July/Aug 2016 - City of Decatur


July/Aug 2016 - City of Decatur
Inside: A New Day in Decatur
City of Decatur
Clear zone
Volume 27 • Number 1
Official Publication of The City of Decatur, Georgia
On Friday, the festival focuses
on activities for young readers.
Beloved Southern author
Pat Conroy (1945-2016)
AJC Decatur
Book Festival
Pays Tribute
to Pat Conroy
The busy marketplace
fills Ponce de Leon and
Clairemont avenues.
Decatur loves books! On
Labor Day weekend, Sept. 2-4,
thousands of book lovers will
visit Decatur for a chance to
meet their favorite authors,
to hear new voices, and to
learn the nuts and bolts of the
business. Learn more about the
festival and its special tribute to
the late Pat Conroy, author and
friend of the festival, on page 14.
9 NEWs
Festival mascot
City of Decatur
Livable Centers
Initiative –
A Great Fit for Our Decatur
he City of Decatur has participated in the Livable Centers
Initiative (LCI) program since 1999. The strategies of the LCI
program link transportation improvements with land use
development to create sustainable life-long communities.
All local governments in the Atlanta regional area are
eligible for the program, which is overseen by the Atlanta
Regional Commission. The program awards grants to prepare and implement plans for the enhancement of existing
downtowns and corridors and the creation of new mixeduse activity centers consistent with regional development
Many of the regional-level policies align with Decatur’s 2010 Strategic Plan, making the LCI
program a great fit for our community. As a bonus, the program provides grants to fund transportation infrastructure improvements. Decatur has taken advantage of several of these grants.
Decatur originally had two designated LCI districts – downtown Decatur (2000) and the
Avondale MARTA Station (2002). The fact that our city is only 4.4 square miles in area, has
three MARTA stations and actively supports transportation options resulted in the Atlanta
Regional Commission designating our entire city as one LCI district in 2010. This designation
allowed the city to expand the 2010 Strategic Plan to create a citywide LCI plan in 2011 that
incorporates the entire city boundaries, but also maintains a chapter dedicated to downtown
The LCI plan provides a more thorough analysis and update of the original Decatur Town
Center Plan and incorporates changing market conditions and new development challenges.
The LCI plan has a total of 59 recommendations, 32 of which directly focus on downtown, and
addresses goals in six areas – land use and zoning; transportation; economic development;
urban design; historic resources; and environment and open space. Improved mobility, more
small businesses, sustainable practices, more greenspace, and new housing options were among
the ideas suggested, but no tax increase was supported to address these desired outcomes.
The city has leveraged tax revenue from downtown infill development and funds from the
LCI program to implement community goals for our commercial districts. Here’s a list of some
of those projects, many of which are within downtown:
Focus on
• MARTA Plaza Master Plan (1999) – jointly funded by the city, the Downtown Development
Authority and the Decatur Business Association
• Master Plan for Avondale MARTA Station Area/East Decatur District (2002) – LCI grant
matched by the city
See Livable Centers Initiative on page 4
Information for the FOCUS should be submitted by mail to Editor, Decatur Focus,
P.O. Box 220, Decatur, GA 30031, or by email to [email protected].
2 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
The Decatur Focus is a joint publication of the City of
Decatur, the Decatur Downtown Development Authority
and the Decatur Business Association. It is a newsletter
intended to provide announcements and information
related to events, activities, and businesses in the City of
Decatur. The purpose of the newsletter is to promote the
city and encourage the exchange of information among
residents, business owners and the school system. Letters
to the editor, editorials or other opinion pieces are not
published. All press releases, announcements and other
information received for publication are subject to editing. Information found in the Focus is also posted on
Decatur’s official website at decaturga.com. The deadline
for submitting articles, announcements or advertising is
the first day of the month preceding publication. Contact:
Editor, Decatur Focus, P.O. Box 220, Decatur, GA 30031,
404-371-8386; fax 404-371-1593; email:
[email protected].
Clear zone
Patti Garrett...................................................Mayor
Fred Boykin................................Mayor Pro Tem
Scott Drake..................................Commissioner
Tony Powers...............................Commissioner
Brian Smith..................................Commissioner
Chris Sciarrone, Chair
Linda Curry • John Drake
Bill Floyd • Scott Kentner
Tony Leung • Fisher Paty
Decatur Business
Tim Martin.............................................. President
Kyle Williams............................. President-elect
Susan Sparks.......................................... Treasurer
Lisa Bobb................................................. Secretary
Marc Brennan............................. Past President
Design and layout: Lampe-Farley.com
City News
et Ready to
Hey Decatur! G
te glass
You must separa
ing, and
from other recycl
own bin) beginn
Over the past few months, Decatur public works staff has explored recycling options and gathered feedback from the community. All options, including sending glass
to the landfill, involved an increase in the
cost for providing recycling. Approximately
20 percent of the current recycling stream
is glass. Adding the additional weight from
glass into the waste stream would increase
landfill disposal fees and other costs associated with refuse collection.
Although many other communities
eliminated glass entirely from their recycling programs, Decatur has traditionally
set a higher standard for environmental
sustainability. An online survey developed
with the assistance of the Environmental
Sustainability Advisory Board collected
more than 630 responses on this issue.
More than 90 percent of respondents
indicated they were willing to pay an additional $25 to $35 per year to continue
curbside glass recycling services. And
more than 78 percent of the respondents
were willing to provide their own bins for
separating glass to be recycled.
hanges to Decatur’s residential curbside
recycling services begin July 1, 2016. New
rules set by recycling facilities dictate that glass must
be collected separately from other recyclables. Decatur
residents will need two bins – one bin for glass only, and one
for paper, plastics and metal. Residents will be responsible for
providing the second bin, and there are no stipulations regarding
type or color, though it should be 18 gallons or smaller.
Why do recycling facilities no
longer want glass mixed in with
other materials?
