2010 Annual Report - Springfield Foundation


2010 Annual Report - Springfield Foundation
Serving the Clark County Community Since 1948
Building on our
to Community
2 0 10 A N N UA L R E P O RT
2 Building on Our Commitment
to Community
4 Financial Highlights
5 Investment Overview
6 Building on our Commitment
to Community ... One Grant
and One Scholarship At A
8 Arts & Culture
10 Civic Affairs
12 Conservation, Environment & Animal Welfare
14 Education
16 Health
18 Human Services
What is the Springfield Foundation?
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps our community’s citizens help each
other, now and in the future. No matter how much they wish to give, donors can turn to us
for assistance in providing grants to nonprofits that serve the residents of Clark County.
The Foundation accepts gifts for all types of charitable purposes, and aside from our
innovative Charitable Checking program (see page 33) we only spend the earnings
produced by those gifts. In this way, we raise a permanent source of charitable capital. OUR MISSION is to raise, strengthen, and distribute permanent charitable funds to benefit
Clark County.
OUR VISION is to help donors and the community improve the quality of life for all Clark
County residents now and for generations to come.
Our Core Values Include:
20 Scholarships Support and
Help Shape our Commitment
to Community
• Promoting philanthropy. We encourage local giving at all levels to connect donors
with the causes they care about.
21 Affiliates Strengthen our Commitment to Community
• Stewardship. We are committed to providing effective and efficient management of
the funds under our care through wise investment, careful consideration of our
22 New Endowment Funds
24 Existing Endowment Funds
27 2010 Contributors to New and
Existing Funds
31 Tribute Gifts
31 Memorial Gifts
• Community. We serve all areas of Clark County.
community’s needs and evaluation of the impact of each distribution.
• Collaboration. We partner with donors, grantees and fellow funders for the greater
good of Clark County.
• Relevance. We are committed to evolving with the changing needs of the
32 Legacy Society ... Ensuring
our Commitment to
33 Gift Opportunities
BC Foundation Management
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2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Message From the President
and Executive Director
Dear Friends,
The Springfield Foundation has been committed to improving our community for over 62 years, and in
2010 we continued to build on that commitment. One example is the Foundation’s participation in the
Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden, which is responsible for the stewardship of this important folk
art site. The Foundation was also a key player in the creation of the Springfield Promise Neighborhood
Project, which is working to improve the academic achievement of students at one of Springfield’s
highly challenged elementary schools. At the end of 2010, the Foundation was recognized by our
peers in the region as “Outstanding Foundation” by the Association of Fundraising Professionals
National Philanthropy day.
Robyn Koch-Schumaker
Financially, 2010 showed many signs of recovery. The Foundation’s Investment Committee has done
a wonderful job positioning the assets of the Foundation for long term growth and we are grateful for
their dedication. The Foundation received $1.7 million in new contributions, with 24 new endowment
funds created. We were also able to distribute over $2.5 million in grants and scholarships.
Throughout this report you will find short stories that illustrate how our grants and scholarships are
building on our Commitment to Community. The Foundation’s range of support is varied, whether it
is helping local youth gain an appreciation for design at the Westcott House, or helping individuals in
need at the various food pantries. Thank you for your continued interest in the Springfield Foundation. By helping us continue our
Ted Vander Roest
Commitment to the Community we are making a difference. For good. For ever.
With sincere appreciation,
Robyn Koch-Schumaker President
Ted Vander Roest
Executive Director
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Building on our
COMMITMENT to Community
Whether it was with our donors, grantees, scholarship recipients or other local organizations throughout the
community, 2010 was marked by several unique accomplishments and partnerships that help to build on our
Commitment to Community and improve our quality of life.
A social group of any size whose
members reside in a specific
locality, share government, and
often have a common cultural
and historical heritage.
2 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Kevin Tibbs (left), Ronald McDonald House
Charities, Ted Vander Roest (center), Executive
Director, Springfield Foundation and Robyn
Koch-Schumaker, Board President (right),
Springfield Foundation
2010 Outstanding Foundation Award Recipient – The Springfield Foundation was named
the “2010 Outstanding Foundation” by the Greater Dayton Region Chapter of the Association
of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) as part of their 2010 National Philanthropy Day awards
ceremony. These prestigious awards honor local foundations, corporations and individuals
who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to philanthropic efforts in the greater
Dayton area. 1
2010 at a
Women’s Partnership Funds of Clark County – The Foundation’s
second Affiliate was created to transform the lives of women of the Clark
County area by mobilizing the collective power and passion of women
together through philanthropy. See page 21 for more information.
Springfield Promise Neighborhoods – Springfield Promise Neighborhood (SPN) is a
collaborative that exists to build Springfield/Clark County as a community that does everything
possible to ensure that ALL of its children are school ready by kindergarten and college or
career ready by graduation. During the initial phase of the initiative, SPN is piloting a new
model for student achievement in the Lincoln neighborhood, with a particular focus on Lincoln
Elementary. The model is composed of two interconnected components: a thriving school
and thriving neighborhood. Funding for this grass roots initiative comes from the Springfield
Foundation and 6 additional local organizations. 2
Friends of the Hartman Rock Garden – The Kohler Foundation, a Wisconsin based
charitable foundation, acquired, restored and donated the Hartman Rock Garden to the Friends
of the Hartman Rock Garden in late 2009. This partnership, formed among the Springfield
Foundation, Springfield Museum of Art, and the Turner Foundation ensured the stewardship of
this circa 1932 Folk-Art masterpiece. In 2010, significant site improvements continued and the
“garden” was opened to the public - welcoming hundreds of visitors each month. 3
Merit Scholarship Makes 1st Awards – The Springfield Foundation Merit Scholarship
was created by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees in 2009 to recognize the academic
and community accomplishments of Clark County high school graduating seniors. This
scholarship has grown through additional contributions from the Foundation’s annual Partners
in Philanthropy campaign. In 2010, Erin Greenwood (Shawnee High School - 4a), Nathan
Shay (Greenon High School - 4b), and Allison Tune (Springfield High School - 4c) were the
scholarship’s inaugural recipients. 4
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Financial Highlights
Our commitment is to maintain
and grow the charitable assets
entrusted to us. The financial
information contained in this annual
report is a condensed version of the
Fiscal Year 2010 audited financial
statements through December
31, 2010. A complete set of the
audited financial statements, with
FY 2010
FY 2009*
1,100,680 978,747
50,234 5,062
40,451,027 37,718,759
25,263 9,121
Furniture and equipment - net
9,195 7,685
Leasehold Improvements - net
Statement of Financial Position
Cash and cash equivalents
Gifts Receivable
Prepaid expenses
accompanying notes and report
Total Assets
41,646,467 38,731,168
from independent auditor Taylor,
Total Liabilities
1,181,290 1,246,523
Applegate and Hughes is available
Net Assets
40,465,177 37,484,645
at our office and on our website.
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
41,646,467 38,731,168
FY 2010
FY 2009
*For FY 2009, our independent
auditors reclassified $7,109,077
from cash and cash equivalents to
Combined Statement of Activity
1,711,519 2,488,988
Investment Income
Increase in Appreciation on Investments
Total Revenues
Grants and Scholarships
2,526,323 2,437,393
Administrative Expenses
415,606 398,447
Programmatic Expenses
409,558 444,039
Total Expenses
3,351,487 3,279,879
Increase in Net Assets
Net Assets Beginning of Year
37,484,645 32,368,562
Net Assets End of Year
40,465,177 37,484,645
4 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Investment Overview
Balanced Pool Investment
Asset Mix at December 31, 2010
A majority of the Springfield Foundation’s
endowment funds are invested in a
“Balanced Pool” portfolio, which is
Mid Cap................................................... 6%
Small Cap................................................ 6%
Large Cap.............................................. 28%
International........................................... 22%
Real Estate............................................... 5%
Hedge Fund of Funds.............................. 4%
Private Equity........................................... 3%
Fixed Income......................................... 26%
structured for long-term total return. To
provide diversification and to reduce
overall risk, the investments are divided
into carefully defined asset classes. Assets
are invested by professional money
managers hired by the Foundation through
Total Assets by Fund Type
a competitive process. The investment
As of December 31, 2010
performance of each money manager is
Fund Assets
Advised................... 5,049,482............ 12%
Field of Interest........ 2,707,937.............. 7%
Scholarship............. 5,358,371............ 13%
Designated.............. 6,287,478............ 15%
Unrestricted............ 7,503,047............ 18%
Agency.................... 14,740,151.......... 35%
monitored by an independent investment
consultant retained by the Foundation and
overseen by the Foundation’s Investment
Committee. A list of our current
investment managers is available at the
Springfield Foundation office.
