- Wisconsin - Mercedes
- Wisconsin - Mercedes
Oct/Nov 2015 Newsletter of the Wisconsin Section Mercedes-Benz Club of America www.mbca-wi.org Fall Tech Session - Zimbrick European In this Issue President’s Message - Page 3 Call for Board Members - Page 4 Milwaukee Masterpiece Club Day Review - Page 5 Upcoming Events Fall Color Tour/Annual Meeting - Oct 10 Chicagoland Def Driving/Auto - Oct 10 Fall Tech Session Review - Page 6 Ducks-In-A-Road Rallye - Oct 24 Fall Color Tour/Annual Meeting - Page 6 Christmas Party - Dec 6 Christmas Announcement - Page 7 Chicago Auto Show - Feb 14 Ducks-In-A-Road Rallye - Page 8 Chicagoland Def Driving/Autocross - Page 10 2 2015 Officers & Board Members Board Meetings President Bruce Hamilton 608-754-6066 [email protected] Vice President Jim Loseke 920-412--5822 [email protected] Secretary Dan Hellenberg 414-839-6995 [email protected] Treasurer Frank Lubinski 414-352-2912 [email protected] Director Andy Stockhausen 262-782-2286 [email protected] Director Jerry Zajicek 262-549-4656 [email protected] Director Richard Kusch 608-288-0614 [email protected] Director & Newsletter Editor Frank Geracie 262-825-7496 [email protected] Webmaster Jim Loseke 920-412-5822 [email protected] Past President Nancy Pearson 262-782-7960 [email protected] Regional Director Midwest Region John L. Ryan [email protected] Board meetings are typically held in the Brookfield library on the second Thursday of every month starting at 7:00 pm. We encourage member attendance at these meetings and welcome any assistance that can be provided in the planning of club events. Recommendations for new activities or comments on prior events are always welcome. Advertiser Support We appreciate the support of our advertisers and we ask our club members to support the advertisers in this publication. Please let these advertisers know that you are a club member when using their services. However, advertising in this newsletter does not imply approval of the products or services by this newsletter nor the officers or board members of this club. Benefits of Membership Your MBCA membership entitles you to: Subscription to “The Star”, a bimonthly magazine published by Mercedes-Benz Club of America $500 off the best negotiated price of a New Mercedes-Benz Discounts on parts, service and accessories from participating Mercedes-Benz Dealerships 15% off parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center Expert technical advice to help you maintain, service, condition, restore and repair your Mercedes-Benz And best of all, participation in the many events provided by your local Mercedes Club of America 3 President’s Message It’s hard to believe two months have passed and it’s time for another great edition of the Badger Star. Your Section had some great events during August and September. On August 8th a small but enthusiastic group toured the Wisconsin Veteran’s Museum in Madison, with Jim & Cathy Loseke travelling the furthest, all the way from Sheboygan. After the museum tour everyone enjoyed dinner at the Essen Haus. Your Section was well represented again this year at Masterpiece Club Day August 22 nd, and on September 12th, Zimbrick European hosted our Fall Tech Session. Read more about Masterpiece Club Day and the Tech Session elsewhere in this newsletter. Fall brings some great events as well. Our Fall Color Tour on October 10 th will take us through the Kettle Moraine area and culminates with luncheon and our Annual Meeting. On October 24th Dan Hellenberg and Francesca Abbate are going to challenge us with the Ducks-In-A-Road Rallye. Our Christmas Party will be Sunday December 6 th ,and save Sunday February 14th, 2016 for our 26th annual bus trip to the Chicago Auto Show. Look at the upcoming event schedule for details on all these events. On a National level, registration is now open for StarFest 2016. StarFest 2016 will be held August 3-6 in Uncasville CT, and will feature a Concours d’ Elegance, several track & driving events at Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park, a Rallye and many other events. You can find out more at starfest2016.mbca.org Bruce Hamilton If you have any ideas or suggestions for Drive-to-Dine venues or other events, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any of the other board members. We are always looking for feedback and opinions from our members, and it’s not too early to be thinking of events for next year. Contact information for all the board members is on page 2 of the Newsletter. On another topic, the Nominating Committee, chaired by Past-President Andy Stockhausen is hard at work putting together a slate of candidates for our 2015 election to the Board of Directors. If you’ve never served on the Board, please consider throwing your hat in the ring. Service on the Board is not hard nor time-consuming, and it’s a great way to meet Section members and really get more out of your membership. See the article on Call for Board Members elsewhere in the newsletter. Our new, much updated website is now up and running at http://wisconsin.mbca.org. Please make a note of this NEW web address as it is different from our old website. Thanks to Jim Loseke who has taken over the job as webmaster, and also to Hauss Cartwright from the MBCA National office for his efforts to update and improve our website, which now has the look and feel of the National website. Welcome to our newest members as of September 20: Duane Bluemke • Wayne Klamik • Todd Bryant • Douglas Larson • James Falck • Richard Ruth Shontina Gladney • Keith Stroobarts • Dennis Hickey • Randall Wessel I look forward to meeting all of you at an upcoming event! THANK YOU to everyone for being a member of this CLUB. New member