Omnitapps Composer 2.0.x


Omnitapps Composer 2.0.x
Omnitapps Composer 2.0.x
With this manual you learn everything about Omnitapps Composer
Rev: 2.4
Release: 2.1.0
Omnitapps 3
Omnitapps player notes 3
Start here 4
First Start
MultitouchTest App.
Shutting down Omnitapps
Configurator and custom configurations
Configuration selection dropdown
Configurator layout
Omnitapps settings 6
Support information
Configuration settings 8
General settings
Homebutton settings
Configuration language
Request Mailer login credentials:
Omnitapps Data (BETA)
Configuration switcher
Screenshot button
Annotation button
Menu 11
General settings
Menu wheel
Menu coverflow
Menu grid
Menu drag infinite
Menu drag
Menu metro
Menu free placement
Screensaver 14
General settings
Interact box
Screensaver slideshow
Screensaver welcome
Application Icons 16
Tickertape 16
General settings
Applications 17
Active applications
MediaViewer 29
General settings
Media Settings
Media menu
Selection menu
E-mail form
Print form
USB form
Form messages window
MediaTimeline 36
General settings
Media settings
Selection menu
E-mail form
Print form
USB form
Form messages window
BrochureRequest 41
General settings
Media settings
Selection menu
E-mail form
Print form
USB form
Form messages window
SwipeMediaMarker 46
General settings 46
Media Settings 46
Markers & Images 47
Selection menu 47
E-Mail form 48
Print form 49
USB form 50
Form messages window 51
General settings
Form 53
General settings
Confirmation screen
Configurator 18
Whiteboard 55
ShuffleGame 19
ExternalApps 56
General settings
General Settings
Media Menu
Registration Form
Victory window
PuzzleGame 21
General Settings
Media Settings
Registration Form
Victory window
QuizGame 23
General Settings
Media Menu
Registration Form
Victory window
MemoGame 25
General Settings
Media Menu
Registration Form
Victory window
MatchGame 27
General Settings 27
Media Menu 27
Victory window 27
MediaSwipe 28
General settings
Media menu
General settings
General settings
OmniBrowser 57
General settings 57
Security settings for browsing the internet 57
VideoPlayer 58
General settings
Video gallery
DrawOnVideo 59
General settings
Video Gallery
Survey 60
General settings
Interface settings
Media settings
Start screen
End screen
Survey questions
Question types
OpenConfig 67
General settings
Guestbook 68
General settings
Interface settings
This manual describes all settings for the applications within Omnitapps Composer.
Omnitapps Player is a cost-effective version that you can use on your (multitouch) kiosks and touchtables. The main difference between Omnitapps Composer and Player is that Player does not have a configurator for application configuration. You can buy Omnitapps Player licenses in our webshop:
Omnitapps player is for running/playing your configurations that were created and exported by a Licensed Omnitapps Composer.
Omnitapps Player looks for configurations in the same folder as Omnitapps Composer does.
My Documents\Omnitapps Composer Advanced\ *
* Omnitapps has the option to choose another configuration path. Please refer to page 6 of this manual. (Change the Projects folder path)
When you run Omnitapps Player one of the following 3 situations occur.
1) Shows the configuration normally:
You correctly exported your configuration from the correct Omnitapps Composer version.
2) Configuration has watermark text “Not a licensed export” :
- The configuration was not exported first, but only copied.
- The configuration was exported, but the Omnitapps Composer did not have a license. (trial mode)
- The configuration was exported with a licensed Omnitapps version, but afterward there were changes made directly into the exported folder. (If you make
changes in the export, that export becomes “unlicensed”. Only changes before the export are allowed.
3) Does not load the configuration at all
- The configuration was exported with the previous Omnitapps series software (Omnitapps Professional up to version 3.2)
- Player displays “No configuration found”. Did you copy the export to the correct configuration folder?
Start Here
First Start
After installation you’ll find a new icon on your desktop.
Omnitapps Showcase: This icon starts Omnitapps Composer
After double clicking this icon Omnitapps Composer will be started. The following dialog boxes will only be shown at first start after installation.
• Step 1: Choose your language. (System language can be chosen in the Omnitapps Settings menu, specific configuration language setting can be changed in Configuration settings under Configuration language sub menu. )
• Step 2: Choose between touch or mouse control. ( This setting can always be changed in the “Omnitapps Settings” menu. )
• Step 3: If you have your licence you can click “Enter Licence” in order to put in your licence and activate.
Note: Your computer needs to be connected to the internet in order to activate.
When licensing fails please press “Get Support” and fill in your details.
• Step 4: After activating your licence you will be prompted to register Omnitapps Composer. Please be so kind to fill out this form and press register.
Start Here
MultitouchTest App.
We recommend you to test your (multi-) touch device with the MultitouchTest app inside Omnitapps. In order to do so please follow the instructions below.
• Press the [Run] button to run the preconfigured demo configuration and then
press the icon of the MultitouchTest application from the menu.
• The test application will start and will enable you to test your (multi-)touch device.
This icon starts the
MultitouchTest App.
NOTE: If you have no multi-touch device connected to your computer the test application will not respond to your gestures in this case
it is important that you configure Omnitapps to use “Mouse Emulation” in the
Omnitapps settings.
Shutting down Omnitapps
There are several ways to shutdown omnitapps, please us one of the following methods.
• Press
to quit Omnitapps directly
• Press
to display Omnitapps in a small window and press the X on the right side in the window titlebar to quit Omnitapps.
• While in the [Run] mode touch the Home-Button location (bottom-left or top-right) and hold for 5 seconds. Omnitapps will prompt with a password
popup. This also works on the main menu where no home buttons are displayed. Then press
Note: The default password is asdf
• While in the [Run] mode touch the
button in the upper-right corner if enabled in configuration.
Configurator and custom configurations
Omnitapps Composer saves all configurations in this folder:
My Documents\Omnitapps Composer Advanced\
Omnitapps Composer comes standard with a preconfigured demo configuration to give you an impression of all available applications. Of course you can
create your own configuration or change the current configuration.
Three methods to access the configurator:
From your desktop start Omnitapps Composer
While in [Run] mode press
(external hardware keyboard or windows on screen keyboard required)
While in the [Run] mode touch the bottom-left or upper-right corner (Home-Button location) and hold your finger for 5 seconds. Omnitapps will
prompt with a password popup. This also works on the main menu where no home buttons are displayed. Then press [Configurator].
In top of the configurator you see buttons for:
• [Create] When you want to setup a complete new configuration you press create and choose a new unique name for your configuration.
When you [Create] a new configuration you’ll always start with an empty configuration.
To add applications to your configuration go to the [Applications] section and press the [Add application] button.
Warning! With only one application configured, no menu will be shown! The configuration will start with that application!
• [Save] When you have made changes to any item you press save.
• [Export] When you want to transfer your configuration to another computer you press export. Then you have to specify a folder ( e.g. your desktop )
where Omnitapps Composer places the export. The export is a folder with your configuration name. E.g. “YourConfigurationName-export”. Simply copy
this folder to another computer with Omnitapps Composer already installed and copy it to the configurations location. To export for a player version you
follow the same steps as described for the Composer. The configuration needs to be placed in the documentsfolder “C:\Users\username\Documents\Omnitapps Composer Advanced” .
Keep in mind that when the original configuration and the exported configuration are both in this folder, Omnitapps Player cannot read the configuration. The original configuration has to be removed first!
• [Configuration selection dropdown] Here you select your desired configuration. Note: If you run Omnitapps Composer for the first time you will find
only the “Default Content” in the list.
• [Show advanced options] With this button you switch on/off the advanced settings (A) to be visible throughout the configurator pages.
• [Omnitapps settings] Page that displays some common information and settings (e.g. License information)
• [Run] Leave the configurator and go to the menu/start page.
• [Main menu Button in the top right and bottom left corners] Leave the configurator and go to the menu/start page.
Omnitapps settings
Configuration selection dropdown
When you have multiple configurations in your Omnitapps Composer folder it is possible to “Switch Configurations” from the pulldown menu in the top bar.
Configurator layout
On the left hand side you see main categories.
On the right hand side you see configurable items from the category.
Note: You can swipe the left bar and the settings page up and down. Also Mousewheel support is available.
Omnitapps Settings:
• System language: Here you set the language for the configurator.
• Computer ID: This ID can be used to find results of this machine in the request server
• Enable startup project selector: When checked a menu is shown before Omnitapps starts where you can select a configuration.
• Put Omnitapps always on top: This is a common setting to force Omnitapps to be viewed on top of all other windows.
• Enable mouse emulation: When checked you can control Omnitapps with a mouse device. Normally Omnitapps can be controlled with multitouch so
movable items can be scaled and rotated with multiple touch fingers or multiple users.
Note: When you are running Omnitapps in mouse emulation do not use a multi-touch screen to control Omnitapps since it “listens” to singletouch and
click events.
• Show mouse emulation notifier at startup: When checked Omnitapps shows a popup message at startup when in mouse mode.(as a reminder) When
you configure Omnitapps on your local computer with no touchscreen attached you should enable mouse emulation. Afterward when you run your
configuration on a touchscreen enabled system the mouse emulation setting is often forgotten thus not turned off.
• Windows 8 Charms bar enabled: When checked the Windows 8 charms bar is enabled. Uncheck this to disable the Windows 8 charms bar.
When you use Omnitapps on a Windows 8 computer in a public environment you should always uncheck this box.
• Start Omnitapps in the configurator: When checked Omnitapps will show the configurator after startup. in a public environment you should always
uncheck this box. When unchecked the main menu is shown after startup. (When you have multiple applications configured)
• Projects folder: Select another default folder where Omnitapps reads and writes configurations/projects. (be aware that this setting changes the path
which is mentioned throughout this manual.) Selecting a network path as default location can give issues because of network user access rights.
You better select a local path.
• Export folder: Select a folder where your exports need to be saved by default. Normally you can choose any location when you press Export. With this
prefefined export path Omnitapps does not asks for the location anymore.
Note: When you set an export path the export button (on top) changes into a Sync button. Configurations that are exported/synced do not have aditional
data- and time stamp information anymore. Omnitapps exports the configuration name “as is”. If the configuration name already exists in the export
location it will be overwritten without any confirmation.
• Database export location: Select another default folder where Omnitapps exports CSV files. By default the CSV files are exported to the root of your
project (configuration) folder.
• Auto save database exports: When checked Omnitapps continuously updates the exported CSV whenever it receives new data. So if you open an application the analytics database is updated and the CSV files are written again. Note: This function can impact the performance of Omnitapps runtime. Make
sure you test this. Use a SSD instead of a HDD (disk) is recommended.
• Export databases (to CSV format): When you press the button all information from the internal databases will be exported to CSV files.
The CSV files are located here: ..\\my documents\Omnitapps Composer\[your configuration name]\
A Popup window show you the exact path while exporting.
The CSV files (Comma Separated Value) can be opened.
Request.csv = All requested files by one of the application that has a request function.
Quiz.csv = Results of the quizes taken
Survey.csv = Results of filled surveys
Users.csv = User data from forms and special development (customization) where users log-in before using Omnitapps.
Analytics.csv = Usage tracking data. It logs app, folder and file usage.
• Store thumnails with project: By default all thumbnails (miniatures) throughout Omnitapps are stored in the program files location “Cache” folder. When
checked all thumbnails are stored in a Cache folder within your project (configuration) folder. This way, when you export you take all the generared
thumbnails with it. When running the export on another computer, that computer does not need to generate all the thumbs again and you can replace
generated thumbnails with other images of your choice. Please make sure the name remains the same.
Omnitapps settings
• Generate Media (button): By default Omnitapps generates thumbnails (miniatures) when you access an application for the first time. When you press this
button all thumbnails are preloaded throughout Omnitapps. This also converts al PDFs used on forehand.
• Omnitapps API server ip address/port: Fill in the full ip address from the computer where you installed Omnitapps Composer. At the PORT field fill in
8080 or other desired port number. After restart Omnitapps the API will be available to communicate by http requests. This API function is highly advanced. Please contact our support department first if you have needs for API control. Contact Support: [email protected]
• Omnitapps external server ip address/port: These fields are implemented for future releases of Omnitapps where all data Omnitapps collects will be
stored in an external Database Application instead of the internal Database. You need this function when multiple Omnitapps computers must pass data
and game scores to a central database. Please contact us when you have projects that require this type of data storage.
Version information:
• Current version: This number indicates the software version you currently have installed on your system.
• Latest version: This number indicates the software version that is available for download.
This button becomes active when there is a newer version available. You need a internet connection to let Omnitapps check for new
This button opens our webpage showing you the latest release notes.
License information:
• License type: Your Omnitapps version is displayed here. (Trial indicates you didn’t enter a license key at startup)
• License key: When you entered a valid license key at startup it is displayed here.
With this button you can deativate your license key. You need to be connected to the internet. Omnitapps will contact a license
server. After deactivation you can re-use your license key on another computer to activate Omnitapps again.
Note: Regular licenses are allowed to deativate 3 times before being locked and cannot be used anymore. The license can still be used on the last,
not deactivated computer. If you are not sure about your deactivation options please contact our support department first.
When you entered license key at startup you can store the license key in a plain text file on your desktop. Store your license key before
you deactivate your license key.
