suffolk planning commission agenda for march 18
suffolk planning commission agenda for march 18
SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR MARCH 18, 2014 PREPARED BY THE CITY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SCOTT MILLS, AICP, DIRECTOR THE REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 2:00 P.M. IN THE SUFFOLK CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE SUFFOLK MUNICIPAL BUILDING IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND OR NEED SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS AT THE MEETING, PLEASE CALL THE CITY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT (757) 514-4060 PRIOR TO 12:00 NOON ON FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014. HOWARD C. BENTON CHAIRMAN AGENDA SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 18, 2014 2:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order A. Invocation B. Roll Call 2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting 3. Preliminary Subdivision Plat: A. 4. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT, PS01-14, submitted by David Andrea of VHB, Inc., applicant, on the behalf of City of Suffolk, Economic Development Authority c/o Kevin Hughes, property owner, to subdivide the existing right-of-way of Bright Lane and to create one (1) commercial parcel of land on Progress Road Industrial Park. The affected properties are located on 2514 Bright Lane and are further identified as Zoning Map 27, Parcel 63C*1 and 63J, Cypress Voting Borough, zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial Zoning District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Suburban). Public Hearings: A. REZONING REQUEST RZ06-13, Bennett’s Creek Commons, submitted by James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions, and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, to request a change in zoning from O-I, Office-Institutional District, to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. The affected properties are located at 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, Units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 and are further identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Inner-Ring Suburban). B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST C20-13, Bennett’s Creek Commons, submitted by James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, to permit a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex in accordance with Section 31-306 and 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected properties are located at 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, Units 900, 904, Page 1 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 and are further identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned OI, Office-Institutional District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area(Inner-Ring Suburban). C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C03-14, submitted by Jason Fawcett, applicant, on the behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, to permit an Accessory Dwelling Unit in accordance with Sections 31-306, 31-406 and 31-701, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected property is located at 4235 Sleepy Hole Road and is further identified as Zoning Map 19, Parcel 2C, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned RL, Residential Low Density Zoning District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Suburban). D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C06-14, Suffolk Pawn & Gun, LLC, submitted by Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners, to permit a Pawn Shop, in accordance with Section 31-306 and 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected area is located at 3215 Bridge Road Suite 1 and also identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcel 12I, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned B-2, General Commercial Zoning District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Suburban). E. ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT OA1-14, initiated by the Suffolk Planning Commission for an amendment to the Code of the City of Suffolk, Chapter 31, Unified Development Ordinance, by amending Article 7, Supplemental Use Regulations, Section 31714, Sign Regulations, subsection (b)(12) Menu Boards; to amend the number, size and height of allowable menu and preview boards for drive through uses. 5. Old Business 6. New Business A. 7. Status Report – City Council Meeting, February 19, 2014 Adjournment Page 2 MINUTES SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION February 18, 2014 2:00 P.M. The meeting of the Suffolk Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 2:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 441 Market Street, Suffolk, Virginia, with the following persons present: MEMBERS: STAFF: Howard Benton, Chairman Arthur Singleton, Vice-Chairman Johnnie Edwards Thomas Savage James R. Rountree William S. Perry James Vacalis William Goodman Helivi Holland, City Attorney Scott Mills, AICP, Director of Planning Bob Goumas, AICP, Asst. Dir. of Planning Brian Alperin, Principal Planner Thomas Jordan, Planner II David Parks, Planner II Catina Myrick, Executive Secretary The meeting was called to order by Chairman Benton and Commissioner Savage opened with a prayer. The roll was called by Mr. Mills and the Chairman was informed that a quorum was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written. PUBLIC HEARINGS: REZONING REQUEST, RZ13-13, (Conditional) Bennett’s Creek Square, submitted by Charles Bodnar, agent, on behalf John Napolitano of Napolitano 1 Homes, applicant, on the behalf of Bennett’s Creek Square, Incorporated, property owner, to amend the approved proffered conditions. The purpose of the this request is to modify the approved Conceptual Plan in order to reduce the minimum lot size for the area designated for single family development from 6,000 square feet to 4,000 square feet, to increase the number of single family lots from 51 lots to 74 lots, to modify design of the amenities to be built in the areas designated for Civic Use and Town Square; and to add a cash proffer to advance middle school and high school capacity. The affected areas are located at 5550 Shoulder’s Hill Road, 311 Childress Street and 835 Bennett’s Meadows Lane, and are further identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcel 57 and Zoning Map 12V, Parcels TC and CIV, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned TND, Traditional Neighborhood Development District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Inner-Ring Suburban). The first item of business was introduced by the Chairman followed by a staff report presented by Brian Alperin, Principal Planner. Mr. Alperin stated that the applicants requested to increase the number of single-family detached dwellings in the residential portion of the development from 51 units to 74 units. As a result, the lots sizes will be reduced from 6,000 square feet to 4,000 square feet to accommodate the additional units. The requested increase in the number of single family detached dwelling units will continue to meet the recommended densities in the TND for residential dwelling units. With regard to water levels of service, it is anticipated that adequate pressure and flows will be available to serve the additional dwelling units proposed. In addition, the updated Public Facilities Report indicated that the Regional Pump Station serving this area of the City has adequate capacity to handle the additional dwelling units proposed. With regard to stormwater management, the impervious area 2 will slightly increase as a result of the additional dwelling units proposed. Should this rezoning request be approved, a plan amendment will be submitted that includes water quality and quantity calculations. Public Schools continue to be problematic for increased residential development in the northern portion of the City. A review of the elementary, middle and high schools in the attendance zone for the development found the middle and high schools to be over capacity. Staff determined what impacts the additional 23 single-family detached dwelling units will have on current school capacity. Based on this analysis, the applicant proffered to advance capacity of the high school and middle school attendance zones by making a monetary contribution in the amount of $245,566.40 or $3,318.46 per dwelling unit for each of the 74 dwelling units located in phase 2 of the development. A second aspect of this request involves a change in the proffer regarding the recreational amenities of the development. The approved proffers specified that Bennetts Creek Square will include a visual and performing arts center as a civic use within the town square. The applicant requested to amend the proffer by replacing this amenity with a gazebo and trellis that can serve as a gathering place within the development. This amenity will be constructed in accordance with the conceptual drawings that were submitted. Staff found that the proposed amendments to the proffers associated with Bennett’s Creek Square are compatible with the 2026 Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the proposed revisions do 3 not affect the overall Bennett’s Creek Square project and the requirements of the TND zoning district. Staff recommended approval of this application with the proffers. The public hearing was opened and speaking in favor of this application was John Napolitano. He asked for the Commission’s approval of this application. Also, speaking in favor of this application was Ray Eure, Hoggard & Eure Associates. Speaking in opposition was Cathy Little. She stated that she was concerned about the increased traffic in that area. Speaking in rebuttal was John Napalitano. He stated that they will be making road improvements to Shoulders Hill Road. Speaking in favor of this application as Stuart Resor, architect. This is an extremely outstanding project and they look forward being a tenant in one of those buildings. There being no more speakers, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rountree stated that he is concerned about the increased traffic in the area. This is a good project and a good concept; therefore, he made a motion to approve this application with the proffers, seconded by Commissioner Singleton and passed by a recorded vote of 6 to 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C32-13, Riverbend Church, 4 submitted by Dr. Bobby Hill, applicant, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Square Professional Center, LLC, property owner, to permit a Place of Worship, large, at least 6,000 square feet in main sanctuary, in accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected property is located at 230 Meadow View Boulevard and is further identified as Zoning Map 12V Parcel E, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned TND, Traditional Neighborhood Development District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Inner-Ring Suburban). The next item of business was introduced by the Chairman followed by a staff report presented by Brian Alperin, Principal Planner. Mr. Alperin stated that this application is to allow a place of worship. The place of worship will occupy the entire area of the other building which is 6,624 square foot. The building layout submitted with the application indicated that the proposed sanctuary, with a seating capacity for 190 persons, will occupy approximately half of the building. The remainder of the building will consist of classrooms, a nursery, pastor’s office, kitchen and restroom facilities. According to the applicant, Sunday morning services will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. while smaller groups of 20-30 people may gather during some weekdays and weekends. No child day care services will be provided as an accessory use to a religious assembly. With regard to impacts to public facilities in the area, it is anticipated that water levels of service will be adequate to serve the proposed use. In addition, the regional pump station serving Bennetts Creek Square has adequate sewer capacity to serve the proposed large religious assembly use. With regard to traffic 5 impacts, the project has safe and efficient access to the existing street network within the TND as well as Shoulders Hill Road. No additional street improvements are necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Staff felt that this request meets the Conditional Use Permit approval criteria as outlined in the UDO. The proposed place of worship will not have any negative impact on the continued development of Bennett’s Creek Square and; therefore, staff recommended approval of this application with the conditions noted in the staff report. The public hearing was opened and speaking in favor of this application was Donald Mills, 2122 Arizona Avenue, Suffolk, VA. He asked for the Commission’s approval of this application. Also, speaking in favor of this application was Dr. Bobby Hill, pastor. He stated that they believe they can make a positive impact and contribution to the community. He asked for the Commission’s approval of this application. Also, speaking in favor of this application as Stuart Resor, architect. There being no speakers in opposition, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve this application with the conditions, seconded by Commissioner Savage and passed by a recorded vote of 8 to 0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C01-14, Cherry Grove Plantation, submitted by Whitney G. Saunders, agent, on behalf of Richard and Janet Goldbach, applicants and property owners, to permit a Guest Ranch, in accordance with Sections 6 31-306 and 31-406, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected properties are located at 1548, 1552 and 1554 Cherry Grove Road North and are further identified as Zoning Map 4, Parcels 2, 2*2*A, 2*2*B, Chuckatuck Voting Borough, zoned RE, Rural Estate District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Rural Agricultural Conservation Area. The next item of business was introduced by the Chairman followed by a staff report presented by Thomas Jordan, Planner II. Mr. Jordan stated that the applicant requested a conditional use permit to operate a guest ranch on the property. The property owners intend to rent the historic farm house, barn, and surrounding grounds as a weekly residential vacation rental to groups seeking rural tranquility. Renters additionally will have the opportunity to conduct special events on the property such as weddings, family reunions, and similar events. The farm house and barn will be fully furnished with utilities; however, no food will be provided, except by the guest. The property owners stated that the property will only be offered to individual renters and will not be divided for rental to separate parties. The renovated farmhouse has five (5) bedrooms with bathrooms in addition to a country kitchen, dining room, and living areas. The adjacent barn, offers one (1) bedroom, a recreational room, and spa room. A total of fourteen (14) persons can be accommodated by the farm house and barn. The property includes extensive outdoor recreation space and access to the Chuckatuck Creek. The UDO does not provide any supplemental standards for the guest ranch use. Water and sewer service is currently provided by an on-site private 7 well and septic system. The property owners are currently seeking authorization from the Suffolk Health Department to install a new septic field to serve the historic farmhouse and barn. The house is accessed by a private driveway off of Cherry Grove Road North. Traffic Engineering stated the addition of the guest ranch use should not significantly increase the amount of traffic along the roadway. Eleven (11) permanent parking spaces are offered to serve guests utilizing the vacation rental home. Additional, overflow parking is available for up to seventy (70) vehicles. It was staff’s opinion that the site in question is appropriate for the proposed use given the size of the existing lots, and with specific conditions that will serve to mitigate potential adverse impacts. Therefore, staff recommended approval of this application with the conditions noted in the staff report. The public hearing was opened and speaking in favor of this application was Whitney Saunders, 705 W. Washington Street, Suffolk, VA. He stated that his family use to own this property; this is the first of such facility in the City that will attract tourist groups to the area. Events cannot be held by the general public, only citizens who rent the property to stay there can hold an event. He asked for the Commission’s approval of this application. Speaking in opposition was Cathy Little. She stated that she was not opposed to the project, but just wanted to know a little more about