or long-timer, I’d love to hear from you; your comments and suggestions are always welcome. We couldn’t exist without your interest and participation; it’s what makes this organization successful. We are always looking to improve your membership experience and give you value for your member dues. Looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming Wisconsin Section event. Bruce Hamilton 4 Call for Board Members The Wisconsin Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America is looking for members willing to be members of the board. Three 3-year positions will be available for election this Fall, along with one 2-year position. Board members meet once a month for two hours to plan and direct Section activities and establish policies and procedures for Section events. Among other things, the Board is responsible for developing and maintaining a running twelve-month calendar of events and capturing requests from members for activities & events. Members who sit on the Board of Directors should be willing and able to: • Attend a majority of monthly board meetings held throughout the year. • Participate in periodic e-mail exchanges to achieve Board & Section objectives. • Attend Section functions throughout the year. • Be willing to host at least one event during your three year term. An event can be as simple as hosting a Drive-to-Dine or as elaborate as planning and hosting a rallye. • Be a proactive and positive representative of MBCA and the Wisconsin Section Serving on the board of directors is a great way to meet other members and increase your involvement in the Section. The nominating committee will be meeting soon, so if you have an interest in serving on the Board please send a brief bio to Andy Stockhausen, email: [email protected]. Upcoming Events Date Event Host Telephone Email Oct 10 Fall Color Tour/Annual Meeting Jerry Zajicek 262-549-4656 [email protected] Oct 24 Ducks-In-A-Road Rallye Dan Hellenberg 414-839-6995 [email protected] Dec 6 Christmas Party Bruce Hamilton 608-754-6066 [email protected] Feb 14 Chicago Auto Show Bob Turznik 414-416-3375 [email protected] 5 Milwaukee Masterpiece Club Day - Saturday, Aug 22 Milwaukee Masterpiece Club Day 2015 was well attended by our chapter with over 22 Mercedes Benz on display. Unlike last year, the cars displayed by our chapter were located in one convenient area. The day was a picture perfect day with clear skies, temperature in the low 80’s and a slight wind off the lake. The cars displayed by our club covered a wide range of years and models. The cars included a 1973 450 SEL, 1978 300 SD Turbo Diesel, 1980 450 SL, 2008 SL55 AMG and 2008 S63 AMG, and more recent cars included a 2016 E400 Cabriolet and 2012 C300. Black Forest displayed their heavy duty Uni-Mog truck, a beautiful 1957 SL and their Mercedes Benz hospitality bus. Black Forest provided lunch, refreshments and a resting area for club members from their Mercedes van and canopy. Over 200 cars of various manufacturers were present at the event with many other clubs present including Porsche, BMW, Ferrari and Jaguar. This year also included vintage boats and many new and used cars from local dealerships. Sponsor, Chief Judge’s, and People’s Choice awards were given to owners of a 1961 DeSote, 1959 South Seas Samon boat, 1976 Datsun 280Z and 1971 Jaguar XKE Series 2. Funds raised from the event will be used to support the Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee and Meta House. Frank Geracie 6 Fall Color Tour & Annual Meeting Saturday, Oct 10 Starting point will be at the McDonalds restaurant at 11:00 am at the intersection of Hwy 45 and County Road “H” on the south side of Kewaskum. There is a Conoco gas station in the same building. We will travel up the north Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive through New Fane, New Prospect and Dundee, all the way to Greenbush. The drive will be approx. 2 hours. A short drive from Greenbush will take us to Kohler to have lunch at the American Club’s Horse & Plow restaurant. The Horse & Plow should be adequate for our service, possessing no less than 38 different bottles of micro brewed and specialty beers, 20 draft beers, many wines and drinks available, 7 salads to choose from, appetizers, and over a dozen selections for lunch under $15 each. Following the lunch, we will have a short Annual Meeting. After the meeting, members are free to tour the Kohler Museum and Kohler Design Hall or shop at Windlake Mall. Registration: Email Jerry Zajicek at [email protected] (preferred) or call at 262-549-4656 Fall Tech Session - Zimbrick European Thirty club members attended the Fall Tech Session Saturday, September 12 at Zimbrick European in Madison. Sales Manager Glenn Beckwith and his staff hosted an informative event on the AMG brand. Glenn started the session covering the history of AMG and discussed the early racing successes that AMG had in the 1960s, and the affect it had on establishing the AMG brand. Sales Consultant Joe Santowski continued the presentation discussing the AMG brand as it exists today. Joe discussed his experiences in attending the AMG racing school, the direction of AMG in using smaller, turbo assisted engines and the use of high pressure direct injection to increase hp, improve fuel economy and improve throttle responsiveness in AMG cars. One of the most unique technical improvements is the “Hot Vee” engine fitted to one of the cars on display, a new C63S. In a Hot Vee engine, the airflow is reversed from the traditional “intake on top, exhaust on the side,” so that the exhaust comes out between the banks of cylinders and almost directly into the turbos. This allows them to spool up quicker which improves both throttle