FROSH RECEPTION - UBC Library - University of British Columbia


FROSH RECEPTION - UBC Library - University of British Columbia
Issued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publiications Board of The University of British Columbita .
VANCOUVER, 8 . C ., OCTOBER 11th, 192 7
Science Trims
Failure of' the Varsity forwards to
811pping sad sliding, through a floc slam the ball at the opposing ne t
of sloppy mud, which oomplet e when quick action meant victory, re •
the hook
suited in a 8•1 detest of the first sooSeto. Dean >=had finished in- ladder bbrigade,Sefoe
AMP en ner team last Saturda afternoon a t
twdgg 'the $pKksr on Thursday a lesson in Rugby on Saturday after . Athletic Park, North Vancouver . En.
1~or t4 sadism which nearly noon to the tune of M . A drissUn g High won on Its merits and yet It wa s
Il 4olenoe 100 was thou rain and a Hs•incb layer of mud mad . solely because the victors excelled i n
with Dr. Barbitau's combined plays almost impossible, bu t this one department, Their forward s
ork is the field of Bthnol• the gladiators straggled valiantly to seised on every opportunity that prel.etalcs was entitled, over come the elements.
sented itself, and lost no time I n
Otte or "How lilt- Varsity pressed from the kiokoff, testing Anderson's ability as a goo d
led;" Be mt. an held the hose brigade in their own goal guardian . The result was tha t
tory of the ha#t. Finally the Scientists combined throe times the ball hurtled into th e
e early►
obscured by in a pretty play which resulted in Varsity net, whereas only once aid
Howard Eaton tumbling over the In. our forwards, with their 'miter but les s
with th e with bell on a sparkling plies impressive passing and Waiting, man log t chiefly
from ~UI Locke . Firem. mooed age to score,
he vepWhig, momentarily from the kick-o , but The game was played in a heav y
s. `! Ae, peopl e were returned to their ova with downpour ; when It wasn't a hydroentwho lived ih villagel great promptitude, 'NI*y rang fairly phers it was an ocean, Al Todd die •
evenly from end to end for Nom e Covered this in the first half when th e
es tlf the Interior of Brit- minutes; but the superior power of ball bowled him over . He, however,
tle were very different from the - deate soon became apparent, with great presence of mind, lay on hi s
pslan of the coast both in They pressed the Firemen baok to back and floated.
The game started with a rush b y
co and ph$i*Oter. They were their own line, and after threat e
the Varsity forwards, and
d im, nomadic people, living several times, Gustafson gnafl w
play se
by hu ntng.. They were of a over with, a pass from Bert Tupper . sawed from end to end . After
to The half ended with Varsity pressin g minutes of even play, Ceuta, one oef
Itie tempe ' nt a nd
Varsity's former stem, opened th
N ` .4iecttllty! with their numerou strongly.
The second half opened with a eon- sooting for the ex•Righ . Wright slipn,tr1 onIA1 ventures ,
missed the ball, whereupo
#eeend Lecture
carted rush an the part of 8oience . rutsand
in and drove home a har d
itee second lecture, given The hmoke•eaters resisted valiantly,
which left Anderson no chanc e
Science 100,'on Friday at- and held the blue and gold gladiators shot
to save . Three minutes later Gaudi n
was ` ve , poorly attended, in check for some minutes . Varsity made
score equal with a well d
on 40000 tit of the Fresh to . however, RAs not to be denied, an placed the
from a scrimmage in fron t
when the Firemen's lull-bock tumbled
the • North van goal . Both team s
twee desalt first with the ea- the ball, Phil Barrett Was on it like of
hard for a lead and in spite o f
ties of the B tish Co • a "hot and passed the line, 8hottly tried
field play was taut and furlous .
He showed clearly afterwards Lange, one of the add * Our forwards
were combining wel l
1at~imace of the early Amp men, pulled a vicious taackle of Bill but were weak in
shooting. Wrigh t
ortuguese, Spanish and Japan - Looks
for Varsity
tvent rers. ad invaders *aatert- subsided, Lan ge was discovered lying when several times gains
he sent the bal l
thaw t e character of the na• on the ground, halt-buried in the oose, bolt the length of the
field, la th e
Thai Idas of the Queen Cha r where he remained for soma' pain- goal Anderson made some
wonderfu l
sp rentnlyma
in greatt pit
,.who rearm ,lie n
de their on y eoaril haves . Witte lllll Varsity"did Most
is strengly than they d o sheFi rrem e
the attaching, but the North Shor e
Indians, were cited as an , in- near the end of the second halt, whe n of
cmbined o theirwn
o $5 yar d team made the most of their mole
eof the marked aadniteratton of "y
elite for a' series of dribbles up th e tunnies ; so when the whistle blew
al native *,teak.
which ended in Gordon McLea n the score was one all .
beat showed that most of
In the second half the or-Highs
fed .; "Indian" art was, really going over with the ball. Varsity
hare by early 0014 and cam, back strongly, and pressed th e started with a rush and before the
explorers, Until shou t Firemen behind their sin two-bit first minute was up, bad gained a
hundred ylmars ago the nlatives of line. The whistle caved another poss- one-goal lead, Soon after, in another
rush they tested Andy with a hot one
province regarded the coming of ible Varsity score.
Mg to the greatness of th e but he proved equal to the occasion .
" pa1•faaes" as' supernatural visits.
and general sloppiness of th e A little later Waddington made a nic e
I ai►d- made every effort both t o
none of the tries were con- cross in front of. the opposing goal ,
. All the shots were from a but there was no one there to take it .
► aeon, Dr. Barbesu continuede, verted
that the natives readily adopted th very difficult angle, and Sinclair (8) Then the ex-Highs scored their third
art of these European invaders--en and Kelly were not to be blamed fo r counter from a scrimmage in front of
the Varsity goal, and this finished the
art which they have developed unti l their failures.
it has come to be considered purel y Both teams showed need of practice, scoring for the day. Our men, howtheir own, and which they would have several tumbles being pulled whic h ever, all tried hard, and with a dr y
neglected long since had not th e could not be attributed to the weather . field might have won . Wally Mayers
white man's liking for "native curios " Play wait loose throughout, but wit h sent in a sizzler which the goalie only
proved very profitable . The lecture r practice (lots of it) the Scientist s managed to save by diving full stretc h
also added that he doubted very muc h should cop the Miller Cup .
through the mud . When the fina l
After the game Coach Tyrwhltt re - whistle blew, Varsity wets on th e
the reputed age of most totem poles,
because of the humidity of the climate leased the following statement : "I a m short. end of a 3-1 count .
and the tact that almost no preserva- greatly pleased with the fine showThe following is the line-up of Satings of both Intermediate and Fres h urday's game -- Anderson, Allan ,
tive was used on them.
