Colonel Johnston Elementary School Fort Huachuca


Colonel Johnston Elementary School Fort Huachuca
Colonel Johnston Elementary School
Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools
Student Handbook
P.O. Box 12954
Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85670
(520) 459-8798
Hours of Operation
Grades K, 1, & 2:
8:05 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. (Thursday early release at 1:05p.m.)
Special Needs Preschool: held on Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri
Morning Session:
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Afternoon Session 12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
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P.O. BOX 12954
The Fort Huachuca Schools are operated under the law of the State of Arizona. The school
district is under the direction and authority of a five-member school board, and administered by
a district superintendent. Financial support of the schools comes from taxes of the State of
Arizona, County of Cochise, and the U.S. Department of Education. Funding received from the
State of Arizona and U.S. Department of Education is based upon the average daily
membership of students for the year.
The Administration and Superintendent offices are located at 21110 and 21111 Hines Road.
Mrs. Bonnie Austin, Superintendent and Mrs. Kaliegh Hawkins, District Secretary can be
reached at 520-458-5082.
Mr. Frank Bell
Dr. Nancy Nicholson
Mrs. Karen Nieto
Mrs. Rhonda Foster
Mr. Randy Garland
The mission of the Fort Huachuca
Accommodation Schools is to develop literate and
responsible citizens who find joy in learning in an
environment where every child has the
opportunity to be successful.
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Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District No. 00
The Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, color, religion, sex,
age, national origin, and disability. This policy will prevail in all matters concerning staff
members, students, the public, educational programs and services, and individuals with whom
the Board does business.
Inquiries concerning this policy should be referred to the Superintendent of Schools at
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Table of Contents
Vision Statement
Staff Directory
Staff E-mail Addresses
2013-2014 School Calendar
School Hours
Entrance Requirements
Grading Periods, Reporting, Conferences
Promotion, Retention
School Closure
Safety Guidelines Lightning, Inclement Weather
School Policies, Records
Dress Code
Unattended Children on Ft. Huachuca Policy
Guidelines for Assemblies
Guidelines for Field Trip Chaperones
Physical Education
Lost & Found
Fire Drills/Emergency Preparedness
School Health Services
School Discipline Plan
Bus Transportation, Discipline Procedures for School Bus Infractions
The School Nutrition Program
School Lunches
Services for Children with Disabilities, Exceptional Students
School Policy Information
School Policy
Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations for Disabled Students
Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
Bus Safety Program
Grading/Assessment System
Student Violence/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying
Use of Technology Resources in Instruction
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Vision Statement
Our vision in the Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools is that parents, students, staff, and
community own the educational process and are accountable, committed and empowered with
the necessary resources to provide a safe, positive, respectful school climate where students,
staff and parents are excited about learning and are achieving daily positive successes.
A Student Is:
the most important person ever in the school....
in person, on the telephone, or by mail.
not dependent on us...we are dependent on the Student.
not an interruption of our work...the Student is the purpose of it. We are not doing a favor by
serving the Student...the Student is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.
a person who brings us his or her desire to learn. It is our job to handle each Student in a
manner that is beneficial to the Student and to us.
(Adapted by William W. Purkey from LL Bean Co. Poster)
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Staff Directory
Principal’s Secretary
Head Custodian
Mrs. Bonnie Austin
Mr. Robert Henderson
Lisa Kyte
Suzi Sanchez
Rafael Bustamante
Hedy Benton
Ida Pedrego
Jennifer Moxley
Bette Gallant
Nancy Murphy
Linda Wisnom
Mark Kyte
Sandra Larson
Lisa Graeme
Behavior Coach
Library Coordinator
P.E. Teacher
Resource Teacher
Occupational Therapy
Tech Integration Specialist
Pre School
Annette Rodgers
Cross Categorical
Kim Harney
Althea Brown
Danielle Brown
Barbara Escareno
Sabina Hummel
Allison Kosmider
Mirta Toro
Grade 1
Donna Beck
Nellie Brant
Fran Hebnes
Jennie Kennedy
Sarah McLane
Mandy Rice
Grade 2
Fatima Baeza
Claire Clemente
Laura Howell
Tanya Rathmann
Pamela Smith
Danielle Weinberg
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Staff Directory
Mrs. Bonnie Austin
Mr. Robert Henderson
458 – 5082
459 – 8798
Baeza, Fatima
Beck, Donna
Benton, Hedy
Brant, Nellie
Brown, Althea
Brown, Danielle
Bustamante, Rafael
Clemente, Claire
Escareno, Barbara
Gallant, Bette
Graeme, Lisa
Harney, Kim
Hebnes, Fran
Henderson, Robert
Howell, Laura
Hummel, Sabrina
Kennedy, Jennifer
Kosmider, Allison
Kyte, Lisa
Kyte, Mark
Larson, Sandra
McLane, Sarah
Moxley, Jennifer
Murphy, Nancy
Pedrego, Ida
Rathmann, Tanya
Rice, Mandy
Rogers, Annette
Sanchez, Suzi
Smith, Pamela
Toro, Mirta
Weinberg, Danielle
Wisnom, Linda
[email protected]
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2nd Grade
1st Grade
Computer Lab
1st Grade
Head Custodian
2nd Grade
Music Teacher
Tech Integration Specialist
Cross Categorical
1st Grade
2nd Grade
1st Grade
Principal’s Secretary
Physical Education Teacher
Resource Teacher
1st Grade
Library Coordinator
Art Teacher
2nd Grade
1st Grade
Special Needs Preschool
Senior Secretary/Registrar
2nd Grade
2nd Grade
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School Info & Hours of Operation
All Schools Have Early Release on Thursdays
Grades K – 2
47121 H Avenue, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613
Robert Henderson
Principal’s Secretary: Lisa Kyte
Special Needs Preschool Morning & Afternoon Sessions
Morning Session:
8:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
Afternoon Session: 12:15 P.M. – 2:15 P.M.
Grades 3 – 5
45103 Burns Street, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613
Connie Johnson
Principal’s Secretary: Beth Searls
7:55 A.M. - 2:40 P.M.
Grades 6 – 8
5651 E. Smith Avenue, Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613
Christa Jones
Principal’s Secretary: Glusta Williams
Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools are Arizona public schools under the Department of Education.
The schools are not Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS). The school district is under the
direction and authority of a School Board and directly administered by a District Superintendent. Financial
support for Fort Huachuca Schools is derived from State Aid and Federal Impact Aid.
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Kindergarten and First Grade
For admission to kindergarten, children must be five (5) years of age prior to September 1 of
the current school year.
Children may be admitted to first grade who are six (6) years of age prior to September 1 of the
current school year.
Early Age Entrance
The Board may admit children who have not reached the required age as prescribed above:
1. if it is determined to be in the best interest of the children
2. such children must reach the required age of five (5) for kindergarten and six (6) for
first grade by January 1 of the current school year.
3. for a child who has not reached six (6) years of age (five (5) for kindergarten) before
September 1, the determination of whether to admit shall be based upon one (1) or
more consultation(s) with the parent(s) or guardian(s), the child, the teacher, the
school principal, and /or professional consultants. This consultation includes a
formal assessment. There is a non-refundable fee for this service.
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Grading Periods, Progress Reports, Report Cards:
Grading periods for the Fort Huachuca Accommodation Schools are based on a quarter system
or four report cards during the school year. Grading periods are:
August 7 – October 11
January 6 – March 7
October 15 – December 20
March 10 – May 22
Mid-Term Progress Reports:
September 5 and 6
(Parent Teacher Conferences)
November 8
February 7
April 17
Report Cards Issued:
October 15
January 10
March 13 and 14 (Parent/Teacher Conference)
May 22
School wide conferences are held in September and March. The individual teachers will notify
parents of conference dates and times. First and Third Quarter Report cards will be given out at
Parent/Teacher conferences. Other conferences may be initiated at any time the parent or
teacher deems it necessary.
Progress Reports:
First quarter mid-term progress reports will be given to parents during their parent/teacher
conference. For the second, third and fourth quarter the teacher gives students their progress
Grading Statement:
All teachers’ grades are based on the Arizona Standards. (see IKA-R for details)
Promotion and Retention:
District policies IKE fully explain the district policy on promotion and retention.
School Closure:
The following guidelines are to be followed when schools are closed due to inclement weather
or Post emergencies. In a collaborative process, the Garrison Commander and the
Superintendent will make a final decision to close schools in the event of a Post emergency.
Parents and Guardians are urged to check network television stations (Channels 4, 9, 13 and the
Commander’s Access Channel 97), school website ( and listen to
local radio stations whenever weather indicates that closing school is a possibility.
When closing school is a possibility, the Superintendent will confer with the Transportation/
Maintenance Supervisor to reach a decision; a delayed start of one to two hours will be
considered before a school closure.
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Safety guidelines - Lightning
Generally speaking, if you can see lightning and/or hear thunder, you are already at risk.
Suspend outdoor activities whenever you see lightning or hear thunder. Avoid water, high
ground, open spaces and all metal objects.
Louder or more frequent thunder indicates that lightning is approaching, thus increasing the
risk for lightning injury or death.
If the time delay between seeing the flash (lightning) and hearing a thunderclap is less than
30 seconds, you should be in, or seek a safe location (see above).
High winds, rainfall, and cloud cover often act as precursors to actual cloud-to-ground
strikes notifying individuals to take action.
Many lightning casualties occur as a storm approaches, because people ignore these
precursors. Also, many lightning casualties occur after the perceived threat has passed.
