El Pulso Fall 2011 - Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center
El Pulso Fall 2011 - Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center
El Pulso Fall 2011 All about METAS 2011-2012 From the METAS Welcoming BBQ to the METAS course and events, our Graduate Assistant gives us insides on the events and classes that took place this semester. 2 Latin Fest heats up Jorgensen From the salsa rhythms of the 15 “Bobby” Rodriguez Orchestra, to the record breaking “hits” of Cheo Feliciano, Latin Fest was the place to be on October 1st. Fall 2011 Recap We take a look back at all the events held and sponsored by PRLACC during the Fall semester. Homecoming 2011: Kickin’ it Old School! 11 And first place for LipSync goes to… P-R-L-A-C-C, PRLACC! We bring you all the action from Homecoming week, including the parade and the most anticipated event of the week, the LipSync competition. Continued on page 8 El Pulso Fall 2011 Interested in applying to become a mentor or mentee? The application will be available in Spring 2012 PRLACC Scholarship METAS First Year Experience By Lois S. Ramírez Continuing the tradition of mentoring our Latino students. This Year our FYE METAS class was very successful. We kicked off the year with our annual METAS BBQ, where the Mentors and Mentees finally met. For this year we tried to showcase all the services provided by the university. We took a field trip to the Dairy Bar and while enjoying our delicious UConn made ice cream we learned about nutrition. We also had the Rainbow center’s Speakers Bureau, who came to talk to the Mentees about being a LGBTQ student at UConn. Other speakers from different departments and organizations throughout the campus such as mental health services, sexperts, and career services came to talk to the students about all the opportunities and programs available for them. We finished the course with the decoration of the center for the holidays. The Mentors and Mentees shared time together while decorating Santa and elf hats. To wrap up the event, the Mentors, Mentees and Staff for 2011-2012 recorded a holiday greeting that was sent via email. This semester was once again a wonderful experience for all of us involved in METAS. Thank you for making this semester a semester to remember. The PRLACC Scholarship Award was established to honor UConn students who have advanced the role and contributions of Latinos in society. The application will be available in Spring 2012. Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award The Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award honors a UConn faculty and/or staff member who has advanced the role and contributions of Latinos at UConn and the community. The application will be available in Spring 2012. Hablas Ñ? Come and practice Spanish with El Club de Español. Library Language Center Thursdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm PRLACC Last Thursday of the month 7:15pm – 8:50pm 2 El Pulso Fall 2011 Latino Staff Highlight: Christian Navarro By Dr. Gladys M. Santiago-Tosado In El Pulso, the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center will be including interviews of Latinos, who are behind the scenes, active on campus or around the community, through our newsletter, El Pulso, and the blog El Pulso Highlights: Connecting Latinos around the World. In this edition, we highlight two Latinos of our community, one is a Researcher Assistant, Christian Navarro, and the other one is a work study student at the Center, José Benítez (Jose’s interview was written by Kalliope Damalas). Christian Navarro is a native of the archipelago of Puerto Rico, a Commonwealth of the United States. At the age of 23, he was offered a Researcher position at the University of Connecticut in the Psychology Department. He graduated from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) with a bachelors degree in Philosophy and a minor in Psychology. In addition, he loves music and plays the drums, a talent that gave him the opportunity to attend a 5-week summer program in 2007 at Berklee College of Music in Boston: “So, I went to Boston, and I enjoyed it a lot! It was a very important experience not only musically, but in a general sense. It helped me sort things out, like what kinds of things I wanted to do with my life; did I want to take music more seriously or did I want to focus more on my academic career in Philosophy or Psychology?” And he decided to focus his academic interest in psychology, linguistics, language, research, and graduate school. In addition to his college experience, Christian was able to enrich his life studying abroad in Vienna in the summer of 2010. What follows are excerpts from our conversation, which will give you a complete picture of our staff highlighted for fall 2011. Dr. Santiago: “How did you grow in terms of your skills and knowledge through your college experience? You started college when you were 18-years old, and now you are 23-years old, you just graduated in May; how would you say you have grown