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DMVCTt CBSTtDBCBSFUtMJGF X preseXL nts BEAR PRID E RYNBHB[JOFDPNtRYHBZMPOEPO / P. BZ 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over QX_1106_Cover.indd 7 17/05/2016 18:42 XXL presents BEAR PRIDE Bear Pride returns to XXL next week on Saturday 28th May. To get you in the mood, we asked the lovely ursine fellas of XXL a question: What makes you PROUD TO BE A BEAR? “As a group we suffer the same variations in good and bad people as any group does but overall I think we are more chilled, accepting and at ease with ourselves and others than most other groups ever are.” Sean, Manchester “For me being a bear means I am not alone. I am part of a global community of men who can love, laugh and live together. I could be almost anywhere in the world and have the bear community close by. I don’t need to be afraid of being who I am, I feel accepted and if I want to have a dance with my top off then I know I can do it and not feel ashamed of my body. I love being a bear!” Steve, Newcastle 2 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_XXL Bear Pride.indd 2 “Proud to be a bear - content with my inner self and outer appearance, exuding life, being a man and proud to call myself bear. Whilst I’m not a big bear, I’m still proud to be living a great life in an amazing openhearted and fun community, which accepts people for who they are in modern society.” Robert, London “I think as a gay group we are very easily accepting of all. Twinks, Muscle Mary’s etc. I think I like it because everyone seems to want to hug me and squeeze me.” Christopher, London “I can stay a cuddly physique, I can give killer bear hugs, I let my armpits smell au natural and I don’t have to shave my back hair... what more could a bear want?” Gerrard, London “I’m proud to be a bear because our culture was born out of a wish to include those men who did not fit into the stereotypes that gay society found attractive. Larger, hairier, bearded gay men like me are no longer made to feel that we don’t “belong” in the wider gay community. We have simply created our own one based on warmth, friendship and inclusion. We must not, however, let the sub-groups within our culture create disharmony. Bears, otters, muscle bears, chubs...we are all the same under our skin, and we should treat each other accordingly.“ Craig, Edinburgh “I am proud to be a bear because of the ease in which we adapt to others and evolve with changing times, while staying good natured, and true to ourselves. Collectively, bears are the foundation of the gay community. We have always been around. At first we were overlooked and set aside because we did not conform to the stereotypical gay male image of trimmed, shaved, coiffed and thin. Bears are now revered and sought after and emulated, like the hipsters with beards movement. The bear events have turned into the hottest gay tickets in town and are multiplying globally because of demand. Bears are survivors and innovators. And because of that, we will never be diminished or divided.” “I’m proud to be a Bear because I love being part of a community where people don’t judge you on your appearance. You can be who you want to be and not live up to the conformity of what a slim/ muscled tanned gay man should be. Plus I love snacking guiltfree!” Chris, London I’m proud to be a bear because I finally “fit in” to a section of gay society where it doesn’t matter if you have a six pac or a beer barrel of a belly. You can be who you want to be, do what you want to do and for the best part, go out on stage and sparkle with my friends and other group members The Showbears!! Zach, London XXL Bear Pride is on Saturday 28th May at Pulse (1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank SE1 9UF), 10pm – 7am. £15/£8 members. Miles Evan Windsor, London 17/05/2016 19:28 DMVCTt CBSTtDBCBSFUtMJGF / P . B Z RYNBHB[JOFDPNtRYHBZMPOEPO QX_1106_Cover 2.indd 1 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over 17/05/2016 19:37 T h e w h o , T H E w h a t , w h y , w h e r e & w h e n o f g a y L o n d o n … I N F O R M E R Italy Approves Same-Sex Civil Unions. Finally. Italy is just one step from legalizing same-sex civil unions. In 2015, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Italy had violated human rights law by failing to introduce or pass any new laws recognizing samesex couples. The staunchly Catholic country has now finally agreed to a bill, despite strong resistance from conservative, Catholic members of the Italian Senate. It does not come without amendments, however. Before the bill could move forward, the Senate insisted that the bill does not allow for one member of a same-sex union to adopt the children of the other. Despite these provisos, it is a huge step forward for the country. The prime minister of Italy acknowledged this on his Facebook, writing “It is a day of celebration for many today […] For anyone who feels finally recognized.” Azealia Banks is Still Just Awful Don’t look so surprised. It happened yesterday, it’s happening today and it’s going to happen again tomorrow: sometime rapper, full-time Twitter troll Azealia Banks has unhinged her hippo jaw to unleash more bile on the populace. This time the subject of her ire was former One Direction twink, current HOT PIECE OF ASS Zayn Malik, on whom she showered a litany of appalling racist insults, branding him a “token brown person” and various other slurs in reference to his Pakistani heritage. Banks was then READ TO FILTH by 14 year old Disney actress and professional meme, Skai Jackson (it was kind of glorious) and her Twitter account has since been suspended. Australia was ROBBED at Eurovision We don’t want to talk about it. But they were. That Ukraine song was rubbish. qxmagazine.com SCENE EDITOR JAMES EGAN [email protected] FEATURES EDITOR DYLAN JONES [email protected] Judy Garland Hologram Tour Announced In case you missed her when she was, y’know, alive. Yes, Dorothy is clambering back over the rainbow, this time in digital form. In a totally non-creepy turn of events, Hologram USA and Royal Rainbow Productions announced the launch of a touring stage show based on CBS’ The Judy Garland Show, which ran 1963-64and singing her most famous songs. Production begins in May and the tour will launch in 2017, simultaneously in London and Hollywood. Songs in the tour will include Garland’s takes on “Stormy Weather,” “That’s Entertainment,” “Chicago.” “Come Rain or Come Shine,” and of course signature songs such as “The Trolley Song,” and “Over the Rainbow.” The show will also apparently include Garland’s famously frank commentary on her life in showbiz. WEIRD. Halfway 2 Heaven Barman Missing DIRECTOR SALES AND MARKETING CHRIS COLMAN 020 7240 0055 [email protected] NEW BUSINESS SALES EXECUTIVE STEVE GREGORY 020 7240 0055 [email protected] SENIOR DESIGNER JANNE ÖIJER [email protected] DESIGNER SUREN GUNPATH [email protected] CLASSIFIEDS /ESCORTS 020 7240 0055 [email protected] DISTRIBUTION / M.R.DISTRIBUTION PRINTERS / ACORN PUBLISHED BY FIRSTSTAR LTD. NEW HOUSE, 67-68 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON EC1N 8JY COVER: WWW.PATRICKMETTRAUX.COM TO SUBSCRIBE TO QX CALL Halfway 2 Heaven member of staff Ange, or Andrew, has been missing since Wednesday 4th May. If you have seen or heard from him, please call the number listed opposite, in complete confidence. 020 7240 0055 £45 FOR 6 MONTHS £80 FOR 12 MONTHS WITHIN UK ONLY © Copyright in the UK and worldwide, of the publishers Firststar Limited, Q x (ISSN 1356-6903). Q X is published every Wednesday. Deadline for editorial and display advertisement inclusion is Thursday, six days before the relevant issue cover date. Sorry, but we cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited manuscripts, illustrations or photographs. 4 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Informer.indd 4 17/05/2016 19:25 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 5 17/05/2016 18:23 g 6HDUFK*·2·&ORFN 1.5 Years In the Life of G O’Clock You may know bubbly scenester Mitch Marion from his many, many hosting jobs around gay London. But what you may not know is that he’s also a filmmaker! With his film G O’Clock now officially being distributed by Peccadillo, we took a look at the process of making it over the last 1.5 years. Mitch Marion Mitch Marion 31/03/2015 10/01/2015 )XFNLW,W·VP\ODVW\HDURIXQLDQGLW·VWLPHWRSLWFKIRURXU ÀQDOSURMHFWVSHRSOHDUHSLWFKLQJDQGRQO\GUDPDVZLOO JHWFKRVHQEXW,·PJRLQJWRSLWFKDÀOPDERXWFKHPVH[,·P SUREDEO\SDUW\LQJWRRPXFKDQGPD\EHLI,H[SUHVVP\IHDUV FUHDWLYHO\,·OOEHDEOHWRFRQTXHUWKHP3OXVQRRQHKDVVKRZQ KRZJD\PHQDUHUHDOO\SDUW\LQJLQ/RQGRQRQVFUHHQ\HWVRLI ,PRYHIDVW,FRXOGEHWKHÀUVWGUDPDRXWWKHJDWHZKLFKZRXOG KHOSPHJHWLQWRIHVWLYDOV,KDYHWKLVLGHDDERXWDSDUDPHGLF ZKRDOVRWDNHVGUXJVDQGJRHVWRFKLOORXWVWKHUH·VDQLQKHUHQW SDUDGR[WKHUHWKDW,WKLQNFRXOGZRUN« +RO\VKLWZKDWDVKRRW7KHUHZDVOLWHUDOO\DF\FORQHZKLOH ZHVKRWLQ%XUJHVV3DUNWZRDPEXODQFHVEURNHGRZQWKHUH ZHUHSRUQVWDUVPDNLQJRXWZLWKP\IULHQGVDQGVRPHKRZZH PDQDJHGWRVKRRWHYHU\WKLQJRQVFKHGXOHDQGUXQWKDWVHW WLJKWHUWKDQ5X3DXO·VWXFN%$0,WKLQNZHPLJKWKDYHPDGH VRPHWKLQJWKDW·VUHDOO\JRLQJWRZRUN Me in the back of the second ambulance that broke down whilst shooting in Burgess Park. Mitch Marion 03/02/2015 6RWKHPRPHQWP\SLWFKJRWFKRVHQWKHSUHVVXUHRIDFWXDOO\ ZULWLQJDÀOPDERXWDQ/*%7VRFLRSROLWLFDOWRSLFQHDUO\EURNH PH+RZWKHIXFNDP,DFWXDOO\JRLQJWRGRWKLV"7KHJD\V DUHJRQQDULSPHWRVKUHGV0\ÀUVWDWWHPSWZDVWHUULEOH-XVW DVWRU\RIDSDUDPHGLFZKROHWVWKHFKLOORXWVFHQHGHVWUR\ KLP:H·YHDOOVHHQWKDWÀOP%RULQJ%XWDOVR,GRQ·WZDQWWR GHPRQLVHGUXJVOLNHWKDW,GRWKLQNWKDWZKHQHGXFDWHGRQ VDIHXVDJHSHRSOHFDQLQFRUSRUDWHSDUW\LQJLQWRDKHDOWK\DQG EDODQFHGOLIHVW\OH,W·VMXVWHDVLHUVDLGWKDQGRQH7KDW·VZKDW, ZDQWWRPDNHWKHÀOPDERXW'UXJVDUHIXQ$QGVH[RQGUXJV FDQEHHYHQPRUHIXQ%XWNQRZ\RXUOLPLWV([SHULPHQWLQJZLWK DQ\GUXJLVDOZD\VJRLQJWREHGDQJHURXV Me on set directing Phillip Weddell and Mark “Kibo” Rovira during the party scene. Mitch Marion 17/06/2015 *UDGXDWLRQGD\*2·&ORFNKDVHDUQHGPHD)LUVW&ODVV 'LVWLQFWLRQDQG,FRXOGQ·WEHKDSSLHU7KHHGLWFDPHWRJHWKHU VRZHOODQGWKHPXVLFZHDUHXVLQJLVMXVWSHUIHFW,KRSHZH JHWWKHULJKWV7KHDUWLVWLQTXHVWLRQLVVWLOOEHLQJHOXVLYHEXW, KDYHDJRRGIHHOLQJ&DVWLQJ/HRQ/RSH]KDVSURYHQWREHD EOHVVLQJWRRKHGRHVQ·WMXVWJLYHDQDPD]LQJSHUIRUPDQFH KH·VFRQQHFWHGPHZLWK3HFFDGLOOR3LFWXUHVZKRGLVWULEXWHG KLVIHDWXUHÀOP6RIW/DG7KH\PLJKWEHNHHQWRGLVWULEXWH* 2·&ORFNDVSDUWRI%R\V2Q)LOP,PDJLQH 6 qxmagazine.com 4;BB* R &ORFNLQGG Mitch Marion Mitch Marion 26/01/2016 10/05/2016 :H·YHEHHQRIÀFLDOO\VHOHFWHGWRVFUHHQDWWKH%),)ODUH)LOP )HVWLYDO,W·VEHHQDORQJPRQWKVRIVZHDWDQGWHDUV:H GLGQ·WJHWWKHULJKWVWRWKHPXVLFZHXVHGLQWKHPRQWDJH VHTXHQFHVRZHKDGWRFRPSOHWHO\UHHGLW*HWWLQJVWXGLRWLPH DQGWKHWHDPEDFNWRJHWKHUZDVWRXJKEXWZHÀQDOO\GLGLW DQGWKHQHZEHDW´/RRN$W0HµE\'63&LVVLFN:KHQ,ZDV PDNLQJWKHÀOPP\GUHDPZDVWRJHWLQWR%),)ODUH7RKDYH UHDFKHGWKDWJRDOIHHOVLQGHVFULEDEOH ,MXVWGURSSHGRIIWKHFRQWUDFWIRU*2·&ORFNWREHGLVWULEXWHG E\3HFFDGLOOR3LFWXUHV:H·UHJRLQJWREHRQWKH%R\V2Q)LOP &RPSLODWLRQDVZHOODVWRXULQJVFUHHQVDURXQGWKH8.LQ WKHLUÀOPIHVWLYDO3RXW)HVW,FDQ·WEHOLHYHKRZZHOOUHFHLYHGWKLV OLWWOHÀOPKDVEHHQ:RUNLQJRQWKHÀOPDVZHOODVWDONLQJRQ QXPHURXVFKHPVH[SDQHOVDQGRSHQ4$·VKDVUHDOO\KHOSHG PHJDLQFRQWURORIP\SDUW\KDELWVVR,ZDQWWRVSUHDGWKDW IHHOLQJDVIDUDV,FDQ,I\RXIHHOOLNHWKHSDUW\LVJHWWLQJWRR PXFKRUWKDW\RXDUHQ·WPDNLQJWKHEHVWGHFLVLRQVZKLOHKLJK WKHQGRQ·WEHDIUDLGWRDVNIRUKHOS2UFKDQQHO\RXUHQHUJ\LQWR VRPHWKLQJFUHDWLYHLWZRUNHGIRUPH From left to right is Joel Windsor, Yupeng Zou, Me and Jannik Schmoller - Editor, Producer, Director/Writer and Cinematographer respectively; at our university showcase screening at BAFTA. Mitch Marion 24/04/2016 ,·PLQ0LDPLELWFK*2·&ORFNZDVVFUHHQHGWRGD\EHIRUHWKH GRFXPHQWDU\&KHPVH[DWWKH0L)R)LOP)HVWLYDODQGGXULQJ WKHSRVWVFUHHQLQJ4$VRPHRQHWULHGWRPDNHWKHDUJXPHQW WKDW3U(3RQO\HQFRXUDJHVJD\PHQLQWRDOLIHRIFKHPVH[, ÀQGWKLVOLQHRIWKLQNLQJLQFUHGLEO\GDQJHURXV:HKDYHDUHDO RSSRUWXQLW\KHUHWRKDOWWKHVSUHDGRI+,9LQRXUFRPPXQLW\ DQG\RX·UHPDNLQJWKDWDUJXPHQW",GRQ·WWKLQNDQ\RQHZRXOG HYHUWKLQN´2K,·PRQ3U(3QRZVROHW·VWU\FU\VWDOPHWK:K\ QRW"µ7DNHVHYHUDOVHDWV Me on the red carpet at the MiFo Film Festival in Miami. G’OCLOCK is part of BOYS ON FILM 15 TIME & TIED and will be touring as part of POUTfest 2016 with the DVD release in August. 