Wait at least 30 minutes after a lightning storm has passed to resume outdoor activities.
Generally, the lightning threat diminishes with time after the last sound of thunder, but may
persist for more than 30 minutes. When thunderstorms are in the area but not overhead, the
lightning threat can exist even when it is sunny and not raining.
Once the principal has determined inclement weather for dismissal it will not change even if the
weather clears.
Inclement Weather - Dismissal
When Inclement weather dismissal is determined by the principal, there will be two ways to
pick-up your student(s) (lightening, downpours, high winds, etc.):
1. Parent pick-up from the school cafeteria.
2. Car loop pick-up
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School Hours:
Pre K
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. or 12:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
No School
K – 2nd Grade
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:05 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
8:05 a.m. – 1:05 p.m.
1. There is no supervision on the playground prior to 7:50 a.m. Students should not be
dropped off prior to 7:50 a.m. Supervision starts at 7:50 a.m.
2. Students may not enter the building without parental supervision. Staff members are not
in their classrooms to supervise children until 8:10 a.m.
3. If your child will be absent or arrive late to school please call the office before 8:10 am.
You may call our main phone number (520) 459-8798 and choose extension #1 to leave a
voice mail. If you would like confirmation that your message was received, please leave a
good contact number. This service is available 24 hours a day.
4. Student pick-up - There are 2 ways to pick-up your child after school. If you need to
get a message to your child about after school transportation changes, you need to do so
BEFORE 1:45 pm. Messages can not be guaranteed to reach classrooms after 1:45 p.m.
1. Car Loop - opens after busses depart.
2. Walkers a. DeAnza - meet your child at the bridge
b. Coronado - meet your child at the Rucker crosswalk
3. Early pick-ups are discouraged because students miss valuable end-of-day
information and end of lesson wrap-ups.
There are 181 scheduled days of school beginning August 7, 2013. In accordance with
Arizona Statute A.R.S. 15-801 school attendance is compulsory.
When a student is absent, the parent must call the school to report the absence. If parent(s) are
aware that the child will be absent prior to the day of absence, (i.e., doctor/dental appointment,
passport pictures, etc.) please send a note or call the school office at 459-8798 extension #1. If
the child is absent or tardy, please send a note upon return to school explaining the reason for
the absence. Anytime a student must be absent for a period of more than two (2) days, the
school must be notified, in advance, of the reason for absence and furnish the approximate date
the student will return to class. It is the policy of the school district to drop a student from the
rolls on the tenth (10th) day of unexcused absence.
Changes in Parent/Student Information:
All address and/or telephone number changes should be reported to the school office on the first
day after the change is made. It is critical that home, cell, duty and emergency phone
numbers be kept current so a responsible person may be contacted in case of emergency.
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School Policies:
School begins at 8:05 a.m. and students are considered tardy after the 8:10 bell rings.
Dress Code:
At Col. Johnston Elementary School, we believe that dressing for a learning environment plays
a great part in each individual student’s success in school and in life. A student’s personal
appearance should be a matter of pride. Students dress should meet acceptable standards of
good grooming and cleanliness.
Tops or blouses with thin straps, bare midriffs, half mesh and see through shirts are
unacceptable. Shirts and pants with inappropriate words and/or pictures may not be worn (i.e.,
guns, bullets, skeletons or skulls, alcoholic beverages and words such as assault, kill, etc.)
Shorts and skirts must be an acceptable length (minimum mid-thigh using the fingertip rule
touching the bottom seam). Headgear will be worn outside only. Absolutely no bandanas or
dew rags. Sturdy footwear is a must for flip-flops, shoes without backs, high-heel
shoes, shoes with wheels or crocs without straps. No chains hanging as well as over-sized
chains. Dress and personal appearance shall not disrupt the education process and all clothing
must be worn in the manner for which it was designed.
The principal or designated administrative representative is responsible for determining the
acceptability of the student’s personal appearance and dress.
Unattended Children on Fort Huachuca Policy:
Safeguarding children is a parental responsibility and parents are ultimately responsible for
making decisions about their child’s/children’s safety. Elementary school children shall not be
in self-care or home alone without adult supervision, appropriate child care provider, or babysitter.
Age-Specific Guidance:
A. Elementary school children (5 years of age or older) may walk up to 1 mile
unaccompanied to and from school, bus stop, or other youth activities by themselves or
in groups by a pre-arranged route with parental permission. It is the responsibility of the
parents to ensure that the child/children have access to adult supervision in the housing
area and destination.
B. Children ages 10 to 12 years may be left alone in an unsupervised home for a reasonable
period of time not to exceed 4 hours. Parents will provide the child with a key;
emergency telephone numbers to police, fire and hospital; a telephone number where
parents can be reached; expected time of return; and name and telephone number of an
adult who can be immediately available in case of emergency.
C. Children under the age of 12, may not baby-sit, including siblings. Children 12 years of
age and older, may babysit within the community during the day or evening hours (not
to exceed midnight). Babysitters must be provided with emergency telephone numbers
and contact information mentioned in Paragraph B, above.
D. Children under the age of 16 must not be left alone overnight.
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Guidelines for Assemblies at COL Johnston Elementary School
The goal of guidelines for assemblies is for students to show respect for presenters as well as
other audience members. The following are guidelines:
* While attending assemblies, students will keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
* Students will talk quietly to their immediate neighbors until the assembly begins.
* Students will stop talking immediately when the host/announcer walks to the front of
* Students will applaud appropriately for the guest performers.
* Students will watch and listen politely to the presenter.
* Students will stay seated at all times so others behind them can see.
* Students will encourage each other to act responsibly.
* Students acting responsibly are courteous and respectful.
Guidelines are for guests, too. Guests provide the opportunity for students to see
respectful behavior in action. Please turn off cell phone before the assembly starts.
Thank you.
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Guidelines for Field Trip Chaperones
Helpful Hints
Thank you for becoming a chaperone. The goal today is to provide a safe and
educational experience for the children in your group. Read below for ways to reach
your goals!
Groups stay together
Your job is to tour as a group. Work out a plan so you can easily locate all children in
your group.
Set behavior expectations
Read the rules to your group and answer any questions they may have. You have the
right (and responsibility) to stop a child from misbehaving. Discuss your expectations
beyond the rules. Emphasize reading directions before interacting with an exhibit.
Know the schedule for the day and the floor plan
Know your schedule, the locations of programs, and time for exploration. Look over
any maps ahead of time. Have your group wait quietly in line at all times.
Ask Questions
While exploring, encourage thinking by asking children to observe and predict. Ask
open-ended questions (starting with how, why, what would happen if…).
Cell phone usage
Cell phones and personal conversations are distracting to the children and to the
presenter. If you must have a conversation or answer a phone, please alert the teacher
and exit the group. Please return promptly for student safety.
If having lunch on your outing, please have children clean tables, discard trash and leave
the area ready for the next group. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask staff.
Siblings are not allowed to attend field trips.
If you plan on driving your child to/from the field trip you must sign your child in/out
with their teacher.
CHAPERONES: Read the rules to your group.
Stay with your chaperone or adult leader at all times.
Always walk, never run.
Use an inside voice.
Food and beverages are only allowed during lunch. Gum is not allowed at all.
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Visitors in Schools:
ALL VISITORS must sign in at the School Office before going in to the school building.
Parents are encouraged to visit the schools. In visiting a classroom, parents must realize that
the teacher’s first responsibility is to the class as a whole, and the teacher will be unable to
converse at any length with the visitor. If a conference is desired, arrangements will be made
by the teacher for an appointment with the parent. (Board Policy KI-R, Board Regulation K2461)
To ensure that all records will be ready for pickup on the student’s last day of school, contact
the School Office and your child’s teacher at least three days prior to the withdrawal date.
When picking up your student’s records, we will need a copy of the Sponsor’s military orders.
Students’ homework is intended to serve three essential functions at the
elementary school level:
To reinforce skills and concepts being taught at school.
To develop student responsibility and teach skills necessary for independence.
To involve parents in their children’s education.
Physical Education:
Our physical education program is designed especially for elementary students. Activities are
planned to develop their skills and coordination. All students will participate unless written
doctor’s orders are given to the school. Parents may request that a child be excluded on a
one-time basis after an acute illness or injury. Most days PE is done outside so please dress for
the weather.
Lost and Found:
The school’s Lost and Found is located in the cafeteria. There are many items misplaced each
year. Lost items are easily returned if they are labeled with your child’s name. If your child
has lost something at school, he/she should check the Lost and Found. Parents are also
encouraged to check the Lost and Found from time to time. Items of high value should be
inquired about at the school office (i.e.: prescription glasses, jewelry, etc.). Unclaimed lost and
found items are donated to “The Chapel’s Turn Around Point” during Winter Holiday break
and during summer break.
Johnston Site-Council is made up of parents and teachers. Volunteers for membership are
always appreciated. Anyone wishing to voice concern, initiate programs, or recommend
changes is invited to address their issue to a Council Member.
Fire Drills/Emergency Preparedness:
Fire/Emergency preparedness drills are held regularly to develop safety practices that will help
all to move quickly and orderly to their assigned place during an emergency. Teachers review
these procedures with students at the beginning and throughout the school year. These drills
include (but may not be limited to) lockdowns, fire drills, bomb threats, intruder alerts, severe
weather, reverse evacuations.
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School Health Services:
In case of an emergency prompt attention is available to your child by a school nurse/ health
aide or by the principal and office personnel. If your child becomes ill at school, he/she is kept
in the nurse’s room until a parent, or other adult designated on the emergency card, can be
contacted to come for him/her. Parents can help greatly by keeping home all children with
A child must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school and well
enough to resume all activities which include recess and/or physical education.