• This button will link you through to our website where you can download demo configurations for Omnitapps.
You need to copy install these configurations first. The Installer copies the configuration folder to your projects folder.
Support information:
This button will link you through to our support form on the website.
This button will link you through to our feedback form on the website.
Configuration settings
General settings
• Back to menu timeout in seconds: Set the inactivity time before the main menu is shown.
• Enable corner transformations through the use of the designated black area on touch elements: When checked Omnitapps displays little corner
elements on media items. When you touch (or click) this corner you can scale/rotate that item with one finger. (click & hold when you use a mouse device)
Corner transformation on a touch element.
• Background color: Select a default background color. Normally applications run on top of this background. During application transitions it will shortly
be visible.
• Management password: With this function you can exit Omnitapps or access the configurator without using an external keyboard.
Note: The default password is asdf
How it works: While in the [Run] mode touch the bottom-left or upper-right corner (Home-Button location) and hold your finger for 5 seconds.
Omnitapps will prompt with a password popup. This also works on the main menu where no home buttons are displayed.
When you enter the correct password you can Shut down Omnitapps, go to the configurator or run Omnitapps in a window.
Password is “asdf”
• Show screen rotation buttons: When checked, two buttons are displays in the corners of the screen to rotate the whole display view 180 degrees. This
setting can be useful when you have a Touchtable (users on both sides of the screen)
• Custom configuration switcher image (jpg/png): Browse for an image file that acts as an icon in the configuration switcher. The image file can JPG or
PNG. If you do not choose your own image a default image is shown.
• Add to configuration switcher: When checked this configuration appears in the configuration switcher menu to be selected.
Homebutton Settings
• Use default homebutton: When checked, the Omnitapps default homebutton is shown. When unchecked it shows your custom homebutton image.
(if you have chosen any) NOTE: When neither default homebutton or custom homebutton is configured no homebutton is shown.
These setting below apply for Home button 1 and 2
• Image: Browse for an image file to act as a homebutton. The image file can JPG or PNG.
• X / Y pos: Set the X and Y coordinate for the button. (e.g. X=0 / Y=0 top left. e.g. X=960 / Y=540 middle of a full HD screen)
• Width / Height: Set the width and height in pixels ( e.g. width 200 / height 200 )
• Rotate button: When checked, the button is turned 180 degrees.
Configuration language
• Configuration language: Choose your preferred language for the front-end. (the end user side)
Note: Some application have individual settings for displaying text. (e.g. forms, application description, game end-screens)
• Enable: When selected Omnitapps shows an onscreen keyboard where needed. Note: The Omnitapps keyboard does not show on external applications.
• Default starting scale of the keyboard: Fill in an enlargement value between 0 and 2 (1= default width 1050 pixels) or enlarge e.g. 1,5 (1,5x 1050 pixels)
• Keyboard language: Choose your localized keyboard language layout for all applications in Omnitapps where the onscreen keyboard is shown.
Keyboard graphics
• Key text offset: Setting for the inner padding in pixels. How many pixels the key character is positioned inwards the button.
• Key asset offset: Setting for outer border size for scaling the asset (button image) by 9 slice scale method.
Key character format
• Text Color: Set the text color of the keyboard keys.
• Text Size: Set the text size of the keyboard keys.
Keyboard assets
• Keyboard styling: With this dropdown list you can select one of the predefined keyboard types or select CUSTOM (last option)
Custom (selection from keyboard styling dropdown list)
• Key image: Select an image that acts as keyboard button. (.JPG/.PNG) NOTE: Select your button graphic carefully. The button image is also used for generating the special buttons like ENTER, SPACEBAR, CAPS, SHIFT following 9 slice scaling method.
• Background image: Select an image that acts as the keyboard background. (.JPG/.PNG)
• Close button image: Select an image that acts as the keyboard close button. (.JPG/.PNG). It’s positioned in the top right corner.
Request mailer login credentials: (BETA: data collection function)
RequestMailer is a Omnitapps Composer service that can send an email to an end-user with links to requested files from Omnitapps. It also can store
local data collected by Omnitapps to be uploaded into your account.
Configuration settings
How it works:
RequestMailer is a cloud based system where you can upload media(files) in your account. In Omnitapps Composer you fill in your account credentials.
Now Omnitapps sends all requests from BrochureRequest, MediaViewer and SwipeMediamarker directly to the RequestMailer server. The server looks up
the files and sends a E-Mail to that user with hyperlinks to the requested files. Omnitapps does not send the actual files to the server, but only a command
“to do something”. This way you can use this request mailer with an Omnitapps computer with a slow internet connection (e.g. 3G or slow exhibition WiFi)
Note: The RequestMailer server can only send an E-Mail to the end-user containing links to requested files if you upload the requestable files from Omnitapps to the RequestMailer website first.
Beta: Omnitapps Data (starting form version 1.2.18 and up)
Omnitapps Data: This is the second function of this cloud based system. Omnitapps collects data, such as Form data, scores, analytics and survey data.
All this data is locally collected in the project (configuration) folder root.
Steps to take:
1. Create an Omnitapps configuration.
2. Create an RequestMailer Account.
3. Upload mediafiles that can be requested to the server. (you can drag them from your Omnitapps Media folder directly in the upload screen)
4. Fill in your login credentials in the Omnitapps Configurator
Create your RequestMailer acount here:
• Enable Omnitapps Data: When checked the cloud system is active. Collected data will be sent to your online account.
• Enable request mailer: When checked the RequestMailer function is active.
• E-Mail: Fill in your E-Mail address. It’s the same E-Mail address from your RequestMailer account.
• Password: Fill in your RequestMailer account password.
On the RequestMailer website ( you can configure a personalized E-Mail template and see live statistics for requests and
Note: You can also change your password from your account. But then don’t forget to update the password in Omnitapps Composer Configurator.
• Test login: Press this button to check whether the login credentials are correct.
• Upload Media: In order for the website to send an email with links to the requested files to the end user, all the requestable files need to be oploaded to your account. You can upload files to your account while logged in through a browser, but you can also let Omnitapps upload
all files that are requestable to the server.
Press the button to start uploading. (account password required)
Note: Video files will not be uploaded. In your account you can set certain video file names to send an email link to the end user pointing to another link.
This way users can request a video in Omnitapps and receive a link in their mail pointing to the video on Youtube (can also be a product page on your
website). Files already uploaded before will be overwritten. Earlier requests of these documents, will be invalid. Reference to document gets lost.
Configuration switcher
The configuration switcher is a extra menu which you can open from the side of the screen. When opened you see a overview of all available configurations
from your system. In this menu you can directly switch to another configuration.
Tip: You can use the configuration switcher also to switch between languages. E.g. If you have your configuration duplicated and translated in other languages you can “switch languages“.
• Enable the configuration switcher: always = will be shown all the time; menu = will only be shown in the menu. Hidden = will never be shown. (for this
• Location of configuration switcher: Select the position on the screen. (left, top, right)
• Have the configuration switcher always open: When checked, the configuration switcher will not collapse and remain in the opened state. It can’t be
closed. The close button will be hidden automatically.
• Configuration switcher text: Type a text that will be displayed on the front part (handle) of the configuration switcher.
• Configuration switcher front color: Select the color for front parts of the configuration switcher (front part are close button, configuration switcher text
and project names)
• Configuration switcher background color: Select the color for the configuration switcher background (applies to the background and the pull handle
• Configuration switcher background color opacity: Select a value for opacity of the configuration switcher background color. Does not apply when a
custom background has been loaded. When the value is set to 0 (invisible) and no custom background has been set, the background will not receive any
touches, allowing for the user to touch objects behind it.
• Background color width: the width of the background color. Is ignored when a custom background has been set.
• Background color height: the height of the background color. Is ignored when a custom background has been set.
• Background: Sets an image as the background for the configuration switcher. When an image has been set, the background color is hidden automatically.
The background is always docked to the pull handle. This means a side of this background will be shared with the pull handle.
• Offset starting from the center: Whether the configuration switcher is used left, top or right, it will be centered. This setting can be used to move the
Configuration settings
configuration switcher away from the center. For location left and right, a negative value moves the configuration switcher up. A positive value moves the
configuration switcher down. For location top, a negative value moves the configuration switcher to the left. A positive value moves the configuration
switcher to the right.
• Enable close button: When checked, shows the close button. This option is ignored in the following situation. If the setting ‘Have the configuration switcher always open’ is checked, the close button is automatically invisible, ignoring the value of this setting. There is no need for this button if the configuration switcher needs to be open all the time.
• Enable pull handle: When checked, shows the handle to open the configuration switcher. This setting can be unchecked when you don’t want it visible
when you have the setting ‘Have the configuration switcher always open’ checked. Keep in mind that when unchecked, this also hides the ‘Configuration
switcher text’
• Pull handle color opacity: Set a value for the opacity of the pull handle color.
• Pull handle background image: Sets an image as the background for the pull handle. The pull handle is always docked to the background. This means a
side of the pull handle will be shared with the background.
• Pull handle offset: the pull handle is placed at the center of the configuration switcher (background color or image). If you want to move it away from this
center, use this setting. For location left and right, a negative value moves the pull handle up. A positive value moves the pull handle down. For location
top, a negative value moves the pull handle to the left. A positive value moves the pull handle to the right.
Buttons container
• Scroll orientation: If you have a bunch of configurations/buttons, the available space might be too small to show them all. Set the scroll orientation to
Vertical or Horizontal to determine how the users scroll through the configurations/buttons.
• Max rows: How many rows do you want to use to show the configurations/buttons. This setting applies when the ‘Scroll orientation’ is set to Horizontal.
• Max columns: How many columns do you want use to show the configurations/buttons. This setting applies when the ‘Scroll orientation’ is set to Vertical.
Note: To prevent invisible, unwanted overlap with possible underlying interface elements, the buttons container is always limited to the size of the background color or background image. This means a width and height larger than the background will be clipped to fit the background size. A x or y position
larger than the width or height of the background will result in the buttons container to not show at all!
• x position: The horizontal position of the buttons container within the configuration switcher space. For location left, this means x = 0 is the left side of
the screen. For location right, this means x = 0 is the connecting side of the pull handle. For location top, x = 0 is the left side of the config switcher.
• y position: The vertical position of the buttons container within the configuration switcher space. For location top, this means y = 0 is the top side of the
screen. For location left or right, y = 0 is the top of the configuration switcher.
• Width: set the width of the buttons container. Negative values and 0 will be ignored and result in the default setting (500).
• Height: set the height of the buttons container. Negative values and 0 will be ignored and result in the default setting (500).
• Horizontal spacing between buttons: the amount of horizontal space you want between the configurations/buttons. Negative values will be ignored
and result in the default setting (10).
• Vertical spacing between buttons: the amount of vertical space you want between the configurations/buttons. Negative values will be ignored and
result in the default setting (10).
• Minimum buttons before showing the scroll bar: When there are a couple of configurations/buttons, they might not all be displayed on the screen and
require the user to scroll. There is a scroll bar that can indicate there are more configurations/buttons than those visible on screen. With this settings, you
can set the threshold for the amount of configurations/buttons that needs to be surpassed before showing the scroll bar.
Set to 0 to always display it. Set to a large value to never show it.
• Opacity of the background bar of the scrollbar: Select a value for the opacity of the background bar of the scroll bar. Value between 0 and 1.
• Show the project name: When checked, displays the name of the project underneath the image.
• Size of the project name: Set how large the letters of the project name should be.
• Image width: Set the width of the image. Negative values and 0 will be ignored and result in the default setting (150).
• Image height: Set the height of the image. Negative values and 0 will be ignored and result in the default setting (75).
• Indicator to show which project is active: you can set an image to indicate this configuration is active. When this value is not set, the image projectIndicator.png – can be found in the project folder in My Documents – will be used instead. This image is scaled alongside the Image. E.g.: if the indicator takes
10% of the image, it will still overlap 10%, no matter if the image has been scaled bigger or smaller. It will always be placed on top of the image starting
from the top left corner. To prevent unwanted results, always make sure this image has the same dimensions as the selected ‘Custom configuration switcher image’ (can be found Configuration Settings > General Settings). If no value has been set here, it loads the project.png – can be found in the project
folder in My Documents – by default.
Screenshot button
• Enable screenshot button: When selected the configured screenshot button is shown on top of Omnitapps. It’s on top of all applications.
• Image: Select an image (.JPG/.PNG) that acts as the screenshot button. Leave the field empty to show a default button.
• x position: The horizontal position of the button, this means x = 0 is the left side of the screen.
• y position: The vertical position of the button, this means y = 0 is the top side of the screen.
• Width: set the width of the button. (in pixels)
• Height: set the height of the button. (in pixels)
• Screenshot location: Select a folder where Omnitapps saves the screenshots. Leave the field blank to store the screenshots in the default location (a
folder in the root of your project folder.)
Annotation button
The annotation function is a drawing toolbar for users to draw on top of the whole Omnitapps screen. Users can save the result (image) in a predefined folder.
• Enable annotation button: When selected the configured annotation button is shown on top of Omnitapps. It’s on top of all applications.
This button toggles the drawing toolbar on/off. Drawings are memorized as long Omnitapps is running. (session based)
• Image: Select an image (.JPG/.PNG) that acts as the annotation button. Leave the field empty to show a default button.