Total....................... 41,646,467........ 100%
Balanced Pool
Investment Returns
at December 31, 2010
1 Year: 13.2%
3 Year: -0.2%
1996............ $11,592,309
1997............ $13,954,725
1998............ $19,022,440
1999............ $21,019,651
2000............ $23,040,265
2001............ $23,963,552
2002............ $24,634,100
2003............ $30,017,653
2004............ $32,163,752
2005............ $33,104,088
2006............ $36,433,816
2007............ $43,702,785
2008............ $34,170,141
2009............ $38,731,166
2010............ $41,646,467
5 Year: 4.2%
As of December 31
of each year
Growth in Total Assets
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Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
One Grant and One Scholarship At
Each year we build on our
Commitment to Community by
providing grants to meet local needs
in a broad range of areas including:
Arts and Culture, Civic Affairs,
Welfare, Education, Health, and
Human Services.
In 2010, over $2,500,000 in grants and
scholarships were awarded. Grants and
scholarships totaling $2,011,750 were
made from the Foundation’s restricted
funds while $514,573 was awarded
through the discretionary funds (See
pages 8-19 for more information).
Scholarship awards from all funds
totaled $318,802 and included 241
new and renewal awards. These grants
and scholarships are awarded in the
following ways:
Discretionary Grants are
supported by the Foundation’s
unrestricted and field of interest funds.
These general community grants
are awarded annually to local 501(c)
(3) nonprofit organizations located
in, or providing direct support to,
Clark County through a competitive
application process. The grant
application, guidelines, and due dates
are available on our website at www.
springfieldfoundation.org. Grants are
awarded in December of each year.
Designated Grants ensure
long-term annual support to nonprofit
organizations. These grants come
6 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
A Time
from funds established by donors to
support one or more organizations.
No application is required and grants
usually are made in December of
each year.
Donor Advised Grants are
made at the recommendation of
donors who have established
permanent donor advised funds or
Charitable Checking funds through
the Foundation. Following guidelines
established by our Board of Trustees,
donors may suggest grants to 501(c)(3)
nonprofit organizations both locally and
throughout the United States.
No application is required and grants
may be made by donors throughout
the year.
Scholarship Awards come
from scholarship funds established by
donors to help area students afford a
college education. Scholarships may
be created with specific selection
criteria or with general requirements.
Most scholarships are need-based.
A Guide to Scholarship Funds and
Requirements, along with application
materials, are available on our website
www.springfieldfoundation.org each
January and awards are made in June.
In 2010, 72 Discretionary
Grants totaling $514,573
were awarded in the
following areas:
14%to Arts and Culture
22%to Human Services
9% to Civic Affairs
39%to Health
13%to Education
4% to Conservation, Environment
and Animal Welfare
Grants & Scholarships
by Fund Type:
Discretionary grants represent a portion
of grantmaking through the Springfield
Foundation. The total amount of
distributions from all fund types was
Donor Advised..........$832,391..........33%
Field of Interest..........$151,403............6%
Agency Grants are distributed
to nonprofit organizations that have
established their own endowed Agency
Fund at the Foundation. Generally,
these grants are made annually from
their fund to support operations or
special projects of the organization.
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Gary Geis Dance Company
(left, above, right) was created
to reach out to the community
to increase appreciation of
performing arts – especially dance
- and to offer young people an
opportunity to participate in dance
regardless of their age, gender,
race or income. Two exciting hip
hop dance troupes have been
formed to achieve this mission:
Jericho Jazz for performers age
8 – 12, and Exodus, for more
experienced dancers, age 13
and older.
Westcott House Foundation
(top right) exists to preserve the
creative genius of Frank Lloyd
Wright and the entrepreneurial
spirit of Burton J. Westcott that
resulted in the “house museum”
that stands at 1340 East High
Street in Springfield, Ohio.
The summer camps “Design
Detectives and “Design Studio”
give young people hands-on
experience with photography,
theatre, art, music and play that
teach about the rich architectural
history of our area.
8 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Arts & Culture
Clark County, Ohio is home to great venues and entertainment options. With 11 grants totaling $70,000,
the Foundation supports programs that bring together new and diverse audiences to enjoy the
community’s many cultural offerings.
Arts Interface
Arts Education at Infusion Campus
Clark State Community College
2010-2011 Artist Residencies
Gary Geis Dance Company
Jericho Jazz and Arts Celebration Day
New Carlisle Chautauqua Council
Support for performances and community development of arts
and culture in New Carlisle, Ohio
Springfield Arts Council
American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation for 2011 Summer
Arts Festival
Springfield Arts Council
Premier Sponsorship for Summer Arts Festival 2011
Springfield Arts Council
Amphitheater Renovation
Springfield Museum of Art
“What is Beauty?” Exhibition
Springfield Stageworks
Sponsorship of 2010-2011 season
Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Operating support
Westcott House Foundation
Operating support
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City of Springfield
CultureFest (left, above, right).
One weekend each summer, the
City Hall Plaza in Springfield,
Ohio becomes a multi-cultural
festival. This community has been
- and continues to be - influenced
by the many different ethnic
groups that call Springfield and
Clark County home.
Wittenberg University’s
Summer Intern Program
(top right) through the Center for
Civic and Urban Engagement
connects Wittenberg University
students with the local
community in six different
projects that bring real value to
all participants. “Renewing the
Core and the Creek” is just one
example of the interns “getting
their feet wet” in the community.
Students who are engaged with
local programs begin to think of
Springfield as a permanent home,
where they can be successful.
And, local organizations benefit
from the students’ service and
from their potential as future
Report |REPORT
Looking Back
... Looking
| Building
10 | 2010
on ourForward
COMMITMENT to Community
Civic Affairs
We are linked together in our community by shared location, experiences and economy.
In 2010, 11 grants totaling $44,500 supported programs that remind us of where we’ve been,
where we are, and where we’re going.
Center City Association
Support for Holiday in the City
City of Springfield
Support for the downtown Springfield CultureFest program in 2011
Clark County Historical Society
Operating support and gallery changes
Clark County Public Library
Operating support for Bookmobile service
Clark County Retired Teachers
Advance One Room schoolhouse teaching project
Community Improvement
Operating support
Leadership Clark County
Community leadership academy for adults
Legal Aid of Western Ohio
Clark County Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program
Neighborhood Housing Partnership
Homebuyer Education and Foreclosure Prevention
Wittenberg University
Community summer internship program through its Center for
Civic and Urban Engagement to place college students with
local businesses and organizations
Support for a Springfield/Clark County Reporter
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Springfield in Full
Bloom (above, middle) is
the local name given to our
community’s participation
in the annual America in
Bloom competition. Each
July, judges visit various
communities to evaluate floral
displays, landscaped areas,
environmental awareness,
heritage preservation, and
community involvement.
Local residents work together
to make a good impression on the visiting judges, and
reinforce the image of Springfield and Clark County as a
great place to live, work and play.
Glen Helen (right) is a 1,000 acre, nonprofit nature
preserve located in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Each year, the
Glen is inhabited by 4th, 5th and 6th graders from schools
including Springfield City elementary schools. This is
an experience that should not be denied any child who
lacks financial resources. Grant funding helps provide
scholarships to students who could not otherwise take
part in the three-day camp.
12 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Conservation, Environment
& Animal Welfare
Our landscape plays a critical role in the quality of life of our fellow citizens.
With 4 grants totaling $18,500, the Foundation supported education and
stewardship of our natural environment.
Glen Helen Association
Support for Clark County students to participate in their Outdoor
School Education Program
National Trails Parks &
Recreation District
Replace and maintain playground safety surfaces
QUEST Adult Services
Turning Paper Into Green secured shredding and recycling
Springfield in Full Bloom
Support for our community’s participation in the annual America in Bloom competition
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Springfield Promise
Neighborhood (top
right, middle) exists
to build Springfield
and Clark County as a
community that does
everything possible
to ensure that all of
its children are school
ready by kindergarten,
and college or career
ready by the time they
graduate from high
school. This is being
accomplished in a pilot
program at Lincoln
Elementary. The goal
is to make it a “thriving
school,” and the area
surrounding the school a
“thriving neighborhood.”
Wright STEPP (lower
right) is a program of
Wright State University
that engages young
people entering 8th
grade to help prepare
them for careers
in the STEM fields
(Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math, and
Medicine). Students who
successfully complete
the Wright STEPP
program earn a full,
four year scholarship
to attend Wright State
University to study in a
STEM discipline.
14 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Education is our community’s investment in its future. With 7 grants totaling $64,000,
the Foundation supported programs and improvements that will have a broad impact on
our community’s learners – of any age.
Clark County Literacy Coalition
Basic Literacy
Clark State Foundation
Champion City Scholars program, preparing Springfield City School students for college
Clark Technical Center
Construction Trades Job Site Trailer
Jobs & More, Christian Workplace
Mentoring Ministry
Training and mentoring program for adult job seekers
Junior Achievement of Mad River
Economics for Success series for middle school students
Springfield Promise Neighborhood
Operating support for the Springfield Promise Neighborhood
Wright State University Foundation
Program for Springfield High School students interested in
exploring science, technology, engineering, math and medicine
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The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
(LLS) of Central Ohio (above) has been
offering programs to Clark County residents
since 2008. In January 2009, Shawnee High
School teacher Beth Hearlihy was diagnosed
with Stage IV Burkitt’s Lymphoma. Beth’s
survival was made possible by research
funded by LLS and from LLS’s patient support
services in Clark County. The Foundation’s
funding of this program in Clark County has
resulted in service to more than 250 local
cancer survivors including LLS’s 2011
Woman of the Year Beth Hearlihy.
