Our Lady of
Our Lady of
Our Lady of Parish Staff Rev. Austin Murphy ...................................................................Pastor Rev. Gregory Rapisarda....................................... Associate Pastor Deacon Herman Wilkins ...... Director of Religious Education Mr. Ben Maerske ...................................................... Youth Minister Sr. Irene Pryle, SSND ............................................ School Principal Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday, 4pm Sunday, 8:30 & 11:30am 1727 Lynch Road Dundalk, Maryland 21222 Weekday Monday through Friday, 8am 410-284-6600 Reconciliation Saturday, 3 – 3:45pm Parish Office: Religious Ed: School Office: Website: Facebook: 410-284-6600 410-282-3120 410-288-2793 ourladyofhopedundalk.com Our Lady of Hope Parish Area Sunday Masses St Luke: 5:30PM (Sat); 10 AM 7517 North Point Rd, Edgemere Md 21219 St Rita: 9 & 11:15AM (Sep thru May) 2907 Dunleer Rd, Dundalk Md 21222 Sacred Heart of Mary 4:30PM (Sat) 7:30&10:30AM 6736 Youngstown Ave Balto MD 21222 Our Lady of Fatima 5PM(Sat) 9:30AM& Noon 6420 E Pratt St, Balto Md 21224 www.OurLadyofHopeDundalk.com Dear Friends, Pastor Notes The Christmas Season officially wraps up with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord today. Jesus entered the Jordan and shared in the waters of Baptism so that we too might share His life that He would offer to us through the Passion and Resurrection. What a great gift this is! As we continue to commit ourselves to faith-filled resolutions this month, let us "resolve" to renew our Baptismal promises to live like Jesus. Reading Scripture on a regular basis helps us to know the mind and heart of Christ so that we can imitate Him more perfectly. May we live up to the great promises of our Baptism, so we can share in Faith's promise of Eternal Life! In God's Peace, Fr. Austin The Baptism of The Lord Jan. 11,2015 Jan.5,- Jan10.,2015 Masses this Week Mon, Jan,5, Tue, Jan. 6,, Wed, Jan 7, Thu, Jan. 8, Fri, Jan. 9,, Sat Jan. 10, Events this week 8 a m Mass 8 a m Mass 8 a m Mass 9 a m Mass 8 a m Mass 3-3:45 p m -Confessions 4 p m Mass Stewardship- Dec. 24th & 25th Christmas Envelopes Christmas Loose Children’s Total 1st Collection $ nd 2 Collection(Christmas Flowers) $ Poor Box Advent Folders 11962.00 1647.09 5.00 13614.09 2724.65 259.20 739.00 Stewardship- Dec. 27th &th -28th Offertory Envelopes 3951.00 Offertory Loose 477.57 Children’s Envelopes 8.21 Total 1St Collection $ 4436.78 2nd Collection ( Catholic Review) $ 511.00 Poor Box 178.11 Second Collections Jan. 10 th Jan. 17 & 11 th th & 18 th Deficit Reduction Special Care for Diocesan Priest Purgatorial Intentions Received Joseph J. Thon,Jr. Raymond Vrablie,Jr (2) Charles Edward Lester,Jr. Lottie Wolinski Anna Gabris Beatrice Dilworth Dave Fortriede David Yue Helen Baier (2) Robert G. Doyle Melvin & Irene Demchrer Rita Kern (3) Chester Stewart Carmille Christello Sandy Tart Stacy McDonald (2) Mass Intentions Bernice Light Don Pearl Milton Brozowski Charles Deem Bible Study Group – 11am-noon- Rectory Blue Army Prayer Group – 1:30 p m – Chapel Pray For Our Deceased Parishioners: Carmille Christello , Rita Kern , and Pauline Chronowski. Welcomr To OUR LADY OF HOPE! We welcome all new members to our community and we encourage you to join our faith family by registering. Please see the sacristan after Mass or stop by the office during the week. We welcome through the waters of Baptism: If you would like to have your child baptized at Our Lady of Hope, please contact the Parish Office for information on Baptismal Preparation meetings and to schedule a date Couples planning on getting married here should contact a priest or deacon at least six months prior to the desired wedding date to arrange a meeting to prepare. The Eastern Regional Lions Club is selling 15oz. Benson Fruit Cakes for $ 10. Call Nancy @ 410-285-6183 She will deliver. Memorial Flowers If you wish to dedicate flowers in honor or Memory of a loved one, please call Loretta McGrath for avaiable dates 410-284-5965. PRAYER LIST Please remember the intentions of these parishioners in your prayers: Bill Appel Charlie Baugher George Callender Leonard Chmielewski Rose Yingling Erinn Dean Lauretta Ensinger Donny Fetterman Joe Florian Frank Godack Ernie Gutowski James Jones Adele Kern Gertrude Klos Elizabeth Kratz Holly Lamont Connie Matousek Richard Nichols Nick Rego Troy