April 2016 – Vol 27, No. 2


April 2016 – Vol 27, No. 2
Contemplatives in Action
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
United States, Philippines, and timor-leste
April, 2016
Volume 27, Number 2
The God of Mercy Waits for Us
In the Jubilee
Year of Mercy,
we highlight
God's merciful
love through the
eyes of Thérèse
of Lisieux in our
feature article. Two
other contributors
will also address
the theme of
God's boundless
forgiveness and
In This Issue
The God of Mercy Waits
for Us
Message from the
The Mystery and Miracle of Mercy
History Highlights
Sister Lucie Leonard
Returns to God
News of Note
In Memory Of
In Honor Of
St. Thérèse of Lisieux begins the Story of A Soul by writing that she simply desires
“to do only one thing…to sing eternally The Mercies of the Lord.” This phrase recurs
frequently in her story. “St. Thérèse’s Canticle,” the beautiful hymn composed by Sister
Marie Thérèse Sokol, OCD is rooted in Thérèse’s desire and Thérèse’s own words shape
much of the song. The entire hymn can provide food for mediation for many days, but
for now I am particularly drawn to this verse:
Come all who hunger, all who thirst,
all who long for fulfillment,
the God of mercy waits for you,
as a mother her child,
oh come to the living water,
fear not your weakness,
forever trusting in God's merciful love.
Art by Sister Catherine Martin, O. Carm.
In his Lent 2016 Message, Pope Francis underscores how closely the love of mothers
mirrors God’s merciful love: “In the prophetic tradition, mercy is strictly related---even
on the etymological level---to the maternal womb (rahamin) and to a generous, faithful
and compassionate goodness (hesed) shown within marriage and family relationships.”
This God of Mercy waits for us, as mothers wait for their children. Mothers wait to
conceive, wait to give birth, wait for their children to take their first steps or speak their
first word. Mothers wait and watch and forgive as their children make their first tentative
entry into adulthood, make errors of judgment or fail in their efforts. Mothers wait in
delight as their children mature in wisdom and age and grace.
With gratitude for the tender, merciful, motherly love of God, mirrored in those
who have mothered us, let us sing with Thérèse:
How great and tender is our God,
who has smiled on the lowly,
eternally my heart will sing a new canticle of love.
5, 12-15
Sister Beth Fitzpatrick, O. Carm. is Executive Director, Department of Religious,
Archdiocese of New Orleans.
Message from the Administration
“It is a favorable time to heal wounds,
a time to offer everyone the way of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.”
-Pope Francis
What a generous gift that our Pope Francis gave to us by declaring December 8, 2015-November 20, 2016 a
Holy Year of Mercy! It can be a year where we refresh our memory and understanding of the Corporal Works of
Mercy (Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Clothe the Naked, Shelter the Homeless, Care for the Sick,
Visit the Imprisoned and Bury the Dead), as well as the Spiritual Works of Mercy (Convert Sinners, Instruct
the Ignorant, Advise the Doubtful, Comfort the Sorrowful, Bear Wrongs Patiently, Forgive Injuries and Pray
for the Living and Dead). The Works of Mercy challenge me to see how I am truly reaching out to God’s loving
creation, all of humanity. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy challenge me to be “other centered.”
Another component of the Year of Mercy is to forgive others, as well as ourselves. Of the two, for me,
the hardest is forgiveness of self. In 1967, my 18 year old sister, Debbie, died of an asthma attack. Besides her
sudden death being so very emotionally hard on us, unfortunately, my sister and I had had a disagreement and
I said something very mean to her and she died before I could
apologize to her. I carried this pain in my heart
for almost 20 years and no matter what, I couldn’t forgive myself. It wasn’t until someone suggested to me that
I journal a conversation between my sister and myself, allowing me the opportunity to apologize to her and
have Debbie forgive me. The act of journaling this conversation, over time, enabled me to feel Debbie’s love
for me but most importantly, it allowed me to forgive myself. This act of forgiveness of self
enabled my heart to become full of love and joy.
In the Gospel message of the Samaritan woman, Jesus asked her to leave behind her water
jar. “What is your interior water jar, the one that weighs you down, that distances you from
God?” (Pope Francis Angelus Address at St. Peter’s Square)
Sister Kathy Farrelly is the Congregation Vocations Co-Director, Executive Councilor, Counselor, Spiritual
Director, Retreat Director, Victims Assistance Director for the Diocese of Lafayette, LA and Carmelite Priests of
the Province of Middletown, NY.
Pope Francis himself addressed this question in his homily
for First Vespers for Divine Mercy Sunday.
"Here, then, is the reason for the Jubilee: because this is the time for
mercy. It is the favorable time to heal wounds, a time not to be weary of
meeting all those who are waiting to see and to touch with their hands
the signs of the closeness of God, a time to offer everyone, everyone,
the way of forgiveness and reconciliation. May the Mother of God open
our eyes, so that we may comprehend the task to which we have been
called; and may she obtain for us the grace to experience this Jubilee of
Mercy as faithful and fruitful witnesses of Christ."
The Mystery and Miracle of Mercy
“For God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son that all might be saved”
-John 3:16
In this familiar and oft quoted verse the essence of God is revealed--Love and Mercy. The Creator’s love-so profound that His mercy poured into the world He so deeply loved through the incarnation, life, death and
resurrection of His beloved Son, Jesus. How do we experience His mercy? In what ways have we been witnesses
of His mercy to others?
I have a dear friend who is a Holocaust survivor. I first met her while traveling in Europe where she was
visiting surviving family members. We became instant friends. I found that we lived only a few miles apart in the
States. So, for nearly 40 years, I have had “tea with Maria.” She listened to my
stories about falling in love, becoming a wife and mother, answering the “call
to Carmel.” My children played at her house. And she trusted me enough to
tell me about herself: a pre-teen Catholic girl from a regal Austrian family, all of
whom were swept into the horrors of World War II and its aftermath, surviving
numerous relocations…children lost and found. We shared philosophy and
faith, but Maria did not practice her Catholic faith. I sensed there were many
things about which she could not talk. When I asked her if she would like me
to have a priest visit her, she hesitated or changed the subject. But my prayer
has always been for Maria to be reconciled with the Church and to receive the
Eucharist before the end of her journey.
Two years ago Maria had a stroke. She recovered enough to remain at home
with constant care. One day she looked deep into me and asked if I would
bring the priest to hear her confession. I drove the priest to her house. He
stayed with her for quite awhile, then came out of her room and asked me to
give her Holy Eucharist. I brought her Communion for the next five Sundays.
Then she had another series of strokes which prevented her from swallowing
Maria, dear friend and Holocaust survivor.
anything but liquid.
Photo courtesy of Kathleen Richardville.
For the past two years I have sat by her bedside every
Sunday after church. I stroke her hair. She does not speak
and seldom opens her eyes. I pray…for her, for me, for all her family living and dead, for the
world. I offer all her life and suffering to God on her behalf. I tell her I love her and that God
loves her dearly. I sing “Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae…” In this holy cell, I am filled with
gratitude at the mystery and miracle of God’s incredible mercy and love.
Kathleen Richardville, TOC is a retired educator, wife, mother and grandmother. She is the Regional Coordinator
for seven Lay Carmelite communities in the Diocese of Orlando where she has been a Lay Carmelite for 20 years.
History Hightlights
All in the Family:
The Widow Carr
There have been several examples of siblings who
entered our congregation, beginning with our earliest history.
The first postulants to follow Mother Thérèse Chevrel in
her work were the three Aucoin sisters of Plattenville, LA.
More recently, names like Broussard, Daigle, Danos, and
Leonard evoke memories of sets of siblings who entered
our Congregation. But perhaps the most interesting family
group to have joined us were Mother Catherine Leo, her
daughter Mary (Sr. Mary Augustin) and a third family
member, Mary Leo (Sr. Mary Joseph).