up?” Christian: “In many ways, I mean, the first thing I could think of and this came at a later stage… I started learning different languages like German and that was something I never thought I could have learned in my first and second year in college. Actually, that was one of the things that opened the doors to this opportunity here in UCONN. It opened my mind to a lot of things. I really, really appreciate languages.” Dr. Santiago: “So besides English and Spanish, you also speak German?” Christian: “I wouldn’t say I am fully bilingual, but I am fluent, I understand pretty much. 3 El Pulso I am hoping to eventually, I don’t know where, but to learn Icelandic, another language I have always had interest in. I always think that if you want to learn a language, the first thing you should have in mind is a genuine appreciation and curiosity for the specific culture, not only the language itself. I always had interest for the German culture. I could appreciate a lot of the different aspects of the culture, not only the language. And that helps a lot to enjoy the language.” Dr. Santiago: “If you were to speak to a freshman student today, and this person had lot of doubts about pursuing a college degree, how would you encourage this student to pursue a college degree? Christian: “The truth is, studying in any sense is a privilege whether we want to realize that or not. Maybe the atmosphere of college is not for everyone, but I would tell people to give it a chance because no matter what, it will open doors for you in ways that you won’t be able to do outside of the academic world. It all depends on what you want, some people feel good if they find something that provides for them, and they can survive and enjoy certain things. But for other people perhaps like me, who have this curiosity to keep going and exploring different things, for this type of person, college is the best option, it brings different perspectives... “ Dr. Santiago: “Do you think that you would have been a different person today if you had not had a college experience? Christian: “Yes, definitely. Dr. Santiago: “In what ways? Christian: “Once again, if I go back to the language example, last year I went to the University of Vienna. If I weren’t in college, I wouldn’t have been able to have that experience.” Dr. Santiago: “You learned German at the UPR right? For how many years?” Fall 2011 Christian: “Two and a half.” Dr. Santiago: “And you studied abroad?” Christian: “Yes, last summer, at the University of Vienna, to study German. It was an amazing experience because the program wanted you to explore the city, the culture, and the mindset. There you meet all these different realities from different people. It can be a very strong firsthand experience, it can even be shocking, but in a good, very rich way. That was very important to me because coming from a small island like Puerto Rico, where we are very used to certain things, certain consequences…geographically limited. You think the world is in a certain way, and then you go out to these places, and you look up, and it’s like “wow, what have I been missing!” Dr. Santiago: “Plus the opportunity to experience other cultures.” Christian: “Yes! It was a great experience. I think that it’s important because it helps you to see that the world is not perfect, there are problems everywhere. But it’s a matter of choosing or knowing what types of things you like, what things attract you the most.” Dr. Santiago: “In order to close with the interview, what you would say would be 3 characteristics of a Latino with a sense of social responsibility? By social responsibility I mean obtaining an education, contributing to society? Christian: “You can be very smart and intelligent but you need to have discipline and perseverance. One thing that as Puerto Ricans, I would think it’s very important to have that discipline to have that mindset of wanting to do things in a certain way because that will pay off in the long run. Not just in the academic world but also as a human being, as in social interaction and how you behave around others. If you have that discipline and collective consciousness of how things already are, it can contribute to how you work around things.” 4 El Pulso Fall 2011 Me encanta ser Boricua por la cultura y tradiciones, especialmente la comida criolla y parrandas. Me encanta mi bella isla con música como la salsa, que te hace bailar sin importancia de dónde eres. ¿Quién no estaría orgulloso?” - José Benítez- Rivera Work-Study Student Highlight: José Benítez-Rivera By Kalliope Damalas Born in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, and raised in the exciting and multicultural Bronx, NY, José Benítez-Rivera grew up idolizing Roberto Clemente, a famous baseball player, known for his accomplishments and charitable work. Aside from idolizing a famous baseball player, José’s inspiration and motivation to succeed in life came from his parents and sisters. Acknowledging all that they have given up for him to be where he is today, he is the