Aust HLTI DHLC Course Prospectus


Aust HLTI DHLC Course Prospectus
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Holistic Living Counselling is part of a fast growing industry of
complimentary health therapies. Interest in these therapies initially coincided
with enthusiasm for alternative lifestyles, but has also been influenced by
immigration and increased trade contact with countries such as China where
complementary health therapies are more prevalent.
The vision of Holistic Living Counselling is to naturally increase emotional
maturity, health and wellbeing.
Holistic Living is a way of finding happiness for yourself so that you can be a
mentor for others. A major focus of Holistic Living is attaining emotional
mastery. Emotions are the motivating force behind everything you do - they
are affected by what you eat and what you do with your body, what you think
and definitely what you learned to believe about yourself, others and the world
you live in.
The Word Holistic is non denominational; a light spiritual element is included
as part of a holistic picture where respect for many schools of thought and
individual choice are paramount.
A Holistic Living Counsellor usually works in private practice. This can
mean seeing individual clients, running groups, and/or being a consultant for
organizations in the community.
Holistic Living Counsellors have compassion in and passion for their work!
In fact it could hardly be called work.
Being a Holistic Living Counsellor involves more than meets the eye. It means
taking on a whole philosophy that aligns itself with natural health, healing and
wellbeing; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It means realizing
that to really make a difference to others you need to start with yourself.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Holistic Living Counselling differs from other counselling techniques in several
important ways:
HLC relies on action, not words. The counselling method consists
mostly of process work and holistic experiential activities that the
counsellor conducts with the client. This gives the client a supportive
framework within which to work through their current impasse.
HLC empowers and educates clients. Since the counsellor takes the
client through various processes and self help tools, the client learns these
techniques for themselves and is able to use them at home and in the future when needed. HLC has an educational focus; its primary goal is to
empower clients.
HLC is based on compassion, care and connection. Before working
with clients, counsellors have conducted their own inner work on a deep
level. This ensures that counsellors approach each client with a standard
of care not commonly found elsewhere.
HLC incorporates intuition and attunement. Because counsellors
have undertaken their own personal development as part of their training,
they have first-hand experience of each and every process they take their
clients through. This brings a level of emotional honesty that is unrivalled
in other counselling techniques, and that allows the counsellor to help
others from a place of deep humility and integrity.
HLC can provide rapid results. Because HLC’s work on a problem from
many angles, the healing process is often quicker.
HLC is 100% NATURAL. HLC’s teach and assist clients in attending to
their natural needs. These are the needs underlying our everyday problems. When the client is assisted in attending to these needs then they
resolution on many levels. For this reason results are long lasting.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
This course is not just about helping others. There are huge benefits along
the way!
Real knowledge and understanding on how to communicate well, find your
purpose, release old emotional baggage, love yourself with ease, resolve
conflict free of defensiveness, take care of yourself emotionally, naturally and
holistically and be the best you can be. These aren’t things you can learn on
just an intellectual level.
They say if you want to know how to get rich would you go and ask a poor
person? Then if you want to know how to live a truly rich life, do you ask
someone who has never been able to do it themselves? Your teachers and
tutors have done it and can help you do the same.
Your studies are experiential and practical and contain tools and activities that
you can start using in your life right away to make a huge difference to how
you feel and how you can help those around you.
Some students do this training because they want to improve their current
work role with the concepts and core strategies provided in the first 3 steps of
the training. Is this you?
As a teacher, child care worker, manager, parent, sports coach or health
professional you can only take people as far as you are willing to go yourself.
This course will take you to yourself and you can then naturally and
automatically with an authentic, confident, open heart help others do the
same. You will also have a vast tool box of processes that you can channel
into your own workshops or professional and personal development sessions
for your workplace or other corporate organizations.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
The Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling is accredited by the following
This accreditation provides graduates with the necessary means to obtain
professional insurance and to be recognized as a professional in the field of
natural therapies working in their own private practice.