In the Book of Foundations we find an entry for Miss
Catherine Leo, “the widow Carr,” a native of Ireland, who
entered at the Motherhouse in New Orleans in October
1866 at the age of 35. Two pages later there is an entry for
Marie Leo, possibly her sister, who entered the Congregation
on the same day, at the age of 29. Both took the habit on
March 19, 1866 and both made profession on December
12, 1868. Catherine was given the name Sr. St. Catherine
and Marie was named Sr. Marie Joseph. Sr. Marie Joseph
taught briefly at the Motherhouse and at the orphanage. In
1870 she was among those who were sent to open the school
in New Iberia. She remained there until shortly before her
death in 1877. She was barely 40.
Mother Catherine was born about 1831. Her entrance,
however, was a bit unusual. The widow Carr had a 9-year
old daughter. Sr. St. Catherine began teaching immediately
after her Novitiate. Her name appears in the Thibodaux
annals as a teacher in 1867, and each year after that until
she was sent to open a school in Washington, Louisiana in
1879. It is in Washington that she made her mark. A news
clipping notes “…We will always remember…Sr. Catherine
who, in spite of her age and poor health, never abandoned
the sick beds of our children during the terrible periods of
misfortunes.” The article reminds the reader that this small
group of women led by Sr. Catherine “… were remarkable
for their devotion during the terrible epidemic of yellow
fever when they were found at the deathbeds of our sick.
Their kind words brought consolation and hope everywhere
they went.” Catherine was “Mother Superior” for most of
her stay in Washington. Her obituary notes that during her
8 year tenure, she built a day school and boarding school.
She was also elected Treasurer General and served from
1885 to 1888.
Her daughter, Mary Carr, was born in Algiers,
Louisiana about 1857. For many years we wondered: who
cared for this child when her mother went to the convent?
In our Necrology book, the writer of her entry notes that
Mary (Sister Mary Augustin) “… had been brought up at
the Thibodaux Convent where she was greatly loved for
her amiable ways, gentleness of heart and true Christian
charity.” Thibodaux school records show that Mary Carr
was first listed among the students for the 1865-1866 session
and stayed on until her entrance in 1874. She shows up in
the annual “Distribution of Prizes” from 1867 through 1873.
Judging from her awards, she was a very good student,
achieving the highest grades in her class in several subjects.
Her last year seems to have been her most productive: first
prize in English grammar and composition, French grammar
and composition, as well as prizes in History, Geography and
Memorization… a capable young lady and a very promising
Mary entered in August 1874, at the age of 16 and was
given the name Sr. Mary Augustin, and made profession in
Thibodaux in 1876. In 1879 she was sent, with her mother,
to open the school in Washington, LA. The Necrology
comments, “It is there she contracted the disease which
brought her to the grave in the prime of youth. Full of
courage and indefatigable in the accomplishment of her
duties, she kept to her post until nature gave way, then
death was not far: a few days after she had taken to bed,
her soul departed this life for a better world.” Mary died
of “a pernicious fever” on Sept 9, 1884 in Washington. She
was about 27 years old. By far, one of the most difficult
events during Sr. Catherine’s stay in Washington was the
death of her daughter, who at the time was also her assistant.
Mary’s remains were brought by rail to Thibodaux and the
funeral took place at 5 p.m. the day the train arrived. Sr.
Catherine, “the widow Carr” continued working almost to
the end of her life. She was moved to the Motherhouse in
1887, weakened by tuberculosis. She died in 1888.
1. Book of Foundations, pg. 245, 247-48.
2. Necrology, pg. 5 and Register of Profession, pg. 30, entry #100
3. Régistre de Mont-Carmel de Thibodaux, LA
4. Distribution of Prizes, Thibodaux, LA, 1866-1871
5. Council Minutes, 1881-1901
6. News clippings from an unidentified newspaper. An untitled obituary
for Sr. Mary Augustin
7. News clipping, the Morning Star (N.O. Archdiocese). “In
Memoriam,” an obituary for Sr. Catherine.
Sister Thérèse Grégoire,
far left, is Congregation
Archivist and Treasurer.
Sister Germaine Lauzon,
right, is Assistant to the
Congregation Archivist.
The sisters reside in New
Sister Lucie Leonard, O. Carm. Returns to God
Sister Lucie Leonard, O.
Carm., a Sister of Mount Carmel
died March 18, 2016 at Our Lady
of Wisdom Healthcare Center. She
was 88 years old and in the 69th
year of her religious profession.
Sister Lucie was born on
July 7, 1927 in Thibodaux, LA, the
second of ten children, to the late
Elvain Joseph Leonard and Bertha Marie Gaubert
of Thibodaux, LA. She entered the Congregation of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel on August 13, 1944, and
received the habit of the Sisters of Mount Carmel on
August 2, 1945. On August 4, 1947, she made her first
profession, and pronounced perpetual vows August
3, 1950. She celebrated her 60th Jubiliee in 2007. Sister Lucie attended St. John Elementary and
Mount Carmel High School in Thibodaux, LA. She
received her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing
from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
and a Master of Science degree in Nursing from
Catholic University, Washington, DC in 1970. Sister taught at St. James Major, New Orleans
in 1947-49 and in 1951-52. Devoting over 60 years to
nursing, Sister Lucie worked at St. Joseph Hospital,
Thibodaux, LA; Carmel Hospital, Kaplan, LA;
and Mercy Hospital, New Orleans, LA. She was
Continuing Education Program Manager and Nurse
Consultant for the Louisiana Board of Nursing;
Nurse Liaison to Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare
Center, New Orleans, LA and Director of Continuing
Education for the Louisiana State Nurses Association. In 1998 she was honored with the Louisiana
State Nurses Association Service Award, in 2003
was inducted into the LSNA Hall of Fame, one of
the “100 Great Nurses” and was “Nun of the Year.” While serving at Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare
Center, she received the LeadingAge Gulf States
“Distinguished Service Award” for 2013 for her
outstanding contribution towards the welfare of
older persons. She also served the Congregation
as an Executive Councilor, Motherhouse Infirmary
Nurse and Motherhouse Administrative Assistant.
Since 2010 Sister served as Pastoral Care Assistant
at Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare Center. Sister Lucie was preceded in death by her
parents, one sister: Sister Bertha Leonard, O. Carm.
and three brothers: Herman J., Francis L., and Donald
R. Leonard. She is survived by four sisters: Sister
Anne Leonard, O. Carm. of New Orleans, LA, Cecelia
A. Richard of Thibodaux, LA, Lorraine F. Folse of
Houma, LA and Miriam Esteve of Thibodaux, LA
and one brother: Gerard Leonard of Lockport, LA.
A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at Our
Lady of Wisdom Healthcare Center in New Orleans
on March 21, 2016. Sister was interred at St. Louis
No. 3 Cemetery. News of Note
(seated): Sisters Joan Broussard, Donna Girard, Catherine Martin, Paula Marie Derise; (standing) Sisters
Rose Marie Penouilh, Denis Rodrigue, Angele Marie
Sadlier, Lawrence Habetz and Maria Sheila Undang
gather at Brother Martin High School for liturgy and
luncheon for the Archdiocese Celebration of World
Day for Consecrated Life, February 13. Photo courtesy
of Sister Maria Sheila Undang.