Will the glass collected
actually be recycled?
Yes. The glass collected will be sent to a
recovery facility called Strategic Materials.
They are a processor for recycled glass used
in a wide array of products such as containers, fiberglass insulation, and countertops.
While a co-mingled recycling collection program provides many benefits, it has contributed to a system of poorly sorted recovered
materials, with pieces of glass, plastic and
metal being delivered in bales of fiber; the
wrong types of fiber going to paper mills; and
plastics, glass, and other materials being delivered to incorrect product manufacturers.
Did the city consider a drop-off
Yes, but suitable land to use as a drop-off location is not available within the city limits.
How does this affect City of Decatur
Residents will need to place glass in a separate
bin, 18 gallons or smaller, for curbside pickup
on their regular collection days. Any type or
color is acceptable.
All other recyclable materials can continue
to be placed together in a separate bin.
The annual sanitation fee for the new fiscal
year increased from $250 to $275 to cover the
cost for separated glass collection services.
Residents will see an adjustment of $25 on the
second property tax installment bill sent later
this year.
I still have my old red glass-only
recycling bin. Can I use that?
Yes, use those bins if you have them. If you
do not have a bin, you must provide your
own. The bin should be 18 gallons or smaller, but any type or color is acceptable.
What materials does the city
currently collect in the co-mingled
recycling services?
Visit decaturga.com/recycling for a complete list of the materials that are currently
UPDATED: Comprehensive Plan Draft to Be Presented
draft of Decatur’s Comprehensive Plan Update will
be presented to the Planning Commission and City
Commission in July. The draft document will propose recommendations on five-year goals pertaining
to economic development, transportation, land use, housing,
and natural and cultural resources. The recommendations are
based on three months of public input. The draft document will
also be accessible for public review and comment through August at decaturnext.com. For more information, contact Angela
Threadgill, 678-553-6575, or [email protected].
NOTE: These dates have
been updated since the
Focus went to press.
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 7 p.m.
Decatur Planning
Commission meeting
City Commission Meeting
509 N. McDonough St.
Monday, Aug. 15, 7:30 p.m.
City Commission Meeting
City Commission Meeting
509 N. McDonough St.
Tuesday, Aug. 16
Document available on
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 3
City News
Sign Up now for New Citizen’s Police Academy Sessions
he Decatur Citizen’s Police Academy
(CPA) will be held SeptemberNovember. Sessions are Thursday
nights, 7-9:30 p.m. The 10-week
course focuses on the inner workings of the
police department and how our officers enforce laws and help keep us safe.
In addition to attending weekly sessions
covering various topics, participants will complete a patrol ride-a-long, get to know many of
the officers serving our community, and meet
new neighbors from around the city. If you are
interested in signing up for the Citizen’s Police
Academy, contact Lt. Jennifer Ross, jennifer.
[email protected] or 678-553-6613.
• Oakhurst Business District Streetscape
Project (2015/16) – GDOT grant matched
by the city
• The upcoming N. McDonough Streetscape
(2016) and railroad crossing improvements – LCI grant and GDOT grants
matched by the city
• Streetscape improvements and parking
infrastructure for Avondale MARTA/
East Decatur project (2017) – LCI grant
matched by MARTA and the city.
town Decatur over the last 20 years:
• $22 million in LCI grants and Transportation Enhancement grants for streetscape,
bicycle improvements and pedestrian
safety improvements awarded.
• $6.8 million in matching funds from the
city’s capital improvement funds.
The most recent group of Citizen’s
Police Academy graduates
Livable Centers Initiative
continued from page 2
• Downtown MARTA Plaza Renovation (2002) – LCI grant matched by the
Decatur Downtown Development Authority
• Affordable Housing Study (2007) – LCI
grant matched by the city
• E. Trinity Streetscape/Church Street
Streetscape (2015) – Transportation
Enhancement grant through Georgia
Department of Transportation (GDOT)
matched by the city
• 2011 Plan for new combined citywide LCI
district – LCI grant matched by the city
4 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Here are the numbers to show how much
the LCI program and the Transportation
Enhancement grant have benefited the city’s
commercial districts and primarily down-
• 6,000 linear feet of streetscape investment
by private developers to date
• More than 800 new residential units built
downtown and another 200 under construction
• 130,000 square feet of new retail/restaurant
space added downtown
City News
Firefighter Sanford
Learn to Read the ‘Cemetery Way’
Students from Renfroe Middle School volunteered to do some cleanup in Decatur
Cemetery in preparation for the Garden Tour and upcoming Second Sunday Stroll
season. During their time there, one of the parents accompanying them, Nicki Salcedo, shared this story:
We Really Do Love the Decatur Cemetery!
Decatur’s newest firefighter, Beth Sanford,
graduated recently as the top student in
her EMT class at Faithful Guardian Training Center. She is now moving forward to
becoming an advanced EMT.
My son wasn’t interested in learning his letters and sight words in preschool.
We read a lot in our house, so we tried creative strategies to get him reading. I
made an alphabet book that included every superhero from comic books and
sci-fi movies. He was only a little motivated.
We like to read and we like to walk. The Decatur Cemetery has always been
a walking spot for our family. One day, we noticed that my son was pointing
out letters and trying to read the tombstones. I like to credit the cemetery for
getting him interested in words. We would look for the letters in his name and
try to find family member names throughout the markers.
Some people might think it is morbid, but we try to find joy in the past.
Those cemetery visits helped his reading and interest in words. If I ever meet a
parent who has a child who doesn’t like to read, I say, “Take them to the cemetery!” We still love the history and wonder and mystery of gravestones. And
my son can read just fine these days. – Nicki Salcedo
Labor Day Solid Waste and
Recycling Services
Regular services for Monday,
Sept. 5, will be on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Regular services for Tuesday,
Sept. 6, will be on Wednesday, Sept 7.