• x position: The horizontal position of the button, this means x = 0 is the left side of the screen.
• y position: The vertical position of the button, this means y = 0 is the top side of the screen.
• Width: set the width of the button. (in pixels)
• Height: set the height of the button. (in pixels)
• Annotation location: Select a folder where Omnitapps saves the annotated images. Leave the field blank to store the images in the default location (a
folder in the root of your project folder.)
General settings
• Menu type: Here you select the main menu type.
Wheel: This is a rotating menu wheel with a disk (image) in the middle.
Coverflow: 3D style swipe menu with always one highlighted application in the middle
Grid: All icons arranged in a grid (also preferred when you want to use 2 or 3 applications)
Draginfinite: All icons displayed horizontal in the middle of the screen. You can swipe if the icons do not fit on the screen. You can swipe the buttons in a
infinite loop.
Drag: All icons displayed horizontal in the middle of the screen. You can swipe if the icons do not fit on the screen.
Metro: A Windows 8 style metro menu with blocks. Blocks can be half- or full sized. Half sized blocks only show the icon, Full sized block show the icon
and a description. These settings can be made at each specific application setting.
Free: This menu can be arranged manually. You can drag all application buttons in any place of your display.
• Animation inactivity time: The time in seconds before the menu starts to animate itself. The menu wheel starts to rotate slowly or the coverflow will flip
icons automatically to attract attention to the screen. When someone touches the screen the animation stops directly.
• Enable closebutton: When checked a button is shown in the main menu to close Omnitapps. This button quits Omnitapps directly.
• Screensaver inactivity time (seconds): When you selected a screensaver (Screensaver section) here you select the time in seconds before the screensaver
is shown.
• Folder with audio files: Select a folder where .mp3 audio files are stored. These audio files will play while the main menu is shown. (background music)
• Menu offset (vertical) in pixels: Here you can configure an offset to move the main menu up/down. Set the amount of pixels to move. Negative numbers
will move the menu up, positive numbers move the menu down.
• Resize thumbs: When selected the menu buttons are all downscaled to the values configured at each menu type. If it’s unchecked the original button
image size is applied. In this case you can have a free placement menu with your own button images all different in dimension. (it’s original dimension)
• Button shape: Select a shape for the main menu buttons. The button shape can be Rectangular or Round.
Standard square button or round button
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Background image folder path: Select a folder containing images. The images wil be displayed Fullscreen in a sequence in the background. This setting
overrides the “Background image path” setting. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Background time per slide (seconds): Set the amount of seconds between each image. Only applies on Background image folder path with multiple
Menu button text style
• Text color: Set the menu button descriptive text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Text size: Set the menu button descriptive text size. (in pixels)
Menu wheel
• Rotation animation, number of seconds to rotate 360 degrees: Set the amount of seconds the menu wheel has to make a full 360 degrees rotation. In
basic it sets the speed of the animation.
• Disk image path (jpg/png): select an image that will be displayed in the middle of the menu wheel. For our default Demo configuration we used a white
circle with our logo. You can select your own image here.
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
Menu coverflow
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Coverflow spacing: Set the spacing between the buttons (in pixels)
Description text style
• Text color: Set the menu button descriptive text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Text size: Set the menu button descriptive text size. (in pixels)
Menu grid
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Spacing: Set the spacing between the buttons (in pixels)
Menu drag infinite
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Spacing: Set the spacing between the buttons (in pixels)
Menu drag
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Menu offset (left and right) in pixels: Set the space beween the side of the display and the menu. (Margin)
• Spacing: Set the spacing between the buttons (in pixels)
Menu metro
• Metro spacing between buttons: Set the space between the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button width (if wide icon is enabled it is doubled): Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels) When you choose “ Wide Icon” at the application icons settings the button width is doubled. The extra space is for displaying an application description.
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Maximum amount of rows to show: Set the amount of rows you want to show. The menu is populated from top to bottom. (column by colomn)
Description text style
• Text color: Set the menu button descriptive text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Text size: Set the menu button descriptive text size. (in pixels)
Menu free placement
• Configure the position of your buttons: When you click on the button a new screen will open fullscreen. Here you can drag all your application buttons
into your desired position. All buttons which dont have position are located in the top-left corner of the screen. When you are done click SAVE.
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons. (in pixels)
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons. (in pixels)
• NOTE: Changing the background image after defining the position of the buttons will change these locations if the new image has a different size as the
inital image. You will notice that your buttons have shifted on the screen. Best practice is always use a background image or video the same size as your
screen. (E.g. Full HD = 1920x1080 pixels)
General settings
• Screensaver type: Select a screensaver type.
None: Screensaver function disabled.
Welcome: A page is displayed to “Welcome” your visitors. You can add (company) logos and visitors’ names to this screen.
Slideshow: A photo and/or video slideshow is displayed.
• Slideshow time per image slide (in seconds): Set the time in seconds before eacht new image is shown. This setting will not affect videos.
• Interact box enabled: Check to enable the interact box.
Interact box
You can display a message on top op the screensaver to notice visitors to touch the screen. (e.g. “Touch the screen to begin” or “Click here for the menu”) This
text is displayed in a box on a predefined location on the screen. This “Box “or “Area” has a position, a color and a message text.
You can also display an image to be touched. In our default demo we used an image (.PNG) in the corner with a text and graphic.
• Box Position: Position on the screen where the message box or image is displayed.
• Box message: The text that will be displayed in the box
• Box image: You can choose to use you own image/signing instead of a textbox. Here you select your image file.
Note: If you select an image, this will override the text-only interaction box.
• Space between screen border and box: Set the amount of pixels between the box and the screen border.
• Box width: Set the box width in pixels.
• Box height: Set the box height in pixels.
• Background color: Click on the color to bring up a color palette or fill in a color value for choosing the color of the interact box.
• Background opacity: Select a value for the apacity of the interact box.
Message text style
• Text color: Set the descriptive text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
Screensaver slideshow
• Screensaver slideshow folder: Browse for a folder which contains images and/or videos that will be displayed in the slideshow screensaver. Images can
be PNG or JPG. Videos need to have a H264 codec. (MP4 / MOV).
To display images fullscreen you need to resize your images first to the same resolution as your screen. (e.g. Full HD is 1920x1080 pixels)
Screensaver welcome
• Spacing: Here you set the spacing between the displayed welcome items. (in pixels)
• Message: The text that is displayed on top op the screen. ( “Welcome at our company…”)
• Company background color: The color or the boxes where the visitor logo is displayed on. (White is the best color for logo placement)
Message text style
• Text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
Company text style
• Text color: Set the comapny name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the company name text size. (in pixels)
Person text style
• Text color: Set the person name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the person name text size. (in pixels)
• Background color: Click on the color palette to select a solid background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select the image to be displayed in the background. You can select .JPG and .PNG image files. Note: When you choose a image
here this overrides the solid background color selected above.
This part is for selecting company logos for the welcome startpage and set visitors names for each logo.
[Add company]: This creates a new company.
• Logo file: Browse for the company logo image. (png / jpg)
• Person field: Here you enter the company name first, then click on the [ + ] button . This opens the field settings.
• Fields: Here you can add person names that belong to the configured company.
With the [Add person] button you add a new person.
• [Arrows]: Move persons up/down the list.
• [Trash bin]: Remove a person from the list.
Application icons
In this section you can configure the standard button for each application. The applications which are visible here depend on your chosen applications.
For each application you can change characteristics for the standard button or choose your own image as a menu button.
• Standard buttons:
Custom (.png) button examples:
• Application name (in the menu): Set the name that is displayed in the menu button icon
• Menu application description: Set the name that is displayed in the menu button icon
• Application color: Set the color of the menu icon button. Click on the color palette to select a color with the colorpicker or fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Application label: Here you can set a short text that is displayed on the corner of the menu icon buttons. In our demo configuration you see the yellow corners representing “GAME”, “MEDIA”, and “VIDEO”. You can set your own category or other description here.
Note: Keep in mind that you have limited space here.
• Application icon: Here you can select an alternate image to replace the default menu button. (Custom Menu button)
Note: You can make nice custom menu buttons using transparency in .PNG files (image editing skills required)
When you choose an alternate menu button the application name is not shown. You have to integrate the application name in your button graphic yourself.
• Application icon wide (Metro) : When selected the tiles in the metro menu are displayed double width. (only applies when you selected Menu Type
“Metro”) Wide Metro tiles show the application button together with an application description.
Metro menu with wide tiles and a standard tile.
General settings
Display a tickertape (scrolling text) in the bottom of the screen for displaying your own defined text or a RSS feed.
The Tickertape can be displayed on the Menu page and the screensaver page.
• Enable tickertape: Turn on/off the tickertape feature.
• Enable clock: Turn on/off a little system digital clock.
• Enable time in PM/AM format: Turn on/off the digital AM/PM (12h) time format.
• Use RSS to fill the ticker: A valid RSS URL. Note: Omnitapps can only display RSS when the computer is connected to the internet.
Note: RSS is an online “method” for distributing short messages. Newspapers use it for generating short headlines, stockexhanges use it to display stock information. On the internet there are many RSS feeds available. You need to copy the RSS URL and paste into the appropriate URL field.
• Characters to show between RSS items: Divider characters between each RSS item to display (standard ++)
• Amount of spaces between ticker text: Set character spacing between each RSS item.
• Speed, in pixels per second: Numeric value for the tickertape scroll speed in pixels per second.
• Your own ticker text: When no RSS URL is entered or when there is no internet connection available this custom text is displayed in the tickertape.
This text cannot be formatted.
• Direction: Select direction where the text scrolls to. Left to right or right to left.
• Location of the tickertape: Place the tickertape on top, bottom or both sides on the screen.
• Ticker background color: Set the color of the background where the text scrolls on. Select the color by clicking on the color palette.
Note: the tickertape runs on top of the menu background image.
• Ticker background opacity: Select a value representing the opacity of the tickertape background. When you set it to 0 the tickertape runs directly on top
of the menu background image. Value 0 is invisible / Value 0.5 = 50% / Value 1 = 100%
• Time background color: Set the color of the background where the clock is displayed. Select the color by clicking on the color palette.
• Time background opacity: Select a value representing the opacity of the clock background. Value 0 is invisible / Value 0.5 = 50% / Value 1 = 100%
• Text color: Select the tickertape/clock text color by clicking on the color palette or fill in a specific color value.
• Text Size in pixels: Set the tickertape text font pixel size.
• Text in bold: Show the tickertape text formatted Bold.
• Text in italic: Show the tickertape text formatted Italic.
Active applications
All checked applications will be visible in the menu. The up/down arrows change the display order of the buttons.
• Checkbox: When checked the application will be visible in the main menu.
• Gear icon: This button brings you to the settings of the application.
• Duplicate icon: This button duplicates the application using all it’s settings and media.
• Re-arange display order: With the up/down arrows you can change the list order. This list order is also used in the main menu.
• Trash can: This button deletes the application. Warning: The complete application folder will be removed.
Add an application
At the bottom of the active applications list you find the [Add application] button.
• Name of the new application: Type a new name for your application.
• Configuration: Here you select from which existing configuration you want to use as a base for your new application. (e.g. When you already configured a
nice MediaSwipe application in another configuration you can re-use it by selecting the configuration name where it was created in.)
Note: When you are not sure which configuration to select you can always select <DEFAULT>. With this selection you get our demo “Default content”.
• Application: Here you select what kind of Omnitapps application you want to create. You can choose from the available applications.
Configure applications
On the left hand side you see a list of available applications that can be individually configured.
General settings
• Background color: Click on the color palette to select a solid background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
General Settings
• Standalone mode, no forms: When checked no form will be presented to the user.
• Single player: When checked only 1 board is displayed. Otherwise 2 boards are used, so 2 players can play at the same time.
• Background color: To select a different background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path: To select the app background image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred background image.
• Highscore title: Specify custom title for highscoring screen
• Instruction screen image: Optionally specify custom image for instructions.
Game Settings
• Message shown when you finish the game: when the game is finished this text will be presented to the user.
• Amount of time per game ( in seconds ): This value represents the maximum game time.
• Amount of shuffle stones: Represents the number of stones available per round.
• Amount of playing rounds: This number represents the number of round being player per game.
Kids Options
• Exit to menu after finished): When checked the application automatically closes after a full game and returns to the Omnitapps main menu.
• Congratulations image (jpg/png): Select an image that will be shown after the game ends.
• Introduction sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game starts.
• Positive sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when a correct move is made during the game.
• Negative sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when an error, or false move is made during the game.
• Endscreen sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game ends. (together with the congratulation image display)
Media Settings
• Board image path (jpg/png): To select the board background image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
• Shuffle stone image path (jpg/png): To select the Shuffle stone image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
• Board bar image path (jpg/png): To select the board bar image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
Here you change the visual elements from the shuffle board. The board exists of board, shufflestone and a shuffle bar
When you want to modify the visual items (image editing skills required) you have to use the dimensions of the original items.
shuffleboard, shufflebar and shufflestone.
Registration Form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Highscore ID: Select the field from the form which will be used to show in the highscore table. Normally it’s the “Name” field.
Note: When you change e.g. the name field to “Naam” “Nom””Name” , then you need to [SAVE] first, then choose the new field. Otherwise the setting will
be blank.