In Memory Of
Abate Family by Mrs. Miriam L. Abate
Adams, Mr. Jason by Mrs. Mary Ethel David
Aldana, Mrs. Silvia P. by Tim, Mary Kay, Bo and Ben Molbert
All Deceased Carmelite Priests and Religious by Mrs. Barbara Myers
Amorello, Mrs. Maude by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Arnold, Mr. Bill by Ms. E. Perrier
Arnold, Mr. Clifton J. by Mrs. Patricia Arnold, Ms. Catherine Parmley
Arthur, Mrs. Amanda Inbau by Donna and Chris Clement and Family, Sue Kreihs, Rob and Rosalie Lakey
Babin, Mr. Louis “Sweet-Lou” by Mr. and Mrs. Errol J. Delahoussaye
Badinger, Mrs. Verna by Mrs. Charmaine Juneau
Bahle, Mrs. Ruth by Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bahle
Baker, Diane J. by Mrs. Jennifer Chauvin, Mrs. Vera Chiasson, Mrs.
Colette Lusco
Barrameda, Mr. Pete by Sister Maria Undang, O. Carm. and Sisters
of Mount Carmel
Bartels, Mrs. Patricia Ford by Marcelle and Michael Brinks
Bartolome, Ms. Brenda by Immaculate Conception, T.O.C.
Bearb, Mary Biadeaux by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr., Ms.
Catherine Mouton Richard
Bellard, Mrs. Jennifer Grotefend by Mrs. Anne Regan
Berger, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo A. by Mr. Chris J. Berger
Bergeron, Deacon Jay by Vicky Landry, Patsy and Norris Rader
Berret, Harold and Doris by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Delord
Bertrand, Mr. Robert A. by Dr. Joseph C. Kite
Bieber, Mrs. Rita Vedros by American Society of Italian Heritage
Biggerstaff, Mr. Clayton by Mrs. Verna Biggerstaff
Billeaud, Mr. Manning “Bozo”, Jr. by Mrs. Jerry Chauffe
Binnion, Mr. David by Orlando and Shelley Matus
Bodet, Mrs. Joyce by Ruth and L.J. Martino
Boneno, Mr. Frank by Peter and Jean Hoppe
Bonin, Mrs. Becky Gary by Mrs. Gay T. Babineaux
Boquia, Mr. Susano “Sonny” V. by Sisters of Mount Carmel,
Sister Maria Sheila Undang, O. Carm.
Bouchereau, Mrs. Lois by Mrs. Joyce Cambias
Boudreaux, Bishop Warren L. by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bellanger
Boudreaux, Mr. Nelson, Sr. by Mrs. Donna Delaune, Gary and Andy
Delaune, Garth Gunter, Gina Gunter, Norris and Patsy Rader
Boudreaux, Mr. Orise by Mr. and Mrs. Nason Leger
Boudreaux, Mrs. Blanche Martin by Mrs. Louise Ziebell
Boudreaux, Mrs. Delores by Ms. Lora Deligans
Bourgeois, Reverend Francis by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Bourque, Rena Mae by Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Fontenot
Boyne, Mr. Charles by James and Mary Trahan
Bradley, Mr. George by Mr. and Mrs. Carey Landry
Bradley, Mrs. Cynthia L. by Mrs. Mary Braud
Breaux, Hilda Leger by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Breaux, Mr. and Mrs. Lester by Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Fontenot
Breaux, Mr. Paul Dewey “Bill” by Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Breaux,
Cordell and Linda Dartez, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dieckman, Ms. Barbara Domingue and Joyce Drost, Emma Lou Domingue
Breazeale, Mr. Wood, Jr. by Mrs. Olive Breazeale
Brocato, Lauren by Sisters of Mount Carmel and Sister Lawrence,
Habetz, O. Carm.
Broussard deceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Broussard
Broussard, Claude and Anne by Frederica “Freddie” Tucker
Broussard, Lona P. by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dartez
Broussard, Mr. Emery by Mr. and Mrs. Errol Delahoussaye
Broussard, Mr. Harvey James by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gulotta, Sr.
Broussard, Mr. Howard by Ms. Gloria Meaux
Broussard, Mr. J. Clarence by Ms. Alberta Winch
Broussard, Mr. Loinel Joseph “NooNoo” by Ms. Bridget Mires
Broussard, Mr. Wallace by Mrs. Verlon Trahan
Broussard, Mrs. Elizabeth by Patsy and Norris Rader
Broussard, Mrs. Joanna by Mr. and Mrs. David Landgrave
Broussard, Mrs. Josie by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Simmons
Buford, Therese by Suzette Armentor
Buxton, Mr. Calvin by Mr. and Mrs. Preston LeJeune
Callow, Mr. J. Hart by Gerry and Sharon Murphy
Cambias, Mr. Greg, III by Mrs. Joyce Cambias
Camet, Mr. Reid by Dr. and Mrs. Raul Ramirez
Cangiana, Marge by Sister Donna Girard, O. Carm.
Casse, Joseph “Joe”, Jr. by John and Priscilla Battaglia, Sister
Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Castille, Mrs. Joan by Mrs. Virgie Bender
Catalano, Mr. and Mrs. August by Bill and Diane Newman
Cavalier, Ruth and Quentin by Jan and Deb Cavalier
Cestia, Rita Mae Broussard by Mr. and Mrs. Smitty Landry, Patsy
and Norris Rader
Chafin, Mrs. Emma Dell by Ms. Peggy Drury
Chaplain, Sister Helen, O. Carm. by Mrs. Josephine Wagner and
Ms. Louise Levin
Charbonnet, Mrs. Rosemary by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boos
Chatelain, Myrtle by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schneider
Cheramie, Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cheramie
Chesson, Douglas, Jr. by Mrs. Douglas Chesson
Chesson, Dr. Douglas by Mrs. Douglas Chesson
Clement, Mrs. Lily Mae by Sammy and Cassie Vedros
Clements, William “Billy” Earl, Jr. by Barbara and Peter Strawitz
Clesi, Mrs. Elaine Plauche by Danna V. Asaro
Collins, Mr. Jerry by Sister Clare Cramer, O. Carm. and Sister
Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Colon, Dr. Gus by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Comeaux, Claire Hains by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Comeaux, Johnny by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clyde Comeaux
Conner, Dudley, Sr. by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Conner, Jr.
Constatin, Ferrol by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Cook, Mr. Gerald “Jerry” by Ms. Sue Holdridge
Cramer, Jacob-Madeline deceased family members by Sister Clare
Cramer, O. Carm.
These listings include donations received from November 2,
2015 - February 29, 2016. Memorial donations or donations
in one’s honor assist the sisters in their ministries. For more
information contact:
Sisters of Mount Carmel
Office of Development
P.O. Box 1160
Lacombe, Louisiana 70445-1160
(985) 882-7577 or (504) 524-2398
e-mail: [email protected]
In Memory Of
Crifasi, Faith by Mr. Benjamin Crifasi, Sr.
Croak Family by Mrs. Henritta C. Buller
Crockett, Mr. James by Mrs. Mary Jo Manning, Dr. and Mrs. Kay
Sliman Morgan, Patsy and Norris Rader
Crozat Family by Mrs. Miriam L. Abate
Daigle, Sidney Billy, Jr. by John and Priscilla Battaglia
Darbonne, Johnny by Mrs. Debbie Habetz
Darda, Mrs. Idamay W. by Ms. Joan Rome
Dartez, Mrs. Peggy by Gail and Paul Conner
Dartez, Mrs. Rosemary by Cordell and Linda Dartez, Ms. Jeanne
deValcourt, J. C. and Lola Griffin, Mr. Joseph Vallée
D’Augereau, Mr. J. Brent by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broussard
Dawes, Sister Dorothy, O.P. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Dean, Mrs. Nellie Stemmann by Mrs. Jerry Chauffe
De Boisblanc, Mrs. Elizabeth Decuers by Ms. Gesina L. Arnold,
Cathy Darragh, Mrs. Marion Lochridge
De Rouen, Mr. Carroll by Mrs. Gloria De Rouen
Deceased Sisters of Mount Carmel by Mrs. Sarah De Valcourt Roy
Deceased Sisters who served at St. Joseph and Thibodaux General
Hospitals by Drs. James and Ann Jackson
deGraauw, Mrs. Cleo by Ms. Anne deGraauw
deGraauw, Mr. Robert “Bob” Joseph by Sister Donna Girard, O.
