Angelina County Press, March 23, 1900
Angelina County Press, March 23, 1900
Angelina County Press, March 23, 1900 , . 2006:003 Ruth Grant Collection ;,.';: ~J~ '; , l!JFKIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1900. , NO. 26 . . TEXAS STATE NEWS fend!!nts. It alleges by the plaintiffs that out'of a shipment of 4500 head of cattle trom Hebronville, Tex., to Set orth (n Short Patagraphs Elgin, Kan., 1800 of the cattle died f~'om neglect, and delays, or were For the'J-iu~ried Reader. render~d unfit for ' the market and therefore a loss to ' the shippers. AL~ THE CRIMES .AND CASUALTIES The amount of damages asked is $87,000. to street< bridges and fenCing. Four " , out of severi street bddges wer,e washed away. The frat south of the Hanila creek was completely inunerated, and as this part of the city is occupied s~rictly for residents great consternation prevailed when the flood swept over this property. Some of the 'families were carri"ed on the -----backs,of the husband in tbree feet of And . Other News of Any 'Importanoe ' ,Tyler ~and Jury. • water to places of- safety. The overof the Past Week 13riefIy Tyler, March Ii.-The grand Chr . i d jury adjourned yesterday for the flow on this property is a ' very un" , ~e . term after' returning thirty-five bills common occurrence. , . We handle the Gelebrated Mon=" arch, ,the best shirt ' made: They, come ill all styles and sizes. For fit and durability they are unexcelled. ~ You will O'et the 'm ost for , your money in b . '. puyulg these shirts. One shirt, II I . Rural Free Deliv~ry Inallgur, ated. Clothing·. W~' are' ag'entsfor the best tailors . iIi the country. ' If you w;:tnt a suit' of , c1o~hes, pant~, 01' a ,coat and vest ' that will fit and' be. a~ : 'pleaslU'e to wear come alid .let us : " take your mea-sure., We have just ,re~eived a fine lirie of sample ,cloths:-from"~hichyou can make a ' selectioll~' , Our prices are as" low a8 ca~ be made fo~ ~ood""vOJ,.k. , . , .-" . . . f. Ties. ::~~;~:~I:~::~t:~~:t~~~' t~:. n;:~: , beo" '1i~::':';:':~b"1' "=",,,~.,' _,Sa 'J' "n " , ,--i..h~..~"i J'~o1o'rs. '. If ' you ") want '!?oll(ethinlt·'~C({~t;; :?ll~.: " ~: :tr}Vin , « ' WiUial11son, Lufkin, Te~aS. , :riulioted~F.ol' 'M:1lfde~. Nacogdoches, ){atch 16.~Tbe , gra'ncl jllry has' ;etlJft!ed true bills ,' Pa.cking Honse for Forth 'worth. against Shenn'an Grayson fo, r th~ Fol"th ;,Woith, l\1arch 18;-Th e r:e .. is every il1dicatioii that this city killing of John T. Gurison, and , ' . h , w h 0 IS . now ,,' .m t he have another packing house ,.lant of ,S m'lt ' " t b e' man pt,o portions. During sk penit~nt:ary for,safe keepIng ,m~mmot1. , ~. , , '," , . ' " th, e , .past weef the well k~own packer, for the ' killing' of Mrs. T · . 't h em- b 0' th WIt . h'lJacob Dold; was" ,,here mperson and V aro IISS, ch argl!:g t d ' held two conferences with citizens mur d,er th e fir s~, egree. , ' 'and board trade me~be~s and will / resh 'G roceries :, h" ~ ; ' . , A Brakeman Killed. Texarkan:f, March 19. - This , morning, about twenty miles north mail delivery system WIIS started A Mill at Longview. her,e yest~rday .• The rotite emLongview: March 17.-M . H. °d f tbis place ; a 5 aklo g train was un .. er way on t h.e A r amas & Choctaw braces a cirCUit twenty' five miles of, Hargrove spoke to the peo,p le of tailroa,d, it ,vas ditched, capsizing The citi- I Gregg coun,t.Y today on the subje,ct twCJ log cars. Th~ contents of. one . . very populous district. ~ells on the route are much pleaspd of cotton mIlls. and there were !lnc, covered a brakeman named Harris. with the ~ystem and b~lieve ,it will scriptions to the amount of $30:,000 killing him :outright. Nothing is prove a great success. ' read out' at the meeting. ,Long>'iew known of Harris except that he came , wiH a cotton mill sure. The " ,Shooting, and Arrests. . . .. . , here about eight months ago from Hearne, Match r6.-:-AI Bo;w~ll, subscn,ptlOn comrOittee says , that Illinois. He was red-headed, blue living near here, ~as ~hot and per- they wlll have double trrat amount, eye's , and about ¥T'Yea;~old. ... d whi re plow- at ,their next meetin~ which wiIIbe -.,..",h,.,aps ' ,eriously wounde ':r ' -d-H- - ' fog in his field this morning. Eu_ April 14· Everyone is taking a n , oun ' angme:. • o " G " I active interest in the enterprise. E.l Paso, March 19,~Carl , Ehrrg, g~ne ,and Guy raham are 10 the I . , , 40 years 0 f ' age, , . , f d h' ,, . ' . ' . was OUll t IS custody of the shenff charged WIth Accidenta.l Shootmg. , , 'h' ' d 1b - , '," ,~ . mornmg IU IS roo,m susp-en 'ec y a the crime, The weapon used wasa McKmney, March 18.-John I h ' t ' h" d h 'I' : K hI ' eat er s rop attar e to t e cel mO' shotgun. \ Calise of trlil:uble ,lot egans was shot ere as,! tast evendf d' b h ,.- H''"' ' '-, , ' . , an astene it out, IS t roat. e 109 through. the left leg Just bt:low h' d h \ . h' ' l'f'd :. ' t 'h , known~, '. , , . a anged Imse Uringtl1e Illg t. the hlp v;-Ith a 22·cahber target nfle Eh" b . G b Ranch.' a:nd Cattle Deal, in the hands of his Io-year-o'ld sori , ng hW~s forn IDW- elrlmaWPY"I'1ut " Fort , Worth, March !6.-The , , , . came,, ' e!e rom " a a ", a a, h h h " d' - b" , larg,est ranch and , cattle~ale ~ade Dot. The shootmg was aCCIdental. \" vy as ., were e ow-ne a : utcher Death FromScariet Fever. shop.' H~ had been in EI Pas~ ouring the caftlem~l1's meeting' here Ba'rfett, March 18.-:-There is con- a few days and was tlJ911g!Jtto : this ' isrep,orte:d to=night: A. City pur--on 6£, Colorado , the ranch of the St.- Louis l .(~ of in~ic:me~t, fif\een of whic,' h are felomes A!~in, March r6.-'Jhe free rural $1.00. ~ I - F: ,Shirts., ;i .,. '. . : . '.. An Affray ' a.t Harrold. " Harrold, March 16.-1n an nffrflY , growing'out of familv trouble; W. L. W'lgner of Oklaunior shot, and fatally wOilnded Ben Whatley, 'Wounded , Whatley'S father, mother,, and a farm , hand, nS)ne of th<enf , seriously. , Whatley's , son seized Wagner; but in obedience to his father's oruers 'turned him 'loose: ,!I Whalley died s~or~ly ,after ~eing shot. Wagner bas given bond for his appearart,c e., ' . ..<' .