• More than 150 retail and restaurant businesses throughout the city’s three commercial districts
• Acquisition and resale of the Callaway site
for a $55 million redevelopment
• A $52 million redevelopment of the Avondale MARTA College Avenue parking lot.
For more information about the LCI program in downtown Decatur, contact Lyn
Menne, [email protected]; Catherine Lee, [email protected]; or
Angela Threadgill, [email protected].
Now the Friends of Decatur Cemetery can add another “R” to reasons for visiting a
cemetery: Remember; Reconnect; Recreate . . . and READ! Guided tours continue the
Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. through October. Meet in the gazebo off
Commerce Drive. For information contact [email protected].
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 5
City News
Decatur Votes is
a nonpartisan,
city-led program
involving city staff
and employees and
emphasizes the importance of voting, voter education, and voter outreach.
Since the first meeting in April participants have been
busy educating Decatur citizens on voting dates, candidates, and issues for upcoming elections.
Volunteers are still being accepted for upcoming
voter registration drives and neighborhood canvassing activities. Contact Olivia Jackson, olivia.jackson@
decaturga.com, or 678-553-6540 to join or to request
Decatur Votes attendance at your community event.
Don’t forget to vote during the July 26 runoff election. Members of city staff are ready to
assist you if you need to change your address or register to vote. Ask City Clerk Janet Kindelberger or Management Fellow Olivia Jackson for the necessary forms.
Decatur Votes committee members during
the Decatur Volunteer Appreciation event
in April
Jessie Hadley Named Safe Routes Champion for Metro Area
ecatur resident Jessie Hadley
took over as Parent Champion
at Winnona Park Elementary
in Decatur for the 2014-2015
school year. She immediately went to work
to increase the numbers of walkers and bikers at the school. For International Walk &
Roll day in 2013, 50 percent of the students
participated and that number increased in
2014 to 56 percent.
The school held special Walk & Roll Days
the first Wednesday of each month and the
and even increased during spring.
The students
also participated in Bike to School Day.
Jessie has used various ideas and methods
to increase student participation and parent
involvement. One idea was to create a special
sign to display on the day before Walk & Roll
days to remind parents and students.
On walk days, the students each earn a
marble upon arrival at school that is put into
a special “marble counter.” On Georgia Walk
6 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Winnona Park Principal Greg
Wiseman with Jessie Hadley
& Roll day, with the marble counter overflowing, Jessie had to add a bucket to collect
the rest of the marbles. The school had the
highest participation in Decatur for this
special day and received the “Golden Shoe
Award,” which was presented at a student
community circle time.
City News
Baseball Season Begins in Decatur
ecatur Active Living kicked off its Summer Youth Baseball League with the annual Opening Day Parade and Ceremony in June. The parade began at McKoy Park and concluded at
Oakhurst Park. Spectators sat along the street as the parade passed by with trucks full of
kids representing their team.
During the Opening Ceremony all teams were recognized, everyone sang the national anthem,
special guests were recognized and former Decatur High School baseball coach Eddie Fowlkes
was honored. Players and spectators enjoyed free hot dogs, face painting, balloons, and games.
Decatur Active Living thanks everyone who came out to support the Opening Day Parade and
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 7
City News
School News
Decatur for a Lifetime
Ride Your Bike.
Buy the Shirt.
Innovative Housing –
Next Door or in
Your Own Backyard
Thursday, July 21 • 6:30 p.m.
Decatur Recreation Center • 231 Sycamore St.
here have been many articles about “missing
middle” housing – the gap between a singlefamily house and a multi-unit dwelling. This
can also be the gap between an older resident
continuing to live in Decatur or a young professional
moving into Decatur. In this presentation Planning Director Angela Threadgill will discuss innovative housing
options in Decatur.
Find out whether you can build an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit – an additional small dwelling on a
single-family lot) on your property. Learn about how a
cottage court can provide a lower-priced, smaller home
option for someone who doesn’t want to purchase a large
home. There will even be information on the popular
tiny houses and on house sharing.
The program is presented by the Lifelong Community Advisory Board. For more information about the
Decatur for a Lifetime initiative or the board, contact
[email protected] or 678-553-6548.
“I Bike Decatur” T-shirts
are now available at
Decatur Bikes and the
Decatur Visitors Center.
They come in both men’s
and women’s styles and
are only $20. Support
biking in Decatur!
Active Living Launches
New Program for Seniors
n June, Decatur Active Living launched Silver Spokes, a
pilot senior bicycling program using tricycles that help
maintain balance and support to those with mobility challenges. Thanks to a mini grant of $1,000 from the Georgia
Recreation and Parks Association, the department was able to
purchase three adult tricycles for this new program.
The program kicked off with a training session in which
a woman who had never ridden a bike before and another
who was eager to overcome the fear of losing her balance attended.
During the classes, participants have a chance to go out
for short rides in a car-free plaza or park, revisit the rules of
cycling and practice skills.
The program is scheduled to resume in September. Classes
are held weekly.
Seniors interested in using one of the tricycles may sign up
with Tracie Sanchez at 678-553-6559. The trikes will be available in the Ebster Gym courtyard, 105 Electric Ave.
8 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Business and Nonprofit News
Atlanta Barbell Gym: Strength Starts Here
ecently relocated to East Decatur Station, Atlanta Barbell Gym was founded on the
premise that strength is a vital component to sustained health, no matter your athleticism or age. Owners Dee Campanella and Alex Kennedy take pride in serving a diverse membership base that ranges from beginners to competitive athletes, teenagers
to folks born before 1950, and with a membership base that is 40 percent female.
The gym’s Learn to Lift class teaches beginners how to safely and effectively execute the four
core barbell lifts. Starting Strength-certified coaches prepare competitive lifters to set personal
records in meets. Individual coaching as well as programming options serve a majority of the
membership population. An open gym model provides members access seven days a week.
