Snapshot-Kodak, Number 7, November 2, 1954 - Lux


Snapshot-Kodak, Number 7, November 2, 1954 - Lux
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Snapshot-Kodak, Number 7, November 2, 1954
Milwaukee-Downer College
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Milvmulcee-Downer College
Til£ /1.C~41'/I#G
Tuesday, November 2, 195·1
No. 7
Attr;YJ!V/fE REOk>o/.~i\1/z/JT/oN'
to January, · tho scope of pro spec- Port, and Liz Rodc; 0::.. . 3
there was no
tivo students co.n be (who c;ro.duo.tocl la s : :;
Milvmukoc Alumnae Chap- widened, o.nd plans nrc yonr and nrc now to c,0Jl-tor of MDC.
Tho Mil- under vmy now t o find inc; in ? on tine, ~.UcJ:l ·
waukee Alumnae opera to now blo od. -(Sec 11/l.lurn- c;o.n) were invi tod o:r
o. s a p art of tho Nn.- no.o Enrollment Effort" tho Detroit Chapter ~ o
bionn.l Alumnn.o As so- Smll)Shot, Oct . 5.)
observe No. ti annl I\Hl ··
cio.tion, for tho Nn.It is not nocosso.ry ·~ wo.ukco-Dewncr Day in
tionn.l officers wore to be a c;ruduo. to to Dotroi t.
Thi.. s hn.s ·
from Hilwo.ukcc. When join tho Alunno.o A.sso- 1 never ho..pponcd before,
tho r,lilvmukco croup · cio.tion.
If you have nnd it is o.n inclicuc o.rri c d out projects, attended· Dovmor f or i tion thn.t the Alumnae
it wn.s difficult to
one yoar, you arc eli- Associati on is b oc omiocidc cxn.ctly whore c;iblc for membership.· inc; more than just
t ho . proc c ods should
When we leave Downer, s onethinc t o b elonc; t o
~ o- to
tho National many nf us will be in laftor r,rn.duo.ti on- it' o
Association or to the strnnc;c cities o..nd will o.ttomptint:; to serve
Milvmukoo Associn. tion. welc ome the comrnon
l the students of Hilwn.u~
In January, 1953, tho bond that co.n be found koo-Downor Cello r,o
Milwn.ukoo Chapter of in tho 1\.lumno.o Associn.-'\this your by b :~o stinc;
tho Alunmo.o Associa.- ti on.
For cxo.mple,
tion wo.s orc;nnizod,
Colleen vVilsen, Pee; I
... ..
o.nd in June, 1953, the~------------~----~----------------~~------Nn.tiono.l Associati on
Fri;f OFF /-I/!..L5
decided that tho No.ti0nn.l officers should
Ireland invad- r.min o. t h 0mo o.nd educate her sisters in
be from outside of Mil ed our campus lust
wn.ukco. This ycn.r tho weekend in the form of tho finer things of
Nnti nno.l officers n.rc the Dublin Players,
lifo (such as scale s
fr om Chicago, ~.1innco.­ brin~ing with them · and b ookko opinc;) but
polis, Groen Do.y, Ra- their trunks, props, she docs n ot c ount on
o.nd tho sincerity of tho arrival of o. new
cine, n.nd. r.Ulvmukoc.
young nan in town, or
This system attempts their Irish charm.
Tho play this,cur tho schemes of her
to wid e n tho scope of
alumnae activity n.nd. wo.s · o. dolic;htful com- sisters to Q
stepmother f or their
r e sults · have o.lroudy edy, "The Fn.r Off
Hills 11 , by Dr. Lennox father, pln.yod by J o fi~
n.ppcurod., for thoro
Patrick · and
The main
arc 1089 paid. members- Robins on.
the lurcsost nomb orship . cho.rnctcr is u younc Susie finally wed., but
tho Associa tion hn.s · 1 c;ir 1 d Mo.r inn, v.xho Marian still docs ne t
over had. You nu y sn.y ,l is faced with o. com- leave for Mount Vin··
"·Thu t' s o.ll very nice, plex problem: should cent, a.nd · the youn.'j
she lonvo h ome t o be- man, Pierce; played by
but whn.t difference
docs tho. t E1nlco to tho c ome u nun or remain Jn.nos Kenny, is ob-·
studcnts? 11 r.Iost of us with her uilinc; father vi ously quite eluted,
o.nd two y ounc;or sis- since he is c1otcrm:tned
concerned about
tho onrollncnt situa- ters.:? Hnrio.n; played t o nn.rry her.