~~~ '~"""='_"Sl:" -:"::;:~~t": m,en are Os'c «r ill Wilson, a II1iner. arrest tErminated a long chase by a LaS' Cruces ~eputy, m which he trailed the two men through Arizona and the republic of Mexico and ba::kto San Antonio. They" wI'11 be taken b~ck to "as,Cl'uces toL morrow morn .mg. A C-h~ild-13-1ll'Il----:-·e-d-t-o-D-eath. G onza1es, M alC ' h A d 19.very sa · ' d S J " ' d ltCCl ent occurre atur ayevenlllg at Prickly Pear, near ':Yaelder,. officers, 'the oh, ject bei~g to e;ect a ' The ' 4-year-old ' child ot (7eorge rarge Fort Worth vaJuedat Beaver went in the bam an~ itis $ ,I ,ooo,ooo. Whiie the details of supposed, set tn~ shucks afire with thep:o~ositio? have r.ever been gi~eri matches. Frightenc:d' at tbe "flames out, It IS learned that the Dold, I~- the little one, began to scream and ten!sts ask ,that the citiz~ns here, take tried to get out, but the fire 'cut her off from the door. , Her parents ran S9 me.$25 0 ,000 'in , 'stQC~ which' it is to her, put the ' door ' was faslened ' ~earned will probably be', the .inside and befote they could get the nea~ future, " ' , child out she was 50 ' badly burned that she di~ct 50011 after. ' , Robbery at' Sa.n AntoJ!io. " , , Sall:Antonio, ~arch 19. ...:..S~ven Dent's Trial. , ~< '"t '\ hundred doUa1's, worth of diitnorr~ ,R.usk, :M'archI9.-Thechse of W. ' "'I rj ,- were -sto1en' f rom -'- ''-~h : J~' Dent, tlOe -4it~· w, ith proan d 'Jewe l ,~ " P'" J cha~Jed ,., of I" . ' ", ! , ,Negro Reoaptured. , residence 5)£ H. ' G.Staacke/ 725 curing a' bogus pardon for George Gainesville, March 17,-W;lf~~, San' Pedro ,avenue, ,lait ,: evening. I~aacs,a: !::tate cpnvict, is set for March 30'; 1900. :T his is an exa~ ,l~r~hur, the Wise county negro c~n. ·The. ro~b~)."y .p.ccurred ':whiJe th~ ining triaI-. , The case will be a very' . ' Vlct, who esca-ped flom the. Wise fall1lly w~te, 'slttmg 011 the ,lawn In important one"jt'1e, gov~rnor ~~' , ~ • connty road gang and was, captured front of l:helr house. .other state officers bemg wltnesse's m h~re ~nd afterwards made his escape Irbn J;~aGQ; , the case. ' ' from the Wise county officers here, Jeffc~son, ~;March !9:~i'he people Found Dead. ~s Laught night. , At. [2 are rejoi,cin,g: over: ~ the ' prospects' of Denton, 'March 20.-'!'he-' dead o clock he ~ame Into' , the etlgme maclaine sl1 0 ps a'od arlother furpace. body of ,a'o ' unknown milO, ' cio~ely room of, a flouring min ,plant ~o gl:;t It been l(ep~ very quiet, ):>uti't guardCd by two fieJ:"E:e ' dogs, was warm. ,T~e. engirr,eer tp.lephoned I has leaked out th.~~ · ~rr~ngement& found near Lewisvill~, ,~wenty miles thl Of 'here. , yesterday in some , for an office!" who , went , out and thave been completed Wlbh other ,:~!¥.--';;';'~-~';"';-----~~------~~--""--'T h d ' , alongside th'e, ', road. There }...A......~....~,....,""'~....~..,.,""... ~"'~ ~ "''''..,H~ made the ~rr~st. " be negro it ital'in connection' "Yhh tr.e opera(or~ were no marks pf violence, 'and it is' g6ttb rid ot ~he ,handcuffs which'hecf the 'present 'f~i-nace to build;an- supposed be 'died natural dea~b;" ,was wearirrg when be, eluded tge otAer l'hrnace of 100 tonscapacify, surrounde,d ,b y his;:; only 'friends, , th-eAND' , officers. and also ll' ;car wheel. factory ,apd There. is no dew a's ,to his . ,.. . , , no paIJ~rs bel!lg}~ul)d. . Hea.vy" Da.m;ge Suits. , m'ac,hine , s~Pps. " " ,T~er, ' j;March TlUffi6l1 ~V~~'",JV~' . f '· ' . ' . , :'i- Shernian;, Mdrch 17',- Irt th~ ci~ill . Nacogdooh\lsi',". ~ , " .~: i::Builders'Matetial Hauled. , NacGgd,ochc$, Mar,c h , I¢~-Tbe , . " , 'district courUliis afternc.o,n, a, h, e,av.'"v tannl?ry sl~uated in , ,:~' .' ~ " ~' 1!" . . . . . ' . , . ' .- . '; -J suit for dfmlages wasfil~_d,!t )leaviest,t~i~ for , ~ft~en years 'te~l o~the city was ' ,1;J;eadquaB;ers:at R~chardson & ' frajlklin's. drUg ,stor~ / ' the ' Gulf, t;oIQr.tdo , ~ ,Santa' Fe, herelifiit Aigbt," a:c't;ompanied,!"ith ,' ,' ,, ' "e'Jen\:or:~l';:i{e:d 1 " , i' '11as ,tWt '<',)~1 ':' ,_ -:O'"and c, ommunicatj.omi13ollc,ited: Tex'a~, • Mej{j¢a;t~ 'Interilatlo:pid & h~ij';~fi(V'¥Ipd'. . Th'!,,-Ban~i;~~nd ~ar tlir~e~' : "J: "', .~ ''; . ,;~ .. -~ 'N 0:5.4;:, :tuflPn~ GreatNon~~,ft1 ~ and Atchis.6~;, f:"o· nan~" t~~~~< we:rc~ :9~th~~ plifpage" V'l::",'L\'<i -!, peka,& ~anta fe, tail wa.ys atPl!ti.e~ ,d~iiig datti~~e to the,.ex~t'it of ,$1 . r~?>.~ ' ."" I. · ~:. ~" 1.;""":"'- - ' ,'W WE'Tl : ER'MA'R K' l ', - I ·1 , Your 'Business SoliCited·,;, M..... BERRY ......... ..... has I .....", ' :a SONS " ',, arpenters, 'C,ontractors,& Builders ' > , , , ff , , . ' , : . . . . '• . ". 'I . . 04 ' . :l:'':'';~':'>'y.· :-. ?'>".\' ..~-r:... : . "~ :. " \ ' .. / ,-.., ,-,1County Press, March 23, 1900 Angelina I\.J 2006:003 ..d . ) Ruth Grant Collection , -. " .I :. •~~ ' .v= "'. I 'I'I ' . ,J' \. \. '. r =OneCar . . . NOW\.q~,'lr~/ne " ,. Time, r '. ,. ." \. \ . OURS THE PLACE TO" BUY w@J:§~ 5r~ezer It is a wonder, too, to all who use them. as they freeze -cream so quick. . Don't buy any other, and you will always be happy qnring the Ice Qream season. I.. '\.' Siberia and Yukon, :L l ! THE 13£5T iYHID:e. ICE ~~EAM JVlEASU~ES, ICE Cj-IISELS, / r~ WE HAVE TUE \ JOHN DEERE"'" IMPLEJVJ ~~NTS I~E PI~KS, I~E SHAVES; -. -A.XD'- - PIJf\;VS. Water' Coolers. ANOTHER CAR OF ,.- ' ...... ..J. White Elephant Buggies .f Surreys and Phaetons Now on hand. You should see even if you don't buy. 'S ASE BALL GOODS and Fishing Tackle. La~lede ,Bicycles~ .- o.h-1y $30. W"_1VL_ GLENN&CO_, f ..... . , THE HARDWAR.E and ·PURNITUR.EDEALERS. ~.. .-' ..• :, ' :~·.)~~n ' :L~der, - . ",' . . am.~nI.S:J;.;ratIOn W~~~~~n " ·. Ma:.rch . I9L-:":?;he .0i?P ..tb~ Davis m;;~lea=~~aIfion~o~ the 'republican Hay.Pauncefofe . I' p3.Jty in regard to Po~to Ric::o .hould tary H.a! has ~one so far as ~o su~ply . atura .". h' hI . t the d ' " the Bntlsh a reason for reJectthe principai thing to sleep is something that can he'reg; _ _ _ _ _....;~_ _ _ _..;..;;;~.:.:.:: \. 1. \ !:>e Ig y encouragmg 0 emo- '. .. . ' . . ;~, . ~ I . .... ' .. . 