The Australian Holistic Healers and Counsellors’ Association AHHCA is a notfor-profit organization founded some 15 years ago by a group of practitioners in central Victoria. Its purpose is to represent practitioners as well as to
begin the process of self-regulation of this industry
The International Institute for Complementary Therapists
IICT has approved the Holistic Living Training Institute
as an accredited training provider.
The IICT provides support, advice and insurance
recommendations for complementary therapists.
The International Natural Healers’ Association INHA is a nondenominational organization founded by and comprising
both teachers and practitioners of natural healing. It aims to expand and
bring more legitimacy to the field of holistic healing world wide through a
set of guide lines and a code of ethics that must be followed in order to
maintain membership.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Diploma HLC
Part 1
Certificate in
Step 1
16 Home based
Or at your own
-1 coaching call
per session
Plus group calls &
email backup
Home based
Telephone or
skype, email &
Start here
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Enroll with the LIVE Well within 3 weeks of receiving this
prospectus and receive a FREE elective L7LE
Step 2
6 Day Residential
Anglesea Vic
27th Feb to
5th March 2011
Sessions 1-4 of
Byron Bay NSW 27th Aug to
1st Sep 2011
Diploma HLC
Part II
Step 3
Choose 2 x
Guided home retreats.
See emotional mastery delivery options
Includes Living the 7
Living Essentials
Request Emotional Mastery
info booklet for
At a time convenient to you
Sessions 1-4 of
Living the 7 Living Essentials
OR HL Counselling
Step 4
16 Home based
Fortnightly OR at
your own pace
-1 coaching call
per session
Plus group calls &
email backup
Home based
Telephone or
skype, email &
After completion
To Diploma
Step 5
6 Day
Peninsula Vic
Late May/Early
June 2012
Sessions 1-4 of
Step 6
Choose 2 x
Guided home retreats. See emotional mastery
delivery options
Request Emotional Mastery
info booklet for
At a time convenient to you
and your HLC
No additional
Step 7
Case Studies
3 case studies
Students Choice Students choice
completion of
LDHLC steps 1-6
& Assessments
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
WELL Relationships
Holistic Living and the 7 Living Essentials
Holistic Study
Holistic Intention
Developing new habits
Holistic Maintenance of Health
Holistic Maintenance of Fitness
Holistic Communication and the Physical Body
Balancing Stress Holistically
Self Assertions
Beliefs and Energy Expenditure
Emotional Awareness
The 4 Ego States
Holistic Happiness and Emotions
Projection Power
Emotional Support for Self and Others
Taking Care of Emotions
Understanding Relationships
Personal Excellence in Relationships
Advanced Communication Skills 1
Advanced Communication Skills 2
Understanding Families
Grief and Loss
Holistic supp
Self Parenting
Win/Win Conflict Resolution
Creating a Daily Practice
Life Designing
Processes for Peace
Holistic Abundance
Being a good learner in life
What is Holistic?
Philosophy of Holistic Living
WELL Relationships
Holistic focus on the natural world
Responsibility in relationships
Self Coaching Strategies
Clarity from beyond the intellect
Mind, Heart, Body Awareness
‘Feeling’ vocabulary
Self-mastery through self knowledge
Using projection to grow
Holistic Listening
Identifying feelings and Responding
Expression in relationships
Emotional healing away from the relationship
Self Parenting 2
Emotional support for others
Underlying needs in Relationships
Stages of Loss and Grief
Life stages
Trust and Support
Dynamics in groups
Relationships stages
Advanced communication skills 1
Assessment: Written manual work, Journal, Written
Assessment test and Practical Skills test at end of
Assessment: Journal, Self assessment and Trainer
assessment following workshop.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Leadership Intensive
Practitioner Self Responsibility
Setting Goals PP
Setting Underlying Goals
5 Foundation Counselling Skills
Asking Questions and Types of Questions
5 Advanced Counselling Skills
The 7 Living Essentials
Stages of Holistic Living Counselling
Experiential Learning - Natural Learning
Beyond the Intellect – the unconscious mind
Understanding Change
Holistic Living Counsellor Toolkit 11 Core Process
Verbal Additional Processes
Foundation Additional Processes
Different types of Clients
Problems as Gateways
Matching Skills, Processes and Stages
Various Approaches to Change
Working in collaboration with a Client
Processes that replace skills
Different Models of Counselling Skills
Holistic Living Timeline Therapy
Counselling in Special Situations
The Power of Self Parenting
Foundations for Best Practice
Holistic Living Outlook
Taking care of the Emotions
The Purpose and Power of Dreams
Natural and Kind Care of the Body
Practitioner Self Responsibility
11 Core Processes
4 Ego States
The Adult Child Connection
Stages of Holistic Living Counselling
Processes to use and Concepts to explain at each
stage of counselling.
