2015 Annual Fund Brochure
2015 Annual Fund Brochure
Baseball basketball Cross country Football Golf Gymnastics Razorback foundation soccer Softball Swimming & Diving Tennis Track & Field 2015 Annual Fund Brochure Table of Contents About the Razorback Foundation 2 Become a Member, Letter of Intent 3-4 Member Benefits Chart 5 Methods of Giving, Dates and Deadlines 6 Razorback Priority Points Program 7 Member Classification Levels 8 Season Ticket Information 9-10 Parking Information 11-12 Stadium Maps/Seating Charts Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium War Memorial Stadium Bud Walton Arena Charlie Baum Stadium at George Cole Field 13 14 15 16 Thank you for your support of the Razorback Foundation. Whether you are a longtime member renewing your commitment or a new supporter, the importance your contribution plays in advancing opportunities for current student-athletes and helping build the future of Razorback Athletics cannot be overstated. More than 460 student-athletes compete against the nation’s best in their respective sports while representing our University and state. By being a part of the Foundation, you are part of a team of more than 15,000 passionate members, dedicated to providing student-athletes with the support they need to reach their fullest potential. Above all else, we want you to fully understand the many benefits you have as a Razorback Foundation member and the difference your donation makes. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to work to serve you as efficiently and effectively as possible. As always, you are welcome to contact us or stop by the offices to learn more about how the Foundation is effectively supporting our teams, student-athletes and serving our valued members. Thank you again for your support. Go Hogs! Razorback Clubs 17 Frequently Asked Questions 18 Additional Ways to Give, Contact Information 19 Meet Our Staff 20 1 Jeff Long Vice Chancellor Director of Athletics Sean Rochelle Executive Director Razorback Foundation About the Razorback Foundation Our Mission The mission of the Razorback Foundation Inc. is to support the athletic endeavors of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks. The Foundation assists our student-athletes by providing financial support for scholarships, facilities and various programs that enable them to realize their dreams of achieving a quality college education while participating in athletics on a nationally competitive level. Why We Need Your Help The Razorback Foundation, a separate and self-supporting 501(c)(3) entity, serves as the fundraising arm of the University of Arkansas Athletic Department. Through contributions from our members who understand the cost of maintaining a premier athletic program, we are able to provide scholarship support for more than 460 student-athletes, funding facility enhancements and financial assistance to other programs designed to elevate student-athletes and Arkansas athletics. Being an active member of the Razorback Foundation is not only an investment in the athletic program and the University of Arkansas, it also unlocks many special benefits to you. Those include, but are not limited to, priority seating and parking for athletic events, priority points, and invitations to exclusive member-only events. WHAT WE DO 2 bECOME A MEMBER The best way to support Razorback Athletics and assist more than 460 student-athletes is to join the Razorback Foundation and make a gift to the Annual Fund. Several membership options are available and include a variety of unique and exclusive benefits. A complete list of member benefits may be found on page 5. Annual Fund Annual Fund memberships begin with a contribution as small as $50. Annual Fund gift(s) may be designated to football, men’s basketball, baseball, men’s Olympic sports and/or women’s sports.* Gifts to each sport are combined to determine your member classification, or giving level. Collegiate Current University of Arkansas students have the opportunity to join the Foundation. Along with a variety of annual benefits, Collegiate Members also receive priority points, invitations to exclusive events with head coaches and other exclusive benefits. Young Alumni The Young Alumni membership is an exclusive membership level for recent University of Arkansas graduates. Annual membership benefits include exclusive access to discounted football and men’s basketball season tickets and priority access to available single/away/neutral site game tickets. razorback 3 A Club All former student-athletes have the opportunity to join via annual or lifetime memberships. Both membership levels provide a variety of benefits including invitations to special events and the