The Decatur community is invited to join
Atlanta Barbell at these upcoming events:
• A grand opening celebration Saturday,
July 16 – details at atlantabarbell.com
• Powerlifting for Pups, a competition
benefiting Friends of DeKalb Animals –
details at powerliftingforpups.com
Returning in September
Treat yourself in Decatur and
enjoy prizes, pop-ups, snacks,
specials and oh-so-much more at
participating local shops when you
Keep It Indie-catur at this special
shopping event. Stay tuned to
TheDecaturMinute.com for details.
To learn more, visit atlantabarbell.com
or call 404-618-6802.
Woodlands Garden Moves Ahead with
Master Planning and Construction
oodlands Garden continues
to raise its profile within the
broader community. The
capital campaign to “Keep it
Green Indie-catur” has laid the groundwork
for a renovation that will include many enhancements to the visitor experience at the
garden. The planning and design effort for
the project is being led by Hank Spiker, the
garden’s property committee chair, in collaboration with TSW, an architecture and
planning firm.
Last year Woodlands Garden acquired
the adjacent 915 Clairemont Ave. property. This expanded footprint at the south
corner of the site will allow easier visitor
access from both Scott Boulevard and
Clairemont Avenue, including enhanced
signage, an expanded parking area, better
access for school buses, and new walkways
for pedestrians to reach the garden’s trails.
The design team is carefully orchestrating
its plans for the corner property to minimize the number of trees impacted while
still meeting the need for centralized, safe
and convenient visitor parking.
The garden’s visitor center will be updated
to include restrooms and a gallery space for
art shows and events. As part of this renovation, a separate shed will be constructed for
storage of tools and gardening supplies. A
meandering, accessible landscaped walkway
will guide visitors to the trails and to the
open lawn area. A small porch will be constructed on the lawn for open-air music performances and other special events.
With the design process scheduled to be
completed later this summer, construction
should begin late this fall. Construction will
be phased to allow visitor access to some
areas of the garden throughout the renovation process. The renovation is tentatively
scheduled to be completed in late 2017. For
updates on design and construction visit
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 9
Business & Nonprofit News
Studio A2 Receives
Design Excellence
Shawn C. and Edward J. Alshut, founding principals
of Studio A2 Architecture and Interiors, have received
a Gold Award from the Georgia chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers. The award, given
for a residential project under 3,500 square feet, was
presented in a ceremony at the Fox Theatre.
The Gold Award-winning project was an interior
renovation of a 1990s custom home. The scope included interior architecture, lighting and interior furnishings and finishes.
For more information, contact Shawn Alshut,
[email protected], or Edward Alshut,
[email protected].
Private Bank of
Decatur Welcomes
Bryant and Mujtaba
rivate Bank of
Decatur has added
Rachel Bryant as a
peak-time teller and
personal banker. The Griffin
native earned a bachelor of
arts degree in art history from
Agnes Scott College and fell
in love with Decatur. Prior
to her current position, she
worked as a graphic designer
and visual merchandiser at
several Decatur boutique retail stores.
Asif Mujtaba, recently
named senior vice president
and relationship manager of
Private Bank of Buckhead,
will be based at the Decatur
location, 150 E. Ponce de
Leon Ave., and serve customers across the Metro area. He
received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the
University of Karachi and attended the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in London. In 2010, he relocated to Chicago as regional president for an Atlantabased community bank, and recently returned to
Georgia. 10 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
AADD Taps Tosha Connors as
Director of Development
ll About Developmental Disabilities (AADD) has hired Tosha Connors as
director of development. In her new role, she will work to increase awareness, donations and support for the developmental disabilities community.
Before joining AADD, Connors was the director
of development for Little Sisters of the Assumption Family
Health Service in New York City. Prior to that, she served
as development director for Boys Town and as development
manager of major gifts for Bright Beginnings, both in Washington, D.C. She was the student director of sponsorship for
Safe Campuses Now in Athens, Georgia.
Connors received her Bachelor of Arts in Public Affairs
from Columbia College in South Carolina and her Master
of Public Administration with a focus on nonprofit management from the University of Georgia.
All About Developmental Disabilities (AADD) is a nonprofit organization that provides advocacy, family support services and training for Georgia families living with
developmental disabilities.
Decatur Resident Releases
Sci-Fi Thriller
Decatur resident and Georgia movie director
Eric Blue recently premiered his first featurelength sci-fi thriller, Beacon Point. The Georgiaproduced independent film features a group of
hikers on a 10-day trip along the Appalachian
Trail, through the Great Smoky Mountains.
The hikers get lost and stumble across an
ancient secret that threatens their survival.
The movie taps into local Cherokee legends
of the Smokies, creating a compelling and
mystical backdrop for the characters. Learn
more and see the trailer at facebook.com/
Business & Nonprofit News
Decatur Kids Help REAP Teachers Learn to Teach Reading
arly this summer 20 Decatur
kids enjoyed a free reading camp as they helped
16 public school teachers
practice effective ways to teach struggling readers. The camp was hosted
by Decatur nonprofit REAP: Reading is Essential for All People. REAP
provides public school teachers with
free Orton-Gillingham training to
improve reading proficiency for all
the children they teach – about 400
kids per teacher over a career.
Since 2013 Decatur-based REAP
has trained 260 public school teachers and positively affected the lives of
more than 8,000 readers. For more
information about REAP visit
New Business in Decatur
OSzam, a new point-of-sales solutions company for restaurant and
counter service establishments, has opened in Decatur. Owners Richard Williams and Colin Comer created the company to help restaurants improve customer service, increase mobility and efficiency, and
provide key business insights to managers and owners through cloud-based
management and reporting.
POSzam strives to be an affordable solution for restaurants of all sizes without
losing the full features required to effectively manage and run a successful operation. For more information visit poszam.com.
Book as Art Exhibit Opens August 19
rtist books take many forms – from handmade and lusciously tactile to linear and informative, abstract and questioning to sculptural
and monumental. This juried show celebrates
the book with a wildly varied collection of inventive and
spectacular work that challenges expectations.