TAC Farms (top & bottom right) is helping
to provide healthy, locally grown food to
area restaurants and schools. With a new
hydroponic greenhouse, seven individuals
with disabilities will be employed to provide
more than 400 pounds of romaine lettuce to
Springfield City Schools. This produce is in
addition to the lettuce and fresh basil that is
already in production for local restaurants.
16 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
A community depends on local organizations to provide services that improve the overall health and well-being
of its citizens. In 2010, the Foundation awarded 19 grants totaling $194,950 to support organizations that
provide services in areas of health education, preventive care, mental health, and care for the disabled.
Alzheimer’s Association Miami Valley
Support for their dementia program in Clark County
Clark County Public Library
Library materials for blind or low-vision patrons
Community Hospital Health Services
Preventing Teen Pregnancy programming in the community
Community Mercy Foundation
Cancer care outreach program
Community Mercy Foundation
Community Mercy Med Assist program for prescription assistance
Deaf Community Resource Center
Case management and social support for Deaf who live in Clark County
Family Services Association
Community Services for the Deaf
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
of Central Ohio
Providing patient services in Clark County
Mental Health Services for Clark and
Madison Counties
Parents and Children Together (PACT) therapy program
Neighborhood Church Clinic, Inc.
Lead screening program for babies and children
Oesterlen Services for Youth, inc.
Behavioral group therapy for youth in the community
Riding Centre
Therapeutic horseback riding
Rocking Horse Community Health
CHAMP program to coordinate care and services for children who have
multiple medical needs
Rotary Club Foundation of Springfield
Services to people with disabilities
Salvation Army
Summer day camp for children with disabilities
Springfield Family YMCA
Camp Journey Day Camp for children with disabilities
Springfield Regional Cancer Center
Cancer Center medical building project
TAC Enterprises
Through the use of a new hydroponic greenhouse, TAC Farms is helping
to provide healthy, locally grown food to area restaurants and schools
Tecumseh Local School District
Increasing basic skills for visually impaired students
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Ronald McDonald House
(top) in Dayton, Ohio is a
temporary “home away from
home” for families of critically ill
or injured hospitalized children.
Families from Clark County
make up the greatest number
of overnight guest stays.
Serenity Kelly’s family stayed
at Ronald McDonald House
when Serenity was delivered
prematurely, weighing only 3
pounds, 4 ounces. Serenity’s
mother, LaTosha Kelly, was
comforted by the other guests
of Ronald McDonald House
and was thankful that she could
be close by her miracle baby
as she gained weight and grew
healthy enough to go home.
Interfaith Hospitality
Network (bottom) is
dedicated to helping individuals
and families overcome
homelessness. IHN serves
families, single women and
single men in two shelters
– Norm’s Place and Hartley
House. With support from this
nonprofit organization, people
can transition into permanent
housing and get connected
with other community support
18 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Human Services
A community must support those members who are in need. Grants from the Springfield Foundation
help local organizations serve those who face challenges to meet basic needs. In 2010,
19 grants totaling $110,800 helped feed the hungry, give shelter to the homeless, serve those with disabilities
and provide emergency assistance to our fellow citizens in need.
American Red Cross - Clark County
Disaster relief assistance program for victims of natural disasters or fire
Bethel Churches United
Food pantry
Big Brothers Big Sisters
One-to-One Mentoring for school age children
Boy Scouts of America - Tecumseh
Scoutreach program for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts
Catholic Charities
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) - formerly known as “Food Stamps”
Clark County Child Advocacy Center
Operating support
Clark County Combined Health District
Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby program support
Clark County Habitat for Humanity
Habitat house project in 2011
Girl Scouts Western Ohio
Girl Scout educational programs in Clark County schools
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Homeless shelter and services for Clark County residents
Medway United Methodist Church
Seeds of Hope Food Pantry support
Operating support for a farm-based after-school program for youth
Project Woman
Operating support
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Program for Clark County families of children who are being treated at
Dayton Children’s Hospital
Springfield Family YMCA
“Y Strong” Campaign
Springfield Family YMCA
“Partners with Youth” scholarship support
St. Luke’s Lutheran Mission
Hygiene pantry
United Senior Services
Retired and senior volunteer program
Families and Schools Together (FAST) for elementary school students
and their families
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Help Shape our COMMITMENT to Community
Through the generosity of many families
and individuals, we administer more
than 55 scholarship funds for the
benefit of eligible students. Scholarship
funds allow our donors to invest in the
future by helping deserving students
further their education. Students benefit
from financial assistance as well as
the academic recognition of being a
scholarship recipient. Together, they help
build our future and our Commitment to
In 2010, scholarship awards from all funds
totaled $318,802 and included 241 new
and renewal awards. To see a complete
list of scholarship recipients for the 20102011 academic year, visit our website at:
New Scholarship Awards
by High School:
Catholic Central High School
Emmanuel Christian Academy
Greenon High School
Kenton Ridge High School
Northeastern High School
Northwestern High School
Shawnee High School
Southeastern High School
Springfield Christian School
Springfield High School
Tecumseh High School
Urbana High School
Other Locations
Richard A. & Kay H.
Cartmell Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Obtaining an education from Wittenberg
University was once a dream of Richard
Cartmell, but World War I interrupted his
studies. He never completed college.
After the War, he moved to Florida with
his mother where he met his future
wife Catherine “Kay.” They later moved
to Springfield, where they opened an
appliance, kitchen remodeling, and blind
business on North Limestone Street. In the
late 1950’s, they purchased a family farm
and developed the Park Shopping Center
and Commerce Park.
While Richard never completed college,
both he and Kay understood the
importance of a college education. It
was this knowledge that inspired them to
establish the Richard A. & Kay H. Cartmell
Memorial Scholarship Fund. This 4 year
scholarship provides financial assistance
to Clark County students attending
Wittenberg University. Since it was created
in 1994, Richard and Kay Cartmell’s 4
year renewable scholarship has helped
Richard and Kay Cartmell
more than a dozen students obtain the
education that Richard never completed.
Merit Scholars
Created by the Foundation’s Board
of Trustees in 2009, the Springfield
Foundation Merit Scholarship recognizes
the academic and community
accomplishments of Clark County
high school graduating seniors. Erin
Greenwood, Nathan Shay, and Allison
Tune were the scholarship’s inaugural
recipients (See page 3).
Growth in Scholarship Awards
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
20 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Strengthen our COMMITMENT to Community
Community Fund
Faye Flack (center), Executive
Director of Community Hospital
Health Services Foundation
with cancer survivor Cynthia
Griffin (left) and Dianne Jordan,
AACF Committee Member
(right), accepts a grant for her
organization’s mammogram
access program “Breast Check.”
The African-American Community Fund (AACF)
was established in 2004 as the Foundation’s first
Affiliate to promote philanthropy among African-Americans throughout
Clark County and to award grants for programs and projects that have
a positive impact on the African-American community. The Affiliate is
represented by an advisory committee of community members who
assist with the growth and grantmaking of the family of funds.
David Smiddy (right), Executive
Director of the Clark County
Literacy Coalition and Literacy
Center student Kathy Brantley
(center) accept two grants from
AACF Committee Member,
Dianne Jordan (left). These
grants support “Pick a Pack”
backpacks for Literacy Center
students to check out throughout
the year and for their “Outreach
to Minority Communities”
2010 AACF Advisory Committee Members: Robert Burton,
Nettie Carter-Smith, Lula Cosby, William Fralick, Corey Holliday, Sheila
Humphrey-Morris, Dianne Jordan, Hattie Lawson, Jessie Shropshire,
Lester Smithers (Chair), and Michael Whitfield.
Grant Highlights
The AACF Unrestricted Fund awarded 2 multi-year grants in 2010 totaling
$3,000. These grants were awarded in the areas of health care and
education and were meant to foster strategic partnerships to address
pressing needs in the African-American Community.
Women’s Partnership
Funds of Clark County
The Women’s Partnership Funds of Clark
County was established in 2009 as the Foundation’s second Affiliate.
The Fund will address on-going barriers that women face as they try to
achieve their full potential in our community. The Advisory Council to the
Women’s Partnership Funds has developed a proactive grant-making
strategy. By researching the status of Clark County women and working
with existing organizations, innovative solutions are being explored.
The mission of the Women’s Partnership Funds is to transform the lives of
women of the Clark County area by mobilizing the collective power and
passion of women working together through philanthropy.
The WPF Advisory Council coordinated a meeting of area women’s
organizations in October to discuss
the most pressing issues facing
women and girls in Clark County.