Carm., Sisters of Mount Carmel, Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
deGravelle, Sister Ginger, O.S.B. by Nancy Zembower
Delatte, Brenda by Mim and Gerard Leonard
Delcambre deceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Delord, Raymond and Lois by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Delord
Derouen, Mr. Harvey by Jane and Harry Broussard
Deveras, Sister Josephine, O. Carm. by Anita Wong
Didier, Adene S. by Barbara and Peter Strawitz
Dill, Gerald, Sr. by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Comeaux, Ray and Pat Schneider
Dombrowski, Mr. Norbert by Mrs. Edith Dombrowski
Dombrowski, Mrs. Helen by Mrs. Edith Dombrowski
Domingue, Mr. Gerald Basile by Gene and Caroline Dudek, Jimmy
and Debbie Dupuis, Mr. and Mrs. David Landgrave
Doré deceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Doré, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd by Ms. Alys Doré
Dubois, Mr. Joseph by Norris and Patsy Rader
Ducote, Mr. Barry by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Duet, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cheramie
Duff, Mr. Glen by Mr. and Mrs. Don Wall
Dugas, Ms. Brittany by Mrs. Tammy Dugas
Duhon, Jean Ann De Clouet by Faculty and Staff of Cathedral Carmel School
Duhon, Sister Aloysia, O. Carm. by Reverend Michael Bergeron
Duncan, Mrs. Joan Norris by Robin and Ron Deady
Duplantis, Mr. Irvin by Mrs. Jennifer Chauvin
Dupre, Mr. Levoy by Pete and Jean Hoppe
Dupuy, Mr. Charles by Barbara and Peter Strawitz
Eastin, Mrs. Dolores B. by Mr. Ray F. Eastin
Eastin, Mrs. Pauline O. by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
Ellender, Mrs. Joan by Ms. Georgia Merryman, Sister Leah Sellers,
O. Carm.
Erikson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas by Elaine Erikson and Bruce
Estopinal, Mrs. Gloria by The Grillot Family, Mr. Pete, Gwen,
Andree, Gary, Steve, Roy, John and Michelle
Faciane, Mr. Jason by Dr. Neal K. Faciane
Fakier, Mr. Joe by Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Blakeman, Mr. and Mrs.
Laury Dupont, Jerome and Denise Olivier and family
Farrell, Mr. James by Mrs. Gesina Arnold
Faulk, John and Duna by Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Conner, Jr.
Faulk, Joseph Roy by Art and Carmen Merryman
Faulk, Mr. Roy by Mrs. Louise Cousin, Norris and Patsy Rader
Faulk, Mrs. Wilda by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pesson
Fewell, Mr. Charles G. by Mrs. Mary A. Fewell
Finn, Father Chrys, O.P. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Fleming, Judge Robert by Patsy and Norris Rader
Fontenot, Mr. Patrick by Barbara and Peter Strawitz
Fontenot, Mr. Robert John, Sr. by Mrs Alberta V. Winch
Fontenot, Mrs. Evelyn Breaux by Mr. Joseph Vallée
Fontenot, Ms. Suzanne by Vicky Landry
Foreman, Mrs. Gloria Faye by Mr. and Mrs. Nason Leger
Frederick, Mr. David by Mr. and Mrs. Tim Morton
Frederick, Mrs. Lola by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
French, Frank A., III by Mr. and Mrs. David McKelvey
Freyou, Eunice Babin by Mr. and Mrs. David McKelvey
Fulham, Mrs. Claire M. by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassreino
Gallet and Hebert families by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gallet
Garzotto, Joey by Mrs. Barbara Garzotto
Gaspard, Mr. Russell R. by Mrs. Laura Gaspard
Gaubert, Mrs. Toudelle M. by John and Priscilla Battaglia, Chris J.
Berger, Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Gaudet, Gertrude C. by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gondron
Gauthier, Mrs. Margaret B. by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Naquin
George, Janice Sheree by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
George, Mr. Louis E. by Edward and Sharon Cassiere
Gilbert, Marie Ann by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Gilfour, Mr. Jerry by Barbara Mire Benoit, Clarence Benoit, Chester
Gillen, Marika by Frank and Suzanne Lagarde
Girard, R.F. and Eleanor by Mrs. Sandra Boll
Gonsonlin, Helen F. by Mr. and Mrs. David McKelvey
Goodwin, Mr. Ernest “Curly” by Mrs. Betty Bourgeois
Gorman, Mr. Harold J., Jr. by Mrs. Joyce Cambias
Gossen, Henrietta Habetz by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Grady, Mrs. Harrie J. by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Greene, Donnell by Ms. Anita St. Pierre, Lois St. Pierre
Greig, Vina B. by Wilda and Gleada Broussard
Gremillion, Mr. Edgar by Mr. and Mrs. David Landgrave, Mrs.
Verlon Trahan, Ms. Alberta V. Winch
Griffin, Ms. Jeanelle by Larry and Kathleen Viator
Gros, Mr. Larry by Ron and Nora O’Connell, Jerome and Denise
Olivier and family
Guidry, Mr. Dopey by Ms. Lora Deligans
Guidry, Mr. Namely by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gondron
Guidry, Mrs. Theresa Babineaux by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
Guillot, Mr. Nolan by Kellis and Grace Buckland
Habetz, Mrs. Bernardine by Mr. Bernard Habetz
Habetz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph by Mr. Bernard Habetz
In Memory Of
Habetz, Mrs. Frances by Ms. Paula Charles
Habetz, Mrs. Mary Lou by Cub Corner Preschool Staff, Sister Paula
Marie Derise, O. Carm., Sister Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm., Mrs.
Wenzel Habetz, Mrs. Alberta H. Lyons, Sister Maria Sheila Undang,
O. Carm., The Perfect Fit
Habetz, Mrs. Pirmin Joseph, Jr. by Col. (Ret) and Mrs. Hector
Halphen, Dr. Michael “Mike” by Dr. Burt Bujard, MD, Mrs. Louise
M. Cousin, Harry and Hazel Delahoussaye, Gary, Andy and Katie
Delaune, Wayne and Cheryl Delcambre, Mrs. Mary Jo Manning,
Art and Carmen Merryman, Ms. Georgia Merryman, Leon and
Anne Minvielle, Tim, Mary Kay, Bo and Ben Molbert, Norris and
Patsy Rader, Lyndel Renoudet
Halphen, Mr. Ishmael F. Ish, Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Errol Delahoussaye
Haynes, Randy by Cathy Darragh
Hebert deaceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Hebert, Leland and Alberta by Sister Clare Cramer, O. Carm.
Hebert, Maugerite by Leon and Anne Minvielle
Hebert, Mr. David by Rex and Jane Simon
Hebert, Mr. Dwayne Michael by Gail and Paul Conner, Vicky Landry
Hebert, Mr. Leland P. “T-Boy”, Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Gary,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr., Joe and Bertha LaCombe, Mr. and Mrs. Nason Leger, Sisters of Mount Carmel, Coy and Estelle Wyatt
Hebert, Mr. Murphy by Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Broussard
Heinen, Mrs. Jeanette P. by Mr. Johnny Heinen, Jr.
