3418 US Route 60 East Barboursville, WV
3418 US Route 60 East Barboursville, WV
ȱȱ¢ 3418 US Route 60 East x x x x x z Barboursville, WV 3ULFH0 &DS5DWH %XLOGLQJVI /RW6L]HDFUHV Remaining /HDVH7HUP3 <HDUV For more information, please contact: Josiah Byrnes at 719.243.6569 [email protected] Embree Asset Group, Inc. 4747 Williams Drive Georgetown, Texas 78628 Barboursville is a village in Cabell County, West Virginia, located between the two largest and fastest growing cities in the state, Huntington and the State capital, Charleston. The area is located near the banks of the Ohio river and the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. This area is home to the largest port on the Ohio River and two major railroad companies, CSX and Norfolk Southern. The area is served by two airports, access to US 60 and I-64, as well as a planned expansion to I-73 that will make the drive to Lexington, Kentucky less than two hours. This Safelite AutoGlass Store is located just off US Route 60 East, near many busy retail locations including Jiffy Lube, Hampton Inn, Cracker Barrell and an entertainment complex. To the East, beautiful tree line scenery adjoins the property. /HDVH6XPPDU\ 7HQDQW 3URSHUW\$GGUHVV /HDVH7HUP 6FKHGXOHRI5HQWV 7D[HV,QVXUDQFH 5HSDLUV 6DIHOLWH)XOILOOPHQW,QF6DIHOLWH$XWR*ODVV 865RXWH(DVWz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