. N eeds signature of President & Secretary ii. Juanita will fol low up with school distriCt secretary ;ii.: . Fq4t�quire� �J��ture$ Title I Teacher i. Silvia Castaneda is subbing in the position ii. Have not hired or interviewed yet Request for future agenda items: i. Personnel items: 1. Hire new staff: lAs (closed session required), SIG teacher, Title I teacher 2. Jack Rivas motion to add a closed session of Public Employment: lAs, second by Gerardo Aldana. a. Concern by board member that there will not be opportunity for public comment b. M otion passes 5-1. ii. Art program presentation Principal's calendar- added a vacation day September 7 Parent meeting on September 15 Ribbon cutting ceremony to be planned- hoping next couple of weeks 2 Adelante Charter School I 102 YanonaliStree� Santa Barbara, Ol 93103, Phone 180S! 966-7392, Fax/805! 966-7243 i. H olly and Juanita are currently planning; may recruit other parents to committee ii. Discussed inviting community; mayor; superintendent; board member iii. Suggestions: Friday evening; bring food/sell food- proposed October 1, 2010 at 5pm 1. Questions i. Enrollment? Currently at 215 ii. Discussed advertising to be ready for January 1 iii. Suggestion from Silvia Castaneda- how do we recruit English speaking students? 1. Juanita will inquire about proportion of Spanish speaking/English-speaking students for data analysis by grade for STAR testing- wilJ address Request iv. at next meeting 6. Budget Report: N ancy a. Reviewed and discussed budget report and unaudited actuals b. Annette raised issue of Bond (November election) and what ACS requested- Juanita reported it was a somewhat confusing process, but had identified bathroom, office and teacher room. c. Gerardo Aldana moved to approve unaudited actuals; seconded by Jack Rivas; unanimously approved. d. Budget impact with lower enrollment i. ADA- $100,000 difference for 10-11 year (average attendance203) ii. S FS F Stimulus money- $45, 753.00; can only be used for salaries not administrative positions. iii. Potential shortfall of $56,117. iv. Budget subcommittee will need to meet 1. Look at SIG grant and how money can be moved a. N eed to be clear about how restrictive funding is 2. Fundraisers- Dia de los muertos, �iliiii.�.:,.�u�tjQI1, back to school bbq/ribbon cutting 3. Grants/foun dation requests for funding 7. Bylaws a. Reviewed and discussed b. Jack Rivas moved to approve bylaws with proposed changes, seconded by Gerardo Aldana; unanimously approved 8. Teachers' Council a. Opportunity for teachers to present to board during meeting b. Update: H ave not met yet c. Teachers really enjoyed Saturday's math training at UCSB . I� , , 3 Ade/ante Charter School 1102 YanonaliStreeC Santa Barbara, 01 9310.]. Phone 1805} 966-7392, Fax {805} 966-7243 d. Mary asked teachers at meeting to let other teachers know that board would like to hear from teachers about how things are p rogressing and requests for the board 9. Board Business a. Announcements: i. Beth Ford transferred children to Open Alternative School but would like to stay on board for the year it Monique Lim6n is running for Santa Barbara School Board iii. Brianna Aguila r is pregnant and will be taking leave beginning in December or January. iv. Questions for Annette about making minor changes to Charter 1. Suggest present minor changes to staff first v. Board should be thinking about making potentia) contacts for new board members. b. Agenda items for October 4 meeting @ 6:15pm i. J ack Rivas will be absent ii. Budget report iii. Data analysis presentation on test scores iv. Overview of SIC v. Teachers council vi. Crantwriting/fundraising vii. Update on Dla de los Muertos viii. Presentation by art teacher ix. SIG Staff position x. Principal's report 1. Calendar c. Delegation of board responsibilities i. Principal evaluation (Mary & Monique) ii. Board d evelopment (Jack & Mary) . i ii. Fundraising/Grant writing (Jack & B rianna) iv. Budget (Gerardo, Jack, Esteban) v. Business Administration (Beth) vi. Student Recruitment (Brianna) vii. Health & Safety (SSC, Principal's Report) viii. Communications (Mary) ix. Parent I nvolvement & Education (Esteban) x. Strategic Planning 1. Educational/data 2. Budget/facilities 10. Public Comment- none 1 1. Closed Session 4 Adelante Charter School 1102 YanonaJiStreet, Santa Barbari1, CA 93103, Phone 180S} 966·7392, Fax 180S} 966-7243 a. 4 I nstructional Assistants that have interviewed; Juanita is recommending all 4. All working 3.75 hours. b. Jack motion to hire 4 Instructional Aides; seconded by Gerardo; 5-1 motion passes. 12. Open Session a. Mary Docter reported that Board voted to h ire 4 Instructional Aides b. SIG discussion- Principal is considering moving Kindergarten teacher (Mari Kristine CanagJu) to SIG position. Special meeting September 20 at 6:15pm Monique moved to adjourn meeting, unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned 10:50pm 5 Ade/ante Charter School 1102 Yanonali Strf'et. Santa 8arbara, at 93103, Phone /805} 966-7392, Fax /805/966-7243 Board of Directors Special Meetlng/ Junto Espedal de 10 Meso Directiva Board of DirectorslMiembros de 10 Mesa Directiva Monday. September 20. 2010 Mary Docter, Chalr!presidente Beth Ford, Vice Choir/vicepresidente Brianno Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique limon Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 6: 1 5 Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdirectora p.m. Open Session p.m. Closed Session/Sesion cerrada. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 6:50 Adelante E. Yanonali St. Santo Barbera, CA 931 03 1102 (805) 966·7392 Family Center (Room 1(5) This meeting is open and all are invited t o attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La junta asia abierla para lodos y las invitamos a venir y comparl;r ideost dudas 0 comenlarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. 2. 5 minutes 1 5 minutes 3. 4. S eptem b er 20, 2010 ITEM Call to Order and attendance/ Empezar 10 reunion y tomer asistencia Approve September 1 3 mlnutes/Aprobar 10$ actas del 1 3 de septiembre Public commentLComentario del publico U pdate/Discussion of upcoming events: a. Ribbon-cutting ceremony b. Dia de los muertos community event Discussion of SIG position 10 minutes 5. 25 minutes 6. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA 1 minute J minute 7. 8. Actual Time 6: 1 5 6:20 6:25 6:40 6:50 Public Employment: SIG position Report Bock on dosed session Adjourn/Suspender 7:15 7:16 ·Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments arc limited to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be hCllrd. By law. the Board is allowed to take aclion only on items on Ihe agenda. The Board may, al its discretion, refer a mailer to district staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: The Adelante Charter School Board of Directors encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Governing Board Office at (805) 966-7392 at least 48 hours before the scheduled board meeting so that we mlly make every reasonable effort to aecommodate you. (Government Code § 54954.2; Anll.:ricans with Disabilities Act of 1990, § 202 (42 U.S.C. § 12132» i� \ . T Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanonali Street, Santa Barbarct OJ 93103, Phone (805) 966-739-2 Fax (805) 966-7243 Minu tes for Monday, Sep te mber 20, 2010 BOD Me mbers presen t Mary Doc ter, Chair Be th Ford, Vice Chair and Parlia men tarian Officer Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer Brianna Aguilar, Secre tary Es teban Or tiz Juani ta Hernandez, Principal and Chief Adminis tra tor Lauren Macisosi, PE Teacher 1. Mee ting called to order a t 6:22p m 2. Approve minu tes a. Tabled to nex t mee ting 3. Public Co m men t a. none 4. Upda te/Discussion of upco ming even ts a. Ribbon-cu t ting cere mony i. Progra m will be se t to morrow 11. Have con tac ted superin tenden t & local digni taries to a t tend; finalizing lis t. iii. B BQ- looking for food dona tions, may have to pay for so me mea t IV. Ju mper- charging for kids to en ter v. Mariachi juvenil VI. Juani ta & Michael will be con tac ting media V11. Office will be selling ticke ts to paren ts for food; office s taff making a banner b. Dia de los muer tos 1. Lauren Maciosi heading co m mi t tee 1. En tirely brand new co m mi t tee 11. Have con tac ted Chase Pal m Park-Sa turday, Nove mber 6 iii. Scaled down fro m las t year IV. Mee ting wi th lead paren ts & PTSO on Thursday v. Raffle:goal is to raise $20K vi. Discussion-is i t feasible to do in the co m muni ty? 1 Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanonai/ Stree� Santa Barbarct Gil 9310� Phone /805) 966-7392, Fax /805) 966-7243 1. Boardis co mfor table wi th co m mi t tee making decision abou t even t af ter Thursday mee ting 5. Discussion of SrG posi tion a. Reviewed & discussed SrG Teacher posi tion b. Ques tion abou t SrG posi tion- possibly add hours to office s taff c. Public Co m men t1. Holly Gil: Silvia in office is a possible candida te- no idea if she is in teres ted; bu t need for so me who unders tands da ta; need for unders tanding urgency to bring up tes t scores. 