AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL JUNE 2012 Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................................................3 Course Objectives ..................................................................................................................3 Using the FRIS SuperUser Form to Log Refresher Training .......................................................4 Using a Lesson Plan to Deliver Refreshers ...............................................................................6 FRIS Requisitioning .............................................................................................................. 21 Product Codes - The Importance of Using the Correct Codes................................................... 21 Blanket Orders – Correct Receipting of ..................................................................................... 21 How to Amend a Requisition ..................................................................................................... 23 Closing off a Requisition ............................................................................................................ 23 Checking if an Order has been Paid........................................................................................... 23 Suppliers with Multiple IDs ....................................................................................................... 25 Reasons for Terminating and Re-raising Purchase Orders ........................................................ 26 The Importance of Adding Delivery Charge lines to Orders ...................................................... 26 Delivery Address Update ........................................................................................................... 28 Useful Available Reports ........................................................................................................... 30 FRIS Approvers .................................................................................................................... 31 Delegated Reports ..................................................................................................................... 31 Substitutes ................................................................................................................................. 31 Explanation of Thresholds/Approval Levels .............................................................................. 32 Procurement Issues.............................................................................................................. 32 Importance of Raising Purchase Orders .................................................................................... 32 Adding new suppliers – Recent Development .......................................................................... 33 Single Tender Application.......................................................................................................... 33 E-Marketplace ..................................................................................................................... 35 Benefits of the E-Marketplace................................................................................................... 35 Accessing the Help Videos on Science Warehouse ................................................................... 35 Other Information................................................................................................................ 35 Help and Support ................................................................................................................. 37 2|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Introduction This SuperUser Manual has been put together by Procurement Services, FRIS Agresso Support and IT Training and is designed for SuperUsers to use as a reference document following the once-ayear Agresso SuperUsers Course. Course Objectives It is the aim of the yearly ASC course to refresh Agresso SuperUsers’ knowledge and keep them abreast of any new developments, updates and process changes to SGUL’s Finance and Research Information System (FRIS) so that they can in turn pass this on to FRIS users within their divisions/departments in the course of their duties. Formal once-a-month requisitioning training and weekly Approver/Budget Holder training will continue for new members of SGUL staff and for anyone in need of a refresher. The ASC however, means that Agresso SuperUsers who deliver refresher training as part of their role are in a better position to pass on up-to-date information. It is intended that login set up requests for new members of staff will only be made by SGUL’s formal trainers once the member of staff has completed the formal training course. However, login requests from Agresso SuperUsers who have delivered refresher training will only be accepted if the SuperUser has attended an ASC in the 12 months prior to the request being made. 3|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Using the FRIS SuperUser Form to Log Refresher Training All super users are required to record any refresher training that takes place. This will give us an accurate picture of how much training is taking place and by whom. It will also allow us to enable accounts, for those whose accounts have been disabled due to non-use. Please see an example of how to fill in the form below: 4|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL How to Access the Training Environment You will have the option to train others using the Training environment. It