Didier Lucor
Didier Lucor
(Generalized) Polynomial Chaos representation Didier Lucor Laboratoire de Modélisation en Mécanique UPMC Paris VI www.lmm.jussieu.fr Outline Context & Motivation Polynomial Chaos and generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansions Limitations & Difficulties of the method Possible applications Interaction of model and data Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California, USA) Interaction of model and data Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California, USA) Interaction of model and data Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California, USA) Interaction of model and data Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California, USA) Interaction of model and data Roger Ghanem (University of Southern California, USA) Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Modeling errors/uncertainties, numerical errors and data errors/uncertainties can interact. This brings the need for uncertainty quantification. Need to access the impact of uncertain data on simulation outputs. In case of the lack of a reference solution, the validity of the model can be established only if uncertainty in numerical predictions due to uncertain input parameters can be quantified. Difficulty: instead of looking for the unique solution of a single deterministic problem, one is now interested in finding and parameterizing the space of all possible solutions spanned by the uncertain parameters. Sources d’incertitudes Ecoulement au bord incertain (processus stochastique) paramètres/constantes de simulation, conditions d'opération paramètres structure incertains coefficients de transport, propriétés physiques géométrie conditions aux bords, conditions initiales conditions aux limites incertaines lois de comportement, schéma numériques Représentation des Processus Aléatoires Méthodes statistiques (non déterministes) Monte-Carlo: convergence en 1/√N, taux de convergence ne depends pas du nombre de variables aleatoires. Monte-Carlo et ses variantes: tirages descriptifs, hypercube, optimal Latin hypercube (Latin Hypercube Sampling, Quasi-Monte Carlo [QMC] method, Markov Chain Monte Carlo method [MCMC], importance sampling, correlated sampling, conditional sampling,Variance reduction technique, Response Surface Method [RSM]). Méthodes non-statistiques (directes) Développement en séries de Taylor ou méthode des perturbations (1er ou 2nd ordre). Méthode itérative ou séries de Neumann et méthode d’intégrale pondérée. Méthode spectrale et méthode de développements orthogonaux: Polynômes de Chaos (PC-Chaos Homogène-Chaos Hermite, Generalized Polynomial Chaos [gPC]-Chaos Askey), expansion de Karhunen Loève. Wiener, The homogeneous chaos, Amer. J. Math., 60 (1938). Ghanem & Spanos, Stochastic Finite Elements: a Spectral Approach, Springer-Verlag, (1991). Loève, Probability Theory, Fourth edition, Springer-Verlag, (1977). Modélisation spectrale de l’incertitude • Concept: Approche probabiliste qui considère que l’incertitude génère de nouvelles dimensions et que la solution dépend de ces dimensions. Représentation de la solution sous forme d’expansion convergente construite grâce à une projection sur une base spectrale; les coefficients sont calculés par le biais de projections. • Avantages: Mesure efficace de la sensibilité de la solution aux paramètres d'entrée incertains Obtention d’une forme explicite de la solution + moments + PDF • Applications: Mécanique des structures élastiques stochastiques, écoulement en milieu poreux, équations de Navier-Stokes, problèmes thermiques, combustion et fluides réactifs, séismologie, micro-fluides et électrochimie. if ematical and computational issues associated with stocha and d ! random field X : Ω → V is a second-order random field over a Hilbert space →inner V isproduct a second-order a Hilbert space , abuse notation (·, ·) : V × Vrandom → R. Asfield V isover densely embedded in V V , we A ! with gPC based methods in particular. and denote by (·, ·) also the V × V duality pairing. 2 = E E"X" if Polynômes de Chaos (Wiener 1938) val, random fields processes. For a stochastic A random field X : Ωare → V stochastic is a second-order random field over Hilbert space Vpartia , 2 SCHWAB, 2 KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, if AND TODOR 2. Generalized Polynomial Stochastic m = E(X, X) < ∞, Chaos. E(X, X) < E"X" ∞, of generalized E"X" tions, V is=often a space functions in a physical dom where E denotes the expectation of a ran KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, AND TODOR 2 on a probability space (Ω, A, P) where Ω is the event spac Soit are l’espace probabilisé: 2, 3.6 random fields = E(X, X) < ∞, E"X" nterval, stochastic processes. For stochastic partial differential 1 KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, AND TODOR 1 SCHWAB, ! where E denotes the expectation of a random variable Y ∈ L (Ω, ctation of a random variable Y ∈ L (Ω, R) defined by dR) defined by ! quations, V is often a space of generalized functions in a physical domain D ⊂ R , P its probability measure. n all examples considered here, V is a Hilbert with dual V , no erval, random fields are stochastic processes. For stochastic partial differential 1space Probability the expectation of space aprocesses. random variable Y ∈ Lpartial (Ω, R)differential defined byEY = =where 2,interval, 3. E denotes ! ! d Event random fields are stochastic For stochastic ! uations, V is often a space of generalized functions in a physical! domain D ⊂ R , measure d product (·, ·) : V × V → As V is densely embedded in V , we ab Inequations, all examples considered here, Vsolutions is R. a Hilbert space with dual VΩ, norm " ◦ " and Data and of stochastic differential equation ω∈ ! σ-algebra of V is often a space of generalized functions in a physical domain D ⊂ R , = 2, 3.EY = EY = Y (ω)dP (ω). YV(ω)dP (ω). ! nner dproduct (·, ·) : V × → R. As V is densely embedded in V notation ! Y (ω)dP (ω). , we abuse = 2, 3. ! EY = denote bymappings (·, ·) the also the Vis × Vω∈Ω duality pairing. all examples considered here, a→ Hilbert space with dual V , norm " ◦ " and X V from the probability space into a ω∈Ω ! :VΩ ! ndIndenote by (·, ·) also V × V duality pairing. In all examples considered here, V is aω∈Ω Hilbert space withpolynomial " and (gPC) is a Generalized chaos !dual V , norm " ◦ er A product (·,field ·) : X V× V→ →VR.is As V is densely embedded in V a, we abuse notation Gener ! random : Ω a second-order random field over Hilbert space V , Processus stochastique du second ordre si: A random field X : Ω → V is a second-order random field over a Hilb inner product (·, ·) : V × of V →random embedded and in V , we abuse notation we speak variables, if V is a function spa !R. As V is densely processes X(ω) parametrically daos denote by (·,is·) aalso thechaos V of × Vrepresenting duality pairing. (gPC) means second-order stochasralized polynomial (gPC) is atic means of representing second-orderthroug stocha ! tic pr Generalized polynomial chaos is a pairing. means of representing second-order stochasand denote by (·, ·) also the V ×(gPC) V duality N N A random field X : Ω → V is a second-order random field over a Hilbert space V , N (ω)} , N ∈ trically through a set of random variables {ξ avec et (ω)} , N ∈ tic processes X(ω) parametrically through a set of random variables {ξ N ocessesAX(ω) through set ofjfield random variables peutXs’exprimer fonction de N, athrough the events ωspace N,,thr random parametrically field : Ω → V 2is aen second-order random over a Hilbert V{ξ ,j=1 j∈ Ω: j (ω)}j=1 j=1 E"X" = E(X, X) < ∞, N,ifthrough the events ∈ Ω: Ω: rough the events ω ∈ωΩ: 2 ∞ 1 2 " = E(X, X) < ∞, E"X" here E denotes the expectation of a random variable Y ∈ L (Ω, R) defined by 2 = E(X, X) < ∞, E"X" ∞ X) < ∞, E"X" = E(X, " ∞ ∞ X(ω) = !X(ω) = "a Φ (ξ(ω)). " (2.1) k k 1 1 R) defined ere E denotes the expectation of a random variable Y ∈ L (Ω, byby X(ω) = ak Φ (2.1) where E denotes the expectation of aYrandom variable Y ∈ L (Ω, R) defined EY =X(ω) (ω)dP (ω). 1 = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. k (ξ(ω)). k k k= k=0 e E denotes the expectation of a random variable Y ∈ L (Ω, R) defi ω∈Ω ! ! k=0 Here k=0 ∞ ! Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vector EY = Y (ω)dP (ω). (ω)dP (ω). ! j Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC)EY is a=means Yof representing second-order stochasξ := { Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynom j X(ω) = a Φ + a Φ (ξ (ω)) N ω∈Ω ω∈Ω 0 0 variables i1{ξ1 (ω)} i1 N , N ∈ ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation c processes X(ω) parametrically through a set of random j gonal polynomials in termspolynomials of a zero-mean random j=1 orthogonal j=1 N ofj vector {Φ (ξ(ω))} are in terms a zero-mean random vect EY = Y (ω)dP (ω). j i1 =1 ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogona j ,neralized through the events ω ∈ Ω: j=1 Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order stochasN polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order stochasthe orthogonality relation i ∞ Theoreme de Cameron &orthogonality {ξj (ω)} , satisfying the 1 2relation ! ! ω∈Ω j=1 N N ,N ∈ (Φ Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2.2) (ω)} tic processes X(ω) parametrically through a set of random variables {ξ i j ij j i (ω)} , N ∈ processes X(ω) parametrically through a set of random variables {ξ ∞ j=1 j j=1 " ai1 i2 Φ2 (ξi1 (ω), ξi2 (ω)) + Martin (1947): N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: through the events ω ∈ Ω: ak Φk (ξ(ω)).i1 =1 i2 =1 (2.1) (Φwhere 2 X(ω) = i Φj ) 2 (Φi )δijpour , k=0 (2.2) PC-homogène converge where δ(Φ Kronecker delta andi Φ (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number ij iisΦthe j) = (Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2. j ij ∞ i of ran i2 i1 ! ∞ ! ∞ " ! " of random variables N de ∈ NL2isX(ω) in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practice, toute fonctionnelle = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2.1) k howev ai1 irandom (ω),(2.1) ξi2 (ω), + k of aδzero-mean X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). erehowever, {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials where is the delta and (·, ·) N ξi3 (ω)) kin kterms 2 iKronecker 3 Φ3 (ξi1vector j ij we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } with delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number j j=1 The numb k=0 N δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. i =1 i =1 i =1 3 2 :=ij{ξj (ω)}j=1 , satisfying the orthogonality relation 1 k=0 N <∞ ralized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-o rocesses X(ω) parametrically through a set of random variables {ξ ( of random variables N ∈ N is in general rough the events ω ∈ Ω: N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). N is in general infinite, so is the index In practice, + in · · · (2.1). , es X(ω) parametrically through a set of random variables {ξj Polynômes de Chaos (continued) h the events ω ∈ Ω: X(ω) = ∞ " ak Φk (ξ(ω)). k=0 expansion on orthogonal (in the mean ξ(ω))} are Spectral orthogonal polynomials in terms of a sense zero-mean r <Φi ,Φj >=0 if i≠j) Hermite polynomial basis Φk. N )}j=1 , satisfying the orthogonality relation ξ is here a “random array” of independent Gaussian 2 random variables event (Φofi Φthe = (Φi )δ j ) random ij , ω. Once computed, the knowledge of the coefficients ak s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. fully determines the random process X(ω). variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1) concept can be generalized to othervariables, non-normali.e., to we need toThis retain a finite set of random measures. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). nner product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by th m variables ! ! where E denotes the expectation of a random variable Y ∈ L1 (Ω, R) defin M ! ! X(ω) = aj Φj (ξ(ω)), (2.5) EY = Y (ω)dP (ω). Polynômes de Chaos (truncated form) j=0 ω∈Ω M ! · · · , ξN ) isGeneralized an N −dimensional vector ξi independent polynomialrandom chaos (gPC) is with a means of representingofsecond-ord t,denote ξ) = X(x, t, ξ1 ,order ξ2 , . .of . ξthrough N ) ≈ a setX j (ξ) = j ≤ NX(x, . Iftic weprocesses the highest polynomial {Φ} as t)Φ P , then X(ω) parametrically ofj (x, random variables {ξj (ω j=0 N, through ω ∈ Ω: er of expansion terms the (M events + 1) is, T (M + 1) = (N + P )!/(N !P !). X(ω) = ∞ " ak Φk (ξ(ω)). (2.6) ensional generalized polynomial chaos expansion is constructed as the k=0 ν = {Φ . , M } Note in one-dimensional of the corresponding one-dimensional j , j = 0, . .expansion. Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean ran j = 1), M = P . ξ := {ξj (ω)}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation j=1 w consider aisgeneral setting for a differential equation with random the set of vectors spanning the process and the i Φj ) = orthogonal basis Φj is a set of(Φpolynomials with degree L(x, t, ω; u) =atfmost (x, t; ω), x P. ∈ D(Λ), t ∈ (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7) equal to where δij is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. T of randomD(Λ) variables ∈ N=is1,in2,general infinite, so is the index ifferential operator, ∈ RNd (d 3) a bounded domain with in (2.1). The orthogonality relation gives: weisneed to retain a finite set complete of randomprobability variables, i.e., to {ξ , and T > 0.however, (Ω, A, P) an appropriately defined ! Ω < ∞, and and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). u := u(x, t; ω) A ⊆ 2 is theN σ-algebra P the ∞ probability measure; The product (2.2) is in the Hilbert determined by the <ω) Φiis(ξ), Φsource >= Φigeneral (ξ)Φ = space 0 ofif applying i != j j (ξ) j (ξ)dξ and f (x, t; theinner term.in The procedure 2 (Φi )δij , the random variables −∞ polynomial chaos consists of the following steps: ! ! with the inner product s the random inputs by a finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = defined as: , ·, ξN (ω)}, and rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as ω∈Ω 9 Example of multi-dimensional homogeneous PC expansion An example of multi-dimensional expansion : cond-order stochasHere {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthog ❍ Polynomial N Chaos expansion (Wiener 1938) : N ∈ N =2 les {ξj (ω)}j=1 , Nhere ξ := {ξj (ω)}j=1 ,=satisfying {ξ1 , ξ2 } If is a Gaussian vector, the weight function becomes : 2 2 1 −ξ2 /2 −ξ1 /2 exp exp w(ξ1 , ξ2 ) = 2π The weight function is: 0 & 1st orders Zero & 1st order Hermite polynomials (2.1) Ψ0 1.015 1.01 1.005 1 0.995 0.99 0.985 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 mean random vector -3 2nd order 2nd order Hermite polynomials -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 -3 ξ2 Ψ4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (2.2) -3 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 ξ2 where δij is the Kronecker d of random variables N ∈ N however, we need to retain N < ∞, and a finite-term t The inner product in (2 the random variables Ψ2 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 3 Ψ3 verage. The number n (2.1). In practice, N Ψ1 3 -3 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 ξ2 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ξ2 Ψ5 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 ξ2 3 -3 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ξ2 (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = Example of multi-dimensional homogeneous PC expansion 10 An example of multi-dimensional expansion : Third order polynomials : 3rd order Hermite Ψ polynomials 20 Ψ7 6 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -3 -2 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 ξ2 Ψ8 -1 ξ1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 1 3 ξ2 Ψ9 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -3 -2 0 2 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -2 -1 0 ξ1 1 2 3 -3 Polynomial Chaos Expansions, -2 -1 0 1 2 ξ2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 ξ1 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ξ2 INSTN-13/05/04 Hermite-Chaos Expansion of Beta Distribution Uniform distribution : Exact PDF and PDF of 1st, 3rd, 5th-order Hermite-Chaos Expansions Hermite-Chaos Expansion of Gamma Distribution : exponential distribution PDF of exponential distribution and 1st, 3rd and 5th-order Hermite-Chaos Exponential Input: Laguerre (optimal) vs. Hermite Convergence w.r.t. number of expansion terms Generalized polynomial chaos of= representing second-order stocha EY =is a means YEY (ω)dP (ω). Y (ω)dP k=0 (gPC) (ω). N ! through (ω)} tic processes X(ω) parametrically a set of random variables {ξ ω∈Ω j ω∈Ω j=1 , N ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials of a(ω). zero-mean random vector Y (ω)dP N, through the events ωEY ∈ Ω:= in terms Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order ω∈Ω )}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing j=1 ∞ " ic processestic X(ω) parametrically through a setthrough of random variables {ξj (ω)} processes X(ω) parametrically a set of random vari X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. alized polynomial chaos (gPC) is second-order stochas k representing k 2a means of (Φ Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2.2) i j ij N, Représentation through the events ω ∈ Ω: i spectrale d’un processus stochastique du second ordre: N N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Polynômes de Chaos (Généralisés) ocesses X(ω) parametrically through ak=0 set of random variables {ξj (ω)}j=1 , N ∈ ∞ rough the events ω ∈ Ω: s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number " ∞ Here {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vect " N is in general infinite, X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). variables ∈N so is the index in (2.1). In practice, k k ξ := {ξjN (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). j=1 ∞ k k " k=0 we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξj }N with j=1 k=0 X(ω) = ak Φk (ξ(ω)). (2.1 2 (2. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , k=0 Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random j nner product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure of Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero j N the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numb where δ is ij ξm := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation N variables j j=1 {Φ (ξ(ω))} ξ are of a zero-mean random vecto :=orthogonal {ξ (ω)} polynomials , satisfying in theterms orthogonality relation n’est pas limité à une distribution gaussienne! j N ∈j=1 random variables N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practic ! ! N ξj (ω)} the orthogonality relation N j=1 , satisfying 2 however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } wit j j=1 (Φ= (Φi(Φ )δijΦ, ) = (Φ2 )δ ,(2.3) f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = i Φj ) f= i j N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). i ij ω∈Ω 2 (Φi Φ ) =the (ΦHilbert (2.2 j in The inner product in (2.2) is i )δij , space determined by the measure where δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The ij denoting the where density law Kronecker dP (ω) with delta respectand to the δof is the (·, Lebesgue ·) denotesmeasure the ensemble the random variables ij the ofhδij random variables N ∈ Nand is! in(·,domain, general infinite, so by is the theaverage. indexofinThe (2.1). In is the Kronecker delta ·) denotes the ensemble numbe integration taken over a suitable determined range the ! of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the indexN however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } j ctor ξ. dom variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practice produit interne: = set f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.j (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = however, we need tof (ξ)g(ξ)dP retain a (ω) finite of random variables, ω∈Ω Ndiscrete < we ∞, need and finite-term truncation of (2.1). case, ato the above orthogonal relation takes the form i.e., to {ξj }N ver, retain a finite set of random variables, wit j=1 N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). Thew(ξ) product in (2.2) in thedP Hilbert space determined by the me "ofis ∞, with and ainner finite-term truncation of (2.1). denoting the density the law (ω) with respect to the Lebesgue measu The inner=product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determin f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ). (2.4) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) he dξ random variables he inner in (2.2)taken is in over the aHilbert determined o andproduct with integration suitablespace domain, determinedbybythe the measure range of th the random variables ξ ! ! random vector ξ. ndom variables ! ! ! ! In the discrete case, the above orthogonal relation takes the form f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ation (2.1), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of the jof (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ) Generalized polynomial chaos of= representing second-order stocha EY =is a means YEY (ω)dP (ω). Y (ω)dP k=0 (gPC) (ω). N ! through ω∈Ωa set of random (ω)} tic processes X(ω) parametrically variables {ξ j ω∈Ω j=1 , N ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials of a(ω). zero-mean random vector Y (ω)dP N, through the events ωEY ∈ Ω:= in terms Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order ω∈Ω )}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing j=1 ∞ " ic processestic X(ω) parametrically through a setthrough of random variables {ξj (ω)} processes X(ω) parametrically a set of random vari X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. alized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of second-order stochas k representing k 2 déterministes à(Φ calculer et qui (Φ Φ ) = )δ , (2.2) N, Coefficients through spectraux the events ω ∈ Ω: i j ij i N N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Polynômes de Chaos (Généralisés) ocesses X(ω) parametrically set of random variables {ξj (ω)}j=1 , N ∈ déterminent complètement le through processus ak=0 ∞ rough the events ω ∈ Ω: s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number " ∞ Here {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vect " N is in general infinite, X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). variables ∈N so is the index in (2.1). In practice, k k ξ := {ξjN (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). j=1 ∞ k k " k=0 we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξj }N with j=1 k=0 X(ω) = ak Φk (ξ(ω)). (2.1 2 (2. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , k=0 Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random j nner product Here in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure of {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero j N the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numb where δ is ij ξm := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation N j variables j=1 {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vecto ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation n’est pas limité à une distribution gaussienne! j j=1 random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practic ! ! N ξj (ω)} the orthogonality relation N j=1 , satisfying 2 however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } wit j j=1 (Φ= (Φi )δij , f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.3) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = 2 i Φj ) f= N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , ω∈Ω 2 (Φi Φ ) =the (ΦHilbert )δij , space determined by the measure (2.2 j in The inner product in (2.2) is i where δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The ij denoting the where density law Kronecker dP (ω) with delta respectand to the δof is the (·, Lebesgue ·) denotesmeasure the ensemble the random variables ij the ofhδij random variables N ∈ Nand is! in(·,domain, general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In is the Kronecker delta ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numbe integration taken over a suitable determined by the range of the ! of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the indexN however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } j ctor ξ. dom variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practice produit interne: = set f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.j (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = however, we need tof (ξ)g(ξ)dP retain a (ω) finite of random variables, ω∈Ω Ndiscrete < we ∞, need and finite-term truncation of (2.1). case, ato the above orthogonal relation takes the form i.e., to {ξj }N ver, retain a finite set of random variables, wit j=1 N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). Thew(ξ) product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the me " ∞, with and ainner finite-term truncation of (2.1). denoting the density of the in law(2.2) dP (ω)iswith respect to thespace Lebesgue measu The inner product in the Hilbert determin f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ). (2.4) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = he random variables he dξ inner in (2.2)taken is in over the aHilbert determined o andproduct with integration suitablespace domain, determinedbybythe the measure range of th the random variables ξ ! ! random vector ξ. ndom variables ! ! ! ! In the discrete case, the above orthogonal relation takes the form f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ation (2.1), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of the f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ω∈Ω jof Generalized polynomial chaos of= representing second-order stocha EY =is a means YEY (ω)dP (ω). Y (ω)dP k=0 (gPC) (ω). N ! through ω∈Ωa set of random (ω)} tic processes X(ω) parametrically variables {ξ j ω∈Ω j=1 , N ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials of a(ω). zero-mean random vector Y (ω)dP N, through the events ωEY ∈ Ω:= in terms Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order ω∈Ω )}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing j=1 ∞ " ic processestic X(ω) parametrically through a setthrough of random variables {ξj (ω)} processes X(ω) parametrically a set of random vari X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. alized polynomial chaos (gPC) is second-order stochas k representing k 2a means of (Φ Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2.2) N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: i j ij i N N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Polynômes de Chaos (Généralisés) ocesses X(ω) parametrically through ak=0 set of random variables {ξj (ω)}j=1 , N ∈ ∞ rough the events ω ∈ Ω: s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number " ∞ Here {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vect " N is in general infinite, X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). variables ∈N so is the index in (2.1). In practice, k k ξ := {ξjN (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). j=1 ∞ k k " k=0 we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξj }N with j=1 k=0 X(ω) = ak Φk (ξ(ω)). (2.1 2 (2. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , Fonctions orthogonales k=0 Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random j (trigonométriques, wavelets,... polynômes) nner product Here in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure of {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero j N the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numb where δ is ij ξm := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation N j variables j=1 {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vecto ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation n’est pas limité à une distribution gaussienne! j j=1 random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practic ! ! N ξj (ω)} the orthogonality relation N j=1 , satisfying 2 however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } wit j j=1 (Φ= (Φi )δij , f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.3) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = 2 i Φj ) f= N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , ω∈Ω 2 (Φi Φ ) =the (ΦHilbert )δij , space determined by the measure (2.2 j in The inner product in (2.2) is i where δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The ij denoting the where density law Kronecker dP (ω) with delta respectand to the δof is the (·, Lebesgue ·) denotesmeasure the ensemble the random variables ij the ofhδij random variables N ∈ Nand is! in(·,domain, general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In is the Kronecker delta ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numbe integration taken over a suitable determined by the range of the ! of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the indexN however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } j ctor ξ. dom variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practice produit interne: = set f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.j (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = however, we need tof (ξ)g(ξ)dP retain a (ω) finite of random variables, ω∈Ω Ndiscrete < we ∞, need and finite-term truncation of (2.1). case, ato the above orthogonal relation takes the form i.e., to {ξj }N ver, retain a finite set of random variables, wit j=1 N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). Thew(ξ) product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the me " ∞, with and ainner finite-term truncation of (2.1). denoting the density of the in law(2.2) dP (ω)iswith respect to thespace Lebesgue measu The inner product in the Hilbert determin f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ). (2.4) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = he random variables he dξ inner in (2.2)taken is in over the aHilbert determined o andproduct with integration suitablespace domain, determinedbybythe the measure range of th the random variables ξ ! ! random vector ξ. ndom variables ! ! ! ! In the discrete case, the above orthogonal relation takes the form f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ation (2.1), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of the f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ω∈Ω jof Generalized polynomial chaos of= representing second-order stocha EY =is a means YEY (ω)dP (ω). Y (ω)dP k=0 (gPC) (ω). N ! through ω∈Ωa set of random (ω)} tic processes X(ω) parametrically variables {ξ j ω∈Ω j=1 , N ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials of a(ω). zero-mean random vector Y (ω)dP N, through the events ωEY ∈ Ω:= in terms Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order ω∈Ω )}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing j=1 ∞ " ic processestic X(ω) parametrically through a setthrough of random variables {ξj (ω)} processes X(ω) parametrically a set of random vari X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. alized polynomial chaos (gPC) is second-order stochas k representing k 2a means of (Φ Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2.2) N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: i j ij i N N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Polynômes de Chaos (Généralisés) ocesses X(ω) parametrically through ak=0 set of random variables {ξj (ω)}j=1 , N ∈ ∞ rough the events ω ∈ Ω: s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number " ∞ Here {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vect " N is in general infinite, X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). variables ∈N so is the index in (2.1). In practice, k k ξ := {ξjN (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). j=1 ∞ k k " k=0 we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξj }N with j=1 k=0 X(ω) = ak Φk (ξ(ω)). (2.1 2 Variables aléatoires indépendantes (2. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , (distribution statistiques prescrites) k=0 Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random j nner product Here in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure of {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero j N the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numb where δ is ij ξm := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation N j variables j=1 {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vecto ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation n’est pas limité à une distribution gaussienne! j j=1 random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practic ! ! N ξj (ω)} the orthogonality relation N j=1 , satisfying 2 however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } wit j j=1 (Φ= (Φi )δij , f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.3) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = 2 i Φj ) f= N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , ω∈Ω 2 (Φi Φ ) =the (ΦHilbert )δij , space determined by the measure (2.2 j in The inner product in (2.2) is i where δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The ij denoting the where density law Kronecker dP (ω) with delta respectand to the δof is the (·, Lebesgue ·) denotesmeasure the ensemble the random variables ij the ofhδij random variables N ∈ Nand is! in(·,domain, general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In is the Kronecker delta ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numbe integration taken over a suitable determined by the range of the ! of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the indexN however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } j ctor ξ. dom variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practice produit interne: = set f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.j (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = however, we need tof (ξ)g(ξ)dP retain a (ω) finite of random variables, ω∈Ω Ndiscrete < we ∞, need and finite-term truncation of (2.1). case, ato the above orthogonal relation takes the form i.e., to {ξj }N ver, retain a finite set of random variables, wit j=1 N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). Thew(ξ) product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the me " ∞, with and ainner finite-term truncation of (2.1). denoting the density of the in law(2.2) dP (ω)iswith respect to thespace Lebesgue measu The inner product in the Hilbert determin f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ). (2.4) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = he random variables he dξ inner in (2.2)taken is in over the aHilbert determined o andproduct with integration suitablespace domain, determinedbybythe the measure range of th the random variables ξ ! ! random vector ξ. ndom variables ! ! ! ! In the discrete case, the above orthogonal relation takes the form f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ation (2.1), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of the f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ω∈Ω jof Generalized polynomial chaos of= representing second-order stocha EY =is a means YEY (ω)dP (ω). Y (ω)dP k=0 (gPC) (ω). N ω∈Ωa set of random tic processes X(ω) parametrically through ω∈Ω variables {ξj (ω)}j=1 , N ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vector N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing second-order )}N , satisfying the orthogonality relation Generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) is a means of representing j=1 ∞ " ic processestic X(ω) parametrically through a setthrough of random variables {ξj (ω)} processes X(ω)X(ω) parametrically a set of random vari = a Φ (ξ(ω)). (2. k k 2 (Φ Φ ) = (Φ )δ , (2.2) N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: i j ij i N, through the events ω ∈ Ω: Polynômes de Chaos (Généralisés) k=0 ∞ s the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The number " ∞ Here {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random