Even their folklore has been s o teams and In particluar with the typ- Wright, Emery, Manning, Todd, Spllsgreatly influenced by other peoples , ical fighting finish which won both bury, Berto, Gaudin, Mayers, an d
especially the Scandinavians, French , games . The Senior teams are not Waddington.
so satisfactory as yet. Last
;Wish and, strangely, the Africa nr quite
ewes, that as much as eighty pe year's MoKechnie men have not
cent. of what is commonly believed to nearly reached the perfection o f
be purely Indian in origin has been teamwork and physical conditions
borrowed and assimilated from the which characterized the play of what
sporting editors last year called th e
folklore of other peoples .
A general meeting of the Englis h
Dr. Barbeau has a vivid and humor- Miracle Team . The deadly dogged
ous style and those students who are accuracy ht tackling which so baffle d Rugby Club was held on Thursday
noon when several important matters
able to attend h>s lectures will An d the Maoris is now missing and noth- were
discussed . Don. Harris outline d
them both pleasing and Illuminating
Tomorrow afternoon's practice mus t the prospectus of the trip to New
see every one of the hundred an d Zealand, and the Dalhousie games a t
five enrolled Rugby men out, as all Christmas . Discussion followed on
tour teams must be fielded on Satur- the advisability of entering a first an d
day, Arts, Science, Fresh, and Inter- second team or an Arts and Science
Lester Court, the scene of the Fresh mediate. Five wins out of six start s team in the Miller cup series ; it was
reception, presented a kaleidoscope is good, but not good enough."
decided to enter an Arts and Scienc e
appearance on Frfd evening. Th e
best impression of the pseudo teet h
Players were then given cards on
viQes scald be obtained from the bal- Locke, Eaton, Gustafson, Kelly, Bar- which to place their names and posrett,
played, so that the coaches
to 0z themselves permanently as or. Jones, Farrington, Forester, Sparks , itions
them up more easily . The
ata*enta (or gargoyles), and the re- Murray.
meeting adjourned at 12 .45 .
ealting conception was chaos on chao s
Players are requested to be on han d
thrice confounded .
to-marrow's practice as promptly
It was as though one had throw n
as possible, Both coaches will be on
chronology aside and lived once again
hand . Next Saturday will see tour
is the days of the French Revolutio n
and furious apaches ran amuck in an Friday next, at 3 .00 p.m., in Arts teams in action so that a full attendinsane desire to find a patrician t o 100, will be held the Debates Tryouts ance is requested .
for the Fall term . All menstudents ,
What it laboratory for a psyoholo- Including Freshmen, are at liberty t o
slael Freshmen, checked by their In- try out. The competitors must preNOTICE ! ARTS '30
feriority complex, hesitated to as k pare a three-minute speech on th e
that lovely and demure blonde in th e negative or amrmative of the followImportant Class Meeting reggrdin g
corner. orons In their blissful medi- ing topics, or may choose a topic of
organisation, Thursday, 12--i ,
osrlty said the most brilliantly witt y their own :
things to awed women honor students .
"Resolved that the Recent Trades Everybody out. Room Arts 100.
On the other band intelligent seniors Union Bill as passed by the Baldwi n
who should have known better, lisped Government is a most pernicious meababy talk in the ears of simperin g sure ."
treshettes---and, occasionally, one sa w
"Resolved that the students shoul d Swimming Club Annual Meeting
a proud theologian dancing with own their own bookstore ."
Wednesday, 12 :1 5
(horror of horrors!), a little minx In For further information see Men' s
an abbreviated costume .
'Notice Board in Arts Building,
Arta 104
Election of Officers
Fieidin a superior this and a brittle*, flute old punt in the
of Currie, the University of British Columbia ridden defeated th e
United Commercial Travellers,1 to 8, In a bitterly contested battle at the
Athletic Park yesterday afternoon opening the "Big Pour" Canadian I t
season here before a big crowd of spectators ,
nThetwo rouges that gave Vane victory hardly constitute an adds t o
representatio of the winners' en Nifty. They bold an edge over
year's champions during most of t e game .
Though slightly outweighed by the Victoria lIne,, the Varsity t ~
held time and again against the Sera thrusts of the local line plunging Rose ,
Often they tossed the local men for losses .
On the attack Varsity *gain outplayed the Victoria line . They ripped
holes in It for merle, the clever.little Varsity quarter, to prance t11rough,
Locals' Baokield Good
But in the backfield it was a different story. The Victorians were
teeter and cleverer than Abe visitors ,
They ran back punts with mor e
success and were qulgker to e*plol t
fumbles, to take advantage of th e
oacasipnal breaks of the gems.
In the kicking de'psrtment, Dic k
Wilson's powerful boot gave the loca l
griddere a big advantage .
Varsity scored first about halt wa y
through the first quarter . Falling to
gain on two um books in centre feld ,
the . visitor.. kicked deep into Victoria
territory, . . Harrison ran the bail back
ten yards before befog downed o n
Victoria's twenty-five yard Um . Putman lost the ball to Varsity on a
fumble in the nut ploy. Jaokrt*
gained two yards through centre an d
Victoria was penalised tor offside i n
the next play. Varsity made yardage.
Maid Victoria was penalised and th e
ball, lay two yards from the goal+line .
Fearing another thrust at their line ,
Victoria drew in its defence. Instea d
of ordering a line plunge, Currie calle d
for an and run and, taking the bal l
himself, found only one Victoria ma n
to pass on a wide circling dash to th e
left that ended when he grounded th e
ball behind the goal-line for Varsity's
first five points .
Helmer failed to convert the try.