Required minimum period of exclusion from school for common medical condition:
Chicken Pox .......................... Until all lesions are scabbed over and dry.
Rash....................................... Children should not be sent to school with a rash unless
a physician has said it is safe to do so.
Tonsillitis or Strep Throat ..... Until recovered and/or if on an antibiotic. A child should
have had at least 24 hours of treatment and be fever free 24
hours before returning to school (without the use of Tylenol
or Motrin).
Fever ..................................... If a child is sent home with a fever, force fluids and
observe and keep him/her home for 24 hours. If fever
persists and child does not improve; you may want to make
a medical appointment. A child should be fever free 24
hours without the use of Tylenol or Motrin.
Vomiting ............................... If a child vomits during the night or before school,
please keep him/her home for the day. A child should be
free of vomiting and fever for at least 24 hours.
Notes from parents requesting that students be excused from certain activities will be honored
for up to three (3) days. For periods longer than three (3) days, a note from a physician will be
Nurses/Health Aides may administer Tylenol with the parent’s permission. Any other
medication the doctor directs to be given to your child at school must be labeled with the
child’s name, date, name of medication and doctor, as well as written directions from the
doctor to the school and the medication brought to school by parents.
Arizona State Law requires all students entering Arizona Public School be immunized against
measles, rubella (German Measles), Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Hepatitis and that these
immunizations be up-to-date upon enrollment, failure to comply will cause student to be
excluded from school.
The school health staff offers periodic screenings for general growth and fitness, plus screening
students for hearing and vision each year.
In the event a parent will be TDY or on vacation, and the student is left in the care of a
guardian, the school must have a temporary medical power of attorney in the event there is a
medical emergency in the absence of the parent.
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School Discipline Plan:
It is important that students and parents understand that the teacher is the individual that is primarily responsible for the children’s discipline while under his/her direction. The school discipline plan follows District Policies JIC, JK, JK-RB, and JK-EA.
School wide Rules:
Be Safe
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Successful
The discipline plans used throughout our school reward students who exhibit desired behaviors
as well as provide consequences for those who break the rules. Each classroom will have a plan
posted so that every student knows what is expected of him/her.
Rock throwing
Inappropriate Language
Repeated minor offenses
Skipped Class
*Inappropriate touch
Picking up rocks on the playground, throwing rocks with or without intent to
harm others.
Verbal messages that include swearing, name calling, or use of words in an
inappropriate way to include arguing with the adult in charge.
Any inappropriate behavior, which, under normal circumstances can be ignored, but is carried out repeatedly as to become a nuisance, e.g., play
fighting, war games, pulling clothes, running in halls.
Refusal to follow directions, talking back, and/or socially rude interactions.
Behavior causing an interruption in a class or activity. Disruption includes
sustained loud talk, yelling, and screaming, inappropriate display of affection, noise with materials, horseplay or roughhousing; and/or sustained outof-seat behavior.
Student walked out of class without permission.
Student delivers disrespectful messages (verbal or gestured) to another person that include threats and intimidation; obscene gestures, pictures, or written notes. Disrespectful messages include negative comments based on race,
physical appearance, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, and/or national origin; sustained or intense verbal attacks based on ethnic origin, disabilities or other personal matters. Student uses repeated aggression in order to
gain power and/or control over another.
Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g.
hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching,
pushing, spitting, biting)
Student participates in an activity that results in destruction or disfigurement
of property.
Student is in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property.
Student has/had possession of, is using alcohol or is under the influence of
alcohol. Student has/had possession of, is using illegal drugs/substances, or
is under the influence of illegal drugs. Student is in possession of or is using
Student has/had possession of knives or guns (real or look-alike, or other
objects readily capable of causing bodily harm).
Touching others on area the bathing suit covers.
Student has committed a behavior not mentioned above which is deemed
inappropriate in the school environment.
1st offense
Conference with adult in charge (classroom teacher notified)
2nd offense
Parent notification
3 offense
Recess detention
4th offense
Office referral
*First offense is immediate office referral.
Note: Tardiness (both excused and unexcused) will be handled as an administrative function.
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A Curriculum Matrix for Teaching School-Wide Behavioral Expectations
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Keep hands, feet  Follow
& other objects to
 Be an attentive
Be Responsible
on time
 Be on time
Go directly to 
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to 
Walk to the right
Use inside voice
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to
Clean up after
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to 
Share equipment
Wait for your
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Clean your
Put your tray
where it
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to
You’re on your
bottom on the
Be an attentive
Use inside voice
Be a good
Wait to be
excused by
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to
Follow the teacher
Stay with the
Wait your turn 
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to
Be with an adult
at all times
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Follow the
Ask for help if 
Keep toys at
Chew food with 
mouth closed
Correct use of
utensil & napkins
problems to
your teacher
Keep hands, feet 
& other objects to
Stay in line
Remain seated
when food is in
your mouth
Bus Area
Be Successful
Think before you
 Try your best
 Believe in
Be with an
adult at all
Wait until car 
comes to a
complete stop
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
Think before you
Try your best
Believe in
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Disciplinary Offenses and Actions to be taken by Administrator
In order to ensure students the right to learn in a safe, secure, and undisrupted classroom
environment, this disciplinary program provides students who must be removed from the
regular classroom a supervised environment where they are responsible and accountable for
their behavior and school assignments. Below are disciplinary offenses and the actions to be
taken so you have a general idea as to why a student may be sent to the behavior coach,
counselor or principal. If you have any questions concerning this disciplinary alternative
education program, feel free to notify the principal’s office.
Note: prior to making an office referral, staff will have followed their classroom management
plans and conference with the students’ parents.
Disciplinary Offenses and Actions
Disruption of Instruction
First offense
Second or more
Time out
In-School Suspension
Re-teach with behavior coach
Defiance of Authority
First offense
Second or more
Time out in principal’s office
In-School Suspension
In-School Suspension
Suspension/ Expulsion
First offense
Second or more
Time-out in principal’s office/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
In-School Suspension/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
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Disciplinary Offenses and Actions (cont.)
Vandalism of School or Private Property
First offense
Second or more
Time out in principal’s office/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
In-School Suspension/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
First offense
Second or more
Time out in principal’s office/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
In-School Suspension/Reimbursement
Notification of Military Police/Suspension/Expulsion
Time-out: time served in another teacher’s classroom or office (developmentally determined).
In-school suspension: refers to periods exceeding time-out parameters.
Suspension: student not permitted on campus.
Expulsion: student is removed from school district permanently.
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Bus Transportation
Bus Safety Program
The safety and welfare of student riders is to be the first consideration in all matters pertaining
to transportation. Toward that end, all District transportation department personnel, bus
operators, and bus passengers shall comply with the applicable regulations of the Arizona
Department of Transportation, and shall immediately report to the Superintendent any violation
of Department of Transportation rules or state statutes that threatens the safety of a passenger.
(excerpt from Board Policy E-2250/EEAE)
Bus route information can be obtained from the school office or from the district website
following section of the Arizona Compilation of Rules and Regulations. R17-4-507D.
“Continued disorderly conduct or refusal to respect the authority of the bus driver shall be
sufficient reason for the pupil to be denied transportation…”
Student behavior on a school bus should be the same as that in a well-ordered classroom
with the exception that students are free to talk, but with no screaming or shouting.
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The National School Lunch Act of 1946 established the National School Lunch Program
(NSLP) to safeguard the health and well-being of our nation’s children. The program is
designed to provide nutritious meals that meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and
promote healthy food choices among children. The goal of every school food service program
is to serve nutritionally adequate, attractive, acceptable and moderately priced meals.
Nutritional Requirements
Meals served under the NSLP are required to meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and
the following goals.
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
1/3 of the RDA for lunch and 1/4 of the RDA for breakfast for protein, vitamin A,
vitamin C, calcium and iron
Age-Appropriate calories Goals
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
* 30% or less of calories from total fat
* 10% or less of calories from saturated fat
* Decrease in sodium
* Decrease in cholesterol
* Increase in fiber
* Increase in carbohydrate
To achieve the nutrition goals, the district uses the Traditional Meal Pattern food based option.
The Traditional Meal Pattern consists of five different food items from four food component
groups: meat/meat alternate, grains/breads, vegetables/fruits, and milk. Minimum quantities of
each component are specified by grade/age group. Under either of the food-based menu
planning options (Enhanced or Traditional) the proper number of food items must be on each
student’s tray in order for the meal to be reimbursable.
Traditional and Food Based Menu Options:
Five food items which meet the meal pattern required must be made available on the
alternative menu choice line.
Food items that are intended to meet the meal patterns must be served in the planned portion
These combinations must be sold at an established unit price.
All free and reduced-priced students must be permitted to receive the reimbursable meal
from the alternative menu choice line.
If these requirements are met, the meal is considered as reimbursable for claims.
Portion control is another key to serving healthy school meals and teaching children how to
recognize adequate servings of food. All foods fit into a healthy eating plan, but an excess
amount of any one food can turn healthy into unhealthy. With the prevalence of oversized
portions at many restaurants and fast food establishments, children need to learn to recognize an
appropriate portion size for their age. ADE/NSLP always makes sure that we are in compliance
with this requirement.
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Competitive foods are any foods sold in competition with the program in food service areas
during the lunch periods. Restricted competitive foods CANNOT be sold where a reimbursable
meal is being sold or eaten. These foods are considered to have minimal nutritional value.