Emotional Support for Clients
Personal Development for Practitioners
Advanced Communication Skills 1 – review
Advanced Communication Skills 2
Skills to use at each stage
Ancient Traditions for A Modern Age
Professional Ethics
Assessment: Manual Activities, Journal, Written &
Verbal Assessment, Process Demonstration.
Assessment: Journal, Group Participation, Practical
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Emotional Mastery Electives are fully experiential programs that allow you to integrate and extend upon what
you are leaning in the LIVE WELL course on a deeper, day to day level.
2 Electives need to be completed for the Certificate in Holistic Communications.
You can choose from:
3 Emotional Mastery Retreats of your choice or
1 Emotional Mastery Workshop and the Living The 7 Living Essentials Program
The Liberation of Wisdom Home Retreat
Emotional Mastery – Permission
Overcoming Fear
Holding on and Letting Go
Underlying goal establishment
Connecting holistically to your goal
The Positive Adult in Charge
Ongoing Self support
Increasing Core Self Value (Second year elective)
Includes ‘Facing The Fire’
Anger to Passion Workshop
Happiness and the Wonder Child
Home Retreat
Self Parenting
Self Nurturing
Self Boundaries
The power of Expression and Creativity
Creating Adult Potency
Sacred Self
Celebrating Joy
Trusting the Inner Healer
Home Retreat
20 hour workshop
Increasing Value in our lives
Lack and Receiving
Building Your Vision
Meaning and purpose
Goals for a Value filled life
Why inner child Healing
Overview of Happiness
Overview of Unhappiness
Happiness and the 4 ego states
The Development of the Brain and the Inner Child
The ‘Positive Parent’ as the Central
Assessment: Journal, Self assessment and Trainer assessment following workshop.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Each student is required to complete 3 case studies.
This involves 6-10 Holistic Living Counselling sessions with each case study client.
Case studies are completed in the students’ own time, with regular teleseminar support.
Students have the chance to consolidate their skills and work with a “real client” effecting change and growth for
them on all levels. Students report this to be an amazing and fulfilling experience and often case studies become
their first paying clients down the track. Case study clients also provide testimonials of their experience and
valuable feedback.
Assessment: Written Case study assignment and participation in supervision sessions.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
The Personal Coaching/Home Based Training Experience
As a Holistic Living Counselling Student your personal growth and study needs are
valued and supported. While your training materials are of a high standard, your support needs to be as well.
You are assigned your own personal, professionally trained Holistic Living Coach/Tutor. As Holistic Living is about compassion
in action, this is where it begins for you to experience compassion from your coach.
Know that your study in Step 1 is already supporting ‘Charity Water’, world wide support to bring water to those who don't
have access to any clean fresh water.
Meeting other students in the program on group calls widening
your network of like minded friends.
We help you set up and use a free call service from your computer if you need us to. You and your family can use for any
other purpose as well as this program. You can see your
coach and they can see you if you choose. Students have said
its just like sitting down having a cuppa together.
Your coach provides written feedback on ALL your work.
Your coach also supports you with one call for each session. This
is in addition to group calls.
You are welcome to access email support at any time.
You have your ideas heard from others and hear the ideas of
other students.