6. Closed Session a. Principal reco m mended one teacher for posi tion b. Discussion over candida te andop tions for filling posi tion 7. Open Session a. Mary Doc ter repor ted ou t tha t no ac tion was made. Nex t Mee ting Oc tober 4,2010 a t 7p m Gerardo Aldana moved to adjourn mee ting, unani mously approved. Mee ting adjourned 8:25 2 Adelante Charter School 1102 YanonaliStreet. Santa Barbara, 01 9.1103, Phone /805/966-7.192, Fax /805/966-724.1 Boord of Directors Regular Meetlng/ Junto Regular de 10 Mesa Dlrectiva Board of DirectorslMiembros de 10 Meso Directiva Monday. October 4, 2010 Mary Docter, Chair/presldente Beth Ford, Vice Chair/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretory /secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique limon Esteban Ortiz jock Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session Juanita Hernandez, Principal/dlrectora 6:50 p.m. Closed Session/Sesion cerrada. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Adelcmte 1102 E. Yanonall St. Santo Barbaro, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966·7392 family Center (Room 1(5) This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La junta estcJ aDierfa para tocJos y les invitamos a venir y compartir ideos, dudas a comentarios. Time AI/oHed 5 minutes 1. 2. 5 minutes 40 minutes 3. 4. 30 minutes 5. 6. 15 minutes 7. 40 minutes a. 40 minutes 9. 20 minutes 1 minute 1 minute October 4, 201 0 ITEM Call to Order, attendance, review meeting protocol/Empezar 10 reunion y tomar asistencia Approve minutes of September 1 3 & 20 minutes/Aprobar los aetas del 13 & 20 d e septiembre Public comment/Comentario del publico Reports/Updates: a. Teachers' Council b. Art Program Overview Dia de los Muertos event update Co d. Padres Adelante Principal's Report, including API data analysis Budget a. Report from budget committee (Gerardo) b. Update authorized signatures for release of warrants & transfers at the SBCEO (action item) SIG position discussion/update Board business/reports a. Board recruitment b. Moster calendar/corporate Co Grant writing/fund raising d. Principal evaluation, etc. Board calendar: 2010-1 1 a. Strategic planning workshop b. Budget workshop Co Future agenda items Actual Time 7:00 7:05 7:10 7: 50 8:30 9:00 9:1 5 10. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA 9:55 Public Employment: SIG position 7. Report Back on closed session 8. Adlourn/Suspender 10:15 10: 1 6 i Ade/ante Charter School 1102 YanonaliStreee Santa Barbara, 01 9.1103, Phone /805} 966·7.192, Fax /805} 966-7243 Minutes for October 4, 2010 Revision of Document: Sept 17th, Statement on page 2, item f: "FUA requires" and then blank... Does this need signatures? Mary D octer suggested that we will just i nclude "signatures." Type on Page 3: "Silent Action" � "Silent Auction" Consent calendar: Minutes approved with changes above. Public Comment: Carol Millar: Stated that all classroom assistants are in the lower grades, not in upper grades, but the upper grades are larger in size. Why? Juanita: Much of the issue in the lower grades is discipline, which definitely requires additional staff. Starting this week, we are getting students from Westmont and UCSB ... we will try to integrate these i nto the upper grades if possible. Lauren Macioce: H opes that the SIG teacher does not come from her child's classroom. This comment is made as a parent, not as a teacher/colleague. Mary: Duly noted. 4. Reports/Updates: a. Teacher's Council: not represented b. Art Program reviewed. DVD of the program presented to the board. ACS' art program modeled after M ontecito Union School's art program with changes made to the Adelante program so that all art lessons are tied to CA standards. Program includes: Getty Discipline-based art education. Strong volunteer base - leads to the goal of increasing the number of students from Adelante into the special arts-based program at S8 H igh School. Collaborative art project with Crane (Spanish speaking i nteractions) Art as a means to build a bridge between communities ICAN, incredible children's art network, Tim Kern Question fro m the Public: Millar: h ow does the imposition of standards change/hamper the program? Response: challenging, but rewarding. Viv: my daughter has gone through this program and is on track to do VADA at SBHS 1 Adelante Charter School 1 102 YanonaliSttPet, Santa Barbara, 01 93103, Phone /80S} 966-1392, Fax/80S} 966-1243 Millar: how much free time? Response: not a lot Only 45 minutes for the program, so no real free time. Mary: at that time, the art program was a huge draw for me to bring my child. Response: field trips are funded through other donors cultivated by the art program staff. The push is to bring students into the community at large. c. Dia de los Muertos - Casa de la Guerra is booked; 4-5 vendors; Alvaro Abrego will do the tacos; ice cream or raspados are still to be determined; face-painting, which we will charge for; skeleton faces for a game; raffle; -30 commitments for prizes; hoping for 50 prizes by the event. Cybercopy is doing the tickets; they will be ready Thursday morning; assembly this Friday to motivate students. Goal: $21k from the raffle Organizing parents to carpool kids and work together. We have the organization; we really just need volunteers at this point. (Especially to paint faces.) Tickets are $3 a piece, with a coupon for pizza. If every child sells 33 tickets, then we'll have sold our 7k tickets. . Students will start selling 25 tickets, then will get more if needed. Wii is the prize as the incentive for students to sell the most tickets. Petitioned banks, but need help gettfng them to say 'yes: Board: Suggested to go to Brianna, board member for direction on securing bank donations. Board: Asked about production of flyers for the event. Juanita: done, but not printed yet. Goal for volunteer numbers: 20 from UCSB and 20 from Westmont (Setup and cleanup as welL) d. Principal's Report: a. Enrollment report - ACS lost 3 students in 9/2010 (one family with 2 kids); there were tardiness issues ... easier to stay in Goleta; a split family, so students went with one parent out of the area. 2 Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanonali Street Santa Barbara, 01 93103, Phone /805/ 966·7392, Fax /805/ 96�7243 b. Rosa Molina will be presenting. c. Very successful ACS Ribbon Cutting ceremony (acknowledge publicly Viviana and Adrianna for their work); may have made about $1600 on the BBQ; 6th graders made $XOO d. SIG award Jetter still has not been received. e. Signatures for the M OU and the charter f. Title 1 Teacher - hoping for interviews next week; unsure about paying for advertising through Edjobs ; publicly thank district for posting this position. g. Met with Richard Duran about the SIG p osition - he is working with a doctoral student who might be interested in working with us; request Aldana to discuss the position with Duran as well. M eeting again this week. h. Parcel tax was approved. i. Interest in talking to the music teacher at Franklin for program at ACS; what should th e program look like? - question Juanita has received. This teacher can only work with our students once a week. Goal: get it started in two weeks. j. There was originally this money set aside in the budget from the parcel tax Board: how does this contract get worked out? Juanita: unsure Ed: is this last year's money, or this year's? J uanita: both k. Announcement: Kathy Scarminach our art school teacher will be leaving as of 1 2/1. I. 6th grade teacher is also resigning m. School Site Council has met and is in conversation with Juanita. Board: is there still a possibility of bond measures supporting? 