7 qxmagazine.com 4;BB* R &ORFNLQGG POP TOPS Mikey Pop with Drag Race’s Thorgy Do you know Mikey Pop? If you don’t, you should probably educate yourself. As the name suggests, he’s New York’s hottie King of Pop Culture. He’s a DJ, he’s a one-stop meme shop and most IMPORTANTLY, he’s a bomb-ass t-shirt designer. Have you ever wandered around Topman, looking at the slogan tees that say things like ‘I LOVE BEER’ and ‘TITS ROCK’ and thought to yourself “There must be more than this…”? Well, there is, and Mikey Pop made them! We asked him to take us through a few of his favourite designs and who he’d love to see wearing them… BRUNCH GOALS TEE - “Ya know, you don’t see that many paparazzi shots of celebs brunching…but a table full of drunks guys and girls all wearing this in different colors would be amazing. Throw in some mimosa and Bloody Mary stains, a couple of cigarette burns and white powder and it’s brunch COUTURE!” CATWOMAN SELFIE TEE - “Halle Berry should really pick one of these up and be forced to wear it once a week to remind herself of how awful her version was and use Michelle Pfeiffer’s rendition to remind her of how it is done.” DEATH BECOMES HER TEE - “I would die if Goldie Hawn was seen wearing this and was like “Yup, that hole is still there and I still have to stay away from two-piece bathing suits! Damn that Meryl!” Siempre Viva! SANASA TEE - “Honestly, I’d love to wake up one morning and find out that Paris Hilton and Nicole had a reunion via instagram, where they are both wearing this design and singing the “Sanasa” song! Either that or Curly from season 1 of The Simple Life.” THE CRAFT/MEAN GIRLS TEE - “Obviously Lindsay Lohan wearing this would be perfect. And I’m sure if I sent her one, she’d wear it. We all know that bitch loves some free gifts. Or to see Fairuza Balk wearing one would be a dream. Especially with the new sequel coming out!” VERSAYCE SHOWGIRLS TEE - “This design was actually approved by Elizabeth Berkely herself! She also posted it on her instagram! She sent me a message saying “Would it be weird for me to wear my own face?” So OF COURSE she’d be my choice.” See all these and more Mikey Pop designs at society6.com/mikeypop 8 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Mikey Pop.indd 8 17/05/2016 19:29 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 9 17/05/2016 18:26 LATINO SEGURO Are you Latino? Gay? Trans? Latino Seguro is an innovative new HIV prevention programme created and run by Latin Americans, for Latin Americans right here in London. The group was created for MSM (men who have sex with men) from the Spanish and Portuguese speaking Latino communities in London. We spoke to METRO’s Tony Furlong to find out more. Hi Tony, so how did Latino Seguro start? About a year ago we had a meeting about the possibility of doing something innovative around HIV prevention. We wanted to do something ground-breaking, timely and targeted at a community lacking sufficient support. It was important too that the project was bottom-up and rooted in the community it supports. Since I had lived, worked and volunteered in Brazil and researched gender and sexuality in Latin America, I was aware of some of the cultural issues that drive HIV transmission with this group. This, combined with my experience doing outreach work in the bars, clubs, saunas and at events in south London, where there is a huge Latin American community, made the lack of Latino specific support in London seem surprising at best, and at worst, alarming. We decided that a community-based Latino HIV prevention programme was crucial and planned a programme based on our experience providing effective HIV prevention here at METRO. How did you become involved? In 2008-2009 I was completing my PhD research in Brazil looking at tolerance, gender and sexuality. As part of this work I volunteered for two great HIV and LGBT organisations based in Rio de Janeiro – ABIA and Arco-Iris, and completed over 80 indepth interviews with gay, bisexual and trans men. This gave me a good grounding by helping me understand some of the cultural specific factors that increase risk. When I came back to the UK and continued working in HIV prevention for METRO on a peermentoring, and then a research project, which allowed me to get to grips with the specific benefits and challenges to doing this sort of work in London One thing that was striking was the limited support for gay and bisexual Latinos in the capital. It almost felt selfish not to apply my work experience, research and language skills to working on the project. How long has it been running? We started running workshops in March this year, but of course there was a lot of background work that had to be done before we got to that stage. Most importantly, we recruited a team of 9 amazing volunteers who have helped put together effective workshops, which they now facilitate in Spanish and Portuguese. We also had to promote the programme and this involved lots of visiting LGBT, sexual health and Latino organisations across London, and handing out leaflets and visiting Latino community centres, cafes and shops in key ‘Latin American hubs’, like Seven Sisters El Pueblito Paisa market, Elephant and Castle shopping centre and the LGBT Latino night Exilio. Also, we have just received the green-light to extend the project into 2017! Why is a project like this necessary in London now? The London Latin American community has exploded in the last decade – it is estimated to be the same size as the Chinese or Polish communities in the city, incredible when you think about it! It is a new community, since most of the Latino immigrants have recently arrived from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Here they were amongst the worst affected by the severe economic problems over the last few years and they came to the UK looking for work. Other immigrants have come directly from Latin America– where increasing wealth and educational The London Latin American community has exploded in the last decade – it is estimated to be the same size as the Chinese or Polish communities in the city 10 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Latino Seguro.indd 10 ´ 17/05/2016 19:30 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 11 17/05/2016 18:26 Many Latin Americans who come to workshops are frustrated by stereotypes that they are highly sexual and overtly masculine. opportunities have meant coming to London is possible in a way it wasn’t for their parents or grandparents. One attraction of the capital is that it is one of the most tolerant places on the planet in terms of LGBT rights and freedom of expression. The huge LGBT community and gay scene mean the ‘bright lights’ of the city combined with job opportunities have resulted in the city attracting thousands of queer Latinos. Once arriving here immigrants are suddenly in a new city full of partying, sex, drugs and men. This cocktail combined with cultural factors is the driving force behind the HIV epidemic affecting the Latino community in the city. What are some specific challenges faced by the London LGBT Latin community? Whilst everyone has their own story, there are cultural factors that increase the risk of HIV transmission. Central to this is the migration component. Push factors, such as discrimination, familismo (family honour and importance), conservative religious friends and relatives, silence of gender and sexuality, lack of gay rights, and pull factors, such as freedom of expression, large gay community and gay scene, the availability of drugs and sex all play a role. In addition, migrating involves the severing of social ties with family or friends and this combined with language barriers, and unfamiliarity with British culture can lead to loneliness or isolation. In turn this can increase risky behaviour. On top of this many LGBT Latinos are coming from places where being LGBT is less socially accepted and many individuals have faced discrimination in key social spheres - at school, at home, at work , at church. This is related to machismo, which, although increasingly challenged, is still the framework to understanding gender and sexuality in the region. On a personal level, low self-esteem can be the result of growing up in a culture where homosexuality (and/or certain expressions of masculinity) is viewed negatively or where your family, church or community don’t accept who you are. A low sense of self-worth can also increase the likelihood of risk-taking behaviour. For all these reasons HIV rates are much higher amongst LGBT Latin Americans than the general population, but at the same time LGBT Latinos are faced with a lack of community specific HIV prevention approaches. Services in Spanish and Portuguese are few and far between, as are those that allow LGBT Latinos to explore some of the cultural factors behind HIV transmission. That’s where this programme comes in! Do you feel there are unhelpful stereotypes of the Latin community in London? Many Latin Americans who come to workshops are frustrated by stereotypes that they are highly sexual and overtly masculine. These stereotypes are particularly damaging for people that don’t feel they fit into these boxes and can perpetuate damage done by having grown up in a machista society where these values are already strongly privileged. Another, related, stereotype, is that Latin Americans are prostitutes. Most Latin Americans aren’t, and negative judgements about prostitution can be extremely detrimental to self-image, and can also force sex-workers to remain closeted about their profession and related issues they might need support for. What kind of things do you cover in the group workshops? The programme is made up of five volunteer-led workshops in Spanish and Portuguese. These are interactive, fun and friendly and focus on sexual health and risk taking in a non-judgemental environment. As well as information about HIV/STI transmission, testing we look at the chems scene, immigration to the UK, religion and family, partners and relationships and self-esteem. The aim is to look at HIV prevention from a holistic perspective, looking at the factors that influence risk-taking and to allow participants to become more self-aware about these. In the summer we are also about to launch HIV support workshops for gay, bisexual and trans Latin Americans that are HIV positive. Again, the focus will be on cultural factors that influence wellbeing. How can my friends and I get involved? That’s the easy bit! Just send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 020 8305 500. You also get £20 just for participating, so what’s stopping you?! Get in touch now! 12 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Latino Seguro.indd 12 17/05/2016 18:49 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 13 17/05/2016 18:27 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Thursday 19th May Gravity Onyx ReMixed Gravity & Onyx battle it out every week with a roster of DJs that stays true to both these iconic brands. In the GRAVITY room, bringing you the best in eclectic fun, uplifting afterhours beats will be Miswhite, Fat Tony & Terry Bryan. In the ONYX room playing dance floor anthems & club classics will be Charlie Holland, Jason Price & Matt Unique. Plus Latina lovely Sidney Bueno will be on hosting duties! Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP, 11pm - 8am. £1 entry before 1am with an AD/Flyer. Friday 20th May Men Inc The Eagle has landed! No. No more of that please. The Eagle has been refurbished and is re-opening this Friday with their signature night, Men Inc! DJs Dan Murphy, Mark Loverush & Sugarbear will be providing the tunes as you spin around their amazing new interior! PLUS there’s free BBQ, bubbly & shots to celebrate their re-opening weekend. Don’t miss it! Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11 5QY, 9pm-3am. Free before 10pm, £5 after, free for members before midnight It’s another carnivorously named gay night! If you’ve got a suitable double-entrendre, RUN WITH IT, that’s what we say! So here we go! Straight from the oven and dripping with crispy-topped goodness, it’s one of Vauxhall’s most popular new gay nights, BEEFMINCE! So get out your oven gloves, because this dish is hot, hot, HOT! Yeah, we don’t know what we’re on about either. Anyway, BeefMince is a great night at the iconic RVT. This week they’ve got the insanely named DJs Silverhook and Cactushead. CACTUSHEAD. Plus all the boys take their tops off. BEEFY. Friday 20th May Beefmince The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 10pm – 4am. £5 tickets online, £7 on the door. 14 qxmagazine.com _QX 1106_Club News.indd 14 17/05/2016 18:29 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. C L U B Saturday 21st May XXL Full Moon Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, SE1 9UF. 10pm – 7am. £8 for members, £15 guests. Chomp chomp! Put down that synthetic Big Mac that you’re spurting all over your Grindr loading screen in Kingsland Road McDonalds, and head over to Dalston Superstore for some REAL meat! GRRR! Masc, juicy, well-hung, medium rare MEAT! They’ve got oak-smoked carnivorous tunes from The Meat Boys. In case you hadn’t heard, meat is a London zine full of super cool super sexy images of hot hairy men. WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE. And no, the lack of a capital “M” wasn’t a typo. It’s meat, lower case. Because they’re cooler than you. If you want to be as cool as them, you know how. DO WHAT WE SAY, and go to Dalston Superstore on Saturday! N E W S AWOOOOO! That was our werewolf noise. Did you like it? Here it is again. AAWWOOOOO! It can only mean one thing (well it could mean several things actually, but bear with us). XXL’s Full Moon party! It’s for XXL’s usual cast of bears and boys, and hopefully a few sexy werewolves! Werewolves ARE sexy. They might shag you, or they might rip you to shreds! Dangerous! Joe Manganiello played a really sexy werewolf in True Blood. Anyway. It’ll be XXL’s trademark beats and cavernous dance halls, with some full moon mystery thrown in. Oh and Wayne G on the decks. AWOOO! Woof. Etc. Saturday 21st May Meat East Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 10pm – 4am. £5 all night. 15 qxmagazine.com _QX 1106_Club News.indd 15 17/05/2016 18:30 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Saturday 21st May The Shay Shay Show Shay Shay is the dahhhhling of the East London drag scene! Miss SinkThePink 2015, star of Glastonbury’s NYC Downlow, LIPSYNC1000 finalist…she’s done it all! She looks like what would happen if Lucy Liu met Lana Del Rey and they went shopping on Brick Lane together. And now she’s having a big mad party at The Glory! A big mad party at The Glory is the best way to our hearts. She’s doing a full-on solo show from 11pm. The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. Glory Alex Logan Shay Shay doors 5pm, show 11pm. Free before 10pm, £5 after. Christian M Lady Lloyd BABEZ: Cruel for the Summer Saturday 21st May Bloc Bar, 18 Kentish Town Rd, NW1 9NX, 9pm – 3am. £5. Saturday 21st May Debbie Look out Bloc Bar, the BABEZ are back. Beary Carey, Lady Lloyd, Dom Top and Lewis G Burton will be descending on Camden to drink, chase men around and play you a selection of pop delights, past and present. Expect Whitney, Britney, Mariah, Ariana and Lloyd’s bare arse hanging out of whatever outfit she’s taken the scissors to this time. You know the drill now! Unless you’ve been living under a ROCK or a KARDASHIAN for the last few years. Debbie is London’s premier female-fronted queer dance night! And by femalefronted we mean music with female vocals ONLY! Which as well all know, is the best kind of music! They play Ke$ha! They play Garbage! They play Blondie! They play all sorts! If it’s sung by a woman and it’s cool, they’ll play it! It’s at the super en-fleek (lol) Shacklewell Arms in East London. So put on your best sparkly top and get down there! The Shacklewell Arms, 71 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EB. 11pm – 3am. £5 entry all night 16 qxmagazine.com _QX 1106_Club News.indd 16 17/05/2016 18:30 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 17 17/05/2016 19:31 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Saturday 21st May Blocheads The weekly Blocheads blowout continues, with HiFi Sean, Martyn Fitzgerald and the toast of Paris/London/ Buenos Aires, Whitney Weiss. Whit’s jetting in from whichever far-flung location she’s been in whilst playing illegal raves. They’ll be treating you to a buffet of booming house, while Beary Carey keeps the back room bumpin’n’grindin’ with pop & RnB treats. East Bloc, 217 City Road EC1V 1JN, 11pm – 6am. £5 before 12:30am, £10 after. Saturday 21st May / Sabado 21 de mayo Lady Ole: Bailando Con Lobas Alejandro Asencio Our bourbon reserves are running low and our guns need a bit of oiling. The perfect time to make a stop on the way at our favourite wild, er, North London saloon, the Archway Tavern. Musical treats will be served by the good, the bad and the ugly aka Warring DJ, Soy Larga DJ and (guapísimo) Alejandro Asencio. Fill up your hip flask, load your guns, tie your horses tight... Billy The Kid and Clint Eastwood are ‘maybe attending’. Expect the usual blend of Spanish kitsch, plus pop from all over the EU. Oh, and the event name means “Dances with Wolves” in case you wondered. Now VAMOS! Archway Tavern, 1 Archway Close N19 3TD, 10pm – 4am. £8. Throw your cautions to the wind on Sunday 29th May and go to…THE BEYOND! When we say Beyond, we’re not talking about a celestial teleological concept, we’re talking about a gay club night in Vauxhall! Yes! It’s become one of South London’s most notorious parties, and if you’ve been to South London, you’ll know it’s a hotly contested field. And this time it’s even more debauched. It’s an EROTICA edition as part of The Sexcircus Weekender. With a sexy erotic theme as the name suggests, compete with bespoke visuals and mind-blowing costumes courtesy of Slick It Up. And pumping DJ sets from Chris Brogan, D’Johnny & more. Sunday 29th May Beyond Erotica Fire, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 4am – 2pm. £11 advance tickets. 18 qxmagazine.com _QX 1106_Club News.indd 18 17/05/2016 19:45 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 19 17/05/2016 18:32 ESSENTIALS DAY Kunty aviator shades So you can walk around and pout and be kunty to people in the smoking area. FEELIN’ LIKE PUSSY FEELIN’ LIKE KUNT. Can be used d to replenish eplenish electrolytes and demonstrate how good you are at fellatio. an a MATINÉE Next week it’s ANOTHER Bank Holiday! Yes, another one! Aren’t we lucky! But it is not to be spent under a duvet watching reruns of Come Dine With Me. If you do that, we’re confiscating your gay card. No, it’s yet another opportunity to get out and PARTY. Party, party, party! And Orange Nation’s notorious club night Matinee provides the perfect means to do so. They’ve got two massive events on Bank Holiday Sunday: A daytime terraces party at Ministry from midday, which will be gorgeously debauched if the weather holds up. Then it’s over to the cavernous, labyrinthine Coronet Theatre in Elephant & Caste, for fetish erotica fun at Matinee Pervert. It’s gonna be a right blast! So, in true QX style, we’ve decided to prepare you with a survival guide! It’s basically all the ESSENTIALS you’ll need for a bank holiday circuit party bash! And we’ve divided it into Day/Night sections so you know what to use at which party. Hooray! Rip this page out and stuff it down your pants. an b A A bandana Similar to a banana, but with a “d”. Also, it goes on your head. Bandanas are BACK IN this summer, and it’s great for if your hair gets ruined by too much dancing or an errant vodka coke. A portable charger A pair off denim d cut-offs ff A pair of Speedos Facebook! Instagram! Twitter! Grindr! Scruff! 4% battery! SCREEEAAAAMMMM! Oh wait, you have a portable charger! Hooray! We shouldn’t even have to tell you this, it’s obvious summer bank holiday gay clubbing fare. They have to be a bit frayed for extra sluttiness. In case the denim cut-offs aren’t slutty enough. A metallic gold bumbag NIGHT A For all your clubbing bits! It HAS to be metallic gold, otherwise you might as well not have one. k tic s w glo A WKD For when you’re feeling your Queer As Folk fantasy at 5am. WKD’s give you energy and don’t get you too pissed, great for stamina! A harness You can’t go wrong with a harness! Well, unless you put it on wrong. Get a drag queen to help you put it on, they’re good with straps. And then dance the night away! SO. That’s enough to be getting on with. Go forth and multiply. Or rather, go forth and DANCE. The Matinee Daytime Terrace Party is on Sunday 29th May from midday, at Ministry of Sound, 103 Gaunt Street, SE1 6DP. Tickets £11. Matinee Pervert is on Sunday 29th May from 9pm – 7am at the Coronet Theatre, 28 New Kent Road, SE1 6TJ. £11 tickets. Joint ticket available for £16.50. For more tickets and info go to orangenation.com 20 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Matinee survival.indd 20 17/05/2016 18:54 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 21 17/05/2016 19:05 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 22 17/05/2016 19:07 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 23 17/05/2016 19:08 The meat boys. L: Fannar R: Adrian MEAT EAST x SHAKE YER DIX Ronika Just from the EVENT TITLE there’s already multiple double entrendres. Well actually, Shake Yer Dix isn’t really a double entendre, it’s just… y’know…an entendre. It’s two of our fave fag nights returning to one of our fave gay venues! Yes, Dalston Superstore is a paradise, a paragon. It’s like Alan Cumming’s living room, but what the fuck would you know, you’ve never been to Alan Cumming’s living room. We have, and it’s like Dalston Superstore. On Friday 20th you get Shake Yer Dix, which is super cute and super sexy. One of their DJs is pop starlet Ronika, who’s like Madonna but thirty years younger and with cheaper sunglasses. We LOOOVE Ronika, she makes gorgeous shoe-gazy surf pop, and when she’s not doing that, she DJs at Shake Yer Dix! It’s all stuff like Peaches and Charli XCX. Yer got yer Peaches. Yer got yer Charli XCX. All yer fuckin faves. Then on Saturday 21st it’s meat East. Another maaaajjje club night. It’s the brainchild of meat magazine (lowercase, dontchano), who are all about hairy, alternative-looking men with their cocks out. Sounds like a Wednesday afternoon at the QX office! Anyway they do club nights every so often, with DJs The Meat Boys, who play masc electropop! Wait, is “masc electropop” a contradiction in terms? Probs. Oh well. THIS ISN’T THE FUCKING GUARDIAN. So yeah, get down to Shake Yer Dix and meat East at Dalston Superstore. It’s only five quid entry too. Bargain! That’s less than a packet of cigs! Less than a packet of crisps if you’re in Hampstead! Get. Down. There. Shake Yer Dix is on Friday 20th May, 10pm-3am. meat is on Saturday 21st May, 10pm-3am. £5 entry. Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. MR RUBBER Break out the talcum powder, because it’s that time again! Yes, The Hoist is on the lookout for Mr Hoist Rubber 2016. It’s their 20th year too, so they’ll be pulling out all the stops with two whole arches of utter sleaze to please you. Proceedings will be presided over by the lovely Larry Latex, who told us; “Mr Hoist Rubber is the hottest rubber contest this side of Chicago. Expect hot rubber sirs, eager latex boys and pups, plus anything in between. It’s gonna rock!” Hoist head honcho Unkut Kurt added: “This is my favourite party of the year. It’s normally so busy and sexy that I can’t help myself, I usually end up somewhere in the huge wet area doing, well you know...” I think we do know, Kurt, you dirty dog! “The prizes for the contest this year are bigger and better then ever before! Expectations London, who have by far the best rubber gear selection on the planet, have gone all the way with prizes worth over £500 for the winner alone. Plus, there are prizes for Best Rubber outfit, Best Pup and - my personal favourite - our outrageous piss a pint, get a pint free competition.” So there you go, get involved! The winner gets the chance to represent the UK in Mister International Rubber in Chicago too, so it’s worth a punt. I mean who can resist the appeal of a Chicago hot dog? Or a hot Chicago pup? MR HOIST RUBBER IS THE HOTTEST RUBBER CONTEST THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Mr Hoist Rubber 2016 is on Saturday 21st May at The Hoist (Railway Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1SR). Guests £15/ members £5 before 11pm, £7 after. 