Dancing at Lughnasa lights up Little Theater
Dancing at Lughnasa lights up Little Theater
Number 51 Volume December Beaver celebrates by Susan ALA Students grabbed passports These table displays et Dec evening which evening fea intemctive countries two comput including costumes traditional and musical from around the world sounds was It cultuml rich journey and Beaver College Academy exciting food from tured on when American p.m an the and were available passports from 630 Language staff visited Rose out set Monday Castle hosted season world the The and the landing visited and faculty Mirmr Rooms and in of the Logan their amund and the symbols 1996 fructor ins and cultures 13 night for savoring represented diversily the at Beaver College The several hundred attendance the enjoyed who 28 groups of kaleidoscope and sounds sights tastes in people by provided participated The passports clever booklets by Heather designed about questions bad Goodman different traditions or countries When ered passport appropriate counhiy discov holders answers by questioning the their the were passports stamped At was back the raffle each passport evenings drawing was entertainment prizes of After the ticket donated held and by nine local merchants and several campus groups were award- ed Entertainment included Lee Korean dance Yoo Korean band instruments operatic Scene by dance by sing-a-long dancing tion by Hee with Sook traditional Gun Woo Pyo Korean tenor singing InterVarsity Fellowship highlights Living Nativity song by Mui Cambodian childrens Vietham with Larry on Kwanzaa Ngo group Hoeltzel by the Venezuelans Top left dance Cluistian presenta table Cambothan Top of right chiIdrens food they prepared for the evenings member of the Korean drum Above Everyone Larry entertain group Hoeltzel in the Students from the Gulf States singing band dances claps festivities Left beat of his own to the along as Gun tradftional with visitors surround the Woo-Pyo hotday song joins Jingle Bells See photos Inside TiiWIIiiii QA Around p.2 the Reviews town p.6 p.6 Dear Lane p.8 Scoreboard p.7 Editorial p.8 Opinions Horoscopes Comics p.9 p.10 p.11 News The Tower Helping others to help ourselves Hemmeter He was Fuhrman byAmanda teach writer Contributing Through Thinking back time my of one days favorite dog-eared my ones looked never took me read children and improve to Volunteers programs the student are here body from Center in progmms Start read because needed extm time often Montgomeiy busy helping Head since duties into incorpomted care other want read small donts of reading to This programs to read is to language and English become five years adUltS as second often do those with was Dr Tom at missed the perfonnance Lughnasa here at Beaver College you will be sure to regret it This play was full of funand the bmtal chanicters loving realities life The performance of each actor and actress brought the stage of the Theater to The mind ofa the man As of Ireland childhood to However was constantly father He her Despite them managed feet harmony ters The coun on his mothers heart broken back by once again these tensions to dance in way one Anyone wherever they carries all later the fears both in per- Rose to mother become Angus to ran off with which jealous caused how seemed This and rthellion going to hopes were shot down by sister But their to the Stmuss in office Corps joyously about half-broken radio Dancing about forget from their of victozy to secret his make them little visits seemed to certain words regained much kind symbolized mind and deteriorating age her life Michael describes each to character as Each progresses went his or sep their ways Michael reveals sent he to received girls but he This over them from for expressing memory his their oldest the house seemed and phrases At the end he of about their worries dear friend trouble talked -moon dance did not stop this both symbolize gitis the harvest dancing him letter family this Then losing Michael wishes was united decides from was die had that to his tragically orientation 1997 jobs this play emphasizes and brevity of to memories of It he finds out and Rose their Clearly deiful he father his that information mother Angus after that confessing away Michael passed withhold of At one point an unfavorable Nola lover the preciousness attmction or youth another mean and had Dr contact Theater of and worries father in becoming Lughnasa Finally the future Michaels for the aither Center/Literacy what happens went she reveals enjoy want more information program the Writing old The plot centers on four sis oldest sister being the mother condescending or interested or the arate together They themselves evetyone of others or benefits his and proposed Although she seemed figure she back enthusiastic Corps people Whether they volunteer have with Michael for her running leave to only his getting left year came looks in whose the lovely in he was he has many memories want to hold on to days he seems that Michael was spent childhood tiy of the play as and sis and nephews while At times the life setting related helpful working with the children and othor of Little life- from brothers are veiy the Literacy about Little at Dancing agree ofwork nieces even When of of the that atx2335 Writer you them- develop younger People about by Adriana Pelosi If work rest in education Hemmeter at x2962 up lights the helping kind this volunteei assist Dancing Contributing find fields how Corps program ago by good is per- about Most people long friendships sake Corps more fluent The Literacy started how child teach children learned to often the Literacy in They their who adults where