Toward the end of the next quarter Stan Stanyer, one of the two outstanding stars of the game, gathere d
in a loose ball and sprinted eight y
yards to even the score for Victoria .
Stanyer's brilliant run came wit h
startling suddenness, relieving an
ominous Varsity march on the Victori a
goal-line .
Varsity secured the ball on a fumbl e
on the Victoria tortyelght-yard line .
Currie made a beautiful sortie of
thirty-six yards on a halt buck throug h
the middle of the line, Carrie the n
called for a dash around the right end .
Carrying the ball, Helmer decided t o
try a drop kick at gout . The ball
sputtered weakly from the side of hi s
foot . Stanyer gathered it in, passe d
several men, and streaked down th e
field with the whole Varsity tea m
pounding along at his heels . Campbell
Forbes failed to convert and the
whistle blew for halt-time thre e
minutes later .
Victoria Tighten U p
Victoria's defence tightened up in
the second halt and the visitors wer e
unable to cross the goal-line for a
second try, their two extra points
coming from roa♦ss, one In each
Currie ran bale one of Dick Wilson's punts to Y la's thirty-five yard line, covering twenty yards before being downed in a hard tackle.
Varsity was penalised one down an d
then Currie smashed through th e
centre of the line for five yards, Helmer then tried a drop . The ball salted
wide, but high, and the Vancouver
men got. down under it so fast that
Stanyer had no chants to nun it ou t
over the goal-line again, He wa s
downed in his tracks for the firs t
rouge of the gams, making the scor e
six to five In favor of Varsity .
A rouge ended Varsity's nex t
dangerous march down the fieid . With
the ball an Victoria's twenty-yard line,
Currie made six yards through th e
middle of the line. Odium added
another yard . On the next play he
smashed through for the require d
yardage . Currie squirmed and twiste d
his way to a four-yard gain throug h
centre. Helmer tried a drop at goal.
The ball again was wide of the posts ,
before he could bring back the ball
but the Varsity men nailed Harriso n
to the field of play. This rouge wa s
final score of the game .
A Thrilling
It wee s thrfllIng
ott e
and-nail variety, replete wi bud
plungin , bard
, sudden, t
expected dame stackdownlingth". . #lid;
beautiful punting and, to tea,
whole story, fumbles, , There n i
perhapsason,istoo man
a ft~umbles . But
yet yyoung,
tackling was undoubtedly a bi i
in the many mu*.
If it is true that Varsity hof
rpracti les, t t ey deserve
coutp ha'yin~~l t1►e
Victoria machine, which was .
last year only by Edmonton .
In Whil dthe wor
ewas 'Victoria fluoe
kgiorensof th n thing t
shout about from the house total i n
the market squares, it was goo 4
the local goal line w
threatened. It is sigi
Varsity chose to lock at.g' 1
adamant's, when . they might we ho
laiexpected s
► foreda try.,
, S . Cros toeyplaref
Varsity—Helmer, __flying
Parker, Streight, Wentworth
Duncan, halves ;
Smith and Watson, sappss
and Cutout, insideia Odium, Jai
and McLennan, middles ; Anderson,
Todd and Mitchell, outside . Cottlek
Ed. Burley.
The first sitting of the second session of the Students' Parliament wil l
be held on Wedneslay, October 12, at
3 p.m . In Arts 100 . All members wh o
have signed up are requested to b e
present and will be allowed constituencies . Premier Whitely will continue to head•the Coalition Party sup ported by the Independents . F. C.
Pilkington will guide the destinies of
His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, in an
attempt to overturn the present
A non-party resolution will be introduced, "Resolved, that women
should be admitted to membership in
this Parliament in accordance wit h
the precedent set in all modern ParMoments of account ."
All women belonging to the Wit•
men's Lit, should be present and com e
prepared to state their ease. Woman
may enter into the discussion of Z
motion but will not be able to
on the question, not being at presser .
members . If the resolution Is passed '
they will receive all the privileges In.
herent to a member of this august In •
It Is expected that this term will
see a revival of the stirring scene
which accompanied the votes of ensure and the frequent Changes of government of last year, At last, how ever, It may be confidently stated tha t
the Parliament will settle down t o
regular business this year at an early
Among the matters to be discussed
this year wit be the ever-green ques t
non of the Initiation . In view of th e
fiasco in that respect this year, it i s
expected that a resolution strongly
condemning the Students' Council for
their conduct of the affair. Freshmen
members will doubtless take a lively
interest in the discussion as being
the first real opportunity they hav e
had to air their opinions on this ancient chestnut.
A large turn-out is expected and a
final warning is Issued to women to
come well prepared with arguments
on Woman Suffrage, and Flappe r
Votes .
Ilt 14004
of Patine
• (flsinber
'l'uesdey and Fridaay
InteaMlo1argiate Press Association) .
bh flab Student Publications Board of the
tr ikieetlaid''
bar 0th. Vt.
eslded, A constitution was adopted, and an exeem tiye elected. Members ci the now
edeeu'tive ,are : : Ft
PresidentMr. Laing.
Vice-pprel:lde nt Mice Coed
. purpose of the~r organisation
to alt'brd a means whereby problem s
In ~connection with pay
mi tit be +ttio
O my t osewho
a hove
a e
limit t
thirty me and thirt *omen, and at
mom y men
ing Join this
new Club can Neu 'e the ueoesa►ry
ter membership from any
0 oar a the esisotitive .