3 Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Sveee Santa Barbara, 01 93103- Phone /80S/ 966-7392 Fax/80S/ 966-7243 Millar: are there any constraints on the teacher to replace Kathy? Juanita: no; they are leaving it u p to us. Millar: can Kathy be on the hiring committee? Board: we will take this issue up. Nancy will look into the costs of advertising positions to see if it would be better to p ay an annual fee, rather than pay on a per listing basis. Request clarification: HRD v. EDjoin for posting vacancies (clarification). Public comment: there have been openings this year; even at the extremely desirable public schools ... so there may be lower enrollments at all schools to be taken into consideration (the economy?); Millar: can we compare this across years? Juanita: we have to remember that there was still substantial ambiguity at the end of last year. Viviana: report on Month; 1 student d ropped. Board: did we get the numbers on what percentage of our students are E LL? Viviana: -60%. Board: by class. API Report See handout Second handout (CST and STS) Both the charter and the SIG directly target exactly what we believe is needed to address these test results. Board: do we have a goal in terms of% point increases? 4 Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Street Santa Barbara, 01 93/03, Phone /805/ 966-7392, Fax /805/ 966-7243 J uanita: we will be setting an API goa) based on the specific numbers. We will also be focusing on the l owest levels. Board: are the teachers talking about these scores? Juanita: yes, we've had several meetings and plan more. Recently 3rd grade teachers focused on test prep/test techniques borrowed from GATE programs. Thi s may be correlated to the bump of 3rd grade math scores. So some of this can be built into the way material is taught. We d on't want to cut time out of instruction, on the other hand, if we build exposure to this kind of testing into the overall curriculum, that may be the best strategy. There is some longitudinal data taken into consideration since teachers are using prior performances to group students, etc. Board: Beth forwarded a report to the entire board ... comparable'schools are Adams, Franklin. See report. !� Board: we need some sense of what teachers think is reasonable in order to determine goals from the Board's perspective, in line with the school's charter. 6. Budget a. budget committee report (see handout from Dow Accounting) Board/Beth: Another option: have a combined class, K&l. Then we have another teacher off the staff, which is a saving of one salary. (1 K, 1 K&l, 1 1) Nancy: if we combine classes, we do run the risk of iosing familie�. J uanita: we also have to think about the teaching model and whether it would work in combined classes. Board: what about the cash flow issue? How do SIG funds get managed here? Board: Can we add the third option (i.e. Beth's proposal) formally? Board: There can be complications with how we deal with SIG funds ... we need to be careful with whatever restrictions. How informed are staff, and how realistic does it seem. (� 5 Adelante Charter School 1102 Yanona/iStreet Santa Barbara. 01 93103, Phone {BOSj 966-7392, Fax {BOSj 966-7243 Board: echo that we have an outstanding staff and we d o not want to jeopardize their continued employment here. Board: we'll get a report from Juanita on job duty re-distribution/alignment; also a report on how the staff feel about the change. b. Beth moved to a dopt the « budget signature resolution» ; Monique 2ndi unanimous. 7. SIG position discussion/update Board: follow up with Duran. Public comment: not comfortable with pulling people out of the classroom. Also concerns with staff moral based on the teacher chosen. Concern that our teachers need development, so why would we pull one of them out of the classroom when they are the ones who need development? Lisa Figueroa to Mary: cannot take position on as a full-time position; might serve as a consultant to a SIG teacher full time. Board: charge Juanita to continue meeting with Duran and Figueroa. Board: concern, as a parent, with pulling a teacher out of the classroom. 8. Board business a. board recruitment (request that people come u p with names for potential members) b. master calendar (we will all be invited to join (to view only)); the attorney suggested that we have an extra set of eyes on the master calendar; Beth i s officially the extra set o f eyes, but w e as a board will all serve this purpose. Juanita acknowledges the office staff for getting the master calendar together. c. Grant writing: Jack and Brianna; both absent. d. Consultant has not been available; expect a report for the N ovember meeting. 9. Board Calendar 6 Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Street; Santa Barbara, CA 93103, Phone /805/ 966.7392. Fax /805/ 966-7243 a. Strategic planning workshop b. Budget workshop c. future agenda items: our November meeting is on the 1st. Then our next i s D ec. 6. Then Jan. 10th• (No meeting on Jan. 3rd.) E-mail list of priori ties for a strategic planning meeting to Mary. Mary: request that the principal's report come in writing 72 hours before the meeting so that we can review it and then discuss it. October 2 5th for a special meeting? Doodle pool to d etermine the best date. Also do a Doodle for the strategic planning meeting. Saturdays in early December. Beth moves to adjourn: 1 0:05. i/� Meeting adjourned. 7 Adelante Charter School 1 102 YanonaliStreet,. Santa Barbara. 01 93'0� Phone (80S} 966-7392, Fax (80S} 966-7243 Boord of Directors Regular Meeting/ Junto Regular de 10 Meso Directiva Board of Directors/Miembros de 10 Meso Diredivo Monday, November J! 2010 Mary Docter, Chair/presidente Beth Ford, Vice Choir/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretory/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer /tesorero Monique limon Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdirectora 9: 1 5 p.m. Closed Session/Seslon cerrada: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE: Discipline/Dismissal/Release Ade la nte 11 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbaro, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966·7392 Family Center (Room 105) This meeting is open a n d all are invited to attend and shore ideas, concerns, or comments. Lo junto esla obierlo para todos y las invitomO$ a venir y compartir ideas, dudas 0 comentoriO$. Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. 2. 5 minutes 3. 20 minutes 4. 40 minutes 5. 15 minutes 6. 7. 8. 20 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 minute 1 minute November 1 , 201 0 ITEM Call to Order, attendance, review meeting protocoljEmpezar 10 reunion y tomar asistencia Approve minutes of September 20 & Oct. 4 minutes/Aprobar los octos del 20 d e septiembre & 4 de octubre Pubiic comment/Comentario del publico Reports/Updates: a. Teachers' Council b. Fundraislng (Dia de los Muertos event update) c. Padres Adelonte (Carmen) d. Charter School Conference (Mary) Budget a. Report from budget committee {Gerardo} b. Budget workshop (Nancy) Principal's Report (including SIG) School & Principa l Evaluation Tools (Mary & Monique) Strategic Planning a. Set dote for workshop b. Discuss format & brainstorm topics Future agenda items Actual Time 7:00 7:05 7: 1 0 7:30 8: 1 0 8:25 8:45 9. 1 0. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA Public employee: Dlsc!2line/Dismissol/Release 1 1. Report out on closed session 1 2. Adjourn/Suspender 9:05 9: 15 9:45 9:46 ·Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Boord on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in the order that requests arc received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that commcnts are limited to 3 minutes each, with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may bc heard. By law, the Board is allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may. al its discretion, refer a matt<.'I' to district stalT or calendar the issue for future discussion. Note: The Adelanle Charter School Board of Directors encourages those with disabil ities to participate fully in the public meeting process. I f you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the public meeting, T T SCHOOL $4nta 9..lrbM4 DlsmlCTS h.:�t'tQ#A,.' n Minutes for Monday, Nov. 1 , 201 0 BOD Members present Mary Docter, Chair Beth Ford, Vice Chair and Parliamentarian Officer Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer Brianna Aguilar, Secretary Monique Lim6n Jack Rivas Esteban Ortiz Juanita Hernandez, Principal and Chief Administrator Nancy Dow, Accountant • .. Meeting called to order at 7:05pm Approve minutes .. Tabled to next meeting • Public Comment .. none .. ReportslUpdates: •. Teachers' Council .. Reviewed and discussed Teac her Council Report to BOD (see attached) .. 5 members were present • M ary Docter said that BOD is addressed concern about having adequate curriculum and will discuss during budget • Fundraising- Dia de los Muertos • • .. .. Raffle tickets for sale- $3 Event- Casa de l a Guerra, Sunday 1 1 -4 Tacos, mariachi, art Mary Docter thanked Lauren Maciosi and committee for all their hard work .. Padres Adelante • .. Have had 2 meetings in past month Parents have volunteered to bring in food for meetings which has helped to increase attendance .. Next meeting will have a speaker to talk about parentteacher conference- what parents should ask, how to prepare .. If anyone has suggestions- contact Esteban .. Colorincolorado.org- link for possible resources .. Charter School Conference .. Mary Docter attended conference Meetings- as much as possible have things submitted in writing 72 hours in advance to BOD- will help make meetings be more • efficient • Fundraising- lots of good ideas to share with a team once put together • Will share more detail at Strategic Planning meeting Budget • • Report from budget committee • Reviewed & discussed Proposed Budget Revisions (see attached) • Deficit due to ADA reduction • $36,000 unaccounted for revenue (increase due to state budget approval) allocated for classroom supplies & textbooks • Lee Fleming- question regarding Curriculum Committee and how to be most effective in a lean budget time in purchasing materials that are in line with mission of school .. Curriculum Committee will be set up before next board meeting .. Gerardo motioned to adopt budget revisions, seconded by Jack Rivas; unanimously approved 7-0. • Nancy reiterated importance of being financially responsible; budget is going to be a challenge and need be vigilant .. in watching budget Budget workshop- will postpone workshop- possibly to Strategic Planning-Meeting or before or after a formal board meeting Requested to have power point sent out prior .. Principal 's Report • .. Reviewed and discussed report (see attached) Juanita received a call from Fund for Santa Barbara asking several questions about SIG; informed them of shortfall as well • Art teacher & assistant are resigning Principal would like to recommend a hire for an Art Teacher .. Question RE: small group instruction- see report from Rosa • Molina .. Discussion about 1 st grade teacher- parents expressed that they would not like another change; Juanita is recommending to discuss in closed session .. Interviews for SIG position begin on 1 1 /3- Juanita worked with Richard Duran on board recommendation • School & Principal Evaluation Tools .. Spoke with Sue Wells- Welsh .. Two-part recommendation: • School evaluation- parents, teachers, and students 3 n1 grade and up- 8 questions (7 likert-scale, 1 open-ended, keep it simple)- do this in January .. Would like a BOD member, parent & staff member to design- begin with mission statement, extract key elements and make questionnaire from that .. Lee Fleming volunteered to help Mary • Questions will brought to December Board meeting .. Conduct survey in January • Use school evaluation as guide for BOD to create Principal Evaluation • .. February .. Review results in February Finish design of Principal evaluation tool in Conduct evaluation by end of February, beginning of March Strategic Planning Set date- Decemper 20th (5-9pm) or 2 1 st worked as of last survey o f BOD Discuss format & brainstorm topics .. Prefer a facilitator Suggestions: Judy Guillermo-Newton. J eff Green, J arrod Schwartz .. Jack & Brianna wiIJ . contact and report back • Discussed handout .. Need to review and come up with individual priorities for next meeting- Monique will design Survey Monkey .. Future agenda items- 1 2/6/ 1 0 .. Regular reports • Teacher's Council .. Fundraising .. Padres Adelante .. Principal Report .. Curriculum Committee • Budget approval .. 1 5\ Trimester School Evaluation Benchmark Report .. Strategic Planning .. Student Recruitment- Brianna touch base with office staff .. Principal Evaluation .. Discussion on board recruitment .. Monique motion to add art teacher hire to closed session, seconded by Gerardo; Board votes 6- 1 to add to agenda. • Closed Session- Public Employee: DisciplinelDismissallRelease .. Art teacher: Gerardo motion to hire art candidate; seconded by Beth; Board unanimously approved 7-0 • Discussion on personnel .. Report out on closed session • • • • Mary Docter announced that we will be offering the art position to a candidate. Next Meeting December 6, 201 0 at 7pm Meeting adjourned at 1 0:07pm n Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Street; Sant.!J Barbara, 01 9.310.]. Phone /80S/ 966-739Z Fax/80S/ 966-724.3 Soard of Directors Regular Meeting/ Junta Regular de 10 Mesa Directiva Board of Directors/Miembros de la Mesa DirediYa Monday. Dec. 6. 201 0 Mary Docter, Chair/presidente Beth Ford, Vice Chair/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Monique limon Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session 9: 1 5 p.m. Closed Sesslon/Sesi6n cerrada: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: SIG, Teac:her Adelante 1 1 02 E. Yanonall St. Santo Barbara, CA 9 3 1 03 (805) 966-7392 Juanita Hernandez, Prindpal/directara Family Cenfe'J�oom 105) This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La ;unta asia abierla para y les a ven , 'I a fodos invilamos i comparli, ideas, dudas comenfwios. December 6 201 0 ITEM 1 . Call to Order, attendance, review meeting protocol/Empezar la reunion y tomar asistencia 2. Approve minutes of September 20, Oct. 4, Nov. 1 minutes/Aprobar las actas del 20/IXj SIX· l/XI. 3. Public comment/Comentario del publico 4. Reports/Updates: a. Teachers' Council b. Fundraising (Dia de los Muertos event update) c. Padres Adelante (Carmen) d. PTSO e. Curriculum Committee 5. Principal's Report (including First Trimester School Benchmark Reportt SIGL Master Calendar student recruitment, etc.) 6. Budget a. 1 " interim budget report/2nd year projection (action item) b. Review cash flow statement (Nancy) c. SIG budget report (Nancy & Juanita) 7. Wellness Policy (action item) 8. P rincipal/School Evaluation Tool (Mary & Lee) 9. Board Business a. Board recruitment b. Strategic planning d ate for workshop i. ii. format, speaker iii. topics, priorities 1 O. Future agenda items 1 1 . CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA Public employment 1 2. R eport out on closed session 1 3. Adjourn/Suspender " Time Allotfed 5 minutes 5 minutes' 30 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 1 0 minufes 1 5 minufes 20 minutes 1 0 minutes 30 minutes 1 minu'e 1 minute Aduol Time 7:00 7;05 7: J O 7:40 7:55 8: 1 5 8:25 8:40 9:00 9: J O 9:40 9:4 J SAnta Batbata SCHOOL DISTRICTS (I.n(\('fkf