Sanders Alfred Barr Helen Beale Jo Ann Chaneski Carlyle Clay Ellen Dean Patricia Ditzel Joseph Fajkowski Bernard Fischer Eleanor Foy Michael Grevey George Hamel Deborah Jurkiewicz Kathy Rakowski Joseph Terzi, Sr. Vicki Schmelzer Martin Seman Sr Nancy Soper Debbie Stone William Schneider Patrick Shanahan Ella Stachowski Donald Thompson Ashley Ullrich Walter Nieser Al Matousek Peggy O’Neill Jeanine Pilar Patricia Rose Sis Sass Denny West Denise Zacharski If you wish to request prayers for yourself or a family member, please call Deacon Herman at 410 284 6600 FAITH FORMATION NEWS/INFO RELIGIOUS EDUCATON Deacon Herman Wilkins, Coordinator Mrs Celia Thomas, Admin. Assistant Office Number: 410 282 3120 Classes take place on Sunday mornings from 9:4511:10 am. Please call the number listed above to register for the program. Additionally, to help accommodate family schedules, classes are also offered @ St Luke campus on Mon. evenings, from 7-8:15pm(6-7-8), and Wed evenings from 6:15-7:30pm(K-5) BIBLE STUDY The group meets on Wednesdays from 11am-noon at the rectory to discuss the weekend’s readings and to share faith. Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke School Sign up for Giant A+ Program for 2014-15. The OLH/SLS code is 01495. Please ask your friends and relatives to participate by naming Our Lady of Hope St Luke’s School as their recipient of the Giant A+ Program. The 2015 Entertainment Coupon Books are now available for purchase in the school office for $30. This Coupon Book offers savings on restaurants, fast food, hotels, and a variety of attractions. Bad Weather When schools are 2 hours late or closed there is no 8a.m. ma JSt Vincent dePaul Food Pantry We are requesting the following food items Stuffing, Gravy, Packaged Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Peas and Sauer Kraut. Monetary donations can also be made. On behalf of all the clients you serve, we thank you. Investment Club Winners Week #1 $100 #1050 Dawn Schaeffer Seller: Therese Schiefer $50 #0093 Audrey Van Camp Seller: Kira Van Camp $25 #1221 Mike Serno Seller: Wayne Frensler # 1153 Jean Romeo Seller: Evelyn Majeski #1298 Joe Herman Seller: Therese Schiefer # 0101 Bruce Foehrkolb Seller: Darlene Foehrkolb #0843 Sara German Seller: Roberta Boland # 0701 Mary Lambert Seller: Wayne Frensler OUR LADY OF HOPE TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES Every 3rd Sunday of the month, Bethlehem Council Knights of Columbus. Has cancelled their suppers for January & February, The Suppers will be back in March. Any questions Call 410/477-5225 . Bethlehem Council Knights of Columbus Monthly Breakfast Sunday. Every second Sunday from 7:30am til 10:30am. Price is $6/person. Respect Life Corner Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns 410-391-3911 www.cpcforhelp.org/home Serving the area since 1980 by providing women faced with an unplanned pregnancy a place to explore options. Our mission is to protect the physical, emotional & spiritual lives of women & their unborn children. Offering pregnancy tests, counseling, material assistance program. Harrington – January 22, 2015 Sold Out. Pregnant, Need Help? Atlantic City Trip – Feb 11-13, 2015 Sold Out. We will be staying at the Tropicana. ! Suffering Post-Abortion Stress? Call Rachel’s Trips planned for next year. Wildwood June 15-19, 2015, 499.00 per person- 4 nights & 5 days. Foxwood- Sept. 15-17 2015. $349.00 per person 2 nights & 3 days. Bethlehem PA – Dec.2, 2015 - $449.00 per person 3 days & 2 nights. Will have fliers in bulletin after the holidays, giving all information. Call Therese if you are interested. And I will mail you a flier right away. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Our parish is served by the generous support of the men of the Bethlehem Council of the Knights of Columbus. The Kof C is a Catholic fraternal organization that supports the good work of the Church and helps its members grow in holiness. If you are a Catholic man, aged 18 or over, the Knights are looking for you! Contact Grand Knight, Bob Dannenfelser (bobd724@gmailcom) for info. Call the Gabriel Network 1-800-ANGEL-OK Vineyard Baltimore/Project Rachel 410-625-8491 / email [email protected] Project Rachel Project Rachel Baltimore offers special Rachel's Vineyard Retreats several times a year. Rachel's Vineyard is the world's largest ministry for healing after abortion Do you know anyone who may be suffering after involvement with abortion? Invite him or her to consider attending a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. There are retreats scheduled in Catonsville: Feb 20-22, 2015 & Oct 18-20, 2015 If you'd like to talk with someone about the retreat, please call (410) 625-8491. March for Life Conference & Expo Conference: Wednesday, Jan 21 Expo: Wed, Jan 21 & Thurs, Jan 22 Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel 999 Ninth Street NW, Washington, D.C., 20001 RCIA-The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process for entering into full communion with the Church. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic the RCIA is for you! Classes meet every Monday evening from 6:30-8pm. Join us in a “Married Couples” Retreat @ Priestfield, WV on the weekends of : Mar.6,7,8th Mar.27,28,29th April 17,18,19th More info call: Elaine Galeone at (410-252-5355) GILCHRIST HOSPICE CARE- MD’s largest provider of hospice services is looking for volunteers who want to help “guide the way” for patients who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. For additional information, please contact Kim Bray, Program Assistant II, in the Volunteer Office at 443-849-8248 or visit our website at Gilcrest Hospice. BULLETIN_UPDATE! Announcements for the bulletin need to be submitted no later than 5pm Monday preceding the next week’s bulletin. Please email: [email protected]. Thank you. Youth Saturday, January 17: [St. Luke, 7:009:30pm] It's a new year, and another chance to see if we can have a bonfire at St. Luke's without getting rained out! Bundle up and come out for S'mores, hot dogs, and stories told around a warm fire. (Disclaimer: at some point someone will probably start singing songs from Frozen. There's nothing we can do about that.) Saturday, January 24: [St. Clement, 7:009:30pm] Pizza? The internet? Flappy Bird? What can't YOU live without? Also a group discussion topic: last month Jesus received three gifts for his birthday, but considering his living conditions, what gifts do you think he ACTUALLY would have wanted to receive? Parish Directory: There is still time to sign up for your free photo for our combined Parish Directory for Our Lady of Hope and St. Luke’s parishes. For participating, you will receive a free Directory and a complimentary 8X10 Custom Natural Portrait. The Directory will also include parish history information and photos of parish groups and events. Photos will be taken and viewed Tuesday, Jan 13 through Saturday, Jan 17 at Our Lady of Hope, and Tuesday, Jan 20 at St. Luke. Appointment hours are 2:00 pm – 8:40 pm on weekdays, and 10:00 am – 4:40 pm on Saturdays. There is no cost to our parishes for this Directory. In fact, for each family who brings a non-perishable food item to their appointment, LifeTouch Photography will donate $1 to our parish and provide a $5 coupon to purchase additional photo packages. Over 225 families have registered as of January 6. Afternoon hours are filling up quickly, so please sign up as soon as possible. You can sign up in several ways: after Masses each weekend, by calling Linda at St. Luke’s Rectory (410-477-5200) or online by following the link on www.StLukeEdgemere.org. There is no cost to you unless you wish to purchase extra photographs. There are some nice packages available, and all purchases are 30% off in January. We invite and encourage everyone to participate. You can also bring pets for your photo!! Please Sign Up soon!!! - OUR LADY OF HOPE THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS - PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Duda Ruck www.RuckFuneralHomes.com OFFICE 410-288-4664 7922 WISE AVENUE • DUNDALK, MARYLAND 21222 OREM'S GARAGE FULL AUTO SERVICE WE FIX CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS! 7821 WISE AVE. $1.00 OFF 50 Munchkins or a Dozen Donuts • Valid only at 7821 Wise Ave. • Limit 1 Offer thru 2/3/15 PLAY CENTERS, INC. Pre School & School Age Child Care Licensed by Department of Human Resources 28 Locations - call for information and location nearest you TAKE 10% OFF TOTAL WITH THIS COUPON BRAKES, EXHAUST, SUSPENSION AND MD. STATE INSP., ALIGNMENT, ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS 8127 Pulaski Highway 410-682-5220 #2097 Jim Bush Plumbing Senior Discounts 410-296-4880 BILL Not valid with any specials, on holidays or carryout. One coupon per table. EXPIRES 2/3/15 Plumbing • Heating Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Waterproofing Drains Cleaned 410-644-1399 Porta's Car Care Foreign & Domestic • MD State Inspections All Work Guaranteed 10% OFF ANY SERVICE Holabird Pizzeria Eat In • Carry Out • Free Delivery • Catering 410-282-8300 With this ad. No other offers apply. 