Cosmic Microwave Background the next frontier? V(φ) φ Licia Verde ICREA & ICC-UB Barcelona Some history Discovery 1978 Nobel Two engineers for Bell Labs accidentally discovered the CMB radiation, as a uniform glow across the sky in the radio part of the spectrum, in 1965. It is the blackbody emission of hot, dense gas (T~3000 K, λmax~1000 nm) red-shifted by a factor of 1000, to a peak wavelength of 1 mm and T~3K. “The primordial fireball” Support to the hot big bang theory “Well boys, we have been scooped” Some history COBE (1992): Nobel prize in Physics in 2006 Mather: for measuring the CMB to be a Blackbody Smoot: for measuring the tiny temperature variations Density fluctuations: seeds of cosmological structures "These measurements... marked the inception of cosmology as a precise science" Perturbations: Some history The era of precision cosmology: LCDM: the “standard” model for cosmology Few parameters describe the Universe composition and evolution Homogenous background Perturbations Some history Fast-forward 15 years: TOCO (1998 ground-based) MAXIMA (2000 balloon) BOOMERANG* (1998 & 2003, balloon) ARCHEOPS* (2002, balloon) DASI* (2001, ground, interferometer) CBI (2002, ground, interferometer) ACBAR (2002, ground, array) VSA (2002, ground, interferometer) CBI ACBAR Some history WMAP (2003) Detailed statistical properties of these ripples tell us a lot about the Universe Nolta et al 08 State of the art: temperature ACT The future is here Planck satellite successfully launched in May! “PR” image There’s more! Polarization WMAP (2006) First detected by DASI in 2002 What next? a) Beyond primary anisotropies Use the CMB as a backlight to illuminate the growth of cosmological structure. • First galaxies • Universe is reionized • Ostriker-Vishniac/KSZ • weak lensing •Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) clusters • Diffuse thermal SZ •Kinetic SZ •Rees-sciama/ISW Watch this space because experiments like e.g., South Pole Telescope or Atacama Cosmology Telescope are releasing data these days What next? b)Polarization, the next frontier Why measure CMB Polarization? Directly measures dynamics in early universe So far: Critical test of the underlying theoretical framework for cosmology Future: “How did the Universe begin?” Improve cosmological constraints Eventually, perhaps, test the theory of inflation. Problems of the Hot BIG BANG model Horizon problem Flatness problem Structure Problem The inflationary solution V(φ) H ~ const φ Accelerated expansion… Factor 10 26 in less than 10 -34 s Solves cosmological problems (Horizon, flatness). Cosmological perturbations arise from quantum fluctuations, evolve classically. Guth (1981), Linde (1982), Albrecht & Steinhardt (1982), Sato (1981), Mukhanov & Chibisov (1981), Hawking (1982), Guth & Pi (1982), Starobinsky (1982), J. Bardeen, P.J. Steinhardt, M. Turner (1983), Mukhanov et al. 1992), Parker (1969), Birrell and Davies (1982)… Perturbations: adiabatic ( isocurvature ) Photons Neutrinos Baryons(+electrons) Dark matter (dark energy negligible early on) Tensor (gravitational waves) Fig. From W. Hu. Inflationary cosmology Friedmann equations, a is scale factor Single field slow roll inflation: the simplest example Inflate: Sustain it Process must terminate somehow Restrictions in the form of the inflaton potential V: SLOW ROLL PARAMETERS Inflationary cosmology Physical wavelength of fluctuations is stretched by expansion The physical horizon is time dependent Physical wavelengths grow faster than the horizon Origin of structure Quantum fluctuations get stretched to become classical and “super-horizon” because of the accelerated expansion But the spacing of the fluctuations (their power as a function of scale) depend on how fast they exited the horizon (H) Which in turns depend on the inflaton potential The shape of the primordial power spectrum encloses information on the shape of the inflaton potential! Primordial power spectrum=A kn Amplitude of the power law ln P(k) slope A (convention dependent) ln k Equal power per log k, n=1, scale invariant ! Slow roll predictions ε∝V’/V Other models, of course CMB Consistent with Simplest Inflationary Models • Flat universe: Ωtot = 1.0052 ± 0.0064 (with SN and BAO) Causal Seed model (Durrer et al. 2002) Primordial Isocurvature i.c. • Gaussianity: -9 < ƒNL < 111 • Power Spectrum spectral index nearly scale-invariant: ns = 0.97 ± 0.01 • Adiabatic