April 2015 Parent Chat SPANISH (Read-Only)


April 2015 Parent Chat SPANISH (Read-Only)
APRIL 2015
www. pactheadstart.com
Recruitment News 2015-2016 .................................................................. 3-4
Inkind News ................................................................................................ 5
Men in PACT Poster Contest Results ........................................................... 6
Websites ..................................................................................................... 7
Family Advocate News ........................................................................... 8-10
Center Based Early Head Start News .....................................................11-14
Center Based Head Start News ..............................................................15-16
Ed Extras: How to Read to a Squiggly Baby or Toddler/ Como leer con un
inquieto bebe (o nino pequeno!)...........................................................17-18
Biting: What Can Be Done .....................................................................19-21
Challenging Behavior Tip Sheet: Riding in the Car/ Comportamiento ....22-23
Outdoor Explorations/ Exploraciones al aire libre .................................24-25
Home Based Early Head Start News ......................................................26-28
Home Based Head Start News ...............................................................29-30
April is Autism Awareness Month ..............................................................31
Extended School Year (ESY) ........................................................................32
Child & Family Connections ........................................................................32
When the Teacher Calls/ Cuando la maestro de su hijo llama ...............33-34
Connecting with Parents: But He Doesn’t’ Do That At Home/ Las relaciones
con los padres de familia: Pero mi hijo no hace eso en casa ..................35-36
Helping the Often-Angry Child/ Como ayudar al nino que se enoja a
Information on Assisting Children Who Have Disabilities ...........................39
Tips for Helping Children Who Have Physical Disabilities ...........................40
Health News: Be an Active Family/ Que su familia se mantenga activa. 41-42
Smart Shopping for Veggies & Fruits/ La Buena compra de vegetales y
frutas ....................................................................................................43-44
Birthdays ....................................................................................................45
Recipes .......................................................................................................46
The mission of Parent and Child Together (PACT)
for West Central Illinois
is to provide a high quality, comprehensive program of
education, health, and social services to children and their
families, developing life-long learners.
2015-2016 Recruitment is Underway at PACT
PACT is currently accepng applicaons for the 2015-16 school year for Head Start, Early
Head Start, and Child Care services. It is a free preschool program that provides services
to income eligible families.
Head Start: Provides services to three and four year old children and their families.
Early Head Start: Provides services to pregnant women and children; birth to three years old.
Wrap Around Child Care: This is care that is given before and/or a,er the regular Head Start hours of 8:00 – 3:30 p.m. There is a
charge for child care; through private pay or Child Care Assistance Program.
Center Programs Available
At Pi/sfield, Camp Point, and Macomb: children in the Early Head Start program (ages 6 weeks to 36
months) are provided services five days per week, year round. These classes are for children that have parents that are working or in school and wrap around child care is available.
At Carthage: children in the Early Head Start program (age 24 months-3 year olds) are provided services for
the enre day, five days per week, year round, with wrap around child care available.
At Pi/sfield, Camp Point, Beardstown, and Macomb: there are ½ day classes and full day classes for ages 3 to 4, four days per
week, in a 9 month program. The full day classes are for children that have parents that are working or in school and wrap around
child care is available.
There are monthly acvies, opportunies to volunteer, and parents are encouraged to parcipate in their child’s daily classroom
acvies. Families will receive two home visits and two Parent/Teacher Conferences per year from their child’s Teacher. Families
will be assigned a Family Advocate who will provide health and social services to families on an individual basis.
Home Based Programs Available
PACT offers Home Based Programs in Head Start and Early Start. The Head Start program serves preschool age children in a 9
month program. The Early Head Start program serves pregnant women through 3 year old children in a year round program.
A Teacher will visit in the family’s home once per week 1 ½ hour per visit unless they are a dual family (a HS and EHS child combinaon in the home) and they will visit 1 ¾ hour per week. The Teacher brings books, games, puzzles, homemade teaching items,
art supplies, etc. for the child and parent to experience following the Parents as Teachers Curriculum.