torA!1 Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103, Phon£> /805/ 966·7392, Fax /805/ 966-7243 Minutes for December 6, 2010 BOD members present: Mary Docter, Chair Beth Ford, Vice-Chair; Parliamentarian Officer Jack Rivas Esteban Ortiz Staff: Juanita Hernandez, Principal Nancy D owd, B ookeeper Viviana Gonzalez, Translator Meeting starte� and introductions by Mary Docter. AnnouncementS: Translation services provided with new equipment. Viviana is translator. Meeti ng procedures/protocot etc. Consent Agenda: Beth Ford moved to approve September and November meeting minutes. Minutes approved. October 4th minutes still forthcoming. Reports: Carmen Carrillo not present to report on Padres Adelante group. Esteban Ortiz commented that October meeting would not take place for lack of speaker. Docter woul d be speaker if meeting still takes place. Ortiz to contact Carmen Carrillo. Public Comment by Adriana Corona, former classroom aide at CCCS: 6th Grade class needs support in the form of a c1assroom aide. Mary Docter thanked speaker for her comment. Aide position is not " supported by budget. At�<�J� �s;speng :§;pme tim e tl1�X�. Teachers' Council: Is there Board support for classroom materials? Materials have been received. Is there a plan to support principal? Could there be fundraising for 6th grade classroom a ide? Mary Docter answered fundraising questions in terms of budget. Board to address issue of limited resources. 1 Adelante Charter School (� 1 102 YanonaliStreet Santa BarbiJra, 01 93103, Phone IB05} 966·7392, Fax IB05} 966-1243 Public comment: Carol Millar: how about Westmont volunteers? Juanita Hernandez, Principal asked 6th grade teacher, M rs. Flores to elaborate. Mrs. Flores praised her students as they had a good day today and explained that aides from l ower grade classes do come to hel p. Holly Gil l is also helping with science project. Fundraising and Grants: Lauren M acioce - D ia De Los Muertos event was successful. Event netted $13K+. Board Chair presented an appreciation gift to M rs. M acioce. Volunteers from Westmont were grateful for the opportunity to help. Principal reported that ACS was the recipient of two grants. NA ME G RAN1j: Jack Rivas and H o))y Gill h el ped to secure grants. Party at SOHO restaurant. Grant awarded to translate documents and to offer parent workshops. Grant from the Fund for Santa Barbara amounted to $3K and $2,500 was received from Montecito Bank & Trust. PA system was purchased with this grant. $700 was also secured from Target by Ms. Erika Santillan. Funds will be used for a field trip to the Monterrey aqua rium. Padr?s Adelante report by Esteban Ortiz > cut already mentioned earlier PTSO scheduling meeting for another time. No parents attended the lasts m eeting. Beth inquired about a way to combine both groups - Padres Adelante and PTSO, at least to have some meetings together. Curriculum Committee Next meeting will be on December 16th• Committee needs to prioritize all documents and to define what kind of work needs to be d one. Public comment: Jonathan Lang, ACS parent. Suggested that there should be a way to remind parents about all meetings held at the school. Possibly an e-mail distribution l ist for board meetings or other meetings happening at school. Mary will endeavor to communicate with parents about all meetings. Possible solutions are to update constantly the website. Post a blog to the website. Text messaging. Weekly or bi-weekly newsletter. 2 Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali StreeC Santa Barbara, CA 9310� Phone/80S/ 966-7392, Fax/80S/ 966-7243 Principal's report. Enrollment report: 216 students as of 12/06/2010. Principal requested 30-minute meeting requested with the board. Topic to be improving instruction and teacher skills. D I BELS. Need to find tool to test in S panish. System is very complex. Staff shoud be comfortable using DIBELS for next trimester. Discussion of % of basic and below basic students. D lBELS was not used correctly because there has been no teacher training. This may not be the tool to use. According to J uanita, it took a nother l ocal school three years to i mplement this system correctly. Question: Can students be required to attend extra curricular sessions for those who are at risk? A-OK program discussed. HoJly Gill commented that this program is not the answer. Some sort of intervention program needs to be implemented. It would be helpful to administer DRA. Holly will bring this up to curriculum committee. Beth asked that a DiScipline Report be included as part of the Principal's Report. Budget Discussion. B udget presented by N ancy Dow, school bookkeeper. Beth Ford moved to approve 1st interim budget. Second by Jack Rivas. Motion carried 4-0. Cash flow d iscussion presented by Nancy D ow. ACS has to keep $165K balance in reserves. SIG budget report. Monies should be in our accounts by end of next week. County has been notified to expect the monies. Juanita will prioritize the list from the SIG grant. She is exploring options. N ational Training Center - Juanita will check with them to see if they would offer training in Santa Barbara. Calendar report. Master calendar discussed by Juanita. Holly Gill helped put it together. 3 Adelante Charter School 1 102 YanonaliStreet. Santa Barbara, CA 9.3103, Phone {805/ 966·7.392, Fax /805/ 966-724.3 Well ness Policy. Last year's was not being implemented. No sweets acceptable in classrooms. Well ness policy is in the Parent Handbook but Parent/Student Handbook has not been sent to students because it has not been translated. A reminder about the Wellness policy wilJ be sent home to parents and students in Cheetah folder. N o action was taken. Principal School Evaluation. Mary is asking for feedback on two sheets passed out to board. Student interviews will be conducted by staff/parent team. Mary will put together the Teachers' Principal Evaluation Tool. Mary would like written responses/suggestions for Principal Evaluation Tool. Board Recruitment. Alma Flores is interested. She was nominated by M onique Limon, Board member. Others n ominated (NQT NO'MINATED;· Q"J-IER PQSSIl3ILITIES50 CON$IDER: Sal Guerena; Ana Barreto. Jack Rivas and Mary Docter will form the Committee for Board Development Board Committee will interview and recommend/not recommend to the board. Board will then take up the recommendation to approve. Strategic Planning. Brianna's mother (Judy) not available for December training. Beth will Doodle for board's availability for Saturdays in January 2011. Next Meeting: January 10, 20 11. Future agenda: Budget Workshop/ H R Workshop with Nancy Dow G oals and Action Plan - Juanita 3 0 minutes. Principal Evaluation/Schoo) evaluation too] Board Recruitment Strategic Planning Closed Session - School leader extra days. Required by SIG grant. Additional 20 days/year for Principal. $SK will be paid to Juanita for SIG administrative salary. Closed Session. Potential hire of Art Assistant. Seven applicants were interviewed. This is a full time pOSition. Julia Elliott is recommended for the pOSition. 4 Adelante Charter School I� 1 102 Yanonali SlI"£>e� Santa Barbara, 01 93103, Phone-/805/ 966-7392 Fax /805/ 966-7243 Motion to approve the hire of Julia Elliott as the art assistant. Motion carried 4She will start working in January 2011. O. Closed Session report. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 pm. 5 Adelante Charter School 1 102 YanonaliStreet;. Santa Barbard, 01 9.310:3, Phone/80S} 966-7.392, Fax /805/ 966-724.3 n Board of Directors Regular Meetlng/ Junta Regular de 10 Mesa Directiva Board of Dlrectors/M;embros de 10 MesCi DirectivCl Monday, Jan. 1 0. 201 1 Mary Docter, Chair/presldente Beth Ford, Vice Chair/vicepresldente Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secrefaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/t&sorero Monique L1m6n Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 7 :00 p.m. Open Session Juanita Hernandez, Principal/dlrectora 9:05 p.m. ·Closed Session/Sesl6n cerrada: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: SIO, Teacher ·if neces$ory/sj es necesor;o Adelante 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbara, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966-7392 Family Cenler (Room 1(5) This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or c o m me nts. La junta eslo abieffa para fodos y les ;nv;famos a venir y comportir ideas, auam 0 comentarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. 