step are await of the dos and they are not ever by simply Students seive children feel person ters or of preschoolage children own vol such experiences are activities is that type of volunteer Any also help tutor adults their others The most obvious service community of other Parents to and well helping is incentives community schedule their \blunteers to are programs Start many as preschools County kids They take Alforque read to she that are endless unteer selves do not have the teachers help the to added makes Milunteers childnn the to are fonned the Childiens to on campus and to Head her knowledge Lucha the confidence able being the the Mlunteers go the pro- through The benefits of becoming surronnd of and Education the that adding by gained Start As Corps masters degree Another student conceded skilts communities ing gram office help her in the future will who solicited acts she gains experience to she with closely as the in Elementary certificate Beaver at and of accomplish- works Strauss student with grad tmining also residents College and to the Head local sense saw peo and writing of the Literacy manager caters reading at out with Hemmeter and to Corps hat literacy teachers assist own time Both sides benefit skills Nola to day quest as adults their offer tutoring They oftheir discovered well often ment the Literacy is come he past eperiences their improved when it In an organization is it wish out two or childhood What young and Corps here on campus Literacy Well books ple reading twice at time book my relive me always loved Nevertheless someone to others reading to ways tutoring others by helping that was the favorite things with spent had childhood my to in interested writing through hold his time on to life the won- childhood when and Dancing his family at Lughnczsa is coming. The Tower Features STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Aaron Stallworth Improving himself through involvement by Dana Giangreco The Black the was Editorin-chief first was involved When good for the better change to what exactly hes been Thats here at did dents Beaver different person totally was when first said said Stallworth This full sophomore number of cam on tive pus to He the choir womens is WBVR Each to of these in their activities him given the he have Its said easier for have said After bringing for the gospel choir was brought First before back East he to took plans rebirth he also the just been you know let wont fmd of likes about like Stallworth also has desk-sitting on campus and when he goes home he works on the weekends the proposal should the all have much this We else said that he is Mr crazy fun in eI/focni II till mic you would be tipptea/iifedff IV iou Confused Irritable Lonely Unsure of yourself Overwhelmed eaver College Counseling Center can help you red uce build ci 11 672 stress sell-esteem take control grad of your life Ct N1V ENTJE 0911 if avpol1m AL iit EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY TO TALK io to into program it here Guess he here it hard not he find lot he has here people he to said his Stallworth is involvement has different seen person in numerous change than he was year any place from within of wisdom from needs that himself Change begins to you If ago by Maura you see something be done will activities and believes he photo said Stallworth campus himself in you Some words Stallworth Sui.vitfr Sad stay wouldnt and energy Ron Vog9go Joff111 We looking of friends since been motivation life ILe go to school He has Hes made jobs to After from Its group of heads graduate happens Education and he may you He better get big on go from there Beavers for for to to Beaver he plans he RA is graduates this interest SGO is back fall and whatever from the extracurricular Please dont took like to main goal as Dillworth You guys other use something Stallworths and well- view does For now are computers he at at he Administration posi by minor in Business hold one track mind broader Zone home Although as well of had working he job the Discovery air show and Aaron thinks very highly to said and had an the Beaver has given at Stallworth Guys likely any one who wotild be involved choir He choir in the choir He next semester it major major was influenced graduate get for the he has received his of hosts on the perspective Aside impor with along name an he is His choice said you on are responsible of the gospel meeting to Education hell anymore opportuni very here and its more Stallworth interest is stu gave him it him more cultured activities an impact students with broader and make him Involvement that thing wont have improve himself involved about continue E-mail Childhood Early rounded well-rounded tant said he making Black the He him the is because feedback Society own way have ty and American be who he was to Life here DJ on teams member of Awareness mens for the announcer basketball first The said Stallworth Stallworth that in interest of the gospel the co-chair Jams show involved is here activities WBVR was the it chance Early Childhood Education major in outlet the radio Beaver entered good is and he computers of off lives So why me helps of other African support since about Society Stallworth in Involvement always Aaron Stallworth am than its you change Awareness organization do it improve yourself Gtoeson that In doing Poetty Page The Tower COMPAN ION Sanda by Laura sit by Robyn Glow my cushy in upholstered He chokes in As fail-ure of The room deaths is Her thumbs press hard against HIS breathing fails him block in silent out spell Echoes off except for He my caskets proudly dis His showroom the In my which The thunder double