• Form background color: To select a different form background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would
Form Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form Fields Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form field title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
Form fields
• Form Field: This value represents the displayname of the formfield.
+ Required: When this checkbox is checked this field will be required to fill out and pass the verification.
+ Type: This dropdown menu will present you with 4 types of behavior.
Input: Which needs a string as imput.
+ Amount of lines: Sets the quantity of textlines available for input.
+ Validation: Enables you to pick a validationtype for the field to meet.
Default: no validation
E-mail: checks for required e-mail characters.
Phone: Checks if value consists of digits.
Radio: Which enables you to pick one item from multiple items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Which enables you to pick one item from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the dropdown menu list.
Checkbox: Which enables you to pick multiple items from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the checkbox button list.
Textarea: Which can hold a larger portion of text.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash bin]: Remove a item or field
Victory window
• Text color: Set color for message
• Text size: Set fontsize of victory message
General Settings
• Enable form: When this checkbox is checked, users will be prompted with a form before the game starts.
• Background Color: To select a different app background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path (jpg/png): To select your desired background image you can click the browse button to find and select your background image.
• Puzzle preview image width: This value represents the width of the preview pictures in pixels which you can choose from.
• Puzzle preview image height: This value represents the height of the preview pictures in pixels which you can choose from.
• Highscores title: This value represents the displayed text when the highscores are shown.
• Victory window message: After completing the puzzle this text is shown to the user with their score and listing.
• Preloader image path: To select the app preloader image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred preloader image.
• Instruction screen image: Optionally specify custom image for instructions
Kids Options
• Exit to menu after finished): When checked the application automatically closes after a full game and returns to the Omnitapps main menu.
• Congratulations image (jpg/png): Select an image that will be shown after the game ends.
• Introduction sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game starts.
• Positive sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when a correct move is made during the game.
• Negative sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when an error, or false move is made during the game.
• Endscreen sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game ends. (together with the congratulation image display)
Media Settings
• Puzzle image folder: To select your puzzle image folder you can click the browse button to find and select the preferred directory.
• Amount of rows in puzzle (horizontally, 2-6): This integer represents the number of horizontal rows the puzzle will be generating.
• Amount of columns in puzzle (vertically, 2-6): This integer represents the number of vertical columns the puzzle will be generating.
• Puzzle width (0-1800): This value represents the width of the complete puzzle in pixels.
• Puzzle height (0-1800): This value Represents the height of the complete puzzle in pixels.
• Puzzle board background color: To select a different puzzle board background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the
color you would like.
Puzzle selection window
• Puzzle Selection window title: When being prompted to choose a puzzle this text clarifies what you will have to do.
• Background Color: To select a different puzzle selection window background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the
color you would like.
• Background Opacity: Set the transparancy of the selection window (value between 0 (not visible) and 100 (completely opace) % )
Registration Form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Highscore ID: Select the field from the form which will be used to show in the highscore table. Normally it’s the “Name” field.
Note: When you change e.g. the name field to “Naam” “Nom””Name” , then you need to [SAVE] first, then choose the new field. Otherwise the setting will
be blank.
• Form background color: To select a different form background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form Fields Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form field title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
Form fields
• Form Field: This value represents the displayname of the formfield.
+ Required: When this checkbox is checked this field will be required to fill out and pass the verification.
+ Type: This dropdown menu will present you with 4 types of behavior.
Input: Which needs a string as imput.
+ Amount of lines: Sets the quantity of textlines available for input.
+ Validation: Enables you to pick a validationtype for the field to meet.
Default: no validation
E-mail: checks for required e-mail characters.
Phone: Checks if value consists of digits.
Radio: Which enables you to pick one item from multiple items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Which enables you to pick one item from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the dropdown menu list.
Checkbox: Which enables you to pick multiple items from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the checkbox button list.
Textarea: Which can hold a larger portion of text.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash bin]: Remove a item or field
Victory window
Victory message textfield
• Text color: Set color for message
• Text size: Set fontsize of victory message
Victory score textfield
• Text color: Set color for scores
• Text size: Set fontsize of scores
General Settings
• Enable form: When this checkbox is checked, users will be prompted with a form before the game starts.
• Background Color: To select a different app background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path (jpg/png): To select your desired background image you can click the browse button to find and select your background image.
• Show Correct Answers: when checked the quiz will show the correct answer when an incorrect answer was chosen.
• Randomly pick a specific number of questions, 0 disables this feature: This integer represents how many questions will be presented to the user. These
questions are chosen randomly from all questions in the quiz. If the number is 0 all questions in the quiz will be asked in the defined order.
• End Text 33% correct: This field represents the display text shown when the game has ended with at least 33% answers correct.
• End Text 80% correct: This field represents the display text shown when the game has ended with at least 80% answers correct.
• End Text 100% correct: This field represents the display text shown when the game has ended with100% answers correct.
• Score Text: This value represents the display text shown when the score is being displayed.
• Answer Time (in seconds): This value represents the maximum time a user can take to answer the question.
• Enable Index Question: When checked the visual question index when the quiz is enabled.
• Instruction screen image: Optionally specify custom image for instructions
Kids Options
• Exit to menu after finished): When checked the application automatically closes after a full game and returns to the Omnitapps main menu.
• Congratulations image (jpg/png): Select an image that will be shown after the game ends.
• Introduction sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game starts.
• Positive sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when a correct move is made during the game.
• Negative sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when an error, or false move is made during the game.
• Endscreen sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game ends. (together with the congratulation image display)
Question indicator.
Quiz questions
• Only show “after question info” when answered wrong: At each quiz question you can additional information shown after the question is given. It’s an
additional information page. (settings found at each question) When checked the extra information is only shown when the user gave a wrong answer.
• Question: Represents the question asked to the user.
+ Image: To select your desired image which corresponds with the question you can click the browse button to find and select the preferred image.
• Answers, here you can edit and select the correct answer.
+ Add Item: Adds an item to the possible answers to the question to the list.
• Add Field: Adds a new question to the list.
After question info
Option to display an information screen after a question is answered.
• After question info enabled: Show extra information screen when answer is given
• Text: Text displayed on information screen
• Image: Select an image displayed on information screen
Registration Form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Highscore ID: Select the field from the form which will be used to show in the highscore table. Normally it’s the “Name” field.
Note: When you change e.g. the name field to “Naam” “Nom””Name” , then you need to [SAVE] first, then choose the new field. Otherwise the setting will
be blank.
• Form background color: To select a different form background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would
Form Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form Fields Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form field title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
Form fields
• Form Field: This value represents the displayname of the formfield.
+ Required: When this checkbox is checked this field will be required to fill out and pass the verification.
+ Type: This dropdown menu will present you with 4 types of behavior.
Input: Which needs a string as imput.
+ Amount of lines: Sets the quantity of textlines available for input.
+ Validation: Enables you to pick a validationtype for the field to meet.
Default: no validation
E-mail: checks for required e-mail characters.
Phone: Checks if value consists of digits.
Radio: Which enables you to pick one item from multiple items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Which enables you to pick one item from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the dropdown menu list.
Checkbox: Which enables you to pick multiple items from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the checkbox button list.
Textarea: Which can hold a larger portion of text.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash bin]: Remove a item or field
Victory window
Victory message textfield
• Text color: Set color for message
• Text size: Set fontsize of victory message
General Settings
• Enable form: When this checkbox is checked, users will be prompted with a form before the game starts.
• Background color: To select a different app background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path: To select your desired background image you can click the browse button to find and select your background image.
• Mirror second player: When checked 2 players play the game oposite of each other.
• Enable single player mode: When checked the game always starts in single player mode (no player selection screen)
• Message for winner: This value represents the display text which will be presented to the winner when the game ends.
• Message for loser: This value represents the display text which will be presented to the loser when the game ends.
• Victory window message: This value represents the display text which will be presented to the winner if eligable.
• Highscores Title: Title displayed above highscore screen.
• Instruction screen image: Optionally specify custom image for instructions
Kids Options
• Exit to menu after finished): When checked the application automatically closes after a full game and returns to the Omnitapps main menu.
• Congratulations image (jpg/png): Select an image that will be shown after the game ends.
• Introduction sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game starts.
• Positive sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when a correct move is made during the game.
• Negative sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when an error, or false move is made during the game.
• Endscreen sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game ends. (together with the congratulation image display)
Media Menu
image folder used for the frontside of the cards: To select folder which contains your card frontside’s you can click the browse button to find and select the
directory containing these images.
Image for the backside of the cards: To select your desired card backside you can click the browse button to find and select your card backside image.
Create sets of images which are not the same
If you want to create a memo game where a couple of images which differ from one another, but are a match together, you have to format the names of these
images. This way you create all the cards. (Normally Omnitapps creates the duplicates)
The prefix ‘$part1$-‘ and ‘$part2$-‘ have to be added to an equal name. Any mp3 that has been added, needs to have the name part.
Add additional sound effect mp3 file:
Note: You can assign a sound effect to each card that is touched by naming the MP3 file the card image name. With the “Kids Options” settings you can select
a sound effect for each correct pair found during gameplay. If you make use of all sound fx options the game “can” become “noisy” .
Registration Form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Highscore ID: Select the field from the form which will be used to show in the highscore table. Normally it’s the “Name” field.
Note: When you change e.g. the name field to “Naam” “Nom””Name” , then you need to [SAVE] first, then choose the new field. Otherwise the setting will
be blank.
• Form background color: To select a different form background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form Fields Title Textfield
• Text color: Set the form field title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
Form fields
• Form Field: This value represents the displayname of the formfield.
+ Required: When this checkbox is checked this field will be required to fill out and pass the verification.
+ Type: This dropdown menu will present you with 4 types of behavior.
Input: Which needs a string as imput.
+ Amount of lines: Sets the quantity of textlines available for input.
+ Validation: Enables you to pick a validationtype for the field to meet.
Default: no validation
E-mail: checks for required e-mail characters.
Phone: Checks if value consists of digits.
Radio: Which enables you to pick one item from multiple items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Which enables you to pick one item from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the dropdown menu list.
Checkbox: Which enables you to pick multiple items from a list of items.
+ Add Item: Lets you add items to the checkbox button list.
Textarea: Which can hold a larger portion of text.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash bin]: Remove a item or field
Victory window
Victory message textfield
• Text color: Set color for message
• Text size: Set fontsize of victory message
General Settings
• Text Size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Background Color: To select a different app background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background Image Path: To select your desired background image you can click the browse button to find and select your background image.
• Instruction screen image: Optionally specify custom image for instructions.
• Background Player 1: To select a different color for player 1 you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background Player 2: To select a different color for player 2 you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background Player 3: To select a different color for player 3 you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background Player 4: To select a different color for player 4 you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Media Border Height: This value represents the height of the several player bar’s in pixels.
Kids Options
• Exit to menu after finished): When checked the application automatically closes after a full game and returns to the Omnitapps main menu.
• Congratulations image (jpg/png): Select an image that will be shown after the game ends.
• Introduction sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game starts.
• Positive sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when a correct move is made during the game.
• Negative sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when an error, or false move is made during the game.
• Endscreen sound effect (mp3): Select a MP3 audio file that a player will hear when the game ends. (together with the congratulation image display)
Media Menu
• Category Folder: Use the Browsebutton to point to the folder holding your contents. All images should be in subdirectories corresponding to their
• Media minimum scale: This value represents the minimum size for media being displayed.
• Media normal scale: This value represents the size media is displayed on your screen.
• Media maximum scale: this value represents the maximum size for media being displayed.
• Media bounce: This sets the effect of bouncing a media element when dragged to a wrong category
• Reset distance when wrong: This defines where an media element ends up when dragged to a wrong category.
Victory window
Victory message textfield
• Text color: Set color for message
• Text size: Set fontsize of victory message
General settings
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
field. This background is only visible when the pictures is too narrow to fit Fullscreen on the display.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Use navigator: When checked a page navigator is displayed in the bottom of the screen. This navigator can be displayed as bullets ( 1 bullet for each
page ) or thumbnails representing each page. Settings can be done in the “Navigator” section.
• Enable second screen/WiDi: Turn on/off the secondary screen function where all images will also be displayed on a second display.
WiDi is a method to connect a second display to your computer.
• Infinite swipe: When checked the swipe on the last page will show the first page again. You swipe a loop.
Media menu
• Media folder: Select your folder where your media (Photo and Video files) is located. Select a folder with a minimum of 3 images.
• Swipe automatically: When checked the images will show autotomatically like a slideshow.
• Timeout between swipes: Set the amount of seconds between each transition. (with the option “Swipe automatically” turned on)
• When autoplay is enabled, go back to the default app after playing of the last media: When checked the application closes itself to the main Omnitapps menu (if available) after the last slide. This only works when the autoplay function manages the slide sequence.
• Use preview image in navigator: When checked the navigator shows thumbnail images instead of white bullets.
• Preview image width: Set the preview image width. (in pixels) It only applies when you turned “Preview image in navigator“ on.
• Preview image height: Set the preview image height. (in pixels) It only applies when you turned “Preview image in navigator“ on.
General settings
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Enable selection menu, for requesting files: When checked a media file drop-area is shown on the right hand side. With this checkbox you turn on the
request function.