vect " N is in general infinite, X(ω) = a Φ (ξ(ω)). variables ∈N so is the index in (2.1). In practice, k k ξ := {ξjN (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation X(ω) = a k Φk N (ξ(ω)). j=1 we need to retain a finite set of randomk=0 variables, i.e., to {ξj }j=1 with k=0 2 (2. nd a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , Hereproduct {Φj (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero-mean random nner in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure of Here {Φ (ξ(ω))} are orthogonal polynomials in terms of a zero j N the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The numb where δ is ij ξm:= {ξ (ω)} , satisfying N the orthogonality relation j variables j=1 ξ := {ξ (ω)} , satisfying the orthogonality relation n’est pas limité à une distribution gaussienne! j j=1 of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the index in (2.1). In practic ! ! N 2 however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } wit j j=1 (Φ= ) f=(ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (Φi )δij , entre la2 fonction f (ξ)g(ξ)dP Etroite (ω) (2.3) de (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = i Φjcorrespondance N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). (Φi Φj ) = (Φi )δij , ω∈Ω poids du polynôme choisi et la densité de The inner product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the measure where δ is the Kronecker delta and (·, ·) denotes the ensemble average. The ij probabilité de l’incertitude denoting the where density law Kronecker dP (ω) with delta respectand to the δof is the (·, Lebesgue ·) denotesmeasure the ensemble the random variables ij the ofh random variables N∈ N is! in domain, general determined infinite, !so by is the the range indexofinthe (2.1). In integration taken over a suitable of random variables N ∈ N is in general infinite, so is the indexN however, we need to retain a finite set of random variables, i.e., to {ξ } j ctor ξ. produit interne: = set f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (2.j (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = however, we need tof (ξ)g(ξ)dP retain a (ω) finite of random variables, ω∈Ω relation Ndiscrete < ∞, and finite-term truncation of (2.1). case, athe above orthogonal takes the form N < ∞, and a finite-term truncation of (2.1). The inner product in (2.2) is in the Hilbert space determined by the me " with w(ξ) denoting the density of the in law(2.2) dP (ω)iswith respect to thespace Lebesgue measu The inner product in the Hilbert determin f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ). (2.4) (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = he dξ random variables and with integration taken over a suitable domain, determined by the range of th the random variables ξ ! ! random vector ξ. ! ! In the discrete case, the above orthogonal relation takes the form f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ)w(ξ)dξ (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ation (2.1), there is a one-to-one correspondence between the type of the (f (ξ)g(ξ)) = ω∈Ω f (ξ)g(ξ)dP (ω) = f (ξ)g(ξ) Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials • Generalized hypergeometric series: • Pochhammer symbol: • Infinite series converge under certain conditions: • Examples: 0F0 is exponential series; 1F0 is binomial series. • If one of the ai’s is a negative integer (-n), the series terminate at nth-term and become hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials: • Limit relations: e.g. The Askey scheme of Hypergeometric Polynomials Askey-scheme Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials • Orthogonal polynomials • Three-term recurrence: • Favard’s inverse theorem • Orthogonality: • Weighting functions and PDFs: Continuous: Discrete: Orthogonal Polynomials and Probability Distributions Continuous Cases: • Hermite Polynomials • Laguerre Polynomials Gaussian Distribution Gamma Distribution (special case: exponential distribution) • Jacobi Polynomials • Legendre Polynomials Gaussian distribution Gamma distribution Beta Distribution Uniform Distribution Beta distribution Orthogonal Polynomials and Probability Distributions Discrete Cases : • Charlier Polynomials • Krawtchouk Polynomials • Hahn Polynomials • Meixner Polynomials Poisson distribution Poisson Distribution Binomial Distribution Hypergeometric Distribution Pascal Distribution Binomial distribution Hypergeometric distribution KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, AND TODOR 8Polynômes KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, de Chaos (Résumé) SCHWAB, AN M ! S,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, AND TODOR X(ω) = aj Φj (ξ(ω)), j=0 the form KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, AND TODOR M (2.5) ! = (ξ1 , · · · , ξN ) is an N −dimensional random vector with ξi independent of M (ξ) ! X(x, t, ξ) = X(x, t, ξ , ξ , . . . ξ ) ≈ X (x, t)Φ M 1 2 N j j ! T 1 ≤ i #= j ≤ N . If we denote the highest order of polynomial {Φ} as P , then X(ω) = aj Φj (ξ(ω)), j=0 X(ω) = aj Φj (ξ(ω)), (2.5) number of expansion terms (M + 1) is, M j=0 ! j=0 (M + 1) = (N + P )!/(N !P !). (2.6) X(ω) = aj Φj (ξ(ω)), (2.5) N −dimensional random vector with ξexpansion of T i independent -dimensional generalized polynomial chaos is constructed the distribution n’est pas limitéasà une gaussienne!vec avec ξj=0 where = (ξ , · · · , ξ ) is an N −dimensional random 1 N denote the highest order of polynomial {Φ} as Note P , then duct of the corresponding one-dimensional expansion. in one-dimensional T ξ for all 1 ≤ i = # j ≤ N . If we denote the highest order of p j : dimension de l’espace probabiliste · · , ξ ) is an N −dimensional random vector with ξ independent of ns terms (M + 1) is, i (N N = 1), M = P . consider general setting for a order differential equation terms with =s jnow ≤N . If weathe denote the highest of polynomial {Φ}random as(M P , then total number of expansion + 1) is, M + 1) = (N + P )!/(N : ordre!Ple!).plus élevé du polynôme (2.6) er of expansion terms (M + 1) is, (M + 1) = (N + P )!/(N !P !). lizedL(x, polynomial chaos expansion is constructed as the Moyenne: X(ω) =< X(ω) >= a t, ω;SCHWAB, u) = f (x, t; ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t ∈ (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7) ,LUCOR, AND TODOR 0 (M + 1) = (N + P )!/(N !P !). (2.6) P nding one-dimensional expansion.d Note in one-dimensional # ! " 2 s a differential operator, D(Λ)var(X(ω)) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3)X(ω) a bounded domain with a2 < Φ2chaos The multi-dimensional generalized polynomial expan Variance: >= =< − X(ω) j > j nsional generalized polynomial chaos expansion is constructed as the XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, AND TODOR Λ > 0, and T > 0. (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability j=1 tensor product of the corresponding one-dimensional expans eneral setting for a differential equation with random Ω of the corresponding one-dimensional expansion. Note in one-dimensional ere A ⊆ 2 is the σ-algebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) ΦP = of1.0 0 (ξ) = 1), M = P . ution and f (x, t; ω) is the source term. The general procedure applying expansions (N = 1), M = . Exemple: M !polynomial ξ1 alized chaos consists offor theafollowing steps:Φ 1 (ξ) = with consider a general setting differential equation randomfor a different (x, t; ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t∈ (0,now T ), ω consider ∈ Ω, (2.7) Let us a general setting : inputs distribution random by agaussienne finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = =xpress the aMj Φ Φ2 (ξ) = ξ(2.5) j‣(ξ(ω)), 2 d rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically 2as inputs ξ1 (ω), ·,! ξN (ω)}, and rator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with Φ (ξ) = ξ1 − 1 3 j=0 : Polynômes d’Hermite ‣ (x, t,P) ω; is u)an = fΦ (x, t;L(x, ω),t, ξ; u(x, x ∈t; ξ)) D(Λ), t ∈ (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7) ω) = ajappropriately (2.5) j (ξ(ω)), Ω, A, defined complete probability 2 = f (x, t; ξ). Φ4 (ξ) = ξ2 − 2(2.8) L(x, t, ω; u) = f (x, t; ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t ∈ (0 d -algebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) j=0 N=2; P=2 fferential D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1,already 2, atake ‣random mensional with ξi3)independent Φbounded ξdomain his step is operator, trivial when thevector random inputs the=form ran- with 5 (ξ) 1 ξof 2 of isand the term. The general procedure of applying d Tsource > 0. (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability om variables. When the random inputs are random fields, a decomposowhere L is a differential operator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3 the highest order of polynomial {Φ} as P , then ral setting for a differential equation with random Ω ti-dimensional generalized polynomial chaos expansion is constructed as th eiameter A ⊆ 2 Λ is the σ-algebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) > 0, and T > 0. (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability inputs Ω the source one-dimensional on and f (x, t; corresponding ω)2is term.and The general procedure of applying roduct of the expansion. Note in:=one-dimensio pace, where A ⊆ is the σ-algebra P the probability measure; u u(x, t; ω) ,zed t, ω;polynomial u) = f (x, t;chaos ω), consists x ∈ D(Λ), t ∈ (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7) Technique d’utilisation du PC pour la résolution L(x, t, ω; u) = f (x, t; ω) of the following steps: ns (N = 1), M = P . the f (x, t;t ω) is the general procedure of applying , t; ω),solutionx and ∈ D(Λ), ∈ (0, T ),source ω ∈ Ω,term. The (2.7) dad’équation différentielle stochastique press the random inputs by finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = rential operator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with he generalized polynomial chaos consists of the following steps: us now consider a general setting for a differential equation with random where L is a differential operator, D d or,TD(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with Approche INTRUSIVE (method weighted (ω), ·,1.