The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self
The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self
LP-T25-1B The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self-learning: Implications for the evolutionary origins of language Björn Brembs1, Diana Pauly2, Rüdiger Schade3, Ezequiel Mendoza1, Hans-Joachim Pflüger1, Jürgen Rybak4, Constance Scharff1, Troy Zars5 Institut für Biologie - Neurobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin; 2 Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin; 3 Institut für Pharmakologie, Charité, Berlin; 4 Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany; 5 Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo, USA 1 [email protected], 1. Abstract CS 50 0.8 12 0.7 40 0.6 8 0.5 0.4 6 20 invertebrates FoxP1 vertebrates 30 10 ta rip us c s lat s u d y m allus s un ta e u h g tta ac llus ittac a gu s r u T a ps ygi G elo iop rvegic n o M ae s n T attu sculus R s mu etti Mu otis rick ypus My nycteris pach Tylo erma spasma Megad Rhinolophus luctus Rhinolophus ferrumeq uinu Hippo Asellissideros armiger cus st Co Tapelops fri oliczkanus thii M hoz Ch iniop ous m elan E a te o S qu ere rus Ca us us a phon schre pogon ib pr scr sin pli a of us cat ersii a us hi rc us x ltii hin nau ca yi us sp e ur us ch ala ta er les im s pt tus le h Bo no et ga Cy ous arro s R im tu laris Ch lis cayx col s Fe ton iliari s Arc nis fam s cuniculu Ca olagu Oryct ca mulatta Maca Papio anubis Gorilla gorilla FoxP2 FoxP3 FoxP4 0.3 Fig. 1: The insect FoxP orthologues suggest the ancestral form 4 The bilaterian FoxP gene family arose from a single FoxP gene. The ancestral variant, conserved in the invertebrate lineage, later underwent two subsequent duplications, leading to the four vertebrate genes, FoxP1, FoxP2, FoxP3 and FoxP4. 0.2 10 2 0.1 du no eb ra lb ri d ge dy dbo so i lip oc pr m 3. The Drosophila FoxP gene locus ot nn te lo an el la bu al us lo hr be oo s m bo fa ndi sh es ap ed bo dy pl so g at e la bu lo ul ed m li 0 0 er 0 la C Fraction of segmented neuropil [%] CS Dr o Sa sop h cc og ila Bo los me m Hy s l b dra us k ano yx ma ow ga mo gn ale ste ri ipa vs r pill kii ata Hom o Macac sapiens a mula Felis catuttsa Sus scrofa Bos taurus ulus Mus musc icus g e v r no s Rattus o sapienelii b m Ho go a tes Pon glodyubis tro an atta Pan apio mul rofais P ca sc iar ca Sus mil Ma fa is n Ca Rattus norvegicus Bos taurus Oryc Canistolagus cunic ulus fam Eq Cal uus ca iliaris bal M lith Pa acac rix jac lus a chu H n D o tro m s Xe an mo glod ulatta s i o y a no r p te pu eri ien s o s s la ev is 3955 Eq uu s Ra Mu Bos cab Ta ttus s m ta all u eni u opy norv scuurus s gia eg lus i D gu cu Xen anio ttatas Xeno opus la rerio pus tr op evis Homo s icalis apie Pan troglodyt ns es 3955 2. The FoxP gene family tree Mus musculusa estic lphis dom atinus Monode n chus a ttata orhyn ygia gu allus Ornith s g vis niop u l e Tae Gal us la lifera s i n o p el n e Xe is m pen bia Ap vitri am eum nia s g tan so le s Na phe ca m o An oliu ib Tr 9. No obvious brain defects in FoxP3955 mutants FoxP FoxP A B In humans, mutations of the transcription factor Forkhead box protein P2 (FoxP2) cause a severe speech and language disorder. Downregulating the Zebrafinch FoxP2 orthologue in development results in incomplete and inaccurate song imitation. These forms of vocal learning exhibit two common characteristics: 1. Spontaneous initiation of behavior (‘trying out’); 2. Evaluation of sensory feedback shaping behavior. Using a torque learning essay in which both characteristics have been realized, we investigated the involvement of the fly orthologue, FoxP, in operant self-learning in the fruit fly Drosophila. The experiments were performed using stationary flying Drosophila at the torque compensator with heat as punishment. Both a P-Element insertion and RNAi-mediated knockdown of the isoform B of the Drosophila FoxP gene did not lead to alterations of the gross brain anatomy, nor to an impairment in operant world-learning, i.e., color-learning, compared to control flies. However, both fly strains were impaired in operant self-learning, i.e., yaw-torque learning without any environmental predictors. Neither the FoxP intron retention isoform nor isoform A appear to be involved in this form of learning. These results suggest a specific involvement of isoform B of the Drosophila FoxP gene in the neural plasticity underlying operant self-learning but not in other forms of learning. To investigate the effects of RNAi knockdown and P-Element insertion on FoxP abundance and localization in the fly central nervous system, we have generated polyclonal chicken