as tickle to sing-song She Mr feet dont quite reach Her words the floor Her so toes use nylon covered My Resting uses place much telephone where on the Astral plane he if enemy rolls him as She in Her fights his temper not under The the certificate my at as she his pushes out tears At the price my conversa of his competed my Good night whisper as Human footstool into his spot on the To be picked up shelf of the book previousy past corn- poem Every petitions chance also has entered be pubflshed tO deIuxe in hardbound anthoIogy dignity for the rainbow ONE send The tomorrow Mr Johnson poems original any sty1e any subject case you in To enter He prays slide FREE is pours It tion signalling See and to be published or not can fully returns His breathing the box open is winner Poets from the area have successGlenside secure Her power eternally He looses chas feet buzzer interrupts contest Any pQet whether She loosens have happened 31 1996 Decmber The She wins her grip hadnt been so tise Vving mind rains It his this Would his of murder hatred capable to contOl for the contest deadline air gaining skin hands cage high Poetry Contest deeper in presses Her thick He jabbing Open is 250 American the North ir everyone books your cholesterol the foul child like feel and accusations muddy be poets The hang like stalactites Ofl The thunder crashes lies dont mind really hope you if somewondering Aimlessly say nb of the that pilzes wifl in awarded screams curses Her vomitous Johnson of Library this year to over voice for office lickle My read throat straining eyes betray the presence Her cold played $48OOO her sleeves grip National Poetry has announced struggles hands His the The letters which voice larynx The clouds grow dark under it print painstakingly Cause his concentration heart Cor-o-nary flesh his surrounding hands Her cold face desk the large squashed Poets arm chair Behind lAttention ThiOiiiMiæ1 Snoring to National Ubrary of Poetry Poetry Plaza My Bad/s OwingS MIUs Yord of pretty muck Pulled out stroighi hose gorden Nly of water Pumped Be aecured Ever Gt Pot if it awkward in if all Smashed neatly thats eed the than 20 lawn be no more and the poets tines name and it should address shuId appear on the top of the page end to end small baak style me would dear frend woter to laid sx percent am dry be The poem sorn hr1y feet hod no atherw5e could in everything of opaque stretches tubing two hundred bonee would gird hold lumpy cosing like 21117- proof contokier water is convenently inetnl hondy Nly 5ytem kn MD 6282 by Kftty Soker My cuneOU5 19810 Suite S-tuff yard take give an ll bucket cupful or my present ntentan tr must eber new postmarked by 31 contest 1996 wifl open The Tower Features -Id If JJ Drop-off MITTENS HATS GLOVES I- HOLIDAY SAVINGS Sensational savings the throughout with in this RESCUE every department and. store take coupon OFF EVERY $10 OPENING SPECIAL $50 you spend maade EVERYTHING IN THE STORE nytbe obodwe ay to the oth 5S5 oWd otpoth. oy erch.d rescue pr poth.ofn.tho5 nd no tow vid tCdthook RI Mndo yttnppd 12241% RING REASON CODE 71 CASWER -- HEALTH of y/RLD Free Checks health conscious customers to take advantage of our experience in Invites all recommending Body Athletic Building Herbs Formulas Diet Vegetarian all Foods natural Vitamins Drinks Any Come Minerals Juices in and standard Bank checks and is Cedathmok this you location 10 at for CEDARBROOK PLAZA -Cheltenham Mk41k Hours Mon thru Sunday Not I_ vald Ave years WIth other offers ExpIres December 31 Sat Wyncote Pa your free Stop Plaza OfferDecnber3l Serving Checking Qstom open beckingAccount When You Open office or fist by Account Income order of the COreSates today CoreStates 19c Bank Cedaxbmok Piaza Officc CbelienhmAvenue Eaclon Road naar PA 19015 1O8 12-5 887-0343 1996 -J The Tower Re views UJ orM AROUMD BOOK REVIEW Crime and Punishment holiday novel by Beth Ann Wrable Confributing writer Raskolnikov killed met He Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky Russia but can relate all is it tale love ene good double is and control complete in the plot seen the ideas of between fluctuating stoiy the main character Romanovitch written and step-sister so is long extremely ciples but ago The was and deals with out of read Nutcracker Tickets call to az This 9201 not stoiy book definitely Not December break 99th 17 Nexus Members 137 of Fine Arts Street PA 19106 629-1103 The than Institute Franklin tale of that of December 13-29 December Street Carole 19103 Sivun Endings and Beginnings and exhibit sculpture paper 14-15 Making Weekend Miniature Prop Romeo her and Juliet you like Star Trek youll love Star Trek First Contact Even if you Art 2nd North Philadelphia there woe Foundation Todays for of the Pennsylvania 448-1208 such for Trekkies $3 February Juried Annual kIo was Friday to 222 Noith 2Wi Philadelphia PA Never Poet World-Wide Admission fh movk just 20 of the Day 19118 PA clay Contact Admission 030 p.m Avenue 247-0467 come that with First the Artists December Museum Germantown Academy Ci Mt office Art Philadelphia committed the crime is Woodmere someone kill Exhibition At EDGE Discussion Gallery Free box the 15 DEFININGTHE $15 intermation For more the winter over The diffeitnt the emotions This it December time but the prin wmng still but also with young girl named Sofya Semyonovna also know as Sonia Marmeladov 19106 925-9929 13-15 December it todays reflect in set is no matter who you meets 9038 same are the guilty Street PA Philadelphia reading was written so different is PA Glenside Vine 230 Keswick Avenue Road Easton even though somepaits stoiy Bride Art Center Painted itself story and prices