GTM Libra - Main build manual
GTM Libra - Main build manual
SECTION TITLE 1. Bonnet and Boot fixings 2. Carpets and interior fittings 3. Exterior Panels 4. Engine 5. Front and Rear suspension 6. Battery, Heater, Radiator and Petrol tank 7. Lights 8. Windscreen and Wipers 9. Electronics and wiring 10. Pedal Box and Gear change 11. Exhaust 12. Setting up your GTM for the road 13. Notes, Supplements and Templates © GTM CARS LTD. 0.1 BOOT AND BONNET FITTINGS BEAM END COVERS……………………………………………1.2 BONNET AND FRONT SPLITTER MOULD…………………..1.2 Assembly…………………………………………....1.2 BONNET SPLITTER……………………………………………..1.3 BOOT, BOOTLOCK AND HINGES……………………………1.4 Assembly…………………………………………...1.4 SPARE WHEEL MOULD AND SPARE WHEEL………………...1.6 Assembly…………………………………………...1.6 © GTM CARS LTD. 1.1 BEAM END COVERS Beam end covers are used at the rear of the sills to cover the mountings for the rearward facing wishbones. These covers are non structural. Beam End Covers Assembly Drill two clearance holes Ø7mm through the two ends of the rebated face of the beam end covers. Place the covers onto the ends of the sills and mark the position of the holes previously drilled. Drill out these marks with a tapping side drill for the self tapping screw. Attach the covers with two self tapping screws. BONNET AND FRONT SPLITTER MOULD The bonnet of the Libra pivots forward to allow access to the radiator fan, battery and spare wheel. When it is shut it is fixed in position by five fasteners. These fasteners hold the bonnet rigidly to the tub and prevent any movement. A front splitter mould is fitted to the front edge of the bonnet in front of the radiator. Bonnet and front splitter mould assembly This assembly should be undertaken with the radiator ducting T0107 attached to monocoque T0100. Drill two pilot holes from the inside of the radiator ducting T0107 in the positions shown in the bottom front corners of the ducting. From the outside of the radiator ducting now open these holes up with a hole saw to approximately 20mm. Use pivot holder T0609 as a template and work from the outside of the moulding. Drill two Ø6mm holes through the pivot holder into the moulding with the boss of the pivot holder through the previously drilled Ø20mm clearance hole. The pivot holder should be positioned with the base of the triangle parallel to the base of the radiator ducting and the hypotenuse facing the driver or passenger. Now open these four holes up to approximately Ø15mm with a hole saw. Working from the outside of the radiator ducting push two 6mm Nyloc nuts and washers through the retaining plate T0608 and attach pivot holder T0609. This assembly should now give a certain amount of adjustment up and down, forwards and backwards and can be nipped up prior to fitting the bonnet. Attach the three Spiro clip plates T0602 to the monocoque using 15mm long, No 8 self tapping screws. At this stage do not insert any packing washers between the Spiro clip plate and monocoque. Consult drawings No 19&21 © GTM CARS LTD. 1.2 and attach the two sill mounting brackets T0613 to the top of the sills using four 15mm long No 8 self tapping screws. The positions for all these mountings are indicated on the monocoque by small indentations. Fit five fairing ‘U’ nuts T0615 to the brackets previously mounted to the monocoque. In the bonnet, mark and pilot drill two holes for the fitting of the pivot bushes T0611. Drill Ø13mm and fit the two bushes. The bonnet can now be placed over the radiator ducting and two pivot pins T0610 inserted from within the ducting. Insert two ‘R’ clips through the hole of the pivot holder T0609 and pin T0610. The position of the bonnet pins can now be adjusted by loosening the four Ø6mm Nyloc nuts on the inside of the radiator ducting. Adjust the bottom edge of the bonnet so that it is level with the bottom edge of the ducting. The forwards and backward position of the bonnet can be determined by where the bonnet fits on top of the sill. Once you are certain you have these in the correct relative positions tighten the four Ø6mm lock nuts from within the radiator ducting. Pilot drill the five holes necessary for the fairing fasteners T0600 and open out to Ø6mm clearance. The fairing fasteners can now be used and the position of the fairing mounting brackets finally adjusted. Bonnet splitter The front splitter mould is held in place by two bighead fasteners TO648 and two No 8 self tapping screws. Within the centre of the rebate for the splitter mould mark two hole positions 200mm from the centre of the car. Drill these holes to Ø6mm. Place the splitter mould in its position and mark through the Ø6mm holes already drilled onto the back face of the splitter mould. Bond two bighead fasteners TO648 to the inner face of the splitter mould in the positions you have just marked using body filler. Slot the Ø6mm holes drilled in the bonnet to enable the top hat studs to go through easily and bolt up on the rear face. Out of sight of the front of the car drill through and mount the bottom corner with No 8 self tapping screws. © GTM CARS LTD. 1.2 BOOT, BOOTLOCK AND HINGES The Libra has a good size boot located at the back of the car above the exhaust system. This boot has an external lid to allow easy access. The boot is lockable from the outside and has its own hinging and support stay mechanism. The boot is large enough to accept a full size set of golf clubs. Boot, Boot lock and Hinge assembly Refer to drawing No 20. The boot hinge mountings TO643 are mounted to the rear panel TO102 on the small rectangular faces in the rear quarters of the rear screen. The rear screen needs to be removed before the boot can be fitted. From the inside of the rear screen aperture mark the four Ø6mm clearance slots as indicated on the drawing. Use the boot hinge mounting bike back plate TO644 as an accurate guide to the centre positions. The slots will be covered by this component when the boot is finally assembled. Take the boot lid TO103 and turn it upside down on some suitable clean and protective surface. Mark the position of the four boot hinge location holes on the outside surface of the inner strengthening frames as shown on the diagram. Use boot hinge backing plate TO641 as an accurate guide to the centre position and slot the holes Ø6mm clearance to give yourself sufficient room to adjust the boot panel when assembled. Mount the two boot hinges to the strengthening frame using four Ø6mm socket cap screws and washers with the backing plates on the inside of the box. By loosening the screws the boot hinges should slide for adjustment against the outside face of the strengthening boxes. Referring to the diagram showing the view from within the boot mount the two boot hinge mountings TO643 to the boot hinges TO640 using the boot hinge pivot pins TO642. Note that the boot hinge mountings when attached to the rear panel make sure the pivot pins are located as close as possible to the top surface of the rear panel. The pivot pins require a small amount of grease to make them work satisfactorily. Fit the boot panel to the car. Holding the boot panel open, position the boot hinge mounting with one hand and attach the boot hinge mounting to the rear panel using the boot hinge mounting backing plate and four Ø6 x 25mm long socket cap screws and washers. You may require the assistance of another person to hold the boot open while undertaking this operation. The boot can now be opened and closed. It can also be adjusted to give an equal gap around the boot aperture and to line up the panels with the outside surfaces. Take your time doing this operation, as it is extremely important for the use of the car that the panel opens and closes without difficulty. © GTM CARS LTD. 1.3 Mount the boot stay slider TO645 to the vertical surface of the rear boot panel inside the boot in the position indicated on the view from within the boot. Use the slider as a template to locate the hole positions and drill Ø6mm clearance holes. Mount the slider to the boot panel using two 20 x Ø6mm socket cap screws, washers and Nyloc nuts. Fit the boot stay rod TO646 to the hole in the bottom corner of the boot hinge and to the boot stay slider using the spring fixings TO647. Do not grease this slider as in operation it is necessary to touch the slider to lock the boot in the open position. By lifting the boot slightly the slider should unlock automatically. Adjust the height of the boot stay slider to obtain the maximum boot lid opening without the boot lid top corners hitting the rear Perspex screen. Mount the boot latch TO652 to the outside surface of the boot panel under the position for the number plate in the position shown on the diagram. Use the latch to determine the position of the holes required. Drill or hole saw Ø20mm hole in the corner of the rebate in the boot lid for the boot latch as shown on the diagram. This is to allow the operating rod to pass through it towards the position. Mark the centre of the key position on the left-hand side on the boot lid within the recess on the mouldings. Hole saw an Ø25mm hole. File the two anti rotation notches in this hole. Due to the increased thickness of the glass fibre body compared to the steel body, the notches in the K Series Rover Metro lock have to be wider to enable the retaining clip to work satisfactorily. Mount the lock in a vice and carefully saw the door lock barrel to increase the width of the notches to approximately 4-5 mm. The lock can now be assembled to the boot using the standard Rover Metro retaining spring. Mount the boot latch to the boot lid using two Ø6 x 20mm long socket cap screws, 4 large washers and 2 Nyloc nuts. Take approximately 200mm of the door rod wire TO523 and form a 10mm long right angle bit at one end. Feed the other end of the wire through the boot latch and through the hole in the moulding, towards the lock on the left-hand side of the boot. With the boot lock operating lever in the vertical position, mark the position on the wire and cut and form a right angle bend. Connect the rod to the lock and using the boot striker manually into the boot latch, check that the latch and team mechanism operates correctly and freely. Mount the boot striker TO653 to the rear panel as shown on the diagram using two Ø6 x 20mm long socket caps, screws, washers and Nyloc nuts. © GTM CARS LTD. 1.4 Fit the boot rubber seal TO655 to the boot aperture finishing the seal at a position approximately 200mm either side of the position of the boot striker. The boot can now be finally adjusted and fitted by adjusting the hinge positions and the position of the boot striker in the boot lid. Spend some time getting it to work perfectly so that it will not catch when in operation. Grease the latch sparingly. SPARE WHEEL MOULD AND SPARE WHEEL The Libra utilises a full size spare wheel mounted in the front compartment of the Libra. The wheel is mounted in the engine ducting above the battery. The area inside the spare wheel is used to hold the jack tools for the Libra and forms the battery box lid. Spare Wheel mould and Spare Wheel assembly There are two 6mm studs captivated into the top of the battery mounting and these studs coincide with indentations marked on the spare wheel mould. Drill out these indentations with a Ø6mm clearance hole and place the spare wheel mould over the top of the battery mounting. The spare wheel mould holds the battery in place and gives you space for a few tools. It is held in place by two Ø6mm thumb screws. © GTM CARS LTD. 1.5 CARPETS AND INTERIOR FITTINGS CARPETS........................................................................2.2 Carpets assembly…………………………......2.2 DASHBOARD COVER………………………………………2.3 DASHBOARD TOP AND DEMISTER VENTS……………2.4 PART TRIM PANELS OPTION ASSEMBLY……………..2.4 SEATS AND RUNNERS…………………………………….2.6 Assembly........................................................2.6 SEAT BELTS…………………………………………………2.7 SEPARATE INSTRUMENT OPTION……………………...2.8 SOFT TRIM…………………………………………………..2.10 HARD TRIM PANELS (STANDARD KIT)………………..2.11 INSTRUMENT TRIM………………………………………...2.11 TRIMMING HARD PANELS………………………………..2.12 © GTM CARS LTD. 1.6 CARPETS The GTM Libra comes with a comprehensive carpet pack ready cut and bound. It comprises of seventeen individual carpet pieces. The seventeenth being in the boot. By referring to drawing No 30, it should be possible to identify the carpet patterns and fit them loosely into your car to see which areas are covered by the carpet set. At this stage do not glue the carpets in place as it is preferable to fit the soft trimming to the top of the monocoque or the optional hard trim panels before fitting the carpet set. This is to ensure any glue that falls from the top will not ruin the carpets. Once the carpet set has been loosely fitted it should be clear the area that has to be trimmed by the soft trim material. The inner doors and the dashboard are covered by hard trim panels provided within the standard kit. Carpets assembly All the carpets within the monocoque are glued directly to the glass fibre surface and therefore before you start fitting the carpets make sure that there are not any sharp areas protruding into the monocoque. Where holes are cut or trimmed to allow access into the monocoque for example seat belt mountings or rear suspension hangers, it is best if they are covered with either aluminium or hardboard glued over the hole to form a flat surface for the carpets to be glued to. Covering the holes also prevents any noise transmitting through into the monocoque. A convenient way of dealing with the seat belt mountings that are covered by the carpet is to captivate the seat belt mounts on the reverse surface by taking the seat belt mounting out and roughing up the mating surface with production paper. Put a small amount of body filler on it so that when you tighten up the seat belt mounting bolt it effectively captivates the seat belt mounting plates. This means that when you are fitting your carpets you only have to drill a hole in the carpets and then fit the seat belt mounts, preventing having to trim the carpets around the seat belt mountings. The carpets are glued directly to the glass fibre surface using a contact adhesive. Carefully follow the instructions on the container when fitting the carpets. Fit carpets one and two over the lower front wishbone mountings. It will be necessary to cut these (and fold flanges). Do not attempt to fit these immediately, dry fit the carpets over the area to be covered before putting any glue in place. Glue the carpets into position. Carpet pieces three and four run from the box sections previously covered and over the box section that comes down from the dashboard to the sills. Where the carpet pieces meet the sill, it is necessary to cut the carpet to allow it to be glued over the top of the sill section. This is to ensure that when © GTM CARS LTD. 2.1 carpet five and six go over it the sill cannot be seen at the join. Where the carpet piece comes up to the door shut face take the carpet to the face and along the shut where the sealing rubber fits over and slightly over the top. This ensures that when you fit the sealing rubber to the door shut face it does not push off the carpet. Trim the carpet at this point so that you do not get an excessive amount of carpet thus preventing the sealing rubber fitting correctly. Fit carpet piece ten over the tunnel. The front edge will have to be cut in two places to allow the front of the tunnel carpet piece to fold over the toe board. Holding the carpet piece in place, fold the carpet down the sides of the tunnel and mark where the carpet piece goes over the box section that holds the front of the seat runner. Now carefully cut two slits in the carpet so that the carpet folds over the top of the box section and down the sides. Cut the hole for the gear change using the hole in the tunnel as a template. Glue this carpet into place now but do not glue the flaps over the floor plan at this stage as it is more convenient to do this when you fit carpet pieces nine and twelve over the seat box sections. Fit carpet pieces five and six to the sill box sections. Dry fit the carpet pieces and glue the carpet to the top face of the sill. This will hold the carpet while you mark and cut it to fit. Cut the door seal piece in the same manner as you cut the seal on carpet pieces three and four. Cut the carpet where it fits over the seat box section in a similar manner to the tunnel section carpet piece. Now fully glue the carpet along the vertical face of the sill but do not glue the bottom flanges that go onto the floor. Fit carpet pieces nine and twelve over the seat box sections on top of the flanges that are formed over the seat box section down the small vertical faces and under the flanges formed on the floor section. You can now fully glue the flanges from the door sills and the tunnel on to the floor. Fit carpet piece eight over the petrol tank moulding and trim to suit. Note here that the handbrake cover T0126 will neaten up the carpet round that area and that on the hard trim option the parcel shelf front edge will neaten up the top edge of this carpet. Fit carpet piece eleven to the front toe plate. Now finally glue in carpet pieces thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen in place. DASHBOARD COVER The dashboard cover mounts to the top of the dashboard using black flanged self-tapping screws No 8 20mm long. Drill out the holes in the dashboard cover T0118 with an Ø5mm drill. Place the dashboard cover on top of the dashboard and drill through the previously drilled holes with an Ø3.5mm drill. The dashboard cover can now be attached to the dashboard using No 8 self tapping screws. Check all the clearances and fits are to your satisfaction and then the panel is ready to be removed and trimmed. © GTM CARS LTD. 2.3 DASHBOARD TOP AND DEMISTER VENTS The dashboard top and demister vent assembly is the same for the Rover Metro standard instrument pack and the optional individual instrument pack. The dashboard top should be the last component fitted to the interior of the car. This assumes the instruments, fresh air vents and the plenum chamber are all in place. Prepare the dashboard top mould by cutting 3 holes, Ø3" into the recess provided and push through the fresh air vents T0696. The fresh air tubes and the plastic ‘Y’ piece should be assembled and fitted to the heater as shown in the drawing. The fresh air pipes need to be fed into roughly the right position to locate to the base of the air vents when the dashboard top is fitted. Once the pipes are in position, the dashboard top with air vents should be placed over the top of the instruments and located into position. By lifting the front edge of the dashboard top you should be able to reach through and locate the tubes into the base of the air vents. The dashboard top can then be pushed into place and screwed securely through the locators marked in the mould. PART TRIM PANELS OPTION The hard trim panel option kit provides the builder with the opportunity of hard trimming all those panels that in the standard kit are soft trimmed by the direct application of trim material to the inner surface of the monocoque. The hard trim panels are made so that they can be trimmed away from the car and then screwed to the inner face of the monocoque. All the trim panels are secured in position by No 8 self tapping screws and these are provided within the hard trim pack option in the fastener pack T1701. The hard trim panels must be fitted to the car and adjusted to get the correct gaps prior to any trim material glued to them. Time spent in getting the clearances and fits right will be well rewarded once the trim material is glued to the trim panels. Start by fitting the drivers and passengers side screen pillars to the monocoque. The edge that goes round the front screen goes round the monocoque and up to the glass when fitted. The top corners of the screen where the trim panel comes around to meet the roof panel will have to be carefully trimmed back to get a flush fit with the roof panel. Do not remove too much of the rebate where the screen glues in. Drill the screen pillar panel screw holes with an Ø5mm clearance drill. Holding the panels in the position required, drill through the Ø5mm hole with an Ø3.5mm drill into the monocoque. A selection of screws are included within the fastener pack to enable you to select the correct length of screw required for the particular application. Now screw the panel through the composite roll cage to hold in the desired position. Note that it is not designed so that you tighten up the screws fully to pull the panel home against the roll cage but that you tighten the screws to a point where the inner panel is held securely and in the right © GTM CARS LTD. 2.3 place. The desired position will be easily seen once you tighten up the panel. It is a good idea at this stage to fit the dash top into position and make any adjustments you require to the clearances between the screen pillars and the dash top to equalise the gap. Remember that trim material is going to fit around the dash top and onto the screen pillars and therefore a clearance is essential. A clearance in the order of Ø3mm is ideal. With the screen pillars left in place, fit the roof section. The roof section fits in a similar manner to the screen pillars and is attached through the self tapping screws into the monocoque. Do not over tighten the turn knobs as they