update - Beautiful Downtown Lewiston
update - Beautiful Downtown Lewiston
IN THIS ISSUE: JUL Y FROM THE B OARD BY B RANDON J OHNSON ....... 1-2 2013 I DAHO FIRST TERRITORIAL CAPITOL REBUILD DEDICATION AND RECEPTION ............ 3 CONGRATULATIONS O RCHID AWARD W INNERS .. 3 V OLUNTEER S POTLIGHT: M ICHELLE W ITTHAUS ...... 4 S TUDENT M ARKETING Downtown update CHANGE: PROJECT LOOKING FOR BUSINESSES TO WORK WITH .. 4 S OUND DOWNTOWN AND OTHER PROMOTIONS ....... 5 what is it good for By Brandon “Beeg” Johnson, BDL Board Member, Lewiston Parks & Rec With resources from www.mainstreet.org; Photos by Breanne Durham June 8th, 2013 was a momentous day for the City of Lewiston, Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, and most importantly the people of our community. That day included a celebration of the grand opening of the First through Fifth Street project in the downtown corridor and the grand opening of the brand new Lewiston City Library. In addition to both of those momentous openings, June 8th kicked off two exciting changes with Beautiful Downtown Lewiston summer events – a Saturday Farmer’s Market and Sound Downtown. The Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency completed a grand project on First and Fifth Streets in Downtown Lewiston. Work included reconstructing roadways, portions of the sidewalks, public art, and full streetscape (trees, planters, street furniture, and other pedestrian amenities). Without a doubt, this project has facilitated a positive change in downtown. Also, June 8th marked the grand opening of the new Lewiston City Library with all of its grandeur. The grand openings saw over 1500 patrons visit beautiful downtown Lewiston. We’re not done—that Saturday also marked the beginning of two other events hosted by Beautiful Downtown Lewiston. The Lewiston Farmers Market moved from a Wednesday evening market to a Saturday evening market and a brand new special event called Sound Downtown began. On June 8th downtown Lewiston changed. This changed marked a fundamental shift in how we view and feel about downtown Lewiston. Change is good, change is positive, but what does this all mean? The change in downtown Lewiston is an amazing reissuance for Lewiston. All of the completed projects that culminated on June 8th didn’t just happen overnight. They took years to plan and finance, and hundreds of person-hours to complete. More and more people are revisiting downtown because of the changes that have taken place. I had a conversation with a fellow Promotions Committee member on the pure excitement the changes have brought. For me, the best part is how Beautiful Downtown Lewiston fits into the excitement. We will capitalize on the change. We will grow with the change. Ultimately, change is good for Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, as an organization and a place. The health and heart of a community lies downtown. Main Street programs (like Beautiful Downtown Lewiston) know that: DOWNTOWN DISTRICTS ARE PROMINENT EMPLOYMENT CENTERS. Even the smallest commercial district employs hundreds of people, and often the district is collectively the community's largest employer. THE DOWNTOWN DISTRICT IS A REFLECTION OF COMMUNITY image, pride, prosperity, and level of investment — critical factors in business retention and recruitment efforts. Continued on next page... CREATING A VITAL, INVITING DOWNTOWN LEWISTON WHICH WILL PROM OTE QUALITY BUSINESS, CULTURAL, AND COMMUNITY GROWTH DOWNTOWN REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE COMMUNITY'S TAX BASE. If the district declines, property values BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN PARTNERS: drop, placing more of a tax burden on other parts of town. Thank you for your contributions! THE TRADITIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT IS AN IDEAL LOCATION FOR INDEPENDENT BUSINESSES, which in turn: Corporate Avista Corporation City of Lewiston Edwin Litteneker Inland Cellular Morgan’s Alley Keeps profits in town with local owners Supports other local businesses and services Supports local families with family-owned businesses Supports local community projects Provides a stable economic foundation with direct ties to the community A HEALTHY DOWNTOWN CORE PROTECTS PROPERTY VALUES in surrounding residen- tial neighborhoods. THE DISTRICT IS A GOVERNMENT CENTER where city hall, municipal buildings, the courthouse, and/or post office are located. It often is an important service center as well for finding attorneys, insurance offices, financial institutions and other