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2009 Annual Report CONTENTS 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Colleen Gerry Margot María Reenie Veronica Zachary For Colleen Carroll of Plainville, ovarian cancer was a lifechanging experience. She later underwent genetic testing and counseling, which gave her understanding and hope that she could help other family members avoid developing cancer in the future. Despite regular screenings, Gerald Manning of Bridgeport was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 62. He faced difficult decisions with regard to his treatment, but believes his most important contribution was an active commitment to his own recovery. Niantic resident Margot Larson never expected to hear she had inoperable lung cancer. Aggressive treatment shrunk the tumors, but a year later, her cancer came back. After more chemotherapy, she is doing well today, cautiously optimistic about the future. María Rosa Menocal of New Haven was the first patient to be treated at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven. After surgery and aggressive followup treatment, she remains realistic and hopeful about her future. Maura (Reenie) Marden, a resident of Westport, has survived both breast cancer and leukemia. She has not let cancer stop her from living her life, and one of her goals is to show others that life can go on. Veronica Marion of New Haven believes that surviving breast cancer has made her a better person. She is committed to sharing her story to help spread awareness about prevention, detection and treatment of breast cancer. Zachary Pollock of Newtown was diagnosed with leukemia when he was nine. In four years, he endured more pain and fear than many adults go through in their lifetimes. Today, Zach is in eighth grade and officially cancer-free. 16 22 25 28 54 2009 Year-End Message Statistical & Financial Information Leadership Medical Staff Donors Beyond Cancer Colleen, Gerry, Margot, María, Reenie, Veronica and Zachary. They are cancer survivors. You might call them brave. You might call them determined. You might call them hopeful. Most importantly, they are alive. They are here. In Yale-New Haven Hospital’s 2009 annual report, these seven people share their stories. Cancer touched their lives and the lives of their families and friends. Cancer affected all of the daily activities that healthy people take for granted – work and recreation, sleep and appetite, travel and vacations, play and pleasure, their bodies and their emotions. But, they kept on living. Their stories are courageous, uplifting and hopeful. In October 2009, Smilow Cancer Hospital at YaleNew Haven opened to bring more hope to more people. Smilow is affiliated with Yale Cancer Center, one of only 40 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the country. The building is beautiful – full of light and hope, full of expertise and caring. It is 14 stories tall and covers half a million square feet. It is considered the most comprehensive cancer care facility in New England. Smilow offers patient- and family-centered care, multidisciplinary care from teams of specialists in 12 cancer programs, access to evolving treatments and compassion and support for the psychological aspects of cancer. But ask Colleen, Gerry, Margot, María, Reenie, Veronica and Zachary what mattered most in their cancer journey. The care and support from those who loved them and from their caregivers at Yale-New Haven. Cancer is not just about providing care; it’s about caring. In 2002, Colleen Carroll of Plainville was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. On the advice of her oncologist, she had a full hysterectomy, followed by five months of chemotherapy. Today, at 43, she’s completely healthy. Yet Colleen’s experience launched what she describes as a “life-changing experience” for her and her extended family. 2 y older sister died of ovarian cancer in 1996, at the age of 33. So when I was diagnosed seven years ago, it was absolutely devastating. I could not believe it was happening again, but fortunately, my treatment was successful. Then, in 2006, a cousin on my mother’s side of the family died of ovarian cancer, and last year her father was diagnosed with duodenal cancer, a rare cancer of the small intestine. After he was successfully treated at Yale-New Haven Hospital, the surgeon recommended that, because of all this family history, he should consider finding out if there is a genetic connection. That’s what eventually led me and others in our extended family to Yale Cancer Center’s genetic counseling program, which provides counseling and testing to people at increased risk for hereditary cancer and helps them make informed medical decisions. They did an extensive pedigree and medical history of my mother’s family. After one relative tested positive for Lynch Syndrome – a rare, inherited condition that increases the risk of colon, ovarian, uterine and other cancers – it became obvious to me that that’s what I had and why my sister and my cousin died. The pieces all came together, setting off a chain reaction of genetic counseling and testing of other members of my family. Deciding whether to participate in the genetic counseling program, however, isn’t easy, because learning that you might be predisposed to cancer can be frightening. For instance, I have an uncle who has been regularly getting colonoscopies and dermatology exams, but he just didn’t want to have the genetic testing. In the meantime, we’ve done our best to spread the word to other relatives who might be at risk for cancer. Participating in the program may help them avoid ever developing cancer. For me, it was easier to get the counseling and testing because I had already had cancer. Last summer, I spent an hour talking to the program’s director, Ellen Matloff. She explained what actually happens in M genetic mutations, what they can cause and the percentages of developing cancer if you test positive. Ellen also described the testing itself, which is a simple blood test, and its ramifications. As I suspected, I tested positive for Lynch Syndrome. At my request, Ellen sent copies of the test results to all my doctors so that they are informed and will know how to care for me from now on. For example, every year I’m going to have both a colonoscopy and a gastrointestinal endoscopy, because of my risk for cancers of the colon and upper GI system. I will also have an annual urinalysis, blood tests and dermatology examination. As far as lifestyle changes, I’ve always exercised regularly – I run five times a week with my dogs – and I try to maintain a healthy diet. Generally, I enjoy life more now and don’t worry as much about trivial matters. Having already had cancer was more life-changing for me than learning that I have Lynch Syndrome, although there is some relief in knowing that a genetic mutation helps explain why I developed the disease. It explains my sister’s death, too, but more important, it has led her two daughters – nieces with whom I’m very close – to seek genetic counseling and testing at Yale. My primary focus is making sure they don’t have to go through what I, or their mother, went through. Unfortunately, both nieces tested positive. Each of them has handled the news differently, one matterof-factly, the other more emotionally. Thankfully, they have been willing to get on board to receive the appropriate screenings. Even so, the recommendation for women with the syndrome is that by age 35 they have a hysterectomy. My nieces are in their early 20s, and both want children. I hate that they’re going to have to make such tough decisions at a young age. But, on the other hand, they – and their children – are going to have a better chance of living long and healthy lives. Best of all, genetic counseling and testing may ultimately break the chain of cancer in our family. “Having already had cancer was more life-changing for me than learning that I have Lynch Syndrome, although there is some relief in knowing that a genetic mutation helps explain why I developed the disease.” For Colleen, her initial visit to Yale Cancer Center’s genetic counseling program was a family affair. She went to the counseling session, conducted by its director, Ellen Matloff, MS, with her mother, as well as her two nieces. The program provides a comprehensive plan to help patients and their families with all aspects of the risk assessment and testing process, surveillance, surgical decision-making and follow-up care. 3 Gerry Manning of Bridgeport was 51 when he began annual PSA tests and screenings to detect prostate cancer. For the next decade, his tests were normal, but in June 2007, a PSA test revealed a high number, so his doctor ordered additional tests. A month later, Gerry was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At age 62, he suddenly faced some difficult decisions. 4 can’t say that my initial reaction was terror, but the diagnosis was definitely traumatic. I’d prided myself on being healthy. I’m a martial artist; I’d been a powerlifter and a jogger; and I’m blessed with a strong heart. The only sign of possible prostate cancer was my frequent urination pattern. The question loomed: What options were best for treatment? I consulted my urologist in New York (I’m a gem cutter, and our family-owned business was then in the city), who delineated treatment options to me and my family. After considering either laparoscopic or open surgery to remove the prostate, I opted for the latter. My doctor recommended removal of existing and potential cancer sites as priority one, while secondarily trying to spare vital nerves. I want to live, I told him, so remove the cancer. If there’s a chance to spare the nerves, that’s your call. On August 21, 2007, I had open surgery. Thankfully, scans indicated no evidence of cancer in the bones, although lab analysis revealed a cancerous lymph node on either side of my prostate. I’d hoped for a zero PSA after surgery, but my count continued to rise until further intervention was unavoidable if I wished to remain healthy. My urologist discussed entering a clinical trial that combined two prostate medications previously administered only in advanced cases. I wasn’t ready to risk the potential side effects, however, and declined. In February 2008, my doctor recommended a prostate cancer specialist at Yale-New Haven, Dr. Kevin Kelly. He said Dr. Kelly leads cutting-edge research at Yale and I’d be in excellent hands. After reviewing my case with the tumor board, Dr. Kelly ordered a 3-Tesla MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The results revealed a small tumor growing in the prostate bed. Although sobering news indeed, it was a relief to discover a specific site to target. I began focused IMRT radiation [Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy] under the I supervision of Dr. Richard Peschel. Just days prior, I had started taking Casodex, a drug that quickly lowers PSA. I experienced few effects from the 40 radiation treatments, only slight fatigue after the last few sessions – a small price to pay once I received the best news of all: My PSA levels were knocked down to zero! I now receive a monthly shot of Lupron, a testosterone suppressant that’s instrumental in keeping my PSA at undetectable levels. I prefer the injections, rather than the time-release option, for several reasons – not the least of which are monthly visits to Yale Cancer Center. Dr. Kelly, his physician’s assistant Joy Burns, and the entire staff create a close-knit, healing community, an invaluable asset to patients and staff alike. A few inconveniences in Lupron therapy can occur. Lower testosterone levels require more effort to maintain muscle mass and stamina. I’m 65, so I (reluctantly) acknowledge that some of this is part of the normal aging process. Regardless, I’m committed to staying in shape. I continue jogging and lifting weights, and I teach martial arts at the dojo where I’ve trained for the past 22 years. Remaining physically competitive is a key element in my life. But when diagnosed with prostate cancer, you come into contact with opposing sides of your personality. One side says, There’s nothing I can do about this cancer, and I accept that I have no control over it. The other side says, No, I’m going to do something about it, whatever I’m able to do. And that has been most important to my recovery. I’ve joined Yale Cancer Center’s Prostate Awareness Group. There are times when our meetings are emotionally charged. Sometimes they’re clinical, sometimes there seems no reason to go, and sometimes I really need to participate – often to help others just beginning to deal with their journey. “Might I live another 20 years? If I do, how might I live them to the fullest? I don’t believe our lives are preordained. I have faith in my capacity to be proactive in my own life. I sure as hell want to give it my best effort.” In addition to regular exercise, Gerry advocates a healthy diet. He’s limited refined sugar and white flour as much as possible and switched to brown-rice pasta and Ezekiel bread. Besides a daily regimen of calcium and vitamin E and D3 supplements, he mixes modified citrus pectin with pomegranate juice. Occasionally, he indulges in a few pieces of Australian black licorice. And his musical prowess – Gerry plays piano, clarinet, harmonica and saxophone – is a constant elixir. 5 When Niantic resident Margot Larson began experiencing shortness of breath and a persistent cough in the spring of 2007, she and her doctor figured it was a recurrence of asthma. But when several months of treatment didn’t relieve the symptoms, a CT scan of her chest was ordered and Margot received a phone call that would forever change her life. 6 y doctor wanted to see me that day. When she met me at the door, I knew I was in deep trouble. She took me into her office and informed me that I had three sizable tumors in my right lung. Actually, I was lucky. Although I’m a fairly intelligent woman, I had not been using the asthma medication device properly, so my symptoms didn’t disappear. Had they, I would never have pushed for the diagnosis. A biopsy revealed that I had stage-3, inoperable lung cancer. I was 61 and otherwise very healthy, so my oncologist at Yale-New Haven, Dr. Scott Gettinger, after discussing my case with the tumor board, advised an aggressive, simultaneous series of chemotherapy and radiation. Okay, I told him, but first I need to go to the Caribbean for a few days, because that’s where I feel really good. I had to change my thinking, because I did not believe in chemotherapy. But when faced with a potentially life-or-death situation, I decided to revisit those beliefs and go for it. I’ll be one of your success patients, I told Dr. Gettinger. Death was not something I believed would happen. This wasn’t my time. I was simply going to blow through this. And I did. Yale-New Haven Hospital has a partnership with the radiation department at Lawrence & Memorial (L&M) Hospital in New London, which is much closer to my home than New Haven, and I opted to go there. I’d go to Yale-New Haven for my chemo in the morning, then make a mad dash to L&M for my radiation in the afternoon. I didn’t want to wear out my husband, Gary, so I also relied on my network of friends and family to pick me up, sit with me and then drive me home. I was just amazed by their kindness. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep up with everyone calling to see how I was doing, so I kept a journal on a website and invited readers to write notes. Inside of a year, I had nearly 8,000 visits to the site! Reading the notes was therapeutic. They made me feel admired for my spirit M and determination. And, in return, my network learned to better understand lung cancer. The second worst thing that happened to me during my treatment was when I “crashed” after a round of chemo – my blood counts were too low – and had to spend nine days at Yale-New Haven Hospital, including Thanksgiving weekend. Gloria Gaynor’s song “I Will Survive” helped me through that ordeal, but the single worst part of chemotherapy was losing my long blonde hair. I was so sure it wouldn’t happen to me, yet with chemo it’s almost inevitable. I got a great wig, though, and looked like a million dollars, but had to go through hell beforehand. Thankfully, three months of treatment shrunk the tumors, and no new cancer has been detected. In February 2008, however, I developed radiation pneumonitis, which is an inflammation of lung tissue. They put me on prednisone for several months and I felt wonderful, yet it adversely affected my bones, eventually leading to extreme pain in my left hip. I was preparing to get a hip replacement when a scan found fluid in my lung. My cancer had come back. Dr. Gettinger suggested a simpler chemotherapy treatment. In fact, I was able to commute from our winter home in Florida to Yale-New Haven once a month last winter. Now, a year later, I’m doing well – and getting around easily on my new titanium hip! I’ve joined a lung cancer support group at Yale-New Haven Hospital, which has been extremely helpful, because we all understand what each other is going through. I thank God every day that I’m here and doing well, but I’m not kidding myself, either. I’m living with cancer. It’s a chronic disease, so I have to be careful. I have changed my lifestyle, managing my energy and my nutrition better – and I plan to exercise more in Florida this winter. I also enjoy yoga and Tai Chi, which help me maintain balance in my life. “Through my ongoing battle with cancer, I’ve learned that your mental state is critical to survival. You have got to believe, ‘Hey, I’ve beat it so far, I can do it again!’That’s my mantra. It’s what I live by.” Margot has retired from a hectic job as a human resources and management consultant and is now working from home as a career-transition coach. Both she and her husband love living by the water and split their time between Connecticut and Florida. 7 In the summer of 2009, María Rosa Menocal, 56, was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma, a rare, aggressive cancer of the mucous membranes. Clarence T. Sasaki, MD, chief of otolaryngology, removed a tumor from her nasal cavity. Although mucosal melanoma is hard to detect, María’s was found early, and she is realistic and hopeful about her future. 8 was the first patient at the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven. On Monday, October 26, when I walked into the lobby on my first day of treatment, my radiation oncologist, Roy Decker, was wearing a suit and greeted me with a bouquet of flowers. A camera crew from Channel 8 filmed my arrival and interviewed me, and because I am the director of the Whitney Humanities Center, the Yale Daily News put me on its front page. National Public Radio also interviewed me! That day, I started my course of radiation therapy – five 15-minute treatments a week for six weeks. Each time, I wore a mask that had been a flat plastic mesh until a technician softened it in warm water and gently molded it to my face. Prior to treatment, a radiation oncologist had marked the mask in the places where my doctors would beam the radiation that would – and did, hopefully – eradicate my cancer. At each treatment, a technician attached my head – in the mask – to the table on which I lay to ensure that I was perfectly still and the radiation hit the same spots on each treatment. For the first week of my appointments, I was the only patient in radiation oncology and I began to develop a sense of entitlement – this is my hospital; this is my treatment room! As other patients – some of them visibly sick – started their treatments in Smilow, I began to have much more of a grasp that I have cancer, and that made it a little bit harder for me. During treatment, I wondered about the state of mind of the people who work at Smilow. They must develop a resilience to work there. They know that many patients won’t make it or will live compromised lives, and yet they treat us with the utmost professionalism and compassion. Dr. Mario Sznol is the oncologist managing my care. Statistically, my cancer is very bad, but Mario looks back five years when there was no hope. Today they are getting a handle on how to treat us. He I expects that drugs will become immunological – they will deal with cancer the way vaccines deal with a disease – and that helps him help people like me. As a writer and as a professor of humanities, I’m a reader. You want to understand your life, your story. When something like cancer hits, the problem is: You are a character in your life – you are not its author. You do not know how it will work out. I find myself telling myself, You have to stop this dramatic life thing. But drama is what makes the great stories that we want to read; some of us have lives that are more interesting and full of plot than others. There is not a lot of great literature about lives that are the same every day – literature is about a challenge that characters may or may not meet. People don’t have the choice of an interesting vs. a non-interesting life. If you can choose, go with interesting. Out of 30 treatments at Smilow, I was able to walk from the Yale campus to all of them but three – two because of bad weather, and only one because I wasn’t feeling well. I had days when I was so tired I went home, but I never went to bed. I would tell myself, “I’m NOT sick. I have cancer.” My left eye, where the radiation was targeted, tears from time to time, especially in cold weather – so my staff gave me a very sporty eye patch to wear on cold days, which has proved helpful – in more ways than one. Before school ended for the semester, the staff of the Whitney Center decided to have a party and my eye patch provided the theme – piracy! Guests came dressed as pirates, some brought parrots and everyone was prepared to walk the plank. As I dressed for the party, I found myself complaining about Dr. Sasaki. Although Clarence is a brilliant surgeon, he did not leave a scar – no one can tell where he operated on me. So for the party, I had to draw a scar on my cheek because the scar he left me with just wasn’t scary enough! “People have been surprised that I have been so willing to be public about my cancer. Even today, a lot of people don’t want to admit that there is still a fear about cancer, about talking about cancer, but I think it’s important.” Born in Cuba, María Rosa Menocal grew up in Philadelphia. She earned a PhD in romance philology at the University of Pennsylvania. She joined the faculty of Yale in 1992, and is the Sterling Professor of the Humanities. In 2002, María was named director of the Whitney Humanities Center. She is the mother of two; her daughter is a sophomore at Yale. She lives in New Haven and Manhattan. 9 Life was good for Maura (Reenie) Marden. She considered herself a strong, fit, positive person. But in February of 2007, Reenie, who lives in Westport, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Her treatment was successful and life was starting to feel normal again. But… 10 ot long after I had gotten rid of my wig, I was diagnosed with leukemia. I had been feeling great. I had a regular appointment with my breast cancer oncologist, Dr. Neal Fischbach, and when he saw my blood counts, he was concerned. After I was re-tested, he wanted to do a bone marrow biopsy immediately. A couple of days later, I got a voicemail from Dr. Peter Marks at Yale-New Haven, confirming an appointment for the next day. Not a good sign. I called Dr. Fischbach, who told me I had acute mylogenous leukemia – AML – a very fast-moving disease. He had already contacted Dr. Marks, and said he was the best in the business. My husband and I met with Dr. Marks the next day, and while my first impression was extremely positive, I was in shock. Today I can honestly say I would climb up that waterwall [in the Smilow lobby] for Dr. Marks and Dr. Seropian and Kami, and all the people in the bone marrow unit – Amy, Erin, Rose, Sue, Ray – everybody. I adore them, and they made this entire experience tolerable. I was admitted to Yale-New Haven Hospital the following Monday – it was mid-November – and I began chemotherapy to get into remission for a bone marrow transplant. My siblings were tested for bone marrow compatibility and we discovered that my brother Ed was a match. I spent a month in the hospital for the chemo, came home and then had the bone marrow transplant at the end of January. For the past year, I have come to the bone marrow transplant day at the hospital regularly. It has become my comfort zone – only the special group there could make it such. We share a lot of laughter. I’m dealing with some graft-versus-host disease, so I started photopheresis treatment last fall. In the beginning, coming to the hospital seemed like a major inconvenience for me until I realized that fighting my N illness and not letting the leukemic cells take over my body was my job. A full-time job. If they said, Maura, you need to be here at 8:30 in the morning, or Maura, you need to be here for several hours, there is no question where I’ll be. I trust and admire the doctors, their assistants and nurses. I do everything they tell me to do. There is not one person I’ve come across who could have been any nicer. When I was in the hospital, not one day went by that I didn’t see Dr. Marks, even Thanksgiving. I would hear him at 6:30 in the morning, and then again at 7:30 at night. I owe him my life. It’s nothing short of a miracle that I am alive today, thanks to the passion, knowledge and dedication of my doctors. I have always been a strong-willed person with an optimistic outlook. I dig deep to find the positives from my cancers, and I do find them. If I can somehow show someone that life can and does go on with this insidious disease, all the better. I try to keep cancer in perspective and not let it take over my life. Until it gets the best of me – and I’m doing my best to not let that happen – I want to live my life. AML isn’t going to stop me. I’ve gone to California to see my sons several times over the past year. I attended my son’s college graduation and my other son’s graduation from Fairfield Prep. I plan to be a member of a six-man relay team this summer, along with my sons, in Swim Across the Sound, raising money for Smilow Cancer Center at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Cancer is bad, no doubt about it. AML has been a real life-changer for me and for my loved ones. But there are a lot of gifts from having cancer – even twice. I do have my moments. I’m human. But overall, I feel really blessed. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I barely recognize myself. But you know what? I’m here. “In the beginning, coming to the hospital seemed like a major inconvenience for me until I realized that fighting my illness and not letting the leukemic cells take over my body was my job. A full-time job.” Maura, originally from New Jersey, graduated from St. Mary’s College in South Bend, Indiana, and worked in public relations in New York before having a family. She attributes her strength in dealing with the adversity of cancer to her family – especially her five siblings, her mother, her husband, Bill, her sons, David, Danny and Bart, and, of course, her dogs Bernie and Joba. Her three sons live in California. Her oldest son is a recent graduate of the University of the Pacific, and her two younger sons are students there. All three are competitive swimmers. When her boys were small, they used to call her Maureen to get her attention. Maureen became Reenie, which they, and Bill, still call her today. 11 In the summer of 2007, Veronica Marion, now a 44-year-old Westville mother of three, found a lump above her right breast. Her gynecologist ordered a mammogram and an ultrasound, and referred her to a surgical oncologist at Yale-New Haven Hospital, who performed a biopsy. Then she went home to wait for the results. 12 n August 30, I received the news from my doctor. That’s when I heard those dreaded words: You have breast cancer. Hearing those words, I missed my mother more than ever. I yearned for her voice, assuring me that everything would be okay, reminding me of our strong faith in God, how He had come through for our family so many times before. But I couldn’t speak to her, at least not on the phone; she had passed away 10 months earlier. The call I made was to the females in our family – my sisters, aunts and cousins. We all came together, cried and hugged, but also remained strong. I’d been very healthy to that point, getting regular checkups and mammograms, but there had been a lot going on in my life, too. I was working full-time, I’d gone through a divorce in 2006, and a month later my mother passed away. My sister and I had been taking care of her, and my youngest child was just four at the time, so I probably wasn’t paying enough attention to myself. I met with Dr. Kenneth Miller, who has since left Yale-New Haven Hospital. He was awesome – very informative, great bedside manner, even gave me his private phone number. We discussed several treatment options before agreeing that I would do six cycles of chemotherapy, followed by surgery and a year’s regimen of an antibody drug called Herceptin. I started my chemo on October 17, 2007, and then went back once every three weeks until the middle of December. The treatments lasted all day, so it was therapeutic to bring work with me. As an education consultant for the State Education Resource Center, I can usually work anywhere, as long as I have my laptop and cell phone. The nurses would set me up in a comfortable reclining chair, start the IVs, and I’d go to work. Through the fatigue, sleepless nights and disappearing taste buds, I was determined to work through my chemo. The worst part actually was the day following each treatment. I had to get a shot of Neulasta, O a drug that restores white blood cells. The side effects made me achy and cold, so I’d spend the next couple of days on the couch. I eventually lost all my hair, too, which was traumatic. Wearing a wig was hard. As a facilitator, every time I would make a presentation, I kept thinking, this thing is going to fall off any minute! I never got accustomed to the wigs, but I did appreciate their warmth during the winter. I had a bilateral mastectomy on January 29, 2008. I opted to do both breasts, because I didn’t want to risk the cancer coming back to the other breast. Thankfully, the surgery revealed that the chemotherapy had eliminated the tumor. During the procedure, the surgeon, Dr. Donald Lannin, also removed several lymph nodes, which resulted in some soreness and required physical therapy to restore my range of motion. After completing my chemotherapy in March 2008, I was given a clean bill of health. I see my doctor every six months, and everything’s been fine. I am so grateful not only for the incredible doctors and nurses at Yale-New Haven Hospital but also for my family, friends and especially my colleagues, who have been extremely supportive. I’ve gained strength, too, from meeting monthly with a support group for breast cancer patients and survivors, In the Pink. The women I’ve met and connected with have really enhanced my life. Having survived breast cancer, I believe, has made me a better person, more forgiving. I’ve always been a positive individual, but that’s probably to the hundredth degree now. I watch what I say, I’m not as quick to judge, and my faith is so much stronger. I’m careful about what I eat, I joined a gym and I started bike riding with my son. Because I realize now how short life is, and the importance of living in the moment, I don’t let the little things get me down. So when my son wants to show me something or play basketball with me, instead of saying, “Just let Mommy finish this e-mail,” now I stop and we do it. There is, indeed, life after cancer. “Because I realize now how short life is, I don’t let the little things get me down. So when my son wants to show me something or play basketball with me, instead of saying,‘Just let Mommy finish this e-mail,’ now I stop and we do it.” Veronica uses the occasion of giant family reunions held every two years – she has more than 50 first cousins, just on her father’s side – to share her story and spread awareness about the prevention, detection and treatment of breast cancer. For this summer’s get-together in Connecticut, she’s producing a PowerPoint presentation, complete with personal journal entries and photos, documenting her inspiring journey. 13 Zachary Pollock of Newtown, Connecticut, was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) in September 2005 at the age of nine. Zach was cared for at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital by Dr. Farzana Pashankar, a pediatrician who is a member of the hematology/oncology program at Yale Cancer Center, and her team. 14 was nine and had just started fourth grade in September 2005, when I was diagnosed with leukemia. Before I got sick, I played baseball and soccer. I was the fastest kid on my team and scored lots of runs and goals. I had also just gotten a new kitten named Jake. One day, I began to complain to my mom that my chest hurt. It felt like I had gotten hit in the chest with a bowling ball. I also starting feeling really tired during my soccer and baseball games. A few days later, when I woke up, I told my mom that I didn’t feel good and didn’t think I could go to school. She wondered if I might be scamming her, but she decided to take me to my doctor. He did some blood tests and then said we needed to go to the hospital right away for more tests. On the way to the hospital, I was scared because I overheard my mom talking to my dad on her phone and she sounded nervous. When we got to Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, I felt nervous and a little sick. After another blood test, Dr. Robert Brown [then, a pediatric hematology/oncology fellow at YaleNew Haven Hospital] sat me down and told me that I had a blood disorder that needed to be fixed. I found out later that he hadn’t used the word cancer because my mom thought it might scare me. Of all of the changes that the doctors told us would come, one that really stood out for me was that they said we should get rid of my brand new kitten because of the risk of infections. That really upset me. I thought that they would just give me medicine and make me better. My dad told me a couple of days later that I had cancer, but that it was curable. As soon as he said the word cancer, I thought, oh shoot, I’m in trouble – this is not good. I was really scared and asked my dad to pray that I wouldn’t die. I also asked my mom to promise to put my favorite stuffed monkey, Bobby, in my casket with me. I honestly thought I was going to die. I My life, all of our lives, changed just like that. I quickly found out that the treatment for leukemia was going to be long and painful and make me feel awful. I was always tired and I threw up all the time. I lost a lot of weight. I also lost my hair. Being bald was pretty cool, although it wasn’t so cool when people avoided me, stared at me or made comments. I remember our first dinner out when my blood counts were finally good, and a boy looked at me and screamed, “That boy has no hair!” It made me feel sad and I put my hat back on. I have to say that the worst thing about having cancer is all of the side effects. I missed a lot of school – a whole year when I was first diagnosed. I couldn’t do the things I used to do. I wasn’t the fastest kid on my team anymore. I also had to worry about germs all the time – getting a fever meant that I had to go to the hospital. My cancer treatments took more than three years. I had lots of trips to Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital for chemotherapy, blood counts, blood and platelet transfusions and even cranial radiation. I was separated from my friends, had surgery to put a port into my chest, and I puffed up from taking steroids. Once, I had a really bad reaction to one of the drugs and was covered with hives and couldn’t breathe. That was just one of the six times I ended up at YaleNew Haven. Once I reached the point in my treatment where I was going to the outpatient clinic every two weeks, it was actually fun sometimes. The doctors and nurses were great and my child life specialist was awesome. We watched videos and played video games, which helped make chemo treatments go by much faster. I am now officially cancer-free. I am in eighth grade, the drummer for my band, and I am playing soccer again. Oh yeah, and Jake is now four years old. We never did get rid of him – he’s an awesome cat! “I thought that they would just give me medicine and make me better. My dad told me a couple of days later that I had cancer, but that it was curable. As soon as he said the word cancer, I thought, oh shoot, I’m in trouble – this is not good.” Now 13, Zach completed his treatment for acute lymphocytic leukemia in January 2009. He and his parents, George and Lisa Pollock, and his older sister, Sara, continue to offer him steadfast support while trying to get back to some sense of normalcy. Zach will continue to be monitored over the coming months and years. 