109 It If adopted, by assertmg offi- be accomplished by the passage of ulated by any formuL~. The hody Co to the · trats, who, stlckmg fast to the Dec- cially that a provi.sion in the his bill is his vindication. takes what ·it needs, be it much or l-aration' of Independence and the Suez convention was omitted inten· The holdingup of General w.heei~ little, al!,d necessary ' amount varielj" }. <: .~onstitatioll, can afford to watch tionally. "because . the c.onditionser's ·resi'gnation is li!;:ely til have se· with the individual. .Ina geheral When you want to get a 'l'ood hair c~. ',. . ;'ii With complacency tee struggles of were different." When Lord 'Salis- .rioi.ts . consequence~ "fot the soldier way I would say that four .!lours Js or shave, All work guar!lnteed. , Every .'. ~. their opponents to square their con- bury.quotes his own language back stateman .and will probably result in the minimum and ten. hours the thing neat an~ clean. Next door 1p t1!~ -:. ;')' postofiice. · . ,:,~, . . . sciences with their dealing and with to him, Mr. Haj' ·will 'doubtless be his 'having to be 'r e-elected before maximum f0'l'. people in filir health, political expendiency as well. With at a loss ~o reply. Th~ amendment, he can take . his seat in congress, Either 1I,l0re-or less is a pretty sure the house pulling one way; the sen- however, in the opinion of 'all dem- which, it is rumored, was e.xactlYlthe sign that so~ething' is out' of gear~ IN TEXAS ! ' . ~ %,••) \ \ ate the othel;.,{nd the president on the ocratic senatol'G, is wO~'sc:< than use'~ end which the man ~ho held it up tlsually something in th~ brain. £e.'1;Ice rea~ . to 'flop, it is difficult to less, in that it does not give us the had in vjew. II"General Wheeler's . Dresse<i Beef Up Ag-ain. tell J'ust lOW the matter will fin!.lIy tight to fortify. With.out th'\t right, resignation had been accepted before , ~, ( - .- ' ' I Tp~ fight, among dressed ' meat .'}~r' adJ·usted. It now seem likely' , we ~an only "defend" the canal by congress convened he ~oul.d have ·· . . dEl!r:!eis . has · been declared off and I. h~wever, that the $z,ooo,ooO gift. keeping a fleet of wars~ip" at each taken his seat without a word of pro. the r.e tail ., dealers of the different :' .' , biH .will be joined with the tariff bill end of it, and quite obvious that test, but .now be cannot ~o so. The · .. . ., , cities have been so adVised. The so amend~d as to strike out duties .on we are likely to ,have no · war~hips to question is who in the war depart- .figbt. . l:ias been principally .between r. ' ~ · goods sent from the United SUites spare after defendmg our enormous ment was able. to work his spite . . Omaha and KaR~s::City concerns . . (,~~,~~ i' .t to Porto Rico. The provision for a coast line against any first class against the little general-Otis, .Cor· ' . , , . who desired to illYade new telTitory. de.l e.g.ate in congress will also be power. However, th~ repllblic.a ns bin or some· underling? ~Vhen ·the . he increased ~o'st, together 'with' a · s~en out; force the fact that the have got to do something to holdup le.neral, on his arrival at San ' Fran, '. "No troubIe;' b answer queatlollJ." " ; ...",' .• scarcity of cattle .1tl'1.d hog's, \ an Porto Ricans are a "subject peo· their end,' and not confess d~feat on ds;:o frof!l the Philippines, announ· " • . .. i:nportaI}t factor 'hi: Jill'ingiqg abou't a . PIe':' .The combined bill :fl.s amend- every sug-g' esbon and policy that ced that he had resigned from the reconci!iation. edM-ill supply the Porto Rican gov· they make, and so it is probable Army Iast Novembel;, ' Adjutant I c~· to... . \. • I,. ',...... , ..'. . ; . I eHlment with necessary money for that tIle treaty ~i11 be ~mended and General Corbin stated in positiveT~ offset the venture-of Slield~n jfi.l tePlporary expenses, win put its f passed. terpls. that he had riot befnn: heard and the Capital the Ai~bison Cham· •••• and ~rkets at the mercy, of . Ame:icanl Tne publishers oI' the c6~ntry of the .resignation • . · The %Text day pion - d .aims to be ruimf-ng for'the • .'! l')f .Onl,. LIDO RUDD~D~ TIuouzli . :n!!nuia'Cturers and Will -still retam I'i continue to make bitter' . attacks on General Corbin said Gen'era!' Wheel- saine length of ti~e· in t~ ~w~y tbe cent protection trom th:e United the Loud postal bill.. One of them, er's resignation had. just ~'e'1cher1 devil would run a paper. While the Stales sugar and tobacco trusts. John' 'Elderson, of 1'1' .' ct>v .York, said. him from the White Hot:i~~1 issue,may be just as cre9ita~le to the -'Champion as to the .Capital. there is Puiiman Buffet J:,,£.fUs everybody ought to be h:!ppy, recently: "Mr: Loud does not real· it had lain, according ~o the adju- nothing sufficiently new about the Handsome NewthairCars except the Porto Rican people who ize the trouble he: is making for the tant general, for nearly 't wo months. thampidn's style of running .a news• . DntEcT LINE TO '. ·.~i· , " .i pay the duty and be taxed with- administration. His bfll; i'f it passes, He was careful, at the. ,arne iimejto paper to attrl.lct. much attentititi. . . '. ~ . . , . '~: . " . : o~ representation. . Such a little will cause more loss and elnbarrass. intimate -that t;le r~slgnation .had .. NEW MExiCO, ARIZONA: ': this, however, should ment to the country. press 'tIHllIl any':' been brought to the preSident's at· AND CALIFORNIA. . ' . I~ • !~()Uble Americans wh~se ancestors t-Aing that has happened in twenty- tention onl) ou that day. ' The sub' . ' . Operators of ~c:ellt New'rrarir. went to war with the greatest empir;e five yeats . If Ml:. LoixI :wishes to altern!> at the White refuse to . '. ~"Pacific "Coast;llmif.ed," .. w.wa · . . in.;the world because o} its attempt know how limiting sadiple copie~ to discuss the subJecL Hc<nce it is proi.~', 'and 1 inVl . " ~e yo!' to . enfor~ a similar state· of affairs 509 of anyone issue ~l affect the liable .that unlesss General Wheele~t 11 . DA .h " ' . c. ~ see my st0ck••' .' against tbem. H ow clear1y a1[ this. country pres 5 in .towns' of ,?ver five w 0 is mainly interlrsted, iils'rsts lIpon 11"a matter of eJl!pen:iiency' is shown thoasand inhabitants, let him talk an ' explaQation; tlte'matterwi(l be . i lJy ..the· fact thaC!!