the project. She feared that there 8 might be trees cut down or hunting parties on-site. Also, speaking in opposition was Jackie Cherry, 1833 Cotton Farm Lane, Suffolk, VA. She stated that she is not opposed, but has concerns. She advised that there have been a noise factor during previous events at the house. She also wondered if the application will be reviewed regularly by the City and will the conditional use permit be transferred when the property is sold. Speaking in rebuttal was Whitney Saunders. Mr. Saunders read a couple of letters from adjacent property owners in support of this application. He also stated that they will not be cutting down any trees and there will be no hunting on the property. The Goldbach’s did have an event in which they invited all the neighbors to visit the property. There being no more speakers, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rountree stated that this will be a good asset to the City of Suffolk, but would like to give the applicant an additional thirty (30) days so that they could talk with the neighbors to discuss the project. Commissioner Vacalis stated that this is a magnificent building and it’s a beautiful site; therefore, he made a motion to approve this application with the conditions, seconded by Commissioner Goodman and passed by a recorded vote of 5 to 3. EXCEPTION REQUEST EX04-13, submitted by Lloyd David Marshall, applicant and property owner, to permit an accessory structure (storage shed) within the 100foot Resource Protection Area buffer. The affected property is located at 2605 South 9 Nansemond Drive and is further identified as Zoning Map 11A, Parcel 83, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough, zoned RL, Residential Low Density Zoning District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Suburban). The next item of business was introduced by the Chairman followed by a staff report presented by David Parks, Planner II. Mr. Parks stated that the applicant requested to locate a 160 square foot storage shed within the landward portion of the 100-foot RPA buffer. The applicant installed the storage shed over three years ago when he moved into the property; however, the shed was not properly permitted at the time of installation. Currently, the shed is located along the side of the house. The applicant will be required to move the shed so that it is located behind the house to comply with the 5-foot side yard setback requirement for accessory structures as stated in the UDO. No other location will be suitable as the proposed structure could not adhere to building setback requirements if placed any further toward the front of the house. In that regard, there does not appear to be an alternative location for the shed outside of the RPA buffer. The proposed location of the shed will not require the removal of any existing vegetation. The 100-foot buffer on this lot contains a few trees and shrubs, but mainly the entire rear portion of the yard is grass down to the bank of the Nansemond River. The applicant proposed to install six large shrubs within a mulch bed around the storage shed to compensate for the increase in impervious area. The calculations used for landscaping are consistent with the regulations contained within 10 the Riparian Buffers Modification and Mitigation Manual. Staff found that the applicant’s request does satisfy the criteria as outlined in the UDO to grant an Exception to the requirements of the CBPA Overlay District. The applicant provided a mitigation planting plan consistent with buffer landscaping requirements. In that regard, staff recommended approval of this application with the conditions noted in the staff report. The public hearing was opened and speaking in favor of this application was Lloyd Marshall, property owner. He asked for the Commission’s approval of this application. Speaking in opposition was Ms. Kirsten Snyder, adjacent property owner. There being no more speakers, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rountree made a motion to approve this application with the conditions, seconded by Commissioner Singleton and passed by a recorded vote of 7 to 1. STATUS REPORT: Mr. Mills gave the results of the January 15, 2014 City Council meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Singleton made a motion to initiate a text amendment to the UDO in reference to Menu Boards, seconded by Commission Perry and passed by a voice vote of 8 to 0. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: 11 Helivi Holland, City Attorney, showed a video to the Commission on FOIA and COIA. OTHER BUSINESS: Chairman Benton advised that as part of the review and update of the 2026 Comprehensive Plan, three Open House meetings have been scheduled. They will be held on February 25, 2014 at Kings Fork Middle School, February 26, 2014 at East Suffolk Recreation Center and February 27, 2014 at Creekside Elementary School. Commissioner Goodman inquired about training for new board members. Mr. Mills advised that he will research and will report back to the Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 12 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Benton, Howard C. Goodman, William H. MT: Perry MT: Vacalis MT: Rountree 2ND: Singleton 2ND: Savage 2ND: Goodman 2ND: Singleton TO: Approve w/conditions TO: Approve w/conditions TO: Approve w/proffers February 18, 2014 PRESENT MT: Rountree ABSENT TO: Approve w/conditions VOTE: 6-2 VOTE: 8-0 VOTE: 5-3 VOTE: 7-1 RZ13-13 C32-13 C1-14 EX4-13 YES NO YES NO YES NO YES X X X X X X X X X X Edwards, Johnnie X X Perry, William S. X X X Rountree, Ronnie X X X X X Savage, Thomas X X X X X Singleton, Arthur X X X X Vacalis, James X X X X X X X NO X X X X PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MT: Singleton MT: MT: MT: 2ND: Perry 2ND: 2ND: 2ND: TO: TO: VOTE: VOTE: TO: Initiate text amendment for Menu Boards February 18, 2014 VOTE: 8-0 PRESENT ABSENT YES X X X X Edwards, Johnnie X X Perry, William S. X X Rountree, Ronnie X X Savage, Thomas X X Singleton, Arthur X X Vacalis, James X X Benton, Howard C. Goodman, William H. TO: VOTE: NO YES NO YES NO YES NO THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STAFF REPORT DESCRIPTION PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT, PS01-14: Preliminary Subdivision Plat PS01-14, for the purpose of publically dedicating a portion of the Bright Lane right-of-way and vacating property lines to create one (1) commercial parcel of land within Wilroy Industrial Park. APPLICANT: David Andrea of VHB, Inc., applicant, on behalf of City of Suffolk, Economic Development Authority c/o Kevin Hughes, property owner. LOCATION: The affected property is located at 2514 Bright Lane and is further identified as Zoning Map 27, Parcels 63C*1 and 63J. PRESENT ZONING: The property is currently zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial Zoning District. EXISTING LAND USE: Bright Lane serves as a right-of-way and the two existing parcels are vacant. PROPOSED LAND USE: The property is proposed for commercial development. A portion of the Bright Lane right-of-way will be publically dedicated. The remaining residue section shall be vacated and incorporated into an existing adjacent parcel within the Wilroy Road Industrial Park. SURROUNDING LAND USES: North – M-2 district and RLM, Woodlake Subdivision; South – M-2 district, various industrial buildings/uses; East – M-2 district, single-family dwelling and various industrial buildings/uses; West – M-2 district, various industrial buildings/uses. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan identifies this property as being located within the Central Suburban/Urban Growth Area (Suburban). The proposed subdivision is consistent with this designation. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA DESIGNATION: The property is located within the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District and is designated as an Intensely Developed Area (IDA). CASE HISTORY: No recent case history was identified. STAFF ANALYSIS The subdivision plat proposes the public dedication of the improved portion of Bright Lane. The remaining residue portion of the proposed Bright Lane will be vacated and incorporated into an existing adjacent parcel. The plat would result in one (1) new parcel for commercial development from two (2) existing parcels. By eliminating one (1) parcel the proposed subdivision would create a single lot suited for development with frontage on Progress Road and Bright Lane. The proposal is considered a major subdivision, since public right-of-way is being Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 2 dedicated. Approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat by the Planning Commission is required. CONSIDERATIONS 1. DESIGN ISSUES No new parcels are being created, this proposal will eliminate one (1) parcel and publically dedicate the improved portion of the Bright Lane right-of-way. The unimproved portion of proposed Bright Lane will be combined with (2) existing parcels, resulting in a lot which is in conformity with the dimensional standards required for the M-2 zoning district. The proposed parcel contains adequate area, lot frontage, and lot width for this district. No structures are currently located on the proposed parcel. 2. PUBLIC UTILITIES Public sewer and water are available to the site. No changes to utilities are proposed. 3 STREETS/TRAFFIC IMPACTS The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the subdivision plat and does not have any concerns at this time. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL/STORMWATER The parcel is located within the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area and is designated as an Intensely Developed Area (IDA). Future improvements on the property will be evaluated to determine the need to develop an on-site stormwater BMP to treat stormwater. RECOMMENDATION The proposed preliminary plat is in compliance with the minimum design standards of the Unified Development Ordinance and is consistent with the 2026 Comprehensive Plan, which identifies the property as being within the Central Suburban/Urban Growth Area with a suburban district designation. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary subdivision plat. Attachments Proposed Resolution Exhibit A – Preliminary Plat Showing Property Line Vacation and Right of Way Dedication of a Portion of a Residue (Known as Bright Lane) General Location Map (p vt) B RO HO L HO L B R ST KIN R G EE T O K AR CH R EG OO K E NE H TE RR N A N S E M O N D AC D AN E L CK AC RO ER R T KE LA D HILLSIDE WO O OO DL AK W AVENUE E TE RR AC E R L A OD N NE E (p Y vt ) WILROY ROAD DA R C E LA EN C Y DR IV E CH B L E R RY OS SO M DR IV E LA R C IN T A PO R R IV E NG E PL MA AF LE ENT C ES CR AY KW AR D P ON EM X NS NO NA UI E Q D IN G N LA ¹ LO KE OD L AN D TRA IL O EL L TI C NE N LA AY IV E HT WI L L A S ON N (pv E t) O RO AD BR IG M E AN S S TL R E RT M IL L LA TU P RT CO O N LE UR D T AD B RO IL KE OLDE MILL CREEK DRIVE M 58 NS W AY WO O D NA M IL L EM ON D PA R KW DR G GH QV C R O BR I P VI E W WO L W O OD WA Y U T R NE T S MI L L C E K R E PS1-14 PS1-14 RESOLUTION NO. 14-03-01 CITY OF SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT, PS01-14, BRIGHT LANE WHEREAS, David Andrea of VHB, Inc., applicant, on the behalf of City of Suffolk, Economic Development Authority c/o Kevin Hughes, property owner, has submitted a preliminary plat for review pursuant to the provisions of the City of Suffolk’s Unified Development Ordinance, which plat is entitled “Preliminary Subdivision Showing Property Line Vacation and Right Dedication of a Portion of the Residue (Known as Bright Lane)” dated January 21, 2014, prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein and hereafter referred to as the Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, the requirements for consideration of the Preliminary Plat by the Planning Commission have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. The Preliminary plat be, and it is hereby, approved, subject to the comments, if any, contained on the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. The approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of the final plat, but the preliminary plat shall serve as a guide in the preparation of the final subdivision plat. READ AND ADOPTED:___________________________ TESTE:_______________________ PS1-14 Zoning/Land Use Map 27*63Q 27C*32 27C*33 27C*25 27C*26 W OO DL AN D TR A IL 27C*28 27*65 27C*27 27*63Q*1 27C*29 27C*30 27C*31 RLM BZA1-01 4/10/2001 27*63 BZA5-05 9/13/2005 27*64 M-2 27*63J 27*62 BR 27 *6 3 C* 1 IGH B 27*63C*63G 27*63K PRO G 27*63L 27*63L*B 27B*1 27B*1 Aerial Imagery courtes y of ESRI RE SS ROA D 27*63N R IG H 27*63T 27*63M T L A N E 27*63U 27*63X ¯ 27 *63 X* 1 27*63P 1 inch = 200 feet 27*63B*1 27*63B*1 T L AN E 27*63W EXHIBIT A PS1-14 EXHIBIT A PS1-14 EXHIBIT A PS1-14 EXHIBIT A PS1-14 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STAFF REPORT DESCRIPTION REZONING REQUEST: Rezoning Request RZ06-13, Bennett’s Creek Commons, submitted by James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions, and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, to request a change in zoning from O-I, Office-Institutional District, to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. The affected properties are located at 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, Units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 and are further identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough. APPLICANT: James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant LOCATION: 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, Units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924, Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G. PRESENT ZONING: OI, Office-Institutional District with Special Corridor Overlay District (SCOD) Zoning. EXISTING LAND USE: partially developed with flex-office; additional infrastructure installed. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: West: O-I, Office-Institutional; developed as single-family residential East: RL, Residential Low; developed as single-family residential North (across Bridge Road): O-I, Office-Institutional; developed as single-family residential South: RL, Residential Low & RR, Rural Residential; developed as single-family residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan map designates this property as Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Inner-Ring Suburban). CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA DESIGNATION: The property is located within the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District and contains Resource Protection Areas and Resource Management Areas. PUBLIC NOTICE: This request has been duly advertised in accordance with the public notice requirements set forth in Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and with the applicable provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. CASE HISTORY: A site plan was approved in 2009 (SP2007-31) for this site for the construction of 49,688 square feet of two-story office space and 70,552 square feet of flex-office space with associated parking and site improvements. In addition, an exception request, EX2009-03 was also granted for Resource Protection Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 2 Area (RPA) buffer intrusion. Construction was undertaken and Building No.9, a single-story flex office building, was constructed as were significant site utilities. STAFF ANALYSIS ISSUE: The applicant is requesting to rezone 15.1 acres of a property totaling 18.0 acres in area from O-I, Office-Intuitional to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial. The remaining 2.9 acre portion of the property, which has been partially developed for flex office space, will remain in the O-I Zoning District. While the subject property includes a variety of tax parcels, the subject site has not been subdivided. The tax parcels were created as the office units have been sold as condominium units. The boundaries of the property requested for rezoning is included as an exhibit to the proposed ordinance. As this request is not a conditional rezoning, specific proffers are not included with this rezoning. The property is oriented along Bridge Road, east of the Nansemond River. A tidal creek feeding Bennetts Creek, which flows into the Nansemond River, establishes the back of the property. To the west, only one parcel, zoned O-I, separates the subject site from the Bennetts Creek. CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS In accordance with Appendix B, Section B-4 of the Unified Development Ordinance, rezoning applications must include a statement of the reasons for seeking an amendment to the zoning maps of the City of Suffolk. Supplemental information provided by the applicant indicates that the reason for this rezoning request is that the property is not properly zoned for the market conditions. The applicant contends that a different zoning would allow the property to be developed at its highest and best use. However, a market analysis was not submitted in support of this request. 