'• Alt#o h our, Counoil Is- Tomas en d
idesl~'rl ~ibe<t, mutely it is time tha t
they found out how batter to organis e
svelte. The Initiation was bungled
POW Grey)* SAO
completply, partly because of crosse d
BMW, Dditoni--Pranois Pilkingtoa and George Davidso n
maw, partly beosuse I umeloiea t
Indap inddint N* ►ipapdr
Aaloo~a a dltori— largaret drank M . Christbon and Doris Crompton
notldccation was given to the uppe r
!nature >altor+~->b . Fltktagtoa
yyears of the meeting for their latru n
P _ . >r •~
M. Derbrkay
' •l .M Per Tea r
> stin i of the Mist Alma Meter Mee n
fag was ported several dale ib ad •
• P. A. ' !tote—
a oloasy►
vanes, bit—it weer to down a de r
%ter, leering malty in doubt as t o
SvshsliO S s#
whether the monism actually woul d
Matuget--See' . Pats!**.
be held ; this gqg~doubtedlr account fo r
Y116a -Ralph Mhos
the poor attehdanoe .
r Jones
May 1 also . point out the poe r
Saadaesiw Aaslsbats'«- tnog~ Whim, Alan Chandle aed Ralph brown
sportsmanship which is already pe r
tdlt r feMhalesue s
:nestles the University, flow malt y
atiattlyt P, Ptikiagtes ; Assuolata: Margaret Great ; Militant : Phyllis Freeman slackers in the Upper Classes could The dedbss of
will assembl e
give a goer roman for not turnin g Ism nemulate ib Arts
Tharsdar ,
out to initiationt How many Tras h October nth, in order to discuss
th e
card and ribbon in town and at hom
As announced Wore, this eating
An editorial in the last issue of a certain local journal says as well as at University, How man y Is of the admit Importance, ss a ►
iaaal a nuimber of tither remarkable things : "Personally I have of programmel at the informal Fresh outstanding questions most be s4tad .
, "Mt ts" d !lei's
6001004 0 after attaining the wisdoitd of a ripe old age, etc ., etc. Reception, How many tickets wen t l s bershh p,
cons tit
ttult will be sub .
(IN `etetiili Whig, prealtllnab y, a asap to a conscience which must to people outside 'Varsity so that the y ad thepaint
b the implications of this amazing . frannkneril) that tt---Col- could add to the gush ,
at year the a sty built up quit s
-I one of the greatest banalities, SELF-INJ'LICTED on
Yours most sinnerrit ► PH,
f r bet as bein# phi l
. the most org in►
peppy b1 r
anal innocent mind. The writer further laments the ;blot
hart 1y
To be a college spirit you Must forego your individuality and Editor,. Ubyssey ;
done 'df the Mob "-Jthis too being neosuarily
I '•IN•
to the call for Initiation i . or her bit .
But What end is this bluaklttll tlelit•~ on the ' In response
•dtloatul tai d
the Morning ceremony fulfilled the
milddd hi question find r cent recompense for hid• primary requisite of Initiation--to Iha I
i its under bushels, in the 4eiigbta of participation in press and to instruct the "Fenian " There will be a meeting of the d.M.
litate., etc., or ,they don't. The first case 'Peaks for it• s t the same time. however, W. think ba wsotl sOhisloaa Club to-bigh t
at the afternoon's events were (I n (Tueider) at il :p,to, at the home
boo 'college spirits" will not look beck 'after "attainin , eta . tso•far
the men were concerned) a of Dian Brook, $$76 Point Grey Road ,
' and deplore the ."genial blah" in whitih they indulged, If tregiesla.tame.
Had the event• been Thofor the evening will b e
do 't on the other hand, they either have courage to assert tarried out se scheduled, no doubt
n ubject, "The Lite of Dr;
I , ~.a a►rhe ." New members are
lfis vidtaallty and scorn the snob, or they don't The first case all would have been well .
in respect to future Inttiationsi ,Let cordially invited.
for itself ; in the latter case these people conform to
ea retain the meriting ceremony bu t
al blab" of the mob, "go to footbasll games, eta, ate.''
, are do
away with the "roughhouse" Af t t: FOUND
: kt heepltail, of te r
stilt,' o sole idiotio, etc.,, etc," ad lib . In other words afternoon. As hailing seems to
p he i! *these a sminatl onn ;
ividttali~► 14n0ti the vihility to Mort Itself ; it heeds Undesired, let fie have llomethiag harm - obably lg# on Ootoaer h or h .
on of the mob. In regard to this type of "ardent college less yet nditusing, such se may be time been lined In to tai obketorti.
from the following or other
o which our ethic confessedly belong-owe can only hop e drawn
. estions:
lei !her t obnsciondnese of a superior intelligence is sufficien t
each of the Fresh have hi s ARTS MEN'S STING ,
a1 r the dub endured ih "listening to some only acs, etc ., eta., forThat
her) nose painted indelible green AUWM'ONIUM, MYt011Y, 1
` oreargosracsey
f of bein "tid
te mo,u
bt partou
i - for a week;
1re must conclude,for fear of being "dubbed an intelligent Thad they carry their placards as
►" this 'smothered
.t individuality his to be "Interested in do- they do now ;
That the then dress in shorts and
r. dte. "
girls in ankle-length drosses ;
a that confession on the part of out learned critic . It That
they carry their books, etc ., fb
a weave
not many o teme martys to te
h cause a basket or coal-scuttle for a wee k
"College rabbitry" in our midst . We shudder to think of the col- (though this would be Inconvenien t
in the buses) ;
e of in titicerity emitted at a rugby game,
the above regulations appl y
, ~liege pirit f " asks this Writer in a mood of ex - InThat
as well as in the University .
Iva co Mtn, It Is obvious that he needle enlightenment o n
Yours truly,,
e subjee . College spirit is the spirit of cooperation, it is wha t
F. UNDERHILL, Arts '30 .
10 Iv:town as Citizenship in a larger sphere, and in a still large r
Patriotism. If the writer failed to enjoy the '' genial MA" in Whic h
--bbh his own account—he was comps led to par"tidipate by the forc e A~lineations for membership
in th
of ubtie opinion, he *as anything but an "ardent college spirit . " Studio Club have been considerede,
As to the advantages of this college spirit" to which (iin th e and membership extended to the folword* of Mother and similar "striver for intellectual supremacy" ) lowing applicants : Jean Fisher,
Fisher, Margaret Hopkinson ,
we must "give our time for a bigger and better Babbitry" in orde r Kathleen
Doanle Owen-Jones ,
"to engender, etc ., etc., etc. "--there is, we confess, room for con- Eugene _Walker,
Barnet, Jack Harkness ,
troversy. In its extreme form college spirit is probably very object- Harold King, Solomon Fishman, Bil l
ionable, On the other hand we ask our critics to picture to them - Plommer, Edward Nay .
