How to Arrange Flowers on a Candelabra


How to Arrange Flowers on a Candelabra
“How to Arrange Flowers on a
By Zeenah Zahn
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What better way to create a stunning Centerpiece than to take
an already luxurious item and add Flowers to it!
The combination of Candles and Flowers works beautifully in a
Candelabra Centerpiece and makes for an enchanting atmosphere;
Appealing visually, it also adds a fragrance & warmth to the room.
Here’s how you can attach flowers directly to a candelabra and still
keep them hydrated and secure.
Copyright © Zeenah Zahn
Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................... 5
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS …. ............................................................................................................................ 9
Step 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Step 2 .............................................................................................................................................................10
Step 3 .............................................................................................................................................................11
Step 4 .............................................................................................................................................................12
Step 5 .............................................................................................................................................................13
Step 6 .............................................................................................................................................................14
Step 7 .............................................................................................................................................................15
Step 8 .............................................................................................................................................................15
HINTS & TIPS SECTIONS …. .................................................................................................................................. 17
Tips on Choosing a Candelabra for your Arrangement ..............................................................................17
Tips on Arranging the Flowers ......................................................................................................................20
Tips on Greenery to Use ...............................................................................................................................22
Tips on Flowers to Use ..................................................................................................................................22
Tips on Using Floral Foam .............................................................................................................................24
Tips on How to Place your Candelabra Floral Centerpiece ........................................................................26
STEP BY STEP PROJECTS ….................................................................................................................................... 27
Project 1 – Simple Central Floral Arrangement -1 ....................................................................................27
Project 2 – Simple Central Floral Arrangement -2 ....................................................................................27
Project 3 – Simple Multiple Floral Arrangement.........................................................................................27
Project 4 – Intermediate Floral Arrangement -1 ......................................................................................27
Project 5 – Intermediate Floral Arrangement -2 .......................................................................................27
Project 6 – Advanced Floral Arrangement..................................................................................................27
OTHER CANDELABRA RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................ 28
Copyright © Zeenah Zahn
Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Materials & Equipment
First you will need to gather some materials and equipment
An example of each item required is shown below
You can click on any of the pictures for more information.
Some Candelabra’s are designed with a bowl or
vase for floral arrangements such as the ones at
the top of this page. (click the pictures to find out more)
Other Candelabras can be used just as effectively
for floral arrangements too.
Whether they be Table Candelabras (RHS picture)
or Floor Candelabras (LHS picture)
It just means attaching the floral arrangement to
the central the arm of the Candelabra.
There are of course many more different types
of Candelabras that can be used (as covered
later in the hints and tips section of the e-book )
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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You will need floral foam to put in the Candelabra bowl or to
attach to the Candelabra arm.
You will need a holder or ‘cage’ for the foam if you are
attaching it to a candelabra arm. Click the pictures
to find out more.
Flowers and Greenery – Either fresh or artificial.
Fresh flowers and greenery like these orchids will
have the best effect, appealing to all your senses in a
way that artificial ones just can’t match.
Having said that there are some lovely artificial
flowers and greenery available, for example these ivy
leaves or the red carnation are both of which are
made of silk (Click the pictures to find out more)
You may find this suits the purpose of your
arrangement better than fresh flowers, as of course
they won’t die (or need watering).
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Floral wire and floral tape will help you secure
your arrangement to the candelabra as
required. The floral wire pictured comes in
several different gauges in the one packet, 18
gauge is a good size to use.
Click the picture to find out more.
Cut flower food – if using fresh flowers this will help to
prolong the life of your arrangement. Obviously not
required if you have chosen to use artificial flowers!
Click the picture to find out more about this product.
A Satin Ribbon that is double faced or reversible, pick a color
that matches the color theme of your arrangement. The Ribbon
is an optional touch and not required for all arrangements.