24 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Hoist Rubber.indd 24 17/05/2016 18:52 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 25 17/05/2016 18:33 XXL @ Pulse 14/05/16 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF Words by Yaf Brown Photos by Joel Ryder What happens between the magical hours of 10pm to 7am in Gayland are anyone’s guess. Literally anyone’s. Where it’s likely to take place is just that much easier to hedge a bet when it comes to a Saturday night South East of the river. XXL is where all the wild things go, and a good few of the freakin’ hot ones too - packing out the biggest sprawl of interlocking cave-like spaces that isn’t the Catacombs with their brawn and bodacious-ness. Oh yes, XXL is where the deep house and golden hits are served piping hot, where there’s more gorge swanning around than you can shake your pr*ck at and where time just seems to slow in the very best way possible. Was I there? You bet, were your best mate and your ex - probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were too...probably commend your taste. If you weren’t however, next Saturday you can put it to rights. You might find a lad to let you put where you like, if you’re super charming… “XXL is where the deep house and golden hits are served piping hot.” 26 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Club Reviews.indd 26 17/05/2016 19:03 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 27 17/05/2016 19:33 A:M 13/05/16 Fire, 39 Parry Street, SW8 1RT Words and Photos by ChrisJepson.com “Friday frolics have never been so fabulous.” For more than 14 years, Friday nights and Saturday mornings in Vauxhall have been dominated by one name, A:M. As you would expect from the longest running afterhours, the ability to constantly reinvent, reinvigorate and rejuvenate is the key to remaining fresh and current, and with Louise Port at the helm A:M is nothing if not fresh. Talking of the Queen of Vauxhall, last Friday was her ahem-th birthday so we felt duty bound to pay our respects, as seeming did most of the rest of clubland as Protocol was awash with DJs, friends and revellers rising a glass, presenting cakes (we saw at least 2 fruit and candle festooned carb-bombs) and throwing shapes on the dance floor to Terry Bryan, Gonzalo, D’Johnny, Yvette Lindquist et al. Friday frolics have never been so fabulous. 28 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Club Reviews.indd 28 17/05/2016 19:03 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 29 17/05/2016 18:34 Blocheads VS Motherload 14/05/16 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN Words and Photos by Mark Storey What can we say? Once again this night knocked the balls bang outta the park! Hot, sweaty and heaving, the Bloc saw top sets from both gangs with M Fitz, D Ramirez, Guy Williams and Josh Caffe all in the house. Eurovision madness was certainly in the air and the clubbers were bent on throwing some fab outrageous shapes. They put it down HEAVY tonight, loving the music and vibe and we bopped ‘til the early hours at what was definitely one of our favourite nights this month. What a great team Blocheads and Motherload make! Can’t wait to get these two in the same room again. “Can’t wait to get these two in the same room again.” 30 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Club Reviews.indd 30 17/05/2016 19:03 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 31 17/05/2016 18:35 Homostash European Edition 13/05/16 Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB Words by James Egan Photos by Mark Storey It was Friday 13th, but it was anything but unlucky. We had the good fortune to head to D.Swizzle for our favourite facial-hair-themed event, Homostash. In honour of Eurovision weekend, the Homostash crew were giving us an EU treat in the upstairs bar courtesy of head Homostash honcho Tafkanik and the lovely Eureka. We should mention that Eureka was wandering to and from the DJ booth in a wedding dress and veil. Who she was marrying remains a mystery. Perhaps it’s best left that way. Downstairs the delicious Paulo Tessuto of CAPSLOCK had come all the way from São Paolo to throw techno treats to the downstairs club. The lovely Andrew Moore was also there, complete with fetching moustache, to provide the tunes to keep our ‘tash twitching! There was even a mad Eurovision themed contest, where people were standing on the bar and answering trivia questions. We have no idea what it was about or who won though. I think we’d sucked back a few too many Aperol Spritzes by that point and attached our face to a delightful European chap. Brexit? We don’t want no stinkin’ Brexit! EUROPE FOREVER! HOMOSTASH FOREVER! MEN FOREVER! WOO! “Brexit? We don’t want no stinkin’ Brexit! EUROPE FOREVER!” 32 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Club Reviews.indd 32 17/05/2016 19:04 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 33 17/05/2016 18:36 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 34 17/05/2016 19:41 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 35 17/05/2016 18:37 R A I S I N G T H E B A R Willam Bridge Bar West 5 8 Voltaire Road, Clapham, SW4 6DH Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NT We went and got pissed at Bridge Bar recently! It’s lovely in there. They’ve got artisanal jars on the bar with lots of little gorgeous things in them, like jam and olives. And their manager Flo is lovely. SHOUT OUT TO FLO. How you doin Flo? Bridge is the perfect place for pre-drinks before stumbling up the road to one of Clapham’s many reputable (or disreputable) watering holes. Don’t miss their quiz night every Tuesday from 8pm, their quiz master is totes gorge! Nestled down a leafy residential street in South Ealing, located a convenient short walk from Sam’s Chicken, is…WEST 5! It’s a gay club slash cabaret venue, and MY OH MY (lol), do they know how to do cabaret. This Saturday 21st is a perfect example. They’ve got possibly the most iconic Drag Race star ever, Willam! She’s a one, is our Willam. Worth seeing! So jump on a tube to South Ealing. Or if you already live in South Ealing, just…you know…walk there. Rodrigo The Glory 281 Kingsland Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS The Glory, The Glory, THE GLORY! An unassuming old man pub in Haggerston, transformed into one of the city’s most iconic queer venues. They’re going from strength to strength and they never. Fucking. Stop. Their latest headline-grabbing hooha is MAN UP, their hotly attended weekly drag king contest every Wednesday from 8pm. Fake stubble! Socks down trousers! Celebrity judges! Where else would you get THAT on a Wednesday night?! Samantha Ronson’s apartment maybe. Martha D’Arthur Halfway 2 Heaven Ku Bar 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF 30 Lisle Street, WC2H 7BA Halfway is one of Central London’s bestknown gay bars! It’s old school in a great way…like, debauched London queeny old school! Yes! Pop in on Wednesdays from 9pm for Martha D’Arthur’s Sing-A-Long. Jukebox drag where you get to choose the songs! With our Dave Robson on the decks. Watch out for him, he’s a one. Even more of a one than Willam. We love Ku Bar! It’s where we have our staff drinks. So it MUST be cool! It’s got a mellifluous mélange of gorgeous bar staff, friendly security, service with a smile, and delicious drinks. They’ve got lovely décor too, and video screens that play your fave pop hits! Don’t miss Colour Your Life downstairs in the KLUB on Wednesday from 10pm, with gorgeous DJ Rodrigo and more. 36 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Raising The Bar.indd 36 17/05/2016 18:55 A Relaxing Space To Unwind O L R I A S S Sunday - Thursday 11am to 11pm Friday and Saturday 11am to 8am next day Entry: £17 Brand NEW Roof Terrace NOW OPEN 570-574 COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, E14 7JD U info: 020 7791 2808 www.sailorssauna.com QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 37 17/05/2016 18:39 Comptons’ Eurovision Party 14/05/16 Comptons of Soho, 51-53, Old Compton Street, W1D 6HN Words and Photos by Joel Ryder Walking into a packed-out Comptons we noticed a lot of blokes bearing a lot of different flags for the various countries competing in this years Eurovision. So no matter who was going to win, we knew we were in for a good night. It was a bit of a fight to the bar but we met some interesting people on the way, like a group of Swedish girls with their faces painted, clutching flags and screaming for their country in between shots. The ever-jovial English were mostly bearded and beer swilling, like a scene from Game of Thrones. Plus a band of Scottish and Irish bears arguing over who was wearing the best tartan! Of course the biggest cheer of the night came for England’s Joe & Jake. Now whether this was because they’re sexy as fuck or people really loved the song, we can’t be sure. Oh well. See you next time, Comptons! “We knew we were in for a good night.” 38 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Bar Reviews.indd 38 17/05/2016 18:46 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 39 17/05/2016 18:42 Lady Lloyd’s Eurovision Party 14/05/16 30 Lisle Street WC2H 7BA Words and Photos by Joel Ryder “The place was heaving.” One of our favourite places to go is Ku Bar for its vibrant atmosphere, sexy as hell bar staff, the gracious owner Gary and the bar’s effervescent and fabulous host, Nieko. Of course, this time round it was Eurovision night, so take everything I’ve just said and times it by ten! The place was heaving, flags adorned not only the bar but also the bar staff’s firm chests. We couldn’t keep our eyes off of the ‘flags’. It wasn’t only the main floor that was buzzing, upstairs is one of KU Groups other venues the Light Lounge. Though more relaxed in its plush decor and serving some of the best cocktails in the west end, you could still taste Eurovision in the air. After sampling a couple of cocktails, we noticed a crowd of people coming in and out of the Klub entrance, so we headed off to see if the Eurovision vibe had taken hold of the entire building. It had. How could it not with the ‘lady’ of house, Lady Lloyd, holding court in the Klub? A massive screen played the contest to a gleeful crowd, and though it’s not the first time Graham Norton’s voice has been heard down there, people were loving it all the same. We can’t remember the rest of the night after that. Blame Lloyd. It’s always her fault. 