antibodies against four different regions of the putative FoxP protein. Perhaps not surprisingly, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that one of the evolutionary roots oflanguage is the ability to directly modify the neural circuits controlling behavior. It is noteworthy that these roots can apparently be traced back to the Ur-bilaterian, the last common ancestor of vertebrates and invertebrates. Fig. 8: Neither qualitative nor quantitative anatomical comparison reveals nany major differences between wildtype CS and FoxP mutant brains. A - Frontal sections of one typical wildtype and mutant fly brain, respectively. B - Volume rendering of a wildtype and a mutant fly brain. C - Quantitative study comparing the relative volumes of ten registered neuropil regions. Number of animals: FoxP: 7; CS: 5. 1 2 3 4 5 c03619 f03746 3955 7 6 8 A A 8. FoxP protein expression 2 3 45 6 I 1 2 3 45 6 1 2 3 45 6 B 100bp FH 1 B 7 7 8 Intron retention isoform A isoform B Fig. 2: The Drosophila FoxP gene locus and putative isoform mRNA structure. Triangles indicate insertions, grey arrows indicate the two (A, B) primer pairs used in our rtPCR. FH - Forkhead Box. 4. Characterizing three insertion lines only self-learning FoxPc03619 FoxPf03746 Median 25%-75% 15%-85% 2000 1718bp IR 1347bp A 532bp B p<0.05 2500 Total Flight Time [s] 7. Drosophila FoxP isoform B is required for self-learning FoxP3955 B Canton S A 1500 1000 500 * * f03746 c03619 0 CS Fig. 3: The three insertion mutants differ in isoform expression patterns and only one insetion line shows normal flight performance. 0.6 A - rtPCR results using the primers as described in Fig. 2. The three lines show marked differences in the expression patterns of the three isoforms. B - Flight performace tests show that only line 3955 is suitable for behavioral experiments at the torque meter. Number of animals: CS: 18, 3955: 30, f03746: 34, c03619: 37 0.4 Fig. 7: Raising polyclonal chicken IgY antibodies against Drosophila FoxP protein. 0.2 PI [rel. units] 0.0 rtPCR 30 37 6. Insertion 3955 in the FoxP gene affects self-learning only self-learning self- and world-learning 5. PKC activity is required specifically for self-learning p<0.02 0.6 IR laser diode 0.6 torque meter yaw torque signal Behavior 0.4 self l. 0.2 0.2 0.0 Control heat light source 0.4 29 36 genetic FoxP-RNAi controls Fig. 6: Self-learning requires isoform B. Targeting isoform B with with an RNAi construct directed against the last exon of the FoxP gene yields a phenocopy of the FoxP3955 insertion: self-learning is abolished, while world-learning is unaffected. PI [rel. units] A Peptide regions used for BSA-conjugates to immunize chicken. Peptide 1 (IgY1), peptide 2 (IgY2) and peptide 3 (IgY) are sequences of CG16899 (isoform A) and peptide 4 is located in CG32937. All IgY except IgY 3 could bind to a putative fusionprotein of CG16899 and CG32937 (isoform B). B Indirect ELISA-Titer after eight boosts. Only IgY 1 and IgY 2 specficially detect their peptide. All IgY bind to extracts of Drosophila heads from FoxP3955 or wildtype Canton S. The detection of BSA is shown as a positive control. C Immunoblot using IgY2, IgY3 and IgY4 binding to head extracts from FoxP3955 or wildtype Canton S. Different polyclonal antibodies show different positive protein bands. 3955 rtPCR light guides 0.0 22 20 diffusor WT cAMP PKC MB OK OK Impaired OK self- and world-learning 0.6 Behavior heat 0.4 self l. 0.2 0.0 Control 22 CS 21 FoxP3955 Fig. 5: FoxP function dissociates between self- and world-learning. Canton S wild-type flies perform well in both learning situations, whereas a FoxP insertion mutant line (3955) how significantly reduced learning scores specifically in the self-learning task. Reverse transcriptase PCR shows that the insertion affects both FoxP isoforms, but while small amounts of isoform A can still be detected, isoform B appears to be entirely absent color world l. WT cAMP PKC MB OK Impaired OK OK Fig. 4: Two operant conditioning experiments, distinguished by the presence or absence of predictive stimuli. Above: Flies learn to avoid the heat by trying out different behavioral programs and evaluating the resulting sensory feedback. No sensory predictors are present. Manipulating PKC activity, but not cAMP levels abolishes learning in this task. Below: Adding predictive color stimuli allows the animal to also learn which colors are predicting the heat punishment. Manipulating cAMP levels abolishes learning in this task, while reducing PKC activity has no effect. Brembs & Plendl, Curr. Biol. 2008 Presented at the ninth Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, March 25, 2011