15 16 Dear friends and colleagues, F or Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH), 2009 was an incredibly challenging but rewarding year. Like everyone else, we were dealing with unprecedented economic changes. At the same time, we were about to open Smilow Cancer Hospital – the largest healthcare project in the history of Connecticut. Late in the year, we received a letter from an employee that gave the entire leadership team a renewed sense of perspective. It was from Jackie Wrinn, a patient account manager who has worked at YNHH for 10 years. She had witnessed all the time, effort, hurdles, meetings and fundraising that went into the construction of our new cancer hospital. She, like so many other employees, toured the construction site and she signed her name on one of the final steel beams. But ironically, on the day the Smilow Cancer Hospital employee celebration was held, Jackie was not there. She was with her husband, Bob, who was undergoing a needle biopsy with Dr. Gary Friedlaender, for bone cancer. The day before, they had met with Dr. Ken Roberts about a plan for radiation therapy. Jackie wrote, “When I think back to all of the challenges faced by the organization, I am truly grateful that the Smilow project persevered and is a success. As an employee, I knew it would offer great benefits to others and growth for our organization. Now I know personally the benefit it offers my husband and my family.” Jackie’s letter put everything into focus – why we were relentless advocates for the cancer hospital, why philanthropy is so important, and how much of what we do at Yale-New Haven really matters. For Yale-New Haven, this year began like many others – with an updated business plan focused on helping our organization realize our vision. Our vision is to be recognized as one of the top 10 hospitals in the country, and we have made significant progress. Our 2009 performance was strong, our workforce remained robust, we have served more patients than ever before, and we continued to raise the standards of quality and safety of the care we deliver to patients. For the third consecutive year, we were named one of the top hospitals in the United States by U.S.News & World Report in its Honor Roll of “America’s Best Hospitals” rankings. With thoughtful stewardship, as well as the necessary operational flexibility, we performed admirably and met our goals – despite the economy. We did not curtail services or reduce our workforce. We worked hard to remain the provider of choice and the employer of choice for the region. We focused on the quality and safety of the health care we provided, and performed well on national quality measures, as well as our own. We ended the year with a healthy 4.5 percent operating margin. However, at the same time, the Hospital’s uncompensated care costs grew again this year to more than $150 million. People still have healthcare needs during times like this, especially if they are unemployed or uninsured. We are proud that Yale-New Haven Hospital was able to meet so many needs. Careful management of staffing and supply costs helped contain expenses. We engaged employees more broadly through WorkSMART, where employees suggested ideas that might help save money without affecting services. Our success was guided by our business plan – which is simple, clear and strong. We focused on patient care safety, quality and continual operations improvement; on becoming the region’s provider of choice and employer of choice, and achieving financial performance strong enough to support the hospital’s vision and missions. YNHH’s strong performance reflects the extraordinary dedication and focus of its employees, clinical staff, management team, and the support and guidance of the Board of Trustees. Four new members joined the Board of Trustees – Thomas Hanson, MD, Thomas Ketchum, Thanasis Molokotos and Diane Frailey Petra. On the clinical side, there were several exciting appointments. Three were internal promotions: Suher Baker, MD, chief of dentistry; Gail D’Onofrio, MD, chief of emergency medicine; and John Krystal, MD, chief of psychiatry. Two were recruited from other organizations: David Hafler, MD, as chief of neurology; and Thomas Lynch, Jr., MD, as physician-in-chief of Smilow Cancer Hospital and director of Yale Cancer Center. Paul N. Patton joined the senior leadership team as vice president for human resources. (opposite, l to r) Richard D’Aquila, Executive Vice President and COO; Marna P. Borgstrom, President and CEO; Joseph R. Crespo, Chairman, Board of Trustees; Peter N. Herbert, MD, Chief of Staff 17 An advocate for our patients First and foremost in 2009, YNHH dedicated itself to continuing to improve the quality and safety of patient care. We performed extremely well on the government’s publicly-reported quality measures, which demonstrate how well we care for patients. We performed at or above the 95th percentile nationally in the care of patients with heart failure, heart attacks, pneumonia and surgery. YNHH also participates in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Project and performed better than the national average in preventing surgical infections. We also improved our patient satisfaction scores, thanks to our service excellence initiative, now in its third year. In support of these efforts, we began a hospital-wide patient- and family-centered care program that allows patients, families and staff to come together on the role of dignity and respect, information sharing, participation and collaboration in health care. As a result of our own internal mock reviews testing our regulatory readiness in patient care and environmental areas, YNHH underwent a very successful licensing visit by the Connecticut Department of Public Health in June. YNHH’s hand hygiene performance continued to improve, with higher scores than last year. As a result, our hospital infection rates continued to go down. We also began an intensive effort to keep patients’ skin healthy with an enhanced pressure ulcer prevention program. Another major safety improvement emphasized preventing patient falls in the hospital. We reduced the number of falls by almost 30 percent. We also reorganized several operational processes to make sure that patients are cared for in the most appropriate setting for the most appropriate amount of time. As a result, we were able to shorten the waiting time for patients in the emergency department and discharge more patients on time, which in turn helped reduce waiting times for newly admitted patients. We made great strides in an area in which we have always excelled – the use of electronic technology to improve patient safety and quality of care. Our Sunrise Clinical Manager program has made the paper medical record nearly obsolete through physician charting and order-entry, documentation, automation of nursing admission assessments and more. 18 As a result of these and other efforts, YNHH was selected as one of the top 100 “most wired” hospitals in the nation – for the 10th year. In addition, the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) scored us among the top one percent of hospitals in the country for clinicians’ use of electronic medical entry and other advanced uses of technology that contribute to safe patient care and treatment. In 2009, the Hospital became totally smoke-free – not just in buildings, but in parking lots, garages, sidewalks and on the property. We would not have succeeded without the help and cooperation of literally thousands of patients, visitors and employees. An advocate for our employees The Hospital enjoyed both employee recruitment and retention success this year, through a range of human resources initiatives, which allowed us to decrease the nursing turnover rate to 10.7 percent and the overall employee turnover rate to 8.3 percent. Knowing that employee satisfaction is important to recruitment, retention and patient satisfaction, we conducted a mini-employee opinion survey this year and our scores remained strong. Once again, our Performance Incentive Program (PIP), now in its 10th year, recognized employees’ contributions to our success, with an average payment of 2.4 percent of their salary at the end of the year, in addition to their annual merit increase. Since it began in 1999, PIP has paid out more than $51 million to YNHH employees. The Hospital received notable recognition this year for its success as an employer of choice. We were listed in Modern Healthcare’s “100 Best Places to Work in Healthcare” and Working Mother’s “100 Best Companies for Working Mothers,” as well as Nursing Professional’s “Top 100 Hospitals to Work For.” In addition, the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce presented us with the “2009 Award of Distinction for Workplace Wellness” in recognition of our robust employee wellness program. We also recognized the importance of “helping our own” through the creation of an employee hardship fund that provides temporary financial assistance and financial counseling services to employees who face an unexpected emergency. Hospital employees contribute to the fund voluntarily. Since May 2009, the fund has disbursed more than $15,000 to help 22 employees. This program was not only a reflection of our current difficult economy, but also a meaningful example of how people reach out to help others during times of adversity. The dawn of a new cancer hospital As in past years, Yale-New Haven Hospital invested time and attention to meeting the needs of the Hospital’s communities. In addition to our core mission of providing disease prevention, detection and treatment, we continued to offer free community health education and screening programs, advocacy and community-building activities. We helped patients who struggled with the costs of their medications through our prescription assistance program. This year, we sponsored the construction of our first Habitat for Humanity house. Nearly 150 members of the Hospital and its medical staff “family” volunteered over 1,200 hours of their time to build a home in the Hill neighborhood, for which we later earned Habitat’s “Master Builder” awards for our sponsorship and volunteer efforts. We continued our support for the Greater New Haven Partnership for a Healthy Community. In addition, the Hospital’s community investment agreement with the City of New Haven resulted in nearly $1.4 million being paid to the city to support key programs. YNHH also just completed its three-year agreement with Hill Development Corporation, providing a total of $1.1 million toward community needs in the Hill. The crowning achievement of the year was the completion of Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven. The beautiful, state-of-the-art, 14-story, 500,000-square-foot cancer hospital opened on time and on budget. Countless hours and millions of details brought the intricate planning, financing, construction and opening of Smilow Cancer together at last, and we dedicated the most comprehensive cancer care facility in New England on a beautiful fall day in October. Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven is affiliated with Yale Cancer Center – southern New England’s only comprehensive cancer center designated by the National Cancer Institute, and one of only 40 in the United States. Smilow Cancer Hospital brings together all of the hospital’s and Yale School of Medicine’s oncology patient services in one building specifically designed for cancer care. It includes 168 inpatient beds, outpatient treatment rooms, ultra-modern operating rooms, infusion suites, diagnostic imaging, radiation oncology services and a specialized women’s cancer center. This magnificent building will serve as the embodiment of hope for thousands of people with cancer in years to come. We are most grateful to our benefactors Joel and Joan Smilow, who helped make this dream a reality. We also are grateful to Yale-New Haven’s employees, volunteers, medical staff and trustees, whose dedication, hard work and focus are the reason for the successful performance we enjoyed in 2009. For us, this was indeed a year of building hope. Marna P. Borgstrom Richard D’Aquila Joseph R. Crespo Peter N. Herbert, MD President and Chief Executive Officer Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Chairman of the Board of Trustees Chief of Staff An advocate for our community 19 What’s new and different at YA L E - N E W World’s smallest microscope can detect gastrointestinal and biliary disease – Using a tiny specialized microscope, a new procedure called confocal endomicroscopy may detect pancreatic cancer and bile duct cancer at an earlier stage. Yale-New Haven is among the first in the U.S. to use the new approach, which physicians are applying to gastrointestinal cancers and other GI diseases, including those of the colon, bile duct, pancreas and esophagus. Fetoscopic laser surgery can help twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) – Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) affects as many as 15 percent of identical twin pregnancies and results in shared and uneven blood flow between the fetuses. Until recently, the outcome was usually death or disability. In 2009, Yale-New Haven surgeons performed a Connecticut first with a technique called fetoscopic laser ablation, which surgically blocks the shared blood vessels that allow transfusion from one twin to the other, so each fetus can have its own distinct circulation. The new procedure is expected to improve both survival and disability rates, compared to the traditional approach, which has a survival rate of only 66 percent for a single fetus. 20 H AV E N Advanced technology treats irregular heartbeats – At YNHH offers special expertise in eye cancer – Smilow Yale-New Haven, electrophysiologists are treating heart rhythm disorders with radiofrequency catheter ablation. In the procedure, catheters are threaded through the blood vessels to the heart. At the site of the abnormal rhythm, radiofrequency energy is used to burn the tissue, ending the electrical disturbance and restoring a healthy heart rhythm. Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a minimally-invasive procedure used to treat atrial fibrillation, the most common form of irregular heartbeat. It is also used to treat ventricular tachycardia, a rhythm that is responsible for sudden cardiac death. Cancer Hospital’s ocular oncology program diagnoses and treats patients with benign and malignant tumors of the eye – potentially life-threatening conditions that affect people of any age, gender and race. They can be either primary tumors that originate in the eye, or tumors that have metastasized from somewhere else in the body. The primary goal of the ocular oncology team is to preserve the patient’s life, save the eye and preserve vision. New hypothermia treatment for patients after cardiac arrest – A body-cooling technique called therapeutic hypothermia can save brain function in patients who remain unconscious after suffering cardiac arrest. The noninvasive device, called Arctic Sun, uses water-filled hydrogel pads applied to the patient’s body to lower the body temperature to 91.4 degrees. Cooling a patient immediately after cardiac arrest has been shown to help protect the brain from permanent injury. Research suggests therapeutic hypothermia may help some victims of trauma, stroke, liver failure and brain injury – including ruptured blood vessels. Surgeons at Yale-New Haven now offer scarless gallbladder removal – Yale-New Yale-New Haven Hospital offers advanced liver transplantation options – Haven Hospital was the first in Connecticut, and among the first in New England, to successfully remove a gallbladder through the vagina of a female patient. This operation joins the first wave of transvaginal organ removals to be performed in the U.S. and around the world, forerunners in a small but steadily growing trend toward minimally-invasive, noscar surgery. Transvaginal gallbladder removal is part of a new surgical field called scarless surgery or “Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery,” or “NOTES.”This technique has been successfully used to remove the appendix, and more recently, kidneys and gallbladders. Benefits of this surgery also include minimal postoperative pain and an almost immediate return to normal activity. Yale-New Haven Transplantation Center (YNHTC) has a reputation for technical excellence, outstanding patient care and high success rates, including a 100 percent one-year survival in pediatric liver transplant patients and a 98.5 percent one-year survival for adult liver transplant patients. YNHTC is a world pioneer in both split liver and living donor transplants. With a split liver transplant, a single liver from a deceased donor is used for transplanting two patients. This is possible because the liver regenerates, allowing it to grow proportionally to the recipient's body size. In a living donor transplant, an individual donates a kidney or a portion of a liver to a patient. YNHTC surgeons have performed combined liver and kidney transplants for patients with both liver and kidney failures. YNHTC also offers liver and kidney transplantation to HIV-positive patients. 21 Board of Trustees 22 (As of September 30, 2009) Robert J. Alpern, MD Marna P. Borgstrom President and Chief Executive Officer Bishop Theodore L. Brooks Joseph R. Crespo Chair Michael H. Flynn Thomas M. Hanson, MD Robert A. Haversat Secretary Peter N. Herbert, MD Chief of Staff Betty Ruth Hollander Thomas B. Ketchum John L. Lahey Marvin K. Lender Richard C. Levin Linda Koch Lorimer Julia M. McNamara Vice Chair Thanasis M. Molokotos The Honorable Barrington D. Parker, Jr. Peyton R. Patterson Diane Frailey Petra Comparative Statistics (As of September 30, 2009) BALANCE SHEET (in thousands) Year Ended September 30, Assets Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable for services to patients, less allowance for uncollectible accounts, charity and free care of approximately $26,062 in 2009 and $23,319 in 2008 Other receivables Other current assets Amounts on deposit with trustee in debt service fund Total current assets Assets limited as to use: Funds reserved for the Cancer Hospital and other purposes Beneficial interest in perpetual trusts $ 51,804 456,660 $ 17,908 421,364 4,458 120,598 26,329 18,532 3,517 686,035 608,248 123,653 30,337 19,123 11,105 197,952 11,501 87,911 209,453 81,859 114,587 4,280 58,506 76,806 (in thousands) Less accumulated depreciation Construction in progress (estimated cost to complete – approximately $213,536 in 2009 and $305,134 in 2008) Total assets 3,954 59,119 330,760 10,942 465,455 318,182 844,702 794,579 553,768 540,188 290,934 254,391 360,678 196,369 651,612 450,760 $ 1,570,490 $1,445,834 24,976 488,966 2008 2009 Liabilities and net assets Current liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Current portion of long-term debt Other current liabilities 1,110 64,677 99,583 2,600 1,787 Total current liabilities 205,836 168,647 Long-term debt, net of current portion Accrued pension and postretirement benefit obligations Other long-term liabilities Deferred revenue 388,966 50,864 394,789 105,483 123,295 33,197 Total liabilities 982,959 825,411 Commitments and contingencies Long-term investments Deferred financing costs, less accumulated amortization Other assets Property, plant and equipment: Land and land improvements Buildings and fixtures Equipment Year Ended September 30, 2008 2009 Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ 78,666 114,985 11,075 192,862 144,431 – $ – 25,722 513,076 81,229 26,118 587,531 620,423 $ 1,570,490 $1,445,834 514,304 47,505 23 Comparative Statistics (As of September 30, 2009) SELECTED DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC SERVICES STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS (in thousands) 2008 2009 Operating revenue: Net patient service revenue Other revenue 40,468 $ 1,056,937 50,067 1,237,112 1,107,004 $ 1,196,644 Total operating revenue Operating expenses: Salaries and benefits Supplies and other expenses Depreciation Insurance Bad debts Interest 576,787 525,895 503,528 446,867 43,050 41,583 19,909 20,053 24,873 19,347 1,549 4,168 Total operating expenses 1,169,696 1,057,913 Income from operations Non-operating losses 67,416 49,091 (14,515) (48,401) Excess of revenue over expenses 24 Year Ended September 30, Year Ended September 30, $ 52,901 $ 690 2009 Cardiology procedures: PCI Cardiac catheterizations ICD (Defibrillator) Pacer implants Diagnostic imaging: CT Scan MRI General Nuclear Medicine Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Ultrasound X-ray Laboratory procedures: Blood Bank Clinical chemistry Clinical virology Hematology Immunology Microbiology Pheresis Transfusion Center Prenatal testing Shoreline Lab Radiation therapy treatments Rehabilitation services treatments Respiratory care ventilator hours Surgery: Inpatient cases Outpatient cases Ambulatory Services Division: Surgery Radiology Endoscopy Gamma Knife 2008 1,355 1,224 3,175 2,999 363 390 320 282 74,105 24,398 11,093 10,215 78,386 212,976 260,924 4,342,077 138,173 676,614 230,628 241,217 20,542 26,748 158,706 22,011 50,050 494,136 14,003 14,256 7,128 68,362 5,416 224 66,414 22,852 11,606 10,821 72,061 218,215 236,792 4,055,079 129,591 671,340 208,325 230,898 10,367 24,723 156,027 21,818 43,364 480,744 13,553 13,252 6,600 66,047 4,751 230 OUTPATIENT CLINIC VISITS GENERAL INFORMATION SUMMARY Year Ended September 30, Primary Care Center Adult Pediatric Women’s Services Medicine Ophthalmology Surgery Transplants Pediatrics Dermatology Otolaryngology Orthopedic Dental Urology School-based clinics Total outpatient clinic visits Emergency services Occupational health Total outpatient visits 2009 2008 27,212 22,497 29,424 75,005 127,638 19,199 30,201 10,114 30,007 10,600 14,439 26,586 12,985 7,391 7,061 29,721 77,380 139,714 24,223 30,118 10,631 30,952 10,964 11,976 27,793 14,381 8,525 7,155 450,745 132,565 27,626 610,936 423,147 128,399 24,907 576,453 Year Ended September 30, Number of patients discharged Patient days of care provided Average length of stay Average daily patient census Volunteer hours donated 2009 2008 54,507 52,144 272,287 5.22 744 114,727 278,694 5.11 764 122,476 UNCOMPENSATED & UNDERCOMPENSATED CARE COSTS Year Ended September 30, 2008 2009 Free care allowance Charity care allowance $ 11,553 23,969 Subtotal Medicaid underpayments Bad debts Total uncompensated and undercompensated care $ 12,200 22,345 19,065 34,545 84,253 11,924 $ 153,243 $130,722 35,522 98,656 INPATIENT DISCHARGES Year Ended September 30, 2009 2008 Medical Surgical 34,944 9,493 32,356 9,440 Total Adults 44,437 41,796 Total Pediatric 5,588 5,711 Total Newborn 4,482 4,637 Total Inpatient 54,507 52,144 PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT Year Ended September 30, 2008 2009 Adults: Charitable contributions: Annual Fund Fund for care of the indigent Other gifts Total philanthropic support 22,217 266 427 22,366 $ 24,949 $ 23,059 $ 2,417 315 $ 25 Senior Management 26 (As of September 30, 2009) Marna P. Borgstrom President and Chief Executive Officer Richard D’Aquila Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter N. Herbert, MD Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs Mark L. Andersen Senior Vice President, Technology and CIO Sue Fitzsimons, RN, PhD Senior Vice President, Patient Services Kevin A. Myatt Senior Vice President, Human Resources Vincent P. Petrini Senior Vice President, Public Affairs Norman G. Roth Senior Vice President, Administration James M. Staten Senior Vice President, Finance and CFO Michael Apkon, MD Vice President and Executive Director, Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital William J. Aseltyne Vice President, Legal Services and General Counsel Thomas J. Balcezak, MD Vice President, Performance Management, Associate Chief of Staff Marjorie Guglin, RN Vice President, Surgical Services Thomas Leary Vice President, Administration Richard Lisitano Vice President, Patient Services Abe Lopman Vice President and Executive Director, Smilow Cancer Hospital Patrick Luddy Vice President, Facilities Planning and Management Stephen Merz Vice President, Administration Paul N. Patton Vice President, Human Resources John Skelly Vice President, Finance Richard S. Stahl, MD Vice President, Ambulatory Services Division Diane Vorio, RN Vice President, Patient Services Kevin F. Walsh Vice President, Development Administration Auxiliary (As of September 30, 2009) AMBULATORY SERVICES DIVISION Diana Ellison CLINICAL INFORMATICS Lisa Stump COMMUNITY AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Kyle Ballou COMMUNITY HEALTH James E. Rawlings HEART & VASCULAR CENTER Mariane Carna, RN LABORATORIES AND RADIOLOGY Denise Fiore ONCOLOGY SERVICES Arthur Lemay SMILOW CANCER HOSPITAL PROJECT William J. Mahoney GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION Rosemarie Fisher, MD HEART & VASCULAR CENTER Francine LoRusso, RN IS&T SUPPORT SYSTEMS Jennifer Travers LABORATORY MEDICINE Peter Marone MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS Robert B. Hutchison, III MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Carlos Lourenco OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES Mark Russi, MD ONCOLOGY SERVICES Tahiry Sanchez, RN OPERATIONS SUPPORT Administrative Departments ADMITTING Carol Holland BED RESOURCES Victor Morris, MD CLINICAL SYSTEMS AND SUPPORT Howard Goldberg COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Michael Dimenstein CENTER FOR OUTCOMES, RESEARCH Sandra Bacon OUTPATIENT REGISTRATION AND CIS Harry Nicholls PATIENT ACCOUNTS Bernard Lane PATIENT SERVICES Carol Just, RN Kathleen Kenyon, RN Carol Kupec, RN Catherine Stevens, RN EVALUATION (CORE) PEDIATRIC SERVICES Jennifer Mattera Cheryl Hoey, RN DAY CARE CENTER Jody Platner DENTAL PERIOPERATIVE SERVICES Joseph Lederer Suher Baker, DMD Ena Williams, RN PHARMACY SERVICES Cheryl Granucci Lorraine Lee EMERGENCY SERVICES PHYSICIAN SERVICES Gail D’Onofrio, MD Kent Zergiebel EPIDEMIOLOGY Louise Dembry, MD FACILITIES DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION C. Bradford Bevers FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SERVICES Jennifer Pascucci Executive Committee Leslie O’Connor, APRN Karen Anderson QUALITY ASSURANCE Marcelle Applewhaite Lynne Bradstreet William Crede, MD RADIATION THERAPY Patricia Connolly Heidi Coutu Nicholas Papale RECRUITMENT & STAFFING David D'Agostino Christine Dowling Nancy Collins RELIGIOUS MINISTRIES Rev. Margaret Lewis RESPIRATORY CARE & REHABILITATION SERVICES Michael Parisi SHORELINE MEDICAL CENTER Stephen Bencivengo SOCIAL WORK Paula Crombie, MSW TREASURY Donald Waggaman VOLUNTEER, PATIENT & GUEST SERVICES Board of Managers PRESIDENT Elizabeth Fearon Diane Frailey Petra Carolyn Gould FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Louise Grober Annemarie Lindskog SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Sylvia Greene Lyn Howe Sally Howell Stephanie Jatlow RECORDING SECRETARY Andrew Laudano Peggy DeZinno Mary Jane Miller CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Mary Jane Miller TREASURER Eleanor Jones Ruth Munson Ingrid Parri Shirley Pinette Nancy Rosenbaum Marion Russell Jeannette Hodge Ex Officio Gloria Schoolfield ADMINISTRATIVE LIAISON Gay Steinbach Kevin Walsh IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Marjan Wackers Beverly Weinberg Kathrine Neville TOY CLOSET GOLF OUTING LIAISON Debra Klotzer HONORARY LIFETIME BOARD MEMBER Ann Nyberg Douglas Vaughn, MD DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES Theresa Zinck Lederer PLANNING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Jean Ahn PLANT AND CLINICAL ENGINEERING Douglas Doyle PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE & RESEARCH Patricia Span, RN PROTECTIVE SERVICES & PARKING Nicholas Proto 27 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Medical Board Susan R. Levy, MD Charles J. Lockwood, MD Marc E. Mann, MD Officers 1,615 AFFILIATED 451 Brian R. Smith, MD Peer Review Committee ASSOCIATE 135 Leo M. Cooney, MD COURTESY 174 HONORARY 156 Harold H.Tara, MD Medical Records James C.Tsai, MD Patrick G. O’Connor, MD VISITING 125 Robert Udelsman, MD Jean Pawlich, RHIA FELLOWS 313 RESIDENTS 677 Fred R. Volkmar, MD Operating Room PRESIDENT Gary R. Wanerka, MD Leo M. Cooney, MD Lawrence J. Wartel, MD Pharmacy and Therapeutics PRESIDENT-ELECT Norman S. Werdiger, MD Robert S. Baltimore, MD Thomas F. Sweeney, MD Joseph H. Zelson, MD Physician Health Lynda E. Rosenfeld, MD Committees Tissue PAST PRESIDENT Autopsy SECRETARY Jon S. Morrow, MD Members Rev. Susan Asher Stephan Ariyan, MD Mark Siegel, MD Suher Baker, DMD Michael C. Bennick, MD ASSOCIATE CHIEF OF STAFF James A. Brink, MD Victor A. Morris, MD Joseph A. Camilleri, Jr., MD Richard D’Aquila Michael L. Dewar, MD Gail D’Onofrio, MD Richard L. Edelson, MD Jack A. Elias, MD John A. Federico, MD Patricia Sue Fitzsimons, RN, PhD Steven Jay Fleischman, MD Gary E. Friedlaender, MD Peter M. Glazer, MD David A. Hafler, MD Peter N. Herbert, MD Joni Hansson, MD Roberta L. Hines, MD Margaret K. Hostetter, MD John H. Krystal, MD Suzanne P. Lagarde, MD Douglas W. Vaughn, MD (Acting) Paul Kirwin, MD Adult Ethics 28 Louise M. Dembry, MD ATTENDING Peter N. Herbert, MD Brett J. Gerstenhaber, MD TOTAL MEDICAL STAFF 2009 Institutional Practice Quality and Dennis D. Spencer, MD Thomas J. Balcezak, MD Rosemarie L. Fisher, MD Infection Control Michael J. Murphy, MD Jon S. Morrow, MD, PhD CHIEF OF STAFF ASSOCIATE CHIEF OF STAFF Graduate Medical Education Pediatric Ethics Mark Mercurio, MD Cancer Thomas Lynch, MD Clinical Services Leo M. Cooney, MD Subcommittees Equipment and Product Standards Paula Jurewicz, RN Nutrition Rosemarie L. Fisher, MD Deborah Ford-Flanel, RD Radiation Safety and Radioactive Drug Ravinder Nath, PhD Rehabilitation Peter Jokl, MD Michael Parisi, PT, MS, MBNA Credentials Lynda E. Rosenfeld, MD Emergency Services Gail D’Onofrio, MD Earl J. Glusac, MD Transfusion David S. Fischer, MD Edward L. Snyder, MD Total 3,646 ANESTHESIOLOGY Laura E. Niklason, MD Christopher B. Spencer, MD Virginia Tierney, APRN Bijal Patel, MD Albert C. Perrino, MD Thomas Wong, MD Kendra J.Towles, CRNA Gabriel Pitta, MD Diane Volz, CRNA Roberto Rappa, MD Brenda M. Warner, CRNA Kristin Richards, MD Wanda M. Popescu, MD CHIEF Roberta L. Hines, MD ATTENDING COURTESY Mamatha Punjala, MD Janet M. Brothers, MD Terence D. Rafferty, MD Robert Ljungquist, MD Ramachandran Ramani, MD David A. Lober, MD Christina A. Biello, DO Marianne Saleeb, MD Christine S. Rinder, MD John G. McCarthy, MD Samantha A. Franco, MD Svetlana Sapozhnikova, MD Michael J. Robbins, DO John C. Weinberg, MD Corinna T. Saldanha DO Christian Scheps, MD Kelley T. Watson, MD Robert Schonberger, MD Robby M. Romero, MD VISITING Stanley H. Rosenbaum, MD Jonathan D. Katz, MD William H. Rosenblatt, MD Carol Peloquin, MD FELLOWS RESIDENTS Margaret Rose, MD James Shull, MD Caroline Al Haddadin, MBBS Neil Sinha, MD G. Evin Albert, MD Garth Skoropowski, MD Kimberly Slininger, MD Shamsuddin Akhtar, MD Keith J. Ruskin, MD Rima T. Aouad, MD Haleh R. Saadat, MD Nicholas M. Greene, MD Emilio Andrade, MD Jill F. Arthur, MD Lloyd R. Saberski, MD Luke M. Kitahata, MD, PhD Gina Badescu, MD Dmitri Souzdalnitski, MD Paul G. Barash, MD Veena Salgar, MD Trevor Banack, MD Kevan Stanton, MD Ferne R. Braveman, MD Renate Schoenfelder, MD Jeffrey B. Agli, APRN Holli Barth, MD Alexander Timchenko, MD James H. Chung, MD Jeffrey J. Schwartz, MD Michele Argo, CRNA Meredith Brown, MD Michael Tom, MD Keun S. Chung, MD Kirk H. Shelley, MD, PhD Rosemary A. Asiedu, CRNA Lisbeysi Calo, MD Francis VanWisse, MD Susan Dabu-Bondoc, MD David G. Silverman, MD Deborah A. Balisciano, CRNA Anna Clebone, MD Anjali Vira, MD Jan Ehrenwerth, MD Raymond S. Sinatra, MD Carmen L. Brown, CRNA Terrence Coffey, MD Ira Whitten, MD Dorothy J. Gaal, MD Julie L. Sramcik, MD Sandra J. Chadwick, CRNA Frederick Conlin, MD Jeffrey Widelitz, MD Susan Garwood, MD Robert G. Stout, MD Pauleen R. Consebido, CRNA Nicholas Dalesio, MD Chi Wong, DO David B. Glassman, MD Hossam E.Tantawy, MD Brenda Cordova, CRNA Tiffany Denepitiya-Balicki, MD Laurie Yonemoto, MD Thomas J. Golembeski, MD Arlyne K.Thung, MD Marianne S. Cosgrove, CRNA Glenn Dizon, MD Martha Zegarra, MD Loreta Grecu, MD Nalini Vadivelu, MD Elizabeth C. Cozza, APRN Jennifer Dominguez, MD Ala S. Haddadin, MD Irena K. Vaitkeviciute, MD Neil D. Cullam, CRNA Juan Egas Valencia, MD Thomas M. Halaszynski, DMD, MD Douglas W. Vaughn, MD Mary O. Dudley, APRN Jammie Ferrara, MD Lars E. Helgeson, MD Shu-Ming Wang, MD Leonda M. Fermo, CRNA Dan Froicu, MD Adriana Herrera, MD John M. Watkins-Pitchford, MD Judith L. Gura, CRNA Xing Fu, MD Matthew J. Higgins, DO Alan D. Weinstock, MD Cindy A. Jayanetti, APRN Jorge Galvez, MD Roberta L. Hines, MD Gary X. Zhou, MD AnnMarie F.C. Julian, CRNA Nehal Gatha, MD Sarah Khan, MD Qingbing Zhu, MD, PhD Gail M. Kerwin, CRNA Gabriel Jacobs, MD Rae A. Kingsley, APRN Ervin Jakab, MD Rongjie Jiang, MBBS Boonsri Kosarussavadi, MD ASSOCIATE HONORARY AFFILIATED Viji Kurup, MD Aymen A.A. Alian, MD Andrea Laudano, APRN Steven C. Levin, MD Muhammad Anwar, MD Patricia P. Mason, APRN Ashley Kelley, MD Dwight P. Ligham, MD David R. Freyle, MD Pamela McBride-McGuigan, CRNA Maria Leonova, DO Ana M. Lobo, MD, MPH Keith A. Hernandez, MD Peter E. Mortensen, CRNA Jinlei Li, MD Stephen M. Luczycki, MD Balazs Horvath, MD Marilou Oh, PA Archer Martin, MD Abraham L.Z. Mandel, MD Veronica A. Matei, MD, PhD Rachel Rachler, CRNA Dallen Mill, MD Inna Maranets, MD Hosni M. Mikhael, MD Holly M. Robins, CRNA Amit Mirchandani, MD Katherine E. Marschall, MD Nousheh Saidi-Garakani, MD Audrey Senior, APRN Tori Myslajek, MD Brenda C. McClain, MD Jodi Sherman, MD Beverly J. Sposa, CRNA Donald Neirink, MD Gerard F. McCloskey, MD Denis V. Snegovskikh MD Shepard B. Stone, PA Adriana Oprea, MD Mija K. Surh, CRNA Kellie Park, MD, PhD Raj Modak, MD 29 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) CHILD PSYCHIATRY HONORARY DENTISTRY Robert W.W. Evans, MD Thomas G. Duplinsky, DDS David F. Musto, MD Stanley M. Einbinder, DMD Herbert S. Sacks, MD Alan P. Friedler, DMD John E. Schowalter, MD Robert T. Golia, DDS Richard B. Kaplan, DDS Laurie Cardona-Wolenski, PsyD Thomas A. Kelly, DMD Katarzyna H. Chawarska, PhD Fred Volkmar, MD Brian Geyser, APRN CHIEF Suher Baker, DMD Michael R. Margolies, DMD Sheldon H. Natkin, DDS CHIEF Richard L. Edelson, MD Walter S. Gilliam, PhD Gary L. Opin, DMD Sandra P. Boltax-Stern, MD Rosalie M. Greenbaum, PhD Perry M. Opin, DDS Sumaira Aasi, MD Phillip B. Chappell, MD Ami J. Klin, PhD Mark J. Schpero, DDS Richard J. Antaya, MD John A. Gallalee, MD Kathleen A. Koenig, APRN Rodney E. Steller, DMD Sharon H. Barrett, MD Pamela Hetherington, MD Yvonne Kull, APRN Bertrand S. Weisbart, DDS Paula M. Bevilacqua, MD Young S. Kim, MD James McPartland, PhD Robert A. King, MD Rhea Paul, PhD Ruth G. King, MD Lawrence Scahill, APRN Elisabeth M. Kressley, MD Carla Stover, PhD James F. Leckman, MD Lawrence A. Vitulano, PhD ATTENDING Paul J. Lombroso, MD FELLOWS VISITING ASSOCIATE CHIEF Harold Horton, DMD ATTENDING Suher Baker, DMD ATTENDING Douglas L. Bilinski, MD Robert C. Fazio, DMD Jean L. Bolognia, MD Raven R. Henderson, DDS Samuel E. Book, MD Gary E. Horblitt, DDS Marcus W. Bosenberg, MD, PhD Joby Joseph, DDS Irwin M. Braverman, MD David J. Wohl, DDS Carolyn B. Carroll, MD Janet A. Madigan, MD Aura Ardon, MD Jeffrey S. Berkley, DDS Andres S. Martin, MD Janelle Arias, MD Gerald J. Forman, DMD Richard M. Feingold, DDS Keith A. Choate, MD, PhD Linda Mayes, MD David Aversa, MD Michael P. Johnson, DMD Bernard Levine, DDS Jennifer N. Choi, MD Roumen N. Nikolov, MD Jill Barron, MD Douglas Keck, DMD Milton Lisansky, DDS Oscar R. Colegio, MD Yann B. Poncin, MD Richard C. Bell, MD John P.W. Kelly, DMD, MD William J. Pite, DDS Dana M. Correale, MD Mary E. Schwab-Stone, MD Roger Jou, MD Donald W. Kohn, DDS Jerome M. Serling, DDS Shawn E. Cowper, MD Matthew State, MD Christina Lee, MD Kurt Koral, DDS Jay L.Tanenbaum DDS, MPH Kevin M. Diette, MD Dorothy E. Stubbe, MD C.Timothy Liu, MD Roger A. Lowlicht, DDS David S.Topazian, DDS Lisa M. Donofrio, MD Prakash K.Thomas, MD Christopher Oleskey, MD Douglas J. Muller, DDS RESIDENTS - GENERAL PRACTICE Fred R. Volkmar, MD Kirk Ramsey, MD Robert J. Parker, DMD Suganya Appugounder, DMD John W. Edelglass, MD Joseph L. Woolston, MD David Sasso, MD Leonard W. Skope, DDS Stephanie Katz, DMD Richard L. Edelson, MD Karen Sondergaard, MD Arthur E. Wilk, DDS Surbhi Sehgal, DMD Anjela Galan, MD ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE HONORARY Frank M. Castiglione, MD Israel Dvoretzky, MD Michael Girardi, MD Julian B. Ferholt, MD Laine Taylor, DO Frank J. Ninivaggi, MD Edwin Williamson, MD Keri E. Discepolo, DDS Ali Bayat, DMD Mona A. Gohara, MD Cynthia Wilson, MD Naushad R. Edibam, DMD Lauren DiBenedetto, DDS Mark J. Goldstein, MD Lei Zou, MD Richmond P. Hung, DDS Bozhena Fisher, DDS Donald R. Greene, MD Bernard J. Langenauer, MD Yiming King, DMD Raghbir Kaur, DMD Peter W. Heald, MD Theodore Zanker, MD Cristina L. Santos-Tomas, DMD Kyung Kim, DDS Christina A. Herrick, MD, PhD Feiya Li, DMD Suguru Imaeda, MD Claudia Maiolo-Perez, DMD Wendy S. Jacoby, MD COURTESY Daniel M. Koenigsberg, MD VISITING 30 Sasha L. Durso, APRN DERMATOLOGY Harold L. Horton, DMD AFFILIATED CHIEF Brian S. Duchan, DMD COURTESY RESIDENTS - PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Hana Edelson, MD Peter H. Cain, DDS Andrew S. Lustbader, MD Harvey Cedarbaum, DDS Ronald S. Kahan, MD Robert S. McWilliam, MD Bruce Y. Cha, DMD Christine J. Ko, MD Ronald H. Delfini, DDS Robert C. Langdon, MD Rossitza Lazova, MD Jason Wilder, DO David J. Leffell, MD Bella Zubkov, MD Amy B. Lewis, MD DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY HONORARY Regina Hooley, MD Ankur Gupta, MD Laura J. Horvath, MD David D. Huang, MD Gary M. Israel, MD Andrew W. Lischuk, MD Oreoluwa O. Ojutiku, MD Kavita Mariwalla, MD Foster Kay, MD Michele H. Johnson, MD Ellen A. Markstein, MD Brian J. McGrath, MD Kevin M. Johnson, MD Kavitha Parithivel, MD Jennifer F.M. McNiff, MD Joseph S. McGuire, MD Lee D. Katz, MD Cicero