2010 Advisory Council members meet at least quarterly to
coordinate the work of the various
committees and staff. (Pictured
Left to Right: Back Row - Michelle
Sweeney, Joan Elder, Bridget
Pedraza, Faye Flack, Mel Marsh,
Cathy Crompton, Robyn KochSchumaker, Front Row - Tyra
Jackson, Karen Duncan, and Susan Carey. Not pictured: Virginia Estrop,
Stephanie McCuistion, Bea Smith, and Afshan Syed.
937.324.8773 | springfieldfoundation.org | 21
New Endowment Funds...
Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
In 2010, the following donors
partnered with the Springfield
Foundation to create permanent
endowment funds. These new Funds
will have an impact forever and each
builds upon our shared Commitment
to Community.
Anonymous Fund #8
The Springfield Branch AAUW
Helen L. Krout Memorial
This scholarship, established by the
Springfield Branch of the American
Association of University Women
(AAUW), provides financial support for
young women in Clark County to further
their studies at an accredited college
or university. This new Fund was made
possible by a gift from the estate of Helen
L. Krout.
John J. Corbitt Memorial
Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was started in 1996 by
Joan M. Corbitt in memory of her Father
and made permanent in 2010. This Fund
assists graduating seniors of Southeastern
High School as they further their studies
at an accredited four-year college or
Gary Geis Dance Company
Endowment Fund 1
specific to advancing the appreciation
of the art of dance and bringing focus to
dance education.
Glen Helen Association Raptor
Center Endowment Fund 2
Established by the Glen Helen Association,
this Fund provides unrestricted support to
the Glen Helen Raptor Center.
Grimes Flying Lab
Endowment Fund
This endowment supports the Grimes
Flying Lab Foundation in Urbana, Ohio
and the fulfillment of their mission to
educate the public with regard to the
history of aircraft lighting, and the role of
the Grimes Manufacturing Company.
Dr. Edna Jean Harper
Scholarship Fund 4
This scholarship was established by Dr.
Edna Jean Harper, past Superintendent
of the Springfield City Schools, to assist
graduating seniors of Springfield High
School who will be a first generation
college graduate in their family.
Hollandia Botanical Gardens
Endowment Fund 5
Established by Hollandia Botanical
Gardens, this Fund will support the
operation, maintenance and care of the
gardens and structures as provided by the
This Fund was created to support the
organization’s programs and operations
22 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Michael Manoloff
Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by
Michael Manoloff, former High School
Administrator, to provide financial resources
for students from Clark County High
Schools to pursue a college education.
Angela Arnold Maras Memorial
This scholarship was established in
2010 by anonymous donors to provide
financial assistance for Clark County High
School graduating seniors who are legally
independent and are pursuing a college
Helen and Huston Moores Fund
This Fund was created to support and
enable deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals
in Clark County to live independently,
maintain their dignity, and reach their full
potential. This Fund was inspired by the
deafness of Huston Moores.
The F. Leonard Murphy
Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1988
by the friends and family of Leonard
Murphy following his untimely passing
that year at age 43. Prior to partnering
with the Foundation, this scholarship
was administered by a committee of
Leonard’s friends, family and the Shawnee
High School English Department. The
scholarship assists graduating seniors of
Shawnee High School by providing financial
resources for students to go to college.
Northwestern Alumni
Scholarship Fund 8
This scholarship was established by a
group of active Northwestern High School
Alumni to provide scholarship resources
for graduating seniors of Northwestern
High School. Annual awards from the
Fund will be made in honor of the class
celebrating its 50th Anniversary.
Thelma Streber Memorial
Scholarship Fund
This Fund was established in 2010 by
family and friends of Thelma Streber in
memory of her 40 year nursing career.
The scholarship will provide financial
assistance to students pursuing a nursing
John H. and Virginia S. Warren
Endowment Fund
Created by Virginia Warren to memorialize
her late husband, this Fund will support
several local charities important to both of
Westcott House Foundation
Endowment Fund 9
This Fund was established to support the
organization’s programs and operations.
The Westcott House Foundation focuses
on the appreciation of design and
innovation, creativity, and understanding
of architectural principles and the design
process as inspired by Frank Lloyd
Wright’s historic Westcott House.
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Existing Endowment Funds
Endowment funds already in existence at the beginning of 2010 are listed below alphabetically by fund type.
We are forever grateful to the donors who created these funds which provide for Clark County’s long-term benefit
and serves as the foundation upon which we build on our Commitment to Community.
Unrestricted Funds
allow the Springfield
Foundation’s Board of Trustees its greatest flexibility in
making grants to the community. These gifts address ever
changing needs – including future needs that often could not
be anticipated at the time the gift was made. The flexibility
of unrestricted gifts enables our program experts to respond
the community’s needs – today and in the future.
The African-American Community Fund - 2004
The Margaret E. Baker Fund - 1988
The Weldin R. Baldwin Fund - 2003
The Thelma Bayley Unrestricted Fund - 2006
The Charles A. Boyers Fund - 1985
The Mary Jo Hauk Bryan and Fred H. Bryan Unrestricted Fund - 2000
The Juanita Jeckels Eakins Fund - 1981
The Leo and Georgiana Fischer Unrestricted Fund - 2007
The Gordon and Mary Flax Fund - 2006
The General Endowment Fund - 1950
The Max H. and Norma Jean Gerke Endowment Fund - 2001
The Arlin J., Barbara A., and David R. Grisso Memorial
Fund - 1998
The Perry Halley Fund - 1992
The Heckler Family Endowment Fund - 2001
The Lester Held Endowment Fund - 2002
The Charles E. Kip Unrestricted Fund - 2008
The Louise Leonard Endowment Fund - 2004
The Martha and Arthur Lutz Unrestricted Fund -1999
The Justine and William Montanus Unrestricted Fund - 2002
The Paul A. Pence Memorial Fund - 1994
The Isabelle F. Preston Unrestricted Fund - 2008
The Charlotte and Harry Smith Unrestricted Fund - 1998
The Social Service Bureau Fund - 1952
The Springfield Savings Society Fund - 1974
The M. Louise Steele Unrestricted Fund - 1999
The Florence E. Stewart Fund - 1996
The Roy R. Sultzbach Fund - 1997
The Catherine C. Uhlman Fund - 1993
The Annie VanderLinde Unrestricted Fund - 1999
Field of Interest Funds
address needs in
an area of community life – such as the arts, elderly care,
at-risk youth, or environmental preservation – that are
important to the donor. Personal interest areas are identified
when the fund is established. The Springfield Foundation
then awards grants to community organizations and
programs making a difference in the areas selected by the
The Ralph L. Barlow Cancer Care Fund - 1981
The Ralph L. Barlow Handicapped Children & Mentally Retarded
Assistance Fund - 1981
The Clark County Community Fund for Animals - 2008
The Clark County Community Fund for Arts and Culture - 2002
The Clark County Community Fund for Civic Affairs - 2002
The Clark County Community Fund for Conservation and the
Environment - 2002
The Clark County Community Fund for Education - 2002
The Clark County Community Health Fund - 2002
The Clark County Community Human Services Fund - 2002 The Dorothy Ella Dowell Fund - 1997
The Robert M. Farish Family Building Trades Fund - 2002
The Greater Springfield Day Care Center Children’s Fund - 2000
The Sylvia K. Mendelson Fund - 1989
The Hilda H. Seaman Memorial Fund - 1993
The Springfield Children’s Zoo Fund - 1976
The Louise Staley Fund - 1989
The Howard L. Templin Endowment Fund - 2003
The Women’s Partnership Funds - 2009
Designated Funds
allow donors to identify
the specific non profit charitable organizations, agencies or
programs that will benefit from the gift.
The Charles L. Bauer Fund - 1959
The Robert B. and Sally Ann Beam Endowment - 2008
The Charles A. Boyers Children’s Home - 1985
The Gail O. and Esther E. Brunson Fund - 2000
The Michael H. and Pauline N. Chakeres Endowment - 1996
The Elisabeth R. Cole Designated Endowment Fund - 2002
The Ann P. Cook Youth Symphony Memorial Fund - 2009
24 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
The Paul V. Deer Children’s Home Fund - 1978
The Warren G. Elliott Fund - 1998
The Esplanade Fountain Endowment Fund - 1995
The Leo and Georgiana Fischer Designated Fund - 2007
The David E. Foley Fund - 1994
The Gateway Garden Endowment Fund - 2000
The Anna Jean Gianakopoulos Fund - 1981
The Louise and Albert Goodman Fund - 2001
The Mina H. Hadley Fund - 1988
The Hare “Cookie Lady” Fund - 2006
The Laura E. Jacobs Fund - 1957
The Barbara Deer Kuss Nursing Endowment Fund - 2000
The Bessie B. Martin Fund - 1953
The Martin Family Fund - 1998
The Roland and Maxine Matthies Designated Fund - 1997
The Harris E. Miller Fund - 1976
The Dorothy M. Mumma Tuition Loan Fund - 1983
The Ben Wheldon Perks Endowment Fund - 2004
The Ed Pickering Memorial Fund - 2008
The Harold S. Pollens Charitable Trust Fund - 1997
The Dennis and Ruth Porter Fund - 1999
The Lucie M. Robbins Fund - 1991
The Sig and Ilse Sander Festival Dinner Fund - 1988
The David and Cynthia Smith Endowment Fund - 2007
The Mina E. Newman White Fund - 2007
The Donald and Dorothy Wiegel Fund - 2006
The Monte W. Zinn Fund - 2005
Donor Advised Funds
provide a
convenient, flexible way for families to get involved with the
community and with one another. This type of fund allows
donors to establish a charitable legacy in their family’s name,
fulfill multiple charitable interests, and teach giving values to
the next generation.
