
Ours is the era of transition from decaying
capitalism to socialism. Socialism, which gave
its first lasting fruit with the October revolution,
is today, as a world system, a vigorously deve­
loping reality on one third of the earth. With
regard to the countries outside the socialist
system, it is the only road to emancipation for
which hundreds of millions of people are
struggling. Socialism, opposing imperialist
capitalism which is receding each day, is the
main orjentator of the development of humanity
towards the future.
Today all over the world, the common
enemy of the broad labouring masses and
peoples is imperialism. This fact causes the
widespread struggle against imperialism all over
the world to possess a totality of many aspects.
The total defeat and abolition of imperialism pre­
supposes the fortification of the internal soli­
darity and unity of the world revolutionary pro­
cess which consists of, firstly the world so­
cialist system together with the international
working class movement and national liberation
movements. The final emancipation of the peo­
ples of each country is possible by lasting
adherence to the requirements of the struggle
against imperialism. In our day, without inter­
national solidarity the people of no country can
bring their struggle against imperialism to a fi­
nal victory. The struggle of the people of Turkey,
under the exploitation and oppression of im­
perialism, is an inseparable part of the anti imperialist struggle in the whole world. The
vanguard of this struggle is our working class.
The working class, whose task is to accomplish
the final emancipation of our people, is the only
determined force in the struggle against im­
perialism. The working class is at the same time
the principal guarantee of international solida­
rity. Beause the enemy of the working classes of
all countries struggling against capital that has
long since surpassed national boundaries is
single: imperialism, the final aim of the working
class of all countries is single: a world society
without exploitation. This concrete situation
requires lasting adherence to proletarian inter­
nationalism, the highest form of the principle of
working class unity. Internationalism at the same
time makes it necessary to defend to the end the
right of nations and peoples to determine, un­
conditionally, their own future. In this way the
much more effective and comprehensive imple­
mentation of internationalism is realised through
the principle of the brotherhood of peoples.
On the other hand to defend, to maintain,
to strengthen the world peace and to serve
peace is one of the most important internatio­
nalist duties of the working class.
In Turkey, which is a backward country de­
pendent on the world imperialist capitalist sys­
tem, the predominant mode of production is ca­
pitalism. Capitalism, the growth of which in Tur­
key goes back a hundred years and which during
this process did not undergo a period of free
competition worthy of mention, reached its main
development after the War of Independence.
Because this principal development of capitalism
took place wholly in the imperialist stage of
world capitalism, and because the developing
local bourgeoisie gradually entered into comple­
te collaboration with imperialism, capitalism in
LISM. During this stage the monopolistic
nature of international finance-capital, of which
the native bourgeoisie was a partner, was ref­
lected in the country's capitalism. Thus, with
the additional effect of social conditions left
over from pre-capitalism in Turkey, Turkish
capitalism has gained a MONOPOLISTIC cha­
racter. As a result the economy of Turkey has
become the monopoly of a handful of money­
The development of capitalism, i.e. commo­
dity production for the market and, in accordan­
ce with this, the development of exchange has in
our country, as all over the world, expropriated
an important part of the broad labouring masses
in the cities and villages by wresting them from
the means of production they own, transforming
them into wage slaves who have nothing to sell
but their labour power. In this way, in opposition
to the small number of capitalists and big pro6
perty owners who have the monopoly of an
important part of the means of production and
distribution in their hands, stand the workers
and other exploited labourers who create the
revenue of this minority with their labour,
The condition of the working class, increas­
ing in numbers each day with the addition of
small producers who by being deprived of their
means of production are becoming proletarians,
is deteriorating continuously. Even though the
level of employment increases as a result of
more widespread capitalization, the increasing
use of more advanced techniques relatively
lowers the demand for workers. The army of
unemployed is growing each day. This situation,
which is an unavoidable result of capitalist pro­
duction, increases the dependency of labour on
capital and thus its helplessness in the face of
On the other hand the anarchical structure
of capitalist economy opens the way to econo­
mic crises. This situation which is a result of the
prevailing capitalist relations of production,
while hindering the development of the forces
of production accelerates the process of prole7
tarianization and at the same time helps the
monopolies to become stronger. Moreover our
country, its economy being dependent on the
system, fells the
crises of this system all the more profoundly
and the dependent capitalist economy is receiv­
ing heavy wounds.