first member of his family to attend college, and they are what push him to work hard and excel both in and out of the classroom. When first looking into college, José considered entering the medical field to study pediatrics, however, psychology was his passion and what he chose to pursue. Currently a senior, José double majors in Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) and minoring in Criminal Justice, with plans to one day graduate from law school as a Family or Immigration lawyer. Upon taking HDFS as a general education requirement, José said that he “really fell in love with it… and thought it [would] be something I could do”. His ambition, however, doesn’t just stop with his academics or future goals. José is a brother of Beta Theta Pi, and a member of multiple organizations including UConn Men’s Project Graduate, Violence Against Women Prevention Program, Fraternity and Sorority Life Peer Standard Board, and also a part of the PRLACC staff. Upon graduating, José wants to take a couple years off to possibly counsel for the Department of Children and Families (DCF) before he ventures off to Law School. Loud, brutally honest and a friend are words that summarize the truly remarkable person that José Benítez- Rivera truly is. Being a native of Puerto Rico, José loves that Puerto-Ricans are “outspoken, loud, and full of life”; he goes on to state that his culture is a part of who he is and played an active role in his upbringing, making him a proud Latino. Having such pride in his Latino heritage has also influenced José’s involvement in PRLACC and the university as a whole. Since freshman year José has considered PRLACC a place that has given and continues to give him the opportunity to meet some great people and make everlasting friendships. PRLACC offered him a second home, and now three years later, José gives back to the center by being an active member of the PRLACC family. He is a model Latino student who achieves academic excellence while staying active and true to his community. “The best advice I can give anyone is to always work hard and remember why you are here. Next thing you know you’ll be reaping the benefits”. 5 El Pulso Fall 2011 Latino Art Exposition By Victor Collazo Our attention is more than ever being demanded by ads, friends, news, work, etc. They drown our email inbox, they call us during dinner, and they tell us to buy, refinance, sell, join, and apply for a new credit card. The volume of noise it creates fights to smother our self-awareness and attempts to implant its will in us. Escape! Log out of Facebook and HuskyCT, shut off your cell, grab your favorite treat and enjoy the peace and quiet of the SU gallery (Rm310). In it, I have seen everything from a resurrected zombie Jesus carrying an Easter basket, to poster designs for women rights. More recently the Puerto Rican Latin American Cultural Center (PRLACC) invited and hosted Ana Cristina Collazo’s work at the gallery. Her work represented the footsteps and body movements of dancers through time. The vibrant colors alone easily captured the attention of spectators of all ages, but mixed with the strokes from dancing atop the canvas added warmth and peacefulness that captured my curiosity and curiosity too. With my curiosity sparked I asked: “Ana, how good are your dancers?” Then she showed me the video of the paintings in the making and how hard it is to dance salsa on slippery paint. Seeing it I understood` that for her it didn’t really matter how good of a dancer they really are. Rather, her explanation reminded me of what author Scott Adams said best “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Join PRLACC’s Writing Club: “Our Voices, Nuestras Voces” We are looking for students who are willing to express their voices, in writing, about Latino heritage and culture. If you like to write articles, poems, essays, tales, fiction, history, etc., this is the club for you! P.S. Are you ready to get creative? We write in English & Español! Every other Friday at 3p.m. PRLACC’s Conference Room 6 El Pulso Fall 2011 Homecoming 2011 By Giovanna L. Torres At this year’s Homecoming, PRLACC kept it FRESH! A colorful 7 min performance by 65 members of the center caught the attention of every Husky in attendance. Incorporating songs such as Poison, Jump On It, Congo Bongo and Switch, the team covered everything from stepping to old school hiphop, and, of course, a bit of salsa! The awesome storyline got not only laughs, but even “awww’s” from the audience, feeling as if they were watching a new episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air, where Uncle Phil, Will, and Carlton attend orientation here at UConn. Jokes, “pick-up lines” and UConn references were used throughout the performance, and at the end, it was wrapped up with a lesson about “the amazing opportunities UConn has to offer, and the bonds you will make that will last you a lifetime… Students Today, Huskies Forever”. This rendition gave PRLACC the award for 1st place, resulting in tears of joy