All pregnant women and birth to 4 year old children in home based are given the opportunity two mes a
month to a/end Socializaons Acvies in a classroom se?ng.
If you have quesons about the programs offered please call 1-800-443-2278 and someone will be happy to
help you.
LocaDons and Dmes for filling out ApplicaDons for PACT 2015-16
Camp Point Center on Tuesday, March 31, from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.
Macomb Center on Tuesday, March 31, from 8:30 am – 6:00 pm.
Carthage Center on Thursday, April 2, from 3:00-6:00 pm.
PiGsfield Center on Wednesday, April 1, from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.
Beardstown Center on Wednesday, April 1, from 3:00 – 6:00 pm.
What you need to bring with you to complete the applicaDon:
Proof of your child’s birth date (medical card, birth cerficate, insurance card, or immunizaon record). If
your child is selected for enrollment, a copy of the child’s cerfied birth record will be required at enrollment, according to DCFS requirements.
Proof of family income for the last 12 months or 2014 calendar year (tax return, W-2s, check stubs, le/er
from employer, SSI statement, TANF statement, etc.). A copy of your income documents will be made as
part of the applicaon.
Please call 1-800-443-7228 to set up an appointment. PACT staff is available to complete
applicaDons in your home if that is more convenient.
The charts below show inkind Year to Date (YTD) in the
first column. The second column shows the total amount
needed for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
Inkind is a very important part of our program. We need everyone’s help in
reaching our goal. If you have any questions on how you can help us reach
our goal contact any staff member.
Camp Point
Scott County Home Based
Adams Co Home Based
Schuyler Co Home Based
Cass Co Home Based
Brown Co Home Based
The MIP poster contest was a huge success. There were 42
total posters with 20 coming from the Pittsfield center. And
the winners are:
Most Unique/Creative
1st. Sophia 23a Child Care
2nd. Camden and Breah Area 2
3rd. Erin and Jesse CB7b
Most Colorful
1st. Bryan and Tiodolo CB3
2nd. Maci Area 27
3rd. Ava and Roger Area 27
Most Child Involved
1st. Jadyn and Bill CB27a
2nd. Jeramy and Dallas CB5a
3rd. John and John Area 2
Sophia 23a Child Care
Web Sites
www.nhsa.org (National Head Start Association)
www.ilheadstart.org (IL Head Start Association)
www.fathers.com (national center for fathering)
www.choosemyplate.gov (healthy eang)
www.aap.org (American Academy of Pediatrics)
http://families.naeyc.org/ (resources about learning and development)
Spring has sprung! We have been enjoying the weather and spending lots of me outside. April is recruitment
month, so if you know anyone with children that could benefit from our program; please have them contact me.
There is just a month le, unl Head Start is out for the summer, remember, EHS a/ends year round. We have several
Head Start children that are making the move to Kindergarten. We will miss them and we wish them well! We will be
doing joint screenings with Central Elementary this month to try and serve as many children as possible. If you have
not yet completed a re-enrollment form or an applicaon for your child, please contact me. I will be doing end of the
year visits this month, so I will be in touch.
I have listed some important dates to remember below…
March 26th-April 10th: Recruitment
April 13th: Parent Night
April 28th: Male Involvement Day
Happy Spring!!
Ms. Jamie
Happy Spring!! It will be nice to have green grass and spring flowers.
Please remember to turn in your inkind sheets weekly. These sheets are what
keep our program running so please remember to fill them out and turn them in
each week to your child's teacher. If you need any assistance in filling them out
please let them know.
We will be doing recruitment for the next program year March 30th through April
10th so if you know of any family or friends that would like to be in our program
please let us know and we will be glad to fill out an applicaon for them.
Kindergarten registraons are going on so if you have a child that will be going to kindergarten in the fall please remember to get them registered. If you need any assistance with this please contact your child's teacher or the family advocate.
Enjoy the nice spring weather.
Ms. Pa/y
Wow, it’s really hard to believe that this year has gone so fast. Our next parent night will be April 16th at Lowry Park.