are not meant to pull the roof section tight against the monocoque. Leaving the roof panel in place, hold up the rear window surround. The rear window surround is designed so that the panel fits up flush against the rear window when fitted. It will be necessary to trim the rebate which holds the rear window to allow the roof panel to fit through the aperture. Do not over trim the aperture as a certain amount of rebate is required to glue the rear screen in place. Holding the rear panel in place, mark the position of the bottom securing screws through the panel onto the rear face of the monocoque. Cut a piece of half inch ply or similar wood and secure this to the rear panel with body filler. This ply is to enable you to screw through and secure the rear window surround to the monocoque. It also provides a spacer so that sound proofing material can be glued to the monocoque prior to fitting the rear window surround. With the rear window surround in place, fit the B post side panels to the car. The side panels have to be packed out from the monocoque at the rear quarters so that they meet up with the rear window surround panel. Pack out with any suitable wood until you get a nice clearance between the rear window surround and the side panel. The wood can be attached to the monocoque with body filler and of course not seen once the trim panels are in place. Body filler a suitable piece of wood into the top of the B posts to accept the fixing screws at the top of the trim panel. Note these fixing plates do not have to be flush with the panel, purely sufficient thickness to allow the attaching screws to have sufficient threads in them to hold the side panel. Where the seat belt mounting has to go through the side panels drill a small Ø10mm hole to enable you to see the exact position of the seat belt mounting through the hole. Open out this hole to the correct position to approximately Ø25mm. Go carefully here as it is easy to get the hole in the wrong place. Take the drivers side B post panel off and fit the petrol neck cover over the petrol neck. Replace the driver’s side B post panel and adjust the petrol neck cover to get the appropriate gaps. Secure the petrol neck cover panel to the monocoque drilling through the top panel of the rear box section. Once you are satisfied with all the clips remove the hard trim panel and these are now ready to be trimmed with your chosen material. © GTM CARS LTD. 2.4 SEATS AND RUNNERS The Libra utilises the two front seats and runners from a K Series Rover Metro. A beam runs across the car at an appropriate point between the sill and the tunnel on both sides, on which the front edge of the seat runners mount. The rear edge of the seat runner mounts directly through the strengthened floor of the rear. Most after market seats will fit as there is considerable room in the Libra. GTM also supplies alternative accessory seats. Seats and Runners assembly. Whichever seat you choose to use, the runners at the front need to be secured into the box section that runs across the car from the outside sill to the tunnel and the rear secured to the floor behind this section. When securing the front of the runners to the box section, drill through the top of the box section and straight through the bottom. Open out the bottom hole with a Ø25mm hole saw. Bolt up the runner to the top of the box section and not both surfaces. The floor of the Libra is strengthened to take the weight of the seat runners but it is a good idea to spread the load as far as possible. When fitting, special GTM seat mounts are available from the factory to enable you to put the seat at any angle and height you should desire. These special mounts run across the floor so as to strengthen the mounting. © GTM CARS LTD. 2.5 SEAT BELTS The Libra utilises the front seat belts from a K Series Rover Metro. The belts mount to special reinforced areas within the monocoque. Seat belts assembly The front seat belts of the K Series Rover Metro are handed. It is therefore important that you use the driver’s side out of the Metro on the driver’s side of the Libra. It is easy to tell which side is which by starting the assembly from the outside bottom mounting. The mounting is made on the K Series Rover with a loop of the seat belt that slides along a bar, which is attached to the car. This bar is retained on the Libra and fits as shown in drawing No 28. Start by drilling the Ø13mm clearance hole in which the joggle part of the bar will fit. Due to the angles involved it is easiest to put a small pilot drill through the position first and then follow through with a Ø3mm drill. A certain amount of filing will be necessary to enable the bar to fit through the sill. Fit the bar through the sill and using the bar as a template, drill the front hole Ø25mm clearance, 50mm from the floor of the car. Hole saw approximately an Ø60mm hole in the sill to enable you to fit the seat belt mounting plate T0630 behind the sill to locate the seat belt rod. Repeat the procedure for the other side of the car. Now fit the inertia reels to the bottom corners of the rear box in the position shown on the diagram. Before fitting the inertia reels it is necessary to drill out the threads from the inertia reel fixings to a clearance hole to enable the inertia reel to be fitted from the inside of the car. Be extremely careful when drilling out the threads of the inertia reel mountings as it is very easy for the drill to snatch. Mount the inertia reel with a seat belt mounting plate T0630 behind the back box. Access is obtained through the hole already cut in the back box. Repeat the operation for the other side. On the standard Rover Metro the center lower positions of the seat belt mountings are joined onto one bracket. On the Libra this bracket is not used and it is necessary to remove the separate part of the mounting from the bracket by angle grinding or filing the outside face of the rivet. The brackets are attached in the position shown on the drawing with a special bush T0631 between the bracket and the tunnel. Drill a clearance hole in the position shown on the drawing and working with an assistant hold the seat belt mounting bracket T0630 on the inside of the tunnel tightening the bolt from the inside of the car. The top seat belt mounting is mounted as in the K Series Rover Metro to the bush already located in the monocoque in the side quarter panel. Use the special bush T0632 to space the standard mounting away from the monocoque so that it protrudes through the trim panel. You need a special bolt 50mm long and 7/16 UNF in this position and not the standard top mounting bolt. © GTM CARS LTD. 2.6 SEPARATE INSTRUMENT OPTION In standard form the Libra utilises the standard K Series Rover Metro instrument pack and switchgear for the heater and rear fog light switch. When using the separate instrument option it is necessary to use special cables to operate the heater unit and switches for the heater fan and rear fog light. The separate instruments themselves have been specially designed for the Libra and fit to a binnacle designed for the purpose. The standard Rover Metro K Series dashboard wiring loom is replaced in its entirety with a special loom manufactured by GTM for the instrument option. All of the components necessary to fit the instrument option are provided in the pack by GTM Cars Ltd. Listed below are all the components provided within the instrument option kit. T1710 Moulding separate instrument binnacle. T1711 Moulding separate instrument – top. T1712 Separate instruments and warning lights. T1713 Switch – rear fog. T1714 Switch – cooling fan. T1715 Bezel plates - instruments. T1717 Bezel plates – switches. T1718 Bezel plates – heater control T1721 Heater control sliders. T1722 Wiring loom – separate instruments. T1723 Electronic Speedo sender. T1724 Fastener pack – separate instruments. Consult drawing No 22. Start the assembly by fitting the separate instruments and warning lights T1712 into the instrument binnacle moulding T1710. The separate instrument binnacle has marks on it to indicate the position of the instruments. Cut out these holes using any suitable method. Hold the bezel plate instruments T1715 up against the instrument binnacle and using the bezel as a template mark and cut out any mismatches in the holes. Put the two end instruments in as locators and mark up the positions on the instrument binnacle for the four warning lights. Measure the diameter required for the warning lights from the lights provided and drill out the warning light holes in the instrument binnacle. It may be necessary to open out the warning light holes in the bezel plate for the instruments depending on which warning lights have been provided within the kit. All the instruments and warning lights can now be mounted through the bezel plate and through the binnacle and secured using the clamps provided. Fix the switch bezel plate T1717 to the dashboard using four No 8 Posi drive self tapping screws drilling the dashboard first with a Ø3.5mm drill. Mark the two right hand squares with a scriber onto the dashboard for the holes to take the heater fan and rear fog light switches. Remove the bezel plate and cut out the squares. By cutting out slightly larger than the scribe square you will find that the switches latch better to the bezel plate. Remount the bezel plate to the dashboard with the four screws. The fog light switch T1713 can now be pushed in to the far right hole and the © GTM CARS LTD. 2.7 cooling fan switch T1714 placed in the other hole. Cut a hole in the driver’s door pillar as shown in the drawing at the end of this manual to accept bezel plate T1715. Keep this hole to a minimum so as not to reduce the strength of the box section. Drill these holes using a Ø3.5mm drill and attach the plate using 6 black No 8 posi drive screws 12mm long. Following the drawing cut the hole on the top of the dashboard to allow the cables to run through from the box section into the dashboard. Remove the heater control bezel plate from the box section and fit the heater control sliders T1721 to the bezel plate using 2 black No 8 posi drive 12mm long self tapping screws. It is difficult to machine bend the 45 degree bend at the bottom of the bezel plate and therefore it may be necessary to sharpen this bend in a vice so that you get a good fit with the sliders. Once the sliders are fitted remove any of the bottom tails that protrude over the edge of the bezel plate in order to neaten the assembly. The bezel plate can now be fitted to the box section with the cable coming up through the hole previously trimmed at the bottom of the dashboard. Consult drawing No 23 and drill an Ø20mm hole in the front corner of the heater box in the dashboard to allow the cables to run back through under the dashboard and connect to the heater mixer. By fitting the heater unit under the dashboard it will be clear where exactly to drill this hole to allow the cable to run through without bending it excessively. The rearward flap on the heater unit made from steel can be connected up to the cable without any modification. The front plastic flap assembly requires an Ø3mm hole to be drilled in it as on the drawing close to the rib and slot. By drilling this hole it is possible to fit the standard cable end through the hole to operate the mechanism. Both the control cables can be conveniently attached to the heater mixer unit using tie wraps. Position the cables so that they work the flaps correctly and then tie wrap the cables to the standard mounts. Fit everything up permanently and looping the cables over the instrument pack check that everything works freely and closes and shuts the appropriate flaps. Mount electronic Speedo sender T1734 to the normal output from the gearbox at the rear of your car. On early models of the 1400cc it may be necessary to leave on the short Speedo cable and then attach the electronic Speedo sender to the end of that cable. Take the electric wire that replaces the Speedo cable and attach to the gearbox end and run over the petrol tank under the car and through into the dashboard area as the standard Speedo cable would run. Tie wrap the Speedo cable T0702 to any appropriate cable or pipe under the tunnel making sure that the gear change is not going to foul it. Finally fit in the GTM separate instrument wiring loom T1722 referring to the drawing at the end of the manual. This wiring loom totally replaces the standard Rover Metro K Series dashboard wiring loom. The Rover K Series wiring loom should be removed completely and discarded. Start by plugging the wiring loom into the fusebox on the body K Series wiring loom. Attach the GTM electronic Speedo wiring loom to the separate instrument wiring loom. The wiring loom now runs under the instruments to the switches and then across the top of the instruments to the warning lights and gauges. By following the diagram it should be relatively easy to plug in all the electrical © GTM CARS LTD. 2.8 connectors. By wiring the fan switch as shown on the left-hand side of the drawing it will run the fan at medium speed when switched on. The other two colours can be used if you desire high speed or low speed. Provided within the wiring loom are two extra illumination wires in case you should fit any extra switches. The new temperature gauge and the oil pressure gauge provided within the separate instrument pack require different senders to be fitted at the engine end. These senders are provided within the separate instrument and warning light pack T1712. The temperature sender purely replaces the standard temperature sender on the K Series engine and it is necessary to replace the standard electrical connector with a female spade connector, which slips over the top of the end of the temperature sender provided. The oil pressure sender replaces the standard oil pressure light switch, which is positioned adjacent to the oil filter. Remove the standard sender switch and replace it with the sender provided within the instrument pack. Here again it will be necessary to remove the standard electrical connector and replace it with a spade connector. The spade connector should be attached to the M terminal of the sender unit. SOFT TRIMMING The soft trim material provided within the standard kit is relatively forgiving and can be glued directly to the inner surface of the monocoque once it has been sanded and ‘cleaned up’. When soft trimming the upper part of the monocoque it is essential that the trim is fitted prior to bonding in the front and rear screens. The trim material is wrapped round the aperture and glued to the bonding face of the screens. In a similar way to the screen apertures the soft trim material is trimmed around the door apertures and then glued on the face where the seal fits. Start by covering the area in the top of the car and running approximately 50mm down the screen pillars and down to level with the top of the rear window. This can be all covered with one piece of material glued to the internal surface of the glass fibre. Now trim down the screen pillars by folding the top join where it goes over the already fitted trim on the top part of the car and down to below the dashboard top area. This can be trimmed in a similar manner to the roof, gluing the trim material to the inside surface of the glass fibre and then around the screen aperture and the door shut face. The quarter panels at the back of the car can be trimmed in a similar manner to the front screen pillars going up to the back bulkhead of the car and round by approximately 25mm. Cut a section of the soundproofing the size of the rear bulkhead and around the rear screen so that it covers the areas not covered by the soft trims material that you have glued to the monocoque. Now trim this soundproofing material with the soft trim material taking it round the edges. Where the rear window fits over the rear window aperture, glue it to the rebate. © GTM CARS LTD. 2.9 HARD TRIM PANELS (STANDARD KIT) Door trim panels assembly Place the completed door assembly onto a flat surface suitably covered so that you do not scratch the outside faces. Take door handle inner T0123/4 and drill out the hole marked for the wiper handle to come through. Drill a Ø35mm hole. Rest the door handle on top of the door inner frame and on top of that, rest the door inners T0116/7. Position the door handle onto the inner frame using the door inner as a guide to get the correct position for the door handle. It may be necessary to file the door winder hole to obtain the correct position for the door inner handle. Once the correct position has been found with an equal gap between the door inner and the door handle attach the door handle to the door inner frame using six No 8 posi drive 10mm long self tapping screws. The inner door handle covers up one of the adjusting nuts for the small adjusting channel for the wider mechanism. Drill out the inner door handle approximately Ø25mm to allow access to this nut. Attach one end of door pull wire T0516 to the door latch using door pull connector T0524. This can be attached by looping the wire through the door latch and then joining it together with the door pull connector. Place the door pull wire over the top of the door handle in the position shown on the drawing and mark the positions of the holes required to allow the door pull wire to pass through the door handle and act as the operating wire for the latch. Drill suitable clearance holes in the door handle and pass the wire through the door handle and attach at the other side with door pull connector T0524. Using a suitable tool i.e. a screwdriver, operate the latch at the end of the door and open the door with the door pull to obtain the correct tension on the door pull wire. The door inner panel T0116/7 can now be attached to the door outer shell. Drill out the holes in the inner panel with a Ø5mm drill. Place the panel over the door in the correct position and drill through the inner panel to the door and the door handle inner with a Ø3.5mm drill. Attach the door inner panel to the door and the door handle using No 8 self-tapping screws. Where the self-tapping screws go through the door Spiro clips have been provided to provide extra security for the inner panel. INSTRUMENT TRIM The trim within the Libra can be undertaken in three ways. Firstly - You can use the standard Rover Metro K Series instrument binnacle complete with its switches and heater control gear or secondly you can choose to use separate instruments designed especially by GTM for the Libra with special switches and heater control levers. The standard kit comes complete with hard trim panels for the doors and the handbrake cover panel in the rear of the car. A set of carpets are provided within the standard kit to totally cover the lower © GTM CARS LTD. 2.11 half of the car. In the standard kit headlining type material is provided to enable the builder to cover the remaining panels by directly applying the headlining material to the interior of the glass fibre monocoque. Finally - An additional kit is available from GTM to completely hard trim this area of the car with separate panels that can be trimmed prior to fitting to the car. Sufficient soundproofing material is provided within the kit to cover those areas where it is necessary. TRIMMING HARD PANELS All the hard panels that require trimming on the Libra whether they be part of the standard kit or the optional hard trim panels are covered in the same manner. Use a fine grit (80 production paper) round all the edges of the panels to remove any sharp edges and to give a slight radius at the edges for the trim material to fold round. All the panels need to be washed thoroughly with hot water and washing up liquid to remove the wax and release agent which may still be on the panels after the moulding process. Failure to do this will mean that the glue will not adhere properly and the trim material will eventually come loose from the panels. Now sand all the top surfaces of the trim panels lightly with production paper to form a good key for the glue. The panels should now either be washed and allowed to dry completely or vacuumed clean. Trimming panels with leather cloth type materials does take some skill and it is best to start with a small panel first to familiarise yourself with the technique. Take a small moulding and cut a piece of your trim material larger than the moulding so that it can be folded over the edges but not so large that it is difficult to fit onto the panel. Using a contact adhesive cover both the panel and the material completely. When the glue is touch dry place the trim material onto the centre of the panel and working outwards smooth the material onto the panel and press down to glue firmly to the panel. Where there are difficult shapes on the panel the addition of heat to the material can help greatly. The use of a hairdryer can be very useful in generating a little extra heat in difficult conditions. Once the outside surface of the panel is covered and glued to your satisfaction, turn the panel over and cut the trim material to within approximately 20mm from the edge of the moulding. This material will be glued to the underside of the moulding to make the finished panel. At the corners and as you work round each panel it will be necessary to cut ‘V’s into this 20mm band to enable the material to be folded round without undo wrinkling. Practice