office Theater Keswick ca11 evenis II for times tickets box the -r and 572-7650 long The book It only later be while little their few days for ill place and becomes afterwards this severely feels her and most of steals same The Theater Omniverse $12 only times order to caD the all author Crime and Punishment do what he pawthroker then He possessions about his was and they are almost Russian wouldrecommend society kills Russian book this show For and confusing difficult pleases He that tickets Tuttleman in six was cut and thy but the language man of the can therefore was done being by student 50 chapters least basically the all he is student Being mior dilemma of for and money many pawns haul-up He sees himself as his possessions and at ai names Rodion Raskolinikovisfacedwitha world parts aod Also Raskolinikov being an extraordinary or 15 chapters two in said Our Say Having 12 1997 June Can Happen 13-15 December Exhibit Effects...Anythiflg Special very long and drawn have been could pails meek- extreme ness the reader can see the pmblems facing plot had Special Nowthru life book this EffeCts 19104 898-6791 his was veiy it out What bystanders There to PA 1997 January the Street Walnut Philadelphia crime his 3680 thru Movie of Pennsylvania University her Now Center Annenbera her telling confess rebuild to Although and innocent mies criminals able is and begin by guilt they Sofia for the pawnbmker With killed he help place Mends he his how is sony deeply of rid gets that which we to deals with It of tale The stoiy takes and betrayal guilt in is and by that carnage feels who was her father helped by If dont movie is Juliet good in Dick alent to he is Ahab Captain the Borg form and of the seas absolute wants revenge was made mission Locutus into time this when he in time in order to fol- who this The Eatths Borgs first contact alien Zeifram Cochmne driven waip When finds in nothing but with her adds the is interested gain personal to crew To make Borg who the are meet the queen and The writing Jonathan make movie was acting Frakes the best Star came together Trek movie keep the peace fetched lit- characters by mob boss- portrayed and crazy was favorite yet to users and First-time Juliets par- especially personal before can the occur past This is inverse as used tolerance or cocaine what beyond far what theyve due to the partially have reaction beyond or who those an exaggerated get might normally in even experienced phenomenon known kindling priest my Despite fun poking movie and well The language nor did was an on all did not hinder actors the it acted hinder Experimentation with 20 version like the stoiy especially the youll since the ernizalion helps our generation the Generally it heroin takes an about the usually begins of average year age of of sporadic use the lan- for with and understand and directing by all to wild maybe version farthest ffyou The excellent lovers guage Data out ciivum the this will girlfriend never find dnmk My actors My for it era as favorite android seduced everyones modem cold and her father was depicted sides 50000 paid by Claire es Her mother was shallow excellent of still its not the hot-headed still in this who were ents simul even is only play grave tries were the parents tattooed crews matters has captured more so The giat man of USS Enterprise Borg who more interesting we the first is 1tbalt and Mercnitio tIe assimilating the Enterprise taneously and own his ofwarp his drunk who This only problem to of finding reluctant killing the Earth of the crew of the the science by under cousin Benvolio the stars into they get instead past life the inventor excursion stances prevent he cam make before travel is to goal the the star-crossed still in is by Leonardo played in love and of play and Juliet played are fall on the parts you are this for few days onginal the characters same the This ought to be enough the if than Though twist DiCapno DiflCS do its However form you Romeo them prevent from assimilating the Earth and he lows them back new in portrayed you must see iS were basically put His ofBorg is to for from previ- with the Borg encounters otis kept the boundaries onginal space Pacaid was actors well overcoming tiit and tune the kiflUge cyborg thiough tale minor changes language eqwv- is through white-skinned chasing aliens Picard but instead whale white chasing Luc Jean on lives Sbakespeare modern revival This and there here Captain by William this true to the story with of Mo by version futuristic The famous tragedy Romeo and you Contact This First like youll plot but Trek movies with action good like Star like necessarily someone to predisposition to oploid daily use like some daily habit although develop addiction users might jump up to 10 days within modrelate to From Uppers Downers All story FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL FRAN 3rd ed Darryl nhaba et Oregon ABOUT ALCOHOL AND DRUGS POLLOCK X4020 The Tower want results indicate Statistics of health vated members club enough to dmp out within This is the shocking achieve his/her fitness your ual While exercise should fitness member responds every first month of during months you changes in should begin notice to composition By your body end of the three months the be well two the next on your way the crucial you complete three months of an exercise pro Once first gram and have noticeable experienced you are much less months results to likely drop out in the ensuing believe sons other for not contrnurng program time constraints seeing ma with an exercise such as lack of motivation positive all or emanate from not from an exercise results If and require that understand