The show, presented by the Decatur Arts Alliance with
the assistance of the Decatur Development Authority,
the DeKalb County Public Library, and the Georgia Center for the Book, will be on exhibit at
the Decatur branch of the DeKalb County Library, 215 Sycamore St.
For more information, visit bookasart.com
Exhibit opens
August 19
Gala reception
August 26
Exhibit closes
September 30
Busy Bees by Francine Goodfriend
was featured in the 2015 exhibition.
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 11
DBA News
at the
Alexan 1133 Apartments
1133 Commerce Dr.
Revolution Doughnuts
908 W. College Ave.
5:15 p.m. Networking reception
6 p.m.
Sponsors TBA.
Visit decaturdba.com for details.
12 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Thank you to DBA sponsors
Decatur Events
BBQ Blues & Bluegrass Festival
Expands into Multi-Stage Music Event
Saturday, Aug. 13 • noon-8 p.m.
Ten bands, two stages, and more than 14 hours of blues and bluegrass music
will entertain attendees at the 16th annual Decatur BBQ Blues & Bluegrass
Festival. The Harmony Park stage will supplement the New Belgium/Patientco
main stage, located in the festival lot at 630 East Lake Dr.
Harmony Park Stage
12:30-1:15 p.m.Sydney Rhame
1:45 -2:30 p.m. In The Wheelhouse
3-3:45 p.m.
Jontavious Willis Trio
4:15-5 p.m. Grizzly Goat
5:30-6:30 p.m. Lockdown Blues Band
New Belgium/Patientco Main Stage
1-1:45 p.m.
Jeff Mosier
2:15-3 p.m.
3:30-4:15 p.m. Dappled Grays
4:45-5:45 p.m. Randall Bramblett
6:15-7:45 p.m. Dianne Durrett & Soul Suga
Pre-event tickets are $12 and are now on sale through Fresh Tix and ticket
alternative freshtix.com/events/decatur-bbq-blues-bluegrass-festival. Day-offestival tickets will be $20.
For more information on the Decatur BBQ Blues & Bluegrass festival visit
decaturbbqfestival.com or call 678-778-2000.
Good Causes Wanted:
Craft Beer Festival
Call for Proposals
he Decatur Craft Beer Festival
committee is now accepting proposals from Decatur-based nonprofit organizations to be considered for funding from proceeds of the
October 2016 festival. Each year the committee donates 75 percent of festival profits
to designated projects, funds the holiday
Keep It Indie-catur advertising campaign,
and provides startup funding for the next
year’s festival.
The committee is interested in funding projects that contribute to the quality
of life in Decatur and do not have ongoing fundraising associated with them.
The committee prefers to use its funds
to jump-start a special project and provide seed capital to help a focused activity get off the
Organizations must be
based within
the city of
Watch for ticket info at
Decatur to be
The grant application for 2016 may be found at decaturbeerfestival.com, or call 678-553-6573,
or email [email protected]
and request a copy. Applications must
be received by 5 p.m., Monday, Aug. 8, in
the Community & Economic Development Department, on the second floor of
Decatur City Hall.
Craft Beer
October 15
Decatur to Host 9-11 Interfaith Gathering
Sunday, Sept. 11 • 3-5 p.m. • Ebster Pavilion
On Sunday, Sept. 11, bring a favorite, simple dish to share, a lawn chair, and an open
mind and heart to the interfaith gathering to recognize the 15th anniversary of 9-11. The
event will start at 3 p.m. with a pot-luck meal and continue with an interfaith service focusing on the theme “Remember, Reconcile, and Relate.”
The event will take place at the Ebster Pavilion, 404 W. Trinity Place, nestled in between the Decatur Police Station, the City Schools of Decatur central office, and the Ebster Recreation Center.
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 13
Decatur Events
AJC Decatur Book Festival Sept. 2-4
AJC Book Festival Celebrates the Life and Work of Pat Conroy
he Atlanta Journal-Constitution Decatur Book Festival
(DBF), presented by DeKalb Medical, is the largest independent book festival in the country. Over Labor Day
weekend tens of thousands from metro Atlanta and beyond
share the historic Decatur square with world-class authors, illustrators, editors, publishers, and booksellers for a weekend filled with
literature, music, food, and fun. For more information, visit decaturbookfestival.com, “like” Decatur Book Festival on Facebook or follow
@DBookFestival on Twitter.
Friday, Sept. 2 • 8 p.m.
Cassandra King Conroy, Rick Bragg, and
other friends and family will gather to pay
tribute to beloved bestselling author Pat
Conroy as the keynote event.
The Conroy remembrance will kick off the
11th annual festival at the Schwartz Center for
Performing Arts at Emory University. Family and friends will share special memories of
Conroy and read favorite passages from his
many books. Those who will participate in the
special remembrance will include:
• Cassandra King Conroy, Pat’s wife, who is
the author of five novels, most recently the
critically acclaimed Moonrise.
• The Pulitzer Prize-winning Rick Bragg,
whose All Over but the Shoutin’ was a New
York Times bestseller and a Times notable
book of the year.
• Noted artist and children’s author Melissa
Conroy, Pat’s daughter.
• Award-winning and bestselling novelist
Ron Rash, author of novels Serena, Above
the Waterfall, and The Risen, which will
launch at the festival.
• Award-winning journalist and family
friend Bronwen Dickey, author of Pit Bull:
The Battle Over an American Icon.
14 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Alexander Chee Selects Track
(Sponsored by Mailchimp)
Alexander Chee picks his dream team to
speak on themes related to how history tends
to repeat itself. Whiting Award-winner Chee
presents Queen of the Night, which follows
Paris Opera sensation Lilliet Berne as she
attains a critical original role but realizes it’s
based on a hidden piece of her past.