1. Comprehensive Plan This site is located in the Inner-Ring Suburban Development District of the Northern Suburban/Urban Growth Area. The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan addresses the proposed development character of this area noting that as development moves further from the Mixed Use Core development district, the Inner-Ring Suburban development district is the first district where exclusively residential neighborhoods should be located. The plan further notes that when residential development is located in this area, it should be developed with high density single family homes on small lots in mixed use developments such as traditional neighborhood developments. Uses such as single family, traditional neighborhood developments, light manufacturing, neighborhood retail, and civic buildings are all envisioned as typical uses within the inner-ring suburban district. Residential densities of three (3) to five (5) units per acre are recommended in this district In regard to commercial retail development, the 2026 Comprehensive Plan notes that neighborhood level retail nodes should be located within walking distance from their intended markets. Sub-regional scale centers such as large grocery stores, can be accommodated at special locations. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan outlines policy and action items relevant to the proposed rezoning. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 3 Policy Statement 3-4: Balance residential and non-residential land uses. This site has frontage directly on Bridge Road, US Route 17, which is identified as a Principal Arterial. A Principal Arterial is intended to carry substantial traffic volumes at high speeds. As such, this site is suitable for office development and is currently zoned for office development. Policy Statement 3-5: Facilitate the expansion of office, R&D and manufacturing activity in Suffolk. Specifically, Action statement 3-5A states, Ensure that there are adequate amounts of land zoned to support the growing high technology corridor in the northern suburban/urban growth area. This site is ideally positioned for office uses within this region of the City. Action 6-5E: Discourage strip retail commercial development along major arterial corridors. By focusing retail commercial development at appropriate crossroad locations and managing access to such developments, the City will preserve arterial roadway capacity while accommodating fiscally responsible growth. Moreover, focusing retail development provides increased opportunities for the use of non-auto trip methods – including pedestrian, bicycle and transit modes. This site is not appropriate for neighborhood commercial uses as it does not provide linkages to a neighborhood nor is it located at a crossroad location. 2. Unified Development Ordinance Requirements The Unified Development Ordinance identifies specific criteria for rezoning to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial in Section 31-408(f). Specifically, B-1 districts shall be limited to the intersection of Arterial/collector, collector/collector, subcollector/collector, subcollector/local or collector/local street intersections, except where an existing center has been established prior to the adoption of this Ordinance; or the interior of a block along an arterial or collector street which lies parallel to an existing town center. This provision of the Unified Development Ordinance helps to implement Policy Statement 3-4 and 3-5 and Action 65E. By concentrating neighborhood retail opportunities at nodes such as crossroads, strip retail development is precluded and the area can be preserved for office, R&D and manufacturing activity. In addition, by providing neighborhood retail opportunities at crossroads, there are greater prospects to connect these uses to residential areas by means other than by automobile. This site is located on a Principal Arterial, Bridge Road with no other intersecting roadway. The site is not located near an existing town center. As such, this site does not meet the required criteria for rezoning. In addition, the specific criteria for development within the B-1 zone identified in Section 31408(f) of the Unified Development Ordinance requires minimization of vehicular and pedestrian conflicts by providing connectivity within the development and to surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed site is isolated from civic, neighborhood and retail uses. Even the smallest trip or errand would need to be accomplished by automobile. The lack of site connectivity makes this area less attractive for residential or neighborhood commercial development. The classification of Bridge Road as a Major Arterial reinforces the isolation of the site. 3. Adequate Public Facilities The purpose and intent of the adequate public facilities ordinance is to ensure that public facilities are available to support new development and associated impacts and that each public Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 4 facility meets or exceeds the Level of Service standards established by the 2026 Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance. No rezoning request should be approved which would cause a reduction in the levels of service standards for any public facility impacted. The public facilities impacted by the proposed development are discussed individually below: Sewer –This site will be served by sanitary sewer which flows to City PS #149/Rt.17 Office Park. Additional information relative to sewer modeling will be requested during the design phase any future project. Water –A 12” water main is located along Bridge Road which is proposed to provide domestic and fire protection service to the development. Additional information relative to water modeling will be requested during the design phase of any future project. Stormwater – Compliance with the applicable provisions of the City and state regulations for stormwater controls must be demonstrated at the time of Site Plan approval. The applicant has been advised that a Construction General Permit must be issued prior to July 1, 2014 or the site will be subject to Stormwater Technical Criteria IIB. Transportation and Parking- The request for this rezoning included a traffic analysis which has been reviewed and approved by the City of Suffolk Traffic Engineering Division. The traffic report concluded that a three-phase traffic signal with protected/permitted westbound left turns on Bridge Road is warranted for the development of the property. In addition, there may be a need for additional widening along Bridge Road which could necessitate the need for additional right-of-way. Schools – This site is located in the attendance zones for Northern Shores Elementary, John Yeates Middle School, and Nansemond River High School. The elementary school zone serving this property has additional student capacity. However, the middle and high schools do not. The 2014-2023 Capital Improvement Plan established the cost and capacity of a future high school and a future middle school. By dividing the cost of facility by the capacity, a cost per student can be established. The proposed middle school servicing this zone has a cost of $28,333.33 per student and the high school is budgeted to cost $38,298.95 per student. Because residential uses may be located in the proposed B-1, Neighborhood Commercial zoning district, the adequacy of capacity at the public school system should be considered when evaluating the potential impact of this request. 4. Proffered Conditions The rezoning request is not a conditional rezoning, therefore, the applicant has not offered any proffered conditions in support of this application. Therefore, any uses allowable in the B-1, Neighborhood Commercial district would be allowed on the site. Additionally, the lack of proffers does not allow the applicant to address issues related to impacts on public facilities, such as schools, roads and utilities based on a more specific proffered plan of development. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION In summary, Staff finds that the proposal is: Not consistent with provisions of the 2026 Comprehensive Plan Not consistent with the Unified Development Ordinance Does not mitigate impacts to public facilities Based on the guidance provided by the above cited provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance and the analysis and findings-of-fact set forth in the preceding staff report, staff recommends denial of Rezoning Request RZ06-13. Attachments Proposed Ordinance Exhibit A - Planning Commission Recommendation Exhibit B - Zoning/Land Use Map General Location Map D ECK R O A KN OT TS N D CO R C ON E V I DR ) NU E (p vt INE AV E EB E RW TS N ET N E K B E CRE E N A L E LE R FA M L (p E AN AR B O R YE AT ES D RIV E (pvt) RO A D E CRE TTS O N K E LAN FE RR vt) VINE YAR D LAN E ¹ A Y RO K D IE R F RA Z E U N A VE BR IDG E R O AD R E E K E Y LL WA BE N VE HA T EA TR IVE RE DR BRIDGE ROAD CREEKFRONT LANE CIDER LN IVY LAN E AL D PL E R AC E E A N BR A NC E S H SA GE LAN E IVY LAN E KE MPTO N PARK RO AD SILV ER CH AR M CIRCLE RR BU K OA C E A PL D NE W ING TO N PLA C E ER ED FR K IC ST E RE T NE LA W I G LL CI LE OW R NN CL E RIC H BE N A R D N PA R E T T K WA Y H IA C T RB E ROA RR Y D NE IG LE ELD E JUN IP TU LA ER NE LI CI P T R C RE LE E Y E RR E RB D D L E ROA O LA E BR GA RD EN CH ER R Y HILL LA NE HIA D R T HA E T Y C RI N N WA BE RK PA FO RS Y T CT CH HI ER LL RY LN YC LA CK AD IL L R O E RS H R EE RA INT E L C IR C ST BLU EM E CT T ULD T N E E N SH O B C S BENNETTS CREEK PARK ROAD KELSO ST REET A H C LE E P N E LA E S E RZ6-13 T S ORDINANCE NO. ________________________ AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE AND AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SUFFOLK, TO CHANGE ZONING FROM OI, OFFICE-INSTITUTIONAL, TO B-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 3345 BRIDGE ROAD AND 3345 BRIDGE ROAD, UNITS 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 AND ARE FURTHER IDENTIFIED AS ZONING MAP 12, PARCELS 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F AND 34C*9G; RZ06-13 WHEREAS, James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions, and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, has requested a change in zoning from OI, Office-Institutional, to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District for properties located at 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 and are further identified as Tax Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G, which land is depicted on Exhibit “B”; and WHEREAS, the proposed rezoning and amendment to the official zoning map have been advertised and reviewed by the Planning Commission in compliance with the requirements of state law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a recommendation as stated in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before City Council was duly advertised as required by law and held on the 16th day of April, 2014, at which public hearing the public was presented with the opportunity to comment on the proposed rezoning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Exhibits. Exhibit “A”, "Planning Commission Recommendation" and Exhibit "B", “Zoning/Land Use Map” and “Exhibit for Bennett’s Creek Commons”, which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated as part of this ordinance. Section 2. A. Findings. Council finds that the proposed rezoning is reasonable and warranted due to changes in circumstances affecting the property, and has considered the following factors and finds that the proposed rezoning does not conflict with: 1. the existing use and character of property within the City; 2. the Comprehensive Plan; 3. the suitability of the property for various uses; 4. the trends of growth or change; Section 3. 5. the current or future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by the population and economic studies and other studies; 6. the transportation requirements of the community; 7. the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services; 8. the conservation of natural resources; 9. the preservation of flood plains; 10. the preservation of agricultural and forestal land; 11. the conservation of properties and their values; 12. the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the City; and, 13. the expressed purpose of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance as set out in Section 31-102 of the Unified Development Ordinance, 1998, as amended, and Section 15.2-2283 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended. Rezoning. 1. Section 4. The property be, and is hereby, rezoned and the official zoning map be, and is hereby, amended as shown on the attached Exhibit “B”, which is incorporated herein by reference. Recordation. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded, by the applicant, in the name of the property owner as grantor in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and shall not be published or codified. READ AND PASSED:___________________________ TESTE:___________________________ Erika S. Dawley, City Clerk Approved as to Form: ________________________________________ Helivi L. Holland, City Attorney EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 14-3-2 CITY OF SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION A RESOLUTION TO PRESENT A REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL RELATING TO REZONING REQUEST RZ06-13 TO CHANGE ZONING FROM O-I, OFFICE-INSTITUTIONAL, TO B-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 3345 BRIDGE ROAD AND 3345 BRIDGE ROAD, UNITS 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 AND ARE FURTHER IDENTIFIED AS TAX MAP 12, PARCELS 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F AND 34C*9G WHEREAS, James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions, and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, to request a change in zoning from O-I, Office-Institutional District, to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District for properties located at 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924 and are further identified as Tax Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G as shown on the attached exhibit; and WHEREAS, the procedural requirements for the consideration of this request by the Planning Commission have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. A. Findings. The Suffolk Planning Commission finds that the proposed rezoning is reasonable, and warranted due to change in circumstances affecting the property, and has considered the following factors and finds that the proposed rezoning does not conflict with: 1. the existing use and character of property within the City; 2. the Comprehensive Plan; 3. the suitability of the property for various uses; 4. the trends of growth or change; 5. the current or future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by the population and economic studies and other studies; 6. the transportation requirements of the community; 7. the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services; 8. the conservation of natural resources; 9. the preservation of flood plains; 10. the preservation of agricultural and forestal land; 11. the conservation of properties and their values; 12. the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the City; 13. the expressed purpose of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance as set out in Section 31-102 of the Code of the City of Suffolk (1998), as amended, and Section 15.2-2283 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended (“Va. Code”). Section 2. Recommendation to Council. The Planning Commission recommends to City Council that the request, RZ06-13, be: a. Granted as submitted, and that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance without modification. ___b. Denied, and that Council not adopt the proposed Ordinance. ___c. Granted with the modifications set forth on the attached listing of specific recommendations, and that Council adopt the proposed Ordinance with such modifications. READ AND ADOPTED:________________________________ TESTE:________________________________ EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT B RZ6-13 Zoning/Land Use Map 12*34 BR IDG E O-I BR IDG E ROAD ROAD RL 4 C*1 12*3 C16-0 10/19/200 C24-13 9/18/2013 EX17-02 1/7/2003 RZ5-0 9/18/200 C14-0 1/20/201 12*55E RZ12-0 2/20/200 12*34A 12*34C 12*34C*CA C27-0 2/20/200 12*34E*1 BZA16-04 8/10/2004 12R*205 12R*204 0033 R**22 1122R 202 12 R* 200 12R* 12 R*19 9 2R*198 12R*198 RR17-89 8/2/1989 RR RZ7-03 11/19/2003 RU 12R*206 Aerial Imagery Sources: VGIN/VITA VMBP 2013 Orthophotography