40 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Bar Reviews.indd 40 17/05/2016 18:46 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 41 17/05/2016 18:45 © Marc Brenner Artsbitching THEATRE Dr.Faustus at Duke Of Yorks Theatre Runs to June 25th. 0844-871-7651 By Fraulein Sasha Selavie W Devil Worship For Dummies! hat’s the perfect recipe for a West End smash? Surely, casting a hot, brooding hunk from killer TV show Game of Thrones as star in probably the greatest gay play ever penned? Why, to rephrase Marlowe, Kit Harington’s is the face that launched a thousand jerkoffs, a kisser made to be blessed with molten, squirting spunk. Ker-ching, right? Er, no. Instead, just ask yourself, how low can low possibly go? Try atrocious. What raving idiocy dared to replace Kit Marlowe’s middle, character arc with poxy, low-rent farce Rowan Atkinson wouldn’t puke on? Surely Marlowe – the sneering, Great Satan scourge of prissy Protestants back in the day – 1592 – deserves better? Understand, England then was more harshly religious than Saudi Arabia, so Marlowe’s heretical Faustus was more insanely provocative than Boy George twerking in a burqa! No wonder. Marlowe was a loud-mouthed, viciously irreverent Elizabethan Bad Boy and Public Enemy Number One combined, sheer poison in theatrical circles. ‘All those that love not boys and tobacco (a new, depraved vice in 1592!) are fools’ he smirked, tossing flagrant red rags to his detractors. Think a one-man, fatally provocative combo of Stephen Fry, Richard Dawkins and Nigel Farage dripping with erudition and instantly, you’ll get Kit’s incredibly irritating X-factor! Better still – for current, media-whore tastes, at least – Marlowe had the first, truly modern celebrity death. How totally 2016 is being fatally stabbed in a bar by your frenzied boyfriend disputing the bill? So, what (l-r) Craig Stein, Tom Edden, Kit Harington © Marc Bren could possibly derail Marlowe’s outrageously offensive classic of Faustus selling his soul to the devil? Try dopey, manic, cash-cow cynicism for starters. Insultingly, every pop-culture, devil-reference hook imaginable – even Kylie’s ‘Better The Devil You Know’ – is used to distract this frenzied, easily bored, Game of Thrones fan-base. Ever get the feeling you’re being patronised? But screw the diabolical, background bar loops – the most blatant condescension’s onstage. The omens suck butt from moment one; Harrington’s deadbeat, drooling Faustus sprawls in a crappy, man-cave bedsit facing the worst torments imaginable – daily cleaning chores. Murdering poetic verse with the oafish aplomb of a blithely dysfunctional football-thug, Harrington ensures every nuance is painfully spelled (ha, ha) out in CAPITAL letters. Okay, fine – in a Stacey Dooley master-class, maybe but this Faustus truly takes a dump with its devils. Shouldn’t Supreme Evil - you know, dudes who flash-fry freshborn babies for breakfast – be more imposing than flabby trannies in grubby, charity-store pantigirdles? Not here, and the acting completely leaves the building for Colin Teevan’s new scenes, best described as Bill and Ted’s Excellent, air-guitar Damnation. Christ, why junk Marlowe’s filthily transgressive rockets up the Papal arse for this, all pump-action, chav-tastic, name-check cameos of Obama, Derren Brown and Harry Potter? And unbelievably, Marlowe’s sublime, Helen of Troy summoning gets brutally reworked as a crassly rapist bitch-fight worthy of Jason Statham’s abysmal Crank flicks. Gee, what’s not to like? I’m appalled, then Faustus asks, ‘Where is Hell?’ It’s right here, Kit, watching this abortion, so thank Jesus you don’t have to! *Got surgically-urgent, arts and theatre news? [email protected]. 42 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Artsbitching.indd 42 17/05/2016 18:57 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 43 17/05/2016 18:46 Savage #J U L I A S AY S ... by Princess Julia I got myself into a bit of a kerfuffle last week when everyone got obsessed with Madonna’s tits and bum ‘bad taste’ party look at the Met Ball. Since when have we been worried about bad taste I ask you. I’m from the school of John Waters (film maker of films starring Divine etc in case you don’t know) bad taste theories... blimey, words like ‘desperate’ popped up on my timeline about the subject, but really shouldn’t we all be allowed to wear whatever we like, wherever we like? Every Friday and Saturday night at Savage down at the Metropolis strip club on Cambridge Heath Road, they positively encourage the most glamourous ‘bad taste’ looks all in the name of having FUN! If you haven’t been yet get down there, wear what you like and catch up with DJ’s Jonjo Jury etc. If you like a bit of live music then may I suggest you make your way down to a Rough Trade in store evening gig. They do them all the time and it’s a great way to keep abreast of new bands and music coming up. On Friday 20th May at 7pm Kate Jackson & The Wrong Moves unveils her debut solo album British Road Movies. Kate was the lead singer with The Long Blondes btw. Clubbers, I haven’t forgotten you... Shake Yer Dix up at the Dalston Superstore is back on Friday 20th May. Jamie ‘HomoElectric’ Bull heads up the electro-disco-beats with DJs Michael Kelly, Ronika, Tom of Swindon and Ruby Waters. 10-3am! Then on Saturday 21st Meat East return to DSS for the first of two summer sessions... DJ’s Nic Fischer and Dan Beaumont in the basement and the ‘meat’ boys themselves DJ upstairs with special guest Jonathan Henfrey. Maybe Baby at The Glory can only mean one thing...it’s show time! On Saturday 21st at 7pm grab a seat and witness a ‘whirlwind show’ with Shay Shay, Lasana Shabazz, Robyn Withawhy and Joan Oh! More entertainment at The Glory who are ceaselessly putting on all sorts - Dis Place is an interactive play about the big question of immigration, taking place in The Glory’s basement theatre space, final two nights on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th May. theglory.co New book alert! The Rise The Fall And The Rise by Brix Smith Start is a hefty tome charting the life of post-punk chic Brix and her fascinating life growing up in Hollywood and then becoming part of cult band The Fall in the 80’s. She’s gone on to be part of London’s fashion scene and most recently has picked up her trusty guitar and formed her own band Brix & The Extricated. Gripping read! 44 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Review Section.indd 44 17/05/2016 19:09 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 45 17/05/2016 18:46 C A B A R E T By Jason Reid Heels of Glory is GO! Heels of Glory is an all-original show that brings various aspects of the cabaret community together for one big action packed drag musical, with names such as Topsie Redfern, Kiki Lovechild, Sarah Louise Young and many more involved. After years in the pipeline, the show is finally set to go ahead at the upcoming London Pride Festival. Jason Reid spoke to writer Tricity Vogue, and Topsie to get the lowdown. Hey Tricity, tell us the brief premise of Heels of Glory. Drag is a metaphor for lots of other things - finding your identity, being who you are and overcoming the forces trying to control you. Heel’s of Glory is a coming-of-age story. Its heroes come from the LGBT+ world, but the show has universal themes of acceptance, courage and identity, underneath all the larking about. It’s very funny as well. How could it not be, with that cast? I could give them a parking ticket to read aloud and it’d still be funny. And it’s not too rude, so it’s got a 16+ age limit, which means a whole new audience of baby drag queens can be welcomed into the fold. Where did the idea/ inspiration come from? When I first created the cabaret persona of Tricity Vogue, I worked with a very talented and larger-than-life dress designer called Stephane St Jaymes, AKA Hollywood, who had a former life as a drag queen. Stephane created my debut gown, and when I’d go over to his place for a fitting, he’d tell me the stories he and his drag queen friend Darcy liked to make up together about a pair of drag queens on the run, who used their drag accoutrements to make their escape; they could descend buildings by a rope concealed inside their wigs, and when they jumped through a pane of glass, they’d always leave a stylishly posed silhouette behind. Richard Link was my singing teacher back in 2007, and one lesson I told him about Stephane’s fantasy drag spies. “That would make an amazing musical,” Richard said. “Ask Stephane what the rest of the story is, and whether he’ll let us use it.” Stephane said there was no more story than that they didn’t have a story, just a series of really fabulous scenes in their heads - and he said we were welcome to do what we wanted with the idea. He came to watch our first rehearsed reading of the show in April 2012, and gave us his blessing. He said what we’d done was nothing like his old stories with Darcy, but he loved it. There’s a real mix of performers in the show, from all genres of cabaret. Was it intentionally cast that way? The mix of cabaret genres in the show has happened organically over the years, because Richard and I were both working in cabaret, so we got our cabaret friends and colleagues on board to help us out from the start. It seemed to work, unleashing cabaret performers on a scripted story and letting them play fast and loose with the material, so we ran with it. We’ve now got cabaret, drag, musical theatre, comedy, burlesque and clowning all playing together. As for the storyline, there’s a lot of mixing it up there too. That must be fun to play around with? The ideas always been about mixing it up from the start, and the fun that offers up - what if drag queens were secret agents? It’s the incongruity of the two things that makes it fun. Finally, why should people totter along to see Heels of Glory? I talked this question over with Richard this evening while we were working on a new song for our villainess, Allura Supreme (played to the hilt by SarahLouise Young). He said, “It’s funny and touching. It’s a laugh but it also speaks about the human condition. It has so much heart.” It also has great songs - glorious, full-fat singalong tunes, tongue-in-cheek naughty numbers, big ballads, and an all-singing, all-dancing finale. It sends up all the action adventure clichés, but instead of violence and guns, there’s all the attitude, cheekiness and sauce of drag. It’s a comic book world come alive - a glamorous, larger-than-life world of goodies and baddies and sequins. Topsie Redfern “When I first started on the cabaret circuit circuit, Tricity, one of the writers, asked me to audition for a development workshop of the show. I was lucky enough to be able join the team at that point and the rest is herstory. I’m a total show girl at heart. My training and professional background is in Musical Theatre. This production is extra special because the writers and performers are all top notch cabaret artists. My character is Splendorella the most fabulous Drag Queen in the world. Gotta be typecasting, no?! Honey - a young drag wannabe - ends up onstage at the drag club ‘La Douche’ with Splendorella. Honey gets dragged (excuse the pun) into Splendorella’s dark world of addiction and dependency, a world where malevolent forces are working to annihilate every single Drag Queen in the world. No spoilers. Come and watch the show!” Heels of Glory runs at the Chelsea Theatre from 9-26th June 46 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Cabaret.indd 46 17/05/2016 18:53 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 47 17/05/2016 18:48 Disco, Blisters & A Comedown Dylan Jones’ roundup of new music for people who listens to music! I was in PARIS over the weekend! I visited Oscar Wilde’s grave, ate possibly the best meal I’ve ever eaten (chicken with white wine mushroom risotto, gorgeous!) and went gay clubbing! So instead of writing about Ariana Grande (again), I’ve decided to do my fave French tunes. All of them are perfect for falling over in Dior, or having dramatic rows with Russian oligarchs in ornate hotel rooms. Just saying. Inna Modja – French Cancan (Monsieur Sainte Nitouche) Love Inna Modja! She’s the darling of stylish French summery pop. All she has to do is put on a sarong and saunter down the banks of the Seine, and hundreds of gays fall at her feet. I investigated her back catalogue and she’s got some lovely little ditties, but my favourite is “French Cancan (Monsieur Sainte Nitouche)”. I’m a sucker for a song with a bracketed byline, so that’s always a good omen. Like Britney Spears’ oeuvre of sonorous perfection, “Get Naked (I Got A Plan)”. Or Lindsay Lohan’s upcoming single “Vomit And Viagra (Where’s My Oystercard?)”