Anonymous Fund #1 - 1986
Anonymous Fund #2 - 1986
Anonymous Fund #4 - 2005
Anonymous Fund #7 - 2009
The Robert and Ruth Bayley Fund - 1997
The Edward Tague Bell Endowment Fund - 2007
The Betty Fund - 2003
The Norman and Mildred Carey Family Endowment Fund - 2008
The Chakeres Lifeline Fund - 1988
The Daniel and Rosemary Haemmerle Endowment Fund in Memory
of Janice and Stephen - 2007
The Roy and Kathryn Hickes Family Advised Fund - 2000
The Larry and Charlotte Kaffenbarger Endowment Fund - 2007
The Patricia and Roy Kohl Family Fund - 2009
The Edward Leventhal Family Advised Fund - 2006
The Fred and Maxine Leventhal Endowment Fund - 2008
The Todd and Gabriele Leventhal Family - 1995
The Roland and Maxine Matthies Family Advised Fund - 2006
The Christopher Charles Miller Memorial Endowment Fund - 2005
The Norman A. and Ann N. Pearson Fund - 2006
The Physical Disabilities Fund of the Springfield Foundation - 2004
The Richard and Ann Rice Family Fund - 2009
The Marion B. Robertson Fund - 1986
The Rex H. Rowand Endowment Fund - 2008
The Linda S. Sanders Fund - 2003
The Chelsea Valentine Rainbow Trust Fund - 1999
The George M. and Pamela A. Walker Family Fund - 2000
The Hattie Gordon Willens Memorial Fund - 1994
The Willie D. Fund - 2003
Scholarship Funds
provide scholarships
and educational grants based on specific guidelines and
selection criteria established by the donor.
The Kirk Andorfer Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1991
The Barbara A. Beery-Dudrow Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Lewis and Jeanne Bookwalter Scholarship Fund - 2003
The William R. Brannick Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2002
The Helen J. Brumfield Scholarship Fund - 2005
The Mary Jo Hauk Bryan and Fred H. Bryan Scholarship Fund - 2000
The Albert H. Carr Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1964
The Richard and Kay Cartmell Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1994
The Cooper Energy Services, Ajax Superior Employee Scholarship
Fund - 2001
The Richard “Pup” Conklin Motorcycle Mechanics Scholarship Fund - 2007
The George Tehan Fischer Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2007
The Carl and Francis Fisher Scholarship Fund - 1994
The Charles L. Fox Family Educators Award Fund - 1997
The Lydia Freking Scholarship Fund - 1997
The Waverly Glover Scholarship Fund - 2005
The Louise and Albert Goodman Scholarship Fund - 2001
The Hare “Cookie Lady” Scholarship Fund - 2006
The D. Michael Harber II Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1997
The Ralph and Kathryn Harman Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1986
The William S. and Mary M. Haynes Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Home City Federal Savings Bank, Julia Ward Turner Scholarship Fund - 1999
The Merlin G. Johnson Scholarship Fund - 1998
The Helen Kaffenbarger Memorial Scholarship - 2008
The Patricia and Roy Kohl Family Scholarship Fund - 2009
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Existing Endowment Funds ... cont.
The Judy Wile Kossoff Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2007
The Les Femmes des Charities Scholarship Fund - 1996
The Kathryn Littleton Scholarship Fund - 1987
The Frank Long Scholarship Fund - 1990
The Mary Masters Scholarship Fund - 1999
The Miner Moore Scholarship Fund - 1990
The Mu Chi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Scholarship
Fund - 2005
The Dorothy M. Mumma Scholarship Fund - 1983
The Charles V. and Helen H. Myers Scholarship Fund - 1994
The Education Options Scholarship Fund - 1995
The Penwell Trust Scholarship Fund - 2000
The Myron and Helen Porter Scholarship Fund - 1997
The Dorothy Z. and Howard N. Scarff Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1999
The Patricia Sharp Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1991 The Mary Ellen Shockey Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2002
The D. Suzanne Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1991
The Jennifer Lou Spencer Memorial Scholarship Fund - 1997
The Springfield Foundation Merit Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Springfield News-Sun, Ralph Doyle Endowed Scholarship Fund - 1999
The Nelson and Belva Stallsmith Scholarship Fund - 2004
The Gary Edwin Stevenson Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Sutphen Corporation Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Hannah Christine Young Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2009
The Howard Zeller Scholarship Fund - 1989
Agency Funds
are created by local nonprofit
organizations that wish to take advantage of our financial
management and administrative resources, including advice
on increasing endowments through planned giving. These
endowments provide an ongoing source of income for
operations and programs.
The Jessie Foos Baker, Springfield Foundation Operating
Endowment Fund - 2002
The Don Bishop, Opportunities Industrialization Center Education
and Training Endowment Fund - 1998
The Garth Q. Briggs Scholarship Fund of the Tecumseh Education
Foundation - 2007
The B-W Greenway Community Land Trust Endowment Fund 2007
The Clark County Heritage Center Endowment - 1998
The Clark County Literacy Coalition Fund - 2006
The Clark County Mental Health Foundation Fund - 2004
The Community Hospital Health Services Foundation (CHF) Family
of Funds - 2009
Cardiac and Respiratory Fund
Harriet Cousar Scholarship Fund
Ann Somers Field Scholarship Fund
John Harter Scholarship Endowment Fund
Bruce Mayer Cardiac Endowment
Nursing Scholarship Fund
Dr. Edwin A. Roberts Scholarship Fund
Stella Rubart Scholarship Fund
School of Nursing Fund
Karl and Bertha Mack Schreiber-Rom Scholarship Fund
Springfield Business & Professional Women’s
Scholarship Fund
Marybelle Hodge Tembreull Scholarship Fund
Kierstin Nicole Willets Scholarship Endowment Fund
The Covenant Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund - 2008
The Elderly United Endowment Fund - 2008
The First United Church of Christ Endowment Fund - 2008
The E. Lucille Ginn Fund of the Links - 2005
The Glen Helen Association Endowment Fund - 2008
The High Street United Methodist Church Cordes Fund - 2009
The Marti Kiser Fund of the Opportunities Industrialization Center
(OIC) - 2006
The Don Ackerman Memorial Fund of the Kiwanis Foundation - 2003
The General Operating Fund of the Kiwanis Foundation - 2003
The Scholarship and Student Loan Fund of the Kiwanis
Foundation - 2003
The Conrad Turner Memorial Fund of the Kiwanis Foundation - 2003
The Logan County MRDD Fund - 2002
The Marguerite Morris, Project Woman Endowment Fund - 2000
The Nehemiah Foundation Endowment Fund - 1999
The New North Street AME Church Housing Development, Inc. Fund - 2005
The Glenn A. Harper Endowment Fund for Preservation on the
Ohio Historic National Road (OHNR) - 2009 (Established by
the Ohio National Road Association)
The Ridgewood School Endowment Fund - 2002
The Rabbi Marianne L. Gevirtz Temple Sholom Fund - 2004
The Rotary Foundation of Springfield, Ohio Endowment Fund - 1992
The John Smarelli Scholarship Fund of the Springfield Symphony
Orchestra - 2007
The Springfield Arts Council Endowment Fund - 1996
The Springfield Preservation Alliance Endowment Fund - 2009
The Springfield Symphony Foundation Family of Funds (4) - 2007
The Tecumseh Land Trust Endowment Fund - 2008
The United Way of Clark County Endowment Fund - 1998
The United Way of Clark, Champaign and Madison Counties
Endowment Fund #2 - 2006
26 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Contributors to New and Existing Funds
We wish to thank our many thoughtful 2010 donors whose generosity over the past year helped support a
wide range of services and programs in our community. THANK YOU for making a difference and for sharing
our Commitment to Community.