people of exercise may gestation occur changes decrease be subtle period of about the drop-out of to would rate survive the how critical does the first experience the many new three and benefits Be noticeable patient Recognize changes take time that you day dont you miss feel it would be too on your next scheduled you miss If track Keep exercise day get just of harder it evidence seeing by increasing your exercise how much exactly getting as well are you makes often of by learning you use exercises that Also either your progress new how as slack off to the reps/weight greaterconfidence gives you your exercise pmgramiswoiicmg Make commitment By making exercise much more Keep until regular Having you are priority to likely lifestyle gram going it into it integrate your exercise pro becomes workout habit time also helps Golds fitness all goals member is ing fitness their best for Gyms is members What their good three achieve their of each achiev to with two times times week Gym Elkins Park YOU CAN DO IT GOLDS to and assist consistent program Golds you we to ask to commitment by being exercise commitment member is and every each week exercise if workout misses again encourage months of an exercise program begin day physical dramatically So you ask member the often months before noticeable three workout your program effects up to or common or train difficult started II program Knowing fit your will social even exercising while in yourself you should becoming to and encouragement day Everyone once beat 1rpically if interaction miss exercise ideal friend you expecting is SCO1tEBOARI continue to always is miss workouts to likely both offer enough program Keep with stronger the after less is new members feel generally to feel more energy friend While with training partner grad are for progress etc self-motivated being it goals loss with to mak you are Look better looking Train toward steps differently more energy weight the optimistic that gains exercise and celebrate any impmvements statistic takes it the ing through ing better goals Most often achieving programs Emphasize months has overly of the time expectations moti is that reason key member drop-out first six NOW 50% about initially exercise start certainly One Features is is here llIpxMgg NO ITIATION OIN ROW/AND RECEIVE CALL US Phone e-Mail 215 379-FITT 3488 [email protected] CHURCH RD 46 ELKINS PARK MUST BE FULL TIME STUDENT LSOCALLABOUTOURWINTERBREAKSPECIALS3793488 The Tower Opinions ea EDITORIAL lesson for the holidays Dear Lane Dana Giangreco It seems always dilemma your most the that first Fditorinchief valuable lessons unreasonable Yes almost is coming to much needed the holidays looking really year This this time of the the child inside year This me of when is Ive video grand dolls some or doesnt it surrounds somehow son this have wasnt all that learned else what About before who was my that see to three years Christmas the was ago person teach her the love to people me In the people 1993 to there than teach who 1996 the well Ewing much will than in the fortably mer showed seemed votes electoral sizeable to life tries margin demonstrated warrant be Bush 50% Ross Perot states as well the won in his 1992 of mid as southern battle Clinton are of to be victorious central are the basis decided who data states with proved upon to vote for risks upon. like to adopt on the the discussion still became the most talked could He is before his Bill this approach that Then ask Jf the others about function without become the to Bill Brady the also on Office goal for or repair Clintons entire is at health provide citizens but all may be gradually to welfare Lastly fathers Bill of reform and change picture Clinton political on the majority in that the checks the founding of in the Constitution spoke to millennium agenda Instead of focusing the Oval in the The American reform devout party explains illustrates idea of the have political president first the not this which at liori results and the Republican is of the foreground does in this steps the in either and balances realizes best accomplished small conclude Perhaps Congress insurance done faith Democratic number of police take public sense of same lines he would increase the changes reach to analyzing one can gun con increase to better Medicare fixing However election for to budget By central like will reform and improvements American would He wants this the zen we must childs patrol Jeff to education for support Along slow intermediate ancing Act which his larger instead of believes sweeping change fear of losing one on of the sweep of change could be on the horizon which would include bal cam attend to parents has jobs small chunks the nation respond ideas his must focus he 1992 Clinton welfare enable Now forces the the next into two opposing must woik promote the prosperity chose public them carry to together of the citizens as The Tower and permanent Beaver College Vol 13 No December i3 1996 in Editor-in-Chief .............. Dana Editor Photography the party Editors Turner Maura Oleeson and Advertisingul3usjness ratherthey Oiangreco Va1erc has He does Laurie Amy Manager Ray Seiden Advisor the nations ideas his at may Staff of Public Maria Azvolinsky times moderate supporter in Adam DeBaecke ways of his Democratic Sara party Ji Affairs Won Back Kevin Sangster DiVello Alem Watson Cynthia Wilson Insun party order 4Sunny Yoo to to soon with and reserve would it two Clintons parties are the chance split Tower accepts the right to decide any and submissions all for publication when these submissions will parties The on be the nation of the The We to compromise This resolution The union