The first meeting will be held o n
selves a University without any of the cohesive force of the dis- Thursday,
13th, at 8 p .m. at
puted "spirit ." Then would theme "intelligent students," thes e the home ofOctober
Miss Kathleen McLuckie ,
effete devotees of the higher learning, these insufferable prigs wh o 3349 south nth Avenue West . Memspeak somewhat in the vein of our learned contemporary, shine i n bers are advised to take No . 14 oar
89th Avenue and walk one block
all the glory of their asserted and pampered individuality . Egotism to
Here tuiiW is a pen Oat tapes the pteiand three east ; or take No. 7
would reign, and the ordinary student life would degenerate into north
out atwriting —a:bops btoaakege--bids~
car to Blenheim, and walk thre e
an anarchist picnic .
See endless weer.
blocks north.
There was a time when this minature "spirit of salesmanship " All members, salve or honorary ,
Wa disoorelbd b way to prcoit Presspeolallh requested to attend this
Wall rife. That (despite our critics) is the period which is usually are
Writing-.with letttMMrMwWght
spoken of as the finest in our history—the campaign days . There meeting.
touch. We do it by ti atare even some who maintain that during that period of "genia l
*maim with gravity feed .
bush" there was roe* for intelligent student., (not in the sense The Chemistry Society will mee t
Another dnilob ery is our wads of making
accepted by oqr critic) who did not devote so much time to th e to.Morrow at 3 o'clock in Seisms 300 .
Points yield tttahtiiytIt alherlO$hdeer .
"spirit" that they did not have time for a little individual effort . Ai this is the pet meeting of th e
Our new barrel ftriattetiiti--loaltilsbar Phee
as the ofbcera of Sedretary Though we cannot, as a whole, hope to receive an education, aci d earl
mmnite-efs Nanel reerkabla and 20 % Agate
*Urer an* Second Vide-breMdeh t
though we may have to resign ourealves to progress only in the pave to be filled, and As the progra m
the h nibbler : It coinen in jade, haloqueterod,
direction of a "bigger and better Rabbitry," we must agree that o n r the ,oeia ham to be arranged, a
lttaandlidn'relbww, ell knife andhOpi e
the whole "the colorful idiocy of the massed college boy seems mor e lbi~a attendance is elpeoted . Dr.
Lasuli Hue—i411 biaak-tipped . Also M three
H Clittrk will speak on "Odors and
normal—and certainly, we think, much more effective and enjoy- R.
asseseatah with stta graduated points.
*ble---"thislt the massed striving for intellectual supremacy of a Constitution."
Deniers mane you to try this p'ommee .
similarly large body.
leas pen an paper.
The drat meeting of the term wil l
'Ib be sure of l&aotbid service, look for the
be held Wednesday evening, Octobe r
4Cieo. S. Parker—DUOIOLD.
at $ p.m. at the home of th e
This year the P.I .P.A. Conference is being held at the Universit y lth,
.,.adld r«Wuho eo MaaM 'ParksD
esldent, Miss Muriel MacKay, Suit
of British Columbia . The editors and business managers will be th e 3 Montcalm Apartments, corner o ef
guests of the "bbyssey . "
17th Ave . and Oak Street . Will all
nosoirro s . ovum
The Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association is composed of th e members please be present as ther e
much important business to be discollege publications of universities along the Pacific Coast, and in- la
cussed .
cludes bud well-known papers as the Washington State "Ever .
am," the Oregon "Emerald," the U . of C., "Daily Californian, "
gg "Stanford Daily" and the U . of Nevada "Sageru sh" as well The dark secrets of the Inter the
as the Ubyssey.
national Club are at last to be reMade is Crowds
If this conference does nothing else, it will put the Universit y vealed . Thus new club has re --Seas forks
Ocof British Columbia "on the map ." The visiting editors and bus- tober 14th, in the Cafeteria . All stu
ea Lo do Ilona
iness managers will form lasting impressions of our university, it s dents are invited to attend . The
organisation, its students and its paper . U. B. C . will take its plac e Honorary President and President wil l
outline the policy of the Club, an d
as an equal with the oldest and richest institutions on the coast .
We are justly proud of our University, its site and its traditions . students will have the opportunity o f
presenting their names for memberWe are hoping that we can make our hospitality worthy of th e ship.
Admission to the tea will be 1 5
U. B. C.
, .i
University of British Columbia, West Point Ora.
Phones' Point Oriy 1
: $0. per year, ides
,habsriptloe f*g hits* on applfoistton.
tditorlal Staff
EDITOR4N-CHIEF-Jaw , Tolmie .
"1Kt •Mga
Sod of
D$$CDiA$il ►
aU with
tilt~ia! Is the tames OT$$ was
of British Colima
91 the tttd y
Mott a N With, hillt r bug, that a step
rivet o It
y door doses the MI
xrr .
.1 ,
Volk &Wks
ee s,
ow hide the
wren ►eels.
AU the town wo e
tither of other nose too u
Pull of Semi sod Fury
t, Milling
HIM It he frahasa fa
. turfs i ~ in dresses
A great step towards escheat s
wilt Street thei r
e group th
en retientl ,
trousers tight, nimb' *tomes has
p~ro t fs
►h ace
d Sleek
theree lags
. au tT,B. .
eh oni~ a maiden caught
the noose healthy Uei
students throw out their chests wit h
es eve reel and twit,
will rid, eta., sta. . . . "
pride, for these tar eesinp benetoAtor l
As through the crowd they are
twtuntl ewrmhe.
in our raids non other than ou r
d is MN If
t Moir
Hours retiring.
by going on record as approving o f
opt* the etc„ etc ., alumsls
a po$toy of arbitration for the Canto
eta ., it.., oo
phone thundered ,
glad w u foster
Sian Government, they have pointe d
Horn blows and trombon e out to ~laelpenide Kfpg toe path o f
spirit they will A that they injh:tt
n rn hate
the ,right to
dada ,
duty and have gist hifa eilnite a s
Just then a maids shrieks,
. trseh en that it they will di r
. oe of the support of the C I
air youthful eta , • W ..
"JIM your hip pocket leaps" d a! a piste to follQWi
that pa
e etc ..