Kaitlyn Greenidge will discuss her novel,
We Love You, Charlie Freeman, which begins
as a story of family but becomes an exploration of America’s failure to find a language to
talk about race.
In Rich and Pretty, debut author Rumaan
Alam will provide an insightful look into how
the relationship between two best friends
changes when they are no longer coming of
age but learning how to live adult lives.
Award-winning poet Idra Novey will
discuss her debut novel Ways to Disappear,
which follows the disappearance of a famous
Brazilian novelist and the young translator
who turns her life upside down to follow her
author’s trail.
Samantha Hunt will read from Mr. Splitfoot, a contemporary gothic novel that
tracks two women in two eras as they march
toward a mysterious reckoning.
In her book Witches of America, Alex Mar
illuminates the world of witchcraft while
grappling in fresh and unexpected ways with
the question of underlying faith.
Sunil Yapa discusses his electrifying debut
novel Your Heart Is a Muscle the Size of a
Fist, which is set amid the heated conflict of
Seattle’s 1999 WTO protests.
Garrard Conley will read from Boy Erased,
his memoir about identity, love and understanding, while essayist Kiese Laymon shares
his experiences about growing up with racial
violence both within his own family and in
the culture at large.
In All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women
and the Rise of an Independent Nation,
award-winning journalist Rebecca Traister
provides a remarkable portrait of contemporary American life and how we got here,
through the lens of the single American
Kidnote Author
This year’s featured kidnote author will be
Dav Pilkey, who has written and illustrated
numerous popular, award-winning books for
children, including the Captain Underpants
and Dumb Bunnies series. Pilkey also is the
author of Dog Breath, winner of the California Young Reader Medal, and The Paperboy,
a Caldecott Honor Book.
Growing up as a child in Elyria, Ohio,
Pilkey was diagnosed with and suffers from
dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder. At the DBF, Pilkey will launch Dog
Man, a book about a crime-biting canine who
is part dog, part man. With the head of a dog
and the body of a human, this heroic hound
has a real nose for justice. But can he resist the
call of the wild to answer the call of duty?
Fall Plant Sale at Woodlands
Sundays, Sept. 11-Oct. 23 • 12:30-4:30 p.m.
This year’s Children’s Area on Sycamore
Street is bigger and better than ever
with more family-friendly programming, including an outdoor stage with
performances by local arts organizations,
character meet-and-greets, and food. As
always, top names in children’s lit will
present on the Children’s Stage inside the
Decatur Recreation Center.
Saturday Parade • Sept. 3, 9:30 a.m.
Brad Meltzer and Chris Eliopoulos, cocreators of the picture book series Ordinary People Change the World, kick off the
kids’ events on Saturday with a parade of
historic proportions. Come as your favorite, most inspiring historical figure OR
come as you are – after all, you are an ordinary person who can change the world!
Parade lineup will begin at 9:30 a.m.
at the community bandstand on the
Decatur square and end at the Children’s
Stage presented by the Decatur Education
Sunday Parade • Sept. 4, 11:30 a.m.
Sunday’s parade will be led by Andrea
Beaty, author of the beloved picture books
Iggy Peck, Architect; Rosie Revere, Engineer; and the brand new Ada Twist, Scientist. Atlanta Science Festival and Decatur
Makers will join in the fun as we all put
on our lab coats and our pocket protectors. Parade line up will begin at 11:30
a.m. at the community bandstand on the
Decatur square and end at the Children’s
Stage presented by the Decatur Education
olunteers at Woodlands
Garden, 932 Scott Blvd.,
are gearing up for the Fall
Plant Sale. The annual
event will run every Sunday from
Sept. 11 to Oct. 23. To prepare for
the sale, plants from Woodlands
Garden, mainly natives, are propagated in the plant nursery. The plants
offered during the sale will be well
rooted and ready to be planted in
your own garden.
DeKalb County Master Gardeners
will be on hand during each day of the plant sale to discuss plant-related issues and help buyers
select appropriate plants that will thrive in their landscape. A full list of plants for sale will be
available at woodlandsgarden.org.
This year’s plant sale will include more plants and an earlier start date. Please save the date
and plant a piece of our garden in your home landscape. All proceeds from the plant sale will
go to help preserve this Decatur greenspace.
Decatur Tiny House Festival
July 30-31
Learn how less space can
mean more life
iny House Atlanta will host its
first-ever Decatur Tiny House Festival, July 30 and 31, in downtown
Decatur. Ten to 15 tiny houses will
be available to tour and experts on sustainability, minimalism, urban planning, zoning,
and downsizing will be on hand to answer your
Tiny House Atlanta is launching the festival in partnership with the City of Decatur. The
event focuses on how micro housing can benefit individuals and communities in Georgia. Part
of the proceeds will go to the Decatur Housing Initiatives Corporation – a nonprofit dedicated
to developing affordable housing in Decatur.
Activities planned for the two-day event include:
• 10 to 15 tiny houses will be on site and open for tours.
• Vendors will be on hand to explain and promote sustainable practices.
• The speaker’s symposium will offer opportunities to learn from experts in different areas of
the industry. Speakers will be announced at tinyhouseatlanta.com as they are selected.
Tickets are now on sale and several ticket options are available. General admission ticket
holders can enjoy the tiny homes, speakers, and vendors throughout the weekend as we begin
the conversation on how cities can embrace tiny houses and the micro life. The price is $35 for
a Saturday and Sunday weekend pass; $20 for a single-day ticket. Tickets can be purchased at
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 15
& Nonprofit News
Decatur’s Dinner Party: A Meal to Live For!
Saturday, Sept. 24, 6-10 p.m.
Historic Decatur Cemetery
or the
ARof TDecatur
ner Party. This annual showcase celebrates
Decatur’s food community – from the Global
Growers farmers who grow fresh, healthy food right
here in Decatur, to the chefs whose restaurants serve
Decatur families an array of cuisines.
