Beauval memories - Algoma University Archives
Beauval memories - Algoma University Archives
18' I' BEAUVAL MEMORIESo, Ptov. S.~ ~RCKIVg; I'ID &leurs Grises de Aifootnltll Provo S. Albert "'RCHlV~ /1 , Principal's Message "Beauval Memories", prepared by the Students' Council, under the guidance of Mr. Mihalicz, Senior Teacher, is going to press. It is dedicated to nine staff members who have worked ten years or over for the school and the well-being of the children . I extend my gratitude and appreciation to them and other members of the staff. The cooperation of the parents and children is also a precious help. May we have more ~nd more students going for further education and making successes of their l i ves. Then will our go~l be realized. With the help of God and the cooperation of the staff, we should realize it. Best regards to all, fl~~ (9.h1 . .t. ~ ) Page 2 ( ~~ .~-= ~.:..~ - ~ The Students' Council, on behalf ot all your pupils, past and present, and the rest ot the start, wishes to express its sincere gratitude and appreciation to you, Sister, tor your twelve years ot tine teaching in our school. May God grant you many blessings ot happiness and satisfaction and may you remain with us tor a long time to come. DEDIe AT ION Page 3 ( \ I Page 4 The students wish to express t heir thanks and appreciation to the tollowing people who have served served on the statt ot Beauval Indian Residential School tor many years: Brother Gerard St. Louis o.m.i . 13 years Father F.X. Gagnon o.m.i. 24 years Sister Alvina Beaudet s.g.m. 19 years Brother Alexandre Belanger o.m.i. 21 years Sister Fabienne Gaudet s.g.m. 13 years Brother Fernand Lefebvre o.m.i. 15 years Mr. Alex Burnout (bO'tt om lett j 13 years Mr. Edward Kimbley (bot tom right) 40 years A The Staff ( Back row, lett to right: Therese Mrs. Joe Mr. l4athilda Mrs. Hickson Mr. Mary-Jane Mrs. Alex Mr. Ruth Mrs. Mr. Errol Mr. Eric Edward Mr. John Mr. Isidore Mr. Rev. Brother Fernand Rev. Brother Alexandre Middle row: Beatrice Mrs. Mrs. Marl" C. Rev. Sister Rita Miss Marie Edward Mr. Rev. Sister Louise Rev. Brother Gerard Miss Miss Miss Front row: Rev. Sister Rev. Sister Rev. Father Rev. Father Monique Pamela Lois Gauthier Reynolds Laliberte Weenie Campbell Burnout Burian Denton Burian Kimbley Roy Kimbley Lefebvre o.m.i. Belanger o.m.i. Kitehen helper Boys' SUpervisor Seamstress Boys' SUpervisor Kitchen helper Maintenance Nurse Boys' supervisor Boiler operator Night watchman Maintenance Janitor Engineer Baker and shoemaker Buffin Bouvier Letourneau s .g.m. Kolling Remarchuk Gauthier s.g.m. St. Louis o.m.i. Kitchen helper Kitchen helper Cook Teacher Teacher Girls' Supervi sor Sec., Bus driver and shop teacher Girls' supervisor Teacher Teacher Gosslin Greabeiel Lerat Alvina Beaudet Irene Lefebvre Gagnon F.X. Joseph Bourbonnais Edward Mihalic z Mr. Rev. Sister Blanche Lemire Rev. Sister Lucienne Mailloux Missing trom Photo: Rev. Sister Yvotlne. Gosslin Rev. Sister Fabienne Gaudet Mrs. Bernadette Laliberte Yvonne Kimbl ey Mrs. Boys' supervisor Superior and matron Assistant prine i pal Principal Senior Teacher s.g.m. Teacher s.g.m. Sacristan s.g.m. 'l.g.m. o.m.i. o .m.i. s.g.m. Girls ' supervisor s.g.m. House- keeper Kitchen helper Kitchen helper Page 5 11.~ . , Our Teachers Page 6 Sister B. Lemire. Mr. E. Mihalicz Mr. E. Remarchuk. Miss P. Greabeiel Miss L. Lerat Miss M. Kolling r OO'R TEACHERS AT THE VILLAGE SCHOOL •• 0 Mr. J. Handley, Gr. 9 Miss E. Glatt, Gr. 7 ,( Mr. G. Walz, Gr. 8 Brother St. Louis Woodworking Mrs. E. Mihalicz, Home Economics Page 7 " -7 Ninth Grade · I\ndrew Lemaigre Beno;1t Garr Narius Paul Page 8 • • Virginia John Gordon Tcho Bernadette George Ovide McIntyre I" Eighth Grade Lett to right: Caroline George, Yvonne Wolverine, Lucienne Garr, Celina D'Jonnaire, Frieda ( Seventh Grade Lett to right: Georgette Nezcroche, Edward Black, Antoinette Piche, Jimmy Apisis, Doris Billette, Therese Campbell Page 9 I"'" Sixth Grade • • • Our class consists of twenty-six pupils, fift een f rom the village and eleven from the Pupils' Residence here . We get along quite well now that we are aquainted. The bus, driven by Rev . Brother st. Louis, brings the children from the village every morning and takes them back for dinner. The same trip is repeated in the afternoon. Besides other things , singing brings us toget her for a very pleasant period . Si ster says there are very pleasing voices in our class . Top row, left to right; Peter Hood, Abraham Tcho, Robert You, Joseph Laliberte, Henry Piche, Rita McIntyre, Edna Roy, Myrna Roy Middle row: Victor McCallum, Annette Corrigal, Helen Estraldhenen, Floren.c e Fontaine Bottom row: Cecile George, Rita Kimbley, Pauline Corrigal, Harold Aubichon, Augustine George, Jaqueline Bouvier, Pauline John, Florence Buffin Missing from the photo: Gilbert Bouvier and Alfred Morin Teacher: Sister B. Lemire Fifth Grade • • • You might call us a tri-lingual class. All of us speak English, two of us can speak Chipewyan and the rest of us can speak Cree. Of the many things we enjoyed this year we think the best were the stories our teacher read to us. Did we ever enjoy "Tom Sawyer! He really seemed to be a down-to-earth kind of boy that we could under stand! Page 10 Middle row: George Yew, Lillian Laliberte, Frieda Buffin, Claire Corrigal, Abraham Apisis, WiLfred Bouvier Bottom row: Laurence Laliberte, Glen McCallum, Brian Burnouf, Florence Morin, Sharon Durocher, Audrey Laliberte Missing from the picture: Richard Buffin, Marlene McKay, Harvey Morin Teacher: 'Mr. E. Mihal1cz Fou rth Grade • • • We began the year with N~. Schwinghammer. As soon as we got to know h i m we unexpectedly found a new t eacher in our classroom. From this day oU it was a steady adventure. Mr . Reroarchuk joined our youthful curiosity . Together, we opened the doors to many adventures which our subjects provided. To row left to ri t: Leo Gunn, Harry George, Emelia Campbell, J ean-Baptiste JB Campbell, Solomon Benjamin, Jonas Paul, Y..abel Fontaine, Therese Gunn, Marie Mispounas, Therese Tcho Middle row: Alex George, Lawrence McIntyre, Rose Garr, Louis Black, Jimmy Wolverine, Lillian D'Jonnaire, Lawrence Montgrand, Gregoire Matchee, Louis John, Alice George Bottom row: Hermeline Gunn, Virginia Apisis, Rodrigue Apisis, Freddie Campbell, Henry ~cIntyre, James Sylvestre, Ambrose Wolverine, Laura Burnout, Dorothy Billette, Leonard McIntyre Tea cher: Mr. E . Remarchuk Third Grade • • • We learn many things in our class . We learn about the Old and New Testaments, key facts, Roman numerals and telling time. You know, in spelling we have some pretty hard words! Miss Greabeiel brought pineapples, coconuts and salmon to Bchool. Some' ot us had never seen these things betore. We do exercises, make animals out of clay and learn to get along with each other. We learn about all these things. Top r ow, lett to right: Laurence Gunn, Gabriel Black, Margaret Rose McIntyre, Elizabeth Wolverine, Ma.rguerite Boucher, Jules Boucher, Vital Gunn, Ernest Wolverine, Kenny Paul, Jim Billette, Madeline Gunn Mi ddle row: John Montgrand, Glen Billette, Jean Wolverine, Anita Lemaigre, Shirley Billette, Sadie Sylvestre Bottom row:Florence George, Eva Billette, Dora Montgrand, Marlene Sylvestre, Philomene John, Debbie Mihalicz, Clittord Billette, Elmer Campbell, Jim Campbell Tea cher : Miss P. Greabeiel Page 11 • • • In our class we have four reading groups, four Arithmetic groups and two Spelling groups. In Science we studied about our universe and about animals too. We went for walks to look for things that we learned about in class. We found pussywillows really early this year. We had two concerts this year. We practiced hard and had fun doing it. Top row, left to right: Karen Merasty, Jerry Bernard, Rose Ann Black, Jessie Sylvestre, Tommy Nezcroche, Joan Burnout, Bernadette Dawatzare, Gordon Merasty Middle row: Antoine Mispounas, Doreen John, Gloria McIntyre, Glen Billette, Elsie Boucher, Virginia Lemaigre, Noel D'Jonnaire, Moise Apisis Bottom row: Theresa McIntyre, Mary Jane Tcho, Angeline Campbell, Rose Mary Halneault, Caroline John, Flora Montgrand, Gordon Billette Teacher: Miss L. Lerat First Grade • • • "Oh, Mamma, what will I do when I get to school and I don't know how to read or write?" This is a question