2. 5 minutes 20 minutes 3. 4. 30 minutes 5. 1 0 minutes 20 minutes 6. 7. 1 5 minutes 20 minutes 8. 9. 30 minutes 1 0. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA* Public employment: SIGjTItle 1 1 1 . Report out on dosed session 1 2. AdJourn/Suspender 1 minute 1 minute o January 1 0, 201 1 ITEM Call to Order, attendance, review meeting protocoljEmpezar 10 reunion y fomar asistencia Approve minutes of Oct. 4 & Dec. 6 mlnutes/Aprobar las actas del 4/X; 6!XII. Public comment/Comentarlo del publico Reports/Updates: a. Teachers' Council b. Padres Adelante (Carmen) PTSO c. d. Curriculum Committee Principal's Report (Including Principal's goals/Action Plan; 510, Master Calendar, student recruitment/enrollment, etc.) Field trip policy (action item) (Juanita) Budget (Nancy) a. Approve final 09/ 1 0 audit (action item) b. Board resolution to a pprove a cafeteria plan 1 25 (action item) Principal/School Evaluation Tool (Mary & lee) Board Business a. Board composition (recruitment; resignation) b. Strategic planning l. date for workshop format, speaker ii. III. topics, prioritIes c. Future agenda items Actual Time 7;00 7:05 7: 1 0 7:30 8:00 8: 1 0 8:30 8:45 9:05 9:35 9:36 ·Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non.agenda items. Please fill out a yellow card available at the entrance. Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received. or grouped by subject area. We ask that comments are limited to 3 m inutes each, with no more than I S minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. �nt4 o.s'�"a SCHOOL DISTRICTS ()o(riknc('tOf"All ACS Board Meeting Minutes January 1 0, 20 1 1 Attendance Mary Docter Beth Ford Gerardo Aldana Jack Rivas Esteban Ortiz In Juanita Hernandez, Principal Nancy Dow, Treasurer can we look into the health quality of the portables at our school? Alma: we have a report on record showing that the district did an assessment of the environment here. Juanita: we have a termite infestation, so we can also invite them to return. 3 . Public C omment: Action: we should report back to the parents/community on whatever we find out about the health assessment. 4. Reports/Upd ates : a. Teacher's Council - have met again; no formal report. b. Padres Adelante will be discussing the board at their next meeting; Mary Docter has been invited to speak about the board. c. PTSO - the first meeting will be a week from Wednesday. d. Curriculum Meeting - (Juanita:) Holly sits on the committee as school site council rep. Grade level assessments in the district. ASL benchmarks. Houghton Mifflin. Will also look at our Spanish standards . Meeting Thurs 20th , 1 :3 0 to 3 :30. 5. Principal's Report: • • See written report (submitted). Professional Development & SIG: For the 1 st week before school starts, TRIBES training has been reserved. Until then, we will be training individually whenever possible. -More information next week on collaboration with UCSB and Prof. Richard Duran's grad students. Met with potential candidate over break regarding SIG. Not moving forward with that candidate. • • • • Questions: Parenting classes are too early (3 : 1 5) ; so there is interest, but they cannot make the time. Can they be scheduled later in the day? Juanita: This session was set up by New Beginnings. The next one will take time into account. • • ill Parents : are we keeping enrollment in line with the pedagogical model? Are we doing this? There have been troubles with this in the past. Parents: Open house for enrollment? We do have tours that we offer every year. We will probably do this again this year. Board: web site update? Juanita: current web designer is completing his contract. We will then be moving toward finding a new web designer-this one has been unresponsive. • • Action Plan: See handout. "Principal' s Focus Goals 2 0 1 0-20 1 1 " Right now there is no plan for increasing revenue. We will provide feedback at the next meeting on the DRAFT document. 6. Field Trip Policy: Erica received a small grant to cover transportation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We have no field trip policy, so Juanita modified the district policy to match our needs. Insurance - we already have policy in place for activities off campus. All participants will be assumed to have waived all liability. The event is tentatively scheduled for March 1 6th , 1 ih . Board: can we ensure that medications for any health conditions, etc. are taken along with children? Alma: this is already done. One of the biggest questions is whether or not the board needs to approve field trips or if they just need to be aware of them. GA: move to adopt policy as presented. JR: second BF: suggest that we table the issue until next meeting. Beth, Jack, and Juanita agree to provide a revised policy. Move to table until the next meeting (BF); JR 2nd : Vote: 4-0- 1 . 7. Budget: a. Approve final 09/1 0 audit -7 the result ofthe audit is that there are no findings. This is good as it indicates that they have identified no weaknesses or deficiencies. Page 3: our numbers match. Move to accept audit report (JR) BF (2nd) Vote: 4-0- 1 b. Resolution to approve a cafeteria plan Allows employees to pre-tax their health insurance expenses. They will be meeting individually with all staff members. The district goes through them. We do need to approve something right away or we will be out of compliance. We were contacted last spring, but everything was in flux at that point. N. Dow met with representatives in November; this is the outcome of this meeting. It is not that easy to find companies that will offer services to small charter schools. Peabody has been looking and hasn't been able to find anything. GA: move that we adopt the resolution JR: second Vote: 4-0- 1 Updates from Nancy Dow: P- 1 : official determination of ADA gave us 206 this year. Our budget right now is based on 200. We may want to keep it at 200 for our budget to be conservative fiscally. Monetary calendar of events for SIG will be explained to faculty. Thursday during faculty >staff meeting. We need to start planning the budget for next year. So we will be convening the budget committee to draft next year's budget. There was a stipend paid out to district teachers of $800 this year from the district. This came from the Ed Jobs fund. Can we try to find money so that we can pay our teachers something equivalent? 8. Principal/School Evaluation Tool School Effectiveness Survey for Parents Data analysis should not be a problem. 1 00- 1 50 families � �60 forms to process. Parents: Can we include a point 6 on parent involvement? Parents: Suggest that we coordinate the availability of the survey with parent/teacher conferences. School/Leadership Effectiveness Survey for Staff Distinguish staffby Certified v. Classified Mary will work with Juanita to get both surveys out this month and evaluated by the end of February. 9. Board Business : a. Board Composition i. accept Monique Limon's letter of resignation. ii. board needs to actively recruit new members Board Business Questions: 1 . Board involvement at Adelante How frequently can Board members visit campus during school hours? Board presentations at the Padres Adelante or the PTSO Parents : construct more opportunities for parents to contribute to Board activities/work. Parents : board is a unique opportunity to shape the school. Strategic Planning: See handout "Board Business/Questions to consider" At our next board meeting, we will have movement on the draft list of items to be addressed at a strategic planning meeting. 1 0. Closed Session : Discussed Title 1 Teacher. Board moved 5-0 to hire Claudia Leyva as the new Title I teacher. 