Hard candy
Jellies and Gums
Marshmallow Candies
Spun Candy
Candy Coated Popcorn
All kindergarten through eighth grade schools are required to abide by the Arizona Nutrition
Standards set forth by the Arizona Department of Education. The founder for the Arizona
Nutrition Standards is based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the United
States Department of Agriculture’s Federal Child Nutrition program regulations. Our schools
have very strict guidelines provided by ADE that must be followed. The district is constantly
monitored by the state for compliance with the dietary standards requirements.
For more information on the National School Lunch Program you can visit these web sites:
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School Lunches:
All schools have a hot lunch program, which includes milk. Parents may deposit money in their
child’s lunch account online (, or money (cash or check) can be
deposited in their child’s account from Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m
in the cafeteria.
Lunch Prices:
Regular lunch price is $2.00 and reduced lunch price is $ .40. Milk for students who bring their
lunch may be purchased in the cafeteria for $.50 per half pint.
Lunchroom Rules:
Students are given ample time to eat. When the students have finished eating they are to raise
their hands and the lunchroom aide will dismiss them. They are to pick up after themselves and
leave a clean area. The lunchroom aide will check the area as the students are dismissed.
Students will walk to the tray return area and hand his/her tray to the custodian.
The children are expected to behave in an orderly manner. The following situations will be
considered inappropriate behavior.
popping plastic/paper bag
bothering another student
any loud noise
sharing food
throwing food
moving the table or bench
Classroom Rules:
The classroom teachers establish their own classroom rules. They will be posted in each
classroom and a copy sent home to parents to review with their child.
Parking Lot Rules:
All children must be escorted by a parent/guardian when in the parking lot. This is for the
child’s safety as moving vehicles often cannot see little people.
The following services and facilities are available in the Fort Huachuca Accommodation
Schools to meet the needs of the students.
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The following services and facilities are available in the Fort Huachuca Accommodation
Schools to meet the needs of the students.
Psychological Services
The School Psychologist is responsible for psychological evaluations of students properly
referred. The psychologist acts as a consultant and resource person to teachers, parents and
administrators in the interpretation of evaluation results and recommends appropriate action in
individual cases as it may pertain to placement or removal from special education programs.
A Counselor is available to work with students. The Counselor works as a resource person and
consultant to the school staff and faculty, and to parents. Our counselor facilitates our school
wide positive behavior intervention and supports program.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is available to those students in need of the service for educational benefit.
The District will ensure that all children, within the Districts’ responsibility who have suspected
disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated. The process of identifying, locating, and
evaluating students with disabilities is an important component of providing educational
opportunities for all students. This process is guided by a variety of laws and regulations
regarding identification, evaluation, development of program, and placement enacted at both
the state and federal levels.
The Special Education Teachers provide an appropriate educational program for each individual
child placed in special education, in accordance with the needs indicated in the Individual
Education Plan (IEP). Special Education Teachers also serve as resource persons to the school
staff administrators and parents.
Each school has a Resource Room with a Special Education Teacher to meet the needs of
children who have been evaluated and identified as needing special help in specific areas.
Depending on specific needs, children are assigned a part of each school day in the Resource
Room, which will be indicated in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Gifted/Challenge Program:
The Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District has developed a scope and sequence for
the identification process of curriculum modifications for gifted pupils according to guidelines
provided in ARS 15-764, and R7-2-406.
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School Policy Information
Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District No. 00
This handbook includes highlights from our district, state and national
policies. These policies may be revised at any time. A complete
version of district policies may be accessed on-line (see instructions
below) or hard copies of the policy manual are available for review
through the school libraries.
Go to
Click on Arizona School Boards Association
Scroll down to bottom, on right side of page, in the Policy
Services box, click on View More
At the bottom of the page, click on Free Public Access (lower
left side of page in red)
In box, click below (FREE PUBLIC ACCESS)
Click on the red cross
in front of the section of interest
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(Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
Each qualified student within the District who is eligible to receive regular or special education
or related aids or services, regardless of the nature or severity of the condition necessitating
such programs or services, shall receive free appropriate education in the District.
Identification and referral procedures:
 Any student who needs or is believed to need special education or related services
not available through existing programs in order to receive a free appropriate public
education may be referred by a parent, teacher, or other certificated school employee for
identification and evaluation of the student's individual education needs.
 The identification and evaluation will be completed by persons knowledgeable
about the student, the student's school history, the student's individual needs, the
meaning of evaluation data, and the placement options. The Superintendent will
monitor the identification and evaluation to ensure that qualified personnel participate.
 The District will consider the referral and, based upon a review of the student's
existing records, including academic, social, and behavioral records, make a decision as
to whether an evaluation under this procedure is appropriate. If a request for evaluation
is denied, the District will inform the parents or guardian of this decision and of their
procedural rights.
Evaluation. Evaluation of the student and formulation of a plan of services will be carried out
by the District according to the following procedures:
 The District will evaluate the nature of the student's disability and the impact of the
disability upon the student's education. This evaluation will include consideration of
any behaviors that interfere with regular participation of a student who otherwise meets
the criteria (such as age) for participation in the educational program and/or activities.
 No final determination of whether the student will or will not be identified as a
student with a disability within the meaning of Section 504 will be made by the District
without first inviting the parent or guardian of the student to participate in a meeting
concerning such determination.
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 A final decision will be made by the District in writing, and the parents or guardian
of the student shall be notified of the Section 504 procedural safeguards available to
them, including the right to an impartial hearing and review.
Plan for services:
 For a student who has been identified as having a disability within the meaning of
Section 504 and in need of special education or related aids and services, the District
shall be responsible for determining what special services are needed.
 In making such determination, the District shall consider all available relevant
information, drawing upon a variety of sources, including, but not limited to,
comprehensive assessments conducted by the District's professional staff.
 The parents or guardian shall be invited to participate in District meetings where
services for the student will be determined, and shall be given an opportunity to examine
all relevant records.
 The District will develop a written plan describing the disability and the special
education or related services needed. The plan will specify how the regular or special
education and related aids and services will be provided, and by whom.
 The District may also determine that no special education or related services are
appropriate. If so, the record of the District proceedings will reflect the identification of
the student as a person with a disability and will state the basis for the decision that no
special services are presently needed.
 A student with a disability shall be placed in the regular educational environment of
the District, with the use of the supplementary aids and services, unless the District
demonstrates that such placement cannot be achieved satisfactorily. The student with a
disability shall be educated with those who are not disabled to the maximum extent
appropriate to the individual needs of the student.
 The District shall notify the parents or guardian in writing of its final decision
concerning the services to be provided.
 If a plan for providing related services is developed, all school personnel who work
with the student shall be informed of the plan.
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Review of the student's progress. The District will monitor the progress of the student with a
disability and the effectiveness of the student's education plan annually to determine whether
special education or related services are appropriate and necessary, and that the student's needs
are being met as adequately as the needs of a nondisabled student.
Prior to any subsequent significant change in placement, a comprehensive re-evaluation of the
student's needs will be conducted.
Procedural safeguards:
The parents or guardian shall be notified in writing of all District decisions concerning the
identification, evaluation, or educational placement of students made under this policy.
The parents or guardian shall be notified that they may examine relevant records.
As to such decisions by the District, the parents or guardian shall have the right to an impartial hearing ("Section 504 due process hearing"), with opportunity for participation by the
parents or guardian and their counsel. In the notification of any District decision concerning
identification, evaluation, or placement, the parents or guardian will be advised that:
* A request for a Section 504 due process hearing should be made within thirty-five
(35) days of notice of right to file (but not less than thirty [30] days).
* The request shall be made to:
Fort Huachuca Accommodation School District No. 00
Post Office Box 12954
Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85670
(520) 458-5082
* The hearing will be held in accord with Regulation IHBA-RB. The decision may be
appealed only to a federal court of competent jurisdiction.
* Attorneys' fees are available only as authorized by law.
If a state due process hearing has been or will be held under the IDEA concerning issues relevant to the Section 504 proceeding, a hearing officer qualified as to IDEA and Section 504 proceedings may preside in a joint hearing. The issues for either IDEA or Section 504 determination shall be clearly defined at the outset, and determinations by the hearing officer will be separate and distinct.
If both the parents or guardian and the District agree that the student is not eligible for special
education under the IDEA, neither party is required to exhaust administrative proceedings under
the IDEA prior to the holding of a Section 504 due process hearing.
The hearing officer shall render a decision. The parents or guardian shall be notified in writing
of the decision. Either party may seek review of the decision of the Section 504 hearing officer
by a federal court of competent jurisdiction.
The parties shall abide by the decision of the Section 504 hearing officer unless the decision is
appealed to a federal court of competent jurisdiction and the decision is stayed by the court.
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Confidentiality of education records is a right of public school students and their parents. Two
federal laws, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provide for this right. Under these laws, “education
records” means those records that are: (1) directly related to a student; and (2) maintained by an
educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. Of course,
education records are maintained on every child enrolled in a public school. The types of information gathered and maintained includes, but is not limited to: the student’s and parents’
names, address and telephone number; the student’s date and place of birth, date of enrollment
in the school, records from previous schools attended, attendance record, subjects taken, grades,
school activities, assessment results, number of credits earned, immunization records, disciplinary records, if any, correspondence from parents, and child find and other screening results,
including hearing and vision screening results.
In addition, for children with disabilities, education records could include, among other things,
evaluation and testing materials, medical and health information, each annual Individualized
Education Program (IEP), notices to parents, notes regarding IEP meetings, parental consent
documents, information provided by parents, progress reports, assessment results, materials related to disciplinary actions, and mediation agreements.
