20160201-Colour0-1-P.. - The Dunoon and District Gazette
20160201-Colour0-1-P.. - The Dunoon and District Gazette
NEW MODANVILLE B&B and RAW FOOD WORKSHOPS New Modanville Bed and breakfast is inspiring people to eat healthy food N HZ%%µEHOOHODYLH´DW0R GDQYLOOH ZDV R൶FLDOO\ RSHQHG by Mayor Jenny Dowell recent ly. The new establishment is not only a IDQWDVWLF SODFH WR VWD\ EXW D NH\ SRLQW RI GL൵HUHQFH LV WKH LQVSLUDWLRQ WKH\ DUH providing people to improve their health and vitality. Not only do the owners focus on healthy breakfast options for WKHLU JXHVWV WKH\ DOVR UXQ 5DZ )RRG workshops for locals and visitors who are keen to improve the way they eat. supporting others to experience a healthier lifestyle and are very excited about the opportunity to do this through their B & B and Raw Food workshops. .HUULHKDVGHYHORSHGWKHEUHDNIDVWPHQX RSWLRQVIRUWKHLU%%ZLWKQRJOXWHQ GDLU\RUSURFHVVHGVXJDU³,XQGHUVWDQG KRZ GL൶FXOWLWLVWRHDWKHDOWKLO\ ZKHQ WUDYHOOLQJHVSHFLDOO\LI\RXDUHYHJHWDU .HUULH LV D TXDOL¿HG 5DZ )RRG LDQRUYHJDQ´.HUULHVD\V³DQGIRUWKDW Vegan Chef and has created the Raw reason we have paid special attention to Food Workshops to assist people to ensuring our B & B supports all travel understand how easy it is to add more OHUVLQFOXGLQJSHRSOHZLWKVSHFLDOGLHWV´ raw food into their diet and to start their journey to better health. One .HUULH DQG -H൵ EHFDPH LQWHUHVWHG young participant after attending one LQ WKH EHQH¿WV RI UDZ KHDOWK\ IRRG of the Raw Food Workshops com options several years ago due to a PHQWHG ³+HDOWK\ /LYLQJ ,QVSLUDWLRQV family member having an intoler has changed my point of view in the ance to gluten and dairy. Also due to a ZD\ , HDW ,¶P VR H[FLWHG WR JR KRPH FDQFHU GLDJQRVLV WKH\ IHOW LW ZDV WLPH and create these yummy creations for for a change with the way they ate P\VHOI´ 0DGHOHLQH 1LQG 7XOOHUD and really do appreciate their journey. µEHOOHODYLH¶%%LVDVPDOOERXWLTXH B & B with lovely gardens and a fantas tic valley view overlooking 100 acres. .DQJDURRV DQG NRDOD RIWHQ YLVLW DORQJ with a large family of kookaburra. There LV D VZLPPLQJ SRRO WR FRRO R൵ LQ DQG friendly chickens that provide fresh farm eggs for breakfast. The accom modation area is for two people and has a large bedroom with ensuite adjoin ing a private media room where guests can recline back and watch the latest movies. French doors lead onto a private veranda where guests can enjoy break fast overlooking the valley view. The B %KDVEHHQGHYHORSHGWRR൵HU*XHVWV the opportunity to combine their stay -H൵ DQG .HUULH &R[ 0RYHG WR WKH DUHD with the onsite Raw Food Workshops 2 years ago and are passionate about and is open to all visitors to the area. 6R IRU ORFDOV DQG YLVLWRUV ZDQWLQJ WR learn how they can improve their health (and become a raw food chef in their own home) and for visitors looking IRU D KHDOWK\ KRPH DZD\ IURP KRPH VWD\ ZKHQ WUDYHOOLQJ LW FRXOG EH ZHOO ZRUWK FKHFNLQJ RXW µEHOOH OD YLH´ % % DQG WKH +HDOWK\ /LYLQJ ,QVSLUDWLRQV Raw Food Workshops at Modanville. 