1 1 . Report out: Mary reported out on board decision to hire Title 1 teachers 12. Adj ourn : 1 0:24 pm. Adelante Charter School 1 102 Yanona/i Street. Santa Barbara. 01 93103, Phone /805/ 966·7392; Fax /805/ 966-7243 Board of Directors Regular Meeting/ Junta Regular de 10 Mesa Dlrectiva Board of Directors/Miembros de 10 Mesa Directiva Monday, February 7. 201 1 Mary Docter, Chair/presldente Beth Ford, Vice Chair/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretory/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorera Esteban Ortiz Jack Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session 9:05 p.m. *Closed Session/Seslon cerrada: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: SIG, Teacher *if necessary/!i es necesar;o Juanita Hernandez, Principaljdirectora 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbaro, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966-7392 Adelante Family Center (Room 1 05) This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La junta eda abierla para todos y les invilamos a ven;T y comporlir ideas, dudas 0 comentarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 12. S minutes 20 minutes 3. 4. 1 5 minutes 5. 1 0 minutes 6. 7. 25 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes 8. 9. Feb ruary 7, 201 1 ITEM Call to Order, attend ance, review meeting protocoljEmpezar 10 reunion y tomar asistencia Approve minutes of Oct. 4, Dec. 6, & Jon. 1 0 minutestAprobar las actas del 4/Xj 6/Xllj 1 0/1. Public comment/Comentario del publico Reports/Updates: a. Teachers' Council b. Padres Adelante (Carmen) c. PTSO d. Curriculum Committee Principal's Report (including Principal's goals/Action Plani SIG, Moster Calendar school calendar, student recruitment/enrollment) Field trip policy (action Item) (Beth & Jock) Budget (Nancy) a. Approve Consolidated Application, Part II b. Review draft of revised budget Fundraising priorities & action plans (Juanita) c. Principal /School Evaluation Tool Data Update Boord Business a. Update on recruitment/nominations b. Strategic planning update (Jack) dote for workshop i. iI. format, speaker III. topics, priorities c. Future agenda items (Mary) Actual Time 7:00 7:05 7: 1 0 7:30 7:45 7:55 8:20 8:40 ... 30 minutes 1 minute i� 1 minute 9 : 05 1 0. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA* Public employment: SIG 1 1 . Report out on closed session 1 2. Adjourn/Suspender 9:35 9:36 I i Adelante Charter School Minutes February 7, 2011 7:00pm BOD members present: Jack Rivas Beth Ford Mary Docter Gerardo Aldana Esteban Ortiz Annette Cordero (non-voting - Bd of Ed. Rep.) Staff: Juanita H ernandez, Principal Nancy Dowd, Bookkeeper Paula Sevilla, Translator M eeting started and i ntroductions by Mary Docter. Translation services offered. No one requested translation into Spanish . . Consent Agenda: December 6th M inutes approved with corrections. Board has not received January minutes. Reports: .. Teacher's Council (Mrs. Kannoglou reporting)- meeting focused on budget. Concern about $100 for field trip per year - not enough. Question regarding stimulus m oney - what is likelihood that teachers will get bonus from stimulus money like SBSD teachers received? • Padres Adelante (Rogelio Rivas reporting) - Former president, Carmen Carrillo, no longer at school. Rogelio Rivas new president. Next meeting this Wed. Mary said that Alma Flores offered to help out with parent education. • PTSO (Pat Butler reporting) - Pat Butler, new pres. Claudia Rangel, VP. Rosa de la Torre/Sophia Kohn- co-secretarys. Kate Connell, treasurer. N ext mtg 2/16/11. Yard sale - 2/26/11. Jogathon in March. .. Curriculum committee (Juanita reporting) - Deciding whether to put standards on cards. Next mtgJollowing PD mtg. Principal's report (see submitted report) • Open enrollment - d iscussion re: February lottery and accepting number larger than 40 to account for attrition prior to August. 50 on waiting list for lottery, 13 English only, 37 Spanish speaking families. See principal report. • Current enroUment - Beth concerned that % of EL's in school now at 7 0.8% with 3 additional EP's leaving next week. Concerned that we have now exceeded the recommended 70/30 mark for an effective two way immersion program and questioned whether this is a trend and something to investigate. After discussion board agreed to have Mary send out school evaluation to families that have already left and families that leave in the future to see if there is a trend and if there are some things Adelante could be doing better to retain families. M ary will include an additional question on survey for those fam ilies regarding why they left. (Mary has already talked with most of the families and does not see a "trend"-families have left due to moving out of state, etc., but will follow up with more formal survey.) Public comment - J onathan Lang suggested that Board member m eet w/ families who leave for exit interviews. • • • • Testing - Teachers are administering ALS benchmark exams - gom! because now teachers will have baseline data - will repeat in March. STAR tests - April 1 1. A-O K Afterschool program- filled all 50 spots easily- everyone happy with program. 201 1/20 12 Calendar - Added 5 days for SIG academy in mid-Aug. (TRIBES). Proposing to have entire week off of Thanksgiving - and add 1 day start/end school. FieJd Trip Policy - discussion re: what i s best policy to keep kids safe; e.g. ' fi ngerprinting, 2 adults at aJl times, adult never alone with kids, search the Meghan's Law registry for all adult volunteers. Annette - Advises to look at Bd of Ed. Admin. Regs. for similar policy. Board decides to postpone decision on policy to next Board meeting after J uanita/Beth/Jack look at Bd of Ed's admin regs. Bring updated policy to next Board meeting. B oard agreed to remove "foreign country" from last paragraph of current draft board policy. Gerardo's Budget Report • Budget committee met 2/7/1 1 regarding how to deal w/ long term budget • Budget committee to explore the following three approaches: o o o Fundraising campaign - contribute nominal amnts. w/ goal of 100% participation. Raise funds from ourselves including Board and families first. Keep track in front office. Gerardo to pursue grants. Also consider fundraising events. Cuts - salaries/furloughs Recruitment - Esteban to explore filling classes to the maximum extent feasible. Nancy's Budget Report for 2011/2012 • Could be facing $175,000 reduced budget from 2010/11 to 2 0 1 1/12 ($100,000 based on one time funds, $75,000 - if Gov. Brown's m easures d on't pass) • 201 1/12 B udget due March 15th, Board to discuss at March 7th meeting and may need another meeting either before or after to approve. .. District teacher's received 2% bonus incentive. Con App - approved 4-0-1 Beth requests that all reports that require approval be emailed to Board prior to the Board meeting School Surveys/Evaluations • Reviewed preliminary data from parents evaluations > SEE REPORT e Comments from parents will be available at next meeting. • Teachers' evaluations will be available at next Bd meeting • Put on agenda for next meeting to review. Strategic Plan • Jack has not spoken to Judy. Jarrod is available - charges $4800. • Mary - hoping to get moving forward. Jack/Mary think Judy may be better for our needs. Jack/Mary to keep trying to contact Judy. Mary to resend strategic plan list to Board and Board will list theh: priorities. Board M ember Nominations • Mary confirms with Annette that Board nominations should be at open session. Agenda item moved from Closed Session to Open session. • Mary nominates Jonathan Lang to Board. Board discusses his qualifications, parent status and previous work with Board. • Beth moves to add Jonathan Lang to Board, Esteban seconds, Vote i n favor - 5-0. Next meeting and assignments: III Field trip policy. • Approve TRIB ES contract. o 1II 4\ .. 41 .. 