for some! And this was only one of the awards won by the center. Participating under the Fee-Funded/Cultural Centers category, the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center competed against the AACC, AsACC, the Rainbow Center, and the Marching Band. PRLACC participated at the kick-off parade, with a group of students dressed up as colorful as they could, wearing 90’s “musts” and waving the flags of all the Latin American countries to the rhythm of the theme song of Fresh Prince and “It’s not unusual”, Carlton’s favorite jam. The effort got us a well-deserved 3rd place in the category, giving us a great push to continue working hard towards the other events. After weeks of voting, the Royalty Top 10 candidates were chosen. Our queen, Ramonita Garcia, represented PRLACC at the Homecoming pageant, dancing a mix of bachata and merengue for her talent. Not surprisingly, Ramonita placed in the top five, winning the title of 4th Runner- Up. I have proudly been PRLACC’s Homecoming representative for 2 years now, an event every UConn student, faculty and alumni highly anticipates every Fall semester. With activities ranging from the kick-off Parade, the Alma Mater competition, the Royalty Court, the LipSync phenomenon, and leading up to the Homecoming football game, Homecoming is a week for all student organizations to show their Husky Pride and gain recognition around campus, and at PRLACC, we like to be heard! I extend an invitation to all undergraduates who may want to participate with us next year and become a part of PRLACC’s pride! P-R-L-A-C-C…PRLACC! 7 El Pulso Fall 2011 Keepin’ it Parade 3rd place (Fee-funded/Cultural Centers) LipSync Homecoming Court/Royalty st 1 place 4th Runner Up (Queen) (Fee-funded/Cultural Centers) 8 El Pulso Fall 2011 Latinos Forgotten? By Sharis Morrill Among the American population it seems that general knowledge of successful and important Latinos only goes as far as the name of a favorite baseball player, a famous poet, or a cruel dictator, but where is the average Latino in America? Not represented, not supported, but forgotten. The last 20 years before the recession and the economic boom of the 1990’s resulted in economic stability for most, but created delusion about how well Latinos have it. It has been forgotten that Latinos are still not equal, are still under supported, are culturally misunderstood, and have been ignored as the largest minority population in the U.S. According the 2011 Census the United States has the second largest Spanish speaking population in the world, which means that the United States needs to start thinking about how it is going to meet the needs of this growing population. Quality higher education that meets and raises awareness of Latino needs is seldom found and more often than not left unsupported. Now I ask you, how many Latino or Latina professors have you seen in your higher education facility? As well, one may ask why there is such a small percentage of the Latino community completing higher education, perhaps it has less to do with cultural stigmas and more to do with the fact that quality higher education in general is unavailable to those without large sums of financial aid. Most can agree that the cost of higher education in the United States is hurting this generation and will only become more strenuous for future generations. It seems that it is becoming necessary to clarify to governmental and educational systems that education cannot merely be available but needs to be accessible to the middle and lower classes. If the United States doesn’t make education available for a large percentage of its population it will eventually have fewer people contributing to the service sector and to research, and is ultimately limiting itself. If the country wants to improve, it needs to prepare and equip its entire population with a good higher education, not make it more inaccessible and then blame the populations that can no longer reach the absurd costs. When I was younger my parents decided to move our family to Farmington, CT after having already been settled in New Britain for a good amount of time. My mother Elizabeth describes this decision as an act for the wellbeing of her children, “My kids were first, and I did what I could to make your lives better. Schools in New Britain were scary, the kids had no respect for their teachers, they brought knives and guns to school, they were out of control; I feared for my kid’s lives and thought about moving to a better place.” Compared to New Britain, Farmington had less crime, more money, and is basically the epitome of a white suburban neighborhood. But despite the safer neighborhood and better education, our family continued to struggle to find peace. We felt constant discrimination, not only against our nationality but also because of our socio-economic status. “Most had money, and they expected everyone else to have it too.” Is it not a human right to pursue a better life, the best education, and the safety of one’s family? Unfortunately not everyone can afford the ability to pursue a better life. It is near impossible to reach a better socio-economic status without outside resources and influence. Some of the best areas to live in Connecticut, have monstrously high taxes, not because the people need to contribute to the infrastructure or to the education of the town but to weed out anyone who stands any lower than upper middle class. But this isn’t called ‘weeding’ it’s called ‘competitive housing’. 