National Park Service presentation


National Park Service presentation
Arctic Science Programs in the
National Park Service
The Arctic Parks, Monuments
and Preserves
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve:
Cape Krusenstern National Monument:
Noatak National Preserve:
Kobuk Valley National Park
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve:
Inupiat Heritage Center
2,537,672 acres
588,241 acres
6,276,089 acres
1,669,912 acres
8,214,302 acres
(affiliated area)
Gates of the Arctic National Park
and Preserve
Noatak National Preserve
Kobuk Valley National Park
Cape Krusenstern
National Monument
Bering Land Bridge
National Preserve
Inupiat Heritage Center
National Park Service
Organic Act of 1916
“…The service thus established shall promote
and regulate the use of the Federal areas known
as national parks, monuments, and reservations
….. to conserve the scenery and the natural and
historic objects and the wildlife therein and to
provide for the enjoyment of the same in such
manner and by such means as will leave them
unimpaired for the enjoyment of future
Gates of the Arctic
To maintain the wild and undeveloped character of
the area, including opportunities for visitors to
experience solitude, and the natural environmental
integrity and scenic beauty…. including reasonable
access, for mountain climbing, mountaineering, and
other wilderness recreational activities; to protect
habitat for the populations of fish and wildlife…
Subsistence uses by local residents…. where such
uses are traditional…"
Noatak National Preserve
"To maintain the environmental integrity of the
Noatak River and adjacent uplands within the
preserve in such a manner as to assure the
continuation of geological and biological processes
unimpaired by adverse human activity; to protect
habitat for, and populations of, fish and wildlife,…to
protect archeological resources; and in a manner
consistent with the foregoing, to provide
opportunities for scientific research…”
National Parks Omnibus
Management Act of 1998
…assure that management of units of the
National Park System is enhanced by the
availability and utilization of a broad program
of the highest quality science and information
…assure the full and proper utilization of the
results of scientific study for park
management decisions.
Natural Resource Challenge
• 4 Inventory and Monitoring Networks
• 2 Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units
• 2 Science & Learning Centers
Focal Activities of Selected NPS
Science Programs in Alaska
Inventory &
Science &
Park Programs
Research Facilitation
Technical Assistance
to Parks
Resource Management
Science Products for
Outreach and
Education & Training
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Simplified Organizational Structure for
Selected NPS Science Programs in Alaska
National Park Service Director
•Associate Director for Natural Resources and Stewardship
oNatural Resource Challenge Program
•Associate Director for Cultural Resources
oCultural Resource Programs
•Alaska Regional Director
oRegional Science Advisor
ƒCooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
oAssociate Regional Director for Resources and Operations
ƒNatural Resources (Biology and Geology)
ƒCultural Resources
ƒGeographic Information Systems
•Regional Inventory & Monitoring Program
oPark Superintendents
ƒBeringian International Heritage Park Program
ƒFour Inventory & Monitoring Networks
ƒTwo Science & Learning Centers
ƒNatural and/or Cultural Resources
Alaska Inventory & Monitoring
NPS Arctic Inventory &
Monitoring Network Timetable
Program Development
The Arctic Network will develop over three major phases as shown below:
Twelve Baseline Inventories
Natural Resource Bibliography
Base Cartography Data
Species Occurrence
Species Distribution
Vegetation Maps
Soils Maps
Geologic Maps
Water Resources
Water Chemistry/Quality
Air Quality
Air Quality Related Values Assessment (e.g. visibility)
Meteorological Data
Conceptual Models
(Examples from the
Southwest Alaska Network)
• Vital Signs
• Air Quality
• Water Quality
Vital Signs
Vital Signs Monitoring Framework
Level 1 Category
Air and Climate
Geology and Soils
Biological Integrity
Level 2 Category
Examples of Vital Signs Selected by First 12 Networks
Air Quality
Ozone, wet and dry deposition, visibility and particulate matter, air contaminants
Weather and Climate
Weather and climate
Glaciers, shoreline change, channel morphology, physical habitat index
Subsurface Geologic Processes
Cave air quality, seismic activity
Soil Quality
Biological soil crusts, soil structure and stability, soil cover, permafrost
Groundwater dynamics, surface water dynamics, stream flow, lake and pond
elevation, saltwater marsh water table
Water Quality
Water chemistry, chloride flux, kettle pond acidification, nutrient loading and
eutrophication, pollutant metals, aquatic macroinvertebrates
Invasive Species
Invasive/Exotic plants early detection, areal extent of established populations,
exotic aquatic assemblages
Infestations and Disease
Whitebark pine disease, forest insect/disease outbreaks
Focal Species or Communities
Landbirds, forest vegetation structure & composition, fish communities, intertidal
communities, salt marsh vegetation, seagrass communities, wetland
vegetation, riparian plant communities, prairie grassland communities,
freshwater mussels, cave aquatic fauna, amphibians, white-tailed deer,
caribou, wolves
At-risk Biota