The event includes a multi-course meal featuring
fresh Global Growers fruits and vegetables, handmade
cocktails, local beers, wine, silent and live auctions with
one-of-a-kind products and experiences, and
150 guests and community leaders dining family-style
in Decatur’s largest greenspace, the historic Decatur
Tickets are $150 each and will be available July 25.
Table sponsorship opportunities are also available. For
more information about the event or Global Growers,
contact Robin Chanin at [email protected] or visit
The Dinner Party is a major fundraiser for Global Growers to support local agriculture projects.
Dinner Par
catur’s Kitchen Garde
wers Network and De
Benefiting Global Gro
Steinbeck’s Ale House
Victory Sandwich Bar
ree and informative lunch and learn topics are presented on the third
Tuesday of odd-numbered months from noon to 1 p.m. Grab your favorite “to go” or pack your own lunch and drop in at the courtroom of the
historic DeKalb County Courthouse on the square in downtown Decatur.
July 19 • Saturday School
Dr. Tom Keating shares on the topic of his book Saturday School – How One
Town Kept Out “The Jewish,” 1902-1932.
Sept 20 • 100th Anniversary of the Last Burning of the DeKalb
County Courthouse
DHC staff members cover the history of DeKalb’s three courthouse fires among
the six courthouses built since the county was created by the Georgia Legislature
in 1822.
Nov 15 • Freedom Fighters in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Agnes Scott College President Elizabeth Kiss shares powerful remembrances of
family members’ involvement with the Freedom Fighters of 1950s Hungary.
For more information contact Fred Mobley, DeKalb History Center archivist,
404-373-1088, extension 23, or [email protected].
Leon’s Full Servie SE
Cakes & Ale
No. 246
Farm Burger
Brick Store Pub
DeKalb History Center Lunch and
Learn Series
16 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Prepared B
Twain’s Brewpub
ers for more informati
Contact Global Grow
Pine Street Market
A Novel Affair: A Magical
Night for the Library
Thursday, Sept. 22 • 7-10 p.m.
DeKalb History Center
Support the library
and literacy initiatives by attending
this year’s A Novel
Affair: A Magical
Night for the Library at the DeKalb
History Center in
the Old Courthouse, 101 E. Court
Square. Popular
magician Ken Scott
will amaze you with sleight-of-hand gimmicks and tricks.
For more information and to purchase tickets go to
Decatur Events
Decatur events
it’s a Date to Stay up late!
Poetry Slam Comes to
ll Decatur residents, and everybody else, too, are invited
to walk in the
Decatur 1-6
Lantern Parade on the evening of
Kaleidoscope – A
Global Celebration
Friday, May
15. This
one of those “the-more-the-merrier”
Java Monkey
to Serve
events, so plan now to participate and be a part of helping
poets will compete in the
to make thishree
Slam taking
Make your own lantern at homePoetry
come to a lantern-making workshop
where supplies and guidance are providwill beand
at by
restaurants, with Java
out where
headquarters and the
To participate, line up at Color Wheelas the host hotel.
a dozen bouts of slam
at event
508 E.will
8 p.m.
block party and more. NPS features
The parade steps off at 9 p.m. led by The
and finals, where slam teams
Black Sheep Marching Ensemble and pafrom
rade guru Chantelle Rytter. The parade
This isitsthe
the competition is being held in Georgia, and poets from Decatur’s
will wend
to time
the community
slam teams are participating. Finals will take place in the
bandstand in front of the Old CourtGeorgia
Sydney Marcus Auditorium Saturday, Aug. 6, 8-11 p.m.
house on the square.
The parade is sponsored by Color for NPS events can be purchased at npsdecatur.eventbrite.com.
include Poetry Slam, Inc., City of Decatur, Decatur Arts AlliWheel Studio,Event
Arts Alliance,
Shop of Stories.
Decatur Education Foundation, and
the Decatur Development Authority.
Estate Planning
Your neighbor and
& Trusts
intown real estateWills
Saturday, Aug. 13 • 7-11 p.m.
edShare, a Decatur-based humanitarian aid organization, invites guests to be transported to
Africa, Asia, and Latin America
during its inaugural Kaleidoscope fundraising gala at the Foundry at Puritan Mill, 916
Joseph E. Lowery Blvd. NE, Atlanta.
The event features live entertainment, international cuisine, and inspiring speakers.
Its purpose is to raise funds to improve global
healthcare delivery and help protect our environment through the effective recovery and
redistribution of surplus medical supplies
and equipment.
Tickets are available for $125 for general
admission and $750 for VIP Platinum.
They may be purchased at kaleidoscope.
medshare.org. Colorful cocktail attire is
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JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 17
Decatur Events
Moore Town Granny Nanny Cultural Group at
Agnes Scott College
Thursday, Sept. 1 • Workshop 1 p.m. | Concert 7 p.m.
amaica’s Granny Nanny Cultural Group launches the
fifth season of Agnes Scott College’s Kirk Concert and
Master Class Series Sept. 1. The traditional performing
arts ensemble consists of master musicians, drummers,
storytellers, craftspeople, herbal healers and spiritualists.
The series, presented by Agnes Scott College, is funded by the
James T. and Ella Rather Kirk Fund which is designated for use
to support academic programs in history, music, literature, art,
and philosophy.
Additional performers for the 2016-17 Kirk Concert and
Master Class series include pianist Dr. Jerico M. Vasquez on
Oct. 27 and 28, and the Vega String Quartet with pianist William Ransom on March 30 and 31. Performances will take place
at Agnes Scott College in Presser Hall (Maclean Auditorium),
127 S. McDonough St. All concerts and parking are free and
open to the public—no tickets are necessary. For more information, call 404-471-6049 or email [email protected].
To learn more about the September performance, visit grannynannymaroons.com/the-granny-nanny-cultural-group.