>ξNExpress and rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as residuals) nd 0.(ω)}, (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability the random inputs by a finite number ofof random ξ(ω) diameter Λ > 0,variables and T > 0. (Ω,=A, P) A, appropriately defined complete probability Ω 2ΩP) is is the σ-algebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) {ξan ·, ξN (ω)}, and rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as σ-algebra 1 (ω), space, where A ⊆ 2 is the L(x, t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) gebra and the probability measure; u := u(x, t;∈ω) d f (x, t; ω) P ist, the source term. The general procedure of applying L(x, ω; u) = f (x, t;L(x, ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7 is the solution and f (x, t; ω) is the so t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) slynomial step is trivial when random inputs already take the form of ranchaos consists of the following steps: the source term. Thethe general procedure of applying the generalized polynomial chaos con d a differential operator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with This step is trivial when the random inputs already take the form of ranmsheis variables. When the random inputs are random fields, a decomposorandom inputs by a finitesteps: numberà l’aide of random variables ξ(ω) =the random inputs b 1/ of Discrétiser le processus aléatoire de variables consists the following 1. Express Λ(ω)}, >by0, and T > 0. (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability dom variables. When the random inputs are random fields, a decomposois needed. One popular choice of such decomposition is the aléatoires (indépendantes). ξruts and rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as Ntechnique {ξ (ω), ·, ξ (ω)}, and rewrite a finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = 1 N Ωexpansion, tion technique isσ-algebra needed. One choice of such decomposition isu(x, the t; ω hunen-Loeve which will bepopular discussed in the following section. here A ⊆ 2 is the and P the probability measure; u := write the stochastic problem parametrically as L(x, t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) L(x, t, Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which will be discussed in the following section. proximate the solution and inputs by finite-term polynomial chaos exlution and f (x, t; ω) is the source term. The general procedure of applying 2. ξ; Approximate the solution andalready inputs by finite-term polynomial chaoswhen ex- the is trivial when the random inputs take the form of ran(x, t, u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) sions (2.5), and substitute the expanded variables into the variational 2/ Ecrire la solution et les paramètres d’entrée incertains sous forme de This step is trivial ralized polynomial chaos consists of the following steps: pansions (2.5), substitute thel’équation. expanded into the variational sommes de and PC etinputs substituer ables. thefinies random aredans random fields, variables a decomposoation When dom variables. When the ra Express the random inputs by a finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = n the random inputs already take the form of ran" # equation nique is needed. One popular choice of such decomposition istechnique the tion is needed. On M ! "rewrite # {ξ (ω), ·, ξ (ω)}, and the stochastic problem parametrically as he random inputs are random fields, a decomposo1 N M -Loeve expansion, which in fthe section. expansion, w ! L x, t, ξ(ω);will be ui Φdiscussed (ξ(ω) = (x, following t; ξ(ω)). Karhunen-Loeve i d.ateOne choice of such decomposition is the L x, t, ξ(ω); u Φ (ξ(ω) = f (x, t; ξ(ω)). the popular solution and inputs by finite-term polynomial exApproximate the solution an L(x, t;chaos ξ). (2.8 i=0 t, ξ; u(x,i t;iξ)) = f (x,2. ion, will be discussed in the followinginto section. i=0 (2.5),which and substitute the expanded variables the variational pansions (2.5), and substitu form a Galerkin projection onto each of the polynomial basis 3/ Projeter (type Galerkin) sur la base des polynômes orthogonaux This step is trivial when the random inputs already take the form of ran on and inputs by finite-term polynomial chaos ex3. Perform a Galerkin projection onto each of the polynomial basis equation $ " considérés. # % Obtention d’un système linéaire. M" " # $ # % ! " stitute the expanded variables into the variational dom variables. When the random inputs are random fields, a decomposo M M ! ! L x, t, ξ; ui Φi (ξ) , Φk (ξ) = &f, Φk (ξ)' , k = 0, 1, · · · , M. tion technique needed. One ,= popular choice of ,suchkdecomposition th L x, L t, ξ(ω); ui Φ (ξ(ω) (x, t;= ξ(ω)). x,ist, ξ; ui Φ Φkf(ξ) &f, Φk (ξ)' = 0, 1, · · · L, M.x, t,is ξ(ω); i (ξ) i=0 # i=0 i=0 Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which will be discussed in the following section M ! in a set of (M +1) deterministic, in general coupled, differential ure results This procedure results a=set offaçon (M +1) deterministic, in 3. general coupled, differential Galerkin projection onto each ofξ(ω)). theinputs polynomial basis Perform a Galerkin projectio Approximate the solution and by finite-term polynomial chaos ex - les modes PC sontin couplés de implicite ξ(ω); u Φ (ξ(ω) f (x, t; i i hich can- nécessite be solved by conventional discretization methods. Importantly, l’adaptation du solver déterministe # % $ " # quations which can be solved by conventional discretization methods. Importantly, M M pansions and substitute the expanded into and the! variationa i=0 ! (2.5), ve Galerkin discretization “in probability” (by gPC variables approximation) his successive Galerkin discretization “in probability” (by gPC approximation) and ral setting for a differential equation with random hypergeometric Hahn-chaos {0, 1, , N∈constructed } Ω, ti-dimensional generalized polynomial chaos expansion is as th L(x, t, ω; u) = f (x, t; ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t ∈ (0, T .),. .ω (2.7) inputs roduct of the corresponding one-dimensional expansion. Note in one-dimensio d where L is differential operator, 2, 3)pour a bounded domain with , t, ω; u) = af (x, t; ω), Technique x ∈ D(Λ),D(Λ) t ∈ (0,∈TR ), ω(d∈= Ω,1,PC (2.7) d’utilisation du la résolution L(x, t, ω; u) = f (x, t; ω) ns (N = 1), M = P . ,iameter t; ω),approche, D(Λ), ∈ (Ω, (0,deT ), ω∈ Ω, appropriately (2.7) Λ >x0,∈and Tintrusive >t 0. A, P) is an defined complete probability une dite l’application des PC. Elle consiste à substituer la d d’équation différentielle stochastique rential operator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with Ω us now consider a general setting for a differential equation with random where L is a differential operator, D d 2 stochastique pace, where A ⊆ is the σ-algebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) on PC dans l’EDP considérée, à projeter (projection de type Galerkin) or,TD(Λ) ∈ R 1, appropriately 2, 3) a bounded domain with Approche NON-INTRUSIVE (collocation method) nd > 0. (Ω, A, (d P) = is an defined complete probability diameter Λ > 0, and T qui >of0.résulte (Ω, A, P) système sur la base des PC puis à résoudre le système couplé déterministe the solution and f (x, t; ω) is the source term. The general procedure applying A, anσ-algebra appropriately complete probability Ω 2ΩP) is is the and Pdefined the probability measure; u := u(x, t; ω) space, where A ⊆ 2 the cette σ-algebra jection. Cette approche ne chaos sera pas décriteofenthe détail dans cesteps: rapport. De isplus, he generalized polynomial consists following gebra and P the probability measure; u := u(x, t;∈ω) d f (x, t; ω) is the source term. The general procedure of applying L(x, t, ω; u) = f (x, t; ω), x ∈ D(Λ), t (0, T ), ω ∈ Ω, (2.7 is the solution and f (x, t; ω) is the t coûteuse en terme développement duacode de number calcul déterministe