2013 December - Dubuque County Right To Life
2013 December - Dubuque County Right To Life
0HUU\&KULVWPDV DQG+DSS\1HZ<HDU 'HFHPEHU9ROXPH1XPEHU (0'2(.&$-!",[!+",-&,0+&'.332(+(-!+,b ~ Donate coats/hats/gloves to local schools for kids in need. ~ Take a name or two off an Angel Tree and fill someone’s needs. ~ Donate food items to the food banks and/or your church. ~ Prepare a meal for a family under extra stress due to illness or other hardships. ~ Pay it forward for someone in line behind you. ~ Send a card to someone not expecting it. ~ Give someone a hug. ~ Take cookies and hot chocolate to the homebound. ~ Visit nursing homes (and sing carols!). ~ Volunteer to feed those in need. ~ Call local shelters and find out their needs and have your family fill them. ~ Invite someone to church with you. ~ Volunteer to babysit for a busy mom. ~ Help someone do their shopping. ~ Listen (really listen) to someone. ~ Give people sincere compliments. ´)RUXQWRXVDFKLOGLVERUQ«µ,VDLDK What will I find in the newsletter? Christmas Party Information Rachel’s Vineyard Opportunity How to Earn CEU’s For an end to abortion and the conversion and healing of all those involved in the culture of death. December 2013 Volume 17, Number 3 Published Monthly Office Personnel: Marian Bourek Executive Director Trina Hingtgen Executive Assistant Kate Mantyh Secretary Board of Directors: Elizabeth Cushman Chairman Leon Jensen, Vice-Chairman Ann Williams Secretary Jim Giese Treasurer Board Members: Fr. Richard Schaefer Arthur Gilloon, Esq. Tim Duggan Bill Frye Amy Freund Mark Lansing Ellen Markham Jack Mescher December 5, Thursday…..Writers Bureau Meeting 6:00 PM, Office December 5, Thursday…..DCRTL Membership Christmas Party! 7:00 PM, DCRTL Ofc December 5, Thursday…..PPP Committee Meeting/Conf Committee Meeting December 8, Sunday…….National Night of Prayer 8:00 PM – Midnight St. Columbkille’s, Dubuque; & St. Francis Xavier, Dyersville December 10, Tuesday…..DCRTL Speaking Engagement December 12, Thursday…DCRTL Speaking Engagement December 25, Wednesday…..Merry Christmas! Contact us: 2205 Carter Road Dubuque, Iowa 52001 (563) 556-5960 [email protected] www.dcrtl.org Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 am -4 pm Weekends: Closed Dyersville Office: 1657 15th Avenue S.E. Dyersville, Iowa 52040 (563) 875-9152 January 1, Wednesday…..Happy New Year! January 7, 8 and 15……...“Our Lady of Life” 8th Grade/ High School Informational Meetings January 18, Saturday…… Annual DCRTL Walk for Life January 20 – 24………….National March for Life January 24, Friday……….DCRTL Speaking Engagement 'XEXTXH&RXQW\5LJKWWR /LIH,QFLVDQRQSURILWQRQ VHFWDULDQHGXFDWLRQRU JDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHGWR SUHVHUYLQJDQGIRVWHULQJ UHVSHFWIRUKXPDQOLIHIURP FRQFHSWLRQWRQDWXUDOGHDWK :HHGXFDWHWKHSXEOLF DERXWWKHGDQJHUVRIDERU WLRQHXWKDQDVLDDQGLQIDQWL FLGH - Page 02 - A note from Marian Bourek, Executive Director Once upon a Christmas, several years ago, I sat rocking my baby imagining what it would be like to hold the Baby Jesus in my arms. It must be just like this, I thought. The gift of new life: How precious. How peaceful. How perfect. Once upon a Christmas, my family and I were traveling home for the holidays. It was snowing….and snowing. We got as far as Grand Island, Nebraska when the state police closed the interstate. We spent a cozy evening in the very last available hotel room – safe and sound, all together. I imagined it was much nicer than the accommodations Mary and Joseph shared the night Jesus was born. The next morning – Christmas Day – we attended Mass in the hotel. There were two stranded priests with us.The gift of life: How fortunate. How convenient. How perfect. Also stranded were two truck drivers. One carried bread and one peanut butter. (It reminded me of the old peanut butter commercial that borrowed a line from Scripture: “Man cannot live on bread alone. . .”) Everyone stranded in that hotel