and/or ESRI ¯ 1 inch = 2 00 feet 12*32 EXHIBIT B Proposed Area Proposed Area to be REZONED REZONED to be from O-I O-I to to B-1 B-1 from RZ6-13 EXHIBIT B RZ6-13 EXHIBIT B RZ6-13 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STAFF REPORT DESCRIPTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Conditional Use Permit Request C20-13 to permit a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex. APPLICANT: James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant. LOCATION: 3345 Bridge Road and 3345 Bridge Road, Units 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924, Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G. PRESENT ZONING: OI, Office-Institutional District with Special Corridor Overlay District (SCOD) Zoning. An application for rezoning, RZ06-13, for a portion of the property to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District has been submitted simultaneously with this application. EXISTING LAND USE: installed. Partially developed with flex-office; additional infrastructure PROPOSED LAND USE: To establish a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex. SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: West: O-I, Office-Institutional; developed as single-family residential East: RL, Residential Low; developed as single-family residential North (across Bridge Road): O-I, Office-Institutional; developed as single-family residential South: RL, Residential Low & RR, Rural Residential; developed as single-family residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan map designates this property as Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Inner-Ring Suburban). CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA DESIGNATION: The property is located within the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District and contains Resource Protection Areas and Resource Management Areas. PUBLIC NOTICE: This request has been duly advertised in accordance with the public notice requirements set forth in Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and with the applicable provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. CASE HISTORY: A site plan was approved in 2009 (SP2007-31) for this site for the construction of 49,688 square feet of two-story office space and 70,552 square feet of flex-office space with associated parking and site improvements. In addition, an exception request, EX2009-03 was also granted for Resource Protection Area (RPA) buffer intrusion. Construction was undertaken and Building Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 2 of 8 No.9, a single-story flex office building, was constructed as were significant site utilities. STAFF ANALYSIS ISSUE: The applicant has requested a conditional use permit for the construction of 144 multi-family garden apartment units. A Garden Apartment is defined by the Unified Development Ordinance as a two-story or three-story multi-family dwelling with not less than eight (8) or more than twenty (20) dwelling units in each building, accessed from a common hall or individual entrances, and with the dwelling units located back to back, adjacent or on top of each other. Because the construction of the proposed 144 unit garden apartment complex is not a permitted use within the existing OI, Office-Institutional zoning district, the approval of this request for a conditional use permit is contingent upon the prior approval of a separate request to rezone a portion of the subject property from the existing OI, Office-Institutional zoning district to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial zoning district. The noted request to rezone the property is being forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration concurrently with this request for a Conditional Use Permit. (See RZ06-13). As presently envisioned by the applicant, the existing uses of flex-office are proposed to remain and be eventually expanded on this site. In addition, the applicant envisions some retail uses also occurring on the subject parcel. However, to clarify this application for a Conditional Use Permit is for the expressed approval of 144 Garden Apartments on a portion of the subject site. While the subject property includes a variety of tax parcels, the subject site has not been subdivided. The tax parcels were created as the office units have been sold as condominium units. The boundaries of the lands requested for the subject conditional use permit is included as an exhibit to the proposed ordinance. CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Comprehensive Plan This site is located in the Inner-Ring Suburban development area of the designated Northern Suburban/Urban Growth Area. The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan addresses the proposed development character of this area. Primary among the characteristics is that residential development in this area should be developed with high density single family homes on small lots in mixed use developments such as traditional neighborhood developments. Uses such as single family, traditional neighborhood developments, light manufacturing, neighborhood retail, and civic buildings that are appropriately located, are all envisioned as typical uses within the inner-ring suburban district. Residential densities of three (3) to five (5) units per acre are recommended in this district. The applicant proposed to utilize 13.6 acres of the available site for the development of the Garden Apartments. However, a significant proportion of the site is encumbered by critical area associated with adjacent wetlands and floodplains. As such, Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 3 of 8 the gross density of this project would be approximately eleven (11) units per acre and the net density, discounting the critical areas of the site, would be even greater. It is evident that regardless of the measure of density, the proposed densities greatly exceed the target density established by the 2026 Comprehensive Plan. In addition to the more tangible issues of use and density, the 2026 Comprehensive Plan outlines other policy and action items relevant to the proposed use. Under the theme Balanced Growth, Action 3-1G notes the extensive amount of vacant land already zoned for residential development. Consequently, the plan emphasizes the City should deny request for additional residential development that is contrary and inconsistent with the Focused Growth Framework and does not demonstrate the need and demand for the proposed additional residential development. Policy Statement 3-4 of the comprehensive plan goes on and emphasizes the need to Balance residential and non-residential land uses. This site has frontage directly on Bridge Road, US Route 17, which is identified as a Principal Arterial. A Principal Arterial is intended to carry substantial traffic volumes at high speeds. As such, this site is more suitable for non-residential development. It is important that properties suitable for non-residential uses be preserved as such. In addition, the preservation of the property for non-residential uses also supports Policy 3-5 to Facilitate the expansion of office, R&D and manufacturing activity in Suffolk. Specifically, Action statement 3-5A states, Ensure that there are adequate amounts of land zoned to support the growing high technology corridor in the northern suburban/urban growth area. This site is ideally positioned for office uses within this region of the City. Action statement 4-1A Encourage(s) development of a balanced housing stock with high end, moderate and affordable housing goal to accommodate demand. The City currently has 440 apartment units under construction within the Northern Development area of the City in addition to the existing multi-family units in the area. There are other properties within this region of the City which have been suitably zoned for multi-family housing. This site is not suitable for multi-family development. The goals of the City include having a balanced housing stock. Finally, Policy 6-1 obliges that the City Provide opportunities for residents to adopt a lifestyle that is less dependent on auto travel. The proposed site is not connected to civic, neighborhood and retail uses. The lack of site connectivity makes this area less attractive for residential development than other sites within the City. The classification of Bridge Road as a Major Arterial further compounds difficulty with making viable nonautomobile connections to the community. 2. Unified Development Ordinance Requirements The Unified Development Ordinance allows the construction of Garden Apartments with a conditional use permit in the B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. Should City Council not act favorably upon the associated request for rezoning; then Garden Apartments would not be allowed. Garden Apartments are not a permitted use or a conditional use in the O-I, Office Institutional District. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 4 of 8 However, should City Council act favorably upon the request for rezoning, then the provision of the Unified Development Ordinance as they apply to B-1, Neighborhood Commercial should be considered. Garden Apartments are one of the few residential uses permitted via the conditional use permit process in the B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District. As such, the dimensional criteria which have been established by the Unified Development Ordinance provide a different gauge for evaluation of suitability. No residential densities are established for the B-1 zone by the Unified Development Ordinance; however, we can still look to the target densities within the area as designated by the Comprehensive Plan. As previously noted, as proposed, the gross density of the request translates to approximately eleven (11) units per acre and the net density, discounting the critical areas of the site, would be even greater. The Comprehensive Plan currently calls out the targeted residential densities for this area as being three (3) to five (5) units per acre. In regard to the Unified Development Ordinance, mass density in the B-1, Neighborhood Commercial District is established by a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.5. The FAR is defined as the ratio of the building gross floor area (sum of all the floors) to the gross area of the site. This site would need to show compliance at the time of site plan approval with regard to the FAR standard. What this ratio does not establish, however, is the number of allowable units nor the size of individual units. Therefore, there is not a direct correlation between residential density and floor area ratio. Specific criteria for development within the B-1 zone are identified in Section 31-408(f) of the Unified Development Ordinance. This provision emphasizes the importance and requires minimization of vehicular and pedestrian conflicts by providing connectivity within the development and to surrounding neighborhoods. While sidewalks are shown on the schematic plan for this site; the relative isolation of the development makes it difficult to have connections to other portions of the community. No sidewalk connectivity from within the development is shown to the existing sidewalk along Bridge Road. Design standards for multi-family developments are established by Section 31-602(c)(2) of the Unified Development Ordinance. Building must have a minimum separation of 15 feet. It appears that not all building achieve the required separation, but could with minor modifications. In addition, 200 square feet of usable common open space must be provided for each unit. This would require approximately 28,800 square feet of space be provided within this development. The applicant has shown a recreational area of 14,500 square feet on the conceptual plan, therefore, additional space must be provided to satisfy this requirement. 3. Public Facilities Sewer –This site will be served by sanitary sewer which flows to City PS #149/Rt.17 Office Park. Additional information relative to sewer modeling will be requested during the design phase of the project. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 5 of 8 Water –A 12” water main is located along Bridge Road which is proposed to provide domestic and fire protection service to the development. Additional information relative to water modeling will be requested during the design phase of the project. Stormwater – Compliance with the applicable provisions of the City and state regulations for stormwater controls must be demonstrated at the time of Site Plan approval. The applicant has been advised that a Construction General Permit must be issued prior to July 1, 2014 or the site will be subject to Stormwater Technical Criteria IIB which may require significant redesign of the site layout. Transportation and Parking- The request for this conditional use permit included a traffic analysis which has been reviewed and approved by the City of Suffolk Traffic Engineering Division. The traffic report concluded that a three-phase traffic signal with protected/permitted westbound left turns on Bridge Road should be installed with the development of Bennett’s Creek Commons. In addition, there may be a need for additional widening along Bridge Road which could necessitate the need for additional right-of-way. Schools – This site is located in the attendance zones for school zone 2 elementary schools, zone 1 middle schools, and zone 2 high schools. Since the Conditional Use requests residential units, then these units would create additional demand for school enrollment. The applicant has requested 144 multi-family units. Using the student generation rates established by Adequate Public Facility standards of Section 31-601 of the Unified Development ordinance, the construction of this facility would generate an additional 37.4 elementary students, 18.7 middle school students, and 17.3 high school students. The elementary school zone serving this development area has adequate student capacity available. However, the middle and high schools do not. The 2014-2023 Capital Improvement Plan established the cost and capacity of a future high school and a future middle school. By dividing the cost of facility by the total capacity a cost per student can be established. Per the approved Capital Improvement Plan the proposed middle school serving this area has a per student cost of $28,333.33. The proposed high school that will serve this area has a per student cost of $38,298.95. The applicant has acknowledged this deficiency in school capacity and has advised that they are willing to make a cash contribution to the City of Suffolk for the expansion of classroom space in impacted schools, including, but not limited to, land acquisition for the expansion of public school facilities and construction of new schools and additions. The amount of the voluntary cash contribution as proposed by the applicant is $1,000 per residential dwelling unit which would be paid prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. In contrast, as calculated based on the student generation rates, construction costs and methodology established by the adopted Capital Improvement Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance, the total costs to advance the needed school capacity and mitigate the adverse impact of the proposed development is $8,280.50 per residential unit. This total includes $3,679.40 per unit in support of the needed capacity at the middle school level and $4,601.20 per unit in support of the needed capacity at the high Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 6 of 8 school level. A fiscal impact study was submitted as part of the application for this project. The study concluded that a net fiscal loss could be anticipated from this project due primarily to school impacts. However, the applicant did also include an analysis based upon a different student generation rate which had been established by the National Association of Home Builders (NABH), which is not consistent with the Unified Development Ordinance. This alternative showed a net positive impact. Regardless of the generation rate utilized, deficiencies exist due to committed development at both the middle and high school levels. The associated rezoning case, RZ6-13, did not contain any proffers which advanced capacity for this need. 4. Additional Approvals This project will need to obtain additional approvals prior to starting construction. A Site Plan application must be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of any building permits. A subdivision plat will need to be reviewed and approved through the subdivision process for any new proposed parcels. 