You will receive specialized activities unique to Holistic Living
Counselling which are provided to you on audio CD. You can
return to these LIVE Well tools regularly and make use of
them in building your own successful relationships, health and
wellbeing. You are your first and most important client when it
comes to Holistic Living Counselling.
Easy to follow student manuals designed for all students even if
you have not studied for some time.
Additional Holistic Living Counseling support is available if you
choose to use this service at discounted rates while you are a
student of the course.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
The Personal Coaching/Home Based Training Experience
Why do people do their ‘Holistic Living’ and personal
growth development from home? There reasons are varied and depend on each individuals needs. Some of these
include the following.
Prefer more personalized support which come from intensive listening and sharing with
my coach .
Not having to get a baby sitter
to go to classes.
Geographical location
Shift or casual work
Want work through the course
Want to work at my own pace
and not feel pressured to keep
up with classes.
Finding home based promoting increased self sufficiency
especially for future self support when the course is over.
Approximate Home Study: Please allow 5-6 hours per
week to complete your work. However remember a big
part of this is not just having your head in a book. There
are skills to practice in your own life and strategies for
your own self development. This is Holistic learning. An
investment in your day to day quality of life.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
ALANNAH DORE - Course Originator & Master Training Consultant and Retreat
Alannah has written and taught Holistic Communications Programs and mentored
individuals since 1995. She has pioneered the Diploma in Holistic Living
Counselling, the Emotional Mastery series of workshops/home retreats,
Childrens’ counselling training, 7 living essentials and meditation programs.
She has a background in Teaching, Counselling, Family Therapy,
Communications and Conflict Resolution Training and a range of Holistic Health modalities. She has also experienced her own journey of physical,
emotional and relationship healing which she cites as the most powerful training of
them all.
She has taught accredited train the trainer programs and communications
effectiveness training to parent group facilitators, professional nannies, at teachers conferences and been an assessor for child care certification. She has also acted as a consultant to schools bringing a holistic approach to tackling school bullying.
She has taught within her own Adult Education company in Australia and New
Zealand, the Council of Adult Education, TAFE colleges and numerous other Adult
education environments. She is appreciated for my passion, dedication and extensive
LISA DELL’ARCIPRETE - Melbourne Australia Evening course Master Trainer &
Retreat Facilitator
Lisa has worked a Holistic Living Counsellor, teacher and group facilitator for 8
years. She has studied Psychology, Meditation, Holistic Living Counselling and
Reiki and much more. She developed the Certificate in Guided Meditation
Teaching and the Practical Holistic Parenting course.
Lisa has worked as a consultant specializing in Holistic Living Practises to
private organizations and educational institutions. She has facilitated groups
for teachers and children in the public education system.
Lisa is particularly passionate about how Holistic Living practices can help
parents manage children on the Autism Spectrum and prevent the need for
medicating these children.
She loves watching people change and grow as they make their way through
the course and discover the delights and gifts held inside.
Living Holistically has helped her create the relationships she wants, be the
parent she wants to be, the partner she wants to be, create the career she
desires and best of all have the knowledge and skill to help others which is
rewarding beyond words.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
DEBORAH LYONS - New Zealand Master Trainer, Master Coach and Retreat Faciliator.
Deborah has been counselling in the pure A’Dor Holistic Living format for many
years. She also teaches meditation and a range of healing modalities. Deborah lives
the 7 Living Essentials in her personal life and professionally. Her ability to assist others to overcome whatever difficulties life brings is enriched by her own journey to
wholeness. Here is a message from Deborah….Partaking in this course is the best
thing I have done in my life. It has been the catalyst for all of the great things that
have happened to me. I have gained so much confidence and compassion through
using the Holistic Life Skills that this course has taught me. My dreams have and
continue to manifest for me as I am aware of making daily conscious loving choices
just for me. And it is beautiful to see the impact of what this course has done for
my loved ones as I go through this life changing journey. I feel motivated and positive knowing anything is possible! My relationships with everyone in my life are fulfilling, through using these powerful Holistic Communication strategies.
f you are interested in doing this course, there is not a more perfect time than now
for you to start! All it takes is one small step to discover who you really are. I encourage you to please do this for yourself!