T. Silva, MD Ellen B. Milstone, MD Stephen E. Silver, MD Risa H. Kent, MD Robert R. Sprague, MD Leonard M. Milstone, MD Barry J. Richter, MD Ronald C. Savin, MD E. Leon Kier, MD AFFILIATED Kacie R. Carlson, PA FELLOWS CHIEF James A. Brink, MD Jonathan D. Kirsch, MD Saravanan K. Krishnamoorthy, MD William K. Wong, MD COURTESY Bruce D. Simonds, MD Nadia K. Sherline, MD Eleanor A. Knopp, MD Ajay Malhotra, MD Nira R. Silverman, MD Lisan S. Peng, MD, PhD Shirley M. McCarthy, MD, PhD William E. Allen, MD Antonio Subtil-Deoliveira, MD Alicia Sigal, MD Thomas R. McCauley, MD Richard D. Becker, MD Bruce L. McClennan, MD Gerald R. Berg, MD Holley M. Dey, MD Robert E.Tigelaar, MD RESIDENTS VISITING Mary M.Tomayko, MD, PhD Jasmine Ahmadi, MD Cindy R. Miller, MD Kalman L. Watsky, MD Christopher Bunick, MD, PhD Frank J. Minja, MD William N. Friedman, MD Jaehyuk Choi, MD, PhD Hamid R. Mojibian, MD Jay S. Klein, MD Hicham A. Moukaddam, MD Richard A. Knobelman, MD Ali R. Niakosari, MD Gary S. Novick, MD ASSOCIATE Brett A. King, MD, PhD Sean Christensen, MD, PhD Anetta E. Reszko, MD Kristin Hoffmann, MD VISITING Rhonda Klein, MD ASSISTANT CHIEF T. Robin Goodman, MD ATTENDING Liane E. Philpotts, MD James D. Slavin, MD Macrene R. Alexiades-Armenakas, MD Arash Koochek, MD James J. Abrahams, MD Jeffrey S. Pollak, MD Jeffrey N. Alter, MD Gretchen Kreizenbeck, MD Liva Andrejeva, MD Madhavi Raghu, MD Ronald C. Ablow, MD Andrew V. Atton, MD Marcus McFerren, MD Melih H. Arici, MD Eric Reiner, DO Kenneth S. Allen, MD Andrew Bronin, MD Deanne Robinson, MD John E. Aruny, MD Ami N. Rubinowitz, MD Anthony R. Carter, MD Severine Chavel, MD Bhaskar Srivastava, MD, PhD Kenneth E. Baker, MD Leslie M. Scoutt, MD Eugene A. Cornelius, MD Ivan S. Cohen, MD Turgut Berkmen, MD John P. Seibyl, MD Gerald S. Freedman, MD Lauren A. Daman, MD Syed Bokhari, MD Myung S. Shin, MD Alice R. Goldman, MD Diane M. Davidson, MD James A. Brink, MD Gordon K. Sze, MD Mary F. Keohane, MD Stephanie Dietz, MD Richard A. Bronen, MD Michael G.Tal, MD Alfred J. Kummer, MD Daniella Duke, MD Morton I. Burrell, MD Caroline R.Taylor, MD Arthur T. Rosenfield, MD Dennis L. Feinberg, MD Reni S. Butler, MD Irena Tocino, MD Coralie Shaw, MD Barry S. Goldberg, MD Tara M. Catanzano, MD Marisa H.Tseng, MD Steven A. Kolenik, MD David W. Cheng, MD Frans J. Wackers, MD Seth P. Lerner, MD Christine C. Colton, MD Jeffrey C. Weinreb, MD Ann M. Cosgrove, APN Leon E. Luck, MD Daniel Cornfeld, MD Robert I. White, MD Debra Coyle, APN Elizabeth R. Marsh, MD Anne McB. Curtis, MD Debra R. Miller, MD Indukala Doddamane, MD Christopher Ananian, MD Jeremy E. Moss, MD, PhD Howard P. Forman, MD Bharathi Batchu, MD Ellen Naidorf, MD Robert K. Fulbright, MD Mehdi Djekidel, MD Mark I. Oestreicher, MD Helmuth W. Gahbauer, MD Thomas M. Dorantes, MD Lara L. Bryan-Rest, MD Robin G. Oshman, MD Jaime L. Geisel, MD Jared M. Dunkin, MD Jared A. Griffith, DO Julia B. Sabetta, MD Ramon Gonzalez, MD Michele R. Even, MD Amit Mahajan, MD Philip E. Shapiro, MD Thomas R. Goodman, MD Shelley L. Goodstine, MD Charles Martin, MD Andrew H. Haims, MD Gowthaman Gunabushanam, MD Robert D. Messina, MD ASSOCIATE HONORARY Jules White, MD AFFILIATED Patrice M. O’Neill, APN Alerice E. Walker, PA Ann-Marie Williams, PA FELLOWS 31 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Elder A. Oliveros, MD RESIDENTS - NUCLEAR MEDICINE RESIDENTS Sheeja Thomas, MD Ming-Kai Chen, MD Adel Al-Marshad, MD Alina Tsyrulnik, MD Devrim Ersahin, MD Charles R. Wira, MD Maya Arii, MD Robert Turelli, MD, MA Faizan Arshad, MD Laura Walker, MD Kelly L. Dodge, MD Douglas Bernstein, MD Brooks Walsh, MD Derek L. Isenberg, MD Sarah Bezek, MD Jessica Yearwood, MD Adam B. Landman, MD Glen Blomstrom, MD James (Elliott) Brown, MD Christopher H. Lee, MD Mark Brady, MD, MPH Lawrence Cicchiello, MD Michael J. Rest, MD Rebecca Bruccoleri, MD Gina Constantine Porto, MD Darrell Sutijono, MD Bo Chen, MD Amsalu Dabela, MD Reiner J. van Tonder, MD David Conner, MD Rahul S. Razdan, MD Ronald S. Swanger, MD Yamil Fourzali Sabbag, MD Kun-Lin (Tony) Tsai, MD Manijeh Zehtabchi, MD David F. Weeks, MD RESIDENTS EMERGENCY MEDICINE Eric Eutsler, MD Albert C. Weihl, MD Kathryn Greenberg, DO Shirley Hanna, MD Summer Herlihy, MD Steffen Huber, MD ASSOCIATE HONORARY Douglas Davis, MD, PhD AFFILIATED CHIEF Gail D’Onofrio, MD ATTENDING INTERNAL MEDICINE Ashley Crimmins, MD Adele Damlamian, MD Jennifer Davis, MD Kristen A. Baker, PA Robert Ehrman, MD Rebecca D. Bonner, PA Jonathan Fischer, MD Elizabeth D. Browne, PA Tyeese Gaines-Reid, DO CHIEF Jack Elias, MD Khadijeh Kadivar, MD Steven L. Bernstein, MD Kevin Burns, PA Eric Goralnick, MD Vivek Kalra, MD Mary S. Bogucki, MD, PhD Richard E. Chen, PA Karin Gunther, MD Darren Knibutat, MD John S. Bomann, DO Theresa Cohen, PA Vishal Gupta, MB, ChB Meghna Krishnan, MBBS Laura J. Bontempo, MD Christopher Dill, PA Steven Hernandez, MD Vineel Kurli, MBBS Sharon A. Chekijian, MD Geraldine Faherty, APRN Utpal Inamdar, MD Igor Latic, MD David C. Cone, MD Darcy A. Garland, APRN Jennifer Jackson, MD George LaVerde, MD Anthony J. Coppola, MD Amy L. Glick, APRN Jeena Jacob, MD David Lawrence, MD Gail D’Onofrio, MD Allison F. Hirschman, PA Neil Jain, MD Mahan Mathur, MD Leigh V. Evans, MD William E. Huggins, PA Khoshal Latifzai, MD Kirsten Menn, MD Alyssa R. French, MD, MPH Rhianon Iassogna-Roman, APRN Grace Mindy Lee, MD Arthur Meyers, MD Jean M. Hammel, MD Eric W. Kelleher, PA Ryan Limberg, MD Cardiovascular Medicine Constantine Michaelides, MD Liudvikas Jagminas, MD Thomas Kimberly, APRN Melanie Lippmann, MB, ChB SECTION CHIEF Marianne Moon, MD Karen J. Jubanyik-Barber, MD Kristina A. Koncewicz, PA Darria Long, MD, MBA Karl Muchantef, MD Barbara M. Kirrane, MD Elizabeth Larned, PA Scott Mataoa, MD Farah Naim, MD Simon Kotlyar, MD Leslie S. Long, PA Anne Merritt, MD David Paik, MD Paul Krochmal, MD Donald S. MacMillan, PA Kimberly Nicoll, MD Adeel Sabir, MBBS Gregory L. Larkin, MD Kelly Martens, PA Mary O, MD Elliot D. Agin, MD Monica Sheth, MD Edward P. Monico, MD Andrew P. Meiman, PA Tomasz Obrzut, MD Dragos V. Balf, MD Edward Smitaman, MD Christopher Moore, MD Thomas A. Morris, PA Caroline Pace, MD William P. Batsford, MD Rebecca Stackhouse, MD Harry C. Moscovitz, MD Anthony Pazienza, PA Mitesh Rao, MD, MA Jeffrey R. Bender, MD Arnold Valenson, MD Michael R. Osborne, MD Molly F. Persinger, APRN Hector Rivera, MD Mark L. Blitzer, MD Gaurav Vij, MBBS Carolyn Rambus, MD Elizabeth M. Roessler, PA Thomas Robey, MD Joseph J. Brennan, MD Douglas Walled, MD Basmah Safdar, MD Maria Strong, PA Stephen Sanders, MD Paige J. Brennan, MD Steven Wang, MD John E. Sather, MD Doug Tichy, PA Tanya Shah, MD Jonathan A. Brier, MD Brian Weiss, MD Ian P. Schwartz, MD Carrie D. Walker, PA Brian Sorensen, MD Henry S. Cabin, MD Asim F.Tarabar, MD Hilary B. White, PA Christopher Szlezak, MD Brian C. Cambi, MD Anthony J.Tomassoni, MD 32 Federico E. Vaca, MD Carin Van Gelder, MD Vivek P. Padha, MD ASSOCIATE CHIEF Michael C. Bennick, MD Michael Simons, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Donald M. Rocklin, MD ATTENDING John P. Chandler, MD Jersey Chen, MD Ron Nudel, MD Andrew C. Drakonakis, MD Gregory M. Singer, MD Michael T. Lipcan, MD Jude F. Clancy, MD Steven E. Pfau, MD Richard E. Fearon, MD Ajay V. Srivastava, MD Wajahat Z. Mehal, MD Michael W. Cleman, MD Stephen E. Possick, MD Gilbert F. Hogan, MD Oliver J. Wang, MD Anil B. Nagar, MD Lawrence S. Cohen, MD Daniel T. Price, MD S. Jack Landau, MD Ricardo F. Cordido, MD Alan M. Radoff, MD Jeptha P. Curtis, MD Michael S. Remetz, MD Karin Augur, PA Vincent C. DiCola, MD James H. Revkin, MD Alicia Burr, APRN John A. Foley, MD Donald M. Rocklin, MD Traci Green, APRN Lisa A. Freed, MD Lynda E. Rosenfeld, MD Christine M. Haley, PA Robert M. Aaronson, MD Deborah D. Proctor, MD Jonathan E. Gage, MD Raymond R. Russell, MD Jody Heffernan, APRN Clara Abraham, MD William Ramsey, MD Jaime R. Gerber, MD Kerry S. Russell, MD, PhD Henry A. Highman, PA Latha Alaparthi, MD Michael A. Rosenthal, MD Frank J. Giordano, MD Rebecca M. Scandrett, MD Linda M. Hricz-Borges, PA Harry R. Aslanian, MD Michael C. Rubinstein, MD Daniel R. Goldstein, MD Mark H. Schoenfeld, MD Mary L. Johnston, APRN Michael C. Bennick, MD Michael L. Schilsky, MD Leonard E. Grauer, MD Arthur O. Seltzer, MD Seth A. Leventhal, PA Michael Blam, MD Anish A. Sheth, MD Eric M. Grubman, MD Jeffrey P. Seltzer, MD Kathryn A. Midgley, PA Sidney T. Bogardus, MD Uzma D. Siddiqui, MD Samuel S. Hahn, MD John F. Setaro, MD Tina M. Mulinski, APRN James L. Boyer, MD Howard M. Spiro, MD Howard L. Haronian, MD Michael Simons, MD Jennifer Nelson, APRN Myron H. Brand, MD Mario Strazzabosco, MD Faisal Hasan, MD Albert J. Sinusas, MD Christiane B. Sabourin, APRN Cary A. Caldwell, MD Eugene S. Swenson, MD Jack Hauser, MD Robert Soufer, MD Joy B. Saunders, APRN Sarah M. Canavan, MD Tamar H.Taddei, MD Glen A. Henry, MD Rebecca P. Streeter, MD Diana Schumitz, PA Dean Chang, MD Mae Tighe, MD Christopher J.A. Howes, MD Brian C. Swirsky, MD Claudia Sepot, APRN Judy Cho, MD Renuka Umashanker, MD Douglas H. Israel, MD Suman Tandon, MD Jonathan Stewart, PA Joan O. Cho, MD Ronald J. Vender, MD Daniel L. Jacoby, MD Craig A.Thompson, MD Douglas Stitz, PA Jack J. Chuong, MD David M. Wolfsohn, MD Steven S. Jacoby, MD Marian E. Vulpe, MD Mark M. Whelan, PA Matthew E. Cohen, MD Farid Jadbabaie, MD Prescott S. Wiske, MD Hitender Jain, MD Steven Wolfson, MD Michael L. Arcarese, MD Jonathan A. Dranoff, MD Jeffrey Kegel, MD Lawrence H. Young, MD Shanti L. Bansal, MD Karen S. Dufour, MD Siegfried J. Kra, MD Barry L. Zaret, MD Paras S. Bhatt, MD Farshad Elmi, MD Subbarao Choudry, MD Rosemarie L. Fisher, MD Jeffrey T. Dreznick, MD Martin H. Floch, MD Ramon S. Generoso, MD Mark B.Taylor, MD Harlan M. Krumholz, MD COURTESY AFFILIATED FELLOWS Michael H. Nathanson, MD Digestive Diseases Ioannis Oikonomou, MD SECTION CHIEF Wayne T. Panullo, MD Michael H. Nathanson, MD ATTENDING John W. Dobbins, MD Lisa A. Panzini, MD Rogelio G. Perez, MD Joseph Yu, MD ASSOCIATE Henry J. Binder, MD Denis J. Miller, MD COURTESY Rachel Lampert, MD Robert J. Ardesia, MD Eugene C. DePasquale, MD Nimrod Lavi, MD Ajoy Kapoor, MD John A. Dodson, MD Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD Robert E. Lebson, MD Clifford R. Kramer, MD Brian R. Dulin, MD Paul Genecin, MD Forrester A. Lee, MD Inku K. Lee, MD John K. Forrest, MD Philip M. Ginsburg, MD Robert J. Lewis, MD Robert F. Morrison, MD Mukesh Garg, MD Adam Gorelick, MD Colin E. Atterbury, MD Katherine Lietz, MD, PhD W. Neal Pearson, MD Katarzyna Hryniewicz-Czeneszew, MD David J. Hass, MD Morton Bender, MD Christopher P. Loscalzo, MD Arumbakam Purushotham, MD Mohit Jain, MD JoAnn Hong-Curtis, MD Martin E. Gordon, MD Brian J. Malm, MD Nathaniel L. Valin, MD Daniel D. Jane-wit, MD, PhD Christopher D. Illick, MD Fred S. Gorelick, MD Arya Mani, MD Henry Ward, MD Pravien K. Khanna, MD Philip Jaffe, MD Roberto J. Groszmann, MD Agnes Kim, MD Sofia S. Jakab, MD Samuel D. Kushlan, MD Priya A. Jamidar, MD Charles F. Scholhamer, MD Mark A. Marieb, MD VISITING Robert McNamara, MD Alexander DelVecchio, MD Sarah B. Levin, MD Craig A. McPherson, MD Detlef Wencker, MD Teferi Y. Mitiku, MD Cyrus R. Kapadia, MD Amir Mohani, MD Suzanne P. Lagarde, MD Theresa A. Molisse, MD HONORARY Frank J.Troncale, MD HONORARY Alfred W. Wolfsohn, MD AFFILIATED Sandip K. Mukherjee, MD Joseph R. Anthony, MD Hooman Ranjbaran Jahromi, MD Howard M. Likier, MD Bonnie Bauerfeld, PA Jeremy I. Nadelmann, MD Earl L. Baker, MD Christopher P. Ruisi, MD Joseph K. Lim, MD Meera M. Berkowitz, APRN 33 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Kate Biesadecki, PA Kevan C. Herold, MD Ranee A. Lleva, MD Hatim F. Chhatriwala, MD Judy A. Hlawitschka, MD Courtney Calandro, PA Elizabeth Holt, MD Kathleen A. Page, MD Michael P. Chrissoheris, MD Xiaoming Hong, MD Anthony Capobianco, PA Karl L. Insogna, MD Frank Waldron-Lynch, MD, PhD Margaret Chustecka, MD Jaimy Honig, MD Christine Couture, PA Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD Tracy-Ann M. Clarke, MD Leora I. Horwitz, MD Jennifer S. Dodge, PA Richard G. Kibbey, MD, PhD General Internal Medicine Holly D. Craig, MD John S. Hughes, MD Hillary Drumm, APRN Robert Lang, MD SECTION CHIEF William B. Crede, MD Peter R. Huvelle, MD Carol Eggers, APRN Robert A. Levine, MD Donna R. Criscenzo, MD Olutayo T. Imevbore, MD Paul A. Furino, APRN Beatrice C. Lupsa, MD Karen E. Dahl, MD Peter M. Jenei, MD Rebecca J. Grillo, PA Norman J. Marieb, MD Antonio D’Aria, DO Elizabeth A. Jonas, MD Martha McCrann, PA Urszula Masiukiewicz, MD Garumuni A. De Silva, MD Lee Jung, MD Graig N. Sanders, PA Adam B. Mayerson, MD Angelo J. Accomando, MD Benjamin R. Doolittle, MD David M. Kaminsky, MD Michael Schultz, PA Denise McGowan, MD Abisola A. Afolalu, MD Mark J. Drabinski, MD Sandhya V. Kanade, MD Irina Rosewater, MD Olukemi T. Akande, MD David J. Eilbott, MD Moreson H. Kaplan, MD David N. Assis, MD Olga V. Sakharova, MD Sara K. Alavi, MD Peter J. Ellis, MD Doris Karam, MD Francis W. Chan, MD Robert S. Sherwin, MD Delly K. Alcantara, MD Matthew S. Ellman, MD Leonid V. Karkanitsa, MD Bani Chander, MD Gerald I. Shulman, MD Lirim S. Ameti, MD Carol M. Elrington, MD Anita Karne, MD Anamika M. Chaudhuri, MD Christine M. Signore, MD Nancy R. Angoff, MD Serle M. Epstein, MD Georgia A. Kelley, MD John Gancayco, MD John J. Wysolmerski, MD Sarah K. Apgar, MD Daphne Evans, MD Zadie Kenkare, MD Taneisha R. Grant, MD Kai H. Yang, MD Ana M. Apoltan, MD Nasiha Fahmi, MD Walter N. Kernan, MD Jason M. Hemming, MD Reza Yavari, MD Senai Asefaw, MD Eric Fan, MD Roman Khodzinsky, MD Patrick Asiedu, MD William D. Farmer, MD Robert Kinstlinger, MD Stephen A. Atlas, MD Jon M. Fessel, MD Judy A. Kleinstein, MD Thomas J. Balcezak, MD David A. Fiellin, MD Laurence Knoll, MD Joanne E. Foodim, MD Farrukh M. Koraishy, MD FELLOWS Rafaz Hoque, MD Thomas T. Huang, MD Irteza B. Inayat, MD Rosa E. Hendler, MD COURTESY Stephen D. Brenner, MD ATTENDING Sakib K. Khalid, MD Florence Comite, MD Jill M. Banatoski, MD Catherine H. McCrann, MD Richard D. Kayne, MD Kevin M. Baran, MD Edward Francois, MD Prathibha N. Kumar, MD Michael J. Barmach, MD Lorenzo S. Galante, MD Babu S. Kumar, MD Rina L. Garcia, MD Si-hoi Lam, MD Cecilia Minano, MD,M.P.H VISITING Ara B. Sahakian, MD Joseph L. Belsky, MD Jacqueline C. Barrientos, MD Mayra J. Sanchez, MD Maria S. Guoth, MD Renu Bazaz-Kapoor, DO Samuel A. Geller, MD Usman Latif, MD Frederick K. Shieh, MD David Moll, MD Michael D. Bergman, MD Inginia Genao, MD Kathryn R. Leinhardt, MD Gretchen Berland, MD Lorna D. Georgalas, MD Nilda M. Leon-Smith, MD Sarah S. Gerritz, MD Eric P. Liben, MD Jeffrey D. Singerman, MD HONORARY Gerard N. Burrow, MD Steven J. Blander, MD Endocrinology Barr H. Forman, MD Tamar R. Braverman, MD Robert Gifford, MD Shin R. Lin, MD SECTION CHIEF (Acting) William F. VanEck, MD, PhD Anatoly Braylovsky, MD Jeffrey Gimbel, MD Antonio D. Lopez, MD Richard A. Breier, MD Catherine L. Giordano, MD Peter H. Maher, MD Janice A. Davey, APRN Stephen Brenner, MD Charles E. Glass, MD Michael A. Mankus, MD Lillian Falko, APRN Laurie Bridger, MD Gidon F. Goldenberg, MD Marc E. Mann, MD Kitt M. Petersen, MD Karen E. Brown, MD Cary P. Gross, MD Magen D. Marcus, MD Geralyn Spollett, APRN Arina R. Cadariu, MD Bhawna Gupta, MD M. Veronica Marer, MD Leonard L. Calo, MD Frederick D. Haeseler, MD Bridget A. Martell, MD Kusuma A. Hampapur, MD Leah G. Matthew, MD Robert Sherwin, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Adam Mayerson, MD ATTENDING Jonathan Bogan, MD Arthur E. Broadus, MD 34 ASSOCIATE Patrick G. O’Connor, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF AFFILIATED FELLOWS Anne W. Camp, MD Belfort de Aguiar, MD Belinda J. Chan, MD Edward L. Etkind, MD Clare A. Flannery, MD Hanna H. Chao, MD, PhD Daniel M. Helburn, MD Katherine C. McKenzie, MD Surani R. Fernando, MD Agnieszka E. Grochowalska, MD Sarwat Chaudhry, MD Janet B. Henrich, MD Thomas R. Meehan, MD, MPH Philip A. Goldberg, MD Raimund I. Herzog, MD Christine W. Chen, MD Robert Henry, MD David B. Melchinger, MD Barbara I. Gulanski, MD Kasia J. Lipska, MD Sunita Chhabra, MD Peter N. Herbert, MD Sunil G. Menon, MD Karin Michels-Ashwood, MD Robert T. Sadock, MD Kusum S. Mathews, MD, MPH Amir Mohammad, MD Leah S. Samson, MD Aditi Mathur, MD Elizabeth Goman, MD Daniel G. Heacock, PA Jamie P. Morano, MD Christopher B. Sankey, MD Anthony M. Migura, MD Asefeh Heiat, MD Tara M. Herbert, PA John P. Moriarty, MD Steven L. Saunders, MD Alan R. Morrison, MD, PhD Karen A. Hutchinson, MD Rene Hernandez, PA Jensa Morris, MD Victor R. Sawicki, MD Kathleen A. Murray, MD Kimberly A. Phillips, MD John K. Hickey, PA Victor A. Morris, MD William N. Schreiber, MD Bilal Omer, MD Sujata Prasad, MD Randall M. Johnson, PA Monica M.C. Munteanu, MD Nidhi R. Shah, MD Mohammad A. Raza, MD Pamela M. Murphy, DO Laura G. Shawhughes, MD David I. Riccio, MD Richard J. Barse, MD Lindsay J. Kozicz, PA Anika S. Murray, MD Julia M. Shi, MD Hamid Saadati, MD John P. Concato, MD Joann LaCerva, PA Elizabeth B. Muskin, MD Valerie M. Small, MD Maor Z. Sauler, MD Arthur Ebbert, MD Anna LaPorta, PA Kelly K. Nelson, MD Adam B. Smith, DO Adam C. Schoenfeld, MD James B. Fanning, MD Anne M. Lovejoy, PA Sarah Nikiforow, MD, PhD David S. Smith, MD Erik G. Stilp, MD Susanne J. Goldie, MD Patricia S. Loving, PA Emily A. Nolfo, MD Diane E. Smith, MD Rebecca A. Swenson, MD Robert S. Gordon, MD Arielle D. Macher, PA Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD Maria N. Stack, MD James D. Jamieson, MD Karen Marlett, PA Chioma U. Nwokolo-Nwangwu, MD David C. Stair, MD Adedayo O. Adetola, MD William J. Lavin, MD Amanda J. McCabe, PA Patrick G. O’Connor, MD, MPH Lynn A. Street, MD Horatiu C. Balas, MD Howard Levitin, MD Natasha M. McEwan, APRN Elizabeth A. Ofori-Mante, MD Lynn E. Sullivan, MD Joseph A. Balsamo, MD Herbert D. Lewis, MD Genice Nelson, APRN Garth Oliver, MD Keith Swan, MD Thelma V. Batiancila, MD Anthony D. Mancini, MD Janelle Pacini, PA Kristine D. Olson, MD Anshu Taneja, MD Robin M. Brammer, DO Stanley Roth, MD Jeannine L. Paquette, PA Pinar Oray-Schrom, MD John Toksoy, MD Elena Citkowitz, MD, PhD Wesley M. Vietzke, MD Charles R. Park, PA Olubunmi I. Otolorin, MD Vicky B.Tola, MD Edward J. Dill, MD Robert M. Vogel, MD Vanessa A. Pomarico, APRN David B. Parmelee, DO Joahd M.Toure, MD Gregory M. Dillard, MD, PhD Sherman M. Weissman, MD Jara D. Prather, PA Saima A. Pasha, MD Ipshita Vashist, MD Leonard A. Fasano, MD Robert E. White, MD Erin N. Ruppe, APRN Milan Patel, MD Anuruddha Walaliyadda, MD Benedict L.L. Fernando, MD Mark A. Perrotti, MD Cheryl A. Walters, MD Kabul S. Garg, MD Stephanie A. Benedict, PA Jacqueline Sanz, PA Fausto Petruzziello, MD Emily A. Wang, MD Jordan Goetz, MD John G. Bishop, PA Polly Sather, APRN Laura T. Pham, MD Wayne S. Warren, MD Stephen H. Goldner, MD Elaine Bonoan, PA Lindsay Shedd, PA Violeta Popov, MD Alan M. Weiss, MD May S. Habboosh, MD David Brissette, PA Jeanine Sico, PA Jennifer S. Possick, MD Judith M. Weiss-Rivera, MD Lynne M. Hillis, MD Marlene K. Brodka, PA Gary F. Spinner, PA Brian M. Priest, MD Kathleen P. White, MD Charles F. Hollander, MD Denise M. Buonocore, APRN Andrea J. Stannard, PA Edward A. Prior, MD Laura M. Whitman, MD Mark S. Kasper, MD Allison Cable, APRN John N.Thompson, PA Muziana S. Quadir, MD Madeline S. Wilson, MD David L. Katz, MD Matthew S. Cook, PA Gael Ulisse, APRN Joseph L. Quaranta, MD Christine Wollschlager, MD Robert W. Kyrcz, MD Maria B. Courtney, PA Anne Vanderburg, PA Andrea Radebold, MD Andrew C. Wormser, MD Paul A. Monaco, MD Kristen Cushing, PA Michelle B. Vitale, APRN Nicholas G. Ragovis, MD James J. Zumpano, MD Frank J. Mongillo, MD William Cushing, PA Jonathan M. Weber, PA Michael F. Parker, MD Amy L. Davis, APRN Janice S. Decho, PA Rey F. Ramos, MD ASSOCIATE COURTESY VISITING HONORARY AFFILIATED Eric Hamilton, PA Brian Korn, PA Sheyla M. Santana, PA Jaehee You, PA RESIDENTS - GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE Dana C. Ranani, MD Gabriella Bedarida, MD, PhD Channa D. Perera, MD Charles R. Rethy, MD Danielle E. Bender, MD Mary J. Scheimann, MD Angela M. DeLisle-Capaldo, PA Adedotun Adebamiro, MD, PhD Richard S. Rhee, MD Nairi A. Berner, MD Eduardo P. Siccion, MD Gillian M. Draper, PA Imo Akpan, MD Bjorn Ringstad, MD Lara A. Colabelli, DO James M. Solomon, MD Cheryl A. Drezek, PA Hardik Amin, MD Edward G. Rippel, MD Lydia S. Dugdale, MD Dharini Sun, MD Anita M. Dunn, PA Halima Amjad, MD John E. Rivera, MD Talia Hoffstein, MD Howard D. Uderman, MD Ruth Ferreri, APRN Hossein Bahrami, MD, PhD William E. Rosner, MD Michael X. Lee, MD Barry J. Wu, MD Erin C. Frawley, PA Stephen Baldassarri, MD Stefani A. Russo, MD Harold D. Levy, MD Irene E. Haight, APRN Ashita Batavia, MD 35 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Adam Berg, MD S. Dharan Kumar, MD Nataliya Uboha, MD, PhD Douglas Olson, MD Geriatrics Whitney Besse, MD Cara Kurlander, MD Daniel Vatner, MD, PhD Anna Rae Banez Ong, MD SECTION CHIEF Joshua Black, MD Sunna Kwun, MD Domenico Viterbo, MD Jennifer Ongchin, DO Magdalena Boelsterl, MD Bhavna Lall, MD Charles Wang, MD Carolyn Presley, MD Wen Boynton, MD Peter Le, MD Christopher Wilson, MD, PhD Jorge Ramos, DO Leen Bakkali, MD Kyle Bramley, MD Grace S. Lee, MD Lauren Wong, MD Aviva Romm, MD Sandy S. Chang, MD Carly Brown, MD Colin Ligon, MD Christian Wysocki, MD, PhD Jaime Ruszkowski, MD Jesse M. Chua-Reyes, MD Leah Burke, MD Eva Liu, MD Julie Zang, MD Targol Saedi, MD Leo M. Cooney, MD Amy Byrd, MD Mary Logeais, MD Xiao Zhao, MD Kathleen Samuels, MD Ann R. Datunashvili, MD Joseph Canterino, MD David Lou, MD, PhD Boback Ziaeian, MD Carla Sawan, MD Margaret A. Drickamer, MD Cassidy Claassen, MD Amy Lunding, MD Suzana Zorca, MD Isaac Shalom, MD Terri R. Fried, MD Brian Clark, MD Brienne Miner, MD Ryan Smith, DO Thomas Gill, MD Elaine Cong, MD Meagan Moore, MD Deena Adimoolam, MD Sarita Soares, MD Jacqueline K. Henchel, MD Gioacchino Curiale, MD Kavitha Nandigam, MBBS Andrea Berg, MD Deepak Thomas, MD,MPH Grace Y. Jenq, MD Deepthi Deconda, MBBS Olusegun Olusesi, MD Felix Cabrera, MD Elizabeth Wahl, MD Chandrika S. Kumar, MD Ohm Deshpande, MD John Oshlick, MD Florence Chan, MD Shannon Watkins, MD James M. Lai, MD Aaron Dickstein, MD Megan Panico, MD Mina Chang, MD David Wu, MD Richard A. Marottoli, MD Paul Dieffenbach, MD Andrew Paris, MD David Chia, MD Kevin Dougherty, MD Amar Patel, MD Alia Chisty, MD Allison Arwady, MD Ronald L. Miller, MD Amir Durrani, MD Amisha Patel, MD Hyung (Harry) Cho, MD Benjamin Bodnar, MD Sarita Sharma, MD Christopher Erb, MD, PhD Arnold Peterson, MD Marcus Conti, MD Avik Chatterjee, MD Mary E.Tinetti, MD Matthew Feldman, MD Lisa Puglisi, MD Brittany Craiglow, MD Malachi Courtney, MD Susann Varano, MD David Fitter, MD Yasotha Rajeswaran, MD David Elson, MD Joseph Donroe, MD, PhD Robert Fogerty, MD Pranitha Reddy, MD Barry Fields, MD Marianthe Grammas, MD Ketan Gala, MD Christopher Regan, MD Natalie Galanina, MD Saria Hassan, MD Sandi-Jo Galati, MD Seppo Rinne, MD, PhD Susan Gamble, MD Luz Jimenez, MD Dhwani Gandhi, MD Crystal Ritsema, MD James Gray, MD Rachel Osborn, MD Chandrika Garner, MD Kimberly Robeson, MD Megan Groh, MD Rebecca Pike, MD Carlos A.V. Fragoso, MD Yaron Gesthalter, MD Klara Rosenquist, MD Shaun Gruenbaum, MD Tracy Rabin, MD Marc D. Rothman, MD Andrew Goldsweig, MD Hamita Sachar, MD Grace Huang, MD, MS Jennifer Rubin, MD Kamal R. Singh, MD Matilda Hagan, MD Amir Sadrzadeh Rafie, MD Brendan Jackson, MD Jeremy Schwartz, MD Romana Zar, MD Nicole Hanley-Williams, MD Bethann Scarborough, MD Efia James, MD R. Simmons Thomas, MD Fahad Hassan, MD James Schmitt, MD Nitin Kapur, MD Erin Vaughn, MD Hematology Jason Heavner, MD Abhinav Seth, MD, PhD Chryssanthi Kournioti, MD Michael Yoo, MD SECTION CHIEF Harold Higgins, MD Natalie Simmons, MD Rachel Laff, MD Katriina Hopper, MD Henry Siu, MD Nicole Lang, DO Genetics Lily Horng, MD Lakshman Subrahmanyan, MD Jennifer Lee, MD ATTENDING Evelyn Hsieh, MD Natasha Surette, MD Randy Luciano, MD Jing Hughes, MD, PhD Michael Tatusov, MD Cristine Maloney, MD Bernard G. Forget, MD Alice Iosifescu, MD Amy Taylor, MD Jennifer Michael, MD, MPH Stephanie Halene, MD Sachin Jain, MD Ben Taylor, MD Reversa Mills, MD Peter W. Marks, MD Jennifer Jantz, MD Lauren Tobias, MD Chang Na, MD Peter McPhedran, MD Joshua Joseph, MD Lauren Tormey, MD Jonathan Nunez, MD Aric Parnes, MD Joseph Kim, MD Tuyet-Trinh Truong, MD James Ocampo, MD Lawrence R. Solomon, MD RESIDENTS - MEDICINE/PRIMARY CARE RESIDENTS - MEDICINE/PEDIATRICS Leo M. Cooney, MD ATTENDING Slawomir L. Mejnartowicz, MD Lisa Walke, MD AFFILIATED Dermot M. McDermott, PA Heidi W. Nolan, PA FELLOWS Madhav V. Dhodapkar, MD Allen E. Bale, MD ATTENDING Madhav V. Dhodapkar, MD Thomas P. Duffy, MD Matthew P. Strout, MD, PhD 36 VISITING Infectious Diseases FELLOWS Chirag R. Parikh, MD FELLOWS Michael S. Ashton, MD Mark A. Perazella, MD James J. Hill, MD Rituparna Das, MD Asghar Rastegar, MD Ikenna C. Ibe, MD Arjet Gega, MD Jeffrey T. Reynolds, MD Kim Jaya, MD Frederick L. Altice, MD Shaili Gupta, MD Shirin Shirani, MD Saima Khalid, MD Leslie Blatt, APRN Anoli J. Borad, MD Samit R. Joshi, DO David B. Simon, MD Helen H. Lee, MD Kamberlyn Dunbar, APRN Robert D. Bruce, MD Vijay S. Khiani, MD J. Douglas Smith, MD Matthew Lundquist, MD Kerstin E. Calia, MD Amit S. Kunte, MD Stefan Somlo, MD Asha Marhatta, MD Wendy Chen, DO Elizabeth L. Cooney, MD Nisha T. Manickam, DO Saeeda Z. Chowdhury, MD Louise-Marie Dembry, MD Jaimie P. Meyer, MD Dan A. Landau, MD Dana W. Dunne, MD Anne K. Nagler, MD Ronald J. Maggiore, MD Erol Fikrig, MD Jana L. Preis, MD Susan T. Crowley, MD Natalia Neparidze, MD John S. Francis, MD Michael R. Scoma, MD John P. Hayslett, MD Terri L. Parker, MD Gerald H. Friedland, MD Vajinder P.Toor, MD Ernesto D. Hendler, MD Joshua R. Richter, MD Manisha Juthani-Mehta, MD Ellice Y. Wong, MD Barbara Kazmierczak, MD Nephrology Anna Breiburg, APRN Michael J. Kozal, MD SECTION CHIEF Lisa H. Cantey, PA Maysa M. Abu-Khalaf, MD Stefan Somlo, MD Suzzunne N. De Cruz, PA Kathleen Bober-Sorcinelli, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Peter H. Juergensen, PA Samuel N. Bobrow, MD Danielle M.Tabaka, PA Edward Chu, MD Laura K.Troidle, PA Gina G. Chung, MD Mary M. Zorzanello, APRN Dennis L. Cooper, MD Alan I. Lebowitz, MD HONORARY Paul Lebowitz, MD AFFILIATED FELLOWS SECTION CHIEF Erol Fikrig, MD ATTENDING Immunology Neha D. Nanda, MD SECTION CHIEF Vincent J. Quagliarello, MD Philip W. Askenase, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Michael O. Rigsby, MD Nesrine A. Rizk, MD COURTESY Alan S. Kliger, MD HONORARY AFFILIATED Thomas D. Eisen, MD ATTENDING Rita Ohene-Adjei, MD Oncology SECTION CHIEF Edward Chu, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Harold Tara, MD ATTENDING Jose Salvana, MD Ali K. Abu-Alfa, MD Peter A. Selwyn, MD Bayode A. Afolalu, MD Bernard R. Adelsberg, MD Albert Shaw, MD Robert J. Alpern, MD Thelmo-Fidel E. Barrantes-Ramirez, Vincent T. DeVita, MD Philip W. Askenase, MD Sandra A. Springer, MD Peter S. Aronson, MD MD Michael P. DiGiovanna, MD, PhD Kevin J. Hunt, MD Richard E. Sutton, MD, PhD William S. Asch, MD Justin Belcher, MD Leonard R. Farber, MD Fred S. Kantor, MD Jeffrey E.Topal, MD Margaret J. Bia, MD William G. Chang, MD, PhD David S. Fischer, MD Richard E. Kaufman, MD Merceditas S. Villanueva, MD Ursula C. Brewster, MD Isaac E. Hall, MD Francine M. Foss, MD Anita Kohli-Pamnani, MD Krystn R. Wagner, MD Lloyd G. Cantley, MD Sarah Huen, MD Thomas M. Fynan, MD Hugh B. Carey, MD Felix Knauf, MD Scott N. Gettinger, MD John J. Chang, MD Veena Manjunath, MD Kay A. Haedicke, MD Sue S. Chang, MD Armen Margaryan, MD Martin E. Katz, MD Vincent A.T. Andriole, MD Steven G. Coca, DO Anushree Shirali, MD William K. Kelly, DO Frank J. Bia, MD Neera Dahl, MD Amol V. Shrikhande, MD Harriet Kluger, MD J. David Gaines, MD Thomas D. Eisen, MD Swathi Singanamala, MD Jeremy Kortmansky, MD Walter J. Hierholzer, MD Fredric O. Finkelstein, MD Christine B. Vigneault, MD Jill Lacy, MD Richard N. Formica, MD Ian M. Wu, MD Johanna Lasala, MD Bushra Yusuf, MD Arthur L. Levy, MD Richard E. Kaufman, MD ATTENDING Francis M. Lobo, MD VISITING Joseph Sproviero, MD HONORARY Robert A. Lanzi, MD FELLOWS Matthew S. Bowdish, MD Christina C. Price, MD COURTESY Claudia R. Libertin, MD HONORARY AFFILIATED FELLOWS Hari A. Deshpande, MD Neil D. Romberg, MD Steven J. Farber, PA John N. Forrest, MD Paige G. Wickner, MD Timothy H. Hatcher, PA Daniel I. Geisser, MD Ann B. Williams, APRN Joni H. Hansson, MD Occupational Medicine Walter B. Lundberg, MD Julie Womack, APRN Mark J. Hotchkiss, MD ATTENDING Thomas J. Lynch, MD Su Hsien Lim, MD Stephen J. Huot, MD Peter M. Rabinowitz, MD Rajani P. Nadkarni, MD Shuta Ishibe, MD Carrie A. Redlich, MD Joseph P. O’Connell, MD Rex L. Mahnensmith, MD Mark B. Russi, MD Daniel Y. Reuben, MD Oyebode A.Taiwo, MD 37 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) John C. Rhee, MD Jaclyn C. Flanigan, MD Vahid Mohsenin, MD Andrew Seevaratnam, MD M. Wasif Saif, MD Geoffrey T. Gibney, MD Bianca C. Monteiro, MD Bernardo J. Selim, MD, MA Richard M. Bryan, MD Stuart E. Seropian, MD Krishna S. Gunturu, MD Ernest D. Moritz, MD Seyedtagh Takyar, MD, PhD Viviane Bunin, MD Warren D. Shlomchik, MD Christoper J. Hoimes, DO Agnieszka E. Petersen, MD Catalina Teba, MD Diane T. George, MD Andrea L-M Silber, MD Iris Isufi, MD Margaret A. Pisani, MD Michael T. Vest, DO Minna J. Kohler, MD Mario Sznol, MD Soonmo P. Kang, MD Jonathan Puchalski, MD Gary F.Tansino, MD Andrea Katz, MD Carolyn L. Rochester, MD Rheumatology Vivian E. Vlamakis, MD Harold H.Tara, MD Frederick Lansigan, MD Peter R. Rogol, MD SECTION CHIEF Yousong Wang, MD Wajih Zaheer, MD Jia Li, MD, PhD Francoise J. Roux, MD Warren Lok, MD Jasdeep Sidana, MD Tina M. Mayer, MD Mark D. Siegel, MD Margit McGowan, DO Jonathan M. Siner, MD Greg R. Angstreich, MD Aleagia M. Mercer-Falkoff, MD Lynn T.Tanoue, MD Catharine A. Arnold, MD Vijay K. Chhabra, MD Taiga Nishihori, MD Kaiser Toosy, MD Linda K. Bockenstedt, MD Gerard Fumo, DO Nikolai A. Podoltsev, MD Terence K.Trow, MD Cristina M. Brunet, MD Jeffrey A. Orell, MD Jaykumar Thumar, MD Kevin J.Twohig, MD Richard Bucala, MD Evan Vosburgh, MD Laura R.Triano, MD Henry K. Yaggi, MD Elise Carlson, MD ASSOCIATE Lyndsay N. Harris, MD COURTESY HONORARY Joseph R. Bertino, MD Maeve G. Waldron-Lynch, MD Hao Wang, MD, PhD AFFILIATED COURTESY FELLOWS Una C. Makris, MD Joseph E. Craft, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF LABORATORY MEDICINE Robert T. Schoen, MD ATTENDING Cornelia R. Ciubotaru, MD Kenneth J. Dobuler, MD Joseph E. Craft, MD Murugesapillai Ganesan, MD Deborah D. Desir, MD CHIEF Brian R. Smith, MD ASSISTANT CHIEF Julie K. Baker, APRN Pulmonary & Critical Care Madhu S. Gowda, MD Charles DiSabatino, MD Amy Barile, APRN SECTION CHIEF (Acting) Jacob S.O. Loke, MD Janine Evans, MD Nitai I. Riegler, MD Liana Fraenkel, MD Sheldon M. Campbell, MD, PhD Allan J. Rodrigues, MD Sonia M. Gordon-Dole, MD Richard K. Donabedian, MD Gordon J. Hutchinson, MD Michael E. Hodsdon, MD, PhD Nicholas D. D’Esopo, MD Insoo Kang, MD Peter I. Jatlow, MD Anne Liebling, MD Diane S. Krause, MD, PhD Elaine M. Begley, PA Andrienne J. Burns, PA Michelle Cappiello, APRN Jennifer E. Collins, APRN Lynn T.Tanoue, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Brett J. Gerstenhaber, MD ATTENDING HONORARY Marie L. Landry, MD ATTENDING Marianne J. Davies, APRN Kathleen Akgun, MD John A. Rankin, MD MaryAnn Fieffer, APRN Danielle E. Antin-Ozerkis, MD Frank F. Richards, MD Stephen E. Malawista, MD Marie L. Landry, MD Alexandria Garino, PA Abdul Basit, MD Edward S. Scherr, MD Richard J. Mangi, MD John H. McClaskey, MD Kristin E. Kaley, APRN Hilary C. Cain, MD Victor Martin, MD Richard R. Rathbone, MD Raymond Lenox, APRN Geoffrey L. Chupp, MD Angela Argento, MD Robert M. McLean, MD Henry M. Rinder, MD Erin Medoff, APRN Lauren E. Cohn, MD Darragh S. Brady, MD Helena C. Nolasco, MD Mark J. Shlomchik, MD, PhD Thomas E. Quinn, APRN Charles Dela Cruz, MD, PhD Clemente J. Britto Leon, MD Barbara A. Roach, MD Brian R. Smith, MD Christy A. Reuben, APRN Jack A. Elias, MD Sharad Chandrika, MD Robert T. Schoen, MD Edward L. Snyder, MD Rebecca L. Sipples, APRN Lloyd Friedman, MD Won-Kyung Cho, MD Mark (Morris) L. Schwartz, MD Gary E. Stack, MD, PhD Nadine Z. Southard, APRN Brett J. Gerstenhaber, MD Jose L. Gomez Villalobos, MD Lisa G. Suter, MD Christopher A.Tormey, MD Carol Staugaard-Hahn, APRN Mridu Gulati, MD Behrouz Jafari, MD Sheila A.Turner, APRN Erica L. Herzog, MD Melissa P. Knauert, MD, PhD John A. Magaldi, MD Shyoko Honiden, MD Charles R. Lane, MD Brian Peck, MD Seyfettin O. Alpdogan, MD Michael Imevbore, MD Praveen Mannam, MD Susan Alsamarai, MD Patty J. Lee, MD Alexander Panda, MD Christina Brus, MD Peter S. Marshall, MD Mario F. Perez, MD Jorge M. Chaves, MD Richard A. Matthay, MD Ronald A. Reilkoff, MD Michael Cohenuram, MD John R. McArdle, MD Robyn Scatena, MD FELLOWS FELLOWS VISITING David N. Podell, MD, PhD HONORARY Jerry A. Green, MD AFFILIATED Anita B. DeAngelo, APRN Richard Torres, MD Yanyun Wu, MD, PhD ASSOCIATE Tore Eid, MD, PhD Stephanie C. Eisenbarth, MD, PhD HONORARY Joseph R. Bove, MD David Seligson, MD Stephen C. Wardlaw, MD 38 AFFILIATED Moshe Hasbani, MD AFFILIATED Stephen C. Edberg, PhD Mayer J. Hasbani, MD, PhD Douglas R. Hood, PA John G. Howe, PhD Bahman Jabbari, MD Karin V. Nystrom, APRN Herbert Malkus, PhD Richard H. Mattson, MD Samantha R. Wennerberg, PA Thomas J.Tinghitella, PhD James C. McVeety, MD NEUROSURGERY Camille Salame, MD Alan S. Waitze, MD Gary Zimmerman, MD HONORARY FELLOWS James E. Finn, MD Dhasakumar Navaratnam, MD Talat Alvi, MD Jason H. Kang, MD Steven P. Novella, MD Kevin P. Becker, MD, PhD Tal Oren, MD, PhD Haakon B. Nygaard, MD Kamil Detyniecki, MD Nisha Unni, MD Jullie W. Pan, MD Daniel B. DiCapua, MD Huned S. Patwa, MD Pue Farooque, MD Susan Fink, MD Ognen A.C. Petroff, MD Hamada Hamid, DO Michael C. Korn, PA Roa Harb, MD Michael S. Phipps, MD Anjum Hashim, MD Monika S. Laurans, PA David Peaper, MD, PhD George B. Richerson, MD, PhD Yamini Naidu, MD Eileen M. Lydon, PA David S. Russell, MD, PhD Jose Padin-Rosado, MD Judy Nunes, PA Joseph L. Schindler, MD Christopher B. Ransom, MD, PhD Kristin Overton, PA FELLOWS RESIDENTS NEUROLOGY Stephen M. Strittmatter, MD, PhD CHIEF David A. Hafler, MD Mary Bailey, MD Hajime A.Tokuno, MD Jeffrey Bigelow, MD Stephen G. Waxman, MD, PhD Nicholas Blondin, MD Norman S. Werdiger, MD Dongming Cai, MD, PhD Norman S. Werdiger, MD Joachim Baehring, MD Hal Blumenfeld, MD, PhD Dennis Spencer, MD Adam S. Cohn, PA Sarah Fountain, PA Esther E. Schlegel, PA Marisa Spann, PhD ASSISTANT CHIEF Philip S. Dickey, MD ATTENDING David Tong, PA Francis S. Winstanley, PhD FELLOW Ketan R. Bulsara, MD Duarte G. Machado, MD Pooia Fattahi, MD Veronica L. Chiang, MD Jana Preiningerova, MD Benison Keung, MD Phillip S. Dickey, MD Nduka Amankulor, MD Diana E. Richardson, MD Babar Khokhar, MD Charles C. Duncan, MD Grahame Gould, MD Imanuel Lerman, MD Isaac Goodrich, MD Ryan Hebert, MD John Booss, MD Athena Lolis, MD Murat Gunel, MD Willard Kasoff, MD Roslyn P. Einbinder, MD Nandakumar Narayanan, MD, PhD Joseph M. Piepmeier, MD Brian Kelley, MD Kenneth L. Marek, MD Richard Nowak, MD Dennis D. Spencer, MD Luis Kolb, MD Adam S. Mednick, MD, PhD Valeriya Poukas, MD John G. Strugar, MD Maxwell Laurans, MD Sanjay P. Rathi, MD Marcie Rabin, MD Kenneth P. Vives, MD Brian McHugh, MD VISITING ATTENDING Franklin C. Brown, PhD CHIEF Carolin Dohle, MD COURTESY ASSISTANT CHIEF Lisa Ambrogio, PA RESIDENTS Anna M. Szekely, MD ASSOCIATE AFFILIATED Katherine Ruzhansky, MD Thomas E. Conley, MD Perry Smith, MD, PhD Amiram Katz, MD Anna Sorokin, MD Kanaga N. Sena, MD Chizoba Umeh, MD Martin J. Stransky, MD HONORARY ASSOCIATE Khalid M. Abbed, MD COURTESY Alexander M. Papanastassiou, MD RESIDENTS Jennifer Moliterno, MD Eylem Ocal, MD Sacit Omay, MD Thomas J. Arkins, MD Ali Ozturk, MD Gary M. Bloomgarden, MD Toral Patel, MD Judy Gorelick, MD Juan Torres-Reveron, MD Samuel L. Bridgers, MD Alphonse R. Bobowick, MD James K. Sabshin, MD Lori J. Cretella, MD Gilbert H. Glaser, MD Patrick R.Tomak, MD Robert B. Duckrow, MD Bruce B. Haak, MD Tanya Z. Fischer, MD, PhD John C. Moench, MD Jonathan M. Goldstein, MD Arthur Taub, MD, PhD Edward W. Akeyson, MD, PhD P. Christopher H. Gottschalk, MD Edward S.Tucker, MD Gregory R. Criscuolo, MD Stephen A.Torrey, MD VISITING Joseph B. Guarnaccia, MD Zoher Ghogawala, MD Noam Y. Harel, MD Michael E. Karnasiewicz, MD 39 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Asia G. Edusa, MD Charles J. Lockwood, MD ASSOCIATE CHIEF Lawrence J. Wartel, MD ASSOCIATE Heather D. Reynolds, CNM Peter E. Schwartz, MD Sean M. Flaherty, MD, PhD Henry J. Nusbaum, MD Cherrilyn Richmond A.P.N. Karim ElSahwi, MD Steven J. Fleischman, MD Robert Samuelson, MD Mary Ellen S. Rousseau, CNM Elena Ratner, MD Kim C. Fletcher, MD Miriam Sivkin, MD Janet C. Spinner, CNM Christine E. Richter, MD David P. Fox, MD, PhD Mary M.Tse, MD Marianne T. Stone-Godena, CNM VISITING Michelle L.Telfer, CNM Dan-Arin Silasi, MD HONORARY Joseph T. Grosso, MD Karol J. Chacho, MD Pamela K.Townshend, CNM Thomas M. Hanson, MD Ian M. Cohen, MD Margaret M. Withington, CNM Craig R. Huttler, MD Gina A. Dunston-Boone, MD Jessica L. Illuzzi, MD Richard C. Holden, MD Brian Karsif, MD Helen Lope de Haro, MD Eve Bernstein, MD Randall B. Kaump, MD Thomas J. McNamee, MD Hakan Cakmak, MD Maternal - Fetal Medicine Joann M. Knudson, MD Susan M. Richman, MD Amanda Carlson-Kallen, MD CO-SECTION CHIEFS Dawn R.W. Kopel, MD Anthony G. Santomauro, MD Sarah Cross, MD Angie Y. Lee, MD Timothy L. Sharpe, MD Darrah Curiale, MD David M. Lima, MD Alla Vash-Margita, MD Maria de Leon, MD Vincent A. Lynch, MD HONORARY Tracy C. Wittreich, CNM RESIDENTS Ernest I. Kohorn, MD