5. Conditional Use Permit Approval Criteria Pursuant to Section 31-306 of the UDO, a Conditional Use Permit recognizes uses that, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent land uses, are not generally permitted in certain zoning districts as a matter of right. Rather, such uses are permitted through the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by City Council when the right set of circumstances and conditions are found acceptable. A Conditional Use Permit is issued only after demonstrating that the application is in compliance with the following criteria. a. The proposed conditional use shall be in compliance with all regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of Article 6, and any applicable supplemental use standards as set forth in Article 7 of the UDO. While there are no supplemental standards established for the use of Garden Apartment, the application as submitted does not conform with all applicable provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance and clearly exceeds target densities established by the 2026 Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed conditional use shall conform to the character of the neighborhood within the same zoning district in which it is located. The proposal as submitted or modified shall have no more adverse effects on health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, or shall be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, than would any other use generally permitted in the same district. As presented, the proposed project represents a significant increase in density in the surrounding area. This density is out of character in this portion of the City. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 7 of 8 c. Adequate measure shall be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic hazards and to minimize traffic congestion on the public roads. This project would require the installation of a three-phase traffic signal with protected/permitted westbound left turns on Bridge Road. Approval of this project without provisions for the needed traffic signal would not provide adequate safety for users of the facility. d. The proposed use shall not be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas. This use would not be more offensive than similar multi-family developments of this type. e. The proposed use shall not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of the property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted nor substantially diminish or impair the property values within the neighborhood. As presented, the proposed project represents a significant increase in density in the surrounding area. Impacts would be limited to those typically associated with multi-family development. f. The establishment of the proposed use shall not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted within the zoning district. The location of this property along an arterial roadway is better suited for more intense commercial uses. The development of this property for residential use eliminates opportunity for the expansion of office, R&D and manufacturing activity within the City as outlined in Policy 3-5 of the 2026 Comprehensive Plan. g. The establishment, maintenance, or operation of the proposed use shall not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare. The proposed project should not endanger or be detrimental to the community h. The public interest and welfare supporting the proposed conditional use shall be sufficient to outweigh the individual interests which are adversely affected by the establishment of the proposed use. It is staff’s opinion that impacts to the public interest outweigh the potential benefits of the proposed use. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 8 of 8 RECOMMENDATION In summary, staff finds the proposal is: Not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Not consisted with the Unified Development Ordinance Does not mitigate impacts to public facilities Based on the guidance provided by the above cited provision of the Unified Development Ordinance and 2026 Comprehensive Plan as well as the analysis and findings-of-fact set forth in the preceding staff report, staff recommends denial of Conditional Use Permit request C20-13. Attachments Proposed Ordinance Exhibit A – Planning Commission Recommendation Exhibit B – Zoning/Land Use Map Exhibit C – Proposed Development Plans General Location Map D ECK R O A KN OT TS N D CO R C ON E V I DR ) NU E (p vt INE AV E EB E RW TS N ET N E K B E CRE E N A L E LE R FA M L (p E AN AR B O R YE AT ES D RIV E (pvt) RO A D E CRE TTS O N K E LAN FE RR vt) VINE YAR D LAN E ¹ A Y RO K D IE R F RA Z E U N A VE BR IDG E R O AD R E E K E Y LL WA BE N VE HA T EA TR IVE RE DR BRIDGE ROAD CREEKFRONT LANE CIDER LN IVY LAN E AL D PL E R AC E E A N BR A NC E S H SA GE LAN E IVY LAN E KE MPTO N PARK RO AD SILV ER CH AR M CIRCLE RR BU K OA C E A PL D NE W ING TO N PLA C E ER ED FR K IC ST E RE T NE LA W I G LL CI LE OW R NN CL E RIC H BE N A R D N PA R E T T K WA Y H IA C T RB E ROA RR Y D NE IG LE ELD E JUN IP TU LA ER NE LI CI P T R C RE LE E Y E RR E RB D D L E ROA O LA E BR GA RD EN CH ER R Y HILL LA NE HIA D R T HA E T Y C RI N N WA BE RK PA FO RS Y T CT CH HI ER LL RY LN YC LA CK AD IL L R O E RS H R EE RA INT E L C IR C ST BLU EM E CT T ULD T N E E N SH O B C S BENNETTS CREEK PARK ROAD KELSO ST REET A H C LE E P N E LA E S E C20-13 T S ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 144 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY GARDEN APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCATED AT 3345 BRIDGE ROAD AND 3345 BRIDGE ROAD, UNITS 900, 904, 908, 912, 916, 920 & 924, ZONING MAP 12, PARCELS 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F AND 34C*9G; C20-13 WHEREAS, James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, has requested a conditional use permit for a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex for a portion of a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is designated on the Zoning Map of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, as Zoning Map 12, Parcels 34C, 34C*9A, 34C*9B, 34C*9C, 34C*9D, 34C*9E, 34C*9F and 34C*9G which land is depicted on Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Article 3, Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, 1998 (as amended), have been followed; and WHEREAS, in acting upon this request, the Planning Commission and City Council have considered the matters enunciated in Section 15.2-2284 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and Article 1, Section 31-102 and Article 3, Section 31-306(c)(1 through 8) of the Code of the City of Suffolk, 1998 (as amended), with respect to the purposes stated in the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Sections 15.2-2200 and 15.2-2283; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a recommendation as stated in Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Exhibits. Exhibit "A", "Planning Commission Recommendation", Exhibit "B", "Zoning/Land Use Map ", and Exhibit “C”, “Proposed Development Plans”, which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated as part of this ordinance. Section 2. Findings. Council finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified with conditions herein, the expressed purpose of which is to permit a 144 unit multifamily garden apartment complex is in conformity with the standards of the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of Suffolk and that it will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, and will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities with the conditions set forth below. These findings are based upon the consideration for the existing use and character of property, the Comprehensive Plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transportation requirements of the community, the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services, the conservation of natural resources, the preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land, the conservation of properties and their values, and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the City. These findings are based upon a determination that the most reasonable and limited way of avoiding the adverse impacts of the 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex is by the imposition of the conditions provided herein. Section 3. Permit Granted. The conditional use permit for the Property be, and it is hereby, approved for the Property, subject to the following conditions and the general conditions set forth in Section 4 hereof. The conditional use permit specifically allows a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex use in compliance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406 of the Code of the City of Suffolk. Conditions 1. This permit is granted for that portion of the subject property as specified on Exhibit B, in order to allow the establishment of a multi-family garden apartment complex, as defined by the Unified Development Ordinance, consisting of a maximum of 144 units. 2. The development of that portion of the subject property for which this conditional use permit is granted shall be in substantial conformity with that as shown on Exhibit C. 3. The developer shall contribute a total of $529,833.60 toward the construction of a middle school. Monetary contributions shall be paid pro rata after final inspection and prior to certificate of occupancy being issued for each of the 144 apartment units at a cost of $3,679.40 per unit. 4. The developer shall contribute a total of $662,572.80 toward the construction of a high school. Monetary contributions shall be paid pro rata after final inspection and prior to certificate of occupancy being issued for each of the 144 apartment units at a cost of $4,601.20 per unit. 5. The developer shall be responsible for installation of a traffic signal on Bridge Road at the eastern entrance to the development in accordance with all applicable City of Suffolk design standards. This signal shall be interconnected to the nearest existing traffic signal to the east and west along Bridge Road. Section 4. General Conditions. (a) The conditional use permit may be revoked by City Council upon failure to comply with any of the conditions contained herein, after ten days written notice to Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, or their successors in interest, and a hearing at which such persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. (b) To the extent applicable, the requirements set forth in Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia shall be met. (c) The commencement of the use described in Section 3 of this ordinance shall be deemed acceptance by Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, or any party undertaking or maintaining such use, of the conditions to which the conditional use permit herein granted is subject. Section 5. Severability. It is the intention of the City Council that the provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section and provision of this ordinance hereby adopted shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, sections and provisions of this ordinance, to the extent that they can be enforced notwithstanding such determination. Section 6. Recordation. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded, by the applicant, in the name of the property owner as grantor in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and shall not be published or codified. The conditional use authorized by this permit shall be implemented within two (2) years from the date of approval by the City Council and shall terminate if not initiated within that time period. READ AND PASSED: __________________________ TESTE:__________________________ Erika Dawley, City Clerk Approved as to Form: _______________________________________ Helivi L. Holland, City Attorney EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 14-03-3 CITY OF SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION A RESOLUTION TO PRESENT A REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL RELATING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C20-13 WHEREAS, James R. Bradford, Hassell and Folkes, P.C., agent, on behalf of Bennett’s Creek Office Park, LLC c/o Scott Gandy, applicant and property owner and DDK Enterprises, LLC, Jeebs Treehouse, LLC, James and Mary Backus, First Class Property Solutions and John & Lisa Iuliano, property owners, has requested a conditional use permit for a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex for a portion of a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is described and depicted on the proposed Ordinance attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the specific request is to permit a 144 unit multi-family garden apartment complex in accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Findings. The Suffolk Planning Commission finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified herein: ____a. Will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, ____b. Will have more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, ____c. Will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or ____d. Will be more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities. Section 2. Recommendation to Council. The Planning Commission recommends to City Council that the request, C20-13, be: ____a. Granted as submitted, and that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance without modification. ____b. Denied, and that Council not adopt the proposed Ordinance. ____c. Granted with the modifications set forth on the attached listing of specific recommendations, and that Council adopt the proposed Ordinance with such modifications. READ AND ADOPTED:________________________________ TESTE:________________________________ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C20-13 CONDITIONS 1. This permit is granted for that portion of the subject property as specified on Exhibit B, in order to allow the establishment of a multi-family garden apartment complex, as defined by the Unified Development Ordinance, consisting of a maximum of 144 units. 2. The development of that portion of the subject property for which this conditional use permit is granted shall be in substantial conformity with that as shown on Exhibit C. 3. The developer shall contribute a total of $529,833.60 toward the construction of a middle school. Monetary contributions shall be paid pro rata after final inspection and prior to certificate of occupancy being issued for each of the 144 apartment units at a cost of $3,679.40 per unit. 4. The developer shall contribute a total of $662,572.80 toward the construction of a high school. Monetary contributions shall be paid pro rata after final inspection and prior to certificate of occupancy being issued for each of the 144 apartment units at a cost of $4,601.20 per unit. 5. The developer shall be responsible for installation of a traffic signal on Bridge Road at the eastern entrance to the development in accordance with all applicable City of Suffolk design standards. This signal shall be interconnected to the nearest existing traffic signal to the east and west along Bridge Road. EXHIBIT B C20-13 Zoning/Land Use Map 12*34 BR IDG E O-I ROA D BR IDG E ROAD RL RZ5-0 9/18/200 C14-0 1/20/201 12*34A C *1 12*3 4 C16-0 10/19/200 EX17-02 1/7/2003 C24-13 9/18/2013 RZ12-0 2/20/200 12*55E 12*34C C27-0 2/20/200 12*34C*CA 12*34E*1 12R*205 02 12R* 2 12R*204 RZ7-03 11/19/2003 2R*198 12R*198 0033 R**22 1122R 200 12 R* 99 12R *1 RU RR 12*32 RR17-89 8/2/1989 BZA16-04 8/10/2004 12R*206 Aerial Imagery Sources: VGIN/VITA VMBP 2013 Orthophotography and/or ESRI ¯ 1 inch = 2 00 feet EXHIBIT C This Area Not included in CUP PROPOSED AREA For Conditional Use Permit C20-13 EXHIBIT C C20-13 EXHIBIT C ZONED O&I BRIDGE ROAD - U.S. ROUTE 17 N 84°17'09" W 729.19' (O.A.) 360.80' 54.48' L=3.34' 2" E °5 S10 N 89°37'3 20' SCOD SIDE SETBACK 30' SCOD FRONT SETBACK 10' SCOD SIDE SETBACK 30' SCOD FRONT SETBACK R=34.50' 313.91' 1'46 8 16 C N2 8°3 10 FUTURE 18 STORE 5,550 S.F. EXISTING SITE ZONING: O-I C2 11 6 14 8 14 12 16 13 18 16 IC E/ 10 ,55 0 FL EX 71' 819. S.F . TO RE MA IN PROPOSED SITE ZONING: B-1 PROPOSED USE: GARDEN APARTMENTS TOTAL SITE AREA: 13.6 ACRES FLOOR AREA RATIO PERMITTED: 50% OR 296,208 SQ. FT. NET TO GROSS FACTOR: 25% OR 222,156 SQ. FT. ESTIMATED MAX. YIELD: 222,156 SQ. FT. / 1,100 SQ. FT. / APARTMENT = 202 UNITS MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 3 STORY MAXIMUM UNITS PER BUILDING: 20 MINIMUM PARKING: 1 SPACE / UNIT MAXIMUM PARKING: 1.9 SPACES / UNIT UNITS SHOWN: 144 UNITS @ 18 UNITS PER BUILDING PARKING SHOWN: 203 SPACES OR 1.4 SPACES / UNIT 57' 154. F 8 SITE DATA: ( PARCEL A ) E 08" °07' .O FF AIN EM OR XT FLE E/ FFIC T. O .F. EXIS 50 S 10,9 "W °22'01 N 08 EX IST PARCEL C 2.9 AC. 13 H 10 G 30 4 2 L18 D L1 7 9 L1 SE TB AC K SITE DATA: ( PARCEL B ) PARCEL A 13.6 AC. L12 L11 41 °5 60 8'0 .40 9" ' W 14 2.0 0' 44 °1 2'2 L1 55 64 .72 ' 3°5 7'2 9" W 57.38' S ' .43 63 9'0 °5 7" SITE DATA: ( PARCEL C ) 141. 