is accessible through the portal or by using a direct URL as shown below. Access Train 1 through or type directly into your address bar Requisitioner username: training22 Client: SL password: agresso 2K approver usernames: skitchin Client: SL password: SKITCHIN 10k approver username: ebrown Client: SL password: EBROWN Subproject code: 11683-10 5|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Using a Lesson Plan to Deliver Refreshers It is recommended that those delivering training follow a lesson plan. Below are typical lesson plans used to deliver formal Requisitioning and EMarketplace training: LESSON: FRIS Self Service TOPIC: Requisitioner Date: 2011 Aims: To be able confidently raise requisitions Objectives: By the end of the session students will be shown: Introduction- how to log in The buying process – Agresso Windows Raising a simple requisition Rejection task – Tracking – Copying How to raise a single line requisition using blanket and value order/Blanket order posting cycle Workflow Enquiries How to raise a split line order /NHS Supplier posting cycle Receipting – Returned goods Summary Prior Knowledge Assumed: None Session Duration 1 3hrs 6|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 30 - Subject Introduction / Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities Welcome learners Learner Activity Sign onto the computers Resources SGUL username and password Go through outline Listen PPt – Housekeeping and objectives Register on FRIS website Fill in registration form on Access the training server Online registration form Hand out the FRIS usernames and passwords / reference card and manuals Look Assessment / Differentiation Q&A Observation Discussion FRIS Usernames and passwords / data sheet. Workbook & Quick reference card Train 2 The process The window environment Go through the process Access the training server and navigate the window covering Module buttons Shortcuts Chevrons Expand & Collapse My Tasks Procurement Suppliers Watch and listen Slide 6 Watch and follow Slide 7 7|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 5- Subject Raising a simple requisition Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities List 5 things to do before going onto Agresso supplier sub project Product cost When Demonstrate how to raise a simple multi line requisition using info in Course workbook exercise 1 Open up requisition standard screen Enter Supplier code Enter sub project code Enter product code Enter unit price and quantity Enter delivery date / leave as default Enter delivery charge Learner Activity Listen Resources Smart board, Computer Slide 8 Follow demonstration using workbook PPT slide 9 Course workbook Exercise 1 Note down the requisition number Data sheet Assessment / Differentiation Q&A 8|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 15 - Subject How to deal with rejected requisitions Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities Make sure dclark is logged in on one of the computers and reject the single line giving the reason buy two boxes at £13 each. Learner Activity Watch Discuss and show ppt slide 10 the workflow and approval levels Discuss the possibility of the order not getting approved and how it is returned to the requisitioner Resources dclark / DCLARK reject requisitions Assessment / Differentiation Activity sheet Discussion One to one PPT Slide 10 Go into task folder and click on rejected task. amend requisition according to the workflow log and resubmit. Exercise 1b 9|Page AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 25 - Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching Subject techniques / activities How to open Define all the fields and show and copy a them how to open and copy requisition a requisition How to raise a single line requisition using blanket and value order/Blanket order posting cycle Demonstrate raising a requisition defining all the fields creating a value line requisition Requisition number Requisitioner Delivery date Status Period External ref Supplier ID Contact Delivery address Subproject Create a blanket order line explaining why the quantity and Price have been switched around Learner Activity Watch and follow Resources Watch and follow Course Workbook Exercise 2 Slide 11 Assessment / Differentiation Listen, watch and follow Note down the requisition number on data Data sheet 10 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 10 - Subject Tracking a requisition with the workflow log Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities Discuss how to keep track of the requisition using the workflow log • • • • 10 - How to raise a split line order /NHS Supplier posting cycle 15 Break Resources Listen, watch and follow. PPT slide 14 PPT slide 12 & 13 Requisitions Workflow enquiry • Supplier invoice • Purchase invoice Requisition no. or search Workflow in progress Introduce Exercise 3 and demonstrate creating the first line Learner Activity Search for two requisition no. from exercise 1 and 2 Assessment / Differentiation Explain GL Analysis Copying a line copies the GL Analysis NHS posting cycle Using dclark and ewilde accounts authorise requisition Create other two lines by themselves Note down the requisition number Data sheet break Skitchin/SKITCHIN Ebrown/EBROWN Approve requisition 11 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time 10 20 - Subject Requisition enquiries Receipting Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities Show slide 14 and discuss enquiry screens Explain why receipting has to take place Demonstrate receipting on