The ribbon pictured is reversible and has 2 different colors –
purple and lavender – click it to find out more.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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2 Buckets filled with water – if you are using fresh flowers
And a sharp floral knife or florists scissors
And of course last but not
least ….
Candles and Matches !
Click on any of the pictures
to find out more about that
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step by Step Instructions ….
Quick Summary - You will need:
A Candelabra!
Candles and matches
Fresh flowers and greenery (artificial ones will work too)
Green floral foam
Floral foam holder & adaptor holder (optional)
Cut flower food (if using fresh flowers)
Floral wire (typically 18 gauge)
Floral tape
Satin Ribbon - Double faced / reversible (optional)
Sharp Knife
2 Water-filled buckets
Step 1
Cut about 1 inch off all the stems of your flowers and
greenery at a sharp angle - about 45 degrees.
Also trim off the lower leaves.
Then place the flowers & greenery in a water-filled bucket.
It is important to use a sharp knife or floral shears so you get a
clean cut on the stems, do not use normal scissors as this does
not give a clean cut, and can crush the stems.
Click the pictures to see more about the floral knife and scissors.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 2
Cut the floral foam to the size you require.
This will depend on what type of Candelabra you are
using, and how large your arrangement will be.
If your candelabra has a flower bowl this will be guided by
the size of the bowl.
If your Candelabra does not have a floral bowl you will need to cut
the foam to a size that will fit onto the central arm of the
candelabra. Or alternatively choose a pre-cut foam in a cage that is
the right size to suit your Candelabra, like the ones pictured to the
right, (click the pictures for more info)
It is important that the floral foam size is not too large for your
as the floral foam becomes very heavy when fully saturated,
and may unbalance the candelabra if it is not properly centered
and secured.
Place the floral cage adaptor holder (see picture RHS)
snugly on the small opening of the candelabra.
Alternatively depending on the shape of your floral cage
you may be able to get away without using an adaptor,
or even a cage.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 3
Soak the block of instant floral foam in the second bucket of water until it is
fully saturated.
You will be able to see the color change as the foam becomes saturated – the
process is quite quick and will happen in only a minute or two, once the foam is
fully saturated you can take it out of the bucket and sit it aside ready for step 3.
The foam will gently soak into the water by its self - there is no
need to press the foam down, in fact pushing the foam down
will create air pockets which is not what we’re after.
If your floral foam has little holes in it place these face down
into the water to assist this process.
If you want to increase the life of your flowers, you can add a
floral preservative / cut flower food to the water that you are
soaking the floral foam in.
Click the picture to find out more
Or ask your florist for some, it usually comes in a little package
when you buy a bunch of flowers
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 4
Secure your floral foam to the Candelabra using the floral wire and
florists tape.
You need to make sure the foam is securely attached to the
candelabra so it doesn’t move.
If you are using a floral cage, cut the floral wire into manageable
lengths and poke it through the holes provided in the cage, use
them to attach the floral cage to the candelabra - just hook the
wire to the cage and twist these around the candelabra until it is
Remember to position the floral foam so that the flowers will be a safe distance
from the flames.
In addition the floral foam should be in the middle of the candelabra, so that the
whole piece is balanced, (this will be the case anyway if your Candelabra has a
bowl). You can always stick a candle in the centre of the floral foam if you want a
centre candle.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 5
Trim the stems of your greens to the desired
length and then insert them into the foam.
Insert some of the greenery at a downward sloping
angle (about 45 degrees) to hide the plastic cage, as
well as any wire, so that these are not visible.
Make sure there are no leaves on the part of the stem that is
being inserted in to the floral foam.
Push all the stems into the floral foam to a depth of at least 1
inch to ensure the arrangements is well hydrated and lasts long.
Before you begin, also
have a read of the tips
sections at the end of
the instructions so
that you start out with
an idea of your design.
Once a stem is pushed in don’t pull it up to change its height as
this will leave an air pocket in the foam. An air pocket means
the stem tip will not be in contact with the wet foam and
therefore not able to properly take up water.