begins many two the anything must happen of for Clinton majority Congress beneficial presently the worst thing spend money the opinion is that accomplish term out agenda American more worked ifyou with live know never hand at legis platform school like generally but not put the one never if will is Director obviously but does hand turned yes then go for it is did in issues table issues of central would Jeff themes he some form while in implemented trol committees power leans toward be to and she turns your down he few have already been all in limiting should liberal or have what No one rLsk one might reforming has several Coast and influence on solving strictly but the issues the voters administra his found must unite and begin importance After all they which but He and many of some issues numerical lation campaign and devotion its the Republican Clinton The to which promote focus It won many of Taking many of the same states activities 9% Dole western on Clinton 41% candidate party wish gun control Clinton party other the happen problems of Thne received from and would supports tify the East believes spirit his of popu received vote Dole the popular third issue Clinton said Magazine received party think pro down slight Clinton resolved control situa anxiety taking rejected these if you developing becomes attractions you to is so the issues remain that are never nt seem 18 feel to down On Confused be missed Also should votes Nov likes that could The Family Leave Good luck sun seems andbuildup of victory for Clinton in the peiventage The involves Confused boy Features/Entertainment less total narrow margin could relatively approach you can break assur in this new relationship always Ask yourself be more effective could be the like leaves it Jnitiating home takes paign say seeing why is you her out ducing out What should her which longer back should if Clinton are discussed of for not that to ask must be it where bipartisan areas com Clinton the fact sure no is someone rea ask to outcome sincerely are keep your eyes would as he Clinton out Despite and welfare solutions proved could noth with and safe winter Abortion lead the influence Bob Dole Senator niled and tion sea that being same from campaign of our poles her can holiday what can fun government Bill Im not His folks surely anxiously the future President but she that with have risk or not there are not tion more is Clintons return nation lar this because for the California the Pre-electoral believe to Perhaps new one day remember forwani It presidential election incumbent to start time the the i.s making your in whether Unfortunately to the i.s ances as if someone gaps brand ever just Also approach of the 21st century pivotal in shaping son Dear meaning of Christmas lesson look him think 96 the country sad her still girl in January writer As the be but there the fill Hopefully and are never awaits feel see Greetings by Jenn/er Moyer the to ... Contributing and every their break You Election lot you love Well Seasons him miss her about me told once niece true you having like This time of the year him especially and how about think important unconditionally wish there were more people cou then but take to she part This involves to have And remember when The Christmas was one person love to with since want answer there Have Gramps some with information about deci.sion seeing girls this using do you love and life more important is unconditionally knew how was already home Ive been back me told The parts out second step The anxiety producing out for us ple of other reform may bring son six only you back that love she year but she work home at the at for So what ing more important nothing world the irreplaceable love someone that my have to holiday realized of the involved together that woman are and ears open That year is in people of someone This year Eve was people lost day before it She was right it of lung cancer died grandfather funeral to special veiy that how good just family be thankful always have this by everyday to that and everything define whole wise meaning but ago long the gifts that are not days the true year didnt come easily and It realize back sit all my grandfather could know that hes with me in here but time of this and done is that sea holiday been able through and discover of wish still commercial of the all Despite one part of central shopping the best feeling its spirit that and receive few times currently involved still and liked that girl wouldnt because year and the be surrounded matter ization the this up with things all gifts Theres dilemma of state hooked beginning it My opening station but game to material the in if something wont be Me Elmo any Tickle me got and Of course my grand unwrapped about to shine all last gift think has given gets really and to my is at buy After and the forward that but they are not the some to of my day rest am favonte them Beaver old good few weeks and say hello for doesnt matter still and Im an at Christmas for me and see eyes home the into one more week bye bye say my stuff only the death before Just open over now we can father semes .The come expense took It here and are means that Werc stretch of the year holidays you know what ter time that The folks again its learn to two into step involves finding college staff invites community to join The Any comments parties second as they of successful them to The Please Tower include and encourages do Tower or suggestions all students appear and members of the or to submit articles ca be made either the Editor-in-Chief or by calling your name and phone number with ph by sending 572-2171 yubmissions The Tower JUSTICE