AFFILIATED Nina M. Carusillo, PA Stephanie Cerrito, PA Edmund F. Funai, MD Errol R. Norwitz, MD ATTENDING Leo Doherty, III, MD Mert O. Bahtiyar, MD Carl M. Cassin, MD Christina Duzyj, MD, MPH Catalin Buhimschi, MD Mary Jane Minkin, MD Marshall R. Holley, MD Michelle Glasgow, MD Joshua Copel, MD Richard D. Moscarelli, MD Emil D. Karlovsky, MD Charlene Hooper, MD, MPH Edmund F. Funai, MD Eric C. Palluotto, MD Stanley R. Lavietes, MD Sara Isani, MD France Galerneau, MD Homa Khorrami, MD, MPH Christine A. Laky, MD Charles J. Lockwood, MD Beth L. Maloy, MD Shefali R. Pathy, MD AFFILIATED Anita T. Petruzzelli, MD Kirsten Asmus, CNM Ken Lin, MD, PhD Ljiljana Plisic, MD Kristen Becker-Talwalkar, CNM Sami Makaroun, MD Urania Magriples, MD Rebecca B. Pringle, MD Carol A. Brekus-Watson, CNM Pedro Maldonado, MD Errol Norwitz, MD Kristina M. Rath, MD Deborah A. Cibelli, CNM Natu Mmbaga, MD Michael Paidas, MD Norman A. Ravski, MD Amanda C. Cripe, CNM Daniel Paik, MD Christian M. Pettker, MD Maria C. Rhee, MD Pamela R. Delerme, CNM Rhoda Raji, MD Anna K. Sfakianaki, MD Ami Acharya, MD Ann M. Ross, MD Ronnie L. Dubrowin, CNM Michael Reel, MD Stephen F.Thung, MD Natalie Adsuar, MD David Roth, MD Sarabeth Friedman, CNM Anita Sargent, MD, PhD Antonio Asis, MD Julia A. Shaw, MD Meredith F. Goff, CNM Mark Silvestri, MD Maria C. Asis, MD Joel S. Silidker, MD Susan S. Hally, CNM Victoria Snegovskikh, MD Sonya S. Abdel-Razeq, MD Kristen R. Aversa, MD Howard Simon, MD Elisabeth M. Hyde, CNM Joyce Varughese, MD Unzila A. Ali, MD Michael R. Berman, MD Stephanie S. Spangler, MD Ronald L. Krauss, CNM Omar Young, MD Katherine H. Campbell, MD Urmila Bhuvanesh, MD Musa L. Speranza, MD Amanda Lendler, CNM Lisa Zuckerwise, MD Antonette T. Dulay, MD Patricia C. Brines, MD Linda A. Starace-Colabella, MD Linda J. Lisk C.N.M. Scott E. Casper, MD Ann M. Strong, MD Melissa Lonergan, CNM GYN Oncology Eric J. Hodgson, MD Adina R. Chelouche, MD Herbert I. Suesserman, MD Deborah L. Meredith, CNM SECTION CHIEF Sarah Y. Lee, MD Roslyn Chosak, MD Anna L.Tirado, MD Joan M. Messner, CNM Paul J. Coppola, MD Denise Tonzola, MD Susan S. Miller, CNM Julia Cron, MD Ernest A.Topran, MD Kathleen M. Mitcheom, CNM Masoud Azodi, MD Robert H. Ball, MD Ronald A. Cwik, MD Lawrence J. Wartel, MD Meghan O’Connor, CNM Thomas J. Rutherford, MD, PhD Michael A. Belfort, MD Madeline A. Dick, MD Leonard H. Zamore, MD Diane M. Presnick, CNM Alessandro D. Santin, MD Steven A. Laifer, MD ASSISTANT CHIEF Peter E. Schwartz, MD ATTENDING 40 Elise M. Resch, CNM Carol L. Kandall, MD Mary E. Gillette, MD CHIEF COURTESY Emily A. Fine, MD Mark J. Wehrum, DO ASSOCIATE Christina S. Han, MD Thomas J. Rutherford, MD ATTENDING Erika F. Werner, MD VISITING HONORARY OPHTHALMOLOGY James E. Kempton, MD ASSOCIATE Ali A. Khodadoust, MD Cinthia G. Covey, MD Zachary Klett, MD Tara H. Cronin, MD Elke Bachmann, CNM Yanina Kostina-O’Neil, MD Jigna Joshi, MD Angelina N. Chambers, CNM Wayne I. Larrison, MD Jimmy K. Lee, MD Erin McMahon, CNM Robert L. Lesser, MD Shelly T. Lee, MD Dorothea V. Smith, APRN Andrew J. Levada, MD Kristie L. Lin, MD Katina E. Varzos, CNM Peter E. Liggett, MD Nils A. Loewen, MD, PhD Edward S. Lim, MD Miguel A. Materin, MD Harry H. Mark, MD Rajeev K. Seth, MD John C.G. Whetham, MD AFFILIATED Dawn R. Wehrum, CNM CHIEF James C.Tsai, MD Reproductive Endocrine Peter A. Marks, MD SECTION CHIEF James F. Martone, MD Stanley B. Hersh, MD Paul E. Masi, MD Cesar A. Sierra, MD Hugh Taylor, MD Hylton R. Mayer, MD ATTENDING Harvey J. Kliman, MD, PhD Nancy E. Miller-Rivero, MD Andrew Fezza, MD Pinar H. Kodaman, MD, PhD Mark S. Milner, MD Michael L. Fezza, MD Jane J. Olson, MD Caleb Gonzalez, MD Philip Palmisano, MD Douglas W. MacRae, MD David W. Parke, MD Joel P. Silverman, MD Lubna Pal, MD Pasquale Patrizio, MD David E. Silverstone, MD ATTENDING Gary E. Friedlaender, MD Steven C.Thornquist, MD Aydin M. Arici, MD ASSISTANT CHIEF CHIEF VISITING Seth W. Meskin, MD Joseph R. Martin, MD ORTHOPEDICS HONORARY ASSISTANT CHIEF Jeffrey M. Sumner, MD ATTENDING Beth W. Rackow, MD I. Willard Abrahams, MD Richard L. Petrelli, MD Emre U. Seli, MD Ron A. Adelman, MD Aron D. Rose, MD Denise A. Day, SA John M. Aversa, MD Hugh S.Taylor, MD Darron A. Bacal, MD Daniel J. Salchow, MD Rafael B. Garcia, SA Michael R. Baumgaertner, MD Joseph D. Benevento, MD Richard Scartozzi, MD Alan E. Karnolt, SA John M. Beiner, MD Jennifer L. Kulp, MD Carlo R. Bernardino, MD George Shafranov, MD Veronica Kon Jara, SA Richard A. Bernstein, MD Janelle Luk, MD Peter J. Branden, MD Martin R. Shapiro, MD Gregory J. McNamara, SA Hubert B. Bradburn, MD Stephen B. Castracane, MD Aryan Shayegani, MD Alyssa Rutigliano, SA David Cohen, MD Nauman Chaudhry, MD M. Bruce Shields, MD Michele C.Troisi, SA Michael P. Connair, MD Armand J. Daccache, MD Douglas P. Shore, MD Kirstin T. Wilkes, SA John P. Daigneault, MD Brian M. DeBroff, MD Jonathan Silbert, MD Howard L. Distelman, MD David E. Silverstone, MD Claudia Castiblanco, MD Richard Diana, MD Urogynecology Leslie C. Doctor, MD Philip J. Silverstone, MD Omar Chaudhary, MD Seth D. Dodds, MD SECTION CHIEF Joan P. Draper, MD Craig A. Sklar, MD Alison Crum, MD Gary E. Friedlaender, MD Alan R. Ecker, MD Scott M. Soloway, MD Mathew George, MBBS David H. Gibson, MD Patricia A. Ecker, MD Robert T. Spector, MD Joseph Giacometti, MD Jonathan N. Grauer, MD Richard S. Bercik, MD Joseph S. Elman, MD Samuel P. Sprotzer, MD Cecily Hamill, MD Louis Iorio, MD Kathleen Connell, MD Philip M. Falcone, MD Kathleen M. Stoessel, MD Anita Hwang, MD John F. Irving, MD Elisabeth A. Erekson, MD Susan H. Forster, MD Stephanie L. Sugin, MD Joseph Lin, MD Peter Jokl, MD Marsha Guess, MD Paul A. Gaudio, MD Andrew P. Swan, MD Inna Marcus, MD Norman R. Kaplan, MD Joel Geffin, MD David Tom, MD Christina Prescott, MD, PhD Kristaps J. Keggi, MD Gregory M. Haffner, MD James C.Tsai, MD Elena Raducu, MD John D. Kelley, MD Peter H. Haffner, MD, PhD Thomas J. Walsh, MD Juan Servat, MD Kenneth M. Kramer, MD Martha A. Howard, MD James M. Weisz, MD Eric Sigler, MD Jonas Lieponis, MD John J. Huang, MD Robert A. Wiznia, MD ASSOCIATE COURTESY Gabor B. Huszar, MD HONORARY Frederick Naftolin, MD, PhD Richard S. Bercik, MD ATTENDING ASSOCIATE Heidi W. Chen, MD AFFILIATED Martha M. Mitchell, APRN AFFILIATED RESIDENTS Mark P. Altman, MD Peter A. DeLuca, MD Dieter M. Lindskog, MD Bernard D. Zuckerman, MD 41 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Mark D. Lorenze, MD Podiatry Kirsten Grau, DPM SECTION CHIEF Chanel Houston, DPM Kyle R. Brown, PA Phillip P. Luchini, MD Jaclyn A. Burns, PA Christopher B. Lynch, MD Kimberly Keane, PA J. Kevin Lynch, MD David C. Leake, PA Peter A. Blume, DPM Richard Leitzen, DPM Robert N. Margolis, MD Patricia Marriott, PA Carol A. Callahan, DPM Erin Mathews, DPM John Marino, MD Jennifer M. Nori, PA David S. Caminear, DPM Sonya Perez, DPM Rowland B. Mayor, MD Maria Onofrio, PA Jeffrey DeLott, DPM David Simon, DPM John D. McCallum, MD John Sceppa, PA Richard B. Feldman, DPM Michael Medvecky, MD FELLOWS Martin M. Pressman, DPM ATTENDING PATHOLOGY Sara Karamloo, DPM Ashleigh Korves, DPM CHIEF Alan H. Feldman, DPM Rehabilitation ATTENDING Jon S. Morrow, MD Philip A. Minotti, MD Shawn Hermenau, MD Gerald A. Gorecki, DPM Thomas P. Moran, MD Allister R. Williams, MD Jonathan J. Key, DPM Regina Gurevich, MD Adebowale J. Adeniran, MD Michael J. Murphy, MD Jianghui Zhang, MD David C. Novicki, DPM Mustapha Kemal, MD Veerle I. Bossuyt, MD Lori K. Paragas, DPM John W. O’Brien, MD Demetrios T. Braddock, MD David S. Rosenblum, MD Guoping Cai, MD Richard R. Pelker, MD, PhD RESIDENTS ATTENDING Alan M. Reznik, MD Olusanjo Adeoye, MD, MBA Martin M. Pressman, DPM Enzo J. Sella, MD James Bullock, MD Steven B. Silverstein, DPM Durgadas P. Sakalkale, MD Robert L. Camp, MD, PhD Joseph F. Slade, MD Erik Carlson, MD Steven D. Vyce, DPM Vivian C. Shih, MD Cheung F. Chhieng, MD Brian G. Smith, MD Aristides Cruz, MD Alyse B. Sicklick, MD Paul J. Cohen, MD Jeffrey M. Sumner, MD David Essig, MD Aparna S. Chauhan, DPM Timothy Young, MD Jose Costa, MD Carrie R. Swigart, MD Allen Ferrucci, MD Jesse P. Parks, DPM Sanda L.Tomak, MD Thomas Fishler, MD Shirvinda Wijesekera, MD Brody Flanagin, MD Mark J. Daddio, DPM Vincent J. Williams, MD Elizabeth Gardner, MD Richard Durocher, DPM Joseph C. Wu, MD Qusai Hammouri, MBBS Alicia Guidone, DPM James Yue, MD Andrea Lese, MD Lee M. Hurney, DPM Liming Hao, MD Richard Zell, MD Eamonn Mahoney, MD James G. Krantz, DPM Malini Harigopal, MD Matthew Milewski, MD Sean W. Lazarus, DPM Robert J. Homer, MD, PhD Todd D. Applegate, DO Fred Mo, MD Scott Melamed, DPM Stanley D. Hudnall, MD John S. Reach, MD Anthony Ndu, MD Robert P. Novicki, DPM Pei Hui, MD, PhD Mark W. Scanlan, MD Benjamin Noonan, MD Estell Pappas, DPM Dhanpat Jain, MD Karen M. Sutton, MD Jonathan Packer, MD Joseph A. Saracco, DPM Michael Kashgarian, MD Peter G. Whang, MD Arun Rajaram, MD Glenn C. Vitale, DPM Young C. Kim, MD ASSOCIATE COURTESY Ravi Ramachandran, MD ASSOCIATE COURTESY VISITING ASSOCIATE Jan K. Czyzyk, MD Hannah M. Castrucci, MD Akosua B. Domfeh, MD Brian T. Kucer, MD Steve E. Downing, MD COURTESY Martin Hasenfeld, MD Earl J. Glusac, MD George K. Haines, MD Jung H. Kim, MD Diane P. Kowalski, MD Alfredo L. Axtmayer, MD Adrienne Socci, MD James S. Marsh, MD Paul Talusan, MD Patrick A. Ruwe, MD Connor Telles, MD Eliza Addis-Thomas, DPM Joseph A. Madri, MD, PhD Luis Vega, MD Hilda Aviles-Vargas, DPM Vincent T. Marchesi, MD Jervis Yau, MD Benjamin Carelock, DPM Thomas P. Mezzetti, MD Peter Yeh, MD Shirley Catoire, DPM Kisha A. Mitchell, MD Ralph J. DePonte, MD Farlyn Charlot, DPM Gilbert W. Moeckel, MD, PhD Thomas S. Renshaw, MD Rick Chen, DPM Jon S. Morrow, MD, PhD Wayne O. Southwick, MD Christopher Fatti, DPM Vinita Parkash, MD VISITING Jerold M. Perlman, MD HONORARY 42 AFFILIATED Michael A. Luchini, MD Andrew Rice, DPM RESIDENTS Angelique W. Levi, MD Martin L. Sumner, MD Marguerite Pinto, MD Ulrich H. Weil, MD Manju L. Prasad, MD David L. Rimm, MD, PhD Alexa Siddon, MD Steven B. Fishberger, MD Carl R. Baum, MD Cindy Guandalini, APRN Marie E. Robert, MD Katharine Van Patten, MD Alan H. Friedman, MD Kirsten A. Bechtel, MD Heather Mokotoff, APRN Ozlen Saglam, MD Alexander Wong, MD Paul T. Pitlick, MD Lei Chen, MD Kristin Sikes, APRN John Sinard, MD, PhD Serena Wong, MD Bevin P. Weeks, MD Kevin Y. Ching, MD Kerry R. Stephenson, APRN Jeffrey Sklar, MD Mina Xu, MD Fattaneh Tavassoli, MD Naomi Yoo, MD Constantine G.A.Theoharis, MD James Ziai, MD Alexander O. Vortmeyer, MD Zenta Walther, MD, PhD AFFILIATED Andrea Urban, APRN FELLOWS Nancy Rollinson, APRN Mark Hommel, MD Alice M. Ruszkowski, APRN Allen L. Hsiao, MD Valeria C. Benavides, MD Melissa L. Langhan, MD Ania M. Jastreboff, MD Grace J. Kim, MD FELLOWS PEDIATRICS Mark X. Cicero, MD Alicia H. Chaves, MD David A. Listman, MD Alexander B. West, MD Michael T. Colon, MD Karen Santucci, MD Anisha D. Patel, DO Eduardo V. Zambrano, MD Walter L. Li, MD David M. Walker, MD Jennifer L. Sherr, MD Kristin C. Lombardi, MD Susan A. Walsh, MD Michelle Vanstone, MD ASSOCIATE Nicholas P. Pietris, MD Anita J. Huttner, MD Jose F. Arraiano, PA Gastro / Hepatology Critical Care Rhonda L. Sawyer, PA SECTION CHIEF SECTION CHIEF Dina Z. Weiner, PA Sihem Khelifa, MD FELLOWS Barbara J. Arcarese, DO Natalia Buza, MD Zendee Elaba, MD CHIEF Margaret K. Hostetter, MD AFFILIATED Clifford W. Bogue, MD ATTENDING FELLOWS Pramod Mistry, MD ATTENDING Michelle Alletag, MD Nadia A. Ameen, MD Fadi Gebrail, MD Michael Apkon, MD Katherine E. Nicholson, MD Sandra I. Escalera, MD Barton C. Kenney, MD Clifford W. Bogue, MD Lilia B. Reyes, MD Sohail Z. Husain, MD Sepi Mahooti, MD Michael F. Canarie, MD Antonio Riera, MD Pramod Mistry, MD Ronald Miick, MD Edward V. Faustino, MD Lawrence T. Siew, MD Dinesh S. Pashankar, MD Negar Rassaei, MD Mary Lou Gaeta, MD Souzan Sanati, MD John S. Giuliano, MD Endocrine Mustafa K. Khokha, MD SECTION CHIEF Megan Selbst, MD, MS RESIDENTS - ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY Bora Baysal, MD, PhD ASSOCIATE CHIEF Joseph H. Zelson, MD Gabor Oroszi, MD, PhD Adolescent Matthew Palmer, MD, PhD SECTION CHIEF RESIDENTS - ANATOMIC/CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Andrea Barbieri, MD Alexander Finkelstein, DO Rita R.J. Ongjoco, DO Stephanie N. Sudikoff, MD Jaroslaw Jedrych, MD Yue Wu, MD, PhD Megan E. McCabe, MD Sheryl A. Ryan, MD ATTENDING Sheryl A. Ryan, MD AFFILIATED Richard A. Rosencrantz, MD William Tamborlane, MD ATTENDING AFFILIATED Susanne S. Johnson, APRN FELLOWS Gilberto Bultron, MD Laleh Ardeshirpour, MD Sam X. Cheng, MD Susan D. Boulware, MD Uma P. Phatak, MD Susan C. Dickenson, APRN Tania S. Burgert, MD Philip Stein, MD Adrienne B. Loth, APRN Sonia Caprio, MD AFFILIATED Thomas O. Carpenter, MD General Pediatrics Engin Deniz, MD Eda Cengiz, MD SECTION CHIEF Sarah Kandil, MD Catherine A. Dinauer, MD FELLOWS Paul L. McCarthy, MD Christopher Flynn, MD, PhD Sarah Vaughan, APRN Simon Li, MD Myron Genel, MD Holly Harper, MD Denise Wagner, APRN Cecilia D.Thompson, MD Radhika Purushothaman, MD Luis Alonso, MD Francis F. Ulmer, MD Scott A. Rivkees, MD Patrick M. Alvino, MD William Tamborlane, MD Robert J. Anderson, MD Stuart Weinzimer, MD Ronald Angoff, MD Matthew Horne, MD Gillian Levy, MD Cardiology Fredilyn Lipata, MD SECTION CHIEF (Acting) Nicole Masian, MD Kristopher McKay, MD Alan Friedman, MD ATTENDING Tiffani Milless, MD Jeremy D. Asnes, MD Priyadharsini Nagarajan, MBBS, PhD Martina Brueckner, MD Eric Scott, MD John T. Fahey, MD Emergency Medicine SECTION CHIEF AFFILIATED ATTENDING Andrea G. Asnes, MD Jodie M. Ambrosino, PhD Abraham J. Avni-Singer, MD Patricia Gatcomb, APRN Kirsten M. Baker, MD Linda D. Arnold, MD Rachel L. Goldberg-Gell, APRN Allison J. Beitel, MD Marc A. Auerbach, MD Margaret Grey, APRN Andrea L. Benin, MD Karen Santucci, MD ATTENDING 43 Medical Staff 44 (As of September 30, 2009) Lisa Berlin, MD Laurie Glassman, MD Amy L. Molten, MD Stephen C. Updegrove, MD Judith D. Ferholt, MD Robert M. Biondi, MD Edward H. Gleich, MD James L. Morgan, MD Ali Vaezy, MD Thomas Flynn, MD John W. Blanton, MD Christopher W. Goff, MD Carol L. Morrison, MD Kerline A. Vassell, MD Joyce D. Gryboski, MD Harold D. Bornstein, MD Karen Y. Goldberg, MD Pamela M. Murtagh, MD Lisa Visscher, MD Arnold A. Heiger, MD Margaret T. Boron, MD Paul S. Goldstein, MD Robert Nolfo, MD Linda A. Waldman, MD Ferrin C. Holmes, MD Nancy B. Brown, MD Liesel L. Gould, MD James E. O’Connor, MD Kristen S. Wallis, MD William D. Irving, MD Joanne Burger, MD Dyan L. Griffin, MD Kathy Pae, MD Gary R. Wanerka, MD Alan Meyers, MD Kenneth R. Burke, MD Matthew R. Grossman, MD Shilpa Pai, MD Anthony G. Wayne, MD William P. Silberberg, MD Christine G. Butler, MD Jeffrey A. Gruskay, MD Christine L. Patterson, MD Carol C. Weitzman, MD Annette F. Cameron, MD Abha R. Gupta, MD, PhD Lisa R. Pavlovic, MD Richard F. Whelan, MD Christopher R. Canny, MD Richard B. Halperin, MD, MPH Marie H. Pouliot, MD Elizabeth A. Wiesner, MD Patricia J. Allen, APRN Andrew J. Carlson, MD Fadi M. Hammoud, MD Ujwala P. Puranik, MD Meredith H. Williams, MD Nancy C. Banasiak, APRN Michelle C. Caserta, MD Jonathan E. Harwin, MD Christopher C. Randolph, MD Robert D. Windom, MD Elyse S. Borsuk, APRN Shi-Jen Cheng, MD Jacob Hen, MD Rebecca C. Rastetter, MD Edward E. Zalitis, MD Judith Carbonella, APRN Jeannette Chinchilla, MD David Hersh, MD, PhD Erin N. Rice, MD Joseph H. Zelson, MD Jennifer M. Carlson, APRN Allison V. Cohen, MD Elizabeth Herz, MD Marie F. Robert, MD Miriam S. Cohen, MD Ann M. Hoefer, MD Marjorie S. Rosenthal, MD Dennis P. Bekeny, MD Angela A. Crowley, APRN Eve R. Colson, MD Douglas L. Idelson, MD Lynn K. Rudich, MD Maria C. Delucia, DO Ann E. Drabinski, APRN Nicholas Condulis, MD Margaret K. Ikeda, MD Howard J. Sadinsky, DO Beth L. Emerson, MD Diane E. Fahey, APRN Alanna M. Coughlin, MD Shari A. Jackson, MD Ann B. Sahakian, MD Christine E. Macken, MD Carolyn Federici, APRN Douglas C. Curtiss, MD Tamiko V. Jackson, MD John C. Samuel, MD Sherene Mason, MD Mary Jane Galvin, APRN Nancy Czarkowski, MD Jeffrey C. Jennings, MD Margaret A. Sanyal, MD Zena A. Scates, MD Mary E. Groth, APRN Richelle deMayo, MD Craig M. Keanna, MD Raymond C. Seligson, MD Michael J. Sheehan, MD Linda A. Jacobson, APRN Marguerite R. Dillaway, MD Christine M. Kennedy, MD Lucille A. Semeraro, MD Sydney Z. Spiesel, MD Monica M. Joyce, APRN Michelle E. DiLorenzo, DO Karen E. Kennedy, MD Michelle C. Serlin, MD Ian S. Zenlea, MD Shannon Knaggs, APRN Louis M. DiMauro, MD Karalyn Kinsella, MD Laurel B. Shader, MD Carol L. Dorfman, MD Harry D. Kipperman, MD Richard L. Shelling, MD Stuart W. Gardner, MD, PhD Paolin Liu, APRN Robert G. Dorr, MD Marci Klein, MD Richard N. Shiffman, MD Stephen J. Maddox, MD Paula Masto, APRN Karen B. Dorsey, MD Sharon E. Kuhn, MD Moshe Siev, MD Nicholas P. Mongillo, MD Mikki M. Meadows-Oliver, APRN Clarvdia Dunn, MD Sherlet A. Kurian, MD Simone K. Simon, MD Dara T. Richards, MD Alison L. Moriarty-Daley, APRN Dennis P. Durante, MD Robert G. LaCamera, MD Martin W. Sklaire, MD Christina M. Smillie, MD Janet L. Murphy, APRN Marybeth P. Ellison, MD Janet T. Lau, MD Stephanie J. Slattery, MD Thomas H. Etkin, MD Robert Lavallee, MD Dena J. Springer, MD Richard M. Freedman, MD Earlene Peckham, APRN Kathleen A. Fearn, MD Eileen M. Lawrence, MD Erin S. Springhorn, MD E. Benjamin Gardner, MD Elisabeth A. Reilly, APRN Ada M. Fenick, MD John M. Leventhal, MD Jonathan H.R. Stein, MD Lata R. Jayanthi, MD Misael Rodriguez, PA Howard D. Fink, MD Roberta L. Lockhart, MD Elsa L. Stone, MD Brad A. Jubelirer, MD Cheryl A. Savoca, APRN Maryellen Flaherty-Hewitt, MD Douglas N. MacGregor, MD Shari M. Storeygard, MD Susan M. Leib, MD Martha K. Swartz, APRN Dia B. Flanagan, MD Ruth J. Magraw, MD Gordon Streeter, MD Alan H. Morelli, MD Brian W.C. Forsyth, MD Ann J. Maley, MD Leslie E. Sude, MD Sanatkunar Nallainathan, MD Steve M. Frank, MD Radhika Malhotra, MD Craig P. Summers, MD Bruce G. Freeman, MD Cynthia F. Mann, MD Jaideep S.Talwalkar, MD Martin H. Gad, MD Paul L. McCarthy, MD Dawn C.Torres, MD Michael A. Baron, MD Marianne San Antonio, DO Gregory S. Germain, MD Laura M. McGrimley, MD Semeon G.Tsalbins, MD Kenneth A. Bradford, MD Sarah Schlegel, MD Gerald J. Germano, MD Jonathan M. Miller, MD Vivian P.Tsuei, MD Marie J. Browne, MD Jan H. Sia, MD ASSOCIATE COURTESY VISITING Harry S. Romanowitz, MD HONORARY Morris A. Wessel, MD AFFILIATED Meridith Cowperthwait, APRN Mary Anne Lavin, APRN Dottie Needham, APRN Cindy R. Wechsler, APRN FELLOWS Peggy G. Chen, MD Lara Johnson, MD Lauren Ullman, MD Immunology Annmarie Golioto, MD Cheryl Anderson, MD Natalie Uy, MD SECTION CHIEF Ahmet S. Gork, MD Vanaja Alexander, MD Adam Berkwitt, MD Michelle Van Name, MD Yeisid Gozzo, MD Kathryn Colacchio, MD Catherine Boston, MD Lisa Visentin, MD Ian Gross, MD Christy L. Cummings, MD Jill Colabroy, MD Patsy Warren, MD Jose G. Calderon, MD Jeffrey R. Gruen, MD Orly L. Levit, MD Nicole DeVincenzo, MD David Weber, MD David Dreyfus, MD, PhD Robert A. Herzlinger, MD Yogangi Malhotra, MD Nancy Dodson, MD Justin Weigand, MD Frank L. Gruskay, MD Harris C. Jacobs, MD Eliza H. Myers, MD Matthew Egalka, MD Katherine Weingartner, MD Lindsay C. Johnston, MD Laurie A. Steiner, MD Danielle Ehret, MD Juliann Williams, MD Cheryl A. Menzies, MD Iris Streimish, MD Lori Ellis, MD Carol Wittlieb, MD Mark R. Mercurio, MD Alecia Thompson, MD Jonathan Flyer, MD Adrian Zurca, MD Agnieszka Matczuk, MD Steven M. Peterec, MD Isabelle Von Kohorn, MD Philip I. Weisinger, MD Emese Pinter, MD RESIDENTS - PEDIATRICS Amanda Gosling, MD Nirupama Gupta, MD Genetics Carol Lynn Higgins, MD ATTENDING Payal Kadia, MD Maurice J. Mahoney, MD Kasia Koziol-Dube, MD James M. McGrath, MD Joseph Kuebler, MD Sean Lang, MD Alyssa Le, MD Margretta R. Seashore, MD AFFILIATED Lynne A. Wolfe, APN Diana Soojung Lee, MD Margaret K. Hostetter, MD ATTENDING COURTESY Chester C. Wood, MD VISITING Infectious Diseases SECTION CHIEF I. George Miller, MD ATTENDING FELLOWS Meltem Seli, MD Nephrology Scott A. Weiner, MD SECTION CHIEF AFFILIATED Dawn P. Bernardo, APRN Alda Tufro, MD ATTENDING Jennifer M. Chapman, PA Julie E. Goodwin, MD Warren A. Andiman, MD Shivani N. Desai, PA Hetal S. Kocinsky, MD Robert S. Baltimore, MD Katherine Devir, PA Bruce McDonald, MD Sumita Bhaduri-McIntosh, MD Andrea S. Dingman, PA Jeffrey M. Stein, MD Brian Liebler, MD Hematology Michael Cappello, MD Audrey E. Douglas, PA Jessie Long, MD SECTION CHIEF Margaret K. Hostetter, MD Katherine A. Flaherty, PA Richard Martinello, MD Christine M. Fontana, APRN Badreldin M. Bedri, MD I. George Miller, MD Julie Frascatore, PA Cynthia J. D’Alessandri, MD Tracy Gambardella, PA Patricia W. Seo-Mayer, MD Adam R. Weinstein, MD Katherine Lord, MD Misty Melendi, MD Gary M. Kupfer, MD ATTENDING Alda Tufro, MD, PhD FELLOWS Marta Mieczkowska, MD Diana S. Beardsley, MD, PhD Thomas S. Murray, MD, PhD Angela Montgomery, MD Kavita Dhodapkar, MD Elijah E. Paintsil, MD Dael B. Harrison, PA Erin Nozetz, MD Mary Jane S. Hogan, MD Eugene D. Shapiro, MD Christina L. Koskinas, PA Daniel Park, MD Paul Jubinsky, MD Marietta Vazquez, MD Nancy A. Koval, APRN Neurology Mohini Patel, MD Nina Kadan-Lottick, MD Janet M. Lawrence, APRN SECTION CHIEF Poonam Patel, MD Gary M. Kupfer, MD Sachin Desai, MD Megan E. Luizzi, PA Shalini Patel, MD Stephanie A. Massaro, MD Michael Miller, MD Margaret Mishra, APRN Sarah Pearce, MD Joseph M. McNamara, MD Dawn M. Wetzel, MD, PhD Scott M. O’Brien, PA Susan R. Levy, MD Brea Prindaville, MD Farzana D. Pashankar, MD Nancy L. Ramsey, PA Laura R. Ment, MD Neonatology Elaine M. Remley, PA Geoffrey Miller, MD SECTION CHIEF Sara Renna, PA Bennett A. Shaywitz, MD Elaine Romano, APRN Sally E. Shaywitz, MD Barbara E. Sabo, APRN Francine M.Testa, MD Richard S.K. Young, MD Andrea Rock, MD HONORARY Efrat Rosenthal, MD Susan McIntosh, MD Tanya Sachdeva, MD Howard A. Pearson, MD Erika Schumacher, MD AFFILIATED FELLOWS Ian Gross, MD ATTENDING Kara Seaton, MD Lyn M. Balsamo, PhD Vineet Bhandari, MD Michelle Sabol, PA Margaret Siska, MD Rebecca F. Cheron, APRN Matthew J. Bizzarro, MD Eileen Tichy, PA Carolyn Demsky, APRN David P. Cheromcha, MD Laura K. Van Dyke, APRN Brett V. Citarella, MD Barbara A. Veet-Gillis, APRN Rebecca Welte, APRN David Sullivan, MD Melissa Sundberg, MD FELLOWS Rebecca Taxier, MD Sarah Lo, MD Richard A. Ehrenkranz, MD Mareen Thomas, MD Salley G. Pels, MD Magdy Galal, MD Heather Tory, MD Yaoping Zhang, MD Patrick G. Gallagher, MD Bennett A. Shaywitz, MD ATTENDING 45 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Respiratory PSYCHIATRY Gerardo Gonzalez-Haddad, MD William H. Sledge, MD Lynn W. Reiser, MD Ezra E.H. Griffith, MD Vinod H. Srihari, MD Charles E. Riordan, MD Jonas O. Hannestad, MD Susanne I. Steinberg, MD Marc A. Rubenstein, MD Jonathan Harland, MD Jeanne L. Steiner, DO Joseph A. Sabbatino, MD Alia Bazzy-Asaad, MD Ralph E. Hoffman, MD Robert Stern, MD, PhD Jerome M. Schnitt, MD Sumit Bhargava, MD Selby C. Jacobs, MD Thomas D. Stewart, MD Sanford J. Schreiber, MD Marie E. Egan, MD Michel Jean-Baptiste, MD Rajesh R.Tampi, MD Rochelle R. Schreibman, MD Americo E. Esquibies, MD Yasmin D. Jilla, MD Cenk Tek, MD James L. Scott, MD Arie Kaffman, MD, PhD Ece Tek, MD Karin Kerfoot, MD Enrique J.Tello Silva, MD Shaukat A. Khan, MD Christopher H. van Dyck, MD Daniel Bendor, MD Paul D.S. Kirwin, MD Michael B. Vollmar, MD David E. Ciancimino, MD Jeffry Klugman, MD Erica L. Weiss, MD Henry F. Crabbe, MD Natalie Hayes, DO Jo R. Kremer, MD Bruce E. Wexler, MD Jenifer A. Nields, MD Marleine F. Ishak, MD John H. Krystal, MD Robert S. White, MD Deniz Kesebir, MD Joanne L. Kurt, MD Scott W. Woods, MD Dori Laub, MD Kimberly Yonkers, MD Lane Ameen, MD Karl-Otto Liebmann, MD Paula C. Zimbrean, MD Benjamin S. Bunney, MD Sabina Lim, MD Howard V. Zonana, MD James J. Ciarcia, MD SECTION CHIEF Alia Bazzy-Asaad, MD ATTENDING Regina M. Palazzo, MD Pnina R. Weiss, MD CHIEF John H. Krystal, MD AFFILIATED Concettina Tolomeo, APRN FELLOWS Aledie Navas Nazario, MD Ambika R. Shenoy, MD ASSISTANT CHIEF William Sledge, MD ATTENDING 46 Robert T. Malison, MD ASSOCIATE Pieter J. Van Wattum, MD VISITING Myer M. Shimelman, MD HONORARY Paul Errera, MD Aniyizhai Annamalai, MD Marshal Mandelkern, MD Sunanda Muralee, MD Louis B. Fierman, MD Stephen R. Atkins, MD Thomas H. McGlashan, MD Christopher J. Pittenger, MD, PhD Gerald H. Flamm, MD Andrew L. Balter, MD Eric Millman, MD Arthur A. Simen, MD Herbert D. Kleber, MD Robert Beech, MD Robert M. Milstein, MD Wendol A. Williams, MD Carolyn Kovel, MD Farzana Begum, MD Daniel C. Moore, MD Fay Y. Womer, MD Boris G. Rifkin, MD Richard Belitsky, MD Peter T. Morgan, MD Claudia C. Bemis, MD Michael A. Norko, MD Victor A. Altshul, MD Eric H. Berger, MD Robert B. Ostroff, MD Linda C. Barr, MD Andrea Adimando, APRN Douglas A. Berv, MD Alice G. Papsun, MD David A. Carlson, MD Joel Allison, PhD Zubin Bhagwagar, MD, PhD Heather L. Paxton, MD James Charney, MD Seth Axelrod, PhD Hilary P. Blumberg, MD Godfrey Pearlson, MD Catherine Chiles, MD Rebecca S. Behrends, PhD Alec Buchanan, MD Marc Potenza, MD Joseph F. Fickes, MD Susan A. Bers, PhD Joseph Check, MD Seth M. Powsner, MD David G. Greenfeld, MD Sidney J. Blatt, PhD Lara G. Chepenik, MD, PhD Mark D. Rego, MD C. Scott Grove, MD Debra Boltas, PhD Lydia Chwastiak, MD Harvey L. Ruben, MD George R. Heninger, MD Elizabeth A. Brett, PhD John P. Corwin, MD Richard L. Rubin, MD Ann G. Hess, MD, PhD Susan Brown, APRN Cheryl H. Cottrol, MD Neayka Sahay, MD Oscar F. Hills, MD Kathryn Camizzi, APRN John M. de Figueiredo, MD Dana Salomy, MD Helen M. Lankenau, MD Daniel S. Cervonka, PA Paul H. Desan, MD, PhD Gerard Sanacora, MD John B. McKee, MD Helena T. Chmielowicz, APRN Christine Desmond, MD Mary E. Savage, MD Nancy Olson, MD Maureen D. Cook, APRN Lisa Fillmore, MD Richard S. Schottenfeld, MD Richard M. Ownbey, MD Cynthia Dare, APRN Deborah Fried, MD Michael J. Sernyak, MD Robert H. Peters, MD Maria Durand, APRN Tsilia Glinberg, MD Alan J. Sholomskas, MD Sidney H. Phillips, MD Dwain Fehon, PsyD Heather E. Goff, MD Alan P. Siegal, MD Stanley G. Possick, MD Carlos Grilo, PhD COURTESY Bernard Snow, MD AFFILIATED Keith A. Hawkins, PsyD Susan Tran, MD Paul Rao, MD William R. Hendrixson, APRN Jaswinder K. Walia, MD Sally Romano, MD Kay Long, PhD Jason Yanofski, MD Bryan Shelby, MD Barbara Marcus, PhD Nagy Youssef, MD Joseph Smith, MD SURGERY Richard K. Shaw, MD Harold Stern, MD Allan L.Toole, MD AFFILIATED Martine Solages, MD Courtney M. Fankhanel, PA Ahmed Abdel-Raouf, MB, BCh Christopher Starr, MD Judit Farkas, PA Robin M. Masheb, PhD Neil Aggarwal, MD Kalyani Subramanyam, MBBS Timothy Hansen, PA Carolyn M. Mazure, PhD Gustavo Angarita Africano, MD Toral Surti, MD Rita W. McCleary, PsyD Frank Appah, MD, PhD Emily Tejani, MD Bernice G. McKay, APRN Tichianaa Armah, MD Nabyl Tejani, MD Leslie O’Connor, APRN Eric Arzubi, MD Claire Tenny, MD Michael V. Pantalon, PhD Alina Bouza, MD Scott Terranella, MD Donald M. Quinlan, PhD John Cahill, MBBS Mai Uchida, MD Pranav B. Patel, MD Edward R. Ryan, PhD Claudia Califano, MD Amelia Villagomez, MD Sean Yetman, MD Charles Sanislow, PhD Nedson Campbell, MD Philip Williams, MD Matthew F. Shaw, PhD Natalie Campo, MD Matthew Wright, MD Maura J. Woodward, APRN Jessica Chaudhary, MD Ke Xu, MD, PhD Pascale Chrisphonte, MD Erin Zahradnik, MD Cathy Markle, PhD Steve Martino, PhD FELLOWS RESIDENTS - PSYCHIATRY RESIDENTS - ADULT AND CHILD PSYCHIATRY Michael Lalonde, PA CHIEF Robert Udelsman, MD Dominick Mariconda, PA Brian O’Neill, APRN Barbara Stahl, APRN FELLOWS Okan Yurdakok, MD RESIDENTS Akbar Amirafshari, MD ASSOCIATE CHIEF Mary DiMiceli, MD Gabriel Arimoro, MD Juan Carlos Cleves Bayon, MD Bachaar Arnaout, MD Randi Cohen, MD, PhD Michael Bloch, MD Babak Azar, MD Kathryn Feldman, MD Jon Carlson, MD Cardiac Surgery Rehan Aziz, MD Paul Geha, MD Thomas Fernandez, MD SECTION CHIEF Venkata R. Chivukula, MD Genevieve Henry, MD Christopher Hammond, MD Brian Cooke, MD Eric Hermes, MD Rebecca Hommer, MD Paulo Correa, MD Gretchen Hermes, MD, PhD Hanna Stevens, MD Donald M. Botta, MD Sandra D. Duarte Sckell, MD Rebecca Hicks, MD Tamara Vanderwal, MD Umer M. Darr, MD Ellen Edens, MD Dina Hooshyar, MD Alexander Westphal, MD Michael L. Dewar, MD Robert L. Bell, MD Michael B. Greenspan, MD Rasika Jayasekera, MD Kyle Williams, MD John A. Elefteriades, MD Andrew J. Duffy, MD Chinmoy Gulrajani, MD Pavle Joksovic, MD Arnar Geirsson, MD Walter E. Longo, MD Sadaf M. Hashmi, MD Kourtney Koslosky, MD Sabet W. Hashim, MD Irvin M. Modlin, MD, PhD Hsiang Huang, MD Mari Kurahashi, MD, MPH Richard W. Kim, MD Deborah Knudson-Gonzalez, MD Pilar Laborde Lahoz, MD Gary Kopf, MD Javier Lopez, MD Carla Marienfeld, MD Toshiharu Shin’oka, MD Chanley Martin, MD Suzanne Meehan, MD George Tellides, MD Stephen Mayeri, MD Sarah Mourra, MD Laura Musteti-Oprea, MD Abby Mulkeen, MD Vasant B. Khachane, MD Srinivas Muvvala, MD Meredith Naidorf, MD Viswa B. Nathan, MD Andre Newfield, MD Marina Nakic, MD, PhD Richard P. Salzano, MD Christopher Raczynski, MD Mark Niciu, MD, PhD Joseph R. Richards, MD Andres Oteo, MD William Rush, MD Joseph Perry, MD Chandrika Shankar, MD Maya Prabhu, MD Graeme L. Hammond, MD Andrew J. Graham, MD Sosunmolu O. Shoyinka, MD Imraan Qureshi, MD Carl May, MD Nina R. Horowitz, MD Amy M.Taylor, MD Farah Rahiem, MD Robert L. Mullin, MD Raymond J. Ippolito, MD Stephan Ariyan, MD Jaromir Kohout, MD Ashok Muralidaran, MBBS John A. Elefteriades, MD ATTENDING COURTESY VISITING Cary S. Passik, MD HONORARY Christopher Terrien, MD Gastroenterology SECTION CHIEF Walter E. Longo, MD ATTENDING Kurt E. Roberts, MD AFFILIATED Jocelyne G. Yoo, PA General Surgery SECTION CHIEF Walter E. Longo, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Michael O’Brien, MD ATTENDING Paul A. Barcewicz, MD 47 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) Karen A. Johnson, MD Sharon Kiang, MD Otolaryngology David D. Roberts, MD Plastic Surgery Michael K. O’Brien, MD Amichai Kilchevsky, MD SECTION CHIEF Eiji Yanagisawa, MD SECTION CHIEF James F. Passarelli, MD John Kunstman, MD Vikram B. Reddy, MD Mark Maxfield, MD Robert B. Schlessel, MD Tamar Mirensky, MD Kaye Zuckerman, MD Nirmala Panwar, MD J. Cameron Kirchner, MD ATTENDING Lynn Acton, MS Melissa M. Dziedzic, APRN Lisa Gagnon, APRN John A. Persing, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Stefano Fusi, MD ATTENDING Flavio Paterno, MD Paul W. Alberti, MD Jennifer L. Hopper, MS Stephan Ariyan, MD Jason Prescott, MD, PhD David I. Astrachan, MD Steven B. Leder, PhD Jeffrey A. Arons, MD Clinton Protack, MD Eric D. Baum, MD Virginia A. Lee, PA Zeno N. Chicarilli, MD John A. Bonadies, MD Jorge Reguero Hernandez, MD Mark S. Bianchi, MD Wendy Mackey, APRN Javier J. Davila, MD Kenneth A. Ciardiello, MD Muhammad Rishi, MBBS Agnes Czibulka, MD Joseph Mendes, PA Stefano Fusi, MD Nkemakonam H. Ikekpeazu, MD Ahmad Saad, MD Dianne C. Duffey, MD Bernadette M. Palmese, MA Michael K. Matthew, MD Laura K. Manuelidis, MD Andreas Marcus Schneider, MD Paul L. Fortgang, MD Carol A. Powell, MS Deepak Narayan, MD Christopher M. McLaughlin, MD Jaimin Shah, MD Craig S. Hecht, MD Heather L. Warner, MA John A. Persing, MD Amir Shariff, MBBS Ronald H. Hirokawa, MD Stanley J. Dudrick, MD Louis Stein, MD David E. Karas, MD Stewart Adam, MD Richard J. Restifo, MD Ellen G. Polokoff, MD Michael Sullivan, MD J. Cameron Kirchner, MD Karina Canadas, MD Jeffrey C. Salomon, MD Andrae Vandross, MD John F. Kveton, MD Michael Chee, MD Richard S. Stahl, MD Robert K. Houlihan, MD Stephanie Wood, MB, ChB Elias M. Michaelides, MD Natalya Chernichenko, MD James G.Thomson, MD Peter A. Immordino, MD Heather Yeo, MD Samuel T. Ostrower, MD Michael Fattal, MD Robert B.Tross, MD William B. McCullough, MD Peter Yoo, MD Clarence T. Sasaki, MD David Hohuan, MD John F. Schmidt, MD Stella Lee, MD ASSOCIATE Hui Sen Chong, MD COURTESY VISITING HONORARY Sherwin B. Nuland, MD RESIDENTS Randolph B. Reinhold, MD Oncology Thomas Takoudes, MD Lesley Rabach, MD Richard A. Selzer, MD SECTION CHIEF Eugenia M. Vining, MD Jeffrey Ulis, MD Michael Waltzman, MD, PhD Wayne Yan, MD Stephen A. Stein, MD AFFILIATED Rita A. Rienzo, PA RESIDENTS Ronald R. Salem, MD ATTENDING J. Michael Willett, MD Gary J. Price, MD Mark H. Weinstein, MD ASSOCIATE Leo R. Otake, MD, PhD COURTESY Paul D. Fischer, MD Leon A. Goldstein, MD Tobias J. Carling, MD, PhD Ken Yanagisawa, MD Pediatric David J. Goodkind, MD Charles H. Cha, MD Nwanmegha O. Young, MD SECTION CHIEF James R. Lyons, MD COURTESY Deborah Pan, MD Anthonia Adewole, MD Baiba J. Grube, MD Usman Ahmad, MBBS Donald Lannin, MD Howard P. Boey, MD Elizabeth Arena, MD Sanziana A. Roman, MD Maria N. Byrne, MD Christopher Breuer, MD Harvey J. Bluestein, MD Danielle Bello, MD Ronald R. Salem, MD Eaton Chen, MD Karen Diefenbach, MD Elizabeth M. Kim, MD Loren Berman, MD Julie A. Sosa, MD Mark A. D’Agostino, MD Milissa McKee, MD Rene Borscheid, MD Robert Udelsman, MD Julian Henley, MD R. Lawrence Moss, MD Matthew Brennan, MD AFFILIATED Muriel Cleary, MD Deborah L. Araya, PA Michael Collins, MD Lindsay C. Burke, APRN Madison Cuffy, MD, PhD Elspeth Knill-Selby, APRN Michel-Ann Dias, MD Meghan L. Quintanilla, PA Hulda Einarsdottir, MD FELLOWS Tamara Fitzgerald, MD, PhD Stacey A. Milan, MD Annabelle Fonseca, MBBS Jean-Claude D. Schwartz, MD Saad Hashmi, MBBS Eliza-Jasmine B.Tran, MD Habib Khan, MBBS 48 Clarence T. Sasaki, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF AFFILIATED Keat-Jin Lee, MD Gordon Strothers, MD Howard D. Stupak, MD VISITING R. Lawrence Moss, MD ATTENDING Robert J.Touloukian, MD HONORARY John H. Seashore, MD AFFILIATED VISITING Henry M. Spinelli, MD HONORARY Marvin S. Arons, MD AFFILIATED Kerry Digby, PA Bruce C. Fichandler, PA Craig D. Friedman, MD Julia Cringle, PA Rebecca Hall, PA Stanley I. Friedman, MD Jasmin Jose, PA Elizabeth A. Likins-Graham, PA Douglas A. Ross, MD Heather Kaufman, APRN Tami Migic, PA HONORARY FELLOWS James M. Dowaliby, MD Christine M. Rader, MD John A. Kirchner, MD Gustavo Villalona, MD Gabrielle Troisi, PA FELLOWS FELLOWS Peter Demir, MD Vascular SECTION CHIEF Kelly L. Babineaux, MD Bayindir Cimsit, MD Ralph J. DeVito, MD Sepehr Sajjad, MD Anthony Galitsky, MD Harris E. Foster, MD David G. Hesse, MD RESIDENTS Alexander Au, MD Trauma & Critical Care Stanton C. Honig, MD Peter Broer, MD SECTION CHIEF Daniel S. Kellner, MD Samuel Buonocore, MD Christopher Chang, MD Kimberly A. Davis, MD ATTENDING THERAPEUTIC RADIOLOGY Bauer E. Sumpio, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Thomas F. Sweeney, MD ATTENDING Mary G. Maher, MD Alan Dardik, MD Thomas V. Martin, MD Ralph W. DeNatale, MD Richard J. Gusberg, MD James Clune, MD Peter W. Barrett, MD Marianne Passarelli, MD E. Stirling Craig, MD Kimberly A. Davis, MD Dinesh Singh, MD Jeffrey C. Hnath, MD Antonio Jorge Forte, MD Lewis J. Kaplan, MD Ralph F. Stroup, MD Jeffrey E. Indes, MD Scott Nishikawa, MD Felix Y. Lui, MD Edward Uchio, MD Bart E. Muhs, MD Roy H. Decker, MD, PhD Anup Patel, MD Linda L. Maerz, MD Charles N. Walker, MD Bauer E. Sumpio, MD, PhD Susan Dunbar, MD Salem Samra, MD Adrian A. Maung, MD Robert M. Weiss, MD Thomas F. Sweeney, MD James J. Fischer, MD Edward Teng, MD Kevin M. Schuster, MD Michael Terry, MD ASSOCIATE Michael Ditillo, DO Thoracic SECTION CHIEF Dirk Johnson, MD ASSOCIATE Adam B. Hittelman, MD, PhD VISITING Harvey E. Armel, MD COURTESY CHIEF Peter M. Glazer, MD ATTENDING Peter M. Glazer, MD, PhD David Esposito, MD Susan A. Higgins, MD Antoine M. Ferneini, MD Jonathan P.S. Knisely, MD HONORARY Sheida Mani, MD Milton F. Armm, MD Robert S. Boltax, MD Meena S. Moran, MD Wendy D. Caruso, APRN William Brown, MD John E. Fenn, MD Richard E. Peschel, MD, PhD Ya-Ching Chang, PA John K. Conant, MD Walter Kwass, MD Kenneth B. Roberts, MD Daniel J. Boffa, MD Deborah B. Cole, PA Michael J. Flanagan, MD Frank C. Detterbeck, MD Dana Forlano, APRN Robert H. Lovegrove, MD Pamela J. Fleming, APRN John A. Federico, MD Nicolas E. Houghton, APRN Alan J. Malitz, MD Robin Rose, PA Anthony W. Kim, MD Gina Luckianow, PA York P. Moy, MD Julee R. Pulverenti, PA Nicholas Stroumbakis, MD Carter B. Freiburg, MD Bryan W. Chang, MD Peggy Rubio, PA Vincent J.Tumminello, MD Aditi Madabhushi, MD Joseph Contessa, MD Jeuse Saint-Fleur, APRN Jonathan A. Waxberg, MD Sanjeev Pradhan, MD Bruce A. McGibbon, MD Michael A. Sergi, MD Abhijit A. Patel, MD, PhD Frank Detterbeck, MD ATTENDING COURTESY Charles B. Beckman, MD AFFILIATED Mary E. Finan, PA Kylee Sondergaard, PA AFFILIATED Maria J. Van Gelder, APRN FELLOWS HONORARY Joseph A. Camilleri, MD AFFILIATED FELLOWS RESIDENT Yung H. Son, MD Joanne B. Weidhaas, MD Lynn D. Wilson, MD ASSOCIATE James B. Yu, MD VISITING Lourdes Castanon, MD Dilmer L. Diaz, MD Transplant Roselle E. Crombie, MD Bernard Kosto, MD Arthur H. Knowlton, MD SECTION CHIEF Marissa A. De Freese, MD Richard P. Lena, MD Pradip M. Pathare, MD Bernard Lytton, MD Zhe Chen, PhD Sukru Emre, MD ATTENDING Sukru Emre, MD Sanjay Kulkarni, MD ASSOCIATE Antonios Arvelakis, MD AFFILIATED Urology SECTION CHIEF Robert M. Weiss, MD ASSOCIATE SECTION CHIEF Richard J. Dean, MD ATTENDING AFFILIATED Donna Savino, APRN RESIDENTS Felix Schlosser, MD Ravinder Nath, PhD RESIDENTS Nicole Anderson, MD Justin DeGrado, MD, MS Rachel Blitzblau, MD, PhD Justin Dixon, MD Daniel Chamberlain, MD Hristos Kaimakliotis, MD Shira Galper, MD James Hansen, MD Lauren E. Myers, PA Thomas M. Buckley, MD Efrossini Kolios, MD, MSC Evans Simmons, PA Joseph A. Camilleri, MD David Rosenberg, MD Kimberly Johung, MD John W. Colberg, MD Christopher Starks, MD Thomas Klein, MD, PhD Richard J. Dean, MD Nelly Tan, MD, PhD Christopher Ross, MD Sidney Wilberforce, MD Bryan Rowe, MD 49 Medical Staff (As of September 30, 2009) YALE CANCER CENTER RESEARCH PROGRAM DIRECTORS Signal Transduction IN MEMORIAM Joseph Schlessinger, PhD David F. Stern, PhD Cancer Genetics Malcolm Brochin, M Obstetrics & Gynecology Allen Bale, MD Immunology & Immunotherapy Francine Foss, MD DIRECTOR, YALE CANCER CENTER & PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF, SMILOW CANCER HOSPITAL Thomas J. Lynch, MD SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR Daniel DiMaio, PhD, MD CHIEF OF MEDICAL ONCOLOGY & DEPUTY DIRECTOR Edward Chu, MD CHIEF OF HEMATOLOGY Madhav Dhodapkar, MD DEPUTY DIRECTOR, ADMINISTRATION AND CLINICAL AFFAIRS Kevin Vest, PT, MBA, FACHE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, RESEARCH Chad Ellis, Ph.D ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Prevention Control Susan Mayne, PhD Clinical Affairs Frank Detterbeck, MD Shared Resources Edward L. Snyder, MD Science David F. Stern, PhD Finance and Administration Jennifer L. Mulligan, MBA 50 Jeffrey Cersonsky, MD Pediatrics - General Michael Girardi, MD Warren Shlomchik, MD Developmental Therapeutics William F. Collins, MD Neurosurgery Yung-Chi Cheng, PhD Edward Chu, MD Gene Regulation & Functional Lycurgus M. Davey, MD Neurosurgery Genomics Jeffrey Sklar, MD, PhD Sherman Weissman, MD Jack A. Huttner, DDS Dentistry Molecular Virology Daniel DiMaio, MD, PhD Prevention & Control Lewis L. Levy, MD Neurology Susan Mayne, PhD Ruth McCorkle, PhD Radiobiology & Radiotherapy Susan S. Spencer, MD Neurology Peter Glazer, MD, PhD Patrick Sung, DPhil Anthony A. Vitale, DPM Podiatry 51 Individual and Corporate Donors FOUNDERS $100,000 and over Arthur Sekerak Charitable Trust Carol Sirot Carol L. Sirot Foundation Sodexo Health Care Services Spirit Halloween Superstores, LLC Elsa L. Stone, MD and Steven Wolfson, MD Dr. and Mrs. Bauer E. Sumpio & Christina, Brett and Brandon Sumpio Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thomas Drs. Robert Udelsman and Nikki J. Holbrook United Way of New York City Barbara Wright Bradlees Stores, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Bush The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Covidien, Surgical Devices Division Delta Dental Plan of New Jersey Foundation, Inc Friends of Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital Daniel P. Hays Trust Ruth F. Hays Trust Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Kohl’s Mahlon H. Marlin Trust Oak Point Partners, Inc Omega Engineering, Inc Elizabeth Lynn Schneider, PhD Peter Thorner The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer Susannah and Daniel Vining The Milton and Beatrice Wind Foundation Philip T. Wright Alden Wright Foundation, Inc Yale-New Haven Hospital Auxiliary BENEFACTORS 50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous (3) Acorn Investors, LLC Ruthann and David Beckerman Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Blume Marna and Eric Borgstrom Sara P. and Jeffery R. Buell Richard and Geraldine Capobianco John K. Castle Jill Eder The Yvette & Arthur Eder Foundation, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Herbert Treadwell L. Jude Trust Helaine and Marvin Lender The Marvin Lender Family Foundation Mary M. Marlin Trust Diane and Thanasis Molokotos NewAlliance Foundation The People’s United Community Foundation, Inc Abe† and Irene Pollin The Garrett B. Smith Foundation Estate of Margaret Sprick 52 DONORS $5,000 to $9,999 PATRONS $25,000 to $49,999 Blakeslee Arpaia Chapman, Inc The Coleman Family Fund Martha and Herman Copen Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haversat, Sr. Jack and Laurie Heflin John Day Jackson Trust Maria Jacobson Frank and Joan Kenna Carla Klein Klein Family Foundation, Inc The Connecticut Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc Massey’s Plate Glass & Aluminum, Inc Daniel and Judith Miglio Panera Bread Company Parents Available To Help, Inc (PATH) Guido and Diane Petra The James R. Riley Family Starlight Children’s Foundation NY*NJ*CT James and JoAnne Staten The Strike 3 Foundation, Inc The United Illuminating Company The United Illuminating Foundation United Way of Greater New Haven Wiggin and Dana Yale-New Haven Hospital Auxiliary, Toy Closets Program Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zaccagnino Friends and Family of Thomas Zrenda SPONSORS $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (3) Lucille and Arnold J.