Capitalism, while causing the social value
created to grow by increasing the productivity
of labour, brings with it the inequality of the use
of this social value. While the exploiters who
consist of a handful of monopolists and their
reactionary allies seize, as a result of capitalist
relations of production, a large section of the
social wealth, the labourers who create all
values are obliged to live under the minimum
conditions of subsistence.
This situation, while causing the relative
and sometimes absolute impoverishment of the
working class, increases to an extreme level
the impoverishment of an important section of
the peasants, of the small employees, craftsmen,
tradesmen and other strata of the people. All
these social sections feel in their hearts all the
rottenness of the system, the dependency
brought on by impoverishment, the concentra­
tion of exploitation, the bitterness and anger
brought by oppression and insecurity.
The daily growth and deepening of these
contradictions in society, render the class
groupings more pronounced and create more
favourable conditions for unifying the struggle
for freedom of the exploited and oppressed sec­
tions of the society.
On the other hand the fundamental contra­
diction of capitalist society, the contradiction
between the social character of capitalist pro­
duction and the private ownership of the means
of production and circulation, is deepening every
day and the rising level of socialisation is forc­
ing the shell of private property. In this situation
this contradiction, which is the source of the
contradictions of bourgeois society cited above,
must be resolved with the coming of the working
class to power. Only in this way will the obstruc­
tions barring the development of the productive
forces be raised; only in this way will the utmost
thriving development of the productive forces be
secured through a planned socialist production,
instead of capitalist production which creates
anarchy and periodic crises in the economy; only
in this way will the broad masses harmed by
the prevailing system be freed by putting an
end to the exploitation of the big majority by a
small minority; only in this way, while prosperity
is spread to all sections of society, will the
sources of social wealth be prevented from
being at the same time the sources of exploita­
tion, oppression and poverty.
The working class is obliged to lead the
revolutionary process and carry it on till the
end, because it is deprived of the private owner­
ship of the means of production. On the other
hand, the other sections of society which suffer
and are harmed by the prevailing order because
of their objective place in the process of pro­
duction, remain in the field of private property
and cannot play the leading role in changing the
prevailing relations of production with socia­
list relations of ownership. For this reason our
working class must organize itself independently
of all other classes and strata of the society,
their outlook and their ideologies, and must
independently determine its policy in the direc­
tion of its final aim.
Together with this the political movement
of the working class shows all other exploited
and oppressed sections of the society the ho­
pelessness of their situation in the prevailing
system and that their emancipation will only be
possible when the working class comes to
power. It tries to convince them of the rightful
and scientific character of its struggle that
functions like an infallible law of nature and
tries to make them participate in the same
In our country, in order to be able to direct
its economic struggle against exploitation, as
well as to achieve success in its struggle against
imperialism and its native partners for indepen­
dence, democracy and socialism, our working
class must conduct an organised political
struggle. Only in this way can it struggle for
power, come to power, and defend through the
implemention of a series of radical measures the
people's interests by preventing anti - popular
plots and sabotages directed against the future
of the masses and its own future. Only in this
way will it be possible to reorganize the society
in line with its final aim that will ensure the
liberation of the entire people.
Thus the task of the Socialist Workers'
Party of Turkey is to direct the working class
of Turkey towards its scientifically imperative
objective, i.e. winning of power, to organize it
in this struggle and provide it with conscious­
ness, unity and the will to struggle.
The monopolistic nature of the development
of the capitalism in Turkey did not permit the
spreading and firm implantation of a bourgeois
democracy. The racism and chauvinism of the
bourgeoisie has fed and strengthened the dic­
tatorship of the bourgeoisie. When the arbitrary
actions and methods of oppression left over
from pre-capitalism are added to these, it beco­
mes considerably more difficult to enlarge the
boundaries of the restricted bourgeois demo­
cracy. In these conditions, which pave the way
for fascist movements to continue their existen­
ce, the monopoly bourgeoisie does not hesitate
to bring in fascist administrations when pressed
or when conditions are suitable. All these cir­
cumstances show how vital is the struggle for
In our country the anti-popular ruling powers
are in collaboration with imperialism. Their in12
terests are so intertwined with the interests of
imperialism that it is scientifically impossible
for them to take a stand independent from im­
perialism. Imperialism and its native partners
who are collaborating in exploiting our people,
are also collaborating in keeping our people
under oppression in order to maintain their
common interests. Therefore our people's
struggle against imperialism for independence
must in practice oppose the local partners of
imperialism and also the governments that
secure the continuation of the exploitation and
oppression by these two. In this case the strug­
gle for independence forms a whole with the
struggle for democracy.