important services. DOWNTOWN PROVIDES AN IMPORTANT CIVIC FORUM, WHERE MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY CAN CONGREGATE. Special events and celebrations held downtown reinforce intangible sense of community. DOWNTOWN IS THE HISTORIC CORE OF THE COMMUNITY. Its buildings embody the community's past and its visual identity. A VITAL DOWNTOWN AREA REDUCES SPRAWL by concentrating business in one area BOARD OF DIRECTORS and uses community resources wisely, such as existing infrastructure, tax dollars, and land. Angela VanTassel Wells Fargo Bank President DOWNTOWN REPRESENTS A HUGE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT. Imagine how much it would cost to re-create all of the buildings and public infrastructure in Lewiston’s downtown. The change in Downtown Lewiston is great for all and will be everlasting for all to enjoy. Make sure that you all enjoy the changes in Beautiful Downtown Lewiston. Wayne Hollingshead Lewiston Tribune Clarice Mattoon Jazzy’s in Towne Square John Roy John Roy & Associates Vice President Joe Strohmaier Land Title of Nez Perce Co. Michelle Witthaus Northwest Media Scott Trotter Secretary Image! Design Center Vikky Ross Morgan’s Alley Treasurer L EWISTON Kristin Gibson Kristin Gibson Real Estate Mike Cannon My Architect Brandon “Beeg” Johnson Lewiston Parks & Rec Brad Cannon Cannon’s BMC Ex-Officio Kristin Kemak Lewis Clark Valley Chamber Ex-Officio Media Big Country 97.7/98.5 K Hits Blue Sky Mondays IdaVend Broadcasting John Roy & Associates KLEW TV KOZE AM/FM Lewiston Tribune Northwest Media Productions Pacific Empire Radio Values Coupons Key The Diamond Shop Edward Jones/Scott Arnone H & R Block Headmasters School of Hair Design Idaho History Tours Idaho Impressions J.J. Pierce Co. Land Title of Nez Perce Co. Main Street Grill My Architect Port of Lewiston Red Lion Hotel Lewiston Stonebraker McQuary Insurance Towne Square Valley Vision Business Advantage Advertising ArtBeat, Inc. B & I Computers Blue Lantern Coffee House Bott & Associates Cannon’s Building Materials Center Castellaw Kom Architects Century 21 Price Right Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Assoc. CornerStone Interiors Covey’s Bike & Board Creason, Moore, Dokken & Geidl D.A. Davidson Digital Barn Productions Discovery Antiques Follett’s Mountain Sports history notes FIRST TERRITORIAL CAPITOL DEDICATION The First Territorial Capitol of Idaho Revitalization Project, Inc. was created to build a replica of Idaho's first Territorial Capitol building. Lewiston was Idaho's first territorial capitol from 1863 to 1865. The 1st and 2nd Idaho Territorial Legislative sessions were held in Lewiston, setting the stage for Idaho's first laws, regulations, governmental structuring of the territory and built the foundation for Idaho's rich history. The First Territorial Capitol of Idaho Revitalization Project, Inc., has built a physical legacy of the territorial capitol and will provide historical and educational benefits for our country, our state and our community. July 10, 1863 was the date Governor Wallace first arrived in Lewiston to begin setting up the new Territory. July 10, 2013 will be 150 years since his arrival. You are invited to attend the Dedication Ceremony at 11:00 am and the public reception at the new Lewiston City Library at 2:00 pm. Photos courtesy of the First Territorial Capitol of Idaho Revitalization Project, Inc. DEDICATION CEREMONY: July 10, 2013 11:00 a.m. 12th Street & Main RECEPTION: July 10, 2013 2:00 p.m. Lewiston City Library 411 D Street CONGRATULATIONS ORCHID AWARD WINNERS On Monday, June 24, 2013, the Lewiston City Council present the annual Orchid Awards to citizens who have invested both their financial and intellectual capital to preserve our community’s heritage. The Lewiston Historic Preservation Commission accepted nominations and selected award recipients earlier this year. 2013 Orchid Awards were presented to: TD&H Engineering (Commercial) Lyle Wirtanen (Distinguished Preservationist) Garry Bush (Distinguished Preservationist) Larry and Kathy Schroeder (Residential) Beautiful Downtown Lewiston is proud of and grateful for the businesses and individuals who have given their time and talents! IdaVend Broadcasting Image! Design Center Interiors, Etc! Intermountain Claims Jazzy’s in Towne Square Joe Hall Ford John Roy & Associates Jurgens & Co., P.A. Kause Success Management K & G Construction KOZE AM/FM Keeton & Tait Kristin Gibson Largent’s Larry Kopczynski—Edward Jones Lewiston Tribune Lewis Clark Recyclers, Inc. Linda