PO no.2 Open Receipt goods screen Negative receipting Call down Goods return 10 - Summary Explain why Goods return has Listen and watch to take place Objectives met Answer questions Q&A session Fill in feedback form Resources PPT Slide 15 PPT Slide 16 PPT Slide 17 REFLECTION 10 - Learner Activity Locate the PO no. for requisition2 Open procurements Purchase order Goods receipts Add P.O. no. Assessment / Differentiation 12 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL LESSON: Introduction to e-marketplace using Science Warehouse TOPIC: Punchout Date: Jan 2012 Aims: At the end of this course you will be able use Science Warehouse to create a requisition: Objectives To be able to use the e-marketplace punchout tab to order goods By completing this workshop you will be able to: Go through housekeeping rules Register online- Access Punchout Access Science Warehouse Basket / checkout / Dashboard Use the search tools (Compare, sort price & filter) Drill down on a products page/ supplier and product info Search for Oligos Prior Knowledge Assumed: FRIS Requisitioning course Resources Reference cards (Punchout) Internet connection Access to Train1 server with account IDs Science Warehouse website Punchout PowerPoint presentation FRIS Registration and Feedback forms Sub project code Supplier code Add favourites Create saved baskets Quotes Manage Reports Search for a PO Feedback online- Session On-going Duration Location 1hr I:\Working Documents\Change Management & Training\End User Training\Quick Reference Cards\Current Requisitioner username: training22 password: agresso 2K approver usernames: skitchin password: SKITCHIN 10k approver username: ebrown password: EBROWN Subproject code: 11683-10 I:\Working Documents\Change Management & Training\End User Training\Trainer Guides 11683-10 100027 (Fisher) 13 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Time Subject 5 Introduction Tutor Activity (inc H&S checks and teaching techniques / activities Welcome learners Go through Housekeeping Hand out reference guide and root ids Sign onto the computers using root account ids Fill in registration form on ng-1/fris-training-registrationform Assessme nt / Differenti ation Learner Activity Resources Punchout PPp Reference cards Root account IDs http://www.fris.sgu Listen Sign onto the computers using root account ids Fill in registration form on 14 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 5 Access Punchout Ask purpose of e-procurement Introduce Science warehouse (Liken to Amazon) Preferred suppliers Catalogues Show diagram of requisition process via Punchout Sign into FRIS Self service Inform learner that new id will be in the following format : Username: Agresso Username SL Password: Username in uppercase Q&A Punchout PPp http://agresso Log onto train1 server. so/System/Login.aspx .aspx Username: trainee22 SL Password: agresso If entering via website Username: SGULusername Password: welcome 15 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 5 5 Complete the process Search for a PO Explain/Demo Open Requisition standard screen Fill in the Requisition detail using the supplier id 100027 along with 1168-10 as a subproject code for training purposes Click go shopping Search for centrifuge Select quantity 1 from Fisher Click add to basket Checkout Retrieve shopping and go to requisition entry tab On the Punchout tab Generate req VAT code Product text box Save req 1 req for each supplier Watch and do Open Requisition standard screen Demo/Explain how to search for a PO on SWL and FRIS Dashboard Type in PO number Fill in the Requisition detail using the supplier id 100027along with 11542-10 as a subproject code for training purposes Click go shopping Search for centrifuge Select quantity 1 from Fisher Click add to basket Checkout Retrieve shopping and go to requisition entry On the Punchout tab Generate req VAT code Product text box Save req Watch Punchout PPp 11542-10 100039 (Office depot) or 100027 (Fisher) so/System/Login.aspx Punchout PPp Account detail Username:sguladmin Password:welcome 16 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 5 10 Cancel a PO Access Science Warehouse Procedure to cancel a purchase order Product page Supplier info Speak to the supplier Cancel on SWL (PO screen) Cancel on FRIS (Order amendment) If supplier has packed and posted then cancel through goods return screen Explain/Demo Home page Dashboard Saved baskets My orders Search bar Quotes Products Help My favourites Watch Watch Punchout PPp Account detail Username:sguladmin Password:welcome Punchout PPp so/System/Login.aspx Activity sheet Discussion One to one Filters 17 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 15 Use the search tools Explain different ways of searching Search bar Search for a product using description (Centrifuge) or catalogue no. (CEK-233021L) Drill down on a product use CEK-233-021L 1. Information is provided by the supplier 2. Go through tabs 3. PDF can be printed off via view other documents PDF Link 4. Related products and stock availability Demonstration: Search for centrifuge rotor 1. Sort on Price –cheapest to the top 2. Category filter- refines the search 3. Compare products – select three see side by side 4. Add to basket from there Search using product category search Centrifuge rotor Watch Punchout PPp Search for a product using description (Protein expression) or catalogue no. (e1000s) so/System/Login.aspx Drill down on a product use e1000s 1. Information is provided by the supplier 2. Select picture to zoom in 3. PDF can be printed off via view other documents PDF Link 4. Related products –essential for some items available for purchase. Demonstration: centrifuge rotor 1. 