Untitled - Winebow
Untitled - Winebow
A NATUR AL WORLD, WHERE WILDLIFE IS T R U LY W I L D We employ islanders to handpick Shetland botanicals each year to give our gin its distinctive, yet subtle, taste. Botanicals are hand gathered from the remotest parts of the islands and then shipped to our distillery on the mainland. These plants give %ODFNZRRGVLWVGLVWLQFWƮDYRXU OUR BOTANICALS HANDPICKED ANGELICA MARSH MARIGOLD Growing for thousands of years, it is one of the key ingredients used to make a true gin. The plant is native to temperate and subarctic regions of the North Hemisphere and is found as far North as Iceland and LapODQG7RPDNH%ODFNZRRGV|9LQWDJH'U\|*LQ we use the root of the Angelica plant to add ƮDYRXUDQGDVVLVWLQWKHELQGLQJRIRWKHU natural oils. This plant isn’t just used to make gin; it has healing powers and is used as a remedy for digestion and colds. 7KH|JROGHQFXSVRI0DUVK0DULJROGEULJKWHQ up many a dull day in Shetland. It is a large, almost luxuriant version of its smaller cousin WKHEXWWHUFXSZLWKEULJKW\HOORZƮRZHUVDQG dark shiny leaves. It is one of the oldest plants in *UHDW%ULWDLQWKRXJKWWRKDYHEHJXQƮRXULVKLQJ VKRUWO\DIWHUWKHLFHDJH,WVGLVWLQFWLYHƮRZHU blooms early from April to June and thrives in ZHWODQG:HXVHWKHƮRZHUIURPWKHPDULJROG WRDGGVXEWOHFLWUXVƮDYRXUVWRRXUJLQ JUNIPER CINNAMON We use Juniper in our gin but not as much as \RXZRXOGƬQGLQDQ\RWKHUJLQ CORIANDER A traditional ingredient of dry gin. Coriander seeds are believed to contain anxiolytic SURSHUWLHVDQGRƪHUXSDURPDWLFWRQHVRI sage, ginger and citrus We use a touch of cinnamon to give Blackwoods its own distinctive taste. LIME :HXVHWKHƬQHVWOLPHWRDGGDIUHVKWDVWH WRRXUJLQDQGOLIWWKHƮDYRXUVRIRXURWKHU botanicals. CRAFTING AWA R D W I N N I N G GINS FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS MASTER DISTILLER - ANDREW BARTLEM OUR D I S T I L L AT I O N P RO C E S S %ODFNZRRGVLVDo/RQGRQ'U\*LQpPDGH using a ‘single batch distillation’ process. Our small copper pot-still, produced by the IDPRXV-RKQ'RUH&RLQLVFDOOHG Constance. Named after the late mother of the owner of the Langley distillery. 6KHFDQSURGXFHVPDOOEDWFKHVXSWR litres (264 US gallons) per distillation. English Customs law dictates that the neutral spirit is produced on a separate site from the *LQSURGXFWLRQ:HXVHƬYHWLPHVGLVWLOOHGJUDLQ spirit in the production of Blackwoods Gin. The alcohol is charged into the pot of the still and reduced with water from a natural spring before the botanicals are added in carefully FRQWUROOHGDPRXQWV|7KHVWLOOOLGLVWKHQVKXW DQGORFNHG|7KHDOFRKROKDVWREHUHGXFHGLQ strength, as pure spirit would harden the skins of the botanicals and make the extraction of WKHRLOVPRUHGLƯFXOW To get the best of the botanicals our recipe dictates they are gently heated and marinated in neutral grain spirit and water overnight before distillation. This helps to extract their GHOLFDWHƮDYRXUVDQGFKDUDFWHULVWLFV O N LY T H E HIGHEST QUALIT Y NATUR AL INGREDIENTS B L AC K WO O D S 4 3 % S M A L L BATC H G I N • Small batch production • Traditional pot-still-single batch distillation • 0DGHZLWKERWDQLFDOVJDWKHUHGE\KDQGHDFK\HDURQWKH ocean ravished islands of Shetland - gives Blackwoods a XQLTXHEDODQFHGƮDYRXU Tasting notes: • A crisp gin with subtle citrus overtones and a spicy fruit edge. • $ZDUGHG*2/'PHGDO6DQ)UDQFLVFR:RUOG6SLULW FRPSHWLWLRQ G R E E N PA E K Ingredients PO%ODFNZRRGVIUHVKEDVLOOHDYHVPOVLPSOHVXJDU V\UXSPOOHPRQMXLFHIUHVKO\VTXHH]HG%DVLOOHDIJDUQLVK Method In a cocktail shaker add basil leaves, simple syrup and lemon juice. Using a wooden muddler, crush the basil till bruised and fragrant. Pour in gin and ice cubes. Add top to the shaker and shake. Strain into a short cocktail glass, add additional ice and garnish with basil leaf. SHETL AND MARTINI PO%ODFNZRRGVPO0DUVK0DULJROG6\UXSPO'U\ 9HUPRXWKWZLVWRIOHPRQgDOZD\VVWLUUHG www.blackwoodsgin.co.uk Distributed by: Winebow Group Www.winebow.com