• Enable second screen/WiDi: Turn on/off the secondary screen function where you can swipe media from your main display to a second display. All media
that you swipe to the second display will be presented in a grid. Every new media item will make the second monitor to re-arange the grid.
WiDi is a method to connect a second display to your computer. You can also use the second monitor output. (WiDi is a wireless method)
• Enable drawing: When checked every media item showed on the mediaViewer has a drawing button. When clicked a drawing menu is displayed.
• Drawing folder: Select a folder where MediaViewer saves all drawing image files. You can make drawings on top of all media types displayed in the MediaViewer. When you save your drawing in the drawing menu (Save Symbol) the image file is saved into the predefined folder.
Note: When you select a folder within the chosen mediafolder (the category folders) the saved drawings are automatically added to the MediaViewer
menu to be selected and viewed on the screen by other users.
• Enable icon for second screen: With this checkbox you can show/hide the “second screen” graphic on the left side of the screen. When you turn off the
graphic you are still able to swipe content to the second monitor.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• PDF rendering technique: MediaViewer converts all PDF files at first startup to another format for fast viewing and handling. Here you select the rendering method. Some PDF files containing lots of layers or vector graphics are best rendered with the setting “Bitmap 1”.
Vector: Leaves all vector shapes intact. This gives the best quality.
Bitmap 1: Converts graphics into bitmap (rasterize). Text stays vectorized.
Bitmap 2: Converts everything to bitmap (rasterize).
Media Settings
• Media folder: Select your folder where your media is located for MediaViewer. Read the notes below about setting up a folder structure.
Note: You have to prepare a folder structure before browsing for the media folder. MediaViewer sets up itself by reading the category folders and the content in each category. In the example below you select the folder MEDIA in the configurator. Also look at the example from the demo configuration located
here: My Documents\Omnitapps Composer Advanced\Default configuration\MediaViewer\Media\
The folders Cars, Planes and Boats are the categories. The files in those folders are the
mediafiles you can view on the screen. Media files can be Image files (.JPG, .PNG) PDF
files, Video files (.MOV, .MP4 rendered with a H264 codec)
Note: category folders can have the same sort of content (all image files, all pdf files) or
mixed content.
Create Category thumbnails:
The MediaViewer selection menu displays categories that are in fact folders. Omnitapps
will display a stack of media items. However you can show your own button images in
the MediaViewer menu. Place image files (.JPG or .PNG) next to the category folders with
exact the same name as the folder (uppercase sensitive). Like in the example above you
should place image files in the MEDIA folder named Cars.jpg, Planes.jpg and Boats.jpg.
Configuring related content: (Optional)
It is possible to show related content at a main item. (e.g. show all car variations to the
main image “Car”) You can create a small list docked to the main item. In this list you
show your related content. Related content can be images, videos and PDF files .
When you look at the example below you see an extra folder in the content folder
“Scenery”. The photo “Scenery1.jpg” shows an extra menu with all related content from
the folder with the same name and ending with: _related. All items in the “Scenery_related” folder will be displayed in a side-menu on the image Scenery1.jpg. In our demo
content you see it in the mixed media category.
Define the folder sequence: (Optional)
You can define the order in which folders appear in the media viewer menu.
In case you want full control over all folders, you can work with brackets. This has to be
done on all folders. E.g. [1]Cars, [2]Boats, [3]Airplanes A bracket block at the beginning of
the folder name will be removed in the interface.
The default way of using this sort method is placing numbers inside the brackets. E.g. [1], [2], [3], etc.
Due keep in mind the following. Although some Windows versions can handle 9 followed by 10, Omnitapps uses the old sorting method of Windows, so
placing the ‘1’, before the 9. Which means 10 will be placed before 9. To avoid this, use zeros at the beginning. E.g. [09], [10] or [009][010], etc.
Numbers are the easiest way to do it, but the sorting happens based on the bracket block. So if you want to sort based on the alphabet, you can do this
too. E.g. [A]3, [B]2, [C]1
Category thumbnails
If you define the category thumbnails, you will have to name them the same as the folder, so with the brackets.
E.g. Folder: [001]Cars
Image: [001]Cars.jpg or [001]Cars.png
• Media starting width: Set the width (in pixels) for items when they come on the screen.
• Media minimum scale: Set the value for the minimum scale factor. 0.5 means you are allowed to reduce items 50%.
• Media maximum scale: Set the value for the maximum scale factor. 1.5 means you are allowed to enlarge items 150%.
• Increase scale percentage on doubletap: Set the scale factor when you double tap on a media item. 1.25 means that the media items will enlarge 125%
when you doubletap on it.
• Media background color: Click on the color palette to select a media background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
field. The media background is the box that will be displayed behind each media item. You can also refer as Border color.
• Background opacity: Select the media background border opacity. This setting will change the opacity for the media background. ( where users only see
the border of it.
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
This color setting refers to indicator text. (e.g. PDF page numbering or videoplayer timer text.)
• Show file name underneath the media: When selected the file name of each media item is displayed.
• File name color: Click on the color palette to select a file name text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• File name background color: Click on the color palette to select a file name text background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• File name background opacity Select the opacity of the file name background. This is the part where the file name text is displayed on.
• Enable sorting of media: When checked a button is displayed on the left side of the screen. Its function is to align all active media items in a grid. All
active media is placed horizontally and evenly spaced.
• Image for sorting button: Choose an alternative image that acts a media sorting button. Browse for a JPG or PNG file.
• Vertical offset for sorting button for the top of the screen: With this setting you can move the sorting button on the left side of the screen. You configure the offset in pixels. The button will move up/down.
• Media has to open upright on the wall: When checked all media items opened from the menu will be positioned horizontally. (No rotation by default)
• Enable media throw: When checked, media items will move naturally by sliding through when you let them go.
• Gravity factor: This setting if for controlling how smooth media moves when you throw it. Setting 0 = not smooth / 1 = very smooth. Default setting is 0.9
• Lock multitouch rotation of media: When checked you cannot rotate media on the screen. All items will stay horizontally.
• Loop media while playing: When checked, videos will keep playing in a loop. When the video ends it starts over again.
• Amount of seconds before media automatically closes: Set the amount of seconds before MediaViewer closes unused media items left open and
unused in the screen.
• Maximum amount of items on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed media items allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of videos on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed videos allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of pdfs on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed PDF items allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of websites on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed websites allowed on the screen.
External filetypes
Omnitapps cannot open specific file types in the interface. However it can open a native application that can handle that file type.
File extensions opened in the Omnitapps interface: . jpg / .png / .pdf / .mp4 / .mov / .mp3
File extensions opened NOT opened by Omnitapps. E.g. .doc / .xls / .txt / .3DS / etc... You can define those file types to open its native application.
Note: Beware that a new application is openened on top of Omnitapps to open these file types.
• [Add field]: Button to create a new file type definition
• [+][-]: Toggle button to open or close the options
• Use program to open: Select an application on your computer to that opens when the specific file type is selected. E.g. MSWord, MSExcel.
Leave blank to let Windows decide which application opens the specific filetype (default)
• Backup image path: Select an image that represents the specific file type. E.g. a Blue MS word icon image that represents MS word documents.
• File extensions: Set the file extension of your files. E.g. (doc docx) (xls xlsx) (txt) ppt
Media menu
• Show top menu: When checked a second menu bar is shown on the opposite side of the screen.
• Drag media in menu for closing: When checked media is closed when dragged back into the menu area(s).
Menu row
• Menu row minimized height: Set the height in pixels when the menu is collapsed. (minimized)
• Menu row background color: Set the menu background color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Menu row opacity: Set the opacity of the menu background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Time until the menu minimalizes: Set the amount of seconds before the menu collapses when it’s unused.
• Menu media update time: Amount of seconds between updating the menus. (re-reads file structure and rebuilds menus)
• Upload media added runtime to the request server: When checked newly added media during the use of the Mediaviewer is automatically uploaded to
your personal Request account ( This way users can request all the content, even when it was added during use.
• Password: Enter the password related to your request account. (more info:
Menu row title
• Text color: Set the menu text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the menu text size. (in pixels)
Menu button
• Menu button, preview image width: Set the button image pixel width for the menu button thumbnails.
• Menu button, preview image height: Set the button image pixel height for the menu button thumbnails.
• Menu button selection border color: Select the border color that is display around a button when selected by clicking on the color palette or enter a
color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Menu button background opacity: Set the opacity of the button background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
Menu button filename textfield
• Text color: Set the menu button text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the menu button text size. (in pixels)
• Text align: Set the menu button text alignment. Select an option from the dropdown menu.
Selection menu
• Background color: Set the selection menu background color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Background opacity: Set the transparancy of selection menu background.
• Selection menu width: Set the width of the selection menu. ( in pixels)
• Selection menu title : Set text displayed on top of the selector box.
Selection title textfield
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Selection pdf title textfield
• Text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable e-mail form: When checked users see a “Mail “ button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files and form data
is stored on the local computer.
• Enable printing option: When checked users can print selected PDF files. ( Omnitapps uses the default enabled printer )
• Enable printing form: Displays a form before users can print files
• Enable USB Option: When checked users see a USB button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files can be transferred to a USB stick and the form data is stored on the local computer.
• Enable USB form: Displays a form before users can transfer files to USB
E-mail form
Can be used in stead of Cloud option! The requested files are send to a predefined Email address (e.g. your office email box).
You receive the form data together with the names of the requested files. You have to send out the actual PDF’s yourself.
• Mail address: Enter a valid email where the requested file names and the form data are send to.
• Name of sender: Enter a name from which the mail will be send
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
Form fields title textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phonenumber format.z
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field.
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field.
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Print form
• Printing Message: This value represents the message being displayed after the print job has been sent to the default printer.
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the Print form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field
IMPORTANT: Omnitapps uses Acrobat Reader X for print jobs. When you never used this program before you have to open Adobe Acrobat Reader and accept their license agreement first. You can find Acrobat Reader in your programs list.
After accepting the Adobe license agreement you can close the Reader and start using Omnitapps again.
USB form
• Form fields title textfield
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Form background opacity: Set the opacity of the form background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Form messages window
• Width of the message popup: Set a value for the width of the message box (in pixels) Value between 100pixels and 800pixels
• Message background color: Set the message box background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
• Extra spacing around the content: Set an extra offset (indent) for the text inside the message box.
• Order problem message: Set a text that is displayed when the form cannot be sent to our request server (e.g. due internet connectivity)
• Order received message: Set a text that is displayed when the form was sent succesfully.
Form message textfield
• text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
field. This background is only visible when the pictures is too narrow to fit Fullscreen on the display.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (Your display resolution) You can select .JPG or .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small icon image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select .JPG and .PNG files here. (Preferred .PNG image files)
• Enable timeline indicator menu: When checked, the button to close the current timeline page will be highligted.
you can select .JPG and .PNG files here. (Preferred .PNG image files)
• Enable selection menu, for requesting files: When checked a media file drop-area is shown on the right hand side. With this checkbox you turn on the
request function.
• Enable second screen/WiDi: Turn on/off the secondary screen function where you can swipe media from your main display to a second display. All media
that you swipe to the second display will be presented in a grid. Every new media item will make the second monitor to re-arange the grid.
WiDi is a method to connect a second display to your computer. You can also connect a secondary display to your computer.
• Enable drawing: When checked every item showed on the screen has a drawing pen button. When clicked a drawing menu is displayed.
• Drawing folder: Select a folder where MediaTimeline saves all drawing image files. You can make drawings on top of all media types displayed on the
screen. When you save your drawing in the drawing menu (Save Symbol) the image file is saved into the predefined folder.
• Time before the media is closed and the timeline menu is opened: Set the time in seconds before the current item is closed automatically.
• Default image to be used instead of the round button when there is no image placed next to the folder : By default all buttons on the timeline are
displayed as white bullets. You can browse for a default image to alternative for the standard button. This image/icon can be JPG or PNG.
Note: You also can use your own image/icon for each of the timeline buttons.
You can place an image (jpg/png) next to each of the media folders. If you give the image the same name as the folder name you will see those
images as buttons on the timeline.
When you place images with the same name as the folders, those images will become the buttons on the timeline.
• Spacing between buttons: Set the space between each menu item in pixels. Note: If the buttons do not fit on one screen then you can swipe the menu
• Button width: Set the width of the buttons
• Button height: Set the height of the buttons
• Line size on which buttons are placed: Set the height of the menu bar (where the buttons are placed on) in pixels.
• Line color on which buttons are placed: Set the menu bar color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the textfield.
• Timeline offet (vertical) in pixels: Set the amount of pixels to move the timeline menu up/down. Negative numbers will move the timeline up, positive
numbers move the timeline down.
• Timeline indicator menu offset (horizontal) in pixels: Set the amount of pixels to move the timeline indicator (mini map) up/down. Negative numbers
will move the indicator left, positive numbers move the timeline right.
Note: You only see this indicator if you have a lot of timeline items configured.
• PDF rendering technique: MediaViewer converts all PDF files at first startup to another format for fast viewing and handling. Here you select the rendering method. Some PDF files containing lots of layers or vector graphics are best rendered with the setting “Bitmap 1”.
Vector: Leaves all vector shapes intact. This gives the best quality.
Bitmap 1: Converts graphics into bitmap (rasterize). Text stays vectorized.
Bitmap 2: Converts everything to bitmap (rasterize).