To change a stems position just pull it out completely and make
a new hole for it – you won’t be able to re-use the original hole
unless you use a thicker stemmed piece and push it all the way
down to the original depth (remember the air pocket!)
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 6
Now add the flowers, trim their stems to the desired
length before inserting them.
You will also need to trim the leaves as you don’t want
any leaves on the part of the stem that goes into the
In addition the leaves will die before the flowers do
and will make your arrangement age before its time!
Give your arrangement dimension and texture by pushing some
of the stems closer to the foam while leaving others more
Think about whether you want the flowers to stand, drape or
Before you begin, also
have a read of the tips
sections at the end of
the instructions to get
an idea of what types
of flowers to use &
where to position
A cascade of flowers pouring down from the candelabra looks
great - to do this add long stems toward the bottom of the
Alternatively if you want a wide arrangement, add long stems to
both sides of the foam.
You can build up your design by placing a few longer stems to
create the major shape and lines of your design, then fill out the
rest of the space with focal or feature flowers of your choice.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Step 7
Finishing touches - If any of the wire or the bottom of the floral
cage is still visible use some of the double faced satin ribbon to
tie around the candelabra arm and cover it.
Or just simply use the ribbon as part of your design – tie a small
bow and let the ribbon hang down the candelabra arms.
Experiment with different ribbon widths, but make sure the color
matches your arrangement!
Check out the floral arrangement Hints and Tips section below
for lots of great ideas to get you going
Step 8
Add Candles and Place your candelabra …
in a prominent position for dramatic effect
a corner or side table to create a subtle atmosphere
and then
light the candles and enjoy your creation!
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Congratulations !
You now have a beautiful Floral Candelabra creation to brighten any room!
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Hints & Tips Sections ….
Tips on Choosing a Candelabra for your Arrangement
There are several things to consider when choosing what type of Candelabra to use:
1. The Style of Candelabra:
 Table candelabra (tall, short, or low),
 Floor Candelabra, (Fan, Spiral, Heart, Tree, Willow, etc)
 Aisle Candelabras,
 Unity Candelabras & Unity Fountain Candelabras
 Or even other types less commonly used for Flower
Arrangements: Mantle piece Candelabras, Wall Candelabras,
Fireplace Candelabras, etc
Click any of the pictures to find
out more about that Candelabra
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2. The Material the Candelabra is made of:
 Metal (silver, brass, pewter, gold, wrought iron, etc)
 Crystal (real crystal or lead crystal)
 Glass
 Wood
 Plastics and resins
3. The number of Arms the Candelabra has
 An odd number is best, 3 or more commonly 5 arms. This enables you to
centre the floral arrangement.
 Remember not all the arms need to hold candles, and if you like you can
use more than one arm to attach your floral arrangement – just make
sure there are enough arms to keep the whole design balanced.
 Number of arms is not an issue if you choose a floor candelabra as your
floral arrangement design will be balanced across the whole shape of the
 Similary if you choose a low table Candelabra this won’t be an issue
4. Does the Candelabra have a floral bowl or vase
 This will change the way you attach the flowers to the candelabra
 A floral bowl or vase will be much harder to hide, so consider if you want
this as part of your design.
(click the pictures below to find out more)
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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When choosing a table Candelabra make sure your guests can see each other past it,
once your floral creation is attached it will take up a bit more “air space” on the table !
Don’t pick a Candelabra that is too ornate – it’s the flowers that will add the ‘wow’
factor so go for simple understated candelabras.
Floor candelabras with floral arrangements make stunning items for wedding
ceremonies either in the church (also consider an aisle Candelabra) or reception venue
Silver metal Candealabras give a classic timeless elegant look
Crystal Candelabras will create a truly spectacular base for your floral creation
It might surprise you to hear but wrought iron Candelabras are very
commonly used for Floral arrangements – see the picture on the right
for a lovely example of how stunning they look.