., o
!11 tilt
tomtit had blundered .
e The berm petty
et .,,
to yl a
Bobbed hair had eyes o f to in ecstaor, and all the Totes
th ii
Winnipeg are grittWug their
idols. the freshmen that ~ w111
s $ reared in viWtune ,
oven tb
A t their you
e of sights are seen, undying fame . The, whale world
U7, Otte etc , a#•
the etc
. *Wahl they
to i
Among the six hundred.
refor at list
a sigh
., te.—.
—AOOIS breathes
sate for DemOO
racy"--by our own Students Council .
deist Ob tlst~irI t o college e
Of coarse, in saying all this we are
suelt tee
above fever still
that Premier King via th e
much more hi
college edual on
become aware of the ehht to Oeth, ott the wor('
istence of the Students' Council an d
iled Ih the abate quoted sue,
taken the trouble to read of its
wn to the Freshmen as the A B . C. have
is Coltflte If irlt? Personally roagain gaathering momentum and be '
I ere oottotudsd, er' at~ the tore another *eke has elapsed will be '
In tI*ttoa Ap lu
tliln of a ripe old see, s . eto . functioning In fall force . Chief Chtiak•
As snggesttons for initiation are i n
it .~
I ogle ot the ;r ►test Lauri- ' stout Dick Asher reports . TtItantoeut order, we present here a scheme tha t
e U•inflfated on a9► sod inaot high fever invasion of the Mer e bas not been tiried before, at leas t
e mind. . To be a "eon* spirit" common roots where letid tiles o f on this continent.
ihuct forego your Ind id
Artsfaen's endeavors stiiiaroUSts the Initiation advocates clamor for the
and become on of the mob . Yoh Agricultural spirit, is loudly resente d
suppression of the Fresh while Stit h
most go to football puma ou dtdl'C by the Aggies who, after a season' s
lnitiationiets wish to substitute th e
bgive t
recreation at the business end of "big•brother" movement It is there athe btbeck of someifd
pitchtorks etc., feel over•capable of
only natural that a o binatio n
leader to get tip and otr
~h the task of proorastiniting the Classic tore
your head off on the slightest oaia • Students from their dornicelery re " of these two principles would pleas*e
tYou rho t attend "Pep itlret• trest, beware, therefore, innoden t everybody, except irhaps, the Frei
tags" end *timid endlmitl hours listen• freshmen, before you wander upon Melt.
'his being the Wise, we propose the
ins to some billy Mss tell you to "play forbidden ground, where your presthe amt" and "gat Out sad boost tae ence is apt to arouse the ire of th e introduction of a systefn~ ~oQf~ "tags"
the boys." In other words yob mus t laboring swains . In this connectio n similar to that of Btiglldk Publi c
be interested In doing ererythfn g it is well to mention that the Aggte s Schools. Under this system each stud .
that everyone else fr ntereited in of all others take most pride in a well - out of the Upper Years could be allot .
doing. If yeti aren't You will probabl y decorated and orderly common roots , ted a Freshman whom he would inbp ostracised by the mob and dubbe d one of the scenic spots of the Var . struct Ill varsity lore. In return, the
es *eking la the decency of a prope r city, a triumph In the age of modern Freshman would do small service s
college spirit,—iii other words you youth.
such as currying his patron's books ,
will be An intelligent student. 1 know
«, .
copying out themes and lining up in
what I'm talking about because I was
the Cafeteria to • get his paten' s
an ardent college Spirit myself once."
lunch .
Alleged Jokes .
—Point Grey Oasette.
Ot course some may object that thi s
A college boy likes to read a story could be carried too tar ; that it woul d
on college lieu--it's all so new to him . end by the fags attending lecttif'es for
Butterfish Replies
—Pitt Panther . their masters and doing a double
share of rooting at rugby games . But
• • •
there is little fear of such a state o f
Mr. lames Butterfield, the well- "I think I'll commit suicide ."
known welter of the "Common Round " "Good but turn off the gas whe n affairs developing .
In our opinion, the only drawback t o
replies to the "Point Grey Gazette " you're tlrouugh ."—picots .
In the following terms :
The bigger you are the harder the y the fag system is that there may no t
be enough Fresh to go around an d
fall--Pennsylvania Punch Bowl .
• • •
this relight lead to jealously among the
A pleasing writer In another loca l "I didn't know It was loaded," said senior years ,
journal, a young man who has ver y the gambler as he inspected the littl e
recently been exposed to the higher Ivory cube.—Penn . Punch Bowl .
learning as revealed on Universit y The nearest some girls get to bein g
Hill, unbosome himself bitterly on th e perfect is being perfect tools .
Ideal Freshettes
matter of the "College Spirit"—als o
as revealed In these academic fast•0 •
Ths Sheaf, University of Sasketeh a
nesses. He has nothing but scorn for "Father, what is a suicide? "
Freshette of 1934, be sh e
this revelation and obviously falls to "A enfold', my sou, is a person wh o
observe its usefulness . He says : has reached college without learnin g ever so humble, is evidently not lade ,
ing in originality. She has offered t o
(Quotation follows.) . . .
. Auden and seniors man y
All of which is very true and very
—Cornell Widow . new lights on how the universit y
right. It is difficult to visualitse a
• • •
woman should conduct herself and her
modern civilisation in which the total "In he polite?"
product of our universities shall b e "Is he polite! Why, be apologises to suggestions are as Varied as they ar e
"intelligent students ." There is no himself when he cuts himself with astounding.
"First and foremost she must try to
room for them . What our progress
of Wash. Continuo .
look intelligent and most cultivate an
demands if It Is to continue on th e the razor."--17. •
• •
inquiring air."
road to prosperity upon the lines indi .
Ellyn : I'm thinking of going int o "While in lectures she must fix he r
cated by the most successful nation i n
the world Is the spirit of salesman. business for myself, teaching modern attention on the lecturer."
"She should be an all round sport
ship. And to engender that spirit ai l dancing.
its best you must have all the genia l Marie : I wouidn't do it . It's a shaky and an all round girl ."