Yours in holistic happiness Deborah Lyons
We are proud and grateful to have Deborah as our Holistic Living Master
Coach in New Zealand.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
By the time I got started with my studies I was in the early months
of my first child’s life. This course calmly and loving brought my
head above the water. I believe it saved me.
I am working full time within my business and loving every moment of healing and helping others. I feel so blessed to be a part of
an organization which promotes honesty and lives their values!!!
Trish G
Alannah it is a gift and a pleasure to find you and be able to do
your course. I loved the material ...when I started this course I did
not know how much it would support me...Anita R
To anyone interested in doing the course, I can only encourage you
whole heartedly to begin now!
Kate S
This course is probably the single most important thing I have ever
done for myself and it is giving me the opportunity to explore all
that I can be.
Sam H
If you are considering this course I recommend it because you incorporate it into your life easily and you feel the benefit with every
session you do.
Tania S
The course has especially helped me to deal with my emotions and
the ability to work with my inner self.
Rebecca J
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Payment options
Diploma HLC PART 1 LIVE Well
Certificate in
Pay Separately :
White boxes
Pay together :
Green Boxes
Home Based Program
All materials plus Textbook
Save with
Upfront payment
Payment Plan
$195 deposit then
$155.25 x 12months.
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Enroll WITHIN 3 WEEKS of receiving this prospectus
and receive your first elective FREE Living the 7 Living Essentials
WELL Relationships
& Accommodation
$270.25 x 6 months
Does not include travel costs
or meals
Emotional Mastery Electives
Certificate Payment Package
Well Relationships
Emotional Mastery Electives
Early Bird
Diploma HLC Part II LEAD Well
Home Based Program
Practitioner Training &
Payment plans
$295 deposit then
$276.70 x 14 months
Early Bird Price
Deduct Elective
Deposit NOW $85
$185 deposit then
$150.85 x 12 months
Leadership Training
$193.35 x 6 months
Case Study Support
$95.85 x 3 months
Emotional Mastery Electives
Payment Plans
All materials plus Textbook
Diploma Payment Package
Pay together :
Blue Boxes
Leadership Training
Case Study Support
Emotional Mastery Electives
$263.78 x 16 months
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Enrolment Forms are included in this prospectus
1. Fill out the application form.
2. Read and sign the training agreement. Please read the
Policies and Procedures document before signing.
3. Fill out the secure online payment form via the following link (click, or copy and paste into your
browser’s address bar). If you would like assistance with this phone 03 95436000
4. You can submit forms by one of the following options:
Faxing the two forms to 03 59444115
Posting them to:
P.O. Box 185 Mount Waverley Victoria, 3149
Scan and email forms to a consultant who will contact you or to : [email protected]
Enrolment is complete upon receipt of enrolment form, training agreement and payment form.
For telephone assistance or for more information phone 03 95436000 or email
[email protected].
We treat your private information with respect and care. Click this link to view our Privacy Policy.
Need to wait before you are ready to begin your LIVE Well program?
Get started with the “Living the 7 Living Essentials E-course”. Holistic Communication students will
get this deducted from their enrollment if paying online. Early bird deduction also on Holistic Communications enrollment for those enrolling within 3 weeks of receiving this prospectus. ‘
This short, convenient course will give you a great taste of what’s to come and get you started
easily and with care and nurturing onto using simple techniques from the A’Dor Living system.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
INTERNATIONAL Students Enrollments
(Students not based in Australia)
Paying LIVE Well Deposit Online.
For information go to then click on the SUPPORT tab then Click on LIVE Well link.
Alternately go straight to deposit payment by clicking the above Paying Deposit Online link. Your
own currency is automatically converted to US Dollars. Just a reminder: You will need to attend retreats in
Australia for full accreditation though you are welcome to do the LIVE Well home based program only for personal and professional development .
A consultant will email you soon to assist you in completing your enrollment
Enrolment Forms are included in this prospectus
1. Fill out the enrollment form.
2. Read and sign the training agreement. Please read the
Policies and Procedures document before signing.