2. Sort on Price –cheapest to the top 3. Category filter- refines the search 4. Compare products – select three see side by side 5. Add to basket from there Search using product category search Centrifuge rotor Last search 18 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 5 3 Search for Oligos Add favourites Show video Click on product Order an oligo Calculate price Add to pot Add to basket Watch video Product details page home to ‘ save to favorite’ link To view favourites go to Dash board Find your product Go to product detail page Add to saved basket button Name basket. To add more go to product pages and put in quantity required and then add to template. Select existing template or create a new one. Can share baskets by adding permissions and clicking edit allows And click update To view your basket they are accessible via the dashboard on the homepage. 5 Create saved baskets Punchout PPp so/System/Login.aspx Account detail Username:sguladmin Password:welcome Product details page home to ‘ save Punchout PPp http://agressoto favorite’ link To view favourites go to Dashboard so/System/Login.aspx Find your product Go to product detail page Add to saved basket button Name basket. To add more go to product pages and put in quantity required and then add to template. Select existing template or create a new one. Can share baskets by adding permissions and clicking edit allows And click update To view your basket they are accessible via the dashboard on the homepage. Punchout PPp so/System/Login.aspx 19 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL 10 Quotes Explain best way to get a quotation Product details Enter quantity Click add to quote Create new quote or add to an existing one Name Request expires by Select suppliers Can change product detail or add off catalogue item Comments Click post quote– sends quote to suppliers Show examples of replies Questions & Answers Go over objectives Fill in feedback form Summary Questions & Answers Answer questions Fill in feedback form Punchout PPp raining-1/fris-delegatefeedback-form REFLECTION 5 Punchout PPp so/System/Login.aspx Explain quotations Product details Enter quantity Click add to quote Create new quote or add to an existing one Name Request expires by Select suppliers Can change product detail or add off catalogue item Comments Click post quote– sends quote to suppliers Show examples of replies 20 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL FRIS Requisitioning Product Codes - The Importance of Using the Correct Codes It is important that the most suitable product code is selected when raising a requisition as product codes are: Useful for enabling departments and the University generate spend reports for both internal and external use in more defined levels of detail e.g. reporting on how much was spent on Pipette pumps (LA27) or Cakes, pies and pastries (CA02). This level of detail is not provided by using the general account codes to analyse spend. Linked/mapped to the general ledger (i.e. where costs are allocated in SGUL’s accounts); Linked/mapped to preferred suppliers for certain categories of spend (i.e. suppliers we either have contracts with directly or are listed against the framework agreements of consortia to which SGUL has access e.g. via LUPC membership; Blanket Orders – Correct Receipting of It is important to raise blanket orders correctly by: Swapping ‘quantity’ and ‘price’ e.g. a blanket order for £100 could be raised as quantity 100 at £1 each. Raising the order for a large quantity and receipting down as goods or services are delivered e.g. 500 hours at £30 per hour and receipting against this quantity each week or month etc. Raising the blanket order for a maximum of one financial year only (i.e. to be closed by the 31st of July of each year). 21 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL When receipting orders, and blanket orders in particular, always remember to enter relevant details in the ‘Reference’ field. This could be the week ending date for temporary staff orders, the delivery note number for goods or the job number for services. It helps Accounts Payable in identifying which receipt goes with which invoice by cross-referencing. 22 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL How to Amend a Requisition If the requisition has been saved but not approved, the requisitioner can open, amend and re-save the requisition. The amended requisition will go into workflow as normal for the necessary approval. Alternatively, the requisitioner can contact the authoriser and ask them to reject the requisition rather than approve it. Once rejected, the requisitioner goes to ‘My tasks’, selects the rejected requisition, amends it as required and then resubmits it. Closing off a Requisition If the requisition has been saved, contact the authoriser asking them to reject the requisition. Go to ‘My tasks’ select the rejected requisition, and then click ‘Close’ to close it. Please note that if the requisition has not yet been approved, the requisitioner may also be able to close the requisition by opening it, changing its status to ‘closed’ and then re-saving it. Checking if an Order has been Paid You can either: Go to Reports – Global Reports – Requisitioners Reports - Supplier Enquiry (Enter PO Number in OrderNo field and click ‘Search’. The ‘Pay date’ is displayed in the 2nd column. For a copy of the invoice, where available, click on the ‘Trans No’ 23 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Or check with Accounts Payable, if you have problems with the results from the above query. 