60' EXISTING SITE ZONING TO REMAIN: O-I EXISTING USE TO REMAIN: OFFICE / FLEX SPACE TOTAL SITE AREA: 2.9 ACRES EXISTING LAND USE: OFFICE / FLEX SPACE TOTAL BUILDING FLOOR AREA: 21,500 SQ. FT. TOTAL AREA OFFICE: 57% OR 12,255 SQ. FT. OFFICE PARKING REQUIRED: 49 SPACES TOTAL AREA FLEX SPACE: 43% OR 9,245 SQ. FT. FLEX PARKING REQUIRED: 9 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 58 SPACES TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED: 88 SPACES S 25 45 °2 "W S 2' 6.1 16 S 11 4 4 .06 °1 ' 7'20 W 4" 1'5 2" W 7'0 °2 29 L5 N5 PROPOSED SITE ZONING: B-1 PROPOSED USE: GENERAL RETAIL TOTAL SITE AREA: 1.5 ACRES FLOOR AREA SHOWN: 5,500 SQ. FT. PARKING REQUIRED: MIN. 33; MAX. 55 PARKING SHOWN: 36 SPACES °22' 45" W N 0' 1.9 25 11 4.3 9' L7 S L8 L3 8" W 16 9.1 1' L1 0 L9 EE K .1 5' 1" W 83 '5 °4 6 48 3" E 72.42' 6' W .5 " 60 '22 8 °3 BE NN 43 °5 4'0 30' SCOD REAR SETBACK L2 S CR W 5" 3' 58.7 35 ET T' S 8'0 2°0 L6 E S7 N 71' 819. N 8" 3'4 °3 52 S 85°34'57" E S S ZONED O&I "W °22'01 N 08 P:\Projects\BRIDGE ROAD APARTMENTS\bridge-road apartments WITH WAWA-FEBRUARY 17 - 2014.dwg, 3/5/2014 3:58:36 PM L13 L2 2 L14 L2 1 5 L1 UP PE RL CB IMI PA TS WE OF TL AN DS UP CB PE PA R L W IMIT ET S LA O ND F S L2 0 E L1 6 RE AR 3" 4'2 ' °0 .72 35 55 A RP S 1 ' 00 6 'S CO E 3" 9'5 °0 1' 25 54.1 6 S 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: INNER RING SUBURBAN DISTRICT (TYPICAL USE : NEIGHBORHOOD RETAIL COMMERCIAL) L25 L41 16 EXISTING EVERGREEN SCREEN & BERM 9 3 STORY BLDG (TYPICAL) E C1 12 D P.S. SITE 0.1 AC. S 14 RECREATION AREA 14,500 SQ. FT. 10' SCOD SIDE SETBACK TOTAL SITE AREA: 18.0 ACRES ZONED RL L24 16 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL & OFFICE - INSTITUTIONAL ) ' 0.36 E 23 L23 14 PROPOSED SITE ZONING: B-1 & O-I 31" °16' ZONED O&I 16 SITE DATA: 20' SCOD SIDE SETBACK S 12 12 PARCEL B 1.5 AC. FUTURE GAS PUMP CANOPY 2' 163 .8 1'44 "E 6 B A 4' 89.1 " E 4 227' 2 115.43' W '06" W S 86°32 REZONING EXHIBIT AND PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 60 0 30 60 120 BENNETT'S CREEK COMMONS 240 ROUTE 17 - BRIDGE ROAD 325 VOLVO PARKWAY CHESAPEAKE, VIRGINIA 23320 PHONE: (757) 547-9531 FAX: (757) 547-9481 SLEEPY HOLE BOROUGH SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2014 C20-13 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STAFF REPORT DESCRIPTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Conditional Use Permit Request C03-14, submitted by Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, to permit an accessory dwelling unit in accordance with Sections 31-306, 31-406, and 31-701 of the Unified Development Ordinance. APPLICANT: Submitted by Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners. LOCATION: The affected property is located at 4235 Sleepy Hole Road and is further identified as Zoning Map 19, Parcel 2C. PRESENT ZONING: RL, Residential Low Density District EXISTING LAND USE: 2.25 acre site that contains a single family home with a detached two story garage. PROPOSED LAND USE: Proposing to utilize the second floor living space within the detached garage for an accessory dwelling unit for the purpose of housing members of the immediate family and allow for the caring of aging parents. SURROUNDING LAND USES: North – Single Family home, zoned RL South – Single Family home, zoned RL East – Vacant, Forested land, zoned RR West – Vacant land, zoned RL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan identifies this property as being located within the Northern Suburban/Urban Development Area and classified as Suburban. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA DESIGNATION: The property is located within the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District and is designated as a Resource Management Area (RMA). PUBLIC NOTICE: This request has been duly advertised in accordance with the public notice requirements set forth in Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and with the applicable provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF ANALYSIS ISSUE The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for an accessory dwelling unit to utilize an existing living space within the detached garage for the purposes of housing members of the immediate family and allow for the caring of aging parents. Currently, the living space within Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 2 of 5 the garage is 828 square feet. The two story garage was constructed in 2005. The proposed accessory dwelling unit is approximately 25-30 feet from the primary dwelling unit. The health department has confirmed that the existing septic system can accommodate the additional flows received from the proposed accessory dwelling unit at the living space within the detached garage. CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Section 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires that a conditional use permit be obtained for an accessory dwelling unit within the RL, Residential Low Density Zoning District. 2. Supplemental use standards are established in the UDO for detached accessory dwelling units as follows: a) The detached accessory dwelling unit shall comply with the minimum yard and intensity of use regulations as set forth in Section 31-407 of this ordinance. The accessory dwelling unit complies with the required setbacks for the RL district. (35’-front, 15’-side, and 30’-rear) b) The detached accessory dwelling unit shall be connected to the primary structure’s central sewer or septic system provided, however, that a separate septic system may be utilized where: a. The lot contains not less than four (4) acres of land area; and b. The detached accessory dwelling unit is separated from the principal structure by not less than one hundred (100) feet. This proposed accessory dwelling unit will utilize the same septic system as the primary house. The lot is a total of 2.25 acres and the accessory dwelling unit is located approximately 25-30 feet away from the primary structure. The Virginia Department of Health has certified that the existing septic system can accommodate and treat the additional flows generated by the proposed accessory dwelling unit. c) Only one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted per lot, unless the lot is at least ten (10) acres in which case two (2) accessory units may be permitted. The applicant is only proposing one accessory dwelling unit. d) Required parking for the detached accessory dwelling unit shall be located on the property of the principal structure. One (1) additional off-street parking space shall be required in addition to that required for the principal dwelling unit. For lots of less than five (5) acres, the parking shall be located to the rear of the principle dwelling unit. There is sufficient room on the property to provide additional parking for the proposed accessory dwelling unit. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 3 of 5 e) The apartment shall not be offered to the general public for rental purposes. The applicants have stated in their application that this dwelling unit will not be offered for rental to the general public. f) The conditional use permit shall be reviewed for compliance by the Zoning Administrator on an annual basis. The Zoning Administrator will review this site on an annual basis for compliance. 3. The property is located off of Sleepy Hole Road and is currently connected to City water. Sewer service is currently provided by a private septic system. This existing septic system will also service the accessory dwelling unit. The Virginia Department of Health has certified that the septic system can accommodate and treat the additional flows which will be generated by the accessory dwelling unit. 4. The primary house fronts along Sleepy Hole Road. The accessory dwelling is currently located along the side of the house unit and should not significantly increase the amount of traffic along Sleepy Hole Road. This unit will not be utilized by the general public and will only be used by the property owners. 5. The applicants will be required to address any issues regarding occupancy of the dwelling unit pertaining to the Building Code with the Division of Community Development. 6. Pursuant to Section 31-306 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), a Conditional Use Permit recognizes uses that, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent land uses, are not generally permitted in certain zoning districts as a matter of right. Rather, such uses are permitted through the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by City Council when the right set of circumstances and conditions are found acceptable. Conditional Use Permit Approval Criteria (31-306(c)) - As may be specified within each zoning district, uses permitted subject to conditional use review criteria shall be permitted only after review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council and only if the applicant demonstrates that: a) The proposed conditional use shall be in compliance with all regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of Article 6 of the ordinance and any applicable supplemental use standards as set forth in Article 7 of the Ordinance. The proposed use of an accessory dwelling unit is a listed conditional use in the RL zoning district per the City’s Unified Development Ordinance. Supplemental use standards are established in the UDO in section 31-703 and have been met by this application. b) The proposed conditional use shall conform to the character of the neighborhood Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 4 of 5 within the same zoning district in which it is located. The proposal as submitted or modified shall have no more adverse effects on health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, or shall be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, than would any other use generally permitted in the same district. In making such a determination, consideration should be given to the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on the site and whether the proposed use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities. The proposed accessory dwelling unit will conform to the character of the neighborhood as required by the supplemental use standards that are established by the UDO. The lot has adequate size to accommodate one additional living unit. This accessory dwelling unit will only be used to house immediate family members and will not be allowed to be rented out to the general public. This use will not be adverse to persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood. c) Adequate measures shall be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic hazards and to minimize traffic congestion on the public roads. The request for the accessory dwelling unit has been reviewed by the City’s Traffic Engineering Department who expressed no concerns regarding parking or traffic for the proposed use and location. The accessory dwelling unit shall not cause any additional traffic congestion off of Sleepy Hole Road. d) The proposed use shall not be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas. The proposed use is for an accessory dwelling unit and should not produce excess vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas. It is not anticipated that there will be any use attached with their activity which would impact the surrounding community. e) The proposed use shall not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of the property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted nor substantially diminish or impair the property values within the neighborhood. The property is located within a residential suburban area of the City. The surrounding properties are located within a similar residential zoning district and contain single family homes. The use of the existing accessory structure as an accessory dwelling unit should not diminish or impair the property values within this neighborhood. f) The establishment of the proposed use shall not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted within the zoning district. The use of this property for the purposes of housing members of the family within an existing accessory dwelling unit should not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding properties. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 5 of 5 g) The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use shall not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. The use of an accessory dwelling unit should not be a detriment or endangerment to the public. h) The public interest and welfare supporting the proposed conditional use shall be sufficient to outweigh the individual interests which are adversely affected by the establishment of the proposed use. The public interest and welfare should not be compromised by the proposed use of this accessory dwelling unit. RECOMMENDATION It is staff’s opinion that the site in question is appropriate for the proposed use and given the size of the existing lot and the size of the dwelling unit, the use will not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit request C03-14 with the following conditions. 1. This permit grants the establishment of a detached accessory dwelling unit as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, the location of which is as shown on Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed for compliance by the Zoning Administrator on an annual basis. 3. The accessory dwelling unit shall be connected to the primary structure’s septic system, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. The applicant will be required to address any issues regarding occupancy of the space pertaining to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code with the Division of Community Development. Attachments Proposed Ordinance Exhibit A – Planning Commission recommendation Exhibit B – Zoning/Land Use Map Exhibit C – Site Plan General Location Map ROAD (pv t) TW AY FF LI C NT ER C E I V ES W R R C HO EP Y RIVER BREE ZE RO AD AN IC H L C PE EA R DA RD EN ) LAN E (p vt GRIF FIN LANE (p vt) LE R O NANS EMOND POINTE DRIV E AD PO I N SLEEPY HOLE PARK ROAD S LE N R Y EP A M R E E SL N S E O N D IV PLAN TE RS CLUB ¹ DAVIS LANE (pvt) LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE KI N GS H IG H W AY EE SL PY LE HO AD MO N D R IV E R SE RO N NA C3-14 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4235 SLEEPY HOLE ROAD, ZONING MAP 19, PARCEL 2C, C03-14 WHEREAS, Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, has requested a conditional use permit for an accessory dwelling unit on a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is designated on the Zoning Map of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, as Zoning Map 19, Parcel 2C, which land is depicted on Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Article 3, Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, 1998 (as amended), have been followed; and WHEREAS, in acting upon this request, the Planning Commission and City Council have considered the matters enunciated in Section 15.2-2284 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and Article 1, Section 31-102 and Article 3, Section 31-306(c)(1 through 8) of the Code of the City of Suffolk, 1998 (as amended), with respect to the purposes stated in the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Sections 15.2-2200 and 15.2-2283; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a recommendation as stated in Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Exhibits. Exhibit "A", "Planning Commission Recommendation", Exhibit "B", "Zoning/Land Use Map", and Exhibit “C”, “Site Plan”, which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated as part of this ordinance. Section 2. Findings. Council finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified with conditions herein, the expressed purpose of which is to permit an accessory dwelling unit is in conformity with the standards of the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of Suffolk and that it will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, and will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities with the conditions set forth below. These findings are based upon the consideration for the existing use and character of property, the Comprehensive Plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transportation requirements of the community, the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services, the conservation of natural resources, the preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestall land, the conservation of properties and their values, and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the City. These findings are based upon a determination that the most reasonable and limited way of avoiding the adverse impacts of an accessory dwelling unit is by the imposition of the conditions provided herein. Section 3. Permit Granted. The conditional use permit for the Property be, and it is hereby, approved for the Property, subject to the following conditions and the general conditions set forth in Section 4 hereof. The conditional use permit specifically permits an accessory dwelling unit in compliance with Exhibit “C” (the “Site Plan”), and Sections 31-306, 31-406, and 31-701of the Code of the City of Suffolk. Conditions 1. This permit grants the establishment of a detached accessory dwelling unit as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, the location of which is as shown on Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed for compliance by the Zoning Administrator on an annual basis. 