. That’s not Linday Lohan’s upcoming single, I made it up. She doesn’t have an upcoming single. ANYWAY listen to Inna Modja, she’s gorgey! Mylene Farmer – A Lombre (Offer Nissim Remix) Now THIS was blasting out of all the Parisian gay clubs over the weekend. It’s proper torsopumping, vodka-and-cokeswilling, dancefloor-fingering gay techno debauched ridiculousness! Love it! M. Pokora – A Nos Actes Manques PHWOOOAR! M Pokora is *Cheryl Cole voice* REET UP MAH STREET! He’s lovely too, all his songs are about saving the world and things. Well Monsieur Pokora, you can save MY world. Actually I’d rather you didn’t save it, I’d rather you PILLAGED it. What am I on about? Soz, back to making sense. I heard this coming from a gaggle of gays’ Boombox in the sun on the grass by the Eiffel Tower. They were throwing their heads back and laughing and drinking champagne. Daahhhhhling *lights cigarette* 48 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Review Section.indd 48 17/05/2016 19:10 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 49 17/05/2016 18:48 Yo ur gui d e t o t h e w e e k ’s b e s t B A R , C L UB & C A B A R E T e v e n t s in L o n d o n 19 May 25 May M U S T S THURSDAY 19TH MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Gravity Onyx ReMixed at Protocol: 6A, South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1SP. 11pm-8am (Thursday night/ Friday morning). Vauxhall legends Gravity & Onyx combine forces to bring you the ultimate Thursday night/Friday morning afterhours! TONIGHT: Fat Tony, Zach Burns Charlie Holland, Jason Prince & Matt Unique. Hosted by Sidney Bueno. Hard-Up Thursdays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Start the weekend early and relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Room Service at Club 49: 49 Greek Street, Soho, W1D. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Eagle London at 349 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. Closed for refurbishment. G-A-Y Porn Idol at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. Amateur strip night with £100 prize money! To enter email [email protected] BARS & CABARET New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Looking for a bargain lunch? COUNTER’s Snappy Lunch is £10 for a main and a glass of wine or beer. NEW Spring menu available now. BackCounter Swing: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 7pm10pm. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. Happy hour 5-8pm, enjoy cocktails and jazz in this lush venue. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 4pm-4am. Thursdays are the new Fridays at Soho’s intimate bar/ club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF, 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm2am. The grand dame of Soho. Tasty Tim’s Takeover from 8:30pm - big House classics all night!. G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton Street. 12pm-2am. Free entry. Popular pop music bar with non-stop hits on the screens and a fun, flirty atmosphere. Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Popular central London karaoke fun with Kevin Walsh. Showtime at 8pm. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 6pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. Candy at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am. Snap cackling pop & chart with Heidi Liscious and the gorgeous gogo boys. West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. & M A Y B E S Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. 3 spin the tunes in its downstairs basement club spot. FRIDAY 20TH MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Le Cock at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 11pm-6am. £5 b4 1am, £8 after. House, disco, pop and Italo mash-up with Martyn Fitzgerald & Jeffrey Hinton! Men Inc at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 3am. Free before 10pm, £5 after. MEN INC with DJs Dan Murphy & Sugarbear. Free BBQ, bubbly and shots this weekend to celebrate re-opening! A:M at Protocol: Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place SW8 1SP, 11pm – 11am. £4 with a flyer/AD before 1am. It’s time to celebrate HBIC Louise Port’s big 4-0 this Friday. Where better than her monster afterhours event A:M? It’s an eleven hour marathon, featuring tunes from the likes of Gonzalo, Michel Mizrahi, Nik Denton, D’Johnny, Yvette Lindquist, Terry Bryan, and Richard Jones. Shake Yer Dix at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm-3am. Gay electroclash bash with Michael Kelly, Jamie Bull and Ronika! Beefmince at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 10pm – 4am. £5 adv, £5 OTD before 11pm, £7 after. Beefy gay dance night at one of London’s most iconic gay venues. Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Your late night homo disco now every Friday as well as Saturday. Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 8pm-3am. FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. Pop perfection and hot floor fillers as Ku’s hot BARS & CABARET Prince Tribute Show at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, NW1 9NX. 9pm – 3am. £5. A tribute show to the legendary Prince, hosted by Sadie Sinner and guests. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. FEMSESH at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS. 10pm-2am. Free b4 10pm, £5 after. Debauchery in The Glory’s glitterhole dance basement. Let’s have a femsesh! Friday Night Fever at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 5pm – 1am. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall with style and great drinks. TONIGHT: DJ Chillz Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Karaoke at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open from 6pm til 3am or later... FREE The super-friendly Kings Cross bar. DJs ‘til late. Hosted by DJ Chris Reardon Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 9pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho 50 qxmagazine.com _QX_1106_Musts & Maybes.indd 50 17/05/2016 19:38 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M welcomes blokes and boys to her bosom for a Friday night of socialising. TONIGHT: DJ Zach Burns City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-4am. The friendly Greenwich local. TONIGHT: Lola Lasagne Friday Night Live at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. Tickets from £10. With DJ Little John & Sandra. Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 5am. Ku Bar’s little brother stretches across two floors for that perfect Soho warm-up drinking session and a little dance with downstairs DJs. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-12am. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Fadoodle at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am, Free. Into the Deep in the basement and Funhouse upstairs with Heidi Liscious and the Go Go’s. West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm, FREE. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot. The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Open till 1am. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. SATURDAY 21ST MAY CLUBS & EVENTS XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 10pm-7am. £15 guests, £8 members. Big, bear night with no attitude at super-club Pulse! DEBBIE at Shacklewell Arms: 71 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EB. 11pm – late. £5 entry. Female-fronted queer dance night with DJs Sina Sparrow and Bitchcakes! All About Me at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 4am. Free before 10pm, £6 after. Brand new Saturday pop night, with DJs Lil’ John & Andy Garbi. Free bubbly and shots to celebrate re-opening! Blocheads at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10pm – 6am. £5 before 12am, £10 after. East Bloc’s weekly Saturday with Hifi Sean, Whitney Weiss, Martyn Fitzgerald and Beary Carey. meat at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm - 4am. £5 entry. The Meat Boys are back with more beefy tunes! Duckie at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm-2am. £6. Duckie’s flag ship rock ‘n’ roll honky tonk. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-5am, FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. The party continues in Ku’s basement club with hot pop and floor fillers from the DJs. Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Weekly Saturday club night from the Sink The Pink crew. Glitter Bomb at The Shadow Lounge: Brewer Street, Soho, W1G 0RF. 10pm-3am. Let disco do its dance with live entertainment, dancers and DJs. G-A-Y at Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. £5 entry wristbands available from GA-Y Bar, Free entry with wristband. Hefty hits and huge acts at the palace of pop. Mr Rubber at The Hoist: Railway Arch 47C, South Lambeth Road, SW8. Contest at 00:30, members £5 before 11, £7 after. Guests £15. It’s Mr Rubber 2016 at the notorious fetish haunt, The Hoist! Sounds by DJ Latex. Sweatbox: Foam Party at 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. 24hr pass £17, 48hr pass £19. Unwind and release some tension after a stressy week with the all the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s original weekly party. BARS & CABARET Ku Bar Lisle Street: Chinatown, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. One of London’s hottest gay bars and clubs. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 5pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Open ‘til 1:30am. Vauxhall’s best kept secret for fun, decadence and cocktails. Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Vauxhall’s best all-day brunch. Try their delicious French toast and Build You Own Bellini special at your table. Babez at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 9pm-3am. £5. The ultimate pop 51 qxmagazine.com _QX_1106_Musts & Maybes.indd 51 17/05/2016 19:38 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M party with DJs Dom Top, Lady Lloyd and Beary Carey Glory Lates at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS. 5pm – 2am. Free before 10pm, £5 after. The Glory’s Lates series continues, this week with Shay Shay! New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Cabaret: Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton Street. 12pm-2am. Free entry. Popular pop music bar with non-stop hits on the screens and a fun, flirty atmosphere. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-4am. The friendly Greenwich local. TONIGHT: Titti La Camp Rose Garden’s Swap Shop/Lipsync Saturday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon St, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 3am. Rose Garden and DJ Little John from 4pm. Showtime at 5pm. Followed by Xanadu from 8pm, the Camp Disco. Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 12am (3am last Friday of the month). Perfect for that Soho warm-up drinking session and cheeky dance with downstairs DJs. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-12am. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venuve; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 10pm-4am. Free b4 10, £8 after. Cabaret and clubbing ‘til late at the famous venue. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-3am. Chunky funky techno in the basement with Paul Heron and snap crackling pop upstairs with Heidi Liscious. Willam at West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. TONIGHT: WILLAM The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Midday ‘til Late. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. SUNDAY 22ND MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Disco Brunches at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. Free entry. Pop into D-Swizzle for some lovely food to stave off your hangover! It’s disco! It’s brunch! It’s disco brunch! Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 8pm – 3am. £6. Unbridled Sunday night fun! Free bubbly and shots to celebrate reopening! Beyond at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 4am – SUPERLATE. £10 advance. £13 w/flyer b4 7am. MOTD. Combining hedonistic dance music & show stopping performances Beyond really is the ultimate Gay party destination. Sunday Social at The Vauxhall Tavern: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 3pm – 12am. £4 members/£5. Weekly Sunday fun at The Vauxhall Tavern, with cabaret and DJs on rotation. TONIGHT: Simon LeVans, Liam Chaplin, Sean Sirrs & Myra Dubois. Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. Closed for refurbishment. Orange at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 11pm -SUPERLATE. £1 entry before 1am with a flyer/AD. Orange gives you 100% fresh house. Rotation of superhot DJs every week, including Fat Tony, Nik Denton, Alex Georgiou Chris Barker, and hosted by Glendora! BARS & CABARET Sunday Mass at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Virgin Xtravaganazah soothes away your weekend sins. Rejoice! New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of central London. Happy hour 4pm – 8pm daily. Counter: Arch 50, 7-11 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Brunch, lunch, dinner or cocktails – the weekend continues. BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. Vauxhall’s new playground. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. TONIGHT: Happy Sunday from 3pm-midnight. Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Big Queer Songbook at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. From 5pm. Free entry. Big ole’ singalong with queer music from Jonny Woo, Rudi Douglas and friends. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. Leather Social at Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 5pm-12am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. Brunch off Broadway at Counter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The funniest brunch this side of Bleecker Street, piano bar delights. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-2am. FREE. The friendly Greenwich local. CK Sunday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 11pm. Another award winning Sunday at Halfway to Heaven! New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11.30pm. Open all week for the more social gays around the Kings Cross/Bloomsbury area. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Cabaret: 8pm. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: Mrs Moore with DJ Jason Prince Power of Three at Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-2am. FREE b4 8pm, £4 after. South London’s legendary club, bar and cabaret spot with Miss Jason, La Voix & Sandra. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-11:30pm. Wind down with happy hour at the village between 5-9pm. West 5 South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. From 8pm The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. MONDAY 23RD MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Popcorn at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm5.30am. £5 b4 1am, £8 after, Last admission 3:30am. FREE with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar b4 1am. Massive mixed mash-up with four rooms of top sounds, from upfront, progressive house to chart hits, via R&B tuneage. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. Members free, guests £3. Late night bar/lounge experience. Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Finding Mondays hard to handle? Relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. FREE. DJs play the weekend out on a wave of hot pop. The Big Bingo Show at Vauxhall Tavern: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 7pm – 12am. Free. Mad bingo with TImberlina! BARS & CABARET Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Come down to Camden’s brightest queer jewel! The City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec 52 qxmagazine.com _QX_1106_Musts & Maybes.indd 52 17/05/2016 19:38 O L R I A S S Did you know? We are centrally located on the edge of the city. We are only 2 stops from BanK 1 stop from Fenchurch street and 2 stops from Canary Wharf CITY BY DAY, EAST END BY NIGHT 570-574 COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, E14 7JD U info: 020 7791 2808 www.sailorssauna.com QX 1106 MASTER 2.indd 53 17/05/2016 18:41 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. From 9pm. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. The real queen of Soho. Bar Alex Eugenio from 8:30pm- ‘Soulful House with a Disco Twist’ plus Happy Hour from 5 ‘til close! Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon St. WC2. 7.30pm. Karaoke with singer Kevin Walsh on hosting duties. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-1am. All night happy hour with 50% off cocktails and selected drinks. TUESDAY 24TH MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Bar Wotever at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. From 7pm, show at 8:30pm. £5. Genderbending cabaret, live music and performance at the monumental Vauxhall Tavern. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. Members free, guests £3. Late night bar/lounge experience. G-A-Y Late: 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm – 3am. Free entry. Hot pop sounds, drinks specials, cute guys and a pop perfect atmosphere. cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. TONIGHT: Quiz night, try to win a £60 bar tab if you’ve got the smarts! The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails all night. Quiz Night at The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Karaoke at Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/ club spot. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-1am. Happy hour until 9pm. WEDNESDAY 25TH MAY CLUBS & EVENTS XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. £15 guests, £8 members. Midweek grizzly fun for bears and their admirers. Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm – 2am. Members free, guests £3. Late night bar/lounge experience. Uncontrollable Urge at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-2:30am. Free. Superstore’s late-night midweek dose of sleaze! Eccentric electronica and weirdo-disco! Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. BARS & CABARET Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm1am, Free. Camden’s hottest new dance spot! Wednesday Naughties at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. Super social pub downstairs, chilled club lounge upstairs with guest pianist tinkling the ivories. BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. Sing-A-Long-A-Sound of Martha at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. TONIGHT: Sing-A-LongA-Sound of Martha D’Arthur and Justin Swift. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. The Voice of The Village at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm1am. Karaoke with the outrageous Robyn Banks from 9pm. Win a £50 bar tab. West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. BARS & CABARET RuPaul’s Drag Race Screening at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Come watch season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race with performances and scathing commentary from Meth. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. See you Next Tuesday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. See you next Tuesday with Bette Rinse and DJ LittleJohn Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering 54 qxmagazine.com _QX_1106_Musts & Maybes.indd 54 17/05/2016 19:39 QX 1106 MASTER 2.indd 55 17/05/2016 18:53 Get Your Rocks Off Hoist is on the lookout for Mr Hoist Rubber 2016. It’s their 20th year too, so they’ll be pulling out all the stops with two whole arches of utter sleaze to please you. Proceedings will be presided over by the lovely Larry Latex, and expect hot rubber sirs, eager latex boys and pups, plus anything in between. The prizes for the contest this year are bigger and better then ever before! Expectations London, who have by far the best rubber gear selection on the planet, have gone all the way with prizes worth over £500 for the winner alone. Plus, there are prizes for Best Rubber outfit, Best Pup and the outrageous piss a pint, get a pint free competition. The Hoist, Arches 47b and 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1SR, 10pm – 4am. Guests £15. Members £5 before 11pm, £7 after. THURSDAY 19TH MAY The Hoist: SM Gays at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. 8pm-12am. Sexual sadomasochism mixer. No dress code. Third Thursday of the month. Teds Place: TV/TS Party Night at 305a North End Road, W14 9NS. 7pm-2am. £5. A horny night in the cruisey basement club in West London. 56 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 56 CENTRAL SWEATBOX 1 – 2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN. Soho’s only sauna attracts a young hot crowd with its ambient lighting and under 25 discounts. There’s even a mirrored room! Scintillating. www.sweatboxsoho.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry 24hr pass, £19 - 48hr pass. £10 for under 25’s. Mr Hoist Rubber Saturday May 21st WEDNESDAY 18TH MAY The Backstreet: Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 7pm-11pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. The Hoist: NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. 9pm-1am, boots or trainers with jocks, shorts or underwear. The Underground Club: Hard Cruz at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 10pm-1am, free. Men only, hard, up cruise night where you can get it on. Vault: Cruise/ Underwear at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1pm-7pm, £8. Followed by Underwear, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get down to your underwear. LONDON SAUNA GUIDE The Underground Club: Pants/Spankz/Come To Daddy at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. Spankz, 6pm-10pm, £25 b4 7pm & £7 after, CP night for rougher, tougher play. Come To Daddy, 10pm-2am, £5, for bears, daddies, big boys, chubs and chasers. Vault: Cruise/Stripped at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Followed by Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get nude and rude. Strictly naked, except footwear. FRIDAY 20TH MAY The Hoist:at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Arch 2. GUMMI, 10pm-3am. Monthly rubber night. Arch 1 Subversion Noir. 10pm-4am. ST8/bi group fun. Teds Place: Cruise & Dark Room at 305a North End Road, W14 9NS. 7pm-12am. £3. A horny night in the cruisey basement club in West London. The Underground Club: Pants/Fetish Bound at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. Fetish Bound, 7pm-11:30am, £7.50. Menonly fetish event with a wide and varied dress code! Vault: Cruise at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Horny cruise spot minutes from the West End. SATURDAY 21ST MAY The Hoist: Boys & Sirs/ Mr Hoist Rubber at South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Boys & Sirs at Arches 47b & 47c, 2pm-7pm, for those into spanking. SBN Afterdark at Arch 2, 10pm-4am. See box out above. The Backstreet: Spurt/ Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 6pm-10pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Naked, underwear and shorts night where you can give your mates a helping hand! The Underground Club: Pants/Collared at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants,12pm-6pm, £4, underwear fun. Collared, 7pm-midnight. Members £5, non-members £10. Kink experience with equipment, video screens and resident DJs. ´ STABLE 29 Endell St, WC2H 9BA. Sexy steamy fun tucked away in the heart of London’s classiest shopping district. Who’d have thought it! For opening times and pricing see website, www. thestable.london SOUTH CHARIOTS Situated in two prime locations around the capital, Chariots is the undisputed emperor of London’s sauna empire! More steam, towels and muscles than you can shake a locker key at! www.chariots.co.uk Vauxhall: Rail Arches 63-64, Albert Embankment SE1 7TP 12pm–8am Monday to Thursday, then 12pm-8am Monday. £19 entry. Waterloo: 101 Lower Marsh, SE1 7AB. 24 hours all week. £14 entry. PLEASUREDROME 124 Cornwall Road, SE1 8XE. Widely regarded as the city’s most famous sauna, providing fun in a clean and classy environment! www.pleasuredrome.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry, £12 under 25’s with proof of age. £12 with QX advert. LOCKER ROOM 8 Cleaver St, SE11 4DP. Cosy sauna in a convenient corner of Kennington. Lock yourself into the Locker Room for fun and frolics. www.lockerroomsauna.com 11am-12am Monday to Thursday, 24 hours Friday – Sunday (closes midnight Sunday). £13 entry, £20 weekend pass. EAST SAILORS SAUNA Limehouse’s Sailors Sauna is a cosy, sexy, salubrious port in the choppy waters of London’s gay scene. www.sailorssauna.com 570-574 Commercial Rd, E14 7JD. Sunday to Thursday 11am–11pm, Friday & Saturday 11am – 8am. £15 Entry. Wanna get down and dirty? Download the ‘QX Gay London’ iPhone app from the app store now and get yerself sorted! 