base quiξ(ω) doit = so 1. Express the de random inputs by finite of randomde variables lynomial chaos consists of the following steps: the source term. The general procedure of applying the generalized polynomial chaos con d rdes modifications. {ξ (ω), ·, ξ (ω)}, and rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as 1 N operator, D(Λ) ∈ R (d = 1, 2, 3) a bounded domain with is a differential random inputs by a finitesteps: numberà l’aide of random variables ξ(ω) =the random inputs b 1/ of Discrétiser le processus aléatoire de variables sheconsists the following 1. Express Λapproche, >by0,and and T > 0. (Ω, A, P) is an appropriately defined complete probability dite non-intrusive consiste à projeter directement la solution stochastique aléatoires (indépendantes). L(x, t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) ξrreuts rewrite the stochastic problem parametrically as N (ω)}, {ξ (ω), ·, ξ (ω)}, and rewrite a finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = 1 N Ω ble desApolynômes de laσ-algebra base PC. De cette manière, les coefficients Jk peuvent être t; ω here ⊆ 2 is the and P the probability measure; u := u(x, write the problem parametrically as already (2.8) Thisstochastic step is trivial when the random inputs take the form of ranL(x, t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). L(x, t, ctement grâce à une projection de type Galerkin de la solution sur la base PC. C’est lution dom and variables. f (x, t; ω) When is thethe source term. The general procedure of applying random inputs are random fields, a decomposoque nous utiliserons dans cette étude. L’orthogonalité de la base rend cette projection is trivial when the random inputs already take the form of ran(x, t, ξ; u(x, t; ξ)) = f (x, t; ξ). (2.8) This step is trivial when the ralizedtion polynomial chaos consists of the following steps: 2/ Obtenir les coefficients PC enOne projetant la solution sur laofbase polynomiale. technique is needed. popular choice such decomposition is the s avons:When the random inputs are random fields, a decomposoables. dom variables. When the ra Express the random inputs by a finite number of random variables ξ(ω) = Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which will be of discussed in the following section. n the random inputs already take the form rannique is needed. One popular choice of such decomposition istechnique the tion is needed. On 2. Approximate the rewrite solution the andstochastic inputs by problem finite-termparametrically polynomial chaos ex{ξ (ω), ·, ξ (ω)}, and as he random inputs are random fields, a decomposo1 N = -Loeve expansion, which will be discussed in Φ the following section. <u J(ω) > Karhunen-Loeve expansion, w k (ξ(ω)) u pansions variables into the variational . (5) (∀k (2.5), ∈ {0, .and . .of , P substitute }) Jkkdecomposition = the expanded d.ateOne popular choice such is the 2 the solution and inputs byt, finite-term polynomial ex<t;Φξ)) (ξ(ω)) > 2.t;chaos Approximate the solution an L(x, ξ; u(x, = f (x, ξ). (2.8 k equation ion, which will be discussed in thevariables followinginto section. (2.5), and substitute the"expanded the variational pansions (2.5), and substitu # This step is< trivial when random already the form of ran on and inputs finite-term polynomial chaos ex- equation ppelons que Φkby (ξ(ω)) >= 0the pour kM> 0. inputs Le mode-zéro dutake PC, J ! 0 , représente L x, t, ξ(ω); u Φ (ξ(ω) = f (x, t; ξ(ω)). Finalement on a:the " # u = " i i moyenne J¯ et expanded les autres modes d’ordre plus élevés sont une mesure de la avariabilité stitute the variables into the variational dom variables. When random inputs are random fields, decomposo M ! i=0 de latechnique solution autour de sa valeur moyenne. particulier la variance de laLsolution tion is needed. One popular choice of such decomposition th L x, t, ξ(ω); ui Φi (ξ(ω) = f (x, t;En ξ(ω)). x, t,is ξ(ω); 3. Perform a Galerkin projection onto each of the polynomial basis # i=0 Karhunen-Loeve expansion, which will be discussed in the following section M revient au calcul de nombreuses quadratures numériques ! $ " # % M each of the polynomial basis3. Perform a Galerkin projectio risque d’aliasing Galerkin projection onto ! Approximate the solution and inputs by finite-term polynomial chaos ex ξ(ω); ui Φi (ξ(ω) = f (x, t; ξ(ω)). - simplicité d’utilisation ne nécessite pas l’adaptation duk (ξ)' solver, déterministe (boite noire) # % $ " # L x, t, ξ; u Φ (ξ) , Φ (ξ) = &f, Φ k = 0, 1, · · · , M. i i k M M pansions variationa i=0 ! (2.5), and substitute the expanded variables into the! i=0 dt i i j i j the of following form i=0 i=0 equation, j=0 ure gPC for a where simpletheordinary differential and present decay rate coefficient k(ω) is a random variableerror with certain c distribution function f (k) and zero mean value. The solution takes a simp both through numerical and theoretical estimates. The model We then project the examples above equation onto the random space spanned by the orthogonal st (t, ω) =takes −k(ω)y, y(0) {Φ =form t ∈taking (0, T ),the inner product of(4.1) polynomial basis } by the−k(ω)t equation with each basis. nsider the following iŷ, Example: 1 ordery(t,linear ODE ω) = ŷe . By utilizing the orthogonality condition (2.2), we obtain: dy is a random variable with oefficient k(ω) certain continuous M M We apply the 1gPC expansion (2.5) to the solution y+and random input (t, ω) = −k(ω)y, y(0) = ŷ, t ∈ (0, T ), (4.1) k = k̄ σ ξ ! ! k 2 dy (t) l k) and zero solution of0, 1, . . . , M, dtmean value. The = − 2 takes eaijlsimple ki yj (t), forml = (4.5) dt #Φl $ M ! i=0 j=0 M ! decay ratey(t, coefficient k(ω). is ay(t, random with(4.2) certain continuous ω) = variable yi (t)Φi (ξ(ω)), k(ω) = ki Φi (ξ(ω)). ω) = ŷe−k(ω)t eijl =zero #Φi Φjmean Φl $. Note that The the smooth and thus any standard i=0coefficients i=0 function where f (k) and value. solution are takes a simple form of M ! M be employed here. ! expansion ODE (2.5) solver to thecan solution y and random input k 1 dyl Note4.1, here the only−k(ω)t random input is k(ω) and aj one-dimensional gPC is ne In Figure the computational results of Jacobi-chaos expansion is shown, where = − < Φ Φ Φ > k y for l = 0, 1, . . . , M Galerkin projection: i j l i 2 > y(t, ω) = ŷe . (4.2) dt < Φ the random input to a beta PDF of the formBy su N = 1 in k(ω) (2.6)is and P j=0 , have where P is distribution the highest order of expansion. M Massumed l M = i=0 ! ! 14 KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, ANDwith TODOR into the governing equation, we obtain =ly the yi (t)Φ k(ω) = k (4.3) i (ξ(ω)),the expansions iΦ iα(ξ(ω)). β gPC expansion (2.5) to the solution y and random input k (1 − k) (1 + k) f (k; α, β) = α+β+1 , i=0 M1, β + 1) 2 B(α + ! dy (t) i=0 −1 M < kM < 1, α, β > −1, iM !! (4.6) M Φi = − i.e., Φi Φj ki yj (t). ! ! dom input where is k(ω) and a one-dimensional gPC is needed, dt B(α, β) is the Beta function defined as&!Φ B(p, q) = Γ(p)Γ(q)/Γ(p(4.3) + q). An i=0 i=0 j=0 y(t, ω) = y (t)Φ (ξ(ω)), k(ω) = k (ξ(ω)). i i order of expansion. By substituting i i P , where P is the highest &"# '& important special case is α = β = 0 when the distribution becomes the uniform i=0 i=0 governing distribution equation, we obtain corresponding becomes the Legendre-chaos. We We and thenthe project the aboveJacobi-chaos equation onto the random space spanned by the o &! observe exponential convergence rate of the errors in mean and variance on the right !") polynomial basis {Φ } by taking the inner product of the equation with e i he only random input is k(ω) and a one-dimensional gPC is needed, i.e., M M ! M ! ! 4.1,utilizing with different sets of parameter values α and we β. In particular, we mote dyi (t) of FigureBy the orthogonality condition (2.2), obtain: &! 6) and !MΦ = P , where P is the highest order of expansion. = − Φ Φ k y (t). i the asymptotic i convergence j i j that rate seems to be the(4.4) sameBy for substituting the variance and the dt M ! M i=0 into the i=0 in j=0 ons governing equation, obtain mean unlike Monte Carlo we methods. ! dyl (t) 1 &! For this simple ODE we can also perform error analysis for different types of '!") = − e k y (t), l = 0, 1, . . . , M, ijl i j 2 y (mean) dtspanned #Φ $the ve equation onto the random space by M M M l distributions. To this end, we define the relative mean-square error as %P = #(y(t) − y i=0orthogonal j=0 !y dyi (t) !! Mean (!=0, "=0) 2 2 &! VarianceThe (!=0, "=0) '!"( yP (t)) $/#y (t)$,Φwhere y (t) is the finite-term expansion (4.3). following results by taking the inner product of the equation with each basis. y P = − Φ Φ k y (t). (4.4) i i j i j Mean (!=1, "=3) y dt where e = #Φ are and thus any Variance (!=1,smooth "=3) have been obtained in [34]: ijlobtain: i Φj Φl $. Note that the coefficients onality condition (2.2), we Deterministic i=0 i=0 j=0 !"( Error Solution '* '$ '% 0 1 2 '+ 3 4 ODE !"$solver can here. &! ! !"%$ be employed & & # * ) $ Time P In Figure 4.1, the computational results of Jacobi-chaos expansion is sho '&& ! M !"