3. The accessory dwelling unit shall be connected to the primary structure’s septic system, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. The applicant will be required to address any issues regarding occupancy of the space pertaining to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code with the Division of Community Development. Section 4. General Conditions. (a) The conditional use permit may be revoked by City Council upon failure to comply with any of the conditions contained herein, after ten days written notice to Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, or their successors in interest, and a hearing at which such persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. (b) To the extent applicable, the requirements set forth in Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia shall be met. (c) The commencement of the use described in Section 3 of this ordinance shall be deemed acceptance by Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, or any party undertaking or maintaining such use, of the conditions to which the conditional use permit herein granted is subject. Section 5. Severability. It is the intention of the City Council that the provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section and provision of this ordinance hereby adopted shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, sections and provisions of this ordinance, to the extent that they can be enforced notwithstanding such determination. Section 6. Recordation. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded, by the applicant, in the name of the property owner as grantor in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and shall not be published or codified. The conditional use authorized by this permit shall be implemented within two (2) years from the date of approval by the City Council and shall terminate if not initiated within that time period. READ AND PASSED: __________________________ TESTE:__________________________ Erika Dawley, City Clerk Approved as to Form: _______________________________________ Helivi L. Holland, City Attorney Exhibit A RESOLUTION NO. 14-03-4 CITY OF SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION A RESOLUTION TO PRESENT A REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4235 SLEEPY HOLE ROAD, ZONING MAP 19, PARCEL 2C, RELATING TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C03-14 WHEREAS, Jason Fawcett, applicant, on behalf of Roger, Dorothy, Lindsey and Jason Fawcett, property owners, has requested the issuance of a conditional use permit for a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is described and depicted on the proposed Ordinance attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the specific request is to permit an accessory dwelling unit in accordance with Sections 31-306, 31-406, and 31-701of the Unified Development Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Findings. The Suffolk Planning Commission finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified herein: a. Will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, b. Will have more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, c. Will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or d. Will be more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities. Section 2. Recommendation to Council. The Planning Commission recommends to City Council that the request, C03-14, be: a. Granted as submitted, and that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance without modification. ___b. Denied, and that Council not adopt the proposed Ordinance. ___c. Granted with the modifications set forth on the attached listing of specific recommendations, and that Council adopt the proposed Ordinance with such modifications. READ AND ADOPTED:________________________________ TESTE:________________________________ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C03-14 CONDITIONS 1. This permit grants the establishment of a detached accessory dwelling unit as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, the location of which is as shown on Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed for compliance by the Zoning Administrator on an annual basis. 3. The accessory dwelling unit shall be connected to the primary structure’s septic system, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. The applicant will be required to address any issues regarding occupancy of the space pertaining to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code with the Division of Community Development. C3-14 Zoning/Land Use Map 19J*10 19J*11 19J*12 19J*13 19*4E 19J*14 19J*9 EXHIBIT B EX6-03 8/13/2003 19*4B 19*4B*1 19*2D 19*4 RL 19*2B HO L E ROAD SLEEPY 19*2*5 19*2A 19*2C DAV I S L A N E ( p vt) 19*2J 19H*10 19*2A*A 19*2E 19*2G Aerial Imagery courtes y of ESRI KIN GS 19*2A *D 19*52 19*2*1 19*2A *D*1 19*2*3 A RR 19*49 19*2*7 19*2*2 19*4A 19*4D HIG HW AY 19*2A*B 19*2A*F ¯ 1 inch = 200 feet EXHIBIT C C3-14 EXHIBIT C C3-14 Tel: (757) 538-5456 Fax: (757) 538-0186 EXHIBIT C 32' 3,757 SF = 22.04% PRIMARY RESIDENCE 1ST FLOOR (2,103 SF) 51' 5' 2'-4" VIRGINIA MAIN RESIDENCE SF 828 SF SUFFOLK ACCESSORY APT SF 3909 Nansemond Parkway Suffolk, Virginia 23435 CALCULATIONS FAWCETT RESIDENCE 4235 SLEEPY HOLE RD 51' PRIMARY RESIDENCE 2ND FLOOR (1,632 SF OPEN LIVING SPACE) TOTAL PRIMARY RESIDENCE SF = 3,735 EXISTING GARAGE FIRST FLOOR 1,439 SF, 2ND FLOOR ACCESSORY APARTMENT 828 SF 16'-4" MASTER PLAN 41' 50'-3" EXISTING GARAGE 50'-6" 2ND FLOOR ACCESSORY APARTMENT (828 SF) 28'-6" 41' EXISTING RESIDENCE 51' EXISTING RESIDENCE FIRST FLOOR 2,103 SF, 2ND FLOOR FINISHED OPEN LIVING SPACE 1,632 SF 50'-6" EXISTING GARAGE 1ST FLOOR (1,462 SF) 29' ACCESSORY APARTMENT ABOVE EXISTING GARAGE PLOT PLAN FOR PARCEL "2C" 97,975 S.F. 2.249 ACRES AS SHOWN AS SHOWN WLS 1 C3-14 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STAFF REPORT DESCRIPTION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: Conditional Use Permit Request C6-14, for a pawn shop in accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance. APPLICANT: Submitted by Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners. LOCATION: The affected property is located at 3215 Bridge Road, Suite 1 and also identified as Zoning Map 12, Parcel 12I, Sleepy Hole Voting Borough. PRESENT ZONING: B-2, General Commercial Zoning District. EXISTING LAND USE: Commercial shopping center. PROPOSED LAND USE: Pawn shop. SURROUNDING LAND USES: North – RL district, single-family, agriculture, forested; South – RU district, proposed residential development (The Retreat at Bennett’s Creek); East – B2 district, commercial shopping center; West – B2 district, commercial retail and office buildings. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The City’s 2026 Comprehensive Plan identifies this property as being located within the Northern Suburban/ Urban Development Area (Suburban). CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA DESIGNATION: The property is located within the City’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Overlay District and designated as a Resource Management Area (RMA). PUBLIC NOTICE: This request has been duly advertised in accordance with the public notice requirements set forth in Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and with the applicable provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF ANALYSIS ISSUE The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to operate a pawn shop within a 7,200 square foot lease unit within an existing commercial shopping center located at the intersection of Lee Farm Lane and Bridge Road. The proposed pawn shop will carry a mix of items for sale and will offer short term loans or pawns. This business will also be a licensed precious metals dealer in addition to the buying and selling of firearms. The proposed hours of operation for the pawn shop are Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 2 of 5 CONSIDERATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Section 31-406 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requires that a conditional use permit be obtained for a pawn shop within the B-2, General Commercial Zoning District. 2. Supplemental standards are established in the UDO for pawn shops: a) All pawn shops and pawnbrokers must comply with the Code of the City of Suffolk. City Code Section 18-246 to 18-256, and, Section 82-1158, specifies provisions pertaining to Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker operations. In that regard, the applicants will be required to obtain permits to operate from both the Chief of Police and from the Circuit Court. They must also obtain a Retail Merchant License from the Commissioner of Revenue; pay a license tax and provide a $50,000 surety bond. The applicant is also required to provide daily reports of business activity to the Chief of Police. It should also be noted that the City Code prohibits pawn shops from doing business with those under 18 years of age. b) All pawn shops and pawnbrokers must comply with Section 54.1-4000 of the Code of Virginia. This code section defines a pawn shop and pawnbroker. 3. The proposed hours of operation of the pawn shop are Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. 4. The site is currently served by public water and sewer. 5. The off-street parking requirements outlined in the UDO for shopping centers require a minimum of one space per 1000 square feet of gross floor area and a maximum of seven space per 1000 square feet of gross floor area. The pawn shop use will require a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 51 parking spaces. The shopping center has adequate available parking to serve the proposed use. 6. Pursuant to Section 31-306 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), a Conditional Use Permit recognizes uses that, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts on adjacent land uses, are not generally permitted in certain zoning districts as a matter of right. Rather, such uses are permitted through the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by City Council when the right set of circumstances and conditions are found acceptable. Conditional Use Permit Approval Criteria (31-306(c)) - As may be specified within each zoning district, uses permitted subject to conditional use review criteria shall be permitted only after review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council and only if the applicant demonstrates that: Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 3 of 5 a) The proposed conditional use shall be in compliance with all regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of Article 6 of the ordinance and any applicable supplemental use standards as set forth in Article 7 of the Ordinance. The proposed use of a pawn shop is a listed conditional use in the B-2 zoning district per the City’s Unified Development Ordinance. Supplemental standards have been established under Section 31-711 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The proposed use will comply with the standards of the UDO. b) The proposed conditional use shall conform to the character of the neighborhood within the same zoning district in which it is located. The proposal as submitted or modified shall have no more adverse effects on health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, or shall be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, than would any other use generally permitted in the same district. In making such a determination, consideration should be given to the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on the site and whether the proposed use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities. The proposed conditional use permit request should conform to the character of the neighborhood. The shopping center in which the pawn shop is proposed to be located and surrounding commercial buildings contain a mixture of uses. With appropriate conditions this use will not be adverse to people living, working in, or driving through the neighborhood as compared to similar retail commercial uses. The applicant has experience with the operation of a pawn shop and has indicated he is a licensed precious metals dealer and has a Federal Firearms License. c) Adequate measures shall be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic hazards and to minimize traffic congestion on the public roads. The request for the pawn shop has been reviewed by the City’s Traffic Engineering Department who expressed no concerns regarding traffic for the proposal. d) The proposed use shall not be noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas. The proposed use is for a pawn shop and should not produce excess vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas. e) The proposed use shall not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of the property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted nor substantially diminish or impair the property values within the neighborhood. The property is located in an established commercial district and corridor. The operation of this establishment should not be injurious to the uses in the immediate vicinity. The proposed use will occur entirely within the existing commercial building. The proposed use will be required to provide in store surveillance cameras Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 4 of 5 as well as an alarm system to protect the merchandise within the pawn shop. The police department has also recommended that store employees be trained to operate the surveillance system and provide the police with copies of surveillance photos and videos as requested. f) The establishment of the proposed use shall not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted within the zoning district. The property is located in an established commercial district and corridor. The use of this property for a pawn shop should not impede the orderly development and improvement of surrounding properties. g) The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use shall not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare. With appropriate conditions, this proposed use should not be a detriment or endangerment to the public with the recommended conditions in place to protect the potential merchandise that the business will carry. h) The public interest and welfare supporting the proposed conditional use shall be sufficient to outweigh the individual interests which are adversely affected by the establishment of the proposed use. The public interest and welfare should not be compromised by this conditional use request. RECOMMENDATION It is staff’s position that the site in question is appropriate for the proposed use given the size and nature of the establishment and the proposed hours of operation. The operation of a pawn shop should not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit request C6-14 with the following conditions: 1. This permit is granted to establish a Pawn Shop, as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, at the location as specified in Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. The applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 54.1-4000, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended as it relates to the operation of pawn shops, and, with the terms of City Code Section 18-246 to 18-256, and, Section 82-1158, pertaining to provisions for Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker operations. 3. The applicant shall provide video surveillance with a minimum of two cameras placed in the front of the store to capture ingress and egress as recommended and approved by the police department. 4. There shall be an employee on staff that is able to operate the surveillance system at all times. The applicant shall provide copies of the surveillance photos and videos to the Planning Commission March 18, 2014 Page 5 of 5 police as requested and have a monitor available for viewing on-site. 5. All hand guns shall be locked in a commercial safe each night. All rifles and shotguns shall be secured by a commercial grade locking system designed for the security of long guns and approved by the Police Department. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 7. Payday loan services shall not be offered as part of the check cashing operation. Attachments Proposed Ordinance Exhibit A – Planning Commission recommendation Exhibit B – Zoning/Land Use Map Exhibit C – Site Layout and Floor Plan General Location Map N S E M O N D R IV E R W I PO N DY D R IN T IV E ¹ N A N INE AV E EB E RW C AN TER BU R Y LANE HO L PO ID A I N Y N S DR I T V HO E RE B D R IV RO E LE RM FA NE LA (p vt) YE AT E DR IV S E (pv t) Y FER R R OA D AD RO E E K LA N E HIA B E N GA RD EN IA CT ELD E RB E ROA R RY D O LD W HA RF ROAD SILV E R CH AR M CIR CLE BEN NETTS W CREEK PA RK IL G L ROAD CI LE OW R NN CL E JUN IP TU LA ER NE LI CI P T R C RE LE E KEM P T ON P A RK SA GE RO A D LAN E E FO RS Y T CT CH HI ER LL RY LN IVY LAN E IN CIDER LN AL D PL E R AC E W C ER R EB R EE RA INT E CIR CL IVY LAN E N SILV ER CH AR M CIRCLE LA CREEKFRONT LANE ST BLU EM E CT E E NE BE N IN N E T TS EB ER W CH ER R Y HILL LA NE UR E ST LEE FARM LANE PA S E E E Y LL WA BE N VE HA T EA TR IVE RE DR TT G AD E N NA N SEM OND D RIVE RI D AN KL UE (pvt) EE S CR T T NE B EN C6-14 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A PAWN SHOP ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3215 BRIDGE ROAD, SUITE 1, ZONING MAP 12, PARCEL 12I; C6-14 WHEREAS, Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners, has requested a conditional use permit for a pawn shop on a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is designated on the Zoning Map of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, as Zoning Map 12, Parcel 12I, which land is depicted on Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the procedural requirements of Article 3, Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, 1998 (as amended), have been followed; and WHEREAS, in acting upon this request, the Planning Commission and City Council have considered the matters enunciated in Section 15.2-2284 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and Article 1, Section 31-102 and Article 3, Section 31-306(c)(1 through 8) of the Code of the City of Suffolk, 1998 (as amended), with respect to the purposes stated in the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Sections 15.2-2200 and 15.2-2283; and "A". WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a recommendation as stated in Exhibit NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Exhibits. Exhibit "A", "Planning Commission Recommendation", Exhibit "B", "Zoning/Land Use Map" and Exhibit “C”, Floor Plan” which are attached hereto, are hereby incorporated as part of this ordinance. Section 2. Findings. Council finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified with conditions herein, the expressed purpose of which is to permit a pawn shop is in conformity with the standards of the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of Suffolk and that it will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, and will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities with the conditions set forth below. These findings are based upon the consideration for the existing use and character of property, the Comprehensive Plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future requirements of the community as to land for various purposes as determined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transportation requirements of the community, the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services, the conservation of natural resources, the preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land, the conservation of properties and their values, and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the City. These findings are based upon a determination that the most reasonable and limited way of avoiding the adverse impacts of a pawn shop is by the imposition of the conditions provided herein. Section 3. Permit Granted. The conditional use permit for the Property be, and it is hereby, approved for the Property, subject to the general conditions set forth in Section 4 hereof. The conditional use permit is specifically for a pawn shop in compliance with Sections 31-306, 31-406, and 31-711 of the Code of the City of Suffolk. Conditions 1. This permit is granted to establish a Pawn Shop, as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, at the location as specified in Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. The applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 54.1-4000, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended as it relates to the operation of pawn shops, and, with the terms of City Code Section 18-246 to 18-256, and, Section 821158, pertaining to provisions for Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker operations. 3. The applicant shall provide video surveillance with a minimum of two cameras placed in the front of the store to capture ingress and egress as recommended and approved by the police department. 4. There shall be an employee on staff that is able to operate the surveillance system at all times. The applicant shall provide copies of the surveillance photos and videos to the police as requested and have a monitor available for viewing on-site. 5. All hand guns shall be locked in a commercial safe each night. All rifles and shotguns shall be secured by a commercial grade locking system designed for the security of long guns and approved by the Police Department. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 7. Payday loan services shall not be offered as part of the check cashing operation. Section 4. (a) General Conditions. The conditional use permit may be revoked by City Council upon failure to comply with any of the conditions contained herein, after ten days written notice to Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, and Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners, or their successors in interest, and a hearing at which such persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. (b) To the extent applicable, the requirements set forth in Section 31-306 of the Code of the City of Suffolk, Virginia shall be met. (c) The commencement of the use described in Section 3 of this ordinance shall be deemed acceptance by Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, and Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners, or any party undertaking or maintaining such use, of the conditions to which the conditional use permit herein granted is subject. Section 5. Severability. It is the intention of the City Council that the provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable; and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section and provision of this ordinance hereby adopted shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, sections and provisions of this ordinance, to the extent that they can be enforced notwithstanding such determination. Section 6. Recordation. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded, by the applicant, in the name of the property owner as grantor in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and shall not be published or codified. The conditional use authorized by this permit shall be implemented within two (2) years from the date of approval by the City Council and shall terminate if not initiated within that time period. READ AND PASSED: __________________________ TESTE:__________________________ Erika Dawley, City Clerk Approved as to Form: _______________________________________ Helivi L. Holland, City Attorney Exhibit A RESOLUTION NO. 14-03-04 CITY OF SUFFOLK PLANNING COMMISSION A RESOLUTION TO PRESENT A REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL RELATING TO A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A PAWN SHOP ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3215 BRIDGE ROAD, SUITE 1, ZONING MAP 12, PARCEL 12I C6-14 WHEREAS, Jesse Erwin, Jr., of Suffolk Pawn and Gun, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Mountain View Bennett’s Creek, LLC and Club Forest Bennett’s Creek, LLC, property owners, has requested the issuance of a conditional use permit for a certain tract of land situated in the City of Suffolk, Virginia, which land is described and depicted on the proposed Ordinance attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the specific request is to permit a pawn shop in accordance with Sections 31-306, 31-406, and 31-711 of the Unified Development Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Suffolk, Virginia, that: Section 1. Findings. The Suffolk Planning Commission finds that the proposal for a conditional use permit, as submitted or modified herein: a. Will have no more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, b. Will have more adverse effects on the health, safety or comfort of persons living or working in or driving through the neighborhood, c. Will be no more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or d. Will be more injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood than would any other use generally permitted in the same district, taking into consideration the location, type and height of buildings or structures, the type and extent of landscaping and screening on site and whether the use is consistent with any theme, action, policy or map of the Comprehensive Plan which encourages mixed uses and/or densities. Section 2. Recommendation to Council. The Planning Commission recommends to City Council that the request, C6-14, be: a. Granted as submitted, and that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance without modification. ___b. Denied, and that Council not adopt the proposed Ordinance. ___c. Granted with the modifications set forth on the attached listing of specific recommendations, and that Council adopt the proposed Ordinance with such modifications. READ AND ADOPTED:________________________________ TESTE:________________________________ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C6-14 CONDITIONS 1. This permit is granted to establish a Pawn Shop, as defined in the Unified Development Ordinance, at the location as specified in Exhibit B and Exhibit C. 2. The applicant must comply with the requirements of Section 54.1-4000, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended as it relates to the operation of pawn shops, and, with the terms of City Code Section 18-246 to 18-256, and, Section 82-1158, pertaining to provisions for Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker operations. 3. The applicant shall provide video surveillance with a minimum of two cameras placed in the front of the store to capture ingress and egress as recommended and approved by the police department. 4. There shall be an employee on staff that is able to operate the surveillance system at all times. The applicant shall provide copies of the surveillance photos and videos to the police as requested and have a monitor available for viewing on-site. 5. All hand guns shall be locked in a commercial safe each night. All rifles and shotguns shall be secured by a commercial grade locking system designed for the security of long guns and approved by the Police Department. 6. The hours of operation shall be limited to 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 7. Payday loan services shall not be offered as part of the check cashing operation. C6-14 Zoning/Land Use Map 12*37A 12*40B*1 12*41 12*12D 12*37 12*36 HH 1122 * * 1122 BR ID GE RO EXHIBIT B 12*12A*4 RL AD LE E 12*35 FA R M LA N E (p vt ) 12*12A BR B-2 12*12C 12 * 12*12F*1 12*12F 12*12G*A*2 L L M E E E F W O D 12*12I 12*12 H AV EN AY F RO 12*13 NT LA N E RZ7-06 10/18/2006 RZ1-13 10/16/2013 RR 1 inch = 300 feet Aerial Imagery courtes y of ESRI RU 12*13D BZA6-00 9/12/2000 RZ6-11 M-1 3/21/2012 BZA16-04 8/10/2004 22 11 1199 RR** 1199 1122 ** RR 1122 ¯ C16-09 3/17/2010 W EEK E G E RO AD E RN O D V RI BRID 12*12M R 12*12A*3 A CR 12*8 12*12A*2 LL T HO A N AD BE 1122 **112 2G G**A A**1 1 12 C *1 RO 22KK **11 1122 12 *12 B* A 11 AA** * * BB 1122 * * 1122 GE 12*1 2J 12*12B*B ID RZ7-03 11/19/2003 12R*190 EXHIBIT C C6-14 EXHIBIT C C6-14 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RESULTS OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF February 19, 2014 A. REZONING REQUEST RZ10-13, (Conditional), submitted by Whitney G. Saunders, agent, on behalf of Whitney Graham of Graham Real Estate, LLC, on behalf of Pericles G. Christodoulias and Community Bank/ City National Bank, property owners, to request a Approved change in zoning from O-I, Office-Institutional District, to B-2, General Commercial District w/proffers (Conditional). The affected properties are located at 1032, 1036, 1040, 1044 and 1048 Centerbrooke Lane and are further identified as Zoning Map 25N, Parcels 2A, part of 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E, zoned O-I, Office-Institutional District, Chuckatuck Voting Borough. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Suburban). B. REZONING REQUEST, RZ12-13, (Conditional), submitted by Robert E. Harbour, applicant, on behalf of Centerpoint Properties Trust, a Maryland Real Estates Investment Trust, property owners, to request a change in zoning to amend the approved proffered conditions pertaining to transportation and utility improvements pertaining to the Approved Centerpoint development. The affected properties are located at 1005 Kenyon Court and are w/proffers further identified as Zoning Map 32B, Parcel 3, zoned O-I, Office-Institutional District (Conditional), and 2400 and 2410 Holland Road and 1005 and 1006 Kenyon Court and are further identified as Zoning Map 32B, Parcels 3*2, 3*1, 3*3, and 3, zoned M-1, Light Industrial District (Conditional) and 1000,1004 and 1005 Kenyon Court and are further identified as Zoning Map 32B, Parcels 1, 3*4, and 3, zoned M-2, Heavy Industrial District (Conditional), Holy Neck Voting Borough. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Suburban). C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C28-13, Believers Church, submitted by Melissa Venable, Land Planning Solutions, agent, on behalf of Jamey Stuart, applicant, and on behalf of Suffolk Towers, LLC, property owner, to permit a place of worship, large, at least 6,000 square feet in the main sanctuary, and a daycare, child (as an accessory to a Approved permitted place of worship or school) and a public assembly not otherwise enumerated, in w/conditions accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected property is located at 8030 Harbour View Boulevard and is identified as Zoning Map 6, Parcel 2H*2, Nansemond Voting Borough, zoned O-I, Office-Institutional District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Northern Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Mixed-Use Core). D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C29-13, submitted by Whitney G. Saunders, agent, on behalf of Whitney Graham of Graham Real Estate, LLC, applicant, on behalf of Approved Pericles G. Christodoulias and Community Bank/ City National Bank, property owners, to w/conditions permit a mini-warehouse facility, in accordance with Sections 31-306, 31-406 and 31-709 of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected properties are located at 1032, 1036, 1040, 1044 and 1048 Centerbrooke Lane and are further identified as Zoning Map 25N, Parcels 2A, part of 2B, 2C, 2D and 2E, currently zoned O-I, Office-Institutional District with Rezoning Request RZ10-13, Conditional pending, which will rezone the property to B-2, General Commercial, Chuckatuck Voting Borough. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Suburban). E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C30-13, Lemuria Health Beauty Fitness Academy, submitted by Stacey Mossor, applicant, on behalf of Demetrius Panagopulos, Approved BackBay Outdoors, LLC, property owner, to permit a trade school, Nail Technology School, w/conditions in accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected property is located at 347 North Main Street and is further identified as Zoning Map 34G11(A), Parcel 88, Suffolk Voting Borough, zoned CBD, Central Business District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Mixed Use Core). F. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST, C31-13, Shade Masters Window Tinting, submitted by Charles D. Parr, Sr., Parr Saratoga Street Properties, LLC, agent, on behalf of Approved Melissa Engel, applicant, on behalf of Parr Saratoga Street Properties, LLC, property owner, w/conditions to permit an automobile repair, minor, in accordance with Sections 31-306 and 31-406, of the Unified Development Ordinance. The affected property is located at 156 South Saratoga Street and is further identified as Zoning Map 34G24(A), Parcel 2, Suffolk Voting Borough, zoned CBD, Central Business District. The 2026 Comprehensive Plan designates this area as a part of the Central Suburban/ Urban Growth Area (Mixed Use Core).