Wrought iron Candelabras can be also be dressed down for less formal
but still stunning centerpiece – this depends on the types of flowers
you use and how big you make your arrangement.
Do the candelabra arms hold pillar or taper candles ?
The size and shape of the actual candle holder part will affect how you shape
and attach the floral foam and cage.
The size and shape of the candles that will fit onto the Candelabra will also affect
the overall design of your floral arrangement.
Does the Candelabra have a solid base? Your floral arrangement could get quite heavy,
especially with the wet floral foam – make sure you choose a Candelabra that is easy to
balance your arrangement on.
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Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually
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Tips on Arranging the Flowers
There are three types of shapes to use to create a design, make sure
you have some of each:
1. Line material – leaves and flowers that are straight and have
strong lines these are used to make the outline of your design,
examples are: lilly grass, bear grass, iris leaves, phormium,
liatris, foxtail lilies.
2. Rounded material – these are the focal flowers. Examples are: open roses,
gerberas, carnations, galics leaf,
3. Filler material – these act as the name suggests, as fillers! They fill the gaps
between the foliage and focal flowers, examples are, waxflower, ferny foliage,
Build up your design by placing a few longer stems and line items
to create the major shape of your design, then fill out the rest of
the space with focal or feature flowers of your choice, and lastly
fill the gaps with the filler material.
Create dimension and texture by pushing some of the stems
closer to the foam while leaving others more prominent.
Balance – Place the fuller flowers in the center and lower sections of your arrangement,
and buds at the edges and the top.
Height - If the arrangement is for your dinning table make the total height no higher
than 9” so that you can still see your guests over the arrangement!
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Height - If the arrangement if for a sideboard or buffet table you
can make it much higher.
Color - Place darker colors at the bottom or centre of your
arrangement and lighter pastel colors at the top or edges.
Color - Have the different colors evenly spread in our design,
rather than dominating one side or spot in your arrangement.
Think in 3 dimensions – you may like to design your piece with a “back” so that it sits
against a wall or with no ‘back’ so that it looks great from all angles. Either way there
will be more than one “front” that people will see, so move around your design as you
work to ensure it looks balanced from all sides. A good way to achieve this is not to have
all the flowers facing the same direction.
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Tips on Greenery to Use
For greenery - ivy, asparagus fern, lilly grass and bear grass will
create long, draping lines in your candelabra floral arrangement.
Using different textures and colors (not all ‘greenery’ has to be
green!) will add depth and interest to your design, a maximum of 3
different types of greenery is usually plenty.
Other ideas for greenery: bakers fern, lemon leaf, seeded
eucalyptus, phormium (this comes in all shades of pink and green),
Fiddle head ferns are an unusual shape and a lovely accent to use.
Tips on Flowers to Use
Flowers in shades of ivory, white, or pale yellow all take on an
exquisite glow in a candle lit room!
If using roses don’t forget to remove the thorns!
If using lilies, remove the tips of the stamens so you don’t get pollen stains on your
clothes or table cloth when they fall, this also prolongs the life of the flower. Hint, don’t
use scissors as this leaves a ugly edge, just pull them off with your fingers and then go
straight away to wash your hands to remove any pollen.
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Use a mix of flowers that are open and ones that are still closed buds, as these buds will
open later. Having a mix of flowers that mature at different rates will ensure your
arrangement looks good for longer.
Similarly when selecting flowers choose a mix of longer lasting flowers like, statice,
mums, orchids of all types, bouvardia, chrysanthemum, carnations, and astromeria.
If you are cutting flowers from your own garden to use, cut them first thing in the
morning after the dew has dried.
If you are buying the flowers make sure you buy them as fresh as possible, even if this
means making a call to your florist or local grocery store to check when they get their
Copyright © Zeenah Zahn
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Tips on Using Floral Foam
Floral foam gives a lot of control over your arrangement as the flowers and greenery will
stay exactly where you put them
If you are using a soft stemmed flower like say a tulip, you will
need to guide the stem in with your fingers close to the foam so
the stem doesn’t bend.
Once you put a stem in the foam don’t pull it up to sit a little
higher as this will create an air pocket and the stem won’t be in
direct contact with the water it needs.
If you want to reposition a stem just pull it out completely and make a new hole for it,
don’t worry the empty hole won’t be visible.
If you do re-position a stem you won’t be able to re-use the original hole unless you use
a thicker stemmed piece and push it all the way down to the original depth (remember
the air pocket!)
Make sure there are no leaves on the part of the stem that you push into the floral
Push stems in about 1 inch to make sure they are firmly in place and properly in contact
with water.
When soaking the floral foam it will gently soak into the water by its self - there is no
need to press the foam down, in fact pushing the foam down will create air pockets
which is not what we’re after.
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If your floral foam has little holes in it place these face down into the water to assist this
When soaking the floral foam it should only take a minute or 2 to become fully
saturated, you will be able to see it change to a darker color.
There are floral foam cages designed specifically for candelabras
where the design will be fitted to the central stem rather than an
arm – this is great for floor candelabras. (see example RHS)
If you are using artificial flowers you don’t need to buy ‘wet’
foam the dry version will work too – however it’s just as easy to
use the ‘wet’ foam just don’t wet it !!
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Tips on How to Place your Candelabra Floral Centerpiece
During the day keep your arrangement out of direct sunlight, and also away from
ripening fruit as both will shorten the lives of your flowers.
It is also recommended to keep flowers away from air drafts, either hot or cold ones, as
these increase water loss, this is particularly important as you are using floral foam,
similarly avoid any hot spots such as heaters or television sets.
A corner table or sideboard will lend its self to a more subtle effect
The centre of your dining table will create a bolder dramatic effect.
To maintain the life of your flowers keep the floral foam wet by pouring a little water onto it
each day. You can do this by using a small jug even a drink bottle to help direct the flow of
water so it ends up on the foam and not the floor!
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Step By Step Projects ….
This section will be available soon in the new edition of the E-Book version
click here
Project 1 – Simple Central Floral Arrangement -1
Project 2 – Simple Central Floral Arrangement -2
Project 3 – Simple Multiple Floral Arrangement
Project 4 – Intermediate Floral Arrangement -1
Project 5 – Intermediate Floral Arrangement -2
Project 6 – Advanced Floral Arrangement
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Other Candelabra Resources
You might like to check out some other Candelabra e-books and e-guides from Zeenah Zahn.
“How to Choose the Best Candelabra for Your
Click HERE to find out more
“How You can Easily Remove Candle Wax
from a Candelabra or Candlestick Holder”.
This one’s FREE! - Click HERE
“How to Arrange Flowers on a Candelabra ”
You’ve already got this one !!
Hope you’ve enjoyed it 
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for other new
Zeenah Zahn signature publications here.
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Discover Zeenah Zahn’s Candelabra Store
Click HERE
Powered by Amazon for your shopping safety,
it features a Hand-picked selection of Candelabras for you to enjoy!
I’m continually searching through Amazon to find hidden treasures that don’t
pop up on the first few pages.
There’s heaps of Candelabras for every budget, waiting for you to discover them.
The collection is continually updated, so be sure to pop in from time to time to
check out the new additions!
And lastly, If you’d like to try your hand at
making your own candles for your Candelabra…..
Then check out the comprehensive 5 book
‘Secrets to Successful Candle Making’ System
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We hope you have enjoyed reading this e-Book, if you have any questions,
want to find out more, or if you have any comments or ideas to share ……
We’d love to hear from you!
Please leave a comment on our site at
or if you prefer, you can email us at [email protected]
Copyright © Zeenah Zahn
Copyright since 2011 revised/copyrighted annually