Helo, Henry Hank, II by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Heyl, Mr. Jerry by Ms. Carol E. Keith
Hicks, Roy by Stella Doucet
Hidalgo, Joanne Rose by Don Hidalgo
Higginbotham, Mr. W. J. by Mr. and Mrs. Larry LeBlanc
Higgins Family by Paula Powell
Hitter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E., Sr. by Mrs. Gene H. Jefferson
Hoffpauir, Patricia Breaux by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Hogan, Larry Roy by Mrs. Joyce Cambias
Hornberger, Mr. Frederick “Fred” C., Sr. by Marcelle and Michael
Brinks, Mrs. Joyce Cambias, Frank and Suzanne Lagarde
Hotard, Mr. Clayton by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Howell, Mrs. Ann H. by Ms. Lora Deligans, Barbara and Peter
Huckabay, Mrs. Gloria LeCompte by Mrs. Janet Stevens
Huval, Mr. Daniel Wade by Wilda and Gleada Broussard, Dolores
Deville, Mrs. Jane V. Landry, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayard, Mrs. Alberta V. Winch
Irby, Richard by Donna and Chris Clement and Family
Istre, Evelyn T. “Red” by Schneider family
Jaubert, Lt. Col. G. Wilfred by Mrs. Shirley Jaubert
Jefferson, Charles B., Sr. by Mrs. Gene H. Jefferson
Johnson, Mr. Rudolph Bernard, Jr. by Morris and Margery Kohnke,
and Billy and Deb Tamplain
Johnson, Mrs. Nancy Watkins by Mrs. Anne Regan
Joubert Family by Ms. Miriam L. Abate
Judice, Mrs. George by Elaine Erikson and Bruce Cameron
Kearns, Bokenfohr “Buck” by Jerome and Denise Olivier and family
Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. by Ms. Carol E. Keith
Kiffe, Mrs. Donna by Sister Judith Hebert, O. Carm.
Kimball, Mrs. Linda by Mr. and David R. Landgrave
Kokemor, Anita Ritter by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Krampe, Ed by Faculty and Staff Cathedral-Carmel School
LaBauve, Mrs. Maridel Leger by Vicky Landry
La Fleur, Mrs. Winnie Belle by Joan Arnold, Jeffery Choate and
family, Ms. Carol Wright
Landry, Arthur and Mary Gay by Mrs. Mary Landry
Landry, Mr. Felix A., Sr. by Mrs. Marie M. Landry
Landry, Philip and Irma by Mrs. Mary Landry
Landry, Sherry Brown by Ms. Mary Frances Landry
Laperouse, Mr. Kenneth, Jr. by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
LaPlace, Laura L. by Wilda and Gleada Broussard
Larriviere, Barbara A. by Patsy and Norris Rader, Mr. and Mrs.
Jimmie Sonnier
Latham, Mr. Carl Mark by Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold
Latino, Anthony by Mrs. Laura Ramirez
Latino, John and Theresa by Mrs. Laura Ramirez
Laudumiey, Brother Warren, S.C. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Lawton, Bob and Estner by Ms. Phyllis Lawton Cosentino
Le Blanc Family by Mrs. Miriam L. Abate
Le Blanc, Mr. Michael by Mr. Jean Le Blanc and Mike Saunier
LeBlanc, Maxine L. by Mr. Roland LeBlanc
LeBlanc, Mr. J. Simon by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnier
Leblanc, Mr. Joseph, Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Errol J. Delahoussaye
LeBlanc, Mr. Marshall S. by Mrs. Beverly Collatt, Mr. Roland F.
LeBlanc, Mr. Stephen Marshall by Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
LeBlanc, Mrs. Carleen Cates by Joe and Mary Alice Gregory, Pat
and Pete Pharr
LeBlanc, Mrs. Helen LaPlace by Mr. Robert J. LeBlanc
LeBouef, Maridel Leger by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Leger, Evelyn Richard by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Leger, Mr. Willie by Mrs. Cheryl Neu
Leger, Mrs. Edesse L. Leger by Mr. and Mrs. Nason Leger
Leonard, Sister Bertha, O. Carm. by Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Leonard
Leonards, Bobbie by Mr. Leonard Buck Leonards
Leonards, Mrs. Beatrice Olinger by Mrs. Pauline Reiners
Liner, Mr. Dale by Ms. Helen Liner
Lopez, Mrs. Dorothy by Dr. Jan and Bob Nugent
Lormand deceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Louviere, Hazel F. by Mr. and Mrs. David McKelvey
Lungay, Mr. José Racho by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Mahaffey, Mrs. Gina by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Maracic, Mr. John by Mr. Melvin J. Niemiec
Maraist, Mr. Francis A. “Buzzy” by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoppe
Marcel, Mr. Raymond by Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Foret
Marino, Mrs. Adele by Ms. Carol Keith
Marse, Kristi Falgoust by Denis and Missy Granier, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vedros
Mayard, Mrs. Lawrence by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin
Mc Dade, Ms. Marian by Ms. Velma L. Kallam
McDonald, Sister Delia, O.P. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
McGehee, Mr. Britt by Mr. John F. Tanory
Meaux, Martha S. by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clyde Comeaux
Medvar, Mrs. Violet by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nugent
Medvar, Violet by Leon and Anne Minvielle
Melancon, Henry Lee “Pete” by Mrs. Dolores Deville
In Memory Of
Melebeck, Mr. Corey René by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Broussard
Migues, Mrs. Dorthy by Gary and Andy Delaune
Miller, Mr. Cameron Lee by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Unger
Miller, Mr. Ibra by Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Broussard
Miller, Mr. Terry by Mrs. Anne Regan
Miller, Mrs. Felicie by Patsy and Norris Rader
Mirabin, Mrs. Yvonne Pichon by Danna and Vito Asaro and Family
Mollere, Mr. Harold by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Monceaux, Catherine by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Montesano, Mr. Joseph John by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoppe
Montet, Ned by Harold and Velta Dartez
Moroux, Mrs. Laura Schoeffler by Mr. and Mrs. David R. Landgrave
Morris, Mr. Kent D., Sr. by Ms. Raye Beth O. Logsdon
Morvant, Sister Claudia, O. Carm. by Mr. Francis Arceneaux
Mouton, Conrad by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Mouton, Mr. Michael O’Neil by Mrs. Georgie S. Mouton, Mrs.
Michelle Greiger
Mouton, Ms. Romona Mae Abshire by Mr. Frank Arceneaux and
Terry Judice, Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
Mouton, Whitney, Lucile and family by Mrs. Ruth Buniva
Mueller, Father Charles R. by Mr. Robert S. Mueller
Munch, Mrs. Joy by Olando and Shelley Matus
Musso, Nathan A. by M. Bernadette Musso Landry
Nereaux, Mr. Ernest, Jr. by Mark and Tracy St. Upery
Newman, Mr. and Mrs. William P., Jr. by Bill and Diane Newman
O’Connor, Mr. Joseph Emmett by Fran and Marv Weekly
Ohlenforst, Mr. John by Mrs. Dorita Ohlenforst Comeaux
Ortis, Mr. Sid by Mrs. Marion Lochridge
Oubre, Mrs. Edith by Errol and Roe Ann Delahoussaye
Parsley, Mr. Archie Joseph by Ms. Bridget Mires
Pastor, Mr. Christopher by Mr. and Mrs. Nason Leger
Pavich, Mr. Nick by Mrs. Lynn Pavich
Pellegrin, Mrs. Billie Fae by John and Priscilla Battaglia
Piazza deceased family members by Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Pizzolatto, Mr. Anthony by Ms. Lora Deligans
Plattsmier, Mrs. Edna by Mr. Winn Plattsmier
Ponvelle-Falcon, Ms. Patty by Mrs. Vicki Hebert
Powell Family by Paula Powell
Prather, Mr. J.W. “Bootsie” by Ms. Alberta V. Winch
Prejean, Mary Lauren by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Choate and family
Prevost, Marie “Hazel” Thibodeaux by Bernice and Mary Ann
Breaux, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr., Rayne Garden Club
Pridgen, Miss Emmie Kate by Wayne and Cheryl Delcambre, Ms.
Nelwyn Hebert, Leon and Anne Minvielle, Jan and Bob Nugent
Ragusa, Mr. Michael Mrs. Joyce Coddou, Laury and Jan Dupont
Raymond, John “Vic”, Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Gossen, Sr.