The information is gathered from a number of sources including the student’s parents and staff
of the school of attendance. Also, with parental permission, information may be gathered from
additional sources including doctors and other health care providers.
This information is collected to assure proper identification of a student and the student’s parents and the maintenance of accurate records of the student’s progress and activities in school.
For children with disabilities, additional information is collected in order to assure the child is
identified, evaluated, and provided a Free Appropriate Public Education in accordance with
state and federal special education laws.
Each agency participating under Part B of IDEA must assure that at all stages of gathering, storing, retaining and disclosing education records to third parties that it complies with the federal
confidentiality laws. In addition, the destruction of any education records of a child with a disability must be in accordance with IDEA regulatory requirements.
The federal Family Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education has provided the
following notice of parent’s rights under FERPA.
The family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18
years of age (“eligible student”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.
They are:
The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of
the day the school receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate
school official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect.
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The principal will make arrangements or access and notify the parent or eligible
student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the
parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate or misleading.
Parents or eligible students may ask a school district to amend a record that they
believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal,
clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is
inaccurate or misleading.
If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision
and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.
Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the
parent of eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school
officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff
member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel);
a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the
school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor,
medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official
committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another
school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate
educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, a school may disclose education records, without consent, to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
An agency reporting a crime committed by a student with a disability shall ensure that copies of the special education and disciplinary records of the student
are transmitted for consideration by the appropriate authorities to whom it reports the crime. An agency reporting a crime may transmit copies of the student’s special education and disciplinary records only to the extent permitted by
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by a school to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington D.C. 20202-5920
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A school may designate information in education records as “directory information” and may
disclose it without parent consent, unless notified that the school is not to disclose the information without consent. The law defines “directory information” as follows:
The student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic
teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
Notices of these rights are available, upon request, on audiotape, in Braille, and in languages
other than English. You may contact the Arizona Department of Education at 602-542-3111.
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(To be displayed in school buildings and
placed in student handbooks)
There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is
engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending
to enroll or be promoted to District schools within twelve (12) calendar months. For purposes of
this policy a person as specified above shall be considered a "student" until graduation, transfer,
promotion or withdrawal from the District school.
"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether
individually or in concert with other persons, against another student and in which both of the
following apply:
*The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an affiliation
or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated
with an educational
*The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury,
mental harm or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or
personal degradation.
"Organization" means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, or
similar group that is affiliated with an educational institution and whose membership consists
primarily of students enrolled at that educational institution.
It is no defense to a violation of this policy if the victim consented or acquiesced to hazing.
In accord with statute, violations of this policy do not include either of the
*Customary athletic events, contests or competitions that are sponsored by an
educational institution.
*Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, a
legitimate extracurricular program or a legitimate military training program.
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All students, teachers and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of
their individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.
Reporting/Complaint Procedure
Students and others may report hazing to any professional staff member. Professional staff
members must report the incident to the school administrator or next higher administrative
supervisor, in writing, with such details as may have been provided. A failure by a staff
member to timely inform the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor of a
hazing allegation or their observation of an incident of hazing may subject the staff member to
disciplinary action in accord with District policies. The staff member shall preserve the
confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school
administrator or next higher administrative supervisor or as otherwise required by law. Any
instance of reported or observed hazing which includes possible child abuse or violations of
statutes known to the staff member shall be treated in accord with statutory requirements and be
reported to a law enforcement agency.
A person who complains or reports regarding hazing may complain or report directly to the
school administrator or to a professional staff member. The professional staff member
receiving the report/complaint shall retrieve sufficient detail from the person to complete the
form designated for such purpose. At a minimum the report/complaint shall be put in writing
containing the identifying information on the complainant and such specificity of names, places
and times as to permit an investigation to be carried out. When a professional staff member
receives the information, the staff member will transmit a report to the school administrator or
supervising administrator not later than the next school day following the day the staff member
receives the report/complaint.
The report/complaint will be investigated by the school administrator or a supervising
administrator. The procedures to be followed are:
*An investigation of the reported incident or activity shall be made within
ten (10) school days when school is in session or within fifteen (15) days
during which the school offices are open for business when school is not in
session. Extension of the time line may only be by necessity as determined
by the Superintendent.
*The investigator shall meet with the person who reported the incident at or
before the end of the time period and shall discuss the conclusions and
actions to be taken as a result of the investigation. Confidentiality of
records and student information shall be observed in the process of making
such a report.
*The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and a copy of
the report shall be provided to the Superintendent.
All violations of this policy shall be treated in accord with the appropriate procedures and
penalties provided for in District policies related to the conduct and discipline of students, staff,
and others.
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There shall be no hazing, solicitation to engage in hazing, or aiding and abetting another who is
engaged in hazing of any person enrolled, accepted for or promoted to enrollment, or intending
to enroll or be promoted to District schools within twelve (12) calendar months. For purposes of
this policy a person as specified above shall be considered a "student" until graduation, transfer,
promotion or withdrawal from the District school.
"Hazing" means any intentional, knowing or reckless act committed by a student, whether
individually or in concert with other persons, against another student, and in which both of the
following apply:
* The act was committed in connection with an initiation into, an
affiliation with, or the maintenance of membership in any organization that is affiliated
with an educational institution.
* The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential physical injury, mental harm
or degradation, or causes physical injury, mental harm or personal degradation.
"Organization" means an athletic team, association, order, society, corps, cooperative, club, or
similar group that is affiliated with an educational institution and whose membership consists
primarily of students enrolled at that educational institution.
It is no defense to a violation of this policy if the victim consented or acquiesced to hazing.
In accord with statute, violations of this policy do not include either of the following:
* Customary athletic events, contests or competitions that are sponsored by an
educational institution.
* Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational
curriculum, a legitimate extracurricular program, or a legitimate military training
All students, teachers and staff shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their
individual authority to prevent violations of this policy.
Students and others may report hazing to any professional staff member. Professional staff
members must report the incident to the school administrator or next higher administrative
supervisor, in writing, with such details as may have been provided. A failure by a staff
member to timely inform the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor of a
hazing allegation or their observation of an incident of hazing may subject the staff member to
disciplinary action in accord with District policies. The staff member shall preserve the
confidentiality of those involved, disclosing the incident only to the appropriate school
administrator or next higher administrative supervisor or as otherwise required by law. Any
instance of reported or observed hazing which includes possible child abuse or violations of
statutes known to the staff member shall be treated in accord with statutory requirements and be
reported to a law enforcement agency.
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To assure that students and staff are aware of its content and intent, a notice of this policy and
procedure shall be posted conspicuously in each school building and shall be made a part of the
rights and responsibilities section of the student handbook. Forms for submitting complaints
are to be available to students and staff in the school offices.
Disposition of all reports/complaints shall be reported to the Superintendent. The
Superintendent will determine if the policies of the District have been appropriately
implemented and will make such reports and/or referrals to the Board as may be necessary.
All violations of this policy shall be treated in accord with the appropriate procedures and
penalties provided for in District policies related to the conduct and discipline of students, staff,
and others.
Adopted: date of manual adoption
GBEB - Staff Conduct
JIC - Student Conduct
JII - Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances
JK - Student Discipline
JKD - Student Suspension
JKE - Student Expulsion
JICF - Secret Societies/Gang Activities
KFA - Public Conduct on School Property
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
A person who reports or complains regarding hazing may report or complain directly to the
school administrator or to a professional staff member. The professional staff member
receiving the report/complaint shall retrieve sufficient detail from the person to complete the
form designated for such purpose. At a minimum the report/complaint shall be put in writing
containing the identifying information on the complainant and such specificity of names, places
and times as to permit an investigation to be carried out. When a professional staff member
receives the information, the staff member will transmit a report to the school administrator or
supervising administrator not later than the next school day following the day the staff member
receives the report/complaint.
The report/complaint will be investigated by the school administrator or a supervising
administrator. The procedures to be followed are:
 An investigation of the reported incident or activity shall be made within
ten (10) school days when school is in session or within fifteen (15) days
during which the school offices are open for business when school is not in
session. Extension of the time line may only be by necessity as determined
by the Superintendent.
 The investigator shall meet with the person who reported/complained at
or before the end of the time period and shall discuss the conclusions and
actions to be taken as a result of the investigation. Confidentiality of
records and student information shall be observed in the process of making
such a report.
 The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and a copy
of the report shall be provided to the Superintendent.
Where disciplinary action is necessary, District policies shall be followed.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
(File with a school administrator, the administrator's
supervisor, or a professional staff member)
Additional pages may be attached if more space is needed.
Please print:
Name __________________________________________ Date _______________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________________________ During the hours of __________________
Another phone where you can be reached __________________________________________
Specify the complaint by stating the problem. Describe the incident, the participants, and the
background to the incident. Be sure to note relevant dates, times, and places.
Date of the incident being reported ________________________________________________
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
If there is anyone who could provide more information regarding this, please list name(s),
address(es), and telephone number(s).
Telephone number
I certify that this information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Administrator or professional staff member receiving initial complaint
Date initial complaint received
The investigating administrator shall give one (1) copy to the complainant and retain one (1)
copy for the file.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
J-3600 © JII
The Superintendent is directed to establish procedures whereby students may present a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of their constitutional rights, equal access to programs,
discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or personal safety provided that:
 The topic is not the subject of disciplinary or other proceedings under other policies
and regulations of this District, and
 The procedure shall not apply to any matter for which the method of review is pre
scribed by law, or the Governing Board is without authority to act.