opportunity to purchase available season tickets in assigned A Club sections in Football, Men’s Basketball and Baseball. For additional details on each membership level, or to join, please visit razorbackfoundation.com, call 877.436.0013 or email [email protected]. Tax Information The Foundation is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Generally, 80 percent of the amount contributed to the Annual Fund for priority seating is tax deductible. Any other contributions given in excess of goods or services received may be taken as a charitable deduction. Consult your tax advisor with specific questions. *Annual Fund contributions are used at the discretion of the Razorback Foundation Board of Directors. Letter of Intent The Letter of Intent summarizes your financial commitment, or pledge, for ALL RAZORBACK ATHLETIC PROGRAMS for the 2015-16 athletic season and offers the opportunity to establish an automatic payment plan. The Letter of Intent is sent to all current Foundation members at the beginning of the year. Letters of Intent are also available online at razorbackfoundation.com, by calling 479.443.9000 or 877.436.0013 and via email at [email protected]. Current members, and those who wish to join the Razorback Foundation, are asked to complete the Letter of Intent and return it to the Razorback Foundation by March 31, 2015. Payment deadlines vary by sport and are listed on page 6. Important Note – As announced in 2012, and enacted in 2013, members must meet or exceed their previous year’s total Annual Fund contribution to retain seat locations in all venues, regardless of the number of tickets purchased in each sport. Current members are encouraged to keep this in mind when making their Annual Fund gift(s) or completing their 2015 Letter of Intent. There are several ways to make your 2015-16 pledge: 1. Online at razorbackfoundation.com (partial payment must be included with each pledge made online). 2. Complete the Letter of Intent, print, sign and return to the Razorback Foundation. You may also indicate your billing preferences on this form. 3. Call 479.443.9000 or 877.436.0013. 4. Via email at [email protected]. Include your ID number, name, and gift amount(s). WOO PIG SOOIE! Razorbacks! 4 2015 MEMBER BENEFITS Broyles-Matthews Broyles-Matthews Broyles-Matthews Super Hog Wild Hog Tush Hog Big Hog Big Red Razorback Platinum Gold Silver $3,000 - $4,999 $2,000 - $2,999 $1,000 - $1,999 $500 - $999 $100 - $499 $50 - $99 $20,000+ $10,000 - $19,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Young Alumni Collegiate Supporting Arkansas Student-Athletes Priority Points, Applicable Tax Deduction, Invitation(s) to Special Events Annual Membership Packet 15% Discount at Hog Heaven+ Single/Away/Neutral Site Ticket Priority Complimentary Subscription to Inside Razorback Athletics Season Ticket Priority^ Name in Football Game Day Program Priority Parking - Women’s Basketball, Volleyball & Gymnastics* Complimentary Media Guide(s)** Priority Parking - Men’s Basketball & Baseball* Member Gift^ Priority Parking for Football* Personalized Scholarship Plaque Picture in Football Game Day Program Name Listed on Web Site Exclusive Gift ^Pledge must be received on/before March 31, 2015. Please see page 4 for more information. *See page 11 for minimum gift designations for priority parking for each available sport. 5 **Must designate a minimum $100 gift to Football, Men’s Basketball and/or Baseball. Broyles-Matthews Platinum, Gold and Silver members will automatically receive media guides for all three sports. + With membership card. Discount not available on game days. All benefits are subject to change. METHODS OF GIVING Online Access your account or join online at razorbackfoundation.com Check/Money Order/Credit Card Make checks and money orders payable to The Razorback Foundation. Include your member ID number on the check or money order. All major credit cards are accepted. Automatic Payment Plans Automatic monthly payment plans are an easy way to split your Annual Fund gift into smaller payments while achieving the level of giving you desire. Please indicate your billing preference(s) on your Letter of Intent or contact the Foundation to set up your payment plan. Matching Gifts Make your gift work twice as hard for Razorback student-athletes! Return the matching gift form provided by your employer along with your contribution. Your portion of the gift must meet the required seat values and be paid in full when submitting your matching request. Your company must match collegiate athletic funds to be eligible. Real Property/Securities Real property and securities are welcomed gifts and may provide the member with significant tax benefits. Members