Joyner-Jones Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Martin Insurance consectetuer adipiscing elit, Matt’s Grill sed diam nonummy nibh Northwest Media Productions euismod tincidunt ut laoreet Northwestern Mutual Financial dolore magna aliquam Pacificerat Empire Radio erat volutpatut wisi enim ad Pacific Steel & Recycling minim veniam, Pals Sports quis Bar nostrud exerci tation lorem wisi Printcraft Printing ullamcorper. Et iusto odio te Pure Magic Media Creations ignissim qui duis dolore te Ridinger’s Photography feugait Ronda nulla Realtor facilisi. St. Joseph Regional Medical Center orem ipsum dolor sit amet. Seasons Bistro Seasons & More Shinn Reimers Simple Eats Catering The Stained Glass Co. Sylvan Furniture TD&H Engineering Tom Woods Insurance TTJS' Inc. Boomers, CandyStore, Boomtown Twin River National Bank US Bank Wells Fargo Bank Zion’s Bank Non-Profit Community Action Partnership Granite Lake Church Hope Chapel LCSC Center for Arts & History LC Valley Chamber of Commerce Lewiston Historic Preservation UI Extension/Nez Perce Co. YWCA INTERESTED IN JOINING? Contact Breanne Durham at 208.790.1148 to learn how joining Beautiful Downtown Lewiston will benefit your business and your community! VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: Michelle Witthaus Where to begin?! Michelle Witthaus is among Beautiful Downtown Lewiston’s most talented and dedicated volunteers. She has served on the Board of Directors (she is currently Board Secretary) since 2008 and was also a member of the Design Committee until 2013 when she was asked to help out with BDL’s most recently formed committee: Organization. As a member of the Organization Committee, Michelle has stepped up as a hostess (via Northwest Media, the downtown business that she is President of) for BDL’s first Scene Downtown partnership function. She is also helping to develop volunteer appreciation materials and events, as well as a marketing campaign called My Downtown, set to launch this fall. “Downtown is where it's at!” says Michelle. “I love being part of a vibrant and active downtown and by volunteering with Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, I can be a part of making it so.” In addition to volunteering her own time, Michelle’s talented staff at Northwest Media is invaluable to BDL through their design contributions! To name just a few recent examples of Northwest Media’s work for downtown: the beautiful welcome banners that now adorn Fifth Street, our Read Run Ride campaign, and our June 8th “Spend the Day with Us!” posters. Michelle’s passion for downtown is apparent in her quality of work, the beautifully renovated building that she calls home during work hours, and the excitement she shares when talking with people about downtown’s future. We’re certainly lucky to have her as part of our team! Contact Breanne at 208.790.1148 if you are interested in learning how you can help create a vital and vibrant downtown! The BDL Volunteer Program is generously sponsored by: Thank you to the individuals who contribute through the Friends of Downtown program! Welcome to our newest Partner: BECOME A VOLUNTEER! Beautiful Downtown Lewiston has a number of exciting and rewarding volunteer opportunities available! Friends of Downtown Steve Forge Dan & Cindi Mader Steve Watson Dennis Ohrtman Herb Boreson Bill Johnson Mitch Silvers Judy Higueria Linda Joyner-Jones Jan Durham Charlette & Richard Kremer Richard & Jeanette Morgan Jill Thomas-Jorgenson Kathee Tifft Robanna & Henrik Brosten Colleen Mahoney John & Melva Mock Joyce Keefer TD&H ENGINEERING Michelle setting up the Northwest Media space for Downtown Art Walk, Sept. 2012 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER LIBRARY HOURS & Fall Marketing Project: Jill Thomas-Jorgenson will be teaching Marketing at LCSC this fall and the Idaho Small Business Development Center is recruiting a handful of businesses to participate. If you could use a student developed marketing plan, just send them an email at [email protected]. Library Hours: Mon-Wed 10:00 am—6:00 pm Thurs-Sat 10:00 am—5:00 pm SPECIAL PROGRAMS: REMINDER ABOUT SIDEWALK USE Ride the bus to the library for free during the summer! Learn more about the Kids Freedom Pass at www.lewistonlibrary.org. Downtown businesses: Please remember that if you wish to use the sidewalk in front of your shop (for example, for seating for a café) you must obtain an amendment to you license first. Encroachment permits from Public Works may be required. Sue Gehrke, with the City of Lewiston, is available to help answer questions