A complaint/grievance may be raised regarding one (1) or more of the following:
Violation of the student's constitutional rights.
 Denial of an equal opportunity to participate in any program or activity for which
the student qualifies not related to the student's individual capabilities.
 Discriminatory treatment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, or disability.
Harassment of the student by another person.
Intimidation by another student.
Bullying by another student.
Concern for the student's personal safety.
The accusation must be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the time the student knew or
should have known that there were grounds for the complaint/grievance. The complaint/
grievance shall be made only to an administrator or other professional staff member. That person shall elicit from the student the particulars determined by the Superintendent to be necessary for the complaint/grievance to be investigated. When the initial allegation is submitted in a
manner other than on the prescribed form, the particulars of the complaint/grievance must be
written on the form as immediately as possible after receipt of the complaint/grievance. The
professional staff member may assist the student in completing the complaint/grievance
form. The student should sign and date the form, however, unsigned forms are to be processed
in the same manner as a signed form.
When the professional staff member is other than the school administrator, it shall be the responsibility of the staff member to inform a school administrator as soon as feasible, but not
later than the next school day following the day that the staff member receives the complaint/
grievance. If the school administrator is included in the allegation, the complaint/grievance
shall be transmitted to the next higher administrative supervisor. A failure by the professional
staff member to timely inform the school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor
of the allegation may subject the staff member to disciplinary action. The professional staff
member shall preserve the confidentiality of the subject, disclosing it only to the appropriate
school administrator or next higher administrative supervisor or as otherwise required by law.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
Any question concerning whether the complaint/grievance falls within this policy shall be
determined by the Superintendent.
Middle school and high school students shall file complaints on their own behalf. A parent or
guardian may initiate the complaint process on behalf of an elementary school student. Except
for elementary students, only the student may initiate a complaint/grievance under this
policy. A parent or guardian who wishes to complain should do so by completing the forms
following Policy KE on Public Concerns and Complaints.
A complaint/grievance may be withdrawn at any time. Once withdrawn, the process cannot be
reopened if the resubmission is longer than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the
occurrence of the alleged incident. False or unproven complaint documentation about
harassment, intimidation, or bullying shall not be maintained.
Retaliatory or intimidating acts against any student who has made a complaint under this policy
and its corresponding regulations, or against a student who has testified, assisted or participated
in any manner in an investigation relating to a complaint or grievance, are specifically
prohibited and constitute grounds for a separate complaint.
To assure that students and staff are aware of its content and intent, a notice of this policy and
procedure shall be posted conspicuously in each school building and shall be made a part of the
rights and responsibilities section of the student handbook. Forms for submitting complaints
are to be available to students and staff in the school offices.
Disposition of all complaints/grievances shall be reported to the Superintendent as the
compliance officer for discrimination. The Superintendent will determine if the policies of the
District have been appropriately implemented and will make such reports and/or referrals to the
Board as may be necessary.
The Superintendent shall develop procedures for the maintenance and confidentiality of
documentation related to the receipt of a student’s concern, complaint, or grievance, findings of
the investigation, and disposition of the matter. The documentation shall not be used to impose
disciplinary action unless the appropriate school official has investigated and determined there
was an actual occurrence of the alleged incident.
Knowingly submitting a false report under this policy shall subject the student to discipline up
to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary pursuant to
any part of this policy, relevant District policies shall be followed.
When District officials have a reasonable belief or an investigation reveals that a reported
incident may constitute an unlawful act, law enforcement authorities will be informed.
February 8, 2010
AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity
ACA - Sexual Harassment
JB - Equal Educational Opportunities
JIC - Student Conduct
JICFA - Hazing
JK - Student Discipline
JKD - Student Suspension
JKE - Expulsion of Students
KE - Public Concerns and Complaints
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:21 AM
A student who complains or grieves regarding constitutional rights, equal access to programs,
discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation or personal safety issues may complain
directly to the school administrator or to a professional staff member. The individual receiving
the student complaint must retrieve sufficient detail from the student to complete the form
designated for such purpose. When a professional staff member receives the information, the
staff member will transmit it to the school administrator not later than the next school day
following the day the staff member receives the complaint/grievance. If the complaint/
grievance involves the school administrator the professional staff member shall forward the
complaint/grievance to the next administrative level.
At a minimum the complaint/grievance shall contain the identifying information on the
complainant and such specificity of names, places and times as to permit an investigation to be
carried out. The written complaint/grievance should contain a requested solution and the
submission should be signed and attested to by the complainant. However, an unsigned form
will be processed in the same manner as a signed form.
The complaint/grievance will be investigated by the school administrator or a supervising
administrator. The student shall be contacted not later than the school day following the date
the school administrator's or the administrator's supervisor receives the information. The
procedures to be followed are:
 An investigation of the reported incident or activity shall be made within ten (10)
school days when school is in session or within fifteen (15) days during which the
school offices are open for business when school is not in session. Extension of the
time line may only be by necessity as determined by the Superintendent.
 The investigator shall meet with the student who submitted the complaint/grievance
at or before the end of the time period and shall discuss the conclusions and actions to
be taken as a result of the investigation. Confidentiality of records and student
information shall be observed in the process of making such a report.
 The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and a copy of the
report shall be provided to the Superintendent.
 A confidential record of each concern, complaint, and grievance made pursuant to
Policy JII shall be maintained at the District office. The record shall include a copy of
the concern, complaint, or grievance filed by a student, findings of the investigation, and
the disposition of the matter.
 Unless the determination has been made by the appropriate investigating school
official that the reported incident actually occurred, the record shall not be used for the
imposition of discipline.
Where disciplinary action is necessary, District policies shall be followed.
When District officials have a reasonable belief or an investigation reveals that a reported
incident may constitute an unlawful act, law enforcement authorities will be informed.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
(To be filed with the school administrator or the administrator’s supervisor, or with a
professional staff member who will forward it to the school administrator or the administrator’s
supervisor) Additional pages may be attached if more space is needed.
Please print:
Name _______________________________________________ Date ___________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone ___________________ Another phone where you can be reached ______________
During the hours of ____________________________________________________________
E-mail address ________________________________________________________________
I wish to complain against:
Name of person, school (department), program, or activity _____________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Specify your complaint by stating the problem as you see it. Describe the incident, the
participants, the background to the incident, and any attempts you have made to solve the
problem. Be sure to note relevant dates, times, and places.
Date of the action against which you are complaining _________________________________
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
If there is anyone who could provide more information regarding this, please list name(s),
address(es), and telephone number(s).
Telephone Number
The projected solution
Indicate what you think can and should be done to solve the problem. Be as specific as
possible. ____________________________________________________________________
I certify that this information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Complainant
Date Signed
Administrator or professional staff member
Receiving initial complaint
Date initial complaint received
The investigating administrator shall give one (1) copy to the complainant and retain one (1)
copy for the file.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
(To be displayed in school buildings and in student handbooks)
Students may present a complaint or grievance regarding one (1) or more of the following:
* Violation of the student’s constitutional rights.
* Denial of an equal opportunity to participate in any programs or activity for which the
student qualifies not related to the student’s individual capabilities.
* Discriminatory treatment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national
origin, or disability.
* Harassment of the student by another person.
* Intimidation by another student.
* Bullying by another student.
* Concern for the student’s personal safety.
Provided that:
* The topic is not the subject of disciplinary or other proceedings under other policies
and regulations of this District, and
* The complaint/grievance shall be made only to a school administrator or professional
staff member.
* The person receiving the complaint will gather information for the complaint form.
* All allegations shall be reported on forms with the necessary particulars as
determined by the Superintendent. Forms are available in the school office.
* The person receiving the complaint shall preserve the confidentiality of the subject,
disclosing it only to the appropriate school administrator or next higher administrative
supervisor or as other wise required by law.
Any question concerning whether the complaint/grievance falls within this policy shall be
determined by the Superintendent.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
Complaints by middle or high school students may be made only by the students on their own
behalf. A parent or guardian my initiate the complaint process on behalf of an elementary
school student under this policy. A parent or guardian who wishes to complain should do so by
completing the forms following policy KE on Public Concerns and Complaints.
A complaint/grievance may be withdrawn at any time. Once withdrawn, the process cannot be
reopened if the resubmission is longer than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the
occurrence of the alleged incident. False or unproven complaint documentation shall not be
Retaliatory or intimidating acts against any student who has made a complaint under this policy
and its corresponding regulations, or against a student who has testified, assisted or participated
in any manner in an investigation relating to a complaint or grievance, are specifically
prohibited and constitute grounds for a separate complaint.
Knowingly submitting a false report under this policy shall subject the student to discipline up
to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary pursuant to
any part of this policy, relevant District policies shall be followed.
When District officials have a reasonable belief or an investigation reveals that a reported
incident may constitute an unlawful act, law enforcement authorities will be informed.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
E-2250 © EEAE
The safety and welfare of student riders is to be the first consideration in all matters pertaining
to transportation. Toward that end, all District transportation department personnel, bus
operators, and bus passengers shall comply with the rules adopted pursuant to A.R.S. 28-900
and the Minimum Standards for School Buses and School Bus Drivers promulgated by the
Arizona Department of Administration and adopted as Chapter Nine of A.A.C. Title 17, and
shall immediately report to the Superintendent any violation of rules or state statutes that
threatens the health, safety, or welfare of a passenger.