worked together making sandwiches to deliver to the hungry folks who spent the night parked on the snowy interstate. All the while we were preparing this simple meal, we sang Christmas carols together. The gift of life: How generous. How joyful. How perfect. Once upon a Christmas, my sister called. My nephew had been in a serious car accident and was not expected to live. Seven days later, he passed away. Many of us who loved him sat by his side, singing Christmas carols and asking the Resurrected Jesus to welcome him home. We laid Frankie to rest two days before his 33rd birthday. The gift of new life, through death: How painful. How difficult. How perfect. This Christmas I look forward to the quiet I intend to share with my new-born grandbaby as we rock to the strains of “O Holy Night.” The Christmas lights will illuminate the room and I will imagine, once again, that I am holding the King of Kings in my arms. The gift of new life: How precious. How peaceful. How perfect. May the Infant Jesus, this Christmas, bring to all a deeper respect for human life. Merry Christmas 1DWLRQDO0DUFKIRU/LIH +RZZRXOG\RXOLNHWRPDNHDSLOJULPDJHWRRXUQDWLRQ·V FDSLWRO FLW\ ZLWK DERXW FORVH IULHQGV" :H VWLOO KDYH URRP IRU D IHZPRUHSDUWLFLSDQWV%XVHVZLOOOHDYHIURP '\HUVYLOOH DQG 'XEXTXH RQ 0RQGD\ -DQXDU\ DQG UH WXUQ RQ )ULGD\ -DQXDU\ ,W·V DQ LQFUHGLEOH SUD\HUIXODQGLPSRUWDQWSLOJULPDJH 7KHIHHLVIRUDGXOWVSD\DEOHWR'&57/&DOORXURIILFH72'$<IRUGHWDLOV 7KH GD\ ZH DUH FRPPHPRUDWLQJ LV WUXO\ D WUDJLF RQH )RUW\RQH \HDUV DIWHUWKHGHDGO\5RHY:DGHGHFLVLRQZHVWLOOPDUFKUDOO\DQGSUD\HUIXOO\SURWHVWWKLV VDGGD\LQRXUQDWLRQ·VKLVWRU\ ŽƌƌĞĐƚŝŽŶ͊ /DVW PRQWK·V QHZVOHWWHU RIIHUHG D KHDUWIHOW WKDQN \RX WR WKH HVWDWH RI &DWKHULQH 6FKRRIV&DWKHULQH·VODVWQDPHZDVPLVVSHOOHG)RUWKLVZHDSRORJL]H7KDQN\RXWR WKRVHZKRIRXQGRXUHUURU&DWKHULQHKDGEHHQDORQJWLPHPHPEHUDQGVXSSRUWHU RI'XEXTXH&RXQW\5LJKWWROLIH,QF6KHKDGPDQ\IDYRULWHFKDULWLHVDQGDJUHDWORYH IRUOLIH(YHQLQKHUGHDWKVKHFKRVHOLIH7KDQN\RX&DWKHULQH6&+22)6IRUUH PHPEHULQJ'&57/ - Page 03 - By Liz Cushman A CHRISTMAS STORY Do you remember the play “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder? There is a scene in the cemetery when Emily, the young woman who has died is given the opportunity to relive one day of her life. Sometimes when I reminisce I wonder what day I might choose to relive. I’ve narrowed it to four or five days and one of them would be a conversation I had with my Aunt Joan several years ago. was thinking about adoption and would I ask her to consider this particular family? I told Aunt Ruth I would check with my friend, but I didn’t think they would be prepared to adopt four children. My brother and sisters and I always knew we were adopted, and we knew we were brother and sisters, but that was about all. We knew there was a connection with ‘Aunt Ruth’, grandma’s sister who lived in Detroit and was a doctor, but any memories I had were like trying to remember a dream . . . so I said to Aunt Joan, “Not really.” Today, I know a little more of the story. Everything Aunt Joan told me happened over Thanksgiving, 1955 and the mother . . . my mother, died just a few days later on December 7th, and on January 7, 1956, ‘Aunt Ruth’ who had been my mother’s doctor and who delivered three of the four of us, brought us to Chicago to meet our new parents. Even though it was very late when we arrived in Dubuque and my sister and I were just 2 ½ years old, I remember the Christmas tree and the gifts waiting for us, but most clearly, I remember being tucked into bed that night with my new grandmother next to my sister and me. “When I hung up, your mother asked about the phone call. I told her the whole story, the mother dying, the father not able to provide and care for the four children, and about the friend I was going to call. After hearing everything, your mother asked me Aunt Joan was funny, cheerful, and infor- not to call my friend just yet. mative. I learned more about my mother’s “And then the most amazing thing hapfamily from Aunt Joan than anyone else. pened. Your mom and dad put on their After mom died in 1980, Aunt Joan would coats and said they were going out for a make it a point to call my sister and me on walk and would be back. I think it was our birthday. One of those yearly convermaybe an hour at the most, and when they sations left a deep impression on me. came back, they said to us, ‘We want those Out of the blue Aunt Joan asked, “Do you children.’ Isn’t that incredible? It all happened so fast!” know how you kids came to Dubuque?” For the next several minutes it was as if Aunt Joan opened a previously locked door and I had my first peek inside a mysterious room. “I’ll tell you if you want to know,” she said. “Yes, please tell me.” “Well, your mom and dad came to spend Thanksgiving with us.” (Joan and Mom were sisters and Joan was married with three children. Mom and Dad had been married for 5 years and had no children.) “I think your mom and I were doing the dishes when Aunt Ruth called. She told me about a patient of hers who was dying of cancer and this woman was the mother of four young children. She wanted very much for her children to stay together after she died but no one in her family felt they could take care of all four, including her husband. Aunt Ruth called me because she knew I had a friend who, with her husband, Years and years later, I realize that love manifested itself that Christmas as suffering, unselfish, unconditional, kind and gently perfect, very much like the Holy Family. And those four words, “we want those children”. The sweetest words I ever heard, full of faith, hope and love, changed our lives. May your Christmas be filled with words of love, acts of love and Love, itself͘ - Page 04 - On November 5, Judge There is ample medical Karen Romano announced JUDGE SUSPENDS BAN ON evidence that these aborWEBCAM ABORTIONS that, at the request of tions are unsafe. The FDA Planned Parenthood of the has documented 2,207 Heartland, she would place a motion for adverse events in the U.S. of women who stay pending judicial review on the recent have had medical abortions, including 14 decision by the Iowa Board of Medicine to deaths, 612 hospitalizations, 339 cases end dangerous webcam abortions in our where blood loss was so great the woman state. In August of this year, the Iowa needed a transfusion, 256 infections and 58 Board of Medicine voted to end webcam ectopic pregnancies. abortions. They stated, “All Iowans are Women who died from medical abortions entitled to the same high level of health died from a bacterial infection like toxic care, regardless of whether they live in shock, hemorrhaging to death, ruptured rural or urban areas,” which includes the ectopic pregnancy and massive heart atright to be examined by a doctor prior to tack. an abortion and a right to follow-up care. These abortions, where a woman NEVER In this reckless webcam abortion scheme, physically sees a doctor, who goes home to PP does not provide even this basic care hemorrhage for days and ultimately delivfor women. ers her dead baby, is not empowering Planned Parenthood of the Heartland has women. women talk to a doctor only by webcam and then sends them home for excruciating Judge Romano has ruled that PP can still pain and bleeding - - sometimes for up to use video conferencing to distribute the two weeks - - and in the end, having to see dangerous abortion-inducing drugs while and deal with the body of their dead baby. they challenge the new ban on the practice Further, if the abortion is incomplete, in court. No trial date has yet been set. In women may need a surgical abortion. We the meantime, little boys and girls lives are know this because PP’s website says cut short right here in Dubuque and all women must agree to a follow-up surgical across Iowa. abortion if the abortion pill does not work. 1RDK·V$UN76KLUW3URMHFW 2XUIULHQGVDWWKH&RDOLWLRQIRU/LIHRI,RZDKDYHQHZO\ GHVLJQHGSUROLIHZHDU7KHIURQWRIWKHEULJKWO\FRORUHG VKLUWUHDGV´/RYH/LIHµZLWKEDE\IHHW7KHEDFNUHDGV ´6SHDN/LIHµZLWKWKH&RDOLWLRQ·VQHZORJR1RDK·V$UN7 VKLUW3URMHFWZDVWKHLQVSLUDWLRQRIDYHU\\RXQJPDQZKRZDQWHGWRJLYHVRPHWKLQJSUROLIHWR KLVJUDQGSDIRU&KULVWPDV1RDKKDVQRZVROGRYHUWVKLUWVLQKRQRURIKLVJUDQGSDZLWKDOO SURILWVGRQDWHGWRWKH&RDOLWLRQIRU/LIHRI,RZD,I\RX·GOLNHWRSXUFKDVHSUROLIHZHDU\RXPD\ RUGHUIURPRXURIILFH&RVWRI7VKLUWVLVFUHZVZHDWVKLUWVDUHDQGKRRGHGVZHDWVKLUWV DUH6WRSE\WKHRIILFHWRVHHDVDPSOH:HZLOOEHSODFLQJDQRUGHURQ'HFHPEHUWK Writer’s Bureau Are you especially gifted with words? Do you like to write? We are forming a new committee that may make a huge difference ~ maybe even the difference between life and death! Our vision is to have a group of writers pen letters to the editor for our local newspapers on a regular basis. There may be other opportunities for writing as well. It is essential that we get the positive pro-life message into the public eye. As a new committee, not all the responsibilities have yet been defined. There will not be required meetings nor a huge time commitment. Come to the very first meeting (and maybe the only meeting) and brainstorm the possibilities! Writers Bureau Meeting Thursday, December 5, 6:00 PM (Just prior to the Membership Christmas Party) DCRTL Office (2205 Carter Road, Dubuque) - Page 05 - '&57/&+5,670$63$57< <28$5(,19,7(' 3OHDVH MRLQ XV RQ 7KXUVGD\ 'HFHPEHU DW 30 LQ RXU RIILFH IRU RXU PRQWKO\ PHPEHUVKLS HYHQW7KLVPRQWKLW·VDSDUW\&RPHFHOHEUDWHWKH*LIWRI/LIHDVZHKRQRU-HVXV &KULVWRQ+LVELUWKGD\%ULQJDQXQZUDSSHGJLIWIRU%LUWKULJKW7KH*DEULHO3URMHFW RUHLWKHURIRXUXSDQGFRPLQJQHZPDWHUQLW\KRPHV0DU\·V,QQRU/LIH+RXVH ,WHPVQHHGHG %DE\6OHHSHUVPRQWKVER\VDQGJLUOV :LQWHU2XWILWVER\VDQGJLUOV 'LDSHUVIRU1HZERUQV $QGPRVWHVSHFLDOO\0RQHWDU\*LIWVRI$Q\$PRXQW 7KLVVSHFLDO´%LUWKGD\3DUW\µLVLQKRQRURIRXU6DYLRUEXWZHDOVRZDQWWRKRQRUDOO RI'&57/·VKXQGUHGVRIYROXQWHHUV,I\RXKDYHYROXQWHHUHGLQDQ\FDSDFLW\LQWKH SDVW\HDUWKLV SDUW\ LV IRU \RX 3OHDVHFRPH%HUHFRJQL]HGDQGWKDQNHG%ULQJD JLIWLI\RX·GOLNH ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐĨŽƌ>ŝĨĞŽĨŵĞƌŝĐĂ A pro-life student group has recently re- That decision completely cut out the leased a new video showing young girls woman’s doctor and in the cases of minot legally old enough for sexual relations nors, her parents or guardians. were unable to buy Sudafed cold medicine Students for Life of America went underbut could easily purchase the Plan B aborcover in Ohio, South Carolina and Arizona tion-inducing drug. Although sex with a to find out what would happen when a girl 15 years old or younger is statutory minor, 15-year-old girl tried to purchase rape, the girls had no problems getting the Sudafed, a common cold medicine, as well drugs at nationally-known stores. as “Plan B.” At each store, the 15-year-old Earlier this year, the Food & Drug Ad- girl was legally unable to purchase Sudaministration announced that “Plan B,” also fed because of her age but was able to purknown as the “morning after pill”, should chase “Plan B.” be sold over the counter to anyone of any “In efforts to supposedly ‘help women’ age. Before that it could only be sold to and give them ‘access’, the abortion industhose 17 and older. Plan B contains very try has completely disregarded a woman’s high doses of the birth control pill, which a health in the process,” said Kristan Hawwoman needs to see a doctor to obtain, and kins, president of Students for Life of is meant to either prevent pregnancy or America. “While the sale of Plan B is stop implantation of a unique human being legal, it is in no way safe or controlled as it following conception. takes the parent and doctor out of the young girl’s healthcare choices.” A new racy campaign Got Insurance? called “Got Insurance” was released on November 13 with advertisements that are intended to tout the free birth control component of the Obamacare health care plan. The ads are bathed in sexual overtones, with one