-.. the agreement was with Perry Heath oc an}" other well allow4d to remain Just a~ it is,' qoubt.. . obtained 91 the threat of infumied newspaper man' wllo has lesn6 the of Geneml '.' \ ,t~r.:. F:o~akerthat ~£ somet!.fing olthe ha-d experienc~ in buHd~g up the Gti~ ~ild ~he adj1ltatlt .gencra}, . ' h·'-·< ' ;' 'f._ ' .,: ...' , . klna.~as not deC'lded on,,',rhe wowld . : '. . . , 'V .... . coun~ ~ever1 ' wm Rot be ' . ' ,. tam' t c.·.altno~· ~ ;~P~alsot~~ . to< ..., ..I b'll ' ,. "-:'..11 t ern,..,.. -<...... clrtulatIon ot· a newspap·9 10 a small U . A. If ' J. . }o, .o~.uce... 1 ". gtvmg 11:< .. . . : " 'We P ase.,." to ea'tb 0 the :{ah(gltts :topo\'~ Ri~~i~nd .~~ ci.t~. , The co~'nt? ;ews£1per~.~~~. ttJli~ities , for . . . carry !t .t.~'~~~fl'-~ t~~lr8S1. ~lkice of-the, aiPnn~ps~ .Oi*rnce ~n.:t~~ampalgt) ;~in.the~ilit!J.ryise'r\"i,ce<'ffi'!clc~~1 . ,;;'J O't~P'MIP!;! ,democratiC v~ai . . ." . resulted. in . . the ~1ection·. · of':~tbe· ~cident-,. · ..' UI_·Jl~u!~r. . .. uAnderson shop .{~· - ~ -'<1 nest.l'a~nger Sem;-'lJ~'(~{ '4IMPORTANT GATEWAYS 4 ' . k. ' ;j : ;r,.': . . fl.· ; /~ /;" (~~~~ . be. ..., ,' tjT; ..1\ ~;~<i~fJ: 'f .-' .. . ..-j : .~: 1.·~r:~'1 .. t 2 FAS!TRAINS DAILY 2..1': ,.' ' '1 , .--.)·-:~: .. St. LQuiS" ·hicago the fast:J i Sup~rb t~'l!lg-:, as n~t fALL: AND 'WINTEm Hous~ - iri <. v' • ~ NEW ORLEANS W!t~~) f1 '.f ·;· V~stibu·le~ . will " h~· : :jyrI:;";-::-a-.... . : . ' per .. ::'. , ' • . MERCHANDisE . io ' I HAVE ' SOMl.·:: o~ly Sena~ jnfinit~' relie£ ~ BARCAINS··/~:~:i.·· · of C... . . ' • • , {" .' I ~, . . sle.~slJ:.(· IJ. . (seats/r.eek ~: Lit . Angelina County Press, March 23, 1900 2006:003 Ruth Grant Collection ~,j : , '. \ ,.' I .,·· Test as to A.uthors 1.s to TUDllels. sheuld drep in en us, if There is no.t an ' engineering , or to. know what the public mechanical difficulty involved i.i::t ·the ~~Ujr~'t;rul!ks cf them;' s~d a well 'ccnstruction of New Yerk'~ under. . man in an Eastern ·groWld railroad. As for .Pigiing ~ .ty.. , ago. "Not a few pop- the .tunnel, why that is the simplest 'tP~ ' ' . weuld be surprised if jeb one could hope to have. Beil1g' Our General Catalcgue quotes tJti}..i!he:u'ld see the number ef .their sO' lleaI""the surface there will be no them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage . and we'll •. ,'.'~~(~~t pe~ple have p~rted with trouble about dispesing of the cxcasend you qne. It has IIOO pages, e ~t JiD- ; readmg ~nd whICh w~ are vated material, and.the question of 17,000' illustrations and quetes . , tryrJ.J.g te~ sell at reduced prices. ventilation, the chief, one in all tunp~ces on nearly '7 0,000 things \~rh~re are a £ew~a yery i'ew-w~rks nding work, need hardly be considthat you eat and use ·and wear. i lue:(l seem to defy even hard timos. ered" at all. Hew different is ' tho We' constantly carry in stock all articles .quoted: \ -0 elm ne\:er get hold ef .ene ef case of the Simplon tunnel, which ig The Tallest Mercaniile Building in the World. MONTCOMERY WARD &. CO., . 'J·.h.,cm . . There, fer instance, are the to. cennect Italy with Switzerland ,Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us. MlohJ&.... A.T. do, Madlao.. St., ChI.qQ' , ~irksofJame& Lane Allen. I be- and Northern Europe. 'l'his great They are doomed to so much suffering. But are they doomed? 'Is not the suf. '1 "',e in all my experience I have hele in the gro,;nd il! to be nearly fering the re&ult of conditions which un- . . ;.. ':' ndied but ene of his beoks. An- twelve and ene-half miles long, der skillful treatment might be entirely Cured? Thousands of women who had ') .•,~ her beek, ef which enly pne secend threugh the heart ef a giant mOUl1- been ~eat sufferers, have learned that hUlld l:ep'y is cn recerd perre, is "Jee tain where noxiolls gases render the suffenng was unnecessary after using Dr. Pierce's Faverite Prescription. It But lives of workmen of little more yalue heals diseases ,of the delicate womanly JaffeI'6on's Autebiegraphy." organs and banishe3 the headache, back-. ~e ha~ ~p.1ing here in jlU cqlle:c- :than straws,. To. previde a supp~)' ache and· other aches which are the conAfter you have ' tried Doctors and all ~OUtl Ilooe-uitions;' Conan · Dojle of fresh air is the main problem to ~uence of these diseases. . Prescril'tion" is absolutely a Favorite • preparations, and they have .failed to ad Mark Twain; 'Trilbys' .by the be 'selved, and the engineer who had temperance mediCIne in the strictest . undieds,~ and a nUlnbe:: of <:opies' cf. deveted much of his lifc to. the study meaning of. the term. It containa no neve then use ' and is free from opium. cocaine ' :le Martian. Richard " Harding of ventilation died en November 22, alcohol and all other narcotics. ,aVkfiPes.. , largely. . There has 1899. .:Less,thap. tlJree II).iles of the . "r 1JIrOU )'Ou for advice February 4th. 18¢,n writes Mrs. I.oma Halstead. of Claremore, Cher, 'en a scattering Df Stephen C.rane,tu~el is pomptited . .• he totalce~t okee Nat., Ind. lY. ·1 WItS racking wltn pain from the oack o'·my head down to my heel&. j '.It theJ'roportion' is small. Gib- is to be. bet..veen· $13,000,000 and Had hemorrhage for weelts at a tillie, and was unabte to sit up for ten minutes at a time. You I' , ~ ,n's dnlwing~yen the latest vo1- $14,.000;000. :. T.he contract stipul~r.:%~ :J.ide,!!:~'J~:n:,~ :lee.ct:,. u~v~~ . j' 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and ~"S;~ll-have been ' resold. You; can ates a.fine iiI.$i)65 a day if the time Preac:riptioD. 'Pleaaant Pellets,' also gave advice abOut inbaths and diet. To my surprise, In • ' ~ ;. Stevenson, and Stevensen in his liInit is exc~ed~d, with a graiuity of iectioD5, filur month. from the time I began your treat· ment I was ;a well woman and have not had the I ) \h::cription edition: at that. Gee. the slIme amount per diem if the bac::kacbe TRADE MARl<. since, and now I put ill sixteen hours I : l .\redith contributes a few, Henry wark is completed before th'e period \ ' i~es ,~t¢~{ Howens '~Jew, Cap'- se,t, . .,.in C~~les : Kings; l~rge number; ··Muchpaln.._.and uneasiness !s .!\mells 'Barr, Mrs. B'trion Harris- :::aused by 'pile~ sparing neither age Buffalo, N. Y. ' . PoOR SALB BY ALL IN MEDICINES. .T~ ~~~.,.j3?rnett, Margaret ,~ Dela.D.!l D,or sex: .