24 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Also note the ‘Subproject Enquiry on Supplier’ link in the last column. Use this link to find out which sub-project code/s the purchase order has been raised against by copying the invoice number, clicking on the link, pasting the invoice no. into the relevant field and clicking search. Suppliers with Multiple IDs Agresso only allows one ID per bank account number. This necessitates setting up suppliers who have multiple bank accounts for various foreign currency/Sterling payments with more than one ID. Due to globalisation, mergers and acquisitions, shared services etc. multiple IDs for the same supplier is an occurrence that cannot be avoided but can be confusing when raising requisitions. Procurement have worked with Agresso Support to insert a ‘Supplier Info’ column under the field help for SupplierIDs in order to provide some guidance. 25 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Procurement Services is working with Accounts Payable and Suppliers that are brought to our attention as having multiple IDs to: Ensure the info contained in the ‘Supplier Info’ column is useful to requisitioners As much as is possible, provide some guidance to help requisitioners select the correct supplier ID for a particular transaction Caution requisitioners to make further enquiries if there is any doubt as to which supplier ID to use. Reasons for Terminating and Re-raising Purchase Orders Accounts Payable can only pay invoices when the supplier on the invoice and the supplier on the Purchase Order match. Requisitioners will need to take care in selecting the correct supplier. If there is any doubt the supplier should be contacted. Please note the availability of a Supplier Information folder under the Procurement tab. More information about each supplier is held there. The Importance of Adding Delivery Charge lines to Orders Requisitioners should know whether or not a delivery charge is applicable before they create their requisition. If there is a delivery charge then it should be added as a line item. This is to ensure that: They know how much they are paying (to ensure best value) The invoice will match and can be paid Non-matching invoices require more administration and waste time for the budget holder, Accounts Payable and, potentially, the supplier. 26 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Requisitioners should contact suppliers if necessary to check if a delivery charge applies and how much it is. On the e-marketplace, delivery charge information can be seen when searching for products, against the product itself, by clicking ‘Delivery charge may apply. Click for details’ or under the ‘Delivery Information’ tab. 27 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Delivery Address Update The Purchase Order template has been updated so that it is clearer and aids SGUL Site Services in onward delivery. Changes include: Requisitioner name and delivery address (i.e. room number where that information is available) appearing in the ‘Deliver To’ field More room in the ‘Deliver To’ field to prevent our Postcode being cut in half ‘Order enquiries to requisitioner’ contact details is now more visible for the supplier and holds telephone number and email address of requisitioner where that information is available 28 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL CURRENT TEMPLATE PREVIOUS TEMPLATE 29 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Useful Available Reports There are many useful and readily available ‘Global’ reports already set up in Agresso under: Budget Holders Reports Central Procurement Reports Requisitioners Reports and Research Reports Running the ‘Orders by Product’ report (found under ‘Reports – Global Reports – Central Procurement Reports’) shows all suppliers that have supplied product/services for a particular product code. This can help with identifying potential suppliers. ‘Orders by Supplier’ will show all orders to a particular supplier. If you require a report that is not already available, contact Agresso Support to set this up for you. If the report is one that would be useful to others as well, Agresso Support will roll it out to all. 30 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL FRIS Approvers Delegated Reports Budgetholders/Principal Investigators can authorise FRIS/Agresso Support to give others access to their Reports, each sub-project code report can only be assigned to one delegate. Substitutes Agresso supports delegation of tasks, including authorisation. Substituted delegation is per user only, both the approver and their substitute(s) will be alerted to tasks. Users must have substitutes set-up to cover their tasks when on leave or absence. Setting up the substitute is a 2-step process: 1. FRIS support need to be provided with the names of potential substitutes associated with your user credentials on Agresso; the list is then available via the Options menu on the Substitute setup page 2. When you want someone on the list to act as a substitute, you select them from the list. You then specify a time period during which they act as your substitute. If you need to ask for a substitute for someone else (for example, if they’re away and out of contact), you must get the request approved by a Divisional manager or equivalent before FRIS support can action it. Agresso Support will set up the permanent substitute/s if the approver does not use Agresso, the request needs to come from themselves or the retrospective Divisional Business Manager/ Administrator or equivalent. 