Reaux, Mr. L. J. by Mrs. Clare W. Lutenbacher
Rebstock, Ruth by Jerome and Denise Olivier and family
Reed, Mr. Robert by David and Connie McManus
Renoudet, Mr. James “Jimmy” by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
Riecke, Mrs. Mona by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brinks, Jr.
Rigaud, Mrs. Dorothy by Ms. Madeline R. White
Ringeman, Mrs. Nancy by Mrs. Virginia Donner and family
Ritter, Kenneth, Jr. by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Rittiner, Perrin Patrick by Patricia and Rick DeVun
Robichaux, Dr. Richard “Dick” by Ms. Lora Deligans, Ted and
Alethia Martin, Mrs. Catherine Parmley
Robichaux, Earl by Nona Robichaux
Rodrigue, Mr. Todd by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Vedros
Rolfes, Dr. Leonard by Ms. Katherine J. Rolfes
Romig, Mr. Jerry by Sister Gwen Grillot, O.Carm. and Sister Ursula
Diasselliss, O. Carm., Mrs. Clare Lutenbacher, Mr. and Mrs. John
Ramoneda, Jr., Sisters of Mount Carmel
Rost, Mr. Davlon J. by Vicky Landry, Mr. Joseph Vallée
Rutherford, Mr. Harry by Mrs. Louise Rutherford
Sadlier, Claus, Jr. by Mrs. Eva Sadlier
Sadlier, Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Sr. by Mrs. Eva Sadlier
Sagrera, Ralph and Rowena by Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Sagrera
Sanchez, Mr. Blanchard by Peter and Barbara Strawitz
Scalisi, Mr. Marion Salvadore by Sister Judith Hebert, O. Carm.,
and Sisters Leah Sellers, O. Carm., Vicky Landry, Phyllis Penning,
Ms. Tamara Sas-Jaworsky, Mrs. Mary A. Scalisi, Mr. Joseph Valleé
Schippers, Kristine Zaunbrecher by Stella Z. Doucet, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gossen, Sr.
Schmolke, Colleen by Danna and Vito Asaro, Danna Valdin Asaro
Schneider, Mr. Scott August by Peter and Gail Lassalle
Schneider, Pat by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schneider
Schulze, Elaine Patin by Mrs. Sharon Cassiere
Schwartz Family by Paula Powell
Schwing, Mrs. Katherine “Kitty” Conrad by Ms. Nelwyn Hebert
Segreto, Mrs. Linda Smith by Mr. Mark Segreto
Segura, Mr. Chris A. by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frederick
Sellers, Lois by Ms. Jeanne deValcourt
Sellers, Ms. Lois Gaspard by Robert and Martha Sonnier, Mr.
Joseph Vallée
Shea, Mr. Steven P., Sr. by Harriet and Jerry Shea, Sr.
Shrable, Mrs. Sally by Mrs. Catherine Parmley
Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Lefiad by Mr. Roland Simon
Simon, Mrs. Clara by Ray and Pat Schneider
Simon, Mrs. Mandy by Yvonne and Nason Leger
Simoneaud, David by Mrs. Serena R. Musso
Simpson, Sister Hilary, O.P. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Sisson, Mr. by Mrs. Virginia Donner
Smith, Lily “Buggy” Emmer by Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Begley,
Mrs. Louise Cousin and family, Errol and Roe Ann Delahoussaye,
Jeanette M. Dietlein, Ms. Sally Ruth Hebert, Ms. Camille Jarrell,
Art and Carmen Merryman, Ms. Georgia Merryman, Mrs. Serena
R. Musso, Mrs. Mary M. Pesson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Viator
Smith, Mr. Charles by Ann M. Woodruff
Smith, Mrs. Audrey Vial by Mrs. Rosalie Holmes
Soileau, Mrs. Flora Marie Reed by Robert and Martha Sonnier,
Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
Sonnier, Mr. Vernice and family by Mrs. Velma Sonnier
Spaetgens, Anthony “Tony” by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Spellman, Mr. Elmo James by Danna, Vito, Quinn, and Hayley
Asaro, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lakey, Cheryl and L.J. Schilling
Stamp, Mrs. Billie Ann by Gifted Healthcare
Sternfels, Fritz and Lucille by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sternfels
Stier, Ernest Louis by Mr. and Mrs. John Ramoneda, Jr.
Strehle, Pearl by Sisters of Mount Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith
Strickland, Mrs. Letitia M. by Mrs. Ginger Reed
Suire, Mr. Luther “Coach” by Mr. Joseph Vallée
Sullivan, Dr. John by Gina Betancourt
In Memory Of
In Honor Of
Surban, Mr. Jimmy by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Augustine, Mr. Bennett by Sisters of Mount Carmel and Sister
Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm.
Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett by Sisters of Mount Carmel and
Sister Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm.
Tamporello, Mr. Angelo J. by Pam and Steve Meaux
Templet, Roland, Eunice, Lucille and R.A. by Mr. Lawrence
Texada, Mrs. Nancy Jo by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hightower, Jr.
Theodossiou, Mr. by Mr. Keith Cangelosi, MD
Theriot, Sidney by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gossen, Sr.
Theunissen, Mr. Brian Patrick by Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
Thomas, Mrs. Barbara “Bobbie” Webb by Mr. and Mrs. Ewell
Thomazin, Mr. Jon Colby by Mrs. Joyce Cambias, Mr. and Mrs.
John Ramoneda, Jr.
Thornton, Mrs. Pamelia by Ms. Emma Fox, Pat and Pete Pharr
Tonti, Ms. Carolyn D. by DeVun and Ruli Families
Toups, Mrs. Joy by Ms. Ruth Brown, Jerome and Denise Olivier and family, Mrs. Jeanie Viator
Toups, Mrs. Myrtle Rita by Frances L. Barrilleaux, Sister Paula
Marie Derise, O. Carm., Sister Thérèse Grégoire, O. Carm., Sister
Germaine Lauzon, O. Carm., Sisters of Mount Carmel, Sister Teresa
Margaret Toups, O. Carm.
Toups, Mrs. Peggy O. by Gary and Marcelle Labat, Ron and Nora
Trahan, Alton and Elodie by Mrs. Sandra Osburn
Trahan, Bernice by Ms. Deanne Colligan
Trahan, Eltes by Mrs. Verlon Trahan
Trahan, Mr. W. Paul “Bubba” by Jay and Diane Frederick
Trappey, Dolly by Sister Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Trosclair, Mrs. Laura Rotolo by Ms. Joan Vallee Rome
Tusa, Joe and Annie by Mrs. Laura Ramirez
Vallot, Andy by Mrs. Brenda Conrad Martin and family
Van Camp, Charles by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crock
Verdun, Mr. Alvin Peter by Mrs. Joy V. Voorhies
Vinson, Mr. Joseph D. by Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Galbraith, Mrs.
Clare Lutenbacher, Ms. Catherine Parmley
Wagner, Dr. Charles by Mrs. Josephine Wagner and Ms. Louise Levin
Waguespack, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie by Mrs. Barbara Garzotto
Waguespack, Mr. Everett, Jr. by Mrs. Dorothy Waguespack
Walley, Ms. Claire by Mr. and Mrs. David Landgrave
Warren, Mr. Doyle by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Deady
Weber, Barry by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Delord
Weber, Mrs. Wilner by Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lakey
Webre, Mrs. Florence by Mr. and Mrs. Kellis Buckland
Weeks, Barbara by Patsy and Norris Rader
Welty, Mr. Ronald August, Sr. by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cassreino
Wheelahan, Helen by Keith Wheelahan
Windham, Mrs. Marie Guidry by Mrs. Robin Coates Drewes
Wofford, Jeffrey T. by Mrs. Mary Lou Bodden, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Delaune, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Galbraith, Ms. Nelwyn Hebert, Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm.