Thus, in this situation the immediate aim
of our working class is to realise independence
and democracy by putting an end to the rule
of the monopoly bourgeoisie dependent on im­
perialism and its allies. This aim makes
the people's democratic power under the
organized leadership of the worffing class both
possible and necessary. The struggle for the
establishment of the people's democratic power
necessitates the unity of all sections of society
who are for independence, democracy and
freedom. This necessity becomes in its concrete
form the PEOPLE'S FRONT. The base of the
People's Front is the alliance of the workers and
the peasantry.
In our country the level of development of
the productive forces brings the people's de­
mocratic power, in its strivings for independen­
ce and democracy, face to face with socialist
demands also.This situation, caused by the exis­
tence of the working class as an independent
and guiding class in our society, makes it both
possible and necessary that radical transforma­
tions in the direction of socialism be realised
immediately by the people's democratic power.
Therefore in Turkey the struggle for INDEPEN­
DENCE and DEMOCRACY is a part of, and is
completed by, the struggle for SOCIALISM.
On the path to the people's democratic
power, the Socialist Workers' Party of Turkey
supports all anti - imperialist and anti - fascist
actions directed against imperialism and reac­
tionary governments in the struggle our people
are waging for independence and democracy
and tries to bring these actions into the Party's
orbit in line with the final interests of the work­
ing class.
But it also completely rejects all reformist
views that consolidate and propogate with finer
methods the rule of monopoly capital and anti­
democratic oppression. It struggles resolutely
against all types of deviation that harm the
working class by turning it from its path and
tailing it behind the bourgeois interests, as
well as Trotskyism, left adventurism and
anarchism that are all alien to the working class.
It also mercilessly fights against Maoism, which
emerged as a deviation and has today taken a
stand against the science of the working class
and is an enemy of the working class.
All political, military, economic and cultural
agreements that tie our country to imperia­
lism will be annulled.
The principle of peaceful co-existence will
form the basis of foreign policy, an end will
be put to unjust wars and the utmost effort
will be spent to solve disagreements by
peaceful means and to realise general
A policy completely in accord with the prin-
ciple of self-determination of nations will be
Starting from our neighbours, agreements of
friendship and non-aggression will be made
with all necessary countries.
All tasks of international solidarity deemed
necessary by the world revolutionary process
will be fulfilled completely and anti-imperia­
list policy will be followed until imperialism
is defeated decisively all over the world.
All foreign capital will be nationalised and
foreign capital and credit relations will be
arranged by the people's democratic state
to the benefit of the people.
On the international stage a determined
struggle will be conducted against fascism
and racism, all relations with fascist and
racist governments will be terminated.
The constitution, regardless of all differencees in race, language, sex, reli­
gion and colour, will be completely democ­
ratized to guarantee the vital interests of the
wide popular masses and the people's de
mocratic power.
All laws and legislation contrary to the cons-
titution will be abolished, the rights of orga­
nization, freedom of speech and thought,
direct involvement in administration and si­
milar rights of the broad masses will be ar­
ranged in the direction of the people's rule.
The necessary transformations will be reali­
sed to ensure that justice runs in the interest
of the people, (the courts will be formed by
the vote of the people).
All restrictions on the citizens' right to elect
and be elected will be abolished, voters will
have the right to recall their representatives
with a majority of votes whenever they want.
The state will become wholly the protector
and guardian of the people's democratic
The active participation of the people in the
administration of the state in increasing
numbers will be ensured.
All types of fascist, racist, reactionary, an­
ti-popular organizations will be closed and
no chance will be given to them to reorganize
or to spread their propaganda.
In order that the people defend their gains
against all types of anti-popular complots
and sabotage, provocations and open at­
tacks, the people's voluntary organization
will be realised.
The people's orientation and supervision
of their own democratic power by way of
their political and mass organisations will
been ensured.
