Student and Staff Activities
Student and Staff Activities
Student and Staff Activities 62 Student and Staff Get-Togethers $W)706*OREDOWKHFXOWXUHLVRQHRILQFOXVLYLW\ ,WLVQRWDOOVWXG\DQGZRUNRQO\ZLWKRXWSOD\ 6WXGHQWV OHFWXUHUV DQG VWDII DUH DOZD\V UHDG\ to let down their hair and sportingly participate LQVFKRRODQGVRFLDODFWLYLWLHV$OODFWLYLWLHVDUH RSHQWRERWKVWXGHQWVDQGVWDII 1991: FTMS Singapore Dinner & Dance 1992: FTMS Singapore Dinner & Dance 1992: FTMS Malaysia Dinner & Dance FTMS Invitation Collections 63 1993: FTMS Singapore Dinner & Dance 1996: FTMS Annual Dinner & Dance 10th Year Anniversary 64 1995: FTMS - Emile Woolf Training System Dinner & Dance 2000: FTMS Winsland House Christmas Party 2005: Christmas Party, Singapore 65 2007: Student Christmas Party @ FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore 2010: FTMS Singapore Dinner & Dance Memories 2YHUWKH\HDUV,¶YHUHDOLVHGZKDW)706*OREDOPHDQVWRPH Fantastic Team mates MDNH Sure Great /earning Occurs Beyond All /evels B Pushpa Rani %3XVKSD5DQL 6HQLRU/HFWXUHU 1999 to present 66 2009: Student Party @ FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore 67 2011: Christmas Night in Hanoi 2011: 'U3HQHORSH+RRG'LUHFWRURI,QWHUQDWLRQDO3DUWQHUVKLSV&KHOPVIRUG Lord Ashcroft International Business School and Mr Peter Worder, Deputy Head RI4XDOLW\$VVXUDQFHRI$QJOLD5XVNLQ8QLYHUVLW\$FDGHPLF2I¿FHGXULQJWKHth Anniversary Gala Dinner in Malaysia 2011: Mr Sajilal Divakaran, Datin Sabariah Abdul Karim and B S Mangat during the 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Malaysia 2011: B S Mangat with Regional Heads and Centre Managers @ 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Malaysia 68 Student Activities and Visits 2002: FTMS Kuala Lumpur Zoo Trip 2004: Trip to Sentosa Island 2004: Trip to Wild Wild Park 69 2006: Trip to Sentosa Island E-Gaming @ FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore 2006: )706*OREDOODXQFKHGQHZODEIRU'0RGHOLQJ,QWHUDFWLYH*UDSKLFVZLWK0$<$$SSOLFDWLRQ 2008: FTMSGlobal in Malaysia entered into collaborative Partnership with University of East /RQGRQ8.DQGODXQFKHGLWVGHJUHHSURJUDPPHV%6F+RQVLQ6RIWZDUH(QJLQHHULQJDQG%6F +RQVLQ&RPSXWHU*DPHV7HFKQRORJ\ 70 2012: Malaysia Book Voucher Giving Ceremony 2012:)706+DQRLVWXGHQWVZLWK³6DYH6ZRUG/DNH´DFWLYLWLHV Since 2009: FTMS started the annual Top Job Competition for students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City 71 Since 2012: )706VWDUWHGWKHDQQXDO³<RXU'UHDP<RXU)XWXUH´&RPSHWLWLRQIRUKLJKVFKRROVLQ+R&KL0LQK City to guide them how to set career objectives and what they need to study to achieve the career objectives 2010: Han Hu Field Trip by FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore 2011: Trip to Singapore Flyer 2011: National Library Trip 2011: Speech & Drama Club 2011: International Friendship Day @ FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore 2011: FTMS Kuala Lumpur celebrates International Culture Day 72 FTMS Kuala Lumpur annual sports carnival 73 Yoga Classes every Wednesday @ FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore Aerobic Sessions @ Malaysia 74 Staff Retreats and Activities 1988: FTMS staff get together 1995: )706*OREDO7UDLQLQJ6\VWHPV+.VKDUHKROGHU0U Paul Chan & his family visits Mr & Mrs B S Mangat 1997: Corporate Retreat - Pulau Besar 75 1999: Corporate Retreat @ Kuching, Malaysia 1998: Mr & Mrs Fred Keer, Mr & Mrs Marty Windle and Sirjit Gill 1999: FTMS @ Kuching with Datin Sabariah Abdul Karim, Sirjit Gill, B S Mangat and Dato Ahmad Abdullah 1999: Kuching Retreat 76 1999: )706*OREDOUHWUHDW.XFKLQJ0DOD\VLDZLWK%DEX$FDGHPLFKHDG%60DQJDW6LUMLW*LOODQG3XVKSD5DQL 2003: Marty and Eliott @ Corporate Retreat, Bintan 77 2004: FTMS College Malaysia’s Port Klang Trip 2011: FTMSGlobal Workplan Seminar & Teambuilding, Singapore 78 Sporting Activities 6RFLDODFWLYLWLHVDUHFRQVWDQWLQDOORXUFDPSXVHV$VDVXSSRUWHURIWKH%DOHVWLHU.KDOVD)RRWEDOO &OXELQWKH6LQJDSRUHSURIHVVLRQDOIRRWEDOOOHDJXH6/HDJXHWKHVWXGHQWVDQGVWDIIDUHFRQVWDQW JXHVWVDWWKHPDWFKHVDQGFDQEHVHHQFKHHULQJDQGJDPHO\SDUWLFLSDWLQJIURPWKHVWDQGV Students cheering for Balestier Khalsa Football Club, Singapore 2011: Staff & Students Futsal Club, Singapore 2011: )RRWEDOO$VVRFLDWLRQ6LQJDSRUH)$67HDP visit to FTMSGlobal Academy, Singapore 79 FTMS supports Balestier Khalsa Football Club BKFC March 2012 Invitation fully supported by FTMS 2012: Singapore Belestiar Khalsa Football club visiting FTMS Kuala Lumpur 80 FTMSGlobal Football Team at Premier Pitch @ Khalsa every Wednesday 6SRUWLQJ DFWLYLWLHV DUH RUJDQLVHG HYHU\ ZHHN IRU VWXGHQWV DQG VWDII 7KLV LV XVXDOO\ WKH PRPHQW ZKHUH VWXGHQWV DQG VWDIIPLQJOHDQGJHWWRNQRZHDFKRWKHUEHWWHURXWVLGHRIWKH IRUPDOVFKRROHQYLURQPHQW7KHVHVSRUWLQJDFWLYLWLHVERQGWKH VWXGHQWVDQGVWDII)706*OREDOKDVVLQFHVWDUWHGWRSDUWLFLSDWH as a team in external organised sporting activities such as IXWVDODQGFULFNHW 81 2012: FTMSGlobal Cricket Match 2012: FTMSGlobal Academy Singapore Cricket Team at a training session 82 FTMS Kuala Lumpur organising Futsal League FTMS Kuala Lumpur Chess Competition 2011: FTMS international students participated in the International Student Sport Carnival 2011 organised by Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia 83 Information Talks and Sessions 7RQRXULVKWKHLQWHOOHFWVWDONVE\SURPLQHQWLQGXVWU\&(2VDQGH[SHUWVDUHRUJDQLVHG7KHVHVHVVLRQVDUH XVXDOO\DKLWZLWKGHJUHHDQGSRVWJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVZKRVHHWKHVHDVRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRZLGHQWKHLUNQRZOHGJH IRUSURMHFWDVVLJQPHQWVDQGLPSURYLQJWKHLUFRQ¿GHQFHIRUZRUNDIWHUVWXGLHV 2000: ACCA Seminar at Lebuh Ampang FTMS Campus, Kuala Lumpur ,QIRUPDWLRQ6HVVLRQ#3DUDGL]&HQWUH6LQJDSRUH 2000: ACCA Seminar at Lebuh Ampang FTMS Campus, Kuala Lumpur 1997: ACCA Revision at FTMS Lebuh Ampang Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2000: CIMA Seminar at Lebuh Ampang FTMS Campus, Kuala Lumpur 84 Martin’s Revision class in KL 2001: Jana’s seminar session for Professional Development Programmes 2000: ACCA New Syllabus Seminar, 2000 with Dr. Moyra 2008: English Programme Winter Camp 2011: Thai Study Group visit, Singapore 85 2011: Tiro Vietsov Visit, Singapore 2012: CEO Dialogue Session, Singapore with Mr Mohamed Ismail of PropNex Realty Pte Ltd 2012: Thai Students Visit, Singapore Since 2008: FTMS has organised many career talks at universities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city to share ZLWKVWXGHQWVZKDWWKH\QHHGWRSUHSDUHIRUSURIHVVLRQDOFDUHHUVLQDFFRXQWLQJ¿QDQFHDQGDXGLWSURIHVVLRQV 86 2011: Students packed the FTMSGlobal Hong Kong classroom to learn examination techniques from our ACCA P2 lecturer, Ms. Eunice Chu 2012: CFA information session and CFA Trial class at FTMSGlobal in Phnom Penh 2012: FTMSGlobal organised exam technique seminars for ACCA & CAT students in Phnom Penh 87 2012: CIMA Gateway Class at FTMSGlobal Chennai 2012: Career Talk at Norton University: Co-organised by FTMS Cambodia and ACCA Cambodia and guest speakers from PwC, ANZ Royal Bank and Aplus Consulting 2012: Career Talk at University of Puthisastra: Co-organised by FTMS Cambodia and ACCA Cambodia and guest speakers from Grant Thornton, FTB Bank and MCA 2012: $&&$ ,QIRUPDWLRQ DQG $&&$) 7ULDOFODVVDW)7062I¿FH 88
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