6902 Holabird Avenue 410-388-2516 $5 OFF $25 Purchase 3916 North Point Rd., Suite D Open 7 Days, Sundays 11am-10pm Excludes Delivery KACZOROWSKI FUNERAL HOME, P.A. Serving the Faith Communities of East Baltimore since 1952 1201 Dundalk Avenue Baltimore, MD 21222 410-633-0000 410-633-8990 (fax) Family Owned and Operated 20 $ *Gift Card for new customers *restrictions apply RESIDENCE 410-335-4029 Drugstore Pharmacy 106 N. Marlyn Avenue Baltimore, Md. 21221 Premier providers of Invisalign and traditional braces. Children and Adults You can clearly see a change in your smile! 410-284-1133 www.dundalkpediatrics.com WHAT CAN STRAY CATS TEACH US ABOUT LIFE?... You may be surprised! Fr. Joe Breighner's book - "For the Love of Stray Cats" an easy "purrfectly" insightful read. Fast, Reliable, Local Service Call Drs. Solomon, Greenwald, Kyser and Wang for a free consultation. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN DUNDALK 410-285-3500 TODAY! "On or Off Premises" BASEMENT WATERPROOFING “ Proudly Celebrating TECHNOLOGIES 60 Years Family Owned & Operated in the Community” • NO Subcontractors • Int/Ext Waterproofing Todd Coleman, Owner Full Service Banquets OLH Class of ’88 Lifetime Warranty For All Occasions MHIC# 410-274-9682 93411 Weddings • Baptisms Sir Michael's Confirmations Auto Sales First Holy Communions 4440 North Point Blvd Sparrows Point, MD 21219 The Friendly Food People Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week! Orthodontics 410-288-0081 410-477-3500 6723 Holabird Avenue, Baltimore We Also Buy Cars www.squirescafe.com www.sirmichaelsautosales.com ABC Driver Education 410-501-5284 LenThePlumber.com Pooches & Purrs Day Care, Boarding and Grooming for Dogs and Cats 410-633-0222 6200 Holabird Ave. www.PoochesAndPurrs.net One FREE Day of Doggie Day Care on 1st Visit COMFORT 410-686-1718 1705 Poplar Place (Corner of Merritt Blvd & Wise Ave.) PHARMACY www.driveabc.com It's www.abcrentalmaryland.com RENTAL CENTER Call: 410-578-3600 for more information Sign up to receive rec the bulletin electronically each week 2112 Dundalk Ave. ® 410-285-8500 The bulletin is available online… Visit parish website to view… Dundalk Pediatric Associates 410-284-7430 - We Match All $4 Generic Programs & Competitors' Prices! - Fertility Drugs Available - Free Delivery! 7836 A Wise Ave M-F: 9 AM to 7 PM SAT: 9 AM to 3 PM To Advertise Expert pediatric care from birth through adolescence for over 30 years New family reading program and ADHD support group! “FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS” Wise Discount Pharmacy & Medical Supplies & Surgicals 209 Wise Avenue • 410-288-0007 Mon.-Fri. 8-6:30 • Sat. 8-2 FREE DELIVERY RAY STEFANSKI & DRAIN Timothy P. Knepp PLUMBING CLEANING, INC. Attorney at Law FUNERAL HOME OF DUNDALK, INC. 410-288-2844 410-686-5151 PRAYER CARDS Commemorate ... Celebrate . . . Remember your special days, events, people . . . Call to discuss 410-578-3600 Personalized • Full Color Unlimited Designs Worry-Free Living for Mom and Dad COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • PARTY GOODS (410) 485-4133 6218 Holabird Ave • Baltimore, MD 21224 1141 Merritt Blvd. Dundalk, MD 21222 410-282-7500 FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY All major insurance accepted including Medicaid & Medicare Comfort Pharmacy offers everyday savings Advertising Space Available $2000 COUPON A New Transfer of 3 of more Prescriptions www.comfortpharmacyinc.com OUR HIT HOME(S)! If interested in this space please call us at 410-578-3600 HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL PRINTING Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to [email protected] 410-578-3600 2013 Excellence Award As rated by families on Send $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage & handling to FATA • P.O. Box 4889 1320 Windlass Dr. 410-918-2139 Middle River Baltimore, MD 21211 (checks only payable to FATA) www.woodlandsliving.com $1.00 OFF 2 German Hill Rd. 410-285-2245 For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
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