3. Pay by Paypal : Your consultant will give paypal details.
4. You can submit enrollment form and training agreement by one of the following options:
Post them to:
Holistic Living Training Institute
P.O. Box 185 Mount Waverley Victoria, 3149
Scan and email forms to a consultant who will contact you or to :
[email protected]
Enrolment is complete upon receipt of enrolment form, training agreement and payment/
For telephone assistance or for more information phone your consultant who will provide a contact or email [email protected].
A consultant will email you soon to offer information, assistance and telephone support.
OPTION 3 New Zealand students only
New Zealand students are also able to go to and opt in for
New Zealand details, prices and enrollment procedure.
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
First Name:
Enrolment form for ‘Certificate in Holistic Communications’
Holistic Living Training Institute (HLTI)
Tick what is applicable to you:
I am enrolling in the full Certificate in Holistic Communications ……..
I am enrolling in the LIVE Well program ONLY ……..
How did you first hear about this course? Please circle
Word of mouth
Google search
If so which one?..........................................
What is your primary intention for enrolling in this course? Eg career as a counselor, professional or personal
devt. Etc
I understand that in joining this course, confidentiality is to be adhered to and while I am free to discuss my
experience, it will only be in the context of my own healing and goal attainment.
I understand that while powerful and speedy life results have been attained by many through HLTI programs,
they are designed for people who are on a self help journey. They do not replace counselling. This course may
not be suitable for some conditions. If you are unsure please see your doctor and if you have any concerns discuss your suitability for this course with the trainer to satisfy any pre-requisites.
Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness? Y / N If yes, please detail…………………………………………………
Are you addicted to any mood altering substance? Y / N If yes, please detail………………………………………………
Are you taking any mood altering medication? Y / N If yes, please detail……………………………………………………
Are you currently receiving medical/psychiatric/psychological support? Y/N If yes, please describe the kind of
I have understood the above and agree that while the HLTI training provides professional services, I am responsible for my own ongoing personal growth support and am mentally and emotionally capable of seeking
professional support for myself if need be. I acknowledge that I understand my responsibility for support and if
necessary make arrangements to do so ensuring I get the nurturing I deserve.
(DOWNLOAD) International students do not use this payment form. Submit enrolment form and training agreement ONLY
or click Paying LIVE Well Deposit Online (See page 15 for further details).
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]
Training Agreement
Holistic Living Training Institute
Agreement between
Student’s name (Please Print)
You will need to sign this statement to verify that you fit into the following categories.
I am over 21 years of age.
I have NOT been diagnosed with a mental illness by a registered medical doctor.
I am NOT addicted to any substances such as alcohol, marijuana or other drugs where I have become dependent
on their usage.
I understand that my personal details including name, address, email address and phone number will not be disclosed to anyone. I do understand that my contact details will be used to keep me informed of Holistic Living events
that are associated with this course.
I understand that some aspects of my Holistic Living Journey may be shared by the trainer in professional supervision sessions with a training supervisor for professional development purposes only and that the strictest confidentiality
will be adhered to.
I am assured that the information I provide on this for is kept by HLTI in accordance with the Health Privacy Act
relevant to the country and state in which this training occurs.
I understand that all materials supplied to me and processes contained within the course are copyright and remain
the property of HLTI.
This course does not accredit me with qualifications to run practitioner training courses.
I understand that HLTI provides a high level of care and supportive follow up for issues that may arise. I take full
responsibility for any additional support I personally may require. I can do this by booking in with a practitioner of my
own choosing either from HLTI or elsewhere and making use of the processes being provided to me for my own home
I have read the HLTI Policies and Procedures document and agree to comply with these.
Student’s Signature……………………………………………..Date:……………….
Print, complete and Fax OR scan OR post
International students do not use this payment form. Submit enrolment form and training agreement ONLY or click
Paying LIVE Well Deposit Online (See page 15 for further details).
Holistic Living Training Institute Ph 03 95436000 E: [email protected]