All administrative echelons of the state will
be formed through election.
All relations between religion and the state
will be ended. Religion will be left completely
to itself, all oppression on religion and sects
will be terminated;
1. Nationalisations
Large factories, large capitalist farms, banks,
insurance companies, foreign trade and large
trade enterprises, large-scale transportation
means and installations, big estates, natural
resources, establishments serving consump­
tion and not necessary for the people's plan­
ned economy, other large capitalist enterpri-
ses and the lands of the landlords will be
completely nationalised and placed under
the people's democratic power and the di­
rection and supervision of the working
2. Central Planning
The economy will be planned centrally under
the direction and supervision of the people's
power; with this planning the development
of technology, a rise in the quality of work power, the abolition of the anarchy in pro­
duction and material conditions that give
rise to economic dependency will be reali­
sed; the what, why, how and where of pro­
duction will be determined centrally; all
fields of social development will be put under
planned co - ordination; all means will be
mobilized to abolish the contradiction bet­
ween mental and physical labour.
3. Rural Economy
Free land will be distributed to the peasants
in need, giving priority to peasants with little
or no land and they will be encouraged and
persuaded in the direction of collective agri­
An end will be put to the traditional back­
wardness of animal husbandry and fishery
by providing means like machines, irrigation,
fertilizers and an accelerated increase in
production will be realised with the ensuing
rise in productivity.
All types of debts that cause the labouring
peasant to remain in relations of dependency
will be abolished and the necessary help,
incentives and facilities will be provided for
him to live a human life and continue pro­
duction freely.
State farms and nationalised capitalist farms
will continue their production with a more
advanced technology under the direction and
supervision of the workers.
Forestry will be dealt with by the people's
democratic power in a way to direct it to­
wards industrial production, the necessary
arrangements will be made for the more pro­
ductive use of the labour of the peasants in
the forest regions.
1. In General
An end will be put to unemployment. Work
will be provided for everybody of age and
strength to work. Those who do not work
shall not eat.
It will be ensured that every citizen shall
without fail benefit from the amount of basic
nutrition that a working person must scien­
tifically receive, the material conditions of
hunger and under-nourishment will cease to
Every type of medical service will be sociali­
sed and provided by the state free of
charge for all citizens without discrimination.
The livelihood of those who cannot work for
health reasons, and the necessary rehabilita­
tion services will be provided by the state.
Providing the livelihood of the retired and
those disabled to work is the state's social
Housing which meets contemporary social
requirements will be provided for all citizens
at a low rent.
Indirect taxes will be completely abolished,
a progressive income tax system will be
arranged in the direction of the interests of
the working people.
Education, culture, art and sport will be so­
cialised so that they can serve the upbring­
ing of the collective person who will actively
participate in the founding and strengthen­
ing of the socialist society. All obstructions
preventing the development of cultures will
be completely abolished and the people's
power will mobilise all means for them to
develop quickly and flourish.
2. For the Workers
Every worker will work where he wants and
at whatever work he wants.
Workers will participate in the administra­
tion and supervision of the work place,
and the last word in line with the declared
policy and aims of the people's democratic
power will belong to the workers.
Precautions will be taken to end splits and
disorder in the trade union movement, the
uniting of the workers all over the country
in a single workers' union will be ensured.
Every worker will receive wages according
to his labour.
3. For the Peasantry
To abolish oppression and influence in rural
areas completely and to stop it from re­
developing, democratic village committees
will be founded, in the administration of
which poor peasants will have a majority, and
local economy and social administration will,
in line with the policies and directives of the
people's power, be in the hands of the com­
An end will be put to disguised unemploy­
ment; a planned endeavour will be conducted
for the transfer to industry of the idle la­
bour-power in the villages.
To eliminate the difference between village
and city and to raise the villages to city
standards the necessary arrangements and
investments will be started in parallel to the
perspectives of social development.
4. For the Rest of the Working People
The syndical and professional organisation
of all working people besides the workers in
an integral whole will be ensured.
5. For Women
The elimination of the inequality - created
by society based on exploitation - between
man and woman and the development of the
creative power of women by freeing them
from the enslaving effect of house life will
be ensured, their working in fields harmful
to their organism will be prevented and
without making any distinction between
man and woman the principle of equal pay
for equal work will be carried out.