31 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Explanation of Thresholds/Approval Levels SGUL Financial Regulations define what levels of authorisation are needed for financial transactions and these authorisations are reflected in Agresso workflows. In summary, the principles and the limits are as follows: Any spend on a subproject must be authorised by the budgetholder for that subproject. For research subprojects, the budgetholder is the Principal Investigator (PI). For purchases up to £2,000, the budgetholder’s authorisation is sufficient For purchases over £2,000 a further financial authorisation is needed. The authoriser depends on the value of the purchase as follows: £2001 to £10,000 – senior divisional administrator, or equivalent (Estates & Facilities threshold is £2001 to £6,000) £10,001 to £50,000 – Head of Division, Divisional Business manager, or equivalent (Estates & Facilities threshold is £6001 to £50,000) Over £50,000 – Director of Finance and Resources or equivalent. Procurement Issues Importance of Raising Purchase Orders It is important to raise purchase orders when procuring goods and services for the following reasons: It is a requirement of SGUL’s purchasing policy Budgetholders are able to check sufficiency of funds for the requisition A PO is a legally binding document which provides suppliers with proof that products or services were ordered Aids commitment accounting – Budget holders are better able to track expenditure and outstanding commitments Aids high level reporting of University Spend e.g. spend by product, spend by supplier It aids cashflow monitoring by allowing Finance to know how much will have to be paid out during a certain period of time Provides a record of commercial activity at individual, departmental and divisional levels It provides a written authorisation for a seller to provide goods or services at a specified price Provides the requisitioner something to check against when the goods arrive Leaves an audit trail for accountability It avoids payment delays when a supplier quotes the relevant PO on the invoice Prior to engaging with any supplier, you must ensure that you have complied with the purchasing policy and that the supplier is set up on Agresso unless payment is to be made by purchasing card. 32 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL This allows Accounts Payable and Procurement Services carry out necessary checks to ensure legitimacy. Please note that first time payments to individuals need to be checked in advance with the SGUL Payroll Office. Adding new suppliers – Recent Development The New Supplier Request form can be found on the first page of the FRIS website and also on the Portal under Procurement Services web pages: Organisation → Corporate Services → Procurement Services → Forms and Templates Suite → FRIS - New supplier requests → New Supplier Request Form SGUL has implemented the requirement to have supplier’s bank details on company letterhead for the following reasons: To help protect SGUL against incidences of fraud To implement recent recommendations from auditors To ensure that payments are made into the right account To provide documented evidence of bank account change requests Single Tender Application To comply with SGUL Procurement Thresholds, purchasers must have at least two quotations for purchases between £2,000-£50,000 (see full details of purchasing thresholds below). A Single Tender Application will need to be made to Procurement Services for approval by the Finance Director if only one quotation is obtained. Single tenders waive SGUL’s requirement to obtain competitive quotes/tenders from the market and it is an audit recommendation that documented justification and authorisation is provided for such action. Justification for single tender action must fall under at least one of the following grounds: (i) It has been confirmed that only one firm or individual has the particular specialist expertise required. Appropriate evidence should be provided to support the lack of providers .Lack of knowledge about suppliers is not a sufficient reason to use this exception nor is appointing a supplier simply on the basis that they have worked for SGUL before. 33 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL (ii) Compatibility with existing services or products, or the task is essential to complete the project and arises as a consequence of a recently completed assignment and engaging different consultants/suppliers for the new task would be inefficient. (iii) An exceptional emergency not of SGUL’s making. An unforeseen event likely to cause immediate danger to people or property, such as flooding however, urgency caused by previous delays or poor planning should not trigger this exception. Failure to plan the tender process properly is not justifiable grounds for a single tender and any request for a new supplier for purchases over £2,000, should detail how many quotations were obtained from the market. A copy of the form can be found at the following URL: SGUL PURCHASING THRESHOLDS From August 2010, the following thresholds apply to spend at SGUL: £2,001-10,000 If a contract with a preferred supplier is not available to meet the requirement, at least 2 or 3 written e-quotations must be obtained from the market to satisfy that the selected quotation provides value for money. Quotations must be filed electronically for audit purposes. Contracts for