2nd interim budget approval wI 2 year forecast School evaluation tool - Mary will email parent and teacher comments to Board. M ary to get surveys to fam ilies who left this year. Teacher surveys - M ary to send electronically to Teachers and Board. Juanita to look at surveys and propose a plan to address issues that are of most concern to parents and teachers. Juanita to report out o n academic plan for students testing b elow basic or far below basic. Beth to lead discussion on plan for Charter Renewal. Board to send other strategic plan priorities to J ack. Jack will then consolidate priorities and report back to board at next meeting. Adj ourned at 9 :30. Ade/ante Charter School 1 102 Yanonali Street. Santa Barbara, CA 93103, Phone /8051 966·7392, Fax /8051 966-7243 Boord of Directors Regular Meeting/ Junto Regular de 10 Meso Directiva Board of DirectorslMiembros de 10 Mesa Directiva Monday, Mqrch 7, 201 1 /lunes. 7 de menzo Mary Doder, Chair/presidente Beth Ford, Vice Choir/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretary/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, TreastJrer/tesorero Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas 7:00 p.m. Open Session/Sesi6n abiena 9:50 p.m. *Closed Session/Sesl6n cerro do: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: SIG ·if necessary/sj e.s nece.sorio Juanita Hernandez, Principol/diredoro Adelante 1 1 02 E. Yanonali St. Santa Barbaro, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966-7392 Family Cenfer (Room 1 05) This meeting is open and an are i nvited t o attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. La iunla esla abierta para lodO$ y les ;nvilamos a venir y compartir ideos, dudos 0 comenfar;O$. Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. 2. March 7 201 1 / 7 de marzo de 201 1 ITEM Call to Order, attendancei review meeting protocol/Empezar 10 reunion y tomor osistencia Approve minutes of J on. 1 0 & Feb. 7/Aprobar las actas del l O de enero y 7 de febrero Public comment/Comentorio del publico Reports & Updates/lnformes: o. Teachers' Councll/Concilio de maestros b. Padres Adelante (Rogelio) c. PTSO/Org anizaci6n de los padres, maestros, y personal escolar d. Curriculum Committee / Comite del curriculo Principal's Report/lnforme de 10 diredora (Including Principal's gools/Adion Planj SIG, Moster Calendar, student recruitment . )enrollment etc.) Adion Items/Acciones a. Field trip policy/Pollza de excursiones) (Beth & Jack) b. SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) (School Site Council, Holly) c. School Safety Plan (Juanita) Budget/Presupuesto (Gerardo & Nancy) a. Approve 2nd interim budget & 2-year forecast {adlon Item} School Effediveness Survey data Update (including families who have left & staff) /Informe sobre los resultados de 10 encuesta de eficacia escolor (incluyendo las familias que se han ido & maestros) Board Business/Tareas de 10 mesa directiva a. Update on recruitment/nominations (Mary) b. Strategic p lanning update, priorities (Jack) c. Charter Renewal discussion (Beth) d. Future agenda items (Mary) 20 minutes 3. 4. 1 5 minutes 5. 20 minutes 6. 60 minutes 7. 20 minutes 8. 25 minutes 9. 20 minutes 1 0. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA* Public employment: SIG 1 1 . Report out on closed session/Anuncior acciones, sesi6n cerrada 1 2. Adjourn/Suspender 5 minutes J minute J minute Actual Time 7;00 7:05 7: 1 0 7:30 7:45 8;05 9;05 9:25 9:50 1 0; 1 0 TiiT"�'-" 1 0: 1 1 SCHOOL 01STRI<TS (&(tllto-nt" ,O' .II.1t DRAFT Adelante Charter School M i nutes Unapproved February 7, 2011 7:00pm BOD members present: Jack Rivas Beth Ford Mary Docter Gerardo Aldana Esteban Ortiz Annette Cordero (non-voting - Bd of Ed. Rep.) Staff: Juanita Hernandez, Principal Nancy Dowd, Bookkeeper 17, Translator Meeting started and introductions by Mary Docter. Translation services offered. No one requested translation i.n to Spanish. Consent Agenda: . December 6th M inutes approved with corrections. B oard has not received January minutes. Reports: It Teacher's Council (Mrs. Kannoglou reporting)- meeting focused on budget. Concern about $100 for field trip per year - not enough. Question regarding stimulus money - what is likelihood that teachers will get bonus from stimulus money l ike SBSD teachers received? It Padres Adelante (Rogelio Arribas reporting) - Former p resident, Carmen Carrillo, no longer at school. Rogelio Arribas new president. Next m eeting this Wed. Mary said that Alma Flores offered to help out with parent education. It PTSO ( Pat Butl er reporting) - Pat B utler, new pres. Claudia Rangel, VP. Rosa de la Torre/Sophia Kohn- co-secretarys. Kate Connell, treasurer. Next mtg 2/16/ 1 1. Yard sale - 2/26/1 1. Jogathon in March. Next meeting and assignments: e Field trip policy. e Approve TRIB ES contract. • 2nd interim budget approval w/ 2 year forecast • School evaluation tool - Mary will email parent and teacher comments to Board. Mary to get surveys to families who left thi s year. .. Teacher surveys - Mary to send electronically to Teachers and Board. " J uanita to look at surveys and propose a plan to address issues that are of most concern to parents and teachers. • Juanita to report out on academic plan for students testing below basic or far below basic. .. Beth to lead discussion on plan for Charter Renewal. Board to send other strategic plan priorities to Jack. Jack will then consolidate priorities and report back to board at next meeting. Adjourned at 9 :30. Adelante Charter School 1 102 YanonaliStreet. Santa Barbara, Ci4 93103, Phone /805/ 966-7392- Fax /805/ 966-7243 Board of Directors Regular Meetlng/ Junta Regular d e la Mesa Directiva Board of Directors/Miembros de 10 Mes a Directiva Mary Docter, Chair/presidente Beth Ford, Vice Choir/vicepresidente Brianna Aguilar, Secretory/secretaria Gerardo Aldana, Treasurer/tesorero Jonathon Lang Esteban Ortiz Jock Rivas Juanita Hernandez, Principal/directora Wednesday, April 20. 201 1 /mi er. 20 de abril 7:00 p.m. Open Sess/on/Ses/on abierto 8:50 p.m. Closed Session/Seslon cerro do: PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, Teachers, SIG. Custodion PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Principal Adelemte 1 1 02 E. Yanonall St. Santa Barbara, CA 93 1 03 (805) 966-7392 Family Center (Room J 05J This meeting is open and all are invited to attend and share ideas, concerns, or comments. L.a jllnla esla obierla para foc/os y las invitamos a venir y comparlir ideas, allaas 0 comenfarios. Time Allotted 5 minutes 1. 2. 5 minllfes 4. 20 minutes 5. 20 "minutes 6. 1 5 minutes 7. 8. 20 minules 60 minutes 1 minute I minute () 3. 25 minutes April 20, 201 1 / 20 d e abril de 201 1 ITEM Call to Order, attendance, review meeting protocol/Empez.ar la reunion y tomar asistencia Approve minutes of Jan. 1 0 & Mar. 7/Aprobar las actas del l O de enero y 7 de marzo Public comment/Comentario del publico Reports & Updates/lnformes: a . Teachers' Council/Concilio d e maestros (Marie Christine) b. Third grade field trip / Excursion del 3er grado (Erika & Leah) c. Padres Adelante (Rogelio Rivas) d. PTSO/Organiz.aclon d e los padres, maestros, y personal escolar (Pot Butler) e. Curriculum Committee / Comite del curriculo (Juanita) Principal's Report/lnforme de la directora (including Principal's self-evaluation/Action Plan; SIG, Moster Calendar, student recruitment /enrollment, etc.) Action Items/Acciones a. SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) & School Wide Plan Authorization (School Site Council, Holly & Juanita) b. School Safety Plan (Juanita) Budget Update/lnforme del presupuesto:{Gerardo & Nancy) Boord Business/Tareas d e 10 mesa directiva a. Update on recruitment/nominations (Mary) b. Strategic Planning c. Future agenda Items (Mary) 9. CLOSED SESSION/SESION CERRADA Public employment: Teachers, SIG Public employee performance evaluation: Principal 1 0. Report out on dosed session/Anunciar acciones sesion cerrad a 1 1 . Adjourn/Suspender Actual Time 7:00 7:05 7: 1 0 7:35 7:55 8: 1 5 8:30 8:50 9:50 9:5 1 ·Public comment rules: Members of the public may address the Board on agenda or non-agenda items. Please fill out a ycllow eard available at the entrancc. Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, or grouped by subject area. We ask that $4nt.a ��'4 SCHOOL DISTRICTS hol"JlHt,(ot lOt A!!