17/05/2016 19:00 1-7pm, £8. Cruise, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, just pants b4 7pm, then cruise ‘til late. Hard On Saturday May 21st It’s time to get your balls out for Hard On’s sports gear night! All fetishes are welcome, but it’s a sports theme so pull on your footie shorts, wrap up in wrestling gear and slip on that jockstrap! There’s an XXX rated show from Ale Tedesco and new cummer Antonio Molinas, who puts the F into fucking! As well as all that, there’ll be anal scoring grooves from DJs Brent Nicholls & Tony Bruno. There’s a huge fully equipped play space and water arena for the watersporters where you can get your sextathlon on. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment Vauxhall SE1 7TP, 10pm – late. £15 for members, £20 for non-members. www.hardonclub.co.uk Hard On See box out above. Vault: Cruise at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8. Free drink, cloakroom, re-entry. Dark corners, catch a dirty movie, indulge your carnal side. SUNDAY 22ND MAY The Hoist: SBN Open House/NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Party for guys who like wearing boots or trainers with jocks, shorts, underwear or naked if you dare. Both arches open for SBN Open House! The Backstreet: Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 6pm-10pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. Teds Place: Chill Out at 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am, £3 b4 10pm, £5 after, mixed/gay crowd of cruisey guys. The Underground Club: Streams Of Pleasure at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 1pm-11pm. £7. Yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Underwear/ Cruise at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Underwear, MONDAY 23RD MAY Teds Place: TV/TS Admirers & Gay at 305a North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £3. Night for lovers of trans, drag and gay beauties. Something for everyone! The Underground Club: Pants/Butt Naked/Hard Cruz at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm. Butt Naked, 6pm-10pm, £5, strip down and get off with like-minded guys. Hard Cruz, 10pm-1am, free entry, hard cruzing for horny guyz. Vault: Cruise/Stripped at Vault, 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, horny cruise session first before naked time (except footwear). TUESDAY 24TH MAY Bunker Bar: Club CP at 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 7pm – 11pm. £6 members, £7 nonmembers. Punishment night for naughty boys. Video room, CP rooms, smaller areas for 1-2-1’s, full bar, lots of seating and other equipment to bend over! They have equipment for you to use but you are welcome to bring your own. Teds Place: Underwear/ Naked at 305s North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £4, strictly underwear only. The Underground Club: Pants/S.O.P. at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, the attitude-free afternoon cruise club. Streams Of Pleasure, 6pm-1am, £8, yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Frat Party! at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8 after. Cruising session at this horny hot spot. Student Tuesdays; free entry before 7pm with student card. 57 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 57 17/05/2016 19:00 GENERAL SERVICES & MASSEURS PORTSEA SAUNA MARBLE ARCH, LONDON 3 Massage therapists available daily 2 Portsea Place W2 2BL 020 7402 3385 www.gaysaunabar.com ONLY £18 GREAT SENSUAL MASSAGE. www.qxmen.com/escort/0114 FIT MASCULINE GUY 40 TABLE / OILS. ACTIVE / VERSATILE. PADDINGTON. 07788 538 349 PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE, FIRM AND DEEP PRESSURE COMBINED WITH MORE RELAXING TECHNIQUES IN CENTRAL LONDON W2 - 1 MIN WALK TO LANCASTER GATE TUBE STATION AND JUST 5 MINS WALK FROM PADDINGTON STATION. PERSONAL TRAINING AT YOUR HOME OR HOTEL, EARLY MORNING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. WWW.THERAPEUTICHANDS.ORG.UK 07448 669 719 MEN WITH XXL LUTON VAN. DOMESTIC REMOVAL. RELIABLE & FRIENDLY SERVICE. ONLY £30 PER HOUR (MINIMUM 2 HRS). 07961 192 525 OR FREEPHONE 0800 211 8623 ARE YOU TIRED OF CLEANING? DO YOU LONG FOR THE SMELL OF A FRESHLY CLEAN HOUSE? CALL AIDEN ON 07999 692 285 COMPUTER HELP. MATTHEW 07941 888 386 COMPUTER. [email protected] INEXPENSIVE MASSAGE? SPANKING? TED: 07807 695 176 HERTFORDSHIRE 29 SEEKING GUYS 19-60 FOR SEX. 07722 449 381 TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL RUSS ON 020 7240 0055 OR EMAIL [email protected] KAMAGRA 100MG (ERECTION PILLS) Cruise bar in Central London Looking for new Bar Staff Contact Ian on 07748 646441 for further details INSTANTLY HAND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP ANYWHERE IN LONDON (DISCRETION ASSURED) COLLECTION ALSO AVAILABLE IN CENTRAL LONDON. 52 TABLETS FOR £50 100 TABLETS FOR £85 (ALSO AVAILABLE ORAL JELLY SACHET AND CIALIS.) CONDOM, LUBE AND POPPERS DELIVERY TIME - MONDAY TO SATURDAY - 10AM TO 8PM SUNDAY - 10AM TO 4PM NO NEED TO RISK YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS ONLINE: PAY CASH ON DELIVERY. 07532 290 033 H A N D _QXTRA 1106.indd 58 D E L I V E R E D 17/05/2016 18:58 AJ SEAN 28 24 BI 10” OVAL LUKAS 27 22 BOYISH, FRIENDLY VGL, 8.5IN U/C IN/OUT (24/7) LANCASTER GATE/ PADDINGTON. DUOS AVAILABLE LATIN MASSEUR HORNY CENTRAL LONDON 07851 110 467 07821 326 116 www.qxmen.com/escort/0341 OSKAR www.gaydar.co.uk/,,,,,,,,,,,sean (11commas) 07493 542 792 www.qxmen.com/escort/0190 www.qxmen.com/escort/0198 AVAILABLE 24/7 TOP/VERS 2 MINS FROM STATION www.qxmen.com/escort/0027 PADDINGTON In & Out Calls/Overnights 28, HORNY MUSCLED HUNKY LATIN FRIENDLY BASED IN W2 24/7 07597 574 888 07864 612 164 INDEPENDENT ESCORTS ALSO AT WWW.QXESCORTS.COM DANIEL SPECIAL OFFERS ON ADVERTISING IN THIS SECTION CONTACT RUSS 020 7240 0055 OR [email protected] TYSON (25) YGOR ROGY TOM WOLF MUSCLED MASCULINE DOMINANT LEATHER MASTER CONSTRUCTION GEAR SUITED + BOOTED SKINHEAD JOCK + BOOTS COMBAT GEAR HOT, HUNG & HORNY! 07852 698 194 ELITE AND DISCRETE BAYSWATER W2, GAY, VWE, VERSATILE www.gaydar.co.uk/Muscelseargent 07810 473 223 _QXTRA 1106.indd 59 www.qxmen.com/escort/0006 10” CUT CENTRAL LONDON IN/OUT CALLS 24 HRS 07776 065 999 NEW IN TOWN DUTCH BOTTOM BOY JORDY (DUOS AVAILABLE) BLACK TOP www.blacktopstud.com 23Y 8" MAYFAIR www.qxmen.com/escort/0023 07340-683-752 07856 515 917 www.qxmen.com/escort/0007 WWW.YGOR-ROGY.CO.UK WELL EQUIPPED SEX ROOM WITH SING. AVAILABLE 24/7 SEX ROOM WITH SLING www.qxmen.com/escort/0339 BLACK DAVID 10” THICK & UNCUT 07815 159 668 www.gaydar.co.uk/black_david www.qxmen.com/escort/0227 17/05/2016 19:02 man hunt BOYS OWN Where real men 18+ TM hang out. 7p per min ly 7p pe r m in u te on r fo ss ce ac D ir ec t L iv e 1 -2 -1 0844 999 8000 18+. Calls charged at 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Customer Service Number 0344 900 0028 LIVE 1-2-1 CHAT MEET GUYS FROM ALL OVER THE UK VOICEMAIL BOXES 0844 999 9999 ONLY 7p per minute 18+. Costs 7ppm plus your network’s access charge. Helpdesk = 0344 900 5445 CHAT.com CHAT & DATE Flirt with 100s of genuine gay guys on the phone right now! LIVE 1-2-1 0844 999 6667 7p per minute 18+. Calls to 0844 cost 7 pence per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 You can now enjoy our service by dialling a special 5 digit shortcode from your mobile 84466 25p per minute 18+. Calls to 84466 cost 25 pence per minute from any UK mobile. No other charges apply. Live calls recorded. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 QX 1106 MASTER 2.indd 60 17/05/2016 18:56 6’ TALL CZECH LUKAS CARLOS 24 IN/OUT OVERNIGHT TOP ONLY 07531 670 623 www.qxmen.com/escort/0200 LEONARDO FROM MILD TO WILD GORGEOUS YOUNG VERY FRIENDLY DISCREET AND WELL EDUCATED VERS/TOP 8 INCHES IN & OUTCALLS IN CENTRAL LONDON 07425 082 859 STILL THE BIGGEST AROUND NEW HOTTEST ESCORT GUY www.qxmen.com/escort/0014 CENTRAL LONDON W2 TOP AND BOTTOM www.qxmen.com/escort/0309 www.qxmen.com/escort/0294 PICCADILLY CIRCUS TUBE STATION NAKED MASSAGE OR TOP 35.YO, 8 INCHES UNCUT MEDIUM MUSCULAR, VERY GOOD LOOKING £130 IN £150 OUT WHITE HORSE STREET W1J7LQ, MAYFAIR www.othellonow.co.uk 07798 830 740 07554 094 715 INDEPENDENT ESCORTS ALSO AT WWW.QXESCORTS.COM OTHELLO 12” STEVE SOHO +44 7490 689 456 SPECIAL OFFERS ON ADVERTISING IN THIS SECTION CONTACT RUSS 020 7240 0055 OR [email protected] [email protected] VWE, ENJOYS ARSEPLAY, EXTREME2MILD ALL COLOURS CONSIDERED Queensway W2 Luxury apartment www.qxmen.com/escort/0037 www.xtremefistmen.com/blkfister www.topbear.com/blkstud42 Escort Adverts 1 x picture box in QX magazine (for 1 week) + 1 x picture box in QXMEN magazine (for 1 month) + Your own web page for a month on www.qxmen.com/escort (also www.qxescorts.com) £50 Call Russell on 0044 (0)20 7240 0055 ext.3 or email [email protected] _QXTRA 1106.indd 61 24 YEARS OLD BISEXUAL 9.5 INCHES IN & OUTCALLS 07960 872 226 www.qxmen.com/escort/0248 only LONDON'S #1 ESCORT CARL 07440 330 306 all for DIEZEL (TOP) BLACK FISTER SLEAZY TOP 07464 003 724 HORNY SOUTH LONDON SKINHEAD. FIT BODY, SMOOTH ARSE WITH A BIG COCK. INTO MOST SCENES. TOM 07815 899 394. MORE BTTM BUT A 100% MASCULINE BLOKE! GOOD LOOKING EAST AFRICAN 07487 634 592 MATURE MALE 60 GIVES FREE ORAL SEX TO 18 - 4O YO. 07951 045 153 ACTIVE BLACK FUCKING GOOD. OUT-CALLS. ££. 07943 569 650 FREE SEX 07539 832 161 24 HRS BLACK HUNG COLOURS 07961 615 690 RAYMON www.qxmen.com/escort/0117 FIT, SEXY, GL HOT 19 YEAROLD, VERY WELL HUNG TOP, ATHLETIC-BUILD, STRAIGHT BLK LAD. I GIVE A DISCRETE & QUALITY SERVICE WITH GREAT STAMINA TO ACTUALIZE YOUR FANTASIES & DESIRES. ALWAYS UP FOR HOT ACTION & U CAN BE SURE OF AN AMAZING & SATISFYING TIME FROM AN HOUR OR LONGER, OVERNIGHT OR WEEKS. I LOVE MAKING MEN/WOMEN MOAN WIT PLEASURE. IN CALLS - EARLS COURT. OUT CALLS - HOTELS ONLY. COUPLE/MASSAGE/COMPANIONSHIP @ HOTELS, PUBS & PARTIES TOP GUY DARK AND HANDSOME VERY SEXY BLACK GUY 10”X 5” COCK IN & OUT CALLS 24 HOURS NO TEXTS 07401 323 443 17/05/2016 19:02 COMMUNITY – GMFA SPORTS DAY The RVT/GMFA sports day is legendary! So legendary we decided it more than deserved a slot in our Community section! And this year it deserves it more than ever, because it’s their tenth anniversary! One thing that’s always been a trademark of the yearly sporting event is its inclusivity, breaking down barriers in the community. It doesn’t matter if you’re young, young at heart, thin, “fullsome”, fabulously flamboyant or a retiring wallflower secretly bursting to blossom – everyone’s welcome! Yes! As always, it is being held in Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens behind the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. The big day this year is Monday 29 th August. Being the 10 th annual Sports Day means there will be some extra stuff and surprises (OOH!) as well as the regular and hugely popular usual sports day fare, like the 50 metre mince, drag relay, tug o’ war, egg and spoon race and our favourite – the handbag toss. Team registration is now open. This year up to 21 teams (five a team) will be able to compete, but be quick. The gang at GMFA are already working their fingers to the bone, entering details of people who have already expressed interest. It’s all for a number of fantastic causes, raising funds for GMFA, Vauxhall City Farm and Friends of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. Matthew Hodson of GMFA said, “Come rain or shine, the GMFA / RVT Sports Day is still the most fun of all the fundraising events of the year - and after two damp years we’re due some sunshine this year. As it’s the 10th of the GMFA Sports Days, we want it to be even bigger, bolder and more outrageous than before. Sports Day raises funds for GMFA’s sexual health information and for FS magazine, which receive no Government funding and depend on the support of the community.” For more details go to www.gfma.org.uk/sportsday 62 qxmagazine.com QX_1106_xxx.indd 62 17/05/2016 18:47 m very day pm e wit -2 h de: QX110 . Co 6. 16 . E 5 £12 betwe en just ry 7a t n cher. Valid to vou 31 is .0 th Sponsor of QX 1106 MASTER 2.indd 63 17/05/2016 18:54 QX 1106 MASTER 1.indd 27 17/05/2016 18:24
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