Timeline button
• Menu titles: When checked the names of the media folders will be displayed underneath each timeline menu button.
Style of text beneath the button:
• Textcolor: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Textsize: Set the title size. (in pixels)
Media Settings
Timeline media
• Media folder: Select the folder where your image files are located in. MediaTimeline automatically reads all images from this folder to be displayed in the
Possible folder structure:
My Documents\omnitapps composer advanced\<yourconfigname>\MediaTimeline\media
• Media starting width: Set the width (in pixels) for items when they come on the screen.
• Media starting height: Set the height(in pixels) for items when they come on the screen.
• Media minumin scale: Set the value for the minimum scale factor. 0.5 means you are allowed to reduce items 50%.
• Media maximum scale: Set the value for the maximum scale factor. 1.5 means you are allowed to enlarge items 150%.
• Increase scale percentage on doubletap: Set the scale factor when you double tap on a media item. 1.25 means that the media items will enlarge 125%
when you doubletap on it.
• Media background color: Click on the color palette to select a media background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
field. The media background is the box that will be displayed behind each media item. You can also refer as Border color.
• Background opacity: Select the media background border opacity. This setting will change the opacity for the media background. ( where users only see
the border of it.
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
This color setting refers to indicator text. (e.g. PDF page numbering or videoplayer timer text.)
• Show file name underneath the media: When selected the file name of each media item is displayed.
• File name color: Click on the color palette to select a file name text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• File name background color: Click on the color palette to select a file name text background color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• File name background opacity Select the opacity of the file name background. This is the part where the file name text is displayed on.
• Enable media throw: When checked, media items will move naturally by sliding through when you let them go.
• Gravity factor: This setting if for controlling how smooth media moves when you throw it. Setting 0 = not smooth / 1 = very smooth. Default setting is 0.9
• Media has to open upright on the wall: When checked all media items opened from the menu will be positioned horizontally. (No rotation by default)
• Lock multitouch rotation of media: When checked you cannot rotate media on the screen. All items will stay horizontally.
• Loop media while playing: When checked, videos will keep playing in a loop. When the video ends it starts over again.
• Maximum amount of items on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed media items allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of videos on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed videos allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of pdfs on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed PDF items allowed on the screen.
Selection menu
• Background color: Set the selection menu background color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Background opacity: Set the transparancy of selection menu background.
• Selection menu width: Set the width of the selection menu. ( in pixels)
• Selection menu title : Set text displayed above selector.
Selection title textfield
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Selection pdf title textfield
• Text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable e-mail form: When checked users see a “Mail “ button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files and form data
is stored on the local computer.
• Enable printing option: When checked users can print selected PDF files. ( Omnitapps uses the default enabled printer )
• Enable printing form: Displays a form before users can print files
• Enable USB Option: When checked users see a USB button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files can be transferred to a USB stick and the form data is stored on the local computer.
• Enable USB form: Displays a form before users can transfer files to USB
E-mail form
Can be used is stead of Cloud option. The requested files are send to a predefined Email address (e.g. your office email box).
You receive the form data together with the names of the requested files. You have to send out the actual PDF’s yourself.
• Mail address: Enter a valid email where the requested file names and the form data are send to.
• Name of sender: Enter a name from which the mail will be send
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
• Form fields title textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phonenumber format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field.
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field.
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Print form
• Printing Message: This value represents the message being displayed after the print job has been sent to the default printer.
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the Print form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field
IMPORTANT: Omnitapps uses Adobe Acrobat Reader X for print jobs. When you never used this program before you have to open the
Acrobat Reader and accept their license agreement first. You can find Acrobat Reader in your programs list.
After accepting the Adobe license agreement you can close the Reader and start using Omnitapps again.
USB form
• Form fields title textfield
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Form background opacity: Set the opacity of the form background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Form messages window
• Width of the message popup: Set a value for the width of the message box (in pixels) Value between 100pixels and 800pixels
• Message background color: Set the message box background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
• Extra spacing around the content: Set an extra offset (indent) for the text inside the message box.
• Order problem message: Set a text that is displayed when the form cannot be sent to our request server (e.g. due internet connectivity)
• Order received message: Set a text that is displayed when the form was sent succesfully.
Form message textfield
• text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable seperator: Displays a seperator between pdfs to indicate starting point.
• Enable selection menu, for requesting files: When checked a media file drop-area is shown on the right hand side. With this checkbox you turn on the
request function.
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• PDF rendering technique: MediaViewer converts all PDF files at first startup to another format for fast viewing and handling. Here you select the rendering method. Some PDF files containing lots of layers or vector graphics are best rendered with the setting “Bitmap 1”.
Vector: Leaves all vector shapes intact. This gives the best quality.
Bitmap 1: Converts graphics into bitmap (rasterize). Text stays vectorized.
Bitmap 2: Converts everything to bitmap (rasterize).
Media settings
• PDFs folder: Browse for the folder where your PDF files are located.
Note: BrochureRequest reads all PDF files from the folder and automatically builds a menu. You can make categories by making subfolders in the current PDF
folder. If you place PDF files in the subfolders BrochureRequest automatically creates the submenus and displays them visual as stacked PDF brochures.
• PDF preview image background color: Set PDF preview image background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in
an exact color number in the text field.
• PDF preview image width: Set the width of the PDF preview image. (in pixels)
• PDF preview image height: Set the height of the PDF preview image (in pixels)
PDF title textfield
• Text color: Set the title text color while in the PDF overview. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number
in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
PDF viewer
Pdf title textfield
• Text color: Set the title text color while in the PDF viewer. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Selection menu
• Background color: Set the selection menu background color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Background opacity: Select the opacity of selection menu background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Selection menu width: Set the width of the selection menu. ( in pixels)
• Selection menu title: Type a header name for the selection menu.
Selection title textfield
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Selection pdf title textfield
• Text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable e-mail form: When checked users see a “Mail “ button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files and form data
is stored on the local computer.
• Enable printing option: When checked users can print selected PDF files. ( Omnitapps uses the default enabled printer )
• Enable printing form: Displays a form before users can print files
• Enable USB Option: When checked users see a USB button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files can be transferred to a USB stick and the form data is stored on the local computer.
• Enable USB form: Displays a form before users can transfer files to USB
E-mail form
Can be used is stead of Cloud option. The requested files are send to a predefined Email address (e.g. your office email box).
You receive the form data together with the names of the requested files. You have to send out the actual PDF’s yourself.
• Mail address: Enter a valid email where the requested file names and the form data are send to.
• Name of sender: Enter a name that appears in the mail as sender name.
• Form title: Enter a name for the form header.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form fields title textfield
• Text color: Set the form title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the form title text size. (in pixels)
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Print form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the Print form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
USB form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the USB form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Form messages window
• Width of the message popup: Set a value for the width of the message box (in pixels) Value between 100pixels and 800pixels
• Message background color: Set the message box background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
• Extra spacing around the content: Set an extra offset (indent) for the text inside the message box.
• Order problem message: Set a text that is displayed when the form cannot be sent to our request server (e.g. due internet connectivity)
• Order received message: Set a text that is displayed when the form was sent succesfully.
Form message textfield
• text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Marker icon: Browse for an image that will act as a markerbutton (the marker symbol/icon). This can be a JPG or PNG image.
Note: Here you select a default marker icon image. You can also configure maker icons at each new marker position. (different marker icon per location)
• Enable selection menu, for requesting files: When checked, the file request function becomes active. A file dropzone will be shown on the right side of
the screen.
• Enable drawing: When checked, the drawing function is enabled. Users are able to draw on the opened media items.
• Drawing folder: Select the folder where new drawings (Enable drawing first) must be saved.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small icon image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Enable second screen/WiDi: Turn on/off the secondary screen function where all images will also be displayed on a second display.
WiDi is a method to connect a second display to your computer.
• Enable icon for second screen: Turn on/off a visual dropzone where users need to drag their content to before it’s shown on the second screen.
• Background image path: Browse for an image file (JPG or PNG) that will be shown fullscreen behind the images.
Note: Normally you don’t see this background image because the marker pages will be swiped on top. But if the marker pages (on top) have transparency you
“look through” and see the background image.
• Use Navigator: When checked, an indicator is shown in the bottom of the screen. This indicator shows the current position.
• Marker menu scaling: Set the size of the menus (circular wheel menu) on a marker. 1=100% / 0.5=50% / 2=200%. This applies to all marker menus.
• Transition type: Here you can select one of the available transition effects between pages.
• The amount of pages before and after the current page to preload: Here you can select a value 0 or value 2
0 means that no other pages are preloaded while you visit any other page. When you swipe to the previous or next page it starts loading that page upon
entrance. The setting 0 (no preload) can be used when you dont swipe from page to page but have markers skip to each other through markers. Especially when you load videos as background on each page it helps to avoid memory usage overflow because it does not preload following pages in memory.
2 means that 2 following pages and 2 previous pages in line are preloaded in memory. This is the default value. This setting is usefull when you swipe
from page to page. In total 5 pages are loaded into memory. When you use video background on every page please consider the setting “0”.
• PDF rendering technique: MapMediaMarker converts all PDF files at first startup to another format for fast viewing and handling. Here you select the
rendering method. Some PDF files containing lots of layers or vector graphics are best rendered with the setting “Bitmap 1”.
Vector: Leaves all vector shapes intact. This gives the best quality.
Bitmap 1: Converts graphics into bitmap (rasterize). Text stays vectorized.
Bitmap 2: Converts everything to bitmap (rasterize).
Media Settings
• Media starting width: Set the initial width of the media when it opens on the screen. (in pixels)
• Media starting height: Set the initial height of the media when it opens on the screen. (in pixels)
• Media minumum scale: Set the media Minumum scaling factor. 0.5 means minimum 50% scaling.
• Media maximum scale: Set the media maximum scaling factor. 2 means maximum 200% scaling.
• Increase scale percentage on doubletap: Set the media scaling factor when you doubletap the item. 1.25 means “ times 1.25” (25% larger)
• Media background color: Set the color of background behind each media item. Click on the color palette to select a color with the colorpicker of fill in an
exact color number in the text field.
• Media background opacity (0 = invisible): Set the opacity of the background behind the media items. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Related content opened: When checked related content (method of showing extra content) is “always opened”
• Show the file name underneath the media: When checked the file name will be displayed beneath the media items.
• File name color: Set the color of the file name. (when enabled) Click on the color palette to select a color with the colorpicker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• File name background color: Set the color of the background behind the file name. (when enabled) Click on the color palette to select a color with the
colorpicker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• File name background opacity: Set the opacity of the background behind the media items. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Enable media throw: When checked media items will float when you let it go. (easing effect)
• Gravity factor: Set the smoothness of the easing effect described above. (0=motionless to 1=long easing effect)
• Lock multitouch rotation of media: When checked user cannot rotate media items with a 2 finger gesture. All media stays horizontal.
• Loop media while playing: When checked, active videos on the screen will loop till they are closed.
• Amount of seconds before media automatically closes: Set the amount of seconds before inactive media opened on the screen will close.
• Maximum amount of items on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed media items allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of videos on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed videos allowed on the screen.
• Maximum amount of pdfs on the screen: Set the maximum amount of simultaneously displayed PDF items allowed on the screen.
External filetypes
Omnitapps cannot open specific file types in the interface. However it can open a native application that can handle that file type.
File extensions opened in the Omnitapps interface: . jpg / .png / .pdf / .mp4 / .mov / .mp3
File extensions opened NOT opened by Omnitapps. E.g. .doc / .xls / .txt / .3DS / etc... You can define those file types to open its native application.
Note: Beware that a new application is openened on top of Omnitapps to open these file types.
• [Add field]: Button to create a new file type definition
• [+][-]: Toggle button to open or close the options
• Use program to open: Select an application on your computer to that opens when the specific file type is selected. E.g. MSWord, MSExcel.
Leave blank to let Windows decide which application opens the specific filetype (default)
• Backup image path: Select an image that represents the specific file type. E.g. a Blue MS word icon image that represents MS word documents.
• File extensions: Set the file extension of your files. E.g. (doc docx) (xls xlsx) (txt) ppt
• Use preview image in navigator: When checked the navigator shows thumbnail images instead of white bullets.
• Preview image width: Set the preview image width. (in pixels) It only applies when you turned “Preview image in navigator“ on.
• Preview image height: Set the preview image height. (in pixels) It only applies when you turned “Preview image in navigator“ on.
Markers & Images
With SwipeMediaMarker you can have multiple pages with touchable markers. You can swipe from page to page. If you configure only one page, only
that page will be shown. Swiping disabled.
Configured makers can point to a folder containing media files or point to another page (see maker settings). You can also “lock” individual pages or series
of pages not to swipe to the previous or next page. This way you are able to jump from page to page with markers and not be able to swipe backward
and forward between those pages.
Here you configure pages, markers and connect media folders to the markers.
[Add page] button creates a new marker object. You can give it an unique name.
[+] button behind the marker object opens the settings.
• Touch background enabled: When checked you are able to pinch zoom (gesture) the background image.
• Marker background: Select a image file (.PNG,. JPG) or video (H264 codec. (MP4 / MOV)) that acts as the “canvas” to place markers on.