response and fuel economy. Zimbrick European Sales Consultant Joe Santowski’s AMG presentation Following a box lunch, Sales Consultant Derek Austin wrapped up the session by discussing AMG’s future. Derek mentioned that sales of AMG cars has been increasing at a breakneck speed and had increased 50% in just 2014. Derek mentioned that the current generation of AMG cars are either equipped with full AMG, hand built engines or in some less expensive models can include specially tuned standard engines to increase hp at a lesser price point to compete with Audi and BMW brands. Along with the C63S, Zimbrick European had on display in the tech session area two other AMG cars, a GLE 450 and ML63. The day concluded with Zimbrick European offering members the experience of riding in the GLE 450. Many thanks to Zimbrick European, Glenn Beckwith and his sales staff for hosting this fine event. Frank Geracie 7 MERCEDES BENZ CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, December 6, 2015 11:30 AM The Copper Dock Restaurant 1474 E. Friess Lake Drive, Hubertus WI 53033 (262) 628-3718 Reservation deadline Saturday, November 28 Make your check to MBCA-Wisconsin Section and mail with your reservation form by November 27 to: Bruce Hamilton, 4225 Southwyck Dr., Janesville WI 53546-1120 Questions? Call Bruce 608-654-6066 or email: [email protected] Christmas Party Reservation Form Name(s): __________________________ __________________________ Phone No: __________________________ Email: __________________________ No. attending: ____________ x $30.00 ea. (inc tax/gratuity) Total enclosed: ____________ Mail this form along with check to Bruce Hamilton at the address listed above 8 Ducks-In-A-Road Rallye Saturday, October 24 Rally Masters: Dan Hellenberg and Francesca Abbate We're holding another road rallye. The last one we ran was in 2008. Those who were on that one recall torrential rains before the event. The sun came out before the rallye started and it was really a nice day other than the flooding that put one SL in a near floating condition. Francesca and I promise we’re paying more attention to elevation in the planning of this rallye. It's an observation and distance rally. We’ll be driving mostly in Walworth County and will be starting at Carver Roehl County Park. The park is free and has some nice walking paths so come early and have a look around. For the rallye, contestants will be scored on the recorded distance traveled and answers to questions along the way. There will also be a time limit, which, if exceeded, will deduct from your score. You may subtract mileage off if you get lost or take a detour. We’ll be dining at the Duck Inn (County A and Hwy 89, Richmond, WI), so if you get too lost, you can come join us at the bar. Trophies will be awarded to the top three scoring teams. Additionally, the Traveling Trophy will be awarded for the first place team if they are from the Wisconsin Section. Tax, tip and dessert are included with dinner. Starting Point: Take I-43 south. Get off on exit 6 "Clinton / Avalon". Go north toward Avalon and take a right on Creek Road. Take a left on Carvers Rock Road. The drivers meeting will be at 12:30 PM with the first cars leaving at 12:45 PM. Trophy Eligibility • Maximum two persons per car • At least one person must be a MBCA member • Vehicle must be a Mercedes-Benz You are participating in this event for your own pleasure and will be fully responsible at all times for your car and passenger(s). You release MBCA – Wisconsin Section from all liabilities for any act or event that may transpire during, or by reason of holding this event. Driver: _________________________________________________ Navigator: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Phone or email: _____________________________________________ Item Make checks payable to 1/2 Duck a l'orange MBCA-Wisconsin Section Queen Cut Prime Rib Mail check with this form to: Salmon Dan Hellenberg Chicken Cordon 1700 E. Park Pl Blue Milwaukee, WI 53211 Rallye Registration [email protected] (414) 839-6995 Price $30 $30 $30 $30 $15 Total Qty. Subtotal 9 26th Annual Bus Trip to the Chicago Auto Show Sunday, February 14, 2015 McCormick Place The $25 per-person registration fee includes one admission ticket for the auto show, bus costs, and snacks! Boarding is from 8:40 to 9:00 am in Milwaukee and at 9:30 am in Racine regardless of the weather. The bus leaves Chicago @ 3:45 pm and is expected back in Milwaukee between 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Pick up locations Racine Park-n-Ride: I-94 & Hwy 11 Milwaukee (Hales Corners) Park-n-Ride: I-43 & Hwy 45 The registration deadline is Jan 9, 2016. There are only 55 seats on the bus and this trip has been sold out for the last 20 years, so reserve early. Reservations can only be made with accompanying payment. Mail check and Reservation Form to: Bob Turznik, W165 N9714 Chippewa Drive, Germantown WI 53022 Contact Info: Home 262-251-2243 Cell 414-416-3375 Email [email protected] MBCA Chicago Auto Show Reservation Form Name: ____________________________________ Number of people attending: __________ Pickup City: ______________________ Date: _____________ Amount included @ $25 per person: _________________ Cell phone in case of delay: _________________________ Pickup site (check one) ____ Milwaukee _____ Racine Email address or phone number for reservation confirmation: ______________________________________________ 12
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- Wisconsin - Mercedes
both the people speaking and the cars will blow you away! Zimbrick European is looking forward to seeing everyone there.
Host and location: Zimbrick European, 2300 Rimrock Rd. Madison WI 53713