FOR ALL ...AND If Features Who please the court it by Kristin Wean1 wnter Contributing are only minor contributois really want isolate justice limes the American system has become ble fixtui in this rooms living tables today with this the courts reflect feel us Lady for this Many he that no they upon of the Justice now us the purposes effect an as the maintain by the of money preju the does our not serve civic our the well-being surely system judicial Americans judicial feel are apt inherits to of up precepts the land The laws must be in accord with the of by ates as it was ra of unjust societal as of the judicial active roles an fix We must take process work for us to are obligated to civic known our opinions Elected complaints the problems governmental to duty our of the effecting necessaiy mm deem to of metal it span must each have immorally human namely justice piece the to can with it it of our to th uphold by tempering of our- individually shape ourselves of the people ities think smiths devote we process pletho laws which we If we as molten malleable for the responsible of Like remains We try living of time selves as metal have been is be amended to appropriate hammers to is able document sanctity Paul Baker GAVE Writer Contributing one of the constniction the keys us and eveiyones upon upcoming has just weeks and Christmas His two in is me so forth Being my turn thoughts Christmas obviously and angels mind stops on one angel in to My particular He not is dont cially known angel well even think hes Peter who knew him those to was McKay not only the late Mr was born on Jan McKay dont know much to serve dis 1980s late when mother watched had they in his moved Colts My three boys door next New Necks met to Jersey until grand- ever each since he worked But this paid my the the as Co In ne in flu new \nt by hsl my Mr limited Around tc Mr 199 renovatmo is done same time New This company left cars that he At place 1IIIC the our and .ly toi sys sa pl4ccd no ap he closed Mr McKay at managed ezns img the in with hed several fI January willmg 12 13 Program selections indude wilt clearly so MoUvation man Communication much Empowerment told us to hl pr imc on lhc ry ss on Coflege relief priest it here at Beaver 17 Mt them EaU grarr Fe Is er car 11 open oranlzaUoi riem ilK lefi to me to her of nay send wo wlH ri RegistratIon submtted to the tive olfu ers tome student and first 30 org an zations idrig cer Altalrs Office bctwen oul Ta or pm itrii vd- spcak to di posit tli so to help how anyone who needed flinch mt no charge is require hr artkpate but serve your spy 10 hil knots Those who mu met him Hay havc to TkL Mc\ sure cc you saw how kind he was yo rcalized that his heart had no boundaries Hc was matter Mr McKay thcmr one ii you had down week be say but great lens knov Unfortunately housc wifi ii retreat which his was over done the on WI ph ucF vers quietly wonder ha ha could two day sponsoring from us when we taken cemetery fib rosmtywasnt his Within kncw such that been repay tKpi company Hampshire have ek fl disbelief away andmothcr iy to ar iry nimm was suffenng remember the funeral still casket ml fmscd di and contri diti reb jc pr death year to is months ICU but On July seems creel his and After three Leadel The Student suf McKay long if chance stroke improved It about even morc Mr cu him in of could trou lad died 13 ntaII en my mn grandmother to lwc to 1986 Peter stem dreadfully died and the he financial igon TI wuit signed she 40 on stmt oiima MKay hether grandrnoth Her old sh or never news can grandmothers was not the only way gmndmother ble my week one hour coma Mr McKays For her services $20 into plus word got the 1991 to it Unfortunately brain after McKay 70s was paid trip going summer 1000 said was removed from the 992 the of and frankly my never severe condition in ran around 13 July touched interest wanted to he never On he the 0/ leadership sets starter Florida over Mr McKay work to Mt that the Christmas couldnt afford parents other during in was sick of him in painling Ihe porirail workers of generosity act Around tuition slipped him about not believe from Connecticut fered 1943 the Howevei an angel but saint said final the cost of But been Camp Space considered an angel has It had expressed airfare offl drive directly 1990 Catholic wife did McKay Hanukkah he mans day every turn the thoughts religious holidays ended is car because the seeing Well the month of December to it wiU be be attending this reat to move in on Sawrcdy will abe no cost For more information contact the Student Affairs of the sensibil meant is coun this Angels among us by Brian leg- by us they are our most The Constitution die- citizens spirit not system means direct most signifi contributions it government oper and for the people the courts We make to of society shouting will in the we want if of the judicial the TV Court at judicial change become rights the situation by imposing intended initially appropriateness sensitive validity the oppressed their on the Therefore status thing by Luther made have the concerns the people to by rejecting unjust laws societal Martin to people of society When law in the made by this veiy tactic In the human histoiy there have been the con- an do not check govermnent time Gandhi are defended legally defunct such Historically of keeping date to question to of generation citizens uphold such If citizens their Socrates toward improving process be changed there not their process cant the task for The best way for ensure and efficacy not is tonal power-hungiy battering as time progresses Thus each have fortes for to the needs society both cowardly and to not the