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18 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
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School News
DEF Honors Decatur Students and Teachers
ecatur Education Foundation holds its annual Celebration of
Excellence scholarship dinner in late May each year to honor
high school seniors who have received scholarships from local
donors. This year the foundation awarded more than $40,000
in scholarships and laptop computers to students and teachers pursuing
further education. This represents 18 scholarships that have been established by local families, DHS alumni, and the Rotary Club Foundation of
Decatur and are administered by DEF. The foundation also gives laptop
computers each year to students entering college. Eight students, including two students from the Global Village School, received computers.
Students honored with scholarships or laptops this year are Autumn
Phillips, Matilda McNeely, Isha Yussuf, Taylor Alston, Chase Polack,
Emma Sandifer, Deaundre Wilson, Sean Hunter, Kwame Oliver, Kyra Perz,
Tori Terrell, Noah Hull, Rachel Beaumont, Duo-Wei Yang, Ola Ogoussan,
Denzel Taylor, Jalen Sprull, Sam Carlson, Lauren Davis, Fadumo Dayib,
Victoria Cook, Sarahn Nazaret, Orisa Richardson, Mohamud Sheikh,
Mohamed Yussef, Mikayla Walters, Zik Da Manrhing, and Meh Sod Paw.
Additional honorees are STAR students Nora Moore and Luke Downs,
STAR teachers Jennifer Gonzalez and Chris Curtis, Oakhurst teacher Cliff
Chestnutt, and Glennwood teacher Vicki Case-Holden, who was honored
with the Clarence Strickland Jr. Make a Difference award.
Learn more about the winners at decatureducationfoundation.org.
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JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 19
School News
Westchester Elementary
Hosts Battle of the Bands
Pam Hughes
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ecatur dads made some noise at the
historic Avondale Theatre, battling
it out for the kids of Westchester
Elementary. But The Dammages,
whose lead singer is a Decatur mom, took
home the Golden Wolverine trophy.
Other bands in the lineup included The
Benders, Flock of Eagles, and Spackle – all of
whom have children in City Schools of Decatur.
CSD Superintendent Dr. David Dude was
part of a celebrity judging panel for the event,
which also included Mark Trojanowski, drummer for Sister Hazel; Michelle Malone, singersongwriter, musician, record producer; Trish
Land, performer, designer, artist; Shawn Mullins, singer-songwriter, musician; and The Voice
contestant and Decatur High School student
Sydney Rhame. Award-winning DJ and radio
celebrity Yvonne Monet emceed the event.
Westchester Principal Rochelle Lofstrand
says the money raised will go toward the
purchase of computers and other technology
resources for the school, as well as for teacher
grants and playground enhancements.
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School News
Decatur High School Soccer Team Clinches Title
ecatur High
School secured
the Class AAA
boys’ state soccer title with a come from
behind 3-2 victory over East
Hall. Senior Devin Olson
scored two goals in six minutes late in the second half to
erase a 1-2 halftime deficit,
and clinch the championship at Mercer University
in Macon. Senior defender
Nathan Tumperi scored the
game’s first goal off a corner
kick early in the first half.
The championship was the
third in Decatur history. The
Bulldogs won the all-classification title in 1977 and the
AA/A championship in 2003.
Cloverleaf School,
co-founded by
Decatur residents
Susan Campbell Anderson and her husband, Mark Ledden,
recently expanded
to a site north of
Decatur. The school
specializes in teaching elementary
and middle school
students with learning challengs. Learn
more at cloverleafschool.org
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JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 21
School News
Friends School Named an Official Monarch Waystation
he Friends School of Atlanta
(FSA) has recently earned the
distinction of being named an
official Monarch Waystation.
The project has been a labor of love for
FSA second graders, and they are currently sharing and teaching other students at the school about the project.
Three years ago, FSA second grade
teachers wanted to find a way to better
connect students to nature and conservation while also improving their scientific
and language arts skills. The second graders started by planting milkweed, only
to find that they had inadvertently planted
the wrong kind. No monarchs arrived that
year. During the second year of monarch
studies, the students formed a collaboration
with the fifth graders and, together, learned
more about native and non-native milkweed
varieties. To everyone’s delight, adult mon-
archs began to visit the school on their way
to Mexico, the monarch’s winter migration
This year the class planted milkweed and
celebrated as caterpillars arrived for the first
time. The children joyfully counted more
than 30 caterpillars. They brought them in-
side, watched them grow and transform,
and ultimately come out of their magical
homes – their chrysalises.
The final stage involved tagging and
releasing the monarchs into the school’s
Community Garden. The children cheered
wildly as the monarchs took flight.
Collaboration between the second and
fifth graders continues as they work together to create seed dispersal models in
the school’s Innovation Lab. The school
continues to work with the organization
Monarch Watch to learn more about how
to create, conserve and protect monarch
The students and teachers at FSA have
worked tirelessly to help monarchs over the
past three years, and are overjoyed that their
labors will allow them to continue to support
and grow the monarch population for years
to come.
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22 | Decatur Focus • JULY-AUGUST 2016
Around Town
Winnona Park first grader Grace
Campbell raised almost $700 at her
fundraising event, “Popsicles for
Dyslexia.” All funds were donated
to REAP (Reading Is Essential for
All People). REAP is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to improving
reading proficiency in all public
school students through teacher
training. REAP provides public school
teachers with specialized training that
reinforces the foundation of reading.
These training approaches are helpful
for any child, in any classroom, and
are especially critical for struggling
readers. Visit readingisessential.org for
more information.
Thank you to the Zay
ac family for bidding
on the Decatur police
for the College Heigh
ts Early Childhood Lea
rning Center silent au
package included “Lu
ction. The
nch with the Chief.” Ch
ief Booker especially
hanging out with the
se two little guys.
Zik Da and Med Sod, two Global
School refu
ege this
who will attend Agnes Scott Coll
rs from
fall, were awarded laptop compute
Decatur Education Foundation.
JULY-AUGUST 2016 • Decatur Focus | 23
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