ad having a woman declare: “Let’s Hope He’s as Easy as This Free Birth Control.” Another ad has a young woman hoping to score with popular actor Ryan Gosling now that she has her own free birth control. Many quickly responded to these disrespectful ads and the absurdity of offering free birth control in exchange for increasing health insurance premiums on most Americans. - Page 06 - OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 2145 JFK RD 'HO/RLV/LQN DQG)DPLO\ “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Jeremiah 1:5 Eucharistic Adoration: The Way to End Abortion Sign up for an hour at the Power of Prayer. Call Bill McDonough, 563-582-4436 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #765 Dickeyville, Kieler, & Cuba City, Wisconsin DEFEND LIFE! STACI MCKEON, MD Acute Care, Medical Associates 563-584-3455 | Dubuque, Iowa 3UD\IRU DQHQG WRDERUWLRQ Children Are A Gift From God /DUU\5HQHH )ULHGPDQ Dr. Tom & Margaret Benda 1112 Iowa Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-556-1282 Fax 563-582-7934 [email protected] WWW.SCOTTMEDIAGROUP.COM St. Anthony Catholic Church 1870 St. Ambrose St., Dubuque 563-588-0571 www.stanthony-dubuque.org Proudly supporting LIFE! Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. 1475 Associates Dr., Dubuque | 563-557-9952 Jer. 1:5 ¹µºÄ·´±°, Knippel’s RELIGIOUS GIFTS [Gifts & Supplies for the Sacraments] 129 Main Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 563-582-5845 All life is precious! A Gift to Treasure! Dubuque Advertiser The “The Little Paper with the Big Impact” Love them BOTH! Don’t Support Abortion with Your Vote! St. Columbkille Catholic Church 1240 Rush St., Dubuque 563-583-9117 www.stcolumbkille.net Les & Joan Feldman & Family Vote Pro-Life! GOD is Standing with women & unborn children! PRO-LIFE Dr. Charles & Mary Longo - Page 07 - St. Joseph’s Woodshop Hand-crafted furniture & woodwork built to suit our customer’s needs Mike & Sara Brehm & Family 8605 Tennis Lane • Peosta, Iowa 52068 563-557-7041 285/$'< 2)/,)( 35$<)2586 'U'DYLG (YD6WDEHQRZ 7KHDUHD¶VPRVWUHFRJQL]HG FRPPHUFLDOURRIHU Leonard Funeral Home & Crematory Leonard Funeral Home believes in the dignity of life! Emergency Physician Mercy Hospital | Dubuque, Iowa St. Joseph, protect the unborn! Ph. 563-556-6788 2595 Rockdale Road Dubuque, Iowa MARK MCKEON, MD St. Joseph Catholic Church 10270 Key West Dr., Dubuque 563-582-7392 | www.stjosephkeywest.com Fr. Michael J. Podhajsky, Pastor Funeral Home 1491 MAIN ST ~ (563)582-3297 ~ DUBUQUE, IOWA ~ Honoring the Sanctity of Life SINCE 1936. Kathleen (Behr) Conlon ~ Kevin & Nancy Conlon Locally Owned & Community Minded! The St. Elizabeth Pastorate PRAYLUDE SINGERS IT Solutions for Your Business Call For Your FREE Systems Analysis Al Schroeder 563.495.3992 Where Our People Make the Difference If you would like to support the efforts of the Dubuque County Right to Life by placing an ad, please call 563-556-5960 Galena Council 696 Knights of Columbus Paul & Ruth Fransen and “Do whatever He tells you.” John 2:5 John & Ellen Markham [email protected] Dubuque Screw Products Inc. Precision CNC/Screw Machine Products 6500 Chavenelle Road P.O. Box 895 Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0895 Phone: 563-583-2770 Fax: 563-583-1934 Cell: 563-542-2439 Email: [email protected] Michael R. Scherr President SACRED HEART OF JESUS, 6WXG\&OXE 6WXG\&OXE OOUR URLLADY ADY OF OFLLIFE IFE, , PRAY PRAYFOR FORUS US. . Drs. Clark & Ann Williams “It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth…and the right of every child to be born.” PLEASE PROTECT OUR FAMILIES John & Ellie Freund 6W(OL]DEHWK6HWRQ &DWKROLF0RWKHUV· &DWKROLF0RWKHUV· P.O. Box 461 Dubuque, IA 52004 Family Jesus wants YOU to save the babies. 3URWHFW/LIH 3URWHFW/LIH Serra Club of Dubuque Animal Health Clinic Dyersville, IA Dr. Virgil Bourek, DVM 563-875-6083 - Page 08 - 1125 Main Street, Dubuque Iowa 563-556-1991 or 800-550-4900 If you or someone you know is hurting from abortion, we can help! Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is a journey of emotional and spiritual healing to help women and men overcome the painful effects of an abortion experience. Upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Friday, December 6, through Sunday, December 8, 2013 American Martyrs Retreat House Cedar Falls, Iowa For more information contact: Kris Gaspari, 515-306-7838, [email protected], or [email protected] Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries Home page: http://rachelsvineyard.org Peaceful, Prayerful Protestors Needed We are pleased to report that we have maintained a prayerful presence in front of Planned Parenthood in Dubuque during every hour they are open. It is important for us to pray, not only for an end to abortion, but also for all the scared and hurting women and men who turn to PP for “help.” We also continue to pray for all those who work for or contribute to PP. May their hearts be touched as they turn away from the Culture of Death into LIFE. At least FIFTEEN babies (that we know of) have been saved from death by abortion because of your direct intervention in front of PP. Your prayers and your witness have made a HUGE difference! Can you spare an hour a week, or an hour a month to pray, sidewalk counsel and/or protest? We need you. Please call Ellen to sign up or to gain more information: 563-580-1436. If you are hesitant to stand in front of PP or feel like you may lack courage, know that you are never alone. There is always someone to pray with you. Together we save lives! RED ENVELOPE DAY On January 22, the anniversary date of Roe vs. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand, we expect to have over three million empty red envelopes delivered to the White House. We want to send a message of truth to our president: “This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world.” Americans across the country will participate in this visual expression of moral outrage. If you’d like to participate, all the information and history can be found at http:// www.redenvelopeday.net/. Explicit directions can be found at this address. You may also simply bring your stamped red envelope to our office and we’ll send it in for you. Any envelope will work as long as it is red. - Page 09 - /,)(,6« 'XULQJ5HVSHFW/LIH0RQWKVHYHUDORIRXUORFDOVFKRROVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQDUWDQGZULWLQJ FRQWHVWV7KHWKHPHPDWFKHVRXURQJRLQJFDPSDLJQ´/LIH,Vµ7KHTXDOLW\RIWKH HQWULHV ZDV DPD]LQJ $ ELJ WKDQN \RX WR WKH KXQGUHGV ZKR SDUWLFLSDWHG DQG WR WKH SDUHQWVDQGWHDFKHUVZKRWRRNWKHWLPHWRHQFRXUDJH\RXUVWXGHQWVWRVSHDNRXWIRU /,)( WK*UDGH3RVWHU&RQWHVW:LQQHUV ),5673/$&(,VDEHOOH0F*RYHUQ6W)UDQFLV;DYLHU'\HUVYLOOH 6(&21'3/$&(6\GQH\:HEHU$TXLQ&DVFDGH 7+,5'3/$&(+DQQDK0F'HUPRWW6W0DU\·V(DVW'XEXTXH +2125$%/(0(17,216 .D\OD%RQHUW+HQQHVV\&DWKROLF1HZ9LHQQD3HWHUVEXUJ 5HEHFFD/RFNZRRG'XEXTXH/XWKHUDQ'XEXTXH 0DGHO\Q0LFKHO6W)UDQFLV;DYLHU'\HUVYLOOH 2OLYLD+HIHO/D6DOOH+RO\&URVV 6\GQH\6WHJHU/D6DOOH+RO\&URVV .\OHH5XHEHU/D6DOOH+RO\&URVV -DG\Q:HOOLQJ/D6DOOH+RO\&URVV 0DF\6LJZDUWK/D6DOOH+RO\&URVV -DUHG:DOWHU+RO\*KRVW'XEXTXH 1HOO0F'HUPRWW6HWRQ3HRVWD (PLO\8QVHQ6W$QWKRQ\·V'XEXTXH $ELJDLO.ODXHU2XU/DG\RI*XDGDOXSH'XEXTXH 0HJKDQ)LW]JHUDOG6W&ROXPENLOOH'XEXTXH 0DULD+DOOHQEHFN5HVXUUHFWLRQ'XEXTXH &RQJUDWXODWLRQV 0LGGOHVFKRRODQGKLJKVFKRROFRQWHVWZLQQHUVZLOOEH IHDWXUHGLQQH[WPRQWK·VQHZVOHWWHU țȶȲɃȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊ țȶȲɃȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊ ȧɃɀȳȲȳȽɊɅȹȶȾɀɄɅɄɆɃɁɃȺɄȺȿȸȸɃɀɆɁȹɀȽȵȺȿȸɅɀȺȾȾɀɃȲȽ ȺȵȶɀȽɀȸȺȶɄȺɄɅȹȶȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊȤɀɄɅɀȷɆɄȲɃȶȲɈȲɃȶ ɀȷɅȹȶȸɀɀȵɈɀɃȼȵɀȿȶȳɊɅȹȶȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊȳɆɅȷȶɈ ɁȶɀɁȽȶ ȲɃȶ ȲɈȲɃȶ ɅȹȲɅ ɅȹȶɊ ɁɃɀȾɀɅȶ ȴɀȿɅɃȲȴȶɁɅȺɀȿ Ȳȿȵ ȲɁɁɃɀɇȶ ɀȷ ȲȳɀɃɅȺɀȿ Ⱥȿ ȴȲɄȶɄ ɀȷ ɃȲɁȶ ȺȿȴȶɄɅ ȹȶȲȽɅȹɀȷɅȹȶȾɀɅȹȶɃȲȿȵȷȶɅȲȽȵȶȷɀɃȾȺɅɊȫȹȶ ȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿ ȘɃȾɊɄ ȠȿɅȶɃȿȲɅȺɀȿȲȽ ȟȶȲȵɂɆȲɃɅȶɃɄ ɄɅȲɅȶɄɅȹȶȺɃɁɀɄȺɅȺɀȿȴȽȶȲɃȽɊ ȲȳɀɃɅȺɀȿ ȾȲɊ ȳȶ ȻɆɄɅȺȷȺȶȵ ȳȶȴȲɆɄȶ ɀȷ Ʌȹȶ ȶɉɅȶȿɅ Ʌɀ ɈȹȺȴȹɃȲɁȶȲȿȵȺȿȴȶɄɅɇȺɀȽȲɅȶɅȹȶɈȹɀȽȶɁȶɃɄɀȿȫȶɃȾȺ ȿȲɅȺɀȿ ɀȷ Ȳ ɁɃȶȸȿȲȿȴɊ ȾȲɊ ȲȽɄɀ ȳȶ ȻɆɄɅȺȷȺȶȵ ɈȹȶɃȶ ɃȶȽȺȲȳȽȶ ȵȺȲȸȿɀɄɅȺȴ ɁɃɀȴȶȵɆɃȶɄ ȵȶɅȶɃȾȺȿȶ ɅȹȲɅ Ȳ ȷȶɅȲȽ *ɄȺȴ,ȲȳȿɀɃȾȲȽȺɅɊȺɄɁɃȶɄȶȿɅɈȹȺȴȹȺɄȺȿȴɀȾɁȲɅȺȳȽȶɈȺɅȹ ȽȺȷȶɀɅȹȶɃɅȹȲȿȳɃȺȶȷɁɀɄɅȿȲɅȲȽɄɆɃɇȺɇȲȽɀɃɈȹȶɃȶɅȹȶɃȶȺɄ ɅɀɅȲȽȲȳɄȶȿȴȶɀȷȴɀȸȿȺɅȺɇȶȷɆȿȴɅȺɀȿ țȚȩȫȣȳȶȽȺȶɇȶɄɅȹȲɅȲȽȽȽȺȷȶȺɄɄȲȴɃȶȵȿɀȾȲɅɅȶɃ ɅȹȶȴȺɃȴɆȾɄɅȲȿȴȶɄɀȷȴɀȿȴȶɁɅȺɀȿȿɀɃɅȹȶȻɆȵȸȶȵ ɂɆȲȽȺɅɊ ɀȷ ȽȺȷȶ ȲȷɅȶɃ ȳȺɃɅȹ ȪȹɀɆȽȵ Ȳȿ ȺȿȿɀȴȶȿɅ ȴȹȺȽȵȳȶȹȲȿȵȶȵȴȲɁȺɅȲȽɁɆȿȺɄȹȾȶȿɅȷɀɃɅȹȶȴɃȺȾȶ ɀȷȹȺɄȷȲɅȹȶɃ" *ȫȹȶȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊ,ȲȴȴȶɁɅɄɅȹȲɅɅȶɃȾȺȿȲɅȺɀȿ ɀȷ Ȳ ɁɃȶȸȿȲȿȴɊ ȾȲɊ ȳȶ ȻɆɄɅȺȷȺȶȵ ɀȿ ȴȶɃɅȲȺȿ ȽȺȾȺɅȶȵ ȸɃɀɆȿȵɄ ɅȹȺɄ ȺɄ ɈȹȶɃȶ Ⱥȿ Ʌȹȶ ȻɆȵȸȾȶȿɅ ɀȷ ȴɀȾɁȶɅȶȿɅ ȾȶȵȺȴȲȽ Ȳȿȵ ȲȽȽȺȶȵ ɄɅȲȷȷ Ʌȹȶ ɁɃȶȸȿȲȿȴɊ ȫȹȺɄȚȹɃȺɄɅȾȲɄȪȶȲɄɀȿɁȽȶȲɄȶȴɀȿɄȺȵȶɃȵɃɀɁɁȺȿȸȲȿɀɅȶ ɁɀɄȶɄȲɄȶɃȺɀɆɄɅȹɃȶȲɅɅɀɅȹȶȽȺȷȶɀȷɅȹȶȾɀɅȹȶɃɀɃȴɀɆȽȵ ȺȿɅȹȶȼȶɅɅȽȶȶɉȲȾɁȽȶȳȶȽɀɈɃȲɅȹȶɃɅȹȲȿȸȺɇȺȿȸȾɀȿȶɊ ɅɀɅȹȶȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊȚȹɆɃȴȹ ɃȶɄɆȽɅȺȿȺɃɃȶɇȶɃɄȺȳȽȶɁȹɊɄȺȴȲȽȺȿȻɆɃɊɅɀɅȹȶȾɀɅȹȶɃ Ƞȿ ȴȲɄȶɄ ɀȷ ɁɃɀɇȶȿ ɃȲɁȶ ɀɃ ȽȶȸȲȽȽɊ ȵȶȷȺȿȶȵ ȺȿȴȶɄɅ Ȳȿ țȶȲɃȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊ țȶȲɃȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿȘɃȾɊ ȘȴȴɀɃȵȺȿȸ Ʌɀ ɊɀɆɃ ȠȿɅȶɃȿȲɅȺɀȿȲȽ ȟȶȲȵɂɆȲɃɅȶɃɄ Ʌȹȶ ȪȲȽɇȲɅȺɀȿ ȘɃȾɊ ȲɁɁɃɀɇȶɄ ɀȷ ȲȳɀɃɅȺɀȿ Ⱥȿ ȴȲɄȶɄɀȷɃȲɁȶȺȿȴȶɄɅȹȶȲȽɅȹɀȷɅȹȶȾɀɅȹȶɃȲȿȵȷȶɅȲȽȵȶȷɀɃȾȺɅɊȘɄȲȿɀȶɉȴȶɁɅȺɀȿɄ ɁɃɀ ȴȲɄȶɄɀȷɃȲɁȶȺȿȴȶɄɅȹȶȲȽɅȹɀȷɅȹȶȾɀɅȹȶɃȲȿȵȷȶɅȲȽȵȶȷɀɃȾȺɅɊȘɄȲȿɀȶɉȴȶɁɅȺɀȿɄ ɁɃɀȽȺȷȶɃ ȠȴȲȿɅȺȿȸɀɀȵȴɀȿɄȴȺȶȿȴȶȴɀȿɅɃȺȳɆɅȶɅɀɊɀɆɃȼȶɅɅȽȶȠȷɊɀɆɃɁɀɄȺɅȺɀȿɈȶɃȶȵȺȷȷȶɃȶȿɅȠɈɀɆȽȵ ȾɀɄɅȴȶɃɅȲȺȿȽɊȵɀȿȲɅȶɅɀɊɀɆɃȴȲɆɄȶȧȽȶȲɄȶɃȶȴɀȿɄȺȵȶɃɊɀɆɃɁɀɄȺɅȺɀȿ ȾɀɄɅȴȶɃɅȲȺȿȽɊȵɀȿȲɅȶɅɀɊɀɆɃȴȲɆɄȶȧȽȶȲɄȶɃȶȴɀȿɄȺȵȶɃɊɀɆɃɁɀɄȺɅȺɀȿ - Page 10 - National Night of Prayer for Life! Uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the Feast of St. Juan Diego Sunday, December 8th - 8:00 pm to Midnight Two locations for your convenience: The Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, Dyersville, Iowa St. Columbkille Catholic Church, Dubuque, Iowa It was on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the Unborn, first appears to St. Juan Diego. The National Night of Prayer for Life bridges these two feasts. It honors our Blessed Mother and prays for her assistance in establishing a Culture of Life, to preserve liberty, to protect the faith and to beg her Son to revive our land. We will be united in churches across the country in prayer to end abortion and to restore God’s blessings of Life, Liberty and Faith in America. The National Night of Prayer for Life is a prayer service consisting of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the holy Rosary, prayer to St. Michael, silent prayer and hymns. Please join us at either location for all four hours, for one hour, or for even just a few minutes. People of all faith traditions are invited and encouraged to participate. $WWHQWLRQ+LJK6FKRRO6HQLRUV '&57/ LV VSRQVRULQJ D VSHHFK FRQWHVW DZDUGLQJ D WRWDO RI LQ VFKRODUVKLS SUL]HV IRU TXDOLI\LQJ JUDGXDWLQJ VHQLRUV ZKR SODQ WR DWWHQG FROOHJH &KHFN ZLWK \RXU KLJK VFKRRO FRXQVHORU IRU DSSOLFDWLRQ LQIRUPDWLRQ RU FDOO RXU RIILFH IRU GHWDLOV Give a DCRTL Membership for Christmas Help foster a respect for all human life from conception to natural death and give someone a DCRTL Membership. A $25 donation (or more) will provide an annual membership to the person of your choice. The recipient will receive our monthly newsletter, will be able to participate in all our member events, including seeing our great speakers, check out resources from our lending library and pick up resources needed to help educate others on the sanctity of all human life. GOING NATURAL The Healthy Choice Mark your calendars! DCRTL is sponsoring a conference to present a scientific analysis of the chemistry of sex, fertility and relationships. Continuing Education Credits are offered for nurses, CNAs, pharmacists, technicians, and social workers. It may also be extremely beneficial for religious