7R FRQWDFW -H൵ DQG .HUULH SKRQH 02 66282694 / 0404659237 or go to their website ZZZKHDOWK\OLYLQJLQVSLUDWLRQVFRPDX /RFDO /RFDO RAW FOOD WORKSHOPS WATER LAB WEDNESDAY HOLIDAY ACTIVITY F XQ ZDWHU VFLHQFH H[SHULPHQWV investigations and games. New water challenges and some of the old favourites. Around the corner from 5RFN\ &UHHN 'DP ZLWK SOD\JURXQG EETWRLOHWVVKHOWHUDQGUDLQIRUHVWZDONV For with children 5 to a supervising <RXZLOOOHDUQKRZWRFUHDWH GHOLFLRXVKHDOWK\UDZIRRG UHFLSHVZLWKNO Gluten, Dairy or Processed Sugar. 12 adult. Dates: :HGQHVGD\-DQXDU\WKWK WK Opens 10am – Closes 3pm with last entry 2pm. 'RUURXJKE\ (QYLURQPHQWDO (GX FDWLRQ&HQWUH'XQRRQ5RDG Dorroughby. More information at www.watersciencelab.com.au By adding more raw food into your diet you can… x Have more energy and vitality x lose excess weight & feel better x Improve your family’s health %RRN\RXUSODFH WRGD\LQRXU QH[WZRUNVKRS Inquiries: 6628 2694/0404 659 237 www.healthylivinginspirations.com.au 14 Dunromin Drive, Modanville 18 December 2015-January 2016 DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LOCAL YOUTH IN BALLINA PLAYERS YOUTH MUSICAL T he madly popular movie Legally Blonde was the inspi ration for the family friendly YHUVLRQ /HJDOO\ %ORQGH -U WKLV -DQX DU\¶V %DOOLQD 3OD\HUV \RXWK PXVLFDO ,WWHOOVWKHVWRU\RI(OOH:RRGV-DPDLND 6PLWK EORQGH EHDXWLIXO DQG RE sessed with the colour pink. Before KH KHDGV R൵ WR +DUYDUG KHU ER\ IULHQG :DUQHU )LQOH\ %ODFN UHMHFWV KHU WR ¿QG VRPHRQH PRUH ³VHULRXV´ Elle is determined to gain entry to Harvard Law and prove him wrong about her. She can be both blonde and a ³VHULRXV´ZKL]]DWODZ2QDUULYDODWWKH XQLYHUVLW\ VKH LV VXUURXQGHG E\ VQREV EXW ¿QGV DFFHSWDQFH IURP WHDFKLQJ DV sistant Emmett Forrest (Liam Gatt). He urges her to aim for excellence and in the song Chip on My Shoulder tells of his own humble background. With him on her side Elle triumphs. Liam Gatt and Jamaika Smith cast as Emmett and Elle in Legally Blonde Jr A cast of 27 young people aged from ten to eighteen bring it to the stage. /DXUHQFH 2¶.HHIH DQG 1HOO %ODFN PDQ IURP WKH ERRN E\ +HDWKHU +DFK Jaime Sheehan is responsible for the lively and colourful choreography. This the eighteenth show Jaime has choreo 0XFK RI WKH VWRU\ LV WROG LQ VRQJ DQG JUDSKHGIRUWKH3OD\HUVDQGVKH¿UVWSHU numbers such as Omigod and So Much formed with them at age fourteen. Jaime Better are already favourites. The is an outstanding product of the Ballina PXVLFDO¶V VHQVH RI KXPRXU DV ZHOO DV Players policy of providing experience FDWFK\ O\ULFV DQG LWV WKHPHV RI VHOI for young people and encouraging them HPSRZHUPHQW DQG RSHQPLQGHGQHVV to continue in all areas of theatre arts. make Legally Blonde Jr fun for young performers as well as young audiences. Music and lyrics for the show are by /HJDOO\ %ORQGH -5 GLUHFWHG E\ 0LNH DQG -DLPH 6KHHKDQ ZLOO EH VWDJHG DW the Players Theatre from January 15 to 24. Evening performances will com mence at 7 pm and matinees at 2 pm. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGWRERRNWLFNHWV please visit the Ballina Players website http://www.ballinaplayers.com.au/ DERXWXVSOD\HUVWKHDWUH DUNOON & DISTRICT SPORTS & RECREATIONAL CLUB – www.dunoonclub.org.au NEW YEAR’S EVE JAEDEN OGSTON SPWRSP ! " ! # $ % % & % This year see out the old year at your club and enjoy the act that has grown so much in our own Pluckers & Poets This New Year’s Eve join our favourite Jaeden Ogston For a rocking good party night DUNOON AND DISTRICT GAZETTE December 2015-January 2016 19