#$ M Avantages des méthodes gPC Méthode efficace qui fournit une estimation quantitative de la sensibilité de la solution aux incertitudes des parametres d’entrée Convergence spectrale et représentation optimale (compacité et précision) de l’incertitude grâce à un choix de polynômes appropriés. Possibilité de représentation non-intrusive par projection de la solution sur la base du chaos polynomial. Non limitée aux distributions gaussiennes d’incertitude ou à des incertitudes faibles. Tous les moments + pdf de la solution sont disponibles. Coût de calcul en général très inférieur aux méthodes de type Monte-Carlo (distribution gaussienne: 1 à 2 ordres de grandeur, distribution uniforme: 3 à 4 ordres de grandeur). i=0 i=0 j=0 dy for a simple ordinary differential equation, and present error (t, ω) −k(ω)y, y(0) = by ŷ, tthe ∈ (0, T ), We then project the above equationdtonto the=random space spanned orthogonal gh numerical examplesEquations. and theoretical estimates. The we model inary Differential In this section, theeach solupolynomial basis {Φi } by taking the inner product of theillustrate equation with basis. the of following form ure gPC for a where simple differential equation, and present theordinary decay rate coefficient k(ω) is a random variableerror with certain c By utilizing the orthogonality condition (2.2), we obtain: Difficulty of the method distribution function and f (k) theoretical and zero mean value. TheThe solution takes a simp both through numerical examples estimates. model M ! M ! dyl (t)=form 1 (0, T ), (t, ω) =takes −k(ω)y, y(0) ŷ, t ∈ (4.1) nsider the following =− 2 eijl ki yj (t), l = 0,−k(ω)t 1, . . . , M, (4.5) dt #Φl $ i=0 j=0 y(t, ω) = ŷe . dy is a random variable with certain continuous oefficient k(ω) We apply thethat gPC expansion (2.5) to the solution y+ and random input ω)== y(0) = ŷ, t ∈ (0, T ), (4.1) k = k̄ σ ξ k 2 where(t, eijl #Φ−k(ω)y, Φ Φ $. Note the coefficients are smooth and thus any standard i j l k) and zero mean value. The solution takes a simple form of dt ODE solver can be employed here. M M ! ! In Figure 4.1, the computational results of Jacobi-chaos expansioncontinuous is shown, where −k(ω)t decay ratey(t, coefficient k(ω) is a random variable with certain y(t, ω) = yi (t)Φi (ξ(ω)),(4.2) k(ω) = ki Φi (ξ(ω)). ω) = ŷe . the random input k(ω) is assumed to have a beta distribution with PDF of the form i=0 solution i=0 function f (k) and zero mean value. The takes AND a simple form of 14 KARNIADAKIS,SU,XIU,LUCOR, SCHWAB, TODOR expansion (2.5) to the solution(1y −and random k)α (1 + k)β input k Note here only−k(ω)t random input is k(ω) and a one-dimensional gPC is ne f (k; α, β) = the , −1 < k < 1, α, β > −1, (4.6) α+β+1 y(t, ω) = ŷe . (4.2) 2 B(α + 1, β + 1) N = 1 in (2.6) and M M M = P , where P is the highest order of expansion. By su ! ! the expansions into the governing equation, we obtain =ly the yi&"# (t)Φ k(ω) = k (4.3) where B(α, β) is the Beta function defined as B(p, q) = Γ(p)Γ(q)/Γ(p i (ξ(ω)), iΦ i (ξ(ω)). gPC expansion (2.5) to the solution y and&! random input k + q). An important special case is i=0 α = β = 0M when the distribution becomes the uniform M M !"( ! dyi (t) becomes !the ! Legendre-chaos. We distribution and the corresponding Jacobi-chaos M M Φi = − Φi Φj ki yj (t). ! ! dom input is k(ω) and a one-dimensional gPC is needed, i.e., &! observe exponential convergence rate of thedt errors in mean and variance on the right !")ω) = i=0 = i=0 j=0 y(t, y (t)Φ (ξ(ω)), k(ω) k Φ (ξ(ω)). (4.3) i i i i of P Figure 4.1, with different sets of parameter α and β. In particular, we mote P , where is the highest order of expansion. Byvalues substituting i=0 i=0 &! that the asymptotic convergence rate seems to be the same for the variance and the governing equation, we obtain We then project the above equation onto the random space spanned by the o ! mean unlike in Monte Carlo methods. polynomial basis {Φia} one-dimensional by taking the innergPC product of the equation with e he only random input is k(ω) and is needed, i.e., M Msimple M ODE we can also perform error For this analysis for different types of &! ! ! ! dy'!") By utilizing the orthogonality condition (2.2), we obtain: i (t) y (mean) distributions. To this end, we define the relative mean-square error as %P = #(y(t) − 6) and M P ,− where P is the highest order of expansion. By substituting Φ= Φ Φ k y (t). (4.4) i = i j i j 2 y 2 Mean (!=0, "=0) dt y (t)) $/#y (t)$, where y (t) is the finite-term expansion (4.3). The following results y P P M M &! i=0 into i=0 j=0 ons the governing equation, we obtain Variance (!=0, "=0) '!"( !! y dy (t) 1 l Mean (!=1, "=3) have been y obtained in [34]: =− e k y Variance (t), (!=1, "=3) l = 0, 1, . . . , M, i=0 '& Error Solution '* '$ '% 0 1 2 '+ 3 4 ijl i j 2 #Φ '&& space spanned byl $the Mdt M &! i=0orthogonal j=0 ve equation onto M the random ! ! !"#$ dyi (t)!"$ !"%$! ! & ! & Time by taking the inner product each basis. Φi =of − the equation Φi Φj with ki yj (t). Deterministic # P * ) (4.4) $ Effect of GPC variable order P on the convergence rate in time k is a random variable with zero mean and constant variance and a certain probability distribution f(k) : Uniform distribution (Legendre) Mean solution: Variance solution: omes the Legendre-chaos. We mean and variance on the right and β. In particular, we mote same for the variance and the observe exponential convergence rate of of Figure 4.1, with different sets of para that the asymptotic convergence rate se mean unlike in Monte Carlo methods. For this simple ODE we can also analysis for different types Pof distributions. To this end, we define the 2 2 y (t)) $/#y n-square error %P = Jacobi-Chaos; #(y(t) −Left:P Solution of each(t)$, where yP (t) is the finit with beta random input as by 4th-order endre-Chaos), Error convergence of the meanLeft: and Solution the variance with beta random Right: input by 4th-order Jacobi-Chaos; of each GENERALIZED POLYNOMIAL CHAOSin FOR DIFFERENTIAL EQU have been obtained [34]: ion (4.3). The following results Chaos), Right: Error convergence of the mean and the variance with &! Error Error &! '$ '$ &!'% Difficulty of the method &! '% &! &! !"$ Time !"%$ !"%$ & '+ &! & &! Mean (!=0, "=0) Variance (!=0, "=0) Mean (!=0, "=0) Mean (!=0, (!=1, "=3) Variance "=0) Variance (!=1, Mean (!=1, "=3) "=3) '+ '&& Variance (!=1, "=3) '&& ! ! & & # # P * ) * ) $ $ *! Gaussian random variable with zero mean and standard12345665!7829:;<=>9?5?,@2A+B@:,6@C4,@9? deviation D56E@,5!7829:;F24::@2?+B@:,6@C4,@9? Gaussian/Hermite 1535?B65!7829:;G?@H96E+B@:,6@C4,@9? )! Hermite-chaos is used, then sian random variable with zero mean and standard deviation ! " #$−1 2(P +1) 2 te-chaos is used, then (! (σt) (σt) #P ≤ (σt)2 ! (P + 1)! 1− . (4.7) " #$ P+ e +1)− 1 2(P 2 1 −1 '! (σt) (σt) (P + 1)! 1 − . (4.7) "/"0!+!+"! P ≤ 2 n exponential variable withPzero + 1mean and&! standard devie(σt) −random 1 !( -." and Laguerre-chaos is used, then onential random variable zero mean and %!standard devi" with#2P Exponential/Laguerre σt Laguerre-chaos #isP used, then = . (4.8) σt $! " 1 +# 2P σt uniform random is used, no explicit #P =variable and Legendre-chaos . (4.8) #! + σt the error can be readily evaluated the error is available. 1However, "! e-term recurrence formula of the Legendre polynomials. rm random variable and Legendre-chaos is used, no explicit e plot the number of expansion terms (P + 1) that is needed to rror is available. However, the error can be readily evaluated ! ! the" value # at or reaches a prescribed value. In particular, we fix m recurrence formula of the Legendre polynomials. seen that as time increases, the number of term required grows, the number of expansion terms (P + 1)Legendre-chaos that is neededhas to ht growth is different for the three cases; the $ % & !+, ' ( ) * "! Problems and possible remedies... Spectral estimation of non-linear terms when no closed-forms are available • use pseudo-spectral approximation. Low convergence for non-Gaussian process: • use the appropriate measure with Generalized PC. Convergence failure for discontinuous or non-smooth processes (stochastic bifurcation) • develop adapted (non-smooth or local) bases: multi-wavelets or multi-elements gPC. CPU cost for large scale problems • design new solvers, use different types of (sparse) numerical quadratures, sparse tensor products. Challenge: development of bases and techniques to improve convergence and robustness of spectral expansions for processes with steep/discontinuous dependences to uncertain parameters or processes depending on a large number of random variables. Possible applications so far... Solid mechanics (Ghanem & Spanos 1989-91). Flow through porous media (Ghanem & Dham 1998, Zhang & Lu 2004). Heat diffusion in stochastic media (Hien & Kleiber 1997-98, Xiu & Karniadakis 2003). Incompressible flows (Le Maître et al, Karniadakis et al, Hou et al). Fluid-Structure interaction (Karniadakis et al). Micro-fluid systems (Debusschere et al 2001). Reacting flows & combustion (Reagan et al 2001). 0-Mach flows & thermo-fluid problems (Le Maître et al 2003).