Stone MilL
"She must not kill herself ove r
biah of which our young Erasmus business .—Stevens
• • •
We understand that there is a "She Is here to enjoy herself fo r
Education is the same in its eases • Scotcbman
In Greenland who keep s four years so it is not fair to her partials all over the world. No amoun t
of publicly-supported universities wil l his thermometer in the house so tha t ents It she walks around with a de•
pressed look.
ever succeed In educating anyone ; it it won't treese.—Vlrgtnia
A• •
"She must work as much as she can,
Is an individual effort that Is needed .
And the seeker after knowledge an d "I doctor myself by the aid of but she must try very hard to be
popular ."
learning Is timed at the outset of hi s medical books."
university career with the choice ; h a "Yes, and some day you'll die of a "She must act as If she were over
Awgwan .
sixteen, "
may give his time to study for hi s misprint! "--Nebraska
• • •
Who said that college professors are
own sake—or to the college spirit for
Slogan for Hosiery Mtg. : "Wear ou r easily discouraged ?
a bigger and bettor Rabbitry.
calves ."
And on' the whole the colorful Idioc y hose and have contented
• • •
of the massed college boy seems more
Judge : "Basta, you are up here fo r
normal than would be the massed
Iatoxiostlen "
striving for intellectual supremacy o 1 fallen .
Pop—Very much ?
Rastus : "Pins, Jades, bring on th e
a similarly large body,--(Dally Pro'.
Kid (shbepishly)--'h, about fiv e intoxication "
lace, October 9.)
• e •
feet --Virginia Reel.
"How many sons have you, Mr .
"Had a puncture, my friend? "
Jones?" asked the new neighbour .
"No, sir, I am just changing the ai r
"Two living and one that became a
playa'," sadly replied Mr .
A meeting of the Tennis Club wi
be held Tuesday at 13,00 In Arts lea 1 out ."—Colby White Mule .
Basketballl Practic e
d. : ratn},, Mud . an
muck on
athbotia 'Pa* Saturday
afternoon, the Intermediate mudlark s
home the bacon in both game s
the h 4t-tea „ the Met atoma''B'a ”
at 04 and ° the
Varsity. Intoadtodi•
stet dowels t
five of good
neat heatol't1r with
cs►e rodeo•
ear yin We
under such a
The MOh won the resit
to pup , the Mora l
a : to
the ek. Play at first
reseal Was
IOW, Wth t!
ball in a Ltd, and the WW1mi m IIe
up and down the field. However, th e
revue began to get the ball out to th e
backs and after a series of three`
darter *as with two or three seam
on the iivesyaid e, the whole team
Wiln nor%
went over with
The convert fromJackMoll
! angle tall•
ed . The Meralomas were plan a
stellar game, but the heavy tack ng
of the MO held them well in oheck.
The MO made handling dangerou s
and ktoking and dribbling became the
nteral tactics. At this point a long
ick with a follow-up netted the Mora.
. eir only stow, the conver t
sewn and
teas tie
Thee lNrosh kicked off and were eonmen* hishIns their opponents nh
bill, the cking of the scrum wit
a a lick to ow-up was noticeable. PadOda and r were always on th e
bat and working hard. Halt.time
found both teams in mtdfietd with a
S all on*
Play again
i n started with a series of
er runs, the
serum were getting the ball out nice-
but owing to the wet, tumbles were
frreeqqu~ent . The Froth were continually
H hing the "8's" down bill and gushy
Hums went over for the final try.
The whole temp played well Tho
forwards were : dribbling and poking
in goal style and, though a bit loose
at times, were the main strength.
Fumbles we ee frequent on the threequarter line, bttt this was mostly ow•
ling to the wet and slippery , 41 . The
teamslined up es follows ; Heaps,
Cesterton, Hume, Wilson, Pros!, Aker •
ley, tngledew, t#rsaul, Prattinger, k'an•
lin g, Rotator, Teeple, Lammers, p'ra•
ter, Bright.
In the next game Vanity satin wo n
the toss and elected to play uphill .
The Seaforths period hard, but th e
Varsity serum held well . Play at first
was in favor of the Seaforths wh o
were getting the ball well out to th e
three's . Varsity was not packin g
enough but playing a defensive ame .
On an interchange of kicks Seatorth s
pressed west and In a dusting ru n
Went over for their first try . The convert was completed from an easy angl e
and the score stood Following thi s
Varsity gathered itself together and
pressed forward, Roger Wilson wa s
outstanding. Seatorth were still pros -
.Over forty candidates were on hy ►ltld
fo the basketball PI - ice On Titers •
de night at the `•N
preid, of
club,' gave
the bolo:: site workout and seemed
well pd at the way they did
their stuff. Among the **Mao out
ere .~;
Bu er W
ern M•
whom w e Ming the bas t s
Several now atom 'hotted metro ,
notsbl a resrult t trots
New estminstetr.
also revealed amon g
and there seems to b• ao irMlron
composed tMs
0>Z tike
w4 a
werersof the «roes
a team in one of a inter •
m late divisions,
p mahouts of the odd bushel.
ball troph
urg ing to Varsity s
mate inn fro mew. A good coo
is the greatest need, however, and
without this we cannot eacpoot to
turn out championshi p Hams,
,.It was a great weekend in Varsit y
sport, and the Student Body is elate d
over the many wins turned In . AI•
though it is a bad habit to look alway s
for a winning team, nevertheless the y
are ways more popular than' a 'detest one.
Probably the most significant vie.
tory over the holiday was the sease .
tional triumph of the Varsity Mg Pour
football Mead against the l y
touted and undefeated Victoria team.
This win means more lust a
winning score of 't . b on paper ha i t
points to a possible ohs , p
team from the University o f
Columbia in the western pl •
Victoria took the Vancouve r
into *amp with a $0 .4 e•unt and Yen •
eouver looked the brand new West •
Waster Selmonbelllm in a cupboard
at U•1 . Varsity played solid foot ll
t olf the held at the Tong end of
Nothing would bind the eastern an d
wester* schools more cloeei to
ther that an mmt•west football Sate
tany people in Canada are lookin g
forward to that day
of Alberta may take th e
A meeting of the Badminton Clu b University
was held oq Thursday, noon. The Berta layoffs this year -- a t
Mayo srraia for were decide d ant we hope they do—as an inte r
collegiate western racket is M
to be as to wst at the
urch on Weddne ay, attractive to a college team . If such
ail e' the Varsity team w~ri(ll
hours a to d ; and on ri laHa
e travel to Bdmo to to do battle wit h
from e .0 at the
Helen the northern school,
athesooniee as a"taota ibewVMoen* The Vanity team certain* profite
from their' American football eaperi•
idealsof the club.
a few year. 'se, and also from
armwoommommutoidammumPt000mmoo erases
many of the least playorti
sing but Vanity drove them well Int o are menthat
with some American toothe d
their own twenty, ,ve and nearly moo r experienee.
Most all of the Varsity
ed. A safety touch by Beatorths . ti n men, Nee one
ov more of the
put the ball in m1d• eld
combination heathen drive and castor • and are better able to
understan th e
oil tide Into acre of water was made value of fast low baohllel
Irian ling
by Frsll in a successful effort to fal l and solid lino play.
on the ball. This probably saved Var. Varsity' is very fortuna in h a
sity a try, The halt ended with bot h
teams fighting In mld•fleld and th e two men as coaches w o, withot n
doubt, are the boat men In the wes t
score 1~.p
In the next half Varsity took o n In their line. It to a recognised last
new life and was dangerous at ai l In Canadian football circler that th e
times. The scrum was pressing har d whole weakness is Canadian teams
and getting the ball back all the time, has been their line Say, Coach llr,
Wilson and Mason were working well, Burke, a former Washington end, bads
The entire scrim was dribbling and made a special study of this Motor,
following up well . Tackling was hard and the Vanity team certainly show s
and the threes were getting their me n the value of his' coachin g. On all
regularly. Following several scrums round team play and alt Canadian tor and an Interchange of kinks Wilso n motions, Norman Burley, forme r
went over for the tint try. Shield s Queens player, is, without doubt, the
missed the convert from a side angle ; most valuable man in westerly CRbida
by inches, the ball hitting the upright. at least. To sum the situation up a s
Play was again resumed and are a whole the Varsity team is a cow
sity was working nicely. Bull at halt Mutton of a strong American lints
was getting the ball to the threes regu- plus a shifty Queens backfield.
larly, but the mud made running an d It will be worth a trip to Bdatoato
handling awkward. Chappel, playin g if the two lege teams come tai•
an excellent game tried a drop abou t 'ether, to see just what difference the
15 yards out, but missed by Inches . low hitting closely compact lino will
Wolfe was going well on the wing .
against the more snot defends o f
Varsity again seemed over • whe n do
Albertans . Former American
breaking out of the mob Wilso n the
such as Cammoui, Anderson, a
Wolfe and others went down in a stars
team mate of George Wilton ,
heap over the tine ; the ball broke former All-American
and Pat Wilson ,
loose, but it seemed both had touche d Captain of Washington.
It down. Soon after Kolle went over Neil Watson, without doubt, is one
for the second try and placed the lea- of the best centers in northwest foot
ther between the posts . Cokey misse d
at a dead-on angle . The score wa s ball. Todd, an experienced American
now 6.6 in favor of Varsity. ' Pla y end ; Wentworth, a shifty little back continued with Varsity preening stead- field boy from Stanford ; Currie, th e
ily. Time went with both teams in best quarter in the Big Four an d
mid-field, The lineup was Ford, Wolfe , American football star, will add th e
Kolle, Shields, Frell, Chappell, Beta - hard hitting qualities to the team . The
brook, Hull, Mason, Player, Wilson , Canadian football end is upheld b y
Phillips, Farris. Shleln, Maddigan .
Victor Odium of Royal Miltitar y
School, a powerful line man . Coce
Helmer, a heavy kicker, and Ross Jack son, a weighty line player, and Reid
McLennan, also of R .M.C.
English Rugby has had a good star t
In the local Miller Cup race and i t
looks as U the football happiness of
Varsity will be complete when the
Miller and MoKechnie Cups rest o n
our mantle .
Var b'a sebiiad recce
away eito a
t start
to date, to a $-all le. T
fort and fdU of , f1
sloppy condition ci t d
taut that it was the diva
season tor, the blue
'Avery mat' on the
and heady
air a
hang spirit and anis
which ure1
oat don, 6t► .>~
fwd : o iero an d
Vanityliq ► f»efid et
theism an was Milt th
ales mount towards the close
and halt, They ogre for ed t o
a *tag goal a toff mint a hold
S. ► Cur `,
Strohm Pleb an
The se pr
n in grass hocke y
Will tea aO
geel. l Thursday.
m01be oo the school
m rg
r rettn . .Thi
S oo•s
team is reported to be as ' strong . u is
rmer years when it captured . tl#a
'Moist championsh i
: Tomorrow, the final prat .~p before
the reelection of the tears w!
th lineup . . S n
► idol
It Will
ve innpI
t =iili
of the
anewwilllay, wpb! !!rte lo1►rn
, Tit o
coaches, Mr.. oving fin d
are welcoming all beginners . If
irls who have already s$srted t o
eeari the game area , a fine
am ongst whogi
, Mabel Mc
members pros
» salt
1~ ;~~, '
doe ' H^ '
study by, Is out four honors► gain tat
A prao 10 wll .be
day at + .t, at Teri
please Meet in the
r .commo n
room at $.00 sharp ,
Tryouts for admitting to the society
will be held at noon 'in the Musica
Society ,Rogisn--rAuditorlam , $01 (
of stage)--according to the fallowing '
Tuesday—String Instruments .
Wednesday—Men's Voiced ,
Friday--Wind Instruments.
Please watch the notice boards each
day for news of the society's activities.
At the flret meeting of the University Chess Club, held last Thursday noon, much new talent was i n
evidence . Not only have the majority
of last year'. members signified thei r
intention of re-ioining, but already te a
newcomers have signed on .
The programme for the mornin g
year wait outlined by the executive .
This programme includes two townsmeats (one for the Club Champion ship) . a match with the Vancouver
Chess . Club and possibly a matc h
against a team composed, of member s
of the Faculty. A special feature wil l
be a simultaneous wavier given b y
Mr . Millar of the Vancouver Club ,
who will . play a number of varsity
men simultaneously .