9 El Pulso Fall 2011 In my own experience, if one tries to publicly discuss the needs and struggles of the Latino community, one is often faced with prejudice remarks such as “Well, why don’t they just work harder?” or “tell them to stop having kids” or even “they just expect a free ride.” The reality of it, is that these comments are believed by many but have little truth in them. Most Latinos work full time jobs, are taking care of their children, and still can’t seem to make ends meet. So the question is, if the majority of a population is struggling, no matter the state in which they live, the job they hold, the amount of kids at home, or how many generations they have been in the states, how is it that this is still an individual’s problem and not a societal problem? If a Latina is struggling to make ends meet working three jobs, it is not only her problem, its society’s, and society cannot keep ignoring this fact. Latinos are not looking for a free ride, they are looking for the chance to live a comfortable and successful life, like any other American. Many Latinos are still struggling and are in dire need of support just to meet basic needs. It should not go unnoticed that Latinos are invested in our country’s military, government, and every other industry. They live here, work here, raise children here, and pay taxes here; they are American and they deserve equal opportunity here. Now the question becomes, will you help us find equal opportunity so we may have a fair chance at a better life, and to prove once and for all our worth to the U.S or will you continue to believe that this is someone else’s problem? Recognition Banquet 2012 Each Spring semester, PRLACC holds the Annual Recognition Banquet, with the purpose of giving recognition to all of our graduating seniors. If you are graduating in 2012, be sure to keep an eye on invitations sent through email announcing the official date and instructions on how to be a part of the banquet. Join our team LUCHADOR in our efforts to fight cancer! UCONN Relay for Life is going to be held 13 April 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Memorial Stadium 10 El Pulso Fall 2011 Recap Fall 2011 By Taylor Heath From the voter’s registration in September to the Education Talent Search visit in November, it has been a very busy semester for PRLACC to say the least. With Latino Heritage Month only a few short days following opening classes, PRLACC was dedicated to spreading awareness of the advancement of Latinos in today’s society. Listed below are several events hosted through PRLACC in an effort to achieve that goal. Even with the ongoing registration campaign, PRLACC did not just focus on those physically on campus through involvement with two high schools from the Hartford district. · · “Bullying: Beyond the Schoolyard” with Teatro V!da at Weaver High School o Members of the Puerto Rican Latin American Cultural Center attended a theatrical performance at Weaver High School regarding bullying. Buckley High School o A select group from the high school visited the center and asked the staff question regarding life on campus and being a member of the center. The center housed several guest speakers varying in presentation format to that of a performance to Informational. Performance: · Conversations with Erika Lopez: author performer and artist. o Erika Lopez, author of The Girl Must Die, discussed not only the works of her novel but the various obstacles she surpassed to become the artist she is today · The Latino Coffee Hour at the International Center. o Following Ms. Lopez’s presentation, PRLACC demonstrated its creativity in the arts through the Latino Coffee Hour held the following week at the International Center with the theme “All about Puerto Rico and Mexico” · Panel/Book Presentation o The center’s ability to captivate student’s creative side did not cease here with a panel discussion and book presentation held in the University’s bookstore, the Co-op, presented by Dr. Diana Rios regarding Soap Operas and Telenovelas in the Digital Age: Global Industries and New Audiences. Informational: · Tertulia: “Are Latinos Connecticut’s Demographic and Economic Future?” Presented by Mr. Orlando Rodriquez of CT voices for Children. o A Presentation that discussed the possibility of Latino’s as the state’s future major demographic, and what this would mean for Latinos. · Speech: “Latino Studies and Latino Activism”. Dr. Julio Morales o A presentation by Dr. Morales addressing the lack of activism among Latino’s in today’s society. As you can see, the center has hosted numerous events this semester, and plans to host just as many if not more the following semester. Please join the center in the efforts to spread the awareness of Latino’s today and to inform others of the Puerto Rican and Latin American Culture. 