AAUW Springfield Chapter
Drs. John and Barbara Abma
Joyce Abma
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Acra
Michael A. Ahern *
Ms. Ann Albert
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Allen
Mrs. Evelyn Allen and Velta Massie
American Security Insurance Company
Anonymous Donors *
David and Phyliis Arthur *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Astorino
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Babian
Ms. Debra Baker *
Mr. and Mrs. C. Duane Baker
Larry and Jane Baker *
Dr. J. Robert Baker and
Dr. Mary Jo Groves
Judy Banks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bare *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barksdale *
Mr. Lester Barnhart
Jon and Lori Bartell *
Mr. Fred Bartenstein *
Allan and Barbara Barth *
Mr. James L. Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bayless
Robert B. and Sally Ann Beam Estate
Addison Beckley *
Andy and Cathy Bell *
Eddie and Heidi Bell
Ms. Alice F. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Bello
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Benfield
Ken and Pat Benne *
Jeanne W. Bennett *
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bennett *
Ms. Julie A. Berke *
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry *
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berschet *
Bill and Colleen Birch *
Ms. Leanna S. Birch
Mr. Dean Blair *
Ms. Terrie Bodey
Mr. Frank D. Bonerigo and Mrs. Rebecca
J. Bonderigo
Mrs. Lewis Bookwalter *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Borley *
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Braun Jr.
Ms. Kelli Bray
Bredemeyer Family *
Bridge Communications
Mr. Jeff Briner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Bronston
Bill and Deanna Brougher *
Charles and Susan Brougher *
Mr. D. Michael Brown
Richard and Patricia Brown *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brust
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bucey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Buchheit
Mr. Robert L. Buchy
Sam and Barbara Burcham *
Burns-Monjot Family *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buroker
Robert L. Burton Jr., CPA *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler *
Ms. Rita Buturain *
John R. Butz and Joan R. Butz *
Mr. Bradley Byanski
C & S Staffing Services
Mr. Michael Calabrese
Mrs. Janice M. Calcaterra *
Denise and Brian Canady
Dan and Suzie Carey *
Mrs. Mildred Carey *
Ms. Helen H. Carter
Vivian H. Carter *
Mrs. Nettie Carter-Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Verlon D. Cash
Ms. Joyce L. Cave
Mr. and Mrs. James Michael Ceney
Mrs. Pauline Chakeres *
Philip and Mandy Chakeres *
Dr. Millie Chamberlin
Ms. Margaret A. Chapman
Ms. Jean M. Chepp
Mrs. Nancy L. Chiles
City of Springfield
Clark County Combined Health District
Clark County Farm Bureau
Clark County Traffic Safety Council
Clark-Shawnee Local School District
Nancy and Sam Clarke *
Dr. and Mrs. Gene A. Clifton *
Mr. Matt Cline
Tim and Cathy Coffelt *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coffman
Ann and Glenn Collier *
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Collins
Randall and Tamara Comer *
Mr. John Condon
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Cook
Mr. David Cooke
Ms. Marinell Cooley
Ms. JoEtta W. Cooper
Warren and Clara Copeland
Ms. Joan M. Corbitt
Mrs. Lula Cosby *
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Mrs. Vivienne R. Cramer
Ms. Patricia Cramer *
Dr. and Mrs. Keith M. Crompton
Dr. Catherine Crompton
Dr. James L. Cromwell
Steve and Kris Culp *
Mr. Donald L. Danley
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Davis
Deerhawk Agency Corp.
Ms. Mary DeGroat
Mr. Rick Delaney
Ms. Teresa Demana
Vince Demana Family *
Art and Sylvia Derr *
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Detrich
John and Karen Detrick *
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Detrick
Ms. Patricia Dewine
Richard and Donna Dolbeer *
Ms. Sofia E. Doyle
Donna Jean Driscoll *
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Drum
Mr. Donald Dudrow Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Duncan *
937.324.8773 | springfieldfoundation.org | 27
Contributors to New and Existing Funds ... cont.
Edward W. and Margaret A. Dunn *
Dr. and Mrs. Michael DuVall *
Eagle Creek Historical Organization
Mr. Robert Edmondson *
Mrs. Kaye Edsall
Harry and Linda Egger *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ehrhart
Andy and Joan Elder *
Joan E. Elder
Ms. Beryl Ellis
John and Carol Emerich *
Emmanuel Christian Academy
Endicott Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Engle *
Enon Greenon Alumni Association
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Erickson
Dr. and Mrs. David Estrop
Dr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Faber *
Mr. and Mrs. Percy M. Fagans
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faulder
John S. Federer *
Louis W. Feldmann *
Ms. Kathleen E. Fent
Ferncliff Cemetery & Arboretum
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Ficke
John and Ann Field *
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Field *
Steve and Donna Field *
Ms. Debbie A. Finkes
First Diversity Management Group
Larry and Kim Fish *
Ms. Faye M. Flack
Sanford H. and Faye M. Flack *
Gordon and Mary Flax *
Ms. Marcia Flax
Mr. Judy Fletcher
Dick and Marie Flickinger *
Dave and Linda Foley *
Ms. Peg Foley
Eddie and Wendy Ford *
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman *
Peter and Amy Foreman *
Foreman-Blair Pontiac-Buick-GMCCadillac *
Charles F. and Jeannine L. Fox *
Mr. and Mrs. William Fralick *
Mr. Charles Fralick
Security National Bank
Mr. James Freed *
Lenora Freshour *
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fritts
Ms. Patricia A. Frock
Mrs. Jo Ellen Furbee
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Gabbard *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gaier *
Mr. David A. Garrety
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Garrity
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Garvin
Ms. Catherine E. Gates
Mr. and Mrs. P. Gus Geil *
The Gary Geis Dance Company *
Art and Alex Gianakopoulos *
Dr. James G. Gianakopoulos
Ms. Renee Gibson
Glen Helen Association
Ms. Ruth M. Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Goetz
Mrs. Mindi Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodfellow
Hal and Beth Goodrich *
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Gosney
Mr. Dwain E. Gracy
Ms. Alma L. Gracy
Ms. Barbara M. Gray
Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce *
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greber
Mr. Ronald W. Green
Jay and Roberta Greenland *
Mrs. Evelyn Gregory
Mark Grimes *
Mr. Michael Gulvas
Ms. Rachel Guy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Hackett *
Mr. Tom Hale
Richard T. Hale *
Mr. Preston Hampton *
Mr. Michael O. Hanlin
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Harbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Harley *
Mr. and Mrs. James Harmon *
Dr. Edna Jean Harper
Mr. Glenn Harper
Maxine E. Harris and John B. Harris *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Harris *
Ms. Miriam Harshaw
David Hartley *
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawkes *
28 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hay
Hays Fabricating and Welding, Inc. *
John and Marlene Hays *
Mrs. Vernon Hays *
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hayslip
Dale and Vikki Hazelbaker *
Ms. Peggy Hearlihy Johnson *
Sue Hebner *
Jim and Bonita Heeg *
Richard F. Heil Jr. *
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Heims
Mr. Wayne E. Heinfeld
Mr. Don Henderson
Ms. Debra R. Henson
Susan Henson *
Debra Herroon
Kristin and Richard Hibbett *
Col. and Mrs. Richard Higgins *
Mrs. Deborah Hill and Mr. Burleson
Grimes *
Larry and Barbara Hill *
Horton and Lori Hobbs *
Mr. Horton H. Hobbs III
Hon. and Mrs. David Hobson *
Ms. Greta Hochstetler Mayer
Mrs. Peggy Hockman
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hoke *
Hollandia Botanical Gardens
Mrs. Jane Hollenbeck
Ms. Lita Holloway
Mrs. Carisa Holmes-Peters
Ms. Roberta Oshell Holterman
Home City Federal Savings Bank *
Ms. Kathleen A. Hoppes
Martha T. Horner *
Timothy and Susan Howard *
Mrs. Kathleen Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulsizer
Mark Hurvitz and Deborah Prinz *
Mr. Jack Hutslar, PhD
Chuck and Sallie Ingle *
Ms. Mabel E. Jackson
Doug and Linda Jacobs *
Ron and Jean Jaeckels *
Mike and Lois Jamieson *
Job and Family Services of Clark County
Jobs and More, Christian Workplace Mentoring Ministry *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Cynthia R. Jones *
Dianne C. Jones *
Ms. Helen Jones
Ms. Meredith Jones Galeano
Ms. Dianne Jordan
Jon and Anne Joyce *
Dr. R. Michael Kabbes
Larry and Charlotte Kaffenbarger *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kendig
Mr. and Mrs. James Kenney *
Kenton Ridge High School
Philip E. Kepple *
Mrs. Carole Kerber
Ravi and Vinita Khanna *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Killion
Jim and Nancy Kincaid *
Motorists Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Paul King
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kitchen *
Mr. Jeff Klawer
Ms. Norine A. Kmett
Donovan Knight and Charlene Roberge
Knight *
Mike and Linda Knox *
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kohl
Kohler Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Gregory Kolber
Ms. Katina Koumoutsos *
Mrs. Dorothy Kozak
Ms. Gretchen Krafft
Mr. Roger T. Kramer
Sondra Kramer *
Mr. C. William Krantz
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kranz
Roger and Barbara Krohn *
Mrs. Mary Krumlauf
Dr. and Mrs. Pias Kurian *
James H. and Nike D. Lagos *
John and Jill Landess *
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lane
Mrs. Marcelia Langford
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Langford
Shane and Mary Latham *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavelle
Mrs. Unita L. Lawrence
Mrs. Hattie Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. John Leep
Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken-Scott
Griffith *
Ms. Shelley Leinasars
Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Lemon
Laurie and Eddie Leventhal *
Maxine and Fred Leventhal *
The Levine Investment Company *
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Linder
Doug and Becky Lineberger *
Mr. Richard Link *
Links, Springfield Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Linn *
Mr. Michael D. Locke
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Loehrer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Loftis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lohnes
Ms. Jane W. Lohnes
Lawrence and Bonita Longo *
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Lookabaugh
Sarah H. Lupfer *
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Lynam
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lyons *
Elizabeth M. MacLean
Ms. Nancy E. Mahoney and Mr. Dennis W.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maletic
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manoloff
Ed and Rose Markel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marsenburg
Mel Marsh & Rick Rutan *
Mr. George Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Martin *
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Martin
Mr. Kenneth Martin and Mrs. Marja
Martin, Browne, Hull & Harper
Michael and Sandra Mason
Joseph and Maureen Massaro *
Ms. Barbara Matthies
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matthies *
Dr. Roland Matthies *
Mr. and Mrs. William Mattinson
Ms. Jillian M. Mattone
Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McAdow *
McCall-Sharp Architecture, Ltd. *
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Dale McFeatters
Dan and Judy McGregor *
Jim and Nancy McGregor *
Julie McGregor *
Ross McGregor and Cathy Crompton *
David and Lynn McLaughlin *
Mr. Michael D. McLean
Mr. Robert G. Merkle *
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.