~ .:rabler's Buckeye Pile The SHORTEST LINE. ,_ L. OERSTLE & CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. ,~~,\.~~J1:. ::W~~· are.~r~d ' Oin~ent cb~es ; the most obstir.ate. The QUICKEST TIME. '. . Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors. a~jlrge number-eaeh. . . . . :.:,.: . .caseS: ;J>rke,50 cents in bottle. The FINEST SE;RVICE. ~ , .,.r'" .. - . tub~~-;-" 75L c~nfs. For sale by all '1 It is vp,ry hard to stand icily by druggists. Gaiva-n""'··i-z-ed7:·=C""h=e=st""'I1""u=-C{=frees. !ld see, Ir dear ones suffer while (Houston, East & West 'l'exas R'y) l\r;iting ,l,he arriv31 ef the doctor. An e:draordinary phenomenon hai.! Alb n._ . ah0~' Y.) dairyman calI.. :.,'t Mhug store there ' for a dector been noticed with regard to. 'chestnut ""ld ,th en very trees in a street in Brussels, since . .,i ceme an d see h'IS Ctit to ::k with croup. Not finding the, the installatien of the electric tram Fever and all MalarIal Troubles. . . Between Docs Not Contain Qninil!e Nor Other Poison; . ' 'etaI'. in,he left word fer him to cars. The :feliage begi~s to turn .Qoes Not Injure the Stomach Nor Mect the He8l'lng.. . imp' at ence on' his return. He brown and drep early 'in .August, to W. A. Mc['arty &; Son, :olmeBol<, TeL, say: "Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic is the best we h!lve· handlecL My son prescrlbes it in his practicel'and s~yS it is . \.}. ·,..J~ht bottle of Chamberlain's bud ~nd even blessom again in Octhe only Chill Tonic which a clu1.d can take without inJury to the stomach." ; BROWN}[F' . CO., Prop'rs, Greeneville, Te n. ' . . . P ric.J 5Oc. ~;ough ~~':ledy, which ~ hop'ed toper : The trees ·on the' oppositc c eJ' Iiea~o • rUl'-i' ' l · ·;j" .. ,,-&me ,- ' . ' . . • ~."" ' ·~f ·'Po 't·'~ , ."th'.·e·'y· i'lLo:';!i".' i_ . ~ re{j~f~ntiI the ~'eYth loliac~or ¥-l~, ;.~3rriye. Ini\ew bours fl'€ ,~ned:;";:rym~~e " . . ' . .. . an~ de not ~-'4>~C 'I.,lt...~.e-_chi1d ; . m'u c&·I[.-.i;''-'~:: l!~~?>~-;-1 "~"-"'~"'"_r.· . ·.l'he' o'ruggist, Otto Scholz, !y1l' the family has recommended Headacha alld Malaria. . ~hamberla;'l-'s Ccugh Remedy to E. W. Matthews, Unith, Tenn., And' all eastern and southe'astern their neighbors and friends until he writes: thave used Ramon~s Liver points. Close connections at Hc)Ushas a ccn-stant demand for it ~wn 'Pills for .heahache, con~t.ipation and t~n and Shrevepurt with all lines. that pari of tpe country_ For sale biliousness fer more than two years. This line offers quick time and by !Ill druggists. and they have given complet,e satis- superb service. ------faction. I can truly say that I have N. S. Meldrun, Gen. Mgr, · .l , _ High ][uckfllJucks. n'ever found anythmg better for :he W. H. Taylor, G. F. & p '. A. VCip;ToWn enjeys a cerlain rustinc- complaints if taken at the proper Wm. Doherty, A.G. P. Agt. In comfort, pa1' ::;CUI' tickets'llia. tile ibn'in respect to the height of its time. They are a' sure preventative Housten, Texas, for malaria. Fcr ~ale by all drug1onstables. The tallest is 6 feet gists. M. McMoy. Agt., 81-2 inches, while there are thirty' I Lufkin, Texas. Barrles' New NOTel. Spring Meetings Merchants Ass., 'jiglIt others over 6- feet in height. . J: M. Barrie has spent feur years ... At Chicago, /' My mether suffered with chronic in writing the novel, "Tommy and S3le Dates March I7th'to 23d. I'" ~ ~iarrhoea for several months. She Grizel." N elhing has appeared from . I Certificate Plan. CJR:sT TIME, f ----~-:::------. was attended by two physicians Who nim in' the meantime except the the BEs.T SERVICE, Spring Meeting Interstate Mer'1 a.iui tile \'PEST iast pronounc'ed her c~se hope- dramatIzation of ''The Little Minchants' Associ'ation. ntdwns ~ assured. ; ~ Ie~s. She prccured cne' 25-ce!lt ister." He is one ef the slowest' elf At St. Louis. ~ only tine ol:-'p~1ftig. bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol- '~ritern and the most careful in the Sale dates March 19th to 31st. PA~LOR CAF~S ira and Diarrhoea Remedy, and five elaberatien and finish ef his work. (mtals 8 18 ca;,<~t'8, " . Ap .il 5th. to 17th. ap!:es gave her permanent relief. I Those who have read the ~ompletea Certifil(ate Plan. Pullma;t Sleepers, . thke p lea~ure in recemmending it as novel 3aJ that it is of the ve~ first Elega.nt Wide Vesfihu!ed Low rates are given 'for ,a!I of these the best cn the mark et.-Mr3. F. rank in modern :6.c~n. FREE Chair Cars. Watson, Aiken, Ala. Sold "y all excursions. We: hdve saved many dcctor bills THE BEST ROUTE ~ruggists. . Ask TiCket Agent for full' ~~~---since v¢-e began using CbambefIain's ••• TO •.•• ;, . . partic.ulars, or aadress .. A. PlUm PuddiDg Craze. MempfUs,L;>ais<oi!Ie, c-rncinn2ii, Nas"h. Remedy in our heme. We "Sweet Bells Jangled . D: J. PRICR, G. F. & T. A., <Di1le, Chaitanocga.-, Atlanta., Ne<tu plum pudding craze has c~ken Ii' bottle open all the time and Out of Tune and Harsh." York, Washing/em, Phila.delphi1l, BalPalestme, in Lond<>:i1, One finn bad. sold whenever any of my family or mytimore, and gthet' cities of the Norl~ Shakespeare's description fits thou6{lO,OOO pounds of pudding' three .East and SOUtheast. •' . ' self begm to. cat~h cold we b~gin to sands of women. They are cross, des .. "DEs"iGN;;;J weeks before Christfnas. SU~rises 'use th'e COl1gh ' Remedy, and . as a ~~~~~e:ic;,;~, ~.z.0Ufa~ilit~'i¥hel~ sweet dispositions"are gone, and they. like , Fa; maPs, time tables and i:Jtfzet. InI f~wn, ate new mdosed in these, f{mging bells. seem .sadly ont of tune. Bnt <Write ::;ow' nearest Cottm :;i.,result wc never have to send. away the I . OBTAINED thero is aremedy. They can DSe frem buiito1l3 to gold soverei~ and for a doctor and incur a large dect')r CJ3eltAgenf, 01' . ADVICE 'AS TO PATENTABILITY ! . Notice in." Inventive Ago" half sev~teigns, geld thimb16 and· bill. for Chamberlain's Cough RemBook "Howtoobtain Patents" .$ . G. WARNER, D.M. MORGAN, Chaf'J1etJ 7lI<><Ura!6. Nofeetill patent'is secorecL diamond rings. One pudding er· T~P" Letters strictly confidential. Addreas, edy never fails to cure. It is. cerFT. wOI<rH,:rE/C E. G. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer. WashingtDn, D, C. aered haa in it a diamond and opal tainly a medicine of great merit and ==:::::ti:;::;;~~ , brooch .....crth $oOO,umlesed; i.*. a worth._D. S ..' Mearkle, General . \ .. " health to the womaiily 'i'o aiIay p'ains, subdue inflammarer b~t, "~'} . Merchant and Farmer,'Mattie, BedL and health' there means ~" , ford ~ounty, Pa. For sale by all tion, heal £o~l sores and ulcers" the poised nerves, calmness, strength. A. iR. D; Flu~nt, ~ditor of. th~ druggists. It restores womanly vig9J; and power. most satisfactory results are,obfairied It tOl1eS up the 'nerveS 'which suffer.. .FOr -th!3 sPeedy and pe{IIlanent.-cure .gf -" Jourt31 Doylestown, Ohio.; suffered by using Ballard's Snow Liniment. tiMer, ing arid diSease have shattered. It is salt rheum and ec~m'a. chaIfJ;..: '-,. .~. number of years from theuina:If ycur child is cross er peevish,it the most perfect remedy ever Pri:e 25 cents ' and 50 cents. For' b'erll!in'" Eye and Skin ()inf;inent is ' to restore weak wome%/. to witllO;lt a.n equal. the ; -:', n, his right sqould~r and side. is no deubt troubled 'l'ith w.~~~. ~ale by all druggists. ~ ,'. . . health, and to mae:e :them attil1idive ing' iii~-sp13rting "~ y9: "Myr1ght' arm' at times White's Cream Verm.1fuge~1 Pj- and happy. . $r.oo at all dr1lg~ristS. its continued lise The restilts of an oyer-indu ' " . I I I · d Ch ~ move the worms, and Its tomc effect . For advice in cases reg':uiring cure:.. ·tt also cures <,. tire y use ess. tne aJ.UI h £ I .... ial directions, address, giving sympin food or :a~ink are promptly !!cafd head, sore nipples, ----..-;<:> '.6' < , 's Pain Balm, and Vt3S SUI' restar~ its natura c eer u!.: "The Ladies' Advisory Dechapped hands. lilironic wV''''/,'~J.~,.. fled; withfiut pain or discomfert, 'j. to receive reliefalmcst immt- Pri~e 25. cents. . For .. sale oy all " The Chattanooga Medigranule ted lids •. Tenn. . taking a : few doses .- jRf. I '~. The tai~ B:,.hr~,ha3, bee~. a ,' droggists. , " . ,'; , .t· ':' J ~nt cemj>amcn ·;cf· ro4'fie e"ler j.,. . •• .• , • • : I";~ rI't _ ." ._ .,-,. ·'F or s~e .l.T "'w ben yo..u!J?,ee It In tl:ie Pre:s Jt IS ',. ~fI",l " ,.. ver _I .... ' •..' . , .....- ..- - - - -...IiIII!I......... ,\ .Wholesale . to Users. < ,. .' , ~;' . ~" - ~. . .'~: women.WOIider Whg· ......... .ee8_e,".&H.~ I II TO 'WOMENIfe-I i ! I you, I • I II I I. (WHIT WiLLRCLliREEAYONU~A.) I DEA~ERS ;~ri~~~~~:~~~i:~~~: 7 ,;". ..... ~- \. ./ ' - . r-~~ /' . ' . "I · ~: ;. I ·l........t)e•••• .......... ~AMON'S C~'II , ." . I~T.~;S ~.dG;':;'::' The New Through Sleeping Car Line T ,. c!.. C"~~~ a I i ••.: ... ine I , C' out r.. ···,.···:···•. .A~~AJl~p~:~k ~, I McELR[['S Wine·r of Cardui su- ... PATENTS FREE I I . ', Skill :Diseas:es., " -~----- : ; ~~ggiSfi. )r 1;" , • t . .. .. . ~~:~: 5~'t~nts. S~:d'&yal\ -: I"""'" "':'. ~ <: "\ -~:)f~. " : ' ~ .. l, r I .~ ~ . ' • .•. • ..'~ '~~: ·~~ir ~. " ~ . , :J' : ! " . /< .. • " ', ; '.'!. ' ,,: / . ~ :: '~l/ ?:~\ ;> :';, ..i- -.yof.. ! Angelina County Press, March 23, 1900 ........ o.. ,,,..· ·.•.v.c . 2006:003 Ruth Grant Collection anj'gettii~' 'ro~d~ teited. · The· deci,siQIl .C wiri i:iusin~:ss men ' are · .·. £?mp~py, . . in.~~~t~:·present fon~';:' t~t ,:'the . ' iu:e . not frbm';d'o~ng 1?usfne~iP ;the state. , .· very. brigpt.. . ,of thei! troJIhl'es ~ . ~e~uring th~ , qecessarj amount'of · . i-e?Ub,li,cans are ' l~ecomii:ig '~~n~y with . ~i'Jich·.to . pilr.;hase tpe . .. .. c~nfused; ov~r th~ Porto.! rig~t:Of waf! thiOugb .the ico~ntYI RIcan \ questIon. ! . Tb.ey . wII.I soon,l :rhe~ have pledged ,something like have to get:0l:l~ ~, search warrant to $I~,QqO: and it wiU tak~ at find out where they are~', 'a:~'" $!S;9bo of this tc!' ,get the right of say0i '::" Ent~~ed ill tilepostoffice a~ L~fki;, Tex., . as seCond class mail matter, . i:: ---:O~bi:-tu":'.a~·r-Y-ll-O--=.t:-ic-e-s,---.,...·an---;-d~·n"":' -0--:ti7•c-.e-s-o--:f:-;-;-;::: ~ ~.fcharacter;"are eharged ,for .at the rate of , . 5 cents 'per line. --:: . . '. ; ~ No' attentio~ will be' paid to !1n0nymolls " ·csuimuni~ations. · Wnrera shouid ' sign ··.their name, whlCh'will'not be printed if '; !IO requested: " ..' ..' . '>. 'is Every /Lady . ~ < '. In Angenha and adjoining COlllltiesis ' . i . I ~: ..~ • r The difference in tJl.e~meaning he~ ~;ay • through . th~ . town, leaving tween "exp'ansion" :'~~d ·." 'imperial- $I,OO~, ev.en 1£ the whol~ a:n ount .·,Subscrip.ti on, in 'alIva.nce~ ...:.,~;,: ........... ~ .... $l 00 ism" is gettmg badly mixed up. It subscnbedrs. colle~ted, whIch IS very · . i . . . . will ~on' require the services ~f a d~ubt£uI, to secure t~e way through Phila,a el.rhia lawyer ' to explain the [the res~ of th.e county.. Then the ,FOR DISTRICT JUDGE qF SEcdND .l'ff · 'f . . .. . [reported ul erepce, 1 any. . ' , ' purChase : ' . by ' the Southern . JUDICIAL DISTR~CT ~ .: .... ~ .. '. , . Pacific of the H. E.& W' T.· IS We.are . hereby authorize4 to a.rmouns:e . Dispatches from Europe state that causing' 't hem to lose :!leep . . They ·. the name of George F.' Ingr~am 9.s a R' . 'h h IfF . rance can't" see why the Southern Pacific · candidate for district judge of the second . uS~la" WIt t e approva 0 judicial district, subject to the action of and Germany, is preparing a co,m- .should palllIlel the H. E ·. .& \1\'. ,T. the democratic conyentio~, or primary. munication in regard to the .Boer war track for twen:ty ' miles, and those el~tion. that WI-II make Englishmen have a twenty miles ' expensive OIles ' ior The Press is authoriz~d to announce the bitter taste in their mouths. buildio'g a rail.road. if the reported ·name of T. C. Davis as candidate for 'P l't' th" . t b sale The old town has · 0 I ICS IS year seem .0 e on ' is . correct. ', '. .