initial conditions WMAP TE data • Superhorizon fluctuations (TE anticorrelations) Still testing basic aspects of inflationary mechanism rather than specific implementations Primordial Adiabatic i.c. Hu & Sujiyama 1995 Zaldarriaga & Harari 1995 Spergel & Zaldarriaga 1997 Peiris et al 2003 Generation of CMB polarization • Temperature quadrupole at the surface of last scatter generates polarization. From Wayne Hu Potential hill Potential well Polarization for density perturbation • Radial (tangential) pattern around hot (cold) spots. And it has been seen! Komatsu, WMAP7yrs team (2010) Theory prediction Observed Large-scale TE anti correlation Velocities (hot to cold) Density mode Hot due to doppler During decoupling Gravity waves (tensor) are different… Image from J. Rhul. Image from J. Rhul. E and B modes polarization E polarization from scalar and tensor modes B polarization only from tensor modes Kamionkowski, Kosowsky, Stebbings 1997, Zaldarriga & Seljak 1997 Why polarization? Temperature (and E-modes) Shape of the inflation potential Energy Scale of Inflation (Height of the potential) B-modes are needed! Tensor to scalar ratio, r Windows into the primordial Universe Recombination 380000 yrs Atomic physics/GR Nucleosynthesis 3 minutes Nuclear phyiscs TeV energies LHC inflation 10 -30 s (?) GUT? Big BANG Gravity Waves in the CMB Inflation produces two types of perturbations: in the energy density ( as seen in TT) and in the gravitational field (gravity waves). Unlike temperature anisotropy, CMB polarization anisotropy can discriminate between scalar modes (density perturbations) and tensor modes (gravity waves). (r=tensor to scalar ratio) Primordial B-mode anisotropy – – Inflation-generated gravity waves (tensor modes) polarize CMB (Kamionkowski & Kosowski 1998) – A “smoking gun” of inflation => holy grail of CMB measurements – At least an order of magnitude smaller than E-mode polarization – Great experimental challenge – Open debate on implications of possible experimental results (Regular only) Eric Hivon, IPAC (Regular + Gravity waves) Eric Hivon, IPAC First Challenge We live in a Galaxy K Band (23 GHz) Dominated by synchrotron; Note that polarization direction is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. Ka Band (33 GHz) Synchrotron decreases as n-3.2 from K to Ka band. V Band (61 GHz) The polarized foreground emission is also smallest in V band. We can also see that noise is larger on the ecliptic plane. W Band (94 GHz) While synchrotron is the smallest in W, polarized dust (hard to see by eye) may contaminate in W band more than in V band. Relative Amplitudes of CMB power spectra Foreground τ = 0.16 τ = 0.10 τ = 0.16 r=0.1 τ = 0.10 τ = 0.16 τ = 0.10 r=0.001 First challenge Foreground cleaning is crucial! Frequency dependence Templates Etc… Second challenge 1. Weak lensing B-modes (life is never easy…) – Generated by weak lensing of the E-mode by large scale structure (Zaldarriaga & Seljak 1998) – Subdominant on large scales, dominates on small scales τ = 0.16 τ = 0.10 τ = 0.16 r=0.1 τ = 0.10 τ = 0.16 τ = 0.10 r=0.001 Third challenge Considerations about detectors Polarization-sensitive array of bolometers Limited by photon shot noise (Good above ~100 GHz. E.g. Boomerang, DASI) !Trms = HEMT polarimeters TCMB + Treceiver !"!t (good below ~ 100 GHz. E.g., WMAP) Detector arrays needed to beat the noise limit per detector Heavy! Wide frequency range needed to keep foregrounds in check Low l’s are Lensing-free Systematic control Large sky coverage Stability Space Weigh restrictions! Current stage WMAP(08) DASI (02) l 200 QUAD 400 600 800 Current stage WMAP(08) DASI (02) l 200 400 600 800 QUAD Fig from Pryke et al. 2009 Current constraints WMAP5 Komatsu et al 08 The future Ground-based, balloon borne experiments planned. Survey of CMB polarization is a natural candidate for a space mission. CMBPol mission concept study: probing inflation with CMB polarization Bauman et al ’09: arXiv:0811.3919 Considerations in optimizing CMB polarization experiments to constrain inflationary physics, LV, Peiris, Jimenez, ‘05; astro-ph/0506036 CMBPol mission concept study:prospects for polarized foreground removal arXiv:0811.3915 The origin of the universe revealed through the polarization of the CMB arXiv:0902.3796 Clues about high energy physics with the CMB polarization Measurement of the amplitude of tensor modes fixes scalar field