We will be having pizza and a fun night playing at the park.
We are doing recruitment for our program for next year. Please refer any friends or families to us to do an applicaon for their children. We have center based and home based programs available. Please call or see us for addional informaon.
Please connue to turn in your inkind weekly. As you know, inkind is an important part of our funding. We are sll
trying to reach our goal for this year. We need your help to meet that goal.
Ms. Andria & Ms. Veneita
I hope everybody enjoyed their Spring Break! We are glad to have
everybody back!
Thanks to everybody who came out to our March Parent Night!
We had a great me learning about Slow Cooker Magic recipes.
The families that a/ended even got samples of our crockpot lasagna we made.
Our next Parent Night is scheduled for April 13 at the Outskirts
Roller Rink. Flyers will be sent out shortly with more informaon. Please have a look out in your child's cubbies and
folders for more informaon!
As always, please turn in your inkind sheets weekly. This is the major source of funding for our program. We can’t
meet our inkind goal without your help! If you need help with filling out the sheets, don't hesitate to ask!
Ms. Sarah
CB 20
Welcome to spring everyone. Maybe now we will have some warm weather. The kids and I will be going outside
more now since we are starng to get warm weather. We are going to be exploring for some bugs, planng a garden, playing in the sand, riding bikes, and drawing with chalk on the black top. We will also be going on buggy walks
around John Wood and around our school if you would like to join us. We would love to have volunteers in the
classroom. If you have any fun acvies or fun ideas for us to try please let us know. We are always open for fun
acvies or ideas to explore with the children and you could come in and help the children with them if you want
too. It sure would help our inkind goal out for this year also. That is what keeps our program running each year. So
please remember to return your inkind and volunteer when you can, your child depends on it.
Thanks for all your help so far, please keep up the good work. And enjoy this nice warm weather.
Ms. Michelle
CB 22
Hello everyone! We have finally made it through the winter and look forward to warmer
weather. With the warmer weather we will be spending more me outside digging in the
dirt, playing in the sand, and watching the changes in the environment as spring blossoms
around us. We will go outside daily as the weather permits so please dress your child accordingly and please send an extra change of clothing because our acvies can be messy. If anyone has any ideas for outdoor acvies please let us know.
Thank You,
Ms. Kim & Ms. Teresa
CB 23
Welcome to April! We have been so happy spring is here and we are on the playground
and taking walks. We have been cu?ng, gluing, painng, and coloring. We connue
working on our roune, taking turns, and being a friend.
Remember to fill out the white inkind sheets and come help in class when you can. We
appreciate all your help.
Parent Night at the skang rink is April 13th. It sounds like so much fun and we hope you
can a/end.
Thanks again for all your help and support. If you have ideas for the classroom, please share with us; we welcome all
of your input.
Ms. Cyndi & Ms. Tammy
CB 24
Dear parents, it looks like the weather is making a li/le bit of a change. The best day so far was the one 80° day we
had last month. We really enjoyed ge?ng outside without being too cold for once. It has cooled a li/le since, but
hold on a li/le bit longer and warmer days are ahead.
We have been keeping busy in CB24, as usual. The children have enjoyed learning about firefighters, praccing tornado drills, learning to snip and cut with scissors, painng with our hands and brushes, making collages, experimenng with flubber, different items in the sensory table, and many more things.
As always, INKIND, INKIND, INKIND!!!!! It is vital to our program. Any free me you have, please at least come spend
part of it with us in the classroom. You could have a meal, read a book, help with an acvity, etc. The children really
enjoy when you visit.
Have a great month and we will see you soon.
Ms. Carrie & Ms. Elizabeth
CB 25
We've gone from winter ice and snow to April showers! We can hardly wait to see the flowers, birds, and green grass
again. We plan to go to the outdoor classroom whenever the weather permits. This month the children will be exploring animals. Does your child have a book about an animal to share with us one day in the classroom?
Thank you for returning inkind sheets each week. Remember there are Literacy Folders to check out and the time you
spend using those can also be recorded on the Inkind Record Report. The Literacy Folders are located in the classroom for easy checkout.