receive a tax deduction based on the value of the stock or property on the day it was received by the Razorback Foundation. Please contact the Foundation prior to making a gift of real property or securities. Dates and Deadlines March 31 Letter of Intent due to Razorback Foundation June 30 2015 Football payments due September 30 2015-16 Men’s Basketball payments due November 30 2015-16 Baseball, Men’s Olympic Sports & Women’s Sports payments due giving, Dates 6 RAZORBACK PRIORITY POINTS PROGRAM The Razorback Priority Points Program is designed to recognize our members’ commitment to Razorback Athletics, honoring and rewarding their generous financial support and passion over the years. Priority Points and Benefits Allocation Point values from each category are combined to create your point total or rank. Rank is defined as your point total within your membership class. Point totals will increase based on the criteria below: • Season Ticket Priority (new/additional season tickets, upgrades) • Suites • Parking Priority • Single/Away/Neutral Site Game Ticket Priority • Postseason Ticket Priority (bowl game, SEC and NCAA tournaments, etc.) • Other Razorback Foundation Benefits • Annual Fund Gifts - 1 point for every $100 received • Consecutive Years of Annual Fund Giving - 5 points for each eachconsecutive consecutiveyear year • Other Gifts - 1 point for every $250 received • Former Student-Athlete - 25 points (one time) Important Note - Priority Points will only be awarded for payments received, not pledges. Membership Guidelines A current gift or pledge of $50 or more to either football, men’s basketball, baseball, men’s Olympic sports and/or women’s sports is required to activate your membership. 7 Priority Points rank within a member’s current classification will determine how the following benefits will be allocated: Important Note – Priority points and rankings are subject to change daily based on gifts received and processed by the Razorback Foundation. For ticket, parking and other benefit allocation purposes, your membership class, accrued points and rank will be “locked” at certain times during the year. A timeline designating ticket and parking allocation deadlines for each sport, and a point lock date will be distributed to all Razorback Foundation members on a per-event basis. razorback minimum member classification levels Those requesting football, men’s basketball and/or baseball season tickets for the first time, or current season ticket holders requesting improvement, must meet the minimum required membership classification below or minimum seat value totals, whichever is greater, to qualify for each section in the venues listed below. The sections listed in each venue below represent the best section available at each respective membership class. Members are also eligible for available seats in the sections at the membership classes below their own. Tickets will be allocated by Priority Points rank within a member’s classification. Giving the minimum per-seat value or minimum member classification level below does not guarantee tickets in desired sections. All seats are assigned based upon availability. Best available section(s) based on membership level Number of Football Priority Tickets Allotted* Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium Baum Stadium Bud Walton Arena Broyles-Matthews Platinum – $20,000+ 18 All Sections All Sections All Sections Broyles-Matthews Gold – $10,000 - $19,999 14 All Sections All Sections All Sections Broyles-Matthews Silver – $5,000 - $9,999 12 103, 105, 114 All Sections All Sections Super Hog – $3,000 - $4,999 8 113, 115 106, 110 101, 117-119, 135, 136a Wild Hog – $2,000 - $2,999 6 102, 106, 120-126 105, 111 102, 115, 120a Tush Hog – $1,000 - $1,999 6 Pig Heaven 104, 112 104, 105, 112, 113, 122, 123a Big Hog – $500 - $999 4 101, 107, 112, 118, 119, 127, 128, 504, 514 103, 113 201-203, 215-221, 233-236c Big Red – $100 - $499 4 502, 503, 505, 506, 513, 515 102, 114 107-111, 125-128b, 207-211c, 204-206, 212-214d Razorback - $50 - $99 1 502, 506 100, 101, 115, 116 201-203, 215-221, 233-236e * There are no limits to the number of tickets that may be purchased in Little Rock. There are no limits to the number of non-priority tickets that may be purchased in Fayetteville. Denotes: a - rows 9-22; b - rows 9-24; c - rows 1-3; d - rows 4-9; e - rows 9-15 8 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Seating Prioritization All new season ticket requests and seat improvement requests will be allocated using the Razorback Priority Points Program. Tickets will be allocated based on Priority Points rank within a member’s current classification. All requests are assigned based upon