Bus evacuation drills shall be conducted at least twice every school year at the school and shall
include every passenger who rides a school bus and is in school on the day of the evacuation
drill. Each bus driver shall participate in at least two (2) evacuation drills during each school
year. The bus evacuation drill shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements set out
by the Arizona Department of Transportation for such a drill.
All vehicles used to transport students shall be maintained in such condition as to provide safe
and efficient transportation service with a minimum of delays and disruption of such service
due to mechanical or equipment failure. Buses shall be replaced at such intervals as will
provide good equipment at all times.
Students shall not be put off the bus until reaching their destination.
In addition to the regular state inspections, each school bus shall be inspected by the driver
daily, before each use, to ascertain that it is in safe condition and equipped as required by all
provisions of law, and that all equipment is in good working order.
Each school bus owned by, or contracted to, the District will conform to all applicable federal
and state requirements as provided by the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 and
A.A.C. Title 17, Chapter 9.
Each driver of a District-owned or District-contracted school bus, as defined by and covered by
the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 and A.A.C. Title 17, Chapter 9, will
conform to all requirements of the Act and such statutes, rules and regulations governing the
operation of the vehicle.
December 13, 2010
Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986
49 U.S.C. 30101 (Standards and Compliance - School Buses and
School Bus Equipment)
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A.A.C. R17-9-104 states, with respect to the authority of bus drivers, "Passengers shall comply
with all instructions given to them by a school bus driver. A passenger or nonpassenger who
has boarded the school bus and refuses to comply with the school bus driver's instructions may
be surrendered into the custody of a person who is authorized by the school to assume responsibility for the passenger or nonpassenger."
Student behavior on a school bus should be the same as that in a well-ordered classroom with
the exception that students are free to talk, but with no screaming or shouting.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
This checklist may be used by District officials as a guide for transportation documents or
transportation handbooks.
Arriving at pickup point:
 Be on time. Leave home in good time so that you will arrive at the pickup point before the
school bus.
 If you have to walk along the road to reach the bus stop, walk on the left side facing
oncoming traffic.
 Walk on the shoulder of the road where possible, and not on the traveled portion.
 If other students are waiting at the bus stop, get in line without pushing or crowding and
stay off the roadway.
Board the bus:
 Line up in single file parallel to the roadway, with younger students in front, so they can
board first.
 Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to get on board.
 Board the bus quickly but without crowding or pushing.
 Never run on the bus, as the steps or floor may be slippery, especially in wintertime. Place
your foot squarely on the step, not on the edge, and use the handrail.
 Be particularly careful if you are carrying books or parcels, as it is difficult to see the steps
and to hold the handrail.
 Go directly to your seat and sit straight, well to the back of the seat, and face the front of the
Conduct on the bus:
 The bus will not move until all passengers are seated.
 Remain seated throughout the trip, and leave your seat only when the bus has reached it’s
destination and comes to a complete stop.
 Keep your books and parcels on your lap or put them under the seat or on the luggage rack.
 Keep the aisle clear.
 Do not talk to the driver except in case of emergency.
 Avoid doing anything that might disturb or interfere with the driver. Refrain from loud or
boisterous talking or yelling.
 Never stick hands, arms, head, or feet out of the windows of he bus.
 Do not open windows without the driver’s permission.
 Do not throw anything within the bus or out of a window; you might injure a pedestrian or
force a motorist to make a dangerous maneuver.
 Do not touch the emergency door or exit controls or any of the bus safety equipment.
 Do not discard refuse in the bus.
 Eat at home or school, but not on the bus.
 Obey promptly the directions and instructions of the school bus driver.
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Prohibited items:
 Tobacco is not allowed in a school bus.
 Alcoholic beverages shall not be carried in a school bus.
 Insects, reptiles, or other animals shall not be transported in a school bus. [A.A.C. R17-9104]
 No weapons, explosive devise, harmful drug, or chemical shall be transported in a school
Exit from the bus:
 Remain seated until the bus has reached its destination and comes to a complete stop.
 Do not push or crowd when leaving the bus.
Crossing the highway:
 If you must cross the road, walk to a point about ten (10) feet in front of bus but do not
cross until you can see that the driver has indicated that it is safe to do so.
 As you cross the road, look continuously to the right and left. At an intersection, look in all
 Cross at right angles. Never cross the highway diagonally.
 Walk briskly across the road, but do not run.
 Never cross the road behind the bus.
Accident or other emergency:
 In case of an accident or emergency, older students should help the driver to maintain order
and assist younger students.
 Stay in the bus unless otherwise directed by the driver.
 If you have to leave the bus, stay in a group and obey the driver’s instructions.
 Do not expose yourself or others to needless hazard.
Procedures followed upon student misbehavior on school bus:
 When a student misbehaves on a bus for the first time, the driver will explain to the offender
the necessity for good behavior.
 If, after talks and warning, the rider continues to violate the rules, the driver will inform the
that the rule violation will be reported to the principal. This report will include the use of a
written form that lists the offense and the action taken by the principal.
 Upon receiving the complaint and discussing it with the driver, the principal will then call
the student to the office and warn the student that he parents must be notified that the
student will be put off the bus if misbehavior reoccurs.
 If poor conduct continues, the driver will again report the incident to the principal. After
discussion it will be decided whether to take the bus-riding privilege away from the student,
and , if so , for how long.
 When a student is not allowed transportation by school bus, the principal will inform the
parents of the penalty, the reason for it, and how long the penalty will last. In such cases,
the parents become responsible for seeing that their child gets to and from school safely.
 A student who is put off one (1) bus will be refused transportation by all drivers for the
specified period of time.
(This section on student misbehavior shall be made available to parents and students in copy
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
Grades assigned pupils provide the primary means of informing the student and parents of
academic achievement. Therefore, as consistent an approach to grading as possible is
required. Grading will depend on the individual teacher exercising professional judgment and
being guided by standards that will tend to establish a common approach on a District-wide
The purpose of grading will be to:
 Motivate students to do their best work and thereby raise their level of achievement.
 Inform students and parents concerning students' achievement.
 Provide necessary data for promotion, transfer, et cetera.
 Provide a permanent record reflecting quality of student work.
Reporting of grades:
 Regular grade reports will be issued to parents at the end of each grading period.
 Midquarter progress reports will be issued to parents of students in danger of failing.
 Weighting of letter grades will conform to the scale in this administrative regulation.
General criteria:
 Each teacher will determine a student's nine (9) week grade using professional judgment,
tests, assignments, and any other criteria resulting from course objectives. The individual
capabilities of the student must be considered when assigning a grade.
 Teachers shall explain the grading system to students and should post it for
reference. Students should understand the relative value of tests, homework, extra-credit
work, class participation, and any other factors to be employed.
 The grading system for kindergarten and first (1st) grade students will be determined by the
school principal and classroom teachers.
 District grading system for grades two (2) through eight (8):
A equals 90% through 100%
B equals 80% through 89%
C equals 70% through 79%
D equals 60% through 69%
F equals 59% or lower
Above average
Below average
Weighting. When computing a student's grade point average or using a numerical scale in
lieu of a letter scale, the weights are as follows:
Letter grade
Numeric weight
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
Special Education Grading Guidelines
Students who are identified as requiring special education support services will be graded in
accordance with the following guidelines:
 A student placed in a resource room for a subject area in total will be graded by the resource
room teacher.
 A student who is mainstreamed into the regular classroom for any subject will be graded
competitively if the resource room teacher, classroom teacher, and parents agree it is
appropriate; otherwise, the student will be graded on individual ability.
 If the student is mainstreamed for socialization or objectives other than academics, the
resource room teacher will inform the classroom teacher of the student's strengths and
weaknesses, and allowances will be made for the student who is not capable of competing
with the norm.
* The resource room teacher and the classroom teacher will jointly assign the grade.
* The classroom teacher will derive the letter grade by use of the information available
and will have a wider range for marking than the percentage used by the District.
* The special education teacher shall ensure clear communication with parents
regarding which option is being used.
Grading of Students with Limited English Proficiency
Students who are identified as limited in English proficiency (in accordance with A.R.S. 15753) shall be graded by the following guidelines:
A joint education plan shall be developed by the English Language Learner (ELL) and
classroom teacher(s).
The classroom teacher, ELL teacher, and other teachers who may be assigned to instruct the
Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) student shall confer and jointly assign grades on the basis
of the child's individual ability. When necessary, teachers may use a narrative guide during
the early portion of a student's ELL program.
When it is determined that a student's language barrier is the cause of achievement deficits,
the student may not be retained or failed.
Demonstration of essential skills may be in the primary language of the student.
If, after a protracted period of ELL instructional intervention, achievement appears to
continue to be delayed or nonexistent, examination in the child's native language will be
given in an effort to rule out other possible learning disabilities. Should conditions beyond
linguistic ability be present, other alternatives may be employed. The alternatives would
include, but not be limited to, special education placement with continued language
assistance, delaying the normal promotion time line, and other remediation of an
appropriate nature.
As a student becomes English proficient and begins to phase out of the ELL program, the
student's grades shall be on a competitive basis if the classroom teacher, ELL teacher, and
parents agree it is appropriate. Otherwise, the student shall be graded on individual ability.
The ELL teacher shall ensure that clear communications exist among the student, parents,
teacher, and administrator.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
(To be displayed in school buildings and in student handbooks)
The Governing Board of the ______________________________ School District believes it is
the right of every student to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning
environment. The Governing Board further believes a school environment that is inclusive of
these traits maximizes student achievement, fosters student personal growth, and helps a student
build a sense of community that promotes positive participation as citizens in society.
To assist in achieving a school environment based on the beliefs of the Governing Board,
bullying in any form will not be tolerated.