tion. Throuc;h incrcas-1 by La llie May, decides this situation with
cd. o.lunnuo o.c ti vi ty, , it is necessary to ro- i (c ont. onp .. ~, c ol.2)
santly (if d.olud odly) { ftF'T·$£ li\lf!R,
p d t ~ soc r ow upWha t's the wor d on
on r ow of silent c;irls
ft Seminar? It wa s
roma1n1nc; moti nnloss
a. surprise t o
in their sc a ts. Dr oodfind
this yoa.r
inG, she th .; u0ht c omCraft
r will b e
Co-o dit ors-plac ently, reflecting ,
sono s t or
nuth Lo E_Sl or
di c;o stinc my
LiffiD. Freund
pre c;nant remarks.
f o ~ lish c;l ow po sses s e d
Du sinos s Manager-uled
Ruth Lund
her ontiro boinc; . nor
Distributi nn
oc;o wall owe d , Ima.c;ino tor s o that tho finish I
Pa t Er.lors on
h e r disoncha.ntmont a.t e d pr oduct s c0uld b o
-later disc overinG tha.t s old nt BaI
However, it
Suo Asht on
her students wore rno ro zaar.
seems tha t scho dulin0 Darnch
ly po litely wa.itinc;
f or h er t o lo a.vo tho this ye a r woul d n ot
Yv o1mo Fo c;c;
pernit it.
oom ahe a d of them.
tho present pl a.n will
Evio J ohns on
S- K's S likes t o
f-·- .
ll.nn Kissinr,or
fool, als o , tha t mere- b e a de parture fr om
ly a few years sopa.r a. t traditi on.
Po 3 Sorenson
her fr ~m her Y')unc ost
freshman. She believe
tha.t when two · women /10ST ~/~LS ~EI­
Po,t.., ;rC
a ppr oach a door, tho
w o~a.n nearest tho dno r
Yc/t,l C;E;r? ouc;ht t n hold it open
BUT-1\. faculty member,
f or tho other.
On }1ond.ay night, Oct.
heroin after ref erred makes her very nervous 25, Dill (alias Gori
t o a.s S-K's S, fools t o ha.vo students jump -, Warner) said, 11 With
tha.t a t times 1\IDC' s inc; in fr oDt nf her or this c offee-p ot I thee
runninc; ar ound behind wed" in a me1 ck corepolite students' beh a vior make s her very her t o snatch the
mony which as a
Such c nur- c 0mploto surprise t o
unc omf ortable. · A city doorknob .
fn.culty membe r, she
tosios, S-K's S thinks, Mo.rla. McCarty, tho
ca.n n ot criticize such shoul d be r e s erv e d f or blushing bri de.
b ehavi or as it i s man- tho very ancient, tho "maid- of-honor," Ma. ry
ifest ed in tho Commons cren.kinc;ly infirr:.t, and Ka.y Houst :Jn, wore a·
or els ewher e in tho Dames of tho Dritish p owder-b lue (nicht)
do rmit ori e s but will Emp ire, Visi :'l ns of
c;own and carried r od
confine her remarks t o Homos f or tho Ac;od
r oses in a 7-Up b ottl·3 .,
classr oom-, h a ll-, and fl oa t ncr oss her mind Amy Stuart, thc 11 fl owor
s onor n.l cn.mpus-ma.nidostr oy inc , th0u c;h
r;irl," wore yoll owo
f os t a. t i0 ns, ll.ccust om- s nmotimos only m0mont- Tho bride wa s attir ed
od t o finishin c; her o.rily, her dolusi •n
in b luo · paj s,
remarks when the class tha. t she is still one Ennrs on, a.s r o1mma to,
bo ll rinc; s (thouch
of tho Girls. She1uld- c;a. vo tho bride o.wa.y,
t h is is not a. pr 0miso, n't this cJ olusi on be Carol Holmes wa s "b est
c;irls 1 Ga.rruli ty S01:1C- f o st er ed , students?
ma.n," a.nd Evelyn J ohnt imo s overt a ke s hor · a.t It ha r ms nnly its po s- s on cl ,
t h is very moment),
s e ss e r, lot h er onj oy ce remony vms f nllowod
&-K's S wa s a.t first it unt i l reality is by a. recep ti on in tho
as t ounde d , then plea.- t oo ob trusi vo t o b e 1 bricl o' s r oom.
i cnoro cl .
!Pub lishe d a.s a. stu! ~ont Dublica.ti nn by
, tho Milwa.ukoo-Downor
! Collo c;o Government
Ass ocia tion
int ., full swine with
all tho smcarinr, that
one usually finclG. Tho
Saturday, Oct nbc r 23, main issues scorn to
195 ~ wa s
a c roat day cantor ar ~ und those
f nr si cninG treaties problems: Jcpublicans
ask tho voters to
in Paris. It started
with tho French and clean Communists out
Gorman ministers a r~roo­ of Government and help
in0 on tho fate of tho tho present administral
Saar Da sin, which is ti :1n by Qivine it a
t o bo under tho c on- ~opublican Con c.ross;
tr ol of tho European Democrats say that tho
Dofonso Uni on in tho ncpublican campaicn is
pe rs on nf an app ~ into d makinc an issue out of!
Communists in c;ovornc ommissi :)nor whn is
nont t o cU vert a ttonneither French nor
ti on fr om tho lack ofl
achievement in tho
Chancollnr Adonauor
mot with tho Die Throe present administrati on,
mi nist ers who a ·:rood
Elocti nn cay in Wis-j
t ') wi th<1rmv trn -Jp s
fr "~m 1:/ost Germany
and c onsin is Novoa~)O r
c ivo it aloost full We h o ~o that all twons ovcroi r:nty. European ty- J no year old cityl
f 1roi c;n ninistors f ol- students will v nto and
l owo r1 this up by si :":n- that those fr om outsi d
inr, tho amendment t o tho city will hnvo
fille d out their abtho Drussols pact.
sontoo balln ts.
This amonclmont \7ill
J Oln Germa ny and Italy
t " tho Eur ~? oan Dofonso
Uni on.
Tho ministers
of tho f ourteen c ~un­
trics c om1)risinc: Nl.. TO
then mot t o acroo on
cxtondinc an invito.~
ti on t o \ lost Germany, t
which \"Ifill be allowed ~------------­
twelve n.rnocl clivisi·1ns.
This increase will
Tiill F.'.. ~l OFF IIILLS-c nnt. fr aM p. 1, c ol.3
~ ivo
a tromond oua
~oos t
t o its power.
Those pacts will still charac ters such as
hav e t " bo ratified by Oli vor 0' Shauc:hnossy
all C' untrios C')ncorn- and Dick Delany, (Ken
Huxhan and ;Jrian Vinod.
The y will c ivo
tho allies a now bar- cent) and tho morbiclly
r,a ininc power in tho sobe r · IIGr.,ld (Tionald
Si 0 Fnur mootinr,s thatt Ib bs), and tho result
is b ·· uncl. t o bo oxtrono
~ussia is n ow clamourly ontortn.ininr.; .
inc f or.
Ifuwovor, roGlly t o
ap:')r ocic. to tho :)lay
Tho C o n c rossi ~ nal
and tho plGycr s, 0nc.
campa i c n is r,ottinc
must · soc them off
stnco, or work with
them as several -J f tho
Girls did.
Our part
in hclpin0 thcr.1 wa s
not much, t o bo sur o?
we merely c ollcct o0
prop s, ~ id tho lich tinc; , and helped wit~;inc; tho scones .~
but tho cxporicncc was
invGluablo and tho
privilo c o rcwG·r clinc .
I fool ·.tho. t tho
drama bb.cksta :·~o and
n.ll tho prcpn.rati ~ n
iml)rcs sod me more than
anythinG else.
was a c cnoral air nf
orc;nnizo(J c onfusi nn -·
choc olato-c ovoroG c n~ k ­
ios on tho
pinnn ;
water and coke f or
makinc; whiskey, tea
or coffee; tho repe at ed strains of "Hc'J
thoro, y ~ u with tho in your eyes"
flontin c up fr om clownstairs or nut fr nm tho
wing s.
No e r what tho
plGyors wore dnin~ rchcnrsinc , sottin~
tho sta ~·o, or wa.itinc;
f or their cues -- they
seamed to have fun.
This cfforvoscont
invade ~
tho play, fr nm tho n~ ­
t:lCnt in v;hich Janes
Kenny passionately bos ,·m c;ht L0llic I.Iay t o
unlock tho ~ oo r (while
loaninG over tho
and cmotinc t o a. w~tcr
p itcher) t r tho crnshin3 of tho b r oken door
(an effect achieved by
a ladd er in tho hands
of D~vo Clark, stn.c or.lana c;cr).
Mr. Clark
t nld us tho re a s on ho
loved this play so
(c ont. nn p . 1, c ol.3)
"THROUC.,H~ THg" LOOKINGr·· GrLASS \d,-rH_ ?'THE F.i~:tt OFF HILLS-or ' /)ID 1 !-+~All.. So!'t"JIETH IN {A 4/?)0u.i 4 1Yltl2t:l.Of(. ?'c ont. fr on p. 3, c ol.3
J~uclro¥ Schuma.chor
So y ou think tha.t ' t1tlo fr om Wisc onsin's nuch w~s tha.t he ha.d a.
Alice is tho 'l nly :~ no own :1.lico in Da.iryl::mcl cha.nco t o dr o ~) s .:-Jmowho over wont throu r:;h b nt that 1 s b e side tho thin::3 a.ncl. n 0 t
tho l oolcinc -
I y->int.)
who thor it wa.s he a r ··:
hn.vo news f or y '> u.