Janelle Mesarvey *
Stan and Karen Mickel *
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mihal
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller *
Dr. James B. Miller
Mary Sharon Miller *
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Milner *
Dorothy L. Minor *
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Molnar
Ms. Stephanie Molnar Molnar-Whiteside
Stephen P. Moody *
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moore
Ms. Leslie J. Morris
Mr. Joe Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. James Moyers
Ms. Bonnie B. Mukerjee
Mr. Matthew C. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Murphy
Mr. Greg Murphy
Ms. Kathryn D. Murphy
Helen H. Myers *
Ms. Marianne L. Nave
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Nedelman *
Rick Nedelman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Neely
Nehemiah Foundation *
Mr. G. Robert Nelson Jr. and Mrs. Francine
A. Nelson
Ms. Lena Nesbitt
New Carlisle Chautauqua Arts Council *
New North Street AME Church Housing
Development, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nielson
Mr. Sean Noonan
Mrs. Mary Lu Kissell Noonan *
Noonan Foundation
Peter and Peggy Noonan *
Charles and Donna Novak *
Ms. Mindy L. Odonnell
The Ohio Masonic Home Benevolent Endowment Foundation *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Keefe *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Oliver
937.324.8773 | springfieldfoundation.org | 29
Contributors to New and Existing Funds ... cont.
Mr. Charles Oliver
Mr. Sam Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. O’Neil
Jack and Malena Osbun *
Mr. and Mrs. Art Osseck *
Frank and Tommie Otway *
Paradox Group Ltd.
Gerald and Barbara Parisi *
Clermont E. Park and Edith West-Park
Paul and Rita Parlato *
Mr. and Mrs. David Patterson
Doug and Stephanie Paugh *
Plato and Tina Pavlatos *
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Payne
Mr. and Mrs Michael Peairs
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Peczkowski
Ms. Bridget Pedraza
Nancy Pence *
Clare Perks *
Mr. James Perry
Ms. Elizabeth Ann H. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Al Pezoldt
Ms. Mary L. Pirozok
Drs. J. M. and Sally Abbott Pomputius *
Tom and Sue Prendergast *
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Price
Mr. Chris Price
Mr. Tobin M. Price and Mrs. Jennifer
Mr. William A. Price *
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Prosser
Walter S. Quinlan Foundation
Mrs. William M. Rader Jr.
Dr. Karen and Mr. John Rafinski *
Mrs. Joellen Raley and
Mr. Kirby Lee Raley III
Mr. Angus Randolph *
Mr. Bruce Rasor
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ray Jr. *
Dr. and Mrs. John Rechsteiner *
Paul W. Recknagel *
Mr. and Mrs. Laird E. Rehl
Dan, Nancy and Rachael Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice
Doug Richey Construction & Maintenance
Mr. Norman D. Riker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Robertson *
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Robinson
Mrs. Martee Rogers
Rick and Joy Rogers *
Mr. and Mrs. James Rolfes
Ms. Jenny Lee Rollins *
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Roseberry
Jim and Gaylee Ross *
Rotary Club of Springfield, Ohio *
Sherrie and Daniel Routzahn *
Mr. Michael I. Rucker and Mrs. Deanne
Schwartz Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Rugh
Mr. Thomas Rutschilling *
James and Sonya Ryhal *
Mr. Michael P. Rzesutock
Mr. Scott Saad
Dr. and Mrs. Narinder K. Saini
Earl and Laura Saito
The Samuelson Family *
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sanders *
Mr. Robert Saunter *
Mr. William Scarff *
Dr. Paul Schanher III, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Schantz
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Schilling
Ray and Marilyn Schneider *
Ms. Nora Schreel
Robyn Koch-Schumaker
Robyn Koch-Schumaker and Stephen
Schumaker *
Mr. and Mrs. M. Randall Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Scott
Mr. Justin Scott
Robert and Mary Sedoris *
Mr. Jack Seipel *
Ms. Rebecca L. Shackelford
Ms. Linda Shaffer
Mr. Ned Sharp and Ms. Marynelle Greene *
Steve and Denise Sharp *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sheets
Dr. Jerry and Kay Shell *
Mr. Tim Shepherd
Mr. Kent M. Sherry
Ms. Jessie Shropshire
Ms. Jennifer Siddiqi
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Siders
Mr. and Mrs. Don Silness
Jerry and Dianne Simonton *
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Simonton
Mr. David Simonton
30 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Jadgish and Daljeet Singh *
Dr. and Mrs. David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Smith
Mr. Randy Smith
Mr. Tim C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. O. Lester Smithers *
Mr. and Mrs. John Smoot
Ms. Janet Smucker
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Snyder *
Richard and Joyce Spangler *
Speedway Superamerica LLC *
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Spier
Springfield Bowling Center
Springfield Conservancy District
Springfield Noon Optimist Club Inc.
Springfield Preservation Alliance
Springfield Symphony Orchestra
Springfield Area Convention and Visitors
Tom Spurgin’s Aikido Partners
Tom and Ann Stafford *
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stambaugh
J. William and JoAnn Stapleton *
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stapleton
Dr. Daniel Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Steele
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Steele
Mr. Brian D. Steele
Mr. Ray E. Steele
Mr. Wilbert R. Steele
Ms. Sharon Steele and Ms. Naomi Bayer
Darmel and June Steen *
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stephens
Mr. Ralph F. Stickford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Robin N. Story
Mrs. Eleanor Krantz Strietman and Mr. Robert Strietman
William A. Stumpf *
Sutphen Corporation
William and Pamela Swaim *
Mr. Charles D. Swaney *
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Swanger
Michelle and Jim Sweeney *
Mr. James E. Swift
Estate of Gretta Anne Swigert
Marshall Whitacre *
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Switzer
Mr. Carl White, Jr. *
Mr. John T. Swonger and Ms. Deborah S.
Michael and Vickie Whitfield *
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wickham
Ms. Afshan Syed
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wiggins
Walt and Martha Szczesny *
Katherine Wildman *
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wildman
Ms. Orphus Taylor *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willets
Ms. Marcia L. Taynor
James and Claudia Williams
Tecumseh Land Trust *
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Williams
Ms. Deanna M. Tehan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Williams
Mrs. Kelly Tehan Sample
Mrs. Janet Williamson
Teikuro Corporation *
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tembreull
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Wilt
Gary A. Thomas D.D.S. *
Wilt PR
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thompson
Elaine and Patrick Winton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Thompson
Wittenberg University
Mr. Michael Trempe
Dick and Barb Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Tropp
Ms. Judy Woods
Coach Al Turner Fund
Ms. Nina J. Woods
Jim and Punky Turner *
Ms. Sharon Woolf
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Workman
The Turner Foundation *
Ms. Patricia Wright
Mr. Lawrence Turyn *
Jeff Wyler Automotive Family *
Brian and Jennifer Tuttle *
Mr. Sheldon Yablon
Dr. Richard and Darlene Umbaugh *
Mr. Tim Yeager
United Senior Services
Mr. Daniel Yeazell
United Way Clark, Champaign, and Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Yontz
Madison Counties *
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Young
Jim and Julia Valentine *
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young
Rev. and Mrs. Dr. James Van Zile
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
Ted and Jodi Vander Roest *
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Youngman
Dr. and Mrs. George Varghese
Mr. William Zahller
Mr. Jeff Vawter
Mr. Scott Zerkle
Col. and Mrs. James N. Vernon
Ms. Nancy Zerkle
Mrs. Audrey Vestring
Mr. Donald K. Zerkle, Jr. and Mrs. Lois E.
