Kaye`s online invitationFINAL copy
Kaye`s online invitationFINAL copy
• Floral Design S pectacular • • Ron Morgan, author, lecturer, and celebrity designer will lecture, mentor, and teach the art of flower design at Chalk Hill Clematis, a flower farm in Healdsburg, California. This is a unique opportunity to learn the art of professional flower design. Ron is a renowned author of four books on the art of flower design. He is a sought after famous florist who travels the country sharing with enthusiasts his secrets on creating his brand of magic with flowers. His topics range from flower selection, color and structural flower presentations, design techniques, and choice distinctive platforms for maximum artistic impact. Chalk Hill Clematis is on a 120 acre property in Healdsburg, in the heart of the Sonoma wine country. Students will select from 15 acres of flowering English and rambling roses, flowering shrubs and trees, and the signature flower of the farm, Clematis followed by hands on mentoring, supervised flower arrangements, and continued lectures on site. • Day One: Concepts and Mechanics of Floral Design • 8:30 am 6KXWWOHZLOOSLFNXSWKHJURXSLQ+HDOGVEXUJWRDUULYHDW&KDON+LOODW{ $FRQWLQHQWDOVW\OHEUHDNIDVWZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWRZHOFRPH\RXWRWKHIDUP{ Ron will start the day and workshop with a brief lecture on the design principles and mechanics of creating a floral bouquet. Buckets and individual clippers will be distributed before you depart to collect WKHIORZHUPDWHULDOIRUWKHGD\oVDUUDQJHPHQWV{7KHPRUQLQJZLOOFRQFOXGHZLWK Ron’s demonstration using the foraged shrubs, trees, roses and clematis gathered earlier in the 15 acres of fields. 12:00 noon Buffet luncheon will be served at a special destination on the property. 1:00 - 4:00 pm Afternoon will concentrate on your individual designs with Ron's supervision and suggestions. All designers will critique their own and others designs using the principles demonstrated by Ron in his morning instruction. This is a great opportunity to observe and comment on various artistic styles of design and mechanics. 4:00 pm 6KXWWOHZLOOUHWXUQWR+HDOGVEXUJIRUDQHYHQLQJRQ\RXURZQ{$OLVWRIUHVWDX- rants, shops and sights in Healdsburg will be included in your registration packet for each participant sent upon receipt of your final payment. • Day Two: Plan a Party • 8:30 am 3LFNXSLQ+HDOGVEXUJ{&RQWLQHQWDOEUHDNIDVWZLOOJUHHW\RXRQ\RXUDUULYDODW Chalk Hill for the second day. The morning will be spent foraging and discussing floral design plans for the evenings gala graduation dinner at the home of Kaye and Richard Heafey on the property. 12:00 noon Buffet luncheon will be served at another special destination on the property. 1:00 - 3:00 pm Work on arrangements and decorations for the tables and house at the evening’s dinner party. 3:00 - 5:00 pm Optional return to Healdsburg to freshen up or you may choose to stay at the farm for a relaxing late afternoon break by the pool enjoying the view. 5:15 pm Shuttle pick up in Healdsburg to return to Chalk Hill. 6:00 - 9:00 pm Cocktails and a sit down dinner celebration at the Heafey Home. • Enrollment Details • • 7KHFRVWRIWKHZRUNVKRSLV{7ZRVHVVLRQVDYDLODEOH0D\DQG 0D\{:RUNVKRSLVOLPLWHGWRSDUWLFLSDQWV{$GHSRVLWZLOO VHFXUH\RXUSODFH{7KHGHSRVLWLVUHIXQGDEOHEHIRUH$SULODQGQRQ UHIXQGDEOHDIWHUWKDWGDWH{)XOOSD\PHQWLVGXH$SULO Included in the workshop is transportation to and from Healdsburg to the farm on &KDON+LOOERWKGD\VVHHVFKHGXOH&RQWLQHQWDOEUHDNIDVWVDQGEXIIHWOXQFKHRQV ERWKGD\V{DVZHOODVWKHJDODJUDGXDWLRQGLQQHUWKHILQDOQLJKW Each participant will have generous individual time with Ron Morgan during the two days of instructions and demonstrations. All materials including your own personalized clippers will be provided. Country casual is the dress code and good shoes for foraging in the fields and a sun hat are recommended. 7RHQUROOSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHIDUPDWRUILOORXWWKHDWWDFKHGHQUROOPHQW form. We accept personal check, Visa, MasterCard, or AMEX. You may mail, email or fax your completed form and payment to: CHC Farm PO Box 1847 Healdsburg, CA 95448 707.433.8963 (fax) [email protected] • Enrollment Form • • )ORUDO'HVLJQ6SHFWDFXODU Learn the art of professional flower design in this 2 day workshop led by renowned author, lecturer and florist Ron Morgan. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code: _________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ &KRRVHIURPWZRZRUNVKRSGDWHVSOHDVHFLUFOH 0D\RU0D\ Workshop $2000 GHSRVLW7KLVVHFXUHV\RXUSODFHLQWKHZRUNVKRSUHIXQGDEOHEHIRUH )LQDO3D\PHQWGXH 3OHDVHPDNHFKHFNVSD\DEOHWR&KDON+LOO&OHPDWLV32%R[+HDOGVEXUJ &$RULQFOXGH\RXUFUHGLWFDUGLQIRUPDWLRQEHORZ:HDFFHSW9LVD MasterCard, and AMEX. Card Holder’s Name: ________________________________________________ Card Holder’s Mailing Address: _______________________________________ Card Number: ______________________________________________________ Expiration: ________________________________________________________ 6HFXULW\&RGHGLJLWFRGHRQEDFNRIFDUGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
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Kaye`s online invitationFINALprint
All materials including your own personalized clippers will be provided. Country
casual is the dress code and good shoes for foraging in the fields and a sun hat are
To enroll please c...