that many of us asked before we came to school. But, before long we were learning to read, draw and print. The hardest wa s to learn to speak English. Top row, left to right: Frank Campbell Walter Haineault Michael Tcho, Steven Billette, Terry Haineauit Rose Dawatzare' Nezcroche " Joyce Mi~dle row: Gary George, Billy Campbell, Bridgitte Lemaigre Anastasia Gunn, Peter D'Jonnaire, Shirley Aubichon ' Bottom row: Brian Campbell, Gordon Wolverine, Delbert Sylvestre Charlene Boucher, Lorraine Campbell, Irene Wolverine Cecile ' George , Teacher: Miss M. Kolling Page 12 Home Economics Mrs. Mihalicz gives us the theory ••• (I (I ••• but the practical part is the part we enjoy the most ••• •••watch your tingers, Antoinette! ••• or is it the eating part ? yummy: yum-yum: ••• we're really proud ot our Centennial quilt, too! Page 13 Shop [7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MOMENTS TO REMEMBER [ shooting contests ••• • •• picnics in the bush •• Page 14 ••• walks with Brother Lefebvre ••• ! /AII in a DAY A. Page 15 RELIGION Peaceful Meditat10n Reading the Epist l e --LU His Excellency, Bishop Dumochel Page 16 (,/ Winter Fun 'I Page 17 Hocke~ [ Henry Piche Lawrence Montgrand and ? ? ? Benoit Garr • I Ovide McIntyre and Abraham Apisis "THE WARRIORS" with Mr. Weenie and 1~. Denton Rodrigue Aphis The "BEAUVAL INDIANS" with Mr. Joe Reynolds Page 18 CURLING quickly became a popular game with the new rink in the village ••• ••• we soon developed good sweeping arms a gentlemen's game FATHER'S FEAST DAY CONCERT ••• • .Father 's all set tor the raising ot the curtain •• doesn 't Andrew look cute?. ••• the Ma j ore tt eSt our pr id e and j oy ••• "Tommy" stole the shoW' ••• Page 19 r ( •• remember all the suckers we used to catch? ••• nearing the end of a perfect day! ••• and the old swimming hole? Page 20 I ) J..ID IT'S A BUSY PLACE TOO ••• ( /' Father's giving report cards today ••• Sister Superior ••• what's for supper ton1ght? ( Mr. Burian checks the boilers ••• ••• All Aboard 1 Isidore keeps the place spic and span •• Alex and John are always busy ••• -I~ ~ 15''''- . ~ I ~ ~. ;" Mmm ••• smells good! Mrs. Burian cheers us up and mends our cuts and bruises ••• Brother Lefebvre? You try to get his picture! He's just too 'busy. and moves too fast!! ••• lots of boots! Page 21 .2: u· . Ad uertisem en ts ( if_ Burnouf Modern Service Royalite Petroleum Products PIONEER SAWS SNOWCRUISERS ROYALITE '" FIRESTONE TIRES BEAUVAL, SASK . ..Johnson THE M OST C AREFREE SER-HDRSE OUTBO A RDS EVE R B UILTI See DOHAIME ELECTRIC AND SPORTS SHOP in MEADOW LAKE ( tor ••• • Electrical Appliances S M I L I N G Page 22 FABRIC .AND GIFT SHOPPE FABRIC FABRIC AND GIFT SHOPPE "Full line ot Fabrics" "Gitts" CENTRE ST. PH. 236-5456 MEADOW LAKE. SASK. Mrs. Octavia Chimko FIREARMS Shop at your COD PStore in PATUAHAK Eugene George J Manager CHARLE.S WOODMAN JENNIE R. WOODMAN P.O. Box 548 AIRLINES MEADOW LAKE, PHONE 236-5145 SASK. TOURS J\JO n-r}J1j\ J"JD SERVING OUR NORTH AT: GREEN LAKE BEAUVAL ILE A LA. CROSSE BUFFALO NARROWS LA LOCHE STEAMSHIPS CRUISES BUg L' MIT E D DORINTOSH COLE BAY CANOE NARROWS TORNOUR LAKE BIG RIVER MEADOW LAKE,SASK. PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE FREIGHT SERVICE "OUR AIM IS SATISFACTORY SERVICE TO OUR NORTH" MADILL'S DR'UGS II MILNE'S MEN'S WEAR BOX '2 77 GOOD HEALTH IS PRICELESS" MEADOW LAKE, SASK. SUCCESS TO .ALL THE STUDENI'S1 Your Family Druggist, HARRY A. MADIll. MEADOW LAKE, BASK. PEARSON'S SERVING THE NORTH with NAME BRAND CLOTHING GiG WORK CLOTHES STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR GREB BOOTS 5p to $1 STORE MEP.DOW LAKE, SASK. "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR AND VAIlJE MEET" Page 23 MEADOW LAKE CO-OPERATIVE Association Ltd. MEADOW LAKE, SASK. Branches at: Makwa, Sask. Goodsoil, Sask • Make the most of your summer! Prepare now .... for a summer of fun and relaxation! I _ CO-OP see your lumber department ************************************* the BfAUVAL." SASK. "IT PAYS" to shop with Your friendly and courteous staff at the BAY Page 24 Ron Smith, Manager Walter Woloshyn Antoinette Hood Lawrence Kyplain · ,~