availability. Retaining Season Ticket Locations To retain season ticket locations in all venues, existing season ticket holders must maintain or exceed the previous year’s total Annual Fund contribution, regardless of the number of tickets purchased in each sport. Seat Improvement Requests Current season ticket holders must meet or exceed the minimum membership classification to qualify for specific sections in each venue. Please refer to the chart on page 8 for minimum member classification levels required for each section in football, men’s basketball and baseball and pages 13-16 for required minimum seat values. Seat improvement requests may be made online when renewing your season tickets or on your season ticket renewal form(s). New and current football season ticket holders will have the opportunity to request an appointment to select/improve their seats using our online seat selection program. 9 New Season Ticket Requests* Football, Men’s Basketball, & Baseball: First-time season ticket purchasers must meet the minimum member classification or required seat value totals, whichever is greater, to qualify for specific sections in each venue. Please refer to the chart on page 8 for minimum member classifications required for each section and pages 13-16 for required minimum seat values. Football (Little Rock only): First-time season ticket purchasers must meet or exceed the minimum required seat value totals to qualify for specific sections. See chart on page 14. Other Sports: Priority seating for women’s basketball, gymnastics and volleyball is available for a minimum gift of $50 to Women’s Sports. *Giving the minimum per-seat value or at the minimum membership level does not guarantee tickets in desired sections. All requests are assigned based upon availability. To request new season tickets, contact the Razorback Ticket Center at 800.982.4647. SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Ticket Transfer Guidelines Members may transfer their seat(s) at any time to immediate family members only. At the time of transfer, the account must be in good standing and the transfer request must be submitted in writing to the Razorback Foundation. To retain the same seating, the new account holder must either meet the required annual member classification for tickets in those respective sections OR contribute the same total dollar amount given by the previous account holder, whichever is greater. Suites are not eligible for transfer. Postseason/Single/Away/Neutral Tickets The number of postseason and away game tickets is subject to University of Arkansas allotments and based upon availability. Priority ranking for ticket allocation is as follows: 1. Current Foundation members Seat Relocation All seats, in all venues, are subject to relocation when: • the previous year’s total Annual Fund contribution is not maintained or exceeded, regardless of the number of season tickets purchased or which sport(s) a member contributes to • pledges are not received by March 31 • payments are not received prior to established deadlines (see page 6) • accounts have an outstanding balance from the previous year • season ticket renewal deadlines are not met 2. Non-member season ticket holder 3. General public All ticket requests are allocated based on Priority Points rank within a member’s classification. 10 Parking information How Parking is Assigned Priority Parking Minimum Contributions All parking assignments for qualified members are made annually based on Priority Points rank within a member’s current classification. All parking assignments are based upon availability and subject to relocation based on lot availability, construction and other unforseen events. To qualify for priority parking, members must be season ticket holders in that sport and designate the following minimum amounts to that respective sport: Tailgating in the Gardens To be eligible for tailgating spots in the Gardens, patrons must be current football season ticket holders and make a minimum contribution of $750 to football. Contact the Razorback Ticket Center at 800.982.4647 for more information. RV Parking To be eligible for RV parking, patrons must be current members of the Razorback Foundation and make a minimum, total Annual Fund contribution of $750. For RV parking during Fayetteville games, contact The Road Hog Park at 479.409.8178. For Little Rock games, contact War Memorial Stadium at 501.663.6385. Football – $750 Men’s Basketball – $200 Baseball – $100 Women’s Basketball, Gymnastics and Volleyball – $50 Handicap Parking Handicap parking is available with a state issued hangtag or license plate in the following areas on a first-come, first-served basis: Football and Men’s Basketball: Lot 56 and Baum East Football (Little Rock): Behind the Health Department Baseball: Baum East Women’s Basketball: Lot 60 Gymnastics and Volleyball: Lot 59 11 Parking Priority Parking Limits To be eligible for priority parking, a member must be a football season ticket holder and designate a minimum of $750 to football. Members are assigned one parking pass for every five tickets purchased, up to the limits below. Parking assignments are made annually based on Priority Points rank within a member’s current classification. There is a maximum number of parking passes members may receive regardless of classification and number of tickets purchased. All parking assignments are based upon availability. Member Classification Football Broyles-Matthews Platinum – $20,000 5* Broyles-Matthews Gold – $10,000 3** Broyles-Matthews Silver – $5,000 2 Super Hog – $3,000 2 Wild Hog – $2,000 2 Tush Hog – $1,000 1 Big Hog – Minimum of $750 to Football 1 *Broyles-Matthews Platinum members qualify for up to two additional parking passes for every $5,000 given over the $20,000 contribution minimum. ** Broyles-Matthews Gold members qualify for one additional pass for an additional $5,000 gift. Priority Parking 12 Priority Seating – Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium Please refer to page 9 for all information regarding new season ticket requests, seat improvement requests and retaining existing season ticket locations in Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium. Minimum Required Seat Value 513 $300: 104, 114 $250: 103, 105, 113, 115 $225: Pig Heaven: 502-506, 513-515 $200: 102, 106, 112 504, 514 Rows 1-12 Pig Heaven: 500-501, 507-508 Pig Heaven: 509-512, 516-519 $150: $100: Outdoor Club: 217-229, 201-216 Indoor Club: 476-488, 330-344 Red Zone: 120-126 509 511 510 515 516 436 > 517 518 201 > 111 112 113 114 519 < 475 SUITE LEVEL CLUB LEVEL CLUB LEVEL 330 > NORTH 514 512 < 344 < 216 115 116 117 217 101, 107 503, 505, 513, 515 Rows 1-12 Red Zone II: 118-119*, 127-128* 479 121 221 480 122 222 481 123 223 482 124 224 483 225 484 125 128 126 127 502, 506 Rows 1-12 Student and Visitor Seating No Required Seat Value 13 226 106 105 104 103 102 329 > < 301 SUITE LEVEL 435 > 508 229 101 507 506 505 504 < 401 503 502 501 500 485 486 227 228 107 478 220 120 BROYLES ATHLETIC CENTER 477 219 119 *without seat backs $50: 476 218 118 487 488 525 Priority Seating – War Memorial Stadium Please refer to page 9 for all information regarding new season ticket requests, seat improvement requests and retaining existing season ticket locations in War Memorial Stadium. NORTH Minimum Required Seat Value 1 40 $80: 6, 26 39 $75: 5, 7, 25, 27 38 $65: 4, 8, 24, 28 $60: 3, 9, 23, 29 $45: 2, 10, 22, 30 No Required Seat Value 2 3 4 $50: *Must designate a minumum Annual Fund gift of $50 to football. Amount is not per seat. 6 7 8 VISITOR STUDENT 9 10 VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR 11 12 VISITOR 13 VISITOR VISITING TEAM BENCH VISITOR 14 37 VISITOR 15 36 VISITOR 16 STUDENT 17 35 34 34-37* 5 STUDENT 18 RAZORBACK BENCH 33 19 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 14 PRIORITY Priority Seating –SEATING Bud Walton–BUD Arena WALTON Please refer to page 9 for all information regarding new season ticket requests, seat improvement requests and retaining existing season ticket locations in Bud Walton Arena. ARENA NORTH ENTRANCE 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 214 213 Minimum Required Seat Value $300: Rows A-8 223 115 117 118 119 120 212 113 $250: Rows A-8 211 112 $200: Rows A-8, 9-22 210 111 110 $150: Rows 9-22, 1-3 $100: Rows 9-24, 1-3 $75: Rows 4-8 $50: Rows 1-3, 4-8 $25: Rows 9-15 Non Priority Seating Student Seating 209 109 208 108 107 207 105 224 122 VISITOR SCORERS’ TABLE COURTSIDE HOME 104 206 226 127 227 128 CLUB SEATS 133 125 126 HOGWILD BAND 228 129 130 229 132 102 101 136 135 133 230 231 205 232 204 203 202 201 236 235 SOUTH ENTRANCE 15 225 123 234 233 Priority Seating - Charlie Baum Stadium at George Cole Field Please refer to page 9 for all information regarding new season ticket requests, seat improvement requests and retaining existing season ticket locations in Baum Stadium. 