to responsibility of of the society of maintaining law on race ethnicity and no matter how devastating islators laws does change necessaiy is Jr strides quo uujust if to ought Is between system Societal values change on the disintegration impact effective is it interest depends relationship process it dated by process operates ciii- case the judicial system growth and change neces disrespectful ends King it consequences of the objec laws If law is unjust or out- It and citizen Therefore judicial fmm undeimined these intended its ofthe interests irresponsible tionable citizen and the society representation of the needs judicial From not correlation moral evolution morally suffer the letter is If the judicial process is based criniination this the to main pur As citizens we are obligated influences had some close this symbol fair trial peiteive While toward our countiy government is In process the The democratic which nd publicity dice judicial fairly be In both people the served is works system its serve gender the best the inhibits citi should for the ordinaiy exist when and of the and application discouraged protects impossibility corrupting of over rules to are jeopardized saty American as the defense interests of the world evils virtual defined and trend blindfolded no longer impartially mores and of the society pose heightened the concerns public to those discus- zeus accurate emerged Most accurately of sensibilities Its school at arguments have grown People traitor do should statement Zeus around our mundane you Constitutional system the should with has judicial and of the justice system American this issues of skepticism longer did passionate Along awainess dance with order in between government represents by body of both our OJ such as the govern- inception citizens there If and for the people hi accor the brothers replacing What controversial with names its of the should the people reflect Menendez the sions over to we cems system judicial them adequately main offenders as the was assumed we If which the an to Bobbit reveiberated dinner the merit degree Infamous Lorena it publicizing unprecedented Simpson At our daily lives the force deterioration ourselves to visi highly The media has tmnsported from the courtroom process legal look to US responsible for the these brought In recent is Office 10 The Tower Features cw shcwinQ at the little Theater oroscopes by Cynthia the WIhon Bonjour La 3onjour Advisor Astrological Capricorn Dec 19 22-Jan dilemma reference there will receive will be on its Pisces Feb 19-March Patience is December 18 kindness 12Er13 8p.m abilities new Exciting by Michael Tremblciy Develop artistic your of for the holidays happiness 20-Feb from others Friends good source are also You help you with wilt your present Jan and your Using creatMty imagination Aquario to way is you CmIna 4ccn 20 in required order to see your plans come generous to fruition with Dames at Sea Be your creativity Dont worry good things January 31 are coming Taurus Take will journey because that be going 7-9 Er 20 April 20-May it February 1-2 You are profitable through of material New growth Les Be lies process and spiritual Soeurs beginnings are abound April 3-5 Er 10-12 11 Cancer Exhibitions June 22-July 22 You are standing on that solid ground was energy and All worth tts time for romance July 23-Aug Use all of your at the 22 senses to appreciate what the world it has given little you Spiritually you will be enlightened Watch the goodness start celebration 44444444444444 Aug 23Sept 22 future is wefl-beirig What you wish guaranteed for will be yours so be careful of what you wish for You with libra Sept Be prepared ent of Its 23-Oct matenat be Time your success 23 Oct be the recip Share what you due of satisfied to is Dec 14-March2 Susan Barran Labyrinth Scorpio You receive with others get what will Museum ofArt to blossom around you Virgo Your Philadelphia to 244s1ov Balance your emotions you can make better will sions you You need the blindfold and otherwise to Through 21 so that gitta rio Expand Dec 29 and Other Works dec remove before you can see where you are going Sa Demolitions your horizons Through Jan The Peale Family Creation of an American Legancy Nov 22-Dec21 Take the time yourseff anything good to get to know before you rush into You have leadership shouldnt advantage of and you you Use common sense your through Passion potentially skills others take let Now Indian Jan 19 for Paisley and European Shawls The Funnies The Tower QON9 czw 1% @OPYRGH1 9lSfRU7T9 BY 11 PN N11ONAL NO NEW5 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Soldier Forn Box 0887 Miami FL 33164 HELP WANTED Men/Women nents home at will $480 earn uifcrti compo tune needed couplec arid efforl br your are EXT l5206807891 FREE The software 888MYEMA1L software or by 997 Festival to future in someone call Serves in the orientations entire ads to $10000 info in those to ing send with postage the military your name first-class no and us MA II or hI Student 97 and FREE TRIPS TRIPS to $2000 up for Cruise to Mexico writ- Caribbean the and Ful1Time employment experience necessary information For home that ust send call Cruise Services Employment Find less 20697F3550 Find sonvione it in twenty and well words publish ee Ext C62742 stamp to The Discount Train has arrived at PIZZA DEPOT 886I South Easton Road 71 Glenside PA gLG.PIZZA Toll Free 8884 WANTPZZA lU j11t MO PIZZAi Oi $495 Osq 00 -Exp.1W31 Other __ PONAL MN Menu Items include Chicken Burgers PIZZA PIR Foot Ing Steak Hoagies Grinders WIIQS Italian Plaaers Sfrombolus ituicn ua Depot Inc 12 Ten 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