provision of the goods/services must be agreed under SGUL's short form terms and conditions unless alternative terms and conditions have been reviewed and approved by SGUL Procurement Services. A Single Tender Application will need to be made to Procurement Services for approval if only one quotation is obtained. £10,001-50,000 If a contract with a preferred supplier is not available to meet a requirement, an Invitation To Quote (ITQ) tender document outlining the scope of the requirement and essential criteria will be issued under SGUL’s standard terms and conditions by the Requestor to at least 3 suppliers. At least 2 written quotations must be obtained by email/e-marketplace. A Single Tender Application will need to be submitted to Procurement Services if only one quotation is obtained. ITQ submissions need to be evaluated against evaluation criteria and weightings set before the tender is issued by at least two evaluators with the appropriate expertise to select the most economically advantageous quotation. If possible, evidence of conducting an ITQ process will be attached to the requisition. Regular audits will be carried out by Procurement/Internal Audit on tendering records that will be held by Divisions. £50,001+ Procurement Services must be consulted before preliminary discussions are entered into with suppliers for high value tenders. If a contract with a preferred supplier is not available to meet a requirement, an Invitation to Tender (ITT) tender document outlining the scope of a requirements and essential criteria must be issued to 3-5 suppliers. A Single Tender Application will need to be made to Procurement if less than three suppliers exist in the market. The specification for requirements within this threshold must be discussed with Procurement Services to confirm whole of life costs and for agreement on the most appropriate tender route before the market is approached. ITT submissions will be evaluated against evaluation criteria and weightings set before the tender is issued by a minimum of three evaluators with the appropriate expertise. Procurement Services manages all tenders valued over £50k. 34 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL E-Marketplace Benefits of the E-Marketplace There are a number of benefits to you and the University from using the E-marketplace: Easier, quicker ordering and sourcing of products (basket information populates fields on the requisition so there is no need to enter descriptions and prices or select product codes) You can search and compare products and pricing across the supplier catalogues to find best value The E-marketplace uses supplier maintained prices and descriptions – this means more accurate purchase orders for the supplier and less queries to you Less time-consuming invoice discrepancies as the correct prices are provided by the supplier Purchase orders are transmitted immediately on approval to the supplier leading to shorter lead times for delivery. No need to fax or email orders No handling charge for orders to Invitrogen/Life Technologies through the E-marketplace (currently £22 if not ordered through the E-marketplace). Accessing the Help Videos on Science Warehouse Access the e-marketplace. Click ‘Help - online help’ to access the video guides. The most useful video guides are on Oligos, Quotes, Saved baskets and Sharing Saved Baskets. Other Information Useful information such as listed below, can be found on the Procurement Services and FRIS webpages. Please note that these pages are updated from time to time: FRIS webpages ( Training Pre-Course Documentation FRIS Training Message Board User Documentation Glossary of Terms FRIS SuperUser Form FAQ FRIS Requisitioning Frequently Asked Questions FRIS E-marketplace Frequently Asked Questions Codes FRIS Non Research Sub Project codes FRIS Research Sub Project Codes 35 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Agresso Product - Product Group - Account Code.xls Agresso Account Codes.xls Procurement Supplier and Product Information Consignment Stock process Agresso Requisition Process Map - FRIS Quick Reference Card for Raising Blanket Order New Supplier Request Form Forms Subproject code Request Form - Non research New Journal Form New User Request Form (FRIS Agresso only) Guidance Notes Procurement webpages ( Menu About Us Current Tenders Current Contracts Authority to Purchase Tendering Procedures Best Practice Procurement Purchasing Cards News Procurement Policy Agresso (FRIS) Consignment Stock Customer Feedback SGUL Standard Terms and Conditions Forms and Templates Suite DHL Courier Services - Next day and International DHL Same Day Xerox Printing & Copier Paper Our Partners Useful links Glossary of Terms Mobile phones Office Furniture Procurement Location Map NHS Supply Chain - Online Catalogue 36 | P a g e AGRESSO SUPERUSER MANUAL Help and Support For Help and Support with technical matters relating to Agresso and the E-Marketplace, please contact: Agresso/FRIS Support Telephone: (020) 8725 4324 or (020) 8725 4270 E-Mail: [email protected] For matters relating to Procurement or to give feedback on the E-Marketplace, please contact: [email protected] or Grace Onyenuforo Procurement Services Manager Telephone: (020)-8725-2218 E-Mail: [email protected] Nigel Bate E-Procurement Officer Telephone (020)-8725-1403 E-mail: [email protected] Henry Okolieh Procurement Officer Telephone (020)-8725-0549 E-mail: [email protected] For Agresso training issues, please contact: Lorraine Barclay IT Systems Trainer (020)-8725-5341 E-mail: [email protected] 37 | P a g e