will tell you the amount of these required and the distance they must be from the edge of the moulding but start by approximately 4mm from the edge of the moulding. Now glue the edge of the trim material and a band at least 20mm wide on the reverse face of the moulding. Dry fold the 20mm band over and glue to the underside of the moulding. It is unlikely that your first attempt will be satisfactory and therefore remove the covering material from the moulding and try again. If after many attempts the results you are getting are not satisfactory then a © GTM CARS LTD. 2.11 visit to your local trimmer is necessary. Should you be unable to find a trimmer to do the job for you then do contact GTM Cars Ltd and we would only be to pleased to pass you on to a suitable trimmer. The trim panels can then be re-fitted to your car. EXTERIOR PANELS DOORS……………………………………………………………3.2 Assembly………………………………………………..3.2 ROOF PANEL……………………………………………………3.8 Assembly……………………………………………3.8 © GTM CARS LTD. 2.12 DOORS The Libra uses two glass fibre doors with steel inner frames to support the glass and winding mechanism. These frames bolt directly to the doors via four Allen bolts, which can be seen from inside the car. The doors are hinged on their front edge using two top hat nylon bushes. These bushes fit directly into the glass fibre moulding. The bottom pivot sits directly on the body sill and is adjustable in all directions without removing the door. The top pivot bolts directly to the door upright and is adjustable in a similar manner to the bottom pivot. In this way the door can be fitted and then adjusted without removing any interior trim to obtain the best fit. The Libra utilises the standard Rover Metro latch on the rear face of the door. This latch is operated by a purpose designed outside door button and internal door pull. The door is prevented from opening too wide by purpose designed door straps fitted between the door and the monocoque. The door winding mechanism is the standard K Series Rover Metro fitted without modification and using its own glass channel. The door glass is a special glass provided in the kit. Doors Assembly Assemble the Rover Metro winding regulator channel to the bottom of the window glass T1001/2. The channel should be fitted to the bottom of the glass as indicated on the assembly drawing No 16. Remove the rubber insulator from the centre of the Metro window channel. Glue the rubber insulator onto the bottom of the Libra window glass in the position shown on the assembly drawing. Any contact adhesive is suitable for this task. Place the Libra window glass onto a clean tabletop with the bottom edge slightly protruding over the edge of the table. Starting from one end gently force the window regulator channel over the rubber and work along until the complete channel is fitted snugly up to the rubber glued to the bottom of the glass. It is important that the channel fits tightly up to the rubber on the bottom edge for the correct operation of the regulator. Inner Door Frame Take the door inner frame T0500/1 and cut suitable length of window channel rubber T0518 to fit into the vertical channels on each side of the frame that the window glass runs up and down. Glue the rubber channel into the vertical channels in the door inner frames using a suitable contact adhesive. Fit the door window glass complete with its bottom channel into the door inner frame and manually move the glass up and down the channel making sure that the glass moves freely, a small amount of petroleum jelly can help the © GTM CARS LTD. 3.1 smooth operation of the glass within the rubber channel. Remove the window glass from the door inner frame and place aside. Mount the K Series Metro window regulator to the door inner frame in the position as shown on the assembly drawing using two Ø6 x 15mm long socket cap screws and washers. Mount the short (120mm long) channel to the inner doorframe in the position shown on the assembly drawing using the standard Rover Metro 5mm nuts. Fit the door regulator top stop T0521 to the door regulator using a Ø6 x 18mm long socket cap head screw washer and Nyloc nut. Fit a winding handle to the regulator and check that the regulator winds up and down satisfactory without jamming. Wind the regulator to a position so that the operating legs are just below the bottom arm of the inner door frame and remove the regulator by unscrewing its Ø6mm retaining bolt. Slide the door glass into the inner door frame to a position where the channel approximates to the position of the operating arms prior to removing the regulator. Now slide the operating arms of the regulator on to the bottom channel attached to the glass from the rear end of the door at the same time ensuring that the small wheel of the regulator arm fits into the small channel already attached to the door inner frame. Position the regulator so that the two Ø6mm bolts can be replaced and mount the regulator. The window glass should now wind up and down the door in the frame without jamming. Do not at this stage attempt to adjust the position of the small 120mm channel or the position of the eccentric top stop. This will be adjusted once the frame is assembled into the door. Locks and Hinges Assembly Put aside the two inner frame regulators and glass and assemble the locks and hinges into the glass fibre door shells. Using the full scale template included in the assembly manual mark the inside recessed shut face of the door where the Rover Metro latch will fit. Using the other template follow on from the previously marked hole for the striker onto the inside face of the door using the template provided in the assembly manual. Spot and drill the three Ø6mm clearance holes in the door face. Using a jigsaw or by chain drilling, cut out the aperture for the striker. Using the Rover Metro door latch as a guide clean up the hole to allow the latch to fit snugly. Do this work carefully, as it will be seen on the completed car. Radius the edges to obtain a neat appearance. The door latch can now be mounted to the door shell using three Ø6mm button socket screws 20mm long with washers. Cut a Ø25mm hole in the centre of the recess for the external door key. This hole can either be cut with a hole saw or by chain drilling and filing. File the two anti rotation notches in this hole. Due to the increased thickness of the glass fibre body compared to a steel body shell the notches in the K Series Rover Metro door lock have to be wider © GTM CARS LTD. 3.2 to enable the retaining clip to work satisfactorily. Mount the door lock in a vice and carefully saw the door lock barrel to increase the width of the notches to approximately 4/5 mm. The door lock can now be assembled to the door shell using the standard Rover Metro spring retainer. Using the indentations of the outer side door shell, pilot the two Ø5mm clearance holes required for the door handle and open out to Ø5mm clearance. Using the door handle T0514 as a template, mark and drill a hole approximately Ø28 mm to enable the door button to come through the outer shell. The door handle T0514 and the door handle mechanism T0511/2 can now be mounted to the door shell using two Ø5mm Nyloc nuts and washers. Make sure that the door handle mechanism fits flush against the internal glass fibre face of the door and if necessary clean the face up using production paper. Assemble the door button T0515 through the door button carrier T0513 using a Ø6mm socket cap head screw 10mm long and a washer. The carrier can now be mounted to the door handle mechanism and mounted to the door using a Ø2mm split pin 35mm long. Do not turn the ends of the split pin at this stage, as it will have to be removed in the assembly of the door rods. Check at this stage that the door button swings in and out of the door freely without binding. Hold the door striker T0520 and move it in and out of the latch assembled to the door and familiarise yourself with the working of the latch. Take a 260mm long piece of the door rod wire T0523 and form a joggle at one end to fit in the pawl that operates the door lock mechanism in the door latch. Remove the three securing bolts from the door latch and remove it from the door. Fit this joggle into the door lock pawl with the wire coming up through the pawl away from the outer shell of the door. Refit the latch to the door. Place the rod over the top of the outside key mechanism and mark the position of the hole in the plastic lever arm of the door key mechanism. Again remove the door latch mechanism from the door, remove the door rod and form a right angle at the end as previously marked approximately 15mm long. Reassemble and make sure everything works satisfactorily using a key from the outside of the door and manually inserting the door striker. Take a 280mm long piece of the door rod wire T0523 and form a joggle in the end to fit into the pawl that operates the door latch. Remove the door latch and fit this joggle into the pawl in a similar manner to the lock rod with the wire coming up away from the outside face of the door. Reassemble the latch into the door and very carefully mark the position of the required joggle that the door button holder T0513. Make sure that the door button is in its most outside point when you mark this position. Remove the wire and form another joggle at right angles to the previous joggle to fit through the door button carrier T0513. © GTM CARS LTD. 3.3 Remove the door button carrier T0513 from the door handle mechanism T0511 by removing the 2mm split pin and fit the joggle through the hole provided. Refit the door button carrier to the door handle mechanism and check that everything works effectively. It is extremely important that there is no excessive play in the mechanism and it is worth at this stage taking some time to ensure the correct operation. When completely satisfied spray out the ends of the split pin. The door latch and the door lock should now work satisfactorily. Provision has been made for a strip spring to be used between the door button carrier and the door lock mechanism that in practise has been found to be unnecessary. Fitting the Frame Fit the door frame complete with glass to the door. Mark the centre of the four recessed inner frame mounting points and pilot drill. Open out with a Ø6mm clearance drill. It is necessary to extend the outer glass line on the door shells to enable the glass to wind up and down. A split line on the mould indicates the line of the outer glass. This shows up as a raised line on the shell of the door. Extend the rear line to within 3mm of the end of the door and form a slot for the glass to wind up through, 10mm wide. Do this work very carefully as it shows on the exterior of the car. Where the glass runs up into the small triangular panel at the front of door on which the wing mirror mounts, it is necessary to trim the moulding in a similar manner to the rear edge of the door. Use the mould line as a guide and open up the slot to 10mm, as at the rear. The glass must run as far up into the triangular panel as possible to minimise the difficult condition with the door seals when shut on the car. As with the rear, do this work carefully as it will be seen when the car is complete. Prior to fitting the door glass weather seal T0517, it is advisable to fit the door inner frame complete with glass to the door using the 6mm stainless steel counter sunk screws and washers. Check that the window winds up and down freely and that the glass has a clearance between the outer door and the outer face of the glass particularly where the weather seal will fit. Adjustment can be made to the fitting of the glass by inserting washers between the doorframe and the door outer skin. Once this seems satisfactory, remove the frame. Trim the door glass weather seal T0517 so that it is the correct length from the back face of the door to the small triangular wing mirror panel. Clean the inner face of the door shell and lightly sand the inner face on which the door weather seal is to be glued. Glue the door glass weather seal T0517 to the door shell T0104/5 using “super glue”. Door Mirror Assembly The two mounting storks approximately Ø10.5mm have to be shortened on the standard Rover K Series mirror to a length of approximately 13mm from the outside inner face of the mounting flange. These can be easily cut with a junior hacksaw. Open out the inner hole in these mounting tubes from 5.2mm to a depth of 15mm. Tap these holes, Ø6mm metric fine using a standard metal tap. Check the thread by screwing in a standard Ø6mm bolt. © GTM CARS LTD. 3.4 The arm that normally projects into the car so the door mirror can be adjusted from inside the Metro has to be removed using a hack saw at a point approximately 10mm from the spring retaining washer. The wing mirrors can not be adjusted from inside the Libra. Refer to drawing No 17. Where the wing mirror mounts to the door outer panel mark the centre of the boss and pilot with a small drill. With a Ø30mm hole saw, drill out the central part of the mirror boss. Two Ø10.5mm holes now have to be drilled on approximately Ø41mm centres to enable the mounting tubes to come through the outer skin of the door moulding. When drilled these holes just break into the surface of the Ø30mm hole previously hole sawed. The wing mirror can now be positioned on the door with the two mounting bosses projecting through the door and being accessible from the inside of the panel. It may be necessary to slightly adjust the Ø10.5mm clearance holes depending on the exact size of your particular moulding. Place one of the door mirror mounting sleeves T0522 over one of the mounting boss tubes projecting into the car and with a 15mm long set bolt and large 6mm washer, secure the wing mirror. The other door mirror mounting sleeve can now be fitted over the other tube and secured in a similar manner. Tighten both bolts equally to secure the mirror to the door shell. The door inner frame complete with its glass can now be reassembled to the door shell using the four stainless steel 6mm screws and special washers. Attaching the Door to the Monocoque Refer to drawing No 16. Pilot drill the centre of the indent on the front of the doors where the door hinge bushes T0510 fit. Open out these holes to Ø13mm. Press fit the two door hinges bushes T0510 into the door outer shell and tap home with a suitable soft mallet. Using door hinge bottom T0512/3 as a guide, locate the two indents on top of the sill which correspond to the two larger holes in the door hinge bottom plate. Spot these two centres with a pilot drill. Open out these two holes to Ø6mm clearance. Bolt the door hinge bottom T502/3 to the doorsill through the doorsill to door hinge bottom spreader T0504 using two Ø6 x 25mm long socket screws and large 20mm washers. The door hinge bottom should now be adjustable in all directions around the 6mm bolts by loosening the screws. Using door hinge top pivot plate T0508 as a guide, find the corresponding three indents in the vertical part of the door aperture in the monocoque and spot the holes. Open out these holes to Ø6mm clearance. Bolt T0508 to the vertical face using three countersunk socket screws 25mm long washers and Nyloc nuts. Mount the door hinge top pivot T0506 to the top of the door hinge plate T0508 with door hinge top spreader T0509 on top using two Ø6 x 12mm long socket cap head screws and washers. By slackening the screws, the top pivot should now move around freely about the Ø6mm screws. Remove the © GTM CARS LTD. 3.5 door top pivot. Place the door onto the bottom pivot and into the aperture. Screw on the door top pivot as before. Adjust the top and bottom pivots to obtain a suitable fit on the door. The height of the door at the door hinge end can be adjusted by placing standard 10mm washers on top of the bottom door pivot. With the door glass wound down into the door adjust the two hinges so that the outside shape of the door follows through onto the sill line and rear face of the door. Use the small air scoop which follows through from the bodywork onto the door to give you a guide as to the height of the door at the rear and of course the top line of the door. Spend time making sure that you have the correct position of the door before continuing with the door assembly. Open and close the door into the door aperture and mark on the door shut face the height of the door striker by referring to the position in the door. As a guide the door striker should be approximately 70mm horizontally from the outside face of the door shut. When you are satisfied you have the correct position, pilot and drill the door striker hole to Ø12mm clearance. Mount the door striker T0520 to the monocoque T0100 using 12mm x 1.25 pitch Nyloc nuts and washers. Open and shut the door many times to make sure that you have the striker in the right position, that the locks are working correctly and that the door is lining up with the outside of the car. It will be more than likely that you will need to file the door striker position and adjust the door striker to get the best possible fit. Time taken now to get the best possible fit is well worth while. Wind up the door window to its top position and adjust the window regulator top stop T0521 by slackening the 6mm bolts and turning them eccentric to obtain the best fit with the glass in regard to the top of the door aperture. Now cut some 13.5mm thick pieces of wood and glue them to several positions around the door window seal. Shut the door and adjust the position of the door glass by packing out the bottom mount of the doorframe T0500/1 with 6mm washers. The most critical position is where the door glass meets the top of the door mirror triangle. Take great care to get the best possible fit at this point. Remove the wood and replace with standard Rover Metro door seal and check and readjust the window position. Time spent now is very important to make sure that the door sealing is waterproof. © GTM CARS LTD. 3.6 ROOF PANEL A removable roof panel is fitted to the Libra and when removed is stored behind the seats of the car. When stored the panel does not restrict the view out of the rear window. The panel is located and fixed by five turn knobs. When secured from the inside the panel is not removable from the outside and hence offers complete security. Drain channels are provided from the roof panel aperture and these in turn are also used to drain the roof when the panel is in place to prevent water running off the roof and into the car when the doors are open. A waterproof seal is also provided by GTM for the aperture of the roof T1408. Roof Panel assembly Mark the centre of the circular indents on the roof of the monocoque. Drill first with a pilot drill and drill out to Ø10mm. Fit the waterproof seal T1408. The roof panel should now fit in through these holes and is secured by the five turn knobs T0660. © GTM CARS LTD. 3.7 ENGINE ENGINE COVER MOULDING…………………………………….4.2 Engine cover assembly……………………………..4.2 ENGINE FRAME…………………………………………………….4.3 Engine frame assembly……………………………..4.3 ENGINE AND AUXILIARIES……………………………………….4.4 Engine assembly……………………………………..4.4 Auxiliaries……………………………………………...4.4 © GTM CARS LTD. 3.8 ENGINE COVER MOULDING The engine cover moulding incorporates the rear boot of the Libra. The moulding complete with the boot, pivots about the bottom rear corners to give access to the engine for servicing and general maintenance. It is secured along its front edge to the monocoque with six Spiro clips similar to the front moulding. When shut, the rear pivots are not used to support the rear moulding. Adjustable brackets off the engine frame support the moulding which are located under the floor of the boot moulding. These brackets take the weight of the boot contents and the weight of the moulding. The moulding has inner wheel arches attached to it which form part of the air intake ducting to the engine. Engine Cover Assembly Start by fitting the 6 Spiro clip plates T0602 to the monocoque using the No 8 self tapping screws. At this stage do not fit the spacer washers under the plates. The position of the plates is indicated on the monocoque and the sill end panels with small indentations. Fit 6 off Spiro clipsT0602 into the Spiro clip plates. Take the rear panel and drill 6 pilot holes through the centre of the indentations in the moulding for the panel fasteners. Now open these up to Ø6mm holes. Loosely attach boot support angle bracket T0411 to engine sub frame T0400 using the boot wobble plate T0410, 6 socket cap Ø6mm bolts, 15mm long washers and Nyloc nuts. Attach the rear panel to the monocoque using 6 fairing fasteners T0600. Adjust the rear fairing to obtain an equal panel gap of approximately 4mm. Working within the wheel arch, adjust the adjustable boot support angle frames to rest on the bottom of the boot floor. Tighten the six off 6mm socket screws. Working within the wheel arch, attach the hinge spacers T0604 to the ends of the engine sub frame T0400 using four 6mm Nyloc nuts and washers. Loosely attach hinge plate T0603 to these hinge spaces using four 6mm Nyloc nuts and washers. © GTM CARS LTD. 4.1 Assemble a bonnet hinge bush T0611 onto a pivot rear panel T0605 and using a 10mm socket cap screw 25mm long attach this assembly to the loosely assembled hinge plates T0603. Note that the pivot rear panel brackets TO605 are handed and that the leg which attaches to the bottom of the rear panel faces inwards towards the car and the hole which the bush T0611 fits through is angled away from the rear panel of the car. Adjust hinge plate T0603 to the best position and mark two Ø6mm holes in the bottom of the rear panel to attach the pivot rear panel bracket T0605. Remove the 10mm socket screw and drill these previously marked holes with a Ø6mm clearance drill. Reassemble the pivots and attach using pivot securing plate T0606 and two Ø6mm Nyloc nuts and washers. The fairing fasteners can now be undone and the rear panel should now pivot backwards to give access to the engine compartment satisfactorily. Slight rear adjustment maybe required to obtain the best possible fit. ENGINE FRAME The engine gearbox unit on the Libra is mounted to a purpose designed frame, which in turn is bolted directly to the monocoque on the rear panel. The Libra utilises the standard Rover engine mounts and the standard gearbox mounting. These mountings bolt directly to the engine frame. The standard Metro K Series bottom engine mounting is retained with a special engine steady rod, which bolts to the mounting and forward under the sump to the underside of the monocoque. The engine frame tubes run backwards and provide the support for the bottom of the boot and at the far most end pivots for the rear panel. Note. There are no connections between the engine frame and the rear suspension. Engine frame assembly. The Libra engine frame bolts directly to the monocoque without spacers. Inside the monocoque are spreader plates. The center of each hole for the mounting frame is marked on the monocoque with a small indentation. Drill the center of these indentations with a Ø1.25mm drill. Open out the holes on the four large mounting plates to Ø8mm clearance holes and the three holes on the small mounting plates to Ø6mm clearance. 