leaders, teachers, and counselors. Everyone is welcome! We have a very impressive group of presenters: Monica Minjeur, D.O.; Robert Pranger, M.D.; Jamie Rathjen, M.A.; Vicki Thorn, M.A.; and Fr. Ray Atwood, Archdiocese of Dubuque. Make plans now to attend. More information will be forthcoming. Thursday, March 6, 2014 Grand River Center 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (8:30 registration begins) Call our office for more information or to register. - Page 11 - - Page 12 - Dubuque County Right to Life, Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS During the month of November, we held elections for our Board of Directors. Those elected will serve a three-year term. Congratulations to Art Gilloon, Leon Jensen, Jack Mescher and Ann Williams. Many thanks to our out-going board member, Charlie Vaske, who has contributed much wisdom and enthusiasm during his tenure on the board. Mr. Vaske will continue as an active member of DCRTL. Feel free to call upon any of our board members when you have questions, concerns or suggestions for DCRTL. Life is…. Our new billboards are up! Look all over Dubuque for our Life Is . . . ads as well as our new bumper stickers. You may still submit photos of your favorite “Life Is . . .” moments. Simply e-mail your photo to [email protected] with a short description of the special moment. Or drop off a photo at our office. Share your joy with the world and help spread the message that life is precious. Many thanks to all of you who have already submitted photos! :HEVLWHRIWKH0RQWK«ZZZIDWKHUKRRGIRUHYHURUJ $)DWKHU·V5HJUHW +HOSLQJPHQILQGKRSHDQGKHDOLQJDIWHUDERUWLRQ BOYCOTT UPDATE: The Boycott List identifies corporations that are boycott targets due to their support of Planned Parenthood (PP). It is published by Life Decisions International after thorough investigation of the companies and confirmation that they have, in fact, funded PP. The CEO receives documentation of contribution information about PP and the opportunity to make PP ineligible for future support. For more information visit http://www.fightpp.org. DCRTL has a limited number of Boycott Lists in the office. If you’d like a copy, stop in! Please consider writing a letter to the following corporations who are boycott targets due to their support of Planned Parenthood: ESTEE LAUDER – Operations: Cosmetics (American Beauty, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Coach, Flirt!, MAC, Prescriptives, Smashbox), Education (adult: Bumble and bumble [Bb]), Fragrances (Aenga Forte, American Beauty, Aramis, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Coach, Daisy Fuentes, Donna Karan [DKNY], Jo Malone, Kiton, Michael Kors, Missoni, Sean John, Tom Ford, Tommy Hilfiger), home (décor: Jo Malone), personal care (hair: Bb, Daisy Fuentes, Lab Series, Ojon; lips: Lab Series; skin: American Beauty, Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Clinique, Daisy Fuentes, Darphin, DKNY, GoodSkin, Grassroots, Jo Malone, La Mer, Lab Series, Ojon Batana, Origins, Prescriptives; toiletries: Aveda, DKNY, Lab Series, Ojon Batana), and Retail Outlets. Mr. Fabrizio Freda, President & CEO, The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc., 767 5th Ave., New York, NY 10153. GOLDMAN SACHS – Operations: Energy (Cogentrix), Financial (investing/planning: see complete list on line): Mr. Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman & CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., 85 Broad St., New York, NY 10004. DCRTL also sends out weekly notices to any members who would like to send pre-written letters every week to those on The Boycott List. Just send your e-mail address and we’ll send you the letters. ([email protected]) - Page 13 - Join Our Friends List RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 2205 Carter Road Dubuque, Iowa 52001 3OHDVHSODFHODEHOKHUH Dubuque, IA Permit No. 266 PAID NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE