DonBest Insider
DonBest Insider
official don best rotation schedule...........................2 The Don Best Weekly Insider DON BEST EXCLUSIVE COLLEGE FOOTBALL PICKS FINAL RECORDS........3 Don Best exclusive NFL picks.........4 6 FOOTBALL LINE MOVES BETTORS MUST KNOW.. ........................5 It seems hard to believe but another college football season is in the books, and as such, The Don Best Weekly Insider moves full time into covering the NFL playoffs. We had a great start to the playoffs last weekend with all four home teams winning and covering their wildcard games. It was the first time since 2006 that all four hosts advanced to the divisional round. That in itself figures to make this weekend’s games all the more exciting. Of course, the Insider has everything you need to handicap the action. Before getting to the NFL material, we’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate our in-house college football handicapping champion for the season, Don Best Paul. Hopefully you were along for the ride as Paul hit over 60% of his games this season overall and on Best Bets. Besides the kudos from us and several readers throughout the year, I believe Paul has earned himself a free lunch anywhere on the strip courtesy of the rest of the guys. Way to go Paul! Speaking of free lunches, the same could be coming for Don Best Jim for his NFL performance for the season. After hitting seven of eight wagers this past weekend, Jim has reached the 55% mark overall for the campaign and now holds a 2-game lead over Bryan with just a few weeks of plays to make. Of course, being a perfectionist, Jim was still down on himself for the one miss this past weekend, as Atlanta laid an egg in New York, posting just 2 points. Unfortunately, the rest of the guys couldn’t keep up with Jim’s pace, and as a result, the team’s consensus went just 2-6. We’d like to thank everyone who sent in their feedback regarding the extensive wildcard playoff article last week. We appreciate the comments and hope to address some of the things you’d like to have added in similar future articles. While the perfect yards per point trend on Atlanta may have fallen, there were several other key points made on Houston, New Orleans, and Denver that did come through in flying colors. The extreme totals angle showing potential over’s in the Saints-Lions and Steelers-Broncos games also notched another two victories. This week’s The Don Best Weekly Insider has all four NFL Divisional Playoff games covered. A full page is dedicated to each of the contests and we’ve also supplemented the handicapping materials for the games with two other editorial pieces focused on the matchups. One of those is of course Part 2 to the trends piece started last week in the wildcard round. We’ve again included the divisional playoff games log for you to develop your own angles as well. We are just a few weeks away from Super Bowl XLVI. We hope you enjoy the continuing coverage. Thanks again for your support of the website and The Don Best Weekly Insider! Early lines NFL and college football lines, what bettors are thinking and edges as the line moves RECENT NFL divisional round TRENDS.. ..................................6 Tips of the trade to help you better handicap divisional playoff weekend DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF game logs........8 Last 10 seasons NFL Matchups...................................9 (109) New Orleans at (110) San Francisco (111) Denver at (112) New England (113) Houston at (114) Baltimore (115) NY Giants at (116) Green Bay betting the revenge angle.. .......... 13 A look at each revenge-minded team’s prospects to win and cover the spread KEY ATS - AGAINST THE SPREAD C - CENTRAL TIME CS - CURRENT SEASON DB - DON BEST E - EASTERN TIME FD - FIRST DOWNS FG - FIELD GOAL H2H - HEAD-TO-HEAD L# - LAST NUMBER OF GAMES/YEARS P - PACIFIC TIME PCT - PERCENTAGE K PDIF - POINT DIFFERENTIAL PPG - POINTS PER GAME PROJ - PROJECTION ROI - RETURN ON INVESTMENT RTG - RATING STRG - STRENGTH SU - STRAIGHT UP TD - TOUCHDOWN TOD - TURNOVER DIFFERENTIAL YPPT - YARDS PER POINT Copyright© 1995-2011. All Rights Reserved. is owned by Dodgeball Ventures, Inc. U.S. Citizens Please Note: The information contained at this website is for news and entertainment purposes only. Any use of this information in violation of federal, state, provincial or local laws is strictly prohibited. Copyright@2011-2012 Don Best Sports Inc All Right Reserved The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 1 The Don Best Weekly Insider Official Don Best Rotation Schedule 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 2 colleGe fooTBall BoWl GaMe resulTs saTurDaY, DeceMBer 17, 2011 neW MeXIco BoWl unIVersITY sTaDIuM - alBuQuerQue, nM TEMPLE -7.5 -6.5 -7 P: 11:00AM C: 1:00PM E: 2:00PM ESPN WYOMING 46.5 47.5 51 faMous IDaho PoTaTo BoWl Bronco sTaDIuM - BoIse, ID UTAH ST -3 -3 62.5 P: 2:30PM C: 4:30PM E: 5:30PM ESPN OHIO 58 57.5 0 neW orleans BoWl suPerDoMe - neW orleans, la LA LAFAYETTE 60 58.5 60 P: 6:00PM C: 8:00PM E: 9:00PM ESPN SAN DIEGO ST -5.5 -4.5 -6 TuesDaY, DeceMBer 20, 2011 Beef o' BraDY's sT.PeTersBurG BoWl TroPIcana fIelD - sT.PeTersBurG, fl FLA INTERNATIONAL -4.5 -4 -4 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN MARSHALL 50 49 48.5 WeDnesDaY, DeceMBer 21, 2011 PoInseTTIa BoWl QualcoMM sTaDIuM - san DIeGo, ca LOUISIANA TECH 55.5 55.5 53 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN TCU -11 -10.5 -9.5 ThursDaY, DeceMBer 22, 2011 Maaco las VeGas BoWl saM BoYD sTaDIuM - las VeGas, nV ARIZONA ST 65 66 65 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN BOISE ST -11.5 -14 -14 saTurDaY, DeceMBer 24, 2011 haWaII BoWl aloha sTaDIuM - honolulu hI NEVADA 60 62 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN SOUTHERN MISS -6 -6 223 15 224 23 24 32 30 225 226 227 228 10 20 229 230 24 231 31 232 233 24 56 234 235 236 65 17 -7 24 MonDaY, DeceMBer 26, 2011 InDePenDence BoWl InDePenDence sTaDIuM - shreVePorT, la NORTH CAROLINA 53.5 53 53.5 P: 2:00PM C: 4:00PM E: 5:00PM ESPN2 MISSOURI -3.5 -4.5 -4.5 TuesDaY, DeceMBer 27, 2011 lITTle caesars BoWl forD fIelD - DeTroIT, MI W MICHIGAN 60 60 62.5 P: 1:30PM C: 3:30PM E: 4:30PM ESPN PURDUE -2.5 -2 -2 BelK BoWl BanK of aMerIca sTaDIuM - charloTTe, nc LOUISVILLE 45.5 44.5 44 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN NC STATE -1.5 -3 -1.5 WeDnesDaY, DeceMBer 28, 2011 MIlITarY BoWl rfK sTaDIuM - WashInGTon D.c. TOLEDO -3 -3 P: 1:30PM C: 3:30PM E: 4:30PM ESPN AIR FORCE 71 70.5 37 237 238 24 41 32 37 24 31 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 -3 42 68.5 41 246 COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOWL GAMES continued WeDnesDaY, DeceMBer 28, 2011 holIDaY BoWl QualcoMM sTaDIuM - san DIeGo, ca CALIFORNIA 47 48 48 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN TEXAS -3 -3 -3 ThursDaY, DeceMBer 29, 2011 chaMPs sPorTs BoWl cITrus BoWl sTaDIuM - orlanDo, fl NOTRE DAME 48 47 P: 2:30PM C: 4:30PM E: 5:30PM ESPN FLORIDA ST -3 -3 alaMo BoWl alaMoDoMe - san anTonIo, TX WASHINGTON 76.5 79 P: 6:00PM C: 8:00PM E: 9:00PM ESPN BAYLOR -8.5 -9.5 frIDaY, DeceMBer 30, 2011 arMeD forces BoWl GeralD forD sTaDIuM - Dallas, TX TULSA 55.5 56 P: 9:00AM C: 11:00AM E: 12:00PM ESPN BYU PK -2 PInsTrIPe BoWl YanKee sTaDIuM - BronX, nY RUTGERS -2 -2 P: 12:20PM C: 2:20PM E: 3:20PM ESPN IOWA ST 44.5 45 MusIc cITY BoWl lP fIelD - nashVIlle, Tn WAKE FOREST 48 47.5 P: 3:40PM C: 5:40PM E: 6:40PM ESPN MISSISSIPPI ST -6.5 -6.5 InsIGhT BoWl sun DeVIl sTaDIuM - TeMPe, aZ IOWA 58 57.5 P: 7:00PM C: 9:00PM E: 10:00PM ESPN OKLAHOMA -15.5 -14 21 47.5 14 -3 18 79 56 -8 67 -2 21 60 24 46 27 -1.5 13 49 17 -6.5 23 58 14 -13.5 31 saTurDaY, DeceMBer 31, 2011 MeInKe car care TeXas BoWl relIanT sTaDIuM - housTon, TX TEXAS A&M -10 -10 -9.5 P: 9:00AM C: 11:00AM E: 12:00PM ESPN NORTHWESTERN 65 65.5 69 sun BoWl sun BoWl sTaDIuM - el Paso, TX UTAH 51 51 49 P: 11:00AM C: 1:00PM E: 2:00PM CBS GEORGIA TECH -3 -3 -1.5 fIGhT hunGer BoWl aT&T ParK - san francIsco, ca UCLA 47 47 45 P: 12:30PM C: 2:30PM E: 3:30PM ESPN ILLINOIS -3 -2 -3 lIBerTY BoWl lIBerTY BoWl- MeMPhIs, Tn CINCINNATI 49.5 48.5 50.5 P: 12:30PM C: 2:30PM E: 3:30PM ABC VANDERBILT -1.5 -2 -2 chIcK fIl-a BoWl GeorGIa DoMe - aTlanTa, Ga VIRGINIA 48.5 48 49,5 P: 4:30PM C: 6:30PM E: 7:30PM ESPN AUBURN -1 -3 -3 The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 10 33 22 30 27 14 20 31 24 24 43 The Don Best Weekly Insider Official Don Best Rotation Schedule 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOWL GAMES continued MonDaY, JanuarY 2, 2012 TIcKeT cITY BoWl coTTon BoWl - Dallas, TX PENN ST 57.5 56.5 55.5 P: 9:00AM C: 11:00AM E: 12:00PM ESPNU HOUSTON -7 -6 -6.5 ouTBacK BoWl raYMonD JaMes sTaDIuM - TaMPa fl MICHIGAN ST 51 50 48 P: 10:00AM C: 12:00PM E: 1:00PM ABC GEORGIA -3 -3.5 -2 caPITal one BoWl cITrus BoWl sTaDIuM - orlanDo, fl NEBRASKA 48 46 45 P: 10:00AM C: 12:00PM E: 1:00PM ESPN SOUTH CAROLINA -1 -2.5 -2.5 GaTor BoWl eVerBanK fIelD - JacKsonVIlle, fl FLORIDA -1 -2 -2.5 P: 10:00AM C: 12:00PM E: 1:00PM ESPN2 OHIO ST 43 44 44 rose BoWl rose BoWl - PasaDena, ca WISCONSIN 72 71.5 72.5 P: 2:00PM C: 4:00PM E: 5:00PM ESPN OREGON -4.5 -6 -4 fIesTa BoWl unIVersITY sTaDIuM - GlenDale, aZ STANFORD 76 74 74.5 P: 5:30PM C: 7:30PM E: 8:30PM ESPN OKLAHOMA ST -3 -3.5 -4 TuesDaY, JanuarY 3, 2012 suGar BoWl suPerDoMe - neW orleans, la MICHIGAN -1 -2.5 P: 5:30PM C: 7:30PM E: 8:30PM ESPN VIRGINIA TECH 51 51 WeDnesDaY, JanuarY 4, 2012 oranGe BoWl sun lIfe sTaDIuM - MIaMI, fl WEST VIRGINIA 60 60 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM ESPN CLEMSON PK -3.5 14 30 33 30 263 264 265 266 13 30 24 267 268 17 38 269 45 270 38 41 -3 23 52.5 20 64.5 70 -3 33 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 frIDaY, JanuarY 6, 2012 coTTon BoWl coWBoYs sTaDIuM - arlInGTon, TX KANSAS ST 64 62.5 65 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM FOX ARKANSAS -7.5 -7 -9 saTurDaY, JanuarY 7, 2012 coMPass BoWl leGIon fIelD - BIrMInGhaM, al SMU 48.5 48 47.5 P: 10:00AM C: 12:00PM E: 1:00PM ESPN PITTSBURGH -5.5 -4.5 -3.5 sunDaY, JanuarY 8, 2012 Go DaDDY.coM BoWl laDD PeBBles sTaDIuM - MoBIle, al ARKANSAS ST -1 -1.5 -1.5 P: 6:00PM C: 8:00PM E: 9:00PM ESPN NORTHERN ILLINOIS 62 63 66 MonDaY, JanuarY 9, 2012 Bcs chaMPIonshIP GaMe suPerDoMe - neW orleans, la ALABAMA 39 40 P: 5:30PM C: 7:30PM E: 8:30PM ESPN LSU -1 PK 16 29 28 6 20 38 -2.5 21 41.5 0 NFL DIVISIONAL PLAYOFFS saTurDaY, JanuarY 14, 2012 NEW ORLEANS -3 -3.5 P: 1:30PM C: 3:30PM E: 4:30PM FOX SAN FRANCISCO 47 47.5 DENVER 49.5 50.5 P: 5:00PM C: 7:00PM E: 8:00PM CBS NEW ENGLAND -13 -13.5 NFL DIVISIONAL PLAYOFFS sunDaY, JanuarY 15, 2012 HOUSTON 38 35.5 P: 10:00AM C: 12:00PM E: 1:00PM CBS BALTIMORE -7 -7.5 NY GIANTS 51 52.5 P: 1:30PM C: 3:30PM E: 4:30PM FOX GREEN BAY -9 -7.5 Don Best RObert Don Best BRYAN Don Best jason Don Best paul Consensus OVERALL RECORD (BOWLS) 109-100-2, 52% (42-28) 106-103-2, 51% (37-33) 105-104-2, 50% (32-38) 110-99-2, 53% (37-33) 126-83-2, 60% (39-31) 115-94-2, 55% (38-32) BEST BET RECORD (BOWLS) 34-27-2, 56% (11-9) 35-27-1, 56% (11-9) 38-25, 60% (10-10) 35-28, 56% (13-7) 38-23-2, 62% (13-7) COLLEGE FOOTBALL * = BEST BET Home Line Don Best Jim Don Best College Football Exclusive Picks Final Records The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 3 The Don Best Weekly Insider Don Best RObert Don Best BRYAN Don Best jason Don Best paul Consensus OVERALL RECORD (LAST WEEK) 97-78-3, 55% (7-1) 81-94-3, 52% (5-3) 95-80-3, 54% (2-6) 91-84-3, 52% (5-3) 92-83-3, 53% (3-5) 95-80-3, 54% (2-6) BEST BET RECORD (LAST WEEK) 27-24-3, 53% (2-1) 22-31-1, 42% (1-2) 29-24-1, 55% (1-2) 29-24-1, 55% (2-1) 34-18-2, 65% (2-1) NFL divisional PLAYOFFS * = BEST BET Home Line Don Best Jim Don Best NFL Exclusive Picks (109) NEW ORLEANS at (110) SAN FRANCISCO +3 San Francisco New Orleans San Francisco New Orleans* New Orleans* New Orleans (109) NEW ORLEANS at (110) SAN FRANCISCO - Total 48 UNDER OVER* OVER OVER UNDER OVER (111) DENVER at (112) NEW ENGLAND -13.5 New England* New England New England* New England New England New England 51 OVER UNDER* UNDER UNDER OVER UNDER (113) HOUSTON at (114) BALTIMORE -7.5 Houston* Houston Houston* Houston Baltimore* Houston (113) HOUSTON at (114) BALTIMORE - Total 35.5 UNDER OVER OVER OVER* OVER OVER (115) NY GIANTS at (116) GREEN BAY -7.5 Green Bay* Green Bay* Green Bay Green Bay* NY Giants* Green Bay (115) NY GIANTS at (116) GREEN BAY - Total 52.5 UNDER OVER OVER* OVER OVER OVER (111) DENVER at (112) NEW ENGLAND - Total DON BEST JIM’S TAKE Houston at Baltimore Revenge takes on a different meaning when it comes to the playoffs as it isn’t so much avenging the earlier loss but rather focusing on advancing. Good teams are typically the most effective when it comes to revenge angles anyhow, and since only good teams make the playoffs, playing the revenge-minded team can often lead to profits. I’ve followed a system for years that says to back winning road teams revenging a same season loss of 14 points or more. The system boasts a 43-16 (73%) record over the L10 seasons. This week it says to take Houston. I also like the fact that the Texans have most of their offensive weapons back and utilized them well last week. They have as many or more playmakers than the Ravens and should be right in this game till the end. Don’t be so quick to dismiss the Texans just because the 3rd string QB is in. DON BEST ROBERT’S TAKE NY Giants at Green Bay The Giants will be looking to revenge their December 4th loss against Green Bay, a tight 38-35 decision that came down to the final minute. Green Bay should be well rested as they had a bye last week as they are the highest seed in the NFC. This game and side will come down to the long ball as Green Bay’s Rodgers is averaging 9 yards per pass attempt this season and the Giants historically are awful against long ball passing teams, 0-10 ATS when they allow a 8.5 net passing yards per attempt. Take into account Green Bay’s perfect home record of 8-0 and 7-1 ATS and Rodgers’ long ball capabilities this game has a making for a blow- out cover. Lay the points with Green Bay. DON BEST BRYAN’S TAKE Denver at New England After backing into the playoffs with a .500 record and then proceeding to upset the Steelers in the wildcard round, the Broncos will be heading to New England for what looks like an insurmountable task. The nicked up Steelers managed to tie the game after being down 14 at half. No such comeback will be necessary for New England, who beat the Broncos in Denver during the regular season 41-23. We see the Patriots passing offense carrying the day jumping to a lead and forcing Tebow to pass much more frequently. In a passing duel, take Brady to cover this one. DON BEST JASON’S TAKE New Orleans at San Francisco The NFL playoffs have changed over the course of the last 10 years or so, as what used to be most important, home field advantage, has been replaced by who is the hotter team. In this case, no one is hotter than the Saints, and I don’t buy into the fact that going out on the road against a tough defense is going to slow them down. New Orleans has won and covered nine straight games and the play of Drew Brees is reminiscent of a year ago when Aaron Rodgers took the football scene by storm. There is a reason that the Saints are in the unusual role of road favorite in the divisional playoffs, they are far more explosive than the 49ers and are only on the road due to complex tie-breaking procedures. Take the better team, take the Saints. DON BEST PAUL’S TAKE NY Giants at Green Bay The Giants swagger has returned and they are abundantly confident they can beat Green Bay in the rematch. The Packers are at home, yet if you compare the two teams, New York is playing better and healthier than the last meeting, while the Pack hopes to be in better health and probably is slightly worse. I’m not calling for the outright upset, though it is possible, but this feels like another hotly contested three-point affair. 4 The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 6 Football Line Moves Bettors Must Know It’s all the NFL for football bettors from here on out. Let’s review what happened to the opening lines for the divisional playoff round and how it might affect the outcomes of the games. (109) NEW ORLEANS at (110) SAN FRANCISCO Not a great deal of action on the first game of the divisional playoffs, however early indications are there is a direct correlation between the side and total. New Orleans opened as a three-point road favorite (now -3.5) and because of their scoring prowess, the money has also followed them on the total, moving from 47 to 47.5. People we’ve spoken to have speculated the Saints could go to -4, before coming down by the weekend. The total could go to 48 points or higher backed with knowledge New Orleans is 9-1 OVER in playoff games. Don Best Insider View – Play New Orleans and Under 1&2 (111) DENVER at (112) NEW ENGLAND The first indications are that bettors see points being scored again. The previous matchup from nearly four weeks ago had a total of 47.5 and that contest finished at 64 points. This first AFC affair began two points higher at 49.5 and is hovering right around 50.5 points. Like the first meeting, turnovers could determine 3 the total. In the prior contest, New England recovered three Denver fumbles and turned them into 10 points. The Patriots killer instinct is why they led the NFL in points scored after an opponent’s turnover and it could matter again if the Broncos make errors. New England is 13-4 OVER as a home favorite since last season. Don Best Insider View – Play Over (113) HOUSTON at (114) BALTIMORE The total on Sunday’s AFC encounter fell like a winter cold front embarking on the East Coast. The oddsmakers release of 38 points had no legs and quicker than you could say Haloti Ngata, the adjusted figure was at 35.5. That is an amazing switch from almost three months ago when the total was 43.5, since these combatants met in the same location. The most obvious difference is the Houston starting quarterback, rookie T.J. Yates and questions surround how he will react in a pressure packed situation. Between Yates and Joe Flacco having to face a terrific Texans defense, the total has tumbled. Don Best Insider View – Play Over 4 (115) N.Y. GIANTS at (116) GREEN BAY In the final skirmish of the weekend, the side and total are shifting. Contrary to the other two rematches, the total is actually lower than the previous encounter. The last battle settled at a total of 54 and the two teams combined for 73 points. The starting point for this NFC game was 51 and it was jettisoned to 52.5. Though Green Bay is 7-1 OVER at Lambeau Field this season, the Giants are 18-7 UNDER when the total is 45.5 or higher on the road. With New York looking like 2007 all over again, the Giants are down to +7.5-point underdogs from opening bell number of +9. Don Best Insider View – Play New York and Under 5&6 The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 5 Recent NFL Divisional Round Trends Last week we focused on the wildcard round of the NFL playoffs in our feature article, so naturally, like the league itself, this week we will be moving on to the divisional round. Just eight teams remain in the hunt for the Lombardi Trophy, and starting on Saturday, you’ll finally get to see the league’s best teams in action again, or at least those who produced the best records in the regular season to earn a bye last week and home field advantage this week. Those clubs are of course New England & Baltimore in the AFC, and Green Bay & San Francisco in the NFC. If this season is like any other in recent memory, not all of the Top 4 seeded teams will advance to next week’s championship games. In fact, if you consider that since 2006, only half of the home teams (12 of 24) won their divisional playoff contests, the chances are that only two will do so this weekend. You might be surprised to find out that the divisional playoff round has been arguably as wild as the wildcard round in recent years, and any of you who read last week’s article realize just how wild that is. So, without further ado, let’s start digging through the NFL Divisional Playoff log of the last 10 seasons to see if we can’t uncover some trends and systems that we can apply when handicapping this weekend’s games. General Divisional Playoff ATS Trends • The OUTRIGHT winner has covered the pointspread in the L15 Divisional Playoff games. The last team to not do that was New England, who beat Jacksonville 31-20 at home as a 13.5-point favorite in 2008. If you recall from last week’s piece, wildcard winners had covered 14 straight pointspreads. The moral of the story is to only take a team in the playoffs if you believe they can win the game, regardless of the closing line. • Home field advantage has meant little of late in divisional playoff action, as road teams are on a 12-12 SU & 15-9 ATS run in this playoff round since ’06. The tide might be turning slightly however, as hosts are 6-4 SU & ATS in the L10. • There has only been one road favorite in the L20 years of the divisional playoffs, and that team, Dallas, lost to Carolina 26-17 as 3-point chalk in ’97. • Pointspreads have proven to be a strong giveaway as to which team should win in divisional playoff games, as home favorites of 5-points or less are just 7-8 SU & 4-10-1 ATS since ’02, while those laying 5.5-points or more are 18-7 SU & 13-12 ATS. • Double-digit home favorites in the divisional round are just 2-3 SU & ATS since 2006. • In inter-divisional games of this playoff round, the road teams are on a 3-1 SU & ATS surge. • Of the home teams playing this weekend, in the L10 years, Baltimore is 0-5 SU & ATS in divisional round playoff games, New England is 5-2 SU & 2-4-1 ATS, and Green Bay is 3-1 SU & ATS. San Francisco hasn’t appeared in this round since January of ’02. 6 Divisional Trends by Seed Number • Teams fight all season long to half home-field advantage throughout their conference playoffs, however, that advantage has not lasted long as #1 seeds are on a skid of just 4-7 SU & 2-9 ATS dating back to 2006. • Making matters worse for the #1 seeds is their record versus #6’s, as in that matchup the home teams are just 1-5 SU & ATS since ’06, with Indianapolis’ 20-3 win over Baltimore in 2010 being the only positive result. • #2 seeds have actually been significantly better than #1’s when it comes to protecting home field advantage in the divisional round, going 9-5 SU & 8-6 ATS over the L7 playoff seasons. • The #2 seed’s biggest struggle has come when matched against the #3 seed, a fellow division champ and a winner at home from the wildcard weekend. In that matchup, the #2’s are 6-5 SU but just 3-7-1 ATS since ’02. Divisional Trends regarding Totals • All four divisional playoff games of 2011 went OVER the total, putting the brakes on a serious UNDER trend that saw UNDER the total go 14-7-1 between 2005 & 2010. • Five of the L6 divisional playoff games with posted totals of 38 or less have gone OVER the total. Similarly, those games with extremely high totals, 49 or more, have also shown a penchant for going OVER the total, 5-2-1 since’02. • The games in the normal range of the total spectrum, higher than 38, less than or equal to 48, have gone UNDER at a 15-7 clip over the L10 seasons. • In the L13 matchups between a #1 seed and a wildcard team, or a road winner from the prior weekend, UNDER the total is 9-3-1 with the home team scoring just 19.5 PPG. • #2 seeds are 12-8 OVER the total in the L20 divisional playoff games. Following the Line/Total Moves Last week we showed you how sharp bettors were right in nine of the L10 wildcard playoff games heading into last weekend’s action. This was determined to be when the line moves off its opening position towards either team. This same group has been nearly as sharp in the divisional round too, going 5-1 ATS since ’09. The only loser in that span was a year ago, when bettors favored Baltimore in Pittsburgh but were sting by a late Steelers TD that ensured a cover as 3-point home favorites. Bettors have picked on early totals as well, going 5-2 in the L7 divisional playoff games that have seen the total move off the opening number. Stats generated in Divisional Playoff Games • It has taken more points to win in the divisional playoff round as opposed to the wildcard round. Last week we explained that only one home team that topped the 20-point mark lost in the L10 years of wildcard playoff action, going 21-1 SU & 17-4-1 ATS. The benchmark for the divisional round is 27 points, as home teams that reach that point total are 17-1 SU & 13-5 ATS since ’02. Kansas City of 2004 was the only team to lose in that span, 38-31 to Indianapolis. • Failing to reach the 27-point mark has left home teams with an 8-14 SU & 4-17-1 ATS record since ’02 in divisional playoff games. • The magic point total for road teams in divisional playoff action has proven to be 28 points, as they are 8-1 SU & 9-0 ATS when they do. When scoring 14 points or less, the chance of a road team winning in this round drops dramatically to 1-14 SU & 2-12-1 ATS. • Teams that control the time of possession are on an 8-4 SU & ATS run in the divisional playoffs. • Divisional playoff teams that gain more yards rushing in their playoff games are 9-3 SU & ATS over the L3 seasons. At the same time, teams that rush for more yards per attempt in a divisional playoff game are just 9-11 SU & ATS since 2007. If you recall, running the football proved a much more important ingredient in the wildcard success recipe. • Teams that make the most of their passing opportunities or hit The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at The Don Best Weekly Insider Recent NFL Divisional Round Trends big plays are far more successful. In fact, teams gaining more yards per pass attempt in a divisional playoff game are 12-4-1 ATS since ’08. • The turnover has been the biggest factor in winning or losing divisional playoff games of late, as teams committing fewer turnovers than their opponent have won 13 of the L14 games of this round, both SU & ATS. The only team to lose in that span was Seattle last January, as they were beaten 35-24 in Chicago despite not turning the ball over a single time. Teams’ Regular Season Won-Lost Record Trends • Home teams that won 13 or more games in the regular season are just 5-9 SU & 3-11 ATS in the divisional playoffs since ’06. When matched up against a team that won 11 or more games in the regular season, that mark drops to just 1-6 SU & 0-7 ATS during that span. • There seems to be a significant difference in success levels for road teams in the divisional playoff round that won 10 or less games in the regular season as opposed to those that were 11-5 or better. The lesser group is just 5-19 SU & 10-13-1 ATS since ’02, while the more elite group was 10-6 SU & 12-4 ATS. • Home teams that won at least four more games during the regular season than their divisional playoff opponent are 7-1 SU & 4-4 ATS since ’05. • When just one regular season win separated two divisional playoff opponents, or the records were equal, the home teams are just 5-4 SU & 2-6-1 ATS since ’02. • If you’re wondering how teams of Green Bay’s caliber have fared lately, the last two teams in off of 15-win regular seasons both won but failed to cover the points in their divisional playoff contest. Teams’ Regular Season Offensive Statistics Trends • Teams that scored more points per game during the regular season are on a 7-5 SU & ATS run over the L3 divisional playoff seasons. Interestingly, four of the L5 road teams to have scored more points during the regular season than their home opponent pulled the outright upset. • Teams who averaged more rushing yards per game are 12-12 SU & 15-9 ATS since ’06. Similarly, those that averaged more yards per rush were 13-11 SU & 16-8 ATS. • Passing yardage has meant very little in terms of divisional playoff success, with teams owning an edge in total offensive passing yardage going just 14-10 SU & 11-13 ATS over the L6 seasons in this playoff round. More efficient passing yards per attempt teams were even worse at 13-11 SU & 10-14 ATS. • Teams that generated more yardage overall offensively in the regular season own a slight edge when it comes to divisional playoff success, going 15-9 SU & 12-12 ATS over the L4 seasons. However, the offensive yards per play statistic doesn’t reflect hat level of success at all, as teams with an edge in that offensive category are just 7-9 SU & 6-10 ATS over the L4 years. • Unlike the wildcard round, offensive yards per point has not proven to be an effective statistical indicator, as teams who have averaged fewer yards per point are just 10-10 SU & 7-13 ATS in the divisional playoff round since ’07. • Completely throw out the offensive turnovers statistic since teams that turned the ball over fewer times in the regular season than their opponent are only 4-10 SU & 3-11 ATS since ’08 in divisional playoff games. Teams’ Regular Season Defensive Statistics Trends • Teams that allowed fewer points per game during the regular season swept the divisional round last year, both SU & ATS, but prior to that were just 7-10 SU & 4-13 dating back to ‘06 in divisional playoff games. • Teams that allowed fewer rushing yards per game are on a strong surge of 9-3 SU & ATS in the divisional playoff round. Those that allowed fewer yards per rush are even better for a more extended period at 17-5 SU & 16-6 ATS. • Divisional playoff teams with an edge in defensive passing yardage allowed over their opponent are a healthy 16-4 SU & 13-7 ATS over the L5 seasons in this round. • Teams with the edge in defensive pass efficiency swept the divisional playoff action last season and are now 9-3 SU & ATS over the L3 seasons. • Teams that allowed less yardage overall defensively also share that same 9-3 SU & ATS mark while those that held an edge in yards allowed per play were only slightly less at 8-4 SU & ATS. • When analyzing divisional playoff statistical matchups, defensive yards per point is not the golden nugget it was in the wildcard round, as teams with an edge there are just 10-12 SU & 8-14 ATS in the L22 games of this round. • Teams that forced more turnovers in the regular season than their opponent are 10-2 SU & ATS since ’09 in divisional playoff games. Incidentally, Green Bay, San Francisco, and New England ranked #1 thru #3 in the NFL in that category this season. • Teams that stopped 3rd downs opportunities more efficiently in the regular season are on an impressive 11-3 SU & ATS run in the L14 divisional playoff games. Teams’ Regular Season Statistics Combined Trends In going through all of the various statistics and their impact on divisional playoff success, it’s quite obvious that defensive prowess has meant more in recent years than offensive firepower. While that does not bode well for the Packers and Patriots of the world, don’t discount the fact that those two teams were among the league’s best in takeaways, which as it turns out, was our most successful statistical angle. In order to see if we can’t find streamline reliable angles that might prove the difference for us this weekend, we went and combined some of the top angles, and this is what we came up with: • Teams that were better on both offensive yards per rush and total defense are on a surge of 17-5 ATS in the L10 seasons of divisional playoff action. • Teams that ran the ball for more yards per attempt and forced more turnovers in the regular season are 13-4-1 ATS in the divisional round since 2002. • Teams with edges in offensive rushing yards per attempt and 3rd down defense are also on a 13-4 ATS run in the L10 years of this playoff round. • Teams with edges in both total defense and takeaways own a 15-6 ATS mark in their L21 divisional playoff opportunities. Those combining edges takeaways and 3rd down defense are slightly less at 15-8 ATS during that same span. • The combination angle that produced the most opportunities was teams with edges in total defense and 3rd down defense. Those teams are 20-8 ATS in the divisional round since ’02. Summary Considering what we’ve analyzed with regards to divisional playoff performance, it would seem that San Francisco and Baltimore have a better chance of advancing to the championship games next weekend than the top seeded teams Green Bay and New England based exclusively on their defensive units. However, the 49ers and Ravens don’t boast quarterbacks like Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady, which can often be the great equalizer, and since teams winning divisional playoff games have covered the pointspread 15 straight times, be cautious should you go feel the urge to bet against those two MVP candidates. Unlike the wildcard round, there aren’t as many predictable angles to follow this time around, and in fact, some of the stuff we’ve come up with here actually defies logic rather than supports it. Of course, the NFL playoffs have actually made little sense lately to anyone who had grown accustomed to penciling in the top seeded teams and predicting just an upset or two along the way. While fun and exciting nowadays, it can certainly show wear & tear on a bettor’s bankroll. Best of luck this weekend and don’t be surprised to see a pair of matchups you might not have expected next weekend when we review the conference championships. The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 7 The Don Best Weekly Insider Divisional Playoff Game Log - Last 10 Seasons Date Day O/U Conf 1/19/02 1/19/02 1/20/02 1/20/02 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - NEW ENGLAND #2 - CHICAGO #1 - PITTSBURGH #1 - ST LOUIS 16 19 27 45 #3 - OAKLAND #3 - PHILADELPHIA #5 - BALTIMORE #4 - GREEN BAY 13 33 10 17 -3 -3 40 38 HOME Push -2.5 -3 32.5 31.5 ROAD ROAD -5.5 -5.5 32 33 HOME HOME -8.5 -12 54.5 55 HOME HOME UNDER OVER OVER OVER AFC NFC AFC NFC 1/11/03 1/11/03 1/12/03 1/12/03 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - TENNESSEE #1 - PHILADELPHIA #1 - OAKLAND #2 - TAMPA BAY 34 20 30 31 #3 - PITTSBURGH #6 - ATLANTA #4 - NY JETS #4 - SAN FRANCISCO 31 6 10 6 -3 -4.5 43 44 HOME ROAD -7 -7.5 39 38.5 HOME HOME -4.5 -5.5 46 47.5 HOME HOME -4.5 -6 39.5 38.5 HOME HOME OVER UNDER UNDER UNDER AFC NFC AFC NFC 1/10/04 1/10/04 1/11/04 1/11/04 Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday #2 - ST LOUIS #1 - NEW ENGLAND #1 - PHILADELPHIA #2 - KANSAS CITY 23 17 20 31 #3 - CAROLINA #5 - TENNESSEE #4 - GREEN BAY #3 - INDIANAPOLIS 29 14 17 38 -7 -5.5 -3.5 -3.5 -7 44.5 46 ROAD ROAD -6 38 34.5 HOME ROAD -4 43 43 HOME ROAD -3 48.5 53 ROAD ROAD OVER UNDER UNDER OVER NFC AFC NFC AFC 1/15/05 1/15/05 1/16/05 1/16/05 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - ATLANTA #1 - PITTSBURGH #1 - PHILADELPHIA #2 - NEW ENGLAND 47 20 27 20 #5 - ST LOUIS #5 - NY JETS #6 - MINNESOTA #3 - INDIANAPOLIS 17 17 14 3 -7 -6.5 -8.5 -9 -9.5 -8 -2.5 -1 49 49.5 HOME HOME OVER 34 35.5 HOME ROAD OVER 49 47 HOME HOME UNDER 50 51 HOME HOME UNDER NFC AFC NFC AFC 1/14/06 1/14/06 1/15/06 1/15/06 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #1 - SEATTLE #2 - DENVER #2 - CHICAGO #1 - INDIANAPOLIS 20 27 21 18 #6 - WASHINGTON #4 - NEW ENGLAND #5 - CAROLINA #6 - PITTSBURGH 10 13 29 21 -8.5 -9.5 41 41 HOME HOME -3 -3 44 45.5 HOME HOME -3 -2.5 32 31 ROAD ROAD -8.5 -10 46.5 48 ROAD ROAD 1/13/07 1/13/07 1/14/07 1/14/07 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - NEW ORLEANS #2 - BALTIMORE #1 - CHICAGO #1 - SAN DIEGO 27 6 27 21 #3 - PHILADELPHIA #3 - INDIANAPOLIS #4 - SEATTLE #4 - NEW ENGLAND 24 15 24 24 -4 -5.5 -3.5 -4 -8 -9 -4.5 -5 1/12/08 1/12/08 1/13/08 1/13/08 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - GREEN BAY #1 - NEW ENGLAND #2 - INDIANAPOLIS #1 - DALLAS 42 31 24 17 #3 - SEATTLE #5 - JACKSONVILLE #3 - SAN DIEGO #5 - NY GIANTS 20 20 28 21 -9 -7.5 40.5 43.5 HOME -12 -14 48 51 HOME -8 -11 49 46.5 ROAD -7 -7 48 47.5 ROAD 1/10/09 1/10/09 1/11/09 1/11/09 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - CAROLINA #1 - TENNESSEE #1 - NY GIANTS #2 - PITTSBURGH 13 10 11 35 #4 - ARIZONA #6 - BALTIMORE #6 - PHILADELPHIA #4 - SAN DIEGO 33 13 23 24 -9.5 -10 46.5 50 ROAD ROAD -3 -3 34 33.5 ROAD ROAD -5 -4 40.5 39 ROAD ROAD -6 -6.5 40 38 HOME HOME 1/16/10 1/16/10 1/17/10 1/17/10 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #1 - NEW ORLEANS #1 - INDIANAPOLIS #2 - MINNESOTA #2 - SAN DIEGO 45 20 34 14 #4 - ARIZONA #6 - BALTIMORE #3 - DALLAS #5 - NY JETS 14 3 3 17 -6.5 -7.5 56 56.5 HOME HOME OVER NFC -6.5 -6.5 44.5 44 HOME HOME UNDER AFC -3 -3 48 45 HOME HOME UNDER NFC -9 -8.5 42.5 43 ROAD ROAD UNDER AFC 1/15/11 1/15/11 1/16/11 1/16/11 Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday #2 - PITTSBURGH #1 - ATLANTA #2 - CHICAGO #1 - NEW ENGLAND 31 21 35 21 #5 - BALTIMORE #6 - GREEN BAY #4 - SEATTLE #6 - NY JETS 24 48 24 28 -3.5 -1.5 -10 -9 8 Seed# - Home Score Seed# - Road Score OL FL 2001 Season 2002 Season 2003 Season 2004 Season 2005 Season 2006 Season 2007 Season 2008 Season 2009 Season 2010 Season OT 48 42 38 47 -3 37 -1 45.5 -10 40 -9 45 The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at FT 49 41 37 46 38 44 42 45 SU HOME ROAD HOME ROAD HOME ROAD HOME ROAD ATS ROAD ROAD ROAD ROAD UNDER UNDER OVER UNDER NFC AFC NFC AFC OVER UNDER OVER UNDER NFC AFC NFC AFC HOME OVER NFC ROAD Push AFC ROAD OVER AFC ROAD UNDER NFC HOME ROAD HOME ROAD UNDER UNDER UNDER OVER NFC AFC NFC AFC OVER AFC OVER NFC OVER NFC OVER AFC New Orleans took care of business in the wildcard round by taming the Lions at home, but now must hit the road for a cross country trip to San Francisco. A year ago, in the wildcard (109) NEW ORLEANS (-3 | 47.5) [SU:14-3 | ATS:13-4] AT round, the Saints were upset after a long trip up to Seattle so HC Sean Payton will certainly have a point to make with his (110) SAN FRANCISCO [SU:13-3 | ATS:11-4-1] team and their travel preparations. New Orleans finds itself in the extremely rare position of playing as a road favorite in JANUARY 14, 2012 4:30 PM on FOX the divisional round. It hasn’t happened since ’97, when the CANDLESTICK PARK (SAN FRANCISCO, CA) Panthers upset visiting Dallas in this round. The Saints also have to overcome another obstacle, the fact that they have NEVER won a true road playoff game in the history of their franchise, going 0-4 SU & ATS. Speaking of rare happenings, the last time we saw San Francisco in the playoffs was January of 2002, when the team was being coached by Steve Mariucci and the offense was being guided by QB Jeff Garcia. The 49ers and their fans will undoubtedly be jacked up for this game and motivated by being installed as a 3-point home underdog despite winning 13 games in the regular season. They owned the league’s best scoring and rushing defense but were vulnerable against the pass on occasion, a trait that could be exploited by Drew Brees and the NFL’s most prolific passing attack. These teams have never met in the postseason but the Saints have won six straight regular season head-tohead meetings, going 4-2 ATS. Going back even further, New Orleans is on a 10-3 ATS run in the series. OVER the total is 6-2-1 in the L9 meetings. NFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF 2011 SEASON NEW ORLEANS (3) SAN FRANCISCO (2) NEW ORLEANS Offensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT 34.8 26 27-135 [4.9] 41-30-342 [8.2] 13.7 23.8 18 31-127 [4.1] 28-17-183 [6.5] 13.0 DATE OPPONENT LINE 01-07 VS DETROIT -10.5 01-01 VS CAROLINA -7 12-26 VS ATLANTA -7 12-18 at MINNESOTA -7 12-11 at TENNESSEE -3 12-04 VS DETROIT -8 11-28 VS NY GIANTS -7 11-13 at ATLANTA +1 11-06 VS TAMPA BAY - 8.5 10-30 at ST LOUIS -13.5 10-23 VS INDIANAPOLIS -13.5 10-16 at TAMPA BAY - 6.5 10-09 at CAROLINA - 6.5 10-02 at JACKSONVILLE -8 09-25 VS HOUSTON -3 09-18 VS CHICAGO -5 09-08 at GREEN BAY +5 Defensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT TOD PDIF 21.6 20 21-104 [4.9] 39-23-267 [6.8] 17.2 -3 +13.2 14.3 17 22-77 [3.5] 36-21-231 [6.4] 21.5 +28 +9.5 SAN FRANCISCO OU SCORE ATSSU OU 59.5 45-28 W W O 55 45-17 W W O 53 45-16 W W O 53 42-20 W W O 47.5 22-17 W W U 55.5 31-17 W W U 51 49-24 W W O 50 26-23 W W U 50.5 27-16 W W U 48.5 21-31 L L O 49 62-7 W W O 49.5 20-26 L L U 51 30-27 W L O 45 23-10 W W U 51 40-33 W W O 46.5 30-13 W W U 47.5 34-42 L L O The New Orleans Saints are Charlize Theron in a black dress, wickedly hot, scoring 177 points in their last four games. The Saints ninth consecutive win and cover was fueled by a NFL-record 626 total yards, which broke the San Diego Chargers’ record that was set way back in 1964. Can the Saints continue to sizzle in San Francisco playing outdoors? In five fresh air games this season, New Orleans averaged 25.8 points per contest and they will face a 49ers defense that only permitted 14.3 points per game all season and 10.9 PPG at Candlestick Park. The Saints are 9-1 ATS after averaging 6.5 or more yards per play. DATE OPPONENT LINE OU SCORE ATSSU OU 01-01 at ST LOUIS -12.5 34.5 34-27 W L O 12-24 at SEATTLE - 2.5 36.5 19-17 W L U 12-19 VS PITTSBURGH - 3 36.5 20-3 W W U 12-11 at ARIZONA - 3 38.5 19-21 L L O 12-04 VS ST LOUIS -14 39 26-0 W W U 11-24 at BALTIMORE + 3 40.5 6-16 L L U 11-20 VS ARIZONA -10 40.5 23-7 W W U 11-13 VS NY GIANTS - 4 43 27-20 W W O 11-06 at WASHINGTON - 4.5 37.5 19-11 W W U 10-30 VS CLEVELAND - 9 38.5 20-10 W W U + 5 44.5 25-19 W W U 10-16 at DETROIT 10-09 VS TAMPA BAY - 3 41 48-3 W W O 10-02 at PHILADELPHIA + 9.5 43.5 24-23 W W O 09-25 at CINCINNATI + 1 38 13-8 W W U 09-18 VS DALLAS + 3 41 24-27 L P O 09-11 VS SEATTLE - 6 38 33-17 W W O San Francisco is the only divisional home underdog of this round, which will be just the fourth such occurrence since 1983 (dogs are 3-0 ATS). The Niners will have disrupt Drew Brees and make him throw under duress. They especially have to take away TE Jimmy Graham and Darren Sproles in the passing game as outlets and make Brees throw down the field late. San Fran has to win the line of scrimmage 70 percent of the time, running the ball and stopping the run. The 49ers are 7-0-1 ATS at home. Game Trends • NEW ORLEANS IS 9-1 ATS(L10G) All Games • NEW ORLEANS IS 8-1-1 OVER(L10G) VS NFC-WEST • SAN FRANCISCO IS 9-15-1 ATS(L25G) Against decent teams outscoring opponents by more than 3.0 points per game(L50G) DON BEST STRENGTH RATINGS Power Ratings #’’s Teams Actual Rtg Line Edge? 109 NEW ORLEANS -3 30 -3.5 110 SAN FRANCISCO 48 23 DON BEST EXCLUSIVE PICKS – *BEST BET Don Best Jim Don Best Robert Don Best Bryan San Francisco New Orleans San Francisco UNDER OVER* OVER Effective Strg Proj Edge? 22 25 SF Don Best Jason New Orleans* OVER Simulation Proj Edge? 25 25 Bettors’ Ratings Proj Edge? 24 UNDER 21 Don Best Paul New Orleans* UNDER Consensus New Orleans OVER The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 9 The Don Best Weekly Insider There have been four divisional playoff games in the L10 years that have matched teams with a difference of at least five regular season wins between them. This will be (111) DENVER [SU:9-8 | ATS:8-8-1] AT #5 and Sunday’s Giants-Packers game will be #6. The home (112) NEW ENGLAND (-13.5 | 50.5) [SU:13-3 | ATS:9-7] team with the more victories is 4-0 in those prior contests, going 2-2 ATS while outscoring opponents by 11 PPG. While that is not a huge sample to go off of, it does at least paint JANUARY 14, 2012 8:00 PM on CBS a picture of the enormous tasks ahead of the Broncos and GILLETTE STADIUM (FOXBORO, MA) Giants this weekend. Still, the Broncos are riding high after the mammoth upset of the Steelers last weekend and have become a feel-good story of sorts behind QB Tim Tebow, who has at least earned another shot as the starting quarterback of this franchise for the foreseeable future. Of course, that is for John Elway, John Fox, and the rest of the management team to decide. Speaking of Elway, he was the signal caller for the Broncos the last time they won a road playoff game, 14-10 at Kansas City in 1998. Since then they’ve gone 0-3 SU & ATS while outscored by a 111-37 margin. New England has become a fixture in the AFC playoffs, and has hosted at least one postseason game in seven of the L8 years. Of course, the Patriots lost their L3 postseason games overall, two of them coming in Foxboro. They also lost their last playoff game against Denver, 27-13 on the road following the 2005 season. Since that game, the teams have split four head-to-head contests in the regular season, the most recent being New England’s 41-23 win a month ago in Denver. The Broncos are 3-3 SU & 5-1 ATS in their L6 trips to New England. AFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF 2011 SEASON DENVER (4) NEW ENGLAND (1) Offensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT 19.9 18 34-163 [4.8] 26-13-162 [6.1] 16.3 32.1 25 27-110 [4.0] 38-25-318 [8.3] 13.3 denver Defensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT TOD PDIF 24.3 20 30-128 [4.3] 34-21-232 [6.9] 14.8 -12 -4.4 21.4 23 25-117 [4.6] 39-24-294 [7.6] 19.2 +17 +10.7 NEW england DATE OPPONENT 01-08 VS PITTSBURGH 01-01 VS KANSAS CITY 12-24 at BUFFALO 12-18 VS NEW ENGLAND 12-11 VS CHICAGO 12-04 at MINNESOTA 11-27 at SAN DIEGO 11-17 VS NY JETS 11-13 at KANSAS CITY 11-06 at OAKLAND 10-30 VS DETROIT 10-23 at MIAMI 10-09 VS SAN DIEGO 10-02 at GREEN BAY 09-25 at TENNESSEE 09-18 VS CINCINNATI 09-12 VS OAKLAND LINE + 7.5 -2 -3 + 7 -3 + 1.5 + 4.5 +6 +3 +7 +3 PK + 3.5 +12.5 +7 -3 -3 OU SCORE ATSSU OU 34 29-23 W W O 37 3-7 L L U 43.5 14-40 L L O 47.5 23-41 L L O 36 13-10 W P U 37.5 35-32 W W O 42.5 16-13 W W U 38.5 17-13 W W U 42 17-10 W W U 41 38-24 W W O 43.5 10-45 L L O 41.5 18-15 W W U 47.5 24-29 L L O 46.5 23-49 L L O 44 14-17 L W U 40.5 24-22 W L O 43 20-23 L L P Can Denver carry the “world doesn’t respect us” into New England a pull off consecutive major upsets? The Broncos scored 23 points in last meeting with the Patriots and likely would have scored more except for three lost fumbles. It’s nearly impossible to believe Tim Tebow will have another career day passing, but Denver should still be able to move the ball against the next to last defense. If the left tackle can seal the edge, the Broncos might be able to set up “passing tree” for Tebow rolling out to his left for larger gains. Denver is 6-1 ATS as an underdog. DATE OPPONENT LINE OU SCORE ATSSU OU 01-01 VS BUFFALO -10 50 49-21 W W O 12-24 VS MIAMI - 7 49 27-24 W L O 12-18 at DENVER - 7 47.5 41-23 W W O 12-11 at WASHINGTON - 7.5 46.5 34-27 W L O 12-04 VS INDIANAPOLIS -20 48 31-24 W L O 11-27 at PHILADELPHIA - 3 51 38-20 W W O 11-21 VS KANSAS CITY -17 46.5 34-3 W W U 11-13 at NY JETS + 3 47.5 37-16 W W O 11-06 VS NY GIANTS - 9.5 51.5 20-24 L L U 10-30 at PITTSBURGH - 3 51.5 17-25 L L U 10-16 VS DALLAS - 6.5 54 20-16 W L U 10-09 VS NY JETS - 7.5 50 30-21 W W O 10-02 at OAKLAND - 6 55.5 31-19 W W U 09-25 at BUFFALO - 7 54 31-34 L L O 09-18 VS SAN DIEGO - 6 53.5 35-21 W W O 09-12 at MIAMI - 7 46.5 38-24 W W O New England was masterful in last contest in not letting Denver’s marvelous rush linebackers be a factor in pressuring Tom Brady by running 36 times. If the Broncos decided to run blitz more, tight ends Ron Gronkowski and Aaron Hernandez might have over 225 yards receiving, with Brady throwing right behind the Denver defenders. In spite of the Patriots being probative favorites, don’t expect them to take the Broncos lightly since their last postseason win came in the 2008 AFC championship game and they have lost three since. New England has failed to cover its last six playoff encounters. Game Trends • DENVER IS 2-8 ATS(L10G) as Dog AGAINST GOOD TEAMS WITH 70%+ WINNING PCT(CS) • DENVER IS 10-0 OVER(L10G) Against poor rushing defenses yielding more than 4.5 yards per carry(L25G) • NEW ENGLAND IS 8-2 OVER(L10G) Against poor rushing defenses yielding more than 4.4 yards per carry(L25G) DON BEST STRENGTH RATINGS #’’s Teams 111 DENVER 112 NEW ENGLAND Actual 51 -13.5 DON BEST EXCLUSIVE PICKS – Don Best Jim New England* OVER 10 Power Ratings Rtg Line Edge? 20 30 -13.5 *BEST BET Don Best Robert Don Best Bryan New England New England* UNDER* UNDER Effective Strg Proj Edge? 19 29 Don Best Jason New England UNDER The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at Simulation Proj Edge? 18 35 Bettors’ Ratings Proj Edge? 18 UNDER 28 Don Best Paul New England OVER Consensus New England UNDER Houston embraced its first playoff opportunity, coming up with a big 31-10 win over the Bengals in last weekend’s wildcard round. The road gets tougher quickly however, (113) HOUSTON [SU:11-6 | ATS:11-5-1] AT with a divisional round affair versus the Ravens, whom the (114) BALTIMORE (-7.5 | 35.5) [SU:12-4 | ATS:8-7-1] Texans have never beaten in five previous tries (1-4 ATS). The most recent in that skid was a 29-14 decision in Baltimore back in October, one of only two games in which the Texans JANUARY 15, 2012 1:00 PM on CBS yielded more than 400 yards of offense to their opponents M&T BANK STADIUM (BALTIMORE, MD) this season. One thing going for the Texans however is the fact that Baltimore doesn’t exactly have a rich history when it comes to playing in the postseason at home. In fact, this will only be the fourth time that the Ravens have hosted a playoff game since the franchise left Cleveland back in ’95. They are 1-2 SU & ATS in those other three contests, coming up with the only win in the wildcard round in 2001 en route to the Super Bowl title. Otherwise, the Ravens are 4-3 SU & ATS in their L7 playoff games, all on the road and all since ’07. The Texans will be looking to extend a run of 15-5 ATS in revenge situations when losing the prior game by 14 points or more. The Ravens are 6-0 UNDER at home against good defenses giving up 17 or less PPG under John Harbaugh and oddsmakers obviously are expecting this to be the most defensive –minded game of the weekend, posting a total of 35 on it, at least 13 points below any of the other three games. AFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF 2011 SEASON HOUSTON (3) BALTIMORE (2) Offensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT 24.2 20 34-155 [4.5] 29-18-215 [7.5] 15.3 23.6 19 29-125 [4.3] 34-20-214 [6.3] 14.4 houston DATE OPPONENT LINE 01-07 VS CINCINNATI - 4.5 01-01 VS TENNESSEE + 2.5 12-22 at INDIANAPOLIS - 6.5 12-18 VS CAROLINA - 4.5 12-11 at CINCINNATI +3 12-04 VS ATLANTA +2 11-27 at JACKSONVILLE -6 11-13 at TAMPA BAY - 3.5 11-06 VS CLEVELAND -10.5 10-30 VS JACKSONVILLE -10 10-23 at TENNESSEE +3 10-16 at BALTIMORE +7 10-09 VS OAKLAND - 4.5 10-02 VS PITTSBURGH -4 09-25 at NEW ORLEANS +3 09-18 at MIAMI -3 09-11 VS INDIANAPOLIS - 8.5 Defensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT TOD PDIF 16.9 17 23-95 [4.1] 34-18-192 [5.6] 17.0 +10 +7.3 16.6 17 26-93 [3.5] 33-18-196 [5.9] 17.4 +2 +7.0 baltimore OU SCORE ATSSU OU 38 31-10 W W O 38.5 22-23 L W O 40.5 16-19 L L U 45 13-28 L L U 37 20-19 W W O 38 17-10 W W U 37 20-13 W W U 45.5 37-9 W W O 42 30-12 W W P 41 24-14 W P U 44 41-7 W W O 43.5 14-29 L L U 48 20-25 L L U 46.5 17-10 W W U 51 33-40 L L O 47 23-13 W W U 44 34-7 W W U Houston is at a severe disadvantage having to play a rookie quarterback who has all of five complete starts. This is where the word – team - comes into play for the Texans. Houston has to run the ball with authority to relieve the pressure on T.J. Yates. If they can, the first year quarterback began to find a connection with Andre Johnson in the second half last week, which would open up space for the tight ends just outside the hash marks. The Houston defense needs their best effort of the year to even the playing field and win the field position battle. The Texans are 15-5 ATS revenging a 14 or more point defeat. DATE OPPONENT LINE OU SCORE ATSSU OU 01-01 at CINCINNATI - 3 37.5 24-16 W W O 12-24 VS CLEVELAND -10.5 38.5 20-14 W L U 12-18 at SAN DIEGO - 1 45 14-34 L L O 12-11 VS INDIANAPOLIS -16 41.5 24-10 W L U 12-04 at CLEVELAND - 7 38 24-10 W W U 11-24 VS SAN FRANCISCO - 3 40.5 16-6 W W U 11-20 VS CINCINNATI - 7 40 31-24 W P O 11-13 at SEATTLE - 6.5 38.5 17-22 L L O 11-06 at PITTSBURGH + 3 42 23-20 W W O 10-30 VS ARIZONA -11 42.5 30-27 W L O 10-24 at JACKSONVILLE -10 38.5 7-12 L L U 10-16 VS HOUSTON - 7 43.5 29-14 W W U 10-02 VS NY JETS - 5 43 34-17 W W O 09-25 at ST LOUIS - 5.5 42 37-7 W W O 09-18 at TENNESSEE - 5.5 38.5 13-26 L L O 09-11 VS PITTSBURGH - 1 37 35-7 W W O How Baltimore neutralizes Wade Phillips defense is with Ray Rice. The Ravens should include 30 touches by Rice running and catching the pigskin. Baltimore would love to see Anquan Bolden back to near 100 percent from knee surgery since he abused the Texans secondary for eight receptions and 132 yards back in October. The assignment of the defense is simple, stop Houston’s running game and make Yates throw the ball. This is the Ravens first home playoff game since the 2006 season and they are 4-1 ATS as postseason favorites. Game Trends • HOUSTON IS 8-1-1 ATS(L10G) on Road Against solid defensive teams allowing less than 20 PPG(CS) • BALTIMORE IS 7-3 UNDER(L10G) at Home Against decent passing defenses yielding less than 6.15 yards per attempt(CS) • BALTIMORE IS 3-7 ATS(L10G) Against elite defensive teams allowing less than 17 PPG(CS) DON BEST STRENGTH RATINGS #’’s Teams 113 HOUSTON 114 BALTIMORE Actual 35.5 -7.5 DON BEST EXCLUSIVE PICKS – Don Best Jim Houston* UNDER Power Ratings Rtg Line Edge? 23 27 -7.5 *BEST BET Don Best Robert Don Best Bryan Houston Houston* OVER OVER Effective Strg Proj Edge? 20 OVER 24 Don Best Jason Houston OVER* Simulation Proj Edge? 18 OVER 22 Bettors’ Ratings Proj Edge? 17 OVER 23 Don Best Paul Baltimore* OVER Consensus Houston OVER The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 11 The Don Best Weekly Insider New York is certainly saying all the right things after beating the Falcons last weekend in the wildcard round as it prepares for a rematch with top-seeded Green Bay in the divisional round. (115) NY GIANTS [SU:10-7 | ATS:9-7-1] AT Bettors seem to be buying the Giants’ argument as well, having quickly moved the opening line of Packers -9 down to -7.5 (116) GREEN BAY (-7.5 | 52.5) [SU:15-1 | ATS:11-5] in the matter of 24 hours. Still, the fact remains that an upset here would be unprecedented considering that this is only the JANUARY 15, 2012 4:30 PM on FOX second time in the L20 years that a divisional round home team LAMBEAU FIELD (GREEN BAY, WI) had at least six more regular season wins than its opponent and in that last game, 15-1 Minnesota routed 9-7 Arizona 41-21 as a 16.5-point favorite. This week’s pointspread is far shy of that, and being impacted by first, the fact that the Packers only beat the Giants by three points back in early December, and second, that the Giants seem to have awaken from their death bed just a few weeks back to win three straight games. The Packers should be back near full strength for this contest after juggling their offensive line and defensive units for the second half of the season, as they begin the playoff quest to repeat as Super Bowl Champions. The road will be much different this time around if for no other reason than they won’t have to be on the road. Green Bay won all four postseason games away from home last year but earned home field this time around as the NFC’s #1 seed. Ironically, the Packers’ current magnificent stretch of football began with the last time they hosted the Giants. That 45-17 victory in week 16 of the 2010 season set off a run of 21-1 for HC Mike McCarthy’s team. The Giants are back in the postseason after a 2-year hiatus, and are now 5-3 in the playoffs under Tom Coughlin. Green Bay is on a 5-2 SU & 6-1 ATS run in its L7 divisional round playoff games. The L4 games between these teams shot OVER the total, producing 56.5 PPG. NFC DIVISIONAL PLAYOFF 2011 SEASON NY GIANTS (4) GREEN BAY (1) ny giants Offensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT 24.6 21 26-94 [3.6] 37-22-294 [8.1] 15.8 35.0 22 25-97 [3.9] 34-23-308 [8.9] 11.6 DATE OPPONENT 01-08 VS ATLANTA 01-01 VS DALLAS 12-24 at NY JETS 12-18 VS WASHINGTON 12-11 at DALLAS 12-04 VS GREEN BAY 11-28 at NEW ORLEANS 11-20 VS PHILADELPHIA 11-13 at SAN FRANCISCO 11-06 at NEW ENGLAND 10-30 VS MIAMI 10-16 VS BUFFALO 10-09 VS SEATTLE 10-02 at ARIZONA 09-25 at PHILADELPHIA 09-19 VS ST LOUIS 09-11 at WASHINGTON LINE -3 -3 +3 - 6 + 4.5 +7 +7 - 5.5 + 4 + 9.5 - 9.5 -3 - 9.5 -1 +8 -7 -2 Defensive Statistics PPG FD RUSHING PASSING Y PPT TOD PDIF 23.6 21 27-118 [4.4] 37-23-251 [6.8] 15.6 +7 +1.0 22.4 22 24-112 [4.7] 40-24-300 [7.5] 18.4 +24 +12.6 green bay OU SCORE ATSSU OU 47 24-2 W W U 48 31-14 W W U 46 29-14 W W U 45 10-23 L L U 49 37-34 W W O 54 35-38 L W O 51 24-49 L L O 45 10-17 L L U 43 20-27 L L O 51.5 24-20 W W U 43 20-17 W L U 49 27-24 W P O 43.5 25-36 L L O 45.5 31-27 W W O 46.5 29-16 W W U 43 28-16 W W O 41 14-28 L L O There is nothing like the confidence of a New Yorker (well maybe a handicapper on a 14-1 run) and the Giants started talking upset right after stomping Atlanta. The Giants are running the ball with authority, especially Brandon Jacobs, getting tremendous pressure from its front four and Eli Manning is making plays with his arm and feet in clutch situations. The Giants swagger is reminiscent of 2007 when they started to roll and for all his critics, Tom Coughlin is a solid big game coach. This is New York’s first true road game since Dec. 11 and they are 16-6 ATS away after three or more spread covers. DATE OPPONENT LINE OU SCORE ATSSU OU 01-01 VS DETROIT + 6.5 42 45-41 W W O 12-25 VS CHICAGO -13.5 41 35-21 W W O 12-18 at KANSAS CITY -11.5 46 14-19 L L U 12-11 VS OAKLAND -11.5 50 46-16 W W O 12-04 at NY GIANTS - 7 54 38-35 W L O 11-24 at DETROIT - 4 54.5 27-15 W W U 11-20 VS TAMPA BAY -13.5 48.5 35-26 W L O 11-14 VS MINNESOTA -12 49.5 45-7 W W O 11-06 at SAN DIEGO - 5.5 50.5 45-38 W W O 10-23 at MINNESOTA -10 47 33-27 W L O 10-16 VS ST LOUIS -14 47 24-3 W W U 10-09 at ATLANTA - 6 54 25-14 W W U 10-02 VS DENVER -12.5 46.5 49-23 W W O 09-25 at CHICAGO - 4 45 27-17 W W U 09-18 at CAROLINA -10.5 45 30-23 W L O 09-08 VS NEW ORLEANS - 5 47.5 42-34 W W O The number is 24. In the past two seasons, the only game Green Bay has lost (21-1, 18-3 ATS) when they rushed 24 or more times was to New England, with an injured Aaron Rodgers on the bench. They beat the Giants previously by keeping them honest running the ball to slow the pass rush. With presumed New York defensive adjustments, either Jermichael Finley or Greg Jennings will be a featured target, along with quite possibly James Jones having a real opportunity to star. The Packers defense requires Ryan Pickett and B.J. Raji to play like studs. Game Trends • GREEN BAY IS 8-2 ATS(L10G) at Home as Fav All Games • NY GIANTS IS 10-14-1 ATS(L25G) Against poor rushing defenses yielding more than 4.5 yards per carry(CS) • GREEN BAY IS 9-1 OVER(L10G) Against decent offensive teams averaging more than 5.6 yards per play(L25G) DON BEST STRENGTH RATINGS Power Ratings Effective Strg #’’s Teams Actual Rtg Line Edge? Proj Edge? 115 NY GIANTS 52.5 23 21 116 GREEN BAY -7.5 31 -11.5 29 DON BEST EXCLUSIVE PICKS – *BEST BET Don Best Jim Don Best Robert Don Best Bryan Don Best Jason Green Bay* Green Bay* Green Bay Green Bay* UNDER OVER OVER* OVER 12 The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at Simulation Proj Edge? 22 OVER 37 GB Bettors’ Ratings Proj Edge? 21 31 Don Best Paul NY Giants* OVER Consensus Green Bay OVERR Betting the Revenge Angle or weaknesses of the non-rookies on the Broncos, it is McDaniels. You might think the Broncos would really have a conundrum playing on short rest against a well-rested opponent. Yet, we find when a home team has 13 days off compared to foes with just six, they are an untrustworthy 5-10 ATS. Denver has to run the ball, not make miscues and hope Tebow can hit shots down the field again. If you haven’t already, all week long you will hear about revenge with three of the four divisional games fitting that criterion. All three teams that lost the first time to their opponents are on the road and decided underdogs at a touchdown or more. Are these teams capable of pulling the upset or just good enough from bettor’s perspective to cover the spread? And, can we learn anything from history that might help us? Houston opened as 7-point underdogs at Baltimore The Texans played their style of game in their first postseason appearance against Cincinnati in pulling away for a convincing 31-10 victory. Traveling on the road in a hostile environment as there is in the NFL brings a different set of challenges. Houston fell to Baltimore 29-14 on Oct. 16, yet only trailed 19-14 in the early stages of the fourth quarter. The Texans running game was bottled against the Ravens they managed just 3.7 yards per carry and then starting quarterback Matt Schaub played very uncomfortably in the pocket with Baltimore defenders coming towards and around him. The revenger is however a fairly decent wager at 24-18 ATS in this circumstance. If the hunter is playing in the same venue as the previous matchup, they are 10-13 and 13-10 ATS and if the location is switched, they are 9-10 and 11-8 ATS. It’s not going to pay off your mortgage supporting these revenge-filled squads, but it could make an extra payment depending on how much one wagers per game. This time around it will be T.J. Yates that will have to maintain his poise, particularly early in the game when the Ravens defense will be at a fever pitch. Yates cannot let it turn into a Baltimore feeding frenzy. Houston combats this by blocking down and running outside the tackles with Arian Foster. The Texans’ Foster is fantastic at bouncing B-gap runs outside and the Ravens run defense is most vulnerable outside (4.6 YPC), as opposed to inside, where they permit just over three yards a run. Joe Flacco is Baltimore’s wild card to the Super Bowl and if Wade Phillips blitzes can heat up the former Delaware signal caller, Houston might get a pick or two from their secondary. Asking a rookie quarterback to lead a team to victory on the road in a tall order against an experienced foe, but home favorites are only 15-21 ATS this round. Here is a look at each revenge-minded team’s prospects to win and cover the spread. New York opened as 9-point underdogs at Green Bay Because of conference play, rematches are a common occurrence in the postseason, happening 42 times in the last seven years. The revenging team might have ample motivation, but are less than a 50-50 proposition (though potentially profitable on the money line as underdogs) at 19-23 straight up. Denver opened as 13.5-point underdogs at New England Almost a month ago, the Broncos were beaten soundly at home against the Patriots 41-23 as a touchdown underdog. In that contest, New England really had no answers for Denver’s run-option offense that rushed for 252 yards and had several long plays that gashed the defense for 8.1 yards per carry. What undermined the Broncos on that day was three lost fumbles, giving Tom Brady and company additional opportunities to score. Coach Bill Belichick’s game plan in that first encounter was to use the space vacated by blitzing outside linebackers Von Miller and Elvis Dumervil and having his talented tight ends fill those voids. Denver attempted to counter by paying greater attention to breakout star Rob Gonkowski, but Brady burned them with nine completions (129 yards) to fellow TE Aaron Hernandez. Denver will face one major disadvantage coming into this encounter. This was totally unforeseen with former Denver head coach Josh McDaniels returning to be New England’s offensive coordinator next season with the departure of Bill O’Brien to Penn State. If anyone knows the strengths When asked about his team’s chances in Green Bay after wearing down Atlanta 24-2, DE Jason Pierre-Paul said, “… We are going to go out there and give all our effort and we are going to walk away with a win.” He’s not the only that feels that way as the Giants quickly fell from oddsmakers number release to +8.5. The Giants confidence stems from their defense playing much better the last several weeks which has led to 4-1 SU and ATS records. In particular, the front four has played like the All-State insurance guy in making mayhem. The Packers offensive line is far from cohesive because of injury and New York believes they can get to Aaron Rodgers. Green Bay’s defense is extremely vulnerable (32nd) and the Giants are certain they can run the ball and shorten the game, keeping constant pressure on the Pack’s offense to score. The last meeting on Dec. 4 was a dead heat with Rodgers’ game-winning plays the difference. Teams like the Packers with the better record in this round are only 6-12 ATS the last five years. Nevertheless, the bigger favorite in the two NFC games in the divisional round is 19-6-1 ATS and the Packers are 7-0 ATS in last seven tries with two weeks of preparation. The Don Best Weekly Insider available exclusively at 13