† Alderman Fund Bruce and Christine Alexander Mark and Susie Andersen Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield John and Caron Avery John E. and Caron G. Avery Foundation, Inc Myrna Baskin Monique and John Bauman The Robert P. and Patricia J. Bauman Family Foundation Anne Hope Bennett Fund Michael C. Bennick, MD Dr. James H. Blume Kerry Boyle and Nilda Luz Ramos-Boyle Breast Cancer Relief Foundation Gayle Capozzalo and Dr. Jack Heil Cephalon, Inc Dennis L. Cooper, MD and Jean L. Bolognia, MD Covidien Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crespo Paula and David Crombie Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dowling Andrew and Eileen Eder The Sidney & Arthur Eder Foundation, Inc F.J. Dahill Company, Inc F.O.C.U.S. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Fischer Sue and Ray Fitzsimons Clayton Friedberg, CPA The Richard D. Frisbee III Foundation William and Cynthia Gedge Richard Grossi Mrs. Adolph Kastelowitz John and Aline Kirchner Morris and Sigrid Klein Joan and Paul Kopperl Sandra Leyton Marcia and Vincent Lynch Julia M. McNamara and Richard J. Lolatte Medical Support Association, Inc The Arthur and Eileen Newman Family Foundation Owens & Minor Norman and Carolyn Roth Anonymous Stephen and Diana Allegretto Margaret M. Amrich Fund Mark and Susie Andersen Dr. Michael and Michelle Apkon Lisa Aschenbrenner Maria Benedetto Josephine Burgess Fund Henry Dexter Chafee Charles and Ruth Chiusano Professor and Mrs. Sydney P. Clark, Jr. The Color Pink for the CURE James and John Cunneen & Family The Cunneen Company Eclipsys Solutions Corporation Fidelity Investments Lucie Fox Irrevocable Trust Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Friends of Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, Junior Board Mark and Donna Haversat John Day Jackson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Johnson Dan† and Nancy Kops John and Judith Lahey John and Laurie Ann Letizia Helen Leyerzapf Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lyons, Sr. Medical Center Pharmacy Rita Mehos James and Jane Mitchell Quinnipiac University Robbins Tesar, Inc Norman and Carolyn Roth William R. Shaffer Fund Mr. and Mrs. John C. Skelly Soho Hair Group Day and Medi Spa Nellie Ward Fund Alexander Whitton Fund MEMBERS $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous (2) 180 Varick Street Corporation A.A. DiMatteo Insurance Service Center ABIOMED, Inc Affinion Group James and Martha Alexander John H. Alsdorf American Hospital Association Amgen Donald and Anne Kao Andrews The Charles Andriole Family Aon Risk Services Dr. and Mrs. Stephan Ariyan The Astmann Family AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Kyle L. Ballou, Esq and Dr. Keith D. Johns Marilyn Balogun Bank of America M. Beverly and Robert Bartner Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Inc Becton Dickinson and Company Beers, Hamerman & Company, PC, Certified Public Accountants Reverend Sandra and Robert Belcher Beverly Belton, RN Frederick M. Bering Christopher and Katherine Berman Cindy and Greg Bernfeld The Beryl Companies C. Bradford Bevers The Bilco Company Robert and Elisa Bildner Robert B. Blanchard Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc David and Tanya Bottaro Vincent Boyle Charlotte Brenner The Broadridge Foundation Sarah Bronson Fund Josephine Broude Jennifer Brown Dr. Gerard and Ann Burrow C. W. Henderson & Associates, Inc CAMA, Inc Karen Camp Edward Cantlon Cardiology Associates of New Haven J. Patrick Carley, III Patricia and Dominick Caruso Helen Chen and Family Jack and Bertie Chuong Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc Erika Cleveland and Peter W. Marks, MD Comey-Fitzgerald Family Foundation Connecticut Humanities Council Conner Strong Companies, Inc Dr. Leo and Kathleen Cooney Jan and Matt Coyle The Crane Family Regina and Terrell Crews Edward Cronin Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran, Sr. Anna Cutler Fund Dalio Family Foundation, Inc Richard and Kathleen D’Aquila Davis Polk & Wardwell John A. and Edna M. DeLeon Fund Louise-Marie Dembry, MD Frank C. Detterbeck, MD and Judit Farkas, PA Michael Dimenstein John and Carolyn Dobbins Marcia Dobrowski Elizabeth Edelmuth Living Trust Dr. Jack and Sandra Elias Elias Family Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Elston Family Foundation Ana Gaby Esch Mr. and Mrs. John Evenwel Dr. and Mrs. Michael Farber & Family Jane Farrington and Michael Schaefer Dr. and Mrs. Alan Feldman Dr. and Mrs. John E. Fenn The Ferriday Fund Charitable Trust Denise Fiore Paul and Melissa Fiorita Dr. Steven and Andrea Fleischman Michael and Suzanne Flynn Estate of William A. Frazee Freeplay's Summer Beach Jam at the Westbrook Elks Club The French Family and Phoebe's Phenomenal Toy Drive David Friezo Timothy and Deborah Gaffney F. Nicholas Gahhos, MD, PA The Gate Fund Theodore and Mary Gawlicki Genentech Kenneth and Mara Ginsberg Pat and Gary Ginsberg Nicholas Gorra and Jessica Dobratz John L. Gray, III David Greenfield Carolyn and Gerald Grinstein Velma and Stuart Grodd Daniel Grogan Christopher Guerra Marjorie and Dr. Charles Guglin The Hampton Foundation The Hanover Family Trust Dr. Thomas M. and Jane S. Hanson Harborside Healthcare Madison House Fred and Nancy Hassan Deb and Jack Hauser Attorney and Mrs. John W. Hogan, Jr. Nathan and Ellen Holbrook Fund Jean Swint Holland Hope is Coming 5K Run Robert W. Hummel John Herrick Jackson Fund Amy and David Jaffe Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies The Joint Commission Paula Jurewicz Carol Just Herbert H. Kaiser, Jr. Robert and Caren Kauffman Kauffman Associates Madeleine, Grayson and Jackson Key Philip and Charlotte Kinsella Kisses from Katie Dr. Boonsri Kosarussavadi and Mr. Chansak Laoteppitaks Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC Tunde Kovacs Samuel D. Kushlan, MD William Lacourciere Suzanne Lagarde and David Stagg John M. Leventhal, MD and Beverly J. Hodgson, Esq Louella Lieberman Lion's Pride Foundation Linda Lorimer and Charles Ellis Francine and Bob LoRusso W. Bruce and Delaney H. Lundberg William and Jean Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mancheski Manic Productions Alan and Vickie Manning Thomas Marano The Carl Marks Foundation, Inc Mrs. Steven A. Marks Mason, Inc Blaise and Sharon Masone MassMutual Financial Group Roy A. McAlpine and Emily Estes Paul and Barbara McCarthy Debora McCauley Evyleen McGucken Alan McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Meisenkothen Edward and Kelly Merola Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc Thomas and Louise Middleton Stephen and Stephanie Miklos Alan and Jayne Mossberg Francis Murdica Kevin and Gail Myatt National Kidney Foundation of Connecticut National Marrow Donor Program Naugatuck Valley Radiological Associates Imaging Network New Haven Terminal Kevin and Jacqueline Normoyle Obstetrics, Gynecology & Menopause Physicians, PC Old Republic Risk Management, Inc Sheila and Todd Olmstead Craig and Nancy Overlander David W. Parke, MD Partner Reinsurance Company of the U.S. Nicholas M. Passarelli, MD Anup A. Patel, MD Sanjay V. Patel, DPM Gerald Pearce PepsiCo Foundation Lina and Jim Perrotti Pet Supplies Plus of Connecticut XI, LLC PFH Mortgage, LLC Pfizer, Inc Physiotherapy Associates, Inc Jessica Pierpont Suzanne and Kenneth Pietrasko Piselli Construction, LLC The Piselli Family Louis and Anna Polk Premier Home Health Care Services, Inc Press/Cuozzo Realtors Neil and Alicia Prete William and MaryKate Prezioso R & W Family Foundation, Inc James E. Rawlings Dawn and Jay Rayner Howard Reiter and Jody Ellant Ritch, Greenberg & Hassan, PC, CPA RJ’s Ride Roche The Jared Rosen Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Rita and M. Wallace Rubin S.G. Milazzo and Company Salesone, LLC Tahiry S. Sanchez, RN Sanofi-aventis U.S., Inc Richard and Elizabeth Sansaricq Manfred and Patricia Schach Von Wittenau Leslye Schaefer David and Tracey Scheer Anne F. Schenck Susan and Neil Schiff Schwab Charitable Fund Sedona Day Care & Learning Center, LLC Edward M. Sheldon David and Meryl Silver Gale and Michael Silverberg Aileen and Lee Sklar Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Yung H. Son 53 Individual and Corporate Donors Southern Fairfield County Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi Stephanie S. Spangler, MD and Robert G. Shulman Dr. Stephen T. and Myra S. Stanley State of Connecticut State of Connecticut, Commission on the Arts Mrs. Gay G. Steinbach Bob Stern & Susan and Kathryn Hays Stern Shepard and Marlene Stone Susan and Kurt Strecker Lisa Stump Sun Healthcare Group Susman, Duffy & Segaloff, PC Sylvan R. Shemitz Designs, Inc Temple Radiology Employees Nancy and Mark Tepping Edna May & Richard M. Thalheimer Fund Dave Thomas Grant and Elizabeth Thompson Joyce L. Thompson Peter C. Tittmann Per and Sherrie Trellevik Turner Construction Company Patsy and Richard Twohill United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedHealthcare Services 54 Unitex Textile Rental Services Joyce Van Winkle Vanguard Products Corporation Dr. Ronald and Amy Vender VNA Community Healthcare, Inc Drs. Fred Volkmar and Elizabeth A. Wiesner Diane and Tom Vorio Kevin F. Walsh Steven and Elizabeth Weinstein Dr. Lynda E. Rosenfeld and Richard M. Weiss William C. Welch and Pamela Welch Jules White, MD William Woodburn Debbie and Woody Woodworth David Wurcel Yale Black Men’s Union Yale School of Medicine, Dept. of Surgery Yale School of Medicine, Section of Cardiovascular Medicine Yale-New Haven Heart Center Yale-New Haven Hospital, Community & Government Relations Yale-New Haven Hospital, Patient Services Yale-New Haven Shoreline Medical Center The Yang Family Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Zelson Kent and Deborah Zergiebel Nancy Zsiba, MD ASSOCIATES $500 to $999 Anonymous Mary Ann Abramczyk Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Ades Cecle and Josef Adler Jean Ahn and Jonathan Han Allstate Giving Campaign Amerifix, LLC Linda Anderson Kimberly Ardito Pamela and Richard Aronoff Eileen and David Babbitz Christine Baillie Benjamin Baker Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bartels Brian and Cindy Batchelder Judith R. Benson Dr. and Mrs. Eric H. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Miles G. Blakeslee, Jr. Jeannette and Francis Bogdan Renato, Elaine and Amelia Bonoan Ann Marie and Robert Bonvini Matthew and Nancy Boyle Lynne and Edward Bradstreet Branford Hills Health Care Center Mark and Lisa Brennan Cynthia and Stephen Brenner, MD John M. Brogden, MD Marilyn and Richard Buel Mark Buschmann Patricia A. Byrne Edna Camarota Herbert V. Camp, Jr. Sylvia Carter Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Cassin Leonard Ceravone, Jr. Cheshire High School Dance Team Michael Coe Ray and Eleanor Colacray Leah Colihan and John Grillo Commercial Drywall Services, LLC – Norcon Group Compression Therapy Concepts Carol Cornachini Mrs. F.R. Erskine Crossley The Curran Foundation Luis and Anne de Ocejo Ginny DeFilippo Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and Stanley Greenberg Philip and Lois DeLise Dr. and Mrs. Peter Demir Patricia Dewitt John Dixon Chris Donnelly and Rita Smith East Shore Courier, LLC Diana Ellison Constance Engelking Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Fabry FCE Consultants, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Feuerabendt First Church of Christ, Woodbridge Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries Fleur de Lys Floral & Gifts, LLC Jennifer Ford-Chatfield David and Nadine Gannon Michael and Virginia Genereux GlaxoSmithKline Friends and Colleagues – Weike Bao, Robert Willette, Xiaoping Xu, Marlys Hammond, Zhaohui Ao, Maria McDevitt, Dennis Sprecher, Irina Lozinskaya, Patrick Stoy, Matt McVey, Alan Olzinski, LeliSarov-Blat, Tammy Peters, Colin Macphee, Christine Ivashchenko, Karpa Aravindhan, Davina Gayle, Gene Grygielko, Erding Hu, Marie Shanahan, Vicky Ballard, Saul Needle and Sue O’Neill Global Impact FannyDean Gordon Dorothy and Joseph Gough Marc Greenberg Timothy Griffin Dan Gropper Mrs. H.C. Grumpelt Gloria and Bryce Hall Janet Hall and David Schaefer Michael Hallahan Amanda Hayward and Simon J. Gharibian The Hematology and Chemistry Labs & Intraoperative PTH Team at Yale-New Haven Hospital Alton and Elizabeth Hollingsworth Hospital of Saint Raphael One For All Fund Margaret K. Hostetter, MD Kurt and Alice Hummel Geraldine and Vincent Hunt Robert B. Hutchison, III Kim and Thomas Hyde Susan Gordon Israel, MD and Douglas H. Israel, MD Mara and Paul Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jatlow Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven David and Rita Karp William and Christina Keating Kristaps J. Keggi, MD Meghan Kelly John and Ruth Kennedy John and Sandy Kennedy Kathy and Pete Kenyon David and Mary Klingerman Joann Knudson, MD and Tom Handler, MD Kirk and Amy Kolligian Darryl LaMonico Larson Livery Service Hilary Laubach Laugeni Family Foundation, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Lavietes Janet and Peter Lebovitz David Levine Reverend Margaret D. Lewis Benjamin Liveten Fund Michael Loftus Francesca and Ronald LoRicco Robert R. Lyman Lisa and Joe MacDougald Geri and Ross Mahler Jocelyn Maminta and Gary Doyens Jim Mathewson Dr. and Mrs. William B. McCullough Harriet Meiss Milford Pediatric Group, PC Ann Marie Mulcahy Kimberly C. Mule Kathryn Munroe Katherine Murphy Robert F. Myers, PhD Jeremy and Nancy Nadelmann Kelli Naidorf Suzanne Niglio Mary and Jim Oberhelman Michael O’Donnell Young Ja Oh and Michael Smith Joseph and Cheryl Onorato Sara Elizabeth O’Connor Fund Michael and Lisa Parisi Victoria Parker-Orkins Partitions Inc Patrisha Pellegrino-Triplett Jorge Pereira Frank P. Perrelli, Jr. The Postyn Family Randi and Michael Potack Joann and Robert Poulsen Maryellen Priebe Frances D. Puddicombe Rabbit Tanaka Corporation Betsey Reid Carol Richards Tamrah Riley Christopher and Carolyn Rotermund Dr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Sacks Jose A. Salvana, MD Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Savin Pamela Scagliarini Marcie Scalia Edwin Schaefer Lawrence Schaffer Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Schwartz Anthony Scillia Catherine Sease and David Reese John H. Seashore, MD and Margretta R. Seashore, MD Gene Shannon Ronald and Phyllis Shaw Michael Silecchia Maurice Simon Robert Simon Stacy and Ronald Slater Slocum & Sons Cynthia Spector The Spring Glen Church, Inc Catherine W. Stevens Shawn Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sumner Marina Syrax Thomas and Stefanie Tasso Stacey and David Trachten UBS Matching Gift Program United Way of Central New Mexico United Way of Tri-State, Inc Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program VIP Spa, Inc Donald and Susan Waggaman The Walden Family Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Weinstein Drs. Shirvinda and Namita Wijesekera Ena Williams, RN, BS Elizabeth Womer Kenneth Yeakel Frances and Nicholas Zaccagnino FRIENDS $250 to $499 Anonymous A. Prete Construction Company, Inc Abbey National Employment Services, Inc Reuben and Linda Abraham Accel International Shirley and Clark Adams Harvey Adelberg and Janet Leslie Sandi and Robert Adler Caron and Norman Alderman Sandra Bacon Paul and Sandi Barbiero Leonard Barraco Frank S. Beckerer, Jr. The Beckerer Foundation Stephen Bencivengo, Jr. Steven Benoit Jannie Bittle Philip K. Bondy, MD Books Are Fun Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Bornstein, Jr. Marjorie Boutilier James and Holly Brink Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc Courtland and Mairi Bryan Mike Budzinski Nancy and Jeffrey Busch Guido and Anne Calabresi Calcagni Associates Mariane Carna Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Carrubba Carrubba, Inc Michelle and Anthony Caserta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cassin Patricia Cavanagh Yvan Chenard Rosita Ng Chi Children’s Dental Associates of Hamden, PC Ken and Linda Chipkin The Cichowski Family The Cirino Family Mr. and Mrs. Elias A. Clark Jeffrey and Jacqueline Clark Susanne Clark Kenneth Clarke Judy and Barry Cobden Dr. James P. Comer Barbara Comfort Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists, PC Connecticut Vascular Center, PC David Crandall Michael and Diane Crist Wallace Crumb Cynthia Dabbraccio Michael and Gail D'Addio Mark D’Antonio Linda David, RN Anthony Dawson and Catherine Sutton-Dawson† Dr. Ronald and Marcia Delfini Patricia and Gary Deroy Harry DiAdamo Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. DiGiovanna Susan Doolittle Eleanor and Francis Dougherty Lawrence Dunn Henry Dziekan Friends at Eagle Leasing Company – Patrick Abbate, Joesph Benanto, Linda Cavallaro, Lori D’Attoma, Manuel Fernandez, Carol Haggerty, Lynn Hansell, Peter Kobylinsky, Renee Limosani, Kathi Lindblom, Colleen Martel, Fran Priolo, Tito Rodriquez, and Irene Smith Arthur Ebbert, Jr., MD Professor and Mrs. Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria Karl and Mary Beth Eckert George Elston EMBCO Holdings, Inc Anthony Enders Patti Farrington Jose and Jean Fernandez Fine and Gillette Brenda Finoia The Flaumenhaft Family Colin Foster and Andrea Ryan Antonia Fourtin Wade Francis Kathleen French Louis Friedman Dr. William and Deborah Friedman Terese Fritzell Dr. J. David and Priscilla Gaines John Garvin Mr. and Mrs. David E. Gauley GE Foundation Claire Genetos Charitable Trust Linda Gherlone Kate and Joe Gillis Global Express Earl J. Glusac, MD and Marie E. Robert, MD Paul Grace Charles Grannick Jr. Memorial Fund Ruth B. Grannick Mark Gregoretti Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hamilton, Jr. Ed and Nancy Harold Mary E. Harris Melody Harrison and John Esposito Michelle and Drew Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. George R. Heninger Mary Sue Hermann Eleanor Herpich Betsy and Darryl Hine Jeannette and Stephen Hodge Matthew and Cheryl Hoey Larry and Deborah Hoffman Mary Ann and Bernard Holand Holiday Hill Day Camp, LLC James Horwitz and Sandra Allison Sally Howell I.B.E.W. Local 90 IBM Corporation IBM Employee Services Center International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 478 Carey Irish Sheila Israel Colleen Jannitto Thomas and Sherry Kaczan Joel and Inez Karp Jane A. Kasper 55 Individual and Corporate Donors Eric Katz Katz’s Deli, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp Kennedy, Johnson, D’Elia, & Gilooly, LLC Kenyon Consulting Company, LLP Ali A. Khodadoust, MD Sharon Klein Richard Kleindienst, Sr. Joseph Kosh Susanne and Thomas Koshis Ken and Robin Kramer Stephen M. Krant, MD Dr. Robert T. Kroepel, Jr. Rosanne and Robert Kroepel Nora Lacks Joseph and Theresa Lederer Timothy and Susan Lepczyk Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lesser Dr. Arthur L. and Betty Levy Susan R. Levy, MD Tom Lewis Susan and Joel Lichtenstein Katherine and Christopher Linneman Bonnie and Kevin Liston Live Oaks Elementary School Carol and Frank Loehmann Loehmann’s Operating Company Henry and Margo Lopez-Cepero Julie and John Love Mary Lowery Kenneth Lukowski Ruth and Leonard Lye Robert and Joyce Mailhouse Cynthia F. Mann, MD Alanna and Justin Manning Charles and Patricia Marchesani Lawrence Marsiello The Marvin H. Schaefer Inspections Service, Inc JoAnn Massari Margaret Massaro Gwendolyn Masselli-Morin Michele Mastropetre Kathleen Maturo Carol Mauro Barbara B. Mazzarella Madeline McCloskey Paddy McPhillips Edward and Jennene McSweegan Medtronic USA, Inc Mary Ann Meehan Melanoma Foundation of New England Merck Partnership for Giving Rose and Sam Merriam 56 Mary Jane Minkin, MD and Steve M. Pincus, PhD Joyce Mockalis Patricia Morken Gina and Bret Morrow Evanna Baldwin Murray Nams Realty, LLC Sujing Nettland NewAlliance Bank Harry Nicholls Fred Oberstein Kevin and Jamia O’Brien Henry Okakpu Nora O’Keefe Betty Lou Osborne Nicholas and Judith Papale PCI Medical, Inc Marie-Claire Peakman Jennifer Peccerillo Henry and Marion Pennell Davida Pepe Perelson Weiner, LLP Takia Perry David Petric Nancy Picroski Shirley L. Pinette Joanne Pinto Jody Platner George and Deborah Platt Seth M. Powsner, MD Michelle Poynton Gary J. Price, MD Joseph and Maureen Prior Purchase College, Department of Human Resources Michael and Edith Rafferty Susan and Don Relihan Dimitri and Julia Rellos † Douglas and Mary Relyea Resources Management Corporation Barbara Richetelli Joan Rimar Estherine Robinson Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rogol Lizette Rosenthal James and Brenda Rouse Frank Rovello Dr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Ruben Kim Alison Rudolph Robert Ruocco William Russell Victor and Barbara Russo Barbara and Thomas Ryan Lori and Christopher Ryder Michael J. Saccardi The Norman and Constance Sadek Foundation, Inc Michael and Kara Salvagno Linda Samoncik Dominick Santoro Ngola Santos Robert Sarnecky Craig Saxton Bruce Schaefer Larry Schaefer and Lina Lawall Marvin Schaefer Fred and Nancy Schpero Dr. Jeffrey and Molly Schpero Karen Scorel Janet Serra Susan Sheehan, RN David and Elizabeth Sherman Claudine and Allen Siegel Sills Cummis & Gross, PC Simsbury Fighting Cows Claire and John Simon Jean Smith Sheila Smith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Soufer Susan Sousa Southport Congregational Preschool & Toddler Program Kathleen E. Spencer Frank and Sarah Sprole Joseph F. Sproviero, MD and Cynthia Sproviero Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Spyrou Dorothy Stahlschmidt Barbara Stanley Brian Steinwurtzel William Struzinski Eleanor D. Suden Dr. and Mrs. Craig P. Summers Svigals & Partners, LLP Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney Upkar and Niti Tandon Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Taubin Geraldine L. Terrill Andrew and Doreen Testa Denise Thibault Qaya Thompson Town Fair Tire Centers, Inc Joe and Angel Trapani Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman Kathleen Tynan-McKiernan The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust UHY, LLP Steven Usher Lisa and Gus VanDerMaelen David Vinas Vincent Vollero Gary and Sharon Waskow Weed's Cafe Beverly Welch Norman S. Werdiger, MD West Haven High School, Future Business Leaders of America Linda White Tim and Pattie Whitlock Dorothy and Chris Winkle Dani and Bill Woods Patricia Worthy Jim Wright Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Care Coordination Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Social Work Yale-New Haven Hospital, Information Technology Friends and Co-Workers Yale-New Haven Hospital, Volunteer Services/Patient Relations Dr. and Mrs. Arne S. Youngberg Steve Zafiris ADVOCATES $100 to $249 Anonymous (12) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Abrams Joe and Sharyn Acampora & Family Joseph A. Adams Christopher Adante Advanced Cleaning Concepts, Inc Ivy Agyarko Olukemi T. Akande, MD Louise Albis Mark Alessi Pat Alessi, Mary Ann Deary and Myra Strehan Alex Alexiades Barbara Algiero All-Brite Electric, Inc Bernard “Barney” Allen Sue Allen Susan Allen Susan and Dean Allen Terrence Aloise Dr. Luis and Mrs. Sheila Alonso Ann Alpert Paul Altieri Dr. Lane† and May Ameen Salvatore Amendola American International Group, Inc Donna and Gary Anderson, Becky and Leroy Grayson, Sharon and Scott Horn, & Karen and Bob Taylor Frederic P. Anderson, MPH, MD Karen E. Anderson Chip and Barbara Angle Marylena Antonelli Arbella Insurance Group Susan Arbo-Givens Marjorie Ardito Mary B. Arnstein Ellen Aronson Arroyo’s Package Store Cheryl Atkinson Michael Atwater Robin C. Atwater Ronald Aubel Darron Bacal, MD Thomas and Janet Bagg Honorine Bagwell Pamela Baia Joan and Alan Bailey Stacy Bailey-Lombardi Christopher Baillargeon Robert and Lorraine Baird Janice Baker Blanche B. Baldwin Dr. Bert Ballin John Bannon Jeffrey Baran Frank Barbiero and the Help a Friend Foundation Elizabeth Barnes Mary Barnes Maureen Barnes Danette Barnett Jennifer Barnsley Peggy and Charles Barthold Scott W. Barttelbort, MD Jennifer Bates Seymour and Gloria Baum Nancy and Richard Beals Brenda and Geoffrey Beard Carol Becker Kraemer Becker Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc Allison and David Beed Belardinelli Tire Company David and Barbra Bell Raymond Bell Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bell Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bellemore Dr. Morton and Linda Bender Tom Bender Michelle Benish Benjamin Jepson Magnet School N. B. and Francine Berg Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Berg Geoff and Dana Beringer James Berman Paul Bernier Joseph R. Bertino, MD Dan and Rosemary Bevill Cornelius Bevis Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. and Saundra Bialos Deborah and Charles Bielefield Dr. Kenneth I. Bird, Jr. William and Katherine Birney Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bishop Sherrie and Jeffrey Bitterman Henry† and Marion Bixon Fund Jacqueline Blake, Esq James E. Blake Linda and Morris Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Borellini Kenneth and Jane Borst Jean Bortner Arindam Bose Lt. Col. Vincent Botarelli Mary Botelle Lee MacWilliams Boucher† Cheryl Bournique Elizabeth Bove Jeannine Bradley Allan Braman Braman Termite and Pest Elimination Leo and Lucy Brancato Julie Brandlen Florence Brandow Irwin M. Braverman, MD Melisa Brereton-Esposito Piper Brien Glenn and Barbara Britt Amy Brodeur Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bronen Bill and Billie Brown Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brown Rhoda W. Brownstein Paul R. Bruch, Jr. Everest A. Brustolon Stacia and Edward Bucnis Building and Construction Trades Council of New Haven Gertrude and Jonathan Bulkley Paula Burns Christi Burton and Mark Mackowiak Bushka Lumber & Millwork Co., LLC C. W. and Sandra Buttery Susan Buxbaum The Honorable Jose A. and Professor Kate Stith Cabranes Pat Cafro Mary-Jane Callahan Vincent Calvanezi Karen Cameron Robert and Marina Campbell CAP Pharmacy Employees Milton and Patti Caplan Tasheen Caple Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Capozzi, Sr. William and Teresa Cappiello Captain’s Galley Restaurant Captain's Galley Restaurant, Patrons and Employees Carbutti Law Firm, LLC Carl Spadola, DMD, LLC Bruce F. Carmichael, ScD Susan H. Carroll and F. W. Carroll, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. G. Clifford Carter Debra Cartier Jean Cassels The CAT Development Team – Debbie Siegel, Larry Jacobson, Sheila Brown, Elaine Bessette, Alish Gish, Jan Tirinzonie, Lucille Obarowski and Anne Rash Marilyn and David Cataldo Peter Catanzaro Catch A Healthy Habit, LLC Nancy Cavallaro Mark, Irene and Lisa Cavanaugh & Mary Hodyl Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ceccorulli Myrna Ceccorulli Bruno and Ceniccola Central CT Carpenters Local Union 24 Louis and Lucille Ceruzzi Daniel and Lois Chabris Melanie Champion Geraldine Chapman Richard M. Chapman Debnam Chappell Norma Lee Chartoff Child and Adult Orthodontics Kathleen Chmura Tenzin Choedak Reverend Douglas G. and Christine J. Christgau Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Dr. and Mrs. James H. Chung Robert and Louise Ciulla Gerald Clark Clinton Country Club Darcey Cobbs-Lomax Mary Coffey Adrienne and Mark Cohen Brian Cohen Joshua and Nancy Cohen Judith Cohen Julie Cohen and Larry Visochek Morris and Gloria Cohen Dennis Cole Linda Coleman Kenneth Conlon Connecticut Gastroenterology Consultants, PC Connecticut Rubber Group Scott and Nancy Conover Sal and Agnes Consiglio Constitution Mortgage Company, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Milton Cooper Core Informatics, LLC Courtney Honda Melissa and Kevin Cox Eugene Crane Mrs. Edmund S. Crelin Jacquelyn Crenshaw Donna R. Criscenzo, MD Jason Crockett David and Victoria Crompton Renee Croog Mary S. Crooks Nancy Cummins Nancy M. Cunningham Paul and Kathryn Cuozzo Charles Curtis Kim Czepiga Linda, Bob, Matt and Ali Dadona Martin Dagata Louis J. and Jeannette Dagostine Peter A. Dagostine David and Gina D’Agostino Lisa D’Alton Joseph Danko Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. D’Antonio Grace I. Darling Alfred Dautel Lycurgus M. Davey, MD† Doreen Sestito Davidge Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davies Mrs. Endicott P. Davison Peter and Bessy DeBassio Cindy DeCarlo Tracey and Philip DeCastro Patricia DeFelice Allan and Luanne Dehar Joseph Delehant Carolyn Deleo The Delepine Family – Mike, Sue, Peter and Emily Amy Delfini Albert and Joanne DelGrego Jan Delnero Neil Deluca The Frederick A. Deluca Foundation, Inc Jack and Marie Deme Anthony DeMeo David and Gina Depukat Timothy Derby 57 Individual and Corporate Donors Judy Dermer DeWolf Chemical, Inc Michael Diamond Vincent C. DiCola, MD Marie DiGhello Catherine Anne Dinauer, MD and Philip A. Dinauer, MD Michelle Dinello Roberta Dinicola Louise DiRuccio Kathleen Disco Eric and Lori Diton Melinda DiVicino Julie Domonkos Michael and Mary Donnelly Carol Dorfman and William Segraves Anne Dorsi Rich Dowling Sophie Dowling Joyce Doyle, Janis and Teresa Juliet Drabkin Drescher Insurance Agency Claire Driscoll Inge H. Druckrey Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Duble Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B. DuBois Beverly DuBour Kate Duddy, Lesley Klein, Emily Grant, Jennifer Davidow and Carrie Evans 58 Dianne Duffey, MD and Christopher Barbuto Judi Duffy Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dugan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dunphy Charles Dupre Dutton & Sherman Design Linda Dwyer E Discovery Digital East Haven Stoner’s Inc East Lyme Middle School Teachers Elena Eaton Gayle Eddy John W. Edelglass, MD Educational Enrichments, LLC Gabrielle Egger Sue Eisaguirre Thomas D. Eisen, MD and Elizabeth A. Jonas, MD Dr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Eisenfeld Alix Elkin The Elliott Insurance Group Frederick Elmy and Lisa Johns-Elmy David and Elaine Emery & Family Empire Restoration Joyce and Robert Emslie Energy Wise Insulation Co., Inc Carol Engstrom Environmental Engineering, Inc Dolores Errity Henry and Mary Bush Estabrook Marc and Lynn Estra Edward L. Etkind, MD David Etzel and Jan Walzer-Etzel Beatrice Eyrich Edward Fabian Christopher and Alyssa Fabry Geoffrey Fabry Fairfield Prep Alumni Lacrosse Club Jannine Falvey Paul and Stephanie Fappiano Donna Farrington Mary Farrington Anthony Fasulo Frederick and Martha Fawcett Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Fearon Peter L. Feldman Feldman Orthodontics Marylyn Fernandez Rebecca and Percy Ferris Ferris Hill Club, Inc Stephen and Rebecca Festa Mary Finan First Congregational Church of Branford Paul D. Fischer, MD John Fisher Mary-Christy Fisher and Harold Koh Stephen V. Flagg, MD The Flamand Family David and Ann Fletcher Janice Fletcher-Yarson Christine Fontana, APN Deborah Ford Flanel Sally M. Foster Dennis and Christi Fowler David A. Frank, MD, PhD Walter and Mary Alice Frankenberger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frattarola & Family William H. Frazier, MD David French Deanna and David Friedman Friends of Playwright Hamden Cecilia Fung Dr. Frank and Yvonne Furth Ralph and Shirley Fusco Gabriele’s Restaurant Tony and Gail Galazan Virginia Ganucheau Rafael Garcia, Jr. Robert and Mary Ellen Garvey Erin Gaucher Joann Gaudioso William Geel Marcia and John Gell Dorothy Gemmell Dr. and Mrs. Myron Genel Ann Geoghegan George J. Nowak & Company Bruce Gerstman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Getman Patricia and Fred Gettner Salvatore and Alicia Giaimo & Family Donna and George Gianacoplos Lorenzo Gianni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Giannino Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Gildersleeve Joanne and Jack Gill Carolyn and Paul Gillespie Jennifer Gilletti Girl Scout Troop 62066 † Evelyn Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Zelly Goldberg Golden Touch Cleaners Joann Golebiewski Dr. and Mrs. Caleb Gonzalez Paul Goodwin Bill Gordon Norino Gordon Robert and Arden Gordon Helena Gorochow Doris A. Gough Harold and Priscilla Grabino Rafelina Graham Theresa Grant Cheryl Granucci Marie Helene Gratton Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gray, Jr. Vernette Gray Becky and Leroy Grayson Greater New Haven OB/GYN Group Robert Green Hideko and Charles Greenfield Mrs. Norman A. Greist Frances Grindell, RN Greg and Susan Groh Dr. and Mrs. Frank Gruskay The Guilford Savings Bank Laura Hagfeldt John Hallman Hamden Public Schools, Central Office Staff Wilda and Martin Hamerman Hugh and Evelyn Hamilton Hannah Rose Garment Care, LLC Jack Hanson James and Roselyn Harburger Fannie Hardy James and Elizabeth Hargadon Keith and Geraldine Harlow Kathleen Harris Hart Industries Christine and Greg Hauser Maribeth Hayes Denise Haynes-Rock Krisha Hegde Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegel Stephen Heltke Georgina Hendrick Ann Chase Hendrie Glen A. Henry, MD Alcibiades G. Heris Trust Helen Hicks Walter J. Hierholzer, Jr., MD Roberta L. Hines, MD Mary Hippman Linda Hirsch Helene, Don, Jeff and Beth Hirschfeld Jon and Mary-Michelle Hirschoff Charlotte Hix Lincoln Hoffa Maryrose Hoffman Wilbur Hoffmeister Ann E. Hogan W. Anthony Hogan Breland Holley Hometown Waste, LLC Susan Homrok Mrs. Edward J. Honohan Carol and Ted Hoponick Sharon and Scott Horn Anne Hotchkiss Janice Houde Ann Howard Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Howard Emilia Hramov Harvey and Ann Hubbell Elley Hubregtse Joana Huff Amy and Kurt Hull Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hummel, Jr. Eleanor