• Loop background: Make background video loop(when added a video in stead of an image)
• X – Y Position marker background: Change the position from where the “canvas” ( marker background ) is placed on the screen. ( 0, 0, means top left)
• Page can not be dragged to the left side: When checked you cannot swipe this page to the left.
• Page can not be dragged to the right side: When checked you cannot swipe this page to the right.
[Add marker] button: With this system you add new markers onto your background image.
To add a marker
Step 1: Click on the button “Add marker”. A new blank field is created.
Step 2: Click on the [ + ] button to open up all settings for this new marker.
Step 3: Choose to open media or jump to a different page from the marker. When chosing a link to page option this will be used in stead of the selected
folder. This option thus had priority over the media option POINT TO A
Folder (opens media from that folder / menu wheel is shown)
Click on the Browse button a select a folder where the content is placed for this specific marker. SwipeMediaMarker automatically “reads” all media items from this folder to show it at this specific marker. The content can be PDF Files, Image Files ( .PNG, .JPG) or Video Files (H264 codec).
Note: You can also select a folder with only 1 media file. In that case it does not show a menu at this specific marker but displays this media file directly.
Page (Jumps to another page that is already created)
Select the page you would like to jump to when clicking the marker.
As an extra option you can select a video that will be shown inbetween the page transition. E.g. in our demo content (SwipeMediaMarker II) from the world map page you can select a marker to go to Paris. First a transition video is shown to “animate” from world map to Paris.
Note: Make sure all pages are available before selecting this option from the dropbox. Only pages defined are avilable.
App (Opens another existing Omnitapps application from your project / leaves this SwipeMediaMarker application)
Select one of the existing other application from your current configuration (project).
Note: By using this option, users will exit the SwipeMediaMarker application and enter the chosen application. It’s a one-way operation.
• Step 4: Now click on the PEN symbol. This opens up a preview of the background image. On the top left corner you see a placement tool. You can drag
this tool on the exact spot where you want to have your marker placed. In case you already configured an marker image you will see the crosshair
positioning tool on top of your selected marker image (symbol image). The defined marker image is loaded also, so positioning can be done as it will be
available within the aplication itself.
If correctly positioned click the SAVE button below and you will return to the configuration settings. You see that the X, Y positions of the marker are
filled-in. When you have multiple markers on the page you can also re-position them. Dont forget to press SAVE below the screen.
Step 4: positioning tool with default icon
• X – Y Position to open media: Normally media items open on top of the marker when selected. Here you can set a specific position on the screen when
items must be opened. Set the X and Y position value. The XY starting point is top left. X=960 / Y=540 is about the middle when using a Full HD display.
• Marker icon: Select an image that will act as a touchable marker. at the general settings you can select a default marker icon (image). Here you can select
an image for this specific marker. It will override the default marker. This way you can have your own individual marker images.
• Scale marker by background: When selected the chosen marker will be resized in relation to the background image. E.g. When you have a
1920x1080pixel display and a 8000x5000pixel background image, the marker will be shown much smaller. By zooming in to the background (configurable option) the marker starts to grow to its original size.
Selection menu
This is the bar on the right hand side of the application. Here are the selected PDF requests displayed together with the configured buttons for Mail, Print and
• Background color: Set the Request bar background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number
in the text field.
• Background opacity (0 = invisible): Set the opacity of the background behind the selection menu. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Selection menu width: Set the request menu width. (in pixels)
• Selection menu title: Type the title that is displayed on top of the selection menu.
Selection title textfield
• Textcolor: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Textsize: Set the title size. (in pixels)
Selection pdf title textfield
• Textcolor: Set the PDF title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Textsize: Set the PDF title size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable e-mail form: When checked users see a “Mail “ button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files and form data
is stored on the local computer.
• Enable printing option: When checked users can print selected PDF files. ( Omnitapps uses the default enabled printer )
• Enable printing form: Displays a form before users can print files
• Enable USB Option: When checked users see a USB button underneath the selection menu that will open a form. All requested PDF files can be transferred to a USB stick and the form data is stored on the local computer.
• Enable USB form: Displays a form before users can transfer files to USB
E-Mail form
Can be used in stead of Cloud option. The requested files are send to a predefined Email address (e.g. your office email box).
You receive the form data together with the names of the requested files. You have to send out the actual PDF’s yourself!
• Mail address: Enter a valid email where the requested file names and the form data are send to.
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the E-Mail form.
• Form background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field
Print form
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the Print form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
• Printing Message: This value represents the message being displayed after the print job has been sent to the default printer.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field
IMPORTANT: Omnitapps uses Adobe Acrobat Reader X for print jobs. When you never used this program before you have to open the
Acrobat Reader and accept their license agreement first. You can find Acrobat Reader in your programs list.
After accepting the Adobe license agreement you can close the Reader and start using Omnitapps again.
USB form
With the USB function users can save their selected PDF files directly to a USB stick
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the USB form.
• Form background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field
Form messages window
• Width of the message popup: Set a value for the width of the message box (in pixels) Value between 100pixels and 800pixels
• Message background color: Set the message box background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
• Extra spacing around the content: Set an extra offset (indent) for the text inside the message box.
• Order problem message: Set a text that is displayed when the form cannot be sent to our request server (e.g. due internet connectivity)
• Order received message: Set a text that is displayed when the form was sent succesfully.
Form message textfield
• text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
Multitouch Test
General settings
Multitouch Test is a stand-alone application. It starts fullscreen on top of Omnitapps.
This application opens in the same way “ExternalApps” works.
Application path: Here is the path to the Multitouch application already selected.
Management password: If needed you can configure a password which needs to be typed before the Multitouch Test application can be started.
Arguments: do not apply to this application.
General settings
• Form background color: Set the background color. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color
picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader: Select a picture (small icon image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Form Background color: Set the form panel background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
Form background opacity: Set the opacity of the form panel. Select a value from the dropdown list.
Form tile textfield (Header Title)
• Form: Type the first line of text above the form.
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Form tile textfield (Header Subtitle)
• Subtitle: type the second line of text above the form.
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form fields title textfield
• Text color: Set the field name color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the color for indicating active fields (outline color). Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
Form fields
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Confirmation screen
• Container color: Set the color of the box/container behind the confirmation message. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color
palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Container opacity: Set the opacityof the box/container behind the confirmation message. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Use a different background than the form: When checked you can configure a different background for the confirmation screen.
• Background color: Set the background color. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color
picker or fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
Title textfield
• Title: Enter a title for the confimation screen box/container.
• Text color: Set the title text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the title text size. (in pixels)
Message textfield
• Message: Enter a message for the confimation screen box/container.
• Text color: Set the message text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the message text size. (in pixels)
General settings
• Enable save option: When checked a “Save button” will be displayed. With the save button enabled users can save their artwork.
• Enable load option: When checked a “Load button” will be displayed. With the load button enabled users can open their own image to draw on.
• Drawing location: Select a folder where the application must store all the saved drawings.
• Enable print: When checked a printbutton is displayed. The print function prints the current drawing to the Windows default printer.
External Apps
General settings
• Background color: Set the background color. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color
picker or fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Show home button: When checked the Omnitapps home button is showed on top of your external application in the lefthand corner.
NOTE: This extra layer only can be shown on the application that you configured in the application path. (So if the configured application opens another
screen or application the home button “does not know” about that other window.
• Application path: Here is the path to the Multitouch application already selected.
• Argument: In some cases you want to open an external application and add extra commands (command line parameters)
Sample where Google chrome is called fullscreen with your website
1) Select Google Chrome as application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
2) Argument: -kiosk (this tells Chrome to open fullscreen)
3) Argument:
(this tells Chrome which page to show)
• Management password: If needed you can configure a password which needs to be typed before the Multitouch Test application can be started.
• WindowName: Instead of configuring an application path you can also call the external application that is already opened by another process.
In this case you dont call the application but only call the window (by name)
NOTE: when you call a window by name you cannot use the application path setting.
• Override Timeout: When checked the back to menu timeout will be stopped until the external application is closed manually.
You can run your own application on top of Omnitapps Composer. Your application can be started from the main menu.
Note: Omnitapps composer keeps running behind your external application. When you close the external application, Omnitapps Composer main menu will
be shown again.
TIP: When you set Google Chrome as a fullscreen webbrowser (see arguments above) you can add these Google Chrome Extensions.
Chrome Extensions must be installed in Chrome itself.
1) Virtual keyboard by
Shows an onscreen keyboard when text input is needed.
2) Blacklist Whitelist by Ron Merom
Prohibits to go to other websites. It works with a whitelist and domain blocking. Also it protects the settings page with a password.
General settings
• Startpage: The default website you want to show when starting the application. (e.g.
• Background color: Set the background color. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color
picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
Security settings for browsing the internet
• Lock websites (leave website): If checked you are not able to call other websites. Only the default URL is viewable.
• Lock websites (leave domain): If checked you can only browse through the default website. All links outside your website are denied.
• Disable menu bar: Display the website with no control buttons and URL field.
Blacklist of websites
Here you can prohibit surfing to certain websites.
[Add domain] button: Enter a domain (e.g. to prohibit surfing to that domain.
[Add page] button: Enter a certain website that is prohibited (e.g.
[Add keyword] button: Enter a certain word. If this word exists in the URL, access is disallowed.
Omnitapps uses a component called Webkit to render HTML/Webcontent. Webkit has limited functionality. Thi s means that its possible
that your site does not look as expected. In that case you better use the external app launcher and open Google Chrome.
More information on these limitations.
General settings
• Video folder: Select the folder where your videos are stored to be display in videoPlayer. When running VideoPlayer the system automatically builds a
menu that is based on videos found in this folder.
Note: Omnitapps can play videos rendered with the H264 Codec that is in most cases a .MOV or .MP4 video file
Recommended render setting:
- H264 Video ( .FLV, .MOV, .MP4 )
- AAC Audio
- Square pixel ( If you don’t use square pixel the video will look “sqeezed”)
• Background color: Set the background color. We advise you to select only light colors here. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color
picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small icon image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Start playing fullscreen: When checked the slected video will start playing fullscreen with controls on top.
• Autohide controls timeout: Set the amount of second before the controls panel hides to the bottom. It automatically comes back when you touch the
Video gallery
• Enable separator: Show or hide the vertical line in the video selection menu. This line indicates the end of the video selection.
• Jukebox menu offet (vertical) in pixels: Set the amount of pixels to move the video menu up/down. Negative numbers will move the menu up, positive
numbers move the menu down.
Note: This setting is only effective when you select Screen orientation = Videowall (See general settings)
• Spacing between videos: Set the amount of pixels between each menu item.
Video title textfield
• Text color: Set the color of video title text . Click on the color palette to select a color with the colorpicker or fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of video title text. (in pixels)
Video preview image
• Video preview image width: Set the width for displaying the video menu image. (in pixels)
• Video preview image height: Set the height for displaying the video menu image. (in pixels)
General settings
• Video folder: To select the preferred video folder you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred directory.
• Remove all saved markers and drawings: This button removes all previously added drawings and their meta information.
• [Reset button]: Removes all stored markers and drawings from all video’s.
• Background color: To select a different app background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path (jpg/png): To select the app background image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
• Preloader image path (jpg/png): To select the preloader image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
• Enable second screen/WiDi: Turn on/off the secondary screen function where all images will also be displayed on a second display.
WiDi is a method to connect a second display to your computer.
Video title description textfield
• Text color: To select a video title description textfield color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
Video menu
• Horizontal spacing between preview images (0-200): This value represents the space between videopreview images (in pixels).
• Selection border color: To select a selection border color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
Video menu preview image
• Video preview image width (50-200): This value represents the display width of the video preview image inside the video menu.
• Video preview image height (50-200): This value represents the display height of the video preview image inside the video menu.
Video Gallery
• Video Menu offset (vertical) in pixels: This value represents the space from the bottom of the app to the bottom of the video menu (in pixels).
• Horizontal spacing between videos (0-300): This value represents the space between video’s inside the video menu (in pixels).
Video preview image
• Video preview image width: This value represents the display width of the video preview image.
• Video preview image height: This value represents the display height of the video preview image.
Video description text field
• Text color: To select a video description text field color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Text size: Set the video description text field text size. (in pixels)
Short introduction:
With the Survey application you can setup a page by page touchscreen survey.
The survey always has a Start screen and an End screen. After the start screen you can add as many pages (questions) as you want.
Each page (question) can be a certain question type. (Single-, Multiple Choice, Slider button, Rating, Information page, Free text input or a Form)
General Settings
• Background color: To select a main background color you can use the color picker or type in a hexadecimal value of the color you would like.
• Background image path (jpg/png): To select your desired background image you can click the browse button to find and select your background image.
The background image overwrites the background color setting.
• Preloader image path (jpg/png): To select the preloader image you can click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
Interface settings
Answer button style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of answer text. (in pixels)
• Button color: Click on the color palette to select a button color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Button opacity: Set the opacity of the button. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Border color: Click on the color palette to select a button border color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Border size: Set the thickness of the button border. (in pixels)
• Button corner radius: Set the “roundness” of the button corners. (in pixels)
• Answer selection image: Select an image that acts as a confirmation marker or icon. In our demo we used a green checkmark .PNG image .Click the
browse button to find and select your preferred image.