11 El Pulso Cultural Explosion at UConn’s Family Weekend with the music of Colectivo Mestizal. Sept. 24 Tertulia: “Are Latinos Connecticut’s Demographic and Economic Future?” by Mr. Orlando Rodriguez from CT Voices for Children. Wed, Oct. 5 Theatre Presentation: “Bullying: Beyond the Schoolyard” with Teatro V!da at Weaver High School. Thu, Oct. 13 Fall 2011 Conversations with Erika Lopez: Author, Performer, and Artist. Tue, Oct. 4 Speech: “Latino Studies and Latino Activism” by Keynote Speaker Dr. Julio Morales. Tue, Oct. 11 Panel/Book presentation: Soap Operas and Telenovelas in the Digital Age: Global Industries and New Audiences by Dr. Diana Rios. Thu, Oct. 27 12 El Pulso Fall 2011 Voters Registration Campaign. Sept. 9 – Oct. 12 Radio Interview in Super Sábados, WWUH 91.3 at University of Hartford. Sat, Sept. 17 Bulkeley High School visit. Thu, Oct. 27 Fall Admission’s Open House. Sat, Sept. 18 Latino Coffee Hour at the International Center. “All about Puerto Rico and Mexico”. Wed, Oct. 12 Educational Talent Search visit. Tue, Nov. 8 13 El Pulso Fall 2011 Mas Que Palabras By Débora Aquino Are you a Latino who doesn’t know Gabriel GarciaMarquez or Isabel Allende? Shame on you! However, there is good news; there is hope for you! I am happy to announce the existence of Between the Líneas Reading Club. And yes, there is a reading requirement but don’t let this requirement intimidate you. This club was created with students in mind aiming to fulfill PRLACC’s mission of inspiring students through the exposure of Latino culture. As I began to scramble for ideas on how to create an adequate reading club, I became aware of ‘hidden’ works of great literature that unveil our common history, concerns, language and values. Latin American literature pays tribute to our past, present and future by opening a door to a world of heritage; a world of its own. You might be invited to a carnaval bringing joy to your heart. Yet, it can provoke indignation as you witness injustice against la gente. Literature is key to understand Latin America’s complexity to ultimately understand what makes us Latino. Not only do we read fiction, we examine scholarly articles that describe current issues affecting the Latino community. We engage in lively conversations to discuss and understand the broad array of issues. These are thought-provoking and eye openers. You might be thinking: I am under academic pressure and this club seems like a reading hassle. Well, we do eat food for thought but in the most relaxing and refreshing way. It is an atmosphere where we only judge ideas and authors but above all, learn about ourselves. In addition, every single book is carefully hand-picked to stimulate interest, feelings and invigorate our minds. Just ask any member! Having said all this, I want to extend an open invitation to Between the Líneas and to the wonderful world of Latin American/Latino Literature. As my father says, “un libro cerrado no saca letrado” (a book unused will show you nothing new). The Global Brigades came to PRLACC on November 17th and December 1st to practice Spanish. We wish them the best in their trip to Honduras during the break! 14 El Pulso Fall 2011 Latin Fest 2011 With Frankie Rodriguez Orchestra & Cheo Feliciano B.A.I.L.E. performed a routine that got the audience asking for more… 15 El Pulso Fall 2011 Fania All-Star, Cheo Feliciano, sang some of his most famous songs, including Anacaona… The Frankie Rodriguez Orchestra opened the night with the rhythm of Salsa… Backstage meeting Cheo Feliciano! 16 El Pulso Fall 2011 Llegó la Navidad! It’s that time of year when we decorate the center and have our Holiday Staff Dinner! The Secretary of State, Denise Merrill, visited the center during our last staff meeting of the semester, to give the staff special recognition for their work in registering voters for next year’s election. 17 El Pulso Fall 2011 Students Selected to UConn Leadership Legacy Experience PRLACC is proud to announce that Giovanna Torres (PRLACC’s Undergraduate Assistant, METAS Facilitator & Mentor of the Year Award 2011 and Writing Club’s Chair) and Christopher Campbell (BAILE E-Board, METAS Mentor) were selected for the University of Connecticut’s Leadership Legacy Experience. Our warmest congratulations to both of our students. We are so very proud of you! 18 El Pulso Fall 2011 Stay Connected to Contributors Dr. Gladys M. Santiago-Tosado 1 @PRLACC Ms. Giovanna L. Torres, Graphic Designer Ms. Débora Aquino Mr. Victor Collazo 2 UConn Prlacc Ms. Kalliope Damalas Ms. Taylor Heath 3 www.prlacc.uconn .edu 2110 Hillside Road, Unit 3188 Storrs, CT 06269-3188 860-486-1135 | 860-486-4642 (fax) [email protected] Ms. Sharis Morrill Ms. Lois S. Ramírez
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