35mm long socket bolts can now bolt the engine frame to the monocoque using the 12 off 8 x 35mm long socket bolts and the 3 off 6 x 35mm. These bolts mount through the engine frame mountings, through the monocoque, and through the spreader plates. They are secured with Nyloc nuts. Note the Engine Frame is welded on a separate jig and when fitting to the rear bulkhead of the monocoque a small amount of distortion can be expected. It © GTM CARS LTD. 4.2 may be necessary to strain the frame a small amount in order to assemble all the bolts through into the monocoque. Once all the bolts are in place tighten and secure. ENGINE AND AUXILIARIES. The Libra utilises all the standard auxiliaries from the K Series Rover Metro. The ECU relay box, coil and filter unit from the Metro all bolt directly to the bulkhead. The water bottle header tank bolts via a glass fibre shell to the drivers side rear engine frame tube directly behind the engine. Engine assembly The engine on the GTM Libra is fitted from under the car. This is best achieved by jacking the car up to a height where the engine can be manoeuvred under the engine frame from the rear and then lift the engine with an engine crane. If you have not got an engine crane then it is perfectly possible and easy to jack the car up position the engine under the car at a suitable height and then lower the car onto the engine. The engine mounts on the standard Rover K Series Metro engine mounts. If you are using the engine out of any other Rover car and not a Metro it is essential that the engine and gearbox mounts are changed to those of the Rover K Series Metro. If you are using an 1800cc K Series engine with the AP1 gearbox it is necessary to purchase from GTM a special adapter bracket for your gearbox mounting. The engine mounting in this case must also be replaced by the K Series Rover Metro engine mounting. Before assembling the engine to the car remove the main engine mounting from the engine by undoing the two nuts and slide the casting upwards. Mount this casting into the location on the Libra engine frame remembering to incorporate the two standard sideways rubbers between the casting and the frame. Leave this bolt slightly loose to enable adjustment to be made as the engine is brought up to the car from below. On the gearbox end of the assembly mount the standard Rover K Series Metro gearbox mounting to the gearbox. Disregard the metalwork that surrounds the mounting that is attached by the two small nuts on the top of the mounting. This is replaced on the Libra by a built in mount on the engine frame. Jack up the engine or lower the body up into the engine frame from below the car and as it comes up locate the engine mounting and the gearbox mounting into the appropriate areas. Tighten up the two vertical bolts on the engine mount attached to the engine and fit the T0415 gearbox mounting bottom support under the standard Rover gearbox mounting using two Ø10mm x 25mm long socket cap screws, washers and Nyloc nuts. © GTM CARS LTD. 4.3 Auxiliaries All the engine auxiliaries on the K Series Libra can conveniently be mounted directly onto the main bulkhead immediately prior to the engine. The arrangement shown in drawing No 29 at the end of this manual shows the suggested layout. The main engine relay can be conveniently mounted onto the bulkhead using the original K Series mounting cut down so it can be bolted directly onto the bulkhead. Drill two Ø6mm clearance holes in the outside face of the cut down component and use these holes to drill the bulkhead. Position the relay unit as close as possible to the indentation in the main mould for the main engine frame. Position the top of the mounting bracket as close as possible to the top of the flat surface of the bulkhead. Mount the coil closely against the relay unit using the standard K Series mounting and bolt through the bulkhead with two Ø6 x 25mm long set bolts, washers and nyloc nuts. Mount the standard K Series Rover fuel filter as shown in the diagram directly onto the bulkhead adjacent to the coil using two Ø6 x 25mm long set bolts, Nyloc nuts and washers. Note that the ‘U’ section outlet from the fuel filter is at the top of the filter body and that the inlet from the petrol tank is at the bottom. Mount the engine management ECU to the left of the main relays as indicated on the diagram using three off Ø6 x 25mm long socket cap screws, washers and Nyloc nuts. Finally, mount the inertia switch to the LHS of the Engine Management ECU using two No 6 x 20 mm long self tapping screws. © GTM CARS LTD. 4.4 FRONT AND REAR SUSPENSION FRONT SUSPENSION……………………………………………..5.2 Kit components required……………………………5.2 Donor parts required...............................................5.3 Front suspension assembly………………………...5.3 REAR SUSPENSION………………………………………………..5.4 Kit components required........................................5.4 Donor parts required…………………………………5.5 Rear suspension assembly…………………………5.5 © GTM CARS LTD. 4.5 FRONT SUSPENSION The Libra uses a conventional unequally length double wishbone suspension at the front. It uses two Metro front hub assemblies with the standard top ball-joints but special bottom joints. The outer part of the drive shaft assemblies used on the Metro are used to secure the front wheel bearings and hubs. They are machined on exchange by GTM Cars Ltd. The top and bottom wishbones are specially made components and utilise special inner bearings. These bearings are held by mounting brackets which in turn are bolted directly to the front of the composite monocoque. A 3mm shim is used on all the mounting brackets between them and the monocoque to enable fine adjustment to be made once the car is completed. Separate 1mm shims are provided for this purpose. Inside the monocoque, spreader plates are used to spread the loads applied. Adjustable seat height coil over shock absorber units bolt between the lower front wishbone and the front damper mountings which in turn are mounted to the monocoque in a similar manner to the wishbone mounting brackets. The shock absorbers have their adjusters towards the bottom of the shock absorber. The GTM steering arms replace the standard Metro steering arms. These face forward rather than backwards as in the Metro. THE LHS METRO HUB IS USED ON THE RHS OF THE LIBRA AND THE RHS HUB ON THE LHS. Kit components required T0200 / T0201 T0202 / T0203 T0204 T0205 T0206 T0207 - FRONT TOP WISHBONES. FRONT BOTTOM WISHBONES. FRONT W/B MOUNTING BRKT. FRONT W/B MOUNTINGBRKT.SPREADER. FRONT W/B MOUNTING SHIM. FRONT SUSPENSION BUSH ASSEMBLY. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.1 T0208 T0209 / T0210 T0211 T0212 T0213 T0214 T0215 - FRONT BOTTOM SWIVEL. STEERING ARMS. FRONT DAMPER SPRING. FRONT DAMPER MOUNTINGS. FRONT DAMPERS. FRONT DAMPER MOUNTING SPREADER. NUT AND BOLT PACK. The top wishbones T0200/T0201 are difficult to recognise in terms of passenger and driver side and the top and bottom of the wishbone. Looking at the pointed end of the wishbone which holds the top swivel, the taper hole faces down towards the ground. This taper also faces slightly forward. With the wishbone in the correct position, the front leg of the wishbone is slightly longer than the rear leg. Donor Parts required Two front hub assemblies complete with top ball joints, brakes, callipers, brake pads and outer part of drive shaft assembly. Steering arm mounting bushes. Front suspension assembly Bush assemblies T0207 should be assembled using molybdenum type grease included in the pack. Separate all parts of the bush, including the stainless steel inner sleeves. Grease inside and out of the parts and reassemble inside the top wishbone T0200. Push the bush into the top wishbone T0200 with a vice. If the bush will not sit totally inside the wishbone then rotate it slightly in the vice. Put the bushes in to the top and bottom wishbones for the front suspension: T0200, T0201, T0202 and T0203. Install the front wishbone mounting brackets T0204 to the top and bottom front wishbones. Using the Ø10 x 50mm bolts from fastener pack T0215 (B), keep the bushes and bracket lined up while other assembly takes place. Have the head of the bolt facing inwards towards the other bracket. The positions of the wishbone mounting brackets are indicated on the monocoque by small indentations. Hold the front RHS wishbone assembly, complete with the mounting brackets, to the monocoque. The indentations in the monocoque should line up with the holes in the bracket. Any slight misalignments should be marked on the monocoque. Drill out one hole for each of the brackets using a pilot drill and double check the right position for the holes. Drill the two holes to Ø6mm clearance. Mount each bracket to the monocoque using a Ø6mm bolt from fastener pack T0215 (A) in the hole drilled. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.2 Use this assembly as a jig to drill out the remaining holes needed for the assembly. The 3mm spacer plate must be added to the assembly before the wishbone is finally put on to the monocoque. The spacer plate is located in between the monocoque and the mounting bracket. Loosely mount the top wishbone assembly using the Ø6mm bolts from the T0215 (A) pack. The spreader plate is then slotted on to the assembly from the inside of the monocoque. Use the Ø6 x 35mm long bolts from fastener pack T0215 (A) for mounting except where these bolts will not totally penetrate the monocoque. For the thicker areas of the monocoque, 40mm and 45mm long bolts are provided. Use the shortest bolts possible in the assembly. Mount only the top wishbones to the monocoque. Note: it is much easier to mount the brackets with the wishbone assembled then to assemble the wishbones after the brackets have been bolted to the monocoque. Use the Nyloc nuts from pack T0215 (B) and tighten the bolts holding the wishbone to the mounting bracket. Note that no washers are used in this assembly to allow the Nyloc nuts to fully penetrate the bolts. Once you are satisfied everything appears correct, tighten all Nyloc nuts. The bottom swivels T0208 can now be mounted to the bottom wishbones using fastener pack T0215 (G). It is easiest to put one bolt and washer through the swivel and the wishbone and then rotate the swivel to line up the other two holes. Insert the other two bolts and washers. Put on Nyloc nuts and washers. Tighten the Nyloc nuts on the bottom swivel T0208. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.3 Hold the completed bottom wishbone assembly to the monocoque roughly over the indentations. Drill one hole on each bracket and insert a bolt from fastener pack T0215 (A). Using this assembly as a jig, pilot drill the remaining holes. Open the holes to a Ø6mm clearance. Attach the bottom wishbone assembly including the spacer plates on the outer side of the monocoque using fastener pack T0215 (A). Locate the spreader plate on the inside of the monocoque and add washers and Nyloc nuts. Once you are satisfied with the position of both bottom wishbones, tighten all the Nyloc nuts. Mount the front damper brackets T0212 to the monocoque using fastener pack T0215 (C) in a similar manner to the wishbone mounting brackets. Take the front damper T0213 and pull out the piston until the black ring at the top slips off. Slide the black spring T0211 over the damper. (The spring has no orientation). Replace the black ring and push the piston back down. Locate the piston end of the damper into the damper bracket T0213. Secure with a 60mm long bolt from fastener pack T0215 (). Push the bottom of the damper in to the housing on the top wishbone T0200. Secure with a 65mm long bolt. Add washers and Nyloc nuts and tighten the assembly. Assemble the front LHS metro hub to the RHS of the Libra. The bottom swivel T0208 slots in to the bottom of the hub. The metro top ball joint is then © GTM CARS LTD. 5.4 bolted through the top wishbone T0200. Repeat on the LHS of the Libra with the metro RHS front hub. REAR SUSPENSION The Libra rear suspension is an advanced design. The rear suspension utilises two trailing wishbones on either side of the car. These wishbones like the front wishbones are mounted directly via brackets to the monocoque. Standard Metro front hub assemblies are bolted to the trailing wishbones using the standard ball joints at the top and bottom. The bottom ball joint must be the standard Metro bottom ball joint and not the GTA or GTi ball joint. Special steering arms are bolted to the hubs using the standard locations and these in turn are connected using the standard Metro track rod end via an adjustable link to a special ball joint. This is then mounted to the upper trailing wishbone. Special upside down adjustable spring height coil over shock absorber units mount between the top trailing wishbone and a mounting bracket bolted directly to the monocoque, high on the rear panel. THE LHS METRO HUB IS USED ON THE RHS OF THE LIBRA AND THE RHS HUB ON THE LHS. Kit components required. 1 x T0300 1 x T0301 1 x T0302 1 x T0303 2 x T0324 2 x T0325 8 x T0305 8 x T0307 1 x T0308 1 x T0309 2 x T0310 Rear suspension arm top driver’s side. Rear suspension arm bottom passenger side. Rear suspension arm lower drivers side. Rear suspension arm passenger side. Inner rear suspension mounting bracket. Outer rear suspension mounting bracket. Rear suspension mounting bracket spreader. Rear suspension arm bearing. Rear steering arms driver side. Rear steering arms passenger side. Rear suspension steering arm track rod end. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.5 2 x T0311 2 x T0312 2 x T0313 2 x T0323 2 x T0315 2 x T0316 2 x T0317 1 x T0318 4 x T0319 8 x T0320 Rear suspension arm track rod end. Rear suspension arm adjusting link. Rear suspension arm LHT adapter. Rear damper unit. Rear damper spring. Rear damper mounting. Rear bumper mounting plate. Rear suspension, nut and bolt pack. Rear suspension, rod end lock nut. Rear suspension, rod end adjuster. Donor parts required Two front hub assemblies (solid discs) complete with top ball joint & bottom swivels (not GTi.) Rear suspension assembly. The rear suspension mounts directly to the monocoque. Look at the RHS rear of the monocoque and identify the indentations made for the mounting brackets T0324 and T0325. T0324 lines up with the inner set of indentations and T0325 lines up with the outer set of indentations. Check that all the indentations line up and mark and misalignments. With a small pilot drill, drill out the centre of the indentations and then open out to a Ø6mm clearance. Repeat on the LHS with T0324 on the inside set of indentations and T0325 on the outer set of indentations. Loosely mount all four mounting brackets using Ø6mm socket cap head screws 35mm long from fastener pack T0318 (A). 40mm long bolts are also provided in this pack to penetrate the thick areas of the fibre glass so that a Nyloc nut can fit satisfactorily. Use a washer provided in the fastener pack T0318 (A) between each bolt head and the monocoque. The rear suspension brackets do not use spacers in between the monocoque and the bracket. This is due to that fact that a suspension adjustment is obtained by adjusting the screw threads from the bearings to the wishbone. Note that the outer mounting brackets T0325 have tapering holes facing towards each other and the rear suspension arm bearing is inserted from the bottom and one from the top unlike bracket T0324 where both rear suspension arm bearings are inserted from the top. Take four rear suspension arm bearings T0307 and locate locking nuts on to the longer threaded end. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.6 Screw tube in the and T0303. the centre of the tapped these bearings in to the pre tapped wishbones T0300, T0301, T0302 Adjust these inner bearings so that the ball is 39mm from the top of tube that holds the bearing. Turn the lock nut down to the pre-tapped tube and tighten to hold the bearing in place. Take the remaining four rear suspension arm bearings T0307. Each outer bearing is held in the wishbone by two adjuster nuts T0320. These nuts allow the wishbone to be adjusted when assembled to the car without the removal of the bearing from its housing. Screw the long threaded end into one the adjuster nuts T0320 from the top end of the wishbone housing. Insert another adjuster nut T0320 from the bottom end of the housing and locate the end of the bearing and carry on screwing in the bearing. Screw in the bearing until the top edge of the housing is 39mm away from the centre of the ball of the bearing. This will be re adjusted when the car is prepared for the road. The wishbones can now be assembled to the mounting brackets. T0300 and T0301 assemble to the top of the mounting brackets T0324/T0325 and T0302 and T0303 assemble to the bottom of the brackets. Use the Nyloc nuts and washers provided in T0318 (B) to attach the wishbones, remembering the outer bottom bearings insert from underneath. Once all four wishbones are loosely assembled to the monocoque, tighten the Nyloc nuts. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.7 Locate the two shock absorber brackets T0316. On the rear of the monocoque look for two sets of four indentations under the rear window. Pilot drill these indentations and open up to Ø6mm clearance. Secure the brackets T0316 using bolts, washers and Nyloc nuts from fastener pack T0318 (E). Take the shock absorber T0323 and the spring T0315. Pull the piston of the shocker until the black ring around the top slips off. Slip the spring over the top of the shock absorber. Replace the black ring around the top by pulling piston further out if necessary. The top end of the shock absorber bolts in to bracket T0316 using fastener pack T0318 (F). The bottom end of the shock absorber bolts onto the top trailing wishbone (T0300, T0301) using fastener pack T0318 (G). The standard Rover Metro hub assembly can now be mounted to the wishbone using the standard top and bottom swivels. The bottom swivel is mounted to the top face of the bottom wishbone using the Ø8 x 25mm long socket cap bolts. The Libra steering arms T0308 replace the standard Rover Metro steering arms, T0309. These arms are attached to the hub assembly by the Ø10 x 35mm long bolts. Note the standard Rover Metro location sleeves are retained. Build up the rear track rods by first fully screwing in the left hand thread adapter T0313 to the track rod end T0310. This adapter should be securely screwed in to the track rod end preferably with some form of lock tight. Screw the left hand threaded half nut to the left and threaded adapter followed by the adjusting link (Approx. Ball center to center is 330mm.) T0312. Screw the 14mm half nut on to the track rod end T0311 and then the track rod end into the adjusting link. This assembly can now be fitted to the rear suspension taking care to make sure that the tapers are well seated. Adjust the adjusting link to give an approximate straight-ahead position of the hub, which will be adjusted more accurately on the setup for the road. © GTM CARS LTD. 5.8 HEATER, PETROL TANK & RADIATOR BATTERY & BATTERY MOULDING Assembly………………………………………………6.2 HEATER and PIPE WORK………………………………………..6.2 Heater and pipe work assembly………………………..6.2 Fresh air vents assembly……………………………..6.3 PETROL TANK FILLER…………………………………………...6.4 Neck and cap………………………………………………6.4 Neck and cap assembly………………………………….6.5 RADIATOR DUCTING & SPLASH MOULDS……………………6.6 Radiator ducting & splash moulds assembly………..6.6 RADIATOR MOULD, RADIATOR & PIPE WORK………………6.7 © GTM CARS LTD. 5.9 Radiator mould, radiator & pipe work assembly…….6.7 PIPES & SERVICES THROUGH THE TUNNEL…………………6.9 BATTERY AND BATTERY MOULDING A standard K Series Rover Metro battery is employed on the Libra and is located in a purpose made box under the spare wheel. Special battery leads are provided in the kit, which run from the battery through the tunnel to the engine compartment, Battery and Battery Moulding Assembly The battery mounting T0109 mounts between the monocoque and the radiator ducting. Drill the four small holes in the battery mounting Ø6mm in the positions indicated by the small indentations. Place the battery mounting between the monocoque and the radiator ducting to identify the holes that require to be drilled. Remove the battery mounting and drill the four Ø6mm holes where indicated. Replace the battery mounting and attach using Ø6 x 25mm set bolts, Nylocs and large diameter washers. The bottom bolts that go through the radiator ducting should be fed through from the bottom so as to minimise the amount showing under the car. The battery from the Rover Metro can now be fitted in the battery mounting with the terminals closest to the monocoque. The battery leads can now be fitted from the battery towards the drivers side of the car and through the recess made in the moulding round through the tunnel over the petrol tank and through the engine. The red (positive) lead attaches to the solenoid attached to the starter motor and black (negative) lead runs over the solenoid and starter motor and attaches to the gearbox bolt immediately behind the starter motor. The battery leads are attached in the tunnel as indicated on the tunnel diagram. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.1 HEATER AND PIPEWORK The Libra utilises the standard Metro heater unit. It is mounted in the same manner as in the Metro but has a special air pipe from the heater fan unit to the mixer unit in the car. The screen de-misters are special to the Libra and are fed through flexible pipes. Special fresh air ventilators are provided in the centre of the dashboard and these are fed via a plenum chamber provided in the internal structure of the dashboard which in turn is fed by the conventional outlet from the heater unit. Rubber piping feeds the heater unit within the car through the front bulkhead down to the tunnel at the front of the car. It then goes through aluminum pipes that run through the tunnel to the engine end of the car and then through rubber pipes to the standard heater outlets from the engine. Heater & Pipe work assembly Refer to drawing No 10; take the standard Rover Metro fan assembly and remove the metal clip opposite the central front hole flush with the front of the mounting plate. Using a small diameter drill, drill out the six holes in the monocoque to mount the heater fan assembly in the position indicated by the small indentations. Open out these holes to Ø6mm clearance. Using the drawing provided, mark out the aperture required enabling the square air pipe to pass through the bulkhead. Drill the four corner positions with a Ø10mm drill. Using a jigsaw or by chain drilling remove the shape from the monocoque. Clean the edges with a suitable file or production paper. The heater unit can now be mounted to the monocoque using Ø6mm set bolt 20mm long washers and Nyloc nuts. When screwing the Ø6mm long set bolts into the captive nuts on the top of the heater blower unit make sure that the bolts do not protrude too far and foul the plastic of the heater unit. If necessary cut the bolts down in length. The top face of the heater blower unit may have to be trimmed to allow the bonnet to fit correctly. It is extremely important that prior to finally fitting the heater blower unit that the two mating faces are clean and the rubber gasket is intact to prevent water seeping through into the cockpit. If you are in any doubt whatsoever it is advisable to use clear silicone sealant between the two. The Ø6mm bolt along the front edge of the heater mounting plate in the front outside corner can be difficult to fit as it is extremely close to the outside edge of the monocoque. By fitting the plate loosely with the other bolts it is possible to drill at an angle to get this bolt in. The heater mixer unit can now be fitted from under the dashboard. Before fitting the heater mixer unit to the underside of the dashboard it is better at this stage to fit the heater air duct T0120 to the heater unit. The air duct is © GTM CARS LTD. 6.2 attached to the heater unit using two or three small self-tapping screws. Where the heater air duct comes up to the fan unit it is necessary to pack the gap out using a suitable piece of foam. Looking up from under the dashboard the two holes required to mount the heater have small indents. Pilot drill the centers and drill out to Ø8mm clearance. The heater unit can now be bolted up under the dashboard using two Ø8 x 25mm long set bolts, washers and Nyloc nuts. Mark the position of the two holes required enabling the heater pipes T0811 to run through the front bulkhead. Make sure the positions are such that the pipes miss the spare wheel when in position and also miss the heater blower unit. Use the grommets to determine the minimum center distance. Drill the two holes with a Ø35mm hole saw. Clean the holes using production paper. A good seal is required here to prevent water running through the grommet into the car. Fit the grommets in the holes and thread the heater pipes through and secure to the heater unit using jubilee clips. The pipes can now be run through round the outside of the spare wheel and through the front of the battery mounting mould onto the aluminum pipes running through the tunnel. Note that at the heater end of the pipe work a part of the Rover Metro heater hose is used so as to retain the bleed facility. At the rear end of the car the heater hoses run above the petrol tank to the joiners. The Joiners join the standard heater hose into part of the original Metro hoses and then into the standard positions on the engine. Fresh Air Vents Assembly The fresh air vents T0696 are attached to the front of the structural dashboard with the centres of the vents as indicated on the dashboard moulding. Drill out the centres with a small drill and hole saw to Ø70mm. Carefully remove the centre of the fresh air eyeball T0696 and use the outside as a template to drill the four locating holes through the dashboard fascia. The holes need to be Ø3mm. These holes need to be countersunk to allow the bezel plate T1716 to fit flush against the dashboard. Do this using either a specialist countersink drill piece or use a larger drill bit and carefully drill out just enough to let the head of the bolt through. The outside of the fresh air vents can now be attached from the inside of the dashboard and held in place by four countersunk screws, nuts and washers. The centre eyeball of the air vent can now be pushed carefully in from the front of the dashboard. Attach Bezel plate T1716 to the front of the dashboard with either contact adhesive or hot melt glue. Check that the eyeballs rotate freely. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.3 Put in place the plenum chamber T0122 over the internal part of the dashboard to direct the air from the heater to the eyeballs. The LHS bolt holding the heater mixer unit is also used as an earth point so it is necessary to be able to get to it easily. Use a 32mm hole saw to cut away the corner enough to get a socket to the earth point. When fitting the plenum chamber be careful to seal off the holes with a suitable sealing material to prevent any air leaks. Also seal around the edge of the plenum chamber to prevent air leaks. With the heater switched on, the eyeballs should now give a good amount of fresh air to the cabin. PETROL TANK FILLER NECK AND CAP The Libra utilises the standard K Series Rover Metro petrol tank. The tank must be the appropriate one for the engine being used i.e. should the engine be fuel injected the tank must contain the appropriate fuel injection pump. The petrol tank mounts under the monocoque behind the seats. The standard petrol tank sender-unit is employed. A special flush fitting aluminum filler cap is mounted on the driver’s side of the car and feeds through a special steel pipe through the monocoque into the petrol tank. Petrol Tank Filler Neck and Cap Assembly Remove the fuel injection pump and the petrol gauge sender unit if separate from the standard K Series Rover Metro petrol tank. Ensure that all the petrol has been removed from the tank. It is essential that all the petrol be removed prior to working on the tank to prevent the explosion. Where the filler neck enters the body of the petrol tank cut it so that it protrudes from the petrol tank 20mm. Remove any brackets that may be supporting the petrol tank neck on the standard K Series Rover Metro tank. Where the large breather tube leaves the petrol tank cut the tube approximately 60mm from the right angle bend. The various years of K Series Rover Metro petrol tanks have had several different forms of venting. Apart from the large diameter 5 * breather pipe mentioned in the above paragraph cut of and seal up all the other breathers coming out of the tank. The GTM breather is taken from a T Piece positioned in the * diameter breather pipe close to the petrol pipe adapter T0621 and as shown in drawing No 7. The petrol tank should only be fitted to the monocoque once all the services have been run through the tunnel including the handbrake cables. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.4 The Ø6mm breather pipe is taken up into the driver’s side box section and back down through the same hole as the main petrol pipe and tie wrapped appropriately at the point where it exits the body. This breather pipe needs to be kept well away from the exhaust system. Referring to the petrol tank drawing in this manual, position the tank under the monocoque and determine the appropriate position for the new holes that have to be drilled in the petrol tank flange adjacent to the tunnel of the monocoque. These holes need to be positioned so that the bolts would run through into the lugs provided in the monocoque moulding. Remove the tank and drill Ø6mm clearance holes. Reposition the tank under the car and mark the two holes previously drilled and the other two mounting holes. Remove the tank and drill all four Ø6mm clearance holes. Position the tank under the car again and mark the position for the filler tube to come through the monocoque and the large diameter vent pipe. Remove the petrol tank and hole saw two appropriate holes into the monocoque to give a good clearance. Replace the petrol pump and sender unit into the petrol tank. Attach 500mm of the 5/16” ID petrol pipe to the original K Series Rover Banjo and attach to tank. Attach 1200mm of 5/16” ID rubber pipe to the return on the petrol tank. The petrol tank can now be attached to the monocoque using three Ø6 x 25mm long set bolts, washers and Nylocs and one 55mm long x Ø6 bolt through spacer tube TO622 at the rear of the petrol tank. Cut, using a hole saw or by chain drilling, the aperture for the petrol filler T0620. Drill Ø5mm clearance holes for the mounting bolts. Mount the petrol filler to the outside of the monocoque complete with its funnel. Using T0624 and the 50mm ID rubber pipe 2 inches long attach T0621 adapter pipe between the filler T0620 and the petrol tank. The 50mm ID rubber pipe 2 inches long can be slid onto the aluminium funnel and then with adapter pipe T0620 in place the pipe slid back over the gap. Insert the plastic T piece for the Ø6mm breather pipe into the * ID rubber pipe coming from the tank and re-connect the other side of the T piece to the adapter pipe T0621. It is extremely important when you have completed you car and it is ready for the road that you check all the petrol pipe joins for leakage. Do not run your car until you are satisfied that there are absolutely no leaks in the system. RADIATOR DUCTING AND SPLASH MOULDS TO MONOCOQUE The front end of the Libra is held together by the radiator ducting mould. It is bolted to the monocoque. The design is such to allow a degree of crash protection in front of the monocoque. The radiator moulding, battery moulding, bonnet hinges etc. all mount to the radiator ducting mould. Radiator ducting and splash moulds to monocoque assembly The radiator ducting T0107 attaches to the monocoque T0100 using six Ø6mm set bolts 25mm long, Nyloc nuts and large diameter washers from © GTM CARS LTD. 6.5 fastener pack T0607. With the ducting T0107 resting on the car with the two vertical faces up against the monocoque you will see two indents where the Ø6mm bolts fit. Remove the moulding and drill these two holes with a Ø6mm clearance hole. Replace the radiator ducting and position snugly on the monocoque and mark the two holes. Remove the ducting and drill these two marked holes a good Ø6mm clearance i.e. Ø8mm. Make sure that the top face of the radiator ducting moulding protrudes above the top surface of the central monocoque by approximately 15mm to enable the rubber trim moulding to fit correctly. Replace the ducting and bolt up the ducting to the monocoque using two of the Ø6mm bolts. Now looking from the top of the radiator ducting and inside the ducting adjacent to the heater blower unit and the pedal box, two further indentations can be seen for the mounting bolts. Holding the ducting snugly against the monocoque drill these holes Ø6mm clearance. Remove the ducting and open out these holes to a good Ø6mm clearance i.e. Ø8mm. Replace the ducting and secure with Ø6mm bolts, Nylocs and washers. When bolted up there is a deliberate slot on the rear edge between the moulding and the monocoque to allow water to drain. Do not fill this slot with anything. Now working from within the wheel arches drill a Ø6mm clearance hole through the ducting and the monocoque on the flange of the ducting approximately 15mm from the first angle of the wheel arch on the monocoque. Bolt through with Ø6mm bolts, washers and Nyloc nuts. Two small splash mouldings TO112/3 are attached to the monocoque using No 8 self tapping screws and washers from fastener pack T0607 to finish off the seal path of the wheel arches. The shiny side of the splash mouldings face towards the door closures. The splash mouldings have a rebated portion that fits over the end of the radiator ducting. The shape of the splash moulding means it positions itself. Working from the inside of the wheel arch attach the splash moulding to the monocoque. The top edge of the splash mouldings align with the top edge of the radiator ducting. At the top end of the splash moulding where it goes over the radiator ducting, drill through both splash moulding and radiator ducting to allow both components to be attached using the self-tapping screws. When attaching the mouldings with self-tapping screws drill a clearance hole first in the splash mouldings and the radiator ducting and the appropriate tapping size holes in the monocoque. RADIATOR MOULD, RADIATOR AND PIPEWORK The Libra uses the standard Metro radiator complete with fan assembly. The radiator locates using its four standard rubbers to the radiator mounting mould, which in turn bolts to the radiator ducting. In this way the air entering the front of the car is forced to flow through the radiator. Rubber and aluminum pipe work takes the water from the engine through the tunnel through the radiator and back to the engine. The radiator is mounted upside down compared to the conventional Metro installation with the cooling fan © GTM CARS LTD. 6.6 assembly on the right hand side. A radiator bleed pipe is used as on the standard Metro and is fed via rubber pipes through the tunnel to the header tank. Radiator mould, Radiator and pipe work assembly Refer to drawing No 9, start the assembly by fitting the radiator to the radiator support T0108. The radiator is mounted upside down with the fan on the driver’s side and the funny shape plastic legs at the bottom. The radiator is mounted on the standard K Series Rover Metro rubbers. Drill the 2 holes in the top face of the radiator support, indicated by the small indents with a small pilot drill. Open out to approximately Ø17mm with a hole saw. Drill the holes indicated on the bottom mount in a similar manner and open up with a Ø17mm hole saw. Cut away the area indicated by the scribe lines on the moulding. This is so that the radiator can be slotted in. Fit the two standard round Rover Metro radiator mounting rubbers in the two top holes. Mount two square Rover Metro mounting rubbers onto the plastic bottom legs which will be at the bottom of the radiator. Slip the two top tubes of the radiator mountings through the two top bushes already fitted to the support moulding and then slide in the two bottom rubbers already attached to the radiator into the slots previously made in the support. The radiator should now hold itself satisfactorily in the support. Remove the radiator from the support moulding. Bolt the radiator support T0108 to the radiator ducting T0107 using two Ø6mm bolts 15mm long, Ø20mm washers and Nyloc nuts. Force the radiator support mould down onto the radiator ducting mould and drill three Ø6mm clearance holes along the bottom lip of the support moulding to attach it to the radiator ducting mould. Bolt through with three Ø6 x 15mm long set bolts, Nyloc nuts and 20mm washers. These bolts should be positioned through from the underside of the car to minimise the amount showing under the car. The radiator can now be remounted into the support moulding attached to the ducting mould. The radiator support should not overhang the radiator ducting so bolt in as tightly as you can. The radiator water flows from the radiator through aluminium pipes to the engine. These pipes are joined by standard Rover Metro rubber hoses which require cutting and modification. The rubber pipes are attached to the aluminium pipes using the jubilee clips provided. After the water has left the radiator via a rubber 90-degree bend, a portion of the standard Rover Metro radiator steel pipe is used to facilitate the bleed pipe. This is located on the driver’s side. Cut the standard Rover Metro pipe to a length of 210mm long with the bleed pipe approximately 25mm from one end. The other entire Ø11/8 " pipes are in aluminium and are provided within the kit. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.7 Work through from the front of the car through the tunnel and to the engine. The Ø5/16” rubber bleed pipe, which comes from the standard Rover Metro pipe at the front, goes through the tunnel over the petrol tank and through the header tank on the driver’s side of the engine. Mounting with the terminals closest to the monocoque. The battery lead can now be fitted from the battery towards the drivers side of the car and through the recess made in the moulding round through the tunnel over the petrol tank and through to the engine. The red positive lead connects to the solenoid attached to the starter motor and the black negative lead runs over the solenoid and starter motor and attaches to the gearbox bolt immediately behind the starter motor. The battery leads are attached in the tunnel as indicated on the tunnel diagram (No 8). PIPES AND SERVICES THROUGH THE TUNNEL Before any pipes can be run through the tunnel is it important to cut the aperture for the gear lever and mount the gear change bracket T0404. Also try to drill the holes for the handbrake brackets. For details how to do this look in section (). HEATER PIPES The first pipes to be run through the tunnel are the Ø15mm aluminium heater pipes T0810. Refer to drawing No 8 and 10. The heater pipes run along the LHS of the tunnel. This is the same whether it is a left or right hand drive. Use P clips from pack T0813 and secure the pipes at intervals down the tunnel. Make sure the P clips will not get in the way of the gear change. Use fastener pack T0815 (I) to hold the P clips to the tunnel. Push the bolts through from the outside of the tunnel inwards, using a washer and Nyloc nut on the inside of the tunnel. Make sure the heater pipes protrude 140mm at the front of the monocoque. BATTERY CABLES Battery cables T0909 need to run down the RHS of the tunnel. To get an idea of how long the battery cables need to be at the front of the car it is a good idea to put the battery mounting T0109 in place with a battery and loosely connect the cable so you can see the lengths needed. Remove the battery and battery mounting T0109 and p clip the cables at four intervals along the tunnel. Make sure that one p clip is near the gear change so that it keeps the battery cables firm against the monocoque to prevent fowling. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.8 All other cables through the tunnel are tie wrapped to the p clipped cables. For rough locations in the tunnel refer to drawing No 8. Tie wraps can be found in fastener pack T0912. The Speedo cable T0702 is run down the RHS of the tunnel. Roughly make sure the Speedo cable can reach the instrument binnacle at the front of the car before tie wrapping it to the brake pipes. Run the clutch cable and wiring loom in a similar way. The handbrake cables will eventually also be tie wrapped to go over the petrol tank. The clutch cable, heater pipes and gear change rods run underneath the petrol tank. All other pipes through the tunnel will run over the petrol tank so it is important to get these cables close together so they will fit comfortably in the aperture. Before the petrol tank is put in place the rubber piping needs to be fitted to the rear end of the smaller aluminium heater pipes using Jubilee clips. These rubber pipes can then also be run over the petrol tank. Anything loose in this area will rub against the side of the gear change when used and eventually fail. When the car is complete ask someone to work the gear change whilst you have a good look under the tunnel to make sure that nothing is catching or fowling. © GTM CARS LTD. 6.9 LIGHTS FRONT END………………………………………………………….7.1 Main headlights assembly…………………………..7.1 Front indicators assembly………………………….7.1 Side repeater assembly……………………………...7.1 REAR END…………………………………………………………...7.3 Rear light unit assembly…………………………….7.3 Number plate light assembly……………………….7.3 Fog and reversing lamp assembly…………………7.3 © GTM CARS LTD. 6.10 HEADLIGHT COVERS……………………………………………...7.3 Assembly……………………………………………….7.3 LIGHTS All the lights used on the Libra are mounted externally to the body mouldings. The lights on the front and rear panels are fed by a separate wiring loom which is plugged into the main wiring loom to enable the panels to be removed completely without disturbing the wiring. FRONT END Main headlight assembly The main headlights T1300 (dip and main beam) and the driving lights T1311 are held in to the bonnet in the same manner. Locate the centre of the circle which is marked to be cut out. The template in chapter 13 may be useful for this. Pilot drill a small hole at the middle of the inner circle. Use a Ø79mm hole saw and cut out the centre of the mounting face. Try to ensure the outline of the hole saw matches up to the outline on the moulding. With a small pilot drill, centre the three © GTM CARS LTD. 7.0 mounting holes for the driving lights and headlights, as indicated in the bonnet moulding. Drill out these holes to Ø7mm. Unclip the backs for the driving lights and headlights (T1300 and T1311). Insert the halogen bulbs taking great care not to touch the glass as this can damage the bulb. The smaller bulbs with two pins go in to the driving lights T1311 and the larger bulbs with three pins go in to the headlights T1300. Mount the light units into the plastic retainers T1301. The light units are retained in the holders by three spring loaded clips that go over the top face of the light unit and clip behind the rear face of the plastic holder. The whole assembly then mounts into the bonnet with the spring and washer on the outside of the bonnet and a washer and thumbscrew on the inside of the bonnet. The headlights go in the top large moulding and the driving lights go on the bottom large moulding. By adjusting the thumbscrews the angle and direction of the light unit can be adjusted. On the driving light T1311 it is necessary to remove one of the three slotted retaining clips attached to the light unit to ensure the light fits the holder. This can be conveniently removed using electrical side cutters. The clip to be removed is the top clip just to the left-hand side of the centre top position. Front indicator assembly Pilot drill a centre hole and then remove the centre of the mounting faces for the lights to approximately Ø44mm. Using the lights as a template, drill out the three mounting holes through the face of the light using a Ø3.5mm drill. Mount the lights using three No 8 12mm long selftapping screws from light fastener pack T1318 (A). Side lights assembly Pilot drill a centre hole in the smallest light moulding. Using a Ø22mm hole © GTM CARS LTD. 7.1 saw, opening up a hole just big enough to push the side lights through. Side repeater assembly Mount the side repeater lights T1316 on the bonnet. The repeater lights should be in line with the top of the front wheel arches and with their centre approximately 150mm from the rear face of the bonnet. The size of the hole needed is Ø20mm. A template is provided in chapter 13. The template fits to the bottom of the bonnet on either side. REAR END Rear light unit assembly To mount the rear light units T1304 drill the rear moulding to Ø44mm clearance as indicated. Pilot drill the two mounting holes for each indicator and brake light. Open these holes out to Ø3.5mm ready for No 8 self tapping screws. Mount the light units using the screws provided in the light fastener pack T1318 (B). The rear connector of the indicators and brake lights can now be screwed in with the bulb. Peel the back of the reflector off and attach to the third moulding in the light unit. Number plate unit assembly The number plate light T1310 mounts on the rear panel in the centre so as to illuminate the rear number plate. Mount the light unit so that its rear most face is approximately 8mm from the rear face of the car. Cut a hole in the rear panel approximately 53mm long and 20mm wide to accept the mountings of the number plate light unit. Clip in the light unit. Note that you have to drill through both the outer and inner skin of the boot. Fog and rear light unit assembly The rear fog lamp T1306 and reversing lamp T1307 are mounted in a similar manner. First cut off the plastic hanger type bracket at the top of the light units. Remove the front glass panel of the © GTM CARS LTD. 7.2 units and remove the units from their backing plate by undoing the two selftapping screws. Drill Ø2 x 4mm clearance mounting hole through the mounting plate of the light units. Position the two light units in the rebated panel on the rear section and drill through the mounting plates with an Ø3.5mm drill. Secure the mounting plates with No 8 self-tapping screws. Drill out the wire exit hole to Ø12mm clearance hole. Re-assemble the light units. HEADLIGHT COVERS Headlight covers are provided within the kit for the main/dip headlight units. The Perspex covers fit within a rebate in the bonnet moulding. Stainless steel self-tapping screws retain the covers. Headlight Cover assembly The Perspex headlight covers provided in the kit are already cut to size and shape. A small amount of sanding of the edges maybe required to make them fit precisely into the bonnet rebate. Stainless steel screws as per the rear screen can be used to locate the headlamp covers into the bonnet. However a number of customers have fixed their headlamp covers in with black self tapping screws. The Perspex covers come pre drilled and the holes in the covers can be used to locate the fixing holes into the panel. This is done by putting a pilot drill through the existing hole in the Perspex cover, removing the cover and drilling through a clearance hole in the glass fibre bonnet section or if using self tapping screws the right size hole for the self tapper being used. © GTM CARS LTD. 7.3 FRONT & REAR SCREEN AND WIPERS SCREENS……………………………………………………………8.2 Perspex screens rear and side…………………….8.2 WINDSCREEN………………………………………………………8.2 Fitting and assembly………………………………...8.2 Washer bottle, pipes and jets……………………....8.3 WIPER MOTOR & BLADES……………………………………….8.3 © GTM CARS LTD. 7.4 PERSPEX SCREENS REAR AND SIDE The GTM Libra uses Perspex screens to the rear and sides of the car. These screens are attached to the rear panel using stainless steel nuts and bolts. The side screens are shaped in such a manner to enable air to be drawn into the engine bay. Perspex Screens Rear and Side assembly The rear window T1006 and the two engine cover side windows T1003 and T1104 are all made from Perspex. The windows are supplied pre-formed and all fixing holes are pre-drilled. Position the windows into the moulding apertures centralise the position and tape into place. Drill through the holes in the Perspex to mark the glass fibre area which locates the window. Make sure the drill is smaller than the holes in the Perspex window. Once the position has been marked in the glass fibre remove the Perspex windows and drill through the fibreglass with a clearance hole the same size as the hole in the Perspex windows. You may want to paint a black band on the moulding around the window surround or fit a rubber strip between the Perspex and the rear moulding. Fix the Perspex windows in place with the stainless steel fittings in the Perspex fixing pack T1108. WINDSCREEN AND REAR BULKHEAD SCREEN The windscreen and rear bulkhead screen on the Libra are both bonded to the monocoque using conventional bonding agents. The front screen is laminated © GTM CARS LTD. 8.1 and tinted and the rear screen is toughened glass. Windscreen and rear bulkhead screen assembly Although we have fitted a number of windscreens and rear bulkhead screens ourselves it is strongly recommended that the fitting of the two screens should be undertaken by a professional windscreen fitter. Using a professional windscreen fitter has a number of advantages. 1. They will guarantee a fit without leakage. 2. They will be able to offer a number of rubber trim panels to go around the outside edge of the glass which in turn will make a much neater job. 3. They will be able to supply the black primer paint which is required for the inside edge of the screens to obscure the glue when they bond them in. WINDSCREEN WASHER BOTTLE PIPES AND JETS The Libra utilises the standard Rover Metro washer bottle, pipes and jets. The bottle is mounted on pre-moulded supports in the radiator ducting and the pipes run from the bottle through the front bulkhead of the monocoque to moulded positions for the two jets. Windscreen Washer Bottle Pipes and Jets assembly The standard K Series Rover screen washer bottle is secured to the top of the radiator ducting with three No 8 self tapping screws 12mm long. The screen jet tube runs under the washer bottle through the same grommet as the Speedo cable and across the dashboard to the two K Series Rover Metro screen jets. These jets fit into the bodywork on the two raised sections either side of the central mounting position for the bonnet. The standard K Series 'T' pieces are used between the two jets and the pipe down to the washer bottle. It is necessary to block off the rear screen wash washer pipe. Measure the centre of each raised section and pilot drill a hole. Open out to Ø7mm and file off rough edges. The jets should just push fit in to the hole. Thread the pipe under the wiper mechanism and out through the smaller grommet in the RHS of the front bulkhead. From here it connects to the washer bottle. WIPER MOTOR AND BLADES © GTM CARS LTD. 8.2 Special wiper blades T0685 are used which are provided in the kit. The arms are standard K Series Rover Metro. Wiper motor and blades assembly The standard K Series wiper motor and mechanism fits directly into the Libra and fits from the underside of the dashboard. The car has been designed for both left and right hand drives. The right hand version using the two marked holes one in the passenger side of the center and the other on the driver’s side. This can be checked by holding the wiper motor assembly against the outside of the car to make sure you’ve got the two correct holes. While the wipers are held against the bulkhead, make sure the marks for the holes are in the correct position for your donor mechanism. Using these marks on the monocoque drill two pilot holes for the wiper motor spigots Ø18mm clearance. Remove the angled rubber mountings from the K Series Rover Metro assembly and replace them with the wiper spigot spacers T0699. Before fitting the motor to the monocoque, grind the corners of the arms under the bulkhead slightly to prevent them catching on the monocoque. The whole assembly can now be bolted under the dashboard using the standard K Series Rover Metro washers and nuts. It may be necessary to bend the bracket with the rubber bung on it to obtain a nice fit under the dashboard against the bulkhead. If your electrics are fitted it is advisable to run the wiper motor to make sure that it does not catch as it rotates against the glass fibre of the monocoque. Should it catch in any place, relieve the glass fibre to get a clearance. Take great care to only remove just enough glass fibre to keep the strength of the bulkhead. Standard Rover Metro K Series wiper arms are used with the larger blades T0685 provided within the kit. It is possible to bend the standard Rover Metro arms at their ends nearest the fitment to the wiper blade to obtain a better sweep of the screen. © GTM CARS LTD. 8.3 ELECTRONICS & WIRING WIRING……………………………………………………………...9.2 Wiring for K series Rover Metro………………….9.2 Wiring for Rover 25…………………………………9.2 Assembly for Rover 25…………………………….9.2 WIRING LOOM, INSTRUMENTS & FUSE BOX………………9.3 Assembly…………………………………………….9.3 © GTM CARS LTD. 8.4 Wiring The Libra utilises the K Series Rover Metro or the Rover 100 wiring loom instruments and fuse boxes. Auxiliary wiring looms are used at the front, through the tunnel and at the back. The standard K Series Rover Metro dashboard loom is retained. The colours used are those in the K Series Rover Metro loom. The central auxiliary loom runs from under the dashboard forward through the front bulkhead of the monocoque and through the tunnel to the back of the car. Both the front and rear auxiliary looms unplug to enable the front and rear panels to be removed completely with their own wiring looms attached. The standard Rover Metro steering column/Rover 100 steering column and switchgear is retained on the Libra. No wires run through the passenger compartment. When utilising the GTM instrument pack the standard Rover Metro dashboard loom is discarded and a new loom provided with the instrument pack replaces it and plugs into the standard Rover Metro loom. When using a modern K Series engine it will be necessary to fit a 5AS immobiliser. This immobiliser requires a separate auxiliary loom which runs from the rear of the car to the front of the car with the immobiliser positioned under the dashboard for weather protection. When utilising the latest K Series engine with MEMS 3 units it is necessary to use an auxiliary loom to supplement the Rover 25 loom in the engine bay. This auxiliary loom plugs into the standard GTM loom. Wiring for Rover 25 Engines. © GTM CARS LTD. 9.1 Unfortunately the Rover 25 engine bay-wiring loom does not include the relay pack as on all other Rover cars. It is therefore necessary to produce an additional harness with relays and fuses to supplement the original Rover 25 engine bay harness. This additional harness TO904 fits within the engine bay alongside the original Rover 25 engine bay harness. The new harness connects into the original Rover 25 engine bay harness and connects into the 5AS loom as provided by GTM. The MEMS 3 ECU and the 5AS unit have to be matched for them to work. If the units do not come off the same car this can be undertaken by GTM Cars Ltd. The rear oxygen sensor as used on the Rover 25 is not used on the GTM. Assembly Consult drawing No 27. The ECU, relays and fuses associated with the engine mount onto the bulkhead immediately behind the passenger seat. Connect the ECU to the Rover engine bay wiring loom. Connect the ECU to the GTM auxiliary engine bay wiring loom. The connections to the GTM loom and the Rover loom are all made just in front of the gearbox/engine mounting inside the engine frame. Before screwing the ECU, fuse box and relay box to the bulkhead, check that the wires will reach the appropriate connections. Secure the ECU, relay box and fuse box to the rear of the bulkhead. Connect the large diameter brown wire to the live side of the starter solenoid i.e. the side to which the main red battery lead is connected. Referring to the circuit information in the manual with regard to wiring connections for the MEMS 3 engines, connect the wires together. It will be necessary to terminate the wires on the Rover 25 loom after removing the connectors. These terminals are supplied within the auxiliary wiring pack. The manual under the heading Rover 25 connection details indicates which connectors have to be removed and terminals fitted. For example wire number one rev counter drive is black/white in the MEMS 3 loom and connects to the black/white in the GTM 5AS loom. Wire number eleven ignition warning light is brown/yellow in the GTM 5AS loom and connects to the brown/yellow in the Rover 25 engine bay loom. Following this example connect the wires together down to number seventeen. The only other wire that may cause confusion is wire six which is a large diameter brown wire in the MEMS 3 loom and this has to be connected to the large diameter wire in the standard GTM loom. When everything else is completed and the engine runs satisfactorily it is best to insulate all these connections with insulation tape. Then secure the loom with tie wraps in appropriate places. WIRING LOOM, INSRUMENTS AND FUSE BOX The Libra utilises the K Series Rover Metro wiring loom instruments and fuse boxes. Auxiliary wiring looms are used at the front through the tunnel and at the back. The standard K Series dashboard loom is retained. The colour codes used are those of the K Series Rover Metro. The rear auxiliary loom © GTM CARS LTD. 9.2 runs from under the dashboard forward through the front bulkhead of the monocoque and through the tunnel to the back of the car. Both the front and rear auxiliary looms unplug to enable the front and rear panels to be removed complete with their own lamp wiring looms. By using its own wiring loom at the back and making connections under the dashboard the completed car is very neatly wired. The standard Rover Metro steering column switchgear is retained within the Libra. No wires run through the passenger compartment. Wiring loom and electrical component assembly Consult drawing No 27. Lay your K Series Rover Metro wiring loom out on the floor and identify the basic layout. The main body of the layout runs across the car inside the dashboard. This part of the layout has the fuse box attached to it and the plugs for the steering column switches and the dashboard loom. The fuse box is on driver’s side of the car. Running forward from this loom on either side of the car are two legs which, on the standard car run forward to the lights on either side of the car. They can be identified by a large grommet on either leg. This grommet is approximately Ø60mm. The grommet is used where the wiring loom goes through the front bulkhead of the car on the Rover Metro and is used in exactly the same manner on the Libra. On the passenger side of the car just before the wiring loom goes through the large grommet there is also a leg of the wiring loom which on the standard Rover Metro runs down the passenger side of the car to the rear of the car. This leg of the wiring loom has approximately 40 wires in it. This rear leg leaves the wiring loom that goes across the dashboard at a junction and then approximately 100mm from the junction spurs leave the wiring loom with black plugs on them which on the standard Rover Metro are used for the electric windows and central locking. A further 120mm along there is a purple and white lead approximately 200mm long that has a single spade connection. After this lead allow approximately 100mm and cut the wiring loom at this point all the way through the 40 wires. The rear end of the wiring loom is not used at all on the Libra. As on the standard K Series Metro the legs of the front wiring looms run through the bulkhead of the Libra through the standard grommets and down towards the head lights on either side. A small auxiliary wiring loom is used on the Libra to wire the head lights etc and then comes through a grommet on the passenger side of the car in the radiator ducting to a plug to enable the bonnet to be removed without having to undo all the head light wiring etc. The main auxiliary loom on the Libra connects to the standard wiring loom on the passenger side of the dashboard through the standard grommet on the passenger side and then connects to the standard wiring loom at several points before going through the tunnel to the rear of the car. At the rear of the car the Libra wiring loom connects to all the auxiliary equipment and then through to the back passenger side of the car where it is plugged into another auxiliary wiring loom which runs to the lights at the rear of the car to enable © GTM CARS LTD. 9.3 the rear panel of the car to be removed without the necessity of undoing all the electrical wires to the lights. Hole saw the two Ø60mm holes in the front bulkhead in the position indicated on the drawing. These holes take the standard Rover Metro grommet. Clean them up with production paper to obtain a good seal as any water running off the screen will run directly over them. Cut the small hole adjacent to the fuse box mounting as shown on the diagram. Hole saw the Ø45mm hole to the left of the steering column as shown on the diagram. Drill two Ø4mm clearance holes on the top flange of the dashboard in the position shown on the diagram and indicated on the moulding by the two small depressions. Very carefully centre drill the two holes on the front face of the dashboard which align up with the two holes just previously drilled. This will enable a screwdriver to go up through the front of the dashboard to fit the instrument pack. Open up these holes to the shape indicated by the depression on the dashboard. Do this work very carefully; it will be seen when completed. Loosely lay the cable forms in the car in the position previously described to make sure that everything roughly fits in the right position. Start under the dashboard with the fuse box which comes from