Yaeger, Mr. Joe by Mrs. Jerry Chauffe
Yap, Dr. Jose by Mrs. Malou Guerrero-Lee
Young, Mrs. Dolores Cecile Gros by The Arkansas State Crime Laboratory, Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
Zehnder, Dr. Paul by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Badeaux and family, Al and Judy by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Barton, Mr. Jack by Ms. Lora Deligans
Baudoin, Brook by Daniel and Margaret Vincent
Bent, Joe by Ms. Lora Deligans
Bergeron and family, Phil and Iona by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Bindewald, Sister Andrée Marie, O. Carm. by Ms. Elizabeth Bindewald
Borchgrevink, Mrs. Jackie by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Boudreaux, Meta by Immaculate Conception Lay Carmelite Community
Boudreaux, Mr. George L., P.D. by Mr. Thomas Dutel
Broggi, Christen, Jake and Todd by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Broggi, Mrs. Kathleen R. by Sisters of Mount Carmel and Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse, O. Carm., Ron and Nora O'Connell
Broussard, Emma by Sisters of Mount Carmel and Sister Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm.
Broussard, Mr. and Mrs. Richard by Ms. Judy D. Carrier
Broussard, Ms. Lena by Mrs. Marlene A. Wall
Broussard, Sister Joan, O. Carm. by Ms. Anna Maria Lee
Bujard, Dr. Burt and Mrs. by Norris and Patsy Rader
Bulger, Mrs. Marcia by Sister Donna Girard, O. Carm.
Caballero and family, Donovan and Tammy by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Calbreath, Mr. Herbert by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Capitelli, Mr. Ralph by Mr. Thomas Dutel
Cappel, Caroline and Edmond by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Caro, Mr. John by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Cavell, Danny and Belinda by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Champagne, Teesa by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Code, Miss Ashley by Rosalie and Rob Lakey
Comeaux, Ms. Lilly Mae by Ms. Betty Perrodin
Cossé, Anna Maé by Mrs. Janet LéBlanc
Cramer, Sister Clare, O. Carm. by Court St. Leo CDA #2168, Roberts Cove
D’Anna, Marie by Mrs. Janet LeBlanc
Dampeer, Millie by Ms. Lora Deligans
deGravelle, Mr. and Mrs. Cam by Ms. Judy D. Carrier
Deimel, Mrs. Betty by Sisters of Mount Carmel and Sister Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm.
Del Toro family by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
DeRouen, Sister Bartholomew, O. Carm. by Ms. Barbara Epstein, Martha Jose, Ms. Anna Maria Lee
DiCarlo, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent by Ms. Rita and Ms. Mary Ann Guarino
Dombrowski, Mr. Jim by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Dupuis family by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Dupuis, Debbie and Jimmy by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm.
and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Durio, Janel by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura In Honor Of
Melancon, O. Carm.
Dwyer, Mr. Stephen I. by Mr. Thomas Dutel
E. D. White Catholic High School by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Ehret family by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Ellis, Janice by Patsy and Norris Rader
Falgoust, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse,
O. Carm.
Falterman, Mrs. Cindy by Patsy and Norris Rader
Farrelly, Sister Kathleen, O. Carm. by Mrs. Nanette Gholston
Freyou, Linda by Patsy Rader
Gaudet, Mrs. Connie Fields by Ms.Vicki Hebert
Giles, Robert G. by Ms. Ivy Nell Forstall
Gossen, Annette and Fred by Sister Angele M. Sadlier, O. Carm.
Goudeau, Morgan and Helen by Norris and Patsy Rader
Groby, Jake by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Guest, Carol and Bob by Pat and Pete Pharr
Habetz, Sister Lawrence, O. Carm. by Court St. Leo CDA #2168,
Roberts Cove, Ms. Anna Maria Lee, The Perfect Fit
Hannie, Evelyn by Mr. John Tanory
Hargrave, Alex by Donna and Larry Boullion
Haskins, Mr. Robert by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Breaux
Haydel and family, Dr. Gerald by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. Brett M. by Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Hebert
Hebert, Stephen and Denise by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse,
O. Carm.
Hoyer, Janet and Fred by Patsy and Norris Rader
Hudson, Bobby and Liz by John and Gloria Broussard and Family
Illige, Dr. Martha by Lorraine and Charles Schutte
Indest, Mrs. Joyce by Louise M. Cousin and family, Mrs. Cathy Voohies Indest
Jaubert, Mrs. Shirley by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Keeley, Mary Ruth by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Kern, Mr. Barry by Mr. Thomas Dutel
Labot, Marcelle by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Lafleur, Winnie by Nolan Lafleur
LaMarche family, The by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Lamere, Mrs. Patricia Blair by Mrs. Annette Blair
Laperouse family, The by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Laperouse, Ms. Angelle by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse,
O. Carm.
Laperouse, Sister Barbara Nell, O. Carm. by Bob and Kathleen Broggi, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cavell, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Schexnayder, Jr.
LaSalle, Nathaniel by Ray and Vickie Landry
Laurent, Vickie and Terry by Sister Angele M. Sadlier, O. Carm.
Lazaro, Mr. and Mrs. Glen by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brinks, Jr.
LeBlanc and Family, Richard and Lucille by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
LeBlanc, Cecile by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
LéBlanc, Stanley by Mrs. Janet LéBlanc
Lefort, Reverend Stephen by Sister Barbara Nell Laperouse,
O. Carm.
Leonard, Sister Lucie, O. Carm. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Leonard, Sisters Lucie and Anne, O. Carm. by Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Leonard
Lerner, Mrs. Karin by Sister Donna Girard, O. Carm.
Living Sisters who serve at Saint Joseph and Thibodaux General Hospitals by Drs. James and Ann Jackson
Lyons Family, Jason and Kayla by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Mallet, Msgr. Charles by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Marrione, Mrs. Cathy by Mrs. Catherine Parmley
Marsiglia, Mr. John V. by Mr. Thomas Dutel
Martin, Father Gill by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Martin, Mr. Larry by Mrs. Geri Martin
Martin, Sister Catherine O. Carm., by Mr. and Mrs. Carey Landry
Mason, Ms. Suzy by Mr. Thomas Dutel
Matthieu, Sandra by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
MCA Administration, Religion teachers and junior students by Sister Maria Sheila Undang, O. Carm.
McNamara, Sharon by Tim, Mary Kay, Bo and Ben Molbert
Melancon, Mrs. Laura by Rosalie and Rob Lakey
Meyer, Father Leo by Sister Lawrence Habetz, O. Carm. and Sisters of Mount Carmel
Meyer, Sue and Tom by Sister Angele M. Sadlier, O. Carm.
Mire, Sister Evelyn, O. Carm. by Ms. Anna Maria Lee
Moreau, Mr. Melvin Jr. by Clyde and Myrtle Comeaux
Moscetti and family, Louis and Shelly by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Mount Carmel Community, Marrero, LA by Ms. Meta Boudreaux, T.O.C.
Olsen, Aimee Chiasson by Mr. Gary J. Chiasson
Olson, Mrs. Carol by Sister Donna Girard, O. Carm.
Pesce, Mrs. Janet by Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lakey
Pharr, Chelette and Mike and family by Pat and Pete Pharr
Reed, Mrs. Jean and Family by David and Connie McManus
Rhodes, Clodora Romero by Mrs. Errol RoMo Romero
Richard, Mr. Larry by Patsy and Norris Rader
Riggs, Sister Catherine O. Carm. by Terri Robinson
Roberts, Ms. Nell by Mrs. Annie Guidry
Rodrigue, Sister Denis, O. Carm. by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Cavell, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schexnayder, Jr.
Romero, Shane and wife and family by Mrs. Errol RoMo Romero
Sadlier, Mrs. Eva by Sister Angele M. Sadlier, O. Carm.