Navigation button style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of answer text. (in pixels)
• Button color: Click on the color palette to select a button color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Button opacity: Set the opacity of the button. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Border color: Click on the color palette to select a button border color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Border size: Set the thickness of the button border. (in pixels)
• Button corner radius: Set the “roundness” of the button corners. (in pixels). If you set 0 you get square corners.
Media settings
• Media background color: Select a color of the frame around the Image- and Video file on a question page. Click on the color palette with the color picker
of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Background opacity (0=invisible): Select the opacity of the frame around the Image- and Video file on a question page. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Loop media while playing: When checked, a video on a question page will be looped.
Start screen
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen.
• Header text: Enter the text that will be displayed on top op the page. This can be a main title or just a message.
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed right below the header text. This can be a main title or just a message. You can also leave this line
• Hide question: When checked the header text is hidden on the start screen. (not visible)
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
Question text style (Header text styling)
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a header text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of header text. (in pixels)
TIP: The sub header text is always 50% smaller than the header text.
Start button
• Enable: When checked a default start button rectangle is displayed in the middle of the start screen.
If the start button is NOT enabled you can press anywhere on the screen to start the survey.
• Button text: Enter the text that will be displayed on the default start button (when enabled). E.g. Start, Begin, Start Survey, etc...
• Button color: Click on the color palette to select a header text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Button image: Select an image (.JPG / .PNG) that acts as a start button. Click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
End screen
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen.
• Header text: Enter the text that will be displayed on top op the page. This can be a main title or just a message.
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed right below the header text. This can be a main title or just a message. You can also leave this line
• Hide question: When checked the header text is hidden on the end screen. (not visible)
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• End screen message: Enter a text that will be displayed in the middle of the end screen. This is an additional text that needs to get attention.
• Autoclose timeout(sec): Set the amount of seconds the End screen is shown. After this timeout the Start Screen is shown again.
Question text style (Header text styling)
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a header text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of header text. (in pixels)
TIP: The sub header text is always 50% smaller than the header text.
Survey questions
• Autoforward to next page for single choice questions: When checked, answering a single choice question automatically forwards to the next page
without the need to press the “Next” button first.
• Show progress bar: When checked a progress bar is displayed in the bottom of the screen.
About the progress bar: This bar shows a green block for each page. When you configure e.g. answer “No” on page 4 to jump to page 9, the progress bar also skips
from 4 blocks to 9 blocks.
Next button (Navigation button)
• Enable: When checked a default “Next” “ Forward” button rectangle is displayed in the bottom right part of the start screen.
• Button text: Enter the text that will be displayed on the default button. E.g. Next, Forward, Continue, etc...
• Button image: Select an image (.JPG / .PNG) that acts as a “Next” “ Forward” button. Click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
Previous button (Navigation button)
• Enable: When checked a default “Back” “ Previous” button rectangle is displayed in the bottom left part of the start screen.
• Button text: Enter the text that will be displayed on the default button. E.g. Back, Previous, etc...
• Button image: Select an image (.JPG / .PNG) that acts as a “Back” “ Previous” button. Click the browse button to find and select your preferred image.
[Add page]
Add a new page to the survey
• Survey question: The main question text that will be displayed on top of the page.
• Question type: (selected from the dropdown menu)
Below you see the question types and the settings that apply.
Type: Single choice (question)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed right below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Show answer text: When checked the answer text will be displayed. (You need to uncheck it in case you have your own image buttons)
• Answer textsize correction: Here you can offset the default text size. When your answers do not fit correctly on the answer buttons you adjust the font
size for only this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
• Media for question: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that will be shown on the left side of the screen next to
the answer buttons. This media file can be moved and scaled by the user.
When you select a file it will be displayed on the left 1/3 part of the screen, the answer buttons move to the right 2/3 part of the screen.
Question text style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a question text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of question text. (in pixels)
[Add field button] Add an new answer.
• Answer: Enter an answer text.
• Answer image: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) that will act as the answer button. The answer text will be shown on top of the image. You can turn off the
answer text above at the “ Show answer text: ” setting.
Tip: You need to resize your image to give the best result.
• Answer link to question: Here you can select one of the other survey pages to go to when this answer is selected. With this setting you can “skip” to another part of the survey when a certain answer is selected. (e.g. “Have you ever travelled to Manhattan?” -> “No” -> Skips to the page after the “Manhattan”
Type: Multiple choice (question with an option to select multiple answers)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Show answer text: When checked the answer text will be displayed. (You need to uncheck it in case you have your own image buttons)
• Answer textsize correction: Here you can offset the default text size. When your answers do not fit correctly on the answer buttons you adjust the font
size for only this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
• Media for question: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that will be shown on the left side of the screen next to
the answer buttons. This media file can be moved and scaled by the user.
When you select a file it will be displayed on the left 1/3 part of the screen, the answer buttons move to the right 2/3 part of the screen.
Question text style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a question text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of question text. (in pixels)
[Add field button] Add an new answer.
• Answer: Enter an answer text.
• Answer image: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) that will act as the answer button. The answer text will be shown on top of the image. You can turn off the
answer text above at the “ Show answer text: ” setting.
Tip: You need to resize your image to give the best result.
Type: Scoring (question with a nummerical range of buttons)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Show answer text: When checked the answer text will be displayed. (You need to uncheck it in case you have your own image buttons)
• Answer textsize correction: Here you can offset the default text size. When your answers do not fit correctly on the answer buttons you adjust the font
size for only this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
• Media for question: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that will be shown on the top part of the screen above the
answer buttons. This media file can be moved and scaled by the user.
Question text style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a question text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of question text. (in pixels)
Score question settings
• Minimum score: Set a number for the left side of the scoring array
• Maximum score: Set a number for the right side of the scoring array
• Score interval: Set a number to count from minimum to maximum. (e.g. 1 counts from 1 to 10 in ten steps / 2 counts from 1 to 10 in five steps)
Type: Answer slider (question where you move a button to the correct answer)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Show answer text: When checked the answer text will be displayed. (You need to uncheck it in case you have your own image buttons)
• Answer textsize correction: Here you can offset the default text size. When your answers do not fit correctly on the answer buttons you adjust the font
size for only this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
• Media for question: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that will be shown on the left side of the screen next to
the answer buttons. This media file can be moved and scaled by the user.
When you select a file it will be displayed on the left 1/3 part of the screen, the answer buttons move to the right 2/3 part of the screen.
Question text style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a question text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of question text. (in pixels)
[Add field button] Add an new answer.
• Answer: Enter an answer text.
• Answer image: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) that will act as the answer button. The answer text will be shown on top of the image. You can turn off the
answer text above at the “ Show answer text: ” setting.
Tip: You need to resize your image to give the best result.
• Answer link to question: Here you can select one of the other survey pages to go to when this answer is selected. With this setting you can “skip” to another part of the survey when a certain answer is selected. (e.g. “Have you ever travelled to Manhattan?” -> “No” -> Skips to the page after the “Manhattan”
Type: Ranking (question with horizontal line of answer buttons)
Can have standard buttons or images next to each other
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Show answer text: When checked the answer text will be displayed. (You need to uncheck it in case you have your own image buttons)
• Answer textsize correction: Here you can offset the default text size. When your answers do not fit correctly on the answer buttons you adjust the font
size for only this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
Question text style
• Text color: Click on the color palette to select a question text color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the size of question text. (in pixels)
[Add field button] Add an new answer.
• Answer: Enter an answer text.
• Answer image: Select an image (.JPG/ .PNG) that will act as the answer button. The answer text will be shown on top of the image. You can turn off the
answer text above at the “ Show answer text: ” setting.
Tip: You need to resize your image to give the best result.
• Answer link to question: Here you can select one of the other survey pages to go to when this answer is selected. With this setting you can “skip” to another part of the survey when a certain answer is selected. (e.g. “Have you ever travelled to Manhattan?” -> “No” -> Skips to the page after the “Manhattan”
Type: Information (screen)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
TIP: You can set opacity to 0% to “hide” this background.
• Hide question: When checked the main header text will not be displayed.
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
Type: Opinion (free text input field)
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
Type: Form
• Sub-header text: Enter the text that will be displayed below the header text. This can be a subtitle or just a message. You can also leave this line blank.
• Header background color: Select a color of the background behind the header text. Click on the color palette with the color picker of fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Header background opacity: Select the opacity of the background behind the header text. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Hide question: When checked the question will not be displayed. (e.g. when you have a question text in the background image)
• Hide previous button: When checked the Previous (Back) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Hide next button: When checked the Next (Forward) button will not be displayed on this page.
• Background media for question: Select a background image (.JPG/ .PNG) or video file (.MOV / .MP4 with a H264 codec) that acts as a full page background for the start screen. TIP: Select an image that fits your screen. TIP: The background can also be a video file.
Form data
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top op the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can ent er your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form Request (see also at page 7)
• Show Request: When checked the user will see an additional checkbox in the form to request a predefined media file.
• Request Title: Fill in a title to display above the form checkbox.
• Form Request Media: Select the media file that needs to be send out via E-Mail to the end user.
Form field name
• Text color: Set the form field name text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the form field name text size. (in pixels)
Form input textfield
• Text color: Set the input field text color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text field.
• Text size: Set the input field text size. (in pixels)
• Highlight color: Set the input field highlight color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the
text field.
Form fields
• Form title text field color/size: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
• Form text field title color/size: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels.
This text is displayed before the text fields.
• Form input text field color/size: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. Set the title text size in pixels. This
text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
To add new form fields:
• Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
• Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
• Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
• Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much textlines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid email or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
• [Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
• [Trash can]: Remove a item or field
Open Config App
With this application you can call another configuration. It acts like the configuration switcher.
General settings
• Config: here you can select an configuration and the application within that configuration that must be displayed upon start.
Note: You can only select configuration that are already copied to your local system. omnitapps looks in your configurations (project) folder. Because of this
Omnitapps does not have a valid setting by default. The default setting open the current config. (it opens itself )
Note2: When you export a configuration for usage on an Omnitapps player you will notice that the configuration name changes. It has extra text in it’s name.
Original name: MyConfiguration
Exported name: MyConfiguration(export_12-1-2016_09;49;23)
When you want to use the OpenConfig App you need to restore the original configuration name. Otherwise the OpenConfig App cannot call to that configuration.
General settings
• Background color: Set the background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in the text
• Background image path: Select an image that is displayed Fullscreen in the background. We advise you to prepare pictures that have the same size as
the display pixel size. (your display resolution) You can select .JPG and .PNG image files.
• Preloader image path: Select a picture (small image) here that acts as a “loading in progress” indicator. Omnitapps rotates this image while it’s busy.
you can select a .JPG or .PNG file.
• Management password: With this function you can exit Omnitapps or access the configurator without using an external keyboard.
Note: The default password is asdf
• Bad words: You can make a list of words that are not allowed in the guestbook. The words are separated by commas. Any bad word will be replaced by
Interface settings
• Background color: Set the background color for the messages. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact color
number in the text field.
• Background opacity: Select the opacity of the background. Select a value from the dropdown list.
• Border color: Select the border color that is display around a message. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact
color number in the text field.
• Border size: Set a size for the border.
• Button corner radius: You can configure how much the corners of a message are rounded. 0 = perpendicular corner.
• Button color: Set the color of the ‘Add’ button. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact color number in the text
Message text style
• Text color: Set the color of the message text . Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker or fill in an exact color number in the text
• Text size: Set the size of the message text. (in pixels)
• Form title: Enter a title that is displayed on top of the form.
• Form background color: Set the form background color. Click on the color palette to select a color with the color picker of fill in an exact color number in
the text field.
Terms and conditions
• Show: When checked users must agree with the term and conditions you enter below. (Here you can make copyright notices.)
• Terms and conditions title: Set the title that is displayed on top of the Terms and Conditions box.
• Terms and conditions text: Here you can enter your legal info that users have to agree with.
Form title textfield
• Form title text field color: Set the form title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form title text field size: Set the title text size in pixels.
Form fields title textfields
• Form text field title color: Set the form field title text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number. This text is displayed before the text
• Form text field title size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is displayed before the text fields.
Form input textfield
• Form input text field color: Set the form field text color by clicking on the color palette or enter a color number.
• Form input text field size: Set the title text size in pixels. This text is the text that is entered in the blank fields by the user.
Form fields
Step 1: Click on the [Add field] button. This creates a new blank form field “Field title…”
Step 2: Enter a name for this new field. ( e.g. Name or E-Mail). This is displayed before the field or item.
Step 3: Click on the [ + ] button at the end of the field.
Step 4: Configure these items that belong to this specific field.
Required: If Checked user MUST enter or use this field.
Type: Select what function this field has:
Input: A blank field where users fill in something with the onscreen keyboard.
Lines: sets how much text lines are available for input.
Validation: Lets the system check whether you entered a valid e-mail or phone number format.
Minimum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Maximum characters: Amount of characters that are required for this field. (e.g. postal code)
Radiobutton: Selection from multiple items. Only 1 can be chosen.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the radio button list.
Dropdown: Shows a dropdown selection list where users can select 1 item from a (long) list.
[Add item button]: Add a new item to the dropdown list.
Checkbox: Shows one or more checkboxes that users can check on/off.
[Add item button]: Add a new checkbox.
[Arrow heads]: Move up/down items or field in the displayed sequence.
[Trash can]: Remove an item or field