potential and first derivative. e.g. Liddle & Lyth (1993), Copeland et al. (1993), Liddle (1994) r < 0.36 V 1/ 4 " 2.6 #1016 GeV V 1/ 4 " 1.1#10$2 M Pl Can take point of view that inflaton is a fundamental field, and use effective field theory techniques to describe it. Effective potential can be expanded in nonrenormalizable operators suppressed by e.g. Planck mass: e.g. Liddle & Lyth (1993), ! Copeland et al. (1993), Liddle (1994) p * $ ' 1 2 2 " V (" ) = V0 + m " + " 4 + # p & ) 2 % mPl ( p= 0 ! Lyth (1997) For series expansion to be convergent and EFT to be self-consistent, require φ << mPl. Result used to argue that that very small tensor modes are expected in a realistic inflationary universe Clues about high energy physics with the CMB polarization Other criteria have been proposed… Boyle, Steinhardt, Turok 2005 Clues about high-energy physics with the CMB polarization Monte Carlo simulation of the inflationary flow equations. "# $ 6 r1/ 4 mPl 5 1015GeV ! A “critical value” What would it take? Experimental forecasts including foreground subtraction uncertainties (Verde, Peiris, Jimenez 2006, appendix of Baumann et al 2008) From EPIC mission concept study Good foreground knowledge and some luck. Putting it all together Non -Gaussianity Probes the interaction of the field(s) during inflation Non-gaussianity is unobservable in many single field, slow roll models IF Single field only one quantum filed driving inflation and generating perturbations Canonical kinetic energy speed propagation of fluctuations is speed of light Slow roll field evolution slow compared to Hubble time during inflation Initial bunch-Davies vacuum the quantum field was in the preferred adiabatic vacuum state just before fluctuations generation A detectable amount is created when any of these conditions is violated Conclusions CMB: there will be life after Planck Precision cosmology: “from what to why” CMB polarization is a window in the early universe and into new physics at high energies “How did the Universe begin?” Challenging! Obstacles to detecting B-mode polarization •Fundamental complications: •Level of primordial signal not guided at present by theory •Signal not significantly contaminated by lensing only on largest scales where cosmic variance is important •Polarized FG emission on large scales likely dominate the signal at all frequencies •Practical complications: •For signal to be detected in a reasonable timescale, instrumental noise needs to be well below the photon noise limit for a single detector ⇒ need multiple detectors •Polarized FG not yet well known ⇒ FG subtraction uncertainties seriously affect the goal Guidance for B-mode polarization experiments •Space-based: •Can detect r=0.001 if FG can be subtracted at the 1% level, but the main obstacle to detecting a small value of r<0.001 will come from FG contamination. •Can be optimized to access the low-l “reionization bump” constraints dependent on the value of the optical depth to reionization. •Balloon-borne: •Has access to reionization bump, cheaper than going to space, more adaptable/expandable than a space-mission. •Future advances to ballooning technology: e.g. “stratellite” airship combining the advantages of space-based and balloonborne experiments may be particularly attractive. Combination of approaches? Image from Conclusions: Implications for Inflation We can only test models with large field variations (or not inflation) Examples of models falling within the “detectability” regime are: •Chaotic inflation models realized in supergravity theory where the potential has a shift symmetry Linde (2005) and references within •Extranatural/pseudonatural inflation, in which the inflaton is an extra component of a gauge field in a 5D theory compactified in a circle Hill & Leibovich (2002), Arkani-Hamed et al. (2003) •Purely 4d theories need more sophisticated structures in order to protect the flatness of the potential from excessive radiative corrections; in general do not predict significant tensor modes Kim et al. (2005), Arkani-Hamed et al. (2003) Important to investigate the possibility of constructing particle-physics motivated inflationary models with (Δφ/mPl) ≥ 1 since these are likely to be the only models that can be probed by realistic CMB experiments in the near future. Summary Tev 3.2x10 1.7x10 9.7x10 13 13 12 12 5.5x10 3x10 12 END Which is it? V (! ) r n ! Etc… V (! ) V (! ) ! !