the standard Rover Metro and fits from the underside of the dashboard and is located by two No 8 self tapping screws. The main body of the wiring loom runs in front of the heater and across to the passenger side. The wires for the switchgear on the steering column run through the Ø45mm hole previously cut along with the wires for the brake light switch and throttle off normal switch. The instrument pack has its own auxiliary wiring loom which in turn connects into the standard Rover Metro loom at a point adjacent to the fuse box where there are two plugs one large black and one small with only two wires. Another plug which is attached to the instrument pack wiring loom runs through the small Ø25mm hole previously cut next to the fuse box and the wires connect directly into the fuse box on the under side. The fuse box should be mounted with the large red relay to the outside rear portion of the car. Wires from the steering column also connect directly into the bottom of the fuse box. There will be many wires and connectors associated with facilities used on the K Series Rover Metro that are not used on the Libra. For example the electric windows, central locking etc. At this stage do not do anything with these extra wires. Run the front legs of the wiring loom through the Ø60mm holes previously made in the bulk head and lay the two legs down the inside face of the radiator ducting mould. Lay the large GTM Libra wiring loom on the floor and attach to it at either end the auxiliary looms that are used for the bonnet and boot cable runs. The bonnet cable run can easily be identified as it has the connectors on it to fit into the headlight bulbs and the driving light bulbs. The rear cable run only has wires out to attach to the rear lights. By connecting up these cable runs it easily identifies the front and rear of the wiring loom. Halfway down the wiring loom you will find the connectors which are used for the petrol tank sender, © GTM CARS LTD. 9.4 petrol tank pump and handbrake. Disconnect the front and rear auxiliary cable runs and position the main GTM Libra cable run through the tunnel out under the front of the battery mounting mould. At the rear the cables run above the petrol tank down the passenger leg of the engine frame with the connector for the auxiliary wiring loom approximately 150mm from the end of the leg. Working within the passenger side front wheel arch hole saw a Ø40mm hole in the position shown on the drawing. This hole is to allow the bonnet auxiliary wiring loom through into the radiator ducting mould. The connector for the junction to the main Libra wiring harness is positioned just inside the radiator ducting. The Libra wiring loom comes out of the center of the battery mounting and up the passenger side to the point where the bonnet moulding comes through the radiator ducting and it plugs in at that point. The harness then splits, one half goes inside of the passenger radiator ducting and in through the standard grommet to a point inside the monocoque where it is joined to the previously cut off standard K Series wiring loom. The leg that goes up into the monocoque can easily be identified because it has 5 unterminated wires plus a black wire with a 6mm ring connector. All these wires are fed through the standard Rover large grommet. The other leg of the Libra cable harness runs across the top of the radiator and down the other side of the radiator ducting mould. Now that the wiring harness is in its approximate position start connecting them up from the dashboard. Connect up the standard K Series dashboard wiring harness to the instrument pod and the switches on either side of the instrument display. Connect up the two connectors that connect the dashboard loom to the main K Series harness. Connect up the long white connector on the dashboard harness to the bottom of the fuse block through the hole previously made. Run the legs of the main wiring harness that connect to the switchgear on the steering column through the previously made hole and connect up to the switchgear. Connect up the leg of the steering column switchgear to the underside of the fusebox, run the wire for the throttle off normal switch if fitted and the brake light switch through the same hole as the wires going to the steering column and connect up. It may be necessary on certain models to extend the wires off the brake light switch (green and green/purple) to get sufficient length to reach the switch on the pedal box. Connect up all the white connectors on the main K Series loom under the dashboard to the top face of the fusebox. On the passenger side of the dashboard connect the five wires of the Libra main wiring loom, cut off wires from the standard K Series rear wiring loom. The colours follow through from the standard K Series wiring loom to the Libra wiring loom. Unfortunately there are two green/purple wires in the K Series wiring harness and it is necessary to join these two together before connecting to the green/purple wire in the GTM harness. Similarly there are two grey/black wires in the K Series harness and the wire required is the one that connects through to handbrake warning light in the dashboard. Bus © GTM CARS LTD. 9.5 through the wire to the handbrake warning light and connect it to the grey/black wire in the GTM harness. The five wires can be connected using the white connector provided in the kit. The remaining wires in the K Series wiring harness should be capped off using the heat shrink insulating material provided. This material is best shrunk into position using a hot air blower. Attach the black earth ring connector on the GTM wiring harness to the black earth ring connector on the K Series Rover wiring harness and insulate with insulating tape. All the other wires and connectors on the K Series wiring harness are not used and therefore should be tie wrapped back onto the harness in a neat manner to prevent them shorting or rattling under the dashboard. Working within the radiator ducting on the passenger side, connect up the black heater blower unit connector from the K Series Rover Metro wiring harness. Connect the large black connector just in front of the heater blower unit to the mating connector on the Libra wiring harness. Further down the K Series harness towards the front drivers side of the car is the main heavy duty fuse block assembly. This assembly will already be attached to the K Series harness. In the standard car the main power feed to the engine management cable harness goes directly into the main fuse box at this point. If you received your car parts from a salvage company it is more than likely that they will have removed the engine wiring loom from the main fuse box by cutting the brown wire at this point. If it has not been cut then cut it to separate the engine management harness from the main K Series wiring harness and join in to the brown lead coming from the new Libra wiring loom using the connector provided within the kit. Connect through the connector on the new Libra wiring loom to the connector protruding through the radiator ducting that supplies the headlight harness. At this point you will see that there is a main black earthing block on the K Series harness and a 6mm earthing ring on the Libra loom. Loosely connect these two wires together plus a black wire provided in the kit and connect back to the battery earthing terminal. Connect the orange/green and green connector on the Libra harness to the thermostat on the passenger side of the radiator. Connect the purple/black and black wires coming out of the Libra harness to the horn. Connect the black and green/red leads from the Libra harness to the black and green/red leads coming from the K Series harness. Now moving to the top centre of the radiator connect through the black connector with the three wires going into it from the GTM harness to the mating connector on the K Series harness. At the same point connect through the two white wires to the two white wires in the GTM harness and the two black and white wires to the two black and white wires in the GTM harness. These wires are for the coil on the 1400cc engines and are not used on the 1600cc and 1800cc engines using the 5AS harness. It is however © GTM CARS LTD. 9.6 important that the two white wires in the Metro harness are joined together and the two black and white wires in the Metro harness are joined together. It is not necessary to connect these wires to the GTM harness. Put the plug in to the radiator fan on the K Series harness. Starting where the K Series Rover Metro cable harness comes through the bulkhead on the driver's side run the harness down along the side of the radiator ducting to the front driver's side of the car. The first arm of the cable harness with the black and black/white spade connector goes to the top of the brake hydraulic reservoir. The other leg of this spur with the black connector on it goes to the wiper motor which is positioned within the monocoque on the Libra and hence has to go through the bulkhead adjacent to the main wiring harness grommet and through to the plug on the wiper motor. A grommet is provided for this purpose and an appropriate size hole needs to be made in the front bulkhead. Here again it is extremely important to clean the hole properly with production paper to prevent leaks through this grommet. The next two red and black connectors plug into the pumps on the front of the standard K Series washer bottle which is mounted to the top of the radiator ducting mould. The next connector on the K Series harness is a black earth connector and this should be joined to the end of the Libra harness that has come across the top of the radiator to the black wire with a 6mm ring connector. Join loosely at this stage. Connect the green/white and black spade connectors on the standard harness through to the green/white and black connectors on the Libra harness. The next connector on the standard K series harness is the connector that goes to the dim/dip unit. Connect this to the dim/dip unit and leave. Now working towards the end of the K Series harness coming up the side of the radiator there is a black connector which connects through to a black connector on the Libra harness. Connect through the two spade connectors from the standard harness to the Libra harness in the same vicinity. All the wires are now connected and require neatening together. The mounting of the horn main switch block and the dim/dip unit can be undertaken once the cable harness has determined the position. Remember that the mountings should miss the spare wheel when in position. Follow through the wiring harness as it goes through the tunnel from the front to the back of the car. Halfway down the wiring harness there are connectors for the petrol gauge sender unit and fuel pump mounted in the tank. Also in this position two wires come of the harness to go into the car for the handbrake off warning light system. The wiring harness comes over the top of the petrol tank and immediately as it exits there are four black leads that are connected by an 8mm ring connector © GTM CARS LTD. 9.7 to the same bolt on the gearbox that the main earth connector from the battery connects to. There are two black and white leads and two white leads that connect to the coil. PEDAL BOX & GEAR CHANGE BRAKE LINES……………………………………………………...10.2 GEAR CHANGE……………………………………………………10.2 Gear change assembly……………………………..10.2 HAND BRAKE LEVER CABLES & CALLIPERS……………...10.3 Assembly – Rover 220i or 420…………………….10.3 Assembly – MGF………………………………….…10.4 PEDAL BOX & MASTER CYLINDER…………………………..10.5 Assembly…………………………………………….10.5 © GTM CARS LTD. 9.8 STEERING RACK & COLUMN………………………………….10.5 THROTTLE PEDAL……………………………………………….10.6 Assembly…………………………………………….10.6 BRAKE LINES The Kunifor brake pipes pack T1100 are bendable by hand without any special tooling. The longest pipe in the pack is run from the rear bulkhead through to the master cylinder on the front end. Refer to drawing No 15 and mark on the monocoque where the ‘T’ piece sits on the front and rear bulkheads. The ‘T’ pieces can be found in fastener pack T1112 (). Drill a Ø6mm hole for the ‘T’ piece and use fastener pack T1112 (C) to bolt the front ‘T’ piece with the bolt at the top and the rear ‘T’ piece with the bolt at the bottom. Take two flexible brake brackets T1106 and position them as in drawing No 15. Mark the pilot holes and drill to Ø6mm clearance. Bolt the two brackets in to place using fastener pack T1112 (). Take the front flexible brake pipes T1102 and unscrew the nut off the end. Slot the threaded end of the flexible brake pipe from the outer side of the bracket. Lock this in to place with the nut. Bend one of the three short solid brake lines to fit between the ‘T’ piece and the bracket T1106. A suggested way to bend the brake pipes is shown in drawing No 15. Try to bend the pipes at right angles to make a neater job. Once the brake pipe is bent, screw the other end in to the ‘T’ piece. Repeat on the other side at the front end. When both brake pipes are screwed into the ‘T’ piece, tighten the nuts to ensure there will be no leaking of brake fluid. © GTM CARS LTD. 10.1 At the rear take the longest brake pipe and screw it in to the bottom thread of the ‘T’ piece. Feed the pipe in to the tunnel taking car to bend it as close to the monocoque as you can. Feed it through the tunnel making sure it goes above the gear change front support T0404. At the front of the tunnel it bends up to the master cylinder. Take the third short piece of solid brake pipe and bend it as shown in drawing No 15. Drill Ø6mm holes for the remaining flexible brake brackets T1106 and bolt them on using fastener pack T1112 (). Once all the brackets are tight and each end of the brake pipes is screwed together, p clips must be used to secure the brake pipes against the monocoque. Start by securing the pipe through the tunnel. The p clips are provided in fastener pack T1112 (H) and the nuts, bolts and washers are in fastener pack T1112 (D). The brake pipe should run down the RHS of the tunnel and have four p clips evenly spaced along the length of the tunnel. Refer to drawing No 8 for the exact position in the tunnel. Take care to keep the brake pipe away from the gear change so that it will not fowl. Mark the positions of the four p clips and drill Ø4mm holes. Put a bolt and washer on the fibre glass side of the monocoque and a washer and Nyloc nut on the gel coat side of the tunnel. On the front and rear bulkheads position p clips roughly where drawing No 15 suggests. Drill holes Ø3.5mm for the self tapping screws in fastener pack T1112 (A). Double check all joins in the brake pipes are secure and tight. Tighten all the p clips so that the pipes are secure to the monocoque. Heat Shield A heat shield is necessary to protect the brake fluid in the brake pipes from getting too hot. The heat shield provided T0693 is glued to the monocoque using a contact adhesive. There is an aperture in the rear bulkhead to show where the heat shield should roughly go. © GTM CARS LTD. 10.2 GEAR CHANGE The gear change on the GTM Libra is purpose designed for the mid engine configuration. It runs from the gear change in the front of the car through the tunnel under the petrol tank and engine to a pivot assembly attached to the engine frame. It utilises certain parts from the standard K Series Rover Metro gear change and therefore requires a K Series Rover Metro gear change in exchange. The gate remains the same as a standard K Series Rover Metro. Gear Change assembly. Consult drawing No 18. Mark out the hole for the gear lever and drill the four corners. With a jigsaw or by chain drilling, cut out the hole. Refer back to drawing No 18 and mark the position of the three holes to hold the gear change mounting bracket T0404. Pilot drill the three holes and open to Ø6mm clearance. Use fastener pack T0403 (H) to secure the bracket. The gear change assembly used on the Libra comes completely modified from GTM Cars Ltd and it is only necessary to push the front pivot through the standard K Series mounting at the front and attach the pivot bar at the back to the engine frame. This pivot bar at the back utilises the standard K Series Rover Metro bushes. Now attach the two link rods to the gearbox one of which has been modified by GTM Cars Ltd. By adjusting the length of these link rods it should be easy to obtain the appropriate gate in the gear change. Check that everything runs freely under the car and that the gear change is not rubbing up or hitting against any of the pipe work through the tunnel. HANDBRAKE LEVER CABLES AND CALLIPERS The GTM Libra utilises the Rover 220i or 420 rear callipers or the MGF rear callipers. When using the Rover 220i or 420 rear callipers, the handbrake © GTM CARS LTD. 10.3 cables and handbrake lever are used off the same car. When using the MGF rear callipers special cables are used plus the handbrake lever of the Rover 220i or 420. The callipers bolt to the standard Rover Metro front hub assembly employed at the back of the lever. With the Rover 220i or 420 rear callipers special adapter plates are provided in the kit to facilitate this. With the MGF calliper these bolt directly to the hub without the adapter plate but using 2 special eccentric bushes. The cables run from the callipers over the petrol tank and into the driving compartment. The handbrake lever is mounted to the tunnel, the outer cable mounting from the Rover 220i or 420 is also utilised next to the lever. When using the Rover 220i or 420 callipers or the MGF callipers, the rear disc utilised from the front disc of the Rover Metro has to be reduced in thickness. This is done on an exchange basis by GTM Cars Ltd. Handbrake lever cables and callipers assembly – Rover 220i or 420. There are two drawings at the end of this manual relating to this paragraph, No 13&14. The standard Rover 220/420 rear callipers are fitted to the standard K Series Rover Metro front hub assemblies via an adapter plate T1107. This is shown on the center drawing at the rear of this manual. The adapter plate T1107 is attached to the hub via two Ø14mm 2mm pitch 20mm long socket cap head screws. To accept the screws, the holes in the K Series hubs that originally attached the K Series callipers have to be tapped out appropriately. Fortunately the tapping size hole for the 14mm thread is the hole already in the K Series hub. It is therefore only necessary to tap out the holes in the callipers. Should you have difficulty in obtaining a suitable tap one is available from GTM Cars LTD on a loan basis. So that T1107 can fit flush against the rear face of the Rover Metro hub it is necessary to fettle (grind or file) the face of the hub casting. Clear away all metal that prevents T1107 fitting flush against the hub face. Using the two Ø14 x 2 x 20mm long socket cap head screws provided in pack T1110 attach the carrier T1107 to the hub. The Rover 220/420 calliper is attached to the adapter plate T1107 via two spacers T1108. It may be necessary to fettle the side face of the Rover Metro hub slightly to enable the spacer to sit squarely on the adapter plate T1107. By placing the Ø10mm bolt through the hole in T1107 and putting the spacer T1108 on it, the area that has to be fettled away can be clearly seen. On the Rover 220/420 callipers the bracket that holds the handbrake cable to the calliper has to be removed before the calliper can be fitted to the adapter plate T1107. The track control arm T0308 on the Libra has a location for the outer cable of the standard Rover 220/420-handbrake cable. The standard solid Rover K Series front disc has to be skimmed to 10mm thickness; this is done by GTM Cars Ltd. on an exchange basis. Once you are satisfied that everything fits together without interference and is square and true assemble the caliper and adapter T1107 to the hub using the bolts provided. We strongly recommend the use of lock tight or some © GTM CARS LTD. 10.4 similar thread locking substance when finally locking up these bolts. Now mount up the Rover 220/420handbrake lever to the tunnel as illustrated on the appropriate drawing in the rear of this manual. Start by marking out all the holes needed and drill them all before anything is run through the tunnel. Attach the Rover 220/420 standard handbrake lever to the top of the Libra tunnel in the position shown on the drawing using two Ø8mm set bolts 20mm long and on the inside of the tunnel T1110. Make sure that the handbrake lever is central to the tunnel. Attach T1105 handbrake cable mounting bracket to the top of the tunnel in the position shown on the diagram using two Ø6 x 20mm long set bolts, washers and Nyloc nuts. The Rover 220/420 standard outer cable bracket can now be mounted to T1105 using two Ø8 x 10mm long set bolts, washers and spring washers. It may be necessary on certain Rover 220/420 outer cable brackets to remove a certain amount of the bracket that is not required. The two holes can now be drilled in the tunnel of the monocoque to allow the cables to run through over the petrol tank. By carefully elongating these holes it is possible to fit the standard Rover 220/420 handbrake cable grommets neatly into the top of the monocoque tunnel. The cables run over the top of the petrol tank, over the top of the top wishbones to the outer cable-mounting bracket on the rear steering arm T0308/9, T0308 being drivers side. The cables are secured to the top of the top wishbone T0300 using two 10mm P clips per side and No 10 self tapping screws. The handbrake can now be adjusted in the normal manner and should work satisfactorily. Handbrake callipers MGF. The MGF handbrake callipers are utilised at the rear of the GTM in exactly the same way as the Rover 220i or 420 callipers. The callipers are attached to the hub without the use of an adapter plate but with the use of two eccentric bushes. These two eccentric bushes fit into enlarged holes that are used for the existing callipers at the front of the K Series Rover Metro. The two holes that hold the two front callipers on the Metro have to be enlarged to Ø17mm. This drills out easily but should you not have a Ø17mm drill GTM will be happy to drill them out for you. With the two eccentric bushes T1115 fitted into these Ø17mm holes and positioned such as to give the largest spaces between the two Ø10mm holes within the bushes the MGF callipers will bolt onto the Metro hub without alteration. When using the MGF callipers special cables T0114a must be used which are obtainable from GTM. The rest of the assembly is similar to the previously described assembly for the Rover 220i or 420 rear callipers. © GTM CARS LTD. 10.5 PEDAL BOX AND MASTER CYLINDER The Libra uses the standard K Series Rover Metro pedal box assembly, complete with master cylinder and vacuum assist servo. The assembly mounts in exactly the same manner as used in the K Series Rover Metro. Specially designed clutch and brake pedals are provided in the kit and mount onto the pedal box assembly in the same manner as the K Series Rover Metro. Pedal Box and Master Cylinder assembly The standard K Series Rover Metro pedal box comes apart very simply and should cause you little problem. If you do incur a problem, refer to drawing No 12&34. While everything is disassembled, any modifications should be done for example fitting the hydraulic clutch. If the hydraulic clutch is to be fitted it is much easier to machine the plate when it is separated from the rest of the assembly. Use the plate to line up the indents in the monocoque to the mounting holes in the plate. Mark any misalignments and remove the plate. Drill the two holes that line up with the self captivating nuts to Ø8mm. The three other holes need to be drilled to Ø6mm clearance. The bottom left hand hole needs to be drilled to Ø5mm and a Ø6mm self tapper used because it goes through into the thick fibre glass. Remove the brake and clutch pedals and take out the plastic top hat section bearings. Replace these bearings in the specially designed brake and clutch pedals obtained in the kit and reassemble the pedal box in the same manner as it would be with the standard pedals. When rebuilding the K Series Rover Metro pedal box do not use the brake pedal return spring. Once the pedal box is assembled, mount it to the monocoque. Push the mounting bolts and washers through from the outside of the monocoque and secure with washers and Nyloc nuts on the inside of the monocoque. The two Ø8mm bolts use washers on the inside only and mount from the inside of the monocoque outwards. The standard Rover K Series pedal rubbers fit straight onto the new brake and clutch pedals. The brake and clutch pedal pads are also drilled to accept after market brake and clutch pedal pads. A support goes from the standard Rover pedal box to the underside of the dashboard as shown in manual drawings. The support TO616 bolts through an existing hole in the pedal box and to the underside of the dashboard. The support is located with two Ø8mm set screws 25mm long with Ø8mm washers and Nyloc nuts. © GTM CARS LTD. 10.6 STEERING RACK AND COLUMN The Libra uses the standard Metro steering column bolted directly to the bottom of the structural dashboard. The steering column is spaced off the bottom of the dashboard using two TO618 at the top and two TO617 at the bottom. The bottom link between the two universal joints is lengthened on exchange by GTM. Once lengthened, this link bolts directly to the steering rack. The steering rack used by the Libra is a standard Metro L.H.D. steering rack, which bolts directly to the monocoque through the horizontal front panel. The steering rack is held off the monocoque by two 3mm spacers which allow for any final adjustment. Spreader plates are used under the clamping bolts inside the monocoque. In a similar manner to the Metro, two bolts and a standard Metro clamp are used at one end and are held with a special U bolt provided in the kit. The track rod ends used on the Libra are the standard Metro track rod ends and not the GTA GTi track rod ends. The track rod ends are fitted to the steering rack in the standard manner once the special steering rack extenders have been fitted to the steering rack. These extenders are screwed and lock bolted to the steering rack. THROTTLE PEDAL The throttle pedal used on the GTM Libra is specially designed for the Libra. It mounts on the side of the standard K Series Rover Metro pedal box as shown in the diagram. Throttle Pedal Assembly The throttle pedal T0704 mounts through an existing captive Ø8mm nut on the side of the standard K Series Rover Metro pedal box. Using a standard Ø8 x 50mm long bolt, mount the throttle pedal to the K Series Rover Metro pedal box with two standard washers either side the throttle pedal and lock off the Ø8mm bolts on the inside of the pedal box to prevent it coming undone with a standard Ø8mm nut. Make sure that the throttle pedal runs freely and grease the bearing surfaces. Mount the throttle cableT0701 and switch bracket T0703 to the standard K Series pedal box as shown on the drawing using one Ø8 x 20mm long set bolt and Ø8mm washer. This bolt bolts through into the capped nut already on the pedal box assembly. The bracket mounts the 'throttle off' normal switch if you are using an early 1400cc GTi engine. It also forms a stop for the throttle pedal and mounts up the throttle cable. There are two holes for the throttle cable to go through and choose the one that matches the movement on your throttle body. The throttle cable T 0701 runs under the driver’s side carpet from the throttle pedal down the side of the sill and through the box section that supports the front edge of the seat runners. The cable then goes across to the corner of the floor where it meets the petrol tank moulding approximately 40mm from the side of the tank towards the centre of the car. The cable then runs under the engine up and across to the throttle body. It is extremely important that the © GTM CARS LTD. 10.7 throttle runs freely and make sure that you have not got any tight bends or restrictions to the cable. On the throttle there is a small hole to enable you to fit a spring between it and the old throttle off normal switch bracket attached to the standard K Series Rover Metro pedal box assembly. The standard Rover spring is appropriate. © GTM CARS LTD. 10.8 EXHAUST EXHAUST……………………………………………………….11.2 Exhaust system assembly……………………..11.2 © GTM CARS LTD. 11.1 EXHAUST The exhaust system on the Libra utilises the standard Rover Metro manifold. After the manifold, the exhaust system is all purpose designed in stainless steel. The exhaust system mounts directly to the engine gearbox assembly and not to any other framework on the car. The exhaust system has a small flexible section to take out the stresses generated by the expansion of the stainless steel. The exhaust system is so designed to allow the standard K Series Rover Metro catalyst to be fitted should the customer wish, or this can be replaced by a special pipe of the same dimension as the catalyst. The silencer itself is straight through and has a stainless steel heat shield around it to prevent the boot on the Libra becoming warm. Exhaust system assembly Refer to drawing No 31. Mount the main exhaust silencer to the engine first with the engine mounted in the car. It is possible to maneuver the exhaust system through and below the main cross tube of the engine frame with care. On the drivers side of the car mount the exhaust system mounting brackets to the two Ø10mm tapped holes just to the right looking from the rear of the dipstick. It may be necessary to slightly bend the dipstick out of the way of the exhaust bracket. The exhaust is attached to the engine using two Ø10mm socket cap head screws 15mm long and Ø10mm washers. Fix the gearbox mounting bracket to the driver’s side of the exhaust system using the three Ø8 x 10mm long set bolts and washers. By holding the exhaust system horizontal and square to the car it should be clear which two gearbox bolts have to be removed to bolt the exhaust system to the gearbox on the passenger side of the car. The exhaust system can now be bolted up firmly on both passenger and drivers side of the car and should be horizontal and true to the car. Mount the stainless steel pipe with the flexible portion in it to the standard K Series Rover Metro manifold using the gasket provided T1202 and some exhaust paste. The standard K Series Rover Metro catalyst can now be fitted between the two stainless steel plates of the exhaust system or alternatively the stainless steel pipe provided in the kit. Use one of the gaskets T1202 provided on either side of the stainless steel plate at both ends and attach at the driver’s side using Ø10 x 13mm long set bolts, nuts and washers and paste. Now attach the ‘U’ section stainless steel between the end of the catalyst pipe and the silencer itself using gaskets and paste. The new pipe attaches to the silencer using the same Ø10 x 30mm long set bolts. Tighten all bolts securely and when the engine is running check for any leaks. © GTM CARS LTD. 11.2 SETTING UP THE CAR FOR THE ROAD Suspension adjustments………………………………………..12.2 The steering rack………………………………………………….12.3 On the road…………………………………………………………12.4 © GTM CARS LTD. 12.1 SETTING UP THE CAR FOR THE ROAD The front suspension of the GTM Libra utilises two unequal length wishbones on either side. These wishbones are attached to the monocoque through mounting brackets with shims. The camber angle of the front wheels can therefore be adjusted to the required angle. A small amount of castor angle adjustment is possible by fitting different size shims to the front or rear of any wishbones. The front upside down shock absorbers have adjustable spring seats for ride height and adjustable damping settings. Different spring rates can be obtained from the factory. The rear suspension uses two trailing wishbones at either side. Refer to drawing No 25. These wishbones have adjustable ends and therefore the camber angle can be adjusted. The coil over shock absorber unit has adjustable spring seat and adjustable damper settings. By carefully following the instructions below the amateur builder should be capable of setting the car to the standard setting advised by the factory. Suspension Adjustments The car suspension adjustment can not be undertaken until the car is fully built and all the weight associated with the build is on the suspension. The track on the front and the rear of the car is the same and therefore by using the front suspension as a guide and a suitable straight edge along the side of the car it is possible to set the suspension approximately in the right position. At this stage set the rear camber angle at 0 degrees i.e. with the wheel vertical to the ground. At this stage the sides of the sill can be used as a good guide as to the position of the rear wheels side to side. Make yourself a ride height gauge by cutting a piece of wood or other suitable material to a size 5″ in one direction and 5½ ″ in the other direction. The 5″ represents the ride height under the front and rear parts of the sill when the car is fully loaded with passenger and driver and the 5½ ″ represents the height under the same position without the driver and passenger. All settings can be made to the suspension geometry at the 5½ ″ ride height. Adjust the adjustable shock absorbers to the minimum setting and adjust the adjustable spring height on the shock absorber to give you the 5½ ″ required at the front and rear corners of either side sills. The car should now be capable of being pushed around to enable you to find a suitable flat area on which to adjust the suspension more accurately. The area you choose must be as flat as you can possibly find. With the car on the most level piece of ground you can find check the heights of the two front wheels relative to each other with a spirit level and a straight bar placed on the ground between the two. It is possible to pack up one side of the car relative to the other using newspaper or magazines to get two wheels exactly level to each other. The same can be repeated at the back of the car to get the two rear wheels exactly level with each other. The relative positions of the back wheels relative to the front are not particularly important and therefore need not be adjusted. © GTM CARS LTD. 12.2 With the car level and in its final position recheck the ride heights to 5½ ″ taking into account any packing materials you may have used on the wheels. The Steering Rack Start at the front of the car. Before any adjustment can be made to the tow-in at the front of the car it is necessary to determine the central position in the steering rack. Moving the steering wheel to one extreme, measure the amount of turn to the other extreme, halving the movement and determining the central position can do this. Once these central positions have been determined mark the top of the steering wheel with some masking tape and check that the movement left and right is the same. Once you are sure you have the central position it is a good idea to put the steering wheel itself with its spokes in the central position so that when you drive the car it can be clearly seen whether it is steering correctly. Using a straight bar that will run from the front of the front wheel to the back of the rear wheel, hold the bar halfway up the wheels and adjust the tow-in on the wheel to give approximately a tow-in on either side of 2mm. On certain Metro steering racks you may find it necessary to remove a small proportion of the threaded end of the steering link to enable the correct adjustment to be obtained. This can be done using a suitable hacksaw and file. Repeat for the other side of the car. The adjustment of the camber angles for the front wheels is both covered as it has been found that this angle is pretty near correct straight from the factory. The wheels at the front should be vertical and as long as your car does not deviate from this measurement unduly our suggestions that you leave it at present and tackle any changes at a later date. Methods of making adjustment to the camber angle at the front are detailed at the end of this manual. Moving to the back of the car the set up is more complex. Camber angle and tow in are both adjustable as well as the track that the car runs at. The car runs with a rear camber angle of minus 1 ½ -2 degrees. This means that the top of the tyre leans in towards the car by 1 ½ - 2 degrees. Set the camber angles to be around this figure by adjusting the top wishbone adjusting nuts on the outside face of the wishbone. Set the tow in to be square with the front wheels i.e. neither towed in nor towed out. Referring to the diagram and looking from the back of the car set the dimension five 550mm on the driver's side of the car from the face of the casting where the drive shaft protrudes to the centre nearest bolt on the bottom wishbone. To obtain this adjustment it is necessary to adjust only the bottom wishbone with the two locking nuts on the outside ball joint and then re-adjust the top wishbone to obtain the correct camber angle. Working similarly on the passenger side adjust the distance from the face of the casting where the passenger side drive shaft protrudes to the centre of the first bolt on the bottom wishbone to 365mm. Now re-adjust the top passenger side wishbone to obtain the correct camber angle. It is difficult to measure exactly these two dimensions but try to get them as close as you can. An accuracy of plus or minus 2mm will be satisfactory, as any slight error in the track will not in any way adversely affect the handling of © GTM CARS LTD. 12.3 the car. Once you have set these bottom wishbones and locked up the lock nuts it should not be necessary to readjust them again. Whilst the car is situated on a level ground it is advisable to repeat the whole of the setting up procedure again making sure that you are satisfied that everything is correct. Once satisfied that everything is correct adjust the rear tow-in to be between 3 and 4mm at the wheel rim. This can be only be done by relating the back wheels to the front wheels as the wheels must be aligned to the car. A convenient method is to place a straight edge along the wheels between the front and rear and then measure the distance. The removal or addition of shims between the wishbone mounting brackets and the monocoque can obtain adjustment of the front camber angles. Always add the same amount of shims to the front and rear mounts of any one wishbone. Try to minimise the amount of changes you make by reducing the shims on the top wishbone and increasing the shims on the bottom wishbone for instance rather than just increasing the shims on the bottom wishbone. Any changes made here of course will necessitate the rear adjustment of the tow-in of the front wheels. On the road Your car is now ready to be driven but before doing so please recheck all the safety items i.e. brakes, steering, suspension etc to make sure that you are absolutely sure everything is satisfactory. Drive the car a short distance very carefully and then return and recheck all safety items. Check that the water level has remained constant and that there are no leaks from any fluids. Set the front and rear shock absorbers to 10 clicks away from the minimum setting as a start. Final adjustments Put in rear view mirror at a suitable height. Locate GTM badges and place the large GTM badges on the front and rear panels of the car. Place the small GTM badges on the four wheels. Fit any accessories i.e. gear knob or stereo. © GTM CARS LTD. 12.4 NOTES, SUPPLEMENTS AND TEMPLATES Notes………………………………………………………………...13.2 Notes………………………………………………………………...13.3 Notes………………………………………………………………...13.4 Necessary supplements and Templates © GTM CARS LTD. 13.1 Build Notes © GTM CARS LTD. 13.2 Build Notes © GTM CARS LTD. 13.3 Build Notes © GTM CARS LTD. 13.4 CABLE GEAR CHANGE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS The process to modify the MGF cable gear change assembly to fit into the GTM is as follows: Important: Do not fit the cables before fitting the fuel tank! Remove the gear lever gimbal from the MGF bracket assembly and then fit this into the bracket T2099 supplied from GTM using the fixings provided. Remove the counter weight completely as close to pivot as possible ( The pivot bolt head may need grinding slightly if it impedes movement in T2099 ). Drill a 4mm or 5mm hole in fore/aft moving plate of the MGF part approx ½ way between the spring holding legs on T2099. Use an M4 or M5 nut/bolt in this hole to provide the centre fixing of the two springs T2100 and then connect each spring to each leg on T2099. The springs provide the return for the gear lever to centre/neutral position. Drill a 70mm diameter hole, 610mm forward from datum (see location drawing supplied). The gearlever should be positioned in the centre of this hole and the fixing bolts to retain it in position should be 35mm from the top face of the tunnel. (Note: Use the bracket as a jig to mark the hole positions at 35mm from the top face ) Next remove the ball joint from the short cable at the gear box end and fit extender rod T2097 and then re-fit the ball joint. The long cable attaches to the gear lever end on the ball which is next to the springs and the short cable to the other ball. After the petrol tank has been fitted pass both cables under the tank (Note: Secure them to the water pipes with tie wraps). The long cable goes over the gear box and the short cable goes under. Fit the cables to the gear box bracket T2098 before fitting the bracket to gearbox. Finally clamp both the cables to the gear lever bracket T2099 using bracket T2096 and using 2off MG Rover UYC 10006 clips. NEW SUSPENSION (Issued 10/03/05) Fitting Guide Mount outside bracket T0325A using the 8 x ‘indents’ in the monocoque or using the pre-drilled holes from the previous bracket installation. *Note* Do not mount inside bracket T0324A until following further instructions. Assemble wishbones to both mounting brackets. In assembled state, offer up inside bracket T0324A to monocoque and mark and drill 8 x holes to suit. Ensure bracket is mounted at the same height as the previous installation or at the same height as the ‘indents’ on the monocoque. Please see Fig 1. *Note* Do not use existing indents or previous holes on the ‘inside’ bracket mounting T0324A! Proceed with the rest of the installation as per manual. IMPORTANT Do not use MGF handed bottom swivel joints on the new suspension set-up with 17 inch alloy wheels!! These MGF handed bottom swivel joints are only suitable with 16 inch alloy wheels and are not provided as part of the new suspension set-up. However, these can be purchased separately if required. T0325A Outside Bracket Old Indents New holes to be drilled for Inside Bracket T0324A.