Prostitution, which stamps on human dignity,
will be definitely prohibited; work will be
found for women who have been freed from
the trap of prostitution so that they can lead
an honourable life; the material conditions
creating prostitution shall be abolished.
6. For Youth
In order that the dinamism of youth can be
canalised to the service of the people, in
order that the future of society can reach a
more advanced level, the socialist organisa­
tion of youth that is dependent in policy and
independent organisationally shall spread all
over the country so that it includes all work­
ing and student youth. Other democratic and
professional youth organisations will be en­
couraged, so that youth will reach a state of
completely organised activity. Thus, the vo­
luntary help of youth will be organised in the
production-orientated pro|ects.
For Children
Children are society's most valuable trea­
sury. In order that children, who are going to
form tomorrow's people and society, are
brought up in this direction, the state and
family will be in complete cooperation; the
state shall mobilise all its means, free of
payment, so that the child can be brought
up as a member of the socialist society.
The Socialist Workers' Party of Turkey,
on the road to the people's democratic power,
wages a continuous struggle for our people's
immediate democratic demands to be met, for
the potection and strengthening of our working
class, and for the realisation of the immediate
demands of its basic ally, the peasantry.
For the realisation of the people's democ­
ratic power which is the first step towards the
emancipation of our working class - which will
lead all our working people to emancipation and the people, our Party tries to implement this
programme and calls on all forces in favour of
independence and democracy to struggle jointly
in line with this programme.
1. In the direction of the achievement of de­
mocracy and independence in our country
the Socialist Workers' Party of Turkey de­
That the anti-democratic changes made in
the constitution be annulled, that the cons­
titution be democratized in the interests of
the working people.
That all types of punitive laws obstructing
freedom of thought and organisation be
That bans on books and publications,
every type of law dealing with the seizure
of books be abolished.
That press and publishing institutions
serving public interest under state control
be democratized.
That the legislation obstructing every type
of economic - democratic, professional and
cultural organisation and activity of the work­
ing people be abolished.
That the right to organize in unions that have
the right to strike and engage in collective
bargaining be granted to all working people
without making any distinction between wor­
ker and civil servant.
That the law dealing with political parties
and elections be democratized so that the
free organisation, including political organi­
sation, of the entire people in all spheres of
life and in every social and economic unit
is possible; that obstructions brought to
every type of political activity be abolished.
That all restrictions on the international re­
lations between parties, unions, associations
and establishments be abolished.
That the anti-democratic restrictions for po­
litical reasons on going abroad be abolished.
That the decisions of the European Confe­
rence on Security and Cooperation be effec­
tively implemented.
That the 1st of May be accepted as Wor-
kers' Day, that 8th of March be accepted as
International Labouring Women's Day, that
November 10th be accepted as Youth Day.
That the voting age be reduced to eighteen,
that those over twenty-one be eligible for
the Parliament.
That all anti-democratic legislation and imp­
lementations in education that restrict the
freedom of science and education and
obstruct the students' democratic organisa­
tion be abolished.
That the restrictions on entering higher edu­
cation be abolished completely, that it be
ensured that each student be able to have
higher education in the branch and place
he or she wants.
That the mechanism of justice be arranged
so that it is not under the influence of the
government, that the state security courts
and military courts be abolished, that the
prosecutors be appointed in the same way
as judges, that courts be elected by the
That all political prisoners be freed.
That capital punishment be abolished.
That, starting from those responsible for the
12th March, all those responsible for fascist
implementations be prosecuted.
That the duration of custody shall in no case
be longer than twenty four hours.
That the fascist and reactionary elements in
the state apparatus be purged, that an end
be put to the purge of democrats.
That the senate be abolished, that a system
of single assembly be implemented.
That an end be put to racist, chauvinist
oppression and implementations, to the
policy of assimilation and genocide, that all
obstructions to free development be abolised.
That the riot police be abolished.
That an end be put to gendarme, commando
and police oppression, to beating, torture,
arbitrary treatment and bribery, and that
those responsible be prosecuted without fail.
The restriction of the freedom, for any rea­
son whatsoever, of an innocent person by
the security forces must be considered a
crime and those responsible must be punish­
That all interrogation, including the deter­
mination of identity, no matter what the
crime may be, be conducted under the di­
rection of a judge and in the presence of a
lawyer chosen by the accused.