T&E plants, western prairie fringed orchid, northern spotted owl, western snowy
plover, Ozark hellbender, Allegheny woodrat, Topeka shiner
Vital Signs Monitoring Framework
Level 1 Category
Human use
Landscapes (Ecosystem Pattern and Processes)
Level 2 Category
Examples of Vital Signs Selected by First 12 Networks
Point-Source Human Effects
Contaminants, illegal roads and trails
Non-point Source Human
Estuarine nutrient inputs
Consumptive Use
Fisheries harvest, poaching of native plants and animals
Visitor and Recreation Use
Visitor usage
Fire and fuel dynamics
Fire occurrence and extent, fuel loading
Landscape Dynamics
Land cover and use
Nutrient Dynamics
Nutrient cycling
Productivity, plant phenology
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
Arctic Inventory & Monitoring
Network. Recent Projects
Mammal species lists and vouchers
Dall sheep survey
Montane nesting birds inventory
Freshwater resource inventory and data
Vascular and nonvascular plant inventories
Tundra fire monitoring data
Remote sensing data acquisition
Conceptual model development
“Vital Signs” Monitoring Plan Development
North & West Alaska and
Pacific Northwest CESUs
Federal Agency Partners
National Park Service
USGS Biological Resources
Bureau of Land Management
USDA Forest Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Nonfederal Partners
University of Alaska Fairbanks – host
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Southeast
University of New Hampshire
Alaska Sealife Center
Examples of Recent NPS-funded
Projects through the NWA CESU
Permafrost Monitoring Protocol
Alaska Resident Statistics program
Freshwater Research Synthesis for ARCN
NWA CESU, Examples of
Recent NPS-funded Projects
Permafrost Monitoring Protocol
Alaska Resident Statistics program
Freshwater Research Synthesis for ARCN
NWA CESU, Examples of
Recent NPS-funded Projects
Permafrost Monitoring Protocol
Alaska Resident Statistics Program
Freshwater Research Synthesis for ARCN
NWA CESU, Examples of Recent
NPS-funded Projects
Permafrost Monitoring Protocol
Alaska Resident Statistics program
Freshwater Research Synthesis for ARCN
Science and Learning Centers
Murie Science and Learning Center at
Denali National Park and Preserve
Ocean Alaska Science and Learning
Center at Kenai Fjords National Park
“Beringia” The Beringian Heritage
International Park Program
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Recent Beringia Projects
Biting Flies of Beringia
Taxonomic Listing of Beringian Fauna
Synthesis of 10 Years Beringia Research
Biosampling of Gray & Bowhead Whales
Culture & History of Beringia
Paleo-Indian Archaeology of Noatak
Fungi of the Beringia Region
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Gates of the Arctic
Nutritional & Contaminant Assessment of
Lynx & Snowshoe Hare
Western Arctic Caribou Herd
Central Arctic Caribou Herd
Whitefish TEK
NOAT Archaeological Resource Inventory
Educational Outreach
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Western Arctic National Parklands
Subsistence Resource Study for Buckland
Subsistence Resource Study for Kiana
Cape Krusenstern Muskoxen Range Use
Cape Krusenstern Heavy Metal
Resource Selection of Calving Moose
Muskoxen Feeding Trials
Cape Krusenstern Lagoon Studies
Related Projects
• Alaska Park Science Symposia
• Alaska Park Science Journal
Alaska Park Science Symposia
• 2004 Glacier Bay (Juneau)
• 2006 Central Alaska Parks (Denali)
• 2008 Arctic Parks/International Polar
Year (proposal)
• 2010 Coastal Parks
Alaska Park Science Journal
NPS Arctic Science Funding
(estimated in thousands)
Inventory &
Resource Management Concerns Identified
by NPS Scientists and Resource Managers in Alaska
Climate change Climate change is changing habitats, use of areas, accessibility, biotic
communities, diseases and causing other effects that will change the characteristics
of parks as well as the type of management action required to maintain park values
and mission.
Global and local contaminants. Long range atmospheric and oceanic transport is
bringing contaminants to parks with potential direct impacts on the viability of
park resources, and the value of subsistence harvest. Local contaminants are being
introduced through development of natural resources (e.g., mining) and use of park
resources with industrial based transportation and activities (e.g., development,
ATVs, boats, vehicles, hover craft).
Exotic species. Coupled with climate change and increasing use of parks, exotic species
are increasingly transported to, and able to thrive in areas where they did not exist
previously. This has significant impacts on natural communities.
Increasing human use. As human population continues to expand exponentially and
Alaska parks become an increasing target of visitor enjoyment, subsistence and
hunter use, potential impacts on natural and cultural resources increase.
Development within and surrounding parks. Park ecosystems are directly linked to
surrounding areas around park boundaries. Fragmentation, contamination, loss of
habitat and overuse are likely to increase.
NPS Alaska Regional Science
Strategy Development
Parks for Science
Science for Parks
Parks for Learning
What Does This Mean to Scientists
Interested in National Park areas?
Park contacts and information are at:
Acknowledgements: The photos, figures
and information for this presentation
were provided by the featured parks,
programs and projects.
Inventory & Monitoring Networks