Bullying: Bullying may occur when a student or group of students engages in any form of
behavior that includes such acts as intimidation and/or harassment that
* has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or
placing a student in reasonable fear of harm or damage to property,
* is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that the action, behavior, or threat
creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive environment in the form of physical or
emotional harm,
* occurs when there is a real or perceived imbalance of power or strength, or
* may constitute a violation of law.
Bullying of a student or group of students can be manifested through written, verbal, physical,
or emotional means and may occur in a variety of forms including, but not limited to
* verbal, written/printed or graphic exposure to derogatory comments, extortion,
exploitations, name calling, or rumor spreading either directly through another person or
group or through cyberbullying,
* exposure to social exclusion or ostracism,
* physical contact including but not limited to pushing, hitting, kicking, shoving, or
spitting, and
* damage to or theft of personal property.
Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is, but not limited to, any act of bullying committed by use of
electronic technology or electronic communication devices, including telephonic devices, social
networking and other internet communications, on school computers, networks, forums and
mailing list, or other District-owned property, and by means of an individual’s personal
electronic media and equipment.
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
Harassment: Harassment is intentional behavior by a student or group of students that is
disturbing or threatening to another student or group of students. Intentional behaviors that
characterize harassment include, but are not limited to, stalking, hazing, social exclusion, name
calling, unwanted physical contact and unwelcome verbal or written comments, photographs
and graphics. Harassment may be related, but not limited to, race, religious orientation, sexual
preference, cultural background, economic status, size or personal appearance. Harassing
behaviors can be direct or indirect and by use of social media.
Intimidation: Intimidation is intentional behavior by a student or group of students that places
another student or group of students in fear of harm of person or property. Intimidation can be
manifested emotionally or physically, either directly or indirectly, and by use of social media.
Students are prohibited from bulling on school grounds, school property, school buses, at
school bus stops, at school sponsored events and activities, and through the use of electronic
technology or electronic technology or electronic communications equipment on school
computers, networks, forums, or mailing lists.
Disciplinary action may result for bullying which occurs outside of the school and the school
day when such acts result in a substantial physical, mental, or emotional negative effect on the
victim, while on school grounds, school property, school buses, at school bus stops, or at school
sponsored events and activities, or when such act(s) interfere with he authority of the school
system to maintain order. All suspected violations of law will be reported to local law
Students who believe they are experiencing being bullied or expect another student is bullied
should report their concern to any staff member of the School District. School personnel are to
maintain appropriate confidentiality of the reported information.
Reprisal by any student directed toward a student or employee related to the reporting of a case
or a suspected case of bullying shall not be tolerated, and the individual(s) will be subject to the
disciplines set out in applicable District policies and administrative regulations.
Students found to be bullying others will be disciplined up o and including suspension or
expulsion from school.
Knowingly submitting a false report under this policy shall subject the student to discipline up
to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary pursuant to
any part of this policy, relevant District policies shall be followed.
Law enforcement authorities shall be notified any time District officials have a reasonable
belief that an incidence of bullying is a violation of the law
Revised 8/13/2013 - 10:22 AM
© 2012 Arizona School Boards Association
Appropriate use of Electronic
Information Services
The District may provide electronic information services (EIS) to qualified students, teachers,
and other personnel who attend or who are employed by the District. Electronic information
services include networks (e.g., LAN, WAN, Internet), databases, and any computer-accessible
source of information, whether from hard drives, tapes, compact disks (CDs), floppy disks, or
other electronic sources. The use of the services shall be in support of education, research, and
the educational goals of the District. To assure that the EIS is used in an appropriate manner
and for the educational purposes intended, the District will require anyone who uses the EIS to
follow its guidelines and procedures for appropriate use. Anyone who misuses, abuses, or
chooses not to follow the EIS guidelines and procedures will be denied access to the District's
EIS and may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.
The Superintendent shall determine steps, including the use of an Internet filtering mechanism,
that must be taken to promote the safety and security of the use of the District's online computer
network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct
electronic communications. Technology protection measures shall protect against Internet
access by both adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or,
with respect to use of computers by minors, harmful to minors. Safety and security
mechanisms shall include online monitoring activities.
As required by the Children's Internet Protection Act, the prevention of inappropriate network
usage includes unauthorized access, including "hacking," and other unlawful activities;
unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding
It is the policy of the Board to:
prevent user access over the District's computer network, or transmissions of,
inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic
prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity;
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© 2012 Arizona School Boards Association
prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification
information of minors; and
comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act [P.L. No. 106-554 and 47USC 254
Each user will be required to sign an EIS user's agreement. The District may log the use of all
systems and monitor all system utilization. Accounts may be closed and files may be deleted at
any time. The District is not responsible for any service interruptions, changes, or
consequences. The District reserves the right to establish rules and regulations as necessary for
the efficient operation of the electronic information services.
The District does not assume liability for information retrieved via EIS, nor does it assume any
liability for any information lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other difficulties.
Filtering and Internet Safety
As required by the Children's Internet Protection Act, the District shall provide for technology
protection measures that protect against Internet access by both adults and minors to visual
depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or, with respect to use of the computers by
students, harmful to students. The protective measures shall also include monitoring the online
activities of students.
Limits, controls, and prohibitions shall be placed on student:
Access to inappropriate matter.
Safety and security in direct electronic communications.
Unauthorized online access or activities.
Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information.
Education, Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all District employees to be knowledgeable of the Board's
policies and administrative guidelines and procedures. Further, it shall be the responsibility of
all employees, to the extent prudent to an individual's assignment to educate, supervise, and
monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in
accordance with this policy, the Children's Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children
in the 21st Century Act.
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The Superintendent shall provide for appropriate training for District employees and for
students who use the District's computer network and have access to the Internet. Training
provided shall be designed to promote the District's commitment to:
the standards and acceptable use of the District's network and Internet services as set
forth in District policy;
student safety in regards to use of the Internet, appropriate behavior while using, but not
limited to, such things as social networking Web sites, online opportunities and chat
rooms; and cyberbullying awareness and response; and compliance with E-rate
requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act.
While training will be subsequently provided to employees under this policy, the requirements
of the policy are effective immediately. Employees will be held to strict compliance with the
requirements of the policy and the accompanying regulation, regardless of whether training has
been given.
The Superintendent is responsible for the implementation of this policy and for establishing and
enforcing the District's electronic information services guidelines and procedures for
appropriate technology protection measures (filters), monitoring, and use.
date of Manual adoption
A.R.S. 13-2316
20 U.S.C. 9134, The Children's Internet Protection Act
47 U.S.C. 254, Communications Act of 1934 (The Children's
Internet Protection Act)
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(Safety and use of Electronic
Information Services)
Use of the electronic information services (EIS) requires that the use of the resources be in
accordance with the following guidelines and support the education, research, and educational
goals of the District. Filtering, monitoring, and access controls shall be established to:
Limit access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web.
Monitor the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and
other forms of direct electronic communications.
Monitor for unauthorized access, including so-called "hacking," and other unlawful
activities by minors online.
Restrict access by minors to materials harmful to minors.
Education, Supervision, and
It is the responsibility of all District employees to be knowledgeable of the Board's policy and
administrative regulations and procedures related to the use of technology resources.
Employees are further responsible, to the extent prudent to an individual's assignment, to
educate, supervise, and monitor student use of the District's online computer network use.
District, department, and school administrators shall provide employees with appropriate inservicing and assist employees with the implementation of Policy IJNDB.
As a means of providing safety and security in direct electronic communications and to prevent
abuses to the appropriate use of electronic equipment, all computer access to the Internet
through the District electronic information services (EIS) or standalone connection shall be
monitored periodically or randomly through in-use monitoring or review of usage logs.
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Access Control
Individual access to the EIS shall be by authorization only. Designated personnel may provide
authorization to students and staff who have completed and returned an electronic information
services user agreement. The Superintendent may give authorization to other persons to use the
Acceptable Use
Each user of the EIS shall:
Use the EIS to support personal educational objectives consistent with the educational
goals and objectives of the School District.
Agree not to submit, publish, display, or retrieve any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive,
obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or illegal material.
Abide by all copyright and trademark laws and regulations.
Not reveal home addresses, personal phone numbers or personally identifiable data
unless authorized to do so by designated school authorities.
Understand that electronic mail or direct electronic communication is not private and
may be read and monitored by school employed persons.
Not use the network in any way that would disrupt the use of the network by others.
Not use the EIS for commercial purposes.
Follow the District's code of conduct.
Not attempt to harm, modify, add, or destroy software or hardware nor interfere with
system security.
Understand that inappropriate use may result in cancellation of permission to use the
electronic information services (EIS) and appropriate disciplinary action up to and
including expulsion for students.
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In addition, acceptable use for District employees is extended to include requirements to:
Maintain supervision of students using the EIS.
Agree to directly log on and supervise the account activity when allowing others to use
District accounts.
Take responsibility for assigned personal and District accounts, including password
Take all responsible precautions, including password maintenance and file and directory
protection measures, to prevent the use of personal and District accounts and files by
unauthorized persons.
Each user will be required to sign an EIS user agreement. A user who violates the provisions of
the agreement will be denied access to the information services and may be subject to
disciplinary action. Accounts may be closed and files may be deleted at any time. The District
is not responsible for any service interruptions, changes, or consequences.
Details of the user agreement shall be discussed with each potential user of the electronic
information services. When the signed agreement is returned to the school, the user may be
permitted use of EIS resources through school equipment.
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