Hunt Pamela Hunt Patrick and Carol Hurley Dou-Huong and Su-Ying Hwang Cheryl Hyder I.G.A.S. CT Chapter Jeff Indes, MD Angelo, Marlene, Gregory and Cynthia Indusi Carmela and Jerome Infantino The Insurance Store Anne and Gregory Islan Diana Jackson Donald Jackson Telisha Jackson Drs. Steven S. and Wendy S. Jacoby Rania Jamal Darrell and Berandette Janis Carmela Jankowski Jarett M. Crooks Architects, LLC Mrs. Philip Jermain Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jewett John J. Welch, Ltd Amy Johnson Bernice Johnson Eads Johnson, Jr. Lyla and David Johnson Thomas Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Mrs. Harold M. Jordan Lacey Jordan Rosa Joyner Raymond Julian Richard Kalt Kenneth and Janet Kaminsky Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kang Ben and Annie Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kashgarian Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kassover, TTEE Harry and Carolyn Katzman James and Melissa Keane Kearney Insurance Agency, LLC Allen and Beverly Keesen Karryellen Elizabeth Kehoe, RNC, PPRN Mr. and Mrs. Brooks M. Kelley Jason Kemp Mary Ann and Edward Kennelly Theodoros and Nancy Keramas William Kettles Dr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Kilbourne William Killough Phillip King William Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kipker Hildegard and Burton Kloster Linda and Michael Koch Dr. Donald and Candice Kohn Monica Konstantino Joyce Koppel Jay and Joyce Kossman James and Sandra Kovach Kovnor Associates Patricia and Robert Krass Jan Kreitler Cathy and Ken Kress Philip J. Krevitt, DMD, PA Lawrence and Nancy Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Barry W. Krumm Dean Krynicki Linda and John Kuphal Gerald Kuroghlian, PhD Caroline and Normand Lafontaine Rosemary and Thomas Lague Jude, Victor and Victor A. Lamberti Lillian and Victor Lamberti Alvan and Carol Lampke Karen Lamy Lasting Touch Therapeutic Massage Harriet Lattanzi Joseph D. Laudano, Jr. Sylvia J. Lavietes Fonique Lazarre Adam Leapley Inku K. Lee, MD Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lena Jean Lenard Ann Marie Lenart Gillie and Murray Lender Peter and Suzanna Lengyel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lenti Viola and Wardwell Leonard Pamela and Nathan Lerner Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, PC Linda and Christopher Letz Robert and Shelley Levine Janet and Mark Levy Dr. Herbert and Vivian Lewis Janet E. Lewis Helen Lieber Robert Lindquist Edward Linehan Juan and Rocio Linz Drs. Carol Lippia-Tenney and George R. Tenney Timothy Liston David Lloyd Linda T. Lo Cascio Elizabeth Locke David Lockyer Audrey Y. Loe Margherita Lombardi Yollanda London The Longo Families – Americo & Antoinette, Nick, Anthony & Linda, Michael & Genice and Children Claudia Lopez Joan Lopez Helen Lostys Laura Lovejoy and Stephen Randazzo Lori and Thomas Luciano Christina and Todd Lukens Anthony and Deidre Luongo Rocco and Eileen Macchiarulo Eugene MacMullan J. Thomas Macy Julia Portilla Majeski Ellen Makar Jeffrey Malcolm Miriam Maldonado John and Carolyn Malkin Neal Mandell, MD Val and Etta Mangialaschi Dr. Marc E. and Margaret Mann Ziaul Mannan Eric J. Mannes, MD Brian Mansfield Lauren Ann Marandino Boris Maranets Carol Marci Robert N. Margolis, MD Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Marieb Karen Marini Maria Marini John and Tina Marino Lucille and Frank Marottolo Jim, Judy and Peg Marshall Trevor Marshall Sheila Martenson James Martin The John G. Martin Foundation Ann Martone Ronald Masiero Carmel Mastroianni Mary and Alan Mathog Michael Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Matthies Pasquale M. Maturo Karen and Ron Matz Gilberta Barroco Mauro Italia Maxis Alice and Robert Maxwell Kevin McCaffrey Dr. John and Erin McCallum Dennis McCarthy Laura McCarthy Sharon McCluskey Rick and Lorie McCollum Miriam and James McCrea Thomas and Betty McDonald Mary McGee Daniel and Maryellen McGrath Ann McGurk Edward and Gloria McHugh Gertrude McKitterick Gay and Francis McNally Dr. and Mrs. Peter McPhedran Dr. and Mrs. Craig A. McPherson Med Apparel Services Medical Research Associates, LLC Hollis and Ronald Medwick 59 Individual and Corporate Donors Michael Melaugh Aida Melendez Dominick Melillo Dee Melio Stephen and Patricia Menno Munaf Merchant Anthony and Dana Merola Marcia Mersey Patty Ann and Ed Meyer Robert Meyer Harry Meyers, CPA Trenneth E. Meyers MDiv, BCC Dana Mickelson Cheryl Middagh Lisa Milazzo Milford Board of Education Samuel Millar Arlette and George Miller Daniel and Barbara Miller Kaprice Miller William and Irene Miller Dr. Mark and Stacey Milner Matthew Milner Milone & MacBroom, Inc Dr. Robert Milstein and Andrea Seigerman Milstein Drs. Leonard M. and Ellen B. Milstone Eric and Donna Minotti Marilyn and James Molloy Moms Club of Hamden/North Haven Susana Mondschein Erma Moore Helen Starbuck Moore Joan M. Moore Roger W. Moore, MD Richard Moreau Reverend and Mrs. Robert Morgan Ernest D. Moritz, MD Mary Mormile, Bill Murphy, Jean Stevenson and Tom Turco Dena and Michael Morris Paula Morris Toni Morrotti-Acampora Jon S. Morrow, MD, PhD Rachel and Harry Moseley Barbara Mott Augusta Mueller Carlyn Mueller Christine Mulqueen Jerold Muskin Eileen and James Mydosh Stephanie Nassau Letitia (Letty) Nastri Amber Natusch 60 Mary Nebesny Mark Nelson Network for Good Newman Architects, LLC Dr. Claude and Arlette Nicaise Nichols United Methodist Church – United Methodist Women Nelson Nicholson Nicholson Associates, Inc Nancy Nickless Dr. Nickolas Nickou Thomas A. Niezelski, Jr. Stan and Margot Nimiroski Rocco and Lisa Nisivoccia Steven Nivison Theresa Noreika North Haven Police Union Northeast Computer Services, LLC David and Elizabeth Nowak James Nuciforo Nuzzo & Roberts, LLC Harold Obstler Craig and Laura Odermatt Elaine Ogle Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Jane G. Olejarczyk Gary and Jennifer Olsen Helen F. Olszewski Olympus Construction Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Oneglia Hank O’Neill, Carmine Amento, Dennis Clini, Jerry Dill, Bill Good, Frank Ferraiolo, Donna Ferraro, Eleanor Galuska, Toni Gianfrito, Mary Hall, Jim Hawthorne, Pat McKenna, Nobile Pfannenbecker, Marty Platt, Jimmy Vastalis, Mary Varga, and Stephen Zotto Joseph and Patricia O’Neill Jorge and Consuelo Oporto Natalie Ortoli-Drew Abiola Oshin Outrageous Ventures, Inc Jason Page Paier College of Art, Inc Elizabeth Palen Bonnie Palermo Brittany Palermo Lois Palmer Janis Panagrossi Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Panagrossi, Jr. Joyce Pantalone Mary E. Pappas Brian and Marycatherine Parr Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parrella Ralph and Barbara Parson Judith Pasqualoni Dr. Kenneth and Ellen Passero Elsie Patrick Helen Patterson Donald and Kristin Pawlitz Carol Pawlush Denise Peacock Jill Pearson Pediatric & Medical Associates, PC Ronald A. Pelletier, Sr. Pennsylvania Land Title Association Pennsylvania Land Title Institute Joanne Pentino Maureen Perachio Joseph and Alaire Perazella Elizabeth Pereira Renee Perroncel David and Patrice Peterson Edward and Susan Peterson Barbara Phelan The Phoenix Companies, Inc Teresa Pienkos Walter Pieper Karen K. Pineman Debra Pinto Manuel and Christina Pires Pitney Bowes, Inc Robert J. Platzer† Elizabeth Poirier Jarry and Margaret Popel Dianna Popolizio Beverly Popowich Andrew Popp Mary Anne Poppa Port Security Services/Sea Support David J. Potack Madeline and Arnold Potash Harold F. Powell Audrey Press Christine Preuss William Previdi, Jr. David Proto Mr. and Mrs. Dominic F. Proto Fran Proto, Judy G., Jennifer P., Keely D., Maria E., Joyce A., Laura N., and Erin M. Purchase College, SUNY – Physical Education/Athletic Division Carrie Pyer Jon and Arianc Racow Elena and Lancy Rardi Marilyn Rappoport Malcolm and Barbara Rashba Lillie Ann Reed The Reeves Family Amelia Renkert-Thomas Paula and Richard Resch David and Jennifer Revelle Revera Health Systems, Inc Employees Dymari Reyes Clyde and Judith Richardson Christopher M. Rigsby, MD Christopher Rillstone David L. Rimm, MD Edward and Laurie Risi Anne Marie Rivard Barbara A. Roach, MD Doris and Daniel Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson Ed and Donna Rocco Tom Roche Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation Dr. Donald and Kathy Rocklin Alma Roginel Paul Rohan Susan Ronai Bernard Rosen Steven Rosenbaum William Rosenblatt and Jeanne Steiner Joseph and Esther Rosenman Michael Rosenthal, MD Mary and Robert Ross Ronald and Barbara Roth William Rourke Donald and Louise Rowland Lucien Roy Dennis and Donna Rozanski Anne Rubin, RN Marjorie Ruiz Mark B. Russi, MD Robert and Kathy-Leigh Russo Ann Rutherford Kevin and Christine Ryder Jayne Ryzewski Harvey S. Sadow, PhD Hugh Salami-Kohan Carol Salter Peter and Christine Samoskevich Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Samson Anthony G. Santomauro, MD Susan Santoro Brenda Sarosario Marie Sasso Melanie Savage Herb Savitt and Vivian Hyman Saw Mill International Corporation and Kevin Munrett's Co-Ed Softball Teammates Edward Scalone Deborah Schaefer Philip and Wendy Schaefer Sarah Schaefer Ron and Linda Schauwecker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Scheiner J. Michael and Kathleen O’Connor Schell Peter Schile Bill Schumalkuche and Kathy Vlaha & Family Shirley Scholder Gloria D. and George C. Schoolfield Dr. and Mrs. A. Herbert Schwartz Eugenie Schwartz Genie Schwartz Kenneth V. Schwartz, MD Leo Scillia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scovel Rita and Richard Seclow Edwin and Deborah Selden David Seligson, MD Lynn Sellers Anthony and Karen Sequino Phyllis Seton Carol Sewell Laurel B. Shader, MD and Jon H. Zonderman Larry and Sherry Shanbrom Anthony Shaw Edward Shea Holly Sheehy Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Shelling Bernard Shemkovitz Mary Jo Shepard Mr. and Mrs. David M. Sherman Philip Sherringham Robert S. Sherwin, MD Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Shields Susan A. Shiely Robert and Virginia Shiller Shoreline Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, PC Sahel Shwayhat Lambros E. Siderides, MD Edward Silver John H. Sinard, MD, PhD Jean Sisk Kathryn Skibek Mark and Judith Sklarz Rose Slavin Dr. and Mrs. William H. Sledge Mr. and Mrs. Newell S. Sly Frederick Smiga David M.† and Catherine V.A. Smith Jeff Smith and Rhonda Tobin Professor John E. Smith Leatrice Smith Mary Ellin Smith Penny Smith Robert A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith & Robyn R. Smith Sherry Smith Shirlee Smith Virginia Smith Leonard Sousa Jill Spatafore Spectrum Healthcare Douglas and Juliette Spelman Ralph and Cynthia Spinnler Richard and Kasey Spreyer Springhurst School, Special Education Department Staff Edith L. Spruill Marilyn St. George Reva St. Hilaire Erin and Christopher Stabb Patricia Stacy Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stahl Pamela Stanton Maria Starno State of Connecticut, Children’s Trust Fund Friends and Co-Workers at State of Connecticut, DDS Steamatic of Connecticut, LLC Carol Stec Nancy and John Steinegger Joyce and George Steinhoff Jon and Andrea Stevens Diane and Lee Stewart Wynnett Stewart Mrs. Albert Stickney Catherine Stipa Enid Stone Robert G. Stout, MD Lisa Strada Milton and Carole Strobel Virginia M. Stuermer, MD Xin Su Edmund Sullivan Mark and Lori Sullivan Donna Summers Charles Beckman Swanson John Sward Martha K. Swartz Betty Syvertson, Diane Tennison, Donna Campano and Deidre Hered & Families T.M. Byxbee Company, PC Douglas Tabor Barbara and Arthur Tacinelli Vincent and Catherine Tammaro Rajesh R. Tampi, MD, MS and Sunanda Muralee, MD Ernest Tate Nancy Tauscher Vijay M. Thadani, MD Francis and Maureen Thomas Jeff and Kathy Thomsen Estelle Williams Thorpe, RN Eric Tichy Dong Denise Tien Mary E. Tinetti, MD Demetra and Peter Tolis Tomahawk Club Gail and Delbert Toohey Rita Trayner Lisa Truini-Pittman Arlene and Philip Turitz Diane Young Turner Arthur Turpin Santo Tutino Dennis and Joan Tutor Tyco Copy Center Antoinette V.B. Tyndall George Uihlein Joan Ulate Gael Ulisse Virginia Umbricht Catherine Urbinati Adriana Valencia-Bedoya Charles Vaughn Douglas Vaughn, MD George P. Ververis, Jr. Kathleen Vespa Molly and Kevin Visnic Peter E. Vitali Michael and Diane Viveiros Voltarc Technologies, Inc Meredith and Henry Von Kohorn Wachovia Foundation Dr. Jeffrey A. and Cindy Wagner Linda A. Waldman, MD Mrs. Paul R. Walgren Carol J. Walker Alexine Wallace Mary Augur Wallace Barry Wallach Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Warren Judith Watkins-Shapiro Katharine and Nicholas Fox Weber Ruth and Ulrich Weil Bev and Manny Weinberg Beryl B. Weinstein† Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Welch, Jr. William Welch West Haven B.P.O.E. 1537 Westbrook Inn Linda Wiener Wilcox Fuel, Inc William B. Meyer, Inc Joyce Williams-Turner Margaret Williams Peter and Louise Willig Peter B. Willis and Flora C. Radziunas Robert and Sharyn Wilson The Windmill Club, Inc Susan Winkel Ed and Kathleen Winslow Winters & Forte Prescott S. Wiske, MD Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wiznia Vincenza Wojnilko Helen Wolstenholme, Patricia Wolstenholme and Jeanne Ruyack Kathy and Paul Womelsdorf William and Joan Woo WTNH/WCTX Vivian Wu Zehua Xia Yale School of Medicine, Schlessinger Lab Yale-New Haven Hospital, Administration Yale-New Haven Hospital, Ambulatory and Peri-operative Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, Child Life Department Yale-New Haven Hospital, Health Information Management Department Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, OR Materials Staff Yonghong Yang John Yarcusko Matthew Zawalich Andrew Zehner and Suzanne Whitty Tara Zembrowski George W. Zepko Mrs. John W. Zick Jason Zigmont Dr. Marvin and Beverly Zimmerman Richard and Britt Zimmerman Marilyn and Norman Zolot Dr. Howard and Linda Zonana Zone 5 Regional Law Enforcement Training Joseph and Gail Zorpette Deborah B. Zyck Dr. Leo Zygelman 61 Gifts in Honor (Donor names appear after names in bold) Dr. Peter L. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Abrams Betty Lou and Joe Blumberg Sandi Adler Betty Lou and Joe Blumberg Sandi and Robert Adler Stanley and Joan Carp Samuel Taylor Alprin Greg Alprin Diana Badamo Joyce Mockalis Doug Payne Frank Barbiero The Elliott Insurance Group Joseph Blumberg Sandi and Robert Adler Ashley Blume Anonymous 180 Varick Street Corporation Eileen and David Babbitz Suzanne and Frank Bergman 62 Sherrie and Jeffrey Bitterman Dr. James H. Blume Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Blume David and Tanya Bottaro Mindy and Stan Brownstein Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists, PC The Crane Family Eric and Lori Diton David and Elaine Emery & Family Marc and Lynn Estra Dr. and Mrs. Michael Farber & Family FCE Consultants, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Alan Feldman Deanna and David Friedman Samantha Friedman Dr. William and Deborah Friedman Pat and Gary Ginsberg Kenneth and Mara Ginsberg Deb and Jack Hauser Michelle and Scott Kastin Harry and Carolyn Katzman Robert and Caren Kauffman Kauffman Associates Madeleine, Grayson and Jackson Key Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC Ken and Robin Kramer Sandra Leyton Lisa and Joe MacDougald Geri and Ross Mahler Dr. Mark and Stacey Milner Matthew Milner Jeremy and Nancy Nadelmann Sanjay V. Patel, DPM Pet Supplies Plus of Connecticut XI, LLC PFH Mortgage, LLC Howard Reiter and Jody Ellant Herb Savitt and Vivian Hyman Susan and Neil Schiff Maurice Simon Aileen and Lee Sklar Dr. and Mrs. Bauer E. Sumpio & Christina, Brett and Brandon Sumpio Jeffrey and Robyn Teplitzky Joshua and Linda Teplitzky Teplitzky & Company, PC Stacey and David Trachten Per and Sherrie Trellevik Barbara Wright Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Yale Ed Bottomley Mrs. Gay G. Steinbach Lawrence S. Cohen, MD Josephine Broude Kerry Boyle Becton Dickinson and Company Vincent Boyle Jennifer Brown Robert and Marina Campbell Michelle and Anthony Caserta Kenneth Clarke Michael and Diane Crist Anthony DeMeo E Discovery Digital Jose and Jean Fernandez Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund David Friezo Daniel Grogan Krisha Hegde Thomas and Sherry Kaczan James and Melissa Keane Charles and Patricia Marchesani Daniel and Maryellen McGrath Munaf Merchant Anthony and Dana Merola Ben Miller Rocco and Lisa Nisivoccia Kevin and Jacqueline Normoyle Michael O'Donnell Brian and Marycatherine Parr Lance Peatling Edward and Susan Peterson David Petric Michael and Edith Rafferty Dimitri and Julia Rellos Richard and Elizabeth Sansaricq Anthony Shaw Michael Silecchia Janine Spafford Margaret and Richard Spafford Shawn Sullivan Upkar and Niti Tandon Thomas and Stefanie Tasso Grant and Elizabeth Thompson Steven and Elizabeth Weinstein The Rebecca and Hillary Fund Susan and Dean Allen Pamela and Richard Aronoff Mark Buschmann C. W. Henderson & Associates, Inc The Carl Marks Foundation, Inc Judith Chapman Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc The Coleman Family Fund Davis Polk & Wardwell Sophie Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Feuerabendt Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Michael and Virginia Genereux Carolyn and Gerald Grinstein Dan Gropper The Hampton Foundation The Hanover Family Trust Anne and Gregory Islan Mara and Paul Jacobson David and Rita Karp Katherine and Christopher Linneman Thomas Marano Lawrence Marsiello Thomas and Louise Middleton Rachel and Harry Moseley Ann Marie Mulcahy The Arthur and Eileen Newman Family Foundation Joseph and Patricia O'Neill Craig and Nancy Overlander Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Robert Ruocco Bob Stern, Susan and Kathryn Hays Stern James and Lauren Whitehurst James A. Brink, MD John and Laurie Ann Letizia Marna Borgstrom, President and all Yale-New Haven Hospital VPs & Employees Dr. Ronald and Amy Vender Terri Bureau Carol Hendricks Dr. Harold and Maureen Bornstein Elizabeth and Francis Gybowski Stanley Carp Sandi and Robert Adler Michael P. DiGiovanna, MD, PhD Lori Dober Michael Dimenstein John and Laurie Ann Letizia Willie and Judy Evans Gillie and Murray Lender Leeya Fabry Geoffrey Fabry Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Fabry Ryan Fabry Frank ‘Skip’ Fein Sandi and Robert Adler Barbara Loucks Myrna Baskin John Fiorita David and Barbra Bell David Lockyer Mark Loveland Gregg Loveland Christopher Joseph Fleming Jean Cassels Friends of Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital Board Kurt and Alice Hummel David Furman Sandi and Robert Adler Sherwin Gorenstein Betty Lou and Joe Blumberg Arden N.D. Gorra Nicholase Gorra and Jessica Dobratz Sabet W. Hashim, MD Drs. Carol Lippia-Tenney and George R. Tenney Alexa Winslow Hassan Ed and Kathleen Winslow Emma Hermann Mary Sue Hermann Brady Blaine Hinton Brady’s Smile, Inc Susan Horn Joanne and Matthew Zuckerman Jamie MacLeod Joanne and Matthew Zuckerman Lauren Ann Marandino Anonymous Dr. Peter Marks and Oncology Treatment Staff Mary and Jim Oberhelman Debora McCauley Colleen Tzovolos Baby Miklos Miriam Maldonado Stephen and Stephanie Miklos Elsa and Abe Nad Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nives Velma and Stuart Grodd Raymond Peach Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, PC Devyn Phelps Merle and Gloria Grant John Michael Reid Anonymous Domenic and Mary Scarano Emma Gulino Emma Scarano Michael Schilsky, MD James Nuciforo Arthur and Mae Schwalb Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Penny Q. Seaman, Esq John and Laurie Ann Letizia Honorable William F. Sennett, Esq Gregg Loveland Sarah Houle Jo-Ann Maude Thomas J. Rutherford, MD Mr. and Mrs. Zelly Goldberg Bernard Rosen Stuart E. Seropian, MD Clayton Friedberg, CPA Declan James Keenan Noel Higgins Kolla Saketh Anonymous Jerome Sestito Doreen Sestito Davidge Kyle and Ethan Kupec Ann Marie and Robert Bonvini Ronald R. Salem, MD John and Laurie Ann Letizia David M. Lima, MD Robert A. Smith Dr. Charles Lockwood Mrs. Steven A. Marks Trent Tracy Theresa Amendola Carolyn and Richard Bartlett Kathleen and Leonard Bonn James and Melissa Coyle Pasquale DelVecchio Jean and George Foley Nancy and Daniel Foley Donna and George Gianacoplos James Gianacopolos Donna and Paul Limone John Limone Shannon and Steven Paymer Claudia Schiavone Edith Shepard Lindsay and Philip Wright Walsh Intermediate School, Team 6-2 Teachers – Mrs. Sawyer, Mrs. Haten, Mrs. Hart and Mr. Kszywanas Cornelia Evans and Vladimir Shpitalnik Sasha Shpitalnik Stuart G. Warner, Esq John and Laurie Ann Letizia Mickey Weinstein Sandy and Alan Schwartz Yale New Haven Health System, Information Systems & Technology Staff Maryrose Hoffman Kathleen Tynan-McKiernan Yale-New Haven Hospital, Care Coordination Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Care Coordination Melissa and Kevin Cox Spectrum Healthcare Lawrence R. Solomon, MD Josephine Broude Urbane. A Hair Salon – Laura Caputo and Karen Stewart Gale and Michael Silverberg Yale-New Haven Hospital, Newborn Special Care Unit Anonymous Ashley Santore Jo-Ann Maude Richard S. Stahl, MD John and Laurie Ann Letizia John Usher Claudine and Allen Siegel Yale-New Haven Hospital, Primary Care Center Martha K. Swartz Clarence T. Sasaki, MD Andrew Popp Harold Switkes Cecle and Joe Adler & Jane, Betsy, Andy and Nina Bernard Zimmerman† Sandi and Robert Adler 63 Gifts in Honor – Group Donations (Bold Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Petti and Jack Abrams Ronald A. Adelman, MD, MPH Jennifer and Miles Alexander Shirley Alexander Diana and Steve Allegretto Drs. Robert J. Alpern and Patricia A. Preisig Phyllis C. Andrews Sally and Michael Antonello Reverend Shirley Ada Aquart Gabriel, Mary, Hannah and Chloe Armstrong Eleanor, Frank, Frankie, Martin and Theodore Ball Kyle Ballou Gini and Louis Bantle Vicky and Howard Barlow Debbie, Marc and Noah Barnett Mary, Rob, Madeline and Andrew Beck Richard J. Bednar Sidilene and Dieter Bengel Mary Bevan Jessica Blanch Pauline Blanch Michael Boccardi Margaret Boehmer and Family Marna and Eric Borgstrom Nancy and Jim Brock Jennifer and Graham Bromilow & Family Bishop Ted and Janice Brooks Harriet, Joe, Michael and Katherine Bucher Jody and Jonathan Bush Danielle, Tom, T.J. and Shane Cahill Nikki and Morgan Campbell Gayle Capozzalo John Cappelletti Dee and Joseph Carbone Al Carozza Kathy Carper & Jill and Ben Kreger Judith Sykes Castillo and Family Myrna Ceccorulli Carol Chamberlain Lynn Chamberlain John Chen Mrs. Li Hwa Cheng Rocky Cingari and Marti Bruno Dorothy Coffey Laura and Gary Collins Joan and Frank Connor Jose Luis Cortes Milena, Nestor, Alli, Kelley and Kimmy Cortes 64 name indicates donor) Frank and Ginny Corvino Dr. Joseph Craft Carol and Joseph Crespo Joyce Curry Kathy and Richard D’Aquila Kay and Clyde Davis Dr. Brian and Karen DeBroff Maureen, Bruce, Andre and Ilya DeNunzio Patty and Gary Deroy Dr. Phillip Dickey Georgia Dickinson Anna and Paul DiVecchio Arlette Dolan Chris and Edward Dowling Sue, Walter, Conor, Finn and Caroline Downey Iris and Bill Drucker Peggy Eberson Christie and Raymond Eccles Ruth and Rick Edelson Anneliese Ernst Connie Evans and Vladimir Shpitalnik June Fahey Mary and Derek Farmer & Family Beverly Faucher Marie Felton Drs. Rosemarie and John Fisher Marie and Dan Fitzmaurice Michael Flynn Sharon Folk The Fornaciari Family Barbara Franklin and Wallace Barnes Ida and Jerry Franklin Russell and Erica Fritz Susanne and Joseph Fuller, Jr. Zdenka Fuller Ann and Bill George John Georgeopolous Marit and Rene Gervais Drs. Gracia Goade and Bruce Cummings & Family Eileen and Sal Gonza Deanna, Jason, Logan and Wyatt Grabelle Jean and Rolf Granskog Dody Green Eunice and Tom Groark Ronnie Hackett Sharon and Jim Hale Adele and Donald Hall Myrna and Ed Harrison Melody Harrison Joan and Bob Haversat Maureen and Peter Herbert Marty and Ham Herman Laura and Karl Hinrichs Laura and Dan Hirleman Nancy and Walter Hoffmann Janet and Dick Hoyt Elvira and Robert Hull Dr. Jack Irving Jana and Karel Janicek George and Diana Jepsen Thelma and Alvin Johnson Maria Olivia and Jim Judelson Manual Junca Denise and Greg Kahofer Helga “Lilo” Karow Doug and Carol Kennedy & Family Carla Klein Jur Kolkmeijer & Family Linda and Bill Kosturko Jane and Tom Kowalski Judy and John Lahey Tara and Mike LaLonde Dorothy Lansdale Dolores Lapinski Kate Lederer and Chris Aull Marie Perkins Lederer Helaine and Marvin Lender Steve Lerangis Jane and Rick Levin Dr. Arthur L. Levy Senator Joseph and Hadassah Lieberman Lori Lolli and Family Linda Koch Lorimer Ginny and Jerry Lowney Diane, Mike, Jennifer and Michael Macchiarelli Patricia Maddern Lillian, Fred, Aika and Luke Mallya Kitty and Bill Mandi Dr. Peter Marks Bernie and Seane Marren & Family Anne, John, Michelle, Suzanne, Laura and J.D. Marsalisi N. Masugata Elizabeth Mathieu Theresa and John McCabe Sharon McGinn Maggie McKnight Julia McNamara and Dick Lolatte Reverend Timothy A. Meehan The Mehta Family Ambassador and Mrs. Thomas P. Melady Beatrice Mitchell Sally Moltzen Jane Monteith Lisa Moody Marjan Murray Drs. Sheila and Vasant Nadkarni Sharon Nally and William Colella Diep, Hue and Lee Nguyen Nancy and Ray Noble Shohei Noritake Margaret and Rick Norman Tadahiro Okano Yukiko Okano Carolyn Parmer Clarice and Jim Parry Chris Pates Peyton Patterson Dolores and Bernard Pellegrino Karen and Vin Petrini Dorean and Francis Piatek Sally and Lloyd Pierce Mike and Jorgann Plale Joyce and Leonard Pollack Alice Poole Sarah Preston and Family Barry Raskin Lisa, Matthew, Merrell and Jack Readman Governor Jodi and Lou Rell Scott and Summer Ribisl Midge Ristau Flori and Craig Roberts Trudy and Bob Rosensweig June and Ralph Rossi Carolyn and Norman Roth Eileen Rowan Marlene Saar Patti and Wayne Saar & Family Susan, Steve, Steven and Sara Sabanski President and Mrs. Neil Salonen Joan Sanborn Betty and John Sanderson Arlene and Augie Sanz Carla, Augie, Alanna, Austin and Sophia Sanz Martha Schall Gloria Schoolfield Jennifer and Michael Seeley Eileen and Bob Serow Barbara A. Shailor Millie and Martin Shapiro Jane and Don Sharpe Congressman Christopher and Betsi Shays Tim Shearin and Ellen Aho & Luke, Jane, and Dale Shearin Dr. Bruce and Sharon Shields Merlyn Simpson Curtiss B. Smith Jeffrey Snyder Ginny and Patsy Sorrentino Drs. Dennis and Susan† Spencer Susan and Tom St. Onge Doris and Siegrfied Stahl Alba Stamm Joanne and Jim Staten Ian Stewart Janet, Jeffrey, Michael, Lisa and Deborah Stewart Kate Stoddard Drs. Elsa Stone and Steven Wolfson Monica Stone Peter Sullivan and Margorie Salem Pat and Sted Sweet Kathy and Dominic Szwankowski Catherine and Vincent Tammaro Carol and Emil Tarbrake Genevieve Thalberg Deborah and Jim Thomas Carolyn Tompkins Sue and Charles Torre Pat and Bob Trevisani Elinor Turner Jane Tymon and Family Marilyn and Lou Ulizio Lisa and Gus VanDerMaelen Eileen and George Vermilyea June, Conroy and C.J. Walker Hazel Wallace Kevin Walsh Carol, John, Lindsay and Ashley Walter William Waseleski Robert M. Weiss, MD Mary Lou and Edward Winnick Linda and Stan Witkowski Margo and Nat Woodson Debbie and Woody Woodworth Anne and Bret Wunderli Christine, Jed, Jordan and Jantzen Wunderli Corinne and Earl Wunderli Valerie and Henry Yaggi, III John Yarmosh Margery and Alex Yarmosh Sue and Joe Zaccagnino Sandy and Joseph Zautra Christie Ziegler Gifts in Memory (Donor names appear after names in bold) Michael A. Acampora Regina Acampora Joe and Sharyn Acampora & Family Arnold’s Jewelers, Inc John Bannon Elizabeth Benevento Doreen Bockius Kitty Champlin Maria Conte Richard and Teri Conte Louis and Carol D’Amora Susan and Richard DeFrank Bruna DeMartino Jack and Marie Deme Martha DePalma Patricia and Dale Douglas Eleanor Earl William and Theresa Fiondella Charles, Linda and Patrick Foley Richard and Charlene Forti Richard and Lois Forti Georgia Conte and Gary Gage Gary Gagliardi and Margaret Kelly-Gagliardi Antoinette Gambardella Joe and Pat Gherlone Mitzi and Sal Giaimo Salvatore and Alicia Giaimo & Family Robert and Pamela Lamonaca Linda Langella Patricia and Ciro Longobardi Fred and Joan Melillo Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Modena Bernice and Emanuel Monaco Toni Morrotti-Acampora Dana Nelson and Will & William Rowbotham The Nichols Family Hank O’Neill, Carmine Amento, Dennis Clini, Jerry Dill, Bill Good, Frank Ferraiolo, Donna Ferraro, Eleanor Galuska, Toni Gianfrito, Mary Hall, Jim Hawthorne, Pat McKenna, Nobile Pfannenbecker, Marty Platt, Jimmy Vastalis, Mary Varga, and Stephen Zotto Raymond and Gloria Peach Elena and Lancy Rardi Tricia and Miguel Rodriguez John E. Squeri Marty and Jana Staffaroni Brian and Ellen Swirsky Dorothy Tattenbaum John and Susan Tibor Tomahawk Club Evelyn and Joseph Tomasello Joanne Turonis Raffaele† and Giuseppina Valentino Susan and Robert Villani Madeline Grace Ammerman Vincent and Catherine Tammaro Vincent “Sam” Angotto Patrick and Carol Hurley The Antonio and Poppa Family Mary Anne Poppa Madalyn Jane Baker Robert and Ann Dyndiuk Tony and Gail Galazan Dianne and George Ziegert Robin Baldini Anonymous Press/Cuozzo Realtors Joyce Van Winkle Vinita and John Chapman Larry and Cheryl Chiucarello Juanita and Michael Churilla Connecticut Rubber Group Pasquale Coppola Carl and Cheryl DePaoli DeWolf Chemical, Inc Stacie and Jim Doyle Employees Activities Association Robert and Joyce Emslie Rebecca and Percy Ferris Linda and Michael Gejda Robert and Margot Hall Heritage Village Country Club Ladies 18 Hole Golf Association Susan Homrok Terry Kuhlberg Caroline and Normand Lafontaine Henry and Margo Lopez-Cepero Edith Marshall Susan and Jake Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Roger Newbury Newtown Republican Town Committee Jennie and Robert Niccol Northeast Computer Services, LLC Evan Pitkoff John and Tarry Randone Virginia and Richard Sherwood Jon and Andrea Stevens Karen Young Evelyn Ballas Donna and Gary Anderson, Becky and Leroy Grayson, Sharon and Scott Horn, & Karen and Bob Taylor Betty Syvertson, Diane Tennison, Donna Campano and Deidre Hered & Families Stanley J. Bart Holly Geffert Newman’s Own Foundation, Inc Traci Lynn Barba Shirley J. Berandino Sarah Hope Bellemore Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bellemore Barbara Barnard, RN Gail Wheeler Nick Bencivengo John and Laurie Ann Letizia Sharon Llodra Barrows John and Brenda Barrows Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc Helen Blanchard Winifred Brickmeier Barbara and Bill Brimmer David and Sandra Brown The CAT Development Team – Debbie Siegel, Larry Jacobson, Sheila Brown, Elaine Bessette, Alish Gish, Jan Tirinzonie, Lucille Obarowski and Anne Rash Kim Berry Gail and Delbert Toohey Jordan Blatche, Jr. Patricia Barnes Raijha L. Blatche Patricia Barnes George Blumberg Mary Jo Barnello Georgia Conte and Gary Gage Kay Ho Winifred Johanson Marie Latino Stan and Margot Nimiroski Lee Stein Gary and Sharon Waskow Peter B. Willis and Flora C. Radziunas Rhoda Winik Elenita (Ellen) Bonoan Deborah Abrons Maria Bobis Renato, Elaine and Amelia Bonoan The Hematology and Chemistry Labs & Intraoperative PTH Team at Yale-New Haven Hospital Jeanne Lowe Kenneth Bookspan Myra Friedman Dr. and Mrs. Mark Silverberg Newton D. Brenner Charlotte Brenner Elizabeth Budd John Madigan John and Mary Meli Outrageous Ventures, Inc Benjamin Oliver Bulkley Gertrude and Jonathan Bulkley Nathaniel and Anne Bulkley Naomi Rodriguez Edith Burdone John and Laurie Ann Letizia Ralph Cafro Pat Cafro Marty King, Bryan Letson and Jeff Glidden – Boilermakers Local 237 Members Partitions, Inc Dr. C. Elton Cahow Carmela and Jerome Infantino Eugene Braunsdorf Belardinelli Tire Company 65 Gifts in Memory (Donor names appear after names in bold) Dr. Richard E. Capozzi, Sr. Susan Beatty Barbara and Richard Bellemare Bushka Lumber & Millwork Co., LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ardelio R. Capozzi Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Capozzi, Sr. John and Judith Celano Richard and Janice Czarasty Roberta B. Czarsty Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denardo, Sr. Frederick Elmy and Lisa Johns-Elmy Sheila and Alan Graboski Lois Koss Lawrence Lafferty Jude, Victor and Victor A. Lamberti Lillian and Victor Lamberti Laugeni Family Foundation, Inc Linda and Christopher Letz Marie McCarthy-Brucato Nicholson Associates, Inc Mary O’Connor Vincent and Marie Palladino Aimee S. Peterson Manuel and Christina Pires Thomas Prezioso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Puzzo The Reeves Family Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Riccuito Richard Rossi Margaret Shanahan Randi, Mitchell and Douglas Solomon Karen and Leonard Steiger George and Mary Jane Strobel Dr. and Mrs. Pat Varanelli Dr. John L. Varanelli Thomas John Wade Waterbury Dental Society Mr. and Mrs. James F. Zawadzki Patricia Carboni Captain’s Galley Restaurant Captain’s Galley Restaurant, Patrons and Employees Roseann Russo Robert Cavanagh Dr. and Mrs. Peter Demir Joan Vaughan Chappell Debnam Chappell 66 Megan Elizabeth Cichowski The Cichowski Family Live Oaks Elementary School Milford Board of Education Edna Cirino Mariko Brehmer and Jim LaBruzza Gladys Campbell Marie H. Cavalier Margaret and Jerry Chopskie The Cirino Family Leopold DeFusco Albert and Lucille DePeano Kathy Eckel and Jon Romandy Pauline and Skip Grisell Ruth Hopco Val and Etta Mangialaschi Irene and Daniel Mercer Charles Murcko Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murcko Pauline Murcko Jean and Bob Peters Mary and Robert Piccuillo Ralph and Marianne Rapillo Safeguard/Paperwork Products Timothy, Laura, Emily and Matthew Tarini Ro, Harry, Lisa and Loren Testani Dorothy Cook Edward and Barbara Sturm Margaret “Mae” Corso Sydell A. Batter Mark Colvin and Karen Rowland Anthony T. Corso Frank and Mary Corso Salvatore and Madeline Corso Margaret Gray Lori and Thomas Luciano Dolores Nastri New Havener's Club Heidi Vernick and Priscilla Garber Joe and Dolores Vizziello Victoria M. Crocco Cynthia Spector Ralph and Dorothy Croog Fred Croog Joseph D’Addio Carol, Bob, Sarah and Brett Lukaszek Yale-New Haven Hospital, OR Materials Staff Suzan M. D’Antonio Mark D’Antonio Michael Davitt Mark and Susie Andersen Reginia and Richard Chenell Maura Clancy Chris Donnelly and Rita Smith Kathleen Donnelly Maureen Donnelly Michael and Mary Donnelly Rich Dowling Thomas and Diane Grace Marie and George Guman Kathryn Hughes Peggy Magdon Gary and Jennifer Olsen Carolyn Oppenheim Donald Parrott Janet Sabo Soundental Asociates, PC Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stahl Peter E. Vitali William C. and Pamela Welch Yale-New Haven Hospital, Information Technology Friends and Co-Workers Brian Robert Dawson Clear Automation, Inc Thomas and Doreen Phelan Lauren Marie Delepine The Delepine Family – Mike, Sue, Peter and Emily Lynne DelGrande Sue Eisaguirre Katie and Brian Fischer Natvarlal Desai Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Adam Matthew Diedrich Edward Ludvigsen Susan and Kurt Strecker Theresa Diehl Marilyn Rosenberg Hodes and Family Muriel Dinsmore Judy Cobden Richard Donohue Christine and Greg Hauser James Joseph Doyle Alex Alexiades Jean and John Coddington Judith and Victor Cweklinsky Joyce Doyle, Janis and Teresa Ellen and Tom Maloney Cindy, Lucille and Casey Moir Michael Doyle Muriel and Don Mavelli Fred Dressler John and Carolyn Malkin Kevin Duffy Barbara and Bill Carr John T. Early Marion McLaughlin Yvette and Arthur Eder Jill Eder The Yvette & Arthur Eder Foundation, Inc Solomon Elkin Bonnie, Alan, Jenna, and Hilary Rice Dorothy K. Elston Elston Family Foundation Oresta “Esther” Esposito Port Security Services / Sea Support Lori Evergreen Allison and David Beed Debbie Blotner Joan Buckman Marla and John Byrnes Karen A. Camp John and Nancy Chiero Lynn and Phil Creel Helene, Don, Jeff and Beth Hirschfeld Ann Howard Amy and Kurt Hull Marilyn C. Kraczkowsky Mary Morrell Levette Perkins David and Patrice Peterson M. M. Stone Jean Tillinghast Women’s Committee of the Wadsworth Antheneum Carina Sofia Fanelli Anonymous (2) Susan Milano Anthony Fermo Leonda Fermo, CRNA Louis “Larry” Formica Mitzi and Marvin Bargar Tim and Elizabeth Deane & Family Cynthia and Joseph Deleone Nicholas and Carole DiCerbo Elizabeth Feiner The Flaumenhaft Family Kimberly and Michael Formica Mitchell and Abby Goldblatt Daniel and Barbara Miller Linda and Stephen Muir Web Solutions, Inc Pell William Foster, IV Sally M. Foster John Greeley Marylena Antonelli Debbie and Mike Low Lisa E. Phillips Nancy and John Steinegger Robbie Greenberger Naomi Hagel David Lloyd Myra Rubinstein Aneliya Sakaeva Rita Jean Hallman John Hallman Susan Clark Foster Sally M. Foster Peter Hayes Anonymous Simsbury Fighting Cows Avery Coyle Franks Jan and Matt Coyle Lena Hollander Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Muriel S. Friedman Sandi and Robert Adler George B. Hotchkiss, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boshea Richard H. Bowerman, Sr. Robert Burns Carol Caporossi Mary Coffey John Coyle Bernadette and Daniel Cushion Allan and Luanne Dehar Brian Desmond Edward and Ruth Granfield Janice Hurley Al and Mindy Johnson Agnes Kelly Arthur and Denise Lombard Helen and Edward McKeon Linda and Richard Miller, Melba and Doug Watts, & Sandy and Kevin Wade Marilyn and James Molloy Alice Montz Joan and Carl Peterson Fran Proto, Judy G., Jennifer P., Keely D., Maria E., Joyce A., Laura N., and Erin M. Patricia and Clarence Richau Betty Scarpati Cheryl and David Serfilippi Patricia Sikeritzky Karen Simses Celeste Smith Jacqueline and Lawrence Stacy Joseph Fuller, Sr. Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Holbert Garrison Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Sabina Goldstein Linda and Paul Goldstein Samuel Goldstein Linda and Paul Goldstein Dr. Sidney B. Gordon FannyDean Gordon Susan Gordon Israel, MD and Douglas H. Israel, MD Charles W. Gough, Jr. Stanley Baxa, Jr. Teresa Delia Sharon and Matthew Dever Ferris Hill Club, Inc Doris A. Gough Alice and Robert Maxwell Robert J. Hudson Janet and Joseph Conroy Susan Moore and Destiny Perry Rocco Inello Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Stanley W. Jackson Richard and Elinor Katz Dr. Michael C. Jaye Abington Senior High School Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Alderman Lynn Alderman Pat Alessi, Mary Ann Deary and Myra Strehan Herbert and Rochelle Bass Helen Blume David and Jane Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cassin Joyce R. Caton Norma Lee Chartoff Fred, Marla, Jennifer and Emily Cohen Linda Collier Teresa and Greg Cooper Linda, Bob, Matt and Ali Dadona Mary and David Dicker Frances ‘Pinki’ Doyle Paul, Diana, Brian and Becky Filipowich Robert and Lillian Fisher GlaxoSmithKline Camille and Stephen Golod Della Greenberg Karen J. Hanson and McWelling Todman James and Elizabeth Hargadon Beat and Susan Jucker Dr. June Kaplow and Dr. Thomas Lavoie Carol and Robert Koladicz Cathy and Ken Kress Cynthia and Michael Kurtis Diane Laskowski Jean Lenard Bernice Lewis Zuo Jun Lin and Dong Wei Christina and Todd Lukens Mary Malarkey Manfield “L” Association Rosalie and Ross Matico Karen and Ron Matz Thelma and Harry May Laura Alberino Milano and Patricia Lyons Griffin Samuel and Diane Naselsky Mary Ann and Richard Notarangelo Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Andrea Parry Elizabeth Parry Penn State University, Parmi Nous Senior Honor Society Pennsylvania Land Title Association Pennsylvania Land Title Institute Jeffrey M. Postman Bea and Joe Rabitz Carrie Salvia Gayle Jacobson Shapiro Xin Su Susan and Raymond Tellier Marc, Suzanne and Ellie Tepper Diane Visconti Yale School of Medicine, Schlessinger Lab Rachel Zanan David M. Johnson, Sr. Karen and Russell Pollard Shelton Judd Charles Judd Henry S. Kardys Linda Ciesielski Bojanowski Liam Seamus Keating Peter and Trudi Angiollo Mary Keating William and Christina Keating Adam Leapley Gerald and Margaret O’Neill Erin Patton Thomas and Suzanne Silengo Erin and Christopher Stabb Peter and Melanie Tolmei Emily Keeney Elsie Hale David and Michele Zellner William Kemp Jason Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp James D. Kenney, MD Dr. Morton and Linda Bender Albert G. Kick Audrey Press Southport Congregational Preschool & Toddler Program John A. Klein Carla Klein Klein Family Foundation, Inc Lenore Konigsberg Dennis and Barbara Rader Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Samson Joan and Milton Wallack Ed and Doris Zelinsky Nicholas Kycia Marvin DeBaise Helen Liz Tyrol Aidan Lambo Todd Zavorskas 67 Gifts in Memory (Donor names appear after names in bold) John D. Landolfi, Jr. Bob and Norma D’Amato Denise Lynch Arbella Insurance Group Winifred Laubach Hilary Laubach Faye (Fannie) Macare Anne Kao Andrews Myrna Ceccorulli Michael Dimenstein Julia Dinan and Margaret Fuller Susanne Duffy and Michael Duffy Clarence and Mary Godfrey Dr. Herbert and Vivian Lewis Kathleen A. Macare Carol Mauro Eric and Donna Minotti Rita Z. Myjak Diane and Louis Ritucci Paul Rohan Anthony Scillia Leo Scillia Debra Leffingwell Mark Alessi East Lyme Judo East Lyme Middle School Teachers Angelo and Jacklynn Franco Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hussey Marion Robertson Heather Lane Savage Margaret Sheridan Joan C. Smith Marion Lesi Kathleen and Gerry Deroche Richard A. Norman and Family Maureen Prokipchak Melanie Savage Nicholas Libretti Christine Preuss Rose Mangiafico Alfred Mangiafico Louis A. Lifrieri Norman Rosenblum Katie Manning Kisses from Katie Alan and Vickie Manning Milford Police Department Louise Loicano Drs. Carol Lippia-Tenney and George R. Tenney Alexander Love Julie and John Love Alison Lukowski Jon and Claudia Anderson Ronald Aubel M. Jeffrey and Tanya Beach Ginny DeFilippo Mr. and Mrs. Teddy DiDomizio Jessica Hilliard Lea Ann Hognfe Geraldine and Vincent Hunt Ladies Auxiliary VFW Seicheprey Post 296 Kenneth Lukowski Margaret Lukowski Linnea Marquis Priscilla and Edward Ochman Josephine Romano Barbara and Les Simard VFW Oakville Post 7330 68 Panagiotis “Pete” Maikos Cynthia Almonte Anna Rose Giordano Mari Christine and Greg Hauser Raymond F. Massari JoAnn Massari Thomas C. Mastropetre Michele Mastropetre Michael McDonald Bob and Marge Archer William and Katherine Birney Pat and Michael Blake Carbutti Law Firm, LLC Clinton Country Club Clinton Country Club, Women’s Nine Hole Golf League Jeff and Jane Davis Jan Delnero Jim and Alison Devack Patricia and Brian Driscoll Diane Garrity Dr. Gilbert L. Gigliotti Laurence B. Gormley, DDS Jim and Pauline Hogan Mary and Al Ignoto Robert Jevarjian Mary Jane Jones Sally and Chuck Keefe Katherine and Fred Klaus Pamela and Gary Knowles Steve and Joan Kobak Bruce and Susan Lighty Stuart and Leslie Mandel Manic Productions Joseph and Donna Marino Bill, Priscilla and Kati Martin Brian and Sue McGlone The Moffat Family Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Paul and Cheryl Rembac Robert and Stacey Ross Barry and Vicki Sullivan Dennis and Joan Tutor Wilcox Fuel, Inc Dennis and Bunny York Martin McKeon Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander William McQuilton Albert and Mary Ann Bartholic Julie Brandlen Joseph and Marianne Carrano Edward and Dolores Cord Ernest and Linda Evan David and Rose Marie Hoskinson Edward, Mary, Nick, Eddie and Phillip Huydic Koreen and Jack LaBrecque Leon and Jacqueline Morgan Mary Mormile, Bill Murphy, Jean Stevenson and Tom Turco Bob and Bernice Oleyar Linda Samoncik Peter and Christine Samoskevich J. Michael and Kathleen O’Connor Schell Edmund and Ellen Taylor Whelan, Rolleri & DePietro, LLC Susan Winkel Joseph and Gail Zorpette Marguerite M. McShane Gregory Rubino Yale-New Haven Hospital, Health Information Management Department Staff Joseph W. Meeker Barbara and Samantha Brown The Dangle Family Edward and Mildred Kotrady Theresa Noreika Gia Schioppo-Calistro James and JoAnne Staten Raymond and Laura Williams Frank and Gail Favano Carol Hofmann Mildred Lalime Mary McGee Harry Meyers, CPA Steve and Pat Miller Dr. Kenneth and Ellen Passero Joyce and George Steinhoff Gloria Messenger Lorraine Heyde Roberta Downes Morgan Matthew Morgan Charlotte Miller Linda, Paul and Adam Goldstein Gina Mucciolo Nick and Roseann DeCamillo Rania Jamal Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parrella Herman Miller Linda, Paul and Adam Goldstein Liam Miller-Witcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith & Robyn R. Smith Shirlee Smith Saul S. Milles, MD Dr. Morton and Linda Bender Khadija Ibrahim Millwalla Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Amelia (Mimi) Mitchell Vicki Anastasi Dorothy Bajnoczi C. W. and Sandra Buttery Peter and Barbara Correnty Sara O’Connor Dr. and Mrs. Peter Demir Sara Elizabeth O’Connor Fund Daniel W. Parke Daniel Berg Catherine Parke M. Jean Parke Trust Richard and Benita Parke Ron, Patty, Tara and Doug Raftery Marta Reguero Perez Anne Rubin, RN Mason Perry-Verville Griswold Elementary School Sunshine Club John Piatek Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Bert D. Schwartz, PhD Genie Schwartz Kenneth V. Schwartz, MD Kristine Pinchbeck Arline and David Widrow John Simon Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Richard Guy Piselli, Jr. Fairfield Prep Alumni Lacrosse Club Piselli Construction, LLC The Piselli Family Sedona Day Care & Learning Center, LLC Phyllis Slattum Maureen Aube Big Y Foods, Inc Mark, Irene and Lisa Cavanaugh & Mary Hodyl Diana Lamenzo Lori and Robert Ross Anne and Earl Slattum & Family Monika Steczkowski Gary and Mary Lou Trudell Salvatore Polletta Anna and Eugene Constantinou Mary Corkery The Longo Families – Americo and Antoinette, Nick, Anthony and Linda, Michael and Genice & Children Robert and Ursula Piazzaroli Cynthia Rocchi Domenic and Maria Setaro Teresa Yasevac Michael W. Smith Donald and Donna Bischoff Connecticut Light & Power YG Facilities Department Staff Cheryl Farmer Margaret Pienkowski Cathy and James Prestiano Violet Poyser Judy and Barry Cobden Casimer Radowiecki Terry, Debbie and Paul Costello Robert Jay Rayner David and Elaine Miclette Dawn and Jay Rayner Harriet Rice and Carol L. Noyes RJ’s Ride Luella Reed Baldwin Middle School Sunshine Club Maryann Bracken Amelia Tarantino Gordon V.K. Reid, MD Betsey Reid Joseph F. Reilly Dr. Jeffrey Kang and the Health Strategy & Policy Organization Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Kang Ronald Richardell Bruce Lane and Eileen Casey James R. Riley The James R. Riley Family Barbara “Bobbie” Roth Martin and Karen Glass Harold and Doris Heckman Hugh Heckman Marylee and David Mitchelson Mary E. Peck Claire and Mark Puklin Alice and Joseph Romick Ronald and Barbara Roth The Sands Family Paul, Cheryl and Taya Voronko & Victor and Florence Voronko Florence Zielinski Gardner C. Rowbotham David and Jennifer Revelle Marisa Ruffner-Fikiet Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davies Vita Saginario Kathy and Albert Curtis Falls Avenue Seniors Corporation Robert and Susan McCarthy Mildred Morrone Barbara Riggi Josephine Romano Thomas and Kathryn Sullivan William “Bill” Salter Alfred Alagia Bonnie Bell-Curran Canoe Brook Corporation Steven Dorso Bob and Charlene Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frattarola & Family Judy and Bob Giangoia Barbara Guzman Joyce and Bill Hamberger Dr. Milton and Mrs. Betty Ruth Hollander Angelo, Marlene, Gregory and Cynthia Indusi Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kipker Philip J. Krevitt, DMD, PA Linda and John Kuphal Ann Martone Vivian and Alex Massimi Suzanne Miceli Andrea Minoff Michael and Nancy Murphy Edward A. Musal Alicia Pade, Carolyn Ambry, Barbara Connors and Mariann Albin Jill Pearson Purchase College, Department of Human Resources Purchase College, SUNY – Physical Education/Athletic Division Ginger and Mike Raffia & Rod Munrett Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sachar Carol Salter Deirdre Sato Saw Mill International Corporation and Kevin Munrett’s Co-Ed Softball Teammates Laurie and John Skladony Springhurst School, Special Education Department Staff The Windmill Club, Inc George and Elizabeth Townsend Zone 5 Regional Law Enforcement Training Donald Scanlon Robert and Marie Cholko Charmagne Corbett, Lisa Cummings and Babs Connor George and Cecilia Forster Wade Francis James and Roselyn Harburger Bill and Ruby Hyland Elaine Jordano Carol Richards Deborah and Clarke Smyth Kathleen Whybrow, Angela Caldarella and Lorraine Galanti Thomas Sparico Joseph A. Adams Kate Duddy, Lesley Klein, Emily Grant, Jennifer Davidow and Carrie Evans David W. Stanley Barbara Stanley Marian Stein Judy and Barry Cobden Bernard P. Stoltie Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Berg Arthur Burke Arthur and Rhoda Green Don Hannibal I.G.A.S. CT Chapter 69 Gifts in Memory (Donor names appear after names in bold) Catherine Sutton-Dawson Joan Bendici Gerald Clark Doris Colavolpe Betty Cooke David and Gina D'Agostino Catherine Dorsey Marcella Durso Donna C. Esposito Jean Fisher Dante and Margaret Ghiroli Cynthia Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hackett Fannie Hardy Joan M. Holden June W. Holmes International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 478 Sterling Johnson John M. Leventhal, MD and Beverly J. Hodgson, Esq Diane Rubeo Wynnett Stewart Beverley Taylor Josephine Wheaton Lawrence D. Tedesco, Sr. Ralph and Debbie Bowley Joseph E. Thibault Karolyn Baril Steven Benoit Thomas and Jean Brewster Edgar W. Demers Therese and Richard Greene Russell and Mary Anne Horne Lisa Moreau Richard Moreau Glenda Panciera Adeline Rogillio Mary and William Stone Denise Thibault Margaret Williams Helen Wolstenholme, Patricia Wolstenholme and Jeanne Ruyack 70 Rodrigo Torres Blanca Torres Anastasia Arleen Trapani Paul and Mary Ballas Christine Diehl David and Suzanne Eagle Mark and Michelle Eagle The Eagle Leasing Company Friends at Eagle Leasing Company – Patrick Abbate, Joesph Benanto, Linda Cavallaro, Lori D’Attoma, Manuel Fernandez, Carol Haggerty, Lynn Hansell, Peter Kobylinsky, Renee Limosani, Kathi Lindblom, Colleen Martel, Fran Priolo, Tito Rodriquez, and Irene Smith David and Ann Fletcher Elizabeth Harris Thomas and Judith Illsley Janet E. Lewis Linda and John Loglisci Giovanna Mazzariello Patricia Miner Ross Woodward School Eileen Severino Beverly and William Severino Stiles Alternate Learning Center Catherine Stipa Joe and Angel Trapani Ronald and Kathy Vairo Leona Pobol Traub Margaret Fiedler Hamden Public Schools, Central Office Staff Mary Murphy William W. Trenary Robert and Mary Herel Martin Tynan Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Care Coordination Staff Joseph Tichy Eric Tichy Laurence Urdang Demetra and Peter Tolis George P. Ververis, Jr. Lorraine Tomassetti Jean Blair Ramona Varveris Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, PC Elizabeth Motoko Vining Elizabeth Lynn Schneider, PhD Susannah and Daniel Vining The Milton and Beatrice Wind Foundation Charles Womer Dr. and Mrs. John E. Fenn Dan† and Nancy Kops Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zaccagnino Barbara and James Petrosky Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piurkowski Friends and Co-Workers at State of Connecticut, DDS Tracy Varesio Great Aunt Carol and Great Uncle Joel Zink & Sons Sadie Jane Wasmer Alanna and Justin Manning Raymond Chi-Wei Yang Dalio Family Foundation, Inc The Yang Family Allen Westphal Estate of Peggy Aldis Westphal Charles and Elsie Zaremsky Eleanor Dapkus Cathy Zinn Young Ja Oh and Michael Smith VIP Spa, Inc Traci Wheldon Lisa Aschenbrenner Annette Zelson Mitchell and Abby Goldblatt Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Zelson Thomas Zrenda Parents Available To Help, Inc (PATH) Friends and Family of Thomas Zrenda Bernard Zimmerman Sandi and Robert Adler Werner P. Zukunft James E. Blake The Drescher Family Francis Fragola Walter W. Kaercher, Jr. Betsy and Rayond Kensel William and Jean Mahoney Stephen and Stephanie Miklos John and Betty Osgood Tom Roche Anita M. White Jules White, MD Junior Wiemers ADRU Coworkers – Amanda, Martha, Mika, Nicole, Oliver, Sarah and Theresa Alfred and Blanche Agostinelli Jesse Chua-Reyes Mary E. Tinetti, MD Emma Margaret Zinko Angel and Harold Ash Karen and Jason Bouffard Dayna Ciarlone Donna and Roland Fortin Eileen and Murray Kessler Jacquline Lavoie and Todd Ciarlone Sharon G. Macken Jim, Judy and Peg Marshall Gifts in Kind Anonymous A Child’s Garden, Inc A Touch of Comfort, Inc ABC TV Abigail Kirsch at Tappan Hill Nylma Acevedo and Luis Cotto Adam Broderick Salon & Spa Jim Adams Advanced Office Systems Ohenewaa Ahima Al-Lynn Sales Alpha Iota Sorority Mary Alvarado Jodie Ambrosino Amity Wine & Spirit Company Arabella Arakelian Rugs, Inc The Armstrong Family Arthur Murray Dance Studio Harry R. Aslanian, MD Christine W. Aulicino AupairCare BabyCrazy The Bachman Company Kyle L. Ballou, Esq and Dr. Keith D. Johns Barefoot Contessa Wendy Barry Kathryn Bartels Nancy and Richard Beals Bear Naked David M. Becker, DDS Ben & Jerry’s BIC Corporation John Bishop Black Bear Saloon Black Hawk II Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Blume Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc The Bonewicz Family Books Are Fun Dr. and Mrs. Harold D. Bornstein, Jr. Boston Red Sox Bradford Renaissance Portraits Corporation Brady’s Smile, Inc Rosemary Brandi Branford Jewelers Deirdre Brannin Bridgeport Sound Tigers Brooklawn Country Club Thomas and Joanne Brooks Alton Brown Brownie Troop 580 - Noah’s Ark Stuffed Animal Workshop Bruegger’s Enterprises, Inc Burt’s Bees Cabot Creamery Cooperative Erica Carbone Carmen Anthony Restaurant Group Jean Caron Tara Catazano-McHugh Catch A Healthy Habit, LLC Patricia Cavanagh Barbara Cervero Charles Riverboat Company Chelsea Piers Management The Children’s Museum Ken and Linda Chipkin Lydia Chwastiak Rocky S. Cingari & Family Circle of Care for Families with Cancer City Snippers Sophie Clarizio Clear Channel Communications Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northern New England, Inc Matt and Cindy Cohn Cold Stone Creamery E. Coleman Shantel A. Collier Colonial Toyota ConKerr Cancer Connecticut Sports Foundation Against Cancer, Inc Carol Cornachini Paula and David Crombie CT Xtremes Auto Club Ian Cunningham The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Danford’s Hotel & Marina Dangerfield’s Jean and Hugh Davis Nancy Dedmond Philip and Lois DeLise Dr. and Mrs. Peter Demir Roberta DeNicola Kristen Dillon Dip Top Susan Divincenzo Don's Hat Rack – Family and Friends of Don Perrotti Dooney & Bourke, Inc Dragonfly Earth Scout Group Laurie and Jim Dray Patricia Drouin Duo Dickinson Architect Earthplace, The Nature Discovery Center Easton Senior Center Edward Bennett Rink Elixir Spa, LLC R. Ellis Ciarra Ennis Essex Steam Train and Riverboat/ The Valley Railroad Company F. Perrelli & Sons Fuel, Inc Family Practice and Internal Medicine of North Haven Alison Farley and Dorie, Adam & Page The Farms Country Club Farricielli’s Flowers Jane Farrington and Michael Schaefer Fired Up First and Last Tavern First Church of Christ, Woodbridge – Circle 4 Women's Fellowship Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries Christine Fontana, APN Frederick Wildman & Sons Gregory S. Germain, MD Cindy Gerstl Patricia and Fred Gettner Tom Giordano Giorgio Armani Beauty Girl Scout Troop 62215 Glam-Spa Glow Face and Body Boutique Steve Godiksen Karen Goldberg Golf Galaxy Margarita Gonzalez Gouveia Vineyards Susie and Gregory Gravel The Grove School – Kelly Webster and Students Guilford Art Center Guilford Racquet & Swim Club Naomi Hagel Kevin Hall Design Hamden Girl Scout Troop 60122 Sandy and Jim Hanrahan Harpers Furs Krista Hart Hartford Stage Hartford Symphony Orchestra Fred Havlicek Denise and Chloe Hawkins Michelle and Drew Hawkins Helen Keller Middle School Kids Who Care Kari Henley Hewlett-Packard Hope is Coming 5K Run Wendy Hopkinson Margaret K. Hostetter, MD Carolyn Howe Hummel Brothers, Inc Elisabeth M. Hyde, CNM Hy-Line Cruises IKON Office Solutions, Inc Lexy Ilies Island Time of Milford J & J Snack Foods Corporation Joseph Janusaitis Jennifer’s Ice Cream and Cake Lyla and David Johnson Reiko Kayashima Johnson Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc Jones Family Farms Winery, LLC Fred and Selma Joseph Josh Bach Limited Ben and Annie Kaplan Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Peter Kaufman Meghan Kelly Susan Kerley Kid Wishes Kidcity Children’s Museum Heather Kiesling and Kim Clarke King Plush Kinney, Secola & Gunning, LLC 71 Gifts in Kind Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kinstlinger Kisses from Katie Benjamin Koizim Kirk and Amy Kolligian Sherman and Evelyn Krevolin Paul Krochmal, MD Lake Compounce Lake of Isles Diana Lamenzo Maria Largo Pat Leete LEGO Systems, Inc John M. Leventhal, MD and Beverly J. Hodgson, Esq Susan R. Levy, MD Livable Solutions, LLC Live Nation – Chevrolet Theatre Long Wharf Theatre Louis Gherlone Excavating, Inc Luigi’s Restaurant Lyman Orchards Lisa and Joe MacDougald Madison Police Department Kevin Maloy and Beth L. Maloy, MD Jean Michel Mange Mango’s Bar & Grille Gary Manion Cynthia F. Mann, MD and Staff Dr. Marc E. and Margaret Mann Alan and Vickie Manning Marine General/Oyster Point Marina The Maritime Aquarium Massage Envy of Milford Debora McCauley Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc Paul and Janet Weiswasser Michaelson 72 Mikey’s Way Foundation Jacob Miko Milford Indoor Tennis Milford Police Department The Mill Foundation for Kids, Inc Miss Beth’s School of Dance Mitchells of Westport Moe's Southwest Grill Mohawk Mountain Ski Area Mohonk Mountain House Diane and Thanasis Molokotos Stacia B. Morehouse Patricia Morken Dr. and Mrs. Larry Moss Barbara Mott Mrs. Fields Orignial Cookies, Inc Kayla Murphy Mystic Aquarium Mystic Arts Center National Amusements New Britain Rock Cats Baseball Club New England Air Museum New Fairfield Middle School Team 8 Purple New Haven Country Club New Haven Symphony Orchestra New York City Ballet New York Football Giants New York Liberty New York Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall New York Yankees Bridget Newton North Haven High School Northford Ice Pavilion NRG Energy Monteville Power Natalie Nuzzo Ronnie O’Hara Okemo Mountain Resort Old Lyme Inn Old Towne Restaurant Olive Garden George Ominsky On Track Karting, Inc Orange Hills Country Club Oronoque Country Club Our Lady of the Lakes Outback Steak House – Orange Pad Thai Restaurant Justin Paglino, MD Palace Theatre Brittany Palermo Panera Bread Company Barbara Parsons Paul Mellon Arts Center at Choate Rosemary Hall Paula Deen Enterprises Kate Paulik Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University Michele Pepe Pepe’s Pizza Petonito’s Pastry Shop Jackie Phipps Mike and Madeline Phipps The Pie Hole Pilot Pen Tennis Pine Orchard Yacht and Country Club Pink Stanley PJK Fitness Spin Group Elizabeth Platia The Victoria Polito Childhood Cancer Awareness Fund Possessions, LLC Alicia Prete William Previdi, Jr. Project Oceanology Public Theater The Purple Bear Quaker Farms School Quassy Amusement Park Quick Center for the Arts at Fairfield University R.C. Bigelow, Inc Beth Rackow, MD Rain Wellness Spa Katherine and Daniel Rausch Judith Rayner Krista Rea Read to Grow, Inc Red Rooster Baking Co., LLC Keisha Redd Redex Industries, Inc Richard Penna Salon, Inc Nilda Rivera-Mateo Fiona Robertson Judy Sirota Rosenthal Anne Rubin, RN Rumanoff’s Fine Jewelry & Design Priscilla Russo Saybrook Point Inn Marcie Scalia Larry Schaefer and Lina Lawall Leslye Schaefer The Scheer Family – Tracey, David, Ben and Samantha Schick Wilkinson Sword Karen and John Schneider Donna Schroeder The Scotty Fund, Inc Seven Angels Theater Myles Marniez Shields and Family Tiffany Shipman Shoreline Montessori School The Shoreline Trolley Museum Shoreline Wine Merchants, Inc Shubert Theatre – CAPA Tina Silider Ski Sundown Slocum & Sons Leah Smith Soho Hair Group Day and Medi Spa Sound Runner South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority Spa World SportsCenter of Connecticut Spring Street Recycling, LLC Dr. Stephen T. and Myra S. Stanley Pamela Stanton Stewart’s Personal Training and Nutrition Center Carol Stockton Stop & Shop of West Haven Subway Corporation Sugar Bakery and Sweet Shop Surgimed Solutions, LLC Sweet Annie’s Joann Tafuto Temple Grill Corinne Terrone Francine M. Testa, MD Therapeutic & Sports Techniques, LLC Tiffany & Co. of Westport The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer Tory Burch Town Line Wine & Spirits Travelers Championship Chef Ryan Trevethan Tricia Bohan Photography Donna Trotta-Linsley and Family Turkey Hill School Diane Young Turner Twin Lakes Golf LLC Patsy and Richard Twohill Ultimate Image Union League Cafe Unitex Textile Rental Services Uno Chicago Grill Urban Objects/Urban Baby Urbane. A Hair Salon US Open Melissa Vernik Barry and Hyla Vine Vineyard Vines Wake Robin Inn Wanda’s Sugar Shack Warner Theatre Water’s Edge Resort & Spa WEBE 108-WICC 600 Weekend Kitchen Beryl B. Weinstein† Linda Westgard Westport Country Playhouse Beth Wheeler Winding Trails, Inc Susan Winkle Woodbury Pewter Marc Wortman, PhD The Write Choice WTNH/WCTX Yale Black Men’s Union The Yale Bookstore Yale Repertory Theatre Yale University Athletics Yale University Golf Course Yale University, Dept. of Genetics Yale University, Office of Development, Marketing & Communications Yale University, Office of Public Affairs Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Food and Nutrition Yale-New Haven Hospital, Human Resources Department Mirza Yanes† Jeannette and Thomas Young Zandras Kids Company Todd Zavorskas Yale-New Haven Hospital wishes to express appreciation those individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations whose total lifetime support has met or exceeded $1 million. The hospital wishes to take this opportunity to honor the memory of those friends who remembered the hospital in their estate plans and whose bequests were realized in fiscal year 2009. Anonymous (3) The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Ruth F. Hays Trust Treadwell L. Jude Trust Kohl’s The Kresge Foundation Mahlon H. Marlin Trust Mary M. Marlin Trust Estate of R.C. Taylor, Jr. Yale-New Haven Hospital Auxiliary Estate Estate Estate Estate Estate Estate of Lucille Conlan of Elizabeth Edelmuth of Lucie Fox of William Frazee of Daniel Hays of Ruth Hays Dr. Jonathan Knight Society Members The Jonathan Knight Society gratefully recognizes individuals who have established a planned gift to benefit the hospital and acknowledges the vital role these benefactors have played in the emergence of Yale-New Haven as one of America’s leading hospitals. Planned gifts include bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, and gifts of insurance and retirement benefits. Arnold† and Lucille Alderman* Salvatore Amendola Michael Apkon, MD, PhD Alexander C. Bainbridge Raymond Bankoski Myrna Baskin* Albert S. Beasley, MD Frederick M. Bering Henry† and Marion Bixon* Joseph Boragina Marna P. Borgstrom Dr. Harold D. Bornstein, Jr. Gail M. Brown Rhoda W. Brownstein Robert L. Butzko Arina Cadariu, MD* Herbert V. Camp Nancy Campbell James P. Carney Louis A. Ceccorulli Anthony and Ann Cooper Paula Crombie* Sarah J. Delaney Sandra DiMaggio John W. Dixon* Edward J. Dowling Audrey E. Downes-Geer Cornelia A. Evans Stephen V. Flagg, MD Bessie Friedman Alfred H. Gildersleeve Robert and Meri Goodman Eugene Gorlick John† and Maryanne Greeley Dr. Alvin D. Greenberg Laura Hagfeldt* Gordon Hallas Daniel P. Hays† Dr. William D. Irving Alvin and Thelma Johnson Samuel Kahn Annie Garcia Kaplan Constance L. Kastelowitz Morris and Sigrid Klein Nancy and Daniel† Kops Cary and Lucia Kortze* Carol B. Lee William O. Lenihan Donald F. Lillicraf Robert P. Mailhouse* William and Elisabeth Maley Julia Chieppo McConnell Charles N. McClure Randy W. Murallo Belinda Pappacoda Nicholas M. Passarelli, MD* Ruth J. Pollowitz George G. Posener Paula Rossano Robert L. Serow Lucille Setescak Robert L. Simon Peter Thorner Marc E. Vincent Walter W. Wallace Stuart G. Warner, Esq* Sylvia R. Weiss Eugenia Wolliak Joseph A. Zaccagnino George W. Zepko* James D. Zielinski * New members Matching Gift Companies Special thanks to the following companies which have matched gifts given by their employees to Yale-New Haven Hospital: Abbey National Employment Services, Inc American International Group, Inc AXA Foundation Bank of America Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc The Broadridge Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company Covidien GE Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Company IBM Corporation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Kraft Foods, Inc MassMutual Financial Group Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation The Phoenix Companies, Inc Quest Diagnostics Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation The John G. Martin Foundation UBS Matching Gift Program WellPoint Foundation Associate Giving Campaign 73 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 3. MARCH 2005 A four-day display in the hospital’s atrium showcases the new cancer hospital and attracts more than 1,500 visitors. 1 1. 2 4. NOVEMBER 2004 MAY 2005 Demolition begins on the Grace Building on Park Street, an old nursing dormitory for GraceNew Haven School of Nursing. 3 4 5 APRIL 2005 Employees, physicians and cancer survivors show support for the proposed cancer hospital before the New Haven Board of Aldermen. Yale-New Haven Hospital announces plans to construct a new $430 million cancer hospital. 2. 5. NOVEMBER 2004 The architect’s rendering Smilow Cancer Hospital Campaign Yale-New Haven Hospital acknowledges with great appreciation the generosity of those who have supported the Smilow Cancer Hospital Campaign. The following listings reflect the combination of cash gifts and gift pledges received toward the Campaign through September 30, 2009. NAMING GIFT $100,000 to $499,999 Joel and Joan Smilow Anonymous (4) John and Caron Avery John E. and Caron G. Avery Foundation, Inc G. Leonard Baker, Jr. Bank of America The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc Ruthann and David Beckerman Blakeslee Arpaia Chapman, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Blume Marna and Eric Borgstrom Bradlees Stores, Inc Sara P. and Jeffery R. Buell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Bush Richard and Geraldine Capobianco John K. Castle Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Chapman The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Covidien Andrew and Eileen Eder The Sidney & Arthur Eder Foundation, Inc Dr. Steven and Andrea Fleischman Richard Gilder, Jr. The Gilder Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haversat, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Peter N. Herbert $1 MILLION and OVER Anonymous The Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer United Technologies Corporation $500,000 to $999,999 The Chênevert Family Foundation The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Palmer G. Jackson Helaine and Marvin Lender The Marvin Lender Family Foundation Philip T. Wright Alden Wright Foundation, Inc Yale-New Haven Hospital Auxiliary 74 IBM Corporation Palmer G. Jackson David and Betty Jones Frank and Joan Kenna Gilbert Kenna† Lewis and Louise Lehrman The Lehrman Institute Massey’s Plate Glass & Aluminum, Inc Daniel and Judith Miglio Diane and Thanasis Molokotos Jane Monteith NewAlliance Foundation Oak Point Partners, Inc Estate of Mildred Z. Partyka The People’s United Community Foundation, Inc Abe† and Irene Pollin Charles L. Slaughter R. James Slaughter, Esq William A. Slaughter, Esq James and JoAnne Staten Peter Thorner The United Illuminating Company The United Illuminating Foundation Unitex Textile Rental Services Wiggin and Dana Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Zaccagnino James and Ann Zielinski $50,000 to $99,999 $25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous Mark and Susie Andersen Barnes Group Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crespo Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dowling Sue and Ray Fitzsimons William and Cynthia Gedge William R. Handelman John and Judith Lahey Abe and Suzan Lopman Marcia and Vincent Lynch Julia Chieppo McConnell Christopher Morley and Leone T. Young Marjorie and Rob Mountain Obstetrics, Gynecology & Menopause Physicians, PC - Julia Cron, MD, Steven J. Fleischman, MD, Thomas M. Hanson, MD, and Musa L. Speranza, MD Peyton Patterson Guido and Diane Petra Dr. Joseph M. Piepmeier and Dr. Patricia E. Pedersen Stephen J. Riker Norman and Carolyn Roth Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thomas Lucille and Arnold J.† Alderman Fund Bruce and Christine Alexander Stephen and Diana Allegretto The Angeletti Group Dr. Michael and Michelle Apkon William Aseltyne Tom Balcezak and Soni Clubb The John M.C. Betts Family Trust The Bilco Company Kerry Boyle and Nilda Luz Ramos-Boyle Dr. Andrew Bronin Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft Gayle Capozzalo and Dr. Jack Heil Michael and Danette Cemeno Michael J. Chasanoff Louis and Debra Chênevert Charles and Ruth Chiusano The Color Pink for the CURE Computer Sciences Corporation James and John Cunneen & Family The Cunneen Company F.J. Dahill Company, Inc Clayton Friedberg, CPA Friends of Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital William Frost Frank M. Grazioso Greater New Haven OB/GYN Group – Randall B. Kaump, MD, David M. Lima, MD, Vincent A. Lynch, MD, Richard D. Moscarelli, MD, and Denise Tonzola, MD Richard Grossi Jack and Laurie Heflin Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. James and Ann Jacobs 9. 7. The Connecticut Office of Health Care Access approves Yale-New Haven Hospital’s certificate of need application to build the cancer hospital. JULY 2005 Grace Building demolition is complete. 6. 6 8. 8 9 $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous Donald and Anne Kao Andrews The Charles Andriole Family Ana Maria Apoltan, MD and Ionut B. Anton, MD Kyle L. Ballou, Esq and Dr. Keith D. Johns Marilyn Balogun Bard, Rao + Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC Myrna Baskin Michael C. Bennick, MD C. Bradford Bevers Dr. James H. Blume Renato, Elaine and Amelia Bonoan Nicholas F. Brady Stephen and Camilla Brauer Dr. Gerard and Ann Burrow Arina R. Cadariu, MD CAMA, Inc Karen Camp David and Louise Carter Professor and Mrs. Sydney P. Clark, Jr. Donald K. Clifford, Jr. Connecticut Gastroenterology Consultants, PC Dennis L. Cooper, MD and Jean L. Bolognia, MD Radley Daly† Richard and Kathleen D’Aquila Roland A. DeSilva Frank C. Detterbeck, MD and Judit Farkas, PA Milton and Margaret DeVane John and Carolyn Dobbins Robert and Christina Dow Helen E. Downing† Susan and Arlo E. Ellison Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Denise Fiore Dr. and Mrs. David S. Fischer Michael and Suzanne Flynn Gary E. Friedlaender, MD Kenneth and Mara Ginsberg Velma and Stuart Grodd Marjorie and Dr. Charles Guglin Murat Gunel, MD and Jennifer Moliterno, MD Jean T. Harrison Mark and Donna Haversat Alton and Elizabeth Hollingsworth Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Johnson Thomas J. Keefe John and Aline Kirchner Joan and Paul Kopperl Dr. Boonsri Kosarussavadi and Mr. Chansak Laoteppitaks The L. Suzio York Hill Companies Suzanne Lagarde and David Stagg Tucker and Catherine Leary Arthur and Mary Ellen Lemay Sandra Leyton Thomas Lynch, MD and Laura Pappano Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lyons, Sr. William and Jean Mahoney Elisabeth and William Maley Manafort Family Foundation Erika Cleveland and Peter W. Marks, MD Julia M. McNamara and Richard J. Lolatte Jay Morris, PhD Panera Bread Company Allan and Allie Poole 10 10. MARCH 2006 AUGUST 2005 The hospital and the city of New Haven reach an agreement about the proposed cancer hospital. Tours of the proposed cancer hospital site help officials understand the project’s clinical and community impact. YNHH officials seek approval from the State Office of Health Care Access to build the cancer hospital. Maria Jacobson Samuel Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Ketchum Morris and Sigrid Klein Dan† and Nancy Kops Peter J. Lagemann John and Laurie Ann Letizia Richard and Ann Lisitano The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Linda Lorimer and Charles Ellis Pat and Carol Luddy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Mancheski Blaise and Sharon Masone Stephen and Nandini Merz Estate of I. Margaret Mesite Kevin and Gail Myatt Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, PC Owens & Minor Jack R. Mitchell David W. Parke, MD Vincent and Karen Petrini Quinnipiac University Russell S. Reynolds, Jr. The James R. Riley Family Stephen A. and Carol Ross Sidney and Betsy Savelle Arthur Sekerak Charitable Trust Mr.† and Mrs. Sylvan R. Shemitz Ross D. Siragusa, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Skelly Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Stahl Elsa L. Stone, MD and Steven Wolfson, MD Sylvan R. Shemitz Designs, Inc Diane and Tom Vorio Dr. Lynn Williams David Wurcel 7 JUNE 2005 SEPTEMBER 2005 George G. Posener James E. Rawlings Samuel V. Schoonmaker, III Esq Gale and Michael Silverberg Sodexo Health Care Services Stephen A. Stein, MD and Emily A. Fine, MD Shepard and Marlene Stone Dr. and Mrs. Bauer E. Sumpio & Christina, Brett and Brandon Sumpio Susman, Duffy & Segaloff, PC Teplitzky & Company, PC Jeffrey and Robyn Teplitzky Joshua and Linda Teplitzky Nancy and Mark Tepping Drs. Robert Udelsman and Nikki J. Holbrook United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Kenneth P. Vives, MD Kevin F. Walsh Stuart Warner, Esq Charles G. Watson Harold E. Woodsum, Jr., Esq Debbie and Woody Woodworth Barbara Wright $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Robert J. Alpern, MD and Patricia A. Preisig, PhD Dr. and Mrs. John E. Aruny The Honorable and Mrs. James A. Baker, III Beers, Hamerman & Company, PC, Certified Public Accountants Vincent Boyle Charlotte Brenner Hon. George H.W. Bush Patricia A. Byrne Colgate-Palmolive Company Luis and Anne de Ocejo Patricia Dewitt Michael Dimenstein Marcia Dobrowski William H. Draper III Ronald G. Ebel, MD Eclipsys Solutions Corporation Dr. Richard L. and Ruth Edelson Robert S. Evans Mr. and Mrs. John Evenwel Fidelity Investments Rosemarie L. Fisher, MD Christopher A. Forster Colin Foster and Andrea Ryan Frederick Frank The Freas Foundation, Inc Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Maurice Goodman, Jr.† James A. Greer II Fred and Nancy Hassan Henry G. Higdon Helen W. Jones Andrew L. Kahn 75 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 13. NOVEMBER 2006 Excavation for the cancer hospital begins. 11 11. JUNE 2006 YNHH and the city of New Haven announce a community benefits agreement. Jane and James R. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Knapp Tunde Kovacs Karl F. Krieger Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lamont David Manaster William M. McKenzie, Jr. Michael and Lisa Parisi Patrisha Pellegrino-Triplett The Piselli Family R & W Family Foundation, Inc Ritch, Greenberg & Hassan, PC, CPA Rita and M. Wallace Rubin Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Tahiry S. Sanchez, RN Pamela Scagliarini Edward C. Schmults Mrs. Gay G. Steinbach Leanne and David† Trout Hon. George H. Walker III Elizabeth N. Welke Peter and Tammy Winter Jeffrey Zielinski 76 $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous 180 Varick Street Corporation Mary Ann Abramczyk Shirley and Clark Adams Christopher Adante Cecle and Josef Adler Jean Ahn and Jonathan Han James and Martha Alexander American Medical Response Daniel and Mary Anderson Linda Anderson Marcelle Applewhaite Marjorie Ardito Louise Bahner Bailey, Schaefer & Errato, LLC Wilder D. Baker, Jr. Jeffrey Baran H. Douglas Barclay Leonard Barraco William C. Baskin, Jr., Esq Bastians Countryside Day Spa Beverly Belton, RN Stephen Bencivengo, Jr. Tom Bender Judith R. Benson James Berner Robin Bernstein The Beryl Companies Kenneth F. Bick Jannie Bittle Robert B. Blanchard Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc Jeannette and Francis Bogdan Ann Marie and Robert Bonvini David and Tanya Bottaro Matthew Boyle Lynne and Edward Bradstreet Cynthia and Stephen Brenner, MD The Broadridge Foundation Jennifer Brown Peter Bulkeley Nancy and Jeffrey Busch Mariane Carna Sylvia Carter Patricia and Dominick Caruso Melanie Champion Bernard and Claudette L. Chênevert Jeffrey and Jacqueline Clark Cly-Del Manufacturing Company Darcey Cobbs-Lomax Leah Colihan and John Grillo Cox Communications, Inc Benedict W. Cozzi The Crane Family John A. Creatura, MD CRN Helping Hands Edgar O. Crossman II† Nancy Cummins John N. Daly Linda David, RN Marvin J. Deckoff Ginny DeFilippo Carolyn Deleo Louise-Marie Dembry, MD Alexandra Demou Simone Demou Paul C. Dietche John Dixon Dr. Jack and Sandra Elias Diana Ellison 12 13 12. SEPTEMBER 2005 YNHH holds a formal groundbreaking for the cancer hospital. Alexander Cochran Ewing Dr. and Mrs. Michael Farber & Family Jane Farrington and Michael Schaefer Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Fearon Dr. and Mrs. Alan Feldman Peter L. Feldman Dr. and Mrs. John E. Fenn Jeffrey Finley David Friezo Virginia Ganucheau Mr. and Mrs. David E. Gauley GE Foundation Bruce Gerstman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Getman H. Leland Getz William and Susan Gill Pat and Gary Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Girden Albert and Judith Glassenberg Alfred Goldstein John L. Gray, III Daniel Grogan Richard Guandalini William F. Guest Mr.† and Mrs. Anthony P. Halsey Lowell Kay Hansen Mary E. Harris Melody Harrison and John Esposito Deb and Jack Hauser George J. Hill, MD Betsy and Darryl Hine Jeannette and Stephen Hodge Matthew and Cheryl Hoey Attorney and Mrs. John W. Hogan, Jr. Jean Swint Holland Hope is Coming 5K Run Sally Howell James and Carole Hunt Richard A. Hutchinson, Jr. International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 478 Carey Irish Stephen Jaser and Sarah Jaser, PhD Elias Family Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Carol Just Richard Katz Kauffman Associates Robert and Caren Kauffman Brooks M. Kelley Marisa A. Kemp Frank L. Kennard William P. Kennard Madeleine, Grayson and Jackson Key Philip and Charlotte Kinsella David Kogan Susanne and Thomas Koshis Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC Robert Todd Lang The Ethel and Abe Lapides Foundation Gillie and Murray Lender The Murray Lender Family Foundation Reverend Margaret D. Lewis Warren Lieberfarb Louella Lieberman Zhenqiu Lin Michael Loftus Francine and Bob LoRusso W. Bruce and Delaney H. Lundberg Robert R. Lyman 17. APRIL 2007 The concrete mat is ready. 14 14. JANUARY 2007 15 16 17 15. FEBRUARY 2007 The first of 1,300 cubic yards of concrete is poured for the foundation of the cancer hospital. 18 18. JUNE 2007 The first steel is hoisted. Lead installation 16. APRIL 2007 Excavation is complete. Manic Productions The Carl Marks Foundation, Inc JoAnn Massari Gwendolyn Masselli-Morin MassMutual Financial Group Michele Mastropetre Konrad and Gay Matthaei Michael Matthews Sanford E. McCormick Susan McDonald Evyleen McGucken Hobart A. McWhorter, Jr. Medianet Digital Mary Ann Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Mehuren Mercury Mortgage Services James G. Mersereau Stephen and Stephanie Miklos Dr. Mark and Stacey Milner Gina and Bret Morrow Alan and Jayne Mossberg Kimberly C. Mule Kathryn Munroe Francis Murdica Kelli Naidorf Don H. Nelson Sujing Nettland Harry Nicholls Kevin and Jacqueline Normoyle Salvatore J. Nuzzo Nora O’Keefe Nicholas and Judith Papale Victoria Parker-Orkins Sanjay V. Patel, DPM Thomas M. Pearce Lina and Jim Perrotti Takia Perry C. Paul Pesek Pet Supplies Plus of Connecticut XI, LLC Barbara Phelan Joanne Pinto Piselli Construction, LLC Dr. William J. Pite Louis F. Polk, Jr. George A. Poole, Jr. John S. Potter, Jr. Michelle Poynton F. Herbert Prem, Jr. Richard and Barbara Pulie E. Leigh Quinn Patricia and Joseph H. Raffin Maureen Raucci RBS Greenwich Capital Foundation, Inc Howard Reiter and Jody Ellant Dymari Reyes Tamrah Riley Joan Rimar John W. Roberts Tom Roche Dr. Donald and Kathy Rocklin Lynda E. Rosenfeld, MD and Richard M. Weiss Allison Ross Lucien Roy Anne Rubin, RN Mark B. Russi, MD Victor and Barbara Russo S.G. Milazzo and Company Richard and Elizabeth Sansaricq Robert Sarnecky Marcie Scalia Susan and Neil Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schlesinger Gloria D. and George C. Schoolfield Schwab Charitable Fund Kathleen Scott Sedona Day Care & Learning Center, LLC Carl B.E. Shedd Susan Sheehan, RN Donald A. Sheff Aileen and Lee Sklar Edward W. Sloan III, PhD Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Snyder Paul and Peggy Sowa SPI Lighting, Inc Susan and Tom St. Onge Catherine W. Stevens B. Corey Stone, Jr. Students for a Yale Cancer Center Lisa Stump Marina Syrax Douglas Tabor Geraldine L. Terrill Grant and Elizabeth Thompson Joyce L. Thompson Peter C. Tittmann Edward D. Toole, Jr. Town Fair Tire Centers, Inc Per and Sherrie Trellevik Patsy and Richard Twohill Kathleen Tynan-McKiernan United Way of Greater New Haven United Way of Tri-State, Inc Catherine Urbinati Emilia D. Van Beugen Mami and George Varghese Charles Vaughn David Vinas Vincent Vollero Donald and Susan Waggaman Charles M. Waite Louise Walker Walter D. Sullivan Company, Inc, Medical Contractors John Wareck Steven and Elizabeth Weinstein Ena Williams, RN, BS Michael and Judith Wood William Woodburn Jacqueline Wrinn Yale Cancer Center Matthew Zawalich Robin Zenobi Kent and Deborah Zergiebel $500-$999 Anonymous (2) AJA Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John M. Allen Sandra Amodio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Angeletti, Jr. Lori Antezzo Susan Arbo-Givens Kimberly Ardito Andy Astrachan and Amy Wood Michael Atwater Robin C. Atwater Samuel F. Babbitt, PhD Eileen and David Babbitz Stacy Bailey-Lombardi Shepard W. Baker Danette Barnett Brenda and Geoffrey Beard Lois Benis Bergen Community College Donald David Berman Paul Bernier Deborah and Charles Bielefield Eunice, David, Lori and Cindi Bigelow & Friends at Bigelow Tea Melisa Brereton-Esposito Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brown Eileen Cain Michelle Caputo Maureen Carey Donna Caseria Nancy Cavallaro Lynn Cermola Chesapeake Lighting Kathleen Chmura Susanne Clark 77 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 21. SEPTEMBER 2007 The first steel is hoisted nearly a year after the cancer hospital’s groundbreaking. 19 20 21 22 19. JUNE 2007 22. OCTOBER 2007 The cancer hospital site The benefactors of the cancer hospital, Joel and Joan Smilow, are announced. 20. JULY 2007 Patients, families and staff view model rooms and test furniture for new cancer hospital. Paula and David Crombie Cynthia Dabbraccio David and Gina D’Agostino Anthony Dawson and Catherine Sutton-Dawson† Neil Deluca David and Gina Depukat Timothy Derby Thomas J. Devine Susan Doolittle Leonard Dorissaint Henry Dziekan Fannie† and Solomon† Elkin Constance Engelking Paul and Stephanie Fappiano FCE Consultants, Inc Jose and Jean Fernandez Ramon Figueroa Mary Finan Brenda Finoia Mr. and Mrs. Scott Flora Antonia Fourtin Monica Fradkin Kathleen French Louis Friedman Terese Fritzell David and Nadine Gannon Robert and Valerie Goldfein William R. Gombeski, Jr. Senator Roy M. Goodman Therese M. Goodwin Cheryl Granucci Guilford High School Laura Hagfeldt Lisa Hansen Harborside Healthcare Willows 78 Merwin R. Haskel, Jr. The Hematology and Chemistry Labs & Intraoperative PTH Team at Yale-New Haven Hospital Peter Holland Marie E. Hollfelder Edward Hoopes Joana Huff Pamela Hunt Robert B. Hutchison, III Cheryl Hyder In Demand, LLC Telisha Jackson Colleen Jannitto Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jatlow Amy Johnson Thomas Johnson, III Diana Jones Eric Katz Stanley H. Katz Kristaps J. Keggi, MD Karryellen Elizabeth Kehoe, RNC, PPRN Mrs. John O. Keim, Jr. Christine M. Kern Sharon Klein Richard Kleindienst, Sr. Joann Knudson, MD and Tom Handler, MD Monica Konstantino Joseph Kosh Dean Krynicki Darryl LaMonico Cassius and Gretchen Lamprea Hilary Laubach W. Harmon Leete Chelsea Lennon Lighting Associates, Inc 23 23. OCTOBER 2007 The shear walls are built. Stephen and Susan Lindsey Bonnie and Kevin Liston Elizabeth Locke James R. Loeb Albert and Barbara-Ann Lutz Elizabeth Lynch Lisa and Joe MacDougald Geri and Ross Mahler Linny Maldonado Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Malinconico Herbert and Lillian Malkus Sandra and Francis A. Manning Boris Maranets Alison and David Marquis James Martin Richard and Kim Masterson Kathleen Maturo Kevin McCaffrey Dr. and Mrs. William B. McCullough Cheryl Middagh Joyce Mockalis Matthew Morgan Katherine Murphy Jeremy and Nancy Nadelmann Mr. and Mrs. Jude P. Napierkowski Amber Natusch Rhonda Naylor Suzanne Niglio Judy Nunes, PA Mary and Jim Oberhelman William and Susan O’Brien Michael O’Donnell Victoria Ogbejesi Henry Okakpu Dominic and Judith Palumbo Joyce Pantalone The Parsons Family Foundation Donald and Kristin Pawlitz Denise Peacock Otis P. Pearsall, Esq Alaire and Joseph Perazella Jorge Pereira Shirley L. Pinette Elizabeth Poirier Letizia Posta Joann and Robert Poulsen Pratt & Whitney Employees Maryellen Priebe Deborah Radowiecki Suzanne Riccio Barbara Richetelli Estherine Robinson James Rohan Frank Rovello Ngola Santos Marie Sasso Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Savin Karen Scorel Lynn Sellers Janet Serra Sesco Lighting, Inc Carol Sewell Susan A. Shiely Michael Silecchia Maurice Simon Jean Smith Sheila Smith Susan Sousa Philip J. Speller, MD Gery W. Sperling Reva St. Hilaire Wynnett Stewart Lisa Strada Tony Subtil, MD Edmund Sullivan Shawn Sullivan Donna Summers John Sward Thomas and Stefanie Tasso Ernest Tate Wei Teng Qaya Thompson Stacey and David Trachten UBS Matching Gift Program United Way of Central New Mexico Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Linda, Lisa, Jim, Laura, Lija and Alexa Vikmanis The Walden Family Charitable Fund Noble Welch Leah Whelan Linda Wiener Ruby Wilson John Yarcusko Tara Zembrowski Deborah B. Zyck 26. FEBRUARY 2008 24. NOVEMER 2007 Steel beams The steel frame rises. 24 25 26 25. JANUARY 2008 27 28 27. MARCH 2008 Basement The construction site in winter 28. MARCH 2008 Elevator shafts $250-$499 Abbey National Employment Services, Inc Dr. Ali Abu-Alfa and Leila Hachicho Ivy Agyarko Louise Albis Jane and Milo Altschuler Karen E. Anderson Association of American Medical Colleges Liliana Atienzar Sandra Bacon Honorine Bagwell Christopher Baillargeon Janice Baker Linton H. Baldwin Bruna Banyas Jennifer Bates John Beck Raymond Bell Janna H.J. Bellwin Michelle Benish Steven Benoit Jeannine Bradley Irwin M. Braverman, MD Richard Breier, MD and Lisa Freed, MD Bill and Billie Brown Patricia Burke Mary-Jane Callahan Connell C. Cannon Geraldine Carbone Richard Carlo Robert and Suzanne Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Carrubba Carrubba, Inc Michelle and Anthony Caserta Carol Cestaro Rosita Ng Chi Mark Chiaramonte Mr. and Mrs. Elias A. Clark Kenneth Clarke Donna Clayton Shannon Clement Club Help – Chitra Nidadavolu, Kathleen Nickson, Kristine Nickson, Melanie Greene, Erin Grady, Kaelyn Mostafa, and Rakshana Selvarajan Judy and Barry Cobden Linda Coleman Deborah and Bryan Conklin Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists, PC Gloria Cothran Charles and Barbara Coudert Karen Coulter Jacquelyn Crenshaw Frank and Claire Criscuolo Michael and Diane Crist Lisa D’Alton William D. Dana, Jr. Mark D’Antonio Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Davis Gerald Defelice Donna and Robert DeMarinis Patricia and Gary Deroy Peggy DeZinno Joyce Di Mauro Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. DiGiovanna Hon. Peter C. Dorsey Eleanor and Francis Dougherty Lawrence Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Dunphy Karl and Mary Beth Eckert John W. Eden Anthony Enders Anthony Fasulo Paul and Melissa Fiorita The First United Church of Christ Margaret Fitcher Thomas Fleming, Jr. Deborah Ford Flanel Maria Frentress Deanna and David Friedman Dr. William and Deborah Friedman Goldman, Sachs & Company Joann Golebiewski Anne M. Goto Rafelina Graham Charles Grannick Jr. Memorial Fund Ruth B. Grannick Frances Grindell, RN Lorna Grohs Fannie Hardy Ronald† and Phyllis Hedberg Philip F. Hendel Jeffrey and Joyce Hendrickson Gilbert F. Hogan, MD Jennifer and Steven Isko Fatma Issa Florence Jasudowicz Jetcraft Corporation Thomas and Sherry Kaczan Harold and Peggy Kamins Jane Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp Lauren J. Kessler John M. Kingsley, Jr. John B. Kirby, Jr. Fred Kleiner Ken and Robin Kramer Nora Lacks Joseph and Theresa Lederer Levin, Powers, Brennan & Shea, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Libsch William J. Logan, Jr. Edward J. Lynch, III Tara Lynch Diane Madore Ellen Makar Charles and Patricia Marchesani Toney S. Marguy, Sr. Margaret Massaro Pasquale M. Maturo Prescott and Karen May Barbara B. Mazzarella Karen McCausland Sandra McNair-Boyd Samuel W. Meek, Jr. Aida Melendez J. Edward Meyer III, Esq Maria Meyerholz Kaprice Miller Lorna Mutty Zenna Neal Philip W. Ness, Jr. Roxanne Niblack Steven Nivison Kevin O’Brien Dr. Charles and Leslie O’Connor Elaine Ogle Natalie Ortoli-Drew Jill J. Parkosewich Judith Pasqualoni Paul Francis & Company Jean Pawlich Carol Pawlush Doug Payne Jennifer Peccerillo Joanne Pentino People’s United Bank David Petric Nancy Picroski Teresa Pienkos Debra Pinto Joyce Poole Dianna Popolizio Mary Anne Poppa The Postyn Family Laurie Prentice Joseph and Maureen Prior Henry A. Pritzker, MD Bob Prota, LCSW Nicholas Proto Carrie Pyer Michael and Edith Rafferty Patricia Rapini Dimitri and Julia Rellos Maria Robles Mary and Robert Ross Dr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Ruben Edwin S. Ryan Lori and Christopher Ryder Matthew and Susan Salomone Lawton and Audrey Sargent Herb Savitt and Vivian Hyman Jeffrey Schlegelmilch Helen Schweidler Lester Seligson Ronald and Dorie Shalagan Kathryn Skibek Gary R. Smart Frederick Smiga Leatrice Smith 79 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 29 31. MAY 2008 YNHH holds a construction update press conference and introduces YNHH cancer patient Colleen Zenk Pinter, an actress on As the World Turns. 30 31 32 33 32. MAY 2008 29. APRIL 2008 YNHH breaks ground for a new laboratory building at 55 Park Street. The “skeleton” of the building takes shape. 30. APRIL 2008 The “Hope” beam is lifted into the frame of the building. Easton B. and Phyllis M. Smith Virginia Smith Priscilla Spada Jill Spatafore Maria Starno Mary Szondy Upkar and Niti Tandon Nancy Tauscher Denise Thibault Linda Thomas Gael Ulisse Adriana Valencia-Bedoya Lisa and Gus VanDerMaelen Priscilla and Michael Verzi Robert G. Wahlers Lawrence and Sheila Wartel Judith Watkins-Shapiro Heather Watson West Michigan Lighting, Inc Clayton Westermann Tyquanna Whitaker Linda White Patricia Worthy Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dept. of Care Coordination Staff Sandra and Joseph Zautra Jason Zigmont 80 $100-$249 Anonymous (2) Peter B. Aaronson Acton-Boxborough Regional High School, Social Studies Department Joseph A. Adams Andrea Adimando Louis A. Affinito† Olukemi T. Akande, MD Joyce J. Albert Steve Albert Bernard “Barney"” Allen Jorge and Filipina Almeida Dr. Luis and Mrs. Sheila Alonso Alpha Kappa Sigma Fraternity Audrey Alston Paul Altieri James A. Ambrosio Harvey Anderson Lillian Anderson Ann Angotto Danielle Antalffy Sherly Antony Arbella Insurance Group Matthew J. Ardas, Jr. Sarah Arnold Sharon Attin Joseph Avitable Walter Bailey Frank Balisciano Mr.† and Mrs. Giovanni Balisciano William Balzer Phil and Maxine Barbeau Jody Barbero 33. MAY 2008 Architect’s rendering for 55 Park Street building Elizabeth Bartone Jenny Bataguas Mary Ann Battipaglia Margaret Bauer Sharifatu Bawa Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Bednar Alice Beeman Ellen Weber Bell Darrell Bellamy Dr. Morton and Linda Bender Martha Benzel Ronald Benzi N. B. and Francine Berg Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Berg Nelson and Louise Bernabucci Fior Berroa A. Diane and William Betts Cornelius Bevis Stephanie and James Bilskis William and Katherine Birney Sherrie and Jeffrey Bitterman Jacqueline Blake, Esq James E. Blake Monique Blake John G. Blakesley Margaret and John Block Ronald Bokine Carol Bonapace Sandra Bonatti Joyce and Sanford Bookstein Sarah Borgerding Jean Bortner Cheryl Bournique Joseph and Susanne Bowery Ralph and Debbie Bowley William and Lucille Bozelko Mary and Charles D. Bradley Cornelia Bradley Katherine Brahan Allan Braman Harriet and Jeffry Brand Kathleen and Quinton Brantley Peter W. Brengel Barry Breslof Piper Brien James and Holly Brink David and Geraldine Brohel Josephine R. Broude Janet Brown Rosa Browne Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brownell, Jr. Paul R. Bruch, Jr. Courtland† and Mairi Bryan Paul R. Buckley, Jr. Stacia and Edward Bucnis Alfreda Ann Burblis, RN, EdD Jean Burkus† Paula Burns Bushka Lumber & Millwork Co., LLC Gracia Bustamante Sandra Cacace Diane and Thomas Calello Barbara H. Callachan and Family Carol A. Callahan, DPM James D. Callery Karen Cameron Robert and Marina Campbell Christopher M. Cannon John E. Cannon Ronda Capello Tasheen Caple Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Capozzi, Sr. Captain’s Galley Restaurant Captain’s Galley Restaurant, Patrons and Employees Marie Carattini-Bancroft Carbutti Law Firm, LLC Ronnie and Dan Carey Mary Ann and John Carmody Karen Carriero Richard and Nancy Carroll, Jayne E. Carroll, Mary Catharine Colburn & Marguerite B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George P. Carter Nancy Carvalho-Considine Darlene Castillo Gerardo Castro Marilyn and David Cataldo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cavallaro Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ceccorulli Myrna Ceccorulli Kathy Cech Joseph E. Celentano, Sr. Trust Richard M. Chapman Joyell Chavez Reverend Douglas G. and Christine J. Christgau Rose Ciardiello Anna Cierpisz Carole Claps Clinton Country Club Cobblestone Square Apartments Company Eileen Cohen Judith Cohen Marci Cohen Morris and Gloria Cohen Gilbert Colgate, Jr. Elaine Collake 34. JUNE 2008 The hospital holds a groundbreaking for 2 Howe Street, a garage with retail, residential and office space. 38. JANUARY 2009 35. JUNE 2008 Progress on Smilow Cancer Hospital 2 Howe Street building rendering 34 35 36 37 38 36. JULY 2008 The “topping off” ceremony, after the final steel beams are signed 37. OCTOBER 2008 A special beam thanks the nurses of the Yale-New Haven Breast Cancer Center. Anne-Camille Collin-Hersh Liz Collins, Pam Mathews, Maria Dio, Leslie O’Connor, Beth Klink, Betty Hagan, Kathy O’Connell, Evy Siegal, Helen Barnes, and Deborah Libman Marge and Tom Condon Connecticut Court Reporters Association Connecticut Light & Power Company Scott and Nancy Conover Michael Cortigiano Marianne Cosgrove Sarah Coulter Melissa and Kevin Cox Douglas Cram Mrs. Edmund S. Crelin Karen Crisci David and Victoria Crompton Renee Croog Mary S. Crooks Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cubeta Peter D. Culbertson Sharon M. Cullen Katherine Cunningham Orlaith Cunningham Paul and Kathryn Cuozzo Jeffrey Curran Lewis Perry Curtis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel N. Cusanelli Kim Czepiga Martin Dagata Michelle D’Amore Joseph Danko Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. D’Antonio Friends at DataViz, Inc Nevenka Daupern Doreen Sestito Davidge Peg and Don Davidson James and Lucille DeJesus Sarah Delaney Rosemary Delisle Jan Delnero Marcelle DeMarco Anthony DeMeo Michele Dempsey Michael and Lori DePaola Patrick A. DePaolo, Sr. Professor Joseph H. de Rivera Donald and Barbara DeRosa Jack and JoAnn DeRosa Jody Lynn Destefanis Craig Diangelo Roberta Dinicola Ma Salud Dio Michael and Kathleen DiRocco Tracy Distefano Eric and Lori Diton Diversified Cross Street, LLC Karen Dohna Richard and Emilia Donahue Arthur C. Doran, Jr. Denise Draffan Jenna Driscoll Inge H. Druckrey Kate Duddy, Lesley Klein, Emily Grant, Jennifer Davidow and Carrie Evans Edward and Suzann Duffy Patrick R. Duffy, Jr., MD Richard Dunham Durant, Nichols, Houston, Hodgson & Cortese-Costa, PC The Durol Company Patricia Dwy Linda Dwyer E Discovery Digital Alix Elkin Elaine Ellis Frederick Elmy and Lisa Johns-Elmy Robert C. Ely Dan and Mickey Emery, Sophie Dawidczyk, The Kirchon Family & Theresa David and Elaine Emery & Family Energy Wise Insulation Co., Inc Engineered Representation, Inc Serle M. Epstein, MD Dorothy A. Erickson Dolores Errity Americo E. Esquibies, MD Marc and Lynn Estra Marylyn Fernandez Dr. and Mrs. Howard D. Fink Gina Finley Linda L. Fiore First Light Paul D. Fischer, MD Barbara Fitch Janice Fletcher-Yarson Marie J. Follo The Foulkrod and Alcorace Families Dennis and Christi Fowler Peter Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Fragola Carl Fraleigh David A. Frank, MD, PhD Wilma Frank-Ryan Jane and Joe Frattaroli David Fryberger, PhD Charles E. Fulkerson, Jr. Barbara Gaab Megan Gaffney Lynne Gainnotti Nancy and Richard Gallerani Bonnie Garcia S. P. Garg and Dr. Asha S. Garg Katherine Garlin-Kane Robert and Mary Ellen Garvey Joann Gaudioso Mary Gauld Cynthia Gavin Holly Gaydos Bruce S. Gelb Dorothy Gemmell Daniel Gentile Ann Geoghegan Mary Ghaly Laura Giambrone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Giannino Gary and Sheri Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Gildersleeve Carla Giles Joanne and Jack Gill Carolyn and Paul Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gobrecht Mr. and Mrs. Zelly Goldberg Voula Golfis Dr. and Mrs. Caleb Gonzalez R. Schuyler Goodwin IV Therese M. Goodwin Bill Gordon Dr. Martin E. Gordon Noreen Gorero Oscar Gottscho Donna J. Gramolini Theresa Grant Amelia A. and Albert Grasso Judith A. Grasso Marie Helene Gratton Hank and Louise Graver Vernette Gray Eileen S. and Edwin Greenberg Sylvia Greene Gordon and Susan Gregoretti Greg and Susan Groh Cheryl Guliuzza Janifer Hailey Hamilton Connections Hart Industries Donna and David Harvey Christine and Greg Hauser Maribeth Hayes Katherine Hearn Drs. Suzanne and Craig Hecht Krisha Hegde Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegel Douglas Hellmann Georgina Hendrick Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Hercz Larry K. and Sandy Hertell Claudia Heyman Charlotte Hickey Roberta L. Hines, MD Harriette Hirsch Marilyn W. Hirsch Cindy Hoboken Nancy M. Hoey Larry and Deborah Hoffman Maryrose Hoffman Ann E. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. William Holler June W. Holmes Carol and Ted Hoponick 81 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 41. MAY 2009 The 55 Park Street building readies for opening 42. JUNE 2009 Progress on the 2 Howe Street building 39 40 41 42 39. FEBRUARY 2009 43 43. JULY 2009 Thomas J. Lynch, MD, is recruited as physician-inchief for Smilow Cancer Hospital and director of Yale Cancer Center. Smilow construction in summer 40. APRIL 2009 The healing garden is planted on the seventh floor of Smilow Cancer Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Howard Lori Hubbard Regina Hunnicutt Dwayne Hunt Eleanor Hunt Geraldine T. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Hunt Stephen J. Huot Richard A. Hutchinson, Jr. Richard J.† and Suzanne Hyman I.G.A.S. CT Chapter Andrea Iacomacci Maryann Iadarola Maryann Iannotti Imagistics International, Inc Charles S. Ingersoll Sarah Ingraham Ironworkers Local Union 424 J & S Bookstein Foundation Stephen W. and Nancy Jackson Sis and Howard Jacobs Rebecca G. and Susan E. Jacobson John and Madelyn Jannitto Jarett M. Crooks Architects, LLC Johnson Memorial Hospital, Dept. of Surgery Joseph Johnson Karen G. Jones Robert Jones Lacey Jordan Dawn Kapinos Doreen and Steve Karabeinikoff Martin W. Kasischke Cheryl Kaszeta Lee D. Katz, MD and Lauragene Lyons Harry and Carolyn Katzman 82 James and Melissa Keane Thomas J. Keane Allen and Beverly Keesen Margie Kelley Mary E. Kelly Jason Kemp William D. Kemp† Maureen and Harold Kennedy Lauren J. Kessler Steve Kitchen Kenneth Knowlton Linda and Michael Koch Julie Kohler Koller Craft Plastic Products James and Sandra Kovach Jan Kreitler Vyto and Shige Kronkaitis Cathi Kroon Julia Lacey Louise and Frank E. Ladden Tenzin Lama Jude, Victor and Victor A. Lamberti Lillian and Victor Lamberti Karen Lamy Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Lang Jack and Kathy Lapolla Heidi Larson Mary Lau Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Laudano Andrew P. Laudano, Jr. Valerie and Ronald A. Lauderdale Laugeni Family Foundation, Inc A. Roy and Diana Baker Lavik Lewis R.M. Lawrence Fonique Lazarre David C. Leake, PA Glenda Leake Hyun Hwa Lee Catherine T. Lepper Valerie Leshane Letizia, Ambrose & Falls, PC Linda and Christopher Letz Jerome M. LeWine, Esq Jean Yves Lindor Edward Linehan Lynette Lines Timothy Liston Linda T. Lo Cascio Thornton C. Lockwood Audrey Y. Loe Yollanda London Long Sales Agency, Inc The Longo Families – Americo & Antoinette, Nick, Anthony & Linda, Michael & Genice and Children Barbara and Carleton Loucks Ellen D’Andrea Loura Gregg Loveland Antoinette Lowell Joe Lowery, Jr. Mary F. Lowery Karen Lynch Timothy Mack, RRT J. Thomas Macy Julia Portilla Majeski Nellie Malchiodi Jeffrey Malcolm Mary Malcolm John and Carolyn Malkin Ziaul Mannan Frances Mantiglia Carol Marci Robert Marcinek and Alison Smith Marcinek Karen Marini Maria Marini John and Tina Marino Marketing Communications, Inc Peter E. Marone, Jr. Edward J. and Anna M. Martini Ronald Masiero Elissa Mastrangelo, RN Carmel Mastroianni William Matteson John J. Maturo Gilberta Barroco Mauro MaxQ Technologies Terrell and Merilah Mays T. Robert and Phyllis McCarron McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc Laura McCarthy Kelly McCollough Laura McCoombs Thomas and Betty McDonald Daniel and Maryellen McGrath Susan and Bartholomew J. McHale Edward and Gloria McHugh Helena McKee George C. McKinney Gertrude McKitterick Kelly McNamara-Diorio Lisa McNellis and Kim Root Edward and Jennene McSweegan John A. Mead Medical Research Associates, LLC Kathryn Medina Rinaldo J. Mele Dee Melio Joseph and Kathleen Mengacci Munaf Merchant Lisa Mercugliano Anthony and Dana Merola Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc John and Marianne† Metcalf Herbert and Margery Meyer Trenneth E. Meyers MDiv, BCC John R. Miller Matthew Milner Amanda Mincey Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc Evelyn and Ralph Mollet Paula and George Montano Tamira Montorsi Barbara Mooney Deidre Moore Joan M. Moore Roberta Moran Richard Moreau Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Moritz Stephanie Morriar Paula Morris Donald and Sheila Morrison Barbara Mott Augusta Mueller Carlyn Mueller Bahiyah Muhammad Christine Mulqueen Holly Mulvey Nancy Munson Evanna Baldwin Murray Karen Murray Eileen and James Mydosh Mr. and Mrs. Charles Napolitano George Narvaez 44. AUGUST 2009 Three nine-ton magnetic resonance imaging machines are hoisted to the second floor of Smilow. 44 45. SEPTEMBER 2009 The Smilow “mast” in front of the new hospital is erected to hold up the glass canopy. 45 46 47 46. SEPTEMBER 2009 Smilow is completed. 47. OCTOBER 2009 Smilow Cancer Hospital dedication Letitia (Letty) Nastri Nevada Sales Agency Charles W. Nicolson Nicholson Associates, Inc Nancy Nickless Nick’s Char Pit Employees Concetta Nicolosi Thomas A. Niezelski, Jr. Rocco and Lisa Nisivoccia Theresa Noreika North End Club Harold Obstler Dolores O’Connell, DMin Craig and Laura Odermatt Elizabeth A. Ofori-Mante Evelyn Ojeda-Diaz Jane G. Olejarczyk John V. Olejarczyk Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Oneglia Jorge and Consuelo Oporto Jillian Orlando Rae and Rocco Orlando Jerry and Maxine Orum Angela Osorio Janis Panagrossi Lisa Panczak James Panichella, Jr. Alison Parillo Dr. Janet Parkosewich Stephen and Jill Parkosewich Brian and Marycatherine Parr Ralph and Barbara Parson John† and Elaine Pavlik PCI Medical, Inc Paul and Arlene Pepin Maureen Perachio Anna Perillo Tasha Perregaux Maria Perugini, RN Edward and Susan Peterson Petra Construction Corporation Robert E. Petsinger James R. Picone Walter Pieper Karen K. Pineman Manuel and Christina Pires Denise Piselli Juliette Poirier Lauren and Kevin Pollio Jarry and Margaret Popel Pasquale Porto Alicia Posta Fred and Rita Potter Donald C. Pranulis and Karen Cianciola-Pranulis William W. Prentiss Mary Press Estella Presswood Jerome Priest Pamela Pronto Stephen V. Prota David Proto Margaret and John Queenan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Quiniconi R.C. Lurie Co., Inc Cheryl Raab Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rafferty Donald Ragozzine Sergio and Maria Ramirez Christina Rao Malcolm and Barbara Rashba Norman and Harriet Rashba Mr.† and Mrs. Gregory F. Raucci John R. Reese, Esq Mr. and Mrs. John Reese The Reeves Family Joan Remaly Carl and Loretta Rennie Bonnie and Louis Rescignano & Gina and Ken Mitchell Respironics Respironics, Marketing Communications Department Gail and Sandy Ressler Randolph E. Richardson Ridgewood High School Class of ‘41 – “Girls Group” Kathleen and Leonard P. Rienzi Jeannette Rios Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riscica Diane and Louis Ritucci Anne Marie Rivard Barbara A. Roach, MD Gary Robbins Heidi Roberts Susan Robforgel Ed and Donna Rocco Rockbestos-Surprenant Cable Corporation Arlene and Warren Roman William Rosenblatt and Jeanne Steiner Kathryn G. Ross John and Deborah Rota & Family Rotary Club of Newington Michael Roth Ronald and Barbara Roth Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Roth William Rourke Angela Rowley Sheila Rubin Marjorie Ruiz Heather Russell Milici Roseann Russo Audrey and Richard Ruttkamp Kevin and Christine Ryder Michael J. Saccardi Walter and Anne Shirley Sachs Dianne Sagnella Frank and Evelyn Sainz Sharon A. Sanford Sebastian J. Santacroce Sheyla Santana and Joe Marranca Brenda Sarosario Melanie Savage Albert and Marie Scharf Ron and Linda Schauwecker Dr. and Mrs. Christian Scheps Steven Schneider Frank Schwab, Jr. Eugenie Schwartz Caroline Scorel Cheryl Scott Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scovel Rita and Richard Seclow Gloria Sesler Anthony Shaw Beverly Shaw Edward Shea Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Shea, Sr. Petra B. Shearer Roy G. Sheldon Mary Jo Shepard Sahel Shwayhat Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Siderowf Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Siegmund Marilyn Signor Inetta Silva Ron Simon Irving Smirnoff, Esq† Angela Smith Fred G. Smith Reverend Geoffrey C. Smith Professor John E. Smith Penny Smith Peter N. Smith Sherry Smith William Smith Solvay-Geddes Rotary Club Leonard Sousa Nancy Funt Spector Spectrum Healthcare Patrick D. Spinola Andre Spitzer Maria Spodick Edith L. Spruill Bethany Sprung Marilyn St. George Patricia Stacy Gregory J. Stamos Carol Stec J. Roger Stemen Erich and Katherine Riker Sternberg Anne Stevens Thomas E. Stevens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Sting Edward D. Stone, Jr† Enid Stone Robert G. Stout, MD Jeffrey M. Strauss Edward A. Strenkowski Milton and Carole Strobel 83 Smilow Cancer Hospital Timeline 48 49 50 49. OCTOBER 2009 48. OCTOBER 2009 Smilow Cancer Hospital The ribbon-cutting 50. OCTOBER 2009 The first patient is treated in radiation oncology. Walter M. Stuhr Eleanor D. Suden Emmett Sullivan Arthur and Barbara Tacinelli Vincent and Catherine Tammaro Rajesh R. Tampi, MD, MS and Sunanda Muralee, MD Rocky Tang James Taravella and Family Louis Taravella and Family Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Teodosio Cynthia Thomas Robert Thompson Eric Tichy Dong Denise Tien Mary Tirozzi Maria Tomasetti Nancy Tommasini Alfred Tosetti Gerrit and Virginia Towle W. Sibley Towner The Tracy Family Travelers Insurance Company Rita Trayner Lisa Truini-Pittman Elizabeth Tuach Arthur Turpin Santo Tutino Dennis and Joan Tutor Michael A. Ulick Douglas Vaughn, MD Frances Veiga Corinne Versage Giuseppina Violano Mary Visnic Michael and Diane Viveiros 84 Adele H. Volpe Gary W. Volz, DMD Paul, Cheryl and Taya Voronko & Victor and Florence Voronko Dr. Jeffrey A. and Cindy Wagner Dinny and Charles Wakerley Carol J. Walker Mary Augur Wallace Anne B. Wasko Jane C. Waters David R. Webster, Jr† Bev and Manny Weinberg Marvin Weinberg Beryl B. Weinstein† William Welch Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Wells David Wengert West Haven B.P.O.E. 1537 Westport Police Athletic League Barbara A. Wexelman, MD Marian Fox Wexler Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. White Wilcox Fuel, Inc Margaret Williams Mary and Norman Willmott Jo-Ann Wilson Dorothy and Chris Winkle George B. Winter William Winterer Edward L. Wise Helen Wolstenholme, Patricia Wolstenholme and Jeanne Ruyack Jill and Jack Woodilla Jim Wright Qing Jiang Wu Smilow Cancer Hospital Campaign Committee Yale-New Haven Hospital, Health Information Management Department Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, OR Materials Staff Yale-New Haven Hospital, Volunteer Services/Patient Relations Judith Yoia Jeannette and Thomas Young John A. Young Ann B. Zimmer Dee Zimmerman Dr. Howard and Linda Zonana Karen and Jerry Zrenda Gifts In Kind Ian Cunningham Dr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Freedman Hope is Coming 5K Run Paul K. Kelly Kevin Hall Design Panera Bread Company Sound Runner Stop & Shop Supermarket Company † deceased All donations to the Smilow Cancer Hospital Campaign will be acknowledged in a special report to be published at the conclusion of the Campaign. If we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your name, please accept our apologies and notify us at 203-688-YNHH or write to us at: Yale-New Haven Hospital Office of Development P.O. Box 1849 New Haven, CT 06508-1849 To learn more about ways to support Yale-New Haven Hospital, visit us online at You can now donate online at Mr. Charles Andriole Mr. Jonathan Bush, Co-Chair Mrs. Josephine Bush, Co-Chair Mr. Richard A. Capobianco Mrs. Debra Chênevert, Co-Chair Mr. Louis Chênevert, Co-Chair Mr. Charles F. Chiusano Dr. Edward Chu Dr. Vincent T. DeVita Ms. Geraldine Foster Dr. Peter Glazer Mr. Robert A. Haversat Dr. Peter Herbert Mrs. Betty Hollander Mrs. Helaine Lender, Co-Chair Mr. Marvin Lender, Co-Chair Ms. Peyton Patterson Mr. Joseph R. Perella Dr. Joseph Piepmeier Mr. Russell S. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. Stephen Riker Dr. Clarence T. Sasaki Dr. Peter Schwartz Deborah Thomas, PhD James A. Thomas, Esq Mr. Pete Wright Mr. James Zielinski Special thanks to our patients for allowing YNHH writers to tell their stories: Nick N icholas Branca was a pediatric patient who touched the lives of countless hospital staff and building crew during the construction of Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven. Nick was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a very rare form of brain cancer, when he was 3 years old. During his treatment at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, Nick watched the progress of Smilow from the windows on the 7th floor. He would wave to the steel workers who ultimately spray-painted his name on a huge steel beam for him to see. When Smilow Cancer Hospital held its “topping off” ceremony, Nick gave the signal to the construction workers to raise the final girders, including his own personalized beam. Nick died peacefully on October 29, 2009, at the age of 7. Yale-New Haven Hospital proudly dedicates its 2009 Annual Report to Nicholas Branca. Yale-New Haven Hospital’s 2009 annual report is published by the Marketing & Communications Department. Telephone: (203) 688-2488 Fax: (203) 688-2491 Email: [email protected] Senior Vice President, Public Affairs: Vincent P. Petrini Colleen Carroll (as told by Bob Woods) Gerald Manning (as told by Bob Woods) Margot Larson (as told by Bob Woods) María Rosa Menocal (as told by Leah Colihan) Maura (Reenie) Marden (as told by Katie Murphy) Veronica Marion (as told by Bob Woods) Zachary Pollock (as told by Myra Stanley) Major Photography: Frank Poole Editor: Katherine Murphy Other Photography: Walter Bailey, Jeff Clark, Leah Colihan, Jerry Domian, Robert Lisak, Robyn Lisone, Katie Murphy, Ray Paige, Tameca Wilson Design: Sopkin Design Printing: Harty Press Director of Communications: Robert B. Hutchison, III Published in the spring, 2010. Copyright 2010,Yale-New Haven Hospital. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means or in any form without permission from Yale-New Haven Hospital.Yale-New Haven Hospital is an EEO/AAP employer. If you received a duplicate copy of the magazine, please pass it along to a friend and send the label you would like deleted to: Yale-New Haven Hospital Marketing and Communications 20 York Street New Haven, CT 06510-3202 20 York Street New Haven, CT 06510-3202 Address Ser vice Reques ted
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