109 108 Minimum Required Seat Value $350: Hog Heaven 107 106 $100: 107-109 105 $75: 102-106, 110-114 104 $25: 100-101, 115-116 103 Non Priority Seating 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 FOUL POLE PATIO BP1 BP2 HOG PEN (GENERAL ADMISSION) 102 101 100 99 98 16 Razorback Clubs Twenty-three Razorback Clubs uphold the mission of the Razorback Foundation throughout Arkansas and the surrounding states. These non-profit clubs hold regular meetings throughout the year that feature University of Arkansas coaches and administrators, host fundraisers to support the Foundation and foster camaraderie among the Razorback faithful. All Foundation members are encouraged to join and support their local Razorback Club. To join your local Club, simply add your local club number (listed below) to your Letter of Intent, contact the Razorback Foundation at 479.443.9000 or 877.436.0013. You may also email your name, member ID number, and club number to [email protected]. Contact information for all Razorback Clubs can be found at razorbackfoundation.com. The George Billingsley NWA Razorback Club�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Harrison Area����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Baxter County����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5 Northeast Arkansas (Paragould)�����������������������������������������������������������������6 Mississippi County��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Memphis – East Arkansas��������������������������������������������������������������������������8 East Central Arkansas��������������������������������������������������������������������������������9 17 Claude Smithey (White County)�����������������������������������������������������������������10 White River (Batesville)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Stone County���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Little Rock�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Petit Jean (Morrilton)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Fort Smith Quarterback�����������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Texarkana Area������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 Roy L. Murphy (Hot Springs)����������������������������������������������������������������������19 Hot Springs Village�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Saline County��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Pine Bluff��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 The Delta���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 North Louisiana (Shreveport)��������������������������������������������������������������������25 Greater Dallas (Texas)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Greater Tulsa (NE Oklahoma)��������������������������������������������������������������������27 Greers Ferry Lake Area�������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Frequently Asked Questions Q: Who is eligible to support the Razorback Foundation? Q: How do I obtain priority parking? A: All fans of Razorback Athletics are welcome and encouraged to join the Razorback Foundation. Supporters are not required to have graduated from the University of Arkansas. A: For priority parking, you must be a season ticket holder in that sport and designate the minimum donation required for that sport. Parking assignments are made annually. Please see page 11 for additional parking information. Q: How much do I have to donate to become a member of the Razorback Foundation? Q: Why are there donation and renewal deadlines? A: Membership requires a minimum annual contribution of $50 to the Annual Fund. Members may designate their gift(s) to football, men’s basketball, baseball, men’s Olympic sports and/or women’s sports. A: Due to the demand for premium seating locations, a deadline is set so vacated seats may be offered to new season ticket holders or existing season ticket holders requesting seating changes. Q: May I sign up for an automatic payment plan? Q: If I decrease my total Annual Fund contribution, will my seats and parking be reassigned? A: Yes, members may designate payments to be automatically charged to their credit card. Members should indicate their billing preference on their Letter of Intent or contact the Razorback Foundation to establish a payment plan. Q: How do I purchase season tickets for the first time? A: New season ticket holders may contact the Razorback Ticket Center at 800.982.4647 to request new season tickets. All new season ticket requests are based upon availability and are allocated using the Razorback Priority Points Program. See pages 9-10 for more information. A: Yes, seats and parking in all venues are subject to relocation, regardless of the number of season tickets purchased. All members must either maintain or exceed the previous year’s total Annual Fund contribution. Q: Who may join Razorback Clubs, and how do I become involved? A: Any supporter of the Razorbacks may join their local Razorback Club. See the map on page 17 of this brochure, visit razorbackfoundation.com or contact the Razorback Foundation to learn more. for your 18 ADDITIONAL Ways to Give To ensure the greatest benefit to both Razorback Athletics and