for you about this process. Please contact her at [email protected] or 208.746.7363 ext. 256. Dig Into Reading: 2013 Summer Reading Program runs from June 10-August 3. upcoming events JOIN US EVERY SATURDAY FOR SOUND DOWNTOWN AND THE LEWISTON FARMERS MARKET! THE LEWISTON FARMERS MARKET IS SEEKING PRODUCE VENDORS: The Lewiston Farmers Market is accepting vendor applications and is particularly interested in hearing from applicants wishing to sell produce at the market! Backyard gardeners and small regional farms alike are eligible to sell their homegrown products at the market. Vendor fees are very reasonable—just $10 for a day or $30 for a month—and the market provides a shaded location alongside the new Sound Downtown concert series. Please visit www.beautifuldowntownlewiston.org for more info about becoming a vendor, or email [email protected]. LEWISTON’S HOT AUGUST NIGHTS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! The 27th Annual Lewiston’s Hot August Nights is set for August 23-24 in downtown Lewiston. The Friday Night Car Cruise will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the Saturday Show & Shine will run from 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Downtown businesses are welcome to participate through offering in -store sales, displaying wares in the sidewalk in front of their business, and decorating storefronts to the car theme. BDL Partners also have the opportunity to have a booth at the registration venue on Friday. Some sponsorship opportunities are still available. Contact Sarah at [email protected] for more information. Participation registration and vendor forms are available at www.lewistonhan.com. DOWNTOWN ART WALK REGISTRATION AVAILABLE SOON: The date has been set for the 3rd Annual Downtown Art Walk: Friday, September 20, 2013 in downtown Lewiston. Businesses and artists will soon have the opportunity to participate in this popular new event! Registration packets will be available online, as well as hand-delivered to downtown businesses, on Friday, July 12. The registration deadline for both artists and businesses is August 14, 2013. Please email [email protected] with questions. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Organization is preparing a marketing campaign for BDL called “My Downtown,” and revamping the Friends of Downtown program. The committee recently held BDL’s first Scene Downtown partnership event at Northwest Media, and thanks Happy Day for donating delicious food! The next volunteer appreciation social will be held in September. Economic Restructuring is meeting with various developers and making headway on a number of projects related to filling and enhancing downtown properties. Work has begun with regional groups in an effort to bring or create a small business incubator in downtown Lewiston. Design is working on various projects, including sprucing up the informational kiosk at the Historic District Parking Lot on D Street and creating a new pedestrian wayfinding kiosk for Brackenbury Square. The committee is thrilled to complete the Fifth Street banner project and thanks all sponsors! Promotions is in full swing with our summer lineup of Sound Downtown and the Lewiston Farmers Market, every Saturday evening in Brackenbury Square and the D Street Parking Lot. Two other major events in the works are Lewiston’s Hot August Nights (August 23-24) and the Third Annual Downtown Art Walk, set for Friday, September 20, 2013. July 2013 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 BDL Board Mtg Storytime (10:30) (4:00 PM) Storytime (6 PM) 7 14 8 15 SD/LFM 9 10 11 Organization Promotions Storytime (10:30) (8:00 AM) (8:00 AM) Territorial Computer Class Storytime (6 PM) Capitol (pg 3) (2 PM) 12 16 19 17 18 SD/LFM Rock Art ( 2 PM) Storytime (10:30) Computer Class Storytime (6 PM) Rock & Gem (2 PM) Club (2 PM) 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 Design Storytime (6 PM) Storytime (10:30) (8:00 AM) Economic Re. CAH Local Art(4:00 PM) ist Spotlight 30 13 20 SD/LFM 26 31 27 Inquiring Minds: What’s in the Garden? SD/LFM Gnome Craft (2) Storytime (10:30) *For a complete listing of Lewiston City Library programs, visit www.lewistonlibrary.org Storytime (6 PM) SD/LFM= Sound Downtown (6:30-8:30 PM) and Lewiston Farmers Market (4:30-7:30 PM) CONTACT BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN LEWISTON Email: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 617 Lewiston, ID 83501 Call: 208.790.1148 Web: www.beautifuldowntownlewiston.org
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