· district judge of th~ second judiCitl dis.. ., . h b " ' d It ' · fi t 'our sympathy, and we hope that the . trict, subject to the action ~ the demo· th e roug . •ouse 01 er. s. rs .' . . . . I' t h ' t people of It WIll not get such a case I ,cranc convention, or primary election. th e popu IS s VI' 0 canno agree . ". . ~ h ' . I . d . th . of blues as Will Incapacitate them FOR REPRli:SENTATIVE,' among"" emse ves an now ere· . " . , . ; . are d:IVI'd e' d In . t 0 f act'Ions fer In. buIldIng up then . The hess 'is authorized to announce .the pu bl Icans · future efforts . .name ot T. W, a candidare for ready to do each other ha,m. "So city . · the nomination as representative · for the R. L. R's Say. thirty.first fiqt{)rial district.. snbject to the far the Jemocrats are d\}'elling In peace an'd harmony. : .. Neches Rlver,NearRenova, March action of the democratic ,party. ,PDUHCA.l ·ANHOUNGEMENTS. \ I L>!, ." a I 1~1?~~~ and see all the newest,creations in '\I,i t.adies' , Misses" and Children"s Head~~ar, .And take a glance at th~ largest and large~t and prettiest line of \ '. Ladies' Dress Coods, Tl'immin~$ I' Linin~s and Ever ShOWll in Lufkin. Also ' a full lins .r" of read..y made FOR COUNTY CLERK. We would be pleased to hav~' Con- 17·-Your correspond~nt has been The Pr~ss is hereby authorized to an· .gressman Bailey come .to Lufkin and plitting in the week vvhitewashing, nouiEe the name of J. J_ Singleton as a speak, as he says he wiil rpake spt:cial principally. .NJi: whitewashing any candidate for nomination as county clerk. f t d'''> t Itho h efforts. to do', before the holding of 0 our COUll y.. ::an lua es, a ug Skirts and S.hirt Waists .~ . ~.~ subject to the action of thel democratic. sor,pe of them may need some ere the ':.':', the priI1!aries. The people of this 'primaries oi. Angelina county. -. / _/ :,...----D-r-:s-T--=ru:.......C-T-C-L-E-R-K-..- - - - ' - · county would like. to know which campaign closes. At {he river, the ,In Silk; Lawn alid Percal, in all 'colors, . .\ ibolliumber .company has had two . the candidates,. Senator Chilton or ~ The Press is authorizei to announce the ranging in >price from 35, cents up: n~me of J. H. Gibson as a candidate. fo~ Mr. Bai!ey, rfiCpresent the views of trains running each day transferring . \. . " . clerk ot the district court, subject to the democra9Y, they hoth can't, as logs to the mill! eacb train averag:ng .' . .'~ \V·· J.. ~ction t~e latter gays the Senator entertains from ten 'to twenty loaqs per day. .. of the' democratic primaries •. . FOR COUNTY JUIlGE . views which are indefensible frvm a At the sectiqn hOllse of number i: I •', ..f ::~,,-. J ____ _ _- -_ _ I Tlie authorized to anno.unce the democratic view. . "'4'~~""" Congor giv~s' the men good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .;~~.' / \. name of 'J, T. M~oney as'8 candidate for wholesome board, and plenty of it . State Convention. county judge, ~ubject to the action of the . Collis P. Huntington, presi.dent of 'J;his sectIOn is in charge of foreman its 'three tie;s ' be;ths anc1 OthC!i L.... ,'The .derpocratic · state executive democratic .primaries. . primitive appurtenance;:., an cstc::x: .. · . .the Southern Pacific ra'i lroad cC'm- John 'Burke, who, like my friend conimittee hlls given out the. follow\ ' . ior of Dr, Webb'S private car, ~11 Taylor of number 12, k!lowshis bus· pany, in a sreec~ before the GalvesTAX the name ing call for publication: I, ton commerdal ' club opposed the i'~ess, and 'keeps thi~gs 'moving' along '<?n the lower pa:t of the enp a Int. "To the democri\tic electo~sJof the · . of ' ~'.!:;,:{<iUll"Lll as a .caIididate for the . motive and trnm of four WagA; building of thc Nicaragua .:an~}, and In a business-lilie manner. . State of said' it 'woulc;l be a commercial fail- . 1 am rather out'of the way tp pick • ' ". . '. thoc . . . ' }t~ /.~~ .• ,'ure. , It is: not ' surprising that h \yeb~ ,\(7ii' .. ·' dz .~~t~r:~~:e.I~~a~~c!ejl·~lQ:~.~ld';i,jb'.~e~~.pY_0sed to the c'a nar WlleJ;tm:l\\"i!'tl~~ -"''-H.''- J·' S , ..)jm.-;<rt'-l , " .. ,\ >~!o(:6n~~:~~1 .. s . 1. ' : .i).','~~:~ Ladies' Muslin .Underwear- '. as' '. J D. i\.~ SINGLETON~ ~~--~ ' ~ --~ . 1 ~f H~;;:~f~ti.FqR w·; \/);r' ~ "r .' . J\tr{ k :,.i':"'1~:;~ .. .' ; QtJ,;-~~.: . .• · :=:~~c:· .:,.~ .. . . ..' ·.:r· J Gm~ 0fi'Sit as~e.ssor for ' arming matters are still moving .' . 'li/:':.f!; '' l' su~k~: to ithe action of .the· .aQmo~ratic- ests were oppose<iio . .;iJ1;!-;-o . . ro"·· .. . . . ' . ¥. " '. ,. pl'lmaneE. , the canal, .and wdllid have 'beewslIr-along slowly-too much rain. ;. -...:.....--,---------prised if they were otherwise. Mr. Inot~ Major Carr!lway of the . FOl~ COuNTY TREASURER. .' . We ~e :authortzed to announce the name Huntington is like most other' men, Nacogdoches News·Chronicle, 'de· of· W. iI. Everitt as a candida~ for the he 'is opposed to anythlllg that Will. votes two ·or three ~olumns to my nomination of county treasurer, subject h~ave a~cndency to less'e n the profits dftfence of Congressman Cooper, .. to to the action of the democratic priul8.- of the railroad, regardless of the fact anent his vo.t e on the Root!rts quesries. whether or not it .will be a benefit to tion. · As the Major makes no point FOR SHERIFF k"'D TAX COLLECTOR. the people at . large. No man has whatever, but rather indulges· in We are authorized to !UlI10llnCe the ever accl1!!>ed Mr. Huntington of be- a .p ersonal reflection upon our conname of '1'. C. ]1:antooth !IS a candidate ing: a philanthropist. '.• gl'essman not understanding. the for the. office of sheriff arid tax collector . constitution, r will not atte.mpt a re.... , for Angelina connty, subject to the action Some fellow wrot.e "Come, Gentle ' joinder, as that proposi~ion is' tOO , of the democratic J:rimaries. . " d 't' ., h S , Weare authorized to an~ounce tl.