you, our valued members, the Razorback Foundation offers several giving options outside the Annual Fund. Making a gift to any of the areas below may increase your rank within your membership class. Please contact the Razorback Foundation for more information on additional ways to give. Capital Gifts Endowments Capital Gifts are contributions made outside your Annual Fund donation and play a pivotal role in the enhancement, construction and maintenance of first-class athletic facilities. Top-notch facilities are not just important for recruiting the nation’s best and brightest student-athletes, but also equip them with the best tools to pursue their scholastic and athletic goals. The Endowed Scholarship Program allows a member to provide for the future of our student-athletes. An endowment provides a perpetual source of financial support for athletic scholarships. Memorial Gifts 1295 S. Razorback Rd., Ste. A Fayetteville, AR 72701 T 479.443.9000 T 877.436.0013 F 479.443.9527 [email protected] To learn more, visit us online: RazorbackFoundation.com Gifts-In-Kind facebook.com/razorbackfoundation The Razorback Foundation accepts gifts-inkind; however, all such donations must be approved in advance and generally do not apply to the Annual Fund. twitter.com/razorfoundation In lieu of flowers, you may suggest that gifts be made to the Razorback Foundation in Sponsorships memory of friends and loved ones. Sponsoring various events, including the annual Sports Hall of Honor and Red Tie Planned Giving Dinner and Auction, offers a great way to Deferred gifts through wills, bequests and support the Razorback Foundation outside trusts can also provide the needed funds to of your Annual Fund gifts. help Razorback Athletics. 19 RAZORBACK FOUNDATION instagram.com/razorbackfoundation Important Compliance Message Under NCAA rules and regulations, the Razorback Foundation is required to inform you that your benefits and privileges pertaining to the University of Arkansas Athletic Department may be withheld from you or any other party if it is determined that you engaged in conduct that is in violation of NCAA rules. Meet our staff Jackie Rollins, Member Relations /Assistant to the Executive Director [email protected] Charlotte Faucette Member Relations [email protected] Julia Woods Member Relations [email protected] Debbie Scoggin Member Relations [email protected] Cassy Fritz Receptionist/Member Relations [email protected] Dr. Sean Rochelle, Executive Director Billye Hawkins Veteto, Chief Financial Officer [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Sean Rochelle has been associated with Razorback Athletics for 15 years. He has served as a graduate assistant coach for Ken Hatfield, Coordinator of Academic Support for Razorback Men’s Athletics, Director of Development for Athletics, and was named Executive Director of the Razorback Foundation in 2013. Billye Hawkins Veteto joined the Razorback Foundation in 2011. Prior to joining the Foundation, she worked for more than six years at the University of Arkansas Foundation. John Matsko, Senior Associate Director Elizabeth Sullivan, Assistant Director [email protected] [email protected] John Matsko joined the Razorback Foundation team in 2013. He oversees all development activities for the Annual Fund, Priority Points Program, and leads the Foundation’s external team. Elizabeth Sullivan, a former All-American gymnast from Oregon State University, joined the Razorback Foundation in 2012 after spending five years in the University of Arkansas Office of Admissions. Norm DeBriyn, Associate Director Terry Prentice, Assistant Director [email protected] [email protected] Norm DeBriyn joined the Razorback Foundation in 2002 following 33 years as head coach of the Razorback baseball team. Terry Prentice, a former Track and Field All-American for the Razorbacks, joined the Razorback Foundation in 2014 and previously served as a graduate assistant in the Office of Student-Athlete Success and intern for the Foundation. Marvin Caston, Associate Director Dean Weber, Assistant Director [email protected] [email protected] Marvin Caston, former Arkansas fullback, has worked with the Razorback Foundation since 2009 and previously worked as Assistant Athletic Director. After 41 years with Arkansas Athletics, Dean Weber joined the Razorback Foundation as Assistant Director in 2014. He moves into this new role after serving as Head Trainer and Director of Equipment Operations. Hunter Sagely Special Initiatives Coordinator [email protected] Foundation Team Emeritus Frank Broyles Athletic Director Emeritus Harold Horton Executive Director Emeritus 20 razorbackfoundation.com
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