The Village Inn Tavern, LLC
Mrs. Charlotte Wade *
Mr. and Mrs. Don Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waggoner
Mrs. Charles Zimmerman Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Walker
Monte Zinn *
Chet and Judy Walthall *
Ms. Martha Zollinger
Walt and Mary Jane Wardley *
Zonta Club of Springfield
Mrs. Virginia Warren
Barbara Parke Weaver
Denotes individual or organization was also a Partner in
David and Susan Weaver *
Philanthropy during the fiscal year. These individuals play a critical
Alma Weixelbaum Trust
role in helping support the annual operating needs of the Foundation.
Chris and Lisa Wells *
These donor lists are checked carefully for accuracy each year;
Reed and Gail Welsh *
however, we apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions.
WesBanco Bank *
Mr. Phillip Westfall
Tribute Gifts
Contributions were made in honor of
these special people and milestones:
Andy Bell’s Birthday
Cathy Bell’s Birthday
Cathy Bell for Mother’s Day
Dean Blair
Charley Brougher
Ellen Dudney
Roberta Dunlap
Mary Jo Hauke
Pam Hay
Jack Hutslar
Mary Lou Loftis
Dolores Pedraza
Diane Richards
Memorial Gifts
Contributions were made in memory of
these individuals:
Edward Tague Bell
Ervin Brindowski
Doris Carey
Elizabeth Chovan
Richard “Pup” Conklin
Ann P. Cooke
Gordon and Mary Flax
Wanda Flowers
Rev. Marianne Gevirtz
Susan K. Hobbs
Richard Kramer
Richard L. Kuss
Timothy Price
Bob Pyle
Lillian Schnabel
Blair Shaffer
Tom Spurgin
Thelma Streber
Susan Malott Veler
Bobbie Wheatley
Sara Winwood
Hannah Christine Young
Heather Young-Johnson
937.324.8773 | springfieldfoundation.org | 31
Springfield Foundation Legacy Society
The Legacy Society of the
Springfield Foundation was
established to thank and
recognize those individuals
who have chosen to continue
to support the causes they care
about when they are gone. Too
often, these thoughtful gifts
go unrecognized because they
come at the end of a donor’s
life. The Legacy Society is our
way of acknowledging their
commitment to the future today.
We are here to help you integrate your
ideas and financial planning to make
the most of charitable giving. For more
information about making legacy gifts,
or to join the Legacy Society, please
contact the Foundation. Regardless of
the type of gift you intend to leave from
your estate, the purpose is determined
by you and we will recognize you in a
way that is meaningful to you. If you
prefer, we will honor your request for
Legacy Society Members:
Mrs. Jean Acton
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bayley
The Andy and Cathy Bell Family
Charles A. and Susan E. Brougher
Helen J. Brumfield
Gail O. Brunson
Robert L. Burton Jr. C.P.A. and Doris C. Burton Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Cook
Cathy Crompton and Ross McGregor
Earl and Janet Detrich
John and Karen Detrick
Gordon and Mary Flax
Dick and Marie Flickinger
Dave and Linda Foley
Bill and Debbie Fralick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gus Geil
Daniel and Rosemary Haemmerle
Chuck and Sallie Ingle
Larry and Sherry Kaffenbarger
Mr. Charles Kip**
Hattie M. Lawson
Ms. Cheryl Lightle & Mr. Wade Skaja
Michael Manoloff
Mel Marsh and Rick Rutan Family Legacy
2010 Legacy
Society Inductees
(left to right): Cathy
Crompton and Ross
McGregor, Michael
Manoloff, Mary Miller,
and Hattie Lawson.
32 | 2010 ANNUAL REPORT | Building on our COMMITMENT to Community
Barbara F. Matthies
Richard and Vicki Matthies
Dr. Roland Matthies
Dan and Judy McGregor
Jim and Nancy McGregor
Robert G. Merkle
Mary Sharon Miller
Dr. Stanley and Phyllis Nedelman
Peter and Peggy Noonan
Ben** and Clare Perks
Bishop Cecil and Roseann Pratt
Dr. Michael and Robin Pfeil
Dr. John W. and Sherril-ann Rechsteiner
Polly Ricketts
Gayle and David Sanders
Robyn Koch-Schumaker and Stephen Schumaker
Dr. Jerry and Kay Shell
Ms. Jessie L. Shropshire
Gail V. Smith
Lester and Priscilla Smithers
Ted and Jodi Vander Roest
Chet and Judy Walthall
Monte W. Zinn
** Deceased
Gift Opportunities
Partnering with the Springfield Foundation is an easy way to
support your favorite charities or charitable interests through
one organization. We can help you place your charitable
contributions where you think they will do the most good.
You can feel secure knowing your gift will be managed by an
organization that has deep roots in the community and has
earned the reputation for accountability and prudent investing
for the long term.
Gifts to Existing Funds
You may contribute to one or more of the funds that already exist
at the Foundation (see pages 22-26 for a complete listing) in any
amount and at any time. If you can’t choose, we recommend
considering the following field of interest funds:
The African-American Community Fund
The Clark County Community Fund for Animals
The Clark County Community Fund for Arts and Culture
The Clark County Community Fund for Civic Affairs
The Clark County Community Fund for Conservation and the
The Clark County Community Fund for Education
The Clark County Community Health Fund
The Clark County Community Human and Social Services Fund
The General Fund for Grants to Nonprofit Organizations
The General Fund for Scholarships
The Springfield Foundation Operating Endowment Fund
The Women’s Partnership Funds
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Any gift may be a memorial or tribute gift. A memorial contribution
or gift honoring an individual’s birthday, anniversary or other
special occasion is a simple and traditional way to show that you
care. Best of all, as part of an endowment, your gift will continue
to give far into the future. Notice of the gift is sent to the honoree
or their family. No dollar amount is ever mentioned.
Partners in Philanthropy
Established in 1995, Partners in Philanthropy promote the
Foundation and our mission. Comprised of individuals, families,
organizations and businesses countywide, members are
asked to share information about the Foundation with family,
friends, neighbors and acquaintances. The annual membership
contributions are tax deductible and are used to assist the
Foundation in marketing philanthropic opportunities throughout
Clark County.
The Charitable Checking Advised
Fund Program
This program provides you with the opportunity to make
recommendations regarding distribution of the fund’s principal
and income to qualified charities throughout the U.S. Charitable
Checking funds offer a simple solution to streamline your annual
Establishing Permanent,
Named Endowment Funds
You may select the name of the fund you establish and new gifts
may be added at any time. A minimum gift of $10,000 is required
to establish most named funds. The minimum amount can be
reached over a two-year period. The six fund types listed here
include both endowed and non-endowed options, offering you
flexibility. If you would like to learn more about establishing a
fund, please contact us at (937) 324-8773.
Unrestricted Funds offer the broadest giving option. This type
of fund gives the Foundation’s Board the ability to respond to
the needs of the community as they change over time.
Field of Interest Funds support charitable organizations that
address issues you care about most such as arts, education,
health care or other interest area.
Designated Funds provide annual support to one or more of your
favorite charities. Should the organization(s) cease to exist, the
Foundation has the responsibility to ensure your intent is met.
Donor Advised Funds allow you and your family to contribute to
your fund at any time and then recommend grants to support the
charities of your choice. These funds provide the most flexibility
and convenience.
Scholarship Funds provide grants for college students. You
have many options in determining the selection criteria for your
scholarship fund, such as the high school from which the student
graduated, their field of study, or the school they will attend.
Agency Funds are created by local nonprofit organizations to
provide an ongoing source of income for operations and programs.
NEW! – Horizon Funds allow you to build a charitable
endowment the same way you build a retirement plan ... through
regular contributions over time.
Gifts are tax deductible and promptly acknowledged.
937.324.8773 | springfieldfoundation.org | 33
Springfield Foundation
4 West Main Street
Suite 825
Springfield, Ohio 45502
937.324.8773 phone
937.324.1836 fax
Address service requested
Foundation Management
Robyn Koch-Schumaker, President
Andrew Bell, Vice President
Charles Swaney, Secretary
Plato Pavlatos, Treasurer
Board of Trustees
Dean Blair
Robert Burton
Randall Comer
Kim Fish
William Fralick
Deborah Hill
Mel Marsh
Phyllis Nedelman
William Scarff
O. Lester Smithers
C. William Brougher
Dr. Cathy Crompton
Lula Cosby
Gordon Flax
Peter Gus Geil
Edward Leventhal
Maureen Massaro
David L. Sanders
Jagdish Singh
Michelle Sweeney
Ted Vander Roest, Executive Director
Susan Carey, Accountant
Joan Elder, Program Officer
Horton H. Hobbs IV, Development Officer
Gail Welsh, Office Manager
Special Thanks...
We’d like to thank the following
departing Trustees for their dedication
and commitment:
Peter Noonan & William Stapleton
Confirmed in Compliance with
National Standards for U.S.
Community Foundations
Nonprofit Org.
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