(e name prIng, an 1 came; It s ere' now , sil~y to notice, espeCially as Cooper and w . e're loo.k ing every da" for the 1 is well known to be a lawyer, and of A. W. Ellis as 'a candidate for first installment of "ethereal mild- \-"ell versed upor. all constititutional !lnd tax collector of A.ngelina t. )tlnty, f I ject to the 'action of the detdc~atic pri. ness. " AI rea d"y th e grace_u swan points. With this . I drop the conlUarie~, h i d d I an c umsy goose ave p u:ne · t h'.e .lr troversy, so far as COiJper IS con- purpose· national' convention to' at Kansas City on the 4th day of July next, and for the purpose of nominating democratic electors for tbe state of Texa~ and the various districts thc;rein, and tbat a' like conventi~ri. will be--- held' in th~ city ~f W'aco on' .Wednesday, Aug~'st 8th, proximo, for the p'u rpose of nominating a state ticket and· for such other Qtisiness as may come before each of.said conventions. The basis of representation will be one' vote £.or each .300 votes and maJ6t; £raction' ther~of cast for Hon. Joseph D. . , the democratic nomm.e e for goverr..orat the last election. each wunty to be e~titled to at least on. e wipgs for flight to the cryEtal streams <;:erned, 'with the closing remark that vote. FOR COUNTY ATTOfu"'EY. to · h '''In p' ursuanc. e of the resolution We o1re ~uth9rized announce tile name an d woo d e d Ia k es 0 f t.h e ~N ort - th'e precedent set f.erth in refl1sin'~ of W. J. Townsend, jr" as 11 candidate tor to be shot by pot hunters and con- Mr.' RobertE a s~at in congress will adopted ' at the last democratic' state ,.' the nomination of county attorney. subject . d '. in fi fteen cent . res:taurants. to the action of the democratic primaries, sume .Th e f rUI't t rees are sIle dd'~ng ,t1" lelr FOR CONSTABLE'-PRECINCT ::0<0. I. purpl bl '0 ns d . e oss I an pu tt'~ngI on ro b es We are authorixed to announce the name of green j blue violets are sprouting '. of J. T. Odnm as a candi(late for the office and blue bottle flies are coming with .'. (If constable of Precinct No.1, subject to ~ buzz; the giant ·mosquitoha·s re. 'the action of the democratic primaries. turned from his winter sojourn in a Two thousand lives and. $100.- wal;mer regiun and is rapidly lamil.000,000 is the cost so far of the PIlll· iarizing himself with last summer's ippineisl~ds. WhatwiIl the harvest route j the "wicked flea', when no · be? ~a~ pursueth hut the righteous. is bold as a lion j " the south wind's 'J."ihe currency bill bas been sig-ned gentle &wt:ll comps laden wita the ~y .the pre~ident, aad from now on perfllme of a thousand flowers' and · you;....lcan size up your money by the other things, and IxI all evidences ..' .-" gold standard. . .' .. 1, . \ .;:-- ~ ~ Tl~le Standard Oil company re- ----;', i cently declared a rliYidend amounting · to $'20,000,000. T~is and advancing .~ t,he price of 011 3 cents .a gallon beautifully. The Uoited States supreme court has held the Texas anti-trust laws ~nacted i~ 1889 constitutional in the \ ' case hr,9 ught by thC: !tate whereh~ the · .\\ .' .~\\ 1\ \ . . t rise up to bother future duly ac- convention tne executrv.e committee . credited representatives to a seat in recommends to the exe. cutive coml1littees of the g.:espective co.unties the'congress of the United States. that primary electio'ns 9r conventions Baird Notes. (al! they may determine) to sel-ect Baird, March 20.-Farmere are delegates to each ot the state con:getting .· along ni;:ely prep~reing tbeir veritionc;; shall be held fn the respectland tor th~ plow • . Son;e are reao-y ive counties of the st:lte on Saturday, ' to plant when the weather· settles. June 9, next;. . • John Calhoun is planhng alarge .. "C. K, 'BELL, Chairman. crop of ri~bon cane says he is .going '--JAMES HAYS QUARLP:S, Sec'y." .to (ais~ his own bread' and syrup. ', Webb's W~ncr"LoTill~ Cl}-p. ' There a ni~e. party given .a t The silver loving ' cul) , presented the residence of Mr. Hanl(s,on Re!1- .to Dr. Seward "'chub}' the 4,000 fro -p'r,airie. The young pe6ple re- employes of the \Y!i.gner Palace Cat orted a V~I"I.' lUce time. of the pastwihter are disappear;ing; P J Company.• on the{ occll~j9n of his . re·' Miss Y. ellie' \Valker,who has beeri Uremellt from the . prc~ideney' .. lmd old timerg as::.ure us there'll be 110 ,. f l ' 'Yi"iting her .sister in this ~eighbor. th... conso!l·· d atl·o· n , . of tIle more rost-un ess It g-ets pretty cold , -and we feel gentle spring. has hood,., has returned 'home to Sabi:~e with the Pullman company, is. four. surely "done ~ome." . cou·nty. teen inches high, weighs 157 . . --...... _- . W.· M. Thompson's arm WhiCh, and has a ' capacity of · twenty-five Our neighoo.Iing town Nacogdo- was severdy tom by a wire nail last pints. On it is portrayed the his· c~es is- in very '.."arm '· ..:yater . over week-is Ilnproving. tvry and evolution of car building her proposed. railroad. Se\'eral B~ird corrimll~\ty . is ·coming out, '8.S develop'cd' by. the Wagner' commatt-ers have comeup "of late that we have..pteaching three' S~ndays a pany, showing indifferent . mrkethe peodle.. of that to"vn ,,';'On- month. · , . the ,:tl.rst.WSgJ1er sle~pei built•. wi~11 I .". The Violet Tree. One of the new ideas for home eoration is the violet trer. bee.n ta~en up with much cagerJ1(>~'I"""'-' :by the X Eiw York women of socirt.~' who like to have something rl'ew . at . every entertain:nient. TIll' yiok' tree is u~ed extensivelY at luncheon" where violets are give~ ' as fa yor"', X. 'brass stand' about eightc:cn i:1cll(>~ high' has branches the shape of a .' tree. The branches arc 'napped in green crepe paper, and at the end. n.r .: " each branch is a holder in which arC' bunches 'of violets 'tied with purple ,silk cords. The trce is placed j 1\ ~ the cent~r of the table, whcre it looks like one of the d\..'arf trees or .Japan, and.each guest c:un take her :bunehof violets as she lcayes the 'tabl", ... Deserted Her UUS.IHtr.(I. ~ The widow oj. "Billy" . Florence,]' " the comedian, hus hegl.l,'ll snit for 'di- ; . ,"orce against !ler prese:nt hmban.]~: ___ George H, Coveney, on the ground l>~ of desertion, .She is seYru!}' yC'ar;; of age, and her husband is fiHy. ~Ir:;. ··' Florence ill well relllcillbrrcd uy old- ' er playgoers,. ' She was }Irfl. GeneraL Gilfiory,almos.t as great' a f~Y~rit~ at: the genial BiUy~ the irilmortal Bard- j' • .;,.~ well Sloate, iIi "The }Iighty Dollar," : . .. ." . and there wil be general t:yinpath."· ·. ,~:. ~ v:'ith hcr in: her present disagrct'abk ~' :: matrimonial e:x:pel'ience. it" Marriage Licenses. !h:::': . ~, . . The p'.ast week ' the county clerk \, .:P;~:· has issued ' the fqIlowing ma!riage ' 1 ~ , :'k:: ::t li~n~s: i W. I. Ke1ler to Miss Dellia McBride. "Earl Chap~an. to, Codk. ~ ,L6.i:iis A. Massy to-&ddieS,ti;jI,lget. I