In s :1 i to of all her or n o t.
no fol t
i. ·.
You're ~~ inc t o be d n - pub licity, ~lice was wa.s his bi ~ pa.rt in i ;
in;-; it t "0 .
It just just a. c .) r.mton nr (]ina.ry
While sot tine; tho
so ha.p~) Ons thn t f .. lico c irl with l o ts of I ta.b lo f or tho third
wa s a. p retty shrewd b ra. ins like Marilyn o..c t, · ovoninc ~! orf o r:n ..
chnra ctor a.nc1 · her pub- Monr oe and nll wo c a. nco, Hr. Clo..rlc o..nc1 ::-:
licit y a. r.ont, G. 1.., hero a.t D ~"'lwnor.
l.~o.nd wore
puttinr, tho sil ·r oa.lly know h ow t0
in c o.. so y ou didn't
vor b esi de tho pla.t o s.
?Ub lici ty ca.n know, y our turn is c om When we mot in t ile
mo..ko or ~ -~ r o n.k y ou, y ou inc;, n ,·,t t 0 mo.rry Joe center of tho ta.t l o s
ldt e r o.ll wha.t Di"Ma.c:;eio, b ut t o r;o we f ound we ho.d t w ~
w·>ul c1 Mo.rilyn Monr oe thr o u ~h tho lo okinG- f orks o..nd n o kn ivos ,
b o vvith·,ut her publi- c lass.
Who kn,')WS y ou but thoro · wa s no fr a.n ··
city n.: ·ont?
You soc ma.y oven b e c;o inc;
tic scone, only a l c> ,;
1.lico w r.. s ronlly tho thr ou r)l it v.d. th a real lc..uch o..nd tho c 'Jmmont,
s nmo typ o a.s Harilyn,
(believe me this is no 11 \."l!o '11 ho.vo t o b e t .J·only G. L. had u few fa.nto.stic droo.m) noo..t: r~ othor for a littl .::
more;l o s (not m.; ro c;uy who 1 s l0ts bettor while l on ::or. We d n · t,los than Ma.rilyn, l no kinr, tho..n J oe.
seem t o b o workinc; a.s
but more tho..n MD.rilyn 1 s Aft or c..ll who. t hns
o.. too..m qui to yet. 11
publicity o.. ~ ont whD
Mnrilyn tho..t we ho..vo- Everyone in tho
has a. ono-tra.clc mind). n't? ;~. !illMt
ha.c1 this a.ttituc1o - a.
tho cla.y Alice
Well, this kid ho..s cheerful unc ··,ncorn if
sto :>~"'lod
thr ~ u c:h
t o run and {3ot tho minor o ccurred
l ooldnc - r:;, this
shinoc1 f or tho o..nd :-;onuino prc..iso, G.L. (G.L. stnnds b i G ovont.
Don't run when a.ll wont well f or G o l~y Lo cks, but
nwaytttt I 1ll b e D.nd it oxton ~ ocl t o nnywho wants t ~ b o ca.llod 1 noxt wook t o ::;o on thine.; , fr ·"-m tho wa y we
G'1 lr'ly L'1 clcs S '""' p I rlith ny st o ry a.bout mo.uo tho b ocl s 'uotvJOon
stick t o G.L. if y nu I a r~inar y ~o oplo like the nets t o the r c s p0 nd '1n1t mina) wont t ~
Hnrilyn, you sivenoss of tho o.udwe> rlr. ~;ullinr:; strin:: s ancl no. That is if my ionco.
o..nd l '10 k whore Alice nrn is-n·' t
t oo s ore
tho ovoninc;
la.nr1ocl ,
IIor no.r.1o in fr"m ~~o lishinc.
~1 orf0rr.mnco,
ho o.rllino s o..ncl em ovory-1
every p layer UJ."l
on e 's li ~) S.
It wont
t o us o..nd shon k our
s o fnr tha.t oven a.
Thn.nk y ou f or
r~roa t
ma. thoma. ticin.n
n.ll y 0ur holJ."l o..nc1 Go d
(;a vo U~1 r.. is stuGy of
bless y ou 11 wo..s ro p on.tnumb ors f -:; r tho study
oc1 over a.nd over a. c;
of o.. · nor! t:y.p o ...-)!-' · fi t":-: · . ·'
in sincere Irish D.curo o.nd ca.Mo Ul1 with
Tho only d istho purely fnntD.stica.l
turb ine; no te wa.s snyb0a k ~lice in Wn ndorinc ~n 0d b yo - f or Irolo..nc1.
(:~ctuuily, I' vo
la.nc1 will n o t return
a.lwnys suspcctc~ him
t n Downer until po ssiof p ln G io..rizin~ tho
.bly next yoa.r.