Safford, Sister Margaret, O. Carm. by Mrs. Lou Begnaud
Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Saint John Vianney Center by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Savoie, Master John Harris by Mr. Clarence J. Savoie
In Honor Of
News of Note
Schwab, Mr. Tracy by Ms. Lora Deligans
Sciortino, Georgette and Dominick by Sister Angele M. Sadlier, O. Carm.
Segura, Sister Ann Carmel, O. Carm. by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Sisters Joan and Rose Marie by Carol Gros
Sisters of the Phillipine Missions by Third Order Lay Carmelites #1915
Smietana, Jean by Patsy Rader
Sonnier, Charles R. and Mary Ellen by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Steinhert, Mrs. Norma by Mr. Donald Gossen
Surrat, Josette by Sisters Kathleen Farrelly, O. Carm. and Laura Melancon, O. Carm.
Sutton Family by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Tanory, Jasmine Hannie by John F. Tanory
Tanory, Sean by John F. Tanory
Tapia, Rolando M. by Leonardo and Nina Tapia
Tauzin, Brian and Allyson by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Terrebonne, Ms. Loredia by Brenda Guidry
Toups, Mr. Alvin Toups by Sister Teresa Margeret Toups,
O. Carm.
Trahan, Mr. Stephen by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Trahan, Mr. Steven T. by Mr. Joseph G. Vallée
Trahan, Mrs. Pat by Ms. Libby Mouton
Sister Barbara Breaud was the presenter at the Congregation Assembly February 20 at the Carmelite
Spirituality Center. The theme was “Congregation
Leadership.” Photo courtesy of Sister Maria Sheila Undang.
Veillon and family, Wayne and Connie by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Vives, Sister Vera, O. Carm. by Mr. and Mrs. Jules Vicknair
Voorhies, Judd by Faculty and Staff Cathedral-Carmel School
Waguespack and family, Mrs. Edwina by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
White, Yvonne by Sisters of Mount Carmel
Wookring and Family, Kelly and Tracey by Bob and Kathleen Broggi
Zeik family, The by Jimmy and Debbie Dupuis
Bread for the World New Orleans sponsored its 35th
Annual Walk for the Hungry on Saturday, February
27, 2016. Participants are pictured walking down St.
Charles Avenue in New Orleans. Photo courtesy of Sister
Jane Remson.
On behalf of the Sisters of Mount Carmel, we
would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to
all our families, friends, and benefactors who
continually support and believe in the Mission
and the Charism of the Sisters of Mount Carmel.
Sister Alice Abate addressed the Mount Carmel Academy freshmen about religious life on Career Day,
March 9. Photo courtesy of Sister Maria Sheila Undang.
News of Note
Mount Carmel Elementary in Abbeville, LA., held
a 'Beignet Boogie' 5K race on Sunday, January 31,
2016. Pictured above is a family approaching the
finish line. Photo courtesy of Sister Alice Abate.
Mount Carmel Elementary students join their
grandparents in singing the Star Spangled Banner at
the beginning of Grandparents Day during Catholic
Schools Week, January 31 - February 6, 2016. Photo
courtesy of Sister Alice Abate.
Pictured left: Catherine Miller, Development Director, Sister Janet LeBlanc, President, and Mrs. Jackie Trahan, principal of Mount Carmel Elementary,
launch the capital campaign, having raised $500,897
by March 8. Photo courtesy of Sister Maria Sheila Undang.
Sister Gwen Grillot, pictured with students of Cub
Corner at their St. Joseph’s Altar, March 18. Photo
courtesy of Sister Alice Abate.
Mrs. Darlene Hernandez, AKA "Cowgirl Cassie," is
pictured at Cub Corner Preschool in New Orleans,
LA. Cowgirl Cassie teaches religion each Thursday to
the three-year-old class. She includes the seasons of
the Church year and stresses how much Jesus loves
them, their family and friends. Photo courtesy of Sister
Alice Abate.
News of Note
Through the donations of the Mount Carmel Elementary, Abbeville, LA students, faculty and friends this past
Christmas, the sisters in Timor-Leste prepared 800 packs of gifts for children ages 5 to 10 years old. Children
from the four villages of Beilaco, Raemae, Haricain, and Oebaba received a gift with cookies, chocolates,
lollipops and a bottle of orange juice. Along with their gifts of goodies each child was given a raffle ticket
with prizes of either school supplies, like school bags, while others received shirts. The children were happy
to receive Christmas cards as well. The sisters also prepared games for the children for their Christmas party.
Photo courtesy of Sister Mailyn Batocabe.
The sisters in Timor-Leste blessed the extension of the convent in Beilaco on New Year’s Day. They now have a larger
chapel, a classroom/study for the aspirants and the postulants, a classroom for the children, a guest room, a women’s
formation room, and an office. The women’s group now have
a place to do their tais-making as well as a place for training
and educational programs. Photo courtesy of Sister Mailyn Batocabe.
Let us welcome our seven lived-in aspirants in TimorLeste. Their lived-in aspirancy program started on January
3, 2016. The aspirants will take an English course in Dili
and visit their families in the months of April and May.
Back from left: Luisa de Jesus, Natalia dos Reis, and Ivonia
Maia. Front from left: Margarita Soares, Joaquina Soares,
Anita Lopes, and Amelia dos Santos.
Photo courtesy of Sister Mailyn Batocabe.
Pictured right: Postulant Marciana Soares from Timor-Leste will move to the
Philippines on April 18 to begin another
year of postulancy.
News of Note
The Sisters of Mount Carmel in the Philippines blessed the addition to the Sisters of Mount Carmel Catholic
School (SMCCS) three story school building. Students, parents, teachers, and sisters gathered for the occasion.
The additional facilities of SMCCS will help enhance the learning process of the students to provide them a
good foundation in their education. Located in Fairview, Quezon City, the school offers K-12 Catholic Education. Photo courtesy of Sister Gloria Ibalio.
Sister Elsie Villason, O.Carm.,
and the sisters in the Philippines, together with the teachers
and students from the Sisters of
Mount Carmel Catholic School
in Fairview, Quezon City, hosted a Christmas party for the children and families from Carmel
Village, Bagong Silangan, Quezon City. Teachers from SMCCS
donated goods that they gave
to the parents of the children in
the village. The students from
SMCCS also donated toys and
school supplies for the children. The children from the village displayed their talents in singing and dancing.
The children from this urban poor area were able to celebrate Christmas with joy in their hearts knowing there
are good and generous people who care for them. Photo courtesy of Sister Elsie Villason.
In the Phillippines, Nahedra Acla, will begin her second year novitiate. Sisters Anastacia Lima and Rosita
Dos Santos will begin canoncial novitiate. Sisters Glaiza Granaderos, Cristilyn Rubio, Elsie Villason, and
Juliet Naga will renew vows in May.
Contemplatives in Action
Stephanie R. Johnson
Sr. Lawrence Habetz, O Carm.
Sr. Alice Abate, O. Carm.
Sr. Gwen Monahan, O. Carm.
Sr. Catherine Martin, O. Carm.
Sister Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, O. Carm.
Sister Kathy Farrelly, O. Carm.
Kathleen Richardville, TOC
Sister Thérèse Gregoire, O. Carm.
Sister Germaine Lauzon, O. Carm.
Published triannually for our friends and benefactors.
The Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a community whose
prophetic call moves the sisters to be in active ministries that help bring
about a more peaceful, just and loving world. They are nourished by
contemplative prayer, community and devotion to Mary, a woman of
simplicity and faith.
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Share the vision; be a Contemplative in Action
If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning more about religious life as a Sister of Mount Carmel,
please contact: Sister Alice Abate, 420 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70124 - 2541 / 504-524-2398
E-mail: [email protected]
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
P.O. Box 476
Lacombe, Louisiana 70445-0476
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