That ail connections with every type of
economic, political or military organisation
of imperialism be ceased immediately.
That medical services be provided for all ci­
tizens free of charge.
That the demolishing of squatter housing be
definitely prohibited.
That the rent be determined in very munici­
pal area by a commission in which represen­
tatives of the unions, the municipal adminis­
tration and the tenants will participate.
That prostitution be definitely prohibited,
and penalties for those who encourage it be
That indirect taxes be abolished, that the
unjust situation in income taxes be elimina33
ted and the system of progressive increase
be realised.
2. For the protection and development of our
working class the Socialist Workers' Party
of Turkey demands:
That the eight hour work day be implemen­
ted everywhere.
That the week-end holiday be two days.
That overtime work be prohibited.
That the employment of children below the
age of sixteen be prohibited, that the work­
day of those between sixteen and eighteen
be restricted to six hours.
That the employment of women in work det­
rimental to their health be prohibited.
That equal pay be given for equal work wit­
hout making any distinction between man
and woman.
That making cuts in the workers' pay for any
reason whatsoever be prohibited.
That none but a disciplinary committee elec­
ted by the workers of the establishment
will have the right to dismiss a worker.
That placing workers under the status of
employees be prevented.
That the minimum wage level be determined
every year in a way to meet the scientifically
established living standard of the worker
himself and his family by a minimum wage
level committee consisting of representatives
of the municipal administration and trade
unions in every municipal area.
That insurance for the unemployed be estab­
That the standing social insurance estab­
lishments be definitely placed under the con­
trol and administration of workers' repre­
That the labour law be democratized.
That general strikes and solidarity
be legalised.
That the labour law for agricultural workers
be passed without delay.
That lock-outs be abolished and considered
a crime.
That all restrictions on the right to strike be
abolished, that there be no limitations
the right to strike.
That the law of trade unions and collective
bargaining be completely democratized.
That every type of legislation related to the
labour world be democratized.
That laws dealing with preventive measures
against work accidents and types of work
detrimental to health be passed and that the
supervision belong to the workers' repre­
That the penalties dealing with employers
who break the laws related to the protection
of the working people be increased and that
it be ensured they are punished without fail.
That the regional labour inspectors be ta­
ken from under the supervision of the Mi­
nistry of Labour and that their appointment
and promotion be carried out by the relevant
professional organisations.
That cases relating to the workers' econo­
mic problems be concluded in a single ses­
That employment agencies be placed under
the administration and supervision of the
workers' representatives.
That in enterprises belonging both to public
and private sectors and within the borders
of each municipal area a sufficient number
of creches, kindergartens and nurseries be
established for the children of the working
3. For the closest ally of the working class, the
peasantry, the Socialist Workers' Party of
Turkey demands:
That enough land to provide a livelihood be
given to peasants with little or no land.
That enough loans be provided to the work­
ing peasant so that he can free himself from
the exploitation and oppression of the mo­
ney-lender, landlord and intermediary; that
usury be absolutely prohibited; that the
minimum agricultural prices be determined
in the interests of the labouring peasant.
That the necessary facilities be provided
so that the labouring peasantry can profit
from advanced technology in agriculture and
animal husbandry that will increase product­
That every type of anti-democratic obstruct­
ion preventing the economic and democratic
organisation —cooperatives, unions, etc.—
of the labouring peasantry be abolished.
That all mortgages be lifted and that all
debts of the labouring peasantry to the mo­
ney-lenders and banks be cancelled; that
those who practise usury be punished with
heavy terms of imprisonment.
That the living and working conditions be
arranged in the interest of the peasants, and
that the necessary facilities be provided for
valuation of the products of the mountain
and forest villagers who present a special
That the necessary precautions be taken to
eliminate the material and social factors that
cause the continuation of all types of relat­
ions of patriarchial dependency in the rural
For the realisation of the People's Democratic
Power which is the first step towards the eman38
cipation of our working class —who will lead
all our working people to emancipation— and
the people, our Party tries to implement this
programme and calls on all forces in favour of
independence and democracy to struggle |ointly
in line with this programme.
(Adopted at the First Party Congress held
between March 21-27, 1976)