Be sure to look in your child's cubbie to see if there is extra clothing for your child so when your child needs a change
of clothes there are some available.
Ms. Cathy & Ms. Melanie
CB 26
Hello and welcome to Spring. The children have really enjoyed being able to get outside. We have been able to play
on the playground and take nice long walks enjoying the fresh air. We were even able to experience some signs of
spring as we spo/ed some flowers just starng to sprout up out of the ground.
We were very sad about the passing of our closing teacher, Kayla Smith. She was a huge asset in the room and will be
greatly missed.
Please check your child's cubby basket to make sure they have a change of clothes for outdoor play. Also remember
to fill out your weekly goal charts and inkind sheets. Volunteering in the classroom is greatly appreciated, so ask how
you can help out.
Ms. Jeri & Ms. Cassandra
CB 27
Hi, parents and guardians! We are so happy that spring will soon be here! With spring in the Midwest the weather
can be very unpredictable, so be sure that your child's cubbie is stocked for a wide variety of temperatures. We are
excited to start being outside and seeing all the birds and plants. We want to be outside as much and as o,en as we
can. We have lots of fun acvies to start the transion into preschool. We are ge?ng ready to move up in the world
by working on our le/ers, numbers, and wring skills.
We would like to thank all the parents that come and help out in the classroom. We enjoy having you all come
around and being with us. Remember to turn in your INKIND!
Thank you,
Ms. Sharee and Ms. Ashley
CB 28
Hello everyone! We are looking forward to the warm weather so we can play outside.
Please remember to dress your child according to the weather. This winter we had the
children do some sensory play. They played in Jell-o, noodles, and brought snow in
from the outside. They enjoyed the different textures of the sensory play. We painted
a lot in the winter and will connue painng during spring and summer. Please remember to have your child wear clothes that can get dirty.
Thank you for taking the me to do the Parent-Teacher conferences and turning in inkind and weekly goal charts.
Thanks to the parents that volunteered in our classroom.
Ms. Teresa, Ms. Suzy, & Ms. Carol
CB 30
Let's put the cold weather behind us! CB30 is ready to play outdoors! We've had fun indoors, but have cabin fever...ready to get out and play. Please be sure to send your child in shoes and clothing for playing outside.
We've been discovering with our senses through tacle play. We've been learning shapes and colors. We enjoy
reading books. We have taken a stronger interest in books; we seem to read all day long.
We look forward to what next month has in store for CB30. Mirror play, discovery bo/les, puppet play, outdoor
play, plus much, much more.
Thank you to those parents who have been faithful returning weekly goal charts and inkind. Please keep up the
good work. And as always, feel free to volunteer in our room!
Ms. Mindy & Ms. Nicole
CB 2
It's starng to warm up outside! Don't forget to send your child in proper shoes for outdoor play. Flip flops and
plasc sandals aren't safe on our play equipment.
We have lots of field trips coming up. Don't forget a spring change of clothes to leave at school. We will be studying plants, so get those green thumbs ready.
Ms. Megan & Ms. Becky
CB 5
Finally spring! We have visited Kindergarten and will be finishing this
school year with a study on Rocks. We have guest speakers lined up,
many experiments planned, and our end of the year field trip to Peace
of Earth scheduled. We're ge?ng antsy for summer, but sll have some
fun and learning to do.
Ms. Nicki & Ms. Krisn
CB 8
In CB8 we have been learning about all different types of animals we
can have as pets. We are going to be switching over to a new study in
two weeks. We will be learning about gardening and all the hard
work it takes to grow flowers and vegetables.
We will be growing carrots in our classroom and then we will be
planng a garden outside as well. The students will be picking what
they want to plant and they will be doing all the work. The students
are really excited to be going outside and working with nature. We
will be reading about different plants, different foods, and how nature works when it comes to growing vegetables.
We are planning days of lling up the garden, planng the seeds, and pulling weeds. The students are excited because the garden is going to be theirs. It will be their own li/le project to keep an eye on.
We are extremely excited to start this unit with the students and we cannot wait unl we can get started and see all
the wonderful plants and vegetables we grow!
Ms. Kassie & Ms. Tiffany
Welcome Spring! I love spring with all the flowers popping up!
Especially Irises! Wink, wink!
Last month families had fun with peanut bu/er and jelly and
rhymes, making play dough, sink and float, working on our
fine motor skills, and playing Down the Chute. It was a very
busy, fun-filled month.
For April we will be making rainbow toast on our nutrion visit and experimenng with colors. We will also be
working with puzzle boxes and feely socks. Also, on one of our visits we are going to be experimenng with air and
having blowing races. What fun!
Make sure to come out and check out what we will be doing for our socializaons. Everyone is welcome!
See you on home visits.
Ms. Iris
Hello everyone! I have enjoyed meeng everyone over the last few weeks! I am excited to connue working with all
of you. I know it's been tough without a teacher, but we will get through this together! I am happy and impressed
with how many make-up visits we have been able to schedule. We will keep working on make-up visits as much as
we can. Please make sure we are ge?ng inkind in!
I look forward to working with everyone more over the next few months!
Miss Jennifer
Happy April to everyone! I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and abundant sunshine that spring brings with it. I guess we can’t forget the refreshing rain
as well.
This school year has flown by but EHS meets throughout the summer as well so be
thinking of some ideas for our summer home visits. I welcome all ideas and input.
Keep smiling and stay posive!
Ms. Kathy
Sunshine and warmer weather is finally here! In the upcoming weeks, plan to get outside during home visits so we
can enjoy the sunshine and explore the great outdoors.
As the weather connues to get nicer, I will be planning some field trips during socializaons. I would like to see
more a/endance at socializaons, as they are a great opportunity for your child to interact with other children, a
skill which will help them later on in school. A/endance is sll low; please connue working with me to help that
Ms. Nicole
Hello, Everyone! Well it is April already. Can you believe it? How me flies by.
We have two socializaons this month; please try to a/end. I would like to see more of you a/end. I can come pick
you up if you need a ride.
I would like to thank you all for helping me get the children’s
health needs done. Thank you! Thank you!
Please keep the inkind coming in. We need it weekly. I have to
have the inkind sheets turned in.
I have a lot of stuff planned for the upcoming months. It will be
Have a Happy Easter,
Ms. Marcia
A big thank you to all the families who parcipated in the Men-in-PACT poster contest. We had some awesome posters, but more importantly, the kids and guys had
fun doing them.
We will be busy doing spring me acvies in the home and outside (as soon as it
dries up some). Our socializaon will be making a trip to the local nursery to see all
the beauful flowers and perhaps do some hands-on acvies while there. The
people at the nursery are always so gracious to us and always look forward to our
families vising.
To my families- connue to keep up the inkind work and staying on top of the children’s health needs.
Stay alert- don’t get April Fooled!!
Ms. Pixie
Hello, Everyone! With the warm weather approaching, I hope everyone is ge?ng outside and playing. To the families in Area 28 home based, be prepared to do visits outside and take trips to parks.
Get up and get moving!
Ms. Toni
Hello, Everyone! It is April already, where has the me gone? This year
has gone by quickly, although, winter seemed to last forever.
We’re having three socializaons this month. We will be having a tornado drill and learning about Kindergarten, among other things. We’ll also
plant a seed to watch them grow.
Our home visit themes will be nutrion, planng & growing, and Kindergarten readiness!
Thanks for having such great a/endance this year and turning in your
Enjoy the spring me and go outside as o,en as possible with your child. There are a lot of learning experiences just
waing out there!
Have a Happy Easter!
Ms. Cindy
Hi from area 3! Spring is here. It was a long, cold winter
and I am ready to get outside and enjoy the warmer
weather. It is hard to believe April is already here. This
school year is flying by.
In the month of April we will be learning about gardening and how to grow fresh vegetables and fruits. We will be
doing some science experiments and learning about wind. I am hoping for good weather so we can get out and fly
The end of the school year is fast approaching so I want to remind my families that some of you sll have a few
health needs to finish up. Please work on ge?ng these done. If I can do anything to help please let me know.
This has been a great year! I enjoy coming to work each and every day and coming to all of your homes. I just wanted to thank each of my families for always making me so welcome and thank you for doing your best on your inkind
and health needs.
Ms. Stephanie
Spring is here! Winter sure made us long for warm, sunny days. Here are some fun facts
about April:
The diamond birthstone of April symbolizes innocence.
• In the southern hemisphere April is the same as October in the northern
Professional baseball season begins.
The flowers for the month are daisy and sweet pea.
April 2nd is World Ausm Awareness Day. One of the ways businesses can recognize this is by lighng their building up with blue lights.
April 22nd is Earth Day. This is a day recognized around the world used to help teach about
how to take care of our planet. What are you doing to preserve our planet?
Happy Easter!
Ms. Sandra
To learn more about Autism, the PACT Special Services Lending Library has
the following titles:
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger’s
ABC – Autism, Behavior and Communication – Using Visual Support – DVD
Activities for Developing Pre-Skill Concepts in Children with Autism
Activity Schedules for Children with Autism
Autism Answer Book
Autism Early Interventions – Fast Facts – A Guide
Autism – Facts and Strategies for Parents
Autism for Dummies
Breakthroughs in Autism
Demystifying Autism Spectrum Disorders
Does My Child Have Autism? A Parent’s Guide to Early Detection
Early Start for Young Children with Autism/PDD - Practical Intervention
Educating Children and Youth with Autism – Strategies for Effective Practices
Freedom from Meltdowns
Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum – Guide to Medical, Nutrition and Behavioral Issue
Ian’s Walk (Children’s Book)
“Just Give Him the Whale!” 20 Ways to Use Fascinations, Areas of Expertise and Support Students
with Autism
More Than Words – Helping Parents Promote Communication
Parent’s Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome and High Functioning Autism
Picture’s Worth – PECS and Other Visual Communication
Reaching out, Joining In
Talking to Parent’s About Autism (DVDs)
The New Social Stories Book
The Picture Exchange Communication System Training Manual (PECS)
Ten Things Every Kid with Autism Wishes You Knew
The Autism Checklist – A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers
The Way I See it – A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger’s
Visual Supports for People with Autism
Writing Social Stories with Carol Gray (DVD and Workbook)
Extended School Year, or ESY
Some children who have IEPs are eligible for an extended school year. An extended school year means
services to children who have disabilities which extend beyond the ordinary school term.
An extended school year may be provided if it is decided when preparing the IEP.
Some of the factors to consider when looking at this option are the extent of the child’s disability,
the child’s ability to maintain his or her level of functioning, the child’s ability to recover skills and the
child’s usual rate of progress.
An extended school year is not the same as “summer school”. An extended school year provides
services according to the child’s Individual Service Plan (IEP). An extended school
year is free, and should be appropriate for the child.
If you are interested in knowing more about the extended school year you
may contact the Illinois State Board of Education on line at www.isbe.net.
Child and Family Connections
Child and Family Connections connects families to birth to three
services in their communities. If you have a child, or know of a
child, who needs screened or evaluated, or if there is a child you
are concerned about how they are developing, call one of the numbers below and you will be connected with someone who will get
the process going. You may call:
1-888-222-9592 – for Adams, Brown, Cass, Scott, and Pike Counties
1-888-462-2160 – for Hancock, Schuyler, and McDonough Counties
Information on Assisting Children Who Have Disabilities...
Treat the child as you would any other child. Speak to him the same as you would another child.
You may offer help, but wait for the offer to be accepted and for instructions to be given before
Consider a child’s wheelchair, walker, braces, or crutches as part of that person. Avoid leaning on
the chair or interfering with their equipment.
Consider how you refer to the child. “Child who has disabilities” is preferred to “disabled child”. “A
child who has Cerebral Palsy” is preferred to “Cerebral Palsy victim”.
The following terms are outdated and are objectionable to some people:
Crippled - try “walks with crutches” (or braces, etc.)
Confined to a wheelchair - try “uses a wheelchair”
Lame - try “walks with a limp, or uses crutches”
Afflicted - try “has”
Cerebral Palsied- try “has Cerebral Palsy”
Defective- try ‘impaired”
Deformed - try “has a physical disability”
Normal - try “non-disabled or able-bodied”
Paralytic - try ‘is paralyzed”
Handicapped - try “has a disability” Handicapped is derived from
the use of pan-handling with one’s hat which some had to resort
to before protective laws were put in place. For some,
“handicapped” carries very negative connotations.
For more information on helping children with disabilities call
Fran Parker at the central office (1-800-443-PACT) or contact the
Illinois Dept. of Rehabilitation Services at 217-785-3893.
Tips for Helping Children Who Have Physical Disabilities
Try experiencing the disability first hand. It will give you a better understanding of the child’s
Be aware of positioning techniques to be used throughout the day. The child’s parent or physical therapist is your best resource for this.
Know the child’s abilities and his or her limitations. Interview his parent(s). Make certain your
expectations are realistic, but yet, try not to allow her to be overly dependent on you.
Assist the child in activities which are difficult for him to perform. Provide support for kicking
a ball. Help guide a hand. The child’s Physical Therapist and/or Occupational Therapist may be a
wealth of information to you in this area.
Don’t be afraid to handle the child. If you are concerned about injuring her, have her parent,
PT, or OT demonstrate how they manage her.
Help other children understand the disability, such as why the child needs a wheelchair or
braces. Be sure to include what the child is able to do, too.
Learn how to use and care for the child’s equipment by talking to others who have been involved in his care.
The Special Services Lending Library has some good resources for helping children who have physical
disabilities. They can be borrowed by asking your Teacher, Family Advocate or by calling Fran Parker
at the Central Office at 1-800-443-7228.
Following is a list of some of the titles we have:
Raising a Child Who Has a Physical Disability
Teaching the Young Child with Motor Delays
Creative Play Activities for Children with Disabilities
Disability Awareness Manual
Backyards and Butterflies
New Friends – Mainstreaming Activities to Help Young Children
Howie Helps Himself (Children’s Book)
Mama Zooms (Children’s Book)
Arnie and the New Kid (Children’s Book)
Nick Joins In (Children’s Book)
A Very Special Critter (Children’s Book)
Princess Pooh (Children’s Book)
Happy 4th
Birthday to
on April
Mommy Loves You!
Happy 5th
Birthday on April
5th, John!!
Area 2
Love, Dad, Mom,
Brian, Dorothy, Henry,
& David
By Edward CB 25
4 Pita Bread s
8 oz. sliced deli ham
1 8 oz. ball fresh mozzarella, sliced
1 8 oz. can pineapple chunks, drained
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Place the pitas on a baking sheet. Layer with ham, mozzarella, and pineapple. Bake
until the pitas are crisp and cheese is melted; about 10-12 minutes.
By David & Kristen Area 2
1 cup shortening
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
1 7 oz. pkg. instant spiced-apple flavored drink mix
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups rolled oats
1 1/2 cups chopped apples
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tbsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
3 eggs
3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups raisins
In large bowl, beat shortening & margarine or butter. Add brown sugar, granulated sugar, instant drink mix, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Beat until combined. Beat in as much flour as you can with the mixer or with a wooden spoon. Stir in rest of flour, oats, raisins, and apples. Drop by teaspoons onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees about 12 minutes or until lightly browned. Makes 7 dozen.
By Trevor CB 20
Cook until thick: 2 tablespoons corn starch, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup water. Remove from
heat